2024-03-05 CC Agenda - Public Communications related to Item D9 - Plunge #22024-03 05 CC, AGE::]q[)A PACKET
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From: Kelly Watson <kellyami@yahoo.com>
Date: March 2, 2024 at 10:52:49 PM PST
Subject: Letter to City Councilors for Public Comments at Mar S Council Meeting
Please see attached letter for Public Comments at Mar 5 Council Meeting
Dear council members:
As you consider awarding the Plunge renovation contractor, I wanted to once again emphasize
the need to move this project forward without further delay. It seems that at every step in this
process, efforts to delay or skuttle the project emerge.
The latest involves perpetuating rumors that delaying the renovation again would allow the
city to consider alternative designs, including an outdoor competition pool on the Plunge site.
As I'm certain all of you know, these ideas, and many others, were exhaustively investigated in
the past and rejected due to unsuitability, cost, and/or lack of community interest.
Of course, we could start all over again and re -visit every single conversation, do more
research, re -design, and re -think. That is certainly what has happened time and time again,
which is why the need for renovation is so expensive now and the lack of upkeep has crippled
and closed this facility. But perpetuating that again, in my opinion, is wasteful and
irresponsible. The time has come to finish the job.
ESAC is currently under intense competitive pressure by groups seeking pool time. Because
the Plunge is closed, all of the recreational and learn -to -swim programming is taking up space
at ESAC. The sooner we can get the Plunge open, the sooner we can move that recreational
programming back where it belongs and open up space for competitive groups to use ESAC.
The idea that we need to build another competitive facility seems unbelievable, given we
cannot fully use the one we built.
There is a further impact of these political delays that should be acknowledged, particularly
given how quickly the school district built new school facilities and renovated aging ones
during the same timeframe as the latest plunge renovation project has been going on: The city
risks looking incompetent. Further, this is not the only example of how the city has delayed
needed repairs and renovations to facilities, (eg. Recreation Park, the Teen Center, The Skate
Park, the Ball Fields, even Campus El Segundo before it was finally renovated a few years ago)
resulting in a massive bubble of current financial need and embarrassingly aged facilities. It
takes courage to leave a better legacy that your predecessors did, but if we are to be the city
that attracts critical investment for the future, then we need that courage today.
Please vote to award the contractor and make good on your previous promises to prioritize
completion of the Plunge renovation.
I'1 a k you
Vice -Chair, Recreation & Parks Commission
Aquatics Committee Member
From: Rachel Jarvis <racheljarvis@ymail.com>
Date: March 4, 2024 at 8:38:58 AM PST
Subject: I support the Plunge Renovation - Agenda item D9
Reply -To: Rachel Jarvis <racheljarvis@ymail.com>
March 4, 2024
Dear El Segundo City Council Members,
I am writing to express my strong support for agenda item D9, the Urho Saari Swim Stadium/Plunge
Renovation Project. The Plunge is an integral part of our community that provides year-round aquatic
programming for individuals of all ages. As a resident of El Segundo, I believe that investing in the
renovation of the Plunge is not only a preservation of our city's history but also a commitment to its future.
The City has already undergone many years of research and studies which led to the brand new state of
the art competition pool six years ago, and now is the time to deliver on the promise for a much needed
community pool.
The Plunge holds a special place in the hearts of many residents, offering vital aquatic programming such
as life-saving swim lessons. Its heated, indoor pool provides a safe and accessible space for generations
of children to learn how to swim, a skill that is invaluable for their safety and well-being. Moreover, the
Plunge serves as a hub for youth, adult, and senior programming, fostering a sense of community and
belonging among residents of all ages.
The proposed renovation project presents an exciting opportunity to revitalize the Plunge, ensuring its
continued relevance and accessibility for future generations. By modernizing its facilities and enhancing
its amenities, we can attract more visitors and foster a sense of pride and belonging among residents.
While El Segundo already boasts a competition pool for competitive swim and water polo programs at
The El Segundo Aquatic Center (ESAC), the Plunge fills a crucial gap by providing year-round swim
lessons and programming for individuals who may not be interested in competitive sports but still seek to
engage in aquatic activities for recreation and fitness.
By supporting the renovation of the Plunge, the City Council has the opportunity to not only preserve an
important part of El Segundo's history but also to ensure its continued relevance and accessibility for
future generations. I urge you to prioritize funding and resources for this essential project, recognizing its
significance in promoting health, safety, and community well-being.
Thank you for considering my input on this matter. I look forward to seeing the Plunge renovated and
revitalized as a cornerstone of our community's future.
Rachel Jarvis
El Segundo, CA
March 4, 2024
Dear El Segundo City Council Members,
I am writing to express my strong support for agenda item D9, the Urho Saari Swim Stadium/Plunge
Renovation Project. The Plunge is an integral part of our community that provides year-round aquatic
programming for individuals of all ages. As a resident of El Segundo, I believe that investing in the renovation
of the Plunge is not only a preservation of our city's history but also a commitment to its future. The City has
already undergone many years of research and studies which led to the brand new state of the art
competition pool six years ago, and now is the time to deliver on the promise for a much needed community
The Plunge holds a special place in the hearts of many residents, offering vital aquatic programming such as
life-saving swim lessons. Its heated, indoor pool provides a safe and accessible space for generations of
children to learn how to swim, a skill that is invaluable for their safety and well-being. Moreover, the Plunge
serves as a hub for youth, adult, and senior programming, fostering a sense of community and belonging
among residents of all ages.
