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PROOF OF INSURANCE (2025 - 2025)
D EN OV-2 QE FDATE (MMIDDNYYY) CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 0611312024 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER P�I CT Cummins Insurance Agency License # OC42488 WC No m. Cummins Insurance Agency, Inc. 916-961-6000 PHON Cu 11 .. _..m FAX _.. 961-6000 � 916-961-3046 4401 Hazel Avenue, Suite 110 SS Fair Oaks, CA 95628 DI A Cummins Insurance Agency INWREf3JSLAFFORDING COVERAGE-., ..... .,,�I/lIC N INSURER A :Lloyds..of....Lo„n.do.� 085202........._� .... .�............... .................. .................... .m...m _ � INSURERB Nationwide Mutual nce Co a..... 23787 ,INSURED St Novo Planning Group Steve IUICiWluftry _.__ _. ^.µ^ INSURERC; Hartford Casualty Ins Co 29424 1020 Suncast Lane,. #106 StarStone Specialty Ins. Co. 44776 El Dorado Hills, CA 95762 INSURER D : ����......____. -LNSURERE:ArCh Specialty Ins. Co. INSURER F ;. A""n1AC C1 A're f°`C0'TICIf'AT= 11,12IIkA1=0- Idl I16PIPIZIP- THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. _.—._ """"""-.. INSR ADDL SUB POLICY EFF POLICY EXP -TYPE OF INSURANCE I SD POLICY NUMBER - POLICY LTR YY YYY� LIMITS A X COMMERCIAL 11 GENERAL LIABILITY E6�C4-I (yCCl1RRFY�ICF �; 2,000,000 M CLAIMSMADE �X � OCCt. R X X PSM0039941132 1412912024 1412912025 �.55' X waiver P D� E I �'�'� ner��" ........ 0d)0 � X ..._................. Primary/Non-Contr I>� PSONAI..9, ADV INJURY$ 2,000,000 4,000,000 I l am Ai PI IF P.r NPO AGjC LR-un,FE $ X ICR-C;ArL F�r�• IT PRnL Cr 2 000,000 Ben. 2,000,000, 4CbAfrH?R I JEmp � B AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY 01`46M I rllpfi iF:I-IMIF 1000,000 , X ANY AIF0 X X ACP BA 30-3-8668630 03/15/2024 03/15/2025 ����u��Lah���g� �'�),.r� wwwwwwwwwwww,.,W......,m,m,m, Q:DU`JNE SCHEDULED AJ! V 1�MI R`f IPE:U t .L(aen f $ m.., _...._ AE:)AV-S VE1 ONLY LIICONLY PGhlhAJC ....... � ,.... $ D UMBRELLA LIAB X OC(::LIFd AC4Y C7C CI RRFYdCF $ 1,000,000 X EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS .MADE X X CSX00090224P01 04/29/2024 04/29/2025 AGGREGATE $ 1,000,000 C WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY 7X]. 61FR C7Y4d X 57WECZ03688 04129l2024 0412912025 EXCLiil�R/E�CI FIVE �.f � N 1 A �A��C � W ER/Mi E ABER I - 1,000,000 CEL ^ { A EMPLOYEE ID yes flesciPibe, under 1m....._.'..........000000 , ¢�1ESCRIRTIC)N C,rp-..r. PFRATIONS, kl0ow E _ DISEASE POLICY I_IMI F $ A Professional Lia PSM0039941132 04129/2024 04f2912025 2,000,000 A Pollution PSM0039941132 04/29/2024 04/29/2025 �E&O 2,000,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, maybe attached if more space is required) r0'0"ri Mr A"rC Unt Ir^a C'SA P"".dA'AI'I-CI I ATInKI ELSEG-1 SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. City of El Segungo Public Works Dept. 350 Main Street AUTHORIZEDREPRESENTATIVE El Segundo, CA 90245 ACORD 25 (2016103) © 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD pwr l C t C INSURING CLAUSE 1: PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY ALL SECTIONS COMBINED Aggregate limit of liability: USD2,000,000 in the aggregate SECTION A: ERRORS AND OMISSIONS Limit of liability: USD2,000,000 each and every claim, including costs and expenses Deductible: USD2,500 each and every claim, including costs and expenses SECTION B: BREACH OF CONTRACT Limit of liability: USD2,000,000 Deductible: USD2,500 SECTION C: SUB -CONTRACTOR VICARIOUS LIABILITY each and every claim, including costs and expenses each and every claim, including costs and expenses Limit of liability: USD2,000,000 each and every claim, including costs and expenses Deductible: USD2,500 each and every claim, including costs and expenses SECTION D: CONTINGENT BODILY INJURY AND PROPERTY DAMAGE LIABILITY Limit of liability: USD2,000,000 each and every claim, including costs and expenses Deductible: USD2,500 each and every claim, including costs and expenses SECTION E: INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS INFRINGEMENT Limit of liability: USD2,000,000 each and every claim, including costs and expenses Deductible: USD2,500 each and every claim, including costs and expenses SECTION F: POLLUTION LIABILITY Limit of liability: USD2,000,000 Deductible: USD2,500 SECTION G: REGULATORY COSTS AND FINES Limit of liability: USD2,000,000 Deductible: USD2,500 each and every claim, including costs and expenses each and every claim, including costs and expenses each and every claim, including costs and expenses each and every claim, including costs and expenses We Oil not exemNe any rights of recoveq/ agairmt any empl Unless this Is iri respect (,-)f any froudulant or d3hanest was or onnissions as proven by frial adjudicatiorn arbitral tribunal or written admision by the emplloy, My recoveries will be appNed az follows; a, towards any recovery expenses lnr�.,drred by LAS: K th011 try US LIP tO the arnount of our oayment under this Policy, inclu(Jing co�5ts and expenses'; then to yoU as rec,(.