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EL SEGUNDO • CALIFORNIA 2424 242424 Adopted Operating and Capital Improvement BudgetAdopted Operating and Capital Improvement Budget Fiscal Year 2024-2025Fiscal Year 2024-2025 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 SUMMARIESOFFINANCIALDATA 11 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED FUND BALANCES - ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 EstimatedEstimatedAdopted BeginningRevenuesOperating FundClassification Fund BalanceFY 24-25Budget 7/1/2024FY 24-25 General Fund 001GENERAL FUND 42,370,759 92,998,263 82,272,096 002ECONOMIC UNCERTAINTY2,000,004 -- 003TRUST FUNDS - REFUNDABLE PROJECT DEPOSIT-- 117HYPERION MITIGATION FUND(33,027)1,63460,754 503GOLF COURSE (5,232,564)-- 505SOLID WASTE(251,748)-330,000 701RETIRED EMPLOYEE INSURANCE-- 708TRUST FUNDS-PROJECT DEPOSITS NONREFUNDABLE270,000800,000 Total General Fund 38,853,424 93,269,897 83,462,850 Special Revenue Funds 104TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND147,163 36,000- 106STATE GAS TAX FUND312,192 474,627273,755 109ASSET FORFEITURE FUND211,729 60,140352,450 110MEASURE R (4,836,289)319,677- 111COMM. DEVEL. BLOCK GRANT(66,340)65,230- 112PROP "A" TRANSPORTATION854,917 505,580367,281 114PROP "C" TRANSPORTATION (1,948,268)420,469- 115AIR POLUTION REDUCTION FUND 88,23923,779- 116RESIDENTIAL SOUND INSULATION PROG. FUND464,376 7,4332,281 118TDA ARTICLE 3 - SB 821 BIKEWAY FUND10,529 17,571- 324- 119MTA GRANT27,929 120C.O.P.S. FUND132,672 111,233248,820 123PSAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY141,137 39,01575,000 124FEDERAL GRANTS (1,281,154)580,265357,765 125STATE GRANTS131,662 174,827154,827 126CUPA633,545 1,455,720889,918 127MEASURE M (3,567,027)353,213- 128SB-146,804 453,105- 129CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAM (CASP)144,33123,43815,000 130AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND5,531,311 100,22550,000 131COUNTY STORM WATER PROGRAM1,155,209684,403400,000 132MEASURE B(72,963)-12,580 504SENIOR HOUSING 76,904 38,77116,295 702TRUST FUNDS - SPECIAL REVENUE/DONATIONS3,949,600 1,124,250136,000 704CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT FUND982,020250,000232,604 al Special Revenue Funds3,270,2277,319,2973,584,577 Tot Debt Service Funds 202DEBT SERVICE FUND530,674 35,000542,851 204PENSION OBLIGATION BONDS8,025,380 10 9,500,314 Total Debt Service Funds8,556,054 35,010 10,043,165 Capital Improvement Fund 301CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND(20,656)-- 311-320DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES180,316 164,50077,156 Total Capital Improvement Fund159,660 164,50077,156 Total Governmental Funds 50,839,365 100,788,704 97,167,748 Enterprise Funds 501WATER UTILITY FUND 57,103,371 34,630,327 34,855,822 502SEWER FUND 13,214,6185,597,5565,624,940 Total Enterprise Funds 70,317,989 40,227,883 40,480,761 Internal Service Funds 601EQUIPMENTREPLACEMENT 999,246 1,686,456- 602LIABILITYINSURANCE (6,711,737)3,105,0003,769,563 603WORKERSCOMPRESERVE/INSURANCE (4,061,606)3,542,2073,418,321 Total Internal Service Funds (9,774,097)8,333,6647,187,884 Total Proprietary Funds 60,543,891 48,561,547 47,668,645 Grand Total - All Funds 111,383,256 149,350,251 144,836,393 12 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED FUND BALANCES - ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 AdoptedAdoptedEstimatedTransfersTransfersEstimated CapitalTotalRevenuesInOutEnding BudgetBudgetOver (Under)FY 24-25FY 24-25Fund Balance FY 24-25FY 24-25FY 24-256/30/2025 204,031 82,476,127 10,522,13636,000 14,996,546 37,932,350 -2,000,004 ---- --- - -- -60,754(59,120) - -(92,147) ---- - (5,232,564) -330,000(330,000) 300,000 -(281,748) --- - -- -800,000(530,000)- -(530,000) 204,031 83,666,881 9,603,016 336,00014,996,546 33,795,895 --36,000 - 36,000147,163 250,000523,755(49,128) - -263,064 350,000702,450(642,310) - -(430,581) 1,000,0001,000,000 (680,323) - - (5,516,612) --65,230 - -(1,110) 281138,299--993,216 -367, 1,200,0001,200,000(779,531) - - (2,727,799) --23,779- -112,018 -2,2815,152 - -469,528 30,00030,000(12,429)- -(1,900) - -28,253 --324 175,000423,820(312,587)- -(179,915) -75,000(35,985) - -105,152 -357,765222,500- - (1,058,654) -154,82720,000 - -151,662 -889,918565,802 - -1,199,346 200,000200,000153,213 - - (3,413,814) 600,000600,000(146,895) - -(100,091) -15,0008,438 - -152,769 -50,00050,225 - -5,581,536 650,0001,050,000(365,597)--789,613 -12,580(12,580) - -(85,543) -16,29522,4761,000,000-1,099,380 -136,000988,250 - -4,937,850 40,000272,604(22,604)--959,416 4,495,000 8,079,577(760,280)1,000,000 36,000 3,473,947 -542,851(507,851) - -22,823 -9,500,314(9,500,304) 9,500,314 -8,025,390 -10,043,165(10,008,155) 9,500,314 -8,048,213 29,235,345 29,235,345 (29,235,345)4,996,232 800,000 (25,059,769) -267,660 -77,15687,344- 29,235,345 29,312,501 (29,148,001)4,996,232 800,000 (24,792,109) 131,102,12433,934,376 (30,313,420) 15,832,546 15,832,546 20,525,945 4,460,000 39,315,822 (4,685,495) - - 52,417,876 2,212,5007,837,440(2,239,883) 144,517 -11,119,251 6,672,500 47,153,261 (6,925,378) 144,517 -63,537,127 9,530,0969,530,096(7,843,640) - 144,517 (6,988,911) -3,769,563(664,563) - - (7,376,300) -3,418,321123,887 - - (3,937,720) 9,530,096 16,717,980 (8,384,316) - 144,517 (18,302,931) 63,871,24116,202,596 (15,309,694) 144,517 144,517 45,234,197 50,136,972 194,973,365 (45,623,114) 15,977,063 15,977,063 65,760,142 13 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 ClassificationActual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 001 GENERAL FUND 79,440,374 96,347,749 88,295,510 93,034,263 TAX - PROPERTY TAXES 12,008,025 12,611,051 12,539,805 13,391,758 001-300-0000-3101 Current Year Secured 9,584,651 10,116,935 10,111,000 10,848,548 001-300-0000-3102 Current Year Unsecured 49,680 306,516 314,000 383,659 001-300-0000-3103 Prior Year Secured 64,417 (10,389) 26,000 27,768 001-300-0000-3104 Prior Year Unsecured 221,013 19,825 10,050 10,733 001-300-0000-3105 Penalties & Interest 46,152 28,204 10,000 10,680 001-300-0000-3106 HOX Reimbursement 42,675 41,896 5,000 5,340 001-300-0000-3715 VLF Swap 1,999,438 2,108,064 2,063,755 2,105,030 TAX - BUSINESS LICENSE TAXES 11,694,614 12,769,963 14,300,000 14,000,000 001-300-0000-3301 Business License Revenues 11,684,754 12,748,377 14,250,000 14,000,000 001-300-0000-3305 Other Business License Fees - - - 001-300-0000-3307 Filming Fees 9,860 21,586 50,000 - TAX - OTHER TAXES 46,476,406 55,357,975 48,253,000 50,076,700 001-300-0000-3201 Sales & Use Tax 13,374,232 17,424,472 14,750,000 15,487,500 001-300-0000-3202 Franchise Tax 3,853,865 5,738,792 4,200,000 4,536,000 001-300-0000-3203 Transient Occupancy 12,267,534 14,143,605 12,750,000 13,387,500 001-300-0000-3204 Real Property Transfer 507,526 206,741 300,000 - 001-300-0000-3212 Gas Utility Tax 2,371,335 2,891,060 2,825,000 2,966,250 001-300-0000-3213 Water Utility Tax 322,684 347,802 370,000 388,500 001-300-0000-3214 Telephone Utility Tax 897,659 1,136,336 925,000 971,250 001-300-0000-3215 Cogenerated Electric/Chevron 2,339,815 4,015,165 2,796,000 2,935,800 001-300-0000-3216 Electric Utility Tax 3,210,541 3,582,359 3,718,000 3,903,900 001-300-0000-3218 Tax Resolution Agreement (TRA) 7,322,517 5,865,512 5,500,000 5,500,000 001-300-0000-3921 Electric Vehicle Charging Revenue 8,698 6,132 7,000 - 001-300-0000-3922 Strike Team Reimbursements - - 112,000 - LICENSES AND PERMITS 1,910,715 3,125,736 2,182,000 2,582,372 001-300-0000-3401 Animal Licenses 13,206 12,373 20,000 12,500 001-300-0000-3403 License Agreements Data Centers 30,000 - 10,000 10,000 001-300-0000-3404 Building Permits 1,017,194 2,002,514 1,375,000 1,550,000 001-300-0000-3405 Plumbing Permits 67,693 100,230 82,000 90,000 001-300-0000-3406 Electrical Permits 359,838 400,335 325,000 400,000 001-300-0000-3407 Street Permits 276,226 384,819 200,000 325,000 001-300-0000-3414 BLDG Permit SMI Fee #1 - - - 001-300-0000-3424 BLDG Permit SMI Fee #2 - - - 001-300-0000-3425 Mechanical Permits 146,557 224,533 170,000 194,872 001-300-0000-3427 Newsrack Impoundment / Permit - - - 001-300-0000-3426 New Industrial Waste Permit/Inspection 728 - 001-300-0000-3428 Revised Industrial Waste Permit 203 - FINES AND FORFEITURES 373,425 386,774 327,101 346,727 001-300-0000-3501 City Code Fines 10,043 97,463 25,000 25,000 001-300-0000-3502 Library Fines & Fees 8,869 8,847 1,000 7,000 001-300-0000-3503 Parking Fines 330,143 246,815 275,000 289,477 001-300-0000-3504 Sur-Charge Parking Fines 3,275 4,106 4,351 4,000 001-300-0000-3505 Handicap Parking Fines 339 10 1,000 500 001-300-0000-3506 Towing Service Fines 19,178 27,601 18,750 18,750 001-300-0000-3513 Internet Printing 1,577 1,932 2,000 2,000 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY (652,413) 3,697,963 2,843,620 4,736,926 001-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments 1,095,415 3,860,287 1,100,000 5,315,361 001-300-0000-3602 Property Rentals / Lease 178,410 192,669 - - 001-300-0000-3603 Interest Allocation Contra 604,525 (1,155,121) (2,300,000) 001-300-0000-3604 Interest Income - Lease 726,688 1,705,723 1,703,234 1,700,879 001-300-0000-3621 Securities Book to Market Interest (2,469,652) (12,815) - 001-300-0000-3622 CD's Book to Market Interest(787,800) (913,433) - 001-300-0000-3670 Topgolf Ground Lease - 40,386 - 001-300-0000-3671 Topgolf Community Benefit - - 001-300-0000-3672 Topgolf Beverage Sales - - 001-300-0000-3605 Interest Income - GASB 94 PPP 20,651 20,686 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 165,371 182,395 130,000 200,000 001-300-0000-3701 Motor Vehicle In Lieu - - - 001-300-0000-3735 Commercial Hauling Permit 54,457 68,470 55,000 50,000 001-300-0000-3787 Donation For Delivered Meals (74) - - 001-300-0000-9120 Transfer In from Federal Grants - - - 001-300-6105-3762 ESUSD Library Support Reimbursement 110,988 113,925 150,000 001-300-0000-3762 ESUSD Library Support Reimbursement - 75,000 - CHARGES FOR SERVICES 5,290,713 5,703,831 4,976,040 5,150,122 001-300-0000-3661 Parking in Lieu Fees - 40,200 24,000 - 001-300-0000-3770 Miscellaneous Grant Revenue - - - 001-300-0000-3801 Zoning & Planning Fees 103,356 129,597 100,000 120,000 001-300-0000-3803 Special Police Serivces 139,919 165,272 100,000 135,000 001-300-0000-3804 Public Works Services 175 300 2,600 500 001-300-0000-3807 Fire Plan Checks 20,432 211,571 200,000 200,000 001-300-0000-3808 Plan Check Fees 1,514,418 1,454,782 1,300,000 1,350,000 001-300-0000-3809 Plan Retention Fee 37,886 30,135 20,000 24,000 001-300-0000-3810 Building Inspection After-Hours Fees 175 - 5,000 3,000 001-300-0000-3812 Sales-Reports/Documents 411 285 3,000 300 001-300-0000-3813 Energy Plan Check Fees - - - 001-300-0000-3815 Planning Service Fees - - 800 - 001-300-0000-3816 General Plan Maintenance Fee - - - 001-300-0000-3817 Local Record Check Fees 4,392 2,012 1,500 1,500 001-300-0000-3818 Cable DVD Sales 60 - 500 - 001-300-0000-3821 Court Commitment Program - - 10,000 - 001-300-0000-3831 Parks & Recreation Activity - - - 001-300-0000-3837 Accelerated Plan Check Fees 513,538 362,464 425,000 300,000 001-300-0000-3840 Tobacco Retail License Fee - - 6,000 4,000 001-300-0000-3841 Special Fire Services 4 275 3,000 500 001-300-0000-3842 Haz Mat Inspection - - - 001-300-0000-3843 Paramedic Transport 703,359 936,767 600,000 500,000 001-300-0000-3844 Fire Permit Inspection 11,969 4,399 10,200 15,000 001-300-0000-3845 High Rise Bldg Inspection 59,973 (1,290) 50,000 5,000 001-300-0000-3846 Haz Mat Response 1,158 - 2,040 1,200 001-300-0000-3847 Fire Protect Equip Test 7,860 - 15,300 10,000 001-300-0000-3848 Annual Fire Inspection 120,952 18,209 100,000 80,000 001-300-0000-3849 Fire Prevention Overtime 35,520 33,807 25,000 30,000 14 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 ClassificationActual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 001-300-0000-3858 Parking Demand Study Fee 1,065 - - 001-300-0000-3864 Industrial Waste Permit 1,456 1,092 5,100 1,000 001-300-0000-3874 Recreation & Parks Activities 4 420 306,000 - 001-300-0000-3875 Contract Class Fees - - 275,000 - 001-300-0000-3876 Special Event Fees 5,691 - 25,000 - 001-300-0000-3877 Drama Program Ticket Sales - - 5,000 - 001-300-0000-3879 Reservation Fee 439,364 427,412 750,000 382,622 001-300-0000-3880 Farmers Market Vendors - - 36,000 - 001-300-0000-3881 Misc A.R.A./July 4th - - 450,000 - 001-300-3205-3821 New Construction Re-Inspections 1,752 13,576 10,000 001-300-3205-3828 Storm Water - 43,250 - 001-300-3205-3844 Fire Permit Inspection - - - 001-300-5201-3874 Rec I.D. Cards 46,497 41,743 45,000 001-300-5201-3881 Rec Classes & Camps - Staff 118,168 134,870 200,000 001-300-5202-3874 Aquatics Drop-In Programs 1,201 20 - 001-300-5202-3875 Aquatics Contract Class Fees - - - 001-300-5202-3881 Aquatics Group Swim Lessons - Staff 6,283 4,525 - 001-300-5203-3875 Cultural Arts Contract Class Fees 80,432 136,264 145,000 001-300-5203-3877 Drama Program Ticket Sales 20 13,212 16,000 001-300-5204-3874 Sports Leagues 115,949 189,675 220,000 001-300-5204-3875 Sports Contract Class Fees 241,622 223,690 280,000 001-300-5205-3875 Teen Center Contract Class Fees 49,805 42,596 50,000 001-300-5205-3881 Teen Center Programs - Staff 1,838 1,676 2,500 001-300-5206-3875 Joslyn Contract Class Fees 28,640 52,632 70,000 001-300-5208-3880 Farmers Market Vendors 29,483 34,050 45,000 001-300-5210-3876 Special Event Fees 15,983 20,671 20,000 001-300-5212-3874 Recreation Trips - 466 2,000 001-300-5213-3874 Wiseburn Drop-In Programs 217,627 217,104 200,000 001-300-5213-3875 Wiseburn Contract Class Fees 97,023 76,190 100,000 001-300-5213-3879 Wiseburn Facility Reservation Fees 371,462 387,908 375,000 001-300-5213-3881 Wiseburn Group Swim Lessons 109,080 69,738 70,000 001-300-5213-3882 Wiseburn Rec ID Cards 7,213 5,234 6,000 001-300-5214-3874 Hilltop Aquatics Revenue 16,034 12,271 9,000 001-300-0000-3833 Fire Permit / New Construction Insp. 137,622 100,000 100,000 001-300-0000-3806 Library Services (112) - 001-300-0000-3832 Accelerated Fire Plan Checks 11,469 25,686 20,000 20,000 001-300-0000-3873 Off-Site Parking Covenant Fee 1,568 - 001-300-3205-3834 Fire False Alarm Response - 1,000 DEVELOPER FEES 331,326 - - 001-300-8107-3972 Developer Contribution/Library Mitig. 17,831 - - 001-300-8122-3972 Developer Contribution/Fire Safety Mitig 95,832 - - 001-300-8132-3972 Developer Contribution/Police Safety Mit 109,212 - - 001-300-8153-3972 Developer Contribution/Parks Development 108,451 - - OTHER REVENUES 1,817,193 1,499,300 2,693,944 2,513,657 001-300-0000-3901 Sale Of Surplus Property 3,275 2,574 10,000 10,000 001-300-0000-3903 Refunds 15,272 8,392 7,500 001-300-0000-3904 SB-90 Reimbursement - 18,466 25,000 25,000 001-300-0000-3905 Admin Charges 1,150,625 1,218,514 2,189,524 2,266,157 001-300-0000-3907 Traffic Control Program - 21,840 4,420 - 001-300-0000-3909 Miscellaneous Revenue 193,053 135,233 250,000 200,000 001-300-0000-3923 Special Events Reimbursement - - - 001-300-0000-3924 Damaged Property Reimbursements 3,551 7,422 10,000 - 001-300-0000-3925 Smoky Hollow Public Infrastructure 14,214 - - 001-300-0000-3926 Smoky Hollow Parking in Lieu Fee 170,352 - 55,000 - 001-300-0000-3927 City Staff Reimbursements 104,146 (58,511) 150,000 5,000 001-300-0000-3972 Developer Contribution Reimbursement - - - 001-300-0000-3974 Developer Deposit Revenue 162,705 145,370 - 001-300-5101-3909 Miscellaneous Revenue - - - 001-300-6105-3909 Miscellaneous Revenue - - - INTER-FUND TRANFERS 25,000 207,875 50,000 36,000 001-300-0000-9104 Transfer-Traffic Safety 25,000 45,000 50,000 36,000 001-300-0000-9304 Transfer In - Federal Grants - - - 001-300-0000-9401 Transfer In-Economic Uncertainty Fund - - - 001-300-0000-9707 Transfer from Pension Trust - - - 001-300-0000-9503 Transfer-Golf Course 2,875 - 001-300-0000-9601 Transfer - Equipment Replacement 160,000 - OTHER FINANCING SOURCES - 804,887 - 001-300-0000-4000 Other Financing Sources - 804,887 - 002 ECONOMIC UNCERTAINTY 823,708 100,000 - INTER-FUND TRANFERS 823,708 100,000 - 002-300-0000-9001 Transfer-General Fund 823,708 100,000 - 104 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 45,780 74,027 45,000 36,000 NES AND FORFEITURES45,78074,02745,00036,000 FI 104-300-0000-3511 Vehicle Code Fines 45,780 74,027 45,000 36,000 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY - - - 104-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments - - - 106 STATE GAS TAX FUND 397,173 444,729 471,594 474,627 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 2,050 4,514 10,000 4,627 106-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments 2,050 4,514 10,000 4,627 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 395,123 440,215 461,594 470,000 106-300-0000-3707 State Gas Tax - 2103 118,684 140,488 149,749 150,000 106-300-0000-3712 State Gas Tax - 2107 110,783 134,958 141,597 145,000 106-300-0000-3713 State Gas Tax - 2107.5 4,000 4,000 4,000 5,000 106-300-0000-3714 State Gas Tax - 2106 57,691 61,680 62,500 65,000 106-300-0000-3716 State Gas Tax - 2105 103,965 99,089 103,748 105,000 106-300-0000-3721 State Gas Tax - Loan Repayment - - - 109 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 336,408 49,085 22,000 60,140 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 13,333 19,649 2,000 20,140 109-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments 13,333 19,649 2,000 20,140 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 323,075 29,437 20,000 40,000 109-300-0000-3717 Forfeiture DOJ Federal 60,051 11,415 10,000 30,000 109-300-0000-3720 US Treasurer Forfeiture 263,024 18,022 10,000 10,000 110 MEASURE R 276,124 517,905 510,000 319,677 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 12,597 22,903 10,000 23,475 110-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments 12,597 22,903 10,000 23,475 15 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 ClassificationActual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 263,527 495,003 500,000 296,202 110-300-0000-3745 LACMTA Measure R - - - 110-300-0000-3746 Measure "R" Sales Tax 263,527 495,003 500,000 296,202 111 COMM. DEVEL. BLOCK GRANT 20,757 83,255 51,000 65,230 SE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY225230 U 111-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments 225 230 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 20,757 83,030 51,000 65,000 111-300-0000-3795 ADA Sidewalk Ramps 20,757 83,030 51,000 65,000 112 PROP "A" TRANSPORTATION 437,588 466,100 313,510 505,580 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 13,913 28,197 7,000 28,902 112-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments 13,913 28,197 7,000 28,902 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 423,675 437,903 306,510 476,678 112-300-0000-3751 Prop "A" Sales Tax 423,670 437,903 306,000 476,128 112-300-0000-3752 Bus Pass Sale Proceeds - - - 112-300-0000-3858 Beach Shuttle Passenger Fares 5 - 510 550 112-300-0000-3909 Miscellaneous Revenue - - - 114 PROP "C" TRANSPORTATION 713,366 1,069,514 264,000 420,469 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 9,970 24,911 9,000 25,534 114-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments 9,970 24,911 9,000 25,534 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 703,396 1,044,603 255,000 394,935 114-300-0000-3754 Prop "C" Sales Tax 703,396 1,044,603 255,000 394,935 115 AIR POLUTION REDUCTION FUND 17,089 30,742 20,510 23,779 MO USE OFNEY AND PROPERTY 1,338 2,711 510 2,779 115-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments1,3382,7115102,779 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 15,751 28,031 20,000 21,000 115-300-0000-3708 LA CO. SCAQMD/Rideshare 15,751 28,031 20,000 21,000 116 RESIDENTIAL SOUND INSULATION PROG. FUND 5,096 12,754 7,433 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 5,081 7,252 7,433 116-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments 5,081 7,252 7,433 OTHER REVENUES 15 5,503 - 116-300-0000-3909 Miscellaneous Revenue 15 5,503 - 117 HYPERION MITIGATION FUND 1,033 1,594 500 1,634 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 1,033 1,594 500 1,634 117-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments 1,033 1,594 500 1,634 118 TDA ARTICLE 3 - SB 821 BIKEWAY FUND 12,453 15,868 10,200 17,571 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 153 176 200 180 118-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments 153 176 200 180 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 12,300 15,692 10,000 17,391 118-300-0000-3725 TDA Article 3 - SB821 12,300 15,692 10,000 17,391 119 MTA GRANT 216 316 10,200 324 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 216 316 200 324 119-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments 216 316 200 324 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE - - 10,000 - 119-300-0000-3979 MTA Grant Revenue - LACMTA - - 10,000 - 120 C.O.P.S. FUND 166,184 176,230 154,000 111,233 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 4,899 10,959 4,000 11,233 120-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments 4,899 10,959 4,000 11,233 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 161,285 165,271 150,000 100,000 120-300-0000-3207 C.O.P.S. Funding 161,285 165,271 150,000 100,000 122 LAWA FUND - - - USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY - - - 122-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments - - - 123 PSAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY 37,802 44,438 31,020 39,015 TAX - PROPERTY TAXES 35,883 40,520 30,000 35,000 123-300-0000-3206 PSAF PR. Tx Public Safety 35,883 40,520 30,000 35,000 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 1,920 3,917 1,020 4,015 123-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments 1,920 3,917 1,020 4,015 124 FEDERAL GRANTS 2,685,965 2,011,077 396,370 580,265 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 2,685,965 2,011,077 396,370 580,265 124-300-0000-3785 UASI 2012 - - 24,276 - 124-300-2501-3500 Covid-19 Grant Funds - - - 124-300-2501-3502 American Rescue Plan Act 1,986,733 1,986,733 - 124-300-3101-3744 2019 Police Tobacco Tax Revenue - - - 124-300-3102-3741 2019 HMEP Grant(1,342) - - 124-300-3202-3766 SHSGP Homeland Security Grant - - - 124-300-3202-3767 2018 HSGP Grant 219,840 - - 124-300-3202-3769 2019 HSGP Revenue 480,734 - - 124-300-3101-3788 Bullet Proof Vest Grant 4,298 6,000 124-300-3201-3508 Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Grant - 49,594 - 124-300-3202-3770 2020 HSGP Grant Revenue 20,046 - 124-300-3255-3749 EOC Upgrades - 322,500 322,500 124-300-3101-6411 UASI Grant 2023 - 251,765 125 STATE GRANTS 112,585 466,775 140,111 174,827 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 112,585 461,033 140,111 174,827 125-300-0000-3617 CalBev Grant - - - 125-300-0000-3755 CalEPA-Green Business Grant 15,000 45,000 15,000 15,000 125-300-3101-3618 AB 109 Front-Line Intervention Services - - - 125-300-3101-3724 Alcohol Beverage Control Grant - - - 125-300-3101-3725 2020 Traffic Grant 24,800 - - 125-300-3101-3764 LA County Homeless Initiative 10,767 13,964 - 125-300-3101-3777 Police Mental Health Grant - 37,912 29,827 125-300-3205-3615 CUPA Grants - - - 125-300-4801-3703 West Basin Grants - - - 125-300-5102-3613 AQMD Tree Partnership Program - - - 125-300-5102-3614 Los Angeles Cnty Regional Park (RPOSD) - - - 125-300-5102-3617 CalBev Grant 29,370 5,000 5,000 125-300-5102-3620 CA Prop 68 Acacia Park - 188,087 - 125-300-5102-3929 Prop 68 Program - - 125,111 - 125-300-6101-3623 Library - CALIFA 32,647 - - 125-300-6101-3625 California State Library Grant - 161,631 - 125-300-8133-3703 Police Training STC State Grants - - - 125-300-0000-3764 LA County Homeless Initiative - 25,000 125-300-3101-3727 OTS-STEP Grant 2023 - 25,000 125-300-3101-3726 Tobacco Grant 2020-2021 9,438 - 125-300-4801-3617 SB 1383 Local Assistance Grant 75,000 16 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 ClassificationActual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 INTER-FUND TRANFERS 5,742 - 125-300-0000-9124 Transfer from Fund 124 5,742 - 126 CUPA 320,559 1,192,083 452,730 1,455,720 LICENSES AND PERMITS 28,331 144,970 26,600 464,770 126-300-0000-3408 CUPA UST Non-annual Permit 5,056 2,780 2,600 20,000 126-300-0000-3514 Tiered Permit 2,663 - 2,600 1,900 126-300-0000-3827 Unified Program Facility Permit 19,824 58,355 20,400 60,200 126-300-0000-3828 New Business Fee 286 2,002 2,000 126-300-0000-3831 Failure to Obtain Initial Permit 244 - 1,000 - 126-300-0000-3832 Late CERS Submittal Citation 258 473 - 126-300-0000-3834 Penalties For Late Pymt on Annual Permit 3,875 3,100 126-300-0000-3836 AB 1646 Fees 73,345 373,000 126-300-0000-3837 Methane Barrier Plan Check / Inspection 275 - 126-300-0000-3839 Environmental Safety Application Review 3,865 4,570 FINES AND FORFEITURES 8,400 - 5,000 - 126-300-0000-3210 CUPA Penalties 8,400 - 5,000 - USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 1,247 5,220 1,300 5,350 126-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments 1,247 5,220 1,300 5,350 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 16,850 - - 126-300-0000-3899 CUPA Grant Revenue 16,850 - - CHARGES FOR SERVICES 265,731 1,041,894 419,830 985,600 126-300-0000-3516 CUPA Voluntary Site Clean-up - - - 126-300-0000-3820 Aboveground Storage Tank (AST) 34,421 64,776 34,830 73,800 126-300-0000-3822 Underground Tanks 20,315 56,615 20,000 74,600 126-300-0000-3824 Hazardous Waste Generator Permit 60,902 179,809 56,540 190,600 126-300-0000-3825 Disclosure 104,578 445,803 134,160 497,400 126-300-0000-3826 Environmental Safety Risk Mmgt. Program 44,040 200,234 173,100 147,400 126-300-0000-3830 Regulatory Re-Inspection Fee 164 568 600 126-300-0000-3846 CUPA Haz Mat 1,311 - 1,200 1,200 126-300-3206-3850 CUPA Enforcement Trust Revenue - 94,089 - 127 MEASURE M 309,064 651,678 209,000 353,213 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 10,854 17,090 5,000 17,518 127-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments 10,854 17,090 5,000 17,518 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 298,211 634,587 204,000 335,695 127-300-0000-3742 Measure M Revenue 298,211 634,587 204,000 335,695 128 SB-1 341,359 396,203 375,921 453,105 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 2,449 10,155 7,000 10,408 128-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments 2,449 10,155 7,000 10,408 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 338,910 386,048 368,921 442,697 128-300-0000-3756 SB-1 Revenues 338,910 386,048 368,921 442,697 129 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAM (CASP) 20,800 24,025 21,000 23,438 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 1,140 2,379 1,000 2,438 129-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments 1,140 2,379 1,000 2,438 A CHRGES FOR SERVICES 19,660 21,646 20,000 21,000 129-300-0000-3857 CASP Training 19,660 21,646 20,000 21,000 130 AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND 60,222 97,780 50,000 100,225 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 60,222 97,780 50,000 100,225 130-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments 60,222 97,780 50,000 100,225 131 COUNTY STORM WATER PROGRAM 576,816 630,122 673,200 684,403 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 7,408 20,881 10,200 21,403 131-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments 7,408 20,881 10,200 21,403 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 569,408 609,240 663,000 663,000 131-300-0000-3721 Storm Water 569,408 609,240 663,000 663,000 202 DEBT SERVICE FUND 165,724 32,548 367,200 35,000 DEVELOPER FEES 165,724 32,548 367,200 35,000 202-300-0000-3972 Developer Contribution - - 367,200 - 202-300-8141-3972 Dev Impact Fees-STS Signals & Bridges 165,724 32,548 35,000 204 PENSION OBLIGATION BONDS 9,491,887 9,501,007 9,497,716 9,500,324 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 9 3,313 10 10 204-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments 9 3,313 10 10 INTER-FUND TRANFERS 9,491,878 9,497,694 9,497,706 9,500,314 204-300-0000-9001 Transfer In -General Fund 9,491,878 9,497,694 9,497,706 9,500,314 204-300-0000-9002 Transfer In - Water Fund - - - 204-300-0000-9003 Transfer In - Sewer Fund - - - 301 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 610,000 4,145,420 8,432,500 4,996,232 OTHER REVENUES - - - 301-300-0000-3909 Miscellaneous Revenue - - - INTER-FUND TRANFERS 610,000 4,145,420 8,432,500 4,996,232 301-300-0000-9001 Transfer-General Fund 385,000 4,145,420 7,632,500 4,996,232 301-300-0000-9399 Transfers In 225,000 - - 301-300-0000-9504 Transfers In - 800,000 - 311 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - GENERAL GOVERNMENT 124 2,500 DEVELOPER FEES 124 2,500 311-300-0000-3972 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - GENERAL GOVERNME 124 2,500 312 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - LAW ENFORCEMENT 46,627 60,000 DEVELOPER FEES 46,627 60,000 312-300-0000-3972 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - LAW ENFORCEMENT 46,627 60,000 313 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - FIRE PROTECTION 37,833 - DEVELOPER FEES 37,833 - 313-300-0000-3972 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - FIRE PROTECTION 37,833 - 314 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - STORM DRAINAGE 1,405 15,000 DEVELOPER FEES 1,405 15,000 314-300-0000-3972 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - STORM DRAINAGE 1,405 15,000 315 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - WATER DISTRIBUTION 3,585 25,000 DEVELOPER FEES 3,585 25,000 315-300-0000-3972 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - WATER DISTRIBUTI 3,585 25,000 316 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - WASTEWATER COLLECTION 1,678 20,000 OPER DEVEL FEES 1,678 20,000 316-300-0000-3972 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - WASTEWATER COLLE 1,678 20,000 317 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - LIBRARY 17,121 - EVELOPER FEES17,121- D 317-300-0000-3972 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - LIBRARY 17,121 - 318 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - PUBLIC MEETING 4,233 10,000 DEVELOPER FEES 4,233 10,000 318-300-0000-3972 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - PUBLIC MEETING 4,233 10,000 17 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 ClassificationActual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 319 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - AQUATICS CENTER 974 2,000 DEVELOPER FEES 974 2,000 319-300-0000-3972 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - AQUATICS CENTER 974 2,000 320 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - PARKLAND 66,736 30,000 EVELOPER FEES66,73630,000 D 320-300-0000-3972 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - PARKLAND 66,736 30,000 501 WATER UTILITY FUND 35,181,766 33,833,333 36,850,000 34,630,327 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY (649,087) 748,792 200,000 767,512 501-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments(649,087) 748,792 200,000 767,512 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 35,781,719 32,972,103 36,650,000 33,832,815 501-300-0000-3851 Potable Water Sales 17,987,318 14,464,114 17,500,000 14,800,181 501-300-0000-3852 Water Sales - Other 427 451 500 501-300-0000-3853 Meter Installations 10,419 2,674 25,000 10,000 501-300-0000-3856 Reclaimed Water Sales 17,783,555 18,504,864 19,125,000 19,022,134 OTHER REVENUES 49,134 30,901 30,000 501-300-0000-3859 Miscellaneous Revenue 49,134 30,901 30,000 INTER-FUND TRANFERS 81,538 - 501-300-0000-9502 Transfer-Waste Water Fund 81,538 - 502 SEWER FUND 4,729,064 5,304,451 5,200,000 5,742,073 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY (100,749) 125,500 20,000 128,637 502-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments (100,749) 125,500 20,000 128,637 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 4,829,584 5,178,951 5,180,000 5,468,919 502-300-0000-3861 Wastewater User Fees 4,815,991 5,104,414 5,066,000 5,221,919 502-300-0000-3862 Wastewater Connection Fees1,740 74,5372,0002,000 502-300-0000-3865 Annual Quality Surcharge 11,853 - 12,000 245,000 502-300-0000-3972 Developer Contribution - - 100,000 - OTHER REVENUES 230 - - 502-300-0000-3909 Miscellaneous Revenue 230 - - INTER-FUND TRANFERS - 144,517 502-300-0000-9601 Transfer - Equipment Replacement - 144,517 503 GOLF COURSE (11,257) - - - CHARGES FOR SERVICES 118,929 - - - 503-300-0000-3832 Food & Beverage Revenues - - - 503-300-0000-3833 Leased Beer & Wine - - - 503-300-0000-3834 Golf Course ProShop - - - 503-300-0000-3835 Golf Course Revenues - - - 503-300-0000-3836 Driving Range Revenues - - - 503-300-0000-3838 Golf Lessons - - - 503-300-0000-3840 Top Golf Ground Lease 118,929 - - - OTHER REVENUES (130,185) - - 503-300-0000-3909 Miscellaneous Revenue(130,185) - - 504 SENIOR HOUSING 3,313 37,826 203,099 1,038,771 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 3,313 37,826 3,099 38,771 504-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments 3,313 37,826 3,099 38,771 TER IN-FUND TRANFERS - 200,000 1,000,000 504-300-0000-9001 Transfer-General Fund - 200,000 200,000 504-300-0000-9301 Transfer from CIP Fund - 800,000 505 SOLID WASTE 420,000 - 600,000 300,000 INTER-FUND TRANFERS 420,000 - 600,000 300,000 505-300-0000-9001 Transfer-General Fund - - 600,000 300,000 505-300-0000-9301 Transfer-Capital Improvements 420,000 - 601 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 1,339,566 1,536,768 2,261,969 1,686,456 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,076,927 1,426,992 2,161,969 1,540,394 601-300-0000-3912 Replacement Charge 1,036,927 1,386,992 2,121,969 1,500,394 601-300-5101-3970 Wiseburn Aquatics 40,000 40,000 40,000 40,000 OTHER REVENUES 262,639 109,776 100,000 146,062 601-300-0000-3909 Miscellaneous Revenue 262,639 900 100,000 - 601-300-0000-3901 Sale of Surplus Property 108,876 - 601-300-0000-3624 Interest on Golf Course Loan to ERF - 146,062 INTER-FUND TRANFERS - - - 601-300-0000-9001 Transfer-General Fund - - - 602 LIABILITY INSURANCE 3,275,666 3,689,098 3,115,000 3,105,000 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY 36,919 - 10,000 - 602-300-0000-3601 Interest on Investments 36,919 - 10,000 - CHARGES FOR SERVICES 2,822,000 3,222,000 3,100,000 3,100,000 602-300-0000-3911 Charges to Other Dept. 2,822,000 3,222,000 3,100,000 3,100,000 OTHER REVENUES 416,747 467,098 5,000 5,000 602-300-0000-3913 Recovery of Claims Paid 416,747 9,110 5,000 5,000 602-300-0000-3909 Miscellaneous Revenue 457,988 - 603 WORKERS COMP RESERVE/INSURANCE 3,705,062 3,663,420 3,235,881 3,542,207 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 3,180,742 3,197,847 3,085,881 3,392,207 603-300-0000-3911 Charges to Other Dept. 3,180,742 3,197,847 3,085,881 3,392,207 OTHER REVENUES 524,320 465,573 150,000 150,000 603-300-0000-3913 Recovery of Claims Paid 524,320 465,573 150,000 150,000 702 TRUST FUNDS - SPECIAL REVENUE/DONATIONS 1,178,451 1,214,906 1,050,000 1,124,250 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 1,500 - - 702-300-0000-3850 CPR Class Fees 1,500 - - OTHER REVENUES 1,176,951 1,214,906 1,050,000 1,124,250 702-300-0000-3982 Fire Donations 742 5,813 - 702-300-2401-1281 Economic Development Revenue 75,000 150,000 75,000 702-300-2401-2606 EDAC Special Programs & Events - - 50,000 - 702-300-3101-3971 Police Admin/Police Inmate Welfare - - - 702-300-3101-3975 Police Admin/Donation K-9 - - - 702-300-3110-2601 Donations - DARE 3 259 - 702-300-5101-2601 Parks & Recreation Outreach Donations 13,120 9,018 3,500 702-300-5101-2608 Park Beautification Donation 4,591 8,949 6,000 702-300-5101-2609 LA Kings Donations 25,000 - - 702-300-5101-3877 Drama Booster Donation - - - 702-300-5101-3883 Joslyn/Senior Donation - - - 702-300-5101-3895 Teen Center Donation 1,081 1,669 2,750 702-300-5101-5101 Plunge Rehabilitation 1,000,000 1,000,020 1,000,000 1,000,000 702-300-5102-3886 Aquatics Donation 200 - - 702-300-5210-2601 Recreation Special Events Donations 40,084 25,552 20,000 702-300-6101-2601 Library Admin Donations 17,131 13,625 17,000 704 CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT FUND 945,199 28,000 500,000 250,000 18 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ESTIMATED REVENUES/OTHER FINANCING SOURCES ALL FUNDS FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 ClassificationActual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 DEVELOPER FEES 945,199 28,000 500,000 250,000 704-300-0000-3787 Cultural Development Donations 945,199 28,000 500,000 250,000 708 TRUST FUNDS-PROJECT DEPOSITS NONREFUNDAB 325,781 349,774 270,000 270,000 LICENSES AND PERMITS 260,411 349,774 270,000 270,000 708-300-0000-3807 ESOSPC Permit Surcharge 129,032 155,999 140,000 140,000 708-300-0000-3816 General Plan Maintenance Fee 131,379 193,775 130,000 130,000 OTHER REVENUES 65,370 - - 708-300-0000-3909 Miscellaneous Revenue 65,370 - - Grand Total 148,518,745 168,420,917 164,100,741 165,327,313 19 to PENSION OBLIGATION BONDS FUNDto CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUNDto SENIOR HOUSING FUND - CIP Reserveto SOLID WASTE FUND for capital projectsto SEWER FUND - Jet/Vacuum Truck Purchase Transfer Out - 36,000.00 200,000.00300,000.00800,000.00144,517.00 9,500,314.004,996,232.00 14,996,546.0015,977,063.00 to GENERAL FUND for crossing guard to SENIOR HOUSING - refund Park Vista CIP 001-400-0000-9204001-400-0000-9301001-400-0000-9504001-400-0000-9505104-400-0000-9001301-400-0000-9504601-400-0000-9502 P I C a t s i V k r a P - G N I S U CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025 O H R O I N SCHEDULE OF INTERFUND TRANSFERS E S m o r from GENERAL FUND for POB paymentsffrom GENERAL FUNDfrom EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENTfrom GENERAL FUND - CIP Reservefrom CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND from GENERAL FUND for capital projects - Transfer In 36,000.00 36,000.00 144,517.00200,000.00800,000.00300,000.00 9,500,314.004,996,232.00 15,977,063.00 from TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 204-300-0000-9001301-300-0000-9504301-300-0000-9399 001-300-0000-9104502-300-0000-9601504-300-0000-9001504-300-0000-9301505-300-0000-9001 DD All Funds Total Name 001 General Fund Total 001GENERAL FUND104TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND204PENSION OBLIGATION BONDS301CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUN301CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUN502SEWER FUND504SENIOR HOUSING FUND504SENIOR HOUSING FUND505SOLID WASTE FUND601EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT Fund 20 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary By Fund / By Department All Funds Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 001 GENERAL FUND75,533,103 83,529,334 96,064,216 97,472,672 CITY ATTORNEY 752,602 1,072,592 835,450 897,450 CITY CLERK 453,884 387,475 516,545 658,095 CITY COUNCIL 335,424 257,563 235,329 224,272 CITY MANAGER 2,326,656 2,602,671 2,903,270 2,807,177 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 2,630,101 2,790,513 3,802,120 3,745,094 FINANCE DEPARTMENT 2,235,699 2,489,085 2,472,453 2,766,646 FIRE DEPARTMENT 13,501,668 12,876,872 14,196,502 15,663,956 HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 1,240,818 1,586,742 2,116,401 2,194,785 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT 2,611,764 3,494,004 3,864,715 3,912,086 NON DEPARTMENT 6,731,714 6,530,745 6,745,052 6,785,227 POLICE DEPARTMENT 17,845,583 20,039,722 21,611,055 22,231,649 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 8,615,544 7,231,148 8,602,036 9,844,794 RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT 4,906,060 8,427,089 10,233,080 10,744,896 TRANSFER 11,345,586 13,743,114 17,930,206 14,996,546 104 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND 25,000 45,000 - 36,000 TRANSFER 25,000 45,000 - 36,000 106 STATE GAS TAX FUND 431,943 274,795 221,745 523,755 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 431,943 274,795 221,745 523,755 109 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 309,562 191,375 800,000 702,450 191,375 800,000 702,450 POLICE DEPARTMENT309,562 110 MEASURE R598 689,579 600,000 1,000,000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 598 689,579 600,000 1,000,000 TRANSFER - - - - 111 COMM. DEVEL. BLOCK GRANT 50,592 65,500 140,139 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 50,592 65,500 140,139 - 112 PROP "A" TRANSPORTATION 112,689 253,264 362,281 367,281 RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT 112,689 253,264 362,281 367,281 114 PROP "C" TRANSPORTATION 501,113 432,977 300,000 1,200,000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 501,113 432,977 300,000 1,200,000 115 AIR POLUTION REDUCTION FUND - - 100,000 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - - 100,000 - 116 RESIDENTIAL SOUND INSULATION PROG. FUND 846 781 10,000 2,281 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 846 781 10,000 2,281 117 HYPERION MITIGATION FUND 7,869 20,910 109,453 60,754 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 7,869 20,910 109,453 60,754 118 