2024-04-16 CC Agenda - Public Communications - Misc. - 400 Block of Virginia2024-04-16 CC AGENDA PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS - MISC. - 400 BLOCK OF VIRGINIA From: leila schuh <leilahelena5@gmail.com> Sent: Wednesday, March 20, 202410:30 AM To: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org> Subject: Fwd: Code Enforcement Complaint new construction on 400 block of Virginia st Sent from my iPhone Begin forwarded message: From: leila schuh <leilahelena5@gmail.com> Date: March 18, 2024 at 15:43:44 PDT To: codeenforcement@elsegundo.org Subject: Code Enforcement Complaint new construction on 400 block of Virginia st Greetings! New construction on 400 block of Virginia st. Corner of Virginia and Holly. Building site specifically the pedestrian walkways are very unkempt with litter, nails, pieces of metal and just general garbage from crews lunches. Tarp hanging on the alley between Concord and Virginia. My main concern is the continuous amount of nails of all sizes found on the alley and street. My husband and myself have been picking them constantly. Last draw was on this Saturday when I had to walk in front of our truck to clear the alley so we could drive to our address and put our large items there for Edco. There was a handful of nails again. I threw most back to the construction site but kept a selection for the picture. This construction site is a hazard for pedestrians especially at night. Leila k Schuh 411 Concord st 310-5297721 Sent from my Phone From: leila schuh <leilahelena5@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 26, 2024 3:14 PM To: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org> Subject: 400 block Virginia/ Holly. 03-26-24 —5► Sent from my Whone