The proposed renovation project presents an exciting opportunity to revitalize the Plunge, ensuring its
continued relevance and accessibility for future generations. By modernizing its facilities and enhancing its
amenities, we can attract more visitors and foster a sense of pride and belonging among residents.
While El Segundo already boasts a competition pool for competitive swim and water polo programs at The El
Segundo Aquatic Center (ESAC), the Plunge fills a crucial gap by providing year-round swim lessons and
programming for individuals who may not be interested in competitive sports but still seek to engage in
aquatic activities for recreation and fitness.
By supporting the renovation of the Plunge, the City Council has the opportunity to not only preserve an
important part of El Segundo's history but also to ensure its continued relevance and accessibility for future
generations. I urge you to prioritize funding and resources for this essential project, recognizing its
significance in promoting health, safety, and community well-being.
Thank you for considering my input on this matter. I look forward to seeing the Plunge renovated and
revitalized as a cornerstone of our community's future.
Rachel Jarvis
El Segundo, CA
From: Elle Quane <elle_quane@hotmail.com>
Date: March 4, 2024 at 10:53:56AM PST
Subject: I support the Plunge Renovation - Agenda item D9
Dear El Segundo City Council Members,
I am writing to express my strong support for agenda item D9, the Urho Saari Swim Stadium/Plunge Renovation
Project. The Plunge is an integral part of our community that provides year-round aquatic programming for
individuals of all ages. As a resident of El Segundo, I believe that investing in the renovation of the Plunge is not
only a preservation of our city's history but also a commitment to its future.
The Plunge holds a special place in the hearts of many residents, offering vital aquatic programming such as life-
saving swim lessons. Its heated, indoor pool provides a safe and accessible space for generations of children to learn
how to swim, a skill that is invaluable for their safety and well-being. Moreover, the Plunge serves as a hub for
youth, adult, and senior programming, fostering a sense of community and belonging among residents of all ages.
The proposed renovation project presents an exciting opportunity to revitalize the Plunge, ensuring its continued
relevance and accessibility for future generations. By modernizing its facilities and enhancing its amenities, we can
attract more visitors and foster a sense of pride and belonging among residents.
While El Segundo already boasts a competition pool for competitive swim and water polo programs at The El
Segundo Aquatic Center (ESAC), the Plunge fills a crucial gap by providing year-round swim lessons and
programming for individuals who may not be interested in competitive sports but still seek to engage in aquatic
activities for recreation and fitness.
By supporting the renovation of the Plunge, the City Council has the opportunity to not only preserve an important
part of El Segundo's history but also to ensure its continued relevance and accessibility for future generations. I urge
you to prioritize funding and resources for this essential project, recognizing its significance in promoting health,
safety, and community well-being.
Thank you for considering my input on this matter. I look forward to seeing the Plunge renovated and revitalized as
a cornerstone of our community's future.
Elle Quane
From: Kelsey Shilling < kelsey.shilling@elsegundobrewing.com >
Date: March 4, 2024 at 10:54:14AM PST
Subject: I support the Plunge Renovation - Agenda item D9
Dear El Segundo City Council Members,
I am writing to express my strong support for agenda item D9, the Urho Saari Swim Stadium/Plunge
Renovation Project. The Plunge is an integral part of our community that provides year-round aquatic
programming for individuals of all ages. As a resident of El Segundo, I believe that investing in the renovation
of the Plunge is not only a preservation of our city's history but also a commitment to its future.
The Plunge holds a special place in the hearts of many residents, offering vital aquatic programming such as
life-saving swim lessons. Its heated, indoor pool provides a safe and accessible space for generations of
children to learn how to swim, a skill that is invaluable for their safety and well-being. Moreover, the Plunge
serves as a hub for youth, adult, and senior programming, fostering a sense of community and belonging
among residents of all ages.
The proposed renovation project presents an exciting opportunity to revitalize the Plunge, ensuring its
continued relevance and accessibility for future generations. By modernizing its facilities and enhancing its
amenities, we can attract more visitors and foster a sense of pride and belonging among residents.
While El Segundo already boasts a competition pool for competitive swim and water polo programs at The El
Segundo Aquatic Center (ESAC), the Plunge fills a crucial gap by providing year-round swim lessons and
programming for individuals who may not be interested in competitive sports but still seek to engage in
aquatic activities for recreation and fitness.
By supporting the renovation of the Plunge, the City Council has the opportunity to not only preserve an
important part of El Segundo's history but also to ensure its continued relevance and accessibility for future
generations. I urge you to prioritize funding and resources for this essential project, recognizing its
significance in promoting health, safety, and community well-being.
Thank you for considering my input on this matter. I look forward to seeing the Plunge renovated and
revitalized as a cornerstone of our community's future.
Kelsey Shilling