The City Council of the city of El Segundo does ordain as follows:
SECTION 1. Findings.
A. Government Code § 50022.9 authorizes the City of El Segundo (the "City") to
adopt, by reference, codes from another governmental entity as the City's own.
B. The California Building Standards Codes (the "California Building Codes"), set
forth in California Code of Regulations Title 24, constitute statewide codes and
regulations for building construction and fire safety and are published every three
years by order of the California Legislature.
C. The 2022 California Building Codes are based upon the International Code
Council's 2021 International Building Code; and
D. The 2022 California Building Codes were published on July 1, 2022 and became
effective on January 1, 2023.
E. California Health & Safety Code §§ 17958.5 and 18941.5 authorize cities and
counties to modify the California Building Code by adopting more restrictive
standards and modifications if such standards and modifications are accompanied
by express findings that they are reasonably necessary because of local climatic,
geological or topographical conditions.
F. On November 15, 2022, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 1641 to adopt
the 2022 edition of the California Building Code, including Part 9 of Title 24 of the
California Building Codes (the "Fire Code"), with certain appendices and
amendments, as justified via Resolution No. 5373.
G. The City Council seeks to enforce additional appendices and sections of the Fire
Code to maximize its regulatory capacity and ensure public health, safety, and
welfare. A local agency's adopting ordinance must identify specific California
Building Codes appendices and sections to adopt and enforce them.
SECTION 2. Sections 13-9-1 of Chapter 9 of Title 13 of the El Segundo Municipal Code
("ESMC") is amended in its entirety to read as follows:
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Pursuant to California Government Code sections 50022.1 to 50022.8, the
California Fire Code ("CFC"), 2022 Edition, published as Title 24, Part 9, of the
California Code of Regulations, including Appendices B, C, O, BB, and CC, and
Sections 503, 510.3, 808.5, and 1103.2, is adopted by reference, subject to the
amendments, additions and deletions set forth below. One true copy of the CFC is
on file in the office of the Building Official and is available for public inspection as
required by law."
SECTION 3. Section 511.6.1 of Section 13-9-2 of Chapter 9 of Title 13 of the ESMC is
amended as follows:
511.6.1 General. An on -site standby power system conforming to the City of El
Segundo Electrical Code must be provided. In the event of failure of the normal
power source, the standby power system must provide an alternate source of
electrical power to serve at least the designated loads as set forth in Section
915�2 511.6.2 at full power. The system may consist of an on -site generator or a
system of batteries, or both. The installation must be in accordance with this code,
nationally recognized standards, and any policies of the fire code official
SECTION 4. Section 13-9-2 of Chapter 9 of Title 13 of the ESMC is amended to add the
following section 503 which will be appropriately numerically ordered therein and read as
Section 503 Fire Apparatus Access Roads
503.1 Where required. Fire apparatus access roads shall be provided and
maintained in accordance with Sections 503.1.1 through 503.1.3.
503.1.1. Buildings and facilities. Approved fire apparatus access roads shall
be provided for every facility, building or portion of a building hereafter
constructed or moved into or within the jurisdiction. The fire apparatus access
road shall comply with the requirements of this section and shall extend to
within 150 feet (45270 mm) of all portions of the facility and all portions of the
exterior walls of the first story of a building as measured by an approved route
around the exterior of the building or facility.
The fire code official is authorized to increase the dimension of 150 feet
(45720 mm) where any of the following conditions occur:
1.1. The building is equipped throughout with an approved automatic
sprinkler system installed in accordance with Section 903.1.1, 903.3
or 903.1.3.
1.2. Fire apparatus access roads cannot be installed because of location
on property, topography, waterways, nonnegotiable grades or other
similar conditions, and an approved alternative means of fire
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protection is provided.
1.3. There are not more than two Group R-3 or Group U occupancies.
2. Where approved by the fire code official, fire apparatus access roads shall
be permitted to be exempted or modified for solar photovoltaic power
generation facilities.
503.1.2. Additional access. The fire code official is authorized to require more
than one fire apparatus access road based on the potential for impairment of a
single road by vehicle congestion, condition of terrain, climatic conditions or
other factors that could limit access.
503.1.3. High -piled storage. Fire department vehicle access to buildings used
for high -piled combustible storage shall comply with the applicable provisions
of Chapter 32.
