PROOF OF INSURANCE (2024 - 2025)THIS CERTIPICATIE tS 1*61101 AS A MATMR OF INFORMATIdN'ONLY AND COVFEJ�S, NO FISHTS UPON TWE 0 .01%7-10009 HOLDEIL Mi CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEOATIVELY AMEND. F-XT9NO OR ALTOR THE COVERACIE AFFORDED- BY THIE POJJCM$ BELOW. , Tilts CERTIFIcATE OF JNSURANCIE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETINEEN THE 16SUING '19SUAIE14(S), A0rmRjzED R&R1t6EMTArVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CM71FICATE: HOLDER. - i 509-9—gublbot to ft. IMPORcartiticaUTANT* :If the bolder Is an ADD17110RAL INSURED, the pofttles) muqt Im andendorsed.ItSUS A ft IS -WAIVED. - term and condWafts of the polio, In poIkW* May raqWre on. endorsement A statement on " cqrt1fkmft,do,* not confer rig'Oft 0 ft c00lcv1q holder In IIo4 ofamth andorsem(n9s). Vitamem Paeffic Libre Insurance Agency, Inc. 6330 W Mpents 910., ft. 401 LDS Art'!a1go, Q4 90'040 .9 INSURED Mr. Fish Aquarium: & Pani&S"m Inc. 622 N.:La Br.ea•Aveme irt1wmod, CA mm COVEMOM r CEffTIFIOTE NU14MfINEftr REVISION NUIVIBEM� TMS INDICATED. C Nc , _ IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLIC1580 NOTNTHSTANDING ANY AEOPIAIW ERTIFICATE MAY SE, ISWEA 0'fj' MAY, CLA)SIONSAN64ONtiMOKS OF SOCIJ IP , PERTAJN. POI IVES LN'Su OAK, E LISM SEI, MRSEEN T, TW OR CONDIT! ON OF ANY THEN& IRANCE- AFFORDED BY L"T.0 SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN I SSUED TO CONTRACT THE POLICIES REDUCED jSy THE INSURED OR OTHER' DE-SCRIBEO'N PAID CIAI,"i, poR, THE #OUG NAMED ABOVE Y, PERIOD, WTH �tr*MT TO MICH tH($ .. ' MN 1S:8V8At0T*tOAL1 Ettki%k T9F g-04AWROmm mim PWCY "Oust-M ImTs A MmmeKCIALGENERAL FRI UpBary 0muit — y — y 7MOC"63 DW=02;3, '0V=0.2 A MED;EXP OnTOM 0000M "s PERSCkk &ADV' IJVjURY A! Xr .:Dedud kft! -0- dM& AGORMATE umir Aoputs PER: 7 Pouv E Z& Fx- Lee AUTOM06M9 UASIUTV AW. AUTO 'X ALL DVMED AUTO$ -5� SCHEOULEBAUTOS 75j- HRED AUTO& 0112=023 01/2(W2024II SINOLE UmtT & Y PROPERTY aAMAtE (PQa4dqen# UifnsUmd Mato6st 1.0ml-000 KOW"EaALFTOS X UMORaU LIAB x OW22)2023 09=024 S. gme 000 AGOROGATe EXCM,LKS: DS!A!VSqADF- F7, Prd�omf10P&Ad9t -10-001000 s -000.000 DEDUCFZISLE� Waiver OsuJiMOM aw#9840r genstaIM'0111ty WW Worlkem comperumllon. Coverage la primWand non-=*Utq arm rrggnolnedby over aq)psur AddlttonM thsured. panoeiation rtca lcs to, 30 days, cm, oallation for non -pa yrnant Is, 10 days. Cartilicerte Haiderii an Ad4ittdrmU (inured. City of EN %Vndd. EJ Seguade, CA 90245 =ANY 0VTW AaQV9 00,00AMI), #00Q03J*,CA N'094AXP 0M'm'TKE 1001bAtS TMM0, NOTICS WILL 89 �KWP-, 0 00060041a IN THE Crawford AQQRjD1 251200901)- ThmAcokb name and logo are re.glawred itaft of ACORD, COMMERCIAL GENERAL UASWTY CQ 20 011044 113 'THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY.. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. This ighdorsementmod!inRes s turoncei V10W Under the lbliomng: 0 " , C The following is a4ded to ,the ftir Insurance Con0lon and s.upereades, any provW, on to the: c 'trar on Fnmere Aod WoncOntributory'Insumnce This Insurance is ppm -ary 16, and will n seek , , ot oontdb4anlift a'ny' . ,otber insumnee avolloble to an addi0ppol insured undef your policy pro vi� _ thar (1 -1-- The additional Ingumd. 0 a No -mod Irttured qrtdorsU h per ift0tefte-and CG 20:0fi 04 13* 0 Insurance SMICSS OfhW, VIM, 2QI2 Page 1 of 001 ♦ s:.. w • � 4 r�'�� s POLICY NUMBER: 796BIG07263 CO'MMERMAL GENERAL UABILITY CG24 040 1.9. THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE READ IT CARSFULLY. WAIVER OF T:: FE'R + F RIGHTS F RECOVERY .. AGAINST THERS T US (WAIVER OF SUBROGATION) N) Thls erldor hl M. madlfld insurance prqvided under the following: 0 • • - 2 i may. yy !