2010-06-24 CC Agenda SPC - PRESENTATION - ITEM1 - FY 2010-2011 Strategic Planning Sessionic Planning Session June 24,,.2010 1 E; For Planning Session projections for revenues and expenditures . 2. Review options for balancing the FY 2009-2010 year-end deficit. 2 s For Planning Session � snsuTptibns/forecast for preliminary FY 2010-2011 General Fund budget. 2. Review options for balancing FY 2010-2011 General Fund budget. K r FY 2009=2010 Year-end Update Y °� 49 S�GU� 0 i�r�al Fund Revenue and �nditures — FY 2009-2010 FUND 09/10 t $ 54,598,750 7,729,650 venues $ 62,328,400 @I --- I�rr-enditures, net Transfers out Total Expenditures Surplus/ (Deficit) 61,827,400 501,000 $ 62,328,400 Tamed End 09/10 $ 48,843,455 7,701,650 $ 56,574,919 59,230,214 501.000 $ 59,731,214 $(3,186,109) Shortfall ($ 5,755,295) (28,000) ($ 5,783,295) 2,597,186 2,597,186 $(31186,109) 5 es in Year-end Expenditwoe tes —Midyear rease: $768,651 ued Salary savings 14-Vacancies Citywide duction of overtime -Fire - 62% reduction to SPLY • Reduction of non -personnel __1r_I . ed Options for 1 YE Deficit: Year-end Deficit: ($3,186,109 stpone Capital Projects: elease Designation in Econ. Uncert. Fund - FS #2: Reverse Equipment Replacement Charges 09/ 10: Postpone ETRC Projects: _Comm Center Transition to RCC Effective 8/ 17: Equip. Repl.-Retired Assets not being replaced Surplus/Deficit: 320,000 748,809 1,471,000 87,000 258,300 301,000 N A-L- p67 i:;�- .0-P -- -11 preliminary Budget Preparation i;ptions for 10/ 11 Prelimiry„,. et Expendi��res: crew es — 2% to-7%depending on ing units for Police, Fire, Police dement and Supervisory/Professional Groups F ices scheduled for the remaining employee ��roups Communications Center funded for the amount of the Contract with RCC • Vacant positions not funded — total for all positions — approx. $3.2M in total compensation 01 )ti'ons for 10/'11 Prelim,,ime.�. ,et ExpendRures. ner-rt Replacement Costs — Funded at 90% Of000) al OPEB Payment — Funded at 100% 00,000) USD Funding - $250,000 cash payment & Y ontinue funding crossing guard contract ($80,0ated�for 10/11contributions �) ($967,500 • Capital Funding - $350fOOO • City-wide new technology projects — No funding 110 �111 Revenue Ass um-ptions " rs of the $5.5 million in e decreases from FY 09/10 Adopted Budget to FY Preliminary Budget: Tax &Sales Tax In Lieu —Decrease of $2.2 million r 09/10 Budget anchise Tax —Decrease of $1,000,000 Business License Tax - $600,000 increase resulting from -indexing transient Occupancy Tax (TOT)—$600,000 decrease • Cogenerated Electric Tax - $550,000 decrease — total $1.4 million decrease in last two years a Interest on Investments — $300,000 decrease Charges for Services - $300,000 decrease 11 ues — Last 5 years — A,,v.Mre-ge,,- 5e—4% HISTORICAL REVENUES, NET OF TRANSFERS 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08 44,661,204 $ 50,872,502 $ 54,421,261 $ 52,320,508 $ 1,592,368 $ 6,211,298 $ 3,548,759 $ (2,100,753) $ 3.70% 13.91 % 6.98% -3.86% 2008-09 54,504,867 2,184,359 4.17% 2009-10 (est.) $ 48,843,455 $ (5,661,412) -10.39% 12 nary General Fund Reva-*ue expenditures — FY 2010/2011 EI�E, RAL FUND net in evenues -Expenditures, net Transfers out Total Expenditures Surplus/ (Deficit) P�inary .,.■�� Budget 10/11 $ 49,086,200 i.000,000 $ 50,086,200 58,315,900 501,000 $ 58,816,900 $ (81730f 700) 13 > to Address Current & W: ral Deficit e;* workforce ly Retirements — Fire Personnel and non -safety groups offs Concessions i- Furloughs — Pay reductions — Benefit reductions —Employees pay their share of PERS — Two -tiered benefits —Future Employee's benefit package reduced 14 �s to Address Current & ral Deficit nc'bafance in Internal Service Fund r f is Compensation Fund -�I Liability Fund Went Replacement Fund It-hdraw from OPEB Trust or do not fund Annual 'Required Contribution � Reduce balance u ndesignated/un reserved General Fund 15 jnty+- ire tar 2010 — Council authorized staff to west a survey from L.A. County Fire to iide fire services to the City e 2010 — Staff received preliminary - -findings from L.A. County Fire � Staff will present an analysis of that survey to our actual and future costs. 16 r p Costs — In-house (st y — 4-year Savings $�2 laries & Benefits ersonnel FY 10/11 FY 11/12 FY 12/13 aff at 19),. 