2024-08-02 Environmental Commitee AgendaAGENDA CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MEETING LOCATION: CITY HALL Executive Conference Room 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245 REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE Friday, August 2, 2024 — 12:00 P.M. How Can Members of the Public Observe and Provide Public Comments? Members of the Public are welcome to attend the live meeting and speak during the Public Communications agenda item. Members of the Public may provide comments electronically to Daniel Pankau via email at dpan kau(a)elsegundo.org, with a limit of 150 words and accepted up until 30 minutes prior to the meeting. The emails will be read to the Environmental Committee during public communications and are subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. Additional Information The Environmental Committee, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the public can only comment on City -related business that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Environmental Committee, and items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the meeting. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Government Code Section 54953(g), the City Council has adopted a reasonable accommodation policy to swiftly resolve accommodation requests. The policy can also be found on the City's website at https.11www.eise_pundo.or_g4povernmentldepartments/city- clerk. Please contact the City Clerk's Office at (310) 524-2308 to make an accommodation request or to obtain a copy of the policy. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only and for which the Committee is responsible — 5-minute limit per person, 30-minute limit total) While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow the Committee to take action on any item not on the agenda. Committee members may respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. 4. REPORTS: PUBLIC WORKS —this portion of the agenda is for City staff to provide brief reports to the Committee. These are "receive and file," non -action items only. Any actions needed to be taken must be included on an upcoming agenda. a. Hyperion Update b. City Sustainability Update c. Open Committee Seats 5. REPORTS: ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS— this portion of the agenda is for members to discuss various ideas and for subcommittees established by the Committee to provide brief reports on the work being done by the subcommittee. These are "receive and file, " non -action items only. Any actions needed to be taken must be included on an upcoming agenda. a. Environmental Work Plan: Sub -committee Updates i. Community Event Greening: Case Study Update ii. Liaisons with Local Agencies iii. Blue Butterfly Update iv. In -House City Support 6. CONSENT AGENDA: i. Approval of June 2024 Environmental Committee Meeting Minutes (attachment). Recommendation: Approval. 7. ADJOURNMENT �1T Y p� •_ `I, IT/ ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Friday, June 14, 2024, 12:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 12:02pm, held in the Executive Conference Room of City Hall in person. The following Committee Members were present: • Tracey Miller-Zarneke, Local Business, Committee Chair • Shannon O'Toole, Member • Dennis Falk, Member Kevin Butler, Resident, Vice Chair, was not present Kevin Atmore, Resident, Member, was not present Heather Sutherland, ESUSD Representative, Member, was not present. The following City staff were present: • Elias K. Sassoon, Public Works Director • Daniel Pankau, Environmental Programs Manager Ryan Baldino, Councilmember, was not present 3. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: Julie Rochefort from the El Segundo Blue Butterfly Conservancy shared an upcoming El Segundo Blue Butterly (ESBB) habitat invasive plant removal taking place along the 600 block of Imperial Ave. on Saturday June 15th from 10am-12pm. Julie also voiced concerns that some areas of ESBB native habitat plantings are being mistaken as weeds and removed by contract landscape crew(s). Phil Friess, a South Bay resident, attended the commission meeting for a second time and continued to share insights and perspective from his long career working for LASAN (County) in the wastewater realm. 4. REPORTS: PUBLIC WORKS a. Hyperion Update: Director Sassoon reiterated 6/4/24 city council updates to the commission including, City Efforts: The City continues to be in communication with City of Los Angeles regarding the hiring status of the new position that will head up the planned organizational changes at Hyperion. City of Los Angeles just greenlit retaining a recruiting firm for the position. AQMD: In the past two weeks, AQMD responded to 75 odor complaints, no NOVs were issued. Hyperion: On June 3rd LASAN reported that work is on track to complete refurbishment of all covers and seals on the primary clarifiers for Battery D by the scheduled deadline of June 61h, 2024. b. Reusable Dishes: Environmental Programs Manager, Daniel Pankau stated that reusable dishes and cutlery will be purchased for use at future Environmental Committee meetings. This will reduce single use waste. An organic collection bin will be provided for food scraps and other compostable items. 5. REPORTS: ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS a. Environmental Work Plan: Subcommittee Updates i. Community Event Greening Update: Member O'Toole reported on research done on reduction of waste at community events. Difficult to locate municipalities that financially incentivize "zero waste" events. The municipalities of San Fransico and Palo Alto have related waste reduction guidelines in place that could potentially be replicated in El Segundo. Member O'Toole would like to establish more set guidelines for zero waste events and would like to potentially reach out to the farmers market coordinator to promote some type of "green rebate" for vendors who attend that as well. Chair Miller-Zarneke added that having sorted waste bins as part of the event set up by the Parks department would make sense. Member Dennis Falk voiced concerns over "party pack" reusable items being cleaned properly, and potential work involved. ii. Liaisons with Local Agencies: i. Chevron Tour Date: Chair Miller-Zarneke and the group confirmed the June 28 for the group Chevron Tour at 1:30pm i. WRD Community Class: Chair Miller-Zarneke reported that the Water Replenishment District (WRD) offered to provide some classes for the committee. The members selected "Drought Tolerant Garden" class that will be held on 6/22. iii. SCAQMD Updates: Chair Miller-Zarneke shared that SCAQMD updated including proposition 1173 rules and have a "replace your ride" program (potential webpage update). 7. CONSENT AGENDA: Approval of Minutes for May 10, 2024, meeting. Member, Shannon O'Toole, moved to approve. Member Dennis Falk seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Closing announcement: Next meeting will be held in person on August 2, 2024, at noon, in the Executive Conference Room. Meeting was adjourned at 12:47 p.m. The July meeting was cancelled.