2023-10-06 Environmental Committee Agenda AGENDA CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MEETING LOCATION: CITY HALL Executive Conference Room 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245 REGULAR MEETING OF THE EL SEGUNDO ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE Friday, October 6, 2023 12:00 P.M. How Can Members of the Public Observe and Provide Public Comments? Members of the Public are welcome to attend the live meeting and speak during the Public Communications agenda item. Members of the Public may provide comments electronically to Erica Miramontes via email at emiramontes@elsegundo.org, with a limit of 150 words and accepted up until 30 minutes prior to the meeting. The emails will be read to the Environmental Committee during public communications and are subject to disclosure under the Public Records Act. Additional Information The Environmental Committee, with certain statutory exceptions, can only take action upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Unless otherwise noted in the Agenda, the public can only comment on City-related business that is within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Environmental Committee, and items listed on the Agenda during the Public Communications portion of the meeting. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Government Code Section 54953(g), the City Council has adopted a reasonable accommodation policy to swiftly resolve accommodation requests. The policy can also https://www.elsegundo.org/government/departments/city- clerk. -2308 to make an accommodation request or to obtain a copy of the policy. 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS (Related to City Business Only and for which the Committee is responsible 5-minute limit per person, 30-minute limit total) While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow the Committee to take action on any item not on the agenda. Committee members may respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. 4. REPORTS: PUBLIC WORKS this portion of the agenda is for City staff to provide brief reports to the Committee. -action items only. Any actions needed to be taken must be included on an upcoming agenda. a. Hyperion Update b. Imperial Median Project Update c. South Bay Local Travel Network Pilot Project Update d. EV Charging Station Update e. CAGBN Update f. Water Conservation Draft Regulations 5. REPORTS: ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS this portion of the agenda is for members to discuss various ideas and for subcommittees established by the Committee to provide brief reports on the work being done by -action items only. Any actions needed to be taken must be included on an upcoming agenda. a. Local Facility Tours - Calendar Check b. VOCs and HS Tutorial 2 c. Environmental Work Plan: Committee Assigments 6. CONSENT AGENDA: a. Approval of September 8, 2023 Environmental Committee Meeting Minutes (attachment). Recommendation: Approval. 7. ADJOURNMENT ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MEETING MINUTES Friday, September 8, 2023, 12:00 p.m. 1. CALL TO ORDER The meeting was called to order at 12:02pm, held in the Executive Conference Room of City Hall in person. 2. ROLL CALL The following Committee Members were present: Tracey Miller-Zarneke, Local Business, Committee Chair Kevin Butler, Resident, Committee Vice Chair Dennis Falk, Resident, Member Heather Sutherland, ESUSD Representative, Member Kevin Atmore, Member, was not present. The following City staff were present: Elias K. Sassoon, Public Works Director Erica Miramontes, Management Analyst Councilmember Ryan Baldino was not present. 3. PUBLIC COMMUNICATION: Hope Escario submitted a public comment via email regarding the El Segundo Blue Butterfly presentation. She expressed her concern that the City has not done enough to protect the species and encouraged them to take an active role in growing 9ƩźƚŭƚƓǒƒ ƦğƩǝźŅƚƌźǒƒ on all City property. B the committee upcoming environmental justice conference on 9/13 and she added that they provide regular workshops to help the public understand any new rules that they implement. She also invited the Committee to subscribe to the SCAQMD newsletter, and Chair Miller-Zarneke will provide email contacts for that. 4. SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS a. El Segundo Blue Butterfly Conservancy Update Barbara Boland and Monica Davis gave an update on their Blue Butterfly conservancy efforts. They presented to the committee a list or proposed areas where they would like to plant the Seacliff Buckwheat on City property. Chair Miller-Zarneke asked if they had an agreement with the City to use these areas. Ms. Boland and Ms. Davis stated that they have been in talks with Joseph Casillas, Interim Parks Maintenance Superintendent, to have these areas planted with Seacliff Buckwheat, but they do not have anything official in place. Ms. Boland and Ms. Davis asked for help from the Environmental Committee to assist them in their efforts to save the Blue Butterfly. 5. REPORTS: PUBLIC WORKS a. Hyperion Update: Director Sassoon provided a status report regarding Hyperion. He informed the committee that bill AB 1216 was passed by the Senate and is to continue monitoring air quality (past the abatement order) and report their results to AQMD. Chair Miller-Zarneke stated that she is pleased with the progress of the bill and believes the City is headed in the right direction regarding dealing with Hyperion. Director Sassoon also reported that AQMD has received 70 complaints within the last week regarding odors from Hyperion. Hyperion is still in the process of replacing the covers for their main tanks, which is the main contributor of the smell. He added that their scrubbers are not fully functional and that Hyperion has committed to repairing their scrubbers by the end of September. b. Imperial Median Project Update: Director Sassoon reported that the City is currently working with the City of Los Angeles on the Memorandum of Agreement for the project. The funding for the project is currently in the process of being approved. Director Sassoon added that the City will be involved in the selection of a contractor to design plans for the project. Implementation of the project is expected in 2-3 years. c. South Bay Local Travel Network Pilot Project Update: Director Sassoon reported that the signs for the LTN project have been fabricated and will be installed soon. Parking stations for micro mobility vehicles will be installed at a few locations throughout the City: (2) at Main & Holly, (2) at the Library on Mariposa, and (2) at the Recreation parking lot. There will be a ribbon cutting and outreach to the community to prepare them for the implementation. d. EV Charging Station Update: Director Sassoon provided a status update regarding the EV charging station. He reported that the City is currently working on a masterplan for Citywide EV stations. This is an ongoing project. e. CAGBN Update: Director Sassoon provided a status update regarding the 2nd year of the Cal Green Business Network program. He reported that SBCCOG they also promoted the program on the green business newsletter that went out to 308 businesses in the area. They have certified 11 businesses so far. Chair Miller-Zarneke asked if SBCCOG will maintain the program once funding ends. Director Sasson stated that they will not. Member Falk asked what will be lost once state funding ends. Director Sasson stated that the state funding is what pays for the SBCCOG work and provided a lot of rebates and education for the businesses to join and without that, they will no longer be able to provide these incentives. 6. REPORTS: ENVIRONMENTAL COMMITTEE MEMBERS a. City Utilization of State & Federal Programs and Grants: Vice Chair Butler reported to the committee about SB 852, which allows cities to create climate resilient districts. These districts are allowed to bypass the normal CEQA process and focus resources on the most important environmental projects that can address climate change locally. Chair Miller- b. Calendar Check for Tours of Hyperion, Chevron, and West Basin: Chair Miller- Zarneke checked with committee members to see if they could attend a Hyperion tour on 10/30. All committee members agreed. The committee members also agreed on 10/27 to possibly attend a tour of both Chevron and West Basin. Chair Miller-Zarneke will move forward with 10/27 date to see if a Chevron and/or West Basin tour can be scheduled. c. Environmental Work Plan: Committee Priority Assessment: Chair Miller-Zarneke tabled the item for next meeting due to time constraints. 7. CONSENT AGENDA: a.Approval of Minutes for August 4, 2023 meeting. Vice ChairButler moved to approve. Member Sutherland seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. 8. ADJOURNMENT: Closing announcement: Next meeting will be held in person on October 6, 2023, at noon, in the Executive Conference Room. Meeting was adjourned at 1:36 p.m.