7 million FY 13/14 FY 14/15 $ 15,099,206 15,7501013 16,622,866 17,532,564 17,958,119 927,100 954,913 983,560 1,013,067 1,043,459 $ 16,026,306 16,704,926 17,606,426 18,545,631 19,001,578 CountyContract - Total Savings - Staff at 19 $ - 10,400,000 10,92%000 11,466,000 12,039,300 6,304,926 6,686,426 7,079,631 6,962,278 17 o�t Costs — In-house (staff at 14) v. `— 4-year Savings $16.4 million daries & Benefits rsonnel FY 10/11 $ 15,099,206 927,100 $ 16,026,306 Workforce reduction - Staff at 1(2,444,216) $ 16,026,306 14,260,709 FY 11/12 15,750,013 954,913 16,704,926 Total Cost - Staff at 14: County Contract Total Savings - Staff at 14 v. County 10,400,000 3,860,709 FY 12/13 16,622,866 983,560 17,606,426 (2,598,438) 15,007,987 10,920,000 FY 13/14 17,532,564 1,013,067 18,545,631 (2,762,989) 15,782,642 11,466,000 4,087,987 4,3161642 FY 14/15 17,958,119 1,043,459 19,001,578 (2,839,673) 16,161,905 12,039,300 4,122,605 Comparison to CouDtty Fire currently budgeted at 19 per shift - 3 es, 1 Truck, 2 Paramedic Ambulances, and :align Chief. SFD proposed at 14 per shift — 2 Engines, 1 Truck, 2 Paramedic Ambulances, and a Battalion -Chief. • LACOFD proposed at Assessment Engines, Squad. 12 per shift - 2 Paramedic 1 Truck, and a Paramedic 19 y Fire —Options to Bridge, the eficit in the Transition Year If Withdrawal If We Do Not 12-8 hour days) Ming ,idraw from Trust f OR ual Required Contribution *Borrow from Aquatics Fund Equipment Replacement Fund —Corn-m. Center balance —Fire Dept. balance TOTAL AVAILABLE FOR TRANSITION: R. from Trust 1,500,000 1,500,000 11500,000 1,400,000 3,000,000 81900,000 Fund ARC $ 11500,000 $ 2,200,000 $ 1,500,000 $ 11400, 000 $ 31000, 000 $ 9,600,000 *Workers Compensation and General Liability Funds — Excess Fund Balance 20 ti avings if the City ions t0p.Co (j n m yNartr-e N-P.M.0-Sick Le.,awe pack averages $500k 6 Re tuction Reduces our long-term liability 1 .3 million (5% of total liability) Workers Compensation (cost of disability retirements) 55% - -General Liability and Workers Comp. savings on premium calculated on City salaries 21 Fire Additional Costs itions Costs �uipment/etc costs estimated from OOK to $1.2M E-�- - - - - 9 Vacation/Sick Leave 22 immepartment Revenues lance Revenues June 2009-May et Revenues $485,700 UPA —Net Costs • Fire Prevention Revenues - Net Costs 23 jT OPTIONS IF EL SEGU(WN DO DEPARTMENT IS RETAINED Fe as identified possible options, drug reductions to salaries and fits, non -personnel costs, and one ae funding sources. Staff has also summarized the impacts of the possible options on the community. 24 DUGET OPTIONS TO RETAIN BUDGET _REDUCTIONS 94 positions (70 PT & 24 FT) $ 31700,000 nal Non -Personnel savings Fund OPEB Annual Required Contrib. in vacancies (31)* Requires City to Meet and Confer with Unions *Salary Reductions - 50/o OR •Employee -share of EPMC - 5% $ 1,300,000 $ 21200,000 $ 71200,000 $ 3,200,000 $ 3,000,000 $ 21400,000 * The cost of these vacancies has been excluded from the 10/11 preliminary budget 25 T OPTIONS TO SIN ESFD (cont I do) i%w OPEB Trust $ ghs 12 8-hour days per employee $ ONE-TIME FUNDS 11500,000 1,500,000 t fund annual ERF $ 11500,000 .1 balance Comm. Center $ 11,400,000 .izefo Out transfers $ 426,000 *Workers Comp Transfer $ 250,000 TOTAL $ 6,5761000 26 T ISSUES TO RETAIN ESFD Ong Impacts: Sincreases 1_�__W,11/12 3,7% $259,000 increase l� 12/13 6,1% $427,000 increase Increase in Education Incentive and Longevity premiums —Workers Compensation Increases — pending cases valued over $1,OM 27 ral Fund Impacts - force R1eeduction Total Full- -Time/ Part - Time Positions 40 6 FI.NAMCE 1.17 PLANNING/BUILDING SAFETY 18 POLICE DEPARTMENT 98 FIRE DEPARTMENT 69 PUBLIC WORKS 37 RECREATION AND PARKS 140 LIBRARY SERVICES 35 470 Current Vacancies Additional Reduction in Workforce Civilian 1 1 2 3 2 1 6 3 3 22 Sworn Civilian Sworn 12 2 1 6 7 4 3 3 13 2 50 9 77 17 Number of Positions 13 3 3 3 19 20 8 53 3 125 % of Total Positions 33% 54% 18% 17% 19% 29% 22% 38% 9% 27% al Fund Workforce Red otion et Savings THE GENERAL RTMENT ER OURCES FINANCE .