2021-05-19 Recreation Parks Commission Agenda PacketAGENDA Recreation & Parks Commission Wednesday, May 19, 2021 6:00 p.m. DUE TO THE COVID-1 9 EMERGENCY, THIS MEETING WILL BE CONDUCTED VIA TELECONFERENCE PURSUANT TO THE GOVERNOR'S EXECUTIVE ORDER N-29-20 How Can Members of the Public Observe and Provide Public Comments? • Residents can watch the meeting live via Spectrum Channel 3 and 22, AT&T U- Verse Channel 99 and/or El Segundo TV at YouTube.com. • Access remotely via Zoom from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone or Android device at URL Meeting ID: 910 3752 8365 and Passcode: 688964 If you do not wish for your name to appear on the screen, use the drop - down menu and click on "rename" to rename yourself "anonymous" • Join by phone at 1-669-900-9128 and enter meeting ID: 910 3752 8365 and Passcode:688964 https://zoom.us/I/91037528365?pwd=ekN3ROdkSOVrZTBJZElWa W RuTnBTZzO9 NOTE: Your phone number is captured by the Zoom software and is subject to the Public Records Act, dial *67 BEFORE dialing in to remain anonymous • Do not simultaneously use a microphone through Zoom and a celphone/telephone, this combination results in audio problems. For electronic public comments on a specific agenda item, submit comments to the following e-mail address, with a limit of 150 words and accepted up until 30 minutes prior to the meeting: mpalacios(c_elsegundo.org, in the subject line, please state the meeting date and item number. Depending on the volume of communications, the emails will be read to the commission during public communications. • All written communication, documents, and email addresses of attendees captured by Zoom software will be considered public documents subject to possible posting on the City's website and are subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance to participate in this meeting, please contact Monse Palacios, 310-524-2882. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the City to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. MEETING OF THE RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. A. CALL TO ORDER B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Chairperson Motta C41111111111111;Z0141EGk\ 4 q D. PRESENTATION 1. Chairperson Bob Motta and Commissioners Dave Lubs and Kelly Watson are recognized for their terms on the Recreation and Parks Commission. E. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS -(Related to Commission business only and that is within the subject matter under the jurisdiction of the Commission — 5 minutes per person; 30 minutes total. The Brown Act does not allow the Commission to take action on any item not on the agenda.) F. CONSENT CALENDAR 1. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of the Recreation and Parks Commission Meeting of April 21, 2021. (Commission Action Required) Recommendation: (1) Approval G. UNFINISHED BUSINESS 1 . Consideration and possible action to approve the conceptual design and budget for the Urho Saari Swim Stadium ("The Plunge") renovation project. Recommendation: (1) Provide a recommendation to City Council to move forward with Mithun's preferred conceptual design for the Urho Saari Swim Stadium H. REPORTS 1. REPORTS OF SUBCOMMITTEES a. Aquatics Subcommittee b. Gateway Committee c. Transportation Subcommittee d. Youth Sports Council E 2. STAFF REPORTS a. Arecia Hester, Recreation Superintendent b. Christopher Hentzen, Parks Maintenance Superintendent 3. DIRECTOR REPORTS a. Melissa McCollum, Community Services Director I. COMMISSIONER COMMENTS Commissioner Watson Commissioner Stolnack Commissioner Lubs Vice Chairperson Davis Chairperson Motta J. ADJOURNMENT Adjourn to the next Regular Meeting on Wednesday, June 16, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. at City Council Chambers, 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245. Posted by: Date: Time: 3 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION AND PARKS COMMISSION MEETING MINUTES Wednesday, April 21, 2021, 6:00 p.m. This meeting was conducted virtually via Zoom conferencing A. CALL TO ORDER — The meeting of the Recreation and Parks Commission was called to order by Chairperson Motta at 6:04 p.m. via zoom. B. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Led by Chairperson Motta C. ROLL CALL — via teleconference Commissioner Kelly Watson Present Commissioner Julie Stolnack Present Commissioner Dave Lubs Present Vice Chairperson Lee Davis Present Chairperson Bob Motta Present All Commissioners were present via Zoom teleconference ALSO PRESENT — via teleconference Melissa McCollum, Community Services Director Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director Arecia Hester, Recreation Superintendent Christopher Hentzen, Parks Superintendent Monse Palacios, Senior Administrative Analyst D. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — E. CONSENT CALENDAR — 1. APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES of the Recreation and Parks Commission Regular Meeting of March 17, 2021. (Commission Action Required) MOTIONED by Vice Commissioner Watson and SECONDED by Vice Chairperson Davis to approve the minutes of the March 17, 2021 meeting. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. Voice vote followed. SKIINJ1ZIM:14171.11111Z14-.510 1. Consideration and possible action regarding tree removal at 309 E. Mariposa Avenue Motioned by Chairperson Motta and SECONDED by Commissioner Stolnack to approve the Ficus tree removal. MOTION CARRIED 5-0. Voice vote followed. G. NEW BUSINESS — 1 . Consideration and possible action related to the selection of a final conceptual design for the Urho Saari Swim Stadium ("The Plunge") Mithun team presented the conceptual design to the commission. Motioned by Commissioner Lubs and SECONDED by Commissioner Watson to continue discussion of this item during the next meeting on May 19, 2021 . MOTION CARRIED 5-0. Voice vote followed. H. REPORTS — 1. REPORTS OF SUBCOMMITTEES a. Aquatics: Mithun presentation b. Gateway Committee: Continue to work with designers under the City Manager's direction. d. Transportation Committee: RFP to outsource transportation system e. Youth Sports Council: Did not meet 2. DEPARTMENT STAFF REPORTS - a. Arecia Hester, Recreation Superintendent • Written report submitted. b. Christopher Hentzen, Park Maintenance Superintendent • Written report submitted. • Acacia Park is delayed due to the late arrival of turf. Updated completion date is late April. • Commissioner Stolnack suggested the department update the residents via social media. 3. DEPARTMENT DIRECTOR REPORT — Melissa McCollum, Community Services Director • Written report submitted. • City Council approved the contract with RJM during the 4/20/21 meeting. • A Topgolf community benefit annual payment of $200,000 will go towards Recreation and Parks capital projects if approved by City Council. • Aquatics Center report for 2019-2020 revenue was discussed during the City Council meeting and concerns regarding the net deficit were expressed. • Received direction to review Aquatics Center fees and report back with recommendations. • Acacia Park opening will be delayed. There will be no grand opening event, but a video will be made and posted for people to view. Recreation staff continues to work with the Incident Management Team on the Fourth of July Celebration. • Vaccine clinics continue to take place at Joslyn Center. J. COMMISSIONER'S COMMENTS — Commissioner Watson: Research shows being outside will help nearsightedness. Commissioner Stolnack: Thanked the city for taking care of the geese situation at the Golf Course. Commissioner Lubs: Thanked Kelly and Lee for their time on the Aquatics Subcommittee. Vice Chairperson Davis: Cost recovery at the Wiseburn facility is the goal, but it will take time to build and maintain a consistent program. Chairperson Motta: K. ADJOURNMENT — The meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. The next Regular Commission Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 19, 2021 at 6:00 p.m. via zoom. Recreation and Parks Agenda Statement Meeting Date: May 19, 2021 Agenda Heading: Unfinished Business TITLE: Consideration and possible action related to selection of a final conceptual design for the Urho Saari Swim Stadium ("The Plunge"). RECOMMENDATION: 1. Review proposed options and provide a recommendation to City Council to move forward with Mithun's preferred conceptual design