2024-09-17 CC Agenda - Public Communication - Misc. - Maple Ave & Main St2024-09-17 AGENDA PUBLIC COMMUNICATION - MISC. - MAPLE AVE & MAIN ST. From: Melissa McCaverty <melissamccaverty@yahoo.com> Date: September 9, 2024 at 2:14:53 PM PDT To: "Sassoon, Elias" <esassoon@elsegundo.org> Cc: "George, Darrell" <dgeorge@elsegundo.org>, ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org> Subject: Re: Maple Ave & Main St. - Dangerous Intersection Hi Elias, I just noticed last night that the pedestrian crossing sign attached to the yellow pole on the north side of maple and main was knocked over .... AGAIN. It seems to get knocked over at least once a week, indicating vehicles are hitting it. I also was almost t-boned yet again at this intersection just last week. And the strange part of that person running the stop sign was they were heading northbound. Usually, the people I see run the stop sign are heading southbound on Main Street towards downtown. This man was coming from downtown towards Imperial. I know have a 15-year-old daughter with a permit. She saw firsthand how dangerous this intersection is. I am just following up to see if you've ever had the meeting you sent me in the email you sent me back in May 2022. I distinctly remember what prompted that email as I was trembling after narrowly escaping being t- boned by somebody who completely ran the stop sign that day. As you are aware, Government Code Section 835 states: Except as provided by statute, a public entity is liable for injury caused by a dangerous condition of its property if the plaintiff establishes that the property was in a dangerous condition at the time of the injury, that the injury was proximately caused by the dangerous condition, that the dangerous condition created a reasonably foreseeable risk of the kind of injury which was incurred, and that either: (a) A negligent or wrongful act or omission of an employee of the public entity within the scope of his employment created the dangerous condition; or(b) The public entity had actual or constructive notice of the dangerous condition under Section 835.2 a sufficient time prior to the injury to have taken measures to protect against the dangerous condition. I am writing this email with the intension to put the City of El Segundo on notice that this intersection is a dangerous condition. I want my email to document so that should something ever occur at this intersection, which sadly, I believe is inevitable, the City will be liable for any injuries and cannot claim it did not have actual or constructive notice, as I am informing you, for not the first time, that this intersection is dangerous. Please advise. Thank you, Melissa McCaverty On Monday, May 16, 2022 at 01:18:07 PM PDT, Xu, Lifan <Ixu@elsegundo.org> wrote: Hi Melissa, I don't have a date for the traffic committee meeting yet, but it will be in late June. If I understand your request correctly, you are requesting to turn the current 4-way stop sign intersection at Main St. and Maple Ave. to a traffic light controlled intersection. A traffic signal warrant analysis must be conducted first to validate the request before any action can be taken. Similar requests have been looked at in the past by the traffic committee, and related traffic study had been conducted previously and the study showed that additional traffic control at the intersection is unwarranted. See attached Dec-18, 2018 staff report for the Traffic Analysis on Main St. From El Segundo Blvd. to Imperial Ave. The Traffic Committee is technical in nature and not open to the public. For the traffic committee agenda item related to you request, the recommendation is to do an update on the traffic study since the last one has been a few years old and the recommendation is expected to be approved. Then the traffic study will be updated over the summer and we can provide you with the findings. Thanks, Lifan Xu, P.E. City Engineer City of El Segundo 350 Main Street, E1 Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 524-2368 From: Melissa McCaverty <melissamccaverty@yahoo.com> Sent: Friday, May 13, 2022 6:02 PM To: Sassoon, Elias <esassoon@elsegundo.org> Cc: George, Darrell <dgeorge@elsegundo.org>; Xu, Lifan <Ixu@elsegundo.org>; Boyles,Drew (Mayor) <dboyles@elsegundo.org> Subject: Re: Maple Ave & Main St. - Dangerous Intersection Any update on this meeting! Sent from my Phone On May 5, 2022, at 11:26 AM, Melissa McCaverty <me!issamccaverty ar7yahoo.com> wrote: M. Sassoon, Thank you for your quick response, I do appreciate it. M. Xu please advise when and where the meeting will be as I most likely would like to attend Melissa Sent from my iPhone On May 5, 2022, at 11:15 AM, Sassoon, Elias <esassoon(d-)elsegundo orq> wrote: Good Morning M. McCaverty: Thanks for reaching out to us This request will be on the Traffic Committee agenda for the upcoming meeting which is going to be scheduled shortly. The City Engineer (Lifan Xu, copied on this email) will be scheduling this meeting Please stay in touch with him. Lifan: Pls let Ms. McCaverty know when and where the meeting will be held Regards. Elias Sassoon, Director CITY OF EL SEGUNDO I Public Works Dept. 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245 (310) 524-2356 On May 4, 2022, at 17:31, Melissa McCaverty <melissamccavertyCaDyahoo.com> wrote: Dear Mayor Boyles, I am writing to you to formally request a stoplight be put in at the intersection of Main Street & Maple Avenue. This afternoon, I was heading eastbound on Maple Ave & completely stopped at the intersection. Looked both ways & began to enter. Thank God, I was traveling slowly because a woman in a green Toyota Corolla blew through the intersection going at least 30 mph heading southbound on Main. was able to avoid getting hit by her because I slammed my brakes and honked in time. I truly believe she had no idea there was a stop sign there despite the warning signs and lights coming off of imperial. She was looking down, what appeared to be on her phone to me. For the past several months, I have noticed that the sign on the orange warning pillar in the center of the intersection on Main Street keeps getting knocked down. Obviously people are running into it. There was most recently a bad accident there within the last month. Had this woman hit me at that speed, I have no doubt I would have been seriously injured as she would have hit my driver side. I am so grateful to have avoided the collision, just barely. Please let me know what I can do to help advocate for a stoplight at this intersection. I have seen police officers on motorcycles sitting there, but I have to believe there is a better use of our resources for them. What are the odds are actually going to catch somebody blowing through the intersection? And what does it matter if there is a police officer there if the person doesn't stop and kills somebody, which could very easily happen. Seems to me that a police officer here is not really a deterrent, as I think that most residents understand there is a stop sign there. The real danger is the people who don't even put their brakes on and just run the stop sign. Additionally there is a huge back up at the stop sign at various times of the morning. A stoplight seems to be the logical solution to go save money, resources and lives. Thank you, Melissa McCaverty 231 W. Maple Ave El Segundo, CA <image003.jpg> <image004Jpg> <image005.png> EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING DATE: December 18, 2018 AGENDA ITEM STATEMENT AGENDA HEADING: Special Order of Business AGENDA DESCRIPTION: Consideration and possible action to (1) receive and file a report from Public Works on the Downtown Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Study, and (2) provide staff direction on follow up actions. (Fiscal Impact: $26,000 est) RECOMMENDED COUNCIL ACTION: 1. Receive and file a report from Public Works related to the Downtown Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Study; and, 2. Provide staff direction on follow up actions; or, 3. Alternatively, take other action related to this item. ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Study for Main Street, Grand Avenue, and Mariposa Avenue Appendix B — Collision Data — El Segundo Police Department FISCAL IMPACT: Yes Amount Budgeted: None Additional Appropriation: $26,000 Account Number(s): STRATEGIC PLAN., Goal: 4 Develop Quality Infrastructure and Technology Objective: (a) El Segundo's physical infrastructure supports an appealing, safe, and effective City_ PREPARED BY: Ken Berkman. Director of Public WorksY� Bill Whalen, Chief of Police APPROVED BY: Greg Carpenter, City Manager, BACKGROUND & DISCUSSION: As part of the Strategic Planning sessions, the City Council requested staffto analyze and report back on the downtown area's roadway user safety. Specifically, the roadways to be analyzed were: • Main Street from El Segundo Boulevard to Imperial Avenue • Grand Avenue from Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) to Loma Vista Street • Mariposa Avenue from PCH to Main Street Public Works executed an agreement with traffic engineering consultant firm Garland Associates to complete the work. The field investigations were completed in May and June of this year, and the data and the attached report were reviewed by the Public Works Director and Police Department/Traffic Division personnel. W, 24 Overview According to the Master Plan of Streets in the Circulation Element of the City's General Plan, Main Street is designated as a Four -Lane Collector between Imperial Avenue and Grand Avenue, and as a Secondary Arterial between Grand Avenue and El Segundo Boulevard. Grand Avenue is designated as a Secondary Arterial and Mariposa Avenue is designated as a Two -Lane Collector. The speed limits on the three streets in the study area are as follows: • Main Street — 25 miles per hour (mph) • Grand Avenue — 25 mph from Loma Vista Street to Eucalyptus Drive and 35 mph from Eucalyptus Drive to PCH • Mariposa Avenue — 25 mph The tasks that were conducted for the analysis are as follows: • Speed surveys were conducted at three locations on each of the three streets for the AM peak period, mid -day conditions, and the PM peak period. • Pedestrian counts were taken at several locations on each of the three streets during the AM and PM peak periods. • Collision statistics that were provided by the El Segundo Police Department were reviewed and analyzed. • Safety issues were identified and potential measures were developed that could be implemented to improve safety problems on the three study area streets. Vehicle Speed Surveys Speed surveys were conducted at three locations on each of the three study area streets to quantify the typical travel speeds during the AM peak hour, the mid -day time period, and the PM peak hour. The vehicle speeds were measured with a radar speed meter from inside an inconspicuous private vehicle in May and June, 2018, on days when schools were in session. The nine survey locations that were selected represent segments of the streets that are relatively unaffected by traffic signals and stop signs so that the vehicles were in a free flow operation. Samples of 100 vehicles were surveyed at each location (50 vehicles in each direction). The critical value that is typically used for analyzing vehicle speed data and setting speed limits is the 85'' percentile speed, which is the speed at or below which 85 percent of the traffic is moving. Table 1 of the report shows the 85 h percentile speeds that were observed at each monitoring location for the AM peak hour, mid -day time period, and PM peak hour. 25 TABLE 1 VEHICLE SPEED DATA — 85TH PERCENTILE SPEEDS Speed 85" Percentile Speed (mph) AM Peak Mid -Day PM Peak Street/Location Limit Hour Hour Main Street Between Imperial Avenue & Maple Avenue 25 30 32 32 Between Palm Avenue & Mariposa Avenue 25 27 31 30 Between Hollv Avenue & Grand Avenue 1 25 28 1 29 29 Grand Avenue Between Virginia Street & Concord Street 25 26 27 27 Between Eucalyptus Drive & Lomita Street 35 37 39 40 Between Kansas Street & Pacific Coast Hwv 35 1 39 40 1 40 Mariposa Avenue _ Between Main Street & Sheldon Street 25 26 27 27 Between Sheldon Street & Center Street 25 29 30 31 Between California Street & Washington St 25 30 31 32 Note: AM peak hour is 7:00 to 8:00, mid -day is 10:00 to 11:00, and PM peak hour is 5:00 to 6:00. Table 1 indicates that the 85th percentile speeds on these three streets are generally higher thanthe speed limit by values that range from one mph over the speed limit (Mariposa Avenue between Main Street and Sheldon Street) to 7 mph over the speed limit (Main Street between Imperial Avenue and Maple Street and Mariposa Avenue between California Street and Washington Street). Speed limits are set to the nearest 5 mph increment of the 85'h percentile speed, and can be set one 5 mph increment lower than that value if certain field criteria are met such as decreased sight distances or roadway geometry. Given these facts, it can be concluded that the speed limits are set appropriately and are enforceable by the Police Department. However, the speed data were also reviewed to identify the 961, to 1001, percentile speeds. These are the travel speeds that were observed for the highest five percent of the vehicles that were surveyed. The locations with the most blatant abuse of speed (i.e., speeds that are at least 20 mph above the speed limit) are Grand Avenue between Kansas Street and PCH, which had a car traveling 55 mph in a 35 mph speed zone, and Mariposa Avenue between California Street and Washington Street, which had a car traveling 48 mph in a 25 mph speed zone. In addition, Main Street between Imperial Avenue and Maple Avenue, Grand Avenue between Eucalyptus Drive and Lomita Street, and Mariposa Avenue between Sheldon Street and Center Street had vehicles traveling 19 mph over the speed limit. These 96t' to 100`h percentile motorists are the ones that are observed as "excessive speeders" and are generally the cause of the safety issues associated with speeding vehicles. Pedestrian Crossing Counts Pedestrian counts were taken at three to four locations on each of the three study area streets to quantify the number of pedestrians crossing the street during the AM and PM peak periods. The pedestrian crossings were monitored in May and June, 2018, on days when schools were in session. The PM peak hour for the locations near schools represented the afternoon dismissal times (i.e., 2:30 to 3:30 PM), while the PM peak hour for the non -school locations represented the afternoon commuter peak (i.e., 5:00 to 6:00 PM). C: The survey locations that were selected are generally locations where pedestrians cross the street without the benefit of a traffic signal or multi -way stop signs. The exceptions are the Grand Avenue/Center Street and Mariposa Avenue/Center Street intersections, which have 4-way stop signs. These two intersections were monitored because they are near the Center Street Elementary School and the El Segundo Middle School. Table 3 in the report (see attachment) indicates that the locations with a relatively high concentration of pedestrian crossings are Main Street at Oak Avenue (near El Segundo High School), Main Street between Holly Avenue and Grand Avenue (a midblock crosswalk at City Hall), Grand Avenue at Arena Street (near a skate park and teen center), Grand Avenue at Center Street (near El Segundo Middle School), Mariposa Avenue at Standard Street (at El Segundo High School), and Mariposa Avenue at Center Street (near Center Street Elementary School). The Main Street/Oak Avenue, Main Street/City Hall, Grand Avenue/Arena Street, and Mariposa Avenue/Standard Street locations have uncontrolled crosswalks where the pedestrians do not have the benefit of a stop sign or traffic signal to facilitate the crossing movements. However, the 100 to 400 blocks of Main Street have the new pedestrian -activated lighting in the crosswalks. Collision Statistics Collision statistics were provided by the El Segundo Police Department for the three study area street segments. The data represent the reported collisions for the time period extending from January 2014 to mid -June 2018. A summary of the collision data is provided in Table 4 of the report (see attachment), which shows the total number of collisions, the number of pedestrian -related collisions, the number of collisions involving bicycles, and the collisions resulting in a fatality. The collision statistics are provided for three segments each for the three study area streets. There were 89 reported collisions on Main Street during the 4'/z-year time period, which includes two pedestrian -related incidents. On Grand Avenue, there were 63 reported collisions, including two pedestrian -related incidents and two incidents involving bicycles. On Mariposa Avenue, there were 50 collisions, which includes four pedestrian -related incidents and one incident involving a bicycle. There were no collisions resulting in a fatality. Overall, the segment of Main Street with the highest number of collisions is the southern segment between Pine Avenue and El Segundo Boulevard, which had 39 reported collisions. The segment of Grand Avenue with the highest number of collisions is the middle segment between Main Street and Center Street, which had 32 reported collisions. The segment of Mariposa Avenue with the highest number of collisions is the eastern end between Center Street and PCH, which had 26 reported collisions. The locations of the collisions involving pedestrians and bicycles are provided below. An overview of the reported collisions was conducted to determine if any of these streets would be considered as high -accident locations. This was accomplished by calculating the annual average number of collisions per million vehicle -miles of travel for each street, which is a standard measurement for collision statistics. The calculations were conducted by using the number of collisions, the time period addressed (4.5 years), the length of the street segments, and the average daily traffic volumes on each street. The results are: Main Street: 3.37 collisions per million vehicle -miles of travel: Grand Avenue: 3.60 collisions per million vehicle -miles of travel; and Mariposa Avenue: 5.14 collisions per million vehicle -miles of travel. 