TDA ARTICLE 3 - SB 821 BIKEWAY FUND 57,466 14,846 15,000 30,000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 57,466 14,846 15,000 30,000 119 MTA GRANT - - - - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - - - - 120 C.O.P.S. FUND 53,490 75,123 615,000 423,820 POLICE DEPARTMENT 53,490 75,123 615,000 423,820 122 LAWA FUND - - - - TRANSFER - - - - 123 PSAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY - 64,488 75,000 75,000 FIRE DEPARTMENT - - - - POLICE DEPARTMENT - 64,488 75,000 75,000 124 FEDERAL GRANTS 2,619,440 2,021,624 418,038 357,765 FEDERAL GRANTS 18,320 - - - FIRE DEPARTMENT 1,607,754 1,017,750 149,594 100,000 POLICE DEPARTMENT 993,367 998,132 268,444 257,765 TRANSFER - 5,742 - - 125 STATE GRANTS 76,246 76,614 148,944 154,827 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 2,676 18,560 - - FIRE DEPARTMENT 2,598 62 - - POLICE DEPARTMENT 32,136 7,807 148,944 79,827 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 8,400 18,600 - 75,000 RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT 10,626 16,480 -- STATE GRANTS 19,809 15,106 -- 126 CUPA 531,598 578,582 537,827 889,918 889,918 FIRE DEPARTMENT 531,598 578,582537,827 127 MEASURE M 323,993 828,241200,000 200,000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 323,993 828,241 200,000 200,000 128 SB-1 146,734 335,930 800,000 600,000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 146,734 335,930 800,000 600,000 129 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAM (CASP) - - 15,000 15,000 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - - 15,000 15,000 130 AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND - - - 50,000 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - - - 50,000 21 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary By Fund / By Department All Funds Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 131 COUNTY STORM WATER PROGRAM 264,514 192,770 750,000 1,050,000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 264,514 192,770 750,000 1,050,000 132 MEASURE B - 60,383 12,580 12,580 FIRE DEPARTMENT - 60,383 12,580 12,580 202 DEBT SERVICE FUND 526,383 525,365 603,300 542,851 TRANSFER 526,383 525,365 603,300 542,851 204 PENSION OBLIGATION BONDS 1,662,800 9,309,360 9,497,706 9,500,314 TRANSFER 1,662,800 9,309,360 9,497,706 9,500,314 301 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 1,324,348 1,890,952 18,575,000 30,035,345 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 1,324,348 1,890,952 18,575,000 29,235,345 TRANSFER - - 800,000 312 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - LAW ENFORCEMENT - - 60,000 POLICE DEPARTMENT - - 60,000 317 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - LIBRARY - - 17,156 RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT - - 17,156 401 ECONOMIC UNCERTAINTY - - - - TRANSFER - - - - 405 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE - - - - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - - - - 501 WATER UTILITY FUND 30,211,364 28,790,157 31,772,572 39,315,822 NON DEPARTMENT - - - - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 30,211,364 28,790,157 31,772,572 39,315,822 502 SEWER FUND 4,441,889 4,563,279 6,791,056 7,837,440 NON DEPARTMENT - - - 150,000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 4,441,889 4,563,279 6,791,056 7,687,440 503 GOLF COURSE 109,140 2,875 - - FINANCE DEPARTMENT 109,140 - - - TRANSFER - 2,875 504 SENIOR HOUSING 46,149 44,216 808,981 16,295 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 46,149 44,216 8,981 16,295 TRANSFER - - 800,000 - 505 SOLID WASTE 270,000 285,363 300,000 330,000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 270,000 285,363 300,000 330,000 601 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 890,945 1,042,457 18,233,737 9,674,613 CITY CLERK - - 14,438 - CITY MANAGER - - 263,618 210,230 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - - 135,974 - FINANCE DEPARTMENT - - - - FIRE DEPARTMENT - 4,364 5,137,223 1,229,611 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT 34,813 120,090 2,065,242 1,414,201 NON DEPARTMENT 44,900 - 1,041,263 1,793,755 POLICE DEPARTMENT 31,023 99,200 3,780,422 2,117,671 780,210 658,803 3,383,1952,071,272 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT - - 2,412,362 693,356 TRANSFER - 160,000 144,517 602 LIABILITY INSURANCE 3,893,636 6,351,246 3,222,127 3,769,563 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT - - - - INTERNAL SERVICES 3,893,636 6,351,246 3,222,127 3,769,563 603 WORKERS COMP RESERVE/INSURANCE 1,910,459 3,443,791 3,405,200 3,418,321 FIRE DEPARTMENT - 7,581 INTERNAL SERVICES 1,910,459 3,436,210 3,405,200 3,418,321 NON DEPARTMENT - - - - 702 TRUST FUNDS - SPECIAL REVENUE/DONATIONS 220,431 109,039 169,000 136,000 CITY MANAGER 144,037 82,230 120,000 75,000 FIRE DEPARTMENT 4,649 4,812 10,000 - POLICE DEPARTMENT - - - RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT 71,745 21,997 39,000 61,000 704 CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT FUND 142,802 261,789 298,196 272,604 RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT 142,802 261,789 298,196 272,604 708 TRUST FUNDS-PROJECT DEPOSITS NONREFUNDAB 1,128,851 134,648 - 800,000 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1,128,851 134,648 - 800,000 TRANSFER - - -- Grand Total 127,825,995 146,506,655 195,972,100 210,950,427 22 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary By Function All Fund Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 General Government40,110,448 57,504,470 81,354,251 91,375,791 001 GENERAL FUND 29,924,498 35,033,845 41,222,221 39,363,446 CITY COUNCIL3 35,424 257,563 235,3292 24,272 CITY CLERK4 53,884 387,475 516,5456 58,095 CITY MANAGER 1,682,556 1,887,150 2,347,9012 ,264,800 CITY ATTORNEY7 52,602 1,072,592 835,4508 97,450 HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 1,240,818 1,586,742 2,116,4012 ,194,785 FINANCE DEPARTMENT 2,235,699 2,489,085 2,472,4532 ,766,646 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT 2,611,764 3,494,004 3,864,7153 ,912,086 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 3,013,165 3,416,724 4,158,1684 ,663,540 NON DEPARTMENT 6,253,001 6,699,396 6,745,0526 ,785,227 TRANSFER 11,345,586 13,743,114 17,930,206 14,996,546 125 STATE GRANTS8 ,400 18,600 - - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT8 ,400 18,600 - - 202 DEBT SERVICE FUND 526,383 525,365 603,3005 42,851 TRANSFER5 26,383 525,365 603,3005 42,851 204 PENSION OBLIGATION BONDS 1,662,800 9,309,360 9,497,7069 ,500,314 TRANSFER 1,662,800 9,309,360 9,497,7069 ,500,314 301 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND 1,324,348 1,890,952 18,575,000 30,035,345 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 1,324,348 1,890,952 18,575,000 29,235,345 TRANSFER - -8 00,000 401 ECONOMIC UNCERTAINTY - - - - TRANSFER - - - - 405 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE - - - - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - - - - 601 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 938,893859,922 4,828,6974 ,745,952 CITY CLERK - - 14,438 - CITY MANAGER - - 263,6182 10,230 FINANCE DEPARTMENT - - - - INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT3 4,813 120,090 2,065,2421 ,414,201 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT7 80,210 658,803 1,444,1361 ,183,249 NON DEPARTMENT4 4,900 - 1,041,2631 ,793,755 TRANSFER - 160,0001 44,517 602 LIABILITY INSURANCE 3,893,636 6,351,246 3,222,1273 ,769,563 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT - - - - INTERNAL SERVICES 3,893,636 6,351,246 3,222,1273 ,769,563 603 WORKERS COMP RESERVE/INSURANCE 1,910,459 3,436,210 3,405,2003 ,418,321 INTERNAL SERVICES 1,910,459 3,436,210 3,405,2003 ,418,321 Public Safety 37,200,00437,622,872 49,126,535 45,387,697 001 GENERAL FUND 33,202,557 34,082,000 37,489,361 39,439,053 POLICE DEPARTMENT 17,845,583 20,039,722 21,611,055 22,231,649 FIRE DEPARTMENT 13,501,668 12,876,872 14,196,502 15,663,956 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1,376,593 1,334,057 1,681,8041 ,543,448 NON DEPARTMENT4 78,713 (168,652) - - 109 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 309,562 191,375 800,0007 02,450 POLICE DEPARTMENT3 09,562 191,375 800,0007 02,450 120 C.O.P.S. FUND5 3,490 75,123 615,0004 23,820 POLICE DEPARTMENT5 3,490 75,123 615,0004 23,820 123 PSAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY - 64,488 75,0007 5,000 POLICE DEPARTMENT - 64,488 75,0007 5,000 FIRE DEPARTMENT -- - - 124 FEDERAL GRANTS 2,021,6242,619,440 418,0383 57,765 POLICE DEPARTMENT9 93,367 998,132 268,4442 57,765 FIRE DEPARTMENT 1,607,754 1,017,750 149,5941 00,000 FEDERAL GRANTS1 8,320 - - - TRANSFER - 5,742 - - 125 STATE GRANTS3 7,993 7,869 148,9447 9,827 POLICE DEPARTMENT3 2,136 7,807 148,9447 9,827 FIRE DEPARTMENT2 ,598 62 - - STATE GRANTS3 ,259 - - - 126 CUPA 578,582531,598 537,8278 89,918 FIRE DEPARTMENT5 31,598 578,582 537,8278 89,918 601 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT3 1,023 103,564 9,019,7853 ,347,282 POLICE DEPARTMENT3 1,023 99,200 3,780,4222 ,117,671 FIRE DEPARTMENT - 4,364 5,137,2231 ,229,611 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT -- 102,140 - 23 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary By Function All Fund Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 603 WORKERS COMP RESERVE/INSURANCE - 7,581 - - FIRE DEPARTMENT - 7,581 NON DEPARTMENT -- - - 702 TRUST FUNDS - SPECIAL REVENUE/DONATIONS4 ,649 4,812 10,000 - POLICE DEPARTMENT - - - FIRE DEPARTMENT4 ,649 4,812 10,000 - 708 TRUST FUNDS-PROJECT DEPOSITS NONREFUNDAB 832,560 2,602 - - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT8 32,560 2,602 - - 132 MEASURE B - 60,383 12,5801 2,580 FIRE DEPARTMENT - 60,383 12,5801 2,580 312 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - LAW ENFORCEMENT --6 0,000 POLICE DEPARTMENT --6 0,000 Transportation4,427,1846,343,9237,621,3609 ,169,066 001 GENERAL FUND 2,827,649 3,469,289 4,018,8154 ,703,564 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2,827,649 3,469,289 4,018,8154 ,703,564 104 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND2 5,000 45,000 -3 6,000 TRANSFER2 5,000 45,000 -3 6,000 106 STATE GAS TAX FUND 274,795431,943 221,7455 23,755 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT4 31,943 274,795 221,7455 23,755 110 MEASURE R5 98 689,579 600,0001 ,000,000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT5 98 689,579 600,0001 ,000,000 TRANSFER - - - - 112 PROP "A" TRANSPORTATION 112,689 253,264 362,2813 67,281 RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT1 12,689 253,264 362,2813 67,281 114 PROP "C" TRANSPORTATION 501,113 432,977 300,0001 ,200,000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT5 01,113 432,977 300,0001 ,200,000 115 AIR POLUTION REDUCTION FUND - - 100,000 - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - - 100,000 - 118 TDA ARTICLE 3 - SB 821 BIKEWAY FUND5 7,466 14,846 15,0003 0,000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT5 7,466 14,846 15,0003 0,000 119 MTA GRANT - - - - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - - - - 125 STATE GRANTS - - - - PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - - - - 127 MEASURE M 323,993 828,241 200,0002 00,000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT3 23,993 828,241 200,0002 00,000 128 SB-1 146,734 335,930 800,0006 00,000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT1 46,734 335,930 800,0006 00,000 601 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT - - 1,003,5195 08,466 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - - 1,003,5195 08,466 Community Development 2,438,199 2,515,309 3,803,6403 ,702,599 001 GENERAL FUND 1,897,608 2,171,976 2,675,6862 ,744,023 CITY MANAGER6 44,100 715,520 555,3695 42,377 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1,253,508 1,456,456 2,120,3172 ,201,646 111 COMM. DEVEL. BLOCK GRANT5 0,592 65,500 140,139 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT5 0,592 65,500 140,139 - 116 RESIDENTIAL SOUND INSULATION PROG. FUND8 46 781 10,0002 ,281 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT8 46 781 10,0002 ,281 122 LAWA FUND - - - - TRANSFER - - - - 125 STATE GRANTS2 ,676 18,560 - - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT2 ,676 18,560 - - 129 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAM (CASP) - - 15,0001 5,000 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - - 15,0001 5,000 130 AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND - - -5 0,000 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - - -5 0,000 504 SENIOR HOUSING4 6,149 44,216 808,9811 6,295 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT4 6,149 44,216 8,9811 6,295 TRANSFER - - 800,000 - 601 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT - - 33,834 - COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - - 33,834 - 702 TRUST FUNDS - SPECIAL REVENUE/DONATIONS 144,037 82,230 120,0007 5,000 CITY MANAGER1 44,037 82,230 120,0007 5,000 708 TRUST FUNDS-PROJECT DEPOSITS NONREFUNDAB 296,291 132,046 -8 00,000 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT2 96,291 132,046 -8 00,000 TRANSFER - - -- Health 908,399 844,178 2,520,0472 ,373,001 24 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary By Function All Fund Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 001 GENERAL FUND366,016345,134 425,0544 77,690 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT3 66,016 345,134 425,0544 77,690 117 HYPERION MITIGATION FUND7 ,869 20,910 109,4536 0,754 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT7 ,869 20,910 109,4536 0,754 125 STATE GRANTS -7 5,000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT -7 5,000 131 COUNTY STORM WATER PROGRAM 264,514 192,770 750,0001 ,050,000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT2 64,514 192,770 750,0001 ,050,000 505 SOLID WASTE 270,000 285,363 300,0003 30,000 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT2 70,000 285,363 300,0003 30,000 601 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT - - 935,5403 79,557 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - - 935,5403 79,557 Cultural & Leisure 7,665,639 8,745,336 12,982,638 11,789,012 001 GENERAL FUND 7,314,775 8,427,089 10,233,080 10,744,896 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 2,408,715 - - - RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT 4,906,060 8,427,089 10,233,080 10,744,896 125 STATE GRANTS2 7,177 31,585 - - RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT1 0,626 16,480 - - STATE GRANTS1 6,550 15,106 - - 503 GOLF COURSE 109,140 2,875 - - FINANCE DEPARTMENT1 09,140 - - - TRANSFER - 2,875 601 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT -- 2,412,3626 93,356 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT -- - RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT -- 2,412,3626 93,356 702 TRUST FUNDS - SPECIAL REVENUE/DONATIONS7 1,745 21,997 39,0006 1,000 RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT7 1,745 21,997 39,0006 1,000 704 CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT FUND 142,802 261,789 298,1962 72,604 RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT1 42,802 261,789 298,1962 72,604 317 DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - LIBRARY - -1 7,156 RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT - -1 7,156 Utilities 34,653,254 33,353,436 38,563,628 47,153,261 501 WATER UTILITY FUND 30,211,364 28,790,157 31,772,572 39,315,822 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 30,211,364 28,790,157 31,772,572 39,315,822 NON DEPARTMENT - - - - 502 SEWER FUND 4,441,889 4,563,279 6,791,0567 ,837,440 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 4,441,889 4,563,279 6,791,0567 ,687,440 NON DEPARTMENT - - -1 50,000 Grand Total 127,825,995 146,506,655 195,972,100 210,950,427 25 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Revenues And Expenditures Summary General Fund Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Revenues & Other SourcesActual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 TAX - PROPERTY TAXES 12,043,908 12,651,572 12,569,805 13,426,758 TAX - BUSINESS LICENSE TAXES 11,694,614 12,769,963 14,300,000 14,000,000 LICENSES AND PERMITS 2,199,456 3,620,480 2,478,600 3,317,142 TAX - OTHER TAXES 46,476,406 55,357,975 48,253,000 50,076,700 FINES AND FORFEITURES4 27,605 460,801 377,101 382,727 USE OF MONEY AND PROPERTY (1,212,184) 4,894,222 3,195,659 5,959,706 INTERGOVERNMENTAL REVENUE 6,506,188 7,023,565 3,686,506 4,277,690 CHARGES FOR SERVICES 53,387,505 52,765,264 55,593,720 53,491,057 DEVELOPER FEES 1,442,249 240,864 867,200 449,500 INTER-FUND TRANFERS 11,370,586 14,038,268 18,780,206 15,977,063 OTHER REVENUES 4,182,413 3,793,056 3,998,944 3,968,970 OTHER FINANCING SOURCES - 804,887 - (blank) Total Revenues & Other Sources148,518,745168,420,917164,100,741165,327,313 Expenditures & Other UsesActual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-242 Adopted FY 24-25 General Government 40,110,448 57,504,470 81,354,251 91,375,791 Public Safety 37,622,872 37,200,004 45,387,69749,126,535 Transportation 4,427,184 6,343,923 7,621,360 9,169,066 Community Development 2,438,199 2,515,309 3,803,640 3,702,599 Health9 08,399 844,178 2,520,047 2,373,001 ,665,639 8,745,336 1112,982,638 ,789,012 Cultural & Leisure7 Utilities 34,653,254 33,353,436 38,563,628 47,153,261 (blank) penditures & Other Uses127,825,99 5 146,506,655 195,972,100 210,950,427 Total Ex Balance * 20,692,751 21,914,262 (31,871,358) (45,623,114) *For each year only without regard to cumulative balance 26 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary By Account General Fund Fiscal Year 2024-2025 .001 GENERAL FUND Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-242 Adopted FY 24-25 Salaries & Benefits4 8,211,386 49,243,23153,989,518 57,956,156 4101 Salaries Full Time2 3,662,658 24,279,07227,552,583 31,208,361 4102 ESUSD - Salaries Part Time6 0,860 104,0021 50,5141 18,884 4102 Salaries Part Time2 ,384,589 1,968,9843 ,437,6023 ,334,730 4103 Overtime1 ,127,846 1,447,3221 ,096,5001 ,194,500 4105 Holiday Pay7 74,897 773,7551 ,361,7818 84,163 4108 Vacation Leave Payout8 01,832 884,9017 75,0004 92,282 4109 Vac/Sick Pay - Termination - - - - 4112 Sick Leave Payout5 93,899 583,6734 00,0004 00,000 4113 Reimbursable LA County - TRAP1 1,8951 ,236 - - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime1 45,932 215,7342 02,1976 0,000 4116 Standby Pay2 7,3313 3,2711 7,5002 9,000 4117 Opt - Out Payments1 8,7402 0,1501 8,2406 ,270 4118 Replacement Benefit Contributions8 8,0193 4,9721 33,4611 33,461 4201 Retirement CalPERS4 ,370,817 4,695,3674 ,315,3774 ,829,102 4202 FICA1 ,417,385 1,446,9152 ,432,6591 ,645,886 4203 Workers' Compensation3 ,012,164 3,035,5142 ,773,8623 ,028,759 4204 Group Insurance6 ,746,377 6,834,3607 ,480,2887 ,946,510 4205 Unfiorm Allowance - - - - 4205 Uniform Allowance3 ,4295 ,5818,436 10,769 4207 CalPERS UAL - - - - 4207 CalPERS UAL Expense - - - - 4209 PARS Expense1 70,100 170,1001 70,1002 34,000 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4210 OPEB liability - - - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution1 5,7438 2,2858 0,0779 1,747 4215 Uniform Replacement1 11,033 125,7894 7,4007 3,650 4217 Early Retirement Incentive - - - - 4220 Pers Amortization - - - - 4221 Car Allowance3 ,6693 6,0603 7,4403 5,580 4251 CalPERS Payments4 ,929 - - - 4103 Overtime - Professional Development Coverage2 77,337 119,4802 15,0001 75,000 4104 Overtime - Unplanned -3 95,000 4110 Overtime - Safety Staffing Coverage1 ,886,056 1,722,2291 ,250,0009 70,000 4113 Overtime - Reimbursable1 4,8041 53 3,5003 3,500 4107 Overtime - FLSA Expenditures4 79,046 622,466 -6 25,000 Maintenance & Operations15,970,741 19,680,08423,758,341 24,315,940 4907 Interest Expense2 9,7622 0,1561 8,9001 8,900 4999 Cash Over/Short1 039 7 - - 5201 Office Supplies5 ,1483 ,8398 ,0004 ,500 5203 Repair & Maintenance Supplies81,261 72,680 1 00,0001 02,400 5204 Operating Supplies777,052 895,955 1 ,163,2851 ,384,718 5206 Computer Supplies1 19,4534 8,5736 9,8007 0,350 5207 Small Tools & Equipment1 0,7461 0,5493 3,2003 1,200 5211 Photo & Evidence Supplies3 2,9715 ,7276 ,5005 ,500 5212 Prisoner Meals -1 23 - - 5214 Housing Supplies9 ,8869 ,6081 8,7001 8,720 5215 Vechicle Gasoline Charge3 25,643 308,7733 50,0003 50,000 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge -5 27 - - 5218 Training Materials & Supplies3 5,2734 3,0854 8,2505 0,250 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 5221 Employee Physicals2 1,0613 3,2114 5,2504 5,250 5222 Wellness6 ,8781 3,4411 0,5001 0,500 5255 CPR Class Operating Supplies - - - - 5255 CPR Class Supplies5 51 ,7402 ,5002 ,500 5420 Reimbursable Expenditures (58,699) (168,652) - - 5501 Adult Books & Other Printed Material3 8,7226 3,7347 5,1912 8,656 5501 Books/Other Printed Material - - -5 0,300 5503 Author Event/Printed Materials - - - - 5505 Young Peoples Books1 9,9803 9 - - 5507 School Library Material3 ,885 - - - 6081 Miscellaneous Computer2 ,419 -75,000 5 4,000 6082 Broadband Fiber - - - - 6101 Gas9 ,9702 211 0,0001 0,000 6101 Gas Utility5 9,9356 3,0401 15,2501 15,250 6102 Electric Utility7 76,968 997,6408 32,0008 37,000 6103 Water Utility3 30,646 281,6273 53,7003 54,524 6104 Electricity Charges6 4,7637 7,2645 0,0007 0,000 27 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary By Account General Fund Fiscal Year 2024-2025 .001 GENERAL FUND Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-242 Adopted FY 24-25 6105 Aquatics Gas Utilities7 8,703 162,0762 00,0002 00,000 6106 Covid Vaccinations7 02 - - - 6116 Building Lease Charge - - - - 6139 Bank Service Charges5 0,5545 5,0322 5,0002 5,000 6172 Bad Debt Expense -6 3 - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing2 55,077 340,1704 54,8004 26,050 6201 Advertising/Publishing - Library Admin - - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing-Library Youth Ser1 ,2497 221 ,1031 ,158 6203 Copy Machine Charges4 3,9404 6,7396 8,5003 6,000 6204 Fleet Operating Charge - - - - 6205 Other Printing & Binding2 0,2422 1,3183 1,3003 6,100 6206 Contractual Services3 ,899,744 5,033,8765 ,880,5566 ,354,828 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge9 14,029 1,306,8722 ,029,2031 ,376,172 6208 Dues & Subscriptions7 0,618 105,6481 60,5711 73,005 6209 Dump Fees - - - - 6210 Hazard Material Disposal Fee -3 833 ,0001 0,000 6211 Insurance & Bonds1 ,267,6001 ,667,6001 ,600,0001 ,600,000 6212 Laundry & Cleaning2 0,2762 3,6883 1,8502 7,500 6213 Meetings & Travel1 98,879 152,6672 78,7032 76,587 6214 Professional & Technical2 ,951,518 3,140,4624 ,322,7923 ,823,445 6215 Repairs & Maintenance163,264 316,666 3 26,180391,253 6216 Rental Charges15,487 1 5,0961 5,0001 5,000 6217 Software Maintenance7 63,330 794,7321 ,546,0107 75,328 6218 Hardware Maintenance5 ,4351 2,0001 02,0002 76,000 6219 Network Operating Charge (20,600) (0) (23,480) (24,302) 6221 Educational Incentive - - - - 6222 Lease Payment Parking Garage2 98,875 302,2503 10,0003 10,000 6223 Training & Education1 16,638 118,1362 06,2002 41,753 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge1 74,750 307,3083 25,0004 57,536 6225 PD Admin/POST Training & Education8 ,5111 ,655 - - 6244 Other Unclassified Expense2 ,3766 58 - - 6245 Employee Recognition1 5,7221 601 ,0001 ,000 6247 Unemployment Compensation3 3,0516 0,7602 0,0002 0,000 6249 Fees & Licenses1 8,5288 ,2351 8,1904 5,496 6250 Volunteer Recognition - - - - 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio1 8,8204 ,8614 0,9068 2,307 6253 Postage1 6,1441 4,6132 0,0002 3,200 6254 Telephone3 75,619 398,4873 49,5773 69,668 6255 ESMC Recodification7 ,5861 2,0001 2,0001 5,000 6257 Public Education3 ,6272 ,0002 2,0003 2,000 6259 Breathing Apparatus - -15,000 1 5,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs13,951 17,898 1 9,3501 2,000 6262 Testing/Recruitment1 47,578 153,0771 65,4901 65,490 6263 Commissioners Expense5 ,2154 ,6002 1,1002 1,100 6272 Court Costs - - - - 6273 In-Custody Medical Charges5 2,3895 3,7685 5,0005 3,000 6274 Investigations Expense7 ,6101 2,1171 0,0001 0,000 6275 K-9 Dog Care Services7 ,9287 ,1089 ,0007 ,000 6277 Resource Databases2 4,7152 7,3712 1,9456 ,875 6278 Computer Charges - - - - 6281 Emergency Facilities Maintenance3 00 121,1941 40,0002 00,000 6282 Emergency Repair9 ,5731 1,6062 5,0005 0,000 6288 S.W.A.T.Program1 2,6651 2,8681 2,5001 0,500 6289 Education Reimbursement2 4,3433 8,0254 0,0004 0,000 6297 Credit Card Fees3 2,7913 6,8951 5,0001 5,000 6301 Legal Councel1 0,742 - - - 6301 Legal Counsel5 76,409 689,6864 95,0006 55,000 6302 Plaintiff/Defense Litigation2 3,076 216,4022 20,0001 50,000 6304 Smoky Hollow Parking in Lieu2 4,7141 0,277 - - 6310 Labor Negotiation1 31,659 166,4771 00,0006 2,000 6311 Code Enforcement1 2,9592 720,000 30,000 6401 Community Promotion1 ,999 -4,000 5 ,400 6403 Sister City - -5 ,000 - 6405 ESUSD Funding Agreement1 35,142 171,3681 42,7501 80,000 6406 LAX Master Plan Intervention1 08,7823 4,1196 0,0004 5,000 6407 State and Local Lobbiest - - - - 6407 Washington Lobbiest Transportation & Inf - - - - 6409 Audiovisual Materials4 ,2991 ,1922 ,2052 ,750 28 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary By Account General Fund Fiscal Year 2024-2025 .001 GENERAL FUND Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-242 Adopted FY 24-25 6410 E-Books1 9,8422 1,1832 3,4152 4,432 6223 Citywide Training2 4,6949 7,7641 51,1001 51,100 6216 GASB 87 Lease-Debt Service Principle&Int6 3,193 141,9731 00,0001 00,000 6245 Employee Engagement -2 531 01,5001 01,500 6221 Tuition Reimbursement --1 0,0001 0,000 6225 Department Training -2 ,1531 0,0001 0,000 6216 GASB 96 SBITA-Debt Service Principle&Int -4 16,0486 51,191 6231 Employee Service Awards -4 ,703 - 4908 Golf Course Loan Pmt to ERF --5 20,000 Capital Outlay5 ,390 862,9063 86,1502 04,031 8104 Capital/Equipment - - - - 8104 Equipment5 ,3905 8,0181 07,500 - 8105 Automotive - -3 0,0002 04,031 8108 Capital/Computer Hardware -8 04,887 - - 8108 Computer Hardware -- - - 8108 EXPENDITURES -- - - 8103 Capital/Other Improvements --2 48,650 - Transfers Out1 1,345,586 13,743,11417,930,206 14,996,546 9202 Transfer Out - Debt Service Fund9 ,491,878 9,497,694 - - 9301 Transfer - Capital Improvements6 10,000 4,145,4207 ,632,5004 ,996,232 9401 Transfer - Economic Uncertainty Fund8 23,708 100,000 - 9405 Transfer - Facility Maintenance - - - 9499 Transfers Out - - - 9504 Transfer - Park Vista - -2 00,0002 00,000 9601 Transfer - Equipment Replacement - - - 9505 Transfer to Sewer Fund4 20,000 -6 00,0003 00,000 9204 Transfer Out - POB Fund - -9 ,497,7069 ,500,314 Grand Total75,533,103 83,529,33496,064,216 97,472,672 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentCITY COUNCIL Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 335,424 257,563 235,329 224,272 (1101) CITY COUNCIL 335,424 257,563 235,329 224,272 Salaries & Benefits 300,157 181,734 165,192 177,116 Maintenance & Operations 35,267 75,828 70,138 47,156 Grand Total 335,424 257,563 235,329 224,272 42 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary By Account Fiscal Year 2024-2025 .001 GENERAL FUND CITY COUNCIL Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND335,424257,563 235,329 224,272 Salaries & Benefits300,157181,734 165,192 177,116 4101 Salaries Full Time160,207 54,475 51,27754,000 4201 Retirement CalPERS10,1492,720 4,5744,402 4202 FICA11,7833,643 3,9234,131 4203 Workers' Compensation1,492549 359378 4204 Group Insurance116,526120,348 105,059 114,205 4210 OPEB Expense---- Maintenance & Operations35,267 75,828 70,138 47,156 5204 Operating Supplies1,3603,339 2,6003,000 5206 Computer Supplies--6,250 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment---- 6201 Advertising/Publishing1,1001,100 4,0005,000 6208 Dues & Subscriptions1947,473 31,20010,000 6213 Meetings & Travel14,75618,737 18,00018,000 6214 Professional & Technical7,75035,857 -- 6219 Network Operating Charge1,700 1,700 1,9382,006 6253 Postage123 400400 6254 Telephone8,4067,599 7,0002,500 6403 Sister City-- 5,000- Grand Total335,424257,563 235,329 224,272 43 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 CITY COUNCIL Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 335,424 257,563 235,329 224,272 (1101) CITY COUNCIL 335,424 257,563 235,329 224,272 Salaries & Benefits 300,157 181,734 165,192 177,116 4101 Salaries Full Time 160,207 54,475 51,277 54,000 4201 Retirement CalPERS 10,149 2,720 4,574 4,402 4202 FICA 11,783 3,643 3,923 4,131 4203 Workers' Compensation 1,492 549 359 378 4204 Group Insurance 116,526 120,348 105,059 114,205 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - Maintenance & Operations 35,267 75,828 70,138 47,156 5204 Operating Supplies 1,360 3,339 2,600 3,000 5206 Computer Supplies - - 6,250 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 1,100 1,100 4,000 5,000 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 194 7,473 31,200 10,000 6213 Meetings & Travel 14,756 18,737 18,000 18,000 6214 Professional & Technical 7,750 35,857 - - 6219 Network Operating Charge 1,700 1,700 1,938 2,006 6253 Postage 1 23 400 400 6254 Telephone 8,406 7,599 7,000 2,500 6403 Sister City - - 5,000 - Grand Total 335,424 257,563 235,329 224,272 44 45 46 47 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentCITY CLERK Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 453,884 387,4755 16,5456 58,095 (1301) ADMINISTRATION4 40,326 336,8015 05,0955 73,845 Salaries & Benefits3 46,548 275,0214 14,6204 87,752 Maintenance & Operations9 3,778 61,7809 0,4758 6,093 Capital Outlay - - - - (1302) ELECTIONS1 3,558 50,6741 1,4508 4,250 Salaries & Benefits - - - - Maintenance & Operations1 3,558 50,6741 1,4508 4,250 (601)EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT - -1 4,438 - (1301) ADMINISTRATION - -1 4,438 - Capital Outlay - -1 4,438 - Grand Total 453,884 387,4755 30,9836 58,095 48 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary By Account Fiscal Year 2024-2025 .001 GENERAL FUND CITY CLERK Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND453,884387,475 516,545 658,095 Salaries & Benefits346,548275,021 414,620 487,752 4101 Salaries Full Time237,357 191,361 311,450 363,620 4102 Salaries Part Time21,9887,263 -- 4103 Overtime1,730998-- 4117 Opt - Out Payments---- 4201 Retirement CalPERS21,63322,270 26,14734,080 4202 FICA23,13314,462 23,82627,817 4203 Workers' Compensation1,8251,397 2,1802,545 4204 Group Insurance38,88237,270 51,01759,690 4207 CalPERS UAL Expense---- 4210 OPEB Expense---- Maintenance & Operations107,336112,454 101,925 170,343 5204 Operating Supplies6,386 14,872 7,0004,000 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment---- 6201 Advertising/Publishing1,4562,915 11,5005,500 6206 Contractual Services---- 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge---- 6208 Dues & Subscriptions1,071820 2,4502,990 6211 Insurance & Bonds1,0001,000 -- 6213 Meetings & Travel6,884 3,354 10,0005,500 6214 Professional & Technical59,390 56,222 30,200 107,500 6219 Network Operating Charge10,3006,953 7,9258,203 6223 Training & Education1,0323,090 4,6505,450 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge---- 6253 Postage225141 200200 6254 Telephone2,7552,299 4,0004,000 6255 ESMC Recodification7,58612,000 12,00015,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs9,2528,788 12,00012,000 Capital Outlay---- 8104 Equipment---- Grand Total453,884387,475 516,545 658,095 49 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 CITY CLERK Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 453,884 387,475 516,545 658,095 (1301) ADMINISTRATION 440,326 336,801 505,095 573,845 Salaries & Benefits 346,548 275,021 414,620 487,752 4101 Salaries Full Time 237,357 191,361 311,450 363,620 4102 Salaries Part Time 21,988 7,263 - - 4103 Overtime 1,730 998 - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 21,633 22,270 26,147 34,080 4202 FICA 23,133 14,462 23,826 27,817 4203 Workers' Compensation 1,825 1,397 2,180 2,545 4204 Group Insurance 38,882 37,270 51,017 59,690 4207 CalPERS UAL Expense - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - Maintenance & Operations 93,778 61,780 90,475 86,093 5204 Operating Supplies 5,072 10,846 6,000 3,000 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 1,300 1,355 10,000 4,000 6206 Contractual Services - - - - 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge - - - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 1,071 820 2,2002,740 6211 Insurance & Bonds 1,000 1,000 - - 6213 Meetings & Travel 1,984 2,220 5,000 5,500 6214 Professional & Technical 52,202 12,769 27,700 27,500 6219 Network Operating Charge 10,300 6,953 7,925 8,203 6223 Training & Education 1,032 2,590 3,450 3,950 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge - - - - 6253 Postage 225 141 200 200 6254 Telephone 2,755 2,299 4,000 4,000 6255 ESMC Recodification 7,586 12,000 12,000 15,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 9,252 8,788 12,000 12,000 Capital Outlay - - - - 8104 Equipment - - - - (1302) ELECTIONS 13,558 50,674 11,450 84,250 Salaries & Benefits - - - - 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - - 4202 FICA - - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - Maintenance & Operations 13,558 50,674 11,450 84,250 5204 Operating Supplies 1,314 4,026 1,000 1,000 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 156 1,560 1,5001,500 6201 Advertising/Publishing 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge - - - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions - - 250 250 6213 Meetings & Travel 4,900 1,134 5,000 - 6214 Professional & Technical 7,188 43,453 2,500 80,000 6223 Training & Education - 500 1,200 1,500 6253 Postage -- - - (601)EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT -- 14,438 - (1301) ADMINISTRATION - - 14,438 - Capital Outlay - - 14,438 - 8104 Equipment - - 14,438 - Grand Total 453,884 387,475 530,983 658,095 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentCITY MANAGER Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 2,326,656 2,602,671 2,903,270 2,807,177 (2101) ADMINISTRATION 978,511 1,062,112 1,332,976 1,389,719 Salaries & Benefits 741,808 802,509 994,400 1,092,719 Maintenance & Operations 236,703 259,604 338,577 296,999 (2102) COMMUNICATIONS 637,459 247,189 311,626 347,274 Salaries & Benefits 443,526 132,791 171,941 191,929 Maintenance & Operations 193,933 114,398 139,685 155,345 (2103) EL SEGUNDO MEDIA 66,586 577,849 703,298 527,807 Salaries & Benefits 35,781 487,200 571,342 419,927 Maintenance & Operations 30,805 90,649 101,956 107,879 Capital Outlay - - 30,000 - (2401) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 644,100 715,520 555,369 542,377 Salaries & Benefits 334,899 323,975 125,254 133,115 Maintenance & Operations 309,202 391,546 430,115 409,262 Capital Outlay - - - - (6601) COMMUNITY CABLE - - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - (601)EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT - - 263,618 210,230 (2101) ADMINISTRATION - - - - Capital Outlay - - - - (2103) EL SEGUNDO MEDIA - - 263,618 210,230 Capital Outlay - - 263,618 210,230 (6601) COMMUNITY CABLE - - - - Capital Outlay - - - - (702)TRUST FUNDS - SPECIAL REVENUE/DONATIONS 144,037 82,230 120,000 75,000 (2401) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 144,037 82,230 120,000 75,000 Maintenance & Operations 144,037 82,230 120,000 75,000 Grand Total 2,470,693 2,684,900 3,286,888 3,092,407 59 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary By Account Fiscal Year 2024-2025 .001 GENERAL FUND CITY MANAGER Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND2,326,6562,602,671 2,903,270 2,807,177 Salaries & Benefits1,556,0141,746,474 1,862,937 1,837,691 4101 Salaries Full Time1,033,2401,196,934 1,251,001 1,279,702 4102 Salaries Part Time217,192 149,461 189,190 123,710 4103 Overtime9,7617,239 10,00010,000 4117 Opt - Out Payments---- 4118 Replacement Benefit Contributions7,7153,275 -- 4201 Retirement CalPERS85,213119,762 108,783 124,192 4202 FICA84,413 98,062 101,64496,508 4203 Workers' Compensation18,33722,425 26,43118,561 4204 Group Insurance80,731 101,889 138,559 138,151 4207 CalPERS UAL Expense---- 4210 OPEB Expense---- 4210 OPEB liability---- 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution15,74336,178 25,33036,607 4221 Car Allowance3,66911,250 12,00010,260 Maintenance & Operations770,643 856,196 1,010,333 969,486 5201 Office Supplies89193 2,0002,500 5204 Operating Supplies28,595 45,381 54,80056,700 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment---- 6201 Advertising/Publishing225,488 287,719 349,500 319,500 6203 Copy Machine Charges---- 6205 Other Printing & Binding-1,065 9,50014,500 6206 Contractual Services212,763187,139 152,000 157,700 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge13,17122,629 22,62924,940 6208 Dues & Subscriptions26,91743,24140,940 81,722 6213 Meetings & Travel43,42931,30236,350 43,990 6214 Professional & Technical81,089175,503244,095 183,600 6215 Repairs & Maintenance1,029998 1,2001,200 6217 Software Maintenance6,7196,964 7,1407,140 6219 Network Operating Charge13,800 11,650 13,27913,744 6223 Training & Education-1,525 7,5007,100 6253 Postage148 150150 6254 Telephone6,7586,759 5,2506,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs---- 6401 Community Promotion1,999- 4,0004,000 6406 LAX Master Plan Intervention108,78234,119 60,00045,000 6407 State and Local Lobbiest---- Capital Outlay-- 30,000- 8105 Automotive-- 30,000- 8108 Computer Hardware---- Grand Total2,326,656 2,602,671 2,903,270 2,807,177 60 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 CITY MANAGER Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 2,326,656 2,602,671 2,903,270 2,807,177 (2101) ADMINISTRATION 978,511 1,062,112 1,332,976 1,389,719 Salaries & Benefits 741,808 802,509 994,400 1,092,719 4101 Salaries Full Time 520,802 613,887 765,408 826,160 4102 Salaries Part Time 85,829 699 - - 4103 Overtime - - - - 4118 Replacement Benefit Contributions 7,715 3,275 - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 36,830 52,060 64,953 79,323 4202 FICA 36,918 42,391 49,371 52,821 4203 Workers' Compensation 4,272 4,114 10,811 5,783 4204 Group Insurance 30,031 49,149 66,527 81,766 4207 CalPERS UAL Expense - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution 15,743 29,483 25,330 36,607 4221 Car Allowance 3,669 7,450 12,000 10,260 Maintenance & Operations 236,703 259,604 338,577 296,999 5201 Office Supplies 89 193 2,000 2,500 5204 Operating Supplies 6,520 22,623 8,000 8,000 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - 2,000 2,000 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - - - 6206 Contractual Services - - - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 8,788 17,284 17,725 51,200 6213 Meetings & Travel 27,497 15,837 19,100 28,040 6214 Professional & Technical 74,364 161,912 220,000 150,500 6215 Repairs & Maintenance - - - - 6219 Network Operating Charge 8,600 6,450 7,352 7,609 6223 Training & Education - - - - 6253 Postage 14 8 150 150 6254 Telephone 2,050 1,177 2,250 2,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - - - - 6406 LAX Master Plan Intervention 108,782 34,119 60,000 45,000 6407 State and Local Lobbiest - - - - (2102) COMMUNICATIONS 637,459 247,189 311,626 347,274 Salaries & Benefits 443,526 132,791 171,941 191,929 4101 Salaries Full Time 234,941 110,015 119,152 139,208 4102 Salaries Part Time 101,098 - 25,698 19,781 4103 Overtime 8,930 -- - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 24,923 8,997 10,241 13,206 4202 FICA 26,551 8,416 10,419 12,087 4203 Workers' Compensation 10,872 4,533 5,611 6,510 4204 Group Insurance 36,211 830 821 1,138 4210 OPEB liability - - - - Maintenance & Operations 193,933 114,398 139,685 155,345 5204 Operating Supplies 6,137 427 800 2,700 6201 Advertising/Publishing 460 - 10,000 5,000 6205 Other Printing & Binding - 1,065 3,500 8,500 6206 Contractual Services 163,353 84,007 112,000 117,700 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 13,171 22,629 - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 393 - 2,635 3,395 6213 Meetings & Travel 1,351 399 2,750 2,450 6214 Professional & Technical 2,687 1,800 4,000 12,000 6215 Repairs & Maintenance - - - - 6217 Software Maintenance 3,920 - - - 6219 Network Operating Charge - - - - 6223 Training & Education - 650 1,000 600 6254 Telephone 2,462 3,420 1,000 1,000 6401 Community Promotion - - 2,000 2,000 6406 LAX Master Plan Intervention - - - - (2103) EL SEGUNDO MEDIA 66,586 577,849 703,298 527,807 Salaries & Benefits 35,781 487,200 571,342 419,927 4101 Salaries Full Time - 216,886 267,129 211,398 4102 Salaries Part Time 30,265 148,762 163,492 103,929 4103 Overtime - 7,239 10,000 10,000 4201 Retirement CalPERS 1,953 33,911 25,661 22,153 4202 FICA 2,315 28,701 34,257 23,725 4203 Workers' Compensation 1,247 11,959 9,314 5,548 4204 Group Insurance - 39,742 61,489 43,174 Maintenance & Operations 30,805 90,649 101,956 107,879 5204 Operating Supplies 15,128 19,775 45,000 45,000 6206 Contractual Services - 51,593 - - 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge -- 22,629 24,940 61 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 CITY MANAGER Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 1,297 1,570 2,465 2,865 6213 Meetings & Travel 1,436 1,514 4,000 4,000 6214 Professional & Technical 1,600 2,160 10,095 11,100 6215 Repairs & Maintenance 1,029 998 1,200 1,200 6217 Software Maintenance 2,800 6,964 7,140 7,140 6219 Network Operating Charge 5,200 5,200 5,927 6,134 6223 Training & Education - 875 1,500 1,500 6254 Telephone 317 - - 2,000 6401 Community Promotion 1,999 - 2,000 2,000 Capital Outlay - - 30,000 - 8105 Automotive - - 30,000 - (2401) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 644,100 715,520 555,369 542,377 Salaries & Benefits 334,899 323,975 125,254 133,115 4101 Salaries Full Time 277,497 256,146 99,311 102,937 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - - 4103 Overtime 831 - - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 21,507 24,793 7,928 9,510 4202 FICA 18,629 18,554 7,597 7,875 4203 Workers' Compensation 1,946 1,820 695 721 4204 Group Insurance 14,488 12,167 9,722 12,073 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - 6,694 - - 4221 Car Allowance - 3,800 - - Maintenance & Operations 309,202 391,546 430,115 409,262 5204 Operating Supplies 811 2,556 1,000 1,000 6201 Advertising/Publishing 225,029 287,719 337,500 312,500 6205 Other Printing & Binding - - 6,000 6,000 6206 Contractual Services 49,410 51,539 40,000 40,000 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 16,439 24,387 18,115 24,262 6213 Meetings & Travel 13,145 13,552 10,500 9,500 6214 Professional & Technical 2,438 9,630 10,000 10,000 6223 Training & Education - - 5,000 5,000 6254 Telephone 1,930 2,162 2,000 1,000 6401 Community Promotion - - - - Capital Outlay - - - - 8108 Computer Hardware - - - - (6601) COMMUNITY CABLE - - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - 4101 Salaries Full Time - - - - 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - - 4103 Overtime - - - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - - 4202 FICA - - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - 4204 Group Insurance - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - 5204 Operating Supplies - - - - 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - - - 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge - - - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions - - - - 6213 Meetings & Travel - - - - 6214 Professional & Technical - - - - 6215 Repairs & Maintenance - - - - 6217 Software Maintenance - - - - 6219 Network Operating Charge - - - - 6223 Training & Education - - - - 6254 Telephone - - - - 6401 Community Promotion - - - - (601)EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT - - 263,618 210,230 (2101) ADMINISTRATION - - - - Capital Outlay - - - - 8108 Computer Hardware - - - - (2103) EL SEGUNDO MEDIA - - 263,618 210,230 Capital Outlay - - 263,618 210,230 8104 Equipment - - 238,618 185,230 8105 Automotive - - 25,000 25,000 (6601) COMMUNITY CABLE - - - - Capital Outlay - - - - 62 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 CITY MANAGER Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 8104 Equipment - - - - (702)TRUST FUNDS - SPECIAL REVENUE/DONATIONS 144,037 82,230 120,000 75,000 (2401) ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT 144,037 82,230 120,000 75,000 Maintenance & Operations 144,037 82,230 120,000 75,000 1281 Economic Development Expenditures 144,037 82,230 75,000 75,000 2606 EDAC Special Programs & Events - - 45,000 - Grand Total 2,470,693 2,684,900 3,286,888 3,092,407 63 64 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY ATTORNEY ORGANIZATION CHART FISCAL YEAR 202 CITY COUNCIL CITY ATTORNEY (CONTRACT) 65 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CITY ATTORNEY’S DEPARTMENT PROFILE The City Attorney’s Office is classified as a General Government Support function. It is a contracted service to provide legal services to the City Council, the City Manager, and City management overall. The City Attorney provides legal counsel and advice during official Council meetings and study sessions; serves as a legal advisor to City staff; prepares and reviews City ordinances, resolutions, contracts, and legal documents; represents the City in civil and criminal litigation; oversees the work of outside private counsel when hired to assist in litigation; and coordinates/reviews claims filed against or for the City with the City’s Risk Manager. 