PROOF OF INSURANCE (2024 - 2024) CLOSED0 b6Aff---' wofwyyyy) CERTIFICATE OFLIABILITY INSURANCE I 1 (30,20III III 23 al 1 I -RE" j Iwo I- wigg naggg 1jJVK-q:4fi Ch li-tswas "IQ"s a v*jj 1151 AWInE&U-3 ImTjF-TN &-M"Kum L- LOMIU I U41 1A PRODUCER K&K insurance Croup, Inic, 1712 Magnavox Way Fort Wayne IN 46804 CONTACTNAMC� 1 8,0,0,328.93 t 1 1..260-459-55012' . . . . . .. ............ ..... ............... info@everyfinsurance-K.com MISUIRED 20011033029 CPSI 764 I Juld I U Markel Insuar,Co ' ,! �Gongl.?� roe ..... . . .. .... .... ......... Sandra DeIgado INsaIRER 6-.— DBA. Welcorne Spanish LLC INSURER C: 217 Aviabon Place 7miv A e A —o""" Manhattan Beach, CA 910266 ............................................... .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. ....... . . ....... INSURER E. A Member of the Sports,,, Leisure & Entertainment RPG INSURER f; COVERAGES; CERTIFICATE NUMBER. 201001601 30!9 REVISION NUMBER* 711 IIIS IS TO CEF711IFY TI IAT TI IF POLICIES OF INSURAINCE USTED BF1,QW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSUSED NAMED AROVF FOR TiIF IPa ICY PERIOD IIN;7— NOTWITHISTAN DING ANY IFREOUIIREMENT, r1FHM OR CONDRION OF ANY CONTRAC r OR OTHER DOCUMENTWITH RESPECT TO WIlICI A THIS CERTII-`IC/VrE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY I IHE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SURA-iC I r0 ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND COND11TIONS OF SUCH, POLIC-IES, LImjTs SHOWN IMAAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS, 1NSIR TYPE Of INSURANCE ADDL SUOR POUCY NU MR ER LTR INS WVD POLACY Eff UNUTS . . .......... X COMMERCLAL GENERAL LIA5ILqY X MIRPGO0000001161400 12102V23 12)02124 EACI� OCCUMIENCE S1,0100,0001 CLA(MG MADC OCCUR 1ZOI AM 12D'I AM . ... ... ... .. . .... $5,0001 2�i2 --- — --- PC$1,000,0001 A±L - — ---------- GEN'L AGGREGATE J'r API-JES PER rXNFRAL AGjGFGA7F ,00,00W "I "y PRwrCT LOC PROZKJCTS- COMPMIP MxG $1,000,0001 OTHER: PRQFFSSIONAL L A811LI'IY $ 1 "000,0w, LEGAL UA670 FART01PANTS $1,000,00o AUTONICEILE LIABILnY — - - ------- - --- r;r�KaRr; rjUTTE Tmr jEa nrl.- - ------ - — ------ ANY AUI 0 W,)fjl[LY INJURY Ple, OPTISON OWNED SCHLOULFID Al� TOS ONLY AJU ros 8000-Y rQURY (Per wcdem�) tL I A PD NON OWNED AUTOS OW y AU70S ON11 Y - -- - --- -------- ULAUB OCCUR ILACHOCCUdRVENVCE EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS -MADE AGGREGAIE CiED , HEW II'EN[10104 WORKERS COMPENSATION NiA AND CIMPLOYEAS'UAMUTY ANY 111H,0111HrElONPAHTINEW YVN Ik=V FA43HA,C.C110EN,r E OiCUl I *.' 0 FFK' F WMEMBER EXCLUDED? (Maindalli ...... . ....... tf gs' describe D SCRVPTIOIN,","1018"ERATIOIqSbe4ot MEDICAL PAYMENTS FOR PAR'nCIPANTS PBIfAARY fALIDCAL__— EYCESS MITWk DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS d VEHICLES (ACORD'101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be aftched If alare space Is raqwred) Instructor of Language The cerlificate holder is added as an ad6tional Insured, but onily lor fiability causect, in whole or in part, by the acts or ornissions ofthe narned insured. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION The City of El Segundo, its officers, officials, employees, agents, and SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORETHE volunteers EXP41RATION DATE THERCOF, NO ICE WIILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH 3511 Main Street THE POLICY PROVISION& El Segundo, CA 90245 AUTHORIZED REPRESFNTAlIVE Owner/Mainago0t-cssor of Pronflses 0 1988-2015 ARO CORPORATION, AJI1 rights reserved. Coverage is oNy exlended to, U.S. evens and activiVes, - NOTICE TO TEXAS INSURED& The Insurer for this purchasing group may Got be subject to all the inw surance las and regulations of the State of Tr axes. ACORD 25 (2016/1013) The ACORD name and logo aire registered Mmarks of ACORD The CRy of EI Segundo, its officers, officials, employeals, agents, and volunteers 3�50, Main Street El Slegundo, CA 90245 Named Insured: Sandra Delgado DBAd Welcomie Spariish J A. section 11 - Who Is An Insuiredl is amended to indude, as ain additional insured the Person(s) or orgahzallon(s) shown in the Schedule, but only with respect to (lability for '(bodily injury', "property darnagia" or "personal' aind advertising injury" caused, in, whole or in parl, by your acts or ornissil or the acts or olmAssioils of those acting on your behalf 1. In the performance of your ongiolingi operations; or 2. 