-wery ofymjrd"Iuctibie SOW an ontity c"(mse,, bbe * Ubt,!lidiiry nftor the mot�pflwelAtes_ covor in r(-,,��'poeft of tho entity will cm,itinug as If it was still a subsidiary (During the period of -the poIllicy, but only in respect of an act, erroq on'lission or event occurring phor to the diate that it ceased to be a ,5ubnip diarly, ,20' Procoeafor rpoyiina- ,A,ny PrWaqy notIcation transmitted by you or on your behalf rnusL be clone with r5rlejr writton ccmnamt We vAH anture that motMcabon is compHant vAth mmy logAl or regulatory rRquIrRrnents an(-] contractual obl[gation& No offer Must be made for hnan6al incenti'veg g1t, couponA vnedA or 5ertm unN-,,5,s wO Quir prlc�r vvrlCten con5ent vyhlch YvIll orgy be oroAded Ifthe offer is the risk of ha"n WA will rut Est he li�hlp, finr nriv rvnrflt-m r,sf the cogtA Im lnr!ur ririrlor MR) SING �71-AilJSE 2 (SECTFlOPq C (.,)r,iQ) that @=Oed the COM tha: YOU Would irtcurrred hae.J you galriod Our prior written consent. In the absence of our prior written consent %we 011 only loe halole to cagy you the equivalent cost of a notificaWn Made Lusln(,� the ry--iost cost eRecOve Means perrrflsslble under the governIng law, 21, %A(MVP r Of r4,U .:%rog.afiem monwhenridin minjornom "in, wo ngroo U'� wniVO LA?' bf nLg nin�,,t arty third parry if, prior to tho c.:1RIrn or, incidont which Skmj reasonably expocted to givre riso to a clkxalrri, you entered into a convict that contains a pgovhl(.an requiring you to do this, 22, Choke of Maw, juhi";;cflctiQry and of �,wft &I tho event or a you =1� u* n gars:Jin�;� thl,� Nlk;y, thi,- dl,tspute will govwnmd by the I mws cK the St= 0 thm UnIt9d St A as, eif A, th o, e)f 10w s't8tp,rJ in the Declamunns Page, We ai'..4ree' at your rpt-,juest, 'LO SUbrnit )ur[sa.Jictlon c)ta courtaf competeritjuris(:�intion vd&dn the United States of Arnerica, Notrin In M Cundition conattum or 5h(� uld be under.,5uodd t(.� Qon,,�tltute a waiver of our r[�41-its to ori actIon In any cowt of competent jul1sclMor-i In tl"-ie Uri[ted, States (,-4 bnwmm V= 0 k� CfC VA issued In reHance upon that inbrmation. The misre-preser-itation or' r'iori-diFSC1C)SLA('e of any matter rendarthis PahcynUl anal Wd and rellevounfrnm all kalmill-ty under Its Policy, S, CmhuAVan of busiroass lintarruFxtion lor4es Folloydry an hoemugdon to your business aNAM covereci under INSURIING ClAUSES 2 (SECT10N Pori ly) or 6,YOU must provide us with your ca I cu I n6:m of the (:>ss, inc I u(Jing: a, h(,,-,svv the ciss has been umlauksteirl and wh�mt sis,urnr-,)tir.,wis have be&tan rnadc"�?: ar A supportino docurnents including account stabiAments, salei� prqj96;;t[on,,,,n,, and lnvolm,.-,u, 6, Cancellartion Ws Policy may becanceled vAth 30 days"Otten noCce byeither ymGar us. If you give us notice of cancellation, the return premium will be in propordon to the number of day thatthe PaHey is in effect. However, Tyau have mrisde a claim ur,w,,,Ivpr this Pk�,sIicythere will be no return premlium, If Vve r[(�kc;tv of ConmIlAurq ruetuni pre rrillmil will hew In Pra�pt'drt[vn U) U"[o rfunluur of dzayrs that Policy I!:, in e=ffect. We also reserve the UK of cancGlat[cin in the, event that anv an,iounl: (JUP-' to us bv you rprripins unpaici more than days beyond the inception (late, If we exercise this right of cancellaMon It VWH take eNect Sum '14, GJay,,5 @Mor the, rat o the written m;Wce of Banc ellatirdn Is KWU The PolicyAcr-ribistadon rGaYS be demmac fully emm.,d upon incop6on orthe P(,-)llc--y. 7, Cor-rainerdall propelty aMOUnt insured re(instaternent In respect of INSURING CLAUSE 5, [ri the elver"t, that the'm arnouro, hnsur(�,d is partially reducemd or tOtMHY SAMMY due to the maymont of a clalm as a reaWt of darnRge to ywAr prernises or cmAents, U ie arnount insured 011 be auU,,.)r,na-.IcaIly reiristated, provided; a, we do riot give you mmitten noWe YAWn 30 Mys of the nadf cation of darnage stating otho rwi-sG; b, whnre the arnount of loss, riot of the appRable deducKA, exceeds $20,000 you pay an addlional xwfarniuvi,i advised i,).v us; c, ym agree to any Wer Wk manegerneril. rW;iUestWj UY u*. 