CONTRACT 6545 Grant AgreementAgreement No. 6545 SecurityState Homeland Subrecipient Agrelement Grant Between the County of Los Angeles City of IIIIIIIIII m Agreement No. 6545 �CIIWLL'f VTE�nA-AIUXE'Eil BETWEEN THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELE ANDTHE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO] Low - 9 8 0 WO I wal 11-1 W MANIVIM"Alls"I WHEREAS, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Title 2 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) through the Office of Grants and Training (G&T), has provided financial assistance for the State Homeland Security Program (SHSP), Assistance Listings Number (formerly Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Number) 97.067 - Homeland Security Grant Program directly to the California Governor's Office of Emergency Services (Cal OES) for the 2021 SHSP, Federal Award Identification No. 037-00000 Federal Award dated October 27, 2021 with a performance period of September 1, 2021 to May 31, 2024. This Federal Award is not a R&D award; and WHEREAS, the Cal OES provides said funds to the County of Los Angeles, Unique Entity ID (UEI) #MKQ9AQH7R2S5, as its Subgrantee, and the Chief Executive Office (CEO) is responsible for managing and overseeing the SHSP funds that are distributed to other specified jurisdictions within Los Angeles County; and --TTrAEREAS, this financial assistance is being provided to the Subrecipient in order to address the unique equipment, training, organization, exercise and planning needs of the Subrecipient, and to assist the Subrecipient in building effective prevention and protection capabilities to prevent, respond to, and recover from threats or acts of terrorism; and 'ITMEREAS, the County of Los Angeles as Subgrantee has obtained approval of the 2021 SHSP grant from Cal OES in the total amount of $10,192,647.00; and WHEREAS, the CEO now wishes to distribute 2021 SHSP grant funds to the Subrecipient in the amount of $450,000.00, as further detailed in this Agreement; and WHEREAS, the CEO is authorized to enter into subrecipient agreements with cities providing for re -allocation and use of these funds; and to execute all future amendments, modifications, extensions, and augmentations relative to the subrecipient agreements, as necessary; and WHEREAS, the County of Los Angeles and Subrecipient are desirous of executing this Agreement, and the County of Los Angeles Board of Supervisors on July 12, 2122 authorized the CEO to prepare and execute this Agreement. Agreement No. 6545 NOW, the COL1111ty of L,os AngeDes �and Subrec�pperit agree as foHows: IN T I;R 0 D (....J Q..T 0 N.� §101. Pairfies to fl-i.�s A=g:n"wnt ............... ..................................................................... ............ . ............... ................ - The parties to triis Agreernent are, A. County of I os AngeDes, a pofificM subdMsion of the State c.:)f CafifornDa, having its principal office at Kenneth I iahn I iall of AdfflDstrafion, 500 West Ternpe Street, Los Ange]es, CA 90012; and B. City of II Segundo, a pubfic agency, havDng its phncDpaD of at . .... ..... .. .. . . ...... '350 MaM Street Ej Se j d CA,90245 . ....................................................... ................................................ a . ....... . . ........... M fl .......... 0 . ...................................................................................................................................................................... . ......... . . . .... . .......... .......... §102. Re�:"x-esentafiyeva of the Paft�es and SeryDce of Notices ................ ............................................................................................................................. --.1- ................................... . . ...... . .................................................................................................................................. A. The represeritadives , of the respecfive pafties wtio are, authorized to adrninDster this Agreement and to whorn fbrrnanotices, dernands and cornmunk,-afions must be gDven are as foRows-,, 'The rer,.)reseintafive of th(C(Aff-Ity Of D.,oOS."AngeDes Ds, unless otherwDse stated Dn fts Agreement', ('.'.raig I firakawa, I iSGF:1 Grants Drector 0,0ef Executive Office, LAC 500 eat Tempe Street, Roorn & 79-2 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Phow (213) 974-1127 Fax: (213) 687-3765 CHirakawab.cep.lacounly.gov J�mrny Nguyen Chief Execufive Office, ILAC 500 Wemt Temple Street, Floorn B 79-2 L.os Ange�es, CA 90012 Phor-�e: (213) 262-7902 Fax: (213) 687-3765 Mauyen(fteo. lacounly,go Page 2 Agreement No. 6545 2, TViie it of SubrecI pei �ii t iiis: . ................................................. �11 'aiii ne a id TMq�'Ii' DmreH Geoirge, Uty Mwiager Orga6izafiona� LIB 41w 077-264679 AddreSs: '--111- . ............ . 1111-11. -11-1-1 35(1111 Maoni Street . ...... ... CHy/Sb''ItelilKip, [E] .13eguii�do, CA, 902,145 Plioiiiel' 3,10 524-2301 F!�AX: N/A ...... . . .. .... L 10u Wffli a cq)y to,, Narre and TMe, ', Vanessa Aiiias, Maiiuqgemeii'it Aiii Wyst ......... ......... .... . .... .. ..... . Aii$Jress: 314 MWn Sti,eet City/StateZI� El Segundo, (,.A. 9045 .......................................... ......... .................. . . ....... . .......... . ........... F')Bone. 310 524-2235 ............... .............. .. FW, N/A .............. . ........ . ...... ErnaH" B. Formal notices, demands and communications to be given hereunder by either - party must be made sn writing and may be effected by, personal defivery, regtflar U& Postal mail service and/or e-rnaO. Iri the event of personW deHvei)( or ernaO, the rnessage wifl be deerned communicated q,)on receipt by tl-ie Cmjirity of Los Angees, In tfie event of maH service, the message will Ilse deerned cornrnunicated as of ttie date of rnaiHng. C. Of the narne and/or title of the person designated to receive fl'ie notices, demands or cornrnun�lcafions or, ti ne address of such person is changed, written notice must I e givein, vi accord with tMs section,, witlhiri five (5) busuness days of sadd change, Page 3 Agreement No. 6545 A 1119M r IT,•I 0=0 IMI Subrecipient is acting hereunder as an independent party, and not as an agent or employee of the County of Los Angeles. An employee of Subrecipient is not, and will not be deemed, an employee of the County of Los Angeles by virtue of this Agreement, and Subrecipient must so inform each employee organization and each employee who is hired or retained under this Agreement. Subrecipient must not represent or otherwise hold out itself or any of its directors, officers, partners, employees, or agents to be an agent or employee of the County of Los Angeles by virtue of this Agreement. -06recipleni MIRY proTM167M67MIring signea aocil MTO, T Los Angeles, unless otherwise exempted: A. Certification and Disclosure Regarding Lobbying, attached hereto as Exhibit A and made a part hereof, in accordance with §41 1.A. 14 of this Agreement. Subrecipient must also file a Disclosure Form at the end of each calendar quarter in which there occurs any event requiring disclosure or which materially affects the accuracy of the information contained in any Disclosure Form previously filed by Subrecipient. B. Certification Regarding Debarment, Suspension, Ineligibility and Voluntary Exclusion Lower Tier Covered Transactions, attached hereto as Exhibit B and made a part hereof, as required by Executive Order 12549 in accordance with §41 1.A. 12 of this Agreement. C. Certification Regarding Drug -Free Workplace, attached hereto as Exhibit C and made a part hereof, in accordance with §41 1.A.13 of this Agreement. D. Certification of Grant Assurances, attached hereto as Exhibit D and made a part hereof, in accordance with §41 1.0 of this Agreement. Agreement No. 6545 §202. Ups, e o f G r.'a. p] t F.'..0 r] d s� A. Subrecij,,)lent and the County of I os Angeles have previouspy competed a rnutuaHy approved budgetlexpenditure plan, hereinafter. "Budget," for the 2021 & pSF'I, whic-p has be(-uri approved by ("'al OES. TNs information is coast prm lin a copy of the F° nW Grant Award Letter. and Project Worksheet, ttachea Thereto as Exhibit E. Any request by Suix-ecipient to modify fhe Budget must be rnade in vvrffing witts the appr(.)priate justification and submitted to CEO for approval. if during the County of Los Angeles review process, addffior4l information or docurnentaflon is required, the Subreciplent will have ten (10) bus�ness days to cornpy with the requ(,-mt,, ff ttie Subreciplent does not cornply with the request, CEO vvM issue written rmfification indicating that the requested modlfication w0l riot be processed, Modificafions must be approved in w6fing by the County of L os Angeles arid CW OES dUhng the term of this Agreement. Upon aj,)p,.)roval,, all other terrns of tHs Agremr-nent will rery-4n in effect. Subrc-..,cipient must sitifize grant funds in accc.:)rdance with all F:::!edera� regulations and State GUidefines, B. Subrecipient agrees that grarit funds awarded MH be used to supplernent existfi Ig funds for program actMfies, arid will riot SUpplant (rep, -)lace) non -Federal funds,, C. SLJDre(:-,ilI,,,)ient must review the Federal Debarment [Jsfil ig at httgs://www.sam.gov/SAM/J2ages/public/searchRecords/search,i prior to the purchase of equipment or services to ensure the iiritended v(--mdor is riot listed and also rnaintain docurnentaborn ttiat the fist was verified. D, F:Ir& to the purchase of equipnrient oir-.,,ervices utilizing a sole sour,ce contract or' the receipt of single bid response of $250,000.00 or, more, justification must be presented to CE.0, wl-io upon review gill request approval from CW OES. Such approval in writing must be ofined prior to the cornrnitrnerit of funds. Eubrecippent rnusl provide any certifications or, reports requested by the County of I os Angeles to the CEO firidicating Subreciplent's performancaa urlder, this Agreement, including l,,)rogrems on treeting prograrn goals. Reports must be 41 the form requested by the COUnty of 1 ros Angeles, and must be provided by the, fifteenth (15"') of the following month. Subrecipient is required to cornplete any survc.-ay requests requested by flie County of Los Angeles. SUt)re6pier'it rnust also subftt cornpl�eted Project CWims for re�lirnbursernent irnme6aWy or, as rrflnirnurn on a quartx-�rly basis,, and no later trian the date stated in §201, above, F:::'. Subrecipent muc.-it provide an electronk; copy of their Annuaingle Audit Report, as required by Title 2 Code of Federal Regulabons (C.F::`JR) Part 200, to the County of .our Angeles, witl,-iin 30 calendar days after receipt of the auditor's repofl(s). ln the c-.:Went the Subrecipient doc..-m not meet the Single Audit Threshold EM Agreement No. 6545 expenditUre arnouiint 41 a fiscal year, 0,x%. Subrecipient must provide the County of Los Angek.hs a copy of a 1efter sent to State Controller's Office noting the Single Audit I tires,Wd was not rnet, and its exempt status within nine rnonths after the end of the Subrecipient's fiscal year, unless oflriervvise roved by ttie County of Los Angeles. G. SUbrecipient may be monitored by the Courity of Los Angeles on am annual basis to ensure cornpfiance with Cal OES grant prograni requirernents. I'he County of Los Angeles anticipates tl,"iat said ITIOnitoriing rrsay include, at a rninirnurn, one on - site visit during the term of this Agireernent, Monitoring MH utilize a F-Review ftistrument (sarnple attached hereto as Exhibit 1i, and subject to perioft revDsions) to evaluate cornI.:)Harice. H. SUbrecipient must provd(---,n Corrective Action F:Iarl(s) to 0F.,0 wittfln Wily (30), days of any at,idit finding, Subrecipient use of the I os Angeles Regional Interoperable Commurlication Systeim's lfttorola Solutions, lncor1,::)orated Land Mobfle Radio ystern Contract to purchase equipment is unaHovvabIe unless the Subrec!lI:,.)ient Car) clearly demonstrate to CEO it rneets one of the four federal exceptions to necessitate a rioncompefifive procurement before issuance of ainy contract, amendment, of" purchase order, I Subrecipient shaH not use grant funds to purctiase, extend, or renew any Telecommunicafioris and Video SurveiHance services and equiprnent as SUbstantial or essential cornl,.)orient of any systern, or as cidtical technology as parl of any system which the Secretary of [)efense, in consultabon with Director of National InteHigence or the Director, of the F"ederal BUreaU of Investigation, easonablly believes to be ern owned, controlled by, or connected to the Peol)Ws Republic of V-iiria sucl,-i as and not knited to I luavvei I`echnologies Company or ZI`E Corporation (or any subsidiary or afffliate of such entifies); or I iytera Cornrnurkations Corporation, l larigzl,mu I fil(vision DigiW 'Technology Comj,,..)ariy, or Datwa Techn6ogy Cornpany (or any subsidiary or affiliate of such enfifies), K, Any equiprnent acquired pursuant to tl'iis Agreement mu,is,t be auttiotrized in the G&T Authorized Equipment List (AEL) avaHaD, e online at ,htt2s,://www,fema.gov/authorized-eguipment-lis and the F"unding Guidefines of ttie 2021 SI ISP Notice of F"unding Opporturiity, incorporated by reference, and attached Hereto as Exhibit F Subrecipient must provide the CEO a col.)y of its most current PrOCLArernent gtjideliries and follow its own procurement requirernents as kmg as they rneet or exceed ttie rninirnurn Federal re-quireNTIents and any added Car S requirements, Federal l,,nocurernent requirernents for the 2021 Sl---ISF;I can be found at Title 2 (3.F:`FR Part 200.313. Agreement No. 6545 Any equipryient acquired or ot)tained with Grant Funds: WHI 1,,:)e rnade avaflat)e under the Cafifornia 1.)rsaster , and Civil Defense Master Mutual Aid Agreement in corisuitation witti representatives of ttie various fire, emergency aiedical, hazardous rnaterials response services, and law enft:)rcement agencies within the jurisdiction of the asp pficant',' Z, WiH be corisistent wifl,'i needs as identified in the State 1uloaleland 1,13'ecurfty Strategy and wHI be deployed iin conformance With that plan„ I WH be i,nade avaHaWe pursuant to q,,)pficable terms of the Cafifornia Disaster and Civil Defense Master Mutual Aid Agreeaient and deployed with persorunetrained in the use of such equip',).rnent in a marvier consistent witti the Cafift:)rnia I ayv Enforcement Mutual Aid 1:Ilan or the C.aHfornia Fire Services and Rescue Mutual Aid Plan. Equiprnent a(.4uired puirsuaint to this Agreernent will IDe subject to the requirements of Title 2 CF:'f:R Part 200.3,13. f°::°or the purposes of this subsection, "Equipment" fs, defirsed as tairigiUe none xpend aWe property, having a useful fife of more than one yeair which c.-,osts $5,000.00 or, more per� unit. Iterns roaming less than $,5,000.00, but acquir(-,Md urider the "Equiprnent" category of the Grant must Wso be listed on any reqUired Equipll'Tient l istii q. Equipmc--mt must be used by StAxecipient in the progiran.) or project for° which it was acquired as forig as needed, whettier or not the project or program continues to be supported by Federal funds. When no Uonger needed for the originW program oir project, the EqUipment may, be Used in other activities currently or previousfy supported by as f::::'ederal agency, 2ubirecipient must make Equil,,xnent available for use on other, like prc:)jects oir, prograrns currearifly or previously supported by the Federal Government, li,-)rovi6ng such use wiH not interfere with the work on the projects or fur rain for which it Yvas originaHy acquired. l:::,irst pre4ererme for, other use must be given to other programs or iprOjET.ts supported by the awarding agency. 3. An EC4Lfiprneirit. I isfing rnust be rnaintaliiied Ilisfing each itern of Equil)rn(-:I.Int acquired with Sl ISP funds, "The EqOprnent Listing must be kept ul',). to date at all firnes. Any changes rTIUSt be rc--,corded in the I isting witliin ten (10) business days and the updated L.Jsrig is to be forwarded to tl'-ue ('.'.OLJrItY of I os An(.Wes Auditor-ControHer (A-Chared Services Dvis�on, "I"he Equipment 1,::'roperty Records must be maintained that include. (a) a descriptiori of the 1,')roperty, (b) a serial nurnber or other, identification nun'iber, (c) the source of property, (d) who holds title, (e) the acquisition date, ( and cost of ttie property, (g) percentage of f:::'ederal ;)arficipation in fl ie cost of the r,)roperty, (h) the location® (i) use and condition of the Em Agreement No. 6545 pror)erty, 0) and any Wfirriate disposition data including thc-r date of disposal and sWe price of the properly. Records rnust be retained by the subrecipient pursuant to Title 2, Part 200.313 (d) (1) of the U"R. 4. All Equipmeir-it obtained under flhps Agreerrient rnust have arm appropriate identification decal affixed to it, and, when practical, rnust bie affixed where it is readfly visible. 5, A ps iysical inventory of fl'ie Equiprnent must be taken Iby the Sulwecipient and the results reconciled with tl'ie Equipment Usting at least once every two years or, prior to any site visit by State or FederW aUditor's or- County of I os Arigelles monitor's. The Sul reciplent is requiii,ed to have on file a letter, cerfifying as to the accuracy of the Equipment dating in the frequency as above, and provide to the CEO vvhe�n requested, M. Any F)lanning pau JDLKSUant to this Agreernent must conform to the gWdefines, as listed 4-1 his F or subsequeint grant year prograrns. N. Any Organization activifies 1.,)aid pursuaint to this Agreernent must coriform to ttie guidelines as listed in Exl'ftt I'::-. O. Any Training paid pursuant to this Agreement must conform to the gUidefines as listed 4-1 Exhil)it F, and must be first submitted to CEO and then pre -authorized by Cal OES. A catWog of federafly approved and s;,.)onsored trairiing courses is avaflaWe at htti2s,//www.firstresgondertraining.gov/frtst, P� Any Exercise paid pursuant to this Agreement rnust conform to the guidelines as Hsted in Exl'iibit F. DetaHed Hornet and Security ExercJse and Evaluation Program Guidance is available at httRs://www.fema.gov/hseep, Q A-ny Personnep activities paid pursuant to this Agm eernei it TTIUSt conform to time guidelines as listed in Exl,-,iibit F". R, Subrecipient must pirovide to CEO a spending plan detailing the required Steps and firneframes required to cornjplete the approved projects v0thin the grant tirnefrarne, Subrecipient rnust SUWTI�t t1he spending plarl to CEO prior to final execution of the Agreement. S, Pursuant to this Agreement, indirect costs are not reirnt:)ursable. EM Agreement No. 6545 A. The County of Los Angeles will reimburse Subrecipient up to the maximum grant amount of $450,000.00 as expenditures are incurred and paid by Subrecipient and all documentation is reviewed and approved by County of Los Angeles. All expenditures must be for the purchase of equipment, exercises, training, organization, and planning as described in Section 11 of this Agreement. The grant amount represents the amount allocated to Subrecipient in the 2021 SHSP B. Subrecipient must submit reimbursement requests to the County of Los Angeles A-C Shared Services Division requesting payment as soon as a Project is completed and expenses are incurred and paid with the required supporting documentation; submission can be sent immediately or at a minimum on a quarterly basis, and no later than the date stated in §201, above. Each reimbursement request must be accompanied by the Reimbursement Form (sample attached hereto as Exhibit G, and subject to periodic revisions). All appropriate back-up documentation must be attached to the reimbursement form, including the method of procurement, bid documentation, purchase orders, invoices, report of goods received, and proof of payment. 