27 This level of collision experience is not indicative of a severe safety issue as the values represent the number of collisions per million miles of travel. Another measure that is typically used to identify high collision locations is the threshold of five accidents per year at a single location. A review of the Police Department's collision statistics indicates that there are no locations on the three study area streets where five or more accidents have been reported within a one-year period. It is concluded, therefore, that the collision history on the three roadway segments is not indicative of a critical safety problem. Summary of Findings and Recommendations While the comprehensive review of the study area street segments data indicate that there are no roadway user safety issues that require actual changes to the roadways' design, speed limits, or right-of- way control devices such as stop signs or traffic signals, there are several focus areas at which traffic and pedestrian safety can be improved to maintain the City's high standards regarding public health and safety. For purposes of this study, focus areas are defined as locations where one or more ofthe analysis criteria were observed to be excessive relative to pedestrian concentrations and/or collision history. The focus areas that were identified based on this methodology are listed in Table 5 of the report (see attachment) and include: • Main Street at Oak Avenue • Main Street from Holly Avenue to Grand Avenue • Grand Avenue from Arena Street to Sheldon Street • Grand Avenue from Illinois Street to Indiana Street • Mariposa Avenue from Main Street to Eucalyptus Drive Recommended improvements are outlined in Table 6: TABLE 6 - PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS Locations Recommended Improvements Main Street at Oak Avenue Install high visibility ladder crosswalks at the Main Street/Oak Avenue intersection and flashing beacons on top of crosswalk warning sig Lis on Main Street Main Street from Holly Avenue to None. The City of El Segundo has already installed Grand Avenue in -pavement lights at the crosswalk Grand Avenue from Arena Street to Install high visibility ladder crosswalks and flashing Sheldon Street beacons on top of the crosswalk warning signs at the Arena Street and Sheldon Street crosswalks. Install vehiclespeed feedback signs on Grand Avenue, Grand Avenue from Illinois Street to Install vehicle speed feedback signs on Grand Avenue Indiana Street Mariposa Avenue from Main Street to I Install high visibility ladder crosswalks at the Eucalyptus Drive Mariposa Avenue/Standard Street intersection. 28 With regard to stop signs, the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices states that stop signs should not be used for speed control. The objective of a stop sign is to establish right-of-way priorities for motorists. Stop signs should be installed only if they are shown to be needed by a warrant analysis. As a result of this study, there are no locations that have been deemed to require a warrant analysis for additional stop signs. Field Implementation Measures Main Street at Oak Avenue —high visibility ladder crosswalks have been installed. New solar -lighted, pedestrian -activated crosswalk signage will be installed by City crews once the signage is procured. Grand Avenue from Arena Street to Sheldon Street - high visibility ladder crosswalks have been installed. New solar -lighted, pedestrian -activated crosswalk signage will be installed at Arena Street by City crews once the signage is procured. The lights in the crosswalk at Sheldon Street are in the process of being repaired by the business owner that installed them, after which the Public Works Department will take over for maintenance purposes. Staff is in the process of procuring two mobile vehicle speed feedback signs, one of which will be deployed on Grand Avenue at various locations from Arena to Indiana Streets. Mariposa Avenue from Main Street to Eucalyptus Drive - high visibility ladder crosswalks have been installed by the current paving contractor. 29 TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY STUDY FOR MAIN STREET, GRAND AVENUE, AND MARIPOSA AVENUE ELSEGUNDO Prepared for CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Prepared by GARLAND ASSOCIATES 16787 Beach Boulevard, Suite 234 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 714-330-8984 OCTOBER 2018 011 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Introduction and Project Description 1I. Vehicle Speed Surveys III. Pedestrian Crossing Counts IV. Collision Statistics V. Summary of Findings and Recommendations Appendix A — Figures Appendix B — Collision Data from El Segundo Police Department 31 LIST OF TABLES Page 1. Vehicle Speed Data — 85th Percentile Speeds 3 2. Vehicle Speed Data — 96`h to 1000' Percentile Speeds 4 3. Pedestrian Crossing Counts 5 4. Collision Statistics 7 5. Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Focus Areas z 6. Preliminary Recommendations for Safety Improvements 10 LIST OF FIGURES (IN APPENDIX A) 1. Location Map 2. Existing Traffic Control Features 3. Speed Survey Locations 4. Pedestrian Count Locations ii 32 I. INTRODUCTION AND PROJECT DESCRIPTION The City of El Segundo City Council has expressed various concerns regarding traffic and pedestrian safety on three arterial streets in the city; i.e., Main Street, Grand Avenue, and Mariposa Avenue. In response to these concerns, a study has been conducted to evaluate the existing conditions on these three streets, identify the traffic and pedestrian safety issues, and develop potential measures for improving the safety deficiencies. The following street segments were included in the analysis: Main Street from El Segundo Boulevard to Imperial Avenue Grand Avenue from Pacific Coast Highway (formerly Sepulveda Boulevard) to Loma Vista Street e Mariposa Avenue from Pacific Coast Highway (PCH) to Main Street A location map showing the location of these three roadway segments is provided on Figure l in Appendix A. Main Street is a four lane north -south street that runs through the city's downtown area and is adjacent to El Segundo High School and El Segundo City Hall. Grand Avenue is a four lane east -west street that extends from the downtown area to PCH and runs near (south of) El Segundo Middle School at Center Street. Mariposa Avenue is a two lane east -west street that extends from Main Street to PCH and is adjacent to El Segundo High School (at Main Street) and Center Street Elementary School (at Center Street). According to the Master Plan of Streets in the Circulation Element of the City of El Segundo General Plan, Main Street is designated as a 4-Lane Collector between Imperial Avenue and Grand Avenue and as a Secondary Arterial between Grand Avenue and El Segundo Boulevard. Grand Avenue is designated as a Secondary Arterial and Mariposa Avenue is designated as a 2- Lane Collector. Figure 2 in Appendix A illustrates the existing traffic control features along each of the three study area streets. Shown on the figure are the locations of each traffic signal, the intersections with 4-way stop signs, the intersections with 3-way stop signs, and the locations of each painted crosswalk at the unsignalized locations. Stop signs on the numerous cross streets that intersect with the study area streets are not shown on the figure except at the intersections with 3-way or 4-way stop signs (to eliminate clutter on the figure). The speed limits on the three streets in the study area are as follows: • Main Street— 25 miles per hour (mph) Grand Avenue — 25 mph from Loma Vista Street to Eucalyptus Drive and 35 mph from Eucalyptus Drive to PCH 0 Mariposa Avenue — 25 mph 33 This report summarizes the results of the traffic and pedestrian safety study that was conducted for the three study area streets. The tasks that were conducted for the analysis are as follows: • Speed surveys were conducted at three locations on each of the three streets for the AM peak period, mid -day conditions, and the PM peak period. • Pedestrian counts were taken at several locations on each of the three streets during the AM and PM peak periods. • Collision statistics that were provided by the El Segundo Police Department were reviewed and analyzed. Safety issues were identified and potential measures were developed that could be implemented to improve safety problems on the three study area streets. 