81, Corvitlinuour, mm,,ir Ira respect of INSUPING CLAL)SES I and 4 (SECT10N r only), if d, ur[mg the poriod of a previous renewal of this Policy you rieglected, throLgh error or oversight only, to repc)rt to us an KnUdent that rnight give rise to a clairn, then provided you have r-naintained uninterrurxed in5urance of die Smue type Y&I us shce Woly Of the Fneyouzren�\�Val of 0-0* Polky, WC VVIII V4 L Mut you irmx-gia cllo In t;ha,;,;vrznt vf- a daIlirv-) area cyt;c-r undd, cm -it If any senior execu-Uve officer becornes amore of any incident whicin rnay reasonably be expened to givo- rise to a clairr uru..Jer this Policyyou must: notify U-Pe cllaIlms managers as as is reasonably c�f c'yber Incident% a talephans call to nuir cyber Incident remponme Wllne will constitute rmligatiorl, i-l(�jm UA ramillumlon nnmt be ri(;o- late�r U'iai'r Ll"re virr(.1 of arly applicablo ex&,-mded rc;-,�porVng period; On [in respect of INSL)PIING CLAUSES 2 (SECT"ION D only), 3 �tmd 5, r( p(,.)ft the, theft or inc: dent as soon as I reasonably onct.icablka to the apprc: priat�v law ranforcernont aur,hontles iind r,,arovkJp. us wIth a copyof As report on our requeM and tP riot admA ISM116; for vr „tittle vr make or prmhe any payn cif, arry Qq*ts 4wd ampainmer w1hout our milor YmAtan agramrme4rit (rAlhlch will ln�,-� umrmmsomnls-sly vahhmm) In respect of IINSO,. RIING <'.:,LAUSES I and A. (SECTION F only), if you notify an incident that we a q roe Q ro a Go n;i1oly oxpoctcid tog No rig o to a ch%, we will �c—;,pt any clJnim thQt. o',jt of the Incident as being rmtMed under ANs Polly, WP rt,�,ci u I re,-'�,YC5U to P ri.nv[ d a f U I dem I 15: of t h6.,� i nc I ta!l r�nt, in cl ua!l I mg In ut nr,-Et I I rn a, the tore, P18CP M wit; On thierriaririerina&ichyoqjf[rGtbecar-y-ierLivvar(Dcafthi!:;ir-ICI(jr�,rit; r- the reasr.m.9 why YOU believe that thus inmdent cmdd Uive rise to a dmrn under Ms PO ICY; d, the identlyr),fthe g,,xAamt!iml cdP.i[rnF4r7t; mrled a an rMation so to the eme of the claim that c(,,)u I d rv6ult frorn Lhi@, inciden1t, In respect of INSURIING CLAUSES 2 and 3, if Inau discover a caber evvnit yoii,,i may only incur coos Mllvout ot..iir pricur writtxan consent with n the fir t 72 hours following the discovery and any Md on cr)!;ts inc!urrmcd miust be vvlh a cnmr�sny fnrming r),srt mfthn approved c1laims pariall providlers, All cxhwr coms rr-iay only be incuumd vvith the ralw vvQM@n consent of thFa Mms rnana�,,Oqtrrz (Milch will not be unrea,;�onal;.Ay vvltliheld), 2., Addftlior)W insuireds We will lndernrufy any thitird parq, as an @ddPQon@I insured um.-Jer this Pohc,-,-.y, but only In res[,:xect (.-.)r sums vvhich they becume legally ubliged to pay for claimants' costs armd expensey as 0 mmwt of a 49041 Kong Soo, out of an yoq,i, provIded that; Mmnvmmvv'a CtIC a. you contmwed in writing to In(.,Jery-inify the thlird party for 0-ie cllallrvi prior to it first beirig rr,inda ogaimii-t them'; emJ b, had th a AS been rned a a W a Irmt you, V-ier"i you wou I c! be entitled to [ndernnity under AS POUCY, Defore am indornril-Py any n(.-JdItAnaHnswed they rnu�,t! a. pRwe to Usth at' the ccllairrii arose soleyout of an act commVtted byY09 and A QIQ cornply wit'In CONDITION'las if they werrayou, Whiew we h iderrvAry a Mid pony as an MIAMI lmiuros-.J ur i(Jur Polk;y, IJ il, Pulk-,�y will L)ld prWary and non vuntributiz,ary to :lhfz� Wird party,,a 'a ,wn inuranco, but onu only Ir yoon4.,) Lh o thlIrdl rt,% ,/ h*vr.--s g.-sntorgd M a con,"act that containt a rwaviNon roqWring thR, Wlherr.,., a thlird porW is coated as an additional inSUr(,-ic-J as a resWt of this Condition, any cllaim maa.-Je by that fl-Od party againstymi will bra treatrad by us as if they w9re a 'third pmrty and riot, a,, an in, wrvd. W"o have- thc.- right @n(J c.-Juty to take, (,-,on(-.roI or and condu(-..,t in your nary-ic.a the, rove,,5tlga6on, motina,mont or downse of any cinint We vAH not have any cwty to pay com ancl expenses for any pap or to ciawn tri@t is not covereo ray tails P.(.aIicy. Ybu may ask the Alms rnarag ers to conNer appointinW your own lawyer to defer"J the Wairri on your Wolf orii;J tl-io cllainrijs vinaringens, nimy Wirmnt 3mawr raqwest if they corialder your AnWor iA SUItAbly (-�Uallf A by eNPOOMCI Wng hyto Acamms tM '-.ulbjocft r��iatU� r (e,�f dlllrhl, and th(,.-� cost to prov[(Jrn ,n M QH andeavor tt settle any cAz&n thr(.)ugh r-nedIciti(:)n (,,)r si.,)rne (-Ahrar altemaUve d0pute reoinkalon and WII pay fan your behalf thp arriouni. vyc-ro Qqrz,(with LN,, Clairmont If we cann,�,�� %qq MH pay Halde to pay mitherin or through arbiralcm proceadingn, rubjert to the ilirriltaf lllaMill fty. we will not settle any cllalni VW&WUt YOUr corisp-rit If you rOfU��';e tc,,.) provido your corisent to a setUsirnent recon-irriended by us and elect to continue legal proceedings in connection with th- rApim, any furthen- =W5 wid vxpema lnnuri-�d will pad key ygq, A�5 iA (if >45ur refusal, our HAKINI, for We allaW MH rnt be rnwe them the mwic��umt For whic-'Ih the CiOM"11 emAd have been MCA risci yrnlo r.,nna,,,Pnt*r,1, any costs and inci-irroc-I orior to the a ate or your retusm, 4. AppHcatlion warranty You agree that aH statements mQdo by you