� SCHEDULE Native .Of Per: on(s). Or anizaiian(A'. ,Any s raonisl vs vegan atiori(s) that are shown in. the applicabie Dbc7.arat bns for this eiidQEselnent . Infcrmallarm Mulmd W m morn tete this Sjqhadula, if not shown above will be shaven In the Dealar4ons. + � �wr Mw �: •+ we - M w w� • �r;, • w w - w as �:. .�u w • ws w�i w s'- a, vex. CC 24 041219 V Insurance Services Office; Inc., 2018 Page 1: Qf 1 Mr_Ash,Urrr& I Pond ervlce lqo. 8 1�110=40i*lbM&O W. a 2iF6 3 to COMMORCIAL GENERA*, L LIAMILITY CG 40 33 12 19: THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY.. PLEASE RtAD IT CAREFULLY. This endorsement mod ifiesimrance, provided under the fotloWng' COMMERCIAL, GENERAL UAOuTy COVERAGE PART 11. Ybar octs or omissions; or .2. The. acts. or omissions of.these a 0-Ing on your behalf, in the perfoonance of your ongoing ,operations for ft additional insured, Fjw*veri the Insurance Aftbrded -to such i3dditibnal Insured: 1. Onty. -alpplies to the extent permitted by low, 40d 2. Will not be broader than that: WhIch you are required 4y $0 contrw or agreement to provide forsuch additional insured'. A parsons or oroantzation*9 statas as an ,additional Insured; LOddr this endorsement ends when your operations fur that, addifional Inured am completed-,, 001 20 33 1.;2-10 0 Insurance 3ervices:01ficeP Inc., 26115 Pea 1 of. 2 Mr.FM* lilr=17=114M FA awo ID 2. "Bodily injury' or "poperty damage' occun,ing a. All watk, including ittatedals, parts or e4viphient furnished in: connection wah such work, o.. the prqj�. (,*or then Servioei m9IhWnanc6 or tqmirs) 0 be, performed by or on 00aff of the additional insuro*) it the location of the covered o0rdtions has been CQMOWWor, b-. TW portion of Na"Ur WOW out of,which the injUry or damage been pvt th fts interideO Lm by any person Or organization other than another contmtor or subcontractor engaged in performing opet6tions: for, -a principal as a pad of the $me project. C. With respect to the. insurance. aftfolixi to the addMonal insureds, the folloWirig, Is added -to Section III:— UMIts, Of Ineuranow The most we will pay on baW of Ow 401WOrtal: Insured Is the amfait oflft,ow. Re4ulted by the contract or qgreament,you, have anterad tnto With the Ato,�si, lnt ured; or 2. Available under the. applicable limits c! in urance, .6. whichever is less. This• endor-serned xhilll. not increase the. applicable limits of Insurance. Page. 2 of 2 Ginsuranpe SerAces; Office, Int. 2010 0G.20-33 12 19 mmii 42 #T C M $ WA 4 WORKERS: COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY JNSU` WC.'04 03.10111 ROWCE POLICY' (is di WAIVOt OF OURRIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS ENDORSEMENT - CALIF0,01A vfthava the right to rec!orovr payments -from anyone lii-b.l.efor aninjury covered -by this pollcy. WenvAll n6t_W0(;o our right against fife pmori, or organigatton named WtheSichadule. (This agreement applies only to tho:extentthat,yp'Li'O-OrforMwork: under a written dontract that- req ires yaw to obtain this agreement from us.) Y04 mustmpintain payroll recOrds-somimVery repo 'ngthe so dl remuneration of yogr empl.Wom whilo angWd in the work d6s&00 in the Schedde. The additional. PrOnilum:Nr this endorsement shall be 2% of thd California workers' compensation ptemloM dtherwiseduoien such Schedule ftraort or Oroanizedon Job Descrfptlon Arfyperton,dr prgginizallon as required by written contract. This endorsement: rphan porra Id. which it is attached and is effeative ort tie. daft. LftU I a . 