for the Urho Saari Swim Stadium ATTACHMENTS: 1. Revised Conceptual Design 2. Urho Saari Swim Stadium Conceptual Project Budget BACKGROUND: Partnering with the Mithun Architect agency, the Community Services Department hosted a community survey, one virtual community meeting and three meetings with stakeholders and Recreation and Parks Commission members to assist in guiding the renovation design process for the Urho Saari Swim Stadium. The purpose of the community engagement sessions was to hear from the residents who use the Plunge facility what amenities they would prioritize to be included or enhanced and identify programming priorities for the facility. Most of the community feedback focused on the entryway, changing rooms, bathrooms, American with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance, and lighting. After examining the responses, the architects were able to produce a preliminary design concept which is inclusive of Mithun's assessment along with community and stakeholder input. The City allocated $1 million for the project so far, and Chevron contributed $500,000 as part of a community fundraising campaign. Additionally, the City and El Segundo Unified School District (ESUSD) executed a facility use agreement where ESUSD will contribute the lesser of 24% of the renovation costs up to $1 million. It is anticipated that additional funding will be allocated for the design, construction, and completion of this project. DISCUSSION: Although the Urho Saari Plunge has been highly used over the years, the facility has had challenges due to some of the following reasons: (a) failing pool equipment, (b) less than desirable changing rooms, (c) inconsistent temperatures within the facility, (d) poor lighting, and/or (e) ADA challenges. The pool closes often due to equipment failure and closures which can last from one week to approximately 2 months. Unforeseen closures cause cancelation of programs, refunds, and loss of revenue. In 2019, the Plunge closed January 29- April 11th for heater problems (72 days), September 3rd-September 9th for filter issues (6 days), November 27th-December 11th for the heater recirculation pump (15 days) and December 26th-January 2nd, 2020 for a gas leak (6 days) totaling 99 days closed due to mechanical failure. The Public Works Department reported spending $38,500 to repair Plunge equipment. In 2019, the department replaced a pool heater for $33,000, repaired pool decking due to a water leak for $2,000, welded a sand filter for $2,000 and repaired a fuel pump for $1,500. The conceptual design addresses the code compliance issues known to exist due to the age of the structure and observed during the inspection and addresses issues that were raised in the community outreach survey and meeting. Outdated gutters, drains, water circulation issues and failure to meet ADA requirements were identified as items that needed immediate repair in order to make the facility code compliant. Additional items as part of the scope in updating the facility are paint and provide fire protection of trusses, potential fire sprinkler system, mechanical features, such as pumps, filters, piping and electrical panels. Needed enhancements for CO2 systems and pool system controllers as well as improvements for entering and exiting the pool are included as well. After surveys and community meetings, Mithun found that the community desired some additional enhancements which would assist in improving the overall feeling of the facility, making the Urho Saari a more enjoyable place to visit. Through community and staff interaction, it was discovered that these groups envisioned the Plunge as a family recreation swim facility where the community could enjoy lap swimming, swimming lessons, and family swim time. Due to the existing El Segundo Wiseburn Aquatics Center programming being much more competitive in nature, the desire was not to focus on another competitive pool but more of a fun, community focused environment. The feedback also showed an interest in improving seating areas, restrooms, lighting, painting (inside and outside), level of comfort (temperature) both in and out of the pool, acoustics, ventilation, and a more welcoming lobby