in the appIlavion fi,;�rrn, ncludng any renewal applicatl(:)rl ft')rr'n, ar.i(J arty suppAernental materials you riave supplie(,J iri support of tl-ie applicathri for insurance, are your us arll::l tk.le Is COMMERCIAL AUTO AC 70 05 03 16 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY, PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY. WNSS AUTO PROTECTION - GOLD Thi, oridorsoment modifle, Insuranoo provided undor the following: BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM SUMMARY OIL COVERAGES & ffos,t of Thk I-ndoroorno tit B. Newly Ac qulrod or Form6d E'rlkitlo.q C, Employees as Insureds — Nonowned Autos D. Additional Insured by Contract, Permit or Agreement E. Supplementary Payments — Bail Bonds F 5upplemantary Paynnent§ — LQ§s of Larninp H, ProjudgMentlntarost Goverago I. r-ollow Bmployea-- Offiror, Managers and Superyieom J. Hind AUtd Physleal DahlAgb K. Temporary Substitute Autos — Physical Damage Coverage L. Expanded Towing Coverage K Auto Loan or Lease Coverage N, Original EquipNNiont Winutewturor Ilemrtg — Lemod PriyAto Pamngv 1'ypog 0. rMdudble Amedhi6ht,4 P. Rental Reirriburnarnent Coverage 0. 5xpanded Transportation 5xpense R. Extra Expense — Stolen Autos 8, Physical Uarnage Limit of Insurance T, N(�w VoWpI Ppglk 11 PMY eol Damp 0rivermap Ext.prigio l V� Trariefor of Fight* of Rwwyory Againot Othwe To U& W. Sectlbh IV — BUSIh@t;S Aufb Cbadltibhs— Nbkd bf dhd Khbwled jd bf 06dwrehce X. Hired Car Coverage Territory Y, emergency lock out Z. CaneWatloii Condition AD 70 05 031 B Ineludes (Nopyri kited rnmtprial of Ingurmnora.SiArvirarg Of ica, Inc, Page 1 of 7 wikh Kit porry0sslon ACP NA LPJI 1.1010 INSURED COPY A066901600 601 47 6606,16 COMMERCIAL AUTO AC 70 05 03 15 A, EFFECT OF THIS ENDORSEMENT Coverage provided under this policy is modified by the pmyisions Qf tt s, endorsement. If there is any conflict between the provisions of this amd, �wdowrtiant s hel the pr6vlolah(s) 6f arhy otata" spocific endorserent also a teohed to this poli- cy, then the provlsion(s) of the state -specific eridorsernent shall apply Instead of the provi- sions of this endorsement that are in conflict, but only to the extent of the conflict, and only to the extent necessary to bring such provisions into conformance with the state requirwyient(s) Qgntaingd In the pwvl**Ion(*) of the 5Ao *§pQQIfIQ endorsement, D, H15WILY A000R,IEV OR FORMED ENTITIES The Nafriad 11160w6d ghewn in the D66I;Aw6tl6fls Is amended to include any organization you newly acquire or form, other than a partnership, joint venture, or limited liability company, and over wl~Ilcl1 y u rti�alu `tairy twnerMship or niajorfty (ii-iore thin Zg'1) Iritcrtmt, It lhr fro I* rig I hm- Waillor In- surance availaue to that organization uov r ge I.Ihd r thil proVkli6h i� of Mod UMtli the 16" clay after you acquirenr farm the organization or the end of the policy period, whichever is later, C. EMPLOYEE$ AS INSUREDS — NONOWNED AUTos The following is added to paragraph A.1. Who Is An 1n*yr0 Q,( UCTION 11— COVERED AVM"0 LIAhBILI't"Y COVERAGE: d. Any "employee" Qf yo ir* i� an "inf.wrad" while ueing a oovered "auto" you don't own, hire or borrow in your business or your per- sonal affairs. D. ADDITIONAL INSURED BY CONTRACT, PERMIT OR AGREEMENT the following is added to A1, Who Is An In. aumd 6f SECTION II — COVERED AUTOR LIABILITY OVERAd 6; Awry p6rgOh or argahi at on that you are re- quired to name as an additional insured in a written contract or agreement that is executed or signcad by you prior to a "bodily injury" or "property dainno" occurrence is an °'ir isured" for C(Qvor 'd A& 1.1011ty HQW- ever, with respeot to oovered "autos", suoh pcArqom br r mni atlon Iq mm fturad only try the, extent that person Qr oroani at"non qualifies as an "insured" under A,1, Who is an Insured of SECTION II — COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE: If specifically required by the written contract or agreement referenced in the paragraph above, any coverage provided by this endorsement to an additional Insured shall be prlim+ary and gny other yelld and oolle tlble Insurenoe avell- able to the additional insured shall be non. mritributory with this insurance. If the written contract does not require this coverage to be primary and the additional insured's coverage; to be non-contributory, then this insurance will be excess over any other valid and collectible insur- �ng,p ava 101e, tQ the a0rlitional inswrpd, E. SUPPLEMENTARV PAYMENTS, RAIL. 0014109 Supplementary Payments of SECTION II COVB_REO AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE is revised as follows; (2) Up to $2,500 for cost of Dail bonds (Including 09nd* tsar rplatW trofil laur ul9JoJ;1 rn§) required heu u @ of an "accident" we