0, _@e.s the ed unless therwis.. gta_ (The.Information, ha(oW. ti reqUIMd only when this andarsoment *19, Issiled subsequent to prepay-affan -of"the pulley,). Endorsement Effeetve 617=23 Niiey Nd. TWC4280946 Endammont No. 0 Insured Mr Fish Aquarium A Pond, Servlce� Inc. (A Corp) Premium 3,830 insurance Compahy Technology Insurance CoMpany,. In Countersigned by WC .04,03 06 (8d, 6.4,84) CC>R ' CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MMIDDIYYYY) THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(les) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement('s). PRODUCER J-Mac Insurance Agency ""'"" ^" NAME. ate owltt FAX 27943 Seco Canyon Road, Suite 504 PHONE � (818)JSFu'1869' - I818 e 1 1258 Santa Clarita, CA 91350 E-MAILQ.B ADra—atieqO"'E°r`' License #: 0761135 INSURERS AFFORDING COVERAGE NAN, _ INsuRER A : California„-Automobile.ins,urance Company 3 34 INSURED INSURER B : Mr. Fish Aquarium and Pond Service, Inc INSURERI�; ._� 622 N La Brea Ave INSURER D : Inglewood, CA 90302-3007 INSURER E : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 00001713-0 REVISION NUMBER: 1 THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICYPERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. tlNSR LTNt ' TYPE OF INSURANCE b DL NUMBER POLICY_ POL CY EFF M DD POI LICY EX'P � ._._.. LIMIT S EACH OCCURRENCE_ $ COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILRY CLAIMS MADE OCCUR pREMY EccurtNt $ ._,_ MED EXP (Any one person) $ PERSONAL a ADV INJURY $ AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERALAGGREGATE s _GEN'L PRE LOC El JECT PRODUCTS COMPIOP AGG $ PRODL ......� OTHER A AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Y Y BA040000086639 01/20/2024 01/20/2025 -COML ?... BIKED SINGLE LIME ... $ 1 0 0t 0 ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY Per arson) ( � $ ._. OWNED W SCHEDULED ide BODILY INJURY (Per accident) t) $ AUTOS ONLY AUTOS HIRED NON -OWNED PRONERTY DAbNAGE AUTOS ONLY 1, AUTOS ONLY� Para • kNJaR .- -• UMBRELLA LIAB y I OCCUR EACH OCCURRENCE $ EXCESSLIABwIGLAIMS -MADEI AGGREGATE $ DED RETENTION $101 $ WORKERS COMPENSATION STATUT ER AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY YIN " ANY PROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? NIA (Mandatory In NH) E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYE $ Use, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E,L. DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT $ DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached If more space is required) Certificate Holder is Additional Insured with Waiver of Subrogation CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE ............ CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WORKERS' COMPENSATION DECLARATION WARNING: FAILURE TO SECURE WORKERS' COMPENSATION COVERAGE IS UNLAWFUL AND SUBJECTS AN EMPLOYER TO CRIMINAL PENALTIES AND CIVIL FINES UP TO ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOLLARS ($100,000), IN ADDITION TO THE COST OF COMPENSATION, DAMAGES AS PROVIDED FOR IN LABOR CODE § 3706, INTEREST, AND ATTORNEY'S FEES. I affirm under penalty of perjury under the laws of California one of the following declarations: (_) I have and will maintain a certificate of consent of self -insure for workers' compensation, issued by the Director of Industrial Relations as provided for by Labor Code § 3700 for the performance of the work set forth the agreement with the City of El Segundo. Policy No. (_4 have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance as required by Labor Code § 3700 for the performance of the work for which the agreement with the City of El Segundo is executed. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are: S IQ�� Carrier Policy Number Expiration Date " Name of Agent - Phone # ( I certify that, in the performance of the work set forth in the agreement with the City of El Segundo, I will not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Labor Code § 3700 1 must immediately comply with thos r isions or the agreement will automatically become void. Signature of ApOoLylv11� cant Date Print Name ''' Agreement for: MY Dated: - -100 Reviewed by: [01MA