CONTRACT 6961 One Page Service AgreementAgreement No. 6961
Services Agreement
CONTRACTOR: Judith Seld DATE MAILED: 12/2112023
Below you will find a checklist relating to insurance and other requirements that are required for doing business with the City of El
Segundo. Only those items checked -off are MANDATORY, however if your standard policies exceed the minimum requirements please
Include. Commercial general liability insurance must meet or exceed the requirements of ISO•CGL Form No. CG 20 10 1185 or
equivalent. The amount of insurance set forth below will be a combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and
property damage for the policy coverage. uablllty policies will be endorsed to name the City, Its officials, and employees as
"additional insured's" under said Insurance coverage and to state that such Insurance will be deemed "primary" such that any
other Insurance that may be carried by the City will be excess thereto. Such Insurance must be on an "occurrence," not a
"claims made," basis and will not be cancelable or subject to reduction except upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the
City. Please find additional Terns and Conditions on the reverse side of this Services Agreement. This is not a purchase order or
an authorization to begin work.
® Comprehensive General Liaboi , including coverage for premises, products and completed operations, independent contractors,
personal injury and contractual obligations with combined single limits of coverage of at least $1,000,000 per occurrence.
Auto Liability, including owned, non -owned and hired vehicles with at least:
® 1000 000 per occurrence.
❑ 100.000 - 300,000 per occurrence.
❑ As required by State Statutes. A copy of your current policy must be submitted naming yourself and or your company.
® Workers' Compensation Insurance: as required by State Statutes with Waiver of Suhrooalion. (Not needed if Self-employed with
no employees and CONTRACTOR signs statement to this effect.)
® Business License: The CONTRACTOR shall agree to have a current City of El Segundo license on file at City Hall or purchase
said license (at no cost to the City).
❑ Permits: Plans must be approved and permit(s) issued (no fee) by the Planning and Building Safety if appropriate. Call the
Planning Manager @ (310) 524-2340 if you have questions.
❑ Co laf valid icture t.0, (Drivers license etc.)
Submitted by jcompI4all blanks COLOR COPY REQUIRED BACK TO THE CITY
Company Name: By (Print name & ti0e):
Judith Sekl Judith Saki
Company Street Address: Vendor"sr authorized Signature required:
City, Slate„ Zip° Dale signed:
° iI "/" �r r9 01 t1 ( -)20--11
Phone: FAX:
(,_)-L,— ti7 q - 3go7
Vendor's Email address: Vendor's Web site:
Mail original agreement and Insura a to: City of El Segundo -City Clerk 350 Main Street, Room 5, El Segundo, CA 90245.3813
Originator/Department Contact Krislsn Mo i Date Initlated:12/1312023
Department Head Appro4: Date Approved:
orrsuraT Approval: w :�pa Aprmo^ :
ary Att mey
ciry Manager
City Clerk
Judith trki Contract Updated with Business License 1/12/24
Agreement No. 6961
I.CENEf ALLY, Irke marbt s yp�.4s, or sww (co6acwety,
"Punaizise) covered by ales services afire nt and fail mesa order
('lydof) model. be bmsmNi ley SsNer sabiwl to ali he Iefm» and
cored W)s aontamed in ttt;s ordef wjv' -il Seger, :n ac al, h, order,
aTms to be bound by and carn* with im a:t aarizdlais. No other terms
or widliom we o MN, vp-:Ai the patliesii-Ness sobsaquetbyagreed to
Fi wiling. M.tleil Xceplatce or shipme tl of al'i or a?ty porti;ati of the
Piodiase marad by tsiz� order i-on>1.stu1 :.rtKluFi fa l amoplarioo of al
tefr s and eoldrnsres in hry order. jt* IUrn6 of any proposal rate nad to
Tt INs ardw, aie :� ded and trade a part of the order o;iy to the extent
d specst d tie Purchase ordered, the ps tt, aad he Uvey, and then
omty, to the extent Fiat sixth #errs ate with the terms and
xnrKt�ons of tfis older.
2JNSPECTION. The Pumbase fifnwted must be exacl.ty as sparked m
this. oAiar, Fee font ;0 defects in Sam's w3formwoe. design,
workn'sansho, and at%tteyais, and. except as otilevise provided, is
svt}gct to im pi tion and test oy City at � 1ir;As tynd ohms. If, before
final, acceptance, ar(y' Pwd)ase is fersnd to be mcor ale, or not as
spwkd. C;ty may ml;e:t ;f, regwre Seler to corned 4 Vi lhout chwge, of
fequife d6very of st0i Ra chase at a iod cim in p that is equitable
under ilia it solar is ,haute or refuses to =,,act alter
-terns Mthst a leae deowd rewon1W by Cafy, C-ly may Isrminate toe
ordeq in vvli or sn part. Seam boars rsks as to re�da:d fa,�chases
ar d, ,in additian to any costs Far wmch SelIef ray become',. a to City
under other prrvis�ws of ttis order, nit t", urse ally for a�
transporiaton costs, Oliver re-lated oastS srirurted, or pay'nwt5 to SeAgr
m aczordance %Ah the Imrns of true order for unaccepted Purchases.