cov®r, Wo do n0f I^lava to furn10 thego b6mriq.. F, SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS m- L033 OF EARNINGS Supplementary Payments of the SECTION II — COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE is revised as follows, (4) All reasonable expenses inuwlrred by the "in. gurad" Pt our rar UO(I,t, including mctual IaQq of oorhlhgo w l� to $600 * doy, boodd ioo of time riff from work. G. PERSONAL EFFECTS AND PROPERTY OF OTHERS EXTENSION 1. The. Care, Custody or Control Exclusion of WPTIQN 11 — PPV�KD AQTQ IJAB,1IN,ITY GOVERACPF-, does not apply to "proporty dsmage" in prapo ty, nther than+ yowr pwopoy, op ko Am omowrit hot 4u000, d- ing 0200 in arty unra "MGGident Govertage is excess over arty rstller valid and Collectible insurance. 2. The following paragraph is added to A.Q. Coverage Extensions of SECTION III — PH"Y,514At, DAIVIAPE� OQVRRAP�; c. We will pmy r.ip in q900,Far yraur pr sp rtV thole io loot or dam ood oo 0 roo jlt of oovtrad 10e5", vvi-Ghout applying a de- ductible. coverage is eyegr's over Any other valid and collectible insurance. Pa0a 2 of 7 Inc^ludag copyrighted rnateriml of Insi.irmnr^a Serviops Office, Inc... AC 70 05 0316 with its p0rry llolon lI,C P N:IA N PJ1 lldl§ INS0'i' tO Cdlsy' AC76 901400 601 47 06036SO H. PREJUDGMENT INTEREST COVERAGE The following paragraph is added to SECTION II COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE, QQverago xtenslon,, a" Supplementary Payments: (7) Prejudgrrlont interest awarded against the "Insured" on that pert of the Judgment we pay. If we make an offer to pay the appli- cable limit of insurance, we will not pay any prejudgment interest based on that period of time after the offer. i, N= LLQW EMPLOYCE — IC FFIPP9116p MANAGERS, AND SUPIRVISORS The Follow I inployao Ercwim6ican in OLOTION 11 COVERED AUT06 LIABILITY COVERAGE Is roolaoed pis f6ll6ws; A. "Bodily injury" to any fellow "employee" of the "insured" arising out of and in the course of the fellow "employee's" employment or while la rfdrminq dwtie§ rel t0d to the Qon- durwt of your businssR, This syclusinn does hot 16ply f6 tan "IfturOd" wl o 668upl ;d p �iti n a* on 9ffioer, rnon r, ar fowp ryli Chore J. Hlkb AUTO PHYSICAL DAMAdE! If covered "auto" designation symbols 1 or 8 ap- ply to Liability Coverage and If at least one "'au- W"' You own is, q9yQM0 dry 014 poly for rrl- prehen5ive, 6peoffied Owses of Loss, or Qolllm §imn c v rid , than tho Phyairn.ml Barman Qoyerafap§ provided are exionded tea "Pufos" yQw lease, hire, rent or, borrow without a driver; and provisions in the Business Auto Coverage Form applicable to Hired Auto physical Damage apply up to a limit of $1QQ,RQQ, The deductible will be equal to the largest deductible applictiabla to any owned "sutra" for thffl a av araq& Any C9ermpr&r h-014y d duvti l ds I� t apply is firs ,�r ligritning, k," TIE PORARY 11LIAST11TUTIE AUT09 mm PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE The following is added to paragraph C. Certain Trailers, Mobile Equipment And Temporary Substitute Autos of SECTION I ". COVERED AUTOS., If Rhyeioel IJem@ge Goversge is provided by thii Cov rmgo Form, tho W16Wno typos mf vehicles aro also ooverad ",-avi sW" for Physi- cal Damage Coverage: Any "auto" you do not own while used with the permission of its owner as a temporary AC 70 05 03 °I6 COMMERCIAL AUTO AC 70 05 03 16 substitute for a covered "auto" you own that is out of service because of its; a. Breakdown; b. Repair: c" feryloing; d. "Lots"; or e. Destruction The coverage that applies is the same as the coverage provided for the vehicle being replaced. L, 95(PAND 10 "TOVU'whJO rub VERA0I12 1. We will pay up to- a. $100 for a covered "auto" you own of the private passenger type, or b. $500 for a covered "auto" you own that is not of the private passengertype, fQr, tawIng r)0 labor 1;c*§ inggrrPd oqh time the covered "auto" is dibablW. Hawev- er, the labor must be laerformed at th1e olace of rllIlrrt�arlt, 2. 'This coverage applies only for an "euto'l 66V&O-d dh thit policy far C6m0rdhdh9Iva 6e Specified Causes of loss Coverage and QQ11iaipn Gvvc?rn9c-z. J. Payment applies In addition to the otherwise applig0bic amQuIlt, ref' eagh gow"F091t, yuu have on a covered "auto", M. AUTO LOAN OR LE.A45 COVIZRA0I9 Ire th6 6V60 df a total "16§§" t6 a 66Vee6d "auto", we will pay any unpaid amount due on the loan or lease, including up to a max- imum of $600 for early termination fees or penalties, for your covered "auto" less: 9. The SMOunt pair) under SECTION III 1514VRICAI^ DAMAG17 COVPPA0,117 6f thin policy; and b. Ahy" 1) Overdue lease/loan payments at the time of the "loss"; 2.) Financial penalties imposed under a @m@o for oxr.