- "PLANNING/BUILDING SAFETY POLICE- DEPARTMENT FIRE DEPARTMENT PUBLIC WORKS RECREATION AND PARKS LIBRARY SERVICES NON CURRENT PERSONNEL TOTAL PERSONNEL LAYOFFS VACANCIES CUTS $ 324,650 1507000 807000 947650 1747650 1221450 36,450 867000 - 86,000 2907850 4,000 - 286,850 286,850 5267700 2527000 - 2741700 2747700 2,483,800 95,000 17219,800 1,1693000 2,3887800 27395,000 27,900 1,7547703 640,397 2,3677100 904,200 3147000 997870 490,330 590,200 683,000 322,000 3617000 - 361,000 3467000 95,400 - 250,600 2501600 $ 8,173,850 17365,950 3,601,373 37206,527 678077900 29 ice Impacts to Community tepartment — bv/reducing avai�rlable owe r. in direct expertise in evidence collection, specifically Ilecting and preserving latent fingerprints and DNA - ders our response time to in -progress crimes. -The Department will no longer provide neighborhood watch, security plan reviews, crime and community bulletins — Loss of Victim Assistance Programs — Reduce Lobby and counter service hours. This impacts jail matron coverage. — Reduce Records Operation hours. 3.0 j� Impacts to Community nt iced capability to respond to emergency bents potentially impacting effectiveness and iency in mitigating hazards. ncreased dependence on mutual aid. �-`Reduced ability to handle simultaneous emergency incidents. — Potential delays in emergency response. — Potential delays in responding to public inquiries and requests for information. 31 Impacts to Community �p ent ice plan deck capabilities resulting in ased turnaround time for plan review Iduced inspection capabilities resulting in creased life safety hazards EI�1. mination of annual Super -CPR Saturday Event. = Reductions or elimination of CERT classes. —Eliminate training provided to local businesses for disaster planning & preparation — Eliminate ability to oversee evacuation drills for local businesses W Impacts to Community ion & Parks Minate the Master Swim Programs se Acacia Pool 1e The Plunge on Saturdays ra I Arts � Reduce operating hours at the Clubhouse �== *-Cut contract classes • Eliminate one Senior Drama Production annually — Teen Center Close on Sundays • Reduce Staffing —Joslyn Center • Close on Sundays and reduce operating hours 33 ,ow ,, rImpacts to Commmnit-ymaww, tion & Parks t :educe staffing and coordination with vendors to Events ;ancel Hometown Fair Event eliminate the use of professional sound Cancel Halloween Frolic t;l�.;- • -Cancel 'Concerts in the Park" Series — Recreation Operations Quarterly brochure of available services printed by city staff and available online only n Reduced Checkout Building hours (limits availability of staff to public) @ Reduction of service hours at Campus El Segundo �V �e Impacts to Community q,tion and Parks terioration of City Landscape crease in trimming and replacement of City trees CL. Impacts to Community ecreased service hours — 10-14 hours/week currently closed on Sundays) ESUSD Libraries • 3 Libraries closed on Mondays • Reduce all School Library hours 2-3 hours/day — Delay of Technology Upgrades 36 Impacts to Community fictions and/or elimination of residential ces (e.g., graffiti removal, community event Sport, sewer back-ups); WFF,educed response time internally and externally; Reduced infrastructure maintenance; — Reduced street sweeping; — No job certifications and training. 37 impacts to Community istrative Services to Community ceptionist function transferred to tomated telephone system. �ervice impacts to billing, cashiering, fee --_ payments due to reduced staffing Planning & Building Safety — If level of construction increases, likely cause a increased time for reviewing plans, inspection and issuing permits 03 j al Options for Balancing,,- ue, Generators Ffeof Fire Station #2 `Trash Collection Fees - $600,000 PLF Developer Fee & Park Fee Study TOT Rate Increase — 1%AND 2% FY 12/13 An increase to 9% could result in an additional $482.,000 in revenues annually. An increase to 10% could result in an additional $964,000 in revenues annually. — Increase in Utility Users' Tax Fy12/13 39 I� ITEM -Council Benefits ANNUAL EST. refit costs: Salaries $ 54,000 Total Total Salary Benefits & Benefits $531174 $ 1071174 L[f] Retirement Pk e. -rocess of amending our contract aIPERS to offer an early retirement age to our Fire Safety group 2-year service credit Estimated increase in safety rate of .31% or $52,000/year amortized over 20 years (assuming 5 employees accept) 41