2 34 II. VEHICLE SPEED SURVEYS Speed surveys were conducted at three locations on each of the three study area streets to quantify the typical travel speeds during the AM peak hour, the mid -day time period, and the PM peak hour. The vehicle speeds were measured with a radar speed meter from inside an inconspicuous private vehicle in May and June, 2018, on days when schools were in session. The survey locations that were selected represent segments of the streets that are relatively unaffected by traffic signals and stop signs so that the vehicles were in a free flow operation. Figure 3 in Appendix A shows the nine locations where the speed surveys were conducted. Samples of 100 vehicles were surveyed at each location (50 vehicles in each direction). The critical value that is typically used for analyzing vehicle speed data is the 85`h percentile speed, which is the speed at or below which 85 percent of the traf is is moving. This is the speed value that is typically used as a starting point in establishing speed limits. Table I shows the 85'h percentile speeds that were observed at each monitoring location for the AM peak hour, mid -day time period, and PM peak hour. On Main Street between Imperial Avenue and Maple Avenue, for example, the 85 percentile speed was 30 mph during the AM peak hour, 32 mph for mid -day, and 32 mph for the PM peak hour. As the speed limit on Main Street is 25 mph, the 85"' percentile speeds range from 5 to 7 mph over the speed limit on this segment of Main Street. TABLE 1 VEHICLE SPEED DATA — 85TH PERCENTILE SPEEDS Speed 851" Percentile S eed (mph) AM Peak Mid -Day PM Peak Street/Location Limit (mph) Hour Hour Main Street Between Imperial Avenue & Maple Avenue 25 30 32 32 Between Palm Avenue & Mariposa Avenue 25 27 31 30 Between Holly Avenue & Grand Avenue 25 28 29 29 Grand Avenue Between Virginia Street & Concord Street 25 26 27 27 Between Eucalyptus Drive & Lomita Street 35 37 39 40 Between Kansas Street & Pacific Coast Hwy 35 39 40 40 Mariposa Avenue Between Main Street & Sheldon Street 25 26 27 27 Between Sheldon Street & Center Street 25 29 30 31 Between California Street & Washington St 25 30 31 32 Note: AM peak hour is 7:00 to 8:00, mid -day is 10:00 to 11:00, and PM peak hour is 5:00 to 6:00. Table I indicates that the 85 h percentile speeds on these three streets are generally higher than the speed limit by values that range from one mph over the speed limit (Mariposa Avenue between Main Street and Sheldon Street) to 7 mph over the speed limit ( Main Street between Imperial Avenue and Maple Street and Mariposa Avenue between California Street and Washington Street). 35 While the 04 percentile speeds shown in Table I are not indicative of a speeding problem, the speed data were also reviewed to identify the 96`11to t00`r' percentile speeds. These are the travel speeds that were observed for the highest five percent of the vehicles thar were ,urvcyed. The 96"'to 100`h percentile speeds that were observed at each monitoring location are shown in Table 2 for the AM peak hour, mid -day, and PM peak hour. The numbers shown in bold in Table 2 highlight the locations where the top travel speeds that were observed are 15 mph or more above the posted speed limit. The locations with the most blatant abuse of speed (i.e., speeds that are at least 20 mph above the speed limit) are Grand Avenue between Kansas Street and PCH, which had a car traveling 55 mph in a 35 mph speed zone, and Mariposa Avenue between California Street and Washington Street, which had a car traveling 48 mph in a 25 mph speed zone. in addition, Main Street between Imperial Avenue and Maple Avenue, Grand Avenue between Eucalyptus Drive and Lomita Strcet, and Mariposa Avenue between Sheldon Street and Center Street had vehicles traveling 19 mph over the speed limit. TABLE 2 VEHICLE SPEED DATA — 96TH TO 100TH PERCENTILE SPEEDS 96"' to 100"' Percentile Speed Seeds (mph) Street/Location Limit AM Peak PM Peak (mph) Hour Mid -Day Hour Main Street Between Imperial Avenue & Maple Avenue 25 34-39 36-42 37-44 Between Palm Avenue & Mariposa Avenue 25 30-35 34-41 33-39 Between 11olly Avenue & Grand Avenue 25 30-34 32-36 31-35 Grand Avenue Between Virginia Street & Concord Street 25 29-32 30-32 30-33 Between Eucalyptus Drive & Lomita Street 35 41-49 43-52 44-54 Between Kansas Street & Pacific Coast Hwy__35 42-51 44-54 45-55 Mariposa Avenue Between Main Street & Sheldon Street 25 29-32 30-37 29-35 Between Sheldon Street & Center Street 25 34-40 35-41 36-44 Between California Street & Washington St 25 34-41 35-42 36-48 Note: AM peak hour is 7:00 to 8:00, mid -day is 10:00 to l 1:00, and PM peak hour is 5:00 to 6:00. The primary findings of the speed survey are that most of the motorists on the three study area streets are driving at reasonable speeds, as represented by the fact that the 85'1' percentile speeds range from 1 to 7 mph over the speed limits. Excessive speeding behavior was observed, however, for about 5 �ercent of the motorists, as represented by the travel speeds shown in bold in Table 2. These 96" to 100"' percentile motorists are the ones that are observed as "excessive speeders" and are generally the cause of the safety issues associated with speeding vehicles. 4 36 III. PEDESTRIAN CROSSING COUNTS Pedestrian counts were taken at three to four locations on each of the three study area streets to quantify the number of pedestrians crossing the street during the AM and PM peak periods. The pedestrian crossings were monitored in May and June, 2018, on days when schools were in session. The PM peak hour for the locations near schools represented the afternoon dismissal times (i.e., 2:30 to 3:30 PM), while the PM peak hour for the non -school locations represented the afternoon commuter peak (i.e., 5:00 to 6:00 PM). The survey locations that were selected are generally locations where pedestrians cross the street without the benefit of a traffic signal or multi -way stop signs. The exceptions are the Grand A . c:.ie/Center Street and Mariposa Avenue/Center Street intersections, which have 4-way stop signs. These two intersections were monitored because they are near the Center Street Elementary School and the El Segundo Middle School. 1 --eleven locations where pedestrian counts were taken are shown on Figure 4 in Appendix A. The number of pedestrians per hour that crossed the street at each of the monitoring locations are shoiwn in Table 3 for the AM and PM peak hours. TABLE 3 PEDESTRIAN CROSSING COUNTS Number of Pedestrians Street/Location Crossin (per hour) AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Main Street At Walnut Avenue 5 8 At Oak Avenue* 14 17 Between Holly Avenue & Grand Avenue (midblock) 19 22 Between Franklin Ave & El Segundo Blvd (midblock) 5 9 Grand Avenue At Arena Street l0 13 At Sierra Street 6 8 At Center Street* 5 6 Crossing Center Street* 24 20 At California Street 8 9 Mariposa Avenue At Standard Street* 21 23 At Center Street* 22 25 At Illinois Street 7 9 { Represents locations that are adjacent to or near a school. Table 3 indicates that the locations with a relatively high concentration of pedestrian crossings are Main Street at Oak Avenue (near El Segundo High School), Main Street between Holly Avenue and Grand Avenue (a midblock crosswalk at City Hall), Grand Avenue at Arena Street (near a skate park and teen center), Grand Avenue at Center Street (near El Segundo Middle 5 37 School), Mariposa Avenue at Standard Street (at El Segundo High School), and Mariposa Avenue at Center Street (near Center Street Elementary School). The Main Street/Oak Avenue, Main Street/City Hall, Grand Avenue/Arena Street, and Mariposa Avenue/Standard Street locations have uncontrolled crosswalks where the pedestrians do not have the benefit of a stop sign or traffic signal to facilitate the crossing movements. 38 IV. COLLISION STATISTICS Collision statistics were provided by the El Segundo Police Department for the three study area street segments. The data represent the reported collisions for the time period extending from January 2014 to mid -Jane 2018. The printout of the traffic collision report is provided in Appendix B. A summary of the collision data is provided in Table 4, which shows the total number of collisions, the number of pedestrian -related collisions, the number of collisions involving bicycles, and the collisions resulting in a fatality. The collision statistics are provided for three segments each for the three study area streets. As shown, there were 89 reported collisions on Main Street during the 4%-year time period, which includes 2 pedestrian -related incidents. On Grand Avenue, there were 63 reported collisions, including 2 pedestrian -related incidents and 2 incidents involving bicycles. On Mariposa Avenue, there were 50 collisions, which includes 4 pedestrian -related incidents and I incident involving a bicycle. There were no collisions resulting in a fatality. TABLE 4 COLLISION STATISTICS Number of Collisions (2014-2018 Street/Location Total Pedestrian Bicycle Fatal Main Street From Imperial Avenue to Maple Avenue 28 0 0 0 From Maple Avenue to Pine Avenue 22 1 0 0 From Pine Avenue to El Segundo Blvd 39 1 0 0 Total 89 2 _ 0 0 Grand Avenue From Loma Vista Street to Main Street 8 1 1 0 From Main Street to Center Street 32 0 1 0 From Center Street to Pacific Coast Hwy 23 1 0 0 Total 63 2 2 0 Mariposa Avenue From Main Street to Sheldon Street 15 3 0 0 From Sheldon Street to Center Street 9 0 0 0 From Center Street