^.essivo ua@, awbnormml Woor owed �4,lw 0w high mlldovo; 3) 8eourity deposits not refunded by e Wssbr 4) Casts of extended warranties, Credit Life insurance, Health, Accident, or Disability insurance purchased with the lease, and Inclr.Ides copyrightmel rnmtrariml of In@uraanc-? Servicag Off op, Inn., with ito permission PaUA 3 of 7 ACC IAA. 30-34449930 COMMERCIAL AUTO AC 70 05 03 16 5) Garry -over balances from previous leases, 2. This oclverage anly appliaro tQ a "Ilws" whWi is also covered under this policy for Corn. trwohonslvo, Spodflod OIAU! 00 of toss, aN Collision ooverago, 3. Coverage does not apply to arty unpaid amount due on aloan for which the covered "auto" is not the sole collateral. N. ORIGINAL EQUIPMENT MANUFACTURER PART$ — LCA30 PRIVATC IAA UNGER TYKES Under Par;agroph 0, Urnit of Int uranow ut 8EC710N III — PHY'SICAL DAMAGE COVP-RACE, Sddtidh 4 Is added as follows,. 4. We will use new original equipment vehicle manufacturer parts for any private passen- ger type covered "auto" where required by the lease agraernant whioh has a tarns of at lasgt !SIX manths, If m now orininsl !fNLllp�� hidht v6hir„I'o MAKLIk0tivae pooPt Ig hat it) pry.,, durjtion or diotribAign wo may uae a lika, kind and quality raplacerrient part. 0. DEDUCTIBLI: AIINIENOMENYS The following are added to the Deductible provi- sion of SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE If-ahath& p allay car e6v6r 06 f6rm that 14 hat rah mwtornQbIl* pglipy or vov rmga form i**wW �y this corripany appllesto the Sail'ie "sccldent", the fdl16WIM.0 applie'. 1. If the deductible under this coverage is the smaller (or smallest) deductible, it will be waived: Z If the deducatibl@ under this cLoveroicge is not tko allar {ar #+ ll68t} dadaadtlbl , It will 444 fvdvQr ' try tho orn9mrit cf Ow oniallor for smallest) cleductols. If a {comprehensive or Specified (pauses of Iwoss Coverage "loss" from one "accident" involves two or more covered "autos", only the highest deductible applicabl to those coverages will be applied to the '°=ident," if the QavQf tht lo5* is rNaver@d for those UQhiclss. This provision only ppll#s If you aarwy 6Mpe#h4mw ivo +3r Qpocftd mao of Igo Qy rag for th oat v hl I sb and does not extend cuvarags to any covered "autos" f6l' Whidh you dd rrlat ddrwy sudh coverage. No deductible applies to glass if the glass is re- paired, in a manner acceptable to us, rather than roploced, pN RENTAL, REIMBURSEMENT COVERAGE 1, This coverage applies only to a covered "au- to" for which Phygleal Darnage Coverage Is provided on this policy. 2. We will pay for rental reimbursement ex- penses incurred by you for the rental of an ,auto" because of "loss" to a covered "auto". Paymil nt appMrii in addlitian to the Qthfflnivi§t� applinshls amount. of Paoli navernge yeti hove on o evorod '*M,'" N +ac;tlk�l apply to thin coverage, 1 We Will pey ahly fat' thaw 0x00nses incurred during the policy period beginning 24 hours after the "loss" and ending, regardless of the policy's expiration, with the lesser of the following number of days: 9, Th@ nLrrmlbsr of dsvq r8giganobly e6 julmd t6 eggle 6e eglda'd tH6 6v&.6d OrAww" , If "lea*" i* oou*ad by theft, thin number of daye is added to the number of ddy§ it take§ to ladete the daverad "auto" and return it to you. b, The number of days shown In the Schedule. 4, Our paymsnt is limited to the lesser of the f6IIAW1110 4h1&AhN'. a. Necessary send B(itU81 OXPOI1888 indurwdd. b. $75 for any one day or for a maximum of 30 days. This QQvoraw dQe§ not apply While there Are spsire or reserve "autos" mvmilgable to YOU fzv, y6ur ap aratl6hn, C. If "loss" results Trorn the total theft at a ©OV- drdd "out&' of tKd prl M6 Pti§01100 typo, we will pay under this coverage only that amount of your rental reimbursement ex- penses which is not already provided for un- der SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE GOVERAOIE QtavPrage. Uxtcn§iQn, 4, 9XIDANDIN-0 TRAN913014TATION RMPENSE Faragraph AA.a. of SEC'f"ION III — PHYSICAL DAMAjot' COVPRAGP 19 rdplae,,M by the, MHoW- ing; We will pay up to $50 per day to a maximum of 41500 for temporary transportation expense in- curred by you because of the total theft of a Pa0a 4 of 7 Include copyrighted mnterigl of Insurance Servicoa Office, Inn AC 70 05 0316 with its p-rr'h144100, AC P BA 30-344494M LPJ1 IM10 INSURVIb COPY ACTOO663 400 6001 47 6603629 covered "auto" of the private passenger type. We will only pay for those covered "autos" for which you carry Comprehensive or Specified Causes of Loss Coverage. We will pay for tern- porary transportation sxpenses InQw,r d dwring the period beginning 24 hours after, the theft and onding, rogardloss of tho policy's expiration, when the covered "auto" is returned to use or we pay for its "loss". R. EXTRA EXPENSE —STOLEN AUTOS The following paragraph is addend to Coverage Extensions of SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAM c. Wry will rdy few up t6 $1,000 f6P the OVp6hM Qf raturning a raglan Govared "outg" tea you, We will pay only for these covered "autos" for which you carry Comprehensive or Spec- ified Causes of Loss Coverage S. PHYSICAL DAMAGE LIMIT OF INSURANCE Under 5LGTIQN III — PHY51GAL DAMAGI GOVERAGuE, Paramh G, Limit of InRuranoe la r.