66 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentCITY ATTORNEY Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 752,602 1,072,592 835,450 897,450 (2201) CITY ATTORNEY 752,602 1,072,592 835,450 897,450 Maintenance & Operations 752,602 1,072,592 835,450 897,450 Grand Total 752,602 1,072,592 835,450 897,450 67 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary By Account Fiscal Year 2024-2025 .001 GENERAL FUND CITY ATTORNEY Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 752,6021,072,592835,450897,450 Maintenance & Operations 752,602 1,072,592 835,450 897,450 6214 Professional & Technical 8,500- - - 6253 Postage -- 150 150 6254 Telephone -- 300 300 6301 Legal Counsel 576,409 689,686 495,000 655,000 6302 Plaintiff/Defense Litigation 23,076 216,402 220,000 150,000 6310 Labor Negotiation 131,659 166,477 100,000 62,000 6311 Code Enforcement 12,959 27 20,000 30,000 Grand Total 752,602 1,072,592 835,450 897,450 68 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 CITY ATTORNEY Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 752,602 1,072,592 835,450 897,450 (2201) CITY ATTORNEY 752,602 1,072,592 835,450 897,450 Maintenance & Operations 752,602 1,072,592 835,450 897,450 6214 Professional & Technical 8,500 - - - 6253 Postage - - 150 150 6254 Telephone - - 300 300 6301 Legal Counsel 576,409 689,686 495,000 655,000 6302 Plaintiff/Defense Litigation 23,076 216,402 220,000 150,000 6310 Labor Negotiation 131,659 166,477 100,000 62,000 6311 Code Enforcement 12,959 27 20,000 30,000 Grand Total 752,602 1,072,592 835,450 897,450 69 70 71 72 73 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentINFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND2 ,611,764 33,494,004 ,864,715 3,912,086 (2505) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT2 ,611,764 33,494,004 ,864,715 3,912,086 Salaries & Benefits 880,9671 ,053,259 1,257,863 1,482,785 Maintenance & Operations 1,808,1501 ,558,505 2,606,852 2,429,301 Capital Outlay- 804,887 - - (2508) COMPUTER REFRESH -- - - Maintenance & Operations -- - - (601)EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 34,813 2120,090 ,065,242 1,414,201 (2505) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT 34,813 2120,090 ,065,242 1,414,201 Capital Outlay 120,0903 4,813 2,065,242 1,414,201 (602)LIABILITY INSURANCE - - - - (2505) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT - - - - Salaries & Benefits -- - - Maintenance & Operations -- - - Grand Total2 ,646,576 53,614,094 ,929,957 5,326,287 74 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary By Account Fiscal Year 2024-2025 .001 GENERAL FUND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 2,611,764 3,494,004 3,864,715 3,912,086 Salaries & Benefits 1,053,259 880,967 1,257,863 1,482,785 4101 Salaries Full Time 8 18,466 648,124 914,186 1,098,661 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - 18,054 4103 Overtime 11,333 6,796 20,000 20,000 4116 Standby Pay - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 72,092 85,202 80,815 109,016 4202 FICA 59,942 53,711 67,793 82,157 4203 Workers' Compensation 5 ,808 4,583 38,959 7,811 4204 Group Insurance 85,617 71,092 120,979 132,595 4207 CalPERS UAL Expense - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - 7,659 10,330 9,931 4221 Car Allowance - 3,800 4,800 4,560 Maintenance & Operations 1,558,505 1,808,150 2,606,852 2,429,301 5204 Operating Supplies 4,281 1,741 5,000 5,000 5206 Computer Supplies 115,710 38,348 47,000 48,000 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6081 Miscellaneous Computer 2,419 - 75,000 54,000 6203 Copy Machine Charges 42,640 46,739 68,500 36,000 6206 Contractual Services 134,406 89,951 229,000 231,650 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 2 10,419 266,798 225,646 224,830 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 130 179 4,000 4,000 6213 Meetings & Travel 2,800 722 20,000 15,000 6214 Professional & Technical 749,766 538,409 850,000 570,000 6215 Repairs & Maintenance 16,200 10,800 20,000 15,000 6217 Software Maintenance 718,282 759,358 1,412,204 766,188 6218 Hardware Maintenance 5,435 12,000 102,000 276,000 6219 Network Operating Charge (506,000) (432,103) (515,998) (534,058) 6223 Training & Education 4,077 6,791 8,000 10,000 6254 Telephone 57,939 52,117 55,000 55,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - - - - 6245 Employee Engagement - 253 1,500 1,500 6216 GASB 96 SBITA-Debt Service Principle&Int - 416,048 651,191 Capital Outlay - 804,887 - - 8108 Capital/Computer Hardware - 804,887 - - Grand Total 2,611,764 3,494,004 3,864,715 3,912,086 75 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND2 ,611,764 3,494,004 3,864,715 3,912,086 (2505) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT2 ,611,764 3,494,004 3,864,715 3,912,086 Salaries & Benefits1 ,053,259 880,967 1,257,863 1,482,785 4101 Salaries Full Time 818,466 648,124 914,186 1,098,661 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - 18,054 4103 Overtime 11,333 6,796 20,000 20,000 4116 Standby Pay - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 72,092 85,202 80,815 109,016 4202 FICA 59,942 53,711 67,793 82,157 4203 Workers' Compensation 5,808 4,583 38,959 7,811 4204 Group Insurance 85,617 71,092 120,979 132,595 4207 CalPERS UAL Expense - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - 7,659 10,330 9,931 4221 Car Allowance - 3,800 4,800 4,560 Maintenance & Operations1 ,558,5051 ,808,150 2,606,852 2,429,301 5204 Operating Supplies 4,281 1,741 5,000 5,000 5206 Computer Supplies 115,710 38,348 47,000 48,000 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6081 Miscellaneous Computer 2,419 - 75,000 54,000 6203 Copy Machine Charges 42,640 46,739 68,500 36,000 6206 Contractual Services 134,406 89,951 229,000 231,650 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 210,419 266,798 225,646 224,830 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 130 179 4,000 4,000 6213 Meetings & Travel 2,800 722 20,000 15,000 6214 Professional & Technical 749,766 538,409 850,000 570,000 6215 Repairs & Maintenance 16,200 10,800 20,000 15,000 6216 GASB 96 SBITA-Debt Service Principle&Int - 416,048 651,191 6217 Software Maintenance 718,282 759,358 1,412,204 766,188 6218 Hardware Maintenance 5,435 12,000 102,000 276,000 6219 Network Operating Charge (506,000) (432,103) (515,998) (534,058) 6223 Training & Education 4,077 6,791 8,000 10,000 6245 Employee Engagement - 253 1,500 1,500 6254 Telephone 57,939 52,117 55,000 55,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - - - - Capital Outlay - 804,887 - - 8108 Capital/Computer Hardware - 804,887 - - (2508) COMPUTER REFRESH -- - - Maintenance & Operations -- - - 5206 Computer Supplies -- - - 6217 Software Maintenance -- - - (601)EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 34,813 120,090 2,065,242 1,414,201 (2505) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT 34,813 120,090 2,065,242 1,414,201 Capital Outlay 34,813 120,090 2,065,242 1,414,201 8104 Capital/Equipment - - 846,440 312,730 8105 Automotive - - 18,192 20,000 8106 Communication - - 63,200 63,200 8108 Computer Hardware 34,813 120,090 1,137,410 1,018,271 (602)LIABILITY INSURANCE - - - - (2505) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT - - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - 4101 Salaries Full Time - - - - 4103 Overtime - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - - 4202 FICA - - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - 4204 Group Insurance - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - 6214 Professional & Technical - - - - 6246 Claims Expense - - - - Grand Total2 ,646,576 3,614,094 5,929,957 5,326,287 76 77 78 79 80 81 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentHUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 1,240,818 1,586,742 2,116,401 2,194,785 (2506) HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 1,240,818 1,586,742 2,116,401 2,194,785 Salaries & Benefits 695,840 692,114 840,478 918,519 Maintenance & Operations 544,978 894,628 1,275,922 1,276,265 Grand Total 1,240,818 1,586,742 2,116,401 2,194,785 82 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary By Account Fiscal Year 2024-2025 .001 GENERAL FUND HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 1,240,818 1,586,742 2,116,401 2,194,785 Salaries & Benefits 695,840 692,114 840,478 918,519 4101 Salaries Full Time 527,624 535,789 666,927 713,274 4102 Salaries Part Time 27,061 - - - 4103 Overtime- - - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments- - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 50,175 54,352 52,782 65,290 4202 FICA 40,320 37,547 43,316 52,126 4203 Workers' Compensation 3,883 3,782 4,496 4,993 4204 Group Insurance 46,777 47,884 59,341 69,795 4207 CalPERS UAL Expense- - - - 4210 OPEB Expense- - - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution- 8,260 9,297 8,937 4221 Car Allowance- 4,500 4,320 4,104 Maintenance & Operations 544,978 894,628 1,275,922 1,276,265 5201 Office Supplies- - - - 5204 Operating Supplies 5,354 4,831 6,300 6,300 5206 Computer Supplies 958 5,779 3,500 3,500 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment- - - - 5221 Employee Physicals 21,061 33,211 45,250 45,250 5222 Wellness 6,878 13,441 10,500 10,500 6201 Advertising/Publishing 3,876 7,581 8,500 8,500 6203 Copy Machine Charges- - - - 6205 Other Printing & Binding 285 - 300 300 6206 Contractual Services 36,875 37,501 37,500 37,500 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge- - - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 1,990 9,059 7,000 7,000 6213 Meetings & Travel- 5,665 8,000 8,000 6214 Professional & Technical 283,382 507,511 697,200 697,200 6215 Repairs & Maintenance- - 120 120 6217 Software Maintenance- - - - 6219 Network Operating Charge 8,600 8,600 9,802 10,145 6253 Postage 6166 43 800 800 6254 Telephone 2,831 3,107 4,560 4,560 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs- - - - 6262 Testing/Recruitment 147,578 153,077 165,490 165,490 6223 Citywide Training 24,694 97,764 151,100 151,100 6245 Employee Engagement - - 100,000 100,000 6221 Tuition Reimbursement - - 10,000 10,000 6225 Department Training - 2 ,153 10,000 10,000 6231 Employee Service Awards - 4 ,703 - Grand Total 1,240,818 1,586,742 2,116,401 2,194,785 83 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Department HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 1,240,818 1,586,742 2,116,401 2,194,785 (2506) HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT 1,240,818 1,586,742 2,116,401 2,194,785 Salaries & Benefits 695,840 692,114 840,478 918,519 4101 Salaries Full Time 527,624 535,789 666,927 713,274 4102 Salaries Part Time 27,061 - - - 4103 Overtime - - - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 50,175 54,352 52,782 65,290 4202 FICA 40,320 37,547 43,316 52,126 4203 Workers' Compensation 3,883 3,782 4,496 4,993 4204 Group Insurance 46,777 47,884 59,341 69,795 4207 CalPERS UAL Expense - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - 8,260 9,297 8,937 4221 Car Allowance - 4,500 4,320 4,104 Maintenance & Operations 544,978 894,628 1,275,922 1,276,265 5201 Office Supplies - - - - 5204 Operating Supplies 5,354 4,831 6,300 6,300 5206 Computer Supplies 958 5,779 3,500 3,500 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 5221 Employee Physicals 21,061 33,211 45,250 45,250 5222 Wellness 6,878 13,441 10,500 10,500 6201 Advertising/Publishing 3,876 7,581 8,500 8,500 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - - - 6205 Other Printing & Binding 285 - 300 300 6206 Contractual Services 36,875 37,501 37,500 37,500 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge - - - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 1,990 9,059 7,000 7,000 6213 Meetings & Travel - 5,665 8,000 8,000 6214 Professional & Technical 283,382 507,511 697,200 697,200 6215 Repairs & Maintenance - - 120 120 6217 Software Maintenance - - - - 6219 Network Operating Charge 8,600 8,600 9,802 10,145 6221 Tuition Reimbursement - - 10,000 10,000 6223 Citywide Training 24,694 97,764 151,100 151,100 6225 Department Training - 2,153 10,000 10,000 6231 Employee Service Awards - 4,703 - 6245 Employee Engagement -- 100,000 100,000 6253 Postage 616 643 800 800 6254 Telephone 2,831 3,107 4,560 4,560 - 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - -- 6262 Testing/Recruitment 147,578 153,077 165,490 165,490 Grand Total 1,240,818 1,586,742 2,116,401 2,194,785 84 85 86 87 88 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentFINANCE DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 2,235,699 22,489,085,472,4532,766,646 (1201) CITY TREASURER 264,630 307286,130,472392,642 Salaries & Benefits 244,803233,963279,135364,960 Maintenance & Operations 19,82752,16728,33727,682 (2501) ADMINISTRATION 396,684 516461,109,528782,470 Salaries & Benefits 325,465348,195441,548691,454 Maintenance & Operations 71,219104,80674,97991,016 Capital Outlay- 8,108- (2502) ACCOUNTING SERVICES 1,034,5831,120,7001,059,9901,021,545 Salaries & Benefits 867,0841,012,864896,460871,695 Maintenance & Operations 167,499107,837163,530149,850 (2504) BUSINESS SERVICES 539,801 588621,147,464569,989 Salaries & Benefits 338,066457,446382,864349,814 Maintenance & Operations 201,735163,700205,600220,175 (2507) PURCHASING/RISK MANAGEMENT- --- Salaries & Benefits- --- Maintenance & Operations- --- (503)GOLF COURSE 109,140 --- (5301) 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - ADMINISTRATION 101,074 --- Maintenance & Operations 101,074 --- (5302) 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - FOOD & BEVERAGE 872 --- Salaries & Benefits- --- Maintenance & Operations 872 --- (5304) 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - PRO SHOP- --- Salaries & Benefits- --- Maintenance & Operations- --- (5305) 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - GOLF COURSE- --- Salaries & Benefits- --- Maintenance & Operations- --- (5306) 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - DRIVING RANGE- --- Salaries & Benefits- --- Maintenance & Operations- --- (5307) 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 7,194 --- Salaries & Benefits- --- Maintenance & Operations 7,194 --- (5308) 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - GOLF COURSE LESSONS- --- Maintenance & Operations- --- (601)EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT- --- (2501) ADMINISTRATION- --- Capital Outlay- --- ,344,838 22,489,085,472,4532,766,646 Grand Total2 89 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary By Account Fiscal Year 2024-2025 .001 GENERAL FUND FINANCE DEPARTMENT Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 2,235,699 2,489,085 2,472,453 2,766,646 Salaries & Benefits 1,775,418 2,052,467 2,000,007 2,277,922 4101 Salaries Full Time 1,337,662 1,536,148 1,529,576 1,708,347 4102 Salaries Part Time 7,621 31,560 18,000 5,408 4103 Overtime 5,630 2,936 7,500 4,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime -- - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments 483 3,018 2,850 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 128,462 165,598 130,613 159,775 4202 FICA 106,761 120,043 110,764 128,549 4203 Workers' Compensation 9,495 11,309 10,990 12,170 4204 Group Insurance 179,305 173,435 179,124 246,631 4207 CalPERS UAL Expense -- - - 4210 OPEB Expense -- - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - 5,410 7,231 8,937 4221 Car Allowance - 3,010 3,360 4,104 Maintenance & Operations 460,2804 28,510 472,446 488,723 4999 Cash Over/Short 100 100 - - 5201 Office Supplies -- - - 5204 Operating Supplies 8,6291 2,953 12,500 13,200 5214 Housing Supplies -- - - 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment -- - - 6139 Bank Service Charges -- - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 275 560 250 250 6203 Copy Machine Charges 1,300- - - 6205 Other Printing & Binding 1,914 1,639 1,850 1,850 6206 Contractual Services 1,696- - - 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 985- - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 2,711 2,053 5,425 4,920 6213 Meetings & Travel 16,479 22,030 40,300 43,450 6214 Professional & Technical 368,561 327,213 336,750 347,550 6217 Software Maintenance 840 840 2,000 - 6219 Network Operating Charge 37,900 37,900 43,199 44,711 6223 Training & Education 3,986 8,414 12,100 14,350 6245 Employee Recognition - 182 1,000 1,000 6253 Postage 3,513 4,379 6,100 6,100 6254 Telephone 11,3921 0,247 10,972 11,342 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs -- - - Capital Outlay - 8,108 - 8104 Equipment - 8,108 - Grand Total 2,235,699 2,489,085 2,472,453 2,766,646 90 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 2,235,699 2,489,085 2,472,453 2,766,646 (1201) CITY TREASURER 264,630 286,130 307,472 392,642 Salaries & Benefits 244,803 233,963 279,135 364,960 4101 Salaries Full Time 183,890 171,996 210,113 277,067 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 16,898 19,740 18,012 25,129 4202 FICA 14,385 14,026 16,074 21,196 4203 Workers' Compensation 1,320 1,190 1,471 1,939 4204 Group Insurance 28,310 27,010 33,467 39,629 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - Maintenance & Operations 19,827 52,167 28,337 27,682 4999 Cash Over/Short1 00 100 - - 5204 Operating Supplies4 49 1,114 500 1,200 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6139 Bank Service Charges - - - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions6 25 530 1,650 1,300 6213 Meetings & Travel 2,011 1,711 2,550 2,900 6214 Professional & Technical - 32,811 - 6217 Software Maintenance8 40 840 2,000 - 6219 Network Operating Charge6,900 6,900 7,865 8,140 6223 Training & Education2 ,617 1,860 6,700 6,700 6253 Postage3 ,131 3,287 3,400 3,400 6254 Telephone3 ,154 3,013 3,672 4,042 (2501) ADMINISTRATION 396,684 461,109 516,528 782,470 Salaries & Benefits 325,465 348,195 441,548 691,454 4101 Salaries Full Time 249,930 251,243 336,426 523,997 4102 Salaries Part Time - 9,126 6,000 - 4103 Overtime - 208 - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 22,916 24,672 28,568 48,348 4202 FICA 15,868 18,300 16,398 37,553 4203 Workers' Compensation1 ,750 2,157 2,355 3,668 4204 Group Insurance 35,001 34,068 41,211 64,847 4207 CalPERS UAL Expense - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - 5,410 7,231 8,937 4221 Car Allowance - 3,010 3,360 4,104 Maintenance & Operations 71,219 104,806 74,979 91,016 5201 Office Supplies - - - - 5204 Operating Supplies8,179 11,681 12,000 12,000 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing2 75 224 250 250 6203 Copy Machine Charges1 ,300 - - - 6205 Other Printing & Binding1 ,914 1,639 1,850 1,850 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge9 85 - - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions1 ,171 392 645 745 6213 Meetings & Travel5 ,923 3,574 8,050 10,750 6214 Professional & Technical 12,016 47,709 5,850 17,850 6219 Network Operating Charge 31,000 31,000 35,334 36,571 6223 Training & Education - 80 - - 6245 Employee Recognition - 182 1,000 1,000 6253 Postage2 18 1,092 2,700 2,700 6254 Telephone8 ,238 7,235 7,300 7,300 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - - - - Capital Outlay - 8,108 - 8104 Equipment - 8,108 - (2502) ACCOUNTING SERVICES 1,034,5831 ,120,700 1,059,990 1,021,545 Salaries & Benefits 867,0841 ,012,864 896,460 871,695 4101 Salaries Full Time 648,374 770,620 700,778 656,821 4102 Salaries Part Time7 ,621 22,434 6,000 5,408 4103 Overtime4 ,611 829 5,000 1,000 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 63,241 82,122 59,299 61,364 4202 FICA 55,893 61,288 56,482 50,640 4203 Workers' Compensation4 ,627 5,531 5,168 4,809 4204 Group Insurance 82,718 70,041 63,733 91,652 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - Maintenance & Operations 167,499 107,837 163,530 149,850 5204 Operating Supplies - - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions4 30 706 2,130 2,000 6213 Meetings & Travel 3,894 15,279 23,000 22,000 6214 Professional & Technical 161,996 86,333 134,000 119,200 6223 Training & Education 1,180 5,518 4,400 6,650 (2504) BUSINESS SERVICES 539,801 621,147 588,464 569,989 Salaries & Benefits 338,066 457,446 382,864 349,814 4101 Salaries Full Time 255,468 342,289 282,259 250,463 4102 Salaries Part Time - - 6,000 - 4103 Overtime1 ,019 1,899 2,500 3,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - - - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments4 83 3,018 2,850 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 25,407 39,065 24,734 24,935 4202 FICA 20,614 26,429 21,811 19,160 4203 Workers' Compensation1 ,799 2,430 1,996 1,753 4204 Group Insurance 33,276 42,316 40,714 50,504 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 91 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 Maintenance & Operations 201,735 163,700 205,600 220,175 5204 Operating Supplies - 158 - - 5214 Housing Supplies -- - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - 336 - 6206 Contractual Services1 ,696 - - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions4 85 425 1,000 875 6213 Meetings & Travel4 ,653 1,466 6,700 7,800 6214 Professional & Technical 194,549 160,360 196,900 210,500 6223 Training & Education1 89 955 1,000 1,000 6253 Postage1 64 - - - (2507) PURCHASING/RISK MANAGEMENT - - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - 4101 Salaries Full Time - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - - 4202 FICA - - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - 4204 Group Insurance - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions - - - - 6213 Meetings & Travel - - - - 6214 Professional & Technical - - - - 6223 Training & Education - - - - (503)GOLF COURSE 109,140 - - - (5301) 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - ADMINISTRATION 101,074 - - - Maintenance & Operations 101,074 - - - 4907 Interest Expense - GASB 87 Leases - - - - 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6202 Depreciation Expense - - - - 6203 Amort. Right-of-Use Lease Asset 41,123 - - - 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge - - - - 6214 Professional & Technical 20,250 - - - 6286 General Admin Charges - - - - 6501 Right of Way Lease 39,701 - - - 6700 Loss on Disposition of Assets - - - - (5302) 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - FOOD & BEVERAGE8 72 - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - 4104 Permanent Contract - - - - 4202 FICA - - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - 4204 Group Insurance - - - - 4205 Unfiorm Allowance - - - - Maintenance & Operations8 72 - - - 5201 Office Supplies6 96 - - - 5203 Repair & Maintenance Supplies - - - - 5204 Operating Supplies - - - - 5210 Paper Goods - - - - 5213 Replacement of Damaged Goods - - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - - - 6215 Repairs & Maintenance - - - - 6242 Employee Meals - - - - 6244 Other Unclassified Expense1 77 - - - 6249 Fees & Licenses - - - - 7550 Cost of Sales - - - - (5304) 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - PRO SHOP - - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - 4104 Permanent Contract - - - - 4202 FICA - - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - 4204 Group Insurance - - - - 4205 Unfiorm Allowance - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - 5201 Office Supplies - - - - 5203 Repair & Maintenance Supplies - - - - 5204 Operating Supplies - - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - - - 6215 Repairs & Maintenance - - - - 6244 Other Unclassified Expense - - - - 6270 Commissions - - - - 7600 Hard Goods - - - - 7601 Purchase Discounts - - - - 7602 Soft Goods - - - - 7604 Freight - - - - (5305) 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - GOLF COURSE - - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - 4104 Permanent Contract - - - - 4202 FICA - - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - 4204 Group Insurance - - - - 4205 Uniform Allowance - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - 5203 Repair & Maintenance Supplies - - - - 5204 Operating Supplies - - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - - - 6206 Contractual Services - - - - 6215 Repairs & Maintenance - - - - 92 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 6244 Other Unclassified Expense - - - - 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - - - - (5306) 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - DRIVING RANGE - - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - 4104 Permanent Contract - - - - 4202 FICA - - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - 4204 Group Insurance - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - 5204 Operating Supplies - - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - - - 6202 Depreciation Expense - - - - 6215 Repairs & Maintenance - - - - 6244 Other Unclassified Expense - - - - (5307) 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - GENERAL ADMINISTRATION 7,194 - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - 4104 Permanent Contract - - - - 4202 FICA - - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - 4204 Group Insurance - - - - Maintenance & Operations7,194 - - - 5203 Repair & Maintenance Supplies - - - - 5204 Operating Supplies - - - - 6101 Gas Utility - - - - 6102 Electric Utility - - - - 6103 Water Utility - - - - 6135 Credit Card Expense - - - - 6139 Bank Service Charges - - - - 6153 Personnel Prop. Damage - - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions - - - - 6211 Insurance & Bonds - - - - 6214 Professional & Technical - - - - 6215 Repairs & Maintenance - - - - 6223 Training & Education - - - - 6244 Other Unclassified Expense - - - - 6249 Fees & Licenses - - - - 6253 Postage - - - - 6254 Telephone - - - - 6284 Security Costs - - - - 6301 Legal Counsel 7,194 - - - (5308) 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - GOLF COURSE LESSONS - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - 6093 Junior Camp Expenses - - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - - - 6270 Commissions - - - - (601)EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT - - - - (2501) ADMINISTRATION - - - - Capital Outlay - - - - 8104 Equipment - - - - 8108 Computer Hardware - - - - Grand Total 2,344,838 2,489,085 2,472,453 2,766,646 93 94 95 96 97 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentPOLICE DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 17,845,583 20,039,722 21,611,055 22,231,649 (3101) ADMINISTRATION 4,629,446 5,088,322 5,450,073 4,608,489 Salaries & Benefits 2,932,021 3,060,575 3,152,839 2,619,701 Maintenance & Operations 1,692,035 2,027,746 2,048,584 1,988,787 Capital Outlay 5,390 - 248,650 - (3102) PATROL & SAFETY 8,130,847 9,629,982 10,204,181 11,291,454 Salaries & Benefits 8,130,847 9,629,982 10,204,181 11,291,454 (3103) CRIME INVESTIGATION 2,026,978 1,985,001 2,181,061 2,169,194 Salaries & Benefits 2,026,978 1,985,001 2,181,061 2,169,194 (3104) TRAFIC SAFETY 1,027,049 1,064,092 1,175,896 1,280,000 Salaries & Benefits 1,027,049 1,064,092 1,175,896 1,280,000 (3105) ASSET FORFEITURE- - - - Maintenance & Operations- - - - (3106) COMMUNITY RELATIONS 530,558 266,953 348,813 461,886 Salaries & Benefits 530,558 266,953 348,813 461,886 (3107) COMMUNICATION CENTER 1,459,444 1,971,000 2,219,531 2,378,846 Maintenance & Operations 1,459,444 1,971,000 2,219,531 2,378,846 (3108) ANIMAL CONTROL 29,365 33,137 31,500 41,781 Salaries & Benefits 565 2,337 - 3,000 Maintenance & Operations 28,800 30,800 31,500 38,781 (3705) LA COUNTY - TRAP 11,895 1,236 -- Salaries & Benefits 11,895 1,236 - - (109)ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 309,562 191,375 800,000 702,450 (3101) ADMINISTRATION- 2,450 Maintenance & Operations- 2,450 (3105) ASSET FORFEITURE 116,588 191,375 - - Salaries & Benefits- - - - Maintenance & Operations 77,387 74,326 - - Capital Outlay 39,201 117,049 - - (3109) ASSET FORFEITURE 192,974 - 800,000 700,000 Maintenance & Operations 7,790 - 500,000 350,000 Capital Outlay 185,184 - 300,000 350,000 (120)C.O.P.S. FUND 53,490 75,123 615,000 423,820 (0000) C.O.P.S. FUND 53,490 72,897 550,000 350,000 Salaries & Benefits- - - - Maintenance & Operations- 18,830 400,000 175,000 Capital Outlay 53,490 54,067 150,000 175,000 (0000) POLICE DEPARTMENT- 2,227 65,000 35,000 Maintenance & Operations- 2,227 65,000 35,000 (3101) ADMINISTRATION- 38,820 Maintenance & Operations- 38,820 (123)PSAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY- 64,488 75,000 75,000 (3101) ADMINISTRATION- 64,488 75,000 75,000 Maintenance & Operations- 64,488 75,000 75,000 (124)FEDERAL GRANTS 993,367 998,132 268,444 257,765 (3101) ADMINISTRATION- 4,766 268,444 257,765 Maintenance & Operations- 4,766 268,444 257,765 (3102) PATROL & SAFETY 993,367 993,367 - - Salaries & Benefits 993,367 993,367 - - Maintenance & Operations- - - - (125)STATE GRANTS 32,136 7,807 148,944 79,827 (3101) ADMINISTRATION 32,136 7,807 148,944 79,827 Maintenance & Operations 32,136 7,807 148,944 79,827 (312)DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - LAW ENFORCEMENT- - 60,000 (3101) ADMINISTRATION- - 60,000 Maintenance & Operations- - 60,000 (601)EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 31,023 99,200 3,780,422 2,117,671 (3101) ADMINISTRATION 31,023 99,200 3,588,537 1,925,786 Capital Outlay 31,023 99,200 3,588,537 1,925,786 (3107) COMMUNICATION CENTER- - 191,885 191,885 Capital Outlay- - 191,885 191,885 (702)TRUST FUNDS - SPECIAL REVENUE/DONATIONS- - - (3101) ADMINISTRATION- - - Maintenance & Operations- - - (3110) POLICE DEPARTMENT- - - Maintenance & Operations- - - Grand Total 19,265,160 21,475,847 27,298,865 25,948,183 98 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary By Account Fiscal Year 2024-2025 .001 GENERAL FUND POLICE DEPARTMENT Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 17,845,583 20,039,722 21,611,055 22,231,649 Salaries & Benefits 14,659,914 16,010,176 17,062,790 17,825,235 4101 Salaries Full Time 8,115,2688,924,734 9,571,773 10,789,157 4102 Salaries Part Time 229,346 139,362 183,405 224,278 4103 Overtime 947,457 1,232,830 900,000 925,000 4105 Holiday Pay 489,269 504,362 865,924 557,590 4113 Reimbursable LA County - TRAP 11,895 1,236 - - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 86,825 163,803 142,197 - 4117 Opt - Out Payments 3,018 3,518 2,850 - 4118 Replacement Benefit Contributions 46,970 24,557 88,461 88,461 4201 Retirement CalPERS 2,019,644 2,138,865 1,993,113 2,101,546 4202 FICA 267,829 292,948 805,756 290,727 4203 Workers' Compensation 1,198,011 1,285,637 1,183,693 1,303,143 4204 Group Insurance 1,166,027 1,204,006 1,318,778 1,533,210 4205 Uniform Allowance 240 2,831 6,840 8,413 4207 CalPERS UAL -- - - 4209 PARS Expense -- - - 4210 OPEB Expense -- - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution -- - - 4215 Uniform Replacement 78,115 91,488 - 3,710 4,299,615 4,406,414 Maintenance & Operations 3,180,279 4,029,547 5204 Operating Supplies 63,158 65,332 68,000 67,000 5206 Computer Supplies 2,623 3,447 5,000 4,000 5211 Photo & Evidence Supplies 32,971 5,727 6,500 5,500 5212 Prisoner Meals - 123 - - 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge - 527 - - 5218 Training Materials & Supplies 30,7803 5,719 37,000 39,000 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment -- - - 6205 Other Printing & Binding 17,764 16,065 16,000 15,900 6206 Contractual Services 1,646,636 2,192,966 2,422,361 2,573,727 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 267,994 378,554 479,996 479,616 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 13,037 13,262 10,405 8,060 6211 Insurance & Bonds 375,000 550,000 500,000 500,000 6212 Laundry & Cleaning 6,368 6,622 6,850 - 6213 Meetings & Travel 63,453 55,387 55,000 26,650 6214 Professional & Technical 221,401 217,985 232,950 225,750 6215 Repairs & Maintenance 5,875 4,005 7,000 3,000 6216 Rental Charges 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 129,300 129,300 147,378 152,536 6223 Training & Education 28,178 35,676 35,000 31,500 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge 225- - - 6225 PD Admin/POST Training & Education 8,511 1,655 - - 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio -- - - 6253 Postage 5,180 5,279 3,675 3,675 6254 Telephone 141,462 164,530 125,000 135,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 427 8,498 - - 6272 Court Costs -- - - 6273 In-Custody Medical Charges 52,389 53,768 55,000 53,000 6274 Investigations Expense 7,610 12,117 10,000 10,000 6275 K-9 Dog Care Services 7,928 7,108 9,000 7,000 6278 Computer Charges -- - - 6288 S.W.A.T.Program 12,665 12,868 12,500 10,500 6289 Education Reimbursement 24,343 38,025 40,000 40,000 Capital Outlay 5,390- 248,650 - 8104 Equipment 5,390- - - 8105 Automotive -- - - 8103 Capital/Other Improvements -- 248,650 - Grand Total 17,845,583 20,039,722 21,611,055 22,231,649 99 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 POLICE DEPARTMENT Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 17,845,583 20,039,722 21,611,055 22,231,649 (3101) ADMINISTRATION 4,629,446 5,088,322 5,450,073 4,608,489 Salaries & Benefits 2,932,021 3,060,575 3,152,839 2,619,701 4101 Salaries Full Time 1,696,169 1,860,597 1,786,007 1,526,231 4102 Salaries Part Time 167,259 92,650 118,471 162,970 4103 Overtime 54,674 82,803 75,000 75,000 4105 Holiday Pay 68,479 68,016 100,747 51,636 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 985 (1,830) 142,197 - 4117 Opt - Out Payments 3,018 3,518 2,850 - 4118 Replacement Benefit Contributions 46,970 24,557 88,461 88,461 4201 Retirement CalPERS 292,482 319,048 285,335 163,514 4202 FICA 120,266 121,606 146,686 132,847 4203 Workers' Compensation 136,724 143,121 146,761 99,133 4204 Group Insurance 266,640 252,171 256,142 312,322 4205 Uniform Allowance 240 2,831 4,180 3,876 4207 CalPERS UAL - - - - 4209 PARS Expense - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement 78,115 91,488 - 3,710 Maintenance & Operations 1,692,035 2,027,746 2,048,584 1,988,787 5204 Operating Supplies 63,158 65,332 68,000 67,000 5206 Computer Supplies 2,623 3,447 5,000 4,000 5211 Photo & Evidence Supplies 32,971 5,727 6,500 5,500 5212 Prisoner Meals - 123 - - 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge - 527 - - 5218 Training Materials & Supplies 30,780 35,719 37,000 39,000 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6205 Other Printing & Binding 17,764 16,065 16,000 15,900 6206 Contractual Services 193,038 225,401 206,330 191,100 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 267,994 378,554 479,996 479,616 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 13,037 13,262 10,405 8,060 6211 Insurance & Bonds 375,000 550,000 500,000 500,000 6212 Laundry & Cleaning 6,368 6,622 6,850 - 6213 Meetings & Travel 63,453 55,387 55,000 26,650 6214 Professional & Technical 221,401 217,985 232,950 225,750 6215 Repairs & Maintenance 5,875 4,005 7,000 3,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 129,300 129,300 147,378 152,536 6223 Training & Education 28,178 35,676 35,000 31,500 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge 225 - - - 6225 PD Admin/POST Training & Education 8,511 1,655 - - 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio - - - - 6253 Postage 5,180 5,279 3,675 3,675 6254 Telephone 121,816 145,296 105,000 115,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 427 8,498 - - 6272 Court Costs - - - - 6273 In-Custody Medical Charges 52,389 53,768 55,000 53,000 6274 Investigations Expense 7,610 12,117 10,000 10,000 6275 K-9 Dog Care Services 7,928 7,108 9,000 7,000 6278 Computer Charges - - - - 6288 S.W.A.T.Program 12,665 12,868 12,500 10,500 6289 Education Reimbursement 24,343 38,025 40,000 40,000 Capital Outlay 5,390 - 248,650 - 8103 Capital/Other Improvements - - 248,650 - 8104 Equipment 5,390 - - - 8105 Automotive - - - - (3102) PATROL & SAFETY 8,130,847 9,629,982 10,204,181 11,291,454 Salaries & Benefits 8,130,847 9,629,982 10,204,181 11,291,454 4101 Salaries Full Time 4,367,430 5,213,960 5,753,644 6,919,140 4102 Salaries Part Time - 560 - 61,308 4103 Overtime 627,014 833,266 550,000 550,000 4105 Holiday Pay 300,234 314,703 576,747 371,245 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 102,274 189,838 - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 1,233,134 1,372,035 1,283,491 1,441,639 4202 FICA 94,306 115,295 484,380 121,967 4203 Workers' Compensation 758,643 866,903 775,640 900,615 4204 Group Insurance 647,812 723,422 778,911 922,212 4205 Uniform Allowance - - 1,368 3,329 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement - - - - (3103) CRIME INVESTIGATION 2,026,978 1,985,001 2,181,061 2,169,194 Salaries & Benefits 2,026,978 1,985,001 2,181,061 2,169,194 4101 Salaries Full Time 1,209,601 1,170,288 1,233,310 1,295,549 4103 Overtime 125,076 152,294 130,000 145,000 4105 Holiday Pay 68,640 67,847 112,865 74,596 100 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 