CC RESOLUTION 4914RESOLUTION NO. 4914 A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE DESIGN AND PLANS TO ENHANCE AREAS AT CAMP EUCALYPTUS LOCATED AT 641 CALIFORNIA STREET PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE § 830.6 AND AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE A CONTRACT WITH DANIEL CHAVEZ'S PARENT OR GUARDIAN. The City Council of the City of El Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION-1 The City Council finds and declares as follows: A. On April 6, 2015, the City received a proposal by Daniel Chavez ("VOLUNTEER") to enhance areas at Camp Eucalyptus (the "Project"); B. The Project consists removing the existing ivy surrounding the east fence, planting red trumpet vines to replace the ivy, and installing an irrigation system to water the newly planted red trumpet vines. C. VOLUNTEER proposes to donate all materials and labor for the Project. The City would not incur any cost; D. Based upon information supplied by the VOLUNTEER and Recreation and Parks staff, the Council understands and believes that the total value of the materials would be $600 and will utilize approximately 15 community volunteers for the labor. E. Ordinarily, the City would need to comply with the competitive bidding requirements set forth in the California Public Contracts Code for this type of project; F. The purpose of such bidding requirements is to guard against favoritism, improvidence, extravagance, fraud and corruption, to prevent waste of public funds, and to obtain the best economic result for the public; G. The facts and circumstances of this Project, however, demonstrate that competitive bids would be unavailing or would not produce an advantage, and the advertisement for competitive bid would thus be undesirable and impractical for the following reasons: 1. There is, at most, only a nominal cost to the public for the reason that VOLUNTEER will donate all materials and labor; 2, VOLUNTEER will not receive any public funds for completing the Project; 3. VOLUNTEER's only motivation in constructing the Project is to accomplish charitable works for the City; Page 1 of 3 4. It is improbable that any other private contractor can construct the Project for a lesser amount; and 5, To complete the Project, VOLUNTEER will still be required to comply with the City's standard contract requirements. H. In waiving the competitive bid requirements otherwise required by the SPMC, the City Council takes note of the analysis and decisions set forth in Graydon v. Pasadena Redevelopment Agency (1980) Cal. App.3d 631; Hodgeman v. City of San Diego (1942) 53 Cal. App.2"d 610; Orange County Water Dist. v. Bennett (1958) 156 Cal. App.2"d 745; and Los Angeles G&E Corp. v. City of Los Angeles (1922) 188 Cal. 307; I, The City Engineer designed the Project and prepared the Project's plans and specifications. The plans are now complete and the Project may be constructed; J. The City Council wishes to obtain the immunities set forth in Government Code § 830.6 with regard to the plans and construction of the Project; and K. In accepting VOLUNTEER's donation of the Project, the City notes that Labor Code § 1720.4 specifically exempts work performed by volunteers from payment of prevailing wages. In addition, the Department of Industrial Relations ("DIR") has