2012-09-04 CC Agenda - PRESENTATION - B1 - BudgetG1OV Y First Hearing for FY 2012-2013 Operating Budget FY 2012-2013 Preliminary Budget Preparation ,I Strategic Planning Sessions June zest August 16th 2 Assumptions for 12/13 Preliminary Budget Revenues: Business License Tax — $200,000 net increase over yearend estimates; 1% Growth due to annual CPI change; Property Tax — $117,000 increase over yearend estimates; z% Growth Assumptions for 12/13 Preliminary Budget Revenues: � Transient Occupancy Tax -(TOT)- — $450,000 increase over yearend estimates, or 10%; increase attributed to new hotel * Cogenerated Tax - $450,000 in additional revenue over yearend estimates from new operations; 4 Assumptions for 12/13 Preliminary Budget' Revenues: Sales Tax.- $1,624,Ooo decrease; lo% decrease from 2012 estimated yearend; zo% decrease from FY 2011 actuals. Charges for Services -$1oo,qoo decrease from yearend estimates, or 5�0 5 Assumptions for 12/13 Preliminary Budget Revenues: * Interest on Investments - $85,000 decrease from yearend estimates * Utility Users'Tax - no growth. *All other revenues remain flat or have very little growth compared to yearend estimates well Q09, Qa. 6 Q)Jy\ pL`J ac $450,000 $450, o� 41 1 Lo° FY 2010-2011 Actual 71 FY 2011-2012 Year-end Estimate ($824,700) ($100,900) ($85,000) Sao \`�� wary Q- o� �a 1� FY 2012-2013 Preliminary 7 Assumptions for 12f13 Preliminary Budget Expenditures: *Salaries — increase of $458,00o due to step increases and longevity/educational incentive premiums; no growth in base salaries California Public Em-plovees' Retirement System(CalPERS) Rate Increases — $6zo0oo Safety Rate Increase: $475,900 Misc Group Rate Increase: $144,200 0 3 PreliminaaAryvmrurer'et � Expenditures (cont'd): * Other Post-EmDl ment Benefits (OPEB * Increase due to updated valuation - $z39,000 (Using two-year smoothing). * Included in the Preliminary Budget is a scheduled drawdown of $1,000,000 * Health Benefits — 3.5% or $1oo,000 0 PkkS.,WqqPtions for 12/13 Preliminary Budget Expenditures (cont'd): * Non -Personnel Costs -Total decrease of $116,500 or 1% This category has been reduced by 17%, approx. $2.1 million, when compared to 2009 actuals. * Transfers to other funds - decrease of $169,500 * Decrease in Transfer to Facilities Maintenance - $150,000 * Decrease in Transfers to Community Development Block Grant Fund — Due to decrease in that funds' expenditures ,o 10 Assumptions for 12J13 Preliminary Budget Expenditures (cont'd): � Equipment Replacement Charles * Funded at 50% or $730,150 * ESUSD Funding - $250,000 Cash Contribution * $ 8o,000 Crossing Guard Services * $698,000 in In -Kind Services * In total, the City contributes an estimated $1,028,000 to ESUSD annually. LADDER TRUCK -ADDITIONAL FUNDING NEEDED: $ 560,000 FUND FIBER OPTICS PROJECT - BORROWING NEEDED: 370,000 TOTAL ADDITIONAL FUNDING NEEDED: $ 930,000 The Fiber Optics Project borrowing has a payback of 3 years. FISCAL FROM TO IMPACT FUNDING Administrative General Office Specialist II Specialist $3,000 Fund Administrative Office Specialist II Specialist $ 3,000 RSI Fund 13 FROM Office Specialist II Senior Management Analyst Records Technician IN Human Resources Assistant Senior Human Resources 14 Analyst Deputy