POLICE DEPARTMENT Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 4113 Reimbursable Overtime (21,632) (23,116) - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 280,686 265,694 252,799 288,631 4202 FICA 33,387 38,845 103,052 19,876 4203 Workers' Compensation 173,070 165,292 165,018 167,917 4204 Group Insurance 158,149 147,856 183,104 177,021 4205 Uniform Allowance - - 912 604 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - - - - (3104) TRAFIC SAFETY 1,027,049 1,064,092 1,175,896 1,280,000 Salaries & Benefits 1,027,049 1,064,092 1,175,896 1,280,000 4101 Salaries Full Time 539,148 532,403 611,625 777,375 4102 Salaries Part Time 62,086 46,152 64,933 - 4103 Overtime 79,385 138,171 75,000 85,000 4105 Holiday Pay 34,753 37,597 63,006 44,660 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 5,198 214 - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 145,547 138,864 147,881 166,680 4202 FICA 14,359 14,405 56,328 11,928 4203 Workers' Compensation 82,763 87,768 78,157 100,773 4204 Group Insurance 63,808 68,519 78,966 92,979 4205 Uniform Allowance - - - 604 4210 OPEB Expense -- - - (3105) ASSET FORFEITURE - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - 6223 Training & Education - - - - (3106) COMMUNITY RELATIONS 530,558 266,953 348,813 461,886 Salaries & Benefits 530,558 266,953 348,813 461,886 4101 Salaries Full Time 302,354 145,149 187,186 267,862 4103 Overtime 61,307 26,296 70,000 70,000 4105 Holiday Pay 17,162 16,200 12,561 15,454 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - (1,303) - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 67,794 43,223 23,607 41,081 4202 FICA 5,510 2,796 15,310 4,108 4203 Workers' Compensation 46,811 22,552 18,117 34,706 4204 Group Insurance 29,618 12,039 21,653 28,675 4205 Uniform Allowance - - 380 - 4209 PARS Expense - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - (3107) COMMUNICATION CENTER 1,459,444 1,971,000 2,219,531 2,378,846 Maintenance & Operations 1,459,444 1,971,000 2,219,531 2,378,846 6206 Contractual Services 1,424,799 1,936,766 2,184,531 2,343,846 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge - -- - 6216 Rental Charges 15,000 15,000 15,000 15,000 6254 Telephone 19,646 19,234 20,000 20,000 6278 Computer Charges - - - - (3108) ANIMAL CONTROL 29,365 33,137 31,500 41,781 Salaries & Benefits 565 2,337 - 3,000 4101 Salaries Full Time 565 2,337 - 3,000 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - - 4103 Overtime - - - - 4105 Holiday Pay - - - - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - - - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - - 4202 FICA - - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - 4204 Group Insurance - - - - 4205 Uniform Allowance - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - Maintenance & Operations 28,800 30,800 31,500 38,781 5204 Operating Supplies - - - - 6206 Contractual Services 28,800 30,80031,500 38,781 (3705) LA COUNTY - TRAP 11,895 1,236 - - Salaries & Benefits 11,895 1,236 - - 4113 Reimbursable LA County - TRAP 11,895 1,236 - - (109)ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 309,562 191,375 800,000 702,450 (3101) ADMINISTRATION - 2,450 Maintenance & Operations - 2,450 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge - 2,450 (3105) ASSET FORFEITURE 116,588 191,375 - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - 4103 Overtime - - - - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - - - - 4202 FICA - - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - 4205 Uniform Allowance - - - - 101 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 POLICE DEPARTMENT Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 Maintenance & Operations 77,387 74,326 - - 5204 Operating Supplies 8,037 13,753 - - 5209 Non-Capitalized Purchases <$5000 - - - - 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge 39 109 - - 6205 Other Printing & Binding - - - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions - 4,507 - - 6213 Meetings & Travel 10,810 22,522 - - 6214 Professional & Technical 38,061 18,778 - - 6223 Training & Education 1,725 7,592 - - 6224 Vehicle Operating Charges 6,448 3,599 - - 6241 Contingencies - - - - 6296 R.S.V.P. Program 1,526 - - - 6401 Community Promotion 10,741 3,466 - - Capital Outlay 39,201 117,049 - - 8104 Equipment 39,201 116,049 - - 8105 Automotive - 1,000 - - (3109) ASSET FORFEITURE 192,974 - 800,000 700,000 Maintenance & Operations 7,790 - 500,000 350,000 5204 Operating Supplies - - 100,000 70,000 6208 Dues & Subscriptions - - 5,000 5,000 6213 Meetings & Travel -- 50,000 40,000 6214 Professional & Technical 7,790 - 200,000 150,000 6223 Training & Education - - 35,000 30,000 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge - - 50,000 - 6296 R.S.V.P. Program - - 10,000 5,000 6401 Community Promotion - - 50,000 50,000 Capital Outlay 185,184 - 300,000 350,000 8103 Other Improvements 28,033 -- - 8104 Equipment - - 200,000 200,000 8105 Automotive - - 100,000 150,000 8708 PD Womens Locker Room Upgrade 157,151 - - - (120)C.O.P.S. FUND 53,490 75,123 615,000 423,820 (0000) C.O.P.S. FUND 53,490 72,897 550,000 350,000 Salaries & Benefits - - - - 4103 Overtime - - - - 4202 FICA - - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - Maintenance & Operations - 18,830 400,000 175,000 5209 Non-Capitalized Purchases <$5000 -- 50,000 25,000 6206 Contractual Services - 18,830 50,000 50,000 6214 Professional & Technical -- 300,000 100,000 Capital Outlay 53,490 54,067 150,000 175,000 8104 Equipment 53,490 54,067 150,000 175,000 (0000) POLICE DEPARTMENT - 2,227 65,000 35,000 Maintenance & Operations - 2,227 65,000 35,000 5204 Operating Supplies - 2,227 10,000 5,000 6201 Advertising/Publishing -- 5,000 5,000 6217 Software Maintenance -- 50,000 25,000 (3101) ADMINISTRATION - 38,820 Maintenance & Operations - 38,820 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge - 38,820 (123)PSAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY - 64,488 75,000 75,000 (3101) ADMINISTRATION - 64,488 75,000 75,000 Maintenance & Operations - 64,488 75,000 75,000 5204 Operating Supplies - 64,488 75,000 75,000 (124)FEDERAL GRANTS 993,367 998,132 268,444 257,765 (3101) ADMINISTRATION - 4,766 268,444 257,765 Maintenance & Operations - 4,766 268,444 257,765 3788 Bullet Proof Vest Grant - 4,766 5,000 6,000 6411 UASI Grant 2023 -- 251,765 251,765 6414 UASI 2021 -- 11,679 - (3102) PATROL & SAFETY 993,367 993,367 - - Salaries & Benefits 993,367 993,367 - - 4101 Salaries Full Time - ARPA 993,367 993,367 - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - 3741 2019 HMEP Grant - - - - (125)STATE GRANTS 32,136 7,807 148,944 79,827 (3101) ADMINISTRATION 32,136 7,807 148,944 79,827 Maintenance & Operations 32,136 7,807 148,944 79,827 3724 Police Alcohol Beverage Control Grant - 4,607 - 3725 2020 Traffic Grant 24,800 - - - 3726 Tobacco Grant 2020-2021 306 - 33,909 - 3727 OTS-STEP Grant 2023 - - 115,035 25,000 3764 LA County Homeless Initiative 4,954 - - 25,000 3777 Police Mental Health Grant 24 3,200 - 29,827 102 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 POLICE DEPARTMENT Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 3788 Bullet Proof Vest 2,052 - - - 6411 UASI Grant 2023 - - - - (312)DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - LAW ENFORCEMENT - - 60,000 (3101) ADMINISTRATION - - 60,000 Maintenance & Operations - - 60,000 5204 Operating Supplies - - 60,000 (601)EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 31,023 99,200 3,780,422 2,117,671 (3101) ADMINISTRATION 31,023 99,200 3,588,537 1,925,786 Capital Outlay 31,023 99,200 3,588,537 1,925,786 8104 Equipment 31,023 99,200 1,066,102 736,326 8105 Automotive - - 1,194,635 433,860 8106 Communications - - 1,327,800 755,600 8108 Computer Hardware - - - (3107) COMMUNICATION CENTER - - 191,885 191,885 Capital Outlay - - 191,885 191,885 8106 Communication - - 191,885 191,885 (702)TRUST FUNDS - SPECIAL REVENUE/DONATIONS - - - (3101) ADMINISTRATION - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - 2584 Police Admin / Inmate Welfare Exp - - - 6275 K-9 Dog Care Services - - - (3110) POLICE DEPARTMENT - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - 2601 Donations - Dare - - - 5204 Operating Supplies - - - Grand Total 19,265,160 21,475,847 27,298,865 25,948,183 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentFIRE DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 13,501,668 12,876,872 14,196,502 15,663,956 (3201) ADMINISTRATION 1,339,076 1,169,162 1,133,953 2,417,549 Salaries & Benefits 761,446 616,494 491,619 1,780,132 Maintenance & Operations 577,629 552,668 642,334 637,417 (3202) SUPPRESSION 8,308,511 7,869,357 8,583,590 8,599,054 Salaries & Benefits 7,993,675 7,493,498 7,940,071 7,971,209 Maintenance & Operations 314,836 375,859 643,520 423,814 Capital Outlay - - - 204,031 (3203) PARAMEDIC 3,153,209 3,168,746 3,213,777 3,692,063 Salaries & Benefits 2,924,670 2,842,928 2,820,427 3,290,874 Maintenance & Operations 228,538 325,819 393,350 401,189 (3204) PREVENTION 410,529 650,579 804,939 625,582 Salaries & Benefits 252,225 365,920 633,379 457,222 Maintenance & Operations 158,304 284,659 171,560 168,360 Capital Outlay - - - - (3205) ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY - 48 - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - Maintenance & Operations - 48 - - (3255) EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 290,344 18,980 460,243 329,708 Salaries & Benefits 161,269 (745) 160,622 164,562 Maintenance & Operations 129,075 19,725 192,121 165,146 Capital Outlay - - 107,500 - (123)PSAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY - - - - (3201) ADMINISTRATION - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - (124)FEDERAL GRANTS 1,607,754 1,017,750 149,594 100,000 (3201) ADMINISTRATION - - 49,594 - Maintenance & Operations - - 49,594 - (3202) SUPPRESSION 1,607,754 1,017,750 100,000 100,000 Salaries & Benefits 993,367 993,367 - - Maintenance & Operations 614,387 24,383 100,000 100,000 (3255) EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - (125)STATE GRANTS 2,598 62 - - (3205) ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY 2,598 62 - - Maintenance & Operations 2,598 62 - - (126)CUPA 531,598 578,582 537,827 889,918 (3205) ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY 514,748 578,582 537,827 889,918 Salaries & Benefits 491,926 548,476 476,906 531,989 Maintenance & Operations 22,822 30,106 60,922 357,929 Capital Outlay - - - - (3206) FIRE DEPARTMENT 16,850 - - - Maintenance & Operations 16,850 - - - (132)MEASURE B - 60,383 12,580 12,580 (3203) PARAMEDIC - 60,383 12,580 12,580 Maintenance & Operations -- 12,580 12,580 Capital Outlay - 60,383 (601)EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT - 4,364 5,137,223 1,229,611 (3201) ADMINISTRATION - - 44,925 Capital Outlay - - 44,925 (3202) SUPPRESSION - 4,364 4,345,912 891,704 Capital Outlay - 4,364 4,345,912 891,704 (3203) PARAMEDIC -- 484,040 187,553 Capital Outlay -- 484,040 187,553 (3204) PREVENTION -- 69,169 35,000 Capital Outlay -- 69,169 35,000 (3205) ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY -- 72,738 51,614 Capital Outlay -- 72,738 51,614 (3255) EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT -- 120,439 63,740 Capital Outlay -- 120,439 63,740 (603)WORKERS COMP RESERVE/INSURANCE - 7,581 (3202) SUPPRESSION - 7,581 Maintenance & Operations - 7,581 (702)TRUST FUNDS - SPECIAL REVENUE/DONATIONS 4,649 4,812 10,000 - (3201) ADMINISTRATION 4,649 4,812 10,000 - Maintenance & Operations 4,649 4,812 10,000 - Grand Total 15,648,267 14,550,406 20,043,727 17,896,066 111 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary By Account Fiscal Year 2024-2025 .001 GENERAL FUND FIRE DEPARTMENT Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 13,501,668 12,876,872 14,196,502 15,663,956 Salaries & Benefits 12,093,285 11,318,095 12,046,118 13,664,000 4101 Salaries Full Time5,254,4474,951,264 6,327,856 7,410,656 4102 Salaries Part Time153,71369,872 16,38031,262 4103 Overtime26,8545,250 25,000 30,000 4105 Holiday Pay285,628 269,393 495,857 326,574 4117 Opt - Out Payments ---- 4118 Replacement Benefit Contributions33,3347,141 4 5,000 45,000 4201 Retirement CalPERS1,349,592 1,403,051 1,298,901 1,467,294 4202 FICA177,819155,435 519,182 150,031 4203 Workers' Compensation1,266,023 1,180,250 880,916 1,031,644 4204 Group Insurance864,453781,802 896,509 926,123 4205 Uniform Allowance2,3032,340 1 ,216 1,976 4207 CalPERS UAL ---- 4209 PARS Expense ---- 4210 OPEB Expense ---- 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution ---- 4215 Uniform Replacement21,87828,107 4 0,800 44,940 4103 Overtime - Professional Development Coverage 277,337119,480 215,000 175,000 4104 Overtime - Unplanned - 395,000 4110 Overtime - Safety Staffing Coverage 1,886,0561,722,229 1,250,000 970,000 4113 Overtime - Reimbursable 14,80415 33,50033,500 4107 Overtime - FLSA Expenditures 479,046622,466 -625,000 Maintenance & Operations1,408,3831,558,777 2,042,8851,795,926 5201 Office Supplies5,0593,550 6,0002,000 5203 Repair & Maintenance Supplies3,5643,958 1 0,000 12,400 5204 Operating Supplies114,541172,367 251,492 254,700 5207 Small Tools & Equipment4,4134,380 1 2,500 10,500 5214 Housing Supplies9,8869,608 1 8,700 18,720 5218 Training Materials & Supplies4,4937,366 1 1,250 11,250 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment ---- 5255 CPR Class Operating Supplies ---- 5255 CPR Class Supplies551,740 2 ,500 2,500 6101 Gas Utility5,894 6,0568 ,250 8,250 6102 Electric Utility32,812 37,6833 5,000 38,000 6103 Water Utility7,820 8,0641 0,500 10,500 6201 Advertising/Publishing2,175-6,750 5,000 6205 Other Printing & Binding2796971 ,150 1,050 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge176,961305,211 320,018 129,612 6208 Dues & Subscriptions10,1179,624 21,761 16,543 6211 Insurance & Bonds375,000350,000 400,000 400,000 6213 Meetings & Travel44,9408,331 53,000 59,700 6214 Professional & Technical342,309470,370 471,197 425,085 6215 Repairs & Maintenance37,49321,391 72,110 104,920 6217 Software Maintenance33,59125,570 122,666- 6219 Network Operating Charge55,100 10,300 11,74012,151 6221 Educational Incentive ---- 6223 Training & Education62,04035,206 74,90090,900 6249 Fees & Licenses2,329--5,783 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio18,820 4,861 40,90682,307 6253 Postage3,278 1,2171 ,000 1,100 6254 Telephone51,786 59,2264 2,495 45,955 6257 Public Education3,627 2,0002 2,000 32,000 6259 Breathing Apparatus --15,000 15,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs ---- Capital Outlay -- 107,500 204,031 8104 Capital/Equipment ---- 8104 Equipment -- 107,500- 8105 Automotive - 204,031 Grand Total 13,501,668 12,876,872 14,196,502 15,663,956 112 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 FIRE DEPARTMENT Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 13,501,668 12,876,872 14,196,502 15,663,956 (3201) ADMINISTRATION 1,339,076 1,169,162 1,133,953 2,417,549 Salaries & Benefits 761,446 616,494 491,619 1,780,132 4101 Salaries Full Time 410,377 429,241 317,881 1,065,450 4102 Salaries Part Time 117,838 33,765 - - 4103 Overtime - Professional Development Coverage - 610 - 35,000 4104 Overtime - Unplanned - 40,000 4105 Holiday Pay -- - 32,201 4110 Overtime - Safety Staffing Coverage 9,885 - - 120,000 4113 Overtime - Reimbursable - - - - 4118 Replacement Benefit Contributions 33,334 7,141 45,000 45,000 4201 Retirement CalPERS 70,915 66,581 56,485 199,559 4202 FICA 29,107 17,527 20,202 27,114 4203 Workers' Compensation 47,210 35,375 31,623 131,261 4204 Group Insurance 42,370 25,925 20,428 83,179 4205 Uniform Allowance 410 330 - 1,368 4207 CalPERS UAL - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - Maintenance & Operations 577,629 552,668 642,334 637,417 5201 Office Supplies 5,059 3,550 6,000 2,000 5204 Operating Supplies 10,342 11,573 9,652 13,700 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6101 Gas Utility 5,894 6,056 8,250 8,250 6102 Electric Utility 32,812 37,683 35,000 38,000 6103 Water Utility 7,820 8,064 10,500 10,500 6205 Other Printing & Binding 279 697 1,150 1,050 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 2,650 5,300 3,725 3,725 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 3,360 2,198 9,642 2,324 6211 Insurance & Bonds 375,000 350,000 400,000 400,000 6213 Meetings & Travel 3,423 3,633 16,450 13,500 6214 Professional & Technical 43,682 54,295 85,740 43,000 6215 Repairs & Maintenance 2,207 87 3,060 43,360 6217 Software Maintenance 13,009 9,861 10,000 - 6219 Network Operating Charge 10,300 - - - 6223 Training & Education 7,099 5,595 11,200 16,200 6249 Fees & Licenses 2,329 - - 5,783 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio - - - - 6253 Postage 3,278 1,217 1,000 1,100 6254 Telephone 49,086 52,857 30,965 34,925 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - - - - (3202) SUPPRESSION 8,308,511 7,869,357 8,583,590 8,599,054 Salaries & Benefits 7,993,675 7,493,498 7,940,071 7,971,209 4101 Salaries Full Time 3,273,728 2,998,440 4,081,904 4,223,909 4103 Overtime - Professional Development Coverage 224,475 96,374 150,000 90,000 4104 Overtime - Unplanned - 230,000 4105 Holiday Pay 215,257 200,889 367,626 208,875 4107 Overtime - FLSA Expenditures 367,309 446,522 - 450,000 4110 Overtime - Safety Staffing Coverage 1,345,698 1,243,775 850,000 575,000 4113 Overtime - Reimbursable - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 966,486 1,021,873 930,668 908,981 4202 FICA 93,923 87,635 340,389 64,275 4203 Workers' Compensation 908,888 845,553 612,161 627,239 4204 Group Insurance 577,058 531,018 574,822 556,931 4205 Uniform Allowance 1,130 1,360 - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement 19,724 20,058 32,500 36,000 Maintenance & Operations 314,836 375,859 643,520 423,814 5203 Repair & Maintenance Supplies 3,564 3,958 10,000 12,400 5204 Operating Supplies 44,166 58,122 74,640 80,500 5207 Small Tools & Equipment 4,413 4,380 12,500 10,500 5214 Housing Supplies 9,886 9,608 18,700 18,720 5218 Training Materials & Supplies 4,493 7,366 11,250 11,250 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 5255 CPR Class Supplies 55 1,740 2,500 2,500 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 134,489 231,509 239,286 59,921 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 118 - - - 6213 Meetings & Travel 4,058 713 19,000 19,000 6214 Professional & Technical 4,433 700 61,598 13,715 6215 Repairs & Maintenance 28,984 19,624 58,050 50,050 6217 Software Maintenance 11,775 7,380 34,250 - 6219 Network Operating Charge 10,300 10,300 11,740 12,151 6221 Educational Incentive - - - - 6223 Training & Education 43,825 20,426 44,000 48,000 113 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 FIRE DEPARTMENT Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio 10,277 32 31,006 70,107 6259 Breathing Apparatus - - 15,000 15,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - - - - Capital Outlay - - - 204,031 8104 Capital/Equipment - - - - 8105 Automotive - 204,031 (3203) PARAMEDIC 3,153,209 3,168,746 3,213,777 3,692,063 Salaries & Benefits 2,924,670 2,842,928 2,820,427 3,290,874 4101 Salaries Full Time 1,332,947 1,290,407 1,402,367 1,728,963 4103 Overtime - Professional Development Coverage 52,862 22,496 65,000 50,000 4104 Overtime - Unplanned - 125,000 4105 Holiday Pay 70,371 68,504 128,231 85,498 4107 Overtime - FLSA Expenditures 111,737 175,944 - 175,000 4110 Overtime - Safety Staffing Coverage 530,474 478,454 400,000 275,000 4113 Overtime - Reimbursable - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 284,652 283,848 264,746 318,712 4202 FICA 31,313 29,221 117,091 26,310 4203 Workers' Compensation 296,919 288,066 216,580 256,746 4204 Group Insurance 211,243 197,940 218,113 241,345 4205 Uniform Allowance - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement 2,153 8,049 8,300 8,300 Maintenance & Operations 228,538 325,819 393,350 401,189 5204 Operating Supplies 55,063 95,475 127,500 135,500 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 30,130 50,980 60,556 58,215 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 3,250 3,985 6,444 6,944 6213 Meetings & Travel - - 500 7,000 6214 Professional & Technical 119,337 155,768 163,950 164,620 6215 Repairs & Maintenance 6,301 1,680 11,000 11,510 6217 Software Maintenance 8,170 8,329 11,000 - 6221 Educational Incentive - - - - 6223 Training & Education 1,013 4,773 5,000 10,000 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio 5,275 4,829 7,400 7,400 (3204) PREVENTION 410,529 650,579 804,939 625,582 Salaries & Benefits 252,225 365,920 633,379 457,222 4101 Salaries Full Time 154,096 233,177 414,463 275,804 4102 Salaries Part Time 35,875 36,107 16,380 31,262 4103 Overtime - 5,250 10,000 10,000 4113 Overtime - Reimbursable 3,806 15 33,500 33,500 4201 Retirement CalPERS 18,721 30,748 37,045 28,128 4202 FICA 14,858 21,053 32,961 23,388 4203 Workers' Compensation 8,002 11,256 15,954 11,580 4204 Group Insurance 16,418 27,664 72,240 42,691 4205 Uniform Allowance 448 650 836 228 4209 PARS Expense - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement - - - 640 Maintenance & Operations 158,304 284,659 171,560 168,360 5204 Operating Supplies 2,053 7,148 21,000 6,000 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 5,591 10,560 10,560 1,860 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 1,704 3,441 3,650 5,250 6213 Meetings & Travel - 3,985 5,050 5,200 6214 Professional & Technical 141,135 251,443 120,000 138,750 6219 Network Operating Charge 5,200 - - - 6223 Training & Education 1,293 4,412 4,700 4,700 6254 Telephone - 1,670 4,600 4,600 6257 Public Education 1,329 2,000 2,000 2,000 Capital Outlay - - - - 8104 Equipment - - - - (3205) ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY - 48 - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - 4101 Salaries Full Time - - - - 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - - 4202 FICA - - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - Maintenance & Operations - 48 - - 5204 Operating Supplies - 48 - - 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge - - - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions - - - - 6213 Meetings & Travel - - - - 6214 Professional & Technical - - - - 6215 Repairs & Maintenance - - - - 114 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 FIRE DEPARTMENT Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 6217 Software Maintenance - - - - 6219 Network Operating Charge - - - - 6223 Training & Education - - - - 6257 Public Education - - - - (3255) EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 290,344 18,980 460,243 329,708 Salaries & Benefits 161,269 (745) 160,622 164,562 4101 Salaries Full Time 83,299 - 111,241 116,531 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - - 4103 Overtime 26,854 - 15,000 20,000 4113 Overtime - Reimbursable 10,998 -- - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 8,819 - 9,957 11,913 4202 FICA 8,618 - 8,539 8,944 4203 Workers' Compensation 5,004 - 4,599 4,817 4204 Group Insurance 17,363 (745) 10,906 1,977 4205 Uniform Allowance 314 - 380 380 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - Maintenance & Operations 129,075 19,725 192,121 165,146 5204 Operating Supplies 2,918 - 18,700 19,000 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 5255 CPR Class Operating Supplies - - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 2,175- 6,750 5,000 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 4,102 6,862 5,891 5,891 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 1,685 - 2,025 2,025 6213 Meetings & Travel 37,459 - 12,000 15,000 6214 Professional & Technical 33,723 8,164 39,909 65,000 6217 Software Maintenance 637 - 67,416 - 6219 Network Operating Charge 29,300 -- - 6223 Training & Education 8,810 - 10,000 12,000 6251 Communication/Mobile Radio 3,268 - 2,500 4,800 6254 Telephone 2,700 4,699 6,930 6,430 6257 Public Education 2,299 - 20,000 30,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - - - - Capital Outlay - - 107,500 - 8104 Equipment - - 107,500 - (123)PSAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY - - - - (3201) ADMINISTRATION - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - 5204 Operating Supplies - - - - (124)FEDERAL GRANTS 1,607,754 1,017,750 149,594 100,000 (3201) ADMINISTRATION - - 49,594 - Maintenance & Operations - -49,594 - 3508 Fire Prevention and Safety (FP&S) Grant - - 49,594 - (3202) SUPPRESSION 1,607,754 1,017,750 100,000 100,000 Salaries & Benefits 993,367 993,367 - - 4101 Salaries Full Time - ARPA 993,367 993,367 - - Maintenance & Operations 614,387 24,383 100,000 100,000 3766 SHSGP Program Year 2010 - - - - 3767 2018 HSGP Grant 18,320 - - - 3768 2016 SHSGP Grant - - - - 3769 2019 HSGP Expenditures 559,427 - - - 3770 2020 HSGP Expenditures 36,640 24,383 - - 3771 2021 HSGP Expenditures - - 100,000 100,000 (3255) EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - 3745 0 - - - - (125)STATE GRANTS 2,598 62 - - (3205) ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY 2,598 62 - - Maintenance & Operations 2,598 62 - - 5204 Operating Supplies - 62 - 6213 Fire CUPA Grant 2,598 - - - (126)CUPA 531,598 578,582 537,827889,918 (3205) ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY 514,748 578,582 537,827 889,918 Salaries & Benefits 491,926 548,476 476,906 531,989 4101 Salaries Full Time 368,512 414,244 358,090 393,795 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - - 4103 Overtime 8,919 - - 2,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - - 7,000 7,000 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 37,497 43,922 31,079 37,669 4202 FICA 28,476 32,006 27,452 30,183 4203 Workers' Compensation 12,537 12,360 11,630 12,611 4204 Group Insurance 35,158 45,125 40,895 46,970 4205 Unfiorm Allowance 828 821 760 760 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement - - 1,000 115 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 FIRE DEPARTMENT Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 Maintenance & Operations 22,822 30,106 60,922 357,929 5204 Operating Supplies 3,691 4,035 6,000 6,000 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 4,115 3,292 3,292 3,292 6208 Dues & Subscriptions - 75 500 625 6213 Meetings & Travel 1,378 1,315 7,195 4,330 6214 Professional & Technical 307 534 14,238 314,000 6215 Repairs & Maintenance - - 2,850 1,450 6217 Software Maintenance 3,608 15,538 8,711 9,147 6219 Network Operating Charge 6,900 - 7,865 8,140 6223 Training & Education 1,525 4,087 7,151 7,950 6254 Telephone 960 1,138 1,995 1,995 6257 Public Education 338 92 1,125 1,000 Capital Outlay - - - - 8105 Automotive - - - - (3206) FIRE DEPARTMENT 16,850 - - - Maintenance & Operations 16,850 - - - 6223 Training & Education - - - - 6299 CUPA Grant Expenditures 16,850 - - - (132)MEASURE B - 60,383 12,580 12,580 (3203) PARAMEDIC -60,383 12,580 12,580 Maintenance & Operations -- 12,580 12,580 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge -- 12,580 12,580 Capital Outlay - 60,383 8104 Equipment - 60,383 (601)EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT - 4,364 5,137,223 1,229,611 (3201) ADMINISTRATION - - 44,925 Capital Outlay - - 44,925 8104 Equipment - - 17,350 8105 Automotive - - 27,575 (3202) SUPPRESSION - 4,364 4,345,912 891,704 Capital Outlay - 4,364 4,345,912 891,704 8104 Equipment - 4,364 670,491 383,467 8105 Automotive -- 3,170,870 89,463 8106 Communication -- 335,642 257,484 8108 Computer Hardware -- 168,909 161,290 (3203) PARAMEDIC -- 484,040 187,553 Capital Outlay -- 484,040 187,553 8104 Equipment -- 236,233 176,553 8105 Automotive -- 236,807 11,000 8106 Communication -- 11,000 (3204) PREVENTION -- 69,169 35,000 Capital Outlay -- 69,169 35,000 8105 Automotive -- 69,169 35,000 (3205) ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY -- 72,738 51,614 Capital Outlay -- 72,738 51,614 8104 Equipment -- 24,300 24,300 8105 Automotive -- 48,438 27,314 (3255) EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT -- 120,439 63,740 Capital Outlay -- 120,439 63,740 8104 Equipment -- 99,456 54,200 8106 Communication -- 20,983 9,540 8108 Computer Hardware -- - (603)WORKERS COMP RESERVE/INSURANCE - 7,581 (3202) SUPPRESSION - 7,581 Maintenance & Operations - 7,581 6214 Professional & Technical - 7,581 (702)TRUST FUNDS - SPECIAL REVENUE/DONATIONS 4,649 4,812 10,000 - (3201) ADMINISTRATION 4,649 4,812 10,000 - Maintenance & Operations 4,649 4,812 10,000 - 2601 Fire Donations 4,379 4,812 10,000 - 3982 Grant Expense 270 - - - 5204 Operating Supplies - - - - Grand Total 15,648,267 14,550,406 20,043,727 17,896,066 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentCOMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 2,630,101 32,790,513 ,802,120 3,745,094 (2402) PLANNING 790,790 868,411 1,378,690 1,106,367 Salaries & Benefits 671,523 742,704 973,496 773,732 Maintenance & Operations 119,267 125,707 405,194 332,635 (2403) BUILDING & SAFETY 1,376,593 11,334,057 ,681,804 1,543,448 Salaries & Benefits 1,186,777 1,094,387 1,243,478 1,157,852 Maintenance & Operations 189,816 239,670 438,326 385,596 (2404) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION 400,036 411,322 416,604 774,568 Salaries & Benefits 255,825 295,342 260,433 645,981 Maintenance & O perations 144,212 115,980 156,171 128,586 (2405) NEIGHBORHOOD PRESERVATION - 176,723 325,023 320,712 Salaries & Benefits- 105,830 179,223 236,257 Maintenance & Operations - 70,893 145,800 84,455 (2743) SENIOR IN-HOME CARE 13 ,395 - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - Maintenance & Operations 1 3,395 - - - (2747) JUVENILE DIVERSION 11 ,825 - - - Maintenance & Operations 1 1,825 - - - (2778) DELIVERED MEALS 25 ,421 - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - Maintenance & Operations 2 5,421 - - - (2779) COMMUNITY OUTREACH ADMINISTRATION 12 ,040 - - - Maintenance & Operations 1 2,040 - - - (111)COMM. DEVEL. BLOCK GRANT 50 ,592 65,500 140,139 - (2781) ADA SIDEWALK PROJECT 50 ,592 65,500 140,139 - Capital Outlay 5 0,592 65,500 140,139 - (116)RESIDENTIAL SOUND INSULATION PROG. FUND 8 46 781 10,000 2,281 (0000) (116) RESIDENTIAL SOUND INSULATION PROG. FUND 8 46 781 10,000 2,281 Salaries & Benefits - - - - Maintenance & Operations 8 46 781 10,000 2,281 (125)STATE GRANTS 2 ,676 18,560 - - (2402) PLANNING 2 ,676 18,560 - - Maintenance & Operations 2 ,676 18,560 - - (129)CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAM (CASP) - - 15,000 15,000 (0000) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - - 15,000 15,000 Maintenance & Operations - - 15,000 15,000 (130)AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND - - - 50,000 (0000) (130) AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND - - - 50,000 Maintenance & Operations - - - 50,000 (504)SENIOR HOUSING 46 ,149 44,216 8,981 16,295 (0000) (504) SENIOR HOUSING 17 ,363 37,833 8,981 10,295 Maintenance & Operations 7 ,363 7,313 8,981 10,295 Transfers Out - - - - Capital Outlay 1 0,000 30,520 - - (2201) (504) SENIOR HOUSING 10 ,041 6,383 - 6,000 Maintenance & Operations 1 0,041 6,383 - 6,000 (2743) (504) SENIOR HOUSING 18 ,746 - - - Salaries & Benefits 1 8,746 - - - (601)EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT- - 135,974 - (2402) PLANNING - - 33,834 - Capital Outlay - - 33,834 - (2403) BUILDING & SAFETY - - 102,140 - Capital Outlay - - 102,140 - (708)TRUST FUNDS-PROJECT DEPOSITS NONREFUNDAB 1,128,851 134,648 - 800,000 (2402) PLANNING 296,291 132,046 - 800,000 Maintenance & Operations - - - 800,000 Capital Outlay 296,291 132,046 -- (2403) BUILDING & SAFETY 832,560 2,602 -- Capital Outlay 832,560 2,602 -- (2404) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION - - -- Maintenance & O perations - - -- Grand Total3 ,859,216 43,054,218 ,112,214 4,628,670 124 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary By Account Fiscal Year 2024-2025 .001 GENERAL FUND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 2,630,101 2,790,513 3,802,120 3,745,094 Salaries & Benefits 2,114,125 2,238,263 2,656,629 2,813,822 4101 Salaries Full Time 1,550,095 1,612,111 1,886,687 1,950,204 4102 Salaries Part Time 13,504 17,694 48,703 88,338 4103 Overtime 16,037 6,364 13,000 18,500 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 55,224 51,930 60,000 60,000 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 140,679 187,198 165,735 194,319 4202 FICA 124,754 125,058 144,718 150,985 4203 Workers' Compensation 48,054 46,729 54,421 52,812 4204 Group Insurance 164,892 176,591 267,854 283,393 4205 Unfiorm Allowance - - - - 4205 Uniform Allowance8 87 410 380 380 4207 CalPERS UAL Expense - - - - 4209 PARS Expense - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4210 OPEB liability - - - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - 9,178 10,330 9,931 4215 Uniform Replacement - 400 4217 Early Retirement Incentive -- - - 4221 Car Allowance - 5,000 4,800 4,560 Maintenance & Operations 515,975 552,250 1,145,491931,272 5204 Operating Supplies 26,491 10,319 14,000 14,000 5206 Computer Supplies1 62 - 11,800 6,100 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6102 Electric Utility7 7 13 - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing4 ,704 9,196 11,000 11,000 6205 Other Printing & Binding - - - - 6206 Contractual Services 12,040 5,080 50,000 50,000 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge6 ,029 6,010 11,390 32,751 6208 Dues & Subscriptions3 ,226 5,939 17,380 17,455 6213 Meetings & Travel1 ,664 2,668 9,250 11,900 6214 Professional & Technical 393,486 444,257 920,000 675,000 6215 Repairs & Maintenance - - - - 6219 Network Operating Charge 50,000 47,000 53,571 55,446 6223 Training & Education4 ,636 12,926 16,100 21,000 6253 Postage6 94 1,556 3,400 6,500 6254 Telephone9 ,550 5,136 9,000 11,520 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - - - - 6263 Commissioners Expense3 ,215 2,150 18,600 18,600 Grand Total 2,630,101 2,790,5133,802,120 3,745,094 125 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Department COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 2,630,101 32,790,513 ,802,120 3,745,094 (2402) PLANNING 790,790 868,411 1,378,690 1,106,367 Salaries & Benefits 671,523 742,704 973,496 773,732 4101 Salaries Full Time 492,165 552,587 709,669 562,515 4102 Salaries Part Time 13,504 - - - 4103 Overtime 1,779 1,171 5,000 5,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 18,027 10,376 20,000 20,000 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 48,150 64,001 62,372 54,833 4202 FICA 38,973 41,579 54,290 42,660 4203 Workers' Compensation 17,950 18,352 21,277 17,493 4204 Group Insurance 40,975 54,637 100,888 71,231 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - Maintenance & Operations 119,267 125,707 405,194 332,635 5204 Operating Supplies 3,658 2 3 - - 5206 Computer Supplies - - 1,900 1,900 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 4,704 9,196 9,000 9,000 6205 Other Printing & Binding - - - - 6206 Contractual Services - - 50,000 50,000 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 2,034 2,694 2,694 2,695 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 1,664 3,568 12,000 12,000 6213 Meetings & Travel 436 341 3,000 3,000 6214 Professional & Technical 102,487 102,539 300,000 225,000 6223 Training & Education 389 3,486 4,500 6,500 6253 Postage 680 1,556 2,500 2,500 6254 Telephone - 155 1,000 1,440 6263 Commissioners Expense 3,215 2,150 18,600 18,600 (2403) BUILDING & SAFETY 1,376,593 11,334,057 ,681,804 1,543,448 Salaries & Benefits 1,186,777 1,094,387 1,243,478 1,157,852 4101 Salaries Full Time 844,176 765,502 880,207 806,283 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - - 4103 Overtime 14,258 5,192 8,000 8,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 37,197 41,554 40,000 40,000 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 80,255 96,910 77,618 81,220 4202 FICA 67,979 62,961 67,365 61,345 4203 Workers' Compensation 28,557 23,359 25,970 24,443 4204 Group Insurance 113,468 98,497 143,938 135,782 4205 Uniform Allowance 887 410 3 80 3 80 4209 PARS Expense - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement - 4 00 Maintenance & Operations 189,816 239,670 438,326 385,596 5204 Operating Supplies74 - - - 5206 Computer Supplies83 - 8,000 1,900 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - 2,000 2,000 6205 Other Printing & Binding - - - - 6206 Contractual Services - - - - 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 3,996 3,316 8,696 30,056 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 575 1,536 2,880 2,880 6213 Meetings & Travel 784 1,317 2,750 3,000 6214 Professional & Technical 178,676 226,225 405,000 330,000 6223 Training & Education 3,749 7,321 8,000 10,000 6253 Postage15 - - - 6254 Telephone 1,865 (44) 1,000 5,760 (2404) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION 400,036 411,322 416,604 774,568 Salaries & Benefits 255,825 295,342 260,433 645,981 4101 Salaries Full Time 213,754 229,814 203,513 483,482 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - - 4103 Overtime - - - 1,000 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 12,274 20,554 17,423 48,288 4202 FICA 17,802 14,252 12,387 33,068 4203 Workers' Compensation 1,547 1,644 1,425 3,384 4204 Group Insurance 10,448 14,902 10,556 62,268 4207 CalPERS UAL Expense - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - 9,178 10,330 9,931 4217 Early Retirement Incentive -- - - 4221 Car Allowance - 5,000 4,800 4,560 Maintenance & Operations 144,212 115,980 156,171 128,586 5204 Operating Supplies 22,759 10,296 14,000 14,000 5206 Computer Supplies79 - - - 6102 Electric Utility77 13 - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 987 835 2,400 2,400 6213 Meetings & Travel 445 1,010 1,300 1,300 6214 Professional & Technical 61,682 49,770 75,000 50,000 6215 Repairs & Maintenance - - - - 6219 Network Operating Charge 50,000 47,000 53,571 55,446 6223 Training & Education 498 2,030 3,000 3,000 6253 Postage - - 9 00 1,000 6254 Telephone 7,684 5,025 6,000 1,440 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - - - - (2405) NEIGHBORHOOD PRESERVATION - 176,723 325,023 320,712 Salaries & Benefits - 105,830 179,223 236,257 4101 Salaries Full Time - 64,207 93,298 97,925 4102 Salaries Part Time - 17,694 48,703 88,338 4103 Overtime -- - 4,500 4113 Reimbursable Overtime -- - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS - 5,733 8,322 9,979 4202 FICA - 6,266 10,677 13,911 4203 Workers' Compensation - 3,374 5,750 7,492 4204 Group Insurance - 8,556 12,472 14,113 126 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Department COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 4205 Unfiorm Allowance - - - - 4210 OPEB liability - - - - Maintenance & Operations - 70,893 145,800 84,455 5204 Operating Supplies -- - - 5206 Computer Supplies -- 1,900 2,300 6201 Advertising/Publishing -- - - 6206 Contractual Services - 5,080 - - 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge -- - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions -- 1 00 1 75 6213 Meetings & Travel -- 2,200 4,600 6214 Professional & Technical - 65,723 140,000 70,000 6223 Training & Education -90 6 00 1,500 6253 Postage -- 3,000 6254 Telephone -- 1,000 2,880 (2743) SENIOR IN-HOME CARE 13,395 - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - - 4202 FICA - - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - Maintenance & Operations 13,395 - - - 5204 Operating Supplies - - - - 6214 Professional & Technical 13,395 - - - (2747) JUVENILE DIVERSION 11,825 - - - Maintenance & Operations 11,825 - - - 6214 Professional & Technical 11,825 - - - (2778) DELIVERED MEALS 25,421 - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - - 4202 FICA - - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - Maintenance & Operations 25,421 - - - 5204 Operating Supplies - - - - 6214 Professional & Technical 25,421 - - - (2779) COMMUNITY OUTREACH ADMINISTRATION 12,040 - - - Maintenance & Operations 12,040 - - - 6206 Contractual Services 12,040 - - - 6214 Professional & Technical - - - - (111)COMM. DEVEL. BLOCK GRANT 50,592 65,500 140,139 - (2781) ADA SIDEWALK PROJECT 50,592 65,500 140,139 - Capital Outlay 50,592 65,500 140,139 - 8441 Concrete Ramps-ADA Sidewalk Imp. Proj.II 1,092 - - - 8499 City Hall CDBG ADA Restroom Improvement 49,500 65,500 140,139 - (116)RESIDENTIAL SOUND INSULATION PROG. FUND 846 781 10,000 2,281 (0000) (116) RESIDENTIAL SOUND INSULATION PROG. FUND 846 781 10,000 2,281 Salaries & Benefits - - - - 4101 Salaries Full Time - - - - 4103 Overtime - - - - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - - 4202 FICA - - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - 4204 Group Insurance - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - Maintenance & Operations 846 781 10,000 2,281 5204 Operating Supplies - - - - 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge - - - - 6102 Electric Utility - - - - 6103 Water Utility 846 781 - 7 81 6208 Dues & Subscriptions - - - - 6213 Meetings & Travel - - - - 6214 Professional & Technical - - 10,000 1,500 6219 Network Operating Charges - - - - 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge - - - - 6244 Other Classified Expense - - - - 6253 Postage - - - - 6254 Telephone - - - - 