determined that prevailing wages need not be paid for the Project (see DIR Decision No. 98-004 dated June 10, 1998 [donated pergola on city property]; and DIR Decision No. 99-058 dated January 7, 2000 [volunteer labor]). Accordingly, the Project is not a "public work" under the Labor Code and twenty volunteers need not be paid prevailing wages. SECTION 2: Design Immunity. A. The design and plans for the Project are determined to be consistent with the City's standards and are approved. B. The design approval set forth in this Resolution occurred before actual work on the Project construction commenced. C. The approval granted by this Resolution conforms with the City's General Plan. D. The approval and authorization granted by this Resolution is intended to avail the City of the immunities set forth in Government Code § 830.6. SECTION 3: Authorizations. A. The City Engineer, or designee, is authorized to act on the City's behalf in approving any alterations or modifications of the design and plans approved Page 2 of 3 by this Resolution. B, The City Manager is authorized to execute a contract with VOLUNTEER for construction of the Project in a form approved by the City Attorney. SECTION 4: The City Clerk is directed to certify the adoption of this Resolution. SECTION 5: This Resolution will become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 5th day of May, 201 :°` ryph uz n, a Fuentes, Mayor ATTEST: oww Tracy Weave, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney By ��J '�� - David King, Assista t 'ty Attorney Page 3 of 3 CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution No. 4914 was duly passed, approved, and adopted by said City Council at a special meeting held on the 5t" day of May, 2015, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Fuentes, Mayor Pro Tern Jacobson, Council Member Atkinson, Council Member Fellhauer and Council Member Dugan NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this day of May, 2015. Tr66y Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California Agreement No. 4849 EXHIBIT A PUBLJC WORKS CONTRACT BETWEEN THE MY Of EL SEONDO AND 'rhis PUBLIC WORKS CON*rRACT is ertered iMo 'thy "' day of e 20,15, tt and tr t n OF EL EL goli 4w city W4 inwir. 'd ition Mt w) and ov para'rllr'31i or quardtaj'r(s) of DANfFL 0HAA 2 ( 'vr°hjrrter") I RECITALS. The Parties enter into ft C4ntve I[)ocurfwl Wn,h t�w "kwng A, vc4unteer WAR pmvide all lff( and rnale�ta�s reqkAred try the Contract Df)(' u'wment rm r.lt rw t & T?m CAy, by Rewiiitson NaA914 ndripiwf on, May 5, 2015, irl t'tr thS Vr lun1e r hawJ UPM a duwrlpmz r�'" aWn that the Gity,*X��d rot expend any tyt' reswull Rx mnp9e0on of the (the "Award"), 8ased UPW flhou r undorst a.t in a ft tiny gels ves' OW A. is in dv Pub4c �Merwql ko it rt ks s° r�drd pk"i " °err r *4rti2z ft voluntiewand rr"t ie contnibutons, n7ade bly the Volruntil o- carnplete, tote Work DOCUMENTS. Documents am amended ,., All Any f r ii,k , thm raftects, payntant Of O` ') r s00m City 10 this lot r.ornplo n of the Work is rt l t , from f ., .irt^errfvt inewicting., without rtrnitat ova rt tt fit' mat rt ils aW ilaotjru wayoarragnsl- at oMar i cA corr. a tn.; wvd insura.rwce providedby Uw Volunteer to ft Cfty satisfies t . as to wkJob `r rl lin.sured as ii,'ithw r' 4 vrrr st by ft Conbva " accepted by Cam. PREVAILINGhis Dry A i r t thal' t t the PtAv�r'?,fin t � r ilr`'�rrr#"'tits, ohaoe it requwed byt�t,w tN I enrAjdkig, withoul kmitation tabor Code ff 1720 (a$,dmtq4ad by 1)), 1r7 1.. '1774, 1775, 't776, Ord 't "' . v tO I W01*4TZ PreV3J0f1QW2tM - HAS r ltr,r r , &A It interpret impiernani any PmValling wne r gwrerno"ints and vounlaor a0rr s so pay any penafty Cr civtl dAmages resufting from lolatr trt 01, V4 pr vaitlrur r accordwice wft Labcw Code j 17712, coiptes cA the pmwading rate COSM , -s 2re evabablOLoan requeot C 's, Enginocning DNisianthe websitin Agreement No. 4849 fc'x, z5tetou, �,X' ifo n gs P,evwn,, P'"C"i j,o� al vnk�rm P, ruA txxg f,;cgYV OVm a, ng ra�v pa; n OVaqfy�,, II'misf I)e j"-pogg'ad aI Tva �6,btp rei,WORK A, P,,*VcAunwor wW provid*i ai 10vork txy tJv (klnbact DMurlienls (V"'e "Work"i, The Voi-ontew ovees tv do 4idsir vona� wow ahsing trorrbanqes oWew'I by the My in ac=darv:01 "P011,11,on 0,4"m*OoM B. 71v vcgontaiew wx� 08 c3ty agroe, to ab%Ile by the lern�%s and ccrO0140anq crx)qIsin(-*,d 0% thp� Docurrftnts cl, 'vile vokmlocr wig ft=sjw'% ail ce I)IG �abcjr, surVhas and nwomjl, aqwpment phnlillq� wihtbes.- kransFxvtabKxq, affvca spkjr,�e a 1`acifiI7,es, am tests. tesbnq wid unalyses" Old MA Maftofa wtQtv-&v0f (OXC6% W uttwwisa expressfy specufled to be fumistsed ter the City) needed to perkwm arvd wmp4ete Via Wofic wtd ;vckvk* the screxes f6QLWVd Of the Voko,'Itow by Ift Cznbad Dwumwitc "Guntract Um-upwils" rneans Qw Nr)toce irwrting Bliids., tnslnjcflons to &A,ders, Suptrim entary Instruchors k) Biddnrs: Prnfx,),%atI- 113is canowI., 'Starldafd St. �ff"WATXAW StWplornpoll;'aly Prxvtaxms" r 0,�kks� 'rec'nnical Spo<,fficahons-� Lhat, d, Draw aigs, DravAings., Adde-ndu: Noti(ce 5o Proceed I:' Change Orders', Nobcv,(A Comb Ltd . wWaV otit dw.1ments Adentkfio, d *I ft Conrrac*, Documenis wftch togethei, foraw 1hpa d" �nlract between Me Coy arul, tho vc*wdear kw IV Wcrk, Thie Docimcras (xxisttut a tha, coup', to aqreefnenk betwee') dw cilty and Me viamtew sfyJ %apersedw trt ,I previous agreements cAr, Lnder-4t,3rxItnf;s 5, CONTRACT SUM. *rtus Votuoit".,tr re;w,e:wrAvd to 0-16 City, and 02M, A wws twwt uponfts re,"-wntation,, tat Vv Wcwk, wOl be romp, leted at no cx*t to Ci�ty. Ac7,or-dingly, C4 VMI P&Y ft Volunteer Ivero do,4181's. (Moo) the WCA*r, 0 0a manner set fix'M in the C,Lvvww.1 D(x,;%;rrwnts,. 6, TIME FCM, PERFORMANCE, A, ftww Voktrttw IMIJI tvik(r IfTs Wes* vv&,m 60 wc�fkirg dulys (ItA "r I'm cormtrwt '74ylc M611 cu(nmence, voloc the 014 d&4 U05 a, W pnxaod, mal 64,intraa poca mnts wdl f�uporifwcjc wy conflicting provisions (rtcluflcd fxt the nobrx" W prfx0ed ts,64)ed pur' uArlba fts, CVYLIW2 C, Ths Vahintfief fney MA pwfQM: awlyWcxt, w-M., RI Agreement No. 4849 I ?'fe Vi,,iiunleer T' la rn i q*s, Ipmrvot t0 4Vrs 4. Ar an cm, as& naquOtKI try thell Covitrx,'I Docutrerils,- wit, 11* CdY gy-e6 ft Voiunl�",�r a written, sigj*mi, and mxqbereei puvJnv�e order and no6ce fv proceecj. t at$Y 54,4nN fte, thfj! Voiunt(wr nsWresents 'b, the Coty thm ow C0ft'-'W';t Toy m ks rea'sonobta for crornplevon of OV wo"It sold ftl the VcAunteer vWt 4x)mphyle Ow WcA, vWthin the Gontr;g',f Tkne, E- -0kNM ft, Volunteer to9jin tha W06 befMA recemrxq w7yaon auth),n to praceed, any stmh W6rk tq at tr* Vr r.Prleer's o*n wsg and riskL 