0 We.] Lai 611;m t-711 I I 10141 ViQ I Ir-I A WIRVIN 101 For Planning reimbursements, Subrecipient must include a copy of the fin tangible product. i C. The County of Los Angeles may, at its discretion, reallocate unexpen ded grant funds to another subrecipient. Said reallocation may occur upon approval by, t County of Los Angeles of a Subrecipient reimbursement submission, inquiry from the County of Los Angeles to the Subrecipient regarding fund utilization, o by written notification from the Subrecipient to the County of Los Angeles that portion of the grant funds identified in §301.A., above, will not be utilized. As provided in §503, below, any increase or decrease in the grant amount specifil Agreement No. 6545 in f .A,„ above, may be effectuated Irby a written notifirm tuon by the County of t,,.os Ange�ee to the Subre6pient. t . Flay rnernt of reirmntnuursermnent request MH be n ithheW by ttie COUnty of I os Ange�es untfl the County of Los Ange�es has deterrmnunemf that a breo�fmuent tl tuurned in all su,ufnt or°fur°ng documentation and completed the regWrer nents, of this Agreement E ft us undeirstood that the County olf Loss Angeles rnakes no cor nmltrmnent to fund thn Agreement beyond the terms set forth herein,, F° 1. Fun&ig for W1 periods of thAgreement oS SUbject to confunWng Fe eras m ppro r'u fion of grant funds for this progru rmn. �n the event of ,n �o s or reduction of F-e erW appropriation of grant funds, for tNs, program, time Agreement may be terrrn�nu teuf„ or appropdaWy aimended, �nimediaWy upon nofice to f uu rc%6phent of such doss or reduucfion of F' erferal gru rnt funds, ga Couinty of I os Ainge�es wM rmnake a good-ftuatfi effort to notify Suubrecipf ent& un rftung„ of such non-fuprofmri f6on at the earHest turne. .I..ANE)A D PROVISIONS VISIa' Nf 461 . g,,fg,g,,l„gl,an,,,,g,',,,t;g,',,,�ft,,,,g,,,,p,,,,,,1,f,t;lP,,l. AH tMemu or subfifles appearing herein I°ni ne been insertedinsefted for convenience and do riot., and w0l not 5e deer°ned to, affect the rmne n� ng or conStr°uuotuorn of any of the term or" fmr°o ism ons hereof, „T.tre Wqun ge of tNs Agreement wM be construed actor tang to its fair rneu ruung and not st6cfly for or ag ir°urrt e tt eir party. u'� 4 . 6pg, , cabl Law,, I t,��g� � tuoa a g„,riforcerne n Each party's performance hereunder must cornpl nth aH aippkaUe laws of the United States of' America, the State of CaHfornia, and the COUnty of Los AngeQes. This Agireermnent well I ie enforced and unterpreterf„ as appificable, under the haws of the United States of America, the States of Cafiforn� and the (OLJrlty of f,„oS Angeles,, of any part„ tern-i or pro olsk)n of ttno s AgreeMernt is held void, lif egau , unenforceable, or �n conffict with any �aw of o ed(aru dp State or Local Government having jurisdiction over thn greement„ time validity of the r'ermnamder of the Agreement wM not be affc.-mcted thereby. Ag f, ficaWe Fem er'W or State regu irernermts, that are more restdcti e Ml the folio° ed. Fl ge 10 Agreement No. 6545 §403. l,nt ��,g,r g,r; mm, ;nt "I his Agreement setup forth a pp of the rights and duutpes of the lC:)arrtpes with mespaacnmt to the subject rna tter hereof, and replaces any, and all p revs ouNu agreements or u„rnr er ter' 6ng a whether, written, or oral, rOafprwg tp°wereto. This Agreement may be amended o0y as provided for her6n, If any party fails to p')eilorrmw& in whole or pn part, r°t„ any p ror up e„ covenant, nt, or agreement set forth herein, or should any representation tion made by it be Untrue, any aggrieved party may e a O itself of aH rights and rernedpes„ at law or eg0ty„ in the courts of law, Said rights and rernedies are cuarnupa tp e of those provided for herein r.-)oepcat that pn all events, no pc a aty may reoowmeu more than once„ suffer aa, penalty lty or forfeptuurea or be unjutpy oourwp; en sated. 5, m pth,pP,fiu;t,u,t,p'n,st ,,,,, sW„pa, a°wu�wwunt or Delex SuubrWeopppent may not rho any of the ff.)ppowr ingo aumwk m s it has first obtained the wruarpttamwn p ermnpssOn of the County of Loma Angeles, : Ad A s�gn or otherwise a herw ite any of pts rights hereuundea,. including the right to payrywent; or p',t. Delegate, subcoritract, or otherwise e transfer any of utaa dufies hereuurw fer. uup reopp pent. and its officers, agents and ernl,,.)loy,ees must op to prw and maintain in ll pernift and Heenses necessary r'y for uut reoligpent's performance hereu under and rnut pay any, k-,esre tared therefor. Suut reoppent further ou'"uu°tp u s that it will irlimeu't'pa tepy notify the County of I os Angepa.-m of any SUspension, termination, pa l,,)see non -renewal a l or restriction of pp en tiro' s, certificates, caste „ or other documents, s. 4 7. ond.iscp°,g,pp-iin tporw and Affirrna tpwae Action uubrecpp lent must oornppy with the applicable nondis mr rrwpnation and affpurn°we.tp e a ctporw p mr. vw sfl ions of the pews of the tJniteut States of America, tp°,we State of ('".eDlpfornpe„ and the Couurity of Los Angek-m. In per -forming tNs Agreeunent„ Subrecipient lent must riot discriminate in Rs r rrip poyu°muent practices ctic e; ga in t any erne loyee or a pp kant for ernppoyrnent because of such 1,,)erson's race, religion, national origin„ ancestry, try„ euu„ se u W orlenta tpon„ age„ plhy pc l handicap, p , rnenta p a u e5'pppty„ marital status, afornestpo partner staft,is or nia.uatpoa l condptpon, Subrecipient pent rn uuur,,t comply with Executive Order 11246, entitle "Equal mp loyrnent Opportunity," ortunity„„" as amended by Executive Order 11375, arid a u,ap p 9ernented In r)ep as rtrnerit of l,,.a t om regua fion (41 CIFFR Part 60). Page 11 Agreement No. 6545 If required, Subr(,mpient must submit an Equal E.::.::mployrnent Ol::)portunity Plan to the Deloartrnent of Justice Office of Civil Rights in accordance with gWdefines listed at httgs:1/Www.jusfice.aov/crt. Any SUbcoi itiract entered into by the 'Subrecipier'st relating to this Agazernent, ft:) the extent aflowed tiereunder, wM be subject to the i:.)rovisions of this §407 of fts Agreernent, §408, d e m n �.fi.ga tJ o i.-], Eacti of the pairfies to this Agrc-;,errieint is a public entity. 1 his Mernnity provision is written in contemplation of the prcMsioris of Section 895.2 of the Governrner-it Code of the State of CaUUforrnUa® which irnpose certain tort liability jointly upon public enfities, Wely by reason of sucti entities be4ig parties to an aqreernent, and ttie parfies agree that this indernnity provision will apply and will be er-d"(..)rceable regardess of whether Section 895 et seq. is deerned to apply to tl,iis Agreement. Ttse parties hereto, as between thernselves, cormisterit with the authorizafion conta4ied in Government Code Sections 895A arid 895.6 agree to eacti assurne the full Hability urnr,)osed upon it or upon any of its offic(-.,.wr's, agents, or employees by law, for injury caused by a negligent or wrorigful act or ory-fission occurring in the performance of this Agreement, to the sarne extent that such liability would be iniposed in tune absence of Government Code Section 895,2. To act-iieve the aloove-stated purpose, eacU i party agrees to inderTirlify arld l"lold harmr ea s the other party for any hat)ility arising out of its own negligent acts or ornissions in the perforrnance of this Agreernent (i.e., the Subredlr,)ient agrees to indemnify and Wd han-Mess tf,ie County of i os Angeles, for liability arising out of the Subrecip*it's negligent ofr wrongful acts or, ornissioris and the County of Los AngeUes agrees to indernnify and hold harrnUess tine Subrecipient for liability arising out of tl,-ie County of Los Angeles' negfigent or wii ongfW ac.fts or ornissions). Eacti party further agrees to indernriffy and hold harmless the other, party for liabifty that is imposed on tfie otl ier party solely by virtue of Government Code Secfion 895.2. 1-he provisions of Secfion 2778 of the California Qvfl Code aire� made a part hereof as 1 fully set forth t-serein. Subreciplent certifies that it has an eqUate seff insured retention of funds to rneet any obligation arising from U Agreernent. §409. Conflict of Interest .......... . ..... . ..................... . .............................................................. _­ X The Subrecipi(...,,rit covenants that of its directors, officers, employees, or agents may participate in Wecting, Or' adrTlinlstrating, any subcoirib act supl,,jiofted (in whok-�� or, in part) by Federal funds where such per -son is a direct(-)r, offic;er, ' ernployee or agent ofthe subcontractor,' of, where the seUecfion of subcontractors is of, has the appearance of Wng motivated by a desire for rmrsor-4 gain for themselves or others sucl,n as ftvy,flly bush nc.ms, etc. � of" where such person no or sJ muld have kriown that: Page 12 Agreement No. 6545 A rnernber of such person's irnmediate farnfly, or dornestic partneir or orgamzation f°ias a financW interest in the subcontract; 2, The subcontractor iS SOMeone with Yd"ior'n SUCII person Ihas or, is riegotiating any prospective ern&yrnent� or 3 1 he participation of such person WOWbe prohibited by the CaVorrlia PofiticW Reform Act, California Government Code §87100 et Seq, if suctl person were a pubk officer, because such person wouln II,iave a "firiancW or other iriterest" in fl"ie SUbcoritract. MMIMMEMMM The term "irnmediate farnfly" ineans dornestic partner, and/or those persons related by Wood or rnarriage, SLMI-i as hush nit„ wife, father® rnottier, t-)rother', sister', son, daughter, faU uer in paw, mother in paw, t.)rother, in law, sister in pavv, son in Ww, daughter in paw. 2. The terin "firiancW or other inteirest" means: & Ai q dii ect or, indirect fiinaincW interest in the specific corntract, iri&iding but not firrirted to, a commission or fee, a share of the proceeds, prospect of a promotion or Of fUtUre ernp6oyrnent, a profit, or any ottier form of financial reward. b Any of the foflowing interests in the subcontractor ownership: partner'st,iip intere%st or other berieficial interest of five percent or more; ownerstiip of five percent or, more of the stock� ell'Tlpoyrnent in a managerial oracitya or, mernbershp on the board of directors or, governing body. C, Tl-ie Subrecipient furtfier covenants that no officer', directc::)r, employee, or agent may solicit or accept gratuifies, favors, or anything of monetary vakiie frorn any actual or potential SUtmonti actor', suppfier, a party to a sub agreement, (or, persons wh(.,) are ofl'ierwise in a position to benefit frorn the acfions of any officer, ernployee, or agent). D. Ttie Si,ibrec#ent may riot stiticontract with a forr-Trer director, officer, or, eirnployee Mthiri a oine-year period foflowing the terrnination of tf-non reWiorisp-iip between said ;,,>erson aind Urie Subrecippent, E, Prior to obtaining the County of Los, Angeles' approvW of any subcontT.ract, the Sut)recipient rnust discpose to the County of Los Angeles any relationship, firsancW or ottier*se, direct or, indirect, of the Subrecipient or, any of its officers, directors or ernployees or their iirnrnedate farnfly with the proposed subcontractor and its officers, directors or employees. Page 13 Agreement No. 6545 F 1For further clarificafion of the meaning of any of tl,ie terms uu en Iherein, the parties, agree that refererices are rnade to the guidelines, rules, and laws of the County of I os Arigepes, State of California, and FederW reguWioris regar6ng conflict of pnterest- G. T'he Subrecipient warrants that it has not paid or given and vviH riot pay of, give to any th4"d person any inoney or other corisiderafion for obtapnirig this Agreement, I L The Sup recpgent coveriants that no mernber', officer or employee Of SUbrecipient rnay have interest, direct or indirect, in any contract or subcontract or the proceeds thereof for work to be perforr-ned in connection with this project during his/her tenure as such employee, meimber or officer or for one year ti-iereafter, L The Subrecipiefrit must incorporate the foregoing subsections of this Secfion into every agreement that it enters into in connection Mth this grant and niust substitute the terrn "stgbcontractor" 'for, the terrn "&Jbrecpient" and "sub subcontractor" for "Subcontractor". §410. Restriction on Discl=jres �.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I Army relmr-ts, ariWyses, studies, drawings, information, or data generated as a result of this Agreement are to be governed by ttie California PUblic Records Act (California Governiryient Code Sec. 6250 et seq.), §411 o Satin, tes and lj��,(Jati,or.ls AU licable I o AH Grant Contracts . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . % � .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ... & Sup recipient must comlpwith all app,,)kcaWe requirements of State, F:„edei,W, and County of I os Angeles laws, execi.ifive, orders, regulations, prograrn and administrative r(:,qUirernents, policies and any other, requirements goverr'Orig this Agreement. Subrecipent must cornlopy with applicable State and Federal laws and regulations pertaining to iabor, wages, 110LUS, and other corl6tions of employment, Subrecipient rnust comply with new, amended, or revised laws, reguiations, and/or proceftres that apply to the perforrnance of this Agreement, These reqUirernents inClUde, but an.,�„ not firnited to: W Subrecipient rnust comply Wth "T"We 2 CHR Part 200, 2. 5.I..!J2-gJg &rx.e F"ederal funds are Used in the pedorrnance of this Agreement, Subrecipient rnun st, as applicaWe, adhere to the r-Wes and regi,flations, of the Single Audit Act (31 USC Sec,,, "7501 et seq.), 2 Gl:'R Pail 200 and any administrative regWation or field rnemos implementing the Act. Page 14 Agreement No. 6545 3, c eu'pcu ns with Disabilities Act Suu reoppent hereby certifies that, as apupnDlpccaale„ it MI ccornlp ly w pttn the American rtfr E.'X abHiIJe Act 42, t.,DfM~ C § 1 f ft1 et gg.„ and ptuu it np lernent'png reguuDlc� tion . f uuturer�cipupent will provide reasonable onable accornmodafions to aHow ctuu i fled inctivictuur p s wrurilith OsablHfies to have access to and to pu rfpccppn to in ifs purograrn „ services and activRies prn accordance with the pro isons of the Americans pth Disabflltles Act, t uup reccip ieint wiH riot cfisorimki to aga4ist persons with urfiuUfi ies rnor, against persons due, to tt°nelur relationship to or ru ,socia Torn with a p e. r° on with a disablRy. Aruy subcontract entered into by f, uutunreoupuierwt„ relating to this Agreerent, to the extent aHo ed hereunder, MH the subject to fll°ne provlsporls of asps paragraph. 4. Pl.l t.�..�..�.g..,!,.... i.g. ,.., �.g,1 .r.ga, it'Prohibited .. ... , . None of the funds, ryrnu tent s, property or ser bides provided diremby or undw reccUy uur"ider tMs Agreement may be iused for any partisan n puoipfpo t ruccfi it „ or to further the etecctpc,wn or, defeat of any or nc"ticf to for PlUbfic office, p' epttrer may any faunas proMed under this Agreernent be Used for any purpose designed to support or defeat any pending pegi trruutpon or administr tp e ret Wabon. None of the funds provided pursuant to this Agreement may the used for airry sectarian purpose o e or to support or tueu°iefit any sectarian activity, uut reccppient rruu,rst file a p,° sc� osuure Forrn°n at tp°ne end of each cMenr rur quarter in wMch there occurs any event reu uuiir i ng disclosure or which rnn tehaHy affects the accuracy of any of the information contained 41 ally DSCo r uure F orrn previousiy Me t by, Subrecippent. t uul reoipiermnt must re,quire that the language of tpia s f'oer°fpfpccefion fine included in the award doouunmentru for alai sub -awards at aH tiers and that 0 subcontractors certify and ufpopor're uccccorrfingto 5 ...,.. tgg,.rd..§ !.tt. g.g.c!aop„t, t any, tirne during normal business hours and as off,ern as, either the County of Los AngOer „ the U.S. Comptrofler t enerM or the Auuditor, Generaof the State of CaVornia may, cteerrn necessary, Suufureoipupent rnuurwt make avaflaWe for exarninafion alp of its records wu pth reepeot to 0 matters coveired by this Agreement, The ftOuunty° of Los Arngepes, the t.p.S, ornp trofler General and the Auictptor General of the State of Cetpfornp have the authority to audft, examine and n°mice e oeirpute or transcripts fr'orwn records, pnccpuuctpng rullp uubrec°ciipent„ imethod of proccu.urernerut& Mv6cces, rn terW , praroft, records of personnel, conditions of empu OYI'Tle nt and other data reWturng to Epp matters, covered by this Agreerneint. Agreement No. 6545 Subirecipient agrees to provlde any rc-q,:)oi ts reqUested by the County of Los Angeles regarding perforr-nance of this Agreement. 6, FRecords Maintenance lRecor(Js, in their origlnW form, must be asaintained in accordance with requirernents prescribed by the County of Los Arigeles Yvith respect to afl rnatters p ecifie lirm this Agreernerit. Original fornis al,re to Ilse maintained on file for afl dor:,,urnents specified in this Agreement. SLACh remora s Must be retained for a period five (5) years after termination of this Agreement and after firial disposifion of 0 pending matters, "Pending rnafters" incWde, bUt are riot Hrnited to, an audit, litigation (:,)r other, actioris, invoMng records,, The County of I os Ang6les may, at its discrefion, take possession of, retain and audit said records, Records, in their original fornrm pertaining to matter's covered by this Agreement, must at all tirnes, be retained Yvithin the County of Los Angeles uiNess authorizafion to rernove them is granted in wrifing by the County of k os Anger es, 7' Subcontracts and Procurement .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I ........ . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . ---- . .. .. .. .. . — Sup recipient rnust, as appHcaWe, comply with the Federal, State and Cot,inty of p. os Angeles standards in ttie award of any subcontracts. For IDurposes of tlriis Agreement, sutxontracts include but are not firnited to purcp,iase agreements, rental or lease agreements, third party agreerneints, consultant service contracts and coinstruction subcontracts, Sup recipient rTwst, as applicable, ensuire ttmt the ternis of this Agreement: witl-i flrie Clourity of I os Angeles are p n corpo rated Into all Sutxontractor agreements. 'I he Subrecipierit must subrnt aHI SUbuxitractor agreements to the COUnty of 1. os Angeles for review prior to the release of any ft.1nds to the Subcontractor, The Subrecipient must WthhoW funds to any Sutxontractor agency that fa Hs to cornyy with the terms and conditions of this Agreement and their respective Subcontractor agreernent,, 8, 1 abor SUbrecipient rnust, as applicat)pe, corTir,:)Iy with ttie Int(5,irgovern mentai Personnep Act of 1970 (42 Ue&C, 476a,.4m 63) relating to prescribed requireMents for rnerit systerns for prograrns funded tinder one of the 19 statUtes or M%gWations specified in Appendix A of OFIM's Standards for a Merft Systern F:Iersonnel Administratiori (5 CF::R f..)00, Subpart F), Su, brecipient must, as asplicat)pe, cornyy, with the provlslons of the Davis Bacon Act (40 U&C. §§276a to 276a--7); the "op el Act (40 (.)a&C §276c and 18 U.