2024-03-19 CC Agenda - Public Communication - Misc. - Parking Permit Zone 3024 03 19 GG AGENDA FkI I:.:iII....IIO OOMMUVIIOA"'rIniq - MNSO. PAIRKING N IEIMWT ZONE 3 rEST IPIRO0 F AM From: Jason Taback <jastaback@gmail.com> Sent: Tuesday, March 5, 2024 5:44 PM To: Boyles,Drew (Mayor) <dboyles@elsegundo.org>; Pimentel, Chris (Mayor Pro Tem) <cpimentel@elsegundo.org>; Pirsztuk, Carol (Council Member) <cpirsztuk@elsegundo.org>; Giroux, Lance (Council Member) <Igiroux@elsegundo.org>; Baldino, Ryan <rbaldino@elsegundo.org>; Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) <tweaver@elsegundo.org>; Robinson, Matthew <mrobinson@elsegundo.org>; Hensley, Mark <mhensley@hensleylawgroup.com>; George, Darrell <dgeorge@elsegundo.org>; Voss, Barbara <bvoss@elsegundo.org>; Reis, Stephanie <Sreis@elsegundo.org>; Bermudez, Jaime (Chief of Police) <JBerm udez@elsegundo.org>; Xu, Lifan <Ixu@elsegundo.org> Subject: Fwd: Parking Permit Zone 3 Test Program Adapted at 2/20/24 Counsel Meeting Good afternoon I am writing as a follow up to my email from February 20th and because I am unable to attend this evenings council meeting. I would have spoken during the public communication portion asking that you do not forget about the residents on Washington Street between Pine and Holly in Zone 23 that were excluded from the adopted resident permit parking pilot program. I ask that you amend your decision and include this street in the pilot program as recommended by the city engineer's plan. Please reference my email noted above. Can you share when in the future this issue will be put on the council's agenda? Thank you for your time. Jason Taback 310 980 9242 424 Washington Street From: Jason Taback <iaastaback�gm l con�> Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2024 4:36:24 PM To: Boyles,Drew (Mayor) <4 oylesa" elsegundo or ">; Pimentel, Chris (Mayor Pro Tem) <c irnentel else und'o.or >; Pirsztuk, Carol (Council Member) < irs tuk else undo.or >; Giroux, Lance (Council Member) <l iroux else undo.or >; Baldino, Ryan <rbald'ino ease undo.or >; Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) <tweaver else undo.org>; Robinson, Matthew <mrobinson else undo.or >; Hensley, Mark <mhensley@hensle law rou .com>; George, Darrell <d eor e else undoes>; Voss, Barbara <bvoss else undo.or '>; Reis, Stephanie <,Sreis else undo.or >; Bermudez, Jaime (Chief of Police) <JBermudez else undo.or >; Xu, Lifan <lx elseeundo,prg> Subject: Parking Permit Zone 3 Test Program Adapted at 2/20/24 Counsil Meeting Good Afternoon My name is Jason Taback. I reside at 424 Washington Street. I have been an El Segundo resident since 2009. 1 am writing to request the 400 block of Washington street (between Pine and Holly) be included in the resident permit program adopted in the 2/20/24 counsel meeting. This street was omitted from the city engineer's recommendation to be included in the program. The data from the study engaged by the city from a third party company as well as the resident survey results, supports the finding that this street is impacted by the same issues as Illinois St, Indiana St and Pine St on the east side of Freedom Park. Our residents have submitted requests for resident parking permits since 2018. Residents on this street compete for parking with flight attendants, pilots and LAX travelers using the area as long term parking and employees of Jim and Jack's Collision use our street as parking, although that business has Washington Street between Holly and Grand for their sole use. Biz Haus clients use our street for parking rather than the Biz Haus parking lot. Non-residents seem to drive recklessly as I've observed many occasions of these visitors driving through the stop sign at Washington and Pine. This creates a safety issue. We have small grammer school age residents on our street. The pending development on PCH and Kansas/Grand will only add to this growing issue as construction personnel and others employed by these businesses will use our street as their parking areas. I understand the measured approach, however, as counsel discussed when adopting this resolution, the parking program will push the parking and security issues the residents east of Freedom Park between Mariposa and Holly are experiencing to other streets. Ours, as outlined in the recommendation from our city manager, will be a primary option. Including Washington between Holly and Pine in the pilot program will only supply further data for future city wide parking planning. Please alter the resolution to include the recommended streets in the city engineer's report. Thank you Jason Taback 3120 980-9242