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - - - - (125)STATE GRANTS 2,676 18,560 - - (2402) PLANNING 2,676 18,560 - - Maintenance & Operations 2,676 18,560 - - 3727 California Housing & Community Dev 2,676 18,560 - - (129)CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAM (CASP) - - 15,000 15,000 (0000) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT - - 15,000 15,000 Maintenance & Operations - - 15,000 15,000 6223 Training & Education - - 15,000 15,000 (130)AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND - - - 50,000 (0000) (130) AFFORDABLE HOUSING FUND - - - 50,000 Maintenance & Operations - - - 50,000 6214 Professional & Technical - - - 50,000 (504)SENIOR HOUSING 46,149 44,216 8,981 16,295 (0000) (504) SENIOR HOUSING 17,363 37,833 8,981 10,295 Maintenance & Operations 7,363 7,313 8,981 10,295 6214 Professional & Technical - - 1,000 6249 Fees & Licenses50 - - - 6286 General Admin Charges 7,313 7,313 8,981 9,295 6301 Legal Councel - - - - Transfers Out - - - - 9405 Transfer-Facility Maintenance - - - - Capital Outlay 10,000 30,520 - - 8103 Other Improvements 10,000 30,520 - - (2201) (504) SENIOR HOUSING 10,041 6,383 - 6,000 Maintenance & Operations 10,041 6,383 - 6,000 6301 Legal Councel 10,041 6,383 - 6,000 127 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Department COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (2743)(504) SENIOR HOUSING 18,746 - - - Salaries & Benefits 18,746 - - - 4102 Salaries Part Time 16,769 - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS3 - - - 4202 FICA 1,283 - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation 691 - - - (601)EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT - - 135,974 - (2402) PLANNING - - 33,834 - Capital Outlay - - 33,834 - 8104 Equipment - - 33,834 - (2403) BUILDING & SAFETY - - 102,140 - Capital Outlay - - 102,140 - 8105 Automotive - - 102,140 - (708)TRUST FUNDS-PROJECT DEPOSITS NONREFUNDAB 1,128,851 134,648 - 800,000 (2402) PLANNING 296,291 132,046 - 800,000 Maintenance & Operations - - - 800,000 6206 Contractual Services - - -- 6214 Professional & Technical - - 800,000 Capital Outlay 296,291 132,046 - - 8220 Downtown Specific Plan 116,675 217,960 - - 8656 El Segundo Transit Corridor Plan - - - - 8807 General Plan Maintenance 179,616 (85,914) - - (2403) BUILDING & SAFETY 832,560 2,602 - - Capital Outlay 832,560 2,602 - - 8807 Civic Center Maintenance & Repairs 832,560 2,602 - - (2404) COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - 6206 Contractual Services - - - - Grand Total 3,859,216 43,054,218 ,112,214 4,628,670 128 129 130 131 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PROFILE MISSION STATEMENT:To deliver the highest quality public works services to residents and businesses in the City of El Segundo by providing outstanding public service,diligently maintainingCity facilities and public infrastructure,and delivering the projects in the (CIP)in a safe, logical, expedient,and cost-effective manner. The Public Works Department has53.5spread amongfourdistinct divisions. While a portion of the Doperating budget is comprised ofand Wastewater Enterprise Fund. PUBLIC WORKS ADMINISTRATION: Providesoveralladministrative direction; ensures the Department providesthe best service to the residents and the businesses in the City; represents the City with regard to regional, inter-agencyand outside organizationissues; manages the delivery of variousprojects; provides technical support tothe Planning Commission and various Committees,other City Departments, the City Manager,andthe City Council. ENVIRONMENTAL AND COLLECTIONDIVISION: Solid WasteSolid Waste Collection Contractfor single-family and duplex properties and City- supports the Environmental Committee andprovides technical assistance and outreach to increase awareness of waste reduction and recycling.It also m-Family Solid Waste Collection Permit Program to meet current State-mandated requirements, including AB 341 (Commercial Recycling),AB1826 (Organics Recycling),and SB1383(Organic Recycling). GENERAL SERVICES DIVISION: Government Buildings: Operates and maintains several Cityownedfacilities comprised of over 260,000 square feet of space, including:City Hall,Fire Stations 1 & 2,the Police Station,Library,Maintenance Facility,Water Facility,the Aquatics Center, Hilltop Pool,the Plunge, and Rec Park facilities. Street Maintenance: Maintains approximately 57 miles of City streets and 6 miles of alleyways.Performs graffiti abatement in public property and public Right-Of-Way.Repairs and/or replaces concrete curb, gutter and sidewalk and roadway surfaces.Cleans spills of various non-hazardous materials in the public right- of-way,installs community banners and provides First Responder services to emergencies in coordination with Police and FireDepartments, administers the street sweeping contract and provides personnel and equipment to transport debris generated by City Departments to atransfer station.Manages the street lighting contract with Southern California Edison and coordinates contractual traffic signal maintenance services with the LA County Department of Public Works.Maintains all roadway striping, marking and signage, crosswalks, parking stalls, street name signs,and posts temporary signs for community events. Equipment Maintenance: Maintains both motorized and portable equipment for the Fire, Police, Parks, Community Development, Public Works,and Library Departments; readies for service new Police and Fire equipment; administers the equipment replacement and vehicle operating budgets; evaluates equipment for replacement; prepares specifications necessary for the acquisition of the equipment; and determines the disposal of vehicles and equipment to be sold at auction.Equipment Maintenancealso coordinates the annual Department of Transportation Smog Program audits,the annual California Highway Patrol inspections,the annual CAL-OSHA crane inspection,and the operation ofthefuel storageandmonitoring systems. ENGINEERING DIVISION: The Engineering Division performsthe review, approval, and construction of public and private improvements in the public right-of-way,reviews and approves encroachment permits, developsand implementsthe Capital Improvement Program,reviews and provides approval conditionsforprivate 132 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PROFILE development applications and projects in support of the CommunityDevelopmentDepartment,coordinates with Hyperion regardingthe Hyperion Committee,managesthe Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee; and ensures compliance with and participation in various regional programs such as the NPDES Permit and South Bay Cities COG initiatives and projects. EngineeringDivision also provides grant oversight and administration;keeps and maintains record drawings of City-owned infrastructure;and provides engineering support to other City Departments and other Divisions within the Public Works Department. UTILIES DIVISION: Wastewater: sewer lift stations with 18 pumps, and approximately 57 miles of sewer mains. In addition, Wastewater operates and maintainsapproximately 18 miles of underground storm sewer pipes, including 400 catch basins,4 lift stations, and several underground force mainswhich play a critical role in assuring the City is safe from rising storm runoff waters. The sewer lift stations run in an automatic mode 24 hours per day, 365 days a year convey flow of over a half-billion gallons of sewage effluent to treatment plants operated by LA City and LA County.Wastewater Operators are continuo issues arise stemming from sewer related backupsand storm water runoff, mitigating hazardous conditions to the community we serve. Water:water distribution system consisting of approximately 65 miles of pipe,5,000 meters,3 million gallon (MG) and 6 MG reservoirs,and the 200,000-gallon elevated tank and other water related assets.Follows stringent guidelines set by the EPA and the State of California consumption and meets all water quality and regulatory standards.M water related projects stemming fromCapital Improvement Projects to renovation projects from private residents and business owners,Worksclosely water customers benefit from water conservation programs and rebates during these times of drought. Assures accuracy within its service transparency through its billing system.W their partnership in assuring all water related financial responsibilities are met. Water Operators are o safe, potable water as well as that should present itself. ACCOMPLISHMENTSINFISCALYEAR2023-24: Continuous delivery of an aggressive $34MCapital Improvement Program including Citywide Roadway Resurfacing,SmokyHollow Parking Pilot, George Brett Field RestroomImprovements, City Hall Phase 2Improvements,Wastewater Infrastructure Improvements, Sidewalk Maintenance, Center Street Storm Drain Improvements, City HallPhase I HVAC Improvements, Library Wall Repairs and Waterproofing, Water Main Improvements, Library Elevator Modernization, Plunge Renovation Project,Main Street and Imperial Hwy Monument Sign Project,and Main Street Banner Pole Project. program and obtained about $60,000 grant funds from CalEPA for two years. These funds wereusedto work with existing businesses in El Segundo ameans ofmeeting with themand help them These businesses received a certificate of recognition from City Council for their efforts. Tracked tonnage and diversion rate for recyclables, green waste, bulky-items, and various roll-offs for City Facilities through Residential Solid Waste and Recycling Services provider (EDCO). 133 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PROFILE CalRecycleto ensure compliance with State laws and maintain compliance with external agency requirements and regulations by enforcing the new commercial and multi-family permit regulations. Prepared and published aRequest for Qualifications (RFQ) and aRequest for Proposals (RFP)for the implementation of franchise agreements for Commercial Solid Waste Collection, Recycling, and Disposal Services for the City. Collaboratedwiththe Community Development Department and EDCO in the removal of all abandoned bulky items in the public right-of-way. CompletedCitywide School District Traffic and Pedestrian Safety Design. Maintained and repaired streets, sidewalks, sewer mains, water mains, valves and meters, pump stations, generators,signage, vehicles,and other motorized equipment. Managed a compliant stormwater program;cleaned catch basins;andensured public health and safety during storm events. Responded to emergencies in an expeditious manner. Provided support to other departments for City events Cane Lane,including traffic control;signage;banners, holidaydecorations,and clean-up. Administered more than 100 contracts, including large contracts for street sweeping,trash collection,signal maintenance,and custodial services. Hired and trained new Wastewater Supervisor and Water Staff to continue to serve the community with the upmost in quality customer service. Leased to own critical piece of equipment for the maintenance and emergency response of the Continuedto provide staff with educational opportunities toassure staff is meeting all regulatory mandates and compliance mattersfor their divisions. FOR FISCAL YEAR 2024-2025: Work with AQMD (Air Quality Management District) and Hyperion to establish a fenceline monitoring system to monitor the quality of air. Continue providing great level of service to the residents and businessof El Segundo, maintain the roads and sidewalks in a safe condition for pedestrians, bicyclists, and motorists. Commence the recommended improvements from the Citywide Facilities Condition Assessment and develop a multi-year CIP Programsin cooperation with the Finance Department. equipment and infrastructure as needed, including sewer mains, water mains,streets,sidewalks,curbs,gutters,pump stations,potable water reservoirs,vehicles other motorized equipment,andbuildings. Deliver the annual Capital Improvement Program as approved by City Council. Ensure consistent, effective, andefficient maintenance services are provided at the new Aquatics Center, in cooperation with Community Services Department. Provide staff support as needed for City eventsand emergencies, includingtraffic accidents;sewer overflows;main breaks; andabandoneditemsin the right-of-way. Provide outstanding customer service for allcustomers internal and external; continue to represent the;coordinate with and outreach to the general public, residents, developers, contractors, utility companiesand other public agencies. Effectivelyadminister and oversee City contracts for services and support. Continue to c ensure compliance with State laws and maintain compliance with external agency requirements andregulationsbyenforcing the new commercial and multi-family permit regulations. Enforce Commercial and Multi-Family Permit Program. Execute Franchise Agreements with selected haulers for Commercial Solid Waste Collection. Improve training and educationalopportunities for all Public Works staff. 134 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT PROFILE Continue to seek and secure grants for a variety of Public Works activities and projects;and to investigate more cost- Provide water customers with more options to pay water invoices Continue to support all City Boards, Commission and Committees. 135 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 7,231,1488,615,544 8,602,036 9,844,794 (2601) GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS 2,247,0971,800,903 2,557,958 2,848,606 Salaries & Benefits 684,465719,580 869,485 914,422 Maintenance & Operations 1,512,7221,081,322 1,688,473 1,934,183 Capital Outlay - 49,910 - (4101) ENGINEERING 856,756769,037 1,016,995 1,649,365 Salaries & Benefits 404,786464,771 389,770 946,089 Maintenance & Operations 451,970 304,265 627,225 703,276 (4201) STREET SERVICES 464,519 446,477 551,887 489,545 Salaries & Benefits 220,196 227,112 242,977 238,745 Maintenance & Operations 244,323 219,364 308,910 250,800 (4202) STREET MAINTENANCE 733,029 543,660 940,919 1,059,032 Salaries & Benefits 549,138 442,694 668,209 719,540 Maintenance & Operations 183,891 100,966 272,710 339,492 Capital Outlay - - - - (4203) PARK MAINTENANCE -2,408,715 - - Salaries & Benefits -1,276,890 - - Maintenance & Operations -1,131,825 - - (4205) TRAFFIC SAFETY 951,951725,780 916,152 949,848 Salaries & Benefits 394,035268,113 371,426 410,208 Maintenance & Operations 557,917 457,667 544,726 539,640 (4206) SOLID WASTE RECYCLING 345,134 366,016 425,054 477,690 Salaries & Benefits 15,273 96,357 13,554 16,190 Maintenance & Operations 329,862 269,659 411,500 461,500 (4302) STORM DRAINS 224,836 212,674 354,244 261,113 Salaries & Benefits 163,798 149,377 241,744 148,613 Maintenance & Operations 61,038 63,297 112,500 112,500 (4304) ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - Maintenance & Operations - - (4601) EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1,169,6271,212,262 1,600,210 1,814,934 Salaries & Benefits 468,189 545,378 681,740 719,608 Maintenance & Operations 701,438 666,884 918,471 1,095,326 (4801) ADMINISTRATION 238,197 130,021 238,617 294,662 Salaries & Benefits 227,295107,417 224,892 256,974 Maintenance & Operations 10,902 22,605 13,725 37,688 (106)STATE GAS TAX FUND 274,795431,943 221,745 523,755 (0000) (106) STATE GAS TAX FUND 3,000 2,711 210,000 260,000 Salaries & Benefits - - - - Maintenance & Operations 3,000 2,711 210,000 260,000 (4202) STREET MAINTENANCE 270,563378,650 11,745 13,755 Salaries & Benefits 14,702124,012 11,745 13,755 Maintenance & Operations 255,861254,638 - - (8206) STATE GAS TAX - 17,108 - - Maintenance & Operations 17,108 - - - Capital Outlay - - - - (8203) STATE GAS TAX 1,232 33,473 - 250,000 Maintenance & Operations - - -- Capital Outlay 1,232 33,473 - 250,000 (110)MEASURE R 689,579 598 600,000 1,000,000 (8203) STATE GAS TAX 689,579 598 600,000 1,000,000 Maintenance & Operations - - - - Capital Outlay 689,579 598 600,000 1,000,000 (114)PROP "C" TRANSPORTATION 432,977501,113 300,000 1,200,000 (5292) DIAL-A-RIDE - - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - (5293) SHUTTLE 2,429 1,675 300,000 1,200,000 Salaries & Benefits 2,429 1,075 - - Maintenance & Operations 600 - - - Capital Outlay - - 300,000 1,200,000 (5295) ADMINISTRATION - - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - (8203) STATE GAS TAX 430,549 499,438 - - Capital Outlay 430,549 499,438 - - (115)AIR POLUTION REDUCTION FUND - - 100,000 - (0000) (115) AIR POLUTION REDUCTION FUND - - 100,000 - Capital Outlay - - 100,000 - (117)HYPERION MITIGATION FUND 20,910 7,869 109,453 60,754 (8601) HYPERION LANSCAPING 18,802 7,869 95,000 45,795 Maintenance & Operations 18,802 7,869 95,000 45,795 (8602) HYPERION LANSCAPING - 2,108 14,453 14,959 Maintenance & Operations - 2,108 14,453 14,959 (118)TDA ARTICLE 3 - SB 821 BIKEWAY FUND 14,846 57,466 15,000 30,000 (0000) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 14,846 57,466 15,000 30,000 136 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 Capital Outlay 14,846 57,466 15,000 30,000 (119)MTA GRANT - - - - (8203) STATE GAS TAX - - - - Capital Outlay - - - - (125)STATE GRANTS 18,600 8,400 - 75,000 (4801) ADMINISTRATION 18,600 8,400 - 75,000 Maintenance & Operations 18,600 8,400 - 75,000 (127)MEASURE M 828,241323,993 200,000 200,000 (0000) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 828,241323,993 200,000 200,000 Capital Outlay 828,241323,993 200,000 200,000 (128)SB-1 335,930146,734 800,000 600,000 (0000) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - 335,930 - - Capital Outlay - 335,930 - - (8203) STATE GAS TAX - 146,734 800,000 600,000 Capital Outlay - 146,734 800,000 600,000 (131)COUNTY STORM WATER PROGRAM 192,770 264,514 750,000 1,050,000 (0000) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 192,770 264,514 400,000 400,000 192,770 400,000 400,000 Maintenance & Operations264,514 (8152) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - - - - Capital Outlay - - - - (8205) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - - 350,000 650,000 Capital Outlay - - 350,000 650,000 (405)FACILITIES MAINTENANCE - - - - (0000) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - (501)WATER UTILITY FUND 28,790,15730,211,364 31,772,572 39,315,822 (0000) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 51,617 54,996 52,397 51,660 Maintenance & Operations 51,617 54,996 52,397 51,660 (0000) (501) WATER UTILITY FUND - - - - Transfers Out - - - - (7103) WATER-CAPITAL 105,347140,467 3,460,000 4,460,000 Capital Outlay 105,347140,467 3,460,000 4,460,000 (7102) WATER-OPERATION 28,633,19330,015,901 28,260,175 34,804,161 Salaries & Benefits 1,777,2371,343,262 1,485,365 1,968,204 Maintenance & Operations 26,852,74828,672,348 26,754,810 32,835,957 Capital Outlay 292 3,208 20,000 - (502)SEWER FUND 4,563,2794,441,889 6,791,056 7,687,440 (0000) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 33,399 35,586 31,920 31,471 Maintenance & Operations 33,399 35,586 31,920 31,471 (0000) (502) SEWER FUND - 81,538 - - Transfers Out - 81,538 - - (4301) WASTEWATER 4,441,1104,365,746 5,446,637 5,443,468 Salaries & Benefits 1,044,517958,860 1,038,083 1,036,127 Maintenance & Operations 3,392,8463,406,239 4,388,553 4,407,341 Capital Outlay 648 3,747 20,000 - (8204) SANITRY SEWER CIP 7,232 40,557 1,312,500 2,212,500 Capital Outlay 7,232 40,557 1,312,500 2,212,500 (505)SOLID WASTE 285,363270,000 300,000 330,000 (0000) (505) SOLID WASTE 285,363270,000 300,000 330,000 Maintenance & Operations 285,363270,000 300,000 330,000 (601)EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 658,803780,210 3,383,195 2,071,272 (0000) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 658,803780,210 - Capital Outlay 658,803780,210 - (2601) GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS - - 633,713 633,262 Capital Outlay - - 633,713 633,262 (4101) ENGINEERING - - 44,250 12,000 Capital Outlay - - 44,250 12,000 (4201) STREET SERVICES - - 15,000 15,000 Capital Outlay - - 15,000 15,000 (4202) STREET MAINTENANCE - - 775,593 415,666 Capital Outlay - - 775,593 415,666 (4203) PARK MAINTENANCE - - - Capital Outlay - - - (4205) TRAFFIC SAFETY - - 168,676 65,800 Capital Outlay - - 168,676 65,800 (4301) WASTEWATER - -935,540 379,557 Capital Outlay - - 935,540 379,557 (4601) EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE - - 135,650 76,577 Capital Outlay - - 135,650 76,577 (7102) WATER-OPERATION - - 674,773 473,410 Capital Outlay - - 674,773 473,410 Grand Total 44,337,39946,061,638 53,945,058 63,988,836 137 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary By Account Fiscal Year 2024-2025 . 001 GENERAL FUND DepartmentPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND8 ,615,544 7,231,148 8,602,036 9,844,794 Salaries & Benefits4 ,297,689 3,127,174 3,703,796 4,370,388 4101 Salaries Full Time2 ,823,324 2,007,260 2,439,101 2,881,644 4102 Salaries Part Time1 23,726 32,386 25,543 25,543 4103 Overtime7 1,842 133,031 91,000 135,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime -- - - 4116 Standby Pay2 6,614 27,410 17,500 29,000 4117 Opt - Out Payments6 ,257 6,992 3,990 6,270 4201 Retirement CalPERS2 62,250 224,365 214,807 282,310 4202 FICA2 37,305 171,318 186,732 222,782 4203 Workers' Compensation3 18,448 207,092 243,714 260,676 4204 Group Insurance4 25,940 307,396 467,819 502,021 4207 CalPERS UAL Expense -- - - 4209 PARS Expense -- - - 4210 OPEB Expense -- - - 4210 OPEB liability -- 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - 6,424 7,231 6,951 4215 Uniform Replacement1 ,983- 3,000 15,000 4221 Car Allowance - 3,500 3,360 3,192 Maintenance & Operations4 ,317,855 4,054,063 4,898,240 5,474,406 5201 Office Supplies - 82 - - 5203 Repair & Maintenance Supplies7 7,697 62,898 90,000 90,000 5204 Operating Supplies3 57,304 301,036 454,200 605,200 5206 Computer Supplies - 1,000 2,500 2,500 5207 Small Tools & Equipment6 ,333 3,892 18,000 18,000 5215 Vechicle Gasoline Charge3 25,643 308,773 350,000 350,000 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment -- - - 6101 Gas Utility5 4,041 13,849 57,000 57,000 6102 Electric Utility6 94,418 786,933 615,000 615,000 6103 Water Utility3 18,553 46,900 79,000 79,000 6104 Electricity Charges6 4,763 77,264 50,000 70,000 6105 Aquatics Gas Utilities7 8,703 162,076 200,000 200,000 6201 Advertising/Publishing1 ,508 1,391 5,000 5,000 6204 Fleet Operating Charge -- - - 6205 Other Printing & Binding -- - - 6206 Contractual Services1 ,701,253 1,599,810 2,095,500 2,302,500 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge2 32,557 99,606 125,813 81,595 6208 Dues & Subscriptions6 ,277 8,786 10,450 10,450 6209 Dump Fees -- - - 6210 Hazard Material Disposal Fee - 383 3,000 10,000 6212 Laundry & Cleaning1 3,908 9,992 17,500 19,500 6213 Meetings & Travel1 ,013 1,616 12,000 19,500 6214 Professional & Technical1 5,397 27,668 69,000 44,500 6215 Repairs & Maintenance8 0,316 29,667 70,000 70,000 6216 Rental Charges4 87- - - 6217 Software Maintenance3 ,897 2,000 2,000 2,000 6219 Network Operating Charge3 2,200 32,200 36,702 37,987 6223 Training & Education2 ,360 4,679 23,000 33,000 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge1 74,525 307,308 325,000 457,536 6249 Fees & Licenses7 ,764- - 21,463 6253 Postage6 92 418 1,125 1,125 6254 Telephone2 8,370 20,759 21,450 21,550 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs3 ,289 - - - 6281 Emergency Facilities Maintenance3 00 121,194 140,000 200,000 6282 Emergency Repair9 ,573 11,606 25,000 50,000 6304 Smoky Hollow Parking in Lieu2 4,714 10,277 - - Capital Outlay - 49,910 - - 8104 Equipment - 49,910 - - Grand Total8 ,615,544 7,231,148 8,602,036 9,844,794 138 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 8,615,544 7,231,148 8,602,036 9,844,794 (2601) GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS 1,800,903 2,247,097 2,557,958 2,848,606 Salaries & Benefits 719,580 684,465 869,485 914,422 4101 Salaries Full Time 451,213 410,571 559,468 568,876 4102 Salaries Part Time 29,344 32,386 25,543 25,543 4103 Overtime 21,034 22,003 10,000 25,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - - - - 4116 Standby Pay 6,848 6,246 - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments 3,018 2,768 - 2,850 4201 Retirement CalPERS 37,402 48,819 49,775 55,924 4202 FICA 40,278 40,719 44,061 45,593 4203 Workers' Compensation 66,033 61,985 78,175 79,520 4204 Group Insurance 64,410 58,260 101,706 110,392 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - 459 516 497 4215 Uniform Replacement - - - - 4221 Car Allowance - 250 240 228 Maintenance & Operations 1,081,322 1,512,722 1,688,473 1,934,183 5201 Office Supplies - 30 - - 5203 Repair & Maintenance Supplies 77,697 62,898 90,000 90,000 5204 Operating Supplies 116,517 166,213 200,000 266,000 5207 Small Tools & Equipment - - 2,500 2,500 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6101 Gas Utility 42,162 5,388 40,000 40,000 6102 Electric Utility 262,215 355,228 250,000 250,000 6103 Water Utility 55,874 35,612 70,000 70,000 6104 Electricity Charges 64,763 77,264 50,000 70,000 6105 Aquatics Gas Utilities 78,703 162,076 200,000 200,000 6206 Contractual Services 357,637 490,371 580,000 695,000 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 12,880 22,239 15,046 (451) 6212 Laundry & Cleaning 3,342 3,252 4,000 4,000 6213 Meetings & Travel - - 2,500 2,500 6214 Professional & Technical - - 30,000 30,000 6215 Repairs & Maintenance - - - - 6219 Network Operating Charge 5,200 5,200 5,927 6,134 6223 Training & Education 152 634 4,500 4,500 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge - 1,106 - - 6253 Postage 302 82 - - 6254 Telephone 3,580 3,934 4,000 4,000 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - - - - 200,000 6281 Emergency Facilities Maintenance 300 121,194140,000 Capital Outlay - 49,910 - 8104 Equipment - 49,910 - (4101) ENGINEERING 769,037 856,756 1,016,995 1,649,365 Salaries & Benefits 464,771 404,786 389,770 946,089 4101 Salaries Full Time 365,928 311,605 300,338 711,642 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - - 4103 Overtime 163 - - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 31,635 35,034 25,496 68,052 4202 FICA 26,524 23,380 22,976 54,441 4203 Workers' Compensation 8,695 6,494 6,961 18,788 4204 Group Insurance 31,827 25,721 31,275 90,558 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - 1,652 1,859 1,787 4221 Car Allowance - 900 864 821 Maintenance & Operations 304,265 451,970 627,225 703,276 5204 Operating Supplies 4,084 5,162 6,000 6,000 5206 Computer Supplies - 1,000 2,500 2,500 5207 Small Tools & Equipment -- - - 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment -- -- 6201 Advertising/Publishing 1,508 1,391 3,000 3,000 6205 Other Printing & Binding - - - - 6206 Contractual Services 237,083 385,388 550,000 650,000 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 2,235 3,055 4,296 4,296 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 1,530 - 3,200 3,200 6213 Meetings & Travel - - 2,000 2,000 6214 Professional & Technical 14,322 27,441 31,000 6,500 6219 Network Operating Charge 13,800 13,800 15,729 16,280 6223 Training & Education - - 5,000 5,000 6253 Postage 390 335 750 750 6254 Telephone 4,599 4,120 3,750 3,750 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - - - - 6304 Smoky Hollow Parking in Lieu 24,714 10,277 - - (4201) STREET SERVICES 446,477 464,519 551,887 489,545 Salaries & Benefits 227,112 220,196 242,977 238,745 4101 Salaries Full Time 168,316 156,838 175,265 164,274 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - - 4103 Overtime 2,482 6,491 6,000 15,000 139 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - - - - 4116 Standby Pay 702 987 1,000 5,000 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 15,516 17,104 15,279 15,552 4202 FICA 12,802 12,546 12,932 12,567 4203 Workers' Compensation 7,923 8,551 5,486 4,928 4204 Group Insurance 19,371 17,113 26,410 20,845 4209 PARS Expense - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - 367 413 397 4221 Car Allowance - 200 192 182 Maintenance & Operations 219,364 244,323 308,910 250,800 5204 Operating Supplies 578 5,378 12,200 12,200 6206 Contractual Services 218,346 238,615 295,000 237,000 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 440 330 110 - 6254 Telephone - - 1,600 1,600 (4202) STREET MAINTENANCE 543,660 733,029 940,919 1,059,032 Salaries & Benefits 442,694 549,138 668,209 719,540 4101 Salaries Full Time 270,171 313,164 396,152 431,185 4103 Overtime 12,185 40,647 40,000 40,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime- - - - 4116 Standby Pay 4,657 7,461 6,500 - 4117 Opt - Out Payments 2,233 3,018 2,850 2,850 4201 Retirement CalPERS 26,380 33,876 35,591 43,680 4202 FICA 22,067 27,901 30,524 33,204 4203 Workers' Compensation 40,437 50,788 45,209 48,827 4204 Group Insurance 64,565 72,283 108,383 104,794 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement - - 3,000 15,000 Maintenance & Operations 100,966 183,891 272,710 339,492 5204 Operating Supplies 31,162 96,664 150,000 235,000 5207 Small Tools & Equipment - - 500 500 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6101 Gas Utility 2,239 4,918 4,000 4,000 6102 Electric Utility 9,832 15,743 12,000 12,000 6206 Contractual Services 47 - - - 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 45,642 55,685 80,783 57,258 6209 Dump Fees - - - - 6212 Laundry & Cleaning 3,066 2,946 7,500 7,500 6214 Professional & Technical - - 4,500 4,500 6217 Software Maintenance- 2,000 2,000 2,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 5,200 5,200 5,927 6,134 6223 Training & Education - - 5,000 10,000 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge - - - - 6254 Telephone 489 735 500 600 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 3,289 - - - Capital Outlay - - - - 8104 Equipment - - - - (4203) PARK MAINTENANCE 2,408,715 - - - Salaries & Benefits 1,276,890 - - - 4101 Salaries Full Time 777,427 - - - 4102 Salaries Part Time 94,381 - - - 4103 Overtime 15,507 - - - 4116 Standby Pay 4,127 - - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 73,468 - - - 4202 FICA 70,528 - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation 124,414 - - - 4204 Group Insurance 115,053 - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement 1,983 - -- Maintenance & Operations 1,131,825 - - - 5204 Operating Supplies 78,194 - - - 5207 Small Tools & Equipment 1,424 - - - 6101 Gas Utility 6,236 - - - 6102 Electric Utility 79,202 - - - 6103 Water Utility 253,382 - - - 6206 Contractual Services 471,953 - - - 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 157,712 - - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 1,063 - - - 6212 Laundry & Cleaning 4,910 - - - 6214 Professional & Technical 1,075 - - - 6215 Repairs & Maintenance 66,147 - - - 6216 Rental Charges 487 - - - 6223 Training & Education 1,684 - - - 6254 Telephone 8,358 - - - (4205) TRAFFIC SAFETY 725,780 951,951 916,152 949,848 Salaries & Benefits 268,113 394,035 371,426 410,208 4101 Salaries Full Time 180,486 247,762 235,718 253,475 140 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 4103 Overtime 6,804 20,958 15,000 20,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - - - - 4116 Standby Pay 1,965 4,117 4,000 10,000 4201 Retirement CalPERS 18,706 27,909 21,026 25,555 4202 FICA 14,774 20,955 18,032 19,391 4203 Workers' Compensation 18,216 29,709 30,323 32,731 4204 Group Insurance 27,161 42,624 47,327 49,056 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - Maintenance & Operations 457,667 557,917 544,726 539,640 5204 Operating Supplies 16,541 14,067 50,000 50,000 5207 Small Tools & Equipment - - - - 6102 Electric Utility 328,057 393,387 330,000 330,000 6206 Contractual Services 104,980 140,072 150,000 150,000 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 8,089 10,391 14,726 9,640 (4206) SOLID WASTE RECYCLING 366,016 345,134 425,054 477,690 Salaries & Benefits 96,357 15,273 13,554 16,190 4101 Salaries Full Time 75,844 9,708 10,296 11,903 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - - 4103 Overtime 74 - - - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - - - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - -- 4201 Retirement CalPERS 7,030 3,128 889 1,174 4202 FICA 6,094 612 312 911 4203 Workers' Compensation 808 358 334 387 4204 Group Insurance 6,506 900 1,117 1,236 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - 367 413 397 4221 Car Allowance - 200 192 182 Maintenance & Operations 269,659 329,862 411,500 461,500 5204 Operating Supplies - - 2,000 2,000 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - 2,000 2,000 6206 Contractual Services 269,659 329,862 407,500 457,500 6213 Meetings & Travel - - - - 6223 Training & Education - - - - (4302) STORM DRAINS 212,674 224,836 354,244 261,113 Salaries & Benefits 149,377 163,798 241,744 148,613 4101 Salaries Full Time 94,485 90,808 153,737 87,361 4103 Overtime 4,940 20,679 10,000 15,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - - - - 4116 Standby Pay 4,387 5,708 6,000 6,000 4117 Opt - Out Payments 570 1,007 1,2071,140 4201 Retirement CalPERS 9,394 9,192 13,815 8,960 4202 FICA 8,769 9,084 11,848 6,727 4203 Workers' Compensation 12,807 13,924 14,381 9,457 4204 Group Insurance 13,588 13,195 30,823 14,538 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - Maintenance & Operations 63,297 61,038 112,500 112,500 5204 Operating Supplies 3,845 4,869 6,000 6,000 6101 Gas Utility 1,805 30 10,000 10,000 6102 Electric Utility 9,648 13,149 15,000 15,000 6103 Water Utility 2,509 3,029 3,000 3,000 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - - - 6206 Contractual Services 33,582 15,502 13,000 13,000 6215 Repairs & Maintenance 9,110 21,682 60,000 60,000 6223 Training & Education - - 2,500 2,500 6254 Telephone 2,799 2,777 3,000 3,000 (4304) ENVIRONMENTAL PROGRAMS - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - 4101 Salaries Full Time - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - 4202 FICA - -- 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - 4204 Group Insurance - - - 4210 OPEB liability - - Maintenance & Operations - - 5204 Operating Supplies - - 6206 Contractual Services - - 6213 Meetings & Travel - - 6214 Professional & Technical - - 6223 Training & Education - - 6254 Telephone - - (4601) EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 1,212,262 1,169,627 1,600,210 1,814,934 Salaries & Benefits 545,378 468,189 681,740 719,608 4101 Salaries Full Time 353,935 290,406 434,841 455,533 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - - 4103 Overtime 8,653 22,252 10,000 20,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - - - - 4116 Standby Pay 3,928 2,892 - 8,000 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 141 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 4201 Retirement CalPERS 35,004 35,058 38,759 44,719 4202 FICA 30,199 23,859 32,790 34,848 4203 Workers' Compensation 36,095 31,510 59,337 62,003 4204 Group Insurance 77,565 61,645 105,408 93,926 4209 PARS Expense - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - 367 413 397 4221 Car Allowance - 200 192 182 Maintenance & Operations 666,884 701,438 918,471 1,095,326 5201 Office Supplies - 53 - - 5204 Operating Supplies 102,745 4,851 25,000 25,000 5207 Small Tools & Equipment 4,909 3,892 15,000 15,000 5215 Vechicle Gasoline Charge 325,643 308,773 350,000 350,000 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6101 Gas Utility 1,599 3,513 3,000 3,000 6102 Electric Utility 5,464 9,426 8,000 8,000 6103 Water Utility 6,789 8,258 6,000 6,000 6204 Fleet Operating Charge - - - - 6206 Contractual Services 7,968 - 100,000 100,000 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 5,559 7,906 10,852 10,852 6208 Dues & Subscriptions2,051 8,786 4,500 4,500 6210 Hazard Material Disposal Fee - 383 3,000 10,000 6212 Laundry & Cleaning 2,590 3,794 6,000 8,000 6213 Meetings & Travel - - 5,000 10,000 6214 Professional & Technical - - 3,000 3,000 6215 Repairs & Maintenance 5,059 7,984 10,000 10,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 8,000 8,000 9,119 9,438 6223 Training & Education - 3,420 5,000 10,000 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge 174,525 306,202 325,000 457,536 6254 Telephone 4,409 4,590 5,000 5,000 6282 Emergency Repair 9,573 11,606 25,000 50,000 (4801) ADMINISTRATION 130,021 238,197 238,617 294,662 Salaries & Benefits 107,417 227,295 224,892 256,974 4101 Salaries Full Time 85,519 176,399 173,285 197,395 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - - 4103 Overtime - - - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 7,715 14,244 14,178 18,695 4202 FICA 5,270 12,261 13,256 15,101 4203 Workers' Compensation 3,021 3,774 3,508 4,035 4204 Group Insurance5,893 15,655 15,369 16,676 4207 CalPERS UAL Expense - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - 3,212 3,615 3,476 4221 Car Allowance - 1,750 1,680 1,596 Maintenance & Operations 22,605 10,902 13,725 37,688 5204 Operating Supplies 3,637 3,833 3,000 3,000 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 1,633 - 2,750 2,750 6213 Meetings & Travel 1,013 1,616 2,500 5,000 6214 Professional & Technical - 227 500 500 6217 Software Maintenance 3,897 - - - 6223 Training & Education 525 625 1,000 1,000 6249 Fees & Licenses 7,764 - - 21,463 6253 Postage - - 375 375 6254 Telephone 4,135 4,602 3,600 3,600 (106)STATE GAS TAX FUND 431,943 274,795 221,745 523,755 (0000) (106) STATE GAS TAX FUND 2,711 3,000 210,000 260,000 Salaries & Benefits - - - - 4101 Salaries Full Time - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - - 4202 FICA- - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - Maintenance & Operations 2,711 3,000 210,000 260,000 5202 Furniture and Equipment - - 50,000 6206 Contractual Services 2,711 3,000 80,000 80,000 6214 Professional & Technical - - 130,000 130,000 (4202) STREET MAINTENANCE 378,650 270,563 11,745 13,755 Salaries & Benefits 124,012 14,702 11,745 13,755 4101 Salaries Full Time 78,566 10,840 9,860 10,553 4103 Overtime 5,940 11 - - 4116 Standby Pay 3,120 - - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments 785 - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 7,901 2,929 786 977 4202 FICA 6,883 830 754 807 4203 Workers' Compensation 11,037 976 9 74 4204 Group Insurance 9,779 (5) 275 1,344 4210 OPEB Expense - - - Maintenance & Operations 254,638 255,861 - - 142 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 5202 Furniture and Equipment 40,282 9,746 - - 6214 Professional & Technical 214,356 246,115 - - (8206) STATE GAS TAX 17,108 - - - Maintenance & Operations 17,108 - - - 6206 Contractual Services 17,108 - - - Capital Outlay - - - - 8943 Slurry Seal - Local Sts. Rehab Program - - - - (8203) STATE GAS TAX 33,473 1,232 - 250,000 Maintenance & Operations - - -- 5202 Furniture and Equipment - - -- 6206 Contractual Services - - -- 6214 Professional & Technical - - -- Capital Outlay 33,473 1,232 - 250,000 8357 Slurry Seal Streets - - -- 8606 New Sidewalk Repair 1,092 1,232 - 250,000 8943 Local Streets Rehabilitation Program 32,381 - - - (110)MEASURE R 598 689,579 600,000 1,000,000 (8203) STATE GAS TAX 598 689,579 600,000 1,000,000 Maintenance & Operations - - - - 6214 Professional & Technical - - - - Capital Outlay598 689,579 600,0001,000,000 8929 Park Place Extension 598 489,579 - - 8943 Local Streets Rehabilitation Program - 200,000 600,000 1,000,000 8957 E. Imperial Hwy Resurfacing PW 16-10 -- - - (114)PROP "C" TRANSPORTATION 501,113 432,977 300,000 1,200,000 (5292) DIAL-A-RIDE - - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - - 4202 FICA - - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge - - - - (5293) SHUTTLE 1,675 2,429 300,000 1,200,000 Salaries & Benefits 1,075 2,429 - - 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 1,075 2,429 - - 4202 FICA - - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - Maintenance & Operations 600 - - - 5204 Operating Supplies - - - - - - 6206 Beach Cities Transit 600- 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge - - - - 6214 Professional & Technical - - - - Capital Outlay - - 300,000 1,200,000 8943 Local Streets Rehabilitation Program - - 300,000 1,200,000 (5295) ADMINISTRATION - - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - 4101 Salaries Full Time - - - - 4202 FICA - - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - (8203) STATE GAS TAX 499,438 430,549 - - Capital Outlay 499,438 430,549 - - 8809 El Segundo Blvd.