&C §874)d the Contract Work I iours and Safety Standards Act (40 U&C. §§327-333), regarding Woor standards for federaRy.-assisted construcfion SUbagreements', and the Hatch Act (5 USC §§1501-1508 rind '7324-7328). Flage 16 Agreement No. 6545 Subreclppient rnust, as apr.)HcaUe, corn plywith ttie Federal Fair, Lat.,)or Standards Act (29 U.S.0201) regarding wages and tIOLM'S Of employment. None of the funds may be used to i,.)rornote or deter unlor-1/labor organizlng activities. CA Gov't Code Sec. 16645 et se.q, . .......... . .............. ... , 9. C.Jyll., Rigb1s, ......... .. ..... _ _.. ..... . . ..... SUt.)reelpient must, as ai)ptic able, comply with 0 Federal to relating to non dlscrlfflinatlori, These include but are not fimrted to, (a) TrUe VI of the Civil Rghts Act of 1964 (PJL 88­352), which prohibrts 6scrlmllriatloll on ttie basis of race, color, or national odgun, (b) I We IX of the Educatlon Arnendments of 1972, as amended (20 U.&C� §§1681 1683, and '1685­ 1686), which prohiUts disciriirninatpon on the basis of sex,, (c) Sectiorl 504 of ttie Rel W,,:Altation A(:-.t of 1973, as amended (29 US,C794), wl,iich protillolts 6scrimiriation on the basis of dtam Ullfies, (d) the Age Dlscrirninatlon Act of 1975, arnended (42 LJ,S,,C,, §§6101-610"7), which prohibits 6scrimination on the! bays of age', (e) the Drug Abuse Office, and Treatment Act of 1972 (RI _ 92 255), as arnersded, relating to nondiscrlmlnatlon on the basls of drug abuse; (0 the Cornpretiensive Alcohol Abuse and Atcoholisrn Pa.:1,1ventlon, Treaftnent and Ret'laUiltatlon Act of 1970 (PI_ 91-616), as arnendua:Id, relating to norm ftcrlmina tion on the basis of alcohol abuse or alcol,'rofism- (g) §§523 and 527 of the $-'--)ubHc I lealth Service Act of 1912 (42 U&C� §§290 dd-3 and 290 ee 3), as arnended, relafing to confideritiality of alcollol and drug abuse patierit records-, (h) Title VIII of P'se Civil Rights Act of '1968 (42 U&C� §§3601 et se., �s -ided, relafing to non-6scriminatlon tagthe sale, r(ntal or r q)arrier financing of housing; (i) any other nondlscrimin atlon pro viston s ill the specific statute. (s) under wl-fich applicatiori for ll:::ederal asstance is befirig rnade-I (l) the requirements of any other non d lscrlm u nation statute(s) tl iat may ap.)pjy to the application; and (k) i::).[ 93-348 regarding the protection of fwmatri subjects irwolved in remearcti, devetopty-ment, and related activrtles supported by this award of asslstance. `I O. Environnlentat . . . . . ........................ ................ . ............. Subr(;,cipent rnust, as apI)llcable, cornply, or has ere compHed, with the requirell'iewits of TrUes H and IH of the Urilforrys lRelocation Assistance arid Re it Property Ac.quisitlon Pollcies Act of 1970 (PI_ 91­646), which provide for fair and ci.iquitable treatryient of persons displaced or whose property is acquired as a result of 1:::;'ederal or, federafly assisted prograrns. I hese requiremients app° ly to all interests ln real propelly acqUired for project put -poses regardless of F"'ederai i,)arb6pafion in purchases. Subreciplent MUst, as api,)RcaI,)le, coirnpy wrth environrnetltat sto ndairds which rnay be prescribed PLIrsuant to the following" (a) insfitutlon of 9EM Agreement No. 6545 environrnental qUaHty COrlti'Ol measures under the Nafional Environmental Policy Act of 1969 91 -.190) and Exect.ifive Order 11514; (b) riotification of vbIafing facilities puii uant to EO 11"738; (c) protecfion of wetlands pLjrjLJarlt to IE.'O 11990- (d) evah.Aafion of flood hazards in floodjo� auns in accordance with EO 11988, (e) assurance of 1',)roject consistency with the approved State ma nagernent prograrn developed under, the Coastal Zone Management Art of 19"72 (16 U&C� §§1451 et snag.); (f) conformity of Federal actions to State (Clean Apr) lrnppernentatlorl r"lans under Section 176(c) of the Clean AlrAct of 1955, as amended (42 U&C� §§-74,01 et seq.)" (g) protection of undergr'OUnd sources of drinking water under the Safe l". )nking Water Act of 1974, as amended 93., 52,3); (h) protection of endangered specieS Linder the Endangered Species Act of 1973, as amended (RI - .93205); and (i) Flood [.Nsaa.,,ter f:1rotection Act of 1973 §102(a) (P. I.... 93-234). Subrecipient rnust, as, appficable, comply with the Wild arid Srxinic IRpveirs Act of 1968 ('16 LLS,C, §§1271 et seq.) related to protecting components or potential c(,)rriponents of ttie nationalw0d arid scenic rivers aayl:,tern. Subrecipient must, as appkable, comply with the I ead-Based Paint PoLsonirig Prevention Act (42 U,,&C4801 et seq,), wl,kh l,-)rohibits the use of pead-based paint in construction or rehabilitation of residenrx., struc,tures. Subre,cippent must, as applicable, comply with the l::"ederal Water Popp borl Control Act (33 U,,S.C. §1251 et seq.), which restores and urnaintains the chemical, physical and biologicap integrity of the Nation's waters. Subre,c,ipient MU to as appficable, ensure that the facHifies under its ownershij,,), lease or supervision that are uflized in the accompHshmerit of this project are not Ili test in the f.Environrnental Protection Agency's (EPA) fist of Violafing Facibfies and that it, will riotify the Federap Grantor agency of the recc-mlpt of any communication frorn the Director of the EPA Office of F"ederal Activities indicating that as fa, cifity to 1,.,>e used in the project is under considerafion for, listirig l,,)y ttie EFTA. By signMg this Agreernent, Subreciplent warrants arid represents that it will, as applicable, comp ly with the Cafifornia lE'rMroii-irnental Qk,,jiality Act (CEQA), Pubk Resources Code §21000 et seq. Subrecipient must, as aspkable, cornpy with the Einergy Policy and Con servatioin Act (P.1 94- 163, 89 Stact. 87 1) &Ibremipkmt must, as aIj,,)plicable, comply with the provision of the Coastal Barder Resources Act (P-I 97-348) dated October 19, 1982 ('16 US.C. 3501 et. seq.) which prohibb ttie expendfture� of most new l::"ed(-'n'ap fUnds wifl,-On the t.mits of ttie Coastal Barrier Resources Syster n, MMM Agreement No. 6545 11. Preservatiori Sut)recipient rnust, as aipplk;aNe, cornply witIn Sectioin 106 of the National 11 fistoric fDreservabon Act of 1966, as amended (16 U&C, §470), EO '11593 (identification and protection of historic prol)erties), and the Archaeolo&a� and I fistoric pre servafion Act of 1974 (16 U.&C. §§469a-1 et seq.). 1Z Sus,Densiori De jr,men, lLieH , ili arid Vokiritw Ex(,Ius�jon .. .. .. .. .. fit, . t.. Subrecipk.-mt must, as appiicable, comp py witl-i 'ritle 2 Cf" Pail §3000, regarding Suspension and Debarryient, and Subrecipient must subrrflt a Certification Regarding Debarrneint, attached hereto as Exhibit 13, required by Executive Order '12549 arid any arnendment tl,)ereto. Said C'ertificafion must be subrnked to the County of I os Angeles concurrent with U'le execution of this Agreement and rnust certify that neither & ibrecpppent nor its pOncipals are presently debarred, suspended, j,,.)roposed for debarment, declared k4ligiWe or v6untari[y exc.luded fi orn padicipatiorl in this transaction by airiy Federal department head or agency, Subrecipierit rau' st require that ttie language of tl,iis Cerfification be included in tkie award docurnents for all SUb award at all fiers and firiat all subcontractor's cerfify accordingly. 13, Q11 ug.-..EmtM-dsp!ag2 14,, Su brecipierut rnust, as apl:)ficable, cornpwith the federal Drug -Free Workplace Act of 1988, 41 USC §701, Title 44 Code of Federal RegWations (U"l.?) Part §17� tl ue California Drug-11"'ree Worlq.)Wce Act of 1990, CA Gov't Code §§8350,.,8357, and Subrecipient most corn;'.)We the Certification Regarding Drug -Free Workplace Requirements, attached hereto as Exhibit C, arid Mcorporated herein by reference, Subrecipient must require that the Wiguage of fl,iis Certification be included in the award documents for It sub-ayvard at all ti(,..rs and that ail subcontractors certify accorOngly. Sul recipplent must, as appficaWe, cornply wi:tl,°i 31 U.S.('.". 1352 and complete the DiscDosure of Lobbying Acflvifies, (OiVIB 0038 0046), attached hereto as Exhibit A, and incorpoi to herein by reference. 150 Miscellaneous Subrecipient rnust, as al,.)pficable, comp ly witl a the Laboratory Animal Welfare, Act of 1966„ as arnended (IPI, 89-544, 7 USC §§2131 et seq.). Page 19 Agreement No. 6545 B. Statutes arid D egulaUon Apr)pDOcaWe .t,„o l,.hn s P r°tpcut r Grant Agreernnent �,�ubirecilp Dent rnust comps with ADD appkaUe reqWremerits of State and F`edere0 laws, s, e ecubve orders, re uiaboin „ pnrogr rnn and adrninDstratrve requrennnent „ poficies and any other r°equirerrnernt s gowernnOnng this, parficWar grant pnrogr rnn. u recip Dent rnnu t„ as agp, kable„ connnpc with new, amended, or revDsed Il ww „ regWafion ,and/or pirocedW es that appto the performance of fts Agreernent I hese recIt.*ernents On°ncWde„ but are not fimn ted to, ibe 2 C FF Part 200o EC"; 123p U.S. . Df ep ai'Iment of p°°tornepend Securfty, Office of State arW Local Government Coordination, tion, rnd l"repredne gin„ Office for Domestic l"Ir,eprefines, C;Dp,~, WMD Training Course Ct Dogaje; and D0J Office ice for CApw00 F'Ught . t ndarO ed Emergency D' arn gerrnent Systennn ( ' ) requirements as stated in the Cafifbr6la Emergency Services Act„ Government ent Code Chapter of ,, DwD Don I of °f,, iMe 2, §860T t (e) and CQfs "I'Me 19, 445- 446. f r°owD Dolrn of " DtDe 2, 6„ 28, 44 CFFR apjplicabe to grants and coopner five greerrnents, Onr,"k.iding Part 16„ Administrative Review Proce&I'E' Part 0, Criminal Jusfice MornmatDon Systems; t°Iart 22, ConfidenfiaRy of Odentffia We Research arid Statistical Dlnf rrmafiornm F"ail 23, Criminal OntelHgence Systerns Operating ting c, kie ; F:I rt '36„ Dntergow '',, nnrnen°nt n Review of Departrnent of Justice Progranns and Acfivifivs; Part 35, Nor6 criminnn tDonn on the Basis of DisabMty On State and Local Government Serv0ce 8 Pant 68„ EqUal "Treatment of Faitl°n-teased Organizations,' IF"airt 42, D' on iscdrgnMafiorn4D Apo 0 E nnpDo rnnernt Opportunities PoficDes and Procedures; Part 61, Procedures for Ornp Derrnentpng the N fionn l D'.E nsw4xxirnnernt l Poky Act„ Part 63, Floodp Wri Managernent rind Wetland Frotectk')ri D rocedur°e % Part 64„ Floodjw)Wn Management gemernt and Wefland Protectlion Procedures; federal laws orr regtflafions r p,np fic bO e to p°, (;,!der 0 Assistance l:'-Irogr m ; F)a t 69„ D' eww Restdctions on Lobbying; Part 70, Uniform AdmtnD tr bve ReqWrernents for Grants and Coopner tOwnr.-� Agreernnernt (OncOu&ng sub -awards) wwftOn MSfitUfions of t°°fOgher Learr0g„ I lospitals and other Non-F)rofmt Organizations" and F:'art 63„ Government -Wide ReqWrernents for a Drug p,'ree Work,,)Ir ce (gr' not ). NorndD crprnin Uonn requ4-'ements of the C rnnnnibu Crrune C"orntrol and Safe Streets Act of 1966„ as nrienc,ied„ 42 USC 3789(d)„ or the Ju ennlHe J usfice and t efinguerncy D°3rewerntDonn Act„ or the Mcbms of C drone Act„ as ppnropr0r te„ the prow'D ion of the current edifionn of the Office of fu tice Prograrns Rnan6al arid dmOnnD tr tpwe Guide for Grants„ M7100. t„ and all other r prnkat:)le Federal Daws, orders, clrcW r , or regulations, t . TravelF:'winprises udr°ecOp Dernt„ as grovw ded D°nereDnn„ ww100 Die compensated for ubrecip lent„e reasonable travel expenses incurred in ttie p erfornnnr nce of tl°n0 IBM Agreement No. 6545 Agreement, to include travel and per rf lern, u0e s ottrerwlse r-n(pre s sec't 5u,rt reoipperit's total travel for in.„f State and/or out „of -State oriel per r meni costs rnuet Time OCkir ded M the contract budget( ). All travel, Griolrictpng or.it- of'.,.State trave�, that ps not Mcluded ur°i the budget( wr M snot be reimbursed without prior written authorizabon fror"n the County of L.os Angeles,. Z11 er°it's adrTfii.ni t.rafive-reWert' travep aq id per pen'i reirn5k.ir ernent costs w flll riot be reprn uirsed,, fm'or programmatic- related travel costs, ubrecrpfipent°i re r°nbur'sernent rates rnay riot exceed t.t°ie amounts e t bfistiecf tmdeir° the graint. C. Compliance e ith Grant nt t egOrevments 'To obt ipri the grant funds, theState requlrer',t an ei,ittiorp e ' relpresent fp e of the Courity of t,.,.os Angeles to sign certain proirrO es reg rrfung ttm way f.ie grant funds would be spent. *1 hei e reqWrements are included in t':°, ichit pt F and in the ti te's "Grant nt SUrr rioes ". By spgnlng these Graiit Assurances ncei and occrepfpng Exhibit F, the County of L..osi AngelUes became IUao,Sle to, the State for any funds that are used to vlolafion of tr" e grant rectuiremer,ft, I -fie State,,' (r nt Assurances are pimorpratecf into this Agreement through Exhi iut f' . turlbreot@ ment will be HaVe to tt°'ie Grantor for any funds the State cfeterrnpnes the ubr°eciplent wrsect pn vioUlotuori of these Grant Assurances, ur' Srrorit to tNs Agreement, SL,Jbl,ecupient shall execi,ite the 2021 Certufpo tenon of Grant Assurances ncres In fntwrhit)tf Dg rnrooegfing arid agreeing to till e by all provislon p assurances, and rer urre merits therein. Subireciplent agrees to indermilty and hold harmless the Count of t.,.ori AngOes for any SLATIS the State te or 1:::erferUl government determines Si,rtirecip� nt use h'i vlolabon of the Gr°orit ASSUroricerri. .f.o t@°'ie extent Eicl,iibpt f', oonfficts with �angiieg,e or pro ,por°ie contained in Rips Agreement, or" contakm more restrictive requlrer°'neat s under Federal and taste law, Exhibit 't shell control. t':. Noncornpllorice With Grant ReqLflrernents tfr,rUl reoll, k-mt understands Mends that foltcire to cornply with any of the above assurances and requirements, lnc kj lr°ig ExhiM 1), may result pr°i suspensr ori® t'errntn tloirr or reduction of grant funds, and repayment', by the Skjbreclpient to the Cor.mty of L.os Ang0es of any iinautfiorl ed e peridRurerw. 412. f wf r"oU State or,,ict Local Federal, State and local taxers are the reinponi'i,ibHit r of the Sirfireolfilent as an rndelpendent pert: r nd rwt of the Courity of L.os ArigeHes and must be, palpald prior to requesting reurritiicir ement. However, these taxes are airi allowable expense r,iricfer the grrr r°it program. F°Ia e 21 Agreement No. 6545 411 UnveentUr,nrn Uotant of two u°U Unto A. F: epr°uortpng F"rooed ure for pnventpon Uf any project produces any UnventUon or, discovery ("Invenfion") patentable or otherwise under Tifle 35 of the U.S. Code, e„ Un�,AUudln g„ wptU°wut U rn� t tpon„ l,.)ro(.-,esses arid bt.,isiness r nethods made in the course of vvod,( urnrter tItils Agreernnent@ the Subrecipient Uent must rer')ort the fact and dlscUose th(.0 UinventUon promptly arid foully to tl'ie County of Los Angeles, The County of Los Angeles will report the fact and lWose the Unnveu„nfiorn to the State. Unless there is a Tudor agreerneint between the County of Los Angeles and the State, tU'°ne State, vvM dE� terrnnUne wU''ietheir to weepy p,.,)rotecfior'i on the Urnverntmori. '"p'"he State will determine how the dgt,ft tin the pnventUon„ 4icl uding rights under any patent iSSUed thereon, will Use allocated and drn°nlnUstered in order to protect the p)ubfic Unvntere t oon Ustent with time policy ("Policy") embodied Urn the Federal Acquisr tUon Regul tUons Systern, wl-iUr, h p , based on Ch, 18 of Title 35 U. C, Sections 200et seq. (Flub, L. 95-51 7„ Pub. L. 96-6 6„ °°Title 6 ' F"p:' Part 401), Presidential U ter or nd ur'n on t overnr vent Patent Policy to the 1---ieads of the Exeo,uufive Departirnents arid Agencies, dated /161'1963)U and 11. eWtUve Order 12591, 4/16/6 „ 52 FIR t 4,t4„ .t,.UtUe 6 I:: 1987 Mornnp,,u. s p . 220 (gin ernnerided by Executive rr° er .t 616, t / / , 7, 5 46661„ Title b FR, 196 Comp., 1;). 262). nuU reclp Uernt hereby agrees to be bound by time F:1ollcy„ and will oontr otuwu Hy reguulr°e fts perornrieU to be bound by the F.IoUuoy. 6, U Ugtnts to Use lrivenfio n As applicable, County of Los Angeles wUUU have an unencumbered rUgU°nt„ and non ..,e cluu Uve, irrevocable, royalty -free UUcern e to use, nn°n nruf oture, prn rx-ov'e upon, and allow others to do so for afl gover nmernt purposes, es, any UonverntUon developed uirider thls Agreement. C. Copyright PoHcy Unless oft'ierwi e provided by time State or the terryis of thls Agreement, when copyrightable rn uter,W ("Material")Uri developed under this Agreement, ft'ie County of Los Angeles, at tits 6scretUornw may copyr6ghit tU,°ne U lnrterp p. If time County of Los ArngOe s declines to copruy6ght the U r„rterU p„ the County of Los Angeles will have all Unencuunn0 erect right„ and non- exclusive, irrevocable, royalty -free ficen tee® to use, manufacture, irnnp rove upon, and allow others to do so for all governinnent purposes, any Material U devi:,,loped under tl,,nis Agreement. The State will have an unenCUmbered right„ and a non. e opuu pve® urrevocaWe, royalty -free pnoene, tr,r use, manufacture, nrnp rove up°uorn„ airld allow others to do so for aH governnn°nent purposes, any MaterW developed under this Agreement or, any Cop,nydght purchased under 0 iis Agreement. . SaupDrrnco;)pent rnnuu t oornnp Uy Mttn .t ltl(,ro 24 t F:1 85. 4. ism Agreement No. 6545 .. IRights to Data "Thee State aind the County of Los Angeles will have uur lliilr'niited rights or copyright Iliiceln e to any data first produced or delivered under this Agreement. "„Urflimited rights" means the right to use, disclose, reproduce, Iprelp re derivative works, distribute. copies to the puubfic„ and perform and 6sp9ey Ipuub iicly„ of" permit oth'roer to do sop as required by "h°iithe 46 CFR 27,401. Where the data are not first produced under ulnas Agreement or are Iprull Ilii hied copyrighted data with the notice of 17 U.S.C. Section 461 or 402, the State acquires the data under a colpydghrot Iloceln e as set forth in Tiifle 46 CIFR 27,404(f (2) instead of uri ir'nuted rights,, (TRIle 48 CFR 27.404(a)). ., Obligations Binding on Subcontractors Suu5recopuent must require all subcontractors to comply with the obfigations of this section lby incorporating the terms of this ectiion into aill siijIbcontracts. 414. Ialld for°t Airument rder Under the terms of this Agreement, Subreciilpiient Must, as p lic ble„ cor'ur'rilply with CaliforniamHy Code Section 5230 et seq. 415. W or'mg orr'ren And ter Bii..Asuness Venter rise Outreach Piro r rin Vt us the Ipolicy of the County of Los Angeles to (provide Wnodty Busuness Enterprises, orroner"b BUsiness Enterprisesand all other bus4"Iess enterprises In equal opportunity to participate 4,1 the performance of aH Sulbrecipient's contracts„ including procurelrnent„ construction and personal elr ice ,, Thi 1poVacy f� pHe to all of the Srult)recVlpuelnt„ contractors and ulb—contlr ctor . 416. ,tom Vii nce w ill IV VIr Ihu nce IEim:rmu Vo rmnent IPr dice Subrecipient shall complly with fir chance employment Nriing (practices set forth in CafiforNa Government Code Section 12952, IEiiEr"nplloylnYroent Discrimination: oln VctVoln h to tor'y. Sole re. cipient's 'vuoV tuon of this (paragraph of the Agreement Ivey con tVtUte a rmu terV ll breach of the Aglreer'nent, In the event of such material breach, , oununty of I os Angeles may, in its sole discretion, termn rl to the Aglreernent. §417. Method of P ment and R a mired Vnform�n tioru The County of Ojos Angeles may, at its sole di cretuorro„ determine the most appropriate, efficient„ secure, and timely form of Ipayment Ipro'vuded under thisi Agreement, Subrecipient further agrees that the default form of payment shall be BectronVc IFunds Transfer (EIS""'T) or Direct DelposR, unless an allternafive method of payrneint is deemed appropriate by the A G. Agreement No. 6545 ' u recpp pennt shall provide the A.