to Pacific Coast Hwy 26 1 1 0 Total 50 4 1 0 Overall, the segment of Main Street with the highest number of collisions is the southern segment between Pine Avenue and EI Segundo Boulevard, which is the downtown area. It had 39 reported collisions. The segment of Grand Avenue with the highest number of collisions is the middle segment between Main Street and Center Street, which had 32 reported collisions. The segment of Mariposa Avenue with the highest number of collisions is the eastern end between Center Street and PCH, which had 26 reported collisions. It should be noted that the collision totals shown for Grand Avenue and Mariposa Avenue in Table 4 are lower than the 7 numbers shown on the collision report provided by the El Segundo Police Department because the Police Department printout included collisions that occurred on PCH (Sepulveda Boulevard) near Grand Avenue and Mariposa Avenue, which are not a component of this analysis. The locations of the collisions involving pedestrians and bicycles are provided below. Locations of Pedestrian -Related Collisions • Mariposa Avenue at PCH • Main Street at Pine Avenue • Grand Avenue at Indiana Street • Mariposa Avenue at Eucalyptus Drive • Grand Avenue at Loma Vista Street • 300 Block of Main Street • 200 Block of Mariposa Avenue • 100 Block of Mariposa Avenue Locations of Collisions involving Bicycles • Mariposa Avenue at Indiana Street • Grand Avenue at Sheldon Street • Grand Avenue at Main Street An overview of the reported collisions was conducted to determine if any of these streets would be considered as high -accident locations. This was accomplished by calculating the annual average number of collisions per million vehicle -miles of travel for each street, which is a standard measurement for collision statistics. The calculations were conducted by using the number of collisions, the time period addressed (4.5 years), the length of the street segments, and the average daily traffic volumes on each street. The results are as follows: Main Street: 3.37 collisions per million vehicle -miles of travel Grand Avenue: 3.60 collisions per million vehicle -miles of travel Mariposa Avenue: 5.14 collisions per million vehicle -miles of travel This level of collision experience is not indicative of a severe safety issue as the values represent the number of collisions per million miles of travel. Another measure that is typically used to identify high collision locations is the threshold of five accidents per year at a single location. A review of the Police Department's collision statistics indicates that there are no locations on the three study area streets where five or more accidents have been reported within a one-year period. It is concluded, therefore, that the collision history on the three streets is not indicative of a critical safety problem. 40 V. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS A comprehensive review of the study area street segments with regard to the pedestrian crossing locations and the geographical distribution of the collision data indicate that there are several focus areas relative to traffic and pedestrian safety. For purposes of this study, focus areas are defined as locations where one or more of the analysis criteria were observed to be excessive relative to pedestrian concentrations and/or collision history. The focus areas that were identified based on this methodology are listed in Table 5. TABLE 5 TRAFFIC AND PEDESTRIAN SAFETY FOCUS AREAS Safety Focus Area Locations Criteria to Identify Focus Areas Main Street at Oak Avenue Pedestrian Crossings Main Street from Holly Avenue to Grand Pedestrian Crossings, Collision History, Pedestrian Avenue Collision, & Bike Collision Grand Avenue from Arena Street to Collision History, Pedestrian Crossings, & Bike Sheldon Street Collision Grand Avenue from Illinois Street to Collision History & Pedestrian Collision Indiana Street Mariposa Avenue from Main Street to Pedestrian Crossings & Pedestrian Collisions Eucalyptus Drive While the study area streets are not excessively problematic relative to vehicle speeds and collision history, these focus areas were evaluated to identify potential improvement measures that could be taken to maintain the City of El Segundo's high standards regarding public health and safety. The potential safety improvement measures are outlined below. Toolbox of Potential Safety Improvement/Traffic Calming Measures There are various measures that could potentially be implemented in an effort to reduce travel speeds and enhance safety along the study area street segments and at the focus areas outlined above in particular. The toolbox of safety improvements/traffic calming measures includes the following: High Visibility Ladder Crosswalks — Replace the conventional crosswalks that have two parallel lines crossing the street with high visibility ladder crosswalks that have the two parallel lines as well as wide lines within the crosswalk that run perpendicular to the outside lines to improve the visibility of the crosswalks for motorists. Median Islands — Install median islands at midblock locations to decrease the effective width of the travel lanes and thereby serve as a traffic calming device to reduce travel speeds. Traffic Circles — Install small traffic circles in the center of unsignalized intersections to serve as traffic calming devices to reduce travel speeds through the intersections. 1�9 41 Install Flashing Lights at Crosswalks — Install flashing yellow lights at the uncontrolled crosswalks to inform motorists of the presence of the painted crosswalks. The flashing lights could be installed as supplemental beacons on top of the standard pedestrian crossing warning signs or the conventional signs could be replaced with a row of small flashing lights along the perimeter of the warning signs. Bulb -Outs at Intersections — Install curb extensions at intersections to decrease the width of the travelled way, which would serve as a traffic calming device to reduce travel speeds, and reduce the walking distance for pedestrians crossing the street. In -Pavement Lighting — Install flashing lights in the pavement along the alignment of the crosswalk lines to enhance the visibility of the crosswalks and more effectively notify motorists of the presence of the crosswalks. The flashing lights could be activated with pedestrian push buttons or with automatic pedestrian detectors. Vehicle Speed Feedback Signs — Install electronic signs that use a radar device to measure the speed of oncoming vehicles and then display the speeds to the motorists to inform them of their travel speeds. The signs can be programmed to flash or blink when travel speeds are excessive. TABLE 6 PRELIMINARY RECOMMENDATIONS FOR SAFETY IMPROVEMENTS Locations Recommended Improvements Main Street at Oak Avenue Install high visibility ladder crosswalks at the Main Street/Oak Avenue intersection and flashing beacons on top of crosswalk warning signs on Main Street Main Street from Holly Avenue to None. The City ofEl Segundo has already installed Grand Avenue in -pavement lights at the crosswalk Grand Avenue from Arena Street to Install high visibility ladder crosswalks and flashing Sheldon Street beacons on top of the crosswalk warning signs at the Arena Street and Sheldon Street crosswalks. Install vehicle speed feedback signs on Grand Avenue. Grand Avenue from Illinois Street to Install vehicle speed feedback signs on Grand Avenue Indiana Street Mariposa Avenue from Main Street to install high visibility ladder crosswalks at the Eucalyptus Drive Mariposa Avenue/Standard Street intersection. The recommended improvements outlined in Table 6 are focused specifically on the focus area locations that were identified previously. In addition, high visibility ladder crosswalks should be considered at all locations that currently have a conventional two-line crosswalk at uncontrolled locations (i.e., no traffic signal or stop sign at the crosswalk) and vehicle speed feedback signs should be considered for use at all of the locations that were shown to have some drivers operating at excessive speeds. Other somewhat questionable measures that are often used by cities to control speeding are speed humps and stop signs. Speed humps are not recommended for the three study area streets because these streets are designated as collector and arterial streets. Guidelines for speed hump 10 42 installations generally state that speed humps should be used on local streets and are not to be used on collector or arterial streets because the speed humps would have a negative impact on response times for emergency vehicles (police, fire, and paramedic vehicles), which routinely use these streets as travel routes. With regard to stop signs, the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices states that stop signs should not be used for speed control. The objective of a stop sign is to establish right- of-way priorities for motorists. Stop signs should be installed only if they are shown to be needed by a warrant analysis. As a result of this study, there are no locations that have been deemed to require a warrant analysis for additional stop signs. 