2024-05-21 CC Agenda - Public Communication - Misc - Default Light Cycle2024-05-21 CC AGENDA
From: Pimentel, Chris (Mayor Pro Tem) <cpimentel@elsegundo.org>
Sent: Thursday, May 9, 2024 9:15 AM
To: Taylor Chapman <tchapman@me.com>
Subject: Re: Default light cycle - continental and el Segundo
I think we all share your frustration. We had an opportunity to finally repair all of El Segundo Boulevard and
reinforce it for the heavy truck usage heading eastbound - and we were able to do it entirely with taxes paid to the
state and county, and not touch the general fund. This came with a project risk: it's done in two large chunks, east
and west. The eastern half, from Illinois to Isis, is laden with signals synced together (which includes lights on
Grand/PCH Grand/Nash). The PCH lights which anchor the programming are synced by CalTrans.
It's exasperating, we are working on it quickly, and hope to be able to activate the programming before the project
is complete. It drives me crazy too.
Chris Pimentel
Mayor Pro Tern.
El Segundo
> On May 8, 2024, at 8:37 PM, Taylor Chapman <tchapman@me.com> wrote:
> How much longer do we have to deal with the default light cycle at this intersection? It's been too long at this
point and I can't help but think of all the collective time that's wasted by everyone there, idling and wasting life and
> Surely this is ending soon? It's been months. I'm at my wits end.
> Sent from my iPhone