- Design 46,815 - - - 8929 Park Place Extension 452,623 404,936 - - 8943 Local Streets Rehabilitation Program - 25,613 - - 8957 E. Imperial Hwy Resurfacing PW 16-10 -- - - (115)AIR POLUTION REDUCTION FUND -- 100,000 - (0000) (115) AIR POLUTION REDUCTION FUND - - 100,000 - Capital Outlay - - 100,000 - 8105 Automotive - - 100,000 - (117)HYPERION MITIGATION FUND 7,869 20,910 109,453 60,754 (8601) HYPERION LANSCAPING 7,869 18,802 95,000 45,795 Maintenance & Operations 7,869 18,802 95,000 45,795 6206 Contractual Services 7,104 18,007 95,000 45,000 6254 Telephone 765 795 - 795 (8602) HYPERION LANSCAPING - 2,108 14,453 14,959 Maintenance & Operations - 2,108 14,453 14,959 6286 General Admin. Charges - 2,108 14,453 14,959 (118)TDA ARTICLE 3 - SB 821 BIKEWAY FUND 57,466 14,846 15,000 30,000 (0000) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 57,466 14,846 15,000 30,000 Capital Outlay 57,466 14,846 15,000 30,000 8925 BICYCLE/PEDESTRN IMPRVM 57,466 14,846 15,000 30,000 (119)MTA GRANT - - - - (8203) STATE GAS TAX - - - - Capital Outlay - - - - 8432 FY 20/21 Pavement Rehab Project - - - - 8957 E. Imperial Hwy Resurfacing PW 16-10 - - - - (125)STATE GRANTS 8,400 18,600 - 75,000 (4801) ADMINISTRATION 8,400 18,600 - 75,000 143 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 Maintenance & Operations 8,400 18,600 - 75,000 3755 CalEPA-Green Business Grant 8,400 18,600 -- 4301 West Basin Grant - - -- 5204 SB 1383 Local Assistance Grant - 75,000 (127)MEASURE M 323,993 828,241 200,000 200,000 (0000) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 323,993 828,241 200,000 200,000 Capital Outlay 323,993 828,241 200,000 200,000 8382 Measure M Expenditures 323,993 828,241 - 200,000 8384 Library Park Pathway Improvements - - 200,000 - (128)SB-1 146,734 335,930 800,000 600,000 (0000) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - 335,930 - - Capital Outlay - 335,930 - - 8383 SB-1 Expenditures - 335,930 - - (8203) STATE GAS TAX 146,734 - 800,000 600,000 Capital Outlay 146,734 - 800,000 600,000 8383 SB-1 Expenditures - - 800,000 600,000 8432 FY 20/21 Pavement Rehab Project 146,734 - - - (131)COUNTY STORM WATER PROGRAM 264,514 192,770 750,000 1,050,000 (0000) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 264,514 192,770 400,000 400,000 Maintenance & Operations 264,514 192,770 400,000 400,000 6206 Contractual Services -- 200,000 200,000 6214 Professional & Technical 264,514 192,770 200,000 200,000 (8152) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - - - - Capital Outlay - - - - 8212 Acacia Park Playground - - - - (8205) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - - 350,000 650,000 Capital Outlay - - 350,000 650,000 8103 Other Improvements - - 350,000 650,000 8301 California St. Storm Drain Impr 2019 - - - - 8302 Catch Basin Inserts Installations 2020 - - - - (405)FACILITIES MAINTENANCE - - - - (0000) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - 5209 Non-Capitalized Purchases <$5000 - - - - 6215 Repairs & Maintenance - - - - (501)WATER UTILITY FUND3 0,211,364 28,790,157 31,772,572 39,315,822 (0000) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 54,996 51,617 52,397 51,660 Maintenance & Operations 54,996 51,617 52,397 51,660 4907 Interest Expense 54,996 51,617 52,397 51,660 (0000) (501) WATER UTILITY FUND - - - - Transfers Out- - - - 9499 Transfers Out - - - - (7102) WATER-OPERATION3 0,015,901 28,633,193 28,260,175 34,804,161 Salaries & Benefits 1,343,262 1,777,237 1,485,365 1,968,204 4101 Salaries Full Time 893,923 998,434 995,419 1,329,898 4102 Salaries Part Time 3,855 11,399 - - 4103 Overtime 16,669 29,365 30,000 35,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime (431) - - - 4116 Standby Pay 22,929 23,384 30,000 - 4117 Opt - Out Payments 5,432 5,432 5,130 7,980 4200 Pension Expense GASB 68 - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS (2,192) 302,785 88,016 132,736 4202 FICA 69,503 80,141 76,542 102,348 4203 Workers' Compensation 75,845 93,554 87,662 125,000 4204 Group Insurance 243,348 253,428 165,301 217,171 4209 PARS Expense 9,450 9,450 - 13,000 4210 OPEB Expense 3,854 (35,527) - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - 3,067 3,615 3,476 4215 Uniform Replacement 1,079 646 2,000 - 4221 Car Allowance - 1,680 1,680 1,596 Maintenance & Operations28,672,348 26,852,748 26,754,810 32,835,957 5204 Operating Supplies 31,647 33,374 70,000 70,000 5207 Small Tools & Equipment 26,305 20,941 120,000 120,000 5215 Vechicle Gasoline Charge 16,131 21,574 12,500 20,000 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6101 Gas Utility 1,997 3,808 3,500 3,500 6102 Electricity Utility 22,143 24,921 30,000 30,000 6172 Bad Debt Expense - 893 - 6201 Advertising/Publishing - 2,070 5,000 5,000 6202 Depreciation Expense 190,927 198,176 - - 6205 Other Printing & Binding - 351 1,875 1,875 6206 Contractual Services 224,481 176,316 285,000 390,000 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 40,840 20,025 20,025 18,441 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 4,803 5,086 10,920 10,920 6211 Insurance & Bonds 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 1,000,000 6212 Laundry & Cleaning 5,718 8,246 12,000 13,500 6213 Meetings & Travel - - 2,500 3,000 6214 Professional & Technical 86,652 38,166 100,000 65,000 6215 Repairs & Maintenance 4,578 6,230 32,500 32,500 144 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 6217 Software Maintenance 2,060 2,000 3,000 3,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 10,300 - 11,740 12,151 6223 Training & Education 5,853 2,869 8,000 9,000 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge 21,595 39,590 30,000 30,000 6235 Accrued Vac/Sick Pay 1,544 20,625 - - 6244 Misc. Expense - 289 - 6253 Postage 6,969 4,920 24,000 24,000 6254 Telephone 22,613 19,267 24,000 24,000 6256 Pavement Rehabilitation 1,359 - 20,000 33,500 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - - - - 6283 Water Purchases - Potable1 2,606,550 10,101,182 10,000,000 11,830,169 6285 Water Purchases - Reclaimed Water1 3,603,062 14,301,828 13,500,000 17,608,319 6286 General Admin Charges 734,219 800,000 1,423,750 1,473,581 6301 Legal Councel - - - - 6354 Lifeline Expense - - 4,500 4,500 Capital Outlay 292 3,208 20,000 - 8108 Computer Hardware - - 10,000 - 8109 Computer Software 292 3,208 10,000 - (7103) WATER-CAPITAL 140,467 105,347 3,460,000 4,460,000 Capital Outlay 140,467 105,347 3,460,000 4,460,000 8206 Water Infrastructure Replacement 165,757(480,773) 2,000,000 2,000,000 8207 Water Main Replacement (25,200) 586,120 1,200,000 1,550,000 8381 Water Reservoir Rehabilitation - - - 650,000 8461 Upgrade/Relocate Metering Structures - - 260,000 260,000 8655 AMR Meters (90) - - - (502)SEWER FUND 4,441,889 4,563,279 6,791,056 7,687,440 (0000) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 35,586 33,399 31,920 31,471 Maintenance & Operations 35,586 33,399 31,920 31,471 4907 Interest Expense 35,586 33,399 31,920 31,471 (0000) (502) SEWER FUND - 81,538 - - Transfers Out - 81,538 - - 9499 Transfers Out - 81,538 - - (4301) WASTEWATER 4,365,746 4,441,110 5,446,637 5,443,468 Salaries & Benefits 958,860 1,044,517 1,038,083 1,036,127 4101 Salaries Full Time 664,987 605,906 708,721 689,845 4102 Salaries Part Time 1,928 5,056 - - 4103 Overtime 12,322 26,023 10,000 40,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - - - - 4116 Standby Pay 19,948 21,711 20,000 20,000 4117 Opt - Out Payments 3,899 2,414 2,280 - 4200 Pension Expense - GASB 68 -- - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 11,415 182,711 62,733 66,692 4202 FICA 55,317 49,750 58,383 52,773 4203 Workers' Compensation 64,084 50,680 68,127 55,091 4204 Group Insurance 112,521 117,668 107,082 98,002 4209 PARS Expense 9,450 9,450 - 13,000 4210 OPEB Expense 2,990 (27,561) - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - 459 516 497 4221 Car Allowance - 250 240 228 Maintenance & Operations 3,406,239 3,392,846 4,388,553 4,407,341 5201 Office Supplies - - - - 5203 Repair & Maintenance Supplies - 1,752 50,000 50,000 5204 Operating Supplies 34,710 15,393 45,000 45,000 5207 Small Tools & Equipment - - 1,000 1,000 5215 Vechile Gasoline Charge 12,696 11,572 9,000 9,000 6101 Gas Utility 2,901 2,178 3,000 3,000 6102 Electric Utility 70,966 73,874 70,000 70,000 6103 Water Utility 1,186 832 3,000 3,000 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - - - 6202 Depreciation Expense 402,171 419,707 - - 6205 Other Printing & Binding - -- - 6206 Contractual Services 1,697,140 1,697,214 2,600,000 2,500,000 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 66,827 46,488 46,488 38,258 6208 Dues & Subscriptions - - 1,000 1,000 6211 Insurance & Bonds 500,000 500,000 500,000 500,000 6212 Laundry & Cleaning 2,761 3,941 4,500 4,500 6213 Meetings & Travel - - 1,000 1,000 6214 Professional & Technical 19,748 1,072 20,000 20,000 6215 Repairs & Maintenance 150,777 157,919 230,000 320,000 6217 Software Maintenance - 2,000 2,250 2,250 6219 Network Operating Charge 3,400 - 3,875 4,011 6223 Training & Education 2,065 1,715 2,100 3,000 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge 52,559 27,907 30,000 40,000 6235 Accrued Vac/Sick Pay (39,515) 5,109 - - 6253 Postage 4,859 4,237 12,000 12,000 6254 Telephone 11,894 10,844 12,000 12,000 6286 General Admin Charges 409,093 409,093 742,340 768,322 Capital Outlay 648 3,747 20,000 - 8108 Computer Hardware 356 539 10,000 - 145 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentPUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 8109 Computer Software 292 3,208 10,000 - (8204) SANITRY SEWER CIP 40,557 7,232 1,312,500 2,212,500 Capital Outlay 40,557 7,232 1,312,500 2,212,500 8212 Acacia Park Playground - - - - 8461 Upgrade/Relocate Metering Structures - - 112,500 112,500 8647 Sewer Main Repair (Annual Program) 40,392 7,232 1,200,000 1,500,000 8648 Pump Station(s) Rehab - - 600,000 8650 Sewer Pump Station #1 - - - - 8655 AMR Meters 165 - - - (505)SOLID WASTE 270,000 285,363 300,000 330,000 (0000) (505) SOLID WASTE 270,000 285,363 300,000 330,000 Maintenance & Operations 270,000 285,363 300,000 330,000 6206 Contractual Services 270,000 285,363 300,000 330,000 (601)EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 780,210 658,803 3,383,195 2,071,272 (0000) PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 780,210 658,803 - Capital Outlay 780,210 658,803 - 6202 Depreciation Expense 780,210 658,803 - (2601) GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS - - 633,713 633,262 Capital Outlay - - 633,713 633,262 8104 Capital/Equipment - - 67,611 67,160 8105 Capital/Automotive - - 566,102 566,102 (4101) ENGINEERING - - 44,250 12,000 Capital Outlay - - 44,250 12,000 8104 Equipment - - 17,950 12,000 8105 Automotive - - 26,300 (4201) STREET SERVICES - - 15,000 15,000 Capital Outlay - - 15,000 15,000 8108 Computer Hardware - - 15,000 15,000 (4202) STREET MAINTENANCE - - 775,593 415,666 Capital Outlay - - 775,593 415,666 8104 Equipment - - 24,937 14,000 8105 Automotive - - 750,656 401,666 (4203) PARK MAINTENANCE - - - Capital Outlay - - - 8104 Equipment - - - 8105 Automotive - - - (4205) TRAFFIC SAFETY - - 168,676 65,800 Capital Outlay - - 168,676 65,800 8104 Equipment - - 6,000 6,000 8105 Automotive - - 162,676 59,800 (4301) WASTEWATER - - 935,540 379,557 Capital Outlay - - 935,540 379,557 8104 Equipment - - 193,148 120,040 8105 Automotive - - 723,392 240,517 8108 Computer Hardware - - 19,000 19,000 (4601) EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE - - 135,650 76,577 Capital Outlay - - 135,650 76,577 8104 Equipment - - 6,271 8105 Automotive - - 89,379 36,577 8106 Communication - - 40,000 40,000 (7102) WATER-OPERATION - - 674,773 473,410 Capital Outlay - - 674,773 473,410 8104 Equipment - - 39,410 39,410 8105 Automotive - - 609,763 408,400 8108 Computer Hardware - - 25,600 25,600 Grand Total4 6,061,638 44,337,399 53,945,058 63,988,836 146 147 148 149 150 151 152 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentRECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 4,906,060 108,427,089 10,233,080 ,744,896 (5101) PARKS-ADMINISTRATION - 240 - - Salaries & Benefits -- - - Maintenance & Operations - 240 - - (5102) PARKS-OPERATION 257,101 ,825,695 3,141,412 3,153,171 Salaries & Benefits 1,444,80457,101 1,453,438 1,555,934 Maintenance & Operations - 1,380,891 1,687,974 1,597,237 Ca pital Outlay -- - (5201) RECREATION-OPERATION 562,411 482,655 672,192 619,310 Salaries & Benefits 502,672 419,421 580,052 518,740 Maintenance & O perations 63,23559,739 92,140 100,570 Capital Outlay - - - - (5202) RECREATION-AQUATICS 956,146 ,001 939,164 310,109 Salaries & Benefits 7,00251,197 939,164 308,775 Maintenance & Operations4,949 1,999 - 1,334 (5203) CLUB HOUSE /CULTURAL ARTS 430,554 483,910 399,459 466,448 Salaries & Benefits 252,047 344,271 259,459 317,998 Maintenance & Operations 178,508 139,639 140,000 148,450 (5204) RECREATION-SPORTS 240,103 316,367 343,774 413,762 Salaries & Benefits 204,170 235,154 265,834 300,522 Maintenance & Operations 81,21335,933 77,940 113,240 (5205) RECREATION-TEEN CENTER 12786,708 ,227 56,382 148,764 Salaries & Benefits 95,65175,515 31,032 99,914 Maintenance & Operations 31,57611,193 25,350 48,850 (5206) RECREATION-JOSLYN CENTER 222,192 264,149 228,089 431,222 Salaries & Benefits 196,539 221,778 151,979 300,112 Maintenance & Operations 42,37125,653 76,110 131,110 (5208) FARMERS MARKET 3840,126 ,590 31,516 68,211 Salaries & Benefits 31,64832,168 17,716 51,711 Maintenance & Operations7,958 6,942 13,800 16,500 (5209) CONTRACT CLASSES - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - (5210) SPECIAL EVENTS 16179,822 ,460 157,900 257,687 Salaries & Benefits 29,51613,861 - 76,187 Maintenance & Operations 131,94465,961 157,900 181,500 (5212) RECREATION TRIPS - - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - (5213) WISEBURN AQUATIC CENTER 850,194 11,128,986 ,641,550 1,612,961 Salaries & Benefits 736,842 824,056 1,504,380 1,455,236 Maintenance & Operations 113,351 304,930 137,170 157,725 (5214) HILLTOP AQUATIC CENTER 3528,154 ,938 5,440 80,285 Salaries & Benefits 32,81125,634 - 73,185 Maintenance & Operations2,520 3,127 5,440 7,100 (5418) CAMPS - 216,838 169,200 446,470 Salaries & Benefits - 72,333 - 253,770 Maintenance & Operations - 144,505 169,200 192,700 (6101) LIBRARY - ADMINISTRATION 494,861 518,579 479,045 613,478 Salaries & Benefits 416,392 444,094 430,145 518,716 Maintenance & Operations 74,48578,469 48,900 94,762 Capital Outlay - - - - (6102) LIBRARY - SUPPORT SERVICES 703,381 721,176 799,775 879,711 Salaries & Benefits 484,438 454,790 488,328 562,353 Maintenance & Operations 218,943 266,386 311,447 317,358 (6105) LIBRARY - ESUSD SCHOOL SUPPORT 11669,249 ,244 167,344 132,877 Salaries & Benefits 116,24469,249 167,344 132,877 (6103) LIBRARY - YOUTH & SCHOOL SERVICES 584,245 555,632 543,373 521,133 Salaries & Benefits 461,960 432,331 408,803 458,627 Maintenance & Operations 122,285 123,301 134,570 62,506 (6104) LIBRARY - ADULT & TEEN SERVICES 400,815 424,403 457,465 589,297 Salaries & Benefits 389,874 406,195 436,315 489,987 Maintenance & O perations 18,20810,941 21,150 99,310 (112)PROP "A" TRANSPORTATION 112,689 253,264 362,281 367,281 (5292) DIAL-A-RIDE 108,337 234,762 144,281 144,281 Salaries & Benefits1,478 33,177 - - Maintenance & O perations 106,859 201,585 144,281 144,281 (5293) SHUTTLE1 ,075 8,640 183,000 183,000 Salaries & Benefits1,075 - - - Maintenance & Operations - 8,640 183,000 183,000 (5294) RECREATION TRIPS3 ,277 9,468 30,000 35,000 Salaries & Benefits1 61 364 - - Maintenance & Operations3,115 9,104 30,000 35,000 (5295) ADMINISTRATION - 144 - - Salaries & Benefits - 144 - - (5297) BUY-DOWN - 250 5,000 5,000 Maintenance & Operations - 250 5,000 5,000 (125)STATE GRANTS 1610,626 ,480 - - (5102) PARKS-OPERATION - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - (3726) RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT 310,626 ,921 - - Salaries & Benefits 3,92110,626 - - (6101) LIBRARY - ADMINISTRATION - 12,559 - - Maintenance & Operations - 12,559 - - (317)DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - LIBRARY -- 17,156 (6103) LIBRARY - YOUTH & SCHOOL SERVICES - - 11,956 Maintenance & Operations - - 11,956 (6104) LIBRARY - ADULT & TEEN SERVICES - - 5,200 Maintenance & Operations - - 5,200 (601)EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT - - 2,412,362 693,356 (5102) PARKS-OPERATION - - 1,871,587 377,656 Capital Outlay - - 1,871,587 377,656 (5201) RECREATION-OPERATION - - 145,500 145,500 Capital Outlay - - 145,500 145,500 (5292) DIAL-A-RIDE - - 326,590 156,200 Capital Outlay - - 326,590 156,200 (6101) LIBRARY - ADMINISTRATION - - - 153 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentRECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 Capital Outlay - - - (6102) LIBRARY - SUPPORT SERVICES - - 68,685 14,000 Ca pital Outlay - - 68,685 14,000 (702)TRUST FUNDS - SPECIAL REVENUE/DONATIONS 2171,745 ,997 39,000 61,000 (5101) PARKS-ADMINISTRATION2 ,656 302 - 5,000 Maintenance & O perations2,656 302 - 5,000 (5102) PARKS-OPERATION - - -- Maintenance & O perations - - -- (5211) RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT - - -- Maintenance & O perations - - -- (5202) RECREATION-AQUATICS - - -- Capital Outlay - - -- (5205) RECREATION-TEEN CENTER - - 14,000 14,000 Maintenance & O perations - - 14,000 14,000 (5206) RECREATION-JOSLYN CENTER1 ,315 - 9,000 9,000 Maintenance & Operations1,315 - 9,000 9,000 (5210) SPECIAL EVENTS 1050,689 ,997 16,000 16,000 Maintenance & Operations 10,99750,689 16,000 16,000 (5401) RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT - - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - (5404) RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT - - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - (5405) RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - (6101) LIBRARY - ADMINISTRATION 1017,085 ,698 - 17,000 Maintenance & Operations 10,69817,085 - 17,000 (704)CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT FUND 142,802 261,789 298,196 272,604 (0000) (704) CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT FUND 142,802 261,789 298,196 272,604 Salaries & Benefits 97,65685,458 92,196 98,604 Maintenance & Operations 164,13357,344 166,000 134,000 Transfers Out - - - Capital Outlay - - 40,000 40,000 Grand Total 5,243,922 138,980,620 12,344,919 ,156,293 154 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary By Account Fiscal Year 2024-2025 .001 GENERAL FUND RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 4,906,060 8,427,089 10,233,080 10,744,896 Salaries & Benefits 3,969,659 5,612,099 7,133,988 7,474,644 4101 Salaries Full Time 1,749,789 2,620,872 2,602,749 2,959,095 4102 ESUSD - Salaries Part Time 60,860 104,002 150,514 118,884 4102 Salaries Part Time 1,329,441 1,521,386 2,956,381 2,818,136 4103 Overtime 16,400 51,8793 0,0005 2,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - - - - 4116 Standby Pay 717 5,861 - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments 8,983 6,6238 ,550 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 224,624 323,069 239,106 286,878 4202 FICA 247,394 335,640 425,005 440,075 4203 Workers' Compensation 128,583 271,761 327,702 334,027 4204 Group Insurance 193,811 350,635 375,251 440,695 4205 Unfiorm Allowance - - - - 4207 CalPERS UAL Expense - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - 9,1781 0,3301 0,453 4215 Uniform Replacement 9,057 6,1933 ,6009 ,600 4221 Car Allowance - 5,0004 ,8004 ,800 Maintenance & Operations 936,4012,814,990 3,099,092 3,270,252 4999 Cash Over/Short - - - - 5201 Office Supplies - 13 - - 5203 Repair & Maintenance Supplies - 5,824 - 5204 Operating Supplies 121,777 263,783 287,393 355,618 5206 Computer Supplies - - - - 5207 Small Tools & Equipment - 2,2772 ,7002 ,700 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment -- - - 5501 Adult Books & Other Printed Material 38,722 63,7347 5,1912 8,656 5501 Books/Other Printed Material - - -5 0,300 5503 Author Event/Printed Materials - - - - 5505 Young Peoples Books 19,980 39 - - 5507 School Library Material 3,885 - - - 6082 Broadband Fiber - - - - 6101 Gas 9,970 2211 0,0001 0,000 6101 Gas Utility - 43,1355 0,0005 0,000 6102 Electric Utility 49,661 173,011 182,000 184,000 6103 Water Utility 4,273 226,664 264,200 265,024 6201 Advertising/Publishing 14,495 29,7095 8,3006 6,300 6201 Advertising/Publishing - Library Admin - - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing-Library Youth Ser 1,249 7221 ,1031,158 6205 Other Printing & Binding - 1,8512,500 2,500 6206 Contractual Services 125,018 905,686 868,195 975,751 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 5,912 228,063 343,711 202,828 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 4,948 5,2129 ,5609 ,865 6211 Insurance & Bonds 16,600 16,600 - - 6212 Laundry & Cleaning - 7,0747 ,5008 ,000 6213 Meetings & Travel 2,630 2,8551 6,8032 4,897 6214 Professional & Technical 239,185 319,762 446,400 522,260 6215 Repairs & Maintenance 22,351 249,804 155,750 197,013 6216 Rental Charges - 96 - - 6217 Software Maintenance -- - - 6219 Network Operating Charge 137,900 137,900 157,181 162,682 6223 Training & Education 10,328 9,8292 4,9502 8,453 6249 Fees & Licenses 8,435 8,2351 8,1901 8,250 6253 Postage 33 593 ,0003 ,000 6254 Telephone 48,040 60,6375 7,0506 4,441 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 154 -7 ,350 - 6263 Commissioners Expense 2,000 2,4502 ,5002 ,500 6277 Resource Databases 24,715 27,3712 1,9456 ,875 6409 Audiovisual Materials 4,299 1,1922 ,2052,750 6410 E-Books 19,842 21,1832 3,41524,432 Capital Outlay - - - - 8104 Equipment - - - - 8105 Automotive - - - - 8108 EXPENDITURES - - - - Grand Total 4,906,060 8,427,08910,233,08010,744,896 155 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Department RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND4,906,060 108,427,089 10,233,080,744,896 (5101) PARKS-ADMINISTRATION - 240 - - Salaries & Benefits -- - - 4101 Salaries Full Time -- - - 4102 Salaries Part Time -- - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments -- - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS -- - - 4202 FICA -- - - 4203 Workers' Compensation -- - - 4204 Group Insurance -- - - 4210 OPEB Expense -- - - Maintenance & Operations - 240 - - 5204 Operating Supplies -- - - 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment -- - - 6206 Contractual Services -- - - 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge -- - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions -- - - 6213 Meetings & Travel -- - - 6215 Repairs & Maintenance -- - - 6219 Network Operating Charge -- - - 6223 Training & Education -- - - 6253 Postage -- - - 6254 Telephone - 240 - - 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs -- - - 6263 Commissioners Expense -- - - (5102) PARKS-OPERATION 57,101 32,825,695 ,141,412 3,153,171 Salaries & Benefits 57,101 1,444,804 1,453,438 1,555,934 4101 Salaries Full Time 29,065 821,824 847,176 880,646 4102 Salaries Part Time 1,893 132,286 137,093 170,789 4103 Overtime 3,066 31,929 30,000 30,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - - - 4116 Standby Pay 717 5,861 - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 9,680 95,956 78,685 86,476 4202 FICA 2,644 79,772 74,772 79,782 4203 Workers' Compensation 4,857 138,108 136,643 145,797 4204 Group Insurance 5,181 136,938 145,470 158,844 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement - 2,131 3,600 3,600 Maintenance & Operations - 1,380,891 1,687,974 1,597,237 5203 Repair & Maintenance Supplies - 5,824 - 5204 Operating Supplies - 76,614 94,000 115,000 5207 Small Tools & Equipment - 2,277 2,700 2,700 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment -- - - 6101 Gas Utility - 43,135 50,000 50,000 6102 Electric Utility - 103,286 112,000 112,000 6103 Water Utility - 221,669 260,000 260,000 6206 Contractual Services - 660,205 708,295 728,295 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge - 207,815 323,979 191,742 6208 Dues & Subscriptions - 1,197 1,500 1,500 6212 Laundry & Cleaning - 7,074 7,500 8,000 6214 Professional & Technical -- 1,000 - 6215 Repairs & Maintenance - 43,647 115,000 115,000 6216 Rental Charges - 96 - - 6219 Network Operating Charge -- - - 6223 Training & Education - 874 4,000 5,000 6254 Telephone - 7,179 8,000 8,000 Capital Outlay -- - 8105 Automotive -- - (5201) RECREATION-OPERATION 562,411 482,655 672,192 619,310 Salaries & Benefits 502,672 419,421 580,052 518,740 4101 Salaries Full Time 148,303 139,455 139,918 127,630 4102 Salaries Part Time 259,177 192,703 351,370 307,187 4103 Overtime 17 4 9 - 3,000 4201 Retirement CalPERS 18,596 16,876 13,000 13,005 4202 FICA 31,066 25,404 36,240 32,088 4203 Workers' Compensation 16,789 13,687 19,517 17,282 4204 Group Insurance 19,667 27,183 20,007 13,548 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement 9,057 4,062 - 5,000 Maintenance & Operations 59,739 63,235 92,140 100,570 4999 Cash Over/Short - - - - 5201 Office Supplies - - - - 5204 Operating Supplies 30,223 15,201 15,400 24,900 6201 Advertising/Publishing 3,531 12,540 30,000 35,000 6205 Other Printing & Binding - 1,851 2,500 2,500 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge - 9,162 8,646 - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 207 - 5 00 1,250 6211 Insurance & Bonds - - - - 6213 Meetings & Travel - 1 4 3,000 3,500 6214 Professional & Technical 2,189 - - - 6215 Repairs & Maintenance - - 1,500 2,000 6217 Software Maintenance - - - - 6219 Network Operating Charge 20,700 20,700 23,594 24,420 6223 Training & Education 986 1,163 3,500 3,500 6253 Postage - 5 9 - 6254 Telephone 1,903 2,544 3,500 3,500 Capital Outlay - - - - 8105 Automotive - - - - (5202) RECREATION-AQUATICS 56,146 9,001 939,164 310,109 Salaries & Benefits 51,197 7,002 939,164 308,775 4101 Salaries Full Time - 3,507 - 233,943 4102 Salaries Part Time 38,094 2,273 843,336 - 4103 Overtime - - - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 156 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Department RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 4201 Retirement CalPERS 8,620 542 1,530 22,860 4202 FICA 2,914 442 61,289 17,897 4203 Workers' Compensation 1,570 238 33,008 9,638 4204 Group Insurance - - - 24,436 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - Maintenance & Operations 4,949 1,999 - 1,334 5204 Operating Supplies 202 665 - - 6101 Gas Utility - - - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions - - - - 6214 Professional & Technical 1,234 - - - 6215 Repairs & Maintenance - - - - 6223 Training & Education 2,235 - - - 6254 Telephone 1,277 1,334 - 1,334 (5203) CLUB HOUSE /CULTURAL ARTS 430,554 483,910 399,459 466,448 Salaries & Benefits 252,047 344,271 259,459 317,998 4101 Salaries Full Time 136,160 185,815 159,384 174,903 4102 Salaries Part Time 62,199 81,492 38,345 59,463 4103 Overtime 222 2,704 - 3,000 4117 Opt - Out Payments 2,948 3,088 2,850 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 15,251 21,464 14,471 17,823 4202 FICA 15,417 20,743 15,198 17,702 4203 Workers' Compensation 8,303 11,169 8,185 9,533 4204 Group Insurance 11,548 17,797 21,026 35,575 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - Maintenance & Operations 178,508 139,639 140,000 148,450 5204 Operating Supplies 4,906 14,296 13,800 18,750 6206 Contractual Services 83,046 18,142 31,500 33,500 6208 Dues & Subscriptions - - 2 00 2 00 6214 Professional & Technical 87,882 102,541 87,000 87,000 6215 Repairs & Maintenance - - - 1,500 6249 Fees & Licenses 2,674 4,659 7,500 7,500 (5204) RECREATION-SPORTS 240,103 316,367 343,774 413,762 Salaries & Benefits 204,170 235,154 265,834 300,522 4101 Salaries Full Time 101,883 111,194 96,913 104,583 4102 Salaries Part Time 46,567 64,861 114,660 135,059 4103 Overtime 1,253 - - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 14,968 15,681 8,645 9,611 4202 FICA 12,158 14,290 15,747 17,816 4203 Workers' Compensation 6,168 7,171 8,481 9,595 4204 Group Insurance 21,172 21,956 21,390 22,859 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4215 Uniform Replacement - 1,000 Maintenance & Operations 35,933 81,213 77,940 113,240 5201 Office Supplies - 1 3 - 5204 Operating Supplies 5,890 27,041 35,860 36,860 6201 Advertising/Publishing 1,500 - - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions - - 8 80 8 80 6211 Insurance & Bonds 600 600 - - 6214 Professional & Technical 27,943 53,559 40,700 75,000 6249 Fees & Licenses - - 5 00 5 00 (5205) RECREATION-TEEN CENTER 86,708 127,227 56,382 148,764 Salaries & Benefits 75,515 95,651 31,032 99,914 4101 Salaries Full Time - - - - 4102 Salaries Part Time 64,063 82,880 27,912 87,168 4103 Overtime 0 - - 3,000 4201 Retirement CalPERS 3,912 3,016 - - 4202 FICA 4,901 6,341 2,028 6,335 4203 Workers' Compensation 2,639 3,415 1,092 3,412 Maintenance & Operations 11,193 31,576 25,350 48,850 5204 Operating Supplies 9,523 25,431 15,000 20,000 6206 Contractual Services - - - 15,000 6208 Dues & Subscriptions - 110 4 00 4 00 6214 Professional & Technical - 3,410 5,500 5,500 6215 Repairs & Maintenance -- 1,500 5,000 6249 Fees & Licenses - 865 7 50 7 50 6254 Telephone 1,670 1,760 2,200 2,200 (5206) RECREATION-JOSLYN CENTER 222,192 264,149 228,089 431,222 Salaries & Benefits 196,539 221,778 151,979 300,112 4101 Salaries Full Time 98,050 103,797 93,287 100,957 4102 Salaries Part Time 56,015 66,378 27,362 148,198 4103 Overtime 1,562 - - 3,000 4201 Retirement CalPERS 14,920 22,631 8,321 9,278 4202 FICA 11,906 13,163 9,125 18,493 4203 Workers' Compensation 6,412 6,929 4,914 9,960 4204 Group Insurance 7,674 8,880 8,969 10,226 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - Maintenance & Operations 25,653 42,371 76,110 131,110 5204 Operating Supplies 9,218 9,194 17,050 17,050 6201 Advertising/Publishing - - - - 6206 Contractual Services - - - 55,000 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 1,157 193 6 60 6 60 6214 Professional & Technical 11,831 29,185 54,000 54,000 6215 Repairs & Maintenance - - - 6216 Rental Charges - - - - 6253 Postage - - - - 6254 Telephone 3,446 3,800 4,400 4,400 (5208) FARMERS MARKET 40,126 38,590 31,516 68,211 Salaries & Benefits 32,168 31,648 17,716 51,711 4101 Salaries Full Time - - - - 4102 Salaries Part Time 28,540 27,772 15,934 46,510 4201 Retirement CalPERS 269 607 - - 4202 FICA 2,183 2,125 1,158 3,380 4203 Workers' Compensation 1,176 1,144 6 24 1,820 Maintenance & Operations 7,958 6,942 13,800 16,500 157 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Department RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 5204 Operating Supplies 3,582 2,788 4,800 6,000 6201 Advertising/Publishing 656 481 2,500 2,500 6206 Contractual Services - - 2,500 6214 Professional & Technical 927 1,236 2,500 - 6215 Repairs & Maintenance - - 1,500 6249 Fees & Licenses 2,792 2,437 4,000 4,000 (5209) CONTRACT CLASSES - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - 6214 Professional & Technical - - - - (5210) SPECIAL EVENTS 79,822 161,460 157,900 257,687 Salaries & Benefits 13,861 29,516 - 76,187 4101 Salaries Full Time - - -- 4102 Salaries Part Time 9,881 17,016 - 68,525 4103 Overtime 2,059 8,577 -- 4201 Retirement CalPERS 638 773 -- 4202 FICA 834 1,606 - 4,980 4203 Workers' Compensation 449 1,543 - 2,682 4204 Group Insurance 0 - - - Maintenance & Operations 65,961 131,944 157,900 181,500 5204 Operating Supplies 11,251 19,221 24,000 30,000 6201 Advertising/Publishing 4,932 11,586 17,500 17,500 6206 Contractual Services 37,972 98,536 116,400 134,000 6211 Insurance & Bonds - - - - 6214 Professional & Technical 11,806 2,600 - - (5212) RECREATION TRIPS - - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - - 4202 FICA - - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - (5213) WISEBURN AQUATIC CENTER 850,194 11,128,986 ,641,550 1,612,961 Salaries & Benefits 736,842 824,056 1,504,380 1,455,236 4101 Salaries Full Time 130,489 137,777 140,711 70,359 4102 Salaries Part Time 481,135 560,992 1,161,766 1,204,596 4103 Overtime 8,115 7,731 - 10,000 4117 Opt - Out Payments 3,018 1,768 2,850 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 27,922 19,882 14,295 7,170 4202 FICA 47,835 54,464 95,414 92,927 4203 Workers' Compensation 25,658 29,198 58,954 50,047 4204 Group Insurance 12,671 12,244 30,391 20,137 4205 Unfiorm Allowance - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - Maintenance & Operations 113,351 304,930 137,170 157,725 5204 Operating Supplies 17,805 26,471 17,500 28,500 6201 Advertising/Publishing 3,085 2,688 5,000 5,000 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 704 1,386 1,120 6 75 6211 Insurance & Bonds 16,000 16,000 - - 6213 Meetings & Travel 1,021 526 2,200 2,200 6214 Professional & Technical 59,352 49,107 78,000 85,000 6215 Repairs & Maintenance 6,030 202,399 16,000 19,000 6223 Training & Education 6,056 5,031 10,850 10,850 6249 Fees & Licenses 2,969 - 5,000 5,000 6254 Telephone 330 1,321 1,500 1,500 (5214) HILLTOP AQUATIC CENTER 28,154 35,938 5,440 80,285 Salaries & Benefits 25,634 32,811 - 73,185 4102 Salaries Part Time 22,934 29,350 - 65,825 4201 Retirement CalPERS - 7 - 4202 FICA 1,755 2,246 - 4,784 4203 Workers' Compensation 945 1,209 - 2,576 Maintenance & Operations 2,520 3,127 5,440 7,100 5204 Operating Supplies 2,210 2,853 4,400 5,000 6214 Professional & Technical 310 - - - 6215 Repairs & Maintenance - - 1,000 6249 Fees & Licenses - 274 4 40 5 00 6254 Telephone -- 6 00 6 00 (5418) CAMPS - 216,838 169,200 446,470 Salaries & Benefits - 72,333 - 253,770 4102 Salaries Part Time - 64,680 - 228,248 4201 Retirement CalPERS - 40 -- 4202 FICA - 4,948 - 16,588 4203 Workers' Compensation - 2,665 - 8,934 Maintenance & Operations - 144,505 169,200 192,700 5204 Operating Supplies - 12,678 20,000 26,500 6206 Contractual Services - 128,802 2,000 4,000 6214 Professional & Technical - 3,025 145,000 160,000 6254 Telephone -- 2,200 2,200 (6101) LIBRARY - ADMINISTRATION 494,861 518,579 479,045 613,478 Salaries & Benefits 416,392 444,094 430,145 518,716 4101 Salaries Full Time 275,032 324,044 319,820 380,976 4102 Salaries Part Time 53,259 345 - - 4103 Overtime - 740 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 28,368 37,447 27,798 35,991 4202 FICA 28,635 25,906 23,913 27,812 4203 Workers' Compensation 8,278 10,139 7,749 9,168 4204 Group Insurance 22,821 31,295 35,736 49,516 4207 CalPERS UAL Expense - - - - 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - 9,178 10,330 10,453 4221 Car Allowance - 5,000 4,800 4,800 Maintenance & Operations 78,469 74,485 48,900 94,762 4999 Cash Over/Short - - - - 5204 Operating Supplies 14,196 10,403 10,500 11,025 5206 Computer Supplies - - - - 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6082 Broadband Fiber - - - - 6101 Gas Utility - - - - 158 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Department RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 6102 Electric Utility - - - - 6103 Water Utility 4,273 824 - 8 24 6201 Advertising/Publishing - Library Admin - - - - 6206 Contractual Services 4,000 - 10,000 3,456 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge - - - - 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 2,880 1,000 1,000 1,000 6213 Meetings & Travel 1,505 2,077 6,400 6,400 6214 Professional & Technical 10,050 50,148 - 15,000 6215 Repairs & Maintenance 11,550 832 16,500 46,500 6217 Software Maintenance - - - - 6219 Network Operating Charge - - - - 6223 Training & Education - 695 2,000 2,000 6253 Postage 25 - - - 6254 Telephone 27,906 6,057 - 6,057 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 83 - - - 6263 Commissioners Expense 2,000 2,450 2,500 2,500 Capital Outlay - - - - 8104 Equipment - - - - 8108 EXPENDITURES - - - - (6102) LIBRARY - SUPPORT SERVICES 703,381 721,176 799,775 879,711 Salaries & Benefits 484,438 454,790 488,328 562,353 4101 Salaries Full Time 275,783 247,957 266,415 291,620 4102 Salaries Part Time 110,311 113,646 129,736 163,094 4103 Overtime - - - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 29,861 27,791 23,996 27,419 4202 FICA 30,468 27,854 29,809 34,786 4203 Workers' Compensation 15,907 14,898 16,054 18,734 4204 Group Insurance 22,108 22,643 22,318 26,701 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - Maintenance & Operations 218,943 266,386 311,447 317,358 5204 Operating Supplies 5,664 3,681 5,775 6,060 5206 Computer Supplies - - - - 6101 Gas 9,970 221 10,000 10,000 6102 Electric Utility 49,661 69,725 70,000 72,000 6103 Water Utility - 4,171 4,200 4,200 6201 Advertising/Publishing -- 2,800 6205 Other Printing & Binding -- - - 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge 5,912 11,086 11,086 11,086 6208 Dues & Subscriptions - 1,326 3,300 3,300 6213 Meetings & Travel - 1 1 3,000 3,000 6214 Professional & Technical 18,950 21,937 23,000 26,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 117,200 117,200 133,586 138,262 6223 Training & Education - 626 2,500 3,000 6253 Postage 7 - 3,000 3,000 6254 Telephone 11,508 36,402 34,650 34,650 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 71 - 7,350 - (6103) LIBRARY - YOUTH & SCHOOL SERVICES 584,245 555,632 543,373 521,133 Salaries & Benefits 461,960 432,331 408,803 458,627 4101 Salaries Full Time 268,913 253,706 263,181 290,476 4102 Salaries Part Time 92,747 82,390 56,118 69,169 4103 Overtime - - - - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime - - - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments 3,018 1,768 2,850 - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 25,341 29,313 24,683 28,569 4202 FICA 27,898 25,846 24,430 27,513 4203 Workers' Compensation 15,025 13,838 13,157 14,817 4204 Group Insurance 29,019 25,470 24,383 28,083 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - Maintenance & Operations 122,285 123,301 134,570 62,506 5204 Operating Supplies 4,148 4,667 3,308 3,473 5206 Computer Supplies - - - - 5501 Adult Books & Other Printed Material 38,722 63,734 75,191 28,656 5505 Young Peoples Books 19,980 3 9 - - 5507 School Library Material 3,885 - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing-Library Youth Ser 1,249 722 1,103 1,158 6205 Other Printing & Binding - - - - 6213 Meetings & Travel 103 227 1,103 5,297 6214 Professional & Technical - - - 3,780 6215 Repairs & Maintenance 4,771 2,926 5,250 5,513 6223 Training & Education 571 1,240 1,050 1,103 6277 Resource Databases 24,715 27,371 21,945 6,875 6409 Audiovisual Materials 4,299 1,192 2,205 - 6410 E-Books 19,842 21,183 23,415 6,652 (6104) LIBRARY - ADULT & TEEN SERVICES 400,815 424,403 457,465 589,297 Salaries & Benefits 389,874 406,195 436,315 489,987 4101 Salaries Full Time 285,016 291,796 275,944 303,000 4102 Salaries Part Time 2,626 2,322 52,749 64,306 4103 Overtime 105 149 - - 4117 Opt - Out Payments - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 26,280 31,042 23,684 28,677 4202 FICA 22,041 22,533 24,943 28,099 4203 Workers' Compensation 11,855 12,124 13,433 15,133 4204 Group Insurance 41,951 46,229 45,562 50,772 4210 OPEB Expense - - - - Maintenance & Operations 10,941 18,208 21,150 99,310 5204 Operating Supplies 2,958 12,579 6,000 6,500 5206 Computer Supplies - - - - 5501 Books/Other Printed Material - - - 50,300 5503 Author Event/Printed Materials - - - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing 791 2,413 3,300 3,500 6205 Other Printing & Binding - - - - 6213 Meetings & Travel - - 1,100 4,500 6214 Professional & Technical 6,712 3,015 9,700 10,980 6217 Software Maintenance - - - - 159 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Department RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 6223 Training & Education 481 200 1,050 3,000 6277 Resource Databases - - - - 6409 Audiovisual Materials - - - 2,750 6410 E-Books - - - 17,780 (6105) LIBRARY - ESUSD SCHOOL SUPPORT 69,249 116,244 167,344 132,877 Salaries & Benefits 69,249 116,244 167,344 132,877 4101 Salaries Full Time 1,096 - - - 4102 ESUSD - Salaries Part Time 60,860 104,002 150,514 118,884 4201 Retirement CalPERS - - - - 4202 FICA 4,740 7,956 10,939 9,095 4203 Workers' Compensation 2,553 4,285 5,891 4,898 4204 Group Insurance 0 - - - (112)PROP "A" TRANSPORTATION 112,689 253,264 362,281 367,281 (5292) DIAL-A-RIDE 108,337 234,762 144,281 144,281 Salaries & Benefits 1,478 33,177 - - 4102 Salaries Part Time - 25,698 - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 1,478 4,454 - - 4202 FICA - 1,966 - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - 1,059 - - Maintenance & Operations 106,859 201,585 144,281 144,281 5204 Operating Supplies 5,829 58,213 5 00 5 00 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge 596 691 8,000 8,000 6206 Contractual Services 16,040 68,960 100,000 100,000 6207 Equipment Replacement Charges 19,632 10,381 10,381 10,381 6211 Insurance & Bonds 54,400 54,400 - - 6214 Professional & Technical 7,160 2,108 - - 6223 Training & Education - - - - 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge 3,202 6,832 25,000 25,000 6254 Telephone - - 4 00 4 00 (5293) SHUTTLE 1,075 8,640 183,000 183,000 Salaries & Benefits 1,075 - - - 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 1,075 - - - 4202 FICA - - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - Maintenance & Operations - 8,640 183,000 183,000 5204 Operating Supplies -- 5 00 5 00 6201 Advertising/Publishing -- 3,500 3,500 6206 Beach Cities Transit -- 174,000 174,000 6214 Professional & Technical - 8,640 5,000 5,000 (5294) RECREATION TRIPS 3,277 9,468 30,000 35,000 Salaries & Benefits 161 364 - - 4102 Salaries Part Time - - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 161 364 - - 4202 FICA - - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation - - - - Maintenance & Operations 3,115 9,104 30,000 35,000 5204 Operating Supplies - 3,495 - - 6216 Rental Charges 3,466 7,089 30,000 35,000 6413 Lyft Rides Reimbursements (351) (1,480) - - (5295) ADMINISTRATION - 144 - - Salaries & Benefits - 144 - - 4101 Salaries Full Time -- - - 