11 43 APPENDIX A FIGURES 44 70 Af Jl r 1 :"}�i� � .� mow•' j ` t°%'1'a7 3�►y.y� IT �! - r• ��;p'}�ii�i�.Wk ' y1 `�^:,- ►. T .{t +ti ail 7 ''.rr. I. a ANI tom , 1 7 t R7if+„t'� ►, it AR�►:l •y rr.� �i'i',r. �' rat; �jl • �:"�•3115 � -' i So 21.4 qd VI ZAw .�! 14 •� ` 13 j.�d d I:j (g gl@WqA1@ b;Qp . � �Q 4E� nN $ 1 p 2, ivd � k __- � 7 2 = \ate $/\ � m u 1 mItwo : e uu;?d \ — � 7:: '��MA n] / � ®J M _ 2 O 2 11 _ ]3 7 1 oLu | a w p 0 §m } �- — w \ @ ©! 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PALM AVE 3 - I 3 TRAFFIC COLLISION 9y II I a � � INCLUDING DUIIHIT & RUN AVE --- — ME" o : ";T; _—__._ ac MOLLY.•AVE — 121 4 . TRAFFIC COLLISION ORANO•AVE-"6 WAVE CL SEGUNDO 0- '-LNOO CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SELECTED LOCATION P80 2010 ammill RECO OVEJ 51 DEL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC COLLISION REPORT — FOR SELECTED AREAS TIME OF DAY Tarn of Day Graph _ E _ Z= �—f J, J, J = d I d J J J J J d d J 00 Or 9= to 01 9i is 07 Oe f0 71 1'2 1] 14 is 1s 17 is 19 :0 71 ']2 a Hwr 7a. t7aepr Gate DAY OF WEEK E S Z suRl.y rwrlar re. oa»o. ts� MONTH OF YEAR Dayof VYaek Graph Tapley Vhdmday Tamemy FPo-F SslHq Dayory a" Month or Year Graph rl t • 5 a 'A -A rm par Alw Wr J- Jd .W so ore re+ oK Ibn•f 77e Oero{p Grow Page 3 of 13 B/2VZOM AEEUOS&I 52 EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC COWSION REPORT —FOR SELECTED AREAS MAP: GRAND AVENUE M t>', rm. Kwr _ - - 06" _ -- EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT IMPERIA < = " ACAC:A AVE TRAFFIC COLLISION acaaa AVE t, W a a 8 1VALNUT AVE STATISTICAL REPORT SYCAMORE AVE a --SVCAMORL AVE In MAPLE AVE 3 —=_KAPLEAVE o - LOCATION: _ OAK AVE 's t -----OAK•AVE 2 GRAND AV PCH LOMA VISTA ST) V PALM AVE Z. PALM AV[ (E;TW - R N o " N REPORTED PERIOD: _ -i MARIPOSA AVE - _ 2014/2015I2Q1 fi12Q17/2018(YTD) Z .arEAVE _ 0 CATEGORY: RMS - REPORTED t = 5 = o < MOLLY AVE _ " a' y TRAFFIC COLLISION °A A Ae INCLUDING DUUHIT & RUN t = FRANKLIN AVE FRANKLEN AVE ' 6 NDER PL c i — —-<----- - EL SEGUNDO BLVD _ � TRAFFIC COLLISION CITY OF EL SEGUNDO e 0 i J R � N 4W+E 3 - - El SELECTED LOCATION 91 s TIME OF DAY Time of DwGrWh 7 i 07 rzl J J J I J I I I J / J J J pp a� CI M OS OL LT N a 10 11 14 17 1� IS ti IT 1'm 16 10 25 72 11 Maur T!r DmnY� DntuA Pvp 4 uI8 612VZDIB REUMS/EJ 53 EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC COLLISION REPORT - FOR SELECTED AREAS DAY OF WEEK DtyoF W"k Graph I I) n .o r � - r _ c E E z � ) amway W.mr TF dW /Ad" aWd+T OayetwMk tA. onrce o.ow MONTH OF YEAR Morth of Year Graph a i s z JAL]. A, A. A . d A , i r.e hAP,am. Atw A. id Aw UP M.5, rw omcrs crow hpe5of13 B/YVYBIB RCM/Ed 54 EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTIVFENT TRAFFIC COLLISION REPORT — FOR SELECTED AREAS MAP: MARIPOSA AVENUE N WE o EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT S _ 1_,os TRAFFIC COLLISION I�eaw _ IMPERIAL HWY—_ _ : STATISTICAL REPORT IA IMPERIAL tr' 'AuaAA-=ACA0WAve— LOCATION: A. r ° r WALNUT AV* .=WWWTAVE- MARIPOSA" (BTW PCH - MAIN ST) REPORTED PERIOD: .NA►Lt-AYl, wvu AVE- - - -�--2 2014M01S12016/201712018(YTD) i I OA*AVE OAK AVE _ OAKAVI A. CATEGORY: RMS - REPORTED MAXIM --.VMM-AVB-- t TRAFFIC COLLISION EIHAvs I INCLUDING DUIIHIT &RUN 6 PSNE•AVE-- --lINEAVh— O ° 6 TRAFFIC COLLISION -3 — —�—` GA WD.AVE—OVANC-AV[ 0 5 0 - EL stGUNno 6cvo-- _---ErsEcuNno uvo_—�_-- CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SELECTED LOCATION TIME OF DAY Tim of Day onph oe i s" 0 o 1 . -�— L AM T e J • d / I A 1 I A M Ot as m w 05 00 07 06 as 1a 1� i7. 1� 1� 1b M 11 1/ is 20 Y1 g Hart Pap 6of 13 6121/21118 RMO M/W EL SEGTi NDO POLICE DEPARTIMENT TRAFFIC COLLISION REPORT — FOR SELECTED AREAS DAY OF WEEK Day of Wask Graph �o a � r I o i T_ Aw .r Th wan s.wr.r oarat�.t 0--wof" MONTH OF YEAR r L Jn Month of YsarGraph #I-- __77 An UP Ocl �IOY Q. DATA SOURCE: RMS —TRAFFIC COLLISION REPORTS REPORTED PERIOD: 2014/2015/2016/2017/2018 YTD = 252 TRAFFIC COLLISIONS RPT No LOCATION 9 1 DATE TIME I OFFENSE DESCRIPTION RD OFCR 14-0219 INDIANA STIE MARIPOSA AV 101=14 14:24:37 1TC BICYCLE TC BICYCLE INJURY E209 30453 14-0379 JE GRAND AVISHELDON ST 02W2014 20:15:29 1 rc BICYCLE ITC BICYCLE INJURY E113 30502 17-1370 JW GRAND AVIMAIN ST ,05/0812017 16:43:16 JrCBICYCLE ITCBICYCIFINJIIRY E113 30467 RPT No I LOCATION I DATE TIME I OFFENSE DESCRIPTION RD OFCR 14-0467 (MAIN STIE MARIPOSA AV 1 102115/2014 12:15.36 ITC CITY PR TC CITY PROPERTY E108 :30437 14-1222 348 MAIN ST 05/09/2014 12,43:56 ITC CITY PR TC CITY PROPERTY El11 30495 14-1508 603 N SEPULVEDA BL 06104/2014 16:17:30 ITC CITY PR TC CITY PROPERTY E210 :30453 14-1588 500 N SEPULVEDA BL 06/1212014 21:55:04 ITC CITY PR TC CITY PROPERTY E308 30463 14-1917 348 MAIN ST 07/1812014 16:50:09 ITC CITY PR ITC CITY PROPERTY E111 30507 Page 7 of 13 612VZUIB IEIODS/EJ 56 EIS SEG NDO POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC COLUSION REPORT — FOR SELECTED AREAS 14-2420 900-BLK MAIN ST 09AM014 09:19.23 TC CITY PR TC CITY PROPERTY E102 :30495 14-2662 :200-BLK E GRAND AV 10/02/2014 16:21:33 TC CITY PR TC CITY PROPERTY E113 30492 14-2698 1400-0LK E GRAND AV 10AM014 10.58:54 TC CITY PR TC CITY PROPERTY E212 30472 15.0254 400-BLK MAIN ST 0113012015 14:13.53 TC CITY PR TC CITY PROPERTY E108 30497 15-1726 1700-BLK E MARIPOSA AV 07/20/2015 12:5201 1 TC CITY PR fic CITY PROPERTY E209 130495 15-2202 1800-BLK E GRAND AV 09/14/2015 05:58:09 TC CITY PR ITC CITY PROPERTY I212 130495 16-Ml 275 MAIN ST 10i=MO16 12:0510 TC CITY PR TC CITY PROPERTY E112 30492 16-0323 348 MAIN ST joiji5nom 10:16:57 TC CITY PR TC CITY PROPERTY E111 30495 16-0702 348 MAIN ST 04/11/2016 17.06:35 TC CITY PR TC CITY PROPERTY E111 30467 16-0730 500-BLK N SEPULVEDA BL 04/15/2016 16:04:30 TC CITY PR TC CITY PROPERTY E308 30492 16-1654 348 MAIN ST W15/2016 10:46:57 TC CITY PR TC CITY PROPERTY E111 30467 16-1695 1300-BLK E GRAND AV 08/19/2016 16:10.41 TC CITY PR TC CITY PROPERTY E212 130436 16.2700 18004H K E GRAND AV 12108/2016 1114.39 TC CITY PR TC CITY PROPERTY E212 30467 17-0108 300-BLK MAIN ST 12119/2016 12:04:55 TC CITY PR 7C CITY PROPERTY E111 30495 17-1737 :348 MAIN ST O6/1212017 01:19:23 TC CITY PR TC CITY PROPERTY E111 30514 17-2930 348 MAIN ST 09/28/2017 10:40:47 TC CITY PR CC CITY PROPERTY E111 30467 17-3350 130 E GRAND AV 11/06/2017 113226 TC CITY PR TC CITY PROPERTY E113 MBPD 17.3436 1310 E GRAND AV 11/03/2017 9,26:55 ITC CITY PR TC CITY PROPERTY IE113 MBPD RPT No LOCATION tt DATE TIME OFFENSE DESCRIPTION RD OFCR 115-0236 IN SEPULVEDA BLIE MARIPOSA AV 1 10112&12015 120:57:54 TC FATAL ITC FATAL IIE210 130492 RPT No LOCATION 1# 1 DATE TIME I OFFENSE DESCRIPTION RD OFCR 14-0014 E GRAND AVIN SEPULVEDA BL 10110312014 OT31:17 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E212 30504 14-0066 310 E GRAND AV 01/08/2014 18:49:33 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E113 30492 14-0200 IE IMPERIALAWMAIN ST 01/21/2014 05.49:44 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E102 30495 14-0382 1000-BLK E MARIPOSA AV 0210712014 13T41:04 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E208 30495 14-0703 1400 E GRAND AV 03/1012014 15.23:14 TC NON [NJ TC PROP DAMAGE E212 30453 14-0913 500-BLK N SEPULVEDA BL 134/0212014 08:03:22 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E308 M453 14-1346 CENTER ST/E MARIPOSA AV 05122/2014 15:11:29 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E208 30497 14-1356 100 E GRAND AV 05/2312014 13:28:19 ITC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E113 30472 14-1558 508 MAIN ST W O/2014 20A5:54 In NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E108 30414 14-1660 919 MAIN ST 06/21/2014 I6:18:39 ITC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE TC PROP DAMAGE E102 E108 30497' 30495 144961 400 MAIN ST 0712212014 07:34:31 ITC NON INJ 14-1997 E GRAND AV/LOMITA ST 07/26/2014 16:43:52 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E211 30437 14-2034 13UNGALOW DRIE MARIPOSA AV 07/30/2014 13:17:54 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E208 30497 14-2131 E MARIPOSA AWN SEPULVEDA SL 0810912014 20:32:25 TC NON [NJ TC PROP DAMAGE E210 30505 14-2632 300-BLK E MARIPOSA AV 09/2912014 12:55:41 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE IE109 30495 14-2770 243 MAIN ST 10/1412014 13:34:41 TC NON [NJ TC PROP DAMAGE E112 30492 14-3156 500 W GRAND AV 11/29/2014 07:33:48 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E112 30453 143185 N SEPULVEDA BL/E MARIPOSA AV 1210312014 12:14:55 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E210 30495 15-0035 500-BLK MAIN ST 0110 /2015 12.50:55 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE ,E108 30495 15-0039 .400-BLK S SEPULVEDA BL 01105/2015 18:17:43 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E317 30492 15-0059 500-BLK MAIN ST 10110812015 17:16:18 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE 'E108 30492 15-0061 300 N SEPULVEDA BL 1011OW015 17:31:31 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E308 30505 