PROOF OF INSURANCE (2024)CT AC310RO CERTIFICATE O�F LIABILITY INSURANCE THIS CERT[FICATE IIS ISSUIED ASA MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONIFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGAVVELY AMEND. EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANC E DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING IINSURER(S)i, AUTHORVED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER, JIMPORTANT. 11 Ithe certifilcats holder is an ADDITIONAL INSIURIED, the policy(lies) must have AIDDITEONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed, If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject In the terms and conditions of the policy, certain Policies 'MaY 1`04uire an endorsement. A statement on this carlVicate doee; not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such endorsoment(s). PRODUCrAt IN I , fariner hoi Jaffe Insurance Agency f 'a N wli 5050 310), 827-60011 13160 Mindanao Way #204 Tanner@jIliffeinwrance,rom A Deli PRi 51 A,FF 0 A DINE C0VrRA4e Marine 40 Rey INSURED Marty Felpn 331'2 Tilden Ave CA 90292 N We"gors A . Hi$cox L- LOS Angielas CA 90034 wSURSR F : j COVIERAI CERTIFICATE NUMBER: CI-24221113476 REVISION NIUMBIEk, THIS igrOiCEiR'riFYTHAT,rHEPOLICIES,OFINSURAN,CEL TED BELOWHAVF BEEN ISSUED TOTIAE TNSUREDI NAMED ABOVE FiCRTHE POLICY II INDICATED, NOTOVITHSTANDIING ANY REQUIU11i TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR CITHER DOCUIMEN7 Wi RESPECT TOWHIC" THIIS CERTFIC,AT'E MAYBE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN'„ THE INSUIRANCEAFFORDIED BY THE POLICIES MSCRT8ED HEREJN IS SUBJECT TOALL THETERMS, 5XCI, USIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCHPOUCICS. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE, SEEN REDUCED BY IPA fD CLAIMS. VAN, TYPE OF INSUI POLWY NUMSER ININDOW")LatnTS X COMPTER"LGONCRALLIMAILfTY EAtH OCCURRENCE $ CLAIMS -MADE N, OCCUR 2a, W, E.Emw �el- 5,000 A Y F100812,301&3 11212112023 12121/2024 p0RsOwkAA0VJNJURY 5 11,0001,000 56AFIL A90RE-OATE LlIM111 APP UES FER" E RA, 15AEGATE 2,0010,000 potli r�CrED LOC PRODYUT -coMPIOPAGG S 2,000,0100 Employee Benefits 5 AU30101001LE LASIUrTY ANY AJIi TO M)bky pKRINY ip., poowl) IF OWNFID SCIAEM&E0 0 ofty IN A wly ipor Aukfafli) I AVro'S ONLY H AUTOS HIRED NON 4WINED ........... AVTOS ONLY AVOSOMY por S"4ara� 2— USAVIRELLAIi OCCUR _EALLH OCCURRENCE S_ EXCESS UTAO CIAIMS4WA AWRE(WiTE 2t!L .R ,M — NORK9RS COMPENSATION 'AND =1H, EMPLOY ei LIAMI, r" VAw ul-i—F13— ANY PROPRIETORPAR7NEW11i , FACM AM; cFNT OFFIOERINICLIBER EXC LUDi NIA _F- �IMSAdxwryrnblFli E-L,CqSEA,SE-EAFJAPLOYE.,E 3 L. 0rSM"ON OF 0 PERATIONSI balm ETt WASP' - 111CY.NkLAII DESCWITION OF OPERATIONS AOCATIGNS VVEHiCLES IAC ORO, 10I.AddiRTaival Romarki Schodu la, May W Attathad liffloto SPA Coll 00i The City, uf 5T SegUndo, its Officer s, officials, employees, agents, and valuirtuers are included as Adolfianal Insured as respie,01 to the Operations of the Named insured per written Convect, The City of El Segundo 350 Main St. M Segundo ACORD 25 (20116103�) SHOULD ANIY OFTHE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES HE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DEILIVERED IN AC"RDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVIS40i AU ll 40RIZED RtPRESIENTAFIVE CA 90245 0 1980-2015 ACO,RD CORPORATlCIX All rights reserved. The ACO RD In aim e and log Is af e reg istere id marks of AC ORD, oil- 111311 INIMNOMIM w,ith the City of El Saigundo. Policy No. ---. . . ........... . ...... (_) i have and wilt maintain workers" compensation insurance as required by Labor Code § 3700 for the performance ,of the work for which the agreement with the City of El Segundo is executed. My workers' compensation insurance carrier and policy number are; Carfler Policy NUmber Expiration Date Name of Agent Phone # I certify that, in the performance of the work set forth in the agreement with the, City of El Segundo, I will not employ any person in any manner so as to become subject to, the workers compensation laws of California, and agree that, if I should become subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Labor Code § 3700 1 must immediately comply with those provisto the agreement will automatically lbecome V011d. Signature of Applicant ------ - Date Print Niame MA V k , V,. PC. 4 '9 e"� W%. jAgreement for - Date d- OEM=* 315/24, 12 � 17 AM My-Apmu mm > Ayj Q-pglLc,y, > Vehicle coverages & details LTMINIM Add/replace vehicle �Rem e vehicle only Ommam= . . . ....... . ............ . 2019 Volkswagen Golf Sportwagen S,w Coverages, Details Bodilly injuiry, fiability $100,,0001 per Person 611d't �" Property diamaige $100,000 per peirsoin $300,000, per occurrence [C,h a�n]ge https:/lapp.ace,aaa,,ccrn/hnsurancelpaNicyviewivehicWdetalils 112 315,24,112 � 17 AM U'ninsuired ideduictibile waiiver Yes Vehicle delaOs Giaraige ZIP code 90034 Annual mil�es 2,5011 - 3,500 mHes Loan/lease cornplany Volkswagen Credit(Lienholder) 0=22MM 'The prenlWm amount and inforrnabon displayed may not refiect riecent poky changes or payments, Pllease aflow up to 3 business days for your new inforr'nabon to be reflected run these records. This ds for (nfornnationall purposes only and os riot ai cornpreh&isive definition of a[l coverages, qualificcatoons, lirnitaflons, etc. This 'rs riot interided to mjj0ace yout poticy docurvenis and declaraltions that are rna6ed to you Insurance 'us in effect oinly for the cinvpraigps arid lirnfts of liability shown on the declafariom3 and as set forth in the insurance poficy Wrd endorsoments Please consult the policy and one of our insurance agents for informatOn, peal wr terms rndl nditions . huKp.Ilapp,ace.aaa,comAnisiura,ncelpa,Icyvil,ewlvelhciede,tar�s 2J2