area. Additional feedback included ideas about a universal restroom which could accommodate individuals regardless of gender as well as the addition of family restrooms. There was also community interest in having an open area for parties or for parents to sit who were waiting for children to complete lessons or practices. Staff felt that it would be particularly useful to remove the bleachers on one side of the facility and create an open space that could be used for various activities, including dry land exercises team meetings, and staff training. Due to findings during the initial site walk and assessment of the facility building systems, it is Mithun's recommendation that a more extensive whole building retrofit of the HVAC system should be completed which is beyond the original MEP scope assessment. On Wednesday, April 21, 2021, at the Recreation and Parks Commission meeting, Mithun presented the conceptual design for the Urho Saari Swim Stadium. Mithun's presentation was well received. There were several questions pertaining to historical memorabilia, the need for a new fire sprinkler system, the location of the proposed terrace, and plans for the exterior. The Recreation and Parks Commission voted to continue the item until the meeting scheduled for Wednesday, May 19, 2021 to allow for additional discussion, including regarding estimated project costs. Staff and Aquatics Subcommittee members met with Mithun to review the budget on May 12, 2021 in preparation for the Recreation and Parks Commission Meeting. Staff requests that the Recreation and Parks Commission provide a recommendation to City Council to move forward with Mithun's preferred conceptual design for the Urho Saari Swim Stadium. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service and Engagement Objective A: El Segundo provides unparalleled service to internal and external customers. Goal 5: Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability Objective B: El Segundo approaches its work in a financially strategic and responsible way. PREPARED BY: Arecia Hester, Recreation Superintendent APPROVED BY: Melissa McCollum, Community Services Director Concept Design it 'F �;;;,Wm ;Ipr/ o '*"' , f l �I • ALL - - -- _ -- Milo Q © © w w w nrooooooooooaocmnnmmn ngI �Ia.191►1'1_1&4Wo-I / AIVJO►1/f151181►�, - 1 w w w w w D Entry Detail COMMUNITY MOSAIC I A ,RT DECO DETAILING A AL d A Pk I� 1 1� y k pli vwl '1A 4!y 1 L -W 1 9 1 at m LD Wo-I•^ T —^I at IF#&ITA I VA I Z ps HORIZON OPEN WATER TIDE POOL HORIZON THRESHOLD VISTA OPEN OCEAN SOCIAL ACTIVE ADVANCED lJo I'Ll,Iol PRIVATE SERENE TIDE POOL PROTECTED NOVICE Main Level Plan LEGEND LOBBY - 283 SQ. FT LOCKER AND RESTROOM FACILITY - 2921 SQ.FT FAMILY RESTROOM - 152 SQ.FT E� POOL DECK - 4611 SQ.FT i POOL MECHANICAL / STORAGE - 825 SQ.FT STORAGE - 205 SQ.FT OFFICE - 62 SQ.FT WOMEN'S LOCKER ROOM ............................................................. 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I............. am ® FAMILY RESTROOM 0 .........................................................i MEN'S LOCKER ROOM EXISTING FLOOR PLAN PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN - MAIN LEVEL RESTROOM I POOL MECHANICAL Existing / New LEGEND TERRACE BLEACHERS OFFICE POOL DECK POOL MECHANICAL / UTILITY STORAGE OFFICE .............................................................. ............................................................... .............................................................. ..........................S6""%ROWOb......................... ............................................................... .................................................. i........ . ....................................................... STORAGE /UTILITY OFFICE TERRACE ........................................................... .::............................................................ ............................................................. 41, .........................6 001I .R4)oIj.............■..■..■.... ................................................ u.u•u... lic ...........................•...................n........... ................................................ ...............................................n........... EXISTING FLOOR PLAN - BLEACHER LEVEL PROPOSED FLOOR PLAN - BLEACHER LEVEL ICAL 0 m Existing / New EXISTING WOM EN'S LOCKER ROOM SUMMARY NEW WOMEN'S LOCKER ROOM SUMMARY 3 / 0 TOILETS / ADA 4 / 1 TOILETS/ ADA 1 LAVATORIES 4 LAVATORIES 14 / 0 SHOWERS / ADA & FAMILY 6/4 SHOWERS / ADA & FAMILY 20 CHANGING COMPARTMENTS 19 CHANGING COMPARTMENTS 24 LOCKERS 24 LOCKERS EXISTING MEN'S LOCKER ROOM SUMMARY NEW MEN'S LOCKER ROOM SUMMARY 2 / 0 TOILETS / ADA 2 / 1 TOILETS/ ADA 2 URINALS 3 U RI NALS 1 LAVATORIES 4 LAVATORIES 1210 SHOWERS / ADA & FAMILY 6/4 SHOWERS / ADA & FAMILY 0 CHANGING COMPARTMENTS 19 CHANGING COMPARTMENTS 24 LOCKERS 24 LOCKERS Existing / New EXISTING NATATORIUM PROPOSED NATATORIUM 3,646 SF POOL DECK AREA 4,095 SF POOL DECK AREA 0 DECK STORAGE AREA 300 SF DECK STORAGE AREA 0 RECREATION TERRACE 1,400 SF RECREATION TERRACE 0 JUNIOR POOL SEATING 248 SF JUNIOR POOL SEATING 1,345SF POOL MECHANICAL AREA 620 SF POOL MECHANICAL AREA Locker Room Improvements WOMEN'S LOCKER ROOM SUMMARY 4 TOILETS 9 CHANGING COMPARTMENTS (SINGLE) 6 SHOWER / CHANGING COMPARTMENTS (SINGLE) 4 SHOWER / CHANGING COMPARTMENTS (ADA / FAMILY) 4 LAVATORIES 24 LOCKERS MEN'S LOCKER ROOM SUMMARY 2 TOILETS 3 URINALS 9 CHANGING COMPARTMENTS (SINGLE) 6 SHOWER / CHANGING COMPARTMENTS (SINGLE) 4 SHOWER / CHANGING COMPARTMENTS (ADA / FAMILY) 4 LAVATORIES 24 LOCKERS I I RESTROOM MEN'S LOCKER ROOM RESTROOM EXISTING LOCKER ROOM NEW LOCKER ROOM I NEW LOCKER ROOM NEW LOCKER ROOM NEW LOCKER ROOM Building Improvements KEYNOTES 0 FLUSH POOL CURB AND SKIMMER SYSTEM © STEP SEATING © STORAGE ROOM 0 LOBBY VIEW WINDOW © RECEPTION DESK 0 TERRACE STAIR 0 GUARDRAIL AND TABLE LEDGE 0 HVAC SUPPLY 0 DIRECT/INDIRECT LIGHTING ABOVE POOL DECK m LIGHT REFLECTIVE ACOUSTIC FABRIC CEILING m DEDICATED LOBBY AND OFFICE HVAC UNITS ® ROOF MOUNTED HEAT PUMP FOR NATATORIUM UPPER BLEACHER 8'-T POOL DECK 0'-0" BUILDING SECTION Community Terrace KEYNOTES 0 FLUSH POOL CURB AND SKIMMER SYSTEM © NEW POOL DECK SURFACE AND DRAINAGE © PRIVATE SHOWER COMPARTMENTS 0 LOCKERS © DEDICATED HVAC SYSTEM 0 TERRACE DECK 0 GUARDRAIL AND TABLE LEDGE 0 HVAC SUPPLY 0 DIRECT/INDIRECT LIGHTING ABOVE POOL DECK m LIGHT REFLECTIVE ACOUSTIC FABRIC CEILING WEST TERRACE SECTION DETAIL V//// JPPER BLEACHE! 8'-3" POOL DECK h 0'-0.1 I MAIN LEVEE -3' - 2" `1 v 4 1 `II 1 I --•. . ....... 177 I 1 �l r�- L LOBBY VIEW WINDOW - -- - - n • LOBBY VIEW WINDOW Th ky r � 1 URHO SAARI SWIM STADIUM RENOVATION OPINION OF PROBABLE COST 5.12.21 ITEM DESCRIPTION EXISTING CODE PRIORITY BUDGET PRIORITY CONDITION ISSUE REQUIRED* ESSENTIAL ENHANCED G=Good A=Adequate P = Poor x 1=High 2=Medium 3 = Low 'Required to bring building up to code and basic standard of -odatlon 1 POOL & MECHANICAL SYSTEMS 1,173,280 1.1 Mobilization 25,000 1.2 Utility allowance (swimming pools) x 1 50,000 1.3 Lap pool new stairs A x 1 50,000 1.4 Lap pool new surface skimmers NIA x 1 80,000 1.5 Lap pool gutter modifications A x 1 125,000 1.6 Lap pool main drains A x 1 50,000 1.7 Lap pool gutter tile A x 1 37,680 1.8 Lap pool recessed cup anchors NIA x 1 20,000 1.9 Lap pool wall inlet repair & replacement P x 1 10,000 1.1 Lap pool auto -fill NIA x 1 12,000 1.11 Lap pool new mechnical equipment P x 1 200,000 1.12 Lap pool tile repair A x 1 10,000 1.13 Lap pool piping P x 1 75,000 1.14 Junior pool new stairs P x 1 50,000 1.15 Junior pool new surface skimmers NIA x 1 16,000 1.16 Junior pool gutter modifications A x 1 75,000 1.17 Junior pool main gutters A x 1 40,000 1.18 Junior pool gutter tile A x 1 21,600 1.19 Junior pool recessed cup anchors NIA x 1 4,000 1.2 Junior pool wall inlet repair and replacement NIA x 1 5,000 1.21 Junior pool auto -fill NIA x 1 12,000 1.22 Junior pool new mechanical equipment P x 1 120,000 1.23 Junior pool file repair A x 1 5,000 1.24 Junior pool piping P x 1 50,000 1.25 New backwash tank NIA x 1 1 1 30,000 2 BUILDING SYSTEMS 765,000 1, 55,000 2.1 Lighting: replace existing with new LED lighting system throughout natatorium P 1 125,000 2.2 New mechanical equipment P 2 1,555,000 Pool AHU and Heat Pump Change room HRV and heat pump Lobby and administrative offices HRV 2.3 Plumbing renovation P 2 490,000 Plumbing fixtures Piping and fittings Domestic water