15-0098 'BOO-BLK MAIN ST 10111212015 19,42:40 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E102 30492 15.0903 232 MAIN ST 13411612015 04:34:57 TC NON [NJ TC PROP DAMAGE E113 30499 15-1284 '348 MAIN ST 06/02/2015 09:55:24 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E111 30467 15-1620 1- GRAND AVIKANSAS ST 07/10/2015 21:50:14 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E212 30464 15-1769 1900 MAIN ST 07/2512015 05:57:36 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E102 30453 Pegs 80l a erllrmis REcnans/F.I 57 EIS SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC COLLISION REPORT— FOR SELECTED AREAS 151913 1900 E GRAND AV 08HOI2015 20:25:28 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E311 30479 15.1918 E GRAND AVILOMITA ST 08H1/2015 15:53:21 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E211 30467 15-2001 400-BLK W MARIPOSA AV 0812012015 10:41.44 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E107 :30472 15-2009 300•©LK MAIN ST 08121/2015 10:43:22 TC NON INJ C PROP DAMAGE E111 :30472 15-2030 348 MAIN ST 07I08015 1329:57 TC NON INJ TCPROPDAMAGE F_111 LAPD 15-2064 700-BLK MAIN ST 08 12015 12:32:35 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E106 30472 15-2173 348 MAIN ST 09H012015 0721:16 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E111 30472 15-2199 300-BLK N SEPULVEDA BL 09/1312015 17:06:30 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE 1=308 30469 15-2733 251 MAIN ST 11/2012015 17:35:20 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E112 30495 15-2748 E MARIPOSA AWN SEPULVEDA BL jil0015 :21:48:52 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E210 30453 15-2876 :200-BLK MAIN ST 12/14/2015 07:5202 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E113 30448 16-0098 EUCALYPTUS DRIE MARIPOSA AV 01/14/2016 18:36.56 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E109 30505 16-0469 500-BLK MAIN ST 03/07/2016 14.50,21 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E108 30467 16-0553 E MARIPOSA AVIEUCALYPTUS DR 030/2016 12:05Al TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E109 30510 16-0825 MAIN STM MAPLE AV 04rA=16 17:4424 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE El05 :30467 16-1011 WHOLLY AWMAIN ST 001016 13:12:55 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE El11 :30445 16-1286 408 MAIN ST 06/2412016 30:07:29 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E108 30489 16-1642 500 N SEPULVEDA BL 01212016 17.31:20 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E305 30510 16-2305 E GRAND AVISIERRA ST 1012 O16 20:38:04 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E211 30512 17-W68 830 N SEPULVEDA BL 02H2/2017 14,19:30 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E306 30445 17-0677 100-BLK MAIN ST 10310MI17 04.56:04 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE El13 30495 17-1239 500-BLK E MARIPOSA AV 04/24/2017 13:17:36 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E208 30467 17-1552 E MARIPOSA AVIN SEPULVEDA BL 05JSM17 19:45:01 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E210 30480 17-2141 630 N SEPULVEDA SL 07/17/2017 09:39:41 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E305 30467 17 2849 251 MAIN ST D9/4 017 19:14:49 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E112 30463 17-3629 600-BLK N SEPULVEDA BL 12/06/2017 15:14,34 TC NON INJ ITC PROP DAMAGE E306 30519 18-0296 ICENTER, STIE IMPERIAL AV 131131/2018 02:02:12 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E201 3922 18-0803 310E GRAND AV 03/2312018 11:21-37 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE El13 :30520 18-1201 314 MAIN ST 3/2018 10:46:41 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E111 1.30522 18-1271 11776 E GRAND AV 10/2018 15:46:47 TC NON INJ TC PROP DAMAGE E212 1.30459 RPT No I LOCATION IN I DATE TIME I OFFENSE I DESCRIPTION RD I OFCR 14-0188 E MARIPOSA AVIN SEPULVEDA BL 6111912014 22:37:00 TC PED INJ TC PEDESTRIAN E210 130504 14-1041 MAIN STIE PINE AV NIBO14 12:58:02 TC PED INJ TC PEDESTRIAN E108 130497 14-1914 600-BLK N SEPULVEDA BL 07/18/2014 :54.57 TC PED [NJ TC PEDESTRIAN E305 30450 14-3221 INDIANA STIE GRAND AV 12108I2014 08:59:19 TC PED [NJ TC PEDESTRIAN E212 30495 15-0174 E MARIPOSA AV/EUCALYPTUS DR 01/21 015 13:33:03 TC PED INJ TC PEDESTRIAN E109 30492 15-1957 GRAND AVILOMA VISTA ST 1=1612015 10:42:29 TC PED INJ TC PEDESTRIAN E112 30469 15-2707 300-BLK MAIN ST 11117/2015 15:55:55 'TC PED INJ TC PEDESTRIAN IE111 30472 16-0339 :200-BLK E MARIPOSA AV (1211712016 7.45:51 TC PED INJ TC PEDESTRIAN E109 30472 16-0586 100-BLK W MARIPOSA AV (XV2512016 20:23.23 TC PED INJ TC PEDESTRIAN E108 30492 16-2183 15W N SEPULVEDA BL 1011012016 08:26:19 TC PED INJ ITC PEDESTRIAN E308 30467 RPT No I LOCATION #1 DATE TIME OFFENSE I DESCRIPTION RD OFCR 14-0053 1900 E GRAND AV 01/07/2014 14:11:14 TC W/INJ TC W INJURY E311 30497 14-0070 E MARIPOSA AVIN SEPULVEDA BL 01109/2014 12:13:38 TC WIINJ TC W INJURY I;210 30495 14-0518 MAIN STIE PINE AV 02/2112014 13:29:59 TC WIINJ TC W INJURY I_108 30497 14-0577 E GRAND AVIMARYLAND ST 02/2712014 23:42:34 TC WANJ TC W INJURY -211 30499 14-1573 :500 N SEPULVEDA BL 0611112014 18:25:52 TC WANJ TC W INJURY E308 30495 14-2074 JE MARIPOSA AWN SEPULVEDA BL 06/0312014 22:27:29 ITC WIINJ TC W INJURY 210 30498 Pap 9 d 13 6/2112M REEI62D5/w 58 EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTIMENT TRAFFIC COLLISION REPORT— FOR SELECTED AREAS 14-2340 1525 N SEPULVEDA BL 08/31/2014 I09:10:07 rC WAND rC W INJURY JE210 P0453 14-2444 IE GRAND AVIKANSAS ST 09M 0/2014 117,59:19 C WANJ VC W INJURY P212 130492 14-2900 1111 W MARIPOSA AV 10/29/2014 118:36:33 ITC WANJ VC W INJURY JE107 130505 14-2939 WCALYPTUS DRIE GRAND AV 11/0312014 18.10.29 TC WIINJ ]TC W INJURY El13 130497 143007 JE GRAND AVIN SEPULVEDA BL 11/102014 08:38:50 1TC WIINJ ITC W INJURY E212 30472 15-0272 11900 E MARIPOSA AV 10210112015 :25:55 rC WIINJ rTC W INJURY F308 13040 15-0330 I200-BLK W IMPERIAL AV 02109/2015 9.03:36 ITC WANJ rC W INJURY IE101 I30370 15-0820 JINDIANA STIE MARIPOSA AV 04/0712015 8:30:06 ITC WANJ rC W INJURY 009 L39L97 15-1140 MO-BLK MAIN ST 5/15/2015 19,48:55 ITC WIINJ tM W INJURY �102 130493 15-1141 JE MARIPOSA AWN SEPULVEDA BL OW1512015 �0:23:59 rTC WIINJ r C W INJURY pi 0 130502 15-1374 9M-BLK MAIN ST 06/11/2015 I15:53:27 C WIINJ rC W INJURY F102 P0467 15-1455 1500 N SEPULVEDA BL 6/21 /2015 1251;24 FC WANJ rfC W INJURY JE308 I30453 15-1522 WBLKN SEPULVEDA BL 06/3012015 1;41;12 rC WIINJ C W INJURY lE308 30508 15-1912 11900-BLK E GRAND AV 0811012015 20:25:28 C WIINJ C W INJURY E311 30414 '15-1973 lE GRAND AVANDIANA ST 18/2015 :07:49 r C WIINJ r C W INJURY 012 130467 15-1987 1300-BLK S SEPULVEDA BL 8/19/2015 08:35:10 C W11NJ JTC W INJURY P317 130495 15-2069 1300-BLK MAIN ST 08/27/2015 r18:40:08 rC WIINJ rc W INJURY jE111 30445 15-2236 1100-BIX E MARIPOSA AV 0911812015 07:19:41 C W/1NJ rC W INJURY JE108 130472 15-2339 IW GRAND AVMRGINIA ST 10A)212015 JW:18:00 rC WANJ ITC W INJURY IE107 130492 15-2697 300-8LK MAIN ST 11115/2015 V08:54:07 KC WANJ C W INJURY JE111 130497 15-28Z7 GRAND AVIKANSAS ST 1210812015 08:04:41 TC WIINJ C W INJURY JE212 130492 15-2885 (MAIN STM MAPLE AV 11211512015 13:54:30 TC WIINJ C W INJURY JE105 I30467 15-2938 V23 W MARIPOSA AV 12/25/2015 14:26:14 TC WIINJ C W INJURY. jE107 P9498 16-0738 llW0-BLK E MARIPOSA AV 0411612016 .14:36:39 TC WANJ KC W INJURY E210 I30495 16-0846 1400-BLK S SEPULVEDA BL 05102/2016 15:17:00 rC WANJ ITC W INJURY g317 0467 16-0857 I600-BLK MAIN ST 05/03/2016 10:02:32 ITC WIINJ ITC W INJURY IE106 I30511 16-0898 I —MLK MAIN ST 05109/2016 I17:37:37 ITC WIINJ rrC W INJURY (105 P0467 16-1058 GRAND AVANAW ST 05127/2016 119:58:45 rTC WANJ ITC W INJURY �l13 130433 16-1152 JE MARIPOSA AVILOMITA ST 06/0712016 17:44:33 C WIINJ ITC W INJURY E208 P0467 16-1411 I004" MAIN ST 07/1212016 :28:59 r C WANJ ITC W INJURY 102 Owl 16-1453 JE IMPERIAL AWMAIN ST 0711612016 :27:56 rfC WANJ ITC W INJURY IE102 130491 16-1539 I WBLK MAIN ST 07/29/2016 15:29:31 ITC WANJ �C W INJURY K105 130472 16-1785 11300-BLK E MARIPOSA AV 08129/2016 114:26:20 TC WIINJ ITC W INJURY 130467 16-1828 (MAIN STM OAK AV 09/02/2016 14.46:25 TC WANJ ITC W INJURY K106 130472 16-1905 JE GRAND AV/SIERRA ST 09/10/2016 10:04:59 TC WANJ ITC W INJURY JE211 13G436 16-2461 1525 N SEPULVEDA BL 11/11/2016 9:3210 ITC WANJ rC W INJURY JE210 30436 16-2917 11300-BLK E MARIPOSA AV 12/28/2016 10:05:14 ITC WANJ JrC W INJURY JE209 30467 17-0010 AMAIN STM OAK AV 01102/2017 17:53:51 rC WANJ C W INJURY �E106 30472 17-0033 JE MAPLE AVIMAIN ST 01/05/2017 06:09:04 rC WANJ rC W INJURY P105 30472 17-0392 I800-BLKMAIN ST 02I05/2017 16.41:21 ITC WANJ ITC W INJURY P105 P0464 17-0411 IE IMPERIAL AWMAIN ST 02/07/2017 I19:25.47 C WANJ ITC W INJURY 9102 I30489 17-0616 ICENTER STIE GRAND AV 02/25/2017 119:59:39 RC WANJ KC W INJURY 1 30513 17-1149 jN SEPULVEDA BUE GRAND AV 04/15/2017 19:32:41 ITC WANJ TC W INJURY 1W2 130513 17-1540 IMAIN ST/W GRAND AV 05/24/2017 123:35:24 C WIINJ TC W INJURY �113 00512 17-2072 300-BLK N SEPULVEDA BL 07/12/2017 06:43:51 C WANJ TC W INJURY JE308 130467 17-2526 