7, DISPUTES. Dgspuwswisang tm,,nttdS COntf2d WWI bQ (141*1'770n6d in,10=dW1CGV0&1 the Conti,= f�Wxwnwft wid P%�t)itc Contracts Ccde 10244-10240A3, B. TKIRD PARTY CLAAMS, In acicor(34ince w1h Nblk Conh-vCM Code § R2,01, th* Cry yvig rxonlpfft #Kw Vaholkw rquardtng third-pady mmms againv �p Vold nWer, but in, no event 1-afar #Mn t9n (10) business days sftgw #* City rover v5 ?Ax:h ciaimv& Bz.,trji notkficauon vAl be in wobnq wxJ forwarded 01 kc'xodkmcv y4firt ttie "Nutice' seclion or 0w Cono-ad Documeft. As more qr,0,,j1K:4J1y detarled in 'the Contraci rxx��,fr*wls, fiwe Voturiftw,r agrees to indervin1y WO defend ft Ckty against any lhird-0841y dwn 9. TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMSER. riv'VcAjrdaa-r ma prrrode the Cft,V ofth a T"yw 4jeniffivatkoi Nurnbec 10-P'FRMrFS AND UCENSE& Unless othenvise prrmaod, fito VQjLjnT,,eer, it its axpons,,si, w0l + xavi wvl mwritam dunng ft Ccxvad Mme, all necessory fw YIs, kjansw;, and #lot rriay W' reqUirod in romi(x1pon %40) "Wo W(W* 11,OWNEIRSHIP OF DOCUMENTS, All meta, vik4re' s, dra*rrs. maps, fi(JWS, pboloTaphs WVJ" repo pm -pared R:)y the Vr-�um".r under the Cwtmci, Docx)uments aft re Cpo Ay s, property, iv' VN�.Pitear i7my retain, ctvws ci said (�o(,,uments artenais Os desired, lout w,fl deikYwag origmai rnalenhals to t?* City upw the Cfty's wriftn notj'ce. 1Z INDEMNIFICATION. 11-m Vchoteer t4gfees to m ftrnndy, defwxi, drmd hCod the Cfty rryless as wN Wh in the Ccntrad Documents. Tho ruquirwnonwri as to the types mid Vmft d m3urance coverage W b* maintmnad by 0* Vo4urfter as req**d by Vw Cwnct L)ocvmet s, vtd "r approvai of s4xhirtsurancle by be, CAy, we rwA intandod ki M$ *AH gicA, in any manrwr limit or qualify0w liabihfio% wA obliga4ons obienmse asp med by Me Votiuntow pursuant to ft Coolracl Documents, mduding, wAth W� lirmistion, to the prowsJorib bfidernniftation. 1, 3. WDEPENDENT VOL LINTEER. wifiect as wi �nd%*matt wil Vo4vrtteef ", watt tiave wntmg cK a,$ sAxit and Me mairriw in 91 Agreement No. 4849 '3 , " " " ok;nleer willf rt �x" fee to ctw'A cl for (�"fol4lav seryv";e to Da wl'tien ps ft, perforrneq, F ho � � j`r rfo(rrtetf lx"'x (JOW RMP10y"M Wh#10 LO'40f Mlvac'i vuvzllr U,w Cdy- tl'ra Volunteer 4. rux &rgen't m, ernploype d V"* City arld is rxX srvlJt*d to pavi'lapalte in any p*Irvs'lor p4sn' Insu,rarx.fi, tx)ous r0 sornlar benefft INY Cft!y provloos fb)f fts Alrnpioop;'Ps MY �n flus, Convact Duo vwly appear lei, givil Vlv City Vitt rif n he ;M W &ecil thie Vo4tx r a!s to ttee del"ligs CA &xllg Me W('X* (X 1,0 P.MfV'Se " MMOSUfle ('9 (72=0CA CAW #I* WXk fvla?IMS farwil the voh intow, Ofll f(Acm Ilm d1mrctoor, at, the fns ED sne, MKWIS Of V16 Work rtrrt 14 AUDC OF RECORDS, The Vr*sTvWmY mN rrsaiiitain hstl IV rya cc,,irate records w5lb re%wO lo Wl tierwces amd mattots owered under, this Contrw%. Th* (-Nq, o0il tm%v (Pee acce"S's W afl reptsonabla times W much rumrds, aml 12"ve rt'p t'a to exavrvv and %x4do tree Welft artd to malke tmanscript Merelrom, and W ,sped aU pirogrz)m deta, documonlLs, procomln(p gro W*vltes. "71he'volum1per VAR reta'sn sdxh ftnuncW art,d pr,,qqra,m fwvlics rec(ft% for A 0east dli" (3) yeam aftex term, motion. culinal rAlw�,Trword under tillie f,"oilfwt Documents 15,, MOMES. M oornmumcabons to atiNvu, mrty by the altmv pwcy vvili bo d',cr.,mod mac% wrap recevve'd by