-C with electronic 5aarnprpnng and reWed lirnfornnaatpon for the Subrecipient ntand/or any, other payee that the tjih recpl,nient designates to recepve payment pt,ur uaannt to this Agreernnennt: at hittl2sJ/direcildeposit.jacou/. Sucti epectroonpc p aannidirng and related pnforr natporn includes, but is not lir nptert to: bank cwn.oa nt nn,ur nber and routing rnaurnberw legal business na,atne„ valid taxpayer identification number or IIN, working ng e-mail address capable of receiving remittance aadviceaa and othneii payment related couMreaall,aonnr aan°ncaa„ and any other information that (he A.,, determines is reasonaWy necessary ry to process the payrnent and comply, p , with all accounting, record keeping, and tax reporting ng requirements, Any provision of llaw, graatnt„ or,, funding agreement requiring as specific c form or, rnethod of payment other thna'arn EFT or Direct Depauospt shall supersede this re,,gauprerrnetnt with respanect to throe payrnents. At any thn°nne dean°°pang the duration of this Agreement, the Sulbre up,nnernt may au9 mit a written request for an enaerrip tnorm to this req upraaurfnernt and must Ibe based on specific IlegW, tx.janpness or operational needs and e panpa,apn why the p as rnent a°n°netpnod designated by the Ais not feaa HDle arid an alternative is necessary. 'The A.,. b In con°n uRaatpon with CED, rap„neap@ decide whether to approve aaxerrnfntponn re�qauaa MS, SECTION Should epttier pin i,,t ' fail for any reason to conippy with the contractual oh hhgafpons of this Agtmeemernt within the tprrie specified by this Agreement, the non-breaachnpri party reserves the right to terminate the Agreement, reserving all rightS Urider 'State and FederM plaa v. §502, 1, ,rm,inationt "fl-iis Agreement rnay be terrnpnn ted, in whole or, hirn part, from time to time, when such action is deemed by thna-a Cournty of dos Arngeeaa„ in its sole 6 cretpotn„ to be in its best interest, .,h"ea°minaatporn of work h(:,,r4�'Mirn er shall be effected by notice of termirnaation to the 5nubrecppetnt specifying ing the extent to which per,f'ornnnnc* of work its ten�-Minated and the date upon wpnpaalln such termination becomes effective. 1-he date upon whnpchn such termination becornes effective shO be no less than tern (1) days after the notices is sent. §505. r n ridr h,en Except as otherwise provided in this paragraph, h , any change in the terms of It'lis Agreement, pnCpaua,turng changes in thEa services to be performed by, S ubraacpp pent„ F:)ag � 24 Agreement No. 6545 that are agreed to by the Subrecipient and the County of I os Angeles must t e incorporated into this, Agreerent by a written a rn(,mn uyroent properiy sagned by persons who are authorized to bind the pair°ties. No. uth t nrfkng the foreg6ng. any 'ulnorea e or decrease of the grant r rnount specified in 301,A.„ above, or any extension of the performance perluod suecffied uu°u 51 o above, does not regOre r'iitteni arnenddent„ but may be effectuated by, a written nofifuoafion by, the County of L,oe AngeDes to the a bra--o'upient, SECTOIN VI N't IFRE At: I'REE t':;. I" ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, �ut, ,j, g,,,,,,gEgeu„neat f°tg t on,, 'This, Agreement contaons the fu, H and oourTupQete Agreement between the two parfies. Neither vPerbW agreement ruoi conversation or other oommunlioatfon wRh any officer or err plo ee of either party wifl affect or modify, any of the terins and conditions of this agreement. 60 . „grfft�Fte,;,n,,chrnent , . .................... - This, Agreement may be executed utHizi ug wet„ scanned r ugita�, and electronic signatures, each of wfich os rteernert to be an ormgOaL "rnt ls Agreement 4ncDl des (6) gages and (8) ExNbRs wh�ch core tutule the entere� understanding and agreement, of the parties. [F:R urna�nder of this page interutionaH deft Wank] Pl ,Ige 25 Agreement No. 6545 I INI WV7 NESS WFIEREOF, the Stibrecipierfl, arwJ County of Los lkngelef; have (eaused thiis Agireernent to tx,lh execii ited Iby th6r dtfly atjth(v'�zed represents tines, C(IIA Nq IN OF I ()S All�IGELES BY 2/28/2024 D A V EN�PIORT D a t e Chief Exectifive Officer a.,11A. ZZAA Execufive, Officer, Board 01' SLlpew�sors AP'I:�IROVED AS'"M F'ORM DAMN R, HARRISON Aetinq County CounsO �BY p ily ...... .. .. �` S Gil"Y OF Eil_ " EGL)NDO BY_ . ..... . ....... BY All vell" Z it...................................................................... . ......... 7 . ............................. . . .................... y Representalll�tie (siiqrmiure) (Prvil Name) A'3­r,(, F )RM Y CRY (.3e, k (11�'Iiint Natyiie),, to Date 1 2. 11 late C �!!!%ge 26 Agreement No. 6545 Extftit A Certification and Disco murre Regarding L.ol tr iurmg Errtmkrft 8 t''.erfificotion t eg ar°rting Debarment, Srrarpen mon, hefigubHfty and Voluntary Exclusa orm I-o rer Tier Covered Transactions ' Itritaiut C Certification t egarftg Drug,- mrare Workplace E0lr b t t: Cerfificafion of Grant Assurances Exhibit E Rna� Grant Award Letter and Project Worksheet ` tm�b t F gtt t 1 ofice raff'mrrrrtmng t" pportman'k t;�. tm'Oit G Reirrmbursernent Foun and Mstruotions Exhiht tt Monftodng Instrument Agreement No. 6545 HtBiT A Can oE.c.; 2..232 ° ' ' WTI FOR PLE"° I ° F F-LL DISCLOSURE OF!'LOBBYING ACTIVITIES ot"tnolmn 6 coo n.ure fformnn shell Ike completed by the reporting entity, whether u.ntn-manv rrtee or tmrurnne Federal remru ulemnt, at the olrnutu ffmorn or Irem.m6pt of a covered Federal action, or ra material change (o e prevloous ff firm , pursuant to Fills 3,1 IJS. C. Section 1352, The fifiing o6 ra form is rerrtWred for each pa rnnm:m„rmt. or, ag reemnrmemnt to make payment to any Ilobbylng enfity for urntflr,rernurn6rmr or D ffterrn ffurmr to influence an officer, or ermnplo ee of any agency, ember of Congress, an officer or employee of Congress, or an error uDlo ee of u emnrnber of Congress urn connrnecnffmomn with a covered Federal eot.uorr, Use the Sr-:�..ff..L.ff..w.A Connturnmu tuorn Sheet for m rtrtuffolormll arnfforrmnratiomn if the space on the form is inadequate. Conn Pete all fterns that apply for u~bofftn the onffi D fifing and mnrnrat.erW change report, Refer to the or pm er nemnfi nr guidarice published by the Office of u' r mna er nernt and Budget for amffrttffuonnW urnfforrrnatporna. ff . Idenfity the type of covered (Federal aoffuorn for which lobbying rmoffolvtt.y is and/or has been secured to or ff i uernoe tine on~utoom° e of ra covered Federal action. Idenfify the stratus of time covered Federal aroma I ldentify the appropriate classification of this report. H' ttnt s is e ffok) ..nap report caused rm rmnr t:erW change to the urnfforrnffola n prevuously reported, enter the year and quarter in nvtnurmffn time op.n rrige occurred, Enter ffie date of the last previously subrnMed report by ttft reporting entity for tf-ds covered Feder eot'uon. 4, Enter the ffn l name, address, olit. „ state and zip code of the repor-fing ernffult . prnopn de Congressonnr a' Dstrict, pff' ki no rn. Check the appropriate m lassiffuoat.uorn of the reporting entity that de o rrates, uff it is, or expects to 5e„ ra prtlrne or sub -award recipm enL lderifify the ff er of the Datbr vwera ee„ e.g., the first s uubewardee ofto°ue prurrie is, the tent ffoler. S u ranvr rrts o nounmde but are riot tomiterff to subcontracts, subgrants and contract awards minder, grants. 5w off` the or rnrnuzataoan fifing the report in uterrn 4 checks, o" nutrevrardee„" thelun enter the ffuuH nnernrvme, address, city, state and a code of the p6 mne Federal recap iernta pmnruWde Comn r°essuornW t', i stdct.„ ruff known. 5, Enter the rnnarrne of the Federe.11 agency, making the award rd or uoarm oormnrrmutmnnelrnt. Include at least one or ramnoz ataorn<,apl Deve4 below agericy rnarrme, uff known, For e arnnffbul , Depnmad mnemnt of "Transportation, Uruotert States to oenmt. Guard. 7, Enter the Federal pro rermn rnrarrne or, mffenaolrui tulorn for the cover(-,,rt l° emtem-.nap action (uternrn t ). pff known, enter the kiH Catalog of Federal E)omnne ;ffao Assistance (CF A) number for grants, cooperative agreements, aoarns, and loan oorrnrNtrmnentnaw & Enter the most appropriate FemfferW Wenfifyung m°nmwulrnber, available for the Federal action identified in 6tern 1 (e.., Request for, Prpo W (RSl) rnuannuntuers Invitation for Bid (u'FB) number", sub --grant announcement rnrrrnnl erPo tine contract„ subgrant, or loran award nnnarntbero the ra ffblbultoatuoarn/propo M control number assigned by the Federal agency), Include prefixes, ma.ffff,," ' -.DI '.,'-.001.a„ fit. For a covered Federal nrrotloun where there has been an award or loan cormnrrmpts' nermt by the Federral agency, enter the Federal amount of time awardfioa n oorrnrrnutmernt for, the prime emnffolt u lemntlffued in iteM 4 or 15. Dmdosure of Lobbying rmnuv m e - CW r"Dm;.S - (mayor ed v'Dnnr 011 n ) Mage, ff of Agreement No. 6545 E)01,10T A CM OES 2 232 Appocived by OMB 01348-N!1146 1 O. (a.) F" nter the NU narne, address, city, state and zip code ofthi? lobbying enfity engaged by the reporting entity identified 0-i itern 4 to h'ifluence the covered Fede4l acfion. (b.) Enter the full riaimes of the individual(s) perforrnrng services, and include full address if dM--,,i,'c-.,nt fror'n 10 (a). []":'nter Last Name, Fr Narne, and Wddle hiifial (MI). 11. Enter the arnount of compensation paid or, reasonaWy expected to be paid by Hie reporting entity (ftenri 4) to time iobbyrng entity (item 10). lridicale whether ffie has been lrnade (actual), or wffl be rnade (pIanned). Check all boxes that al,,)ply, If this is a material change reporl, einter the curnWative arnount ol'payment rnade or planned to be made, 12. Check the appropriate box(es). Check afl boxes that apply. If payMent iS Made through an in - kind contriibt,iifion, specllV the nature and vWue o'f the in -kind payrnent. 13. Check the appropriate box(es), Check all boxes that appiy. If other, specify naturi:m. 14. li Irovide a specffic and detailed description of the seMces that the lobbyist has performed, or wiH be expected to pei form, and the date(s) of any seMces rendered, Include all pireparatory and related actMly, not just bane si,')ent in actual contact with Federai offic4ls. Identify ftie Fedel'M official() or, eirnI'Moyee(s) contarted oir the officer(s), ernployee(s), or Mernber(s) of Corigress ttiat were contacted. 15. (.",heck whether or riot a SF LIA.-A Continuation Sheet(s,) is attached. 16,"Ffie certifying officlWhaH signi Hind date the form, print hls/her narne, title, and telephone nurnber, F'Iubhc reporting bui den for this collection of inforrnaflon is estirnated to averag(-.n 30 minutes per response, iridluding firne for, reviewing iristructions, searching existing data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and cornpleting and reviewing the collection, of infc..irniation. Send con-irnents regardingthe bUrders estis'nate or any other aspei,,.t of this collection of information, including suggestioris for reducing 0-6s burden, to the Office of Mariagerneint and BLAdget, F:1aperwork F-Reduction Project (0,348-0046), Washiington, ID.C. 20503. D sdosure of I !;Obymg Aii:hwtieM OFS 2-232 (Rev*ed 7/812013) Pag(:"% 2 of 4 Agreement No. 6545 EIXIIIIN'T A CM 0ES 2 232 ApprovedbyOMB 03484)046 DISC1.0SURE OF LOBBYING AcnVITIES Cornjj��,,jt�jt� !2gnto disclose bb (,.,a riihes,j!gg nL,L�131 l.) S (1- 1352 .............. ................. ... .......mmmmmmmmmmmm1. Type of IlFeede iraaD ActJoru 2,, Status of Federal Actiow 3. Report'rypew Contract Ej I a Nd/offedapphcabon olifial Ming b� gravil to �vivhal aww'd b, materva change c. cooperatsveagreement c, post -award dfoan r ens, loan guarantee Year Quarter kmn 0murance date of last epoul _ ............ . ........ ............ For Material Chariv Only: ........... 4. NauTre and Address of Reponfing Entity . If Reporting Entity in No. 4 is Suirawardee, Enter Name and Address of Prhrne: .......... ...... . ... . .......................................................... ---- ........ .. ... .............................................. County of I os Angees Chief F::xec.Wive Office - HSGA Pdnrie I", Suba,wardee 500 West to Streel, RooFn 8 79 2 'Tier, If known: Los Angeles, CA 90012 Congressional DisirkA, it known: Congressional Distdct, Wknown: 1.1-1.1.1 ............... ---- .......................................................... . ........... . .... ................. ................... 6. Federal Depairlrnent/Agency� 7. Federal Program Narnell)escHpfloru Depavirnent of Horneland Security Homeland SecurRy Giant Progwm CFDA Number, ff appficabIel 97.067 & Federal Acflon Number, if known: 9. Award Arnount, if known: ................ .................................................................................... . .......... ...... ......... 10. a. Naune and Address of Lobbying Em Ilkmw lndrvWtaals Performing Services (ffvncfivvdua WRnwne,fivstnavne,,Mmy: jaftac" Ccnl�nuabim Siwvei(s) SF4, LR -A d necesswy) . ................ . .................................................... --. ............ .............................................. . ... . .. . ... ..... 11, Amount of Payment (check all that apply) n 13.Type of Playment (check all tha't apply): Actual Phinned a. qetainer ............. . ... ... . . . . . .... ............ .. 12. Form of Payment (check aH (fiat spp(y): b. one-r1sme fee a, cash c comnihision b, in -Rind specdy d, confingent fee e deferred nature. .................... . ..................................... value . . ........................ 1. other spedly . ...................................................... ... ....... ......... 14. Brief Description of Services Perfonned or to Ilbe Perforrned and Date(s) of Seivice, hichidling offleer(s), employee(s), or Me! on be(am) sears lacted, fo r Pa yonent in d ica ted Warm He m 11: (aiumvi conlumabon SPwre t(s) SF4,11 A, 4 15, Confinuation Sheet(s).SFA I L.-A anached. y es pqq) ................. ....... ...... ....................................................... . . .... .. ... ............ ... ................................................................................... ... . ...... ..................................................................... W finformabon requested through lhms forryi pare autho6zed by Tifle 31 U S.C. Section 1352. Q . ...................... Tim dmsclostjre of lobbying activRies hi a matedall representation of fact upon vftch Da r�, - Name. -1-1.1-1-1 Ill -Z:11�1 !-2�2.0 reliance was placed by the 1�er above vh�en thm Van&acl on was rnade or entered into, I We: C�ty Manager '12-1--1--- 1352, lfhi�sujjfoffnafionwfflber ............ reported to the Congress serr6-rarjjjuiaHy avid will be avadaWe for pubhc inspection Any 1 elephom: 22-.� ......... . ...... person who favIs ten file the requ4ed cfisdosure shafl be subjecl to a cvH penafty Mimi (XW&; less than $10 000 and not more than $100 000 for each ea ich failure, I)Me-, . . ........ . ................................................ . ..... . ................... .............. . . .. . ............. ... ........ ..... ... ... . Federal Use Only: Authorized for Local Reproduction Standard Fonn — LLL ........... .... . ............... ...... .............................................................. ...................................... . ........................................... ................... tad to 3 of 4 Ovsdosure of Lobbying ActiWies - Cal OES 2-232 (Revised 7/812013) DISCLOSURE OF LOBBYING AarlVITIEES CONCONTINUATION SHEET Continuation f 10 a-b add tim" Im'mal sheets may be added if necessagy ReportingEntity" Last Name Address r t Narne to" ity ::art Name Agreement No. 6545 ...;X p.l & A. AppTu:Nrd r: by(:;MAB 0148,.,P.104 Address CRY Zip .m, . � .... e..,. �� ...... —,.. Address City Zits 11 11,.. t .„�, .,, -- ._.w� Address CAY Zip Brief Description tim° n f Services and Payments kids cated in ilerm°m t't Au Uiaraed maT III .. p� ' 4'mIP,,)u° Stu chon Standard 11!!'onn....Ili..m_m.. and :wulire fLobb huug AcWlms.. m � OES 2-232 (Revised 1812013) Pag(:,'m 4 of Ag re e m e n o. 6„545 'p.o1�tl°°.3 CERTIFICATION REGARD104G D,L A 0 p NT, SUSIP"ENSION, INELIGIBILITYAND VOLUNTARY EXCLUSIO 1, OWERTIER COVERED TORANSACTIO114S This cerIff'P w porgy is required ttie regulations pmppemenfing Executive Order 12549, e a rrrrent and p.)enslon, 24 CF11F"mi 24 Sec iori 24,510, F"articipant m awe porrrrpbfflfpe , 1 w I -re prosy,,.)ecti e recipe en t of Federal assistance fundscerfifies that neither it nor its prrrin dpel rare;nesently debarred, suspended, ii,)roposed for eb rrrrient, declared prreflgil, pe„ or YoNntardy excfud(-,�rd from r participation in ti,%is transactionany pP"�e er p department or agermy. 2, Where ttie prospective recipient of Federal assistance furids ps unalble to rtify to any of the statements in this cm.m°fific Lion, such prospective parficiparit shafl attach a n e p rra bon to this proposaL mty ndo Darrell George, ("Uty Manager m . %') I II Al W m ............. OATE Page 1 of Agreement No. 6545 EM ffi , fflIC °ION„�,,,,,,,�;,,',,,,,,,,,,,; ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,� I ICATI,,,,,,,,, Agreement No. 6545 STAIT OF CAf fl!", GRIAM DRLJG-III!!!'IREE WQII'�WPI ACE 0�1111111111R IIIIIICICAIII N STII�. 1 ),21 COIIMPAIII' qY/(°)II', I'4WZA � �ON NAMIII' Uty of B Seguildo Tkme coribactor m giraril mdp�ierd nainred above hereby ce� fifies corripfiance w0i, (3ovefnrnent Code ''motion 6355 pn matleirs r0afing to prcM&rqa diiug-free worlq!'Aace, Die above-nairniled coiiitiractor or redp�ent Mill, 1, PubNsh a staterneii,it ii°°*fifypirig erirl pk�yiees tl Wat tmkiwfdmairL.Alachne, dte(dNjfiorrll Ospeii maOori, ploss eWon, or use of a coiiitroHed sii,ibstance pis pirotOlked arid q';*Oy�ii ig ac6oiIiis to t�e takeri agakist eirnpkmyees foiir rAdations, as reqtAred by Governrnent Code Section 8355(d) 2, Eslabifish a Dn ig-Firemw""mrene Illrrograrni as reqtfired by Government Code Section 8355(b), to pnforrn erqAoyei?s about dl of the foRuw4igl (a) The dar'qm s of driii ig 6buse ki the woilqAace, (b) I'lie p'I�)ersr)r'i's or oirgainpzafion's pdkcy of ir'4rRdiii,iing a drug free w(�Wk#ace, (c) Ainy avaHaUe couii Wselp ig I, ret iabflAaflon and emllC�Aoyee assistance progrmns, arld (d) FIenaMes fliat rnay be prnposed upon ernployees for drii,sg abuse, vilAaflom 'Ws 3, Provide as WeqWiied by Governmenl Code Section 8355(c), that eve� y em�uloyee who woiiRs on the p�)iiq)losed contract oir subgraii iL (a) MH rec6ve a copy of the conipaiiiy's drii ig-free poficy statement, ai iiid agii,ree to a6de by the terms of the company's statemei it as a coiu i0fion of empoyrnent oii!i thie contract or sill,jbgiiant, CER I IFICA naliq ...... . ........................................................................................................................................................................... 1, (1he offirM narned lbepow, hereby swear that t am iAy aiiAhoirized pegMy to Nrid Vhie coilractIV" or III edpllerit to the above descril)ed certificafiorii p arn WHY awariil? that ltijs coW fificafior�, exectilled (!n H"ie date arild 0 ttie cow ty Wow,, iis rnade under penafty of pe jury II.9rideIr, Ure taw,,i the State of Ca!HllornW a, I)arrellR George !