JE GRAND AVANASHINGTON ST 08121/2017 16:35:45 ITC WANJ rC W INJURY F212 130467 17-2572 JE GRAND AVISHELDON ST 08/26/2017 111:24:27 KC WANJ rC W INJURY IE113 P0516 17-3418 JE GRAND AV/STANDARD ST 11/14/2017' 110:35:31 ITC WANJ ITC W INJURY �l13 130467 Pep W o113 6/21/2018 BERRDS/W Wt EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPAETTIVIENT TRAFFIC C01 I ESION REPnRT—FOR SELECTED AREAS 17-0419 W EL SEGUNDO M MAIN ST 111142017 11:10:48 TC WANJ TC W INJURY E113 30467 17-3820 1900-BLK E GRAND AV 12I0512017 18:04:34 TC WANJ TC W INJURY E311 30467 184)086 311 MAIN ST 01AM18 14:23:21 TC WANJ TC W INJURY E108 30467 18-0305 1300a K GRAND AV 01/3112018 17.43.46 TC WANJ TC W INJURY E112 30445 184)345 113004M MAIN ST 102M212018 12:06:56 TC WANJ TC W INJURY E105 30489 18-0369 E GRAND AVIN SEPULVEDA BL JOW5018 15:21:31 TC WANJ TC W INJURY E212 30467 18-0406 1900-BLK E GRAND AV 1020018 17:29:50 TC WANJ TC W INJURY E311 30463 18-0468 E MARIPOSA AVIN SEPULVEDA BL 021142018 16:30:41 TC WANJ TC W INJURY E210 30466 18-0683 700•BLK W MARIPOSA AV 031102018 19:11:28 TC WANJ TC W INJURY E107 30493 18-1199 IW MARIPOSA AVNIRGINIA ST 05/0312018 9:15:02 TC WnNJ TC W INJURY E107 30469 18-1532 1000-BLK MAIN ST 06/1012018 18:18:12 ITCWnNJ ITC W INJURY IE102 130524 RPT No I LOCATION M DATE I TIME I OFFENSE I DESCRIPTION I RD I OFCR 14-0054 500 N SEPULVEDA BL 1/0712014 14:10:20 20002(A)VC HIT & RUN TC E308 30497 14-0543 W GRAND AVIRICHMOND ST 212312014 18:23.48 20MC HIT & RUN TC E107 :30504 14-0768 N SEPULVEDA BL/E GRAND AV 3116120% 19:44:05 20002VC HIT & RUN TC E212 30493 14-0927 632 W MARIPOSA AV 0410 MM 07.10:02 20002(A)VC HIT & RUN TC IE107 30472 14-1095 639 N SEPULVEDA BL /222014 07:27.06 :20002VC HIT & RUN TC E210 30453 14-1448 200-BLK E MARIPOSA AV 0512812014 14:28:29 20002(A)VC HIT & RUN TC E109 30392 14-1522 640 MAN ST 06/06/2014 16:19:33 :20002VC MIT & RUN TC E106 30472 14-1812 400-BLK MAIN ST lD710812014 15:31:05 20002VC HIT & RUN TC E108 30495 W2572 IE MARIPOSA AVIN SEPULVEDA BL 09/102014 07:19.58 2W02VC HIT & RUN TC E210 130495 W2651 E PINE AWIMAIN ST 10101/2014 14:49:05 2000ZVC HIT & RUN TC E108 130495 15-0134 400-BLK E GRAND AV 01/162015 12:32:40 20002VC HIT & RUN TC E113 30453 15-0209 525 N SEPULVEDA BL 01/25/2015 20:58:01 1200DZVC HIT & RUN TC E210 COPLOG 15-0253 500-BLK N SEPULVEDA BL 101130015 13:33:55 20001(A)VC HIT & RUN TC C308 30497 15-0575 935 MAIN ST 03109/2015 18:00:00 20002VC HIT & RUN TC I=102 :30469 15-0743 1309 E GRAND AV #D 03130/2015 00:13:04 20002(A)VC HIT & RUN TC C-209 30498 15-0921 200-BLK E GRAND AV (1411912015 -07:19.06 20002(A)VC HIT & RUN TC E113 30"5 15-0994 603 N SEPULVEDA BL 041272015 18:22:44 20002(A)VC HIT & RUN TC 1E210 30463 15-1001 400 M E GRAND AV 042812015 22:06:32 20002VC HIT & RUN TC IE113 :30499 I5-1013 E GRAND AWN SEPULVEDA BL 141=15 13:57:05 20002(A)VC HIT & RUN TC E212 30497 15-1213 CONCORD STIW GRAND AV 05J2312015 10:46:25 20002(A)VC HIT & RUN TC i:107 30437 15-1451 550-BLK S SEPULVEDA BL j06FM2015 17:38:28 20002VC HIT & RUN TC :317 OTHER 15-1475 11776 E GRAND AV 06242015 07:0130 12=2VC HIT & RUN TC 102 30825 15-1528 1310 E GRAND AV 07/01/2015 17:28:37 120002VC HIT & RUN TC E113 30492 15-1707 IMAIN ST/W PALM AV 07/182015 14:48:56 20002VC HIT & RUN TC 1_106 30870 15-1819 200-BLK MAIN ST 07/30I2015 16:46:09 :20002VC HIT & RUN TC 1=113 30492 15-1886 JE MARIPOSA AVIN SEPULVEDA BL 08/0712015 21:14:26 20002VC HIT & RUN TC E210 :30508 15-1910 14MBLK E GRAND AV 10811012015 14:23:44 :20002VC HIT & RUN TC -113 30495 15-2017 JE GRAND AVfKANSAS ST 0822@015 13:04.33 MMIBlVC HIT & RUN TC IE212 30502 15-2065 309 N SEPULVEDA BL 0812712015 12:56:07 :20002VC HIT & RUN TC C- 10 30492 15-2115 300-BLK N SEPULVEDA BL 091022015 14,57:17 :20002VC 1HIT & RUN TC E308 .30467 15-2249 200-BLK W GRAND AV 09/2 2015 03:48:01 20002(A)VC HIT & RUN TC El12 .30493 15-2302 CENTER ST/E GRAND AV 109126015 18:26:23 20MI (A)VC HIT & RUN TC E211 30499 15-2440 630 N SEPULVEDA BL 10/132015 15:39:28 20002VC HIT & RUN TC E305 30495 15-2552 406 E GRAND AV 102912015 06:32:47 20002VC HIT & RUN TC E113 30825 15-2702 500 N SEPULVEDA BL 11/162015 12:55:59 20002VC HIT & RUN TC E308 30495 15-2722 1348 MAIN ST livigrai 15:19:36 120002VC HIT & RUN TC E111 30495 Page II of 13 6/21/20M REEORO M EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTDI TENT TRAFFIC CAI_I ISION REPORT— FOR SELECTED AREAS 16-0425 E GRAND AV1N SEPULVEDA BL 03/0112016 20A8:10 20002(A)VC HIT & RUN TC ,212 30510 16-0533 951 MAIN ST 03/192016 09:27.20 20002VC HIT & RUN TC E102 30451 1640583 630 N SEPULVEDA BL 03/25/2016 1&04:50 20002VC HIT & RUN TC E305 30492 16-0588 LOMITA ST/E MARIPOSA AV o3/25/2016 21:32:11 20002(A)VC HIT & RUN TC E208 30498 16-0761 300-BLK N SEPULVEDA BL 10412012016 15:47:05 20002VC HIT & RUN TC E308 30492 16-0918 !E IMPERIAL AV/MAIN ST 05/11/2016 22:37:02 120002VC 141T & RUN TC E102 30466 16-1129 E MARIPOSA AWN SEPULVEDA BL 06/04/2016 16:32:08 20002VC AT & RUN TC i�210 30870 16-1368 100 W IMPERIAL AV 07/0512016 14:26:24 20002VC JHIT&RUNTC E102 30510 16-1428 100 W IMPERIAL AV 07/1312016 22:20:24 20002VC HIT & RUN TC E102 30511 16-1452 800 N SEPULVEDA BL 07/16/2016 19:52:46 20002VC HIT & RUN TC. E305 30499 16-1480 jE MARIPOSA AV/N SEPULVEDA BL 07/2112016 18:35.02 20002(A)VC HIT & RUN TC E210 30489 16-1600 640 MAIN ST 138/0812016 19:17.41 20002VC HIT & RUN TC E106 30514 16-1878 500 N SEPULVEDA BL 09/07/2016 18:51:49 20002(A)VC HIT & RUN TC E308 30475 16-2123 310 E GRAND AV I I01OW016 1201:09 20002VC HIT & RUN TC E113 30467 16-2327 500-BLK MAIN ST 11012612016 06:18:05 20002VC HIT & RUN TC E108 COPLOG 16-2463 800-BLK E GRAND AV 11111/2016 13:19:10 20W2VC 141T & RUN TC E211 30436 16-2475 143 MAIN ST 11/1212016 18.48:13 20002VC 14ff & RUN TC E112 30491 16-2523 500-BLK N SEPULVEDA BL 11/192016 10:44:47 20002VC HIT & RUN TC E308 30512 17-0029 310 E GRAND AV 011=017 21:39:02 20002VC HIT & RUN TC E113 :30475 17-0142 40MLK MAIN ST 1/142017 18:48:21 20001B1VC HIT & RUN TC 1E108 30512 17-0704 1630 N SEPULVEDA BL 03106/2017 15:50:37 20002(A)VC HIT & RUN TC I== 30464 17-1182 1434 MAIN ST 04M92017 07:23:20 7-0002VC HIT & RUN TC E108 :30472 17-1192 'W GRAND AWMAIN ST 04202017 09:36:27 20001(A)VC HIT & RUN TC E113 :30467 17-1303 .321 MAIN ST 051012017 15:14.47 20002(A)VC HIT & RUN TC iE108 30467 17-1428 1300 N SEPULVEDA BL 051152017 15.55:50 :20002(A)VC HIT & RUN TC E305 301017 17-1547 1300-BLK N SEPULVEDA BL 136MO17 12:22:11 :?0002(A)VC HIT & RUN TC E305 30467 17-2312 601 N SEPULVEDA BL h0022017 09:45:11 :20002(A)VC HIT & RUN TC E210 30467 17-2783 500 N SEPULVEDA BL 09/142017 08.35:38 2=2VC HIT & RUN TC 1=308 30445 17-3136 500 N SEPULVEDA BL 101182017 14:32:43 :20002(A)VC HIT & RUN TC E305 30467 17-3296 N SEPULVEDA BL/E GRAND AV 11/022017 15:43:04 120002VC HIT & RUN TC +:212 30512 17-3471 E IMPERIAL AWMAIN ST 11/212017 07:45:09 20002(A)VC HIT & RUN TC iE102 30459 18-0024 1900-BLK E MARIPOSA AV 01103/2018 15:06:21 20002VC HIT & RUN TC 1:308 30467 18-0241 1348 MAIN ST 0123/2018 20:27:26 20001(A)VC HIT & RUN TC E111 30463 18-0552 1120 E GRAND AV 021232018 14:03:30 20002VC HIT & RUN TC E113 30523 I8-0625 MAIN SWE IMPERIAL AV ON312018 11:50:54 20001(A)VC HIT & RUN TC E102 30514 18-0702 1 500 N SEPULVEDA BL 10311212018 113:2255 20001(A)VC HIT & RUN TC E308 30467 18-0808 20MLK W MARIPOSA AV D=32018 16:13:24 20002(A)VC HIT & RUN TC E107 X994 18-0977 331 N SEPULVEDA BL D410912018 15:31.44 20002VC HIT & RUN TC 1=210 13W9 18-1227 348 MAIN ST 05105/2018 18:21:47 20002VC HIT & RUN TC E111 130437 RPT No LOCATION # DATE TIME OFFENSE I DESCRIPTION I RD I OFCR 14-1643 100 E GRAND AV 06/192014 21:34:12 23152(A)VC DUI TC E113 13D492 14-2078 1337 E GRAND AV 1 08J042014 16:29:59 23152(A)VC DUI TC E209 130970 14-2377 LOMA VISTA STM MARIPOSA AV 2 09/03/2014 :22:48:50 23152(A)VC DUI TC IEl07 130489 14-2606 W MARIPOSA AVNIRGINIA ST 3 09262014 14:26:24 23152(A)VC DUI TC IE107 130453 14-2746 331 N SEPULVEDA BL 4 10/11/2014 :23:09:02 23152(A)VC DUI TC E210 :30502 15-1759 W EL SEGUNDO BUMAIN ST 0723/2015 21:18:18 23152(A)VC DUI TC El13 30448 15-2490 1700 E MARIPOSA AV 1020/2015 111:14:18 23152(A)VC DUI TC E209 30509 15-2787 CALIFORNIA ST1E GRAND AV 11/30/2015 14:43:21 23152(A)VC DUI TG E212 :30467 Page 12 of 13 612VZBE f1E13ROSAJ 61 EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC COLLISION REPORT— FOR SELECTED AREAS 16-02M JW EL SEGUNDO BLIMAIN ST 1/31/2016 h7:41:05 I23152(A)VC 0UI TC P113 64 1W61 60D-BLK E EL SEGUNDO BL 6 I00:35:02 l23152(A)VC DUI TC 115 RM 16-05P JE MARIPOSA AV/SHELDON ST 03/25/2016 120*50:00 I23153(A)VC JDUI TC P109 p0497 16.0689 JE MARIPOSA AV/N SEPULVEDA BL 04/10/2016 01:29:03 123153(A)VC IDUI TC F210 130502 16-1349 05 MAIN ST 07101/2016 120,27.17 152(A)VC DUI TC JE108 130495 W2517 IM N SEPULVEDA BL 11/19=6 -48:51 152(A)VC JDUI TC (E308 P0510 1&2849 JE GRAND AV/STANDARD ST 1M 2016 19.08:54 152(A)VC IDUI TC P113 00 17-0116 JE IMPERIALAVMIAIN ST 01/13/2017 W-34:46 152(A)VC JDUI TC �102 12 17-1001 (E GRAND AV/LOMrTA ST 1 0410212017 117:04:16 P3152(A)VC JDUI TC IE211 130464 17-2349 1700-BLK MAIN ST 2 08/04/2017 .39:27 152(A)VC JDUI TC JE106 00516 Pap 13 o113 6/9/mm RECMUS/EJ W