mid, I powtvall ft ress poefivlcr nalvwj and addr*s,gas fak.w; C4, & ESeqtP;nas U*qr%DAI'66 W'sPaT"ll/Guzirdws Rrxj,foafion&o>,awvl Attw (y (-Jes* 3-50 %4.;Iri St 80f;'Undr). CA, �Ixo,,12—"45 El Segr�do, (.,,,A, 90245 t 0 — co t. If - My sucl% mn"Mto Darn murocaticAls by R"' VM, t* conclhusrvdy Jaiwited U) haVe L"n ro(vivo4J by 014 addressw-) that (3) days after (*;xisil Mww>f in bNe Ui*od States MaA postago parer wd and rxoperty, a,tidi,essed as not n.boyle. W ag c4hav, insslancep. rK'Alw* Witt be deefnetl gwen at Me Wl*;:;( actuai detivery. Ctiongm, may be rroda, 0i Uw irmuT*s ar adoms-w2s of posscuns W ms".rl f1coicas go -ire &U, ba ghw by qMnq ex9ic'm in Nus mwm'l pirsr rt' der rsqrapb 16.NO TMRV PARTY BENEFICIMY,, This C4)s*W and eyr.wy pvvisjori hafein'I's hy 610 AX(jusive bon(A)t & IV Volunleor avd the CAy arxi svt k.w the tar iDf any oftr party, Mare *4 bo no incidonial w o6w tolpficisvies of sny of th's Volvr4etr's ol, ft City's obligawns undev" ifft Gontr;,3cA, 1, -1 , INTERPRETATION. Tbi$ Contr*,icl was araflwi m. and MA tw cansirvec 01 accordance m1h the, k3ws ul the State d Caldornka, and excluvive vsrxse. kr 4any m.%inxt oiw:0wl,ngtk0, Contract,ovOl It 0 k im, Aivorics C4xffity- "18-AUSINESS LICENU, to Mv, event v("Aurliffer AI'llp4oy's arty "Ujb-vak;lnleerf� Mat afe a buswless voth"m the (Uty, s'Axt rn"19 (Vawn a Dity Butuness Ucense. In Agreement No. 4849 I Q.- EFFECT CW ccpNFuc,r. hi vie cmmu ot any conflhcl, �r)rujn,shy hetwew) any provision of tho Contract DO("3'Arnents, pwpd0r%p' wtfl be ZY3 fofllawsw A- rNs Cwtirlact, & 'R Ve Standard Speafications: Wid Q Precedor" of dtK%onef ft a$ deterrrvirlod in vie Starmiard Sgpwof VGAIXX�s 20. SEVERABILITY. R any portion of " Contract are dedared by a wury d w(lpetont jvnSdvdl,0?l bo be inwaf4d Or our mflforWabie, tMel l WWI WM b6 00"l0d dry in ft opinion & ma cotA w reKxJer such rx)nfiW enforowdia, aM. a$ So rlirXlffiedSM& ter ilirxi: and the ttalanco d Yhis Comma WtH c.;,ontmule sn " k%ve mid effect 21 AUTHORITYMOWICATION- Tf,,* Pwtfaq reptowt, wid warraflof at Fw,:&.4"sary acbcgi has been taken by, 0"* Pafbes, to authorze dw to a w—ute this, C,orKtad, wd to ongage, In the actOns desaibed hereO. Pos Curarad may be 1'%rjodff l�ed by written arnondment 7�* 01ys city marragera or des" qnpe, may execute wty mxt amendriwil on "'XI coy"s tx'41aff SQNATURES ftpe 1'1'�SrtkeS L i"af'pe �� , U% 22. ACCEPTANCE Of, FACSIMILE at ton rwA agreements andRarY to, NS Contract. anid rate doc,,umenlz to be, ef"ered trftl Wt com,ec,Ug>r-j tvgh tN* (,mntrwA vW0 be c�nskdefnd sugned wt),an'b'm Mgnattire of a trarty ts dehVered by IWlfnile tTWT.WVMi0(I.. fa(-mimilc syyirwure wAR bo VaaMd in aR 41�ure le,"cls as I'MMO, It's saMe effleCt Or, 8110MJ081 949(' - 23 COVE "MTS AND CONDIMN'S. 'n* Parb" agree Viat all of V?e priuoisrjrrs h%-- eo f MM be coils w wxt5 erqXX�f 4w� jq*ij &I 1.)oth rxiverants w'W catyiJitions, t" same fd, a, If such cvmnarft and condiwis had bewi uswl in ox:h uiparate par,V.r-.Wh, 24 CAPTIONS. Tt* captorts ot ft paragraphs d �s COMWI SM W ronvAnlancs Of releref -ce onty and uA0 rat affect the interpretawn 0 tMs Contract 25-Tl#AE IS CW ESSENCE. T'rryv is d Ov eAsencf-i f0i'aftch wrid e,., ri prcM6on of ft ConlrW Document.n. 9 Agreement No. 4849 11111111 lljplljjljjllljljljjl��jj IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII Vllg7,pwPT,-TA,l!h CITY 91t, x PARENT(S) I GLAARDIAN(S) OF UANIEL CHAVEZ pen CKky ATTES T: c I CWI(4(r vE:u.As TO CONTENT: (A�.s Draclor ���� Cily AlUmney, M Agreement No. 4849 Daniel Chavez Eagle Scout Smice Project Eagle Scout Service Project Camp Eucalyptus Introduction Camp Eucalyptus, located in the heart of El Segundo, is primarily dedicated to the local Girl Scout Organization. It currently serves over S troops and is open on weeknights and weekends for special events and campouts. The fence around the camp is covered in invasive ivy and needs removal. My Eagle Scout Service Project involves the following: 1. Remove the existing ivy surrounding the fence on the east fence. 2. Plant red trumpet vines to replace the ivy and to provide curb appeal. 3. Installing an irrigation system to water the newly planted red trumpet vines. 1. Removal of existing ivy: The existing ivy on the east fence is over 15 years old and presents an unkempt look of Camp Eucalyptus and also harbors rats and other rodents which can destroy the environment of the camp. I plan to remove and replace the ivy. Step 1: Locate the root source of the ivy. Step 2: Saw off the root securing the ivy to the fence and dig it up from the ground. Step 3: Remove the ivy from the fence using trimmers. Step 4: Dispose of the ivy at the bio waste center. 201 Agreement No. 4849 Daniel Chavez Eagle Scout Service Proiect 2. Red Trumpet Fines: As stated previously the current ivy reduces the curb appeal of the camp and harbors rodents and other pests. I will be planting red trumpet vines, the same plant that hangs from the baseball fields at rec park, to increase curb appeal and maintain the wooded look of the camp while getting rid of the rodents. Step 1: After removal of current ivy, purchase around 15 red trumpet vines. Step 2: Plant the vines at 10 foot intervals to give them space to grow. Step 3. Support the vines so they can grow in an organized manner. 3. Irrigation System: An irrigation system will be installed to keep maintenance of the newly planted vines to make sure they grow to be healthy. This system will be shade out of secure PVC piping and will stem from the existing tap around the center of the camp. It will water each of the separate vines and will ensure that they grow. The pipes used will be schedule 40 due to the hard and rocky ground at the camp so it will last longer. A backflow preventer will be installed due to the irrigation system not having its own independent source of water. Step 1: Fit PVC piping to the specifications of the camp fence. Step 2: Drill the holes for the drip irrigation system and insulate them so they don't present unwanted leakage. 3. Fit system to the existing tap. Timelines and Costing: 202 Agreement No. 4849 Daniel Chavez Eagle Scout Service Project I plan to complete my project before the start of Summer in time for the Girl Scout Summer campout. I plan to have the project completed over 3 weekends, depending on the stubbornness of the existing ivy. I am prepared to allot more time if necessary. I need an estimate of at least 15 volunteers to help with labor and clean-up. The total cost of the project is estimated to be around $600 dollars, which covers the cost of supplies, materials, and food and drink for the volunteers. 203