4102 Salaries Part Time -- - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS -- - - 4202 FICA -- - - 4203 Workers' Compensation -- - - 4204 Group Insurance - 144 - - (5297) BUY-DOWN - 250 5,000 5,000 Maintenance & Operations - 250 5,000 5,000 5204 Operating Supplies - 250 5,000 5,000 (125)STATE GRANTS 10,626 16,480 - - (3726) RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT 10,626 3,921 - - Salaries & Benefits 10,626 3,921 - - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 10,432 3,921 - - 4202 FICA 21 - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation 174 - - - (5102) PARKS-OPERATION - - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - 3620 CA Prop 68 Acacia Park - - - - (6101) LIBRARY - ADMINISTRATION - 12,559 - - Maintenance & Operations - 12,559 - - 3625 California State Library - 12,559 - - 6082 CALIFA - Broadband Fiber -- - - 6254 Telephone - Library -- - - (317)DEVELOPER IMPACT FEES - LIBRARY -- 17,156 (6103) LIBRARY - YOUTH & SCHOOL SERVICES - - 11,956 Maintenance & Operations - - 11,956 5206 Computer Supplies - - 9,456 5501 Books/Other Printed Material - - 2,500 (6104) LIBRARY - ADULT & TEEN SERVICES - - 5,200 Maintenance & Operations - - 5,200 5501 Books/Other Printed Material - - 5,200 (601)EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT - - 2,412,362 693,356 (5102) PARKS-OPERATION - - 1,871,587 377,656 Capital Outlay - - 1,871,587 377,656 8104 Equipment - - 1,387,351 20,000 8105 Automotive - - 484,236 357,656 (5201) RECREATION-OPERATION - - 145,500 145,500 Capital Outlay - - 145,500 145,500 8104 Equipment - - 15,500 15,500 8105 Automotive - - 130,000 130,000 (5292) DIAL-A-RIDE - - 326,590 156,200 Capital Outlay - - 326,590 156,200 8105 Automotive - - 326,590 156,200 160 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Department RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (6101) LIBRARY - ADMINISTRATION - - - Capital Outlay - - - 8104 Equipment - - - 8108 Computer Hardware - - - (6102) LIBRARY - SUPPORT SERVICES - - 68,685 14,000 Capital Outlay - - 68,685 14,000 8104 Equipment - - 68,685 14,000 (702)TRUST FUNDS - SPECIAL REVENUE/DONATIONS 71,745 21,997 39,000 61,000 (5101) PARKS-ADMINISTRATION 2,656 302 - 5,000 Maintenance & Operations 2,656 302 - 5,000 2605 Parks & Recreation Outreach Expenses 2,656 - - - 2608 Park Beautification Expenses - 302 - 5,000 2609 LA Kings Expenditures -- - - 5204 Operating Supplies -- - - 5418 Plunge Rehabilitation -- - - 5419 Haunted House Expenses -- - - 6201 Advertising/Publishing -- - - 6206 Contractual Services -- - - (5102) PARKS-OPERATION -- - - Maintenance & Operations -- - - 2601 Tree Musketeers Expenses -- - - 2608 Aquatics Expense -- - - (5202) RECREATION-AQUATICS -- - - Capital Outlay -- - - 8476 Aquatics Facility -- - - (5205) RECREATION-TEEN CENTER -- 14,000 14,000 Maintenance & Operations -- 14,000 14,000 5204 Teen Center Expenses -- 14,000 14,000 (5206) RECREATION-JOSLYN CENTER 1,315 - 9,000 9,000 Maintenance & Operations 1,315 - 9,000 9,000 5204 Joslyn Center Expenses 1,315 - 9,000 9,000 (5210) SPECIAL EVENTS 50,689 10,997 16,000 16,000 Maintenance & Operations 50,689 10,997 16,000 16,000 2601 Recreation Special Events Expenses 50,689 10,997 - - 5204 Operating Supplies - - 16,000 16,000 (6101) LIBRARY - ADMINISTRATION 17,085 10,698 - 17,000 Maintenance & Operations 17,085 10,698 - 17,000 2561 Library Administration Expenses 17,085 10,698 - 17,000 (5211) RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT - - -- Maintenance & Operations - - -- 2601 Recreation Drama Expenses - - -- 5204 Operating Supplies - - -- (5401) RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT - - -- Salaries & Benefits - - -- 4103 Overtime - - -- 4202 FICA - - -- 4203 Workers' Compensation - - -- 4204 Group Insurance - - -- (5404) RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT - - -- Salaries & Benefits - - -- 4103 Overtime - - -- 4202 FICA - - -- 4203 Workers' Compensation - - -- (5405) RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT - - -- Maintenance & Operations - - -- 5204 Operating Supplies - - -- (704)CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT FUND 142,802 261,789 298,196 272,604 (0000) (704) CULTURAL DEVELOPMENT FUND 142,802 261,789 298,196 272,604 Salaries & Benefits 85,458 97,656 92,196 98,604 4101 Salaries Full Time 62,716 67,218 63,430 68,403 4103 Overtime 315 - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 6,212 7,237 5,658 6,970 4202 FICA 4,756 4,938 4,852 5,233 4203 Workers' Compensation 2,597 2,767 2,613 2,818 4204 Group Insurance 8,862 15,496 15,643 15,180 Maintenance & Operations 57,344 164,133 166,000 134,000 5204 Operating Supplies - - 10,000 10,000 6206 Contractual Services 54,944 162,403 156,000 124,000 6214 Professional & Technical 2,400 - - 6301 Legal Councel - 1,730 - Transfers Out -- - 9301 Transfer-Capital Improvements -- - Capital Outlay -- 40,000 40,000 8103 Other Improvements -- 40,000 40,000 Grand Total5 ,243,922 138,980,620 12,344,919 ,156,293 161 162 163 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentNON DEPARTMENT Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 6,731,714 6,530,745 6,745,0526 ,785,227 (2901) NON DEPARTMENT 6,253,001 6,699,396 6,745,0526 ,785,227 Salaries & Benefits 4,967,238 5,108,6474 ,845,1004 ,626,282 Maintenance & Operations 1,285,763 1,590,7491 ,899,9522 ,158,945 (2902) AHIMT 478,623 (168,652) - - Salaries & Benefits 382,150 - - - Maintenance & Operations 96,473 (168,652) - - (2903) CIVIL UNREST MAY 20208 9 - - - Salaries & Benefits8 9 - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - (501)WATER UTILITY FUND - - - - (2903) CIVIL UNREST MAY 2020 - - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - (502)SEWER FUND - - -1 50,000 (2901) NON DEPARTMENT - -1 50,000 Maintenance & Operations - -1 50,000 (2903) CIVIL UNREST MAY 2020 - - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - (601)EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 44,900 -1 ,041,263 1,793,755 (2901) NON DEPARTMENT 44,900 -1 ,041,263 1,793,755 Capital Outlay 44,900 - 1,041,2631 ,793,755 (603)WORKERS COMP RESERVE/INSURANCE - - - - (2903) CIVIL UNREST MAY 2020 - - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - Grand Total 6,776,614 6,530,745 7,786,3158 ,728,982 164 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary By Account Fiscal Year 2024-2025 .001 GENERAL FUND NON DEPARTMENT Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 6,731,714 6,530,745 6,745,052 6,785,227 Salaries & Benefits 5,349,478 5,108,647 4,845,100 4,626,282 4101 Salaries Full Time 55,177- - - 4102 Salaries Part Time 260,998- - - 4103 Overtime 20,802- - - 4108 Vacation Leave Payout 801,832 884,901 775,000 492,282 4109 Vac/Sick Pay - Termination -- - - 4112 Sick Leave Payout 593,899 583,673 400,000 400,000 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 3,883- - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 6,303 (31,085) - - 4202 FICA 35,931 39,048 - - 4203 Workers' Compensation 12,205- - - 4204 Group Insurance 3,383,419 3,462,009 3,500,000 3,500,000 4207 CalPERS UAL -- - - 4209 PARS Expense 170,100 170,100 170,100 234,000 4220 Pers Amortization -- - - 4251 CalPERS Payments 4,929- - - Maintenance & Operations 1,382,236 1,422,098 1,899,952 2,158,945 4907 Interest Expense 29,762 20,156 18,900 18,900 4999 Cash Over/Short 3 ( 4) - - 5204 Operating Supplies 39,175- - - 5206 Computer Supplies -- - - 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment -- - - 5420 Reimbursable Expenditures (58,699) (168,652) - - 6106 Covid Vaccinations 702- - - 6116 Building Lease Charge -- - - 6139 Bank Service Charges 50,554 55,032 25,000 25,000 6172 Bad Debt Expense - 63 - - 6203 Copy Machine Charges -- - - 6205 Other Printing & Binding -- - - 6206 Contractual Services 29,057 15,742 26,000 26,000 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge -- 500,000 200,000 6208 Dues & Subscriptions -- - - 6211 Insurance & Bonds 500,000 750,000 700,000 700,000 6213 Meetings & Travel 830- - - 6214 Professional & Technical 181,302 19,706 25,000 25,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 8,600 8,600 9,802 10,145 6222 Lease Payment Parking Garage 298,875 302,250 310,000 310,000 6244 Other Unclassified Expense 2,376 658 - - 6245 Employee Recognition 15,722( 22) - - 20,000 6247 Unemployment Compensation 33,051 60,76020,000 6250 Volunteer Recognition -- - - 6253 Postage 1,899 890 - - 6254 Telephone 6,330 6,070 7,500 7,500 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 830 613 - - 6297 Credit Card Fees 32,791 36,895 15,000 15,000 6301 Legal Councel 10,742- - - 6401 Community Promotion -- - 1,400 6405 ESUSD Funding Agreement 135,142 171,368 142,750 180,000 6406 LAX Master Plan Intervention -- - - 6407 Washington Lobbiest Transportation & Inf -- - - 6216 GASB 87 Lease-Debt Service Principle&Int 63,193 141,973 100,000 100,000 4908 Golf Course Loan Pmt to ERF -- 520,000 Grand Total 6,731,714 6,530,745 6,745,052 6,785,227 165 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 NON DEPARTMENT Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (001)GENERAL FUND 6,731,714 6,530,745 6,745,052 6,785,227 (2901) NON DEPARTMENT 6,253,001 6,699,396 6,745,052 6,785,227 Salaries & Benefits 4,967,238 5,108,647 4,845,100 4,626,282 4108 Vacation Leave Payout 801,832 884,901 775,000 492,282 4109 Vac/Sick Pay - Termination - - - - 4112 Sick Leave Payout 593,899 583,673 400,000 400,000 4201 Retirement CalPERS 3,198 (31,085) - - 4202 FICA 9,862 39,048 - - 4204 Group Insurance 3,383,419 3,462,009 3,500,000 3,500,000 4207 CalPERS UAL - - - - 4209 PARS Expense 170,100 170,100 170,100 234,000 4220 Pers Amortization - - - - 4251 CalPERS Payments 4,929 - - - Maintenance & Operations 1,285,763 1,590,749 1,899,952 2,158,945 4907 Interest Expense 29,762 20,156 18,900 18,900 4908 Golf Course Loan Pmt to ERF - - 520,000 4999 Cash Over/Short 3 (4) - - 5204 Operating Supplies - - - - 5220 Computer Refresh Program Equipment - - - - 6116 Building Lease Charge - - - - 6139 Bank Service Charges 50,554 55,032 25,000 25,000 6172 Bad Debt Expense - 63 - - 6203 Copy Machine Charges - - - - 6205 Other Printing & Binding - - - - 6206 Contractual Services 29,057 15,742 26,000 26,000 6207 Equipment Replacement Charge - - 500,000 200,000 6208 Dues & Subscriptions - - - - 6211 Insurance & Bonds 500,000 750,000 700,000 700,000 6213 Meetings & Travel - - - - 6214 Professional & Technical 77,580 19,706 25,000 25,000 6216 GASB 87 Lease-Debt Service Principle&Int 63,193 141,973 100,000 100,000 6219 Network Operating Charge 8,600 8,600 9,802 10,145 6222 Lease Payment Parking Garage 298,875 302,250 310,000 310,000 6244 Other Unclassified Expense 2,376 658 - - 6245 Employee Recognition 15,722 (22) - - 6247 Unemployment Compensation 33,051 60,760 20,000 20,000 6250 Volunteer Recognition - - - - 6253 Postage 1,899 890 - - 6254 Telephone 6,330 6,070 7,500 7,500 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs 830 613 - - 6297 Credit Card Fees 32,791 36,895 15,000 15,000 6401 Community Promotion - - - 1,400 6405 ESUSD Funding Agreement 135,142 171,368 142,750 180,000 6406 LAX Master Plan Intervention - - - - 6407 Washington Lobbiest Transportation & Inf - - - - (2902) AHIMT 478,623 (168,652) - - Salaries & Benefits 382,150 - - - 4101 Salaries Full Time 55,150 - - - 4102 Salaries Part Time 260,998 - - - 4103 Overtime 20,741 - - - 4113 Reimbursable Overtime 3,883 - - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 3,106 - - - 4202 FICA 26,069 - - - 4203 Workers' Compensation 12,205 - - - 4204 Group Insurance - - - - Maintenance & Operations 96,473 (168,652) - - 5204 Operating Supplies 39,175 - - - 5206 Computer Supplies - - - - 5420 Reimbursable Expenditures (58,699) (168,652) - - 6106 Covid Vaccinations 702 - - - 6206 Contractual Services - - - - 6213 Meetings & Travel 830 - - - 6214 Professional & Technical 103,723 - - - 6260 Equipment Leasing Costs - - - - 6301 Legal Councel 10,742 - - - (2903) CIVIL UNREST MAY 2020 89 - - - Salaries & Benefits 89 - - - 4101 Salaries Full Time 28 - - - 4103 Overtime 62 - - - Maintenance & Operations - - - - 5204 Operating Supplies - - - - (501)WATER UTILITY FUND - - - - 166 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 NON DEPARTMENT Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (2903) CIVIL UNREST MAY 2020 - - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - 4101 Salaries Full Time - - - - (502)SEWER FUND - - - 150,000 (2901) NON DEPARTMENT - - 150,000 Maintenance & Operations - - 150,000 6216 GASB 87 Lease-Debt Service Principle&Int - - 150,000 (2903) CIVIL UNREST MAY 2020 - - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - 4101 Salaries Full Time - - - - (601)EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 44,900 - 1,041,263 1,793,755 (2901) NON DEPARTMENT 44,900 - 1,041,263 1,793,755 Capital Outlay 44,900 - 1,041,263 1,793,755 8104 Equipment - - 99,817 655,561 8105 Automotive - - 29,000 29,000 8108 Computer Hardware 44,900 - 912,446 1,109,194 (603)WORKERS COMP RESERVE/INSURANCE - - - - (2903) CIVIL UNREST MAY 2020 - - - - Salaries & Benefits - - - - 4101 Salaries Full Time - - - - Grand Total 6,776,614 6,530,745 7,786,315 8,728,982 167 168 169 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary By Account Fiscal Year 2024-2025 601 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT INTERNAL SERVICES Department Ado pted FY 21-22Adopted FY 22-23Adopted FY 23-24Adopted FY 24-25 8104 Capital - Equipment 431,802 591,952 722,862 566,478 8105 Capital - Automotive 530,065 577,752 700,713 637,106 8106 Capital - Communication 15,354 122,442 121,721 22,585 8108 Capital - Computer 59,706 94,847 576,675 274,224 Total Capital Outlay 1,036,927 1,386,992 2,121,971 1,500,393 170 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Equipment Replacement Schedule By Department Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Department / ClassificationFY24-25 Annual Replacement ChargeFY24-25 Accumulated Funding CITY CLERK- 14,438 (1301) ADMINISTRATION- 14,438 8104 Equipment- 14,438 CITY MANAGER 24,940 279,177 (2103) EL SEGUNDO MEDIA 24,940 279,177 8104 Equipment 24,940 254,177 8105 Automotive- 25,000 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 32,750 129,222 (2402) PLANNING 2,694 36,528 8104 Equipment 2,694 36,528 (2403) BUILDING & SAFETY 30,056 92,694 8105 Automotive 30,056 92,694 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT 224,830 2,235,445 (2505) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT 224,830 2,235,445 8104 Equipment 150,893 987,663 8105 Automotive 1,808 20,000 8106 Communication- 63,200 8108 Computer 72,129 1,164,582 NON DEPARTMENT 200,000 1,793,755 (2901) NON DEPARTMENT 200,000 1,793,755 8104 Equipment- 655,561 8105 Automotive- 29,000 8108 Computer 200,000 1,109,194 POLICE DEPARTMENT 520,886 3,386,842 (3101) ADMINISTRATION 520,886 3,194,957 8104 Equipment 160,310 1,217,258 8105 Automotive 354,901 1,216,423 8106 Communication 5,675 761,275 (3107) COMMUNITY CENTER- 191,885 8106 Communication- 191,885 FIRE DEPARTMENT 145,484 4,991,676 (3201) ADMINISTRATION 3,725 31,300 8105 Automotive 3,725 31,300 (3202) SUPPRESSION 59,921 4,153,859 8104 Equipment 4,941 414,757 8105 Automotive 38,133 3,217,703 8106 Communication 14,752 350,393 8108 Computer 2,095 171,005 (3203) PARAMEDIC 70,795 537,588 8104 Equipment 29,333 248,319 8105 Automotive 41,461 278,268 8106 Communication- 11,000 (3204) PREVENTION 1,860 71,030 8105 Automotive 1,860 71,030 (3205) ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY 3,292 76,030 8104 Equipment- 24,300 8105 Automotive 3,292 51,730 (3255) EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT 5,891 121,870 8104 Equipment 3,732 103,189 8106 Communication 2,158 18,681 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT 138,295 3,374,306 (2601) GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS( 451) 633,262 8104 Equipment( 451) 67,160 8105 Automotive- 566,102 (4101) ENGINEERING 4,296 48,545 8104 Equipment 795 18,746 171 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Equipment Replacement Schedule By Department Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Department / ClassificationFY24-25 Annual Replacement ChargeFY24-25 Accumulated Funding 8105 Automotive 3,500 29,800 (4201) STREET SERVICES- 15,000 8108 Computer- 15,000 (4202) STREET MAINTENANCE 57,258 832,851 8104 Equipment 4,611 29,548 8105 Automotive 52,647 803,303 (4205) TRAFFIC SAFETY 9,640 178,317 8104 Equipment- 6,000 8105 Automotive 9,640 172,317 (4301) WASTEWATER 38,258 826,614 8104 Equipment 4,717 197,864 8105 Automotive 33,542 609,750 8108 Computer- 19,000 (4601) EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 10,852 146,502 8104 Equipment 1,326 7,597 8105 Automotive 9,526 98,905 8106 Communication- 40,000 (7102) WATER-OPERATION 18,441 693,215 8104 Equipment- 39,410 8105 Automotive 18,441 628,205 8108 Computer- 25,600 RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT 213,209 2,625,571 (5102) PARK MAINTENANCE 191,742 2,063,328 8104 Equipment 167,549 1,554,900 8105 Automotive 24,192 508,428 (5201) RECREATION-OPERATION- 145,500 8104 Equipment- 15,500 8105 Automotive- 130,000 (5292) DIAL-A-RIDE 10,381 336,972 8105 Automotive 10,381 336,972 (6102) LIBRARY - SUPPORT SERVICES 11,086 79,771 8104 Equipment 11,086 79,771 Grand Total 1,500,393 18,830,432 172 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Schedule of Equipment Eligible for Replacement Fiscal Year 2024-2025 Department / ClassificationFY 24-25 Capital Outlay Eligible to Be Replaced CITY MANAGER210,230.13 (2103) EL SEGUNDO MEDIA210,230.13 8104 Equipment185,230.13 8105 Automotive25,000.00 INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT1,414,200.90 (2505) INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT1,414,200.90 8104 Equipment312,729.50 8105 Automotive20,000.00 8106 Communication63,200.00 8108 Computer1,018,271.40 NON DEPARTMENT1,793,754.80 (2901) NON DEPARTMENT1,793,754.80 8104 Equipment655,561.00 8105 Automotive29,000.00 8108 Computer1,109,193.80 POLICE DEPARTMENT2,117,671.24 (3101) ADMINISTRATION1,925,786.24 8104 Equipment736,326.15 8105 Automotive433,860.09 8106 Communication755,600.00 (3107) COMMUNITY CENTER191,885.00 8106 Communication191,885.00 FIRE DEPARTMENT1,190,641.74 (3202) SUPPRESSION852,734.78 8104 Equipment383,466.95 8105 Automotive50,493.83 8106 Communication257,484.00 8108 Computer161,290.00 (3203) PARAMEDIC187,552.77 8104 Equipment176,552.77 8106 Communication11,000.00 (3204) PREVENTION35,000.00 8105 Automotive35,000.00 (3205) ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY51,614.19 8104 Equipment24,300.00 8105 Automotive27,314.19 (3255) EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT63,740.00 8104 Equipment54,200.00 8106 Communication9,540.00 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT2,071,271.82 (2601) GOVERNMENT BUILDINGS633,262.17 8104 Equipment67,160.17 8105 Automotive566,102.00 (4101) ENGINEERING12,000.00 8104 Equipment12,000.00 (4201) STREET SERVICES15,000.00 8108 Computer15,000.00 (4202) STREET MAINTENANCE415,666.00 8104 Equipment14,000.00 8105 Automotive401,666.00 (4205) TRAFFIC SAFETY65,800.00 8104 Equipment6,000.00 8105 Automotive59,800.00 (4301) WASTEWATER379,556.65 8104 Equipment120,040.00 8105 Automotive240,516.65 8108 Computer19,000.00 76,577.00 (4601) EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 8105 Automotive36,577.00 8106 Communication40,000.00 (7102) WATER-OPERATION473,410.00 8104 Equipment39,410.00 8105 Automotive408,400.00 8108 Computer25,600.00 RECREATION PARK AND LIBRARY DEPARTMENT693,355.96 (5102) PARK MAINTENANCE377,655.96 8104 Equipment20,000.00 8105 Automotive357,655.96 (5201) RECREATION-OPERATION145,500.00 8104 Equipment15,500.00 8105 Automotive130,000.00 (5292) DIAL-A-RIDE156,200.00 8105 Automotive156,200.00 (6102) LIBRARY - SUPPORT SERVICES14,000.00 8104 Equipment14,000.00 Grand Total9,491,126.60 173 174 175 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Summary Fiscal Year 2024-2025 DepartmentINTERNAL SERVICES Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (602)LIABILITY INSURANCE 3,893,636 6,351,246 3,222,127 3,769,563 (0000) INTERNAL SERVICES 3,893,636 6,351,246 3,222,127 3,769,563 Salaries & Benefits (210,465) 113,551 95,195 62,534 Maintenance & Operations 4,104,101 6,237,695 3,126,932 3,707,029 (603)WORKERS COMP RESERVE/INSURANCE 1,910,459 3,436,210 3,405,200 3,418,321 (2321) WORKERS COMP RESERVE/INSURANCE 1,910,419 3,409,038 3,405,200 3,418,321 Salaries & Benefits (267,356) 249,858 259,200 216,071 Maintenance & Operations 2,177,774 3,159,179 3,146,000 3,202,250 (2331) WORKERS COMP RESERVE/INSURANCE 40 27,172 - - Maintenance & Operations 40 - - - Capital Outlay - 27,172 - Grand Total 5,804,095 9,787,455 6,627,327 7,187,884 176 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Adopted Budget Details Fiscal Year 2024-2025 INTERNAL SERVICES Department Actual FY 21-22 Actual FY 22-23 Adopted FY 23-24 Adopted FY 24-25 (602)LIABILITY INSURANCE 3,893,636 6,351,246 3,222,127 3,769,563 (0000) INTERNAL SERVICES 3,893,636 6,351,246 3,222,127 3,769,563 Salaries & Benefits (210,465) 113,551 95,195 62,534 4101 Salaries Full Time 73,022 77,478 75,580 48,852 4102 Salaries Part Time - 1,287 - 4117 Opt - Out Payments -- - - 4200 Pension Expense - GASB 68 (302,252) 17,075 - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 6,769 7,804 6,235 4,620 4202 FICA 5,208 5,681 5,782 3,737 4203 Workers' Compensation 511 597 529 342 4204 Group Insurance 5,942 5,525 5,556 4,983 4210 OPEB Expense 335 (3,099) - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - 773 1,033 - 4221 Car Allowance - 430 480 - Maintenance & Operations 4,104,101 6,237,695 3,126,932 3,707,029 5204 Operating Supplies 215 - - - 6211 Insurance & Bonds 1,361,694 1,478,828 1,601,932 1,682,029 6214 Professional & Technical - 6,881 25,000 25,000 6246 Claims Expense (SIR) 2,742,193 4,751,985 1,500,000 2,000,000 6301 Legal Councel - - - - (603)WORKERS COMP RESERVE/INSURANCE 1,910,459 3,436,210 3,405,200 3,418,321 (2321) WORKERS COMP RESERVE/INSURANCE 1,910,419 3,409,038 3,405,200 3,418,321 Salaries & Benefits (267,356) 249,858 259,200 216,071 4101 Salaries Full Time 157,695 165,634 205,246 169,228 4102 Salaries Part Time - 1,287 - 4117 Opt - Out Payments -- - - 4200 Pension Expense - GASB 68 (464,589) 39,454 - - 4201 Retirement CalPERS 14,881 17,781 16,785 15,906 4202 FICA 11,450 12,108 15,239 12,946 4203 Workers' Compensation 1,104 1,219 1,394 1,185 4204 Group Insurance 11,794 12,609 17,510 15,357 4210 OPEB Expense 310 (2,854) - - 4211 401(a) Employer's Contribution - 1,691 2,066 993 4221 Car Allowance - 930 960 456 Maintenance & Operations 2,177,774 3,159,179 3,146,000 3,202,250 5204 Operating Supplies 707 5,032 20,000 20,000 6208 Dues & Subscriptions 118,641 150 1,000 1,000 6211 Insurance & Bonds 900,129 1,170,153 1,125,000 1,181,250 6213 Meetings & Travel - 36 - - 6214 Professional & Technical - - - - 6223 Training & Education 415 - - - 6246 Claims Expense (SIR) 1,156,967 1,983,214 2,000,000 2,000,000 6254 Telephone 914 594 - - 6301 Legal Councel - - - - (2331) WORKERS COMP RESERVE/INSURANCE 40 27,172 - - Maintenance & Operations 40 - - - 5204 Operating Supplies 40 - - - 6214 Professional & Technical - - - - Capital Outlay - 27,172 - 8104 Equipment - 27,172 - Grand Total 5,804,095 9,787,455 6,627,327 7,187,884 177 178 170179 180 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 PROJECT TITLE Annual Water Main Maintenance REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Public Works DESCRIPTION Repair or replacement of water infrastructure according to greatest need. GENERAL PLAN REFERENCE LU7 JUSTIFICATION The water system is composed of water mains, booster pumps and reservoirs. The City Maintains approximately 57 miles of pipes, many of which date back to the 1930s and later. Potable water pipes typically have a 50-year life. The plan consists of water main replacements annually and ensure the operation and maintenance of pumps and reservoirs. Staff has laid out a plan for replacing the mains based on priority as well as maintaining and/or upgrading the facilities that support the water system infrastructure. CIPAC COMMENTS N/A. Annual maintenance program. ESTIMATEDFUNDS EXPENSES FYFYFYFYFY COSTALLOCATTO DATE2023/242024/252025/262026/272027/28 ED TO DATE Varies, Avg. $2,000,000$2,000,000$2,000,000$2,000,000 $2,000,000 Annually CIPAC SCORE HSSCRIJLCOCI TOT Score N/A FUNDING SOURCES COST - BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTIONESTIMATED COST Water Enterprise Fund 1.DESIGN 2.CONSTRUCTION 3.MANAGEMENT/INSPECTION 4.CONTINGENCIES 5.OTHER (LIST) Soils Engineer Rep. Survey TOTALVaries, Avg. $2,000,000 Annually All costs shown in current dollars CIPAC FORM 2024/25 181 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FORM FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 PROJECT TITLE ’s Parks and Median Irrigation Reclaimed Water Conversion REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Environmental Committee, Public Works DESCRIPTION Converting the irrigation to reclaimed water for the remaining City’s Parks and medians still on potable water. GENERAL PLAN REFERENCE LU7 JUSTIFICATION Majority of the irrigation system of the City’s Parks are already on reclaimed water. However, there are still some parks and median areas are on potable water. The City is initiating a feasibility study whether or not the remaining locations can be converted to reclaimed water at reasonable cost. The remaining locations are: 1.Camp Eucalyptus 2.Fire House #1 Exterior Landscape 3.Fire House #2 Exterior Landscape 4.City Hall 5.Acacia Park 6.Campus El Segundo 7.Candy Cane Park 8.Douglas Under Pass 9.Hilltop Park 10.Holly Kansas Park 11.2500 East El Segundo Blvd Median Strip 12.El Segundo Down Town Main Street - 100 block, 200 block, 300 block,400 Block,500 Block 13.El Segundo Down Town Richmond Street – 100 Block, 200 Block, 300 Block 14.El Segundo Down Town Grand Ave – East Grand Ave 100 Block , East Grand Ave 200 block 15.El Segundo Down Town Grand Ave – West Grand Ave 100 Block , West Grand Ave 200 Block 16.El Segundo Down Town Parking Lots – Franklin Street and Richmond 17.El Segundo Down Town Parking Lot – 400 Block Main Street 18.El Segundo Down Town Parking Lot – 500 Block Main Street CIPAC COMMENTS Scored in FY 23-24. CIPAC Committee recommends that the City conduct a feasibility study. The study should also include analysis for zero-scape or drought tolerant landscape. ESTIMATEDFUNDS EXPENSES FYFYFYFYFY COSTALLOCATED TO DATE2023/242024/252025/262026/272027/28 TO DATE $350,000$350,000 CIPAC SCORE HSSCRIJLCOCI TOT Score 133333 16 FUNDING SOURCES COST - BREAKDOWN Water. DESCRIPTIONESTIMATED COST 1.DESIGN 2.CONSTRUCTION 3.MANAGEMENT/INSPECTION 4.CONTINGENCIES 5.OTHER (LIST) Soils Engineer Rep. Survey TOTALTBD All costs shown in current dollars CIPAC FORM 2024-25 182 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FORM FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 PROJECT TITLE Abandoned Water Reservoir Greenspace REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Public Works DESCRIPTION Demolition of an abandoned City-owned 1.75-million-gallon water reservoir to be replaced with greenspace. GENERAL PLAN REFERENCE JUSTIFICATION There is an abandoned City-owned 1.75-million-gallon water reservoir adjacent to the City Water Yard and Hilltop Park at the corner of Gand Avenue and Lomita Street. This reservoir was built in 1955 and was abandoned at an unknown point. Due to this being an abandoned and aged facility, there is a proposal to convert this area to useable greenspace to benefit the Public. This project will involve the demolition of the existing reservoir, soil infill, and then the installation of turf, landscaping, irrigation, fencing, and any appurtenances needed to create a Public greenspace. 183 CIPAC COMMENTS Scored in March 2024. ESTIMATEDFUNDS EXPENSES FYFYFYFYFY COSTALLOCATED TO DATE2023/242024/252025/262026/272027/28 TO DATE $650,000 CIPAC SCORE HSSCRIJLCOCI TOT Score 151059 21 FUNDING SOURCES COST - BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTIONESTIMATED COST 1.DESIGN$50,000 Water Enterprise Fund. 2.CONSTRUCTION$600,000 3.MANAGEMENT/INSPECTION 4.CONTINGENCIES 5.OTHER (LIST) Soils Engineer Rep. Survey TOTAL$650,000 All costs shown in current dollars CIPAC FORM 2024-25 184 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 PROJECT TITLE Wastewater Infrastructure Replacement (Annual Program) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Public Works DESCRIPTION Repair or replacement of sewer mains according to the greatest need. GENERAL PLAN REFERENCE LU7 JUSTIFICATION The City’s wastewater system consists of approximately 50 miles of pipe and 1,050 manholes. The majority of these pipes are constructed of vitrified clay and range in size from 6-inch to 24- inch in diameter. The system was constructed over the years based on the development needs of the City and approximately 60% of the lines are now over 50 years old. The entire collection system was CCTV inspected in 2023. Staff selects sewer line segments to be repairs based on the actual, documented condition of the pipe using the CCTV results and ratings. Pipes scoring 5 (worst) and 4 (significantly impacted) are prioritized for repair or replacement. This will also provide for the operation and maintenance of manholes, pumps, lift stations, flow meters and other components of the system. CIPAC COMMENTS N/A. Annual maintenance program. ESTIMATEDFUNDS EXPENSES FYFYFYFYFY COSTALLOCATED TO2023/242024/252025/262026/272027/28 TO DATEDATE Varies$1,500,000$1,500,000$1,500,000$1,500,000 CIPAC SCORE HSSCRIJLCOCI TOT Score N/A FUNDING SOURCES COST - BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTIONESTIMATED COST 1.DESIGN 2.CONSTRUCTION 3.MANAGEMENT/INSPECTION Wastewater Fund 4.CONTINGENCIES 5.OTHER (LIST) Soils Engineer Rep. Survey TOTALVaries All costs shown in current dollars CIPAC FORM 2024-25 185 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 PROJECT TITLE Roadway Rehabilitation (Annual Program) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Public Works DESCRIPTION Resurfacing Local and Arterial Streets GENERAL PLAN REFERENCE LU 7 JUSTIFICATION Arterial and local streets area evaluated every three years and rated using a Pavement Condition Index (PCI) rating system ranging from 0-100, with 100 being best. Those streets ranking below 60 require some form of rehabilitation, ranging from pavement grind/cap to full depth reclamation to bring the City’s streets overall average rating up to a minimum of 75, which is considered “good”. Sample before Picture: Sample after Picure: CIPAC COMMENTS N/A ESTIMATEDFUNDS EXPENSES FYFYFYFYFY COSTALLOCATED TO2023/242024/252025/262026/272027/28 TO DATEDATE Varies$3,000,000$1,300,0001,300,000$1,300,000 186 CIPAC SCORE HSSCRIJLCOCI TOT Score N/A FUNDING SOURCES COST - BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTIONESTIMATED COST 1.DESIGN 2.CONSTRUCTION Transportation Funds 3.MANAGEMENT/INSPECTION (Gas Tax/Prop C/SB 4.CONTINGENCIES 1/Measure R/Measure M) 5.OTHER (LIST) Soils Engineer Rep. Survey TOTALVaries All costs shown in current dollars CIPAC FORM 2024-25 187 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 PROJECT TITLE Sidewalk Maintenance Program (Annual Program) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Public Works DESCRIPTION Repair of City sidewalks and curbs according to the greatest need. Sidewalk Maintenance Program (Annual Program), with special consideration for the areas identified in Figure 5-2 in the City’s Housing Element. GENERAL PLAN REFERENCE LU7 JUSTIFICATION Sidewalks sometimes are displaced by tree roots and other reasons which could potentially create trip hazards. Locations for sidewalks requiring repair are generated throughout the year by field surveys from the Street Maintenance Division and requests from residents. CIPAC COMMENTS N/A. ESTIMATEDFUNDS EXPENSES FYFYFYFYFY COSTALLOCATED TO2023/242024/252025/262026/272027/28 TO DATEDATE Varies$250,000$250,000$250,000$250,000 CIPAC SCORE HSSCRIJLCOCI TOT Score N/A FUNDING SOURCES COST - BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTIONESTIMATED COST 1.DESIGN 2.CONSTRUCTION Transportation Funds 3.MANAGEMENT/INSPECTION (Gas Tax/Prop C/SB 4.CONTINGENCIES 1/Measure R/Measure M) 5.OTHER (LIST) Soils Engineer Rep. Survey TOTALVaries All costs shown in current dollars CIPAC FORM 2024-25 188 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FORM FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 PROJECT TITLE Infiltration Projects Ongoing Maintenance of Water Quality Infrastructure REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Public Works DESCRIPTION Infiltration projects, including drywells and underground vaults, will be identified, designed, and constructed to attain regional water-quality requirements and recharge groundwater basins. Ongoing maintenance and improvements to existing infiltration basins to meet regional water quality objectives and maintain operational functionality. GENERAL PLAN REFERENCE LU7 JUSTIFICATION To meet the waste discharge requirements in the LA RWQCB MS4 Permit, and as outlined in the Dominguez Channel and Santa Monica Bay J2/J3 WMPs, the City of El Segundo is required to implement control measures to achieve wasteload allocations established in the Regional Board and USEPA TMDLs. The City will be evaluating drywells and underground vaults for use throughout the City to meet these requirements and ultimately reduce pollutants from reaching the Santa Monica Bay and Dominguez Channel receiving waters. Pump Station #18 infiltration basin and Sandhill Infiltration Basin are used as th water quality BMPs to treat the 85 percentile, 24 storm events from each of their tributary areas. This request is for ongoing maintenance of the infiltration basins, as well as maintenance to the pumps, engines, and equipment in pump station #18 for ongoing operations in storm events larger th than the 85 percentile, 24-hour storm. The City will use these funds as permitted by the Safe Clean Water Program (Measure W) for designing and constructing stormwater projects. CIPAC COMMENTS ESTIMATEDFUNDS EXPENSES FYFYFYFYFY COSTALLOCATED TO DATE2023/242024/252025/262026/272027/28 TO DATE $400,000$200,000$400,000$400,000 CIPAC SCORE HSSCRIJLCOCI TOT Score N/A FUNDING SOURCES COST - BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTIONESTIMATED COST 1.DESIGNTBD Measure W. 2.CONSTRUCTIONTBD 3.MANAGEMENT/INSPECTION 4.CONTINGENCIES 5.OTHER (LIST) Soils Engineer Rep. Survey TOTAL All costs shown in current dollars CIPAC FORM 2024-25 180189 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 PROJECT TITLE ADA Ramp Improvements - CDBG Funds REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Public Works DESCRIPTION Accessibility upgrades to City facilities GENERAL PLAN REFERENCE LU7 JUSTIFICATION Each year, the City of El Segundo applies for Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) fund (federal fund) from the Community Development Commission of the County of Los Angeles (CDC). This funding is available for community development projects that meet national objectives that benefit low and moderate-income areas, taking measurements to meet the ADA requirements and/or meet a particular urgent community need. The funding would be used to upgrade City curb ramps on the street and public City Facilities to meet the latest accessibility requirements. CIPAC COMMENTS N/A. ESTIMATEDFUNDS EXPENSES FYFYFYFYFY COSTALLOCATED TO2023/242024/252025/262026/272027/28 TO DATEDate Varies$144,000$55,500$50,000$50,000$50,000 CIPAC SCORE HSSCRIJLCOCI TOT Score N/A FUNDING SOURCES COST - BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTIONESTIMATED COST 1.DESIGNTBD 2.CONSTRUCTIONTBD General Fund 3.MANAGEMENT/INSPECTION 4.CONTINGENCIES C.C.D.B.G. 5.OTHER (LIST) Soils Engineer Rep. Survey TOTAL All costs shown in current dollars CIPAC FORM 2025 – 2025 190 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 PROJECT TITLE Park Vista Senior Housing Improvements REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Public Works DESCRIPTION Repairs at Park Vista Senior Housing GENERAL PLAN REFERENCE LU 7 JUSTIFICATION The Park Vista Senior Housing is an aging facility built in the mid-1980’s. In 2018, a consultant (EMG) was hired to conduct a comprehensive building assessment to identify immediate maintenance and capital needs. In that report, it was recommended that in FY 24-25 that the existing roof coating be replaced due to age. Additional improvements recommended in the building assessment will occur in subsequent years. CIPAC COMMENTS Score is from FY 2022-23. ESTIMATEDFUNDS EXPENSES FYFYFYFYFY COSTALLOCATED TO DATE2023/242024/252025/262026/272027/28 TO DATE $36,000$255,000$224,000$737,000 CIPAC SCORE HSSCRIJLCOCI TOT Score 551017 19 FUNDING SOURCES COST - BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTIONESTIMATED COST 1.DESIGNTBD 2.CONSTRUCTIONTBD 3.MANAGEMENT/INSPECTION Senior Citizens Corp Fund & 4.CONTINGENCIES Senior Housing Fund 5.OTHER (LIST) Soils Engineer Rep. Survey TOTAL All costs shown in current dollars CIPAC FORM 2024-25 191 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FORM FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 PROJECT TITLE City Parks Playground Replacement REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Recreation, Parks and Library Department DESCRIPTION Playground replacement throughout City parks GENERAL PLAN REFERENCE JUSTIFICATION El Segundo residents have expressed concerns about the state/condition of the playground equipment at various City parks. Residents have created an online petition to garner support for the renovation of the existing playgrounds in City parks. Funding for this playground replacement will be from the following: Measure A Funds: $600,000 Special Revenue Fund (Equipment Replacement): $300,000 Total: $900,000 CIPAC COMMENTS Scored in May 2024. ESTIMATEDFUNDS EXPENSES FYFYFYFYFY COSTALLOCATED TO DATE2023/242024/252025/262026/272027/28 TO DATE $900,000 CIPAC SCORE HSSCRIJLCOCI TOT Score 3310110 18 FUNDING SOURCES COST - BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTIONESTIMATED COST 1.DESIGNTBD 2.CONSTRUCTIONTBD 3.MANAGEMENT/INSPECTION 4.CONTINGENCIES 5.OTHER (LIST) Soils Engineer Rep. Survey TOTAL All costs shown in current dollars CIPAC FORM 2024-25 192 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL 2024/25 PROJECT TITLE Library South Wall Waterproofing and Rehabilitation Project REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Public Works Department DESCRIPTION Water Proofing Assessment and Repair GENERAL PLAN REFERENCE LU 7 JUSTIFICATION The Library Building was built in 1948 and the southwest wing was added later in 1963. This facility is open to the general public for reading, researching, working, holding meetings at conference rooms, doing homework, tutoring, and participating in creative events organized by the library staff. The south wall of the building is experiencing water st intrusion issues. On the 1 floor wall behind the bookshelves, multiple wall cracks and failures are visible. In the basement, mold growths were discovered behind the existing wallpaper that were removed, treated and painted a couple of years ago. It is just a matter of time when more failures will occur if not addressed. A combination of exterior and interior work will need to happen to address the proper waterproofing correction necessary to salvage the south wall. The majority of the wall area will need to be exposed which will involve ground excavation due to the building having a basement. The exposed wall will then be assessed, treated, provide proper waterproofing, subsurface drainage, get tested before the land surface is restored. The interior finish will be removed and replaced. It is prudent for the City to accumulate funds needed to repair and waterproof the City Library’s south wall to avoid further facility failure, maintain operational competitiveness and protect public and employees from potential hazards. CIPAC COMMENTS Score is from FY 22-23. Utilize the awarded State grant first. ESTIMATEDFUNDS EXPENSES FYFYFYFYFY COSTALLOCATED TO DATE2023/242024/252023/242024/252025/26 TO DATE $123,768$21,232 CIPAC SCORE HSSCRIJLCOCI TOT Score 351016 16 FUNDING SOURCES COST - BREAKDOWN General Fund. DESCRIPTIONESTIMATED COST State Grant 1.DESIGN$10,000 2.CONSTRUCTION$135,000 3.MANAGEMENT/INSPECTION 4.CONTINGENCIES 5.OTHER (LIST) Soils Engineer Rep. Survey TOTAL$135,000 All costs shown in current dollars CIPAC FORM 2024/25 193 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FORM FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 PROJECT TITLE EV Charging stations REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Community, Environmental Committee, PW. DESCRIPTION Installing more public EV charging stations around the City in accessible and poplar area. GENERAL PLAN REFERENCE LU 7 JUSTIFICATION The popularity of electrical vehicle (EV) is on the rise. California issued rules banning sales of gasoline powered vehicle by 2035 in August 2022 in an effort to combat climate change (Resolution 22-12, Advance Clean Cars II Regulation, by the California Air Resources Board.) The regulation plans to phase out gas engines and phase in EV with a target of 35% new cars in 2026 to 100% in 2035. The current charging station infrastructure is only capable of delivering a small fraction of the projected demand. Currently, the City has two dual charging stations for its own fleet and one dual charging station for public use near city hall. The City is planning to install a few more charging station to meet future needs for city staff fleet. The Planning department is conditioning future development projects to have appropriate amount of charging infrastructure on the private property. The Environmental Committee is asking the City to install more public EV charging stations in popular areas around City buildings and downtown area. In general, there are three popular levels of chargers with different cost and effectiveness. As a current rule of thumb, Level 1 (120 V) is for household use that charges 4-6 miles per hour charged, level 2 (240 V) is for commercial use that charge 22-26 miles per hour charged, and level 3 (Fast Charge) that charges up to 200 miles per hour charged. Level 3 requires significant infrastructure upgrade and can be costly. The focus of near future will be building more level 2 chargers in accessible and popular areas around the city, and exploring potential level 3 possibility. The proposed timeline will be following: FY 2023-24, conduct and complete electrification master plan to evaluate sites for public EV charging suitability (Rec. & Park complex site, Downtown El Segundo near city buildings, etc.) available electrical capacity, solar charging evaluation of city building roof or carport, charging site prioritization. Install small scale charging stations for City fleet when feasible. FY 2024-25, conduct and complete design of phase 1 EV charging stations. FY 2025-26, bid and install phase 1 of EV charging stations. CIPAC COMMENTS Conduct a masterplan or feasibility study first before implementation. Score from FY 23-24. ESTIMATEDFUNDS EXPENSES FYFYFYFYFY COSTALLOCATED TO DATE2023/242024/252025/262026/272027/28 TO DATE TBD.