2024-09-03 CC Agenda - Public Communication related to Item H20 - Parking on Indiana2024-09-03 CC AGENDA PACKET PUBLIC COMMUNICATION RELATED TO H2O - PARKING ON INDIANA From: Shemaine Smith <elsegundopalmsapts@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 3, 2024 6:32 PM To: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org> Subject: Exemption from 2 hour parking on Indiana St Council members, I manage the property at 403 Indiana St and the 2 hour parking on the East side of Indiana is displacing many of my tenants from parking near the building. Our property only has 1 parking space per unit. Many of our renters have at least 2 cars and some have work vehicles in addition to their personal vehicles. I continue to get complaints from tenants and have asked them all to also write to the council expressing their concerns. I realize that this is a pilot program and will be reviewed at the end of November. I hope that this feedback will help. Thank you, Shemaine Smith Resident Manager 424-275-5217