1 n connection M)h your pirernises owned by or rented to you, However: 1. The insurance afforded to, such addilonal insured only applies to the extent permitted by law: and 2. If coverage provided to the additional insured us, required by a contract or agreerniont, [tie insurance afforded to such additional insured will not be broader thian that which you are reqluired by the contract at agreeineril lio provide fair sucil additioinall insured, CG 20 26 04 13 ii r �� irlfri I i im 1 irnolmm RMITMOOTNIMMIMEM Bl. Oth respect to the linsurance afforded to Thiese additional insureds, the followling is, added to Section Hil — Urnilits Of Insurance, If coverage provided to the additional insured Is ireqluited by a contract or aglreernent,, the inost we M11 pay on behalf of the additional insured iis the amount of insurance. 1. Required lby the contract or agreement; or 2. AvalfaWe under the applicable I irn[ts of insurance shown Jr the Declarations'. whichever is Illess, Thilis endiors'ement shaV not increase the applicable Limits of Insurance shown in the Declarations. CG 20 26 04 13 Q insurance Services Office, Inc., 20112 Page 2 lot 2 Fold Mere Cut along edge Allstate. Please use th e printed Insura nice Cards belo i Please use the printed Insurance Cards below, A Allstate. please use the printed Insurance Cards below. Please use the printed Insurance Cards below. California Proof of Allstate. If you have an accid4nit or loss: Auto Insurance Card Get medical attention if needed, a Allstate Northbrook indernini Comp1 PO Box 660596, Dallas, TX 71�'1266-059'1 N,A1C# 36455, Rofify the police immediately. Dario Delillaid; Sandra Dolpidis 217 Ai I Obtain nannies., addresses,phone numbers (work & home) and, Manitialftain kirith CA 9,0266-7018 license plate nivnibeis of aillplersonsiinivodved,ki,cludiiing passengers and witnesses, Call 1-8001-ALISTATE, 0-8004M­78281 This poficy meets the toquoFerneks of the applicable California bran dal lagon to aNIstatexam or contaict your Allstate agent as soioni as rasp orv-,ibJ11Ry law(s), possWe. POLICY NIUMBER YEAR? MAKE / MODEL Mike Hermain 067'307 147 EFFECTIVE DATE 09/05123 200STauiCari 1, VENCLEf nNUMBER (310) 376-0231 719 S Pacific CS Hlwy WHRAWNDATE 03105/24 This card roust he caii in 6e vehicle at ant firritsiasevii enceofinsurani Redondo, Beach, CA,90217 cartforliria Proof of Allstate, If you have an accildent, air loss.: Auto Insurance Card - Get medical attentiott !if ritteded. AIll�stateNorthbooklndolinut C7' n, Box 660598, Dai�arTX 16'0 NPC4 36455 - Notify the police immediately. Dodo 00 de, Saindra Delgada 217Avia t on Pi 1 * Obtaininarnes,addresses, onenumbers(warkikhorric0and !i1persons Mainhafto Beach CA 9,026,6.7018 licianse Pilate nuimb in14ved inditidlng passengers and witnesses, - Caill I BOO-ALLSTATE (1-800-255-7828), This policy meets the requirements, of the applicable Califfornmi finandat logon to afistaitecom or contaict your Allstate agent as soon as possible. responsibility NawKsT POLICY NUMBER YEAR I MAKE /'MO,D El Mike Herman 067307147 EFFECTIVE DATE 09/0,5/23 2007 Hoi 011'" VEHICLEIII)INUM, ER (310)1376-0131 7191 5 Pacific Cs Hwy ExPERATioli DATE 03/05124 This card must be carried ir the vehWr at all times as evidence of insurance. I I I Redondo BaKfi, CA 90277 [f04 (MmAmmaryyy^A) CERTIFICATE IC F LIA BIILITY I SU NCE AIiS( 01 4 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION I ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS IIJPCN THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR, NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVIER'AIGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE LIMES NOT CONSTITUTE AA CONTRACT (BETWEEN THIN ISSUING INSIURIER(S)„ AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder Is an AADIDITIIONAL INSURED, the p ollicy/(Ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IIS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement, A statement an this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In tied of such endlersermemt(s), 71NIVC� K g AAgTencyP, Inc. PRODUCERAAutruurwatic I aIa Pro c s�im NuIrAlwuamce ���AAuto matic Mahe Proc ssing Insurance Agency . (Inc, 11O0 Exwy+ t-BCIi-S 4 7fA�4 — I�+�crNltL..... I AdlI Boulevard INSURER(S) AEF��TkN Cev„„.E....RAI;F �NAIL ............. RaseOand NJ 0117068 INSURERA: Iv �AriaA IrA IaAa'rAPISAErA Irror�InrAurrcw. C"nrn... .. .. � 4 76 ... ..I. .... .. INSURED Welcome Spanlshd VLLC INSURER e INSURER C , t "A AvIakinr Race INSURER C ; .. INSURER E ; ......., . Manhattanl3paICIIM CAA 90266 INSURER r COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: 3568887 REVISION NUIIIAIII ER; THIS I TO CERTIFY THAT THE I"nUD ICIES OF INSLRAANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE (INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY IPERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH( THIS CERTIIFIICAATIE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY 'THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL TIME TERMS,. EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES, SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED a JWLmmIIMIITS IN AItI TYPE OFIINSURANCE I LIICYNUMBER MBb'A ,PAiDNw]CEYLdYAMlMM LC1LA t:4R' ww"a IMMMOdwILIMITS f COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY FACIA 00CURREWE t ITAtaMAC,E To RrNTEIw (,[JkIM S MADE P.....� OCCUR � PIRI MdISF, A,IIf IY h XP IAruA crnt9 rsEr&arrl I F"FTrrINALSAI AAINJU...M - _._ G6 Nr.t 4 RECAA!"�E LI AIPwAILIIE�SWb;VI 1 I NF4AAWI AI C URE�ATF m I � .._ PRO. I,0 IC.Y "".,... ,IECr L,CN _ � I"PIC4I IkLI'� C dIMIA Ad I* AG d .. .. � ...E . � ......... ...... I OTHER, IR, .............. . .N .. ...._._. I AUTOMOBILE LIA431LITY t ru1l �C7u� t __ ...� �J ANY AI.AT'CA 8 JlAIRY (PvtYpel, 4&dmr%I E CwWNFD SCHEDULED 800ftY`KJURYi(PAlrwXIldenl) �I ..m.. E AUTOS ONLY AAUI OS HIRED NMAM4�OWNE w AA�I E I°M TyAAT MAd t E AAU'rOSONILP AUTOS ONLY tInrwnalll,�rxl,l.......„ .. UIi4IeRE'LLALIAe �....... ...__ OCCUR IAMP"N@If)C',rM!IAIAhIF9H0.� ..... t __ ... �.......... EXCESS LIAa dTLdN MS MAh4AI:I PadmCroi"IKAIF ........ .. _ f ._.. DE RETEN'710N$ EA AIL E AND EMPLOYERS'LIABILITY ERSLIAB�WAN ANY P NULrIF'HNEFd&4"UI'1am+z T E F dh�� IHwN� ' E IIptf�0I0I [. AMR E?CU Y N A N TVV'C43Z70 - 0Sfh51202 09)1Ci Q24_ P EI tlis hF dVF . $ "C�U,010QI (m1din NM 1` If e,sd a��aau1Eunder 7EaaS4RIrTIdN CId�EwAMIICNS yefror .... � F-IPQICY LL7 E.II�F w .. ,.... . . �� I�CBo��I ......... DESCRIPTION OFOPERATIONS I LOCAA'FIONS I VEHICLES QACCIRp 101, Additional (Remarks Schedule, may , he aliaol ad If maraw wp ....._ ...... . �II�b is urawrMulxwndl CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION The City of E'I Segundo, Its Officers, officals, employees, agents, and volunteers 350 Main) Street El Segundo + -Iw n .w, w AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE w r.r CORPORATIONo rights ACORD (20116,10ww M name and.». are registered marks of Rw Iw 11 affirm under penalty of perjury ulnd'er the taws of Call forma one of the foillowing decliaration s: ill, 11111111 Trilil !Ill I 111V All L'U11,21 %��ftic wilth the City of Ell Segundo. Imn"IM or the work for which Ine agreement wim jine 1.,Hy or Ill beguniaoi is exect W-0, illy IvOlKelis cOulp"FlibilkNull 111,mlltjmx�- cartlier and policy number arw Carrier Automatic Data Processing, Insurance Agency Pollicy Number Expiration Date 019/15/24 Name of Agent Errni, Joseph 800-524-7024j Phione #: 11 Emil oil,sl rE jvj AM— R- ;lignature of Applicant Date Print Name Agreement for Welcome Spanishl! LLC j(X4M"k- Reviewill by.,