$10,237$10,237$100,000$350,000$350,000 CIPAC SCORE HSSCRIJLCOCI TOT Score 111314 11 FUNDING SOURCES COST - BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTIONESTIMATED COST Available grants. Other suggested 1.DESIGNTBD funding sources. 2.CONSTRUCTIONTBD 3.MANAGEMENT/INSPECTION 4.CONTINGENCIES 5.OTHER (LIST) Master Planning$50,000 Survey TOTALTBD All costs shown in current dollars CIPAC FORM 2024-25 194 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 PROJECT TITLE HVAC (Citywide) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Public Works DESCRIPTION Mechanical HVAC improvements at the City Hall, Police Station, Fire Station #1, Fire Station #2, Library and City Maintenance Yard GENERAL PLAN REFERENCE LU7 JUSTIFICATION The HVAC at all building facilities needs replacement. The refrigerant is not in compliance with current regulations, the ductwork requires cleaning, the rooftop mechanical units have reached the end of their life cycles and the performance is not what provides a comfortable controllable work environment. In 2018, a consultant (EMG) was hired to conduct a comprehensive building assessment to identify immediate maintenance and capital needs. In that report, it was recommended to address the above issues to meet current building and safety standards and that maintenance requirements are not deferred, thereby jeopardizing the value of these assets. CIPAC COMMENTS CIPAC chose not to rate facility projects, suggested City to handle it via reserve/equipment replacement fund. ESTIMATEDFUNDS EXPENSES FYFYFYFYFY COSTALLOCATED TO DATE2023/242024/252025/262026/272027/28 TO DATE Varies$748,768$ 250,000$ 250,000$250,000$ 250,000 195 CIPAC SCORE HSSCRIJLCOCI TOT Score N/A FUNDING SOURCES COST - BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTIONESTIMATED COST 1.DESIGN 2.CONSTRUCTION 3.MANAGEMENT/INSPECTION General Fund 4.CONTINGENCIES 5.OTHER (LIST) Soils Engineer Rep. Survey TOTALVaries All costs shown in current dollars CIPAC FORM 2024-25 196 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FORM FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 PROJECT TITLE Main Street Banner Pole Replacement Project REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Public Works DESCRIPTION Replacement of banner poles and cables at two locations on Main Street, for a total of 4 poles. GENERAL PLAN REFERENCE LU7 JUSTIFICATION Promotional banners are routinely changed out at three locations on Main Street: the 300 block of Main Street in front of Fire Station #1, the 500 block of Main Street near the Big ’s restaurant, and the 600 block of Main Street in front of El Segundo High School. In 2022, it was noticed that the base of the banner poles were rusted and the cables holding the banners were fraying. A structural engineer was consulted to assess the condition of the poles. The poles on the 300 block were determined to be in good condition, as long as the posts were maintained. The repairs recommended for those poles has already been completed, as to keep the banner program operational. The poles on the 500 & 600 blocks of Main Street were determined to be in fair/poor condition. The corrosion of the base of the poles had significantly reduced the pole section thickness and structural integrity. The engineer recommended pole replacement at the two locations (4 poles total), in addition to concrete pads at the base of each pole, and new cable wiring for the banners. Plans and specifications have been prepared. CIPAC COMMENTS Scored in March 2024. ESTIMATEDFUNDS EXPENSES FYFYFYFYFY COSTALLOCATED TO DATE2023/242024/252025/262026/272027/28 TO DATE $100,000 CIPAC SCORE HSSCRIJLCOCI TOT Score 3510110 20 FUNDING SOURCES COST - BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTIONESTIMATED COST 1.DESIGN 2.CONSTRUCTION$100,000 3.MANAGEMENT/INSPECTION 4.CONTINGENCIES 5.OTHER (LIST) Soils Engineer Rep. Survey TOTAL All costs shown in current dollars CIPAC FORM 2024-25 197 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FORM FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 PROJECT TITLE Fire Alarm Panel System. REQUESTING DEPARTMENT PW DESCRIPTION Upgrade Alarm Panels, smoke detectors, alarms, strobes to current standards. GENERAL PLAN REFERENCE LU 7 JUSTIFICATION To comply with safety requirement. CIPAC COMMENTS N/A. ESTIMATEDFUNDS EXPENSES FYFYFYFYFY COSTALLOCATED TO DATE2023/242024/252025/262026/272027/28 TO DATE $80,000 CIPAC SCORE HSSCRIJLCOCI TOT Score N/A FUNDING SOURCES COST - BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTIONESTIMATED COST 1.DESIGNTBD 2.CONSTRUCTIONTBD 3.MANAGEMENT/INSPECTIONTBD 4.CONTINGENCIES 5.OTHER (LIST) Soils Engineer Rep. Survey TOTAL$80,000 All costs shown in current dollars CIPAC FORM 2024-25 198 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 PROJECT TITLE Plumbing (Citywide) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Public Works DESCRIPTION Replacement of the water heater, copper piping, fixtures, and faucet at the City Hall, Police Station, Fire Station #1, Fire Station #2, Library and City Maintenance Yard GENERAL PLAN REFERENCE LU 7 JUSTIFICATION A majority of the City facilities plumbing infrastructure is original to the construction of the facilities. The plumbing components have reached the end of their life cycle period. The concern is that the fixtures, faucets, equipment, sump pumps, drinking fountains and piping have aged to the point where the piping will begin to fail, and that replacement should be planned rather than a reaction to a problem that will continue to surface throughout the building. In 2018, a consultant (EMG) was hired to conduct a comprehensive building assessment to identify immediate maintenance and capital needs. In that report, it was recommended to address the above issues to meet current building and safety standards and that maintenance requirements should not be deferred. CIPAC COMMENTS Skipped, Equipment Replacement Fund. ESTIMATEDFUNDS EXPENSES FYFYFYFYFY COSTALLOCATED TO DATE2023/242024/252025/262026/272027/28 TO DATE Varies $100,000$100,000$100,000$100,000$100,000 CIPAC SCORE HSSCRIJLCOCI TOT Score N/A FUNDING SOURCES COST - BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTIONESTIMATED COST 1.DESIGN 2.CONSTRUCTION General Fund 3.MANAGEMENT/INSPECTION 190199 4.CONTINGENCIES 5.OTHER (LIST) Soils Engineer Rep. Survey TOTALVarious All costs shown in current dollars CIPAC FORM 2024-25 200 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 PROJECT TITLE Miscellaneous Electrical (Citywide) REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Public Works DESCRIPTION Selective replacements for panels, switchboards, transformers and other major electrical components at City Hall, Police Station, Fire Station #1, Fire Station #2, Library, City Maintenance Yard, and Water Division Office GENERAL PLAN REFERENCE LU7 JUSTIFICATION Electrical equipment, such as panels, switchboards, and transformers, at all building facilities need replacement. The electrical equipment at the City building facilities is outdated and are all reaching the end of their life cycles. The age of the older equipment is making it difficult for the maintenance staff since some of the replacement parts are no longer readily available. The efficiency of new equipment is significant and will result in reduced energy and maintenance costs. In 2018, a consultant (EMG) was hired to conduct a comprehensive building assessment to identify immediate maintenance and capital needs. In that report, it was recommended to address the above issues to meet current building and safety standards and that maintenance requirements should not be deferred. CIPAC COMMENTS Skipped, Equipment Replacement Fund. ESTIMATEDFUNDS EXPENSES FYFYFYFYFY COSTALLOCATED TO DATE2023/242024/252025/262026/272027/28 TO DATE Varies $100,000$100,000$130,000$130,000$130,000$250,000 CIPAC SCORE HSSCRIJLCOCI TOT Score N/A FUNDING SOURCES COST - BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTIONESTIMATED COST 1.DESIGN 2.CONSTRUCTION General Fund 3.MANAGEMENT/INSPECTION 4.CONTINGENCIES 5.OTHER (LIST) Soils Engineer Rep. Survey TOTALVaries All costs shown in current dollars CIPAC FORM 2024-25 201 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 PROJECT TITLE Recreation Park Phase 1 Reserve Project REQUESTING DEPARTMENT Recreation & Park, Library DESCRIPTION Comprehensive improvements to the facilities within the Recreation Park Complex. Fund reserve. GENERAL PLAN REFERENCE LU 6, LU 7 JUSTIFICATION El Segundo Recreation Complex buildings were built in phases spanning from 1957 to 1961, 1966, 1970, 1976,1978, 1980 and 1981. Recreation & Park, Library assessed the Recreation Park Complex to define the project scope. This project includes the design and renovations needed for the Teen Center, Skate Park, Basketball Court, resurfacing George Brett Field and the Softball Field including installation of a new irrigation system. The funding for this item in FY 24-25 will not be sufficient to perform all the work, Staff plans to award the construction of components based on priority as budget allows. CIPAC COMMENTS As the project progress, staff will keep CIPAC informed of progress. ESTIMATEDFUNDS EXPENSES FYFYFYFYFY COSTALLOCATETO DATE2023/242024/252025/262026/272027/28 D TO DATE $18,700,000$4,700,000$4,000,000$4,000,000$6,000,000 CIPAC SCORE HSSCRIJLCOCI TOT Score N/A FUNDING SOURCES COST - BREAKDOWN General fund. DESCRIPTIONESTIMATED COST 1.DESIGN 2.CONSTRUCTION 3.MANAGEMENT/INSPECTION 4.CONTINGENCIES 5.OTHER (LIST) Soils Engineer Rep. Survey TOTAL$18,700,000 All costs shown in current dollars CIPAC FORM 2024-25 202 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM FORM FISCAL YEAR 2024/25 PROJECT TITLE Downtown Beautification REQUESTING DEPARTMENT City Manager’s office DESCRIPTION Improve lighting in certain section of downtown area with artistic lighting. GENERAL PLAN REFERENCE LU 7 JUSTIFICATION To improve safety and appeals of the Downtown with artistic lighting. CIPAC COMMENTS As of FY 23-24, CIPAC supports the idea and feels the budget seems to be low. ESTIMATEDFUNDS EXPENSES FYFYFYFYFY COSTALLOCATED TO DATE2023/242024/252025/262026/272027/28 TO DATE $100,000$100,000$65,000 CIPAC SCORE HSSCRIJLCOCI TOT Score N/A FUNDING SOURCES COST - BREAKDOWN DESCRIPTIONESTIMATED COST 1.DESIGN 2.CONSTRUCTION 3.MANAGEMENT/INSPECTION 4.CONTINGENCIES 5.OTHER (LIST) Soils Engineer Rep. Survey TOTAL$165,000 All costs shown in current dollars CIPAC FORM 2024-25 203 204 205 206 207 208 209 210 211 General Fund Reserve: Establish target General Fund Unassigned Fund Balance at a minimum of 25% of General Fund Expenditures each fiscal year. Establish a minimum General CIP reserve balance of 5% of General Fund Expenditures each fiscal year. The 5% is a transfer out from the General Fund to the CIP Fund (Fund 301). Economic Uncertainty Fund Reserve: Maintain the Economic Uncertainty Fund at $2.0 million up to a maximum of $2 million to mitigate current and future risks due to fluctuations in the City’s core tax revenues. Capitalization of Fixed Assets: Capitalize fixed asset with a value of $5,000 or more and with an estimated life of over one year. Balanced Budget: Is defined as a budget in which estimated revenues equal or exceed expenditures; in some instances, the City considers the budget is balanced when using available reserves to make up the gap between revenues and expenditures. Council policy is to adopt a balanced budget each year. Revenue Estimates: Maintain a conservative approach in projecting revenues. Budgetary Control: The budgetary level of control is held at the department level. Budget Transfers: Budget transfer requests between accounts or object codes shall be limited; meaning, departments may overspend on one account without processing a budget request transfer form as long as that overage is covered by savings from another account within the department. Budget transfers within a division required the Director of Finance’s approval. Budget transfers between divisions require City Manager’s approval. Budget transfers between funds require Council approval. Additional appropriations requests after the budget is adopted require Council approval. Basis of Budgeting: The City uses the modified accrual basis in budgeting government funds. This means that obligations of the City, including outstanding purchase orders, are budgeted as expenses and revenues are recognized when they are both measurable and available to fund current expenditures. Included in the budget for governmental funds are estimated payouts during the budget year for compensation absences in excess of maximum accrued leave allowable. For the enterprise funds, the City uses the full accrual method. This means expenses are recognized when incurred and revenues are recognized when due the City. Basis of Accounting: The basis of accounting is the same as the basis of budgeting. Budgetary Data: Annual budgets are legally adopted for all funds on a basis consistent with generally accepted accounting principles. Debt Limit: The City does not have general bonded debt. Purchasing: Purchase orders ranging from $25,000 - $50,000 require City Manager’s approval; above $50,000 require formal bids to be approved by City Council. Encumbrance Carryovers: Encumbered purchase orders with remaining balances at year-end may be carried over to the next fiscal year after review by the Purchasing Agent and approval by the Director of Finance. All carryover appropriations require Council approval. Contracts Review: The Risk Manager should review contracts when procured through a negotiated/ award procedure at any given time during the fiscal year. 212 213 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO GLOSSARY OF BUDGET TERMS gal authorization granted by a legislative body to make expenditures and to incur APPROPRIATION: A le obligations for specific purposes. An appropriation is limited in amount and limited as to the time period in which it may be expended. ASSESSED VALUATION: A dollar value placed upon real estateorother property, by Los Angeles County, as a basisfor levying property taxes. BOND: A security wherebyan issuer borrows money from aninvestor and agrees or promises, by written contract, to pay a fixed principal sum on a specified date (maturity date) and at a specified rate of interest. BUDGET MESSAGE:A written discussion of the budget presented bythe City Manager to theCity Council. CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN (CIP): A financialplan of proposedcapital improvement projects and the means of financing them, usually prepared fora five year period. CAPITAL OUTLAY: An operating budget category which accounts for all furnitureand equipment with a unit cost of more than $1000 and an estimated useful life of more than one year. DEBT SERVICE FUNDS: Account for the accumulation of resourcesset asidefor the repayment of City issued debt. DEPARTMENT: An organizational unit comprised of one or moredivisions. DIVISION: A program or activity, withina department, that furthers the objectives of the City Council by providing servicesor products. ENCUMBRANCES: Financial commitments related to unperformed contracts for goods or services for which part of an appropriation is reserved. They cease to be encumbrances when the obligations are paid or otherwise terminated. ENTERPRISE FUND: A type of fund established to account for the total costs of those governmental facilities and services that are operated in a manner similar to private enterprise. These programs are entirely, or predominately, self-supporting. FISCAL YEAR: The twelve-month period of time towhich theoperating budget applies. ElSegundo's fiscal year is October 1 through September 30. FUND: An independent fiscal and accounting entity used to record all financial transactions related to the specific purpose for which the fund was created. There are four major types of funds: General, Proprietary, Special Revenue, and Trust and Agency. FUND BALANCE: The amount of financialresources immediately available for use. This generally represents the excess of current assets over current liabilities. GANN APPROPRIATIONS LIMIT: Article XIIIB of the California Constitution was amended by Proposition 4, "The Gann Initiative," in 1979. This Article limits the growth of governmental spending by multiplying the limit for the prior year tax proceeds by a growth factor. The growth factor is the percentage change in the cost of living (or per capital personal income, whichever is lower) multiplied by the percentage change in population. The 1979 base year limit amount consists of all tax proceeds appropriated in that year. GENERAL FUND: The primary fund of the City which is used to account for those revenuesand expenditures of the City thatare not legally restricted asto use. GRANT: Contributionsof cash or other assets from another governmental entity tobe used for a specific purpose. INTERFUND TRANSFERS: Monies transferred from one fundto another in order toreimburse that fund for 214 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO GLOSSARY OF BUDGET TERMS of that fund. expenditures or to finance the operation INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS: A fund type that accounts for revenues received and expenses incurred for services or commodities provided by that fund to user departments. MUNICIPAL CODE: A book containing the City Council approved Ordinances currently in effect. The Code defines City policies related to building codes, planning and zoning regulations, sanitation and health standards, traffic violations, etc. OBJECTIVES: Departmental statements describing significant activities to be accomplished during the fiscal year. OPERATING BUDGET:A financial and organizational plan for furthering the goals of the City Council through the City departments. The operating budget does not include capital improvement projects. ORDINANCE: A formal legislative enactment by the City Council. An Ordinance has the full force and effect of law within City boundaries, unless it is in conflict with a higher form of law, such as a State Statute or Constitutional provision. An Ordinance has a higher legal standing than a Resolution. PROPOSITION 111 LIMIT: On June 5, 1990, California voters approved Proposition 111, to amend Article XIIIB of the California Constitution, relating to the Gann Appropriations Limit Initiative. REIMBURSEMENTS: Payments remitted by another agency, department, or fund to help defray the costs of a particular service or activity for which some benefit was obtained by the reimbursing party. These amounts are recorded as expenditures, or expenses, in the reimbursing fund and as a reduction of expenditures, or expenses, in the fund that is reimbursed. RESERVE:An account used to earmark a portion of the fund balance as legally segregated for a specific use. RESOLUTION: A special order of the City Council that requires less legal formality than an Ordinance in terms of public notice and the number of public readings prior to approval. A Resolution has lower legal standing than an Ordinance. The City's budget is approved by Resolution and requires a majority vote of the Council members present at the time of adoption. SALARIES AND BENEFITS: An operating budget category which generally accounts for full-time, part-time and temporary salaries, overtime costs and fringe benefits. SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS: These are funds that separately account for monies that are restricted as to use by the City Council, the State of California or the Federal Government. SUBVENTIONS:Revenue collected by the State (or other level of government) which is allocated to the City on a formula basis. The major subventions received from the State of California include Motor Vehicle License Fees and Gasoline Taxes. SUPPLIES AND SERVICES: An operating budget category accounting for expenditures not related to personnel or capital outlay (e.g. buildings and grounds maintenance, contractual services, equipment maintenance, office and computer supplies, small tool purchases, utility costs, postage, copier costs, etc.). TRUST AND AGENCY FUND: A type of fund which temporarily holds monies for other agencies or legal entities 215 4101 Salaries/Full-Time: Compensation to full-time benefited employees 4102 Salaries/Part-Time: Compensation for part-time non-benefited or partially-benefited employees 4103 Overtime: Compensation to employees for hours worked in excess of regularly- scheduled worked week 4104 Permanent Contract: Compensation to Golf Course employees under contract with the City of El Segundo 4105 Holiday Pay: Compensation to safety employees in-lieu of holiday leave taken 4107 FLSA Overtime: Overtime pay as defined under the Federal Labor Standards Act (FLSA) 4108 Vacation/Sick Leave Buyback: Buyback of a portion of an employee’s vacation and sick leave balance as allowed under each bargaining unit’s memorandum of understanding (MOU) 4109 Vacation/Sick Leave-Termination: Payout of an employee’s vacation and sick leave balance at termination, as allowed under each bargaining unit’s MOU 4110 Leave Replacement: Compensation to Fire employees for hours worked to replace open positions due to leave time (vacation/sick) 4112 Compensated Sick Time: Payouts for accrued sick leave which may be optional at end of the year or required if sick leave balance is over the prescribed maximum accumulation. 4113 Reimbursable Overtime: Overtime compensation reimbursed by outside agencies/vendors for specific work performed on behalf of another agency or vendor. 4116 Standby Pay: Compensation to employees who have been released from work but are specifically required by their supervisor to be available to return to work as needed by the City. 4117 Opt-Out Payments: Payments to employees who opt-out of certain benefits. 4118 Replacement Benefit Contributions: Additional Payments to CalPERS to cover the retirement benefits of high earning employees. 4201 PERS Retirement: Employee and employer contributions to the Public Employees Retirement System (PERS) 4202 FICA: Employee and employer contributions to the Federal social security system including Medicare 4203 Workers’ Compensation: Contributions to the City of El Segundo’s Internal Service Workers’ Compensation Fund 4204 Group Insurance: Payment for insurance premiums for health, dental, and vision 4205 Uniform Allowance: Quarterly payments, through payroll, to employees who are required to purchase and maintain prescribed uniform clothing and personal equipment. 4207 CalPERS Unfunded Liability: Payment to CalPERS for the unfunded retirement liability. 4209 PARS (Public Agency Retirement Services): Supplementary retirement system to the California Public Employees Retirement System 4210 OPEB (Other Post-Employment Benefits): GASB 45 liability to fund annual required contribution 4211 401(a) Employer’s Contribution: Employers contribution to employees 401(a). 216 4215 Uniform Replacement: Annual uniform maintenance allowance for employees required to wear a specific work attire including boots 4217 Early Retirement Incentive: Costs associated with the employees who took the early retirement incentive. 4221 Car Allowance: Costs for employees who receive a car allowance. 4251 CalPERS Payments: Payments to CalPERS not associated with employees. 4907 Interest Expense: Interest payments on debt. 4999 Cash Over / Short: Unidentified cash variances in the bank accounts. 5201 Office Supplies: Supplies used in the office such as paper, pens, staples. 5203 Repairs & Maintenance Supplies: Supplies used for repairs and maintenance 5204 Operating Supplies: Business cards, law library books, blueprint paper, pre-printed forms, book covers, and other supplies necessary to support the ongoing operations 5205 Cleaning & Sanitation: Pool maintenance and custodial supplies 5206 Computer Supplies: Computer paper, diskettes, magnetic tapes, printer ribbons, software, and other computer related items 5207 Small Tools & Equipment: Hammers, wrenches, screwdrivers, small hand and power tools 5210 Paper Goods: Napkins, paper towels, cups, and other paper goods used at the Golf Course restaurant 5211 Photo Supplies: Film, flashbulbs, photo processing costs, and other miscellaneous photo supplies 5212 Prisoner Meals: Meals for in-custody prisoners and court commitment program participants 5213 Replacement of Damaged Goods: Replacement of damaged or broken dishes, glasses, utensils, and other items used at the Golf Course restaurant 5214 Housing Supplies: General supplies for Fire Station. 5215 Vehicle Gasoline Charge: Fuel charges for operating City vehicles 5216 Range Balls & Mats: Range balls and mats for the Golf Course 5218 Police Training Materials & Supplies: Training materials and supplies for Police Department 5501 Books & Other Printed Materials: Books, pamphlets, periodicals, etc. 5502 Audio & Video: Books on tape, cassettes, compact discs, and periodical microfiche 5505 Young People’s Books: Children’s books, pamphlets, magazines, and kits. 5507 School Library Materials: Books and other printed materials for the El Segundo Unified School District’s libraries. 5220 Computer Refresh Charges: Annual charge to departments for core workstation hardware and software 5255 CPR Class Operating Supplies: Supplies used in CPR training courses 217 6093 Junior Camp Expenses: Junior golf camp operating expenses 6101 Gas: Cost of natural gas used at City buildings, parks, and other public facilities 6102 Electricity: Cost of electricity for City buildings, parks, and other public facilities 6103 Water: Cost of water used in City buildings, parks, and other public facilities 6116 Building Lease Charge: RSI office lease charges 6135 Credit Card Expense: Merchant's fees for accepting credit payments throughout the City, including the Golf Course 6139 Bank Service Charges: Bank service charges exceeding earnings allowance on City’s checking accounts. 6153 Personal Property Damage: Golf Course personal property damage expenses 6172 NSF Charges: The expense of non-sufficient funds checks deemed uncollectible 6201 Advertising & Publishing: Public notices and job announcements, newsletters, flyers, and other informational or promotional materials distributed by the City 6203 Copy Machine Charges: Charges for copy machine usage, maintenance, and supplies 6205 Other Printing & Binding: Use of outside printers for forms, pamphlets, brochures, and other printing needs 6206 Contractual Services: Contracts with vendors for engineering services, traffic studies, signal maintenance, refuse collection, street sweeping, janitorial services, pump maintenance, and other miscellaneous services. 6207 Equipment Replacement Charges: Charges to departments to accumulate funds necessary to replace old, outdated, and unusable furniture, computers, office equipment, vehicles, and other capital items 6208 Dues & Subscriptions: Dues for memberships in various professional organizations and subscriptions to trade journals, magazines, newspapers, etc. 6209 Dump Fees: Costs to dump debris at local transfer stations 6210 Hazardous Materials Disposal Fees: Costs associated with the disposal of hazardous materials dropped on City streets. 6211 Insurance & Bonds: Property, liability, workers’ compensation, and employee bond policies 6212 Laundry Cleaning: Cleaning of uniforms, floor mats, jail linens, beddings, and towels 6213 Meetings & Travel: Attendance at professional meetings and luncheons, and travel costs to attend training seminars and conferences 6214 Professional/Technical: Costs of professional services such as independent auditors, consultants, pre- employment physicals, and recreation class instructors 6215 Repairs & Maintenance: Repairs of buildings and facilities, and maintenance contracts for office equipment, computers, library circulation system, and print shop equipment 6216 Rental Charges: Rental of investigative equipment and miscellaneous equipment for emergency repairs 218 6217 Software Maintenance: Costs of maintaining the City's financial systems 6218 Hardware Maintenance: Costs associated with maintaining the City’s computer network system 6219 Network Operating Charge: A “per computer charge” to each department for costs associated with computer systems network operations 6221 Educational Incentive: Compensation to firefighters who complete approved academic courses 6222 Lease Payment/Parking Garage: 612 Twin Holdings payments for parking garage 6223 Training & Education: Registration at educational seminars and conferences, and also for purchases of training materials 6224 Vehicle Operating Charge: Costs related to the operation, repair, and maintenance of the City's fleet of vehicles 6228 POST TRAINING EDUCATION: Reimbursement to Police Officers for approved training and educational programs under the Police Officers’ Standards and Training (POST) program 6237 Water Conservation: Water conservation bulletins and pamphlets, water-saving shower heads, etc. 6245 Employee Recognition: Annual employee service awards luncheon. 6246 Claims Expense: Liability and workers’ compensation claims, settlements, and expenses 6247 Unemployment Compensation: Quarterly payments to EDD for unemployment claims reimbursements 6249 Fees & Licenses: Fees and licenses necessary for the operation of “The Lakes at El Segundo" golf course 6250 Volunteer Recognition: Annual picnic for recognition of City volunteers 6251 Communications/Mobile Radios: Maintenance and supplies for the Police and Fire Department mobile radios and pagers 6253 Postage: Costs of mailing City correspondence, notices, water bills, etc. 6254 Telephone: Telephone and cellular communications 6255 ESMC Reproduction: Updating and reproduction of the City's Municipal Code 6256 Pavement Rehabilitation: Expenditures related to pavement repairs 6257 Public Education: Community service programs 6259 Breathing Apparatus: Service, maintenance, and repair of the Fire Department's self-contained breathing apparatus (SCBA) 6260 Equipment Leasing: Leases of copiers and fax machines. 6262 Testing/Recruitment: Employment testing, oral board raters, brochures, and flyers 6263 Commissioners’ Expense: Compensation for attendance at Planning Commission meetings and reimbursement of commissioners’ expenses 6266 Training Allowance: Special training materials for the golf course pros 219 6267 Zoning Text Amendments: Costs related to amendments to the zoning codes 6268 General Plan Update: Costs of updating or amending the General Plan 6270 Commissions: Commissions earned by the golf course pros 6271 Animal Regulation: Contract with the SPCA and dog license tags 6272 Court Costs: Meals and auto expenses for off-duty officers attending court proceedings 6273 In-Custody Medical Charges: Medical care and treatment of prisoners 6274 Investigation Expenses: Sheriff custodial charges, fingerprinting costs, blood alcohol and drug testing, and Municipal Code prosecutions 6275 K-9 Dog Care Services: Dog food, veterinary care, and training 6276 Police Reserve Program: Plaques, certificates, and training for Police Reserves 6278 Computer Charges: County upgrades of in-house JDIC system and hardware and software maintenance 6279 Explorer Program: Field trips and monthly meetings for Police Explorers 6280 CAL I.D.: State/County computerized fingerprint system 6281 Emergency Facilities Maintenance: Emergency repairs to city buildings 6282 Emergency Repairs: Charges for repairs to vehicles damaged in accidents 6283 Water Purchases - Potable: Potable water purchases 6284 Security Costs: Golf Course security expenses 6285 Water Purchases - Reclaimed: Cost of purchasing water from the West Basin Municipal Water District 6286 General Administrative Charges: Administrative charges to the Water Fund for services provided by City departments 6288 S.W.A.T. Program: Training equipment, ammunition, and hostage negotiations costs 6289 Education Reimbursement: Police educational reimbursements for eligible classes 6292 Hyperion Issues: City's share of mitigation monitoring costs per contract with the City of Los Angeles 6294 Special Projects: Funds set aside for special projects initiated by the City Council or City Manager 6296 R.S.V.P. PROGRAM: Costs of the Retired Senior Volunteer Program 6301 Legal Counsel: Monthly retainer of City Attorney. 6302 Special Plaintiff & Defense Litigation & Experts: Costs associated with special plaintiff and defense litigation, and expert witnesses 6303 Commercial & Space Marketing: Marketing of vacant commercial space 6310 Labor Negotiation: Attorney fees related to labor negotiations 220 6311 Code Enforcement Litigation: Attorney fees related to Municipal Code enforcement 6354 Lifeline Expense: Operating expense for qualified customers for a subsidized water rate 6401 Community Promotion: Miscellaneous expenditures to promote community activities 6402 Noise Abatement: Agenda and minute preparation for the Noise Abatement Committee and membership dues in the national organization 6403 Sister City: Program support and travel to Guaymas 6405 ESUSD Funding Agreement: Costs funding agreement with the El Segundo Unified School District for crossing guards 6406 LAX Master Plan Intervention: Attorney fees related to LAX Masterplan Intervention 6407 Washington Lobbyist: Federal advocacy professional services related to LAX Masterplan 6409 Audiovisual Materials audiovisual materials purchase by the Library department 6410 E-Books Electronic books purchased by the Library 6501 Right of Way Lease: Right of Way lease agreement with Southern California Edison 6502 Contribution Expense: Golf Course contribution expense 7550 Cost of Sales: Golf Course cost of food and beverages sales 7600 Hard goods: Golf Course cost of hard goods sales, e.g., golf equipment 7601 Purchase Discount: Golf Course discounts on inventory purchases 7602 Soft Goods: Golf Course cost of soft goods sales, e.g., golf apparel 7604 Freight: Golf Course freight charges on inventory purchases 7606 Teaching Supplies: Golf Course lesson supplies 8103 Capital & Other Improvements: Capital improvements to City buildings and facilities 8104 Capital/Equipment: Capital equipment and furniture 8105 Capital/Automotive: Vehicles and motorized equipment 8106 Capital/Communications: Communications equipment 8108 Capital/Computer Hardware: Computer hardware and related equipment 8109 Capital/Computer Software: Computer software programs 221 CITY OF ELSEGUNDO ACRONYMS USED ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 20-202 ACRONYMTITLE AB AssemblyBill ABC AlcoholicBeverageControl ADA AmericanswithDisabilitiesAct APSA AbovegroundPetroleumStorageAct BOD BoardofDirectors CAD ComputerAidedDispatch CalARP CaliforniaAccidentalReleasePrevention CalPERS CaliforniaPublicEmployees'RetirementSystem CASP CaliforniaAssociationofSchoolPsychologists CDBG CommunityDevelopmentBlockGrant CDIAC CaliforniaDebt&InvestmentAdvisoryCommission CD's CertificateofDeposit CERS CaliforniaEnvironmentalReportingSystem CERS CaliforniaEnvironmentalReportingSystem CERT CommunityEmergencyResponseTeam CES CampusElSegundo CIEDB CalifornianInfrastructure&EconomicDevelopmentBank CIP CapitalImprovementProject CMTA CaliforniaMunicipalTreasurers'Association COPS Citizens'OptionforPublicSafety CPI ConsumerPriceIndex CPR CardioPulmonaryResucitation CSI CrimeSceneInvestigation CTIP CoordinatedTechnologyImplementationProgram CUPA CaliforniaUnifiedProgramAgencies DOJ DepartmentofJustice DVD DigitalVideoDisc EDAC EconomicDevelopmentAdvisoryCommittee EEO EqualEmploymentOpportunity EIR EnvironmentalImpactReport EIS EnvironmentalImpactStatement EKG Electrocardiogram EKPTO ExceptionalKidsParentTeacherOrganization EMS EmergencyMedicalServices EOC EmergencyOperationsCenter ERF EquipmentReplacementFund ES ElSegundo ESMC ElSegundoMunicipalCode ESMoA ElSegundoMuseumofArt ESARG ElSegundoAmateurRadioGroup ESUSD ElSegundoUnifiedSchoolDistrict FAA FederalAviationAdministration 222 CITY OF ELSEGUNDO ACRONYMS USED ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 20-202 ACRONYMTITLE FEMA FederalEmergencyManagementAgency FICA FederalInsuranceContributionsAct FLSA FederalLaborStandardsAct FPPC FairPoliticalPracticesCommission FRO FirstResponderOperations FT FullTime FTE FullTimeEquivalent GASB GovernmentalAccountingStandardsBoard GIOA GovernmentInvestmentOfficers'Association GIS GeographicInformationSystem HIPAA HealthInsurancePortability&AccountabilityAct HMBP HazardousMaterialsBusinessPlan HOX HomeOwnersExemption HSI HomelandSecurityInvestigation HUD HousingUrbanDevelopmet HVAC Heating,Ventilation,AirConditioning ICE Immigration&CustomsEnforcement ICRMA IndependentCitiesRiskManagementAuthority ICS IncidentCommandCenter IRC InternalRevenueCode IRS InternalRevenueService ISO InsuranceServicesOfficeorInternationalStadardizationOrganization JAC JointApprenticeCommittee JDIC JusticeDataInterfaceController LA LosAngeles LACMTA LosAngelesCountyMetropolitanTransportationCommission LADOA LosAngelesDepartmentofWorldAirports LAEDC LosAngelesEconomicDevelopmentCorporation LAWA LosAngelesWorldAirport LAX LosAngelesAirport MAX MunicipalAreaExpress MEP Mechanical,Electrical,Plumbing MOU MemorandumofUnderstanding NFPA NationalFireProtectionAdministration NIMS NationalIncidentManagementSystem NSF NoSufficientFunds OES OfficeofEmergencyServices OPEB OtherPostEmploymentBenefits P&BS Planning&BuildingSafety PAC PoliticalActionCommittee PARS PublicAgencyRetirementServices PD PoliceDepartment PEG PublicEducation&Government 223 CITY OF ELSEGUNDO ACRONYMS USED ADOPTED BUDGET FISCAL YEAR 20-202 ACRONYMTITLE PERS PublicEmployees'RetirementSystem POST PeaceOfficers'StandardTraining PSAF PublicSafetyAugmentationFund PSO PublicServicesOfficer PT PartTime PW PublicWorks RBP RetirementBenefitPlan RFP RequestforProposal RMP RiskManagementPlan RMS RecordsManagementSystem RPOSD RegionalPark&OpenSpaceDistrict RSI ResidentialSoundInsulation RSVP RetiredSeniorVolunteerProgram SB SenateBill SCAQMD SouthCoastAirQualityManagementDistrict SCE SouthernCaliforniaEdison SEMS StandardizedEmergencyManagementSystem SIR SelfInsuredRetention SLESF SupplementalLawEnforcementServicesFund SLOT StateLocalOvertime SMIP StrongMotionInstrumentationProgram SPCA SocietyforthePreventionofCrueltytoAnimals SPEA Supervisory&ProfessionalEmployeeAssociation SRRE SourceReduction&Recycling STAR State(ofCalifornia&Nevada)TelevisionAccessRecognition STC StandardTrainingCorrections SWAT SpecialWeaponsandTactics TDA TransportationDevelopmentAct TEMS TacticalEmergencyMedicalSupport TOT TransientOccupancyTax TRA TaxResolutionAgreement TRAP TaskforceforRegionalAutotheftPrevention TV Television UASI UrbanAreasSecuityInitiative UPA UnifiedProgramAgency US UnitiedStates UST UndergroundStorageTank UUT UtilityUsers'Tax VIP VeryImportantPerson VLF VehicleLicenseFee 224