City Clerk I * Reviewed Revenue & Expenditure assumptions used to build the FY 2012-2013 General Fund Budget; * Next: * Update of Yearend Projections * Presentation of Fund Balance * Treasurer's Report 15 GENERAL FUND ADOPTED PROJECTED YEAREND FY 11/12 VARIANCE Revenue $51,674,OOO 49P781,739 (l,892,261) Expenditures 51,674,000 51,674,000 0 Projected Yearend Deficit $(1)892,261) 16 vas a e Fund Balance: 9/30/12 Projected Deficit: 9/30/12 Unreserved, Undesignated Fund Balance: `This is what the City refers to as our I Reserve') Proposed Expenditures 9/30/13: Fund Balance Reserve Funded Level: Required Reserve: Under Reserve: $ 10,072,509 1,892y261 81180124 52,909,902 17 8�99083 (814,435) 17 FY 2011-2012 PROJECTED SHORTFALL: $ (814Y435) IDENTIFIED POTENTIAL COST SAVINGS: Supplies Service Charges TOTAL IDENTIFIED POTENTIAL COST SAVINGS: SAVINGS FROM UNFILLED VACANCIES (2): REDUCED SHORTFALL: 44,000 71 8Y789 7622789 51)646 $ 0 18 Preliminary General Fund Revenue and Expenditures - FY 2012J2013 General Fund Budget Revenues, Net of Transfers Transfers In Total General Fund Revenues Total General Fund Expenditures Deficit 19 Preliminary FY 2012/2013 $47,600,000 400,000 $A000�000 $52,910,150 $ OP910050) Preliminary General Fund Revenue and Expenditures - FY 2011/2012 General Fund Deficit: $ (4,910,150) Decrease in Revenues: Sales Tax Revenue Loss: Reduction in Investment Income: Decrease in Electric Utility Tax: Total Reductions to Revenues: Increase in Personnel Costs: GENERAL FUND BUDGET DEFICIT: 20 212001000 800,000 300,000 3Y300,000 1�610050 $ 4410,150 Budget Deficit Solutions General Fund Deficit: Budget Balancing Options: Transfers In: Balance from Economic Uncertainty: Designation to Maintain/Repair Aquatics Facility: Designation for City Hall Improvements: Capital Improvements Fund Balance: Total Transfers In: Cancel Funding for Equipment Replacement Charges Total of Budget Balancing Options: $ (4,910050) 739,000 525050 314,280 2,601,570 V80,000 730,150 $ 4,910,150 21 c,enerai tuna tsuaget r Y 2012/2013 Revenues, Net of Transfers: Operating Transfers In One -Time Transfers In Total General Fund Revenues Preliminary Expenditures: Equipment Replacement Charges Other Miscellaneous Adjustments Total General Fund Expenditures Deficit $47,61 2,300 400,000 4,180,000 Py192300 $52�910300 (730,150) 12050 52092300 22 $ 0 $4,580,000 Occupancy $5,100,000 10% $5,940,100 11% Property Taxes $6,000,000 12% 23 Business License $10,306,800 Sales Tax Cogenerated $6,275,000 12; o° 00 0 (Oo 0 o° o o° �o 0 54,504,867 49,887,290 48,181,739 47,612,300 FY 2oo8- FY 2009- FY 2010- FY 2011-2012 FY 2012- 2oog Actual 2010 Actual 2011 Actual Year-end 2013 24 Estimate Preliminary FIL9W-ear Expenditure Reduction - $10.5 million o° 00 0 G° o o° °o 0 o° 011 09111 0 N� z87 $52,1192300 10, 948, 2 15 8 31 �I 0 X Total Nonpersonnel Total Benefits Total Salaries -I I I I I I 2008-2009 2009-2010 2010-2011 2011-2012 2012-2013 25 (in millions) Revenues: Expend: Structura Def icit; 3-Year Forecast 2013 2014 2015 2oi6 $ 48,000 $ 48,960 $ 49,939 $ 50,938 $ 52,910 $ 54,497 $ 56,132 $ 57,816 $ (4,,910)$ (5, 5 3 7) $ (6,.19 3) $ (6, 8 7 8) 26 Balances @ 9130/2012 Deficit Spend 2012/2013 Balance @ 9/30/2013 Transfers 2012/2013: Economic