heating Plumbing labour and installation Pool and change area Floor drains 2.7 Building automation system NIA X 3 300,000 2.8 Replace electical panels and switchgear P x 1 150,000 3 POOL DECK & SEATING AREAS 198,000 9,000 90,000 3.1 Patch and refinish pool deck A X 2 160,000 3.2 Create code compliant stairs for access to seating and terrace areas A X 2 18,000 3.3 Provide level community terrace at west bleacher including guardrail NIA X 2 77,000 3.4 New terrace seating at junior pool NIA 2 9,000 3.5 New ADA wheelchair lift to terrace area NIA 20,000 3.6 Paint and refurbish east grandstand A 3 13,000 4 RESTROOMS&AMENITY SPACES 1 1 364,0001 1 42,000 4.1 Complete renovation of Men's and Women's Locker Rooms P X 1 364,000 Provide additional toilet and urinal compartments and upgrade facilities to ADA compliance Privacy screens for shower facilities Private changing stations and lockers Update Flooring throughout locker room and access ramps to be ADA compliant Replace existing lighting with energy efficient LED fixtures 4.2 Add Universal Family reslroom and changing rooms to lobby NIA 2 42,000 5 LOBBY 86,000 35,000 5.1 New reception desk, casework and power P X 2 25,000 5.2 New floor to ceiling impact resistant glass partition wall NIA 3 35,000 5.3 New glass entry doors and glazing A 2 24,000 5.4 New Flooring Ceiling and wall finishes including built-in displays A 3 22,000 5.5 New LED lighting P 2 10,000 5.6 1 New exterior stucco wall enclosure NIA 1 2 1 1 5,000 6 BACK -OF -HOUSE 20,000 6.1 Consolidate storage areas adjacent to junior pool P 1 2 1 20,000 7 BUILDING SHELL & FINISHES 78,000 310,000 160,800 7.1 Replace exterior lighting with new, energy efficient LED fixtures A 3 7,000 7.2 Patch exterior plaster and paint A 2 153,000 7.3 New ADA compliant handrails, stairs and ramp A X 1 18,000 7.4 Repair rust on trusses and coat with intumescent fire proofing paint P X 1 60,000 7.5 Replace rotting acoustic ceiling above Junior Pool P 2 40,000 7.6 Paint interior walls, ceiling and railings A 3 35,000 7.7 Add light reflective acoustic ceiling over Senior Pool NIA 3 160,800 7.8 Structural reinforcment, equipment pads and re -roofing for rooftop HVAC units I NIA 1 2 75,000 ONSTRUCTION COSTS BY BUDGET PRIORITY 2,578,280 4,858,280 5,186,080 REQUIRED REQ+ESSENTIAL REQ+ESS+ENHANCED FFE FOR HISTORIC EXHIBIT DESIGN AND INSTALLATION 0 0 100,000 25% CONTINGENCY 644,570 1,214,570 1,296,520 10% CONTRACTOR COSTS & FEE 257,828 485,828 518,608 4%TESTING & INSPECTIONS 103,131 194,331 207,443 15%ARCHITECTURE& ENGINEERING FEES 386,742 728,742 777,912 TOTAL•JECT COST 3,970,551i REQUIRED ESSENTIAL ENHANCED ESCALATION CONTINGENCY 2022 4.5% 1 4,149,2261 7,818,4301 8,450,459 ESCALATION CONTINGENCY 20234% 1 4,315,1951 8,131,1671 8,788,477 ESCALATION CONTINGENCY 20244% 1 4,487,8031 8,456,4141 9,140,016 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION & PARKS DEPARTMENT INTER -DEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENCE DATE: May 19, 2021 TO: Recreation and Parks Commission FROM: Arecia Hester, Recreation Superintendent SUBJECT: Recreation Division Report Aquatics- April The Plunge continues to be closed through the COVID-19 pandemic. "Please see attached report to review aquatic center activity. Joslyn Center- April Outreach volunteers helped deliver a total of 796 meals in the month of April. Transportation Dr. Dial -A -Ride- April 7 Farmers Market Farmers Market has been back on track and slowly growing. There were approximately 1205 visitors attending the market during the month of April. Certified Farmers 7 Food Vendors 17 Craft Vendors 6 Skate Park The El Segundo Skate Park continues to operate as a staffed facility on a reservation basis with COVID-19 guidelines and procedures in place. For the month of April, the skate park brought in a total of $135 from individually purchased reservations. The skate park was closed for reservations during Spring Break (April 5-9) to accommodate spring break camp. April Skate Park April Revenue from Skate Park Reservations Reservations 424 $135 (Approx. 