�. OFF�IICAII S NAME DATE lll!:::::XECU;TED County of Ill os Argelles CONTIRACK)F? I LML Cilly IlmmwWnager TM E 956000706 FEDERAlli 1111), M WER Page 1 of 2 Agreement No. 6545 12)(HOTC STATEMfin; NTON Tad-IE DIRLIG-FREE WORKPLACE To comply Mth the enactment of Senate B01 1,120, (Chapter 1170" Stefuters of 1990), wNch estabfished the Drug -Free Workplace Act of 1990, the City of EE.] Segundo (Your agency) aocmordOlgp IpnrovWes fts statement of compfiance. k'i order to rnainWrr funding efigOifity, state agencies, along wrOi those in receipt of grant and contractuW awards, rnust cerfity that ttney provide drug -free workpaces and have pMjed drug -free workplace statements to their ernployees [Section 8355(a) of the Government Code.l. Consequenfly, pn accordance Wth tl-ds &-ecfive, fts staternent is issued to I'Meet thiS re(.10rernent, 'T'he City of B Segundo (your agency), an agency witWn the State of Cafifornia has adopted Ms .. .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . . . . ...... . .. . . . .. .. .. .. .. . statement in cornphance with pegislafion wNch addresses issues to avoid the dangers afting froirn drug arid Wcohol abuse on the worace. These dangers prrclude death and pnjury to the employee, co-workers, os, the puMc resuffing frorn accidents, dereficfion of duty, poor judgrnent and carOessness. Substance abuse aso results in lost pro,ducb0ty, reduced efficiericy, and increased absenteeisr'n by the substance abuser and pnterfer(-,,ws with the job performance of ernpoyees who do not use fflegW or unauthorized substances. [Sectiorn 8355(b)(1)) Cafifarnpa law prohibfts the i.jnlawfiW rnainufaGture, dspensafiori, possession, or, iflegM use of a controHed substance. "That prohibition extends to 0 places and inckAdes the worksfte of CaHforNa state ernpoyees. [Section 8355(a)) Eirnpoyees convicted of a voldlafioru of crirninW drug statute, when the vVabon ocmrred at ain eI-vIpk)yee'S worksite® shall report the convicfion to the granting and rTlOriftoring State agency upon convictioin, [Section 8356(a)(1)(2)] M the event of the UrllawfW manufacture, distribubon, dispensation, possesspon or Megal use of a controfled substance at a State worksite, the State may take 6sciplkiary action pursuant to the Dlaw andlor requke the satisfactory cornpletioi i of a drug abuse asspstance or rehabifitation program, Asection 6355(b)(4)] "The E:rnployee Assistance Program (EAP:), proMes drug problern assessuneint and referral to appropdate counseling and rehabilitabon services. 'The :AP m avaflable to aR agency employees, Procedures exrst to ensure the confidentiaRy of EAP records,, Contact your personnep office for further Wormation. R is the iirRervt of the C.Ry of E...] Segundo (your agency) to ensure by execufion of tNs stateirrient of cognpliance that eacti enipoyee shaH abide by the terms of this drug -free wod(place sstaternent,, [Section 8355(c)] Page 2 of 2 Agreement No. 6545 EXr flM �* D Cal OES OOVERHOWS OFFICE OF INEROENCY SERVICES Standard Assurances For Cal OES Federal Non -Disaster Grant Programs As the duly authorized representative of the Applicant, I hereby cerfify 1hat the Appfic(:Int i ias ihe iegaf atithorrty to oppt y for federaf assistance and the iris fi I U tiorial, rnanageriaf and financiaf (,apabifity (includirig funds sufficient to pay any non--federaf share ofpro(eci cost) to ensure proper, planning, rnonagernent, and CORrJ-)fefion of the projec I described in this applicafion, wilhin prescribed tirne1nes. I further acknowledge that the Applicant Is responsible for reviewing ors adhering to all requirements within the: (a) Apr,,AcaUe Federaf RegUations (see beio (b) Rderal Prograrn Notice of FUncfing Opportunity (NOFO),' (c) Federof Preparedness Grants Mant.)af,- (d) C afifornia Skjppferneni to tfie NOFO; and (e) Federa� arid State Grant Prograrn Guidekies. Federal Regulations Government cost FXin(.Jpes, ur,Worrn adry-iinktiative requkervients, and at,idit requireirnerits for federal graril progirarns are set forff.j in fife 2, Part 200 of the Code of Federal Regulatior us (C.",.F.R.). Updates are issued by the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) and car i be found of t,-rttp://www,wtiiiet,iok,.ose.gov/ory)b/. State and,federal grant award ray quirervients are set forth below. The Applicant hereby c�agrees to coirnlply with the folloWing: 1. Proof of Authoffly The Appficant w8l obtain proof of auft iority frorn the city auto uncH, governing board, or, authorized body k) support of ihis pi oject.This written atithoirization r-nust specity that three Appkant and the CRY COUncil, governing board, or atitho6zed Ibody agree: (a) To provde aH rnatching funds reqtked for 1he grant project and 1hat any ca0) rnatch wH1 be appropriated as required; (b) Ar-iy Hability arising out of the perforrnance of this agreement shaH be the responsibifity of the Appfic(-jn1 arid the cRy cor,jrx.,fl, governing board, or ci tj f I iorized Iboa y; (c) Grant funds shaH riot be Used to suppkint expendHures controHed Ilby ihe cHy council, governing board, or authorized body; 1�1c�)ge I of 14 friifiafs t6 Agreement No. 6545 I Cal OES 16CEIle �W OOVEQkOR'S OFFI 0 OF INIMSENCY SERVICES 001,11 Standard Assuirances For Cal OES Federal Non-I)Isastetr Grant 1111irogfrafrns �Wffffff" (d) Appfic(x"O is authorJz(-xJ by the city ccsiuracfl, (;mtowN,ning bc)ard, or ak ithofted tx)dy to apply for federol asslstance, and the instiftitioi acfl, rnanagerlat and thiancial capcit)tfity (irack,)c fing ft.mdssuffk°cier)1 lo pay thE1.1 r ior i.°.feoeral sh(Xe of project c()st, if any) to enSLir'e prope'r plary aing, rnancjgen,°uent cind cornpletioin of the project described irvffrts appHcafion; and (e) C)fficial E�xecn iting #fls agreeirner)t is MAV,v°)rtzed by ttre Applicant. This Proof of Auff iority rntist be rnairi lain e d on file arxi r(,acJfly avaHabkt)pori requesl, 2. Period of Perfurrnance i he PE,�rkxj of Ipertcrrrnanc.e, is spE)cffied iri ft me Award, The Appkant is oirfly auff �oirized to perform allowaUe acfivffies approved a.aruder the award, withirr the peirio(J of tea erforrr aonce, 3. 1 obbying and 11olific:al Activitles As reqrAred by Section 1352, "title 31 of the United States ("ode (U.S,C1.), fc)r persoins entering kito as corrtract, grant, k)ari, Orr c:11, cooperative m tive cojreefMt fr(wri an ag(,.1r1cy or req.re�sts or receives frorn cir i ageirx:y a cornrr Ornent Ipirowrldtrrtt kx ffe United States tc) irtsurEc or guararitee a loan, ffie Applicant certifies that: h (a) t4o federot appirolprkiied fixids have beerr p<)id or wfll be paici, t)y or (:)in of the )rxJerslgn�:-',1d, to any f,)erson for infk,renc* ig car at'lernpfing to influence air I officer earernp�oyee of an agency, a Merriber of Ccnigress, ar� officer or en �&yee of Congress, or an (,)f cr Mei Y �ber r�)f Congress in aIonnec:tion wlfti ftie awardirr(] of cAny Fedeirat c.,ontract, ffie rrv�aking of any feclerat grant, the rnakirq of any tedercit loar), ffie er itssrir�g irito of any cl< operative agreeirn(,rnt, (aind the extension, coritintrafiori, reriewat, (,irriuendrrrent, or rrrocMic.,afion of any federat c(,)ntract, grart, ioan, (Y cooper(]five agireeirnelrd. (b) if any funds other thain federc)a (�)ppror)riated h,inds hav(-wa bef:1F r paid or will be paid to arry persoiri for" inM jencing or atterrir)1fing tc°) influence an officer or ernpoyee of any agency, a Mer nber of Congress, an officer (')r ernployee of C'oir)(jress, cx cin erri&yee of a Merr''irber of Cor igress ki connection with this federall c;ontir()c1, c rant, toan, or cooper(:jfive agreE,Ment, th(:es tirr(Jersk ne(J stu,)H cornpieto and st.)brnit SkIndard Forrn-1 U., 11,)lsclost )re Forrn to Report I c)bt)ying", in accordance with its ir,Mri Pctioris, (cl) ThE3, undersigned sh(A require that the kxvgrx`ige of hairscertificaflon be kicWed in,hie awor(I doct nyaeriits f(:)r (A SUbawards (it oil tiers (irx.k xJ4''ig s�.)bc;ontracts, Sk)bgranis, and contiracts, t )nd(?r grarift, toarm ar ad cooperafive (igreernei nts) and ff-iat alt sk Abrecipk'�Ints shaH cerfify and disckneacco �Ioge 2 of 14 �nitia� 3 I Agreement No. 6545 EM 10T D � ;* M Cal OES OW FFICE q OF EMERBENCY SERVICES Standard Assurances Fbr Cal OES 1��ederal Non-Disasi[er Grant, llrogrc�jims The Appkant wHi ako (.,orrrpiy wift,n provis&is of fil"re i i a tc h Ac 1 (5 U.S, C. § § 150 l - r 1508 and §§ 7324--7328) which ilr'nit the polifical ac;fiv[fies of eirnpk-Wees Mnose principal erY'ipk)yirn(M1 (x:fivifies aro fluiride%d in hoc e or in pairt with fed(��raI funds. Ffiri(Ay, Ir 1`)Ec Applicant agirees that federaf funds wM not be used, dkE,r(:fly or fndirectly, :::I� to st ipport ttie ena(�,try'ier-0, rer)(: al, ax)(Jific(Aisrin or adoption of any haw, regiuation or, policy Mhout th(D express rMen approvaf frorn the Caill'ornia Governor's Office of Ernf)r�:)o,:�ncy ServlKes (CaI CA,,,S) oir it"ie ff,lder(:il avvar(�fing (���igency. 4 DebarrylIent aiind Suslt)enslorn 3 As req )ne(J by E,l)(ectifive (')r(Jers 12,549 ("ind l2689, ar�d 2 C.F.R,, 2()0,213 and codified ln 2 C,F.R. Part 180, 1)ebarrneint and Suspension, the Appficant WH provide pr(�)tecfion ag(:ilrisi w(isie, trot )d, <o'nJ abtne by debarring or snjsp(,nr idling thase persons deerned irresps)risible in th6r (Jecilings with the fe(Jeircjll governryient, The Appficarnt certifies ff)c 11 it and its principa[s, recllplerrts, or sk )brecipienfs: (a) Are rrot presenfly det)arred, suspended, proposed for, debarr-rient, deciared ineli(,]Ve, or voiunk-jMy exckrde(J frorn coverE)d transa(:,,fiuns by any federaf departrnent or agency, (b) f,,Iave not w[thirm a three-year period preceding INs applicatior"i t)een c()nvi icted of or had a civil �tjdgrneni rWidered agoirrst theirn for cx)rnrrr� I ssron of ftakid or a criirninal offeinse in corwrection with cntafcafnfnft® atterripting to obtain, or perforailrig a putAc (federd, state, or focal) trarwsaclltk)n or contract urider a [,AjbIic transaction; violaiion of federal or stale (Irrfitn,ost statt,)fes or corrirnission of earbezAernent, thett, forgery, bribery, fakificatiori or destruction of re(X,)r(,Js, mrakiq ig false staternenis, or re(,,neMng stolen property; Are not presenfly indicted for or olherwlse crimirnoHy or crvifly cl'iarged by (:A governrneintal entity (f(,:c�deraL statsn, or locaf) with cornrmssbn of any of tfr(n, offenses enuirrrien,ited in paragr()ph (2)(bi) of this cc.,rfifk.�ailonn and (d) I -love not withln a three --year period preceding this application t°mad one or rnore pub4c tronsaction (federai, state, or k)c()1) teirninated for cause or defak,M. Where the Appficor'0 is rinabie to ceirfify to any of the staternerris in this ceirfification, fIE' or shf:) shatl attoch an explanation to this appkatk)n. 6. No n-, Disc drvil naflon and Equal Ernplloyrnent Opporturilty lbe Afsr�rk°cant witl corTgAy wiffi aH state an(J federal statutes relating to r mon­ cffsccnrfrnniurncaffcrrnn in(°ckjdirig: Page 3 of 14 inifiak$4 . .... . Agreement.No. 6545 1�1111 X IIII w B I T 1L1) Cal OES OOVEANOR'S OFFSCE OF EMeRGENCY SERVICES Standard Assuranc-1,1es For C!al OES !��ederal NomDlsastetr Girard Programs (,:3) fitk:� Vi of' the ClAf Ri«,#�rts Act <)f 1964 (flublic Law 88-352 and 42 (J.S,C§ 20(X)d et.seqj which pirohlbits div:6F"T'ilriatfon on Rie t)sssis (A rc]c(:,:,, cok,)r, or oi ratior waW origrn and rE«qulres that r(,Icipients of federam frnam:ial assistaince take rE:)asoiri(�ible steps to provide rneaNngful access to persorrs wlth, firnited EngHsh proficler�cy (I Ef"') to their r:�)rograrns an(J servk;es, (bi) Title V (':)f the E6 )(:atron Arnendry"wiis of 1972, (20 J.S.(§§ 1681-1683, and 1685 1686), whic],r prohit)Rs disc unn l ncifion on ft,ie Izoisis of sex in any fEder(,)Hy flunded edu(-,XAror v:if I'X(:) rarn or acfivity� (c) Secik)n 504, of trie Rehat)Hikflron Act of 1973, (29 U,S.C, § 794), Whic�prol',wibits discrirnlrmfioiw i ag(�jirrst thosewith disablfitk)s or access and hm(".Ifiona� ne(,�ds,- (d) Arnerk.,arv; wift'i Drsab,Hitks Act (ADA) of 1990 (42 U,S.C, §§ l2101- 12213), rrich prorr6ts disc rim in afionorr the basis of disability and requkes bulk1ings (,-ind stri ictur(:)s be accessible ttiose with (Jisabdrfies an(I (N'..cEns and fUrrcfior'tcji rieeds; (e) Age Act of 1975, (42 U.S.C� §§ 6101-6f07), which 1prohObits (Jissnrrninafion on the Ibasis of (:ige; (f) flubfk- i leaht) Servic-e Act of f912 (42 U S,C, §§ 290 cid .......... . .... -2), relafir ig to confidenfiaMy of patient recoirds regarding substance at)use treatment,, (g) Title Vlil of ffie (", rA Rigt ils Act of 196E3 (42 § 36() 1 et se(:O, rekifing k') nondiscHurination ir the sa�e, rent(,A or finairr(:ing of: housing as implerriented by the Departryieni of F lot.rsing aru-j i Jrban IDeveloprnent at 24 C-t.:JR, Pairrt'00, The prohibifion or''t disability disc rim in afio n ir`wckjdes Ithe r(°I(quirement that nelw muffifamlly housing with f(:)ur or ryr(:)re dwelfing units,---E,e- ffrie public and (,ornnnon t)se circus an(I individt.ml ar)(rfiry uerit t )nits (all koilts iu i btAldrngs with eiev(As°)irs (:irr(J giround-flooir �,jnits in Ibir.riWdlingrr its ekwators) . .................. . b(:,? (Jesgr'wed and construc;ted witl-i certain accessible fc,.atur(:,s (See 24 C.F,R. § 100.201); (h) Executive Order 11246, which proriibiis federal cointracIon; and federafly assMsld (,constructiori coniract()rs and subcontirac tors, who do over $ 1 (),000 in Government busftiess iriu one year firory'u (Jrscrli ninafing ir ery"rpic�)yrrier'°w1U(ie(,,�isioris or) ffre, 1,)ash of race, color, reHgior,i, sex, sexual orterikAior), gender kJ(Drifificotlorr or nafiom�ji orlgin,- Exectifive Ordf:,,ir H 375, whic h bans disc;rirnriafion <)n the basls of ra<',E�, color, reiijon, sex, sexuai orieritation, gendeir identification, or nafioinam ork in in Nrin�, 3 J (,)r'id eryrp�loyiment in bottr the United Siates fe(Jeral m)rldorCE) and on the part of goverrirrien I contractors: Cafiforr,k) FluNic Contract C(Ae § 102953, M,iich prol6bifs (Jiscrli nination based on domestic r°)artnerships and those ki sarne sex ry i(�jrriagesl- Page 4 of 14 Agreement No. 6545 EM 1817 D Cal O S OF EMEMOENCY SERVICES Standard Assurances For Cal OES Federal Non -Disaster Grant 11rogranns (k) DHIS poficy to ensure the eq.rof tre(�Arner it c:�)f faith--b(med org(�jnizafions, under whch aH applicairits and re(Jpier i�ts rnust ('':or ply witt"i equ(:)� treatmer 0 U1.)o[icies and req )ireriner�ts contafned un 6 C.!, fl(:Irl 19; The Aj,)pficarrt M (',ornp; ywith ('',','afifornia's Fair ErrrpUoyry'ient and I lousing Act (FU 1A) (Cafifornia Goveruirnent Code 12940, 12945, II2945,2), ('js qprAcabk FEU 1A prohiUts harassrnent an(J dis(:Arniirralron irr ernp�oyrneint becak )se of aricestry, faryAia� statris, ra(::e, color, refigiot)s (z:re()d (incak idlng refigirst,is dress and groornhg piactice), sex (whic� i incit )des pregnancy, chH(Jbirth, 1,)reastfee(Jing and rnedic(�iUl (':oon ii:Mions rek)ted to pregriancy, cr ddbirffi or breasifeedh"rg), ger)(JW, ger ider ideirifity, g(,,,n(Jer expr('Ission, sexy j(�il orientofion, rnarital stalus, nafioriaf� (:)riji i, ancestry, rriental and physica� dfscjbflHy, gerr(:r'fic iritorrrioafior, ry'redoca� coindition, age, pref:jnaricy, deniaof rnedk-,aU and faryliHy coire feave, or r°)regnarrcy (-fis(A)ifity leeove, n"riMary (�vid vek,)irarr stattis, and/or reiaHafjori tor/ rotesting Mega� discrir-nination, relate�d sae a: of these categoqies, or ft)r reportirrg patient abuse fin tax supported instltutions, (rn)Arvy ott'ier provi I sions in os1he�aspe(-rifrc, Jstafi,ite (s) kinder whch trr'de; arr(apr:)ficafion r edera�� asistance lbEing (n) 11')e requirernerits of any (�)#'Der nondiscrlrinination sialk )te (s) that rviay apply to flhis app� icafiori. 6. Dritiq-Free Workplace As ieqr)irE,)d by tr're Drug -Free Workplace Act of 19881(41 US,C. § 701 et seq.), flhe Applicarit (:eirtrfiE)s that it wM rnaintain a drug -free woirk6 rrace <ir �d a drug -free awairerress Iprcagrarn as outfined h Me Act,, 7. Environinental Standards Tt�'ie Ar.)pH(:ar it wM coryip�y Mh state ar�d federa� eriMronrnental st�,jindards, (a) CaRon ria Errvironrnerrtaf (:),rjafity Act (CEQA) (Ccfliforrfla f1tiblic Resouirces Code § § 2 1U000...21177), to inch )(Je coor(Jirration with the cty or county Ipr ainnhg agency; (b) ('.'E0,A (','�O(JeRies XilRft)rr'ria Code of RegkJations,'Fitte 14, Division 6, Chapter3, 15387)'- (c) Fecieraf ('.Ieair i Water Ac,"t (CWA) (33 (IS.CW § 1251 et seqj, M'iic�'� estabhshes the basic structure foi reguaflrrg discl"rarges of poKitants into the waters (��)f ff're UrMed States a n ireegu[ating quafity star rdr)rds for SLJrfa(:e woters; (d) Federa� Clean it Act of 1955 (42 LJS, C§ 7401) whic� reg� )�ates air ern&iorrs froq n !itatk)n(:iry arrrrobik) sourcEn; Fla ge 5 of 14 hffiafs 4................... Agreement No. 6545 EX, i0T D CaIOES F GOVERNOR'S OFFICt OF EMEMBENCY SENVICES Standard Assurances For Cal OES Federal Non -Disaster Grant, Progra�ms (e) Wnsfitutron of environrn(!m�ntat qua4ty cor�tr<)rneas� ire s u,jnder the Natrona� ErwirorunentaW Policy A(,J (NEPA) of 1969 (flwl . 9 1 --190); the (.,ok,jncH on of I?egtflations f(�)r lrnpIUernenfing the flrocedtjro�t flrovisi(Nns t N I IIA; <)nd Exect )five Order 12898 which foctjs(,,s or) fihe environrrieritat and rit,xinari he(,�ffli effects of fe(-JeraW actiori6 on ry 0rioirity ar id [ow-incorrr(!I popukilions with ff,e goar t of (°icl-rkwirig erivihironrnentat prote(°Aon for cA corrinriunRies, (f) 1,valuafion of floocJ hazards in fIoo(,#)kjiris in accordance with Exect,)trve Order 11988, (g) Execufive Order 115 14 Whict"i sets forth rr(AfiorxjW einvironrrrental stondards; (h) Execufive Order H 738 insfitr )ted to assk ne that ea(:h fed()iraW ageric;y ernpowered to eriter into contracts f(Xff,te procuirevinenl of goods, r rraieriaWs, or serAces ar�d esich federa� agency ernpow(:�red to exterrd fe(�,JeraW assisiance by way of grant, Woan, or c<)rdract shaH undertoke such procurernermt and (ISSrStarice acfivitksrri a niannf:)r that wiEl resqAt in E,11ftective enforcE)rTrent of the 0ean Air Act arid ihe Federat Water Po�hjtkx,i Control Act Exe(:,k,)five Order 119,90, which re(:4ukes preservairon of wefian(Js; (i) The Sak" (Xnking Water Act of 1974, (P.1 - 93� 523) Endarigered Specie!,W Act of 1973, (PJL 93 2051); Assurance of project consisferxl,y with ffte approve(J state riri�arr(�)gernent prograrn devek)ped urxJer the Coastat Zone Mar'i(,,jcjerr,ierit Act of 1972 16 tJ S. § § 145 1 ei seq.), (1) Conforrnity of FedeiraW Actions to Siale ((I 'Ie<x Air) trnpernerrtatkxi Maris r.aractcPr Sec"fion 176(c) of the Ck.lain Ah A(A of 1955, as airnerrded (42 LJ.S�C"401 et seq.),- (m) WH(J ari(J &:,enk:, Rivers Act of 1968 (16 U.SX1. § 1271 eir sera.) reW(.rd to protecting cornponents or potenHal corrrp(,)nerfls of ihe rrafionalt witdan(J scenic river's systern. I he AppHcIani shaH not be-, 1) in vroation any (xder or resok ition prornk )Wgoled t)y the State Ah Resources Board or air air poM Morr sfistrict. 2) subieci to a cease arid desist order pursuont to § 13301 of ih(,., CafiforrrWa Water Code ft)r vWokjtkxi of waste (Jiuschar( aohibitions; (x,3) (Jet(!Irrnirred to be in vioafioirr ,:)e re(It.Arerneinis or (Jisc,hrge prohibitions; of fe(.Jer(3W tow r6ating to, air rx water polli,ofion. 4 Page 6 of 14 lriitraW,, !�� ............ . Agreement No. BI'6545 EXHIl 1) *vv.01' Cal OES OOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMEROffNCV SERVICES Stapug dard Assut'ances For Cal OES Federal Non -Disaster Grant Prograwins For stA)re(-.,Jpien1s expending $750,000 or r-nore iri feder(-.i� grar)t funds annuafly, tl,.)e Appkant wfli cause to t)e perforr reed the required firianck.ip and cornpHance ak.jdits in accordarice with the Singpe Arjdpt Act Amendryients of 19,96 ('.ind fifle 2 of tl-ie Cho (,-,Je of Federa� Reguafions, Part 200, Subpart F Auditl?equr irerrerfl's. 9. Access to Records On accordance wilt) 2 C,U. § 200.336, the Applicant will give the awarding Igency, ftie CornptroHeir Genernopt the United States and, if aj,,)propriate, ffie state, fi-irough zadighi to exary)4)e call records, books, darn ree papers, or dOCUrnenis relat(-ad to the aw(-.1rd.'ff re Applicant wM require any subrecipiernts, contractors, SUCcessors, transferees and assignees to acknoWedge and agree to COMPy Wfil ths provision, 10. Conflict of Interest fhe Aj,')j,,Acant will estabfish safeguords to r.xohibit the Ajz)pficant's ernpiloyees fr(,-.)r"n usong their positioris for a purpose that consfitutes or pares( -;ants 1he appean'.)nce opt 1,-)ersonal or orgarkafional conflict of interest, or personogaki. i I. Financial Managerr nent Fapse Clairns for P Appficani wfll cornpywiih 31 U.S,C §§ 3729,37,33 Mflch sets forth that no sut)recipient, recipapent® or subrecippent shall subrnit a false clairn for payment, reirnbursement or advance. 12. Reporting - Accountability The Applicant o,agreo es to cornply with appkalofe provisions of the F-e(Jeral Funding A(-,countabflity and Tra ns pare ncy Aci (F'FATA) (P.L. 109-282), specfficaHy (a) the reporting Of scuba carats obHgafing $25,000 or rnore urn federal funds and (bexeCL)five COMpensafioi i data for first fier, subawards."I'Hs inck,x,jes the provWons of FFATA, wtkh incbdes reqt.*ernents for execufive corn 1pe risation, oind (*o requirernenis 4'Tlplernenting theAct for the rion-federalV enfity at 2 C.F.R. Pail 25 Financial Asspstance Use of: Univeirsap Identifier and Central Contractor Reg�strafior and 2 C,F.R, Pori 170 Rej:)011firrg SulDaward and Execkifive Cornper-rsafior) Wormatior'n. 13. Whirifieblower Protections The AprAcarit aQso r'nust coaipy with siatutory requ4'ercents for wl"iistleUower proiectioris at 10 U,SmC,, § 2409, 41 U.S.C. § 4712, arwJ 10 U.&C. § 2324, 41 US.C. § 4304 and § 4310, Page 7 of 14 Agreement No. 6545 EXI-10T D Cal OES GOVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES Star,idard Assurances For Cal OES Federal Non -Disaster Grant Programs 14. Hunnan Trafficking The Aj,.)p6cant wiH coinpy with filie requirernerds of Section 106(g) of the "Tr,affl.c,�(' I Victirns Prolection Act of 2000, as arnerided (22 U.S.C, § 7104) which prohibits grant award recipeints or a Wbrecipieni frorm (1) engagin(.? in tr(: fficking iri persons during the poeriod of fin ie 1hat fl,--ie award is in effect; (2) procuring a cornrnerciaQ sex act during the period of firne that ffie award is Qn effE�Ct; (3) using forced Qabor Qr) tf-we performance of ft-)e award or, subawards under the award, 16. Labor Standards The Appficant MR cornpy wilh IhE) follow ing federa: Qaloor starida,ds: (a) The Davis Bacon Ac.t (40 U.S.0§§ 276a to 276a-7), as applicab, e, arid ff-)e_ Agi (40 U.S.C. § 3145 anus 18 (1S.( § 874) and the Contract Work iogrs a�,,id S f t Starida�Js.Act (40 U.C. §§ 327-333), regardir-og lat.)or .. .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . y . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I.I standards for federaHy-assisted construction coniructs or subcontracts, (.)nd (b) inhe FederaFair Labor Siandas rdAc .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .-" . . .. .. . —t J29 U.0 § 201 el at.) as they aqNy to ernpoyees of inStiftjtes of 1,iQgher Ilearnw ng (HE), hospitas and otherrion proffl organizations, 16. Worker's Compensation ."tie Applicant must cornply with provisions which require every ernpQoy(--?n, to be insured to protect workers wlm rnay 1,,De ir�jured on the jot) at all firnes dt,)ring th .0, perforrnance of the work of this Agireernent, as per the workers cornpensafioir� Qaws sel forflh Qn Caffornia Lat-)oii Code §§ 3700 et seq. 17. Property-ReWted Qf appHcable to the type of proj(-.-ct funded by this federaaward, the AppHcani wifl, ) pyMees m.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . 1—fi1111o1n(aCorneq....-- Assisiance and Real Pr0QEKJ' Ac, njisittion F�Icflick..,s Act of 1970 -646) which .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . I.I.I.I.I.I., .. . .. . . . . ..... .. . ,I my Aq_ 1`01HCH'.-�S, ACT C T 91 provide for fair (.ind equitatfle ireatrneirit of persons dispQaced or whose property Qs, acqt.,4red as a resk.M of federaor federaHy assMed programs, Tlese re<:.1t..j4,eir,nents apply, to a Qnterests in i real prq,,)erty acquired for project p.jrposes 1.regardess of federaparficipc:ifion in purchase; (b) Cornplly witt-i flood insurance purchase reqUireirnenits of Secfion 102(a) of the... Hood Disaster flrolecfion Act of 1973 (P.I.- 93 234): wh° ch requiressubrecipients .. .. . . .. .. .. . -- . . .. .. .. .. . ...... in a specia� flood hazard area to participate in the prograrn and to purchase Roost insurar-ice if the toiaQ cost of insuraUe construction aid acquisition is $10,000 or, rnore; flage 5 of 14 Agreement No. 6545 EXHO D CaIOES OOVERMOR'S OFFICE OF EMEROENCY GeRVICES Standard Assurances For CNon al OES F`ederal -Disaster Grant I'll,ograms MOOMMUNNOM M (c) AssM the awairding agency in OSSUring corripfiance wittl Sechorl 106 of the (d) Natiorx-)� Historic Preservation Act off 966, as arnerided (16 U-SC. § 470), I., .. . . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. ..... . . ... ......... _­­­­ . . ........ . . . ..................... Executive Order U 593 (identification and protection of historic properties), and the Archaeopogicap and Hstoric Preservation Act of 1974 (16 US�C, §469a­ I et seq,),- and (e) Cornp�y w4h the I ead-Base(j Pg�nt Poisonj c. ig,o §;,.t (42 U.S.C. § 4831 .... ........ 'o . . . ......... . - aj_f[f. gL11 A. - and 24 CFR Part 35) wHch prcftbits the use of lead ­,based paint in construction or rehaL-AHation of res'�dence strUCtUres. ® Cerfificaflons Applicable Only to Federally-, 1::uvided Construction Projects f"or all constwClion projects, the Applicant will: (a) Not dispose� of, modffy the use of, or change the terrns of the reap piropc�-��rty fifie or other interest in the site and facHifies Mhout perMiSSpOri arnd instructions frorn the awarcfing agency. Wfll record the federal awarding agency dkectives and wfll ir)cpude o covenarit iri the fifle of reap prop (:,rty acqUired k­i whoe or in part with federal assistance fi.inds to assure dUring the usekfl IHe of the l­xoject,- (b) COMpPly With the requiren,ierits of the awardng agency wiff-i regard to the draffing, review aii �d approvap of construcfion peans and specHicafions,- and (c) IProvide and rnaint6n cornpetent and adequcite en igineering SL)pervrs'pon at the construction site to ensure that fire cornpete work coriforims with the approved pkins and specifications and wili ftjrn'psh progressive reports and such other inforrTlOfiOrl cis niay be req0red by 1he assMance awardir-ig agency or, State. 19— Use of C',ellWar I)evice While Driving Is Pwohlbited Appficants are req6red to, cornply with California Vehicle Code sections 23123 and 23123.5. These laws prohibit driving inriotor vehicpe whi�e using an epectronk, wirepess corn rn Unica tions device to write, send, or read a texi based c,0rT11Mk,jnkation. Drivers are aso prohibited frorn the rase of o wirreless telephone withOUtharids-free Hster-flng and tafldr)g, unpess to rriake an ernergency cafl to 911, law enforcernent, or sirr-Mcir seMces, Page 9 of 14 InRiak Agreement No. 6545 t-x mr rr r'r SCalOES i OFFICEOVERNOWS or EMERGENCY SERVICES Standard Assurarices �m mFor, a MWOM Im NIHIHIHIHIH mm 0. Callfornia Public Records Act and Freedom of Information Act The App pk-a. m°nt acknowledges that a H irntiorrmotion subrnitted irn the course of a ppr yirng for funding under ft-iis program, m, or provided in the course of an enf'pty's grant rnnonangermnent (.iotivities that are urnater, Fea era„np control, is su t:). ect to the If°:reea ornn of prnforrnanfpon Act (FO A), 5 U.S.C. § 552, and fp°new, Ca ipfornia a,)pr,°,appo Records Act Californiaovernrmnernt Code section 6250 et se, q. ° tie Ajopicanl,should consider. these pan s and consult its own State and poca p paws and n°egOafioris m,egara ing the re, easep of infcnu. TIC.3tion pm,ner) rq4'nortirng sensitive rmnotters irn ttne, grant anpop ficanton, r, eea. s assessrmnent„ and strategic p kxinirng process. dl'VW., "�L, ,�,�,�,�,�,�,�,�� I ""��I���� ° �����' 9�In"������� Ull��o- l�' %I I �Utl�lU�i::OR� MAUU ��m�. LlfIU ,dI J:I 1. Aclunowledgrnent of Federal urn trn fiom D1,1S AH recipients rmnk.nt acknowledge a ge iheir use of fea era p fur)ding when issuing state ntsm press releases, requests for pioposaK bid invita,nfionsm arid other a a,a,a,ou.,urr°nernts a escrpp)in projects or p rogra rns fundeat in whope or in part with federal funds, 22. tt tttes Conducted cted Abroad All recipients rnust ernsu,)re that pw,;nrojec:t a ctiWpes oa: rried on outside the Urded Staies are coordinated tea as necessary v ifhn appropriate p rol riate govern°°nrnnent a u,0hornfies aria that aa,rf,; ,crop riote ficenses„ perrn°nits, or approvals ore obtained. . Best 11r rm tices for Collection and Use of Personally Identifiable Infor°r-n tt n 1111 DI (Jefirnes peirsonanpiy identifiable ble inforrnnotiorn (PH) as any inforrnnatporn f-iant poernnnits the pa ernttty of an irncfi idu.rato be dir°ea fly or, ir-)6recfiy inferred, nrn(.1k.)tin°rig any irnfornia tior) fll)at is linked or pirniaa ble to that individual. 1. AH recipients who coflectFIW are required to have: a ubHca:rllpy-a vaik:)b e p ri a cy policy y that describes standards on flhe usage and rnna irntena nce, of PH they c,:opleci, Recipients rnnay also firid the p°-6 Privacy cy prnnp act Asses*ssrnentsr f°l iva: cy Guidance ond Privacy ternnp pia to a u„rse ,40 resoa..kn'.e° e resp ecfivepy. 4, Copyiright Aill recipients rmnaust affix x pp°'ne qop pica le copyright notices of 17 U.S,- §§ 401 or 402 arnrn an cnolkno pedgerynernf of U.S. Governrnent sp onsorashp (irnciudiirnp, tune award rnurmnber) t() any work first 1,,,,xx)duced u..rrnder federc p financial assistance awards. Pagers 10 of 14 prniticnlNru ..:. Agreement No. 6545 �EXI OWN") 1 1/1", Cal OES Pll 7 GOVERNOR'S OFFICE 117 or EMERGENCY SERVICES Standard Assulrarices nor Cal OES 1::ederal Non- Disaster, Grant Progranis 25. Duplication of Benefits Any cost aflocable to an parficOar federai firiancal assistance award provided for in 2 C.FJ?. l"ad 200, Sulopart E a -nary not be cl,-)ar°ged to othE,'T federal finaincial assktance avvards to overcorne fund defic;ier)cies, to avoid restrictions irnposed by federa� statutes, regulafions, or federafinanckil assistance award tennis and conditions, or for olt-ier reasons. I iowever, these prohibitions wokjd r)oi preckide recipkn,.nls frorn sl-flffing costs that acre dlowable under Iwo or rnore awards iri accordance will,) eAsting federal stall) tes, regOafioris, or the federal finarx:,k)l assistance award terr-ris and condifioris. 26. Energy Policy and Conservation Act All recipients rnust cornply Mh the requiiernents of 42 U.S.C- § 6201 wlkl�� corlt6r� poficies relafing to energy efficiericy ff-iat are defined in the state energy conservation lz)lan iSSL.jed in carnpliance Wth this Act, 27. Federal Debt Status All recipients (ire required to be non-dekinqueni in their rel,,)ayrnent of any federal debt, Exaaiples of rerevaini debi include deHnquent pay roH and other to xes, audit disaH(-,)w(.-.inces, and benefit ov(-�rpayrnents. See OMB OrCUar X 120;a 28. Fly America Aci of 1974 AH recipients aiusl connply with Preference for U.S. Flag Air. Carriers: (6r cauier's holdiing cerfificaies under 49 U.S.041102) for internafional air transportation of people and prqj,,-)erty to the extent that such service us aHat)le, in are Mir) the Wernatiorial Air "Rarisporkjtion Fair Coml,.)efifive Practices Act of 1974 (49 U.&C. § 40118) and the interpretative guideHnes issk.ued by tl,")e CorriptroHer Generai of the Uniled Siak,S' in the March 3 1, 198 1,, aniendrnent to Co�,npfirofler Ger)erar Decision IB- 13894Z 2.9. Hotel and Mo� tel Fire Safety, Act of 1990, In accordance with Sec:fion 6 of the Hotei and Motel Hire S(,,jfety Act, ant 1990,, afl Applicants must erisuire that all conference, rneefling, convernfion, or trairling space funded in whole or in part with federa" funds corripfies with the fire prevention arid (:,orAr'61 guidefines of the FederaF"ire Prevention and Control Act of 1974,, as arnended, 15 U.&C, § 2225av Page I I of 14 Iriltiolsl Agreement No. 6545 Cal OES tpo8OVERNOR'S OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES 411,11010 Standard Assurances For Cal OES Federal Non -Disaster arant Programs 30. Non - suppla n1hig Requirement AH recrpienis who receive federai finaricial assistar,uce awards rriade under progranis that ;:)rohibit suqNanfing 1,,,.)y low rnust (-.,snskjre ttiat federal funds do nog rejolace (supp,.)Iant) funds that 9,,)ave been budgeted for fl--re samie jourpose fl,--irough non- federal sources. 31., Patents acrid Intellectual Property, Rights LInk-,,ss otherwise provided by paw, recir,.sients are subjeci to the Bayp,,) )ope Act, Flk.flo. L, No. 96-517, as arTiended, and codified in 35 11S,C§ 2,00 et seq,, AH recir,.)ients aire subject io the speciffic requirernenis goveiri)ing the deveoprnenf, reporting, and disposition of rights io inventions and pateinis resulting frorm finariciar assisk.ince awards located at 37 CJ:�.R, Pad 401 and the standard patent rigt-its ciause pocate(J al 37 ("_F.. § 401 a4. AH irec�pients who receive federa� finar-icial assistance awards rnade under programs that provide en,iergency conunkinication equir-)rnent area Hs, reated activities RIUSt CoMpy Wilrf) the SAFECOM Guidance for, Ernergency Corni,nunication Grants, 4-ickiding pirovisrons on techrkal standards that er)SUre and ent-)arx:e interoperaUe corn rnunic (:flio r)s . 33. Terrorist Financing AH recipients rnusi coi-rqoly with EWxecufive Order 13224 and U.S. k:iw thal prohibit Iransactions with, arid the provisions of resources and suppor"i to, pndividuaps and organizations associaled Wfl­r lerrorisr-n, Recppients are sea aHy responsible to (,�nsure cornpliance with ffie Order and raws. 34. Reporting of Matters Related to, Recipient Integrity atid Perfornnance If the Iota p Vak)e of the recipient's a,urrenfly cx:,five grants, coq,,)erative agreernents, orid procureimeni contracts from afl feder'aassistance offices exceeds $10,000,000 for ariy period of firne dUring the roeriod of perforrnan(-.1e of this federal finai 16ap assisiance award, yoki rnust comjopy with ff-ie requirernents set forth in the governrnent-wide Award'Teirrn a�)d Condition for Recppient pntegrily and Perforrnance Matters, pocated al 2 C.F,R. Pori 200, Appendix)(H, fl--�e fuH text of wl°iich is incorporated t)ere by reference ir) the oward terrns arid coridifions. Page 12 of 14 klifiak Agreement No. 6545 4CalOES ® OFFICE fr F EMERGENCY SERVICES Standard n For Cal OES Federal Non -Disaster Grant Programs 36. USA Patriot Act of 2001 ON recrpp k--m its must comply Wttr requirrenients of t&ie tfrrpf ng and Strei,rgttrenirrg Arner'ioa by Providirrg Appropriate Tools ect6�red to intercept ar°rct Obstruct Terrorusrn Act (USA FIATRIO ` Act), whiich arrren s 16 U.SmC- § § t -. 5c . 36. e of DHS Seal, Logo, and Flags A0l recppenis MUSI CADtaill p errnission from their DFI F'Inancrperr� Assistance C ff CEO , prier to usir-)g the MIS seas (s), iogoso crests or, r rprocluc.tions of flags or Hkeriesse s of MI agency officials, including use of the United States Coast Guard sea , bgo, crests or ire prod ucfmons of fags or W(erie sses of Coast GL)Grd offpcu 1s. Pr:(a- ftrr 13 of 14 Qrr6tucp Agreement No. 6545 EXHO"I CalOES "wrj,p OOVERMOR'S OFFICE " OF EMERGENCY SERVICES Standard Assurances For Call OES Federal Nor i-Rio santerPly ogEwa irns IMPORTAN7 The purpose of ff°re assurance is to obt(:ki federal and state financai assistaric'e, 4x,'kiding any and di federal and state grants, Icacarrs® reirnt,)uirsernent, confirocts, etc. The Aj,,)pficant recognizes and agrees thai state finar-icio�i assislonce wifl be extended based or-i the representafior is made 4,1 this assurance. This assuram,:,e is binding or") the Appkant, its successors, trarisferees, assignees, etc, Failure io comply with any of the above assurances rnay reSLM in suspension, termMation, or reducficin of grar-0 funds. Ali approprUe docurneritafior'w, OS 00firied above, must be rnaintained on Me by the Appk-.anJr ond avaflable for Cai OES or pubfic scrtAiny upon request. Fakire to complly with these requirements may restjR in SUSpension of payrnei its under the grant or" terry-flnatior-i of the grant or boti-i and the subrecipient may be irrefigibka for award of carry fUtUre grants if the Cal OES deterrniries that airy of the following has occurred- (1) the recipient has made false certification, or (2) violaies ft�ie cerfificatiori by faNng to carry oul fi-ie requirements as noted akxwe, All of the larigUafife contained withn this cacao: urneni,11n,L)S-1. be irlCbded in the ('�ward (JOCUrrients for all subawards at all fiers. M1 recipients are bound t)y ttie Department of Homeland Security Standard Terms and Conditions 2020, Version 10. 1, hereby incorporoted by reference® wtkh can be found at: The undersigned represents that he/she Is authorized to enter Into this agreement for and Sara belholf of Hie Applicant. Subrecipierit: City of El Segundo Snattjre of AtAhorized Aerit: Prinied Narne of Authofted Agej°jt: Darre�� George fifie: fait WIxiager Date: 4% ----y--------------------------------------- ---------'(-----2--,--2-- ----------------- flage Agreement W. W9 GAW14 1'4EVVS0AA OctoL)er 27, 202 i is wise A. D(".wenpo0 Chief Execufive Officer Los Anges Courfly 500 Wed Teaiple Street, Room 713 Los Angees, 90012-0000 MARK S. M?I,')UCCI� D IfN' 6 (:14�x' SUBJE'Cl': IYOTIFICX�10N OF SUBRECIPIENT SUBAWARD APPROVAL F'iscaN Year (FY) 2021 Horyieland Security Grani Prograryl (HSGP) Subaward #2021-0081, Cac OE S 0#037-00000 Subaward Pe6od of Fle-rforrnance9/01/2021-05/31/2024 Dear Ms. Davenj.)ort: We are ppeased to announce the approVOi Of YOUr FY 2021 HSGP subawald in the ary)OUM of $10,192,647. Once the compieted appiicafion 6s receNed and approved, m4-nbursernenl of efigible subawafd egpenditures may be request(,ad usang the CafifoiiNa Governoi"s Office of Ernergency Services OES) Hnancia8 Mairiageryieni i::orrns Workbook, i::aflue to provide docurnentalion on a fime��y ry-uanner couid resuit 4') a hokj or) funding, pursuant IoTifie 2, Cod(;s of Federat Reguafions (C�':R), Secfions 2(X),338(a) and 200.207(b)(1) (2) THs subaward s subject to requirements in 2 CFR, Pad 200, inclu6ng the No is of i"und4'ig OPP()aJrunily (NOF:0), the Preparedness Grants ManuaL Ihe CafiforNa Suppea-ient io the OF bhp and ail appHc;abie #ederaai® stale, and loccfl reqOrements. Aii acfivifies funded wRh Ihis subaward must be comp�eted wilhin the subaward period of pertorrnance. Subre(.'Jpents must obtain addRional written approvd p4gk to kicuriing cosis for acfivHies such as aviafion, watercraft, aHowaNfily request iogs, nonc',ornpefitive pmcurea rnent, and projects requHng ErMionrneink,,si Pi(,',inning and I-fisioNc Preservation reAew, 3650 SCHREVU? AVENOE, MAIHER, CA 95655 yyL qQf y Agreement No. 6545 Fesia A. Davenport October 27, 2021 Page 2 of 3 Your organization will be required to prepare and submit the Biannual Strategy Omplementatlon Report to Cal OES via the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Grants Reporting Tool (GRT) semi-annually for the duration of the subaward period of performance or until all activities are completed and the subaward is formally closed. Failure to submit required reports could result in subaward reduction, suspension, or termination. Throughout the subaward cycle, milestones set in the GRT will be used as indicators of project feasibility, performance, and grant management capacity® This information may also be used in assessing proposals in future grant opportunities. You received additional State Homeland Security Program funds for projects that help meet statewide rational Priority Area minimum requirements, Due to the nature of these funds, project scope changes will be restricted and any modification to these projects will require Cal OES and FEMA approval prior to obligation or expenditure. We identified these projects as the following: 103 Project# 5 $12,500 LE Cybersecurity - Endpoint Detection and Response Software. 