Uncertainty Fund Transfer Capital Funds Transfer Balance @ 9/30/13 after transfers in Projected 3 year Deficit Spending 201312o16 LI lull is UQIQI ICC $8)995,000 -$4,18o,000 $4,815,000 VCI ICII I UI ICI $0 -$4,18o,000 -$4,18o,000 $739,000 $739,000 $3,441,000 $3,441,000 $8,995,000 $0 -$18,6o8,000-$18,6o8,000 $38,000,000 -$4,18o,000 $33,820,000 $0 $0 $33,820,000 -$18,6o8,000 Estimated balances at 9130/2o16-$9,613,000-$18,6o8,000 $15,212,000 27 Available Fund Balances: Transfer from Capital Projects Fund(exhausted) Transfer from Equiment replacement Fund(exhausted) Purchase of Ladder Truck Remaining Deficit: Loan from Enterprise Water & Sewer funds (Fund balance of $4,9oo,000 remaining) Estimated balances at 9/3o/16 after transfers in 28 General Fund Ending Balance $253,744 $6,152,270 17% reserve Deficit $253,744 $6,152,270 -$1)200)000-$1,200)000 Investable Funds $0 $0 $0 $5,2o6,014 $5,2o6,014 $O -$4,406,986-$13,401,986 $15,212,000 $4,406,986 $4,406,986 $0 $o -$8,995,000 $15,2122000 Transient Occupancy Tax: Currently, rate is 8% * U UT, currently set at z & 3% What is the average for the area? 29 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% 140/6 14% 140/6 L .. �....... iNoM c4�` �Oa dos ��o sa'r T°rr �''9i° yay? y°i �diL <'Os o9G� `�~�:' 9e�a �9a oaa° a'Lio cease �°o Ora �Osa aaa% �9e ash oa ash O° c4�` �Oa dos ��o sa'r T°rr �''9i° yay? y°i �diL <'Os o9G� `�~�:' 9e�a �9a oaa° a'Lio cease �°o Ora �Osa aaa% �9e ash oa ash O° Current Transient Occupancy Tax rate is 8% A 1% increase (for a total 9% tax rate) _ $637,500 A 2% increase (for a total lo% tax rate) _ $1,275,000 * Average for surrounding areas is 12% 31 110 ao'O �fa� �9,��y�°� �i°sa ry'Qd/ sy�9i N ry 7e y * tiectric zsc uas u u i , currentiy set at 3ro: * A1% increase (fora total 4%tax rate) = $1,582,000 * A 2% increase (for a total 5% tax rate) =$3,164,000 * Water U UT, currently set at 3%: * A 1% increase (for a total 4% tax rate) = $116Y700 * A 2% increase (for a total 5% tax rate) =$233,300 Average for surrounding areas is 7% 33 * Telephone Tax, currently set at z%: = A 1% increase (for a total 3% tax rate) =$338,950 - A 2% increase (for a total 4% tax rate) =$677,900 Cm Total 1% increase = $2,675000 Total z% increase = $5Y350YOOO 35 INTERNAL SERVICE F EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT GENERAL LIABILITY FUND WORKERS' COMPENSATION FUND ENTERPRISE FUNDS * WATER FUND SEWER FUND GOLF COURSE FUND 36 * Used to accumulate and allocate costs internally among the City's various functions. * Equipment Replacement Fund: * Enough accumulated fund balance to sustain budgeted expenditures and allow for the purchases of critical items. * Remaining items' useful lives will be extended. The General Liability and Workers' Compensation Funds have been funded at the actuarially determined expected rate. 37 Funds where the City charges a fee to customers to cover all or most of the costs of services it provides. * The budgets in the Water and Sewer Funds are in balance. Golf Course Fund: is reporting a slight deficit of $19,000. This deficit includes a loan repayment to the General Fund of $Z00,000. 38 *Council Direction to finalize the FY 2012-2013 Operating Budget. *Continue the Public Hearing to September 18, 2012 39