CONTRACT 6864A AmendmentAgreement No, m-6 8 6.....4....... r � CONTRACT FOR SI+:CURITY DEPOSITS IN LIEU OF RETENTION [PURSUANT TO PUBLIC CONTRACTS CODE § 223001 This AGREEMENT is entered into this 8"' day of May, 2024, by and between the CITY OF EI, SLGUNDO, a California general law city and municipal corporation ("CITY"), MORILLO CONSTRUCTION, INC., a California corporation ("CONTRACTOR"), and AMERICAN BUSINESS BANK, a California state -chartered bank ("AGENT'). 1. RECITALS. This Agreement is made with reference to the following facts and objectives: A. On or about March 6, 2024, CITY and CONTRACTOR entered into a public works contract (Specifications No. PW 24-02) for the Urho Saari Swim Stadium / Plunge Renovation Project ("Contract"). I3. The Contract allows CITY to withhold a portion of the monies due to CONTRACTOR to help ensure CONTRACTOR's performance of the Contract. C. The Contract, in accordance with Public Contracts Code ("PCC") § 22300, allows CONTRACTOR to substitute securities for the retention amount or establish an escrow account for monies withheld by CITY. 2. SECURITY DEPOSITS IN LIEU OF RETENTION. In accordance with PCC § 22300, CONTRACTOR may A. IDcposit securities with AGENT as a substitute for retention earnings required to be withheld by CITY pursuant to the Contract. When CONTRACTOR deposits the securities as a substitute for Contract earnings, AG1Nl' will notify CITY within ten (10) days of the deposit. The market value of the securities at the time of the substitution will be at least equal to the cash amount then required to be withheld as retention under the terms of the Contract. Such amount is calculated to be Six hundred forty-nine Thousand lour IIundred ($649,400.00). Securities will be held in the name of the City of E1 Segundo, and will designate the CONTRACTOR as the beneficial owner of such securities; or 13. Upon written notice, request CITY to make payments of the retention earnings directly to AGENT. 3. PROGRESS PAYMENTS; SECURITIES. CITY will make progress payments to CONTRACTOR for those funds which otherwise would be withheld from progress payments pursuant to the Contract provisions, provided that the AGENT holds securities in the form and amount specified above. 4. RETENTION EARNINGS; ESCROW ACCOUNT. When CITY makes payment of retention earnings directly to AG1Nf, AGENT will hold them for the benefit of CONTRACTOR Page 1 of 4 e n until the time that the escrow created under this Agreement is terminated. CONTRACTOR may direct the investment of the payments into securities. All terms and conditions of this agreement and the rights and responsibilities of the parties will be equally applicable and binding when CITY pays AGENT directly. 5. CONTRACTOR'S EXPENSE. CONTRACTOR will be responsible for paying all fees for the expenses incurred by AGENT in administering the Escrow Account and all of CITY's expenses. These expenses and payment terms will be determined by CITY, CONTRACTOR, and AGI ,NT. 6. INTEREST; SECURITIES. The interest earned on the securities or the money market accounts held in escrow and all interest earned on that interest will be for the sole account of CONTRACTOR and will be subject to withdrawal by CONTRACTOR at any time and from time to time without notice to CITY. 7. INTEREST; ESCROW ACCOUNT. CONTRACTOR will have the right to withdraw all or any part of the principal in the Escrow Account only by written notice to AGENT accompanied by written authorization from CTTY to AGENT that CITY consents to the withdrawal of the amount sought to be withdrawn by CONTRACTOR. S. DEFAULT BY CONTRACTOR; SECURITIES. CITY will have a right to draw upon the securities in the event of CONTRACTOR's default of the Contract. Upon seven (7) days' written notice to AGENT from CITY of the default, AGENT will immediately convert the securities to cash and will distribute the cash as instructed by CITY. 9. RELEASE OF ESCROW. After receiving a copy of the recorded Notice of Completion from CTTY, and not earlier than the first working day following 35 days after the Notice of Completion was recorded, AGE'N'I' will release to CONTRACTOR all securities and interest on deposit less escrow fees and charges of the Escrow Account. The escrow will be closed immediately upon disbursement of all moneys and securities on deposit and payments of fees and charges. 10. NOTIFICATIONS TO AGrENT; IIOLD HARMLESS. AGENT will rely on the written notifications from CITY and CONTRACTOR pursuant to this Agreement and CITY and CONTRACTOR will hold AGENT harmless from AGENT's release and disbursement of the securities and interest as set forth above. 11. RESPONSIBLE PERSONS. The names of the persons who are authorized to give written notice or to receive written notice on behalf of CITY and on behalf of CONTRACTOR in connection with the foregoing, and exemplars of their respective signatures are as follows: Page 2 of 5 686 For CITY: Elias Sassoon, Director of Public Works City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 c <1s C or i @sa 't 1.o 310-524-2356 For CONTRACTOR: Pierre B. Morillo, Vice President Morillo Construction, Inc. 227 N. Holliston Avenue Pasadena, CA 91106 is 71(i), 11-10ri4loconstructIoil .coIn 626-796-3800 For AGENT: Elainc Lopez, F VP, Client Experience Administrator American Business Bank 400 S. TIope Street, Suite 300 Los Angeles, CA 90071 �'1c: 213-430-5121 12. INTERPRETATION. This Agreement was drafted in, and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, and exclusive venue for any action involving this agreement will be in Los Angeles County. 13. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement sets forth the entire understanding of the parties. There are no other understandings, terms or other agreements expressed or implied, oral or written. This Agreement will bind and inure to the benefit of the parties to this Agreement and any subsequent successors and assigns. 14. SEVERABILITY. If any portion of this Agreement is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, then such portion will be deemed modified to the extent necessary in the opinion of the court to render such portion enforceable and, as so modified, such portion and the balance of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect. 15. AUTIIORITY/MODIFICA T ION. The Parties represent and warrant that all necessary action has been taken by the Parties to authorize the undersigned to execute this Agreement and to engage in the actions described herein. This Agreement may be modified by written amendment. CI'I'Y's city manager, or designee, may execute any such amendment on behalf of CITY. Page 3 of 5 16. COUNTERPARTS; ACCEPTANCE OF ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES. This Agreement may be executed by the Parties on any number of separate counterparts, and all such counterparts so executed constitute one Agreement binding on all the Parties notwithstanding that all the Parties are not signatories to the same counterpart. In accordance with Government Code 5 16.5, the Parties agree that this Agreement will be considered signed when the signature of a party is delivered by electronic transmission. Such electronic signature will be treated in all respects as having the same effect as an original signature. 17. TIME IS OF ESSENCE. Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Agreement. 18. SIGNATURE AUTHORITY. Each party warrants that its signatory (or signatories, as applicable) to this Agreement has the legal authority to enter this Agreement and bind it accordingly. ISIGNATURI S ON FOLLOWING PAGE I Page 4 of 5 IN WITNESS WIIERIOla the parties hereto have executed this contract the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY Ol,' L'L SEGUNDO, MORILLO CONSTRUCTION, INC. a municipal corpona6 in. Darrell Gc orge, City Managcr Namc. l ierori re B, Mto Title: Vice President Taxpayer ID No. i 7 AME, CAN I t�MNI"'SS 13ANK awa Lopez Title: FVP, Client 1;xpericnce Administrator "Taxpayer II) No. 91..-.,1�9072.2.0...__... � ......�..............��....- AMEIUCAN WiSINESS BANK SIGNATURE GUARANTEE For �,2Z By w Name _ .r' City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: MARK D. IIENSLEY, City Attorney 13Y. Joaquin Vazquez, Assistant City Attorney Page 5 of 5