05 Project# 88 $100,000 LE Joint Terrorism Task Force. A Condffional Hold has been placed on your award for the foUo,'Adng investments which fall under the National Priority Areas: U# 3 Cybersecurity - $325,500 (Project# 13 $60,500, Project# 15 $25,000, Project# 16 $25,000, Project# 19 $40,000, Project# 20 $175,000). lJ# 5 Domestic Violent Extremism - $305,896 (Project# 26 $155,896, Project# 29 $150,000). To release this hold, additional information is required for the investments identified which must be submitted in the December 2021 Biannual Strategy Omplementation Report in a manner consistent with Grants Program Directorate Information Bu0etin No. 447. Agreement No. 6545 Feslo A. Davenport October 27, 2021 Page 3 of Your dated signature is required ire on this letter. Please sign and return the original to your Call OES Program Representative within 20 calendar days upon receipt and keep o copy for your records. For further assistance, please contact your Carl OES Program (Representative. Sincerely, MARK S. GHILARDUCCI Director x ;w Fesla A. Davenport Los Angeles County Date Agreement No. 6545 El Segundo LidDurefiDDzm�� PEA 2021 State p°Wr nie Saacur p » ua gwirn (SD�DS� ) ProjecD� D��xB 4, 5/2021 °�021—t�fS61 ...� � n:oirrbS0C 037-0(MO PAP Marti R9" 1/202u PAP E . Date 5/31/2.024 hojed Project Ifle Funding D 1sci line Solution Area 'Dotal Budgeted No. Souwce ,. ..... ............ ...... .... .... � ..,. OW NPA: Emergency M auroeagaaux e n8 Softwa4,au'o. HS4"/aP-SHSF' EMS Equipment $ 350,OW W FS USAIR/C'DRNE Equipment 2 isGf'�II-SHsp D`/ D'lic w¢µ:ament DP"n,C1oo ToDeal a 450,000 Agreement No. 6545 ManM .... ..... . . ................ ...... —n-- .... .. .... 4/2si=l Pop sm I D M 7 7 75 Agreement No. 6545 Orpnization 1`,� Segundo FY 2021 We Name $ecu V PrcMmin (SNSP) hojec h CMM,Ear 03 Ofrr10"J Agreement No. 6545 ww,��iwrru amuuw i�u��,�s��.�vw�r i.��,���wmm,Vr rw Vuuw»,,.ur .7"," Agreement No. 6545 MHasp llll Y I 4 N E Agreement No. 6545 & bigundo 7 0 V V Id II Ww. I ?Nnpwll, A—1:1011 , � 1W 3.ha- A— Ab ..... .... . . . ........... Agreement No. 6545 E*--11BJT F` 7rabl of'Contents .A. ........... .....,.............. ,..-.._~.-~~^...... _.....-.-_.....~..~..--.'~..3 f^ Issued By'_^-.... ... ..,.~........... -'--~.._.,~...^.^_._-..~_.~.-_....,.~.,..._.'~.............. ....... ...3 I Assisiance Listings .............................-.....'......_~.-.._.3 3. Assistance Listings ......... ..^....^..^^...^.^^^^^.-..~^.^~.^...~-^-..^........ '................. 3 4. Funding Opportunity "I We ...... ....... .~...... ...... -.....,~......... 3 5. Funding Opportunity Niurnber.,-.~..... .~.~-_....... ..-.^.,............. ~~...'~.~...... ....~~~~..... 3 6. Authorizing Authority for ,_,,,_,,,_,,,,,~,,.,,,_,,^^^~,~,,.^~,,^~_^^^~^......... ^_^^,^^_3 7- Appropriation Authority for ____~-............ -._......... ............ --- .~~............. 3 8. Announcement Type.....--.- ..^........................,......~.`. 3 9. Program Category--.-...,1 ..................^^ 3 10. Program Overvie,w- Objectives, and Priorities ........ ...^...~.....~^.^..^..^.^^^^.._......_^........... 3 11. Performance Mearics....... .......~._........... .~-........ ...~.~^...-._.~.--..~.,^.-...-.'_-__.,....... 9 B. Federal Award I n formation...., ...... -................... .,..... ....... ........,..,10 1. Available Funding for the NNOFO_.......... ......... .......... ............ ^...^....... ^.^....^_~-~^........ ^10 I Projected Number of Awards .-,--~............. .,..--..._--_.......... ^.-..--.~^..,^^..,~..'-.^13 I Period ol"Perfommance.... ...~.......... ..,................ ............... ^........ ._......... ,....._....._,.-13 4, Projected Period of Performance Start 0ate(s)................... ,,~.,,~,,,,,~_,,,_._,,__,_,,,,,,_ 13 5. Projected Period of Performmancc Lnd Date(s).... .~..........~...._................ ...............~..~..13 6. �unding Instrument Type.. .... .~..~............ ....... .^............... ..-.-_.......... .......... ......^..... --_-..'13 C^ F,,figibiUity Information.^... ..... -^..--.....^..,.-~...-_.---_.---..-~.-......--.--_.....,^.___.~.13 1° Ulig!Wc Appkicants,~,,,,,,,,,,,,.,,_,,,~,,,,,,~,,,,,,,~,,,,,,~,,___~,^,,,.,__,,^,,,.,.,,~,,^,,,_,~,,,~^~13 2. Applicant 1-I'l^ `bility Criteria ... .............. .......-.~'............ .__........ .~^^^^^-^.^..~,^...~^^_-~_...14 �3. Other Eligibility ............. ..-..-........ ....,.....~..... ..._.'.-_.^._............... .~..14 4. Cost Share or Match ............-..........._.......................... .,.,.~~................ ........_...............,..15 D. Application and Submission Information ....... .............................. ............................-..-......,..15 I^ ^ Times ...... ,.............. _..,.^^...^...^.._^.,.^..__'......-__~__~~,is Key Dales avid 2. Agreeing to Te"ns and Conditions of the Award ,... ._............ ..............-_.................17 Agreement No. 6545 EXHIBI �"' F 2 3� Address to R'rquest Application I'llackage ......... .................. ...... - ....... 17 4 Stcps Required to Obtain a Unique I'mily klentificir. Register in the System fbr A%vard Managernent (fiAkl). and Subnflt an Application ........... 17 5. Hectroullic Delive). ......... ... -- ..... ...... .............. ................... 118 6. 1 low to Register to,Apply 1hrough Granls.gov ...... ...... 18 T Flom% to Submil an Inifial Application to FE"MA via Grants,gov 18 8. Submitting the Firual Application, in ND Grants...,.. .... 19 9, "1 jjTjCjyr Receipt Requirernews and Proof ofThnely Subiviission ............ ....... 19 10, Corant and Form of'Application Submission ................. — ......... ........ ...... ---, 120 I I. Other Submission ....... ... 32 12, Intergovommental Review. ................... ........ ............... ........ .......... 3 2 11, Funding Restrictions and Allow0fle ("Osts-1111-1.11,11.11.11, .................... ....... 3 2 1 , Application Review firil'ormation—".. .......... ...... ......... 41 1 , Application 1-Malivalion Cirilcria--- ... ...... ........ ...... 41 2, Reviexk and Selection ......... 43 FFederal Award Administration ........ ......... ....... 416 1 w N(Aif"V 0fAwar(L,.,-,-- ... -,-- ... ............... 46 2� llas,;-Ahrough Requirements— ............ .............. ........ 47 3, Adininistrative and t4aflonal Policy Requirements .... ........ ............ ...... . - — — —. 4 8 4. Rcportlng ........ ---- ............. --- ........ ...... ........ ........... ................. --, 51 5m Monitoring and Oversight-,",....", .... - ...... ......... 51 C; �, MIS A%arding Agency (."onla43 hillormation . ........ ...... ................. ........ 5 2 1. Contact and Resource Inforrinalion .................. ............. - ...................... --- 52 2. S) stems, luil'onnalk)n ........ ...... ......... 53 KAdditional ...... - ........... ...... --- .......... .............................. 53 1 sions....... ...........--..................... ...... ...... 54i 2 � Period o,-)fP'erfbnnan,cir E','Xter�siolus.. .... .......... ......... ............. .... -- .... ........ ...... - 54 FY 2021 HSGP NOFO Back to the."D,19, — ....... . ...... . . . .... .. ............ Agreement No. 6545 EM-OMT F 3 A. P !2.ME.Ei Mon I .............................. 1. Issued By LJ,S. Departinent of'Flomepand Security (131 IS)Tedcral I"Irnerf..;ency Management Agency (FEMA),'Grant Pro rams Directorate (GPD) 2. Assistance Listings Number 907 3. Assistance t.,istings,rifle floine land Security Grant Program 4. Funding Opportunity Title HscM Year 2021 l4orneland Security Grant Program (1-ISGP) * State Hoineland Security Prograin (SHSP) * Urban Area Security Initiative (VAST) * Operation Stonegarden (OPSG) 5. Funding Opportunity Number 1XIS-21 -[_.GPD'H067J-[00J-[02) 6. Authorizing Aadhor-ity for Prograrra Section 2002 of the Homeland Securi�y Act qf 2002 (flub. L_ No. 107-296, as arriiended) (6 tI.SE) 7. Appropriation Authority for Program Del.wronew qfllomeland Security Apliropriations Act, 2021 (Pub, L No. 116 260) 8. Announcement Type Initial 9. Program Category Preparedness: Community Security 10. Prograrn Overview, Objectives, and ]Vriori ties a. Overview The 1"'iscal Year (FY) 2021 Homeland Security Grant Prograrn (p1SGP) is one of three grant prograrns that constitute the D1­1S/FEMA focus on enhancing the ability of state, local, tribal, and territorial governments, as well as nonprofits, to prevent, protect against, respond to. and recover from terrorist attacks, These grant programs are part of comprehensive set of rneaAffes authorized by Congress and implemented by DHS to help strengthen the Nation's communities against potential terrorist attacks, Arnong the five basic homeland seCUHty Missions noted in the DHS Strategic Plan, HSGP supports the goal to Strengthen National Preparedness and Resilience. FY 2021 HSGP NOFO �B a c k (.2 a h e Agreement No. 6545 EXHU:31"T' F 4 In FY 20,21there are three cornponews oHISGII': 1) St(itc,,H"ontelant)'SecuriA�t 11'rogrant (SlIS13): SHSP assists state, local. grill. and territorial efforts to buiid, sustain, and deliver the capabilities necessary to prevent. prqjparc for. protect against. arid respond to acts of terrorsrn. 2) UP ban Area, Securi(y Initiative (LIA54): LJASI assists high -threat, high -density Lh-ban Area efforts to build, sustain, and deliver the capabilities necessary to prevent, prepare For, protect against. and respond to acts of terrorism. 3) Operation Sionegarilen (WISGr): OPSG supports enhanced cooperation and coordination arnong CLIstorns and Il13order Protection (CBP). Lhihed States Border Patrol (USBP), and federal, state, local, tribal, and territorial law enforcement agencies to improve overall border security, OPSG provides funding to supporijoint efforts to secure the [Mited Statesborders along vOLIteS of ingress/egress to and ftom international borders, to incWe travel cot ridors in states bordering Mexico and Canada, as well as states and territories with inu,urnadonal water borders. State, local, tribal, aind territorial (SUFF) law eriforcement agencies utilize their inherent law enf'orcernont authorities to support the tx)rder security m issioin arid do not receive any additional author4y as a result of'participation in OPS('). The.2018-2022 FEMA Strateeic Plan creates a shared vision for reducing the risks posed by terrorism and sets an ambitious, yet achieval,)Ie, path Ibrward to unify and further professionalize ernergency managenient across the country. I-ISGIR supports the goals of Building a Culture, of Preparcdness and Rczdying (lie Nation for Catastrophic Disasters. We nlVitC (.)Ljr stakeholders and par-tners to also adopt these priorities andjoin us in building a more prepared and resilient Nation, as preparedness is a shared responsibility and Funding should support priorities that are most impactful and derrionstrate the greatest return on invesltnenl. For FY 20,21, DHS is flocused on the criticality of information sharing and collaboration to building a national culture of preparedness and protecting against terrorism and officl, ernerging threats to our national security. DFIS and its homeland Security Mission were born fi-orn the "fhilurcs anionfederal agencies and betvvccn the fie-deral agericies and state and local authorities to share critical inforination related to the threat ofterroilstn" prior to the September 11, 2001, attacks.' The threat profile has changed in the past two decades we now face continuous cyber threats by sopl-fisficated actors, threats to soft targets and crowded places, threats from dornestic violent extremists, and threats From new and emerging technologies. But inforination sharing avid cooperation arnong state, local, and tribal authorities and (bden,,il agcncics, including all DHS officials, is just as vital, and perhaps even snore vital, today. Therefore, for F`Y 2021, we have identified five priority areas., tied to some of floe'norm sc6ous threats that ICI -IS would like to see addressed by state and local Homeland Scum ily Act of 2002: RepoutTog ether with Mhiorky and Dissewifing Vpews 222, Wect Committee on I Hm oeland Securiay: 107th Congivss, U& I louse of Representatives (2002) (H. Rpl. 107-609). FY 2021 IISGP NOF O Back to the 0 Agreement No. 6545 E:XHOT F 5 governments. that recipients will need to address "ith their 1-IS(A) Funds. Perhaps MOM imp or-lantly. we will be focused on forging partnerships to strengthen information sharing and collaboration in cacti of these prioilty areas and looking fior recipients to remove barriers to communication and cooperation with DHS and other fede'ral agencies. b. Objective 1 he obJective of the FY'2021 VISGP is to fund state, local. tribal, and territorial efforts to prevent terrorism and prepare the Nation lbr threats and hazards that pose the greatest risl( to the security of the I Miled States. c, Prioriflem Given tines, evolving unreal landscape, it is incumbent upon D1 IS/FEMA to continuously evaluate the national risk profile and set priorities that help errSUre- appropriate allocation of scarce security dollars. In assessing the national risk, profile fior FY 2021. five p,.)riorily areas attract the most concem. DUC to the uniqUe threats that the nation faces in 2021, DI IS/FTMA has determined that these five priorities should be addressed by allocating speciric percentages of'SHSP and UASI funds to each ofthese five areas. for as total of'30, percent per award. The following are the five 1p)riority areas fior FY'2021, along with the corresponding pd,,!rcentage of'S1 ISP and UAS] funds that each recipient will be required to designate to each priority area in (,rrder to obtain a full allocation of S11SP and LJAS1 funds-, I ) Enhancing cybersecurity T5 percent 2) Enhancing the protection of soft targets/crowded places - 5 percent 3) Enhancing information arid intelligence sharing and analysis, and cooperation with federal agencies, including LA -IS 5 percent 4) C. "oivnbafing domestic violent extremism 7.5 percent 5) Addressing emergent threats (e.g., tt ansnational cii-irninal organizations. unmanned aircraft systerns (IJASs], weapons (.:&rriass destrUCtiOrl [WMD], etc.) 5 percent Failure by a recipient to propose invesunents and projects that align with the live priority areas and spending requirements will result in a recipiemt having a portion of their SHSP and UAS] funds (up to 30 percent) placed on hold until they provide projects that sufficiently align to the National Priority Areas, and total at least the rninimurn percentage identified above of total SHSP and UASI funds per National Priority Area, A state or high -risk urbari area must allocate the rernaining'70 percent of their funding to gaps Wentified through their Threat and Hazard identification and Risic Assessment (11-11R.A) and StaketwIder Preparedness Review (SPR) process. L,ikewise, there are several enduring security needs that crosscut the horricland security enterprise to which recipients shOL11d consider allocating funding across core eapabihty gaps and national priorities. The following are elldUring needs that hepp recipients irriplernent a comprehensive approach to securing communifies- 1) E'Iffective planning; 2), 1'rainingand awareness carnpaigns; FV 2021 IFISCP NOFO [lack to, the.j�.jp ............. . . ....... . ...... Agreement No. 6545 EXI flBrr I"! 3) [".quipm(nit and capital projects: and 4) Exercises. SHSP and UASI lFivindfing 11" rio r,i ties The table below provides a breakdown of the FY 2021 SHS13 and LJASI priorities (flee floctis of,011PSG, remains unique to border SCCUHty), showing the core capabilifies enhanced and lifefines sulpported, as well as exarnples of eligible proJect types for each area. A deuiled description ofallowable investnientS f�)r Ca('11 Pr'()JeCT.r type is included in the PreDaredness Grants Manual. D1 ISTEMA anticipates that in future years, riational priorities will continue to be included and will be t,ipdated as the threats evolve and as capability gaps are closed. Applicants are strongly encouraged to begin planning to sustain existing capabilities through funding inechanisms other than DHS preparedness grants. IFY 2021 SIRSP & UASI Funding Piriorities Enhancing * Cybersecurity Cybersemir4y * Intelligence and information sharing * Planning 9 Public information and warning * Operational coordinafion e Screening, search® and detection e Access control and identity verification e Supply chain integrity and security * Risk management for protection programs and activities * Long-term vulnerability reduction a Situational assessment 9 Infrastructure systems @ Oixtational communications E', nhan6ing the a Operational coordination Prolection of" a Public infortnafion and SofiTargels' warning CF(MiCCI Pklce'; a Intelligence and inibrmation sharing * Interdiction and disruption 9 Screening, search, and detection 9 Access control and identity verification a Physical protective measures * Risk management for protection programs and activities Safi,,,ty and * Cybersecurity risk assessments sectn-4y e Migrating online services to the ".gov" Internet domain a Projects that address vuIncrabilifies identified in cybersecurhy risk assessments Improving cybersecurity of critical infrastructure to meet minimum levels identified by the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) Cybersecurny training and planning Safety and a Operational overtime Security * Physical security enhancements r, Closed-circuit television (Ccrv) security cameras Security screening equipment for people and baggage Lighting Access controls o, Fencing, gaies, barriers. etc, FY 2021 HSGP OF Back to the Tog Agreement No. 6545 EXI Mff'F Enhancing e Intelligence and information Safety and e Fusion center operations (Fusion Center information and sharing Security project will be required under this intelligence e Interdiction and disruption inveslinem, no longer as a stand-alone sharing and e Planning investment) analysis, and a Public information and Information sharing with all DHS cooperation with warning componems, fusion centers; other federal ap ,encies. * Operational coordination operational, investigative, and analytic including DHS - Risk management for enfifiesq and other federal law protection progranis avid enforcement and intelligence entities activities Cooperation with DHS officials and other entities designated by DHS in intelligence, threat recognition, assessment, analysis, and mitigation Identification, assessment, and reporting of threats of violence •Joint intelligence analysis training and planning with DFIS officials and other entities desipa!e�Cbj.DM (.,'tun libafing * Interdiction and disruption Safety and a Open source analysis of misinformation Domestic * Screening, search and Security campaigns, targeted violence and threats VWent detection to life, including lips/leads, and Exln.,.