ICRMA - Equinix, LLC_2024-045 - 2024-20251 C R M A
18201 Von Karman Ave, Suite 200 1 Irvine, CA 92612
Additional Covered Party
Certificate Number: 2024-045
Certificate Holder: Equinix, LLC
Attn: Matthew Monaco
One Lagoon Drive, 4th Floor
Redwood CA 94065
Covered Party: City of EL Segundo
Description of
Covered Activity: As respects to Agreement No. 4581 between Equinix and the City of 0 Segundo, regarding services
provided by Equinix at its building located at 445 S. Douglas Street, 0 Segundo, CA Term of the
agreement is as defined in the agreement commenced on the date the order w as fully executed,
September 30, 2013, and w ill automatically renew for additional terms of(1) year each, unless either Party
provides written termination notification to the other party at least(90) days prior to the end of the then -
current term. Current term: October 1, 2019 through September 30, 2020. The Certificate Holder, its
officers, agents, employees are included as additional covered party with regard to any negligent acts or
omissions of the covered member, it's employees, and its elected or appointed officials.
Memorandum of
Coverage Number: ICRMA GL 2025 Effective Date: 7/1/24 Expiration Date: 7/1/25
Lim its: $ 2,000,000 (per occurrence)
Member Retained * $ 750,000
Lim it (M RL):
The Following General and automobile liability as defined in the memorandum of coverage on file w ith the covered party
Coverage is in named above. Sexual misconduct not specifically excluded for the city.
e ffe ct:
This is to certify that the coverage listed above has been issued to the Covered Party named above for the
coverage period indicated, notwithstanding any requirement, term, or condition of any contract or other
document w ith respect to w hich this certificate may be issued or may pertain. The coverage afforded as
described herein is subject to all the terms, exclusions, and conditions of the Liability Memorandum of
Coverage of the ICRMA, w hich is available for your review upon request.
Pursuant to the definition of Covered Party in the Liability Memorandum of Coverage, the certificate holder
named above is an additional covered party for covered claims arising out of the covered activity stated
above and is subject to the limits stated above. *Such limits are inclusive of the city's MRL.
Coverage is in effectfrom 12:01 a.m. Pacific Standard Time of effective date to 12:01 a.m. Pacific
Standard Time of expiration date as stated above and w ill not be canceled, limited, or allow ed to expire
except upon 30-day notice to the certificate holder.
Date Issued: 7/1/2024
Renewal: Yes
Authorized Representative Signature
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