2024-04-30 CC Agenda Packet SPC - Additional Information - ITEM #1 - Strategic Plan WorksheetStrategic Planning Session Participant Worksheet
What wire your Expectations?
IDefliniti n affeirims
• MISSION — Describes our purpose for which we were founded and why we exist.
• VISION — Defines where we want to be.
• GOAL— What are we trying to do? It is how we move from where we are now (current state) to
where we want to be (vision).
• STRATEGY — How are we aligning our services to achieve our goals?
• ACTION ITEMS/PROJECTS — What are the specific work that we need to do to support our
strategies? (Note: Action items and projects need to be SPECIFIC, MEASURABLE, ACHIEVABLE,
RELEVANT, and TIME -BOUND. Day-to-day activities will not be included under this classification.)
• RESOURCES —Anything needed to complete a task or project. This includes supplies, budget,
personnel, technology, and any other items or services
Reaffirm the IFive (5) Goalls
GOAL #1— Enhance Customer Service, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Communication
GOAL #2 — Support Community Safety and Preparedness
GOAL #3 — Promote a Quality Workforce through Teamwork and Organizational Efficiencies
GOAL#4— Develop and Maintain Quality Infrastructure and Technology
GOAL #5 — Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability
Vision: Be a global innovation leader "where big ideas take off" while maintaining our unique
small-town character.
Mission: Provide a great place to live, work, and visit.
V llue m Service — We work to provide exceptional services and continuously improve our
practices and processes.
Ethics— We are accountable and responsible for our actions, transparent in our
processes, and follow professional standards.
Collaboration — We work as one team on behalf of our community.
Cell lbir t(i Ing Successes: Achievements and Ongoing liniti tiv
Achievements/Completed Projects
Ongoing/Work in Progress
GOAL #1— Enhance Customer •
State of the City
Communications Plan implementation
Service, Diversity, Equity, •
FY 23-25 Communications Plan
Communications Committee
Inclusion, and Communication •
Annual resident and business survey
Monthly news program & newsletter
AB 1216 (Hyperion)
Improved communications with older
ESFD and ESPD community outreach programs
City— ESUSD Joint Use Agreement
E-Bike safety awareness
Monthly strategic plan update to City Council
DEI Workplan implementation
"City Hall on the Road" Program
Youth Advisory Council
ESPD and ESFD community events throughout the year
Assist LA County with Nov. 8 general and
Assisted LA County with March 5 election
city election
GOAL #2—Support Community •
Hired Fire Chief and Police Chief
Crisis Communication Plan implementation
Safety and Preparedness •
Hired Emergency Management Coordinator
Establish state-of-the-art EOC
Police Officer Recruitment
Local Hazard Mitigation Plan
Emergency response to severe storm
Incident Action Plans for Emergency
Hosted CERT meetings
Security cameras (Ocularis and Avigilon)
Enhance services for homelessness
Neighborhood Watch Program
Continue E-bike awareness, education, and
Weekend hours for Neighborhood Preservation Program
Homeless Outreach
Interdepartmental response to
Implemented StarChase and LiveView
Created the "You Are Not Alone Program"
Disaster service worker training for City
GOAL#3— Promote a Quality •
Strategic Plan Management System (Monday.com)
Employee recruitment
Workforce through Teamwork •
Electronic onboarding and offboarding processes
Staff training
and Organizational Efficiencies •
Expansion of OpenGov to streamline Special Events, TUP,
Develop Employee Engagement Plan
and Filming Permit processes
Implement NeoGov performance
Enhanced use of intranet for employee
management module
Town hall meetings with the City Manager
Recruitment of key executive positions and ongoing
Revised or created several classification specifications
Employee engagement activities (Health Fair & Wellness
Challenges, Employee Engagement Committee)
Employee Training and Development
GOAL#4— Develop and •
Multiple street maintenance projects
Entryway Feature Project
Maintain Quality Infrastructure •
Graffiti removal within 24 hours
The Plunge Renovation Project
and Technology •
Approval of Entryway Feature
Recreation Parks Phase 1 Renovation
Construction award of "The Plunge" Project
Agreement award for the design of the "Recreation Park
ERP/HRIS Project
Phase 1 Renovation" Project
Security camera system replacement
Automated Library Management System
Geographic Information System (GIS)
Local Travel Network Pilot
GOAL#5 — Champion Economic •
Presented long-range financial plan/forecast
Campaign to raise funds for the renovation
Development and Fiscal •
State of the City Event — 400+ Attendees
of The Plunge
Sustainability •
Economic Development Strategy FY 23-24
General Plan Land Use Element Update
Sidebar Summit partnership
Streamline annual budget process
Smoky Hollow Specific Plan update
Conduct Prop 218 process for
Downtown Specific Plan Update
water/wastewater rate study
Start-up events
Begin implementation of ERP system
Hospitality, public relations, and marketing campaigns
Housing element, R3, and Mixed -use overlay zone
IIdentifyingthe'Tolp 10 Priority Strategies
Goal 1 Strategy A: Enhance proactive community engagement program to educate and inform the
public about City services, programs, and issues.