-msrti e Physical protective measures online/social media -based threats e Intelligence and information a Sharing and leveraging intelligence and sharing information, including open source a Manning analysis a Public inf6rination and ® Execution and management of threat warning assessment programs to identify, evaluate, * Operational coordination and analyze indicators and behaviors 9 Risk management for indicative of domestic violent extremists protection programs and * Training and awareness programs (e.g., activities through social media, suspicious activity reporting QSARJ indicators and behaviors) to help prevent radicalization a Training and awareness programs (e.g., through social media, SAR indicators and behaviors) to educate the public on misinformation campaigns and resources to help them identify and report potential instances of domestic violent extremism ..................................................... . . ................... . 1 ­1 .1 . I — Addressing a Interdiction & disruption Safety and ® Sharing and leveraging intelligence and Emergent * Screening, search and Security information Threats, such as detection 9 1 l AS detection technologies the activities of e Physical protective measures e Enhancing WME) and/or improvised "I'ransnational * Intelligence and information explosive device (IF13) prevention, Criminal sharing detection, response and recovery Organizations, a Planning capabilities open source 9 Public Information and Chem ical/Biological/RacliologicaV threats, and Warning Nuclear/Explosive (C'BRNE) threats from a Operational Coordination detection, prevention, response, and UAS and WMD recove C me cove Planning Planning Safety and Safety 9 Development oP, Security tv c_� Securitv Risk Manap-ement Plans S uritV FY 7021 HSGP NOF O Back jg1he Tot Agreement No. 6545 EXI flBIT 1,' 8 e Risk management for c:� Threat Mitigation Plans protection Programs and o Continuity of Operations Plans activities c'. Response Plans a Risk and disaster resilience e Efforls to strengthen govcrnance assessment Wcgration bctweeniamong regional @ 'Threats and hazards panners identification o Joint training and planning with DUiS * Operational coordination of and other entities designated by ® Community resilience UHS (�ybersecuriiy trainir�g_andplanning 'rrain6ig & Long-term vulnerability e Safs ly and * Active shooter training Awareness reduction Security @ Intelligence analyst training I • Public information and e SAR and terrorism indicatorsibehaviors warning training @ Operational coordination 9 Security training for employees ® Situational assessment 0 Public awareness/prcparedness campaigns • Community resilience * Joint training and planning with MIS officials and other entities designated by DHS ........................... . .................... Equil,=ent & ® Long-term vulnerability Safety and Protection of high -risk, hiph consequence Capital Projects reduction Security areas or systems that have been identifred • Infrastructure systems through risk asscssinents • Operational communications Physical security enhancements ® Interdiction and disruption a Security cameras (CC'TV) • Screening, search c, Security screening equipment for detection people and baggage • Access control and identity c,) Lighting verification o Access Controls Fencing, gates, barriers, e1c. E':; 7erUs—W Long-term vulnerability, Safety and Response exercises reduction Security ® Operational cwwdination ® Operational communications e Community resilience For FY 021, each SHSP and UASI recipient is required to subrnit an Investment Justification (IJ) for each of the five National Priority Areas identified above, Each of these five investments must also account for at least the relevant rninimurn percentage of the applicant's SHSP and UASI allocation, The fusion center p.Mlg!�j M.M.21 be included Under the ............................................................................................................. ................................................................................................ . ... . ............ . ..... Infbraialion and In elli n S .............. . .................................................................................................. 1 1.. State Adry6nistrative Agencies (SAM) may submit .................... 4 ��g complete project -level information at the tirne of application, irlClUding the five National Priority Area Us, but are not required to do so. As a reminder, all SHSP- and UASI-funded projects must have a demonstrated neXUS to preventing, preparing for, protecting against, and responding to acts of terrorism, However, such projects may simultaneously support enhanced preparedness for disasters unrelated to acts of terrorism. ICS/FE.MA also requires STISP and UASI recipients (states, territories, and high-6sk urban areas) to complete a TI URA/SPR and prioritize grant funding to scup porl closing capability gaps or sustaining capabilities that address national priorities and/or support enduring needs. FY 2021 HSGP NOFO Back the Agreement No. 6545 EX Fi i B liar F. 9 Additional information on the '114 1 1RA/SRR process. including other Natiomfl Preparedness System (NFIS) tools and resources, can be found at h s://www.fema.p-ov/national- W_19 r)rea)aredness-systern. Detailed informaflon on '"HAIRA/SPIR firneiines and deadfirms can be fbund in ffie P TO- ncm OPSG Fundfing Priorities The table below provides a breakdown of time FY 2021 OPSG funding priorifies. which remain focus(.:d oin avid unique to border security. FY 2021 OPSG Funding PriorifieS Enhancing Intelligence and Safety and * Participation in the DIFIS111GE 287(g) inibrmation and Wbrmafion sharing Security training program intelligence * firifomiation sharing with all DHS sharing and components. fusion centers" other analysis, and operational, investigative, and analytic cooperation with entities: avid otheir federal law federal agencies, enfoirverneril and intelligence entities I including MIS Cooperation Yvillh DFIS of dais and other entities designated by DHS in intelligence, threat recognition, assessment, airralysis, and mifigation Identification, assessment, and rep oning ofthreats of violence Johil intelligence analysis training and planning with DHS of and other 1­1 _. S, ! d s entities 4 e i na e by lXIS Addressing a Interdiction & d�srupfion Safety and e Operational overtime for border security Emergent Emerg ., * Screening, search and Security I operations as directed by the applicable, Tbreats, such as detection LI'SBP-approvcd operations order the activities of a Physical protective ® Sharing and leveraging intelligence and rransnalional measures infk)rmafion Criminal * Intelfigence and Organizations inibri-nation shal . . . . ................. . ......... A_ ............................................ . ................ . ............. ...................... For FY 202 1, each OP SG applicant is reqUired to clearly articulate and identify how, tile Concept of Operations addresses each of the Iwo national priorities identified above. 11. IPenrlfornmance ecries Perfonnarice nmmetrics for this program: SHS11R and UASL Percentage of funding aflocated by the recipient to core capabilities to build or sustain national priorities identified in the section above FY 2021 11ASGP NOFO Back tothe Agreement No. 6545 E T -fl[31T F: 10 Number of contacts that occurred as a result of OPSG deployments "', Number ofarrests that restAted from OPSG contacts C. aIUIC� of drug seizures that resulted frorn OPSG contacts B,. Federal Award Information 1. a v a i I a b I e ............ F L I r i d i i i g .......... I o-r' t I i e ..........➢I q .......... 0 F-'O- $1,120'(1100,00o.00 S11SP Allocations for ... ....... F .......... Y ............ . 2 0 2 1 ................... D 1"'i S'IFEMA will award SHSP Rinds based on DHS/FEMA's relative risk methodology and statutory rninimuffis pus-suant to the Homeland Securify Act (,?1'2002, as amended. 11 11RA/SPR results do not irnpact grant allocation or award. Each state and territory will receive a minimurn allocation under the SHSP using thresholds established in the llonielandSecuriiy Act of 2002, as ainended. All 50 States, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico will receive 0.35 percent of the total funds allocated for grantS Under Section 2003 and Section 2004 of the Hemel and S."ecurily Act C?f 2002, as amended. Each of the four territories (American Samoa, Guam, the Non mermen Mariana Islands, and the U.S. Virgin Islands) wiH receive a minknum allocation of 0.08 percent of the total funds allocated for grants under Section 2003 and 2004 of tile Homeland Security Act qf 2002, as amended. Each state must include a separate U for each ofthe five National Priority Areas identified in the Priorities section, above. All projects related to the National Priority Area mmast be Included in the li.,rhe funding level in each National Priority Area investment must equal or exceed the percentage for that respective National Priority Area, caVculated as a percentage of tile state's SI ISP allocation in the table below, FY 2021, S11SP A1.1,0CATIONS FY 2021 111USGP NOFOI Back tothe Tnn Agreement No. 6545 EM I ST F! i I Il A 2 1 A.11.9.c a ti.2 na Eligible candidates for the FY 2021 LJAS1 pro grarn are identified in the table below. Eligibility has been determined through an analysis of relative risk of terroirism faced by the 100 most populous Metropolitan Statistical Areas (MSA,$) in the United States, in accordance with the Homeland Securit,y Aci oj'2002, as amended. Detailed information on As is publicly available from the United States Census Bureau at htt2sal/ www.census.ROV/Droaranris-survevs/metro-micro.htmi. TFHRA/ SPR results do not irnpact grant allocation or award. The following table identifies the LJAS1 allocations For each high -risk urban area based on DFIS/HEMA's relative risk methodology pursuant to the Homeland Securif), Act ol'2002, as amended. In its application, each high -risk urban area, through the state, must include a separate H for each of the was National Priority Areas identified in the Priorities section, above. All projects related to the National Priori ty Area must be included in the 11 The funding level in each National Priority Area investment must equal or exceed the percentage for that respective National Priority Area, calctflated as a percentage of the urban area's LJAS1 allocation in the table below. FV 2021 1--ISGP NOFO Back 121he To 2 Agreement No. 6545 EXIAGITF 12 2021 UASI A11,0CATIONS sl� it, /T t �rri ory Ari7ona A rv-" I Phoenix Area F Y" L'11.,�,z� . . ........ 1) 1 I I .... ..... .. ..... ....... . . . $5,250,000 Anahcim/Santa Ana Area -Bay Area $37,500,000M CaMbrnia Los.Angeles/L,ong Beach Area .................. . . $68,000.000 Riverside Area $3,900,000 Sacramento Area $3,800,00 San Die o Area .......................................... . S 1 6,9K000 ........................................................................................................... ... ...................................................... .. .. .... ...... ....... Colorado .. - .. "'. Denver Area - .. - I -- � . . ................... . ... $3,900,000 District of Columbia i- NationalC �i I R ,apLta, egion $51,750,000 Miami/Fort Lauderdale Area $14,750,00 Florida Orlando Area ...... ..................... ................ $3,800,000 'Famna Area $3.800,000 Atlanta Area Hawaii Honolulu Area $3,800.000 Chiew Area . .... $68,000,000 M�ryland Baltimore Area $4,250,19,9,Q., . ...... . ...................... . .. ..... ..... . — Massachusetts ...... ........ ........................ ........................................ . ....... ... Bgston'Area $16,900,00 . Detroit Area $5,250,000 Minnesota Twin Cities Area $5,250,000 . ...... . . .. . ... . .......... . . . . ............. . . ....... — Missouri St. Louis Area $3,800,00 .................................................................... .. ..... . .... ........... Jersc Cit �/Newark Area $19,050,000 'New York New York City Area S 1 78,750,00QIJ North Carolina Charlotte Area $3,800,0 P e829 re Portland Area $3,800,000 . .. . . .. ...... ...... . .. . . ...... . ... ... 01 Dallas/Fort Worth/Arlington Area $16,900,00 Texas Houston Area $24,600,000 San Antonio Area UaMp !9"9 Roads Area . . . . ... . ...... . . .. . . .......... . ............... . .. ....... . . . ............ .............................................................................................................................. 'Ls"�--Arca $3,800,000 Washin�gton cattle 7-1-7 $6,250,0001 ,O,PS(',' Allocations i 7— .1. ., or FY 202 1, DHS/FEMA will and OPSG funds based on risk and the anficirmted effiectiveness ofthe proposed use of grant funds upon completion of the apl.)ficalion review process. "Fhe FY'2021 OPSG risk assessi-nent is dcsigned to identify the risk to border security and to assist with the distril.)Ution of funds for flie grant pro grarn. Funding under OPSG is distributed [,°)ased on the risk to the security ofthe border and the effctiveness of' the proposed projects. Enfifies efigibic for funding are ffie state, local, aind tribal law FV 2021 IISGP NOFO Back !2_Lhe Tog Agreement No. 6545 EM OH'I': 13 enibrcement agencies that are located a long the border ofthe United States. EMS/1-EM A wi I I make final award determinations based upon a review of the anticipated eMcfiveness of the state's application as described in Section 1). below. The 1111RA/SPR process is not reqUired for OPSG. For the purposes ()f0PSG, the risk is defined as the poxentW for an adverse outcolne assessed as a function ofthreats, vulnerabilities, and consequences associated with an incident. event. or occurrence. Based UPOT1 ongoing intelligence analysis and extenspve security reviews, DI-ISIC.BP continues to fiocus tire bulk of OPSG funds based upon risk analyses. The risk model used to allocate 013SCi fiunds considers the potential risk dw certain threats pose to border security and estimates (lie relative risk Caked by a given area. In evalUating risk., DHS/CBP considers intelligence, situational awareness, crirninal trends, and s(atisfical data sl.wcific to each ofthe border sectors, and the potential impacts that these threats pose to the security of the border, area. For vulnerability and consequence, DHS/CBP considers the expected irnpact and consequences Of SUCCLSSful border events occurring in specific areas. I Threat and vulnerability are evaluated based on specific operational data frorn D11S/CBP. "Threat components present in each of the sectors are used to determine the overall threat score. These components are terrorism, crimina] aliens, drug trafficking organizations, and alien stiluggling organizations. Effectiveness of the proposed invesurients will be evaluated based on the recipient's investment strategy, budget, collat)oration, and past perfonnance, 2. Projected Mlinber of Awards: 3. Period of Peribi-niance: WR 36 unonths Extensions to the period of j.-)erfonnance are allowed, For additional inft)rrnation on period of perfionnance extensions, please refer to Section 1-4 of this NOFO and the PreDaredness Grants Manual. FEMA awards under this program only include one budget period, so it will be sane as the period of perfbraiance. 5ee 2 C]K § 200.1 for definitions of'"budget period" and "period of perRmnance." 4. Projected Period of Perfiormance Stairt Date(s): 10/01/29,21 5. lllrojectdad Period of Pei-R)rmance End Date(s): 09/30/2024 6. Funding Instruntent Type: Grant .......... I Inforaination . 1 ................................ ........................................ 1. Eligible Applicants "T'he SAA is the only entity efigilAe to submil I IS()P applications to 131-ISITEMA, including FY 2021 HSGP NOFO Back 12_Lhe Top Agreement No. 6545 M those applications submitted on behalfof UASI and OPSG applicants, All 56 states and territories, including any state of the United States. the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Iluerio Rico. the U.S. Virgin Islands, Guarn. AfTierican Samoa, and (lie Cornmonwealth of thc Notifiern Mariana Islands, are eligible to apply for SHSP funds. Tribal governments may not apply directly for HSG111 fbndDng; however, funding, may be available to tribes under the SD ISP and OPSG thrOUgh the SAA. 2. Applicant Eligibility Criteria Eligible hit.,;h-risk urban areas for the FY 2021 UASI prograrn have been determined through an analysis of relative risk of terrorisin faced by the 100 most populous MSAs in the United States, Subawards will be rnade by the SAAs to (lie designated high -risk urban areas, In FY 202 1, OPSG cligiblc subrecipicnas are local units of governMent at the county level or equivalent level of government and federally recognized tribal governments in states bordering Canada or Mexico and states and territories, with international water borders. All applicants must have active ongoing LJSBP operations coordinated through a CBP sector office to be eligible For OPSG funding. In FY 202 1, OPSGM subrecipients eligible to apply for and receive a subawand directly from the SAAs arc divided into three Tiers. Tier I entities are local units of government at the county level or equivalent and federally recognized tribal governments that are on a physical border in states bordering Canada, states bordering Mcxico, and states and territories with internaflonall water borders. 'Fier 2 eligible subrecipients are those not located on the physical border or international water but are contiguous to a Tier I COUnty. Tier 3 eligible subrecipients are those not located on the physical border or international water but are contiguous to a "Ficir 2 eligible subirecipient.The tier structure is only applicablc with regard to eligibility. OPSG funding alloca6ons are based on the assessed border security risks as determined by the USBP. An application submitted by an otherwise eligible non-federal entity (i.e., the applicant) may bc deemed incligible when the person that submitted the application is not: 1) a current emlyloyee, personnel, of .ficial, staff, or leadersitip of the non-federal entity; and 2) duly authorized to apply for an award on behalf'of the non -Federal entity at the tirtie of' application. Further, the Authorized Organization Representative (AOR) must be a duly authorized current employee, personnel, official, slaff, or leadership of the recipient and provide an entail address unique to 11te recil4ent at the time of application and m1yon any change in assignment during the period of"12erformance. Consultants or contractors