2024-05-07 CC Agenda - Public Communication - Misc. - El Segundo Firefighters' Association2024-05-07 CC AGENDA
El Segundo Firefighters' Association • Local 3682
531 Main Street, PMB =1104 • El Segundo, California 90245
wv vw.eisegundofirefighters.org
April22, 2024
Mayor Drew Boyles
Mayor Pro-Tem Chris Pimentel
Council Member Carol Pirsztuk
Council Member Lance Giroux
Council Member Ryan Baldino
City Manager Darrell George
Dear El Segundo City Council and City Manager George,
Please receive this letter in coordination with our most recent proposal dated April22, 2024. We are
respectfully requesting an expedited and smooth negotiations process in hopes to agree on a successor
MOU by the first meeting in June, 2024.
We all have endured a long and arduous contract negotiations for the past three years. We are hopefulto
gracefully move past this experience and work to address the serious issues that our labor group is facing.
We are humbly askingto keep us competitive in the surrounding market and provide our members with
some stability and relief to the inflationary conditions.
The attached proposal is a four-year agreement that ends June 30, 2028. This length of time benefits all
stakeholders as it will provide for stability as well as provide budget predictability. Over the past four years
we have fatten to the very bottom of the list of surveyed cities. In the next four years every other survey city
fire department will be renegotiating their current contract which will push us farther down financially. This
current financial state has negatively impacted our group. Many members are applying outside to other fire
Some statistics and issues that support our proposal:
1. We are currently the Lowest paid in every rank amongst surveyed cities and the Local marketplace.
2. We are 19-24% (depending on rank) below the average total monthly salary of survey cities.
3. We are not asking for any retroactive pay.
4. No salary or benefit increase from October 2020 — March 2024.
5. Current employees are applyingto other departments; loss of staffing, experience, and trained
personnel creates a stress on remaining staff, HR, and the community.
6. Paramedics are a limited resource in high demand, we need to retain our current staff.
7. We have a two -tiered department between PEPRA and Classic members; this creates conflict.
Atli IIah•d %%nh Inti-romiunaI A.r jerition of Fire Fighter+ • Californan I'rnli -ionaI Firrlightor. • AFL-Clo • Catdorn,a Labnr FcAvrat mn < _
El Segundo Firefighters' Association • Local 3682
I - F 531 Main Street, PMB 11104 • El Segundo, California 90245
8. Per the latest 2024 El Segundo survey results, we have provided residents and businesses with
excellent service consistently for the past 7 years remaining one of the highest scoring attributes
for El Segundo.
9. Total CPI-U inflationary percentage increase 2020-2023 was 18%.
10. Projected CPI-U inflationary percentage increase 2024-2027 is 10.6% (based on the average 2.65%
annual inflation rate for the last 10 years).
11. Comprehensively, over the last 6 fiscalyears our labor group's overtime funds were $787,402
under budget. (This 6 year total is the remainder after all reimbursements and the removal of
Battalion Chief overtime; data pulled from City financial documents)
12. Comprehensively, over the last 6 fiscal years our labor group's salary funds were $4,480,166 under
budget. (This does include the $1,986,732 ARPA funds that were deposited into suppression
salaries; data pulled from City financial documents)
We request that you genuinely consider our latest proposal. This proposal does not move our labor group
to the top of the survey list, it merely keeps us average. We are currently far behind, but we need a path
forward to start rebuilding our department as a destination for quality personnel as well as redefine value
for our current members. We believe this contract will bring balance and stability to our group, in line with
current strategic and budgetary plans, and promote healthy relations moving forward. Thankyou for your
timely consideration.
Your El Segundo Firefighters
IAFF Local3682
Allibated %%ith Intorualiunal ,Vs,xi;aion of Fire Fighters • Califiirrwi Pruli-:.iunal Firefighters • AFL-CIO • California Labor Federation .IC
E1 Segundo Firefighters' Association • Local 3682
I r 531 Main Street, PMB 11104 • El Segundo, California 90245
EL Segundo Firefighters' Association
Monday, April22, 2024
a. Through June 30, 2028 (4 year agreement)
a. Convert "Paramedic Level 1 "stipend (equals 7.6% of base) into an 8% bonus for paramedic
certification applied to base salary for all ranks. (This format of a percentage -based
certification pay is consistent with all other surveyed departments)
a. Upon adoption of MOU, eliminate education incentive for all ranks; apply captain rank tier
one bachelor's degree as a base salary increase for all ranks.
a. 8.5%; effective July 1, 2024
b. 5%; effective July 1, 2025
c. 5%; effective July 1, 2026
d. 5%; effective July 1, 2027
a. Effective January 1, 2025; $50 increase to employer paid medical
b. Effective January 1, 2026; $50 increase to employer paid medical
a. The Fire Chief, in conjunction with the City Manager, shall have the sole responsibility of
determining safe and adequate staffing and equipment levels. The Fire Chief's staffing
decision shall be determined by the City of El Segundo's risk and hazard profile and
industry safety standards.
Ail ilmted t%ith Intl'rnattonnl A—wiation of Fire FighIers • (California Prole -tonal Firefighters • AFL-C10 • California Labor Fetlerotuon `1C0___