9 Paid Reservations) Teen Advisory Committee (TAC) The second TAC meeting took place on April 12 via ZOOM. They discussed ideas for goals, vision statement, and mission statement and provided several options to choose from. The teens were also given an opportunity to express interest in one of three leadership positions within the committee: Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary. A logo committee was established, and they were instructed to meet separately to prepare options for the committee to review at the next meeting. Spring Break Camps Spring Break camps took place during the ESUSD spring break, April 5-9. The Community Services Department offered Spring Break Hyper Camp led by in-house recreation staff, and a skateboard camp contracted through Champ Camp LLC. There were a total of 52 children ages 4 through 14 who participated in camp. Spring Break Hyper Camp consisted of three one and a half hour sessions where pods of 10 or less children played outdoor games and activities in Recreation Park. Games included modified versions of sharks and minnows and tag, as well as individually packaged crafts that were assembled during camp by the participants. Skateboard Camp with Champ Camp instructors took place at the El Segundo Skate Park in three hours sessions. They worked on the fundamentals of skateboarding and skate park safety, while the more advanced participants developed their tricks and skills. Egg Hunt Bags (Easter) The Community Services Department sold Egg Hunt bags for purchase as a safe alternative to the traditional egg hunt event in April. Sales began on Thursday, March 18 at $5 per bag, and all bags were delivered to El Segundo residents by April 3, just in time for Easter Sunday. The bags included 20+ filled easter eggs, an activity booklet, bubbles, rubber ducks signed by the Aquatics staff, and craft supplies for two children. There was a total of 143 bags sold and delivered by the first week of April. Clubhouse Facility Usage During the month of April, the Clubhouse auditorium was heavily utilized for trainings and other clinics. Vaccinations were also made available at the facility. For the month, the Clubhouse auditorium was used on 8 different days for a total of 25 hours for vaccine clinics with the AHIMT, blood drives, and CPR training for lifeguard and camp staff. Sports Additional facility openings and services: • Tennis Courts are now unlocked • Picnic reservations are available* • Special Event Permits are available* *Please refer to County guidelines referring to gatherings. Additional Changes: • Snack Bars are now allowed • Masks do not have to be worn during competition ACTIVITY # RESERVATIONS Pickle Ball 989 Tennis 1196 Basket Ball 417 Hockey Rink 154 Volleyball Court 12 Social Media Stats- Facebook — April 2021-22 New Followers, 2497 Followers Instagram — April 2021 — 21 New Followers, 1859 Followers CITY OF EL SEGUNDO RECREATION & PARKS DEPARTMENT 'El Segundo 's Backyard" INTER -DEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENCE DATE May 19,2021 TO Recreation and Parks Commission FROM Christopher Hentzen, Park Maintenance Superintendent SUBJECT Parks Division Report Parks, Proiects, Improvements • Routine maintenance continues throughout the parks. • Participated in the initial Recreation Park needs and assessment walk through with consultant team. Tree Report • The city tree crew performed trimming and tree removals per requests. Input Request/Comments • A sign suggestion/request was submitted by a resident to a city council member for Holly Kansas Park and Washington Park who forwarded it to the Public Works Department and Community Services. See suggested sign below: !a.wui- it ZA �- We Need �-rour He/p To prevent disease infection low 1:' Prevent to humans 'tIP-m from mans you TO Prevent ; To pre\ nt darTia ge- to the landscape fr°mnt the from becoming ing ill '� �� ` CITY OF EL SEGUNDO R SEGUND 1 RECREATION & PARKS DEPARTMENT INTER -DEPARTMENT CORRESPONDENCE DATE: May 14, 2021 TO: Recreation and Parks Commission FROM: Melissa McCollum, Commuity Services Director SUBJECT: Community Services Updates Acacia Park Acacia Park reopened on April 30 to immediate and abundant use by appreciative kids and families. With the completion of the approximately $900,000 park improvement project, all city playgrounds in El Segundo are now ADA compliant. Thanks to the