2024-09-03 CC Agenda - Public Communication related to Item H20 - Parking Permit2024-09-03 CC AGENDA PACKET PUBLIC COMMUNICATION RELATED TO ITEM H2O - PARKING PERMITS From: BILL MCCAVERTY <billmccaverty@yahoo.com> Date: September 3, 2024 at 11:56:20AM PDT To: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org> Subject: Parking Permits for Washington, Kansas, Indiana & Illinois ( effective May 1,2024 ) Mayor Boyles and council members Pimentel, Pirsztuk, Giroux, and Baldino I understand that there maybe a re- consideration for the continuance or cancellation of the restricted parking permits ( for the washington,Kansas,Indiana & Illinois residential neighborhoods ) that were approved on May 1,2024 ? I must admit I was surprised to hear any re -consideration of a decision ( that was approved by a unanimous vote ) and given the strong neighborhood support for the need of restricted parking, especially given the obvious significant impact with the development projects on Kansas/Holly & the adjacent Pacific Coast Hwy. The intent for the parking restrictions was to preserve the integrity and safety of the impacted adjacent residential neighborhoods. The success of the restricted parking "Program" has been most successful and is fully supported by the residents I have canvassed.Given the amount of children in our surroundingneighborhood, the need for this "Program" is paramount to ensuring their safety, especially given the most assured increase in vehicular traffic ( with the planned developments, as noted above) . Respectively, z would ask that you continue the " P rog ram" ( "as is " ) for a minimum of 24 mths and re-evaluate after the development projects come on line to validate the traffic impact. Much thanks for your consideration and evaluation of my request, Respectively, Bill & Pattie McCaverty 517 Kansas St. (310) 426-0089