&awl.166d by tho f611ewIMI! G. Urnit of Insurance 1. The most we will pay for "loss" in any one "accident" is the lesser of: a, The actual cash value of the damaged gr ;AgWn prQpprty P§ Pf the time of the "loins", or 0. Tho oogt Q( repalring or replacing thio damaged or 6tolen property, Z W00 is the moot we will pay for "lass." in any one "accident" to all electronic equip- ment that reproduces, receives or transmits audio, visual or data signals which, at the tim, of "1�"I IS; & kaowrrw*waliamtly Inalmllod In ew upr n the Vwav r d ` ta" in A hQuolr78, +Mooning 91. other I0081tion that is not normally used by tho I'Aut " Ft"'AnulrA0ur r for the, In- stallation of such equipment. b. Removable from a permanently installed housing unit as described in Paragraph 2,a, above or i5 an integral part of that equipment; or u, An integral girt tie( *uQh gquipm�,-riL S, Ah ad,puMmomt, fir r;tiapmd:I0l6h mmd phy0kAI cQndiflon will be nacho in determining actual cash value in the event of d total "loss". COMMERCIAL AUTO AC 70 05 03 16 ment manufacturer or other sources in- cluding non -original equipment manu- facturers and tag If a ropair (x replaQemont restlltta in tat- ter than like kind or gtiiality, we will not poy for tho omduht of ft het Impeovo", mQnt, 5. If we offer to pay the actual Cash value of the damaged or stolen property, we will value auto advertising wraps, paint customi- zation, and similar business related advertises Inc modifications, In addition to the actual oa*h velum W the, p lvp rty� A& 0dv�rtl lr)9 wraps, paint c uslomn ation, and similar bo iho§§ r t t d dvontlslhd 01601;, tI660 will lea valued at the cost to ropl we them with an adjustment made for depreciation and physical condition- T. NEW VEHICLE REPLACEMENT COST "ihe following Is added to the Urnit: of Insurance pr vi> i n cif ==ION III m PHY I' AI. U ItPlA(i t; UVl:-,N L*.: 6, -rho prQvkii9n* Qf paragraph* 1, and I dQ not apply to a oovered "auto" of the private passenger type or a vehicle With a gross vehicle weight rating of 20,000 pounds or Iggs which ip q "nevy vehiel9." In the event of a total "loss" to your new ve,• 11100 W which thl* �,Qvorpgq Ap pljo*, wo All pay at your option; a� 'rho variflipble "now vah1cie" purcha,oa prioe you paid for your damaged vehi- Ole, not including any insurance or war- ranties purchased; b. If it is available, the purchase price, as negotiated by us, of a "new vehicle" of the §wTm MOW, M9001, AN Vgw1prnol'lt or the most similar model available, not IrIoll.idih arty ftlwhinllwllw s, p sr s ar aquipment not installed by the manufac- turer or manufaoturers' dealership; or. c. The market value of your damaged ve- hicle, not including any fumishings, parts, or equipment not installed by the rManufacturar ar rVishufmatunarItt deecaldr- O 1pa Wo WIII not, pay W InIflA bbm 6r aot. up eras.,; associated with Inane nr leases As utod lei this ohdarsOi oeit, a "now 4. The cost of repairing or replacing may: vehicle" means an "auto" of which you are a, Be based on an estimate which includes the original owner that has not been previ- parts furnished by the original equip - AC 70 05 0318 Includes cropyricghtmd rnrxteriol of Ineurnnct Srarvicea Office, Inc:., Peale 5 of 7 with its parmlooion JI CP CA 36-1444000 M FJ1 23dl§ NN gulkvb COPY AC7009631400 0061 47 0663610 COMMERCIAL AUTO AC 70 05 03 16 ously titled and which you purchased loss a. Your obligation in the Duties in the Event than 365 days before the date of the "loss". of Accident, Claim, Suit or Lass Condi- tion relative tta notlfieation requirements U, PHYSICAL DAMA00 COVERAOIR applies Only when the "accident" Or EX"h"I IrIWOM "loe%" Is known toy Under SECTION III — PHYSICAL. DAIVIA (1) You, if ycau are an individual; COVERAGE, A. Coverage, Coverage Exten- (2) A partner, If you are a partnership; sions, b. Loss of Use Expenses is replaced by (3) A member, if you are a limited liability the following: company; or b, Doss of Use Expenses (4) An axecwtiue off er or insuranoe l•or Hir d Auto l'hy!sli rml Doirrioqip, W,o Will rrlen6100r, if you ore a corporation, pay e pon3ea for which an "insured" bo- ba Your obligation in the, Duties In the avant comes legally responsible to pay for loss, of of Accident, Claim, Suit or Loss Condition also of a vehiclo ron(od or