Recreation and Parks Commission and City Council for helping celebrate this milestone. El Segundo Media coverage here - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h YvxEvgcU4 Recreation Park Needs Assessment RJM Design Group and the City of El Segundo agreed on a project timeline for the Recreation Park Needs Assessment with a completion target date of November 2021 (timeline attached). Initial site visits, including a Recreation Park tour, irrigation system review, and building assessments, started this month. The City is currently compiling information to support the site analysis, building assessments, and program inventory, including site plans, maintenance records, inspection reports, capital expenditure schedules, activity guides, class registration statistics, volunteer service contributions, and more. The next phase — Public Outreach and Engagement — will take place from June -September and includes a project portal/website, statistically valid community survey, online survey, and City pop up events to solicit extensive and inclusive input. Library Park StoryWalk Community Services staff set up the first StoryWalk in Library Park in April. Children and adults were encouraged to read and engage with text and pictures as they advanced along the path. April's featured book was Karma Wilson's Bear Sees Color. Let's Go on a Hike by Katrina Liu is the featured book for Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month in May. A more permanent StoryWalk is planned as part of the Library Park Activation Project. Hometown Fair Drawing Contest The El Segundo Community Services Department requests the public to show community pride in a creative way this year to celebrate Hometown Fair. Although the popular event was cancelled for 2021, the City still wants the public to share what makes El Segundo special by framing their memories on #Hometownframes posters available at the Checkout Building throughout May. Staff will be displaying the submissions around town and in Recreation Park. To arrange for poster pick-up, please call 310-524-2700. LE El Segundo Public Library Service Updates The El Segundo Public Library no longer requires reservations. The library is open to walk-in visitors from 10 AM- 5 PM Monday through Saturday. Visitors are invited to browse the collections, check out materials, use Internet computers, and obtain research assistance. In addition, a small number of seats are available for reading in the library and study rooms are available for one -person, one -hour reservations. For more information about library use, please call 310-524-2728 or visit the digital library at www.elsegundolibrary.org. Please note outdoor storytimes begin May 19 and Author J. Ryan Stradal will join the Evening Book Club's virtual meeting on May 26 at 6:30 PM to discuss The Lager Queen of Minnesota. The Summer Reading Program begins June 15. Looking Ahead The City Council will consider renewal of the Beach Cities Transit Line 109 Agreement with the City of Redondo Beach for FY 2021/22 at their meeting on May 18. Presentation of the conceptual design for the Urho Saari Swim Stadium Renovation is scheduled for the City Council Meeting on June 1. Adoption of the City's FY 2021/22 Budget is anticipated at the City Council Meeting on June 15. hk Community lnspiredSpaces a' DESIGN RJ M GROUP EL SEGUNDO RECREATION PARK NEEDS ASSESSMENT PROJECT TIMELINE (4/21/21) 4/24/21 6/13/21 8/2/21 9/21 /21 o, 1.1: Kick Off Meeting N U a o 1.1: Monthly Review Meetings a w 2.1: Existing Documentation Review T f0 Q 2.2: Initial Site Analysis 0 c 2.3: Irrigation System Review U m 2.4 Accessibility Survey & Condition Assessment of Buildings Mo W N 2.5 Recreation Programs m L a 2.6 Demographic Assessment 3.1 Project Portal/Website c (may dL E ri m o 3.2 Online Survey (2) & City Pop Up Events N r m L0W a 3.3 Statistically Valid Community Survey c E N 4.1 Irrigation Recommendations N C o m a 4.2 Program Recommendations �E ID Z 0 4.3 Master Plan Ilustrative Bubble Diagram c� L 4.4 Recreation Park MP Cost Estimate a o c 0 tLb aa) E 5.1 Report Development d Wp a Site Assessment Complete 7/3/21 Needs Complete 8/20/21 11/10/21 ommendations Complete 9/23/21 Final Report 11 /5/21