Goal 1 Strategy B: Promote Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the community and within the
City organization.
Goal 2 Strategy A: Comprehensively address the unsheltered homeless population.
Goal 2 Strategy B: Provide cost-effective and excellent fire protection and emergency response
Goal 2 Strategy C: Hold large-scale operations within or in close proximity to the city accountable
for environmental violations that place the quality of life and health of residents and businesses at
Goal 2 Strategy D: Prepare the El Segundo community and staff for any natural and/or man-made
Goal 2 Strategy E: Increase community awareness for emergency preparedness.
Goal 2 Strategy F: Ensure that the community feels safe and is satisfied with the services of the El
Segundo Police Department.
Goal 3 Strategy A: Monitor established key performance indicators (KPIs).
Goal 3 Strategy B: Enhance staff recruitment, retention, and training to ensure delivery of
unparalleled City services and implementation of City Council policies.
Goal 3 Strategy C: Improve organizational efficiency by implementing processes and tools that
facilitate effective data collection and analysis while promoting data -driven decision making.
Goal 4 Strategy A: Implement the projects in the Capital Improvement Program and ensure that
City -owned infrastructure is well maintained, including streets, entryways, and facilities.
Goal 4 Strategy B: Implement the use of technology to improve services, efficiency, and
Goal 4 Strategy C: Develop a multi -year plan to address a comprehensive update to the General
Goal 4 Strategy D: Improve mobility and transportation throughout the city.
Goal 5 Strategy A: Identify opportunities for new revenues, enhancement of existing revenues, and
exploration of potential funding options to support programs and projects.
Goal 5 Strategy B: Utilize the City's long-term financial plan to make financial decisions that
support the goals of the strategic plan.
Goal 5 Strategy C: Implement strategic initiatives to attract new businesses and foster business to
business networking and collaboration to retain and grow existing businesses.
Goal 5 Strategy D: Implement community planning, land use, and enforcement policies that
encourage growth while preserving El Segundo's quality of life and small-town character.
Goal 5 Strategy E: Reduce the number of workers' comp. and general liability claims and expedite
the resolution of existing claims.
What Chainged / What's New?
• From 36 strategies to 20 strategies
• New strategies for FY 2024-25:
o Improve organizational efficiency by implementing processes and tools that facilitate effective data
collection and analysis while promoting data -driven decision making (Goal 3, Strategy C).
o Improve mobility and transportation throughout the City (Goal 4, Strategy D).
o Reduce the number of workers' comp. and general liability claims and expedite the resolution of existing
claims (Goal 5, Strategy E).
Proposed ed IKey Performance Ilindi toir (IKIPII ) -for IFY 202 -25
Key Performance Indicators:
Maintain a "Great" (50-70) resident NPS score with a minimum of 600 responses.
Residents are satisfied with the responsiveness of City services, as measured by:
o The average score of the annual community and business survey questions related to responsiveness of
various departments and City Council; and
o Results from the Community Development Department ongoing transaction surveys.
Key Performance Indicators:
• Residents feel safe, as measured by ESPD/ZenCity social media survey.
Other Data Collected:
• Homeless resolutions, as measured by the numbers of interactions, types of interactions, and outcomes.
• Number of calls for ESPD and ESFD services categorized by type.
Key Performance Indicators:
• Improved employee engagement score as measured by annual employee survey results.
• Employee training as measured by the amount of training provided and 100% compliance with state -
mandated training.
• 100% compliance with all applicable employment laws.
• Decrease the average time to fill vacancies from the time the position is posted to the new employee's first
day (year 1 will set the baseline).
• Decrease the number of workers' comp. and general liability claims.
• Decrease the time to resolve existing claims.
Key Performance Indicators:
• Year -over -year growth in employee headcount and square footage (business license process).
• Improve organizational efficiency as measured by growth in funds available for CIP projects.