Notwihslan&g v 's ac,---vfwce of any Putuhase, selw S habte foe
'atentdofects•, iraud, or str-h gross n�sta s as cortst;luls hid.
3,CHANGES. CN may make duet M w;thA file general scope of Ism
order �n dramngs and specfAcatiats far specaly rr,atiufactised supp ,
p as of dxaiiveiy, rnelfiod of choi'rient of parking of Itte order by gwv-g
notke to SeRes and subseque0y conk" such diaiiges is wing. K
smelt changes affect the cost of or itie lei required for perfo mance of
this order, an e;td-Aahi® ad almentt in the price Qr de:i\" o= boat mist
be rrtar#e. No Mnancpy ay Seller is rv�d A.At*,il uily's vurAfe°i approve,
Any dasr,, by S-!er for an adgiitr ant under Ins sad on frost to trade
:q va4mg vti;Mvi thirty (30) dayss from the date of receipt by Serer of
not f alion of noel change ;aim C f:y waives INS Mi)d t nn ;rt wnlurg.
Noltaitgin lhr smWnexmesSeger Irom mocee;%tgAlb performance
of the order as dianged.
4, TERMINATION, C.Ay -may testate tits order at any bme, edivai
ve-Mi0y at =n writing, with o€ iwthwt caise, Should tem,4-talkin acoof, I
City W pay Serer as Fri ;u dornwce :gnu sea h fiwm�nalbn the gin l ar
pro rala ardr psi a for the parfarr wed atbd accapleid por w of Iris
Prlrch", City may provide w-ltan notte of to mmation for Samar's
defaul if "r refatses or fad b iwivVy w44 this order, If a i does
not cwe such Iailue within a maswna a Izfm pored, of b perform
the fkidl-ore AIrin the lira ;,pevWd (or al -;owed by exlenwn), Samar
vv"1 be ,able to Cdy bT myoxcess costs =rrc trred by City.
Ws Agee nvit's term wl be floras
111,2024 Jo tvr3(1024 City may extend flit+ I ma far rmpotm- if, in
Lty:, soydeterm4tatiot,SamPwas dekedM use of causeswyd
Sear's cants®; and w4laut S2kiss fa! t or ragogen a. In tie evertl
deiay was caused by City, Suss soy renwdy is tmited to yecov'e<ty
!coney aclua4y wed reosssai w expended by Se4er benitse of llie
Uay, hoard iss no r ghl io wow aerated prof=l.
6REMEDIES Clt LATIVE. Cty'srig~rtsand remtiadiaswderlirsordsr
arse not ex6usive and are Ti addd. t? any' agar ghls.a. ed rv`X ie'1d5�.
TTITLE. Ti?e to hater s and supci; puroased infer its order
pass diadsy, f>om Wv. to°City upon s1y's wrillen ac—ceptartce b bvsaxd
to adtjai nsped.w and Giy's oppoelun4y to suet
B.PAYM-ENT. Caty -&4 pay Seer aft, recaw.rig aocapitatlie rm)T-.ces for
maler % and szviphes dvvefed and accepted at serkes rendered and
ceoled. City wa neat pay' collage, sto47P.hg, pawiklgmgj 7r dax;rrrj
aggen5�. unA.,a ij)Wim� q) INS order, Grafts wA notne horwed,
9,INDEMNIFICATION. S-�L'er agrees to orxfwavify and la,d C€y
farm e;s from and against airy dawi, achm, damages, - ists fin,-W- mg,
&-litout'.iirdlatbii, aftortay's fees;, ir,tr s, or ,li ly, arising out. of the
purcn(m of the order, or their perfamance. 5h.�iL d C4it ba namd z)
any suit, at shcri=d any ai;n be braoattt agwnsl :l by Suit Of othera1w
wheffier he sawe be ground�ess or not, arising out of ttw Pumlmse og
order, or Imor perbrawme, SOW m debatd City (at Caly's reryaest arvd
W'�tti i inset utisfaciory fit Cily) aid -tdsr fy City too any iadgmril
tamer a�'nst 4 w any sums paud o: m setllernenl of otherwise. For
P':lrPOS03 of tPIT'S section "City' Mc.tradas C,ty's affteirs, elbded oftiais,
and er pbyoes, It :s expt'assty undetstoyd and agreed bat the
fwega�ng pioy,sion:a w8i Silt'Afe hinmialion of this order, rare
Tectuiements as to the types mi knits of irrfirance eoaetage to tie
rroiritamed By Sa'8er, and arry approval of such insurance, by CAyy, are
rat aderided to and w4i eat n any manner ;srvt or Wakify, the haMl5es
and obi gates ofherat; assu d by Seler putsuad b lti;s wrier,
srtOW%Mhoul,mAaWn, 13 ttie prays� s Cncef,"g ndofret'Ia 010,
10,it4ARRANTY, SJ':iar aTmes that f, Pit:cte54 is werod by ft
most favorable cc". mcAl wa wit2s the Sel�ar gvas to any cusbriler
for if e wl,,e or substwbaq' si"Aa* supp?*s. or servins, or sucti oltter
more fmoi&e warrwitwis as �s spaced rt this order. War antes m�
be eftacwe mtWibrsland-tg any insvocWfi a; accepbnoo of IN
PUFC411M by City.