503.2 Specifications. Fire apparatus access roads shall be installed and arranged
in accordance with Sections 503.2.1 through 503.2.8. Per California Code of
Regulations, Title 19, Division 1, §3.05(a) Fire Department Access and Egress,
required access roads form every building to a public street shall be all-weather
hard -surfaced (suitable for use by fire apparatus) right-of-way not less than 20 feet
in width. Such right-of-way shall be unobstructed and maintained only as access
to the public street.
Exception: The enforcing agency may waive or modify this requirement if in his
opinion such all-weather hard -surfaced condition is not necessary in the interest
of public safety and welfare.
503.2.1. Dimensions. Fire apparatus roads shall have an unobstructed width
of not less than 20 feet (6096 mm), exclusive of shoulders, except for approved
security gates in accordance with Section 503.6, and an unobstructed vertical
clearance of not less than 13 feet 6 inches (4115 mm).
503.2.2 Authority. The fire code official shall have the authority to require or
permit modifications to the required access widths where they are inadequate
for fire or rescue operations or where necessary to meet the public safety
objectives of the jurisdiction.
503.2.3 Surface. Fire apparatus roads shall be designed and maintained to
support the imposed loads of fire apparatus and shall be surfaced so as to
provide all-weather driving capabilities.
503.2.4 Turning radius. The required turning radius of a fire apparatus access
road shall be determined by the fire code official.
503.2.5 Dead ends. Dead-end fire apparatus access roads in excess of 150
feet (45720 mm) in length shall be provided with an approved area for turning
around fire apparatus.
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503.2.6 Bridges and elevated surfaces. Where a bridge or an elevated
surface is part of a fire apparatus access road, the bridge shall be constructed
and maintained in accordance with AASHTO HB-17. Bridges and elevated
surfaces shall be designed for a live load sufficient to carry the imposed loads
of fire apparatus. Vehicle load limits shall be posted at both entrances to
bridges where required by the fire code official. Where elevated surfaces
designed for emergency vehicle use are adjacent to surfaces that are not
designed or such use, approved barriers, approved signs or both shall be
installed and maintained where required by the fire code official.
503.2.7 Grade. The grade of the fire apparatus access road shall be within the
limits established by the fire code official based on the fire department's
503.2.8 Angles of approach and departure. The angles of approach and
departure for fire apparatus access roads shall be within the limits established
by the fire code official based on the fire department's apparatus.
503.3 Marking. Where required by the fire code official, approved signs or other
approved notices or markings that include the words "NO PARKING —FIRE LANE"
shall be provided for fire apparatus access roads to identify such roads or prohibit
the obstruction thereof. The means by which fire lanes are designated shall be
maintained in a clean and legible condition at all times and be replaced or repaired
when necessary to provide adequate visibility.
503.4 Obstruction of fire apparatus access roads. Fire apparatus access roads
shall not be obstructed in any manner, including eh parking of vehicles. The
minimum widths and clearances established in Sections 503.2.1 and 503.2.2 shall
be maintained at all times.
503.4.1 Traffic calming devices. Traffic calming devices shall be prohibited
unless approved by the fire code official.
503.5 Required gates or barricades. The fire code official is authorized to require
the installation and maintenance of gates or other approved barricades across fire
apparatus access roads, trails or other accessways, not including public streets,
alleys or highways. Electric gate operators, where provided, shall be listed in
accordance with UL 325. Gates intended for automatic operation shall be
designed, constructed and installed to comply with the requirements of ASTM
503.5.1 Secured gates and barricades. Where required, gates and
barricades shall be secured in an approved manner. Roads, trails and other
accessways that have been closed and obstructed in the manner prescribed in
Section 503.5 shall not be trespassed on or used unless authorized by the
owner and the fire code official.
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Exception: The restriction on use shall not apply to public officers acting within
the scope of duty.
503.5.2 Fence and gates. School grounds may be fenced and gates therein
may be equipped with locks, provided that safe dispersal areas based on 3
square feet (0.28 m2) per occupant are located between the school and the
fence. Such required safe dispersal areas shall not be located less than 50 feet
(15240 mm) from school buildings. Every public and private school shall
conform with Section 32020 of the Education Code.