hired without � relative to providing us with documents driver, under a written rental contract or concerning a claim or "suit" will not be agreement. We will pay for loss of use ex- considered breached unless the breach penses if caused by: occurs after such claim or "suit" is known (1) Other than Oallisiorn if the Declarations ta; irndiceate thot C'ompreh ansive Ceavereags (1) You, if you are an individual; 10 PF,5vi40d f6w w%y 4'ovov,64114sutlx11i (Z) A pditl Ili, If yidu imit a piftfb izi blilpq (2) Specified Causes of Lass only if the (1) A mombor, If you arc o limi#od I)ddl,1i'dtI6h§ 1hdI6dtd that Sp6clflod liability ocampany; or Causes of Loss Coverage is provided "auto"; (4) An executive officer or Ihsuralrtoe for any covered or manager, if you are a corporation. (3) Collision onlyif the Declarations indicate that Q011i§ign Qgyoragq i§ prQvilr 90 fQr any covered "sutra," X, HIRI,�P (AR - (,',OVI.RA 'T RRN'TQRY I• owover, tho nlg4t wt., will pay for ola'y I fyi (�) of tho Ibolldy f orlod, 0oV4Vd1,q6°" &rIt0ey pert �r�al�candltlarl r hal cad dy tits foi0wwilt� � expenses for 1098 of use is 660 per do, y, to a WNIMLIM df $1,600. Thtd Ifturtlhdd pmvldad (5) AriywhL�rert thew6ddI1;A oeverod"auto" Is by this provision is excess over any other leased, hired, rented or borrowed without a collectible insurance. driverfor a period of 30 days or less; and V. TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY Y. EMERGENCY LOCKOUT AQAIN1l T PTHEK$ TQ W We will reirYnburs@ you up to i$100 for roamo noble TPw F6116WI11911 Is &dd d ter the Traltisfer Of R101,1N, o' ense inoorredl for tho ski"yl s of i� look rrilth Ot thOru Tq U§ vndltion; tlr gain entry into your cover d "auto" bubj ut to Wo. w'AIvo, ;.Amy idM 6f ro�dv&y w,� moy fltese proalon , have against any person or organization to 1. Your doer key, electronic key or key entry the extent required of you by a written con- pad has been lost, stolen or locked in your tract executed prior to any "accident" be- covered "auto" and you are unable to enter cause of payments we make for damages Such " awto" , or under this r.Overage form, 2. Your keyless entry device battery dies and W. NOTICE OF AND KNOWLEDGE 0F yqq Aro ql'1Wq tp orftr 4qgh '*W" oo o ro- ,00MR009 built, uECTION IV — BUSSINE66 AUTO 11, 1r'"6u. koy, 6y bt k4y 66try pbd CONDi"rIONS, Parayrapl't A is amended as has been lost or stolen and you have f6116M,. changed the lock to prevent an unauthorized entry; and 6_ NOTICE OF ANDKNOWLEDGE OF OCCURRENCE Pao@ 6 of 7 Irlr^ludras copyrighted material of Insairanea 8carviceq Offine, Inn AC 70 05 0316 With its porn iO4;orl, AeP MA 30-14699430 MnFA 13010 INSUM Cary' A076 86114db 0041 47 MOW 4. Original copies of receipts for services of a locksmith must be provided before reim- bursement is payable. Z, CANCELLATION CONDITION Paragraph Al of the COMMON POLICY CONDITION — CANCELLATION applies except as follows" COMMERCIAL AUTO AC 70 05 03 16 If we cancel for any reason other than non- payment of premium, we will mail or deliver to the First Named Insured written notice of cancellation at least 60 days before the ef- fective date of eaneell tion, This provision does not apply in these states that require more than 60 days prier motice of aoncella- tion. AC 70 05 0318 InnItirl R copyriohltad rnmtrwlal of Inguram SArvic^,8!4 Odic a., Inc;,, Ah b po"itsiom ACP IAA 30.3494000 I FJ1 M610 MUM COPY AC16603106 6661 Page 7 of 7 47 b6OS641 THIS ENDORSEMENT CHANGES THE POLICY, PLEASE READ IT CAREFULLY, WAIVER OF OUR RIGHT TO RECOVER FROM OTHERS ENDORSEMENT-CALIFORNIA Policy Number: 57 WEC Z03688 Endorsement Number, F-f etivo Dato: 04/29/24 Effective hour Is the �arr+e at; stated on the Information Page of the policy, Named Insured and Address: DE NOVO PLANNING GROUP, INC. 1020 SUNCAST LN uTE 106 EL DORADO HILLS CA 95762 We have the right to recover our payments from anyone liable for an injury covered by this policy. We will not enforce our right against the person or organiziAtion named in the $ahedule, (7his agreement applles only to tho extent that you perform work under a written contract that requires you to obtain this agreement from us,) You mint maihtaih payroll records acouratoly segrogating the remuneration of your employees while ehgeged in the work described in the Schedule, The additional premium for this endorsement shall be 2 % of the California workers' compensation premium otherwise due on such remuneration. SCHEDULE Person or Organization blot► Description Any person or organization for whom you are required by written contract or agreement to obtain this waiver of rights from us Countersigned by Authorized Representative Form WC 04 03 06 (1) printed in U.S.A. Process Date: 03/20/24 Policy Expiration Date: 04/29/25