MASSIGNMENT. Uy Tray asso. alas order. Exert as to any
payn*nl daa ender' tht order, Sear may not asagn or =eknordraet ltxe
order w t out Cily's'ivritla n appinv&t. Stxatid Clyg-ve mri;enl, t W41 not
rA l9ve Se%r from, any ob rgatans :mar tfis older and any tranderetr or
s:ibountractar w,il be cansAwed Sail`s agent.
12.INSURANCE. Seams must wovode Ire insr.imice indcatef on fate
terra shoPtof Uv�. S�vioas kgr�arnant•
13.PER'AMTS. Sir mist pvoc.loe at ream ary pswds and 'aceoses,
and abide by aN bderak state, and 36,A laws, for perfomm" lhs order.
141DEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. City and Sst'sr agroa that Sa-r
w'-1 art as art independent conVacto: and w�: have control of a�-' trvmik
and the rriariner .n ,vyl4b s if pvlorr,;ed. $e10f wil W free to W. Ira;.t
for witiar saroce to lye oerfotfned fbi other o"Ioyeis A -No mdor
cons a✓t wilh C;ly. Seiler a not an agent or eQriployee of Cry and is. not
entalW to paait le 0 any penswi "a, inswame, bomis of sintcar
be;* is City provides for :1s. emn;oyees. Any;y:o is'ort in lha otdoi that
wiv appear to givo City the ight to direct Saar b I% dote: s of do N
11'te worts or Ito exam so a rnessure of conlroi over Ilse r,k rneans that
elf,P,r ip fazaw the duactw of Me City as to erY.d r'esaffs o the .Bey
1S. AIVER, Cit 's fev w or xxoeitance of, NT payment to,, work
prolwl arpared by SOef under in* o(der w% not he coaslr,ed to l
operate as a'wawer of any i?gnis Coy rrayhava undar Iris Fcgraament m
of any cause of acim x•smg fmm Sefev's perlornence. A waive by
Cry of a%. ! brash of any tarsi, c wenard, or coridilion contained In fig
rider wsq not be doeiried to be a waiver of.any s;uihquan Weam of the
same or arry of:ier lawn, wvetiani, or coridii-bn contamed in f.itas otdar,
xttattler of Isle sarne or difereni character,
WINTERPREfATION, Ths Agreement was drafted mn, aid wiA be
COnSir-ued in ae dance wilti the'-aws of ite State of Catrfmva, and
awitis ve venao tsar any aclim irtwlv ig 0t�s agt tronf -*& be in LOS
Angers County.
MCONSISTENCY, In alievoi tinq Ims kgreeimont and resoiving any
ai tb ett s, this Agri~rani imxe.s p_femlence of anyattached Wfihit
Jwld:9h Selo C ariiiact UInd MKi w-4h &U-14 n t.iceirxe Rxaised'.W,&XJ
Agreement No. 6961
sew Cans acl Opd3l6-J'Mm Bwlmm kc-ens'-
Agreement No. 6961
Cityof EI *undo
Rer:reation, Parks and Libraiy Department
4 f Sheldon Street
El Segundo CA 90245
Scope of Services:
t hi dren cages will leora 0bout sllydowpupr.-try through npuppeI story featurinrg author SunnySeki's own lapur7ese
falktoles. Children will5ee how Sunny creates hispuppets and willhave the opportunity to cut out on. demonstrate then
ownslmpleshadow puppets. This progrom rs forchridrerj ages 5-10yeors old.
Wednesday May 22M, 2024
Compensation Schedule:
The City of El Segundo will pay the Contractor a total cost not to exceed $365 (three hundred and sixty We dollars and sixty
$350 for performance
$15.60 for city requaed business license
Jasi4'.1 5i--Ak; CLrdrXI U,xial-d wRli lcen5e Rp%,Eied a+4?tV?3