2024-09-03 CC Agenda - Public Communication related to Item D12 - Water Tower IlluminationFrom: Rayna Zemel <zstopproductions@me.com> Sent: Tuesday, September 3, 2024 4:48 PM To: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org> Subject: Public Comment City Council Meeting September 3, 2024 Dear City Council Members, I am writing to express my deep concern over the removal of the pride colors on the El Segundo water tower. Moreover, I am alarmed at Carol Pirsztuk's attempt to mislead the public by shutting down the display, lie about it on Facebook, and then create an agenda policy to implement a permanent ban. I am an employee of a Fortune 500 business based in El Segundo and it is disappointing to see Ms. Pirsztuk deprive the city of a symbol that communicates inclusivity and diversity. Pride displays attracts customers who prioritize shopping at businesses that champion these values; a ban will deter potential workers and customers who perceive El Segundo as a hotbed for intolerance. An environment that promotes acceptance is crucial for sustaining economic growth and attracting residents and visitors. Please return the pride colors to the water tower.