503.6 Security gates. The installation of security gates across a fire apparatus
access road shall be approved by the fire code official. Where security gates are
installed, they shall have an approved means of emergency operation. The
security gates and the emergency operation shall be maintained operational at all
times. Electric gate operators, where provided, shall be listed in accordance with
ULA 325. Gates intended for automatic operation shall be designed, constructed
and installed to comply with the requirements of ASTM F2200.
SECTION 5. Section 13-9-2 of Chapter 9 of Title 13 of the ESMC is amended to add the
following section 503 which will be appropriately numerically ordered therein and read as
Section 510.3 Permit Required. A construction permit for the installation of or
modification to in -building, two-way emergency responder communication
coverage systems and related equipment is required as specified in Section
105.6.4. Maintenance performed in accordance with this code is not considered a
modification and does not require a permit.
SECTION 6. Section 13-9-2 of Chapter 9 of Title 13 of the ESMC is amended to add the
following section 808.5 which will be appropriately numerically ordered therein and read
as follows:
Section 808.5. Play Structures Added to Existing Buildings. Where play
structures that exceed 10 feet (3048 mm) in height or 150 square feet (14 m2) in
area are added inside an existing building, they shall comply with Section 424 of
the California Building Code.
SECTION 7. Section 13-9-2 of Chapter 9 of Title 13 of the ESMC is amended to add the
following section 1103.2 which will be appropriately numerically ordered therein and read
as follows:
Section 1103.2. Emergency Responder Communication Coverage in Existing
Buildings. Existing buildings other than Group R-3, that do not have approved in -
building, two-way emergency response communication coverage for emergency
responders in the building based on existing coverage levels of public safety
communication systems, shall be equipped with such coverage according to one
of the following:
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1. Where an existing wired communication system cannot be repaired or is being
replaced, or where not approved in accordance with Section 510.1, Exception
2. Within a time frame established by the adopting authority.
Exception: Where it is determined by the fire code official that the in -building, two-
way emergency responder communication coverage system is not needed.
SECTION 8. Consistency. Prior City ordinances in conflict with this Ordinance, in whole
or in part, are superseded and expressly repealed.
SECTION 9. Environmental Assessment. The City Council determines that this
Ordinance is exempt from review under the California Environmental Quality Act
(California Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA") and the regulations
promulgated thereunder (14 California Code of Regulations §§ 15000, et seq., the "CEQA
Guidelines") because it consists only of minor revisions and clarifications to an existing
code of construction -related regulations and specification of procedures related thereto
and will not have the effect of deleting or substantially changing any regulatory standards
or findings required therefor, and therefore does not have the potential to cause significant
effects on the environment. In addition, this Ordinance is an action being taken for
enhanced protection of the environment and is exempt from further review under CEQA
Guidelines § 15308. Also, there is no possibility that the Ordinance may have a significant
effect on the environment (14 Cal. Code Regs. § 15061(b)(3), and it will not result in a
direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment (14 Cal.
Code Regs. § 15060(c)(2)).
SECTION 10. Construction. This Ordinance must be broadly construed in order to
achieve the purposes stated in this Ordinance. It is the City Council's intent that the
provisions of this Ordinance be interpreted or implemented by the City and others in a
manner that facilitates the purposes set forth in this Ordinance.
SECTION 11. Savings Clause. Repeal of any provision of the ESMC or any other
city ordinance herein will not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or
preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before, this
Ordinance's effective date. Any such repealed part will remain in full force and effect for
sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurring before the effective date of this
SECTION 12. Severability. If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed
invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the city council intends that such invalidity will
not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end,
the provisions of this Ordinance are severable.
SECTION 13. Publication. The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and
adoption of this Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of
original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this
meeting; and, within fifteen 15 days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance,
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cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law.
SECTION 14. Effective Date. This Ordinance will become effective 30 days after
SECTION 15. Filing with Building Standards Commission. The City Clerk must file a
certified copy of this Ordinance with the California Building Standards Commission.
PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7t" day of May, 2024.
D r e yle M
Tracy Weav6j, City Clerk
Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney
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I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do certify that the whole
number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Ordinance
No. 1660 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 16tn
day of April, 2024, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and
signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said
Council held on the 7t" day of May, 2024, and the same was so passed and adopted by
the following vote:
AYES: Mayor Boyles, Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel, Council Member Pirsztuk,
Council Member Giroux, and Council Member Baldino
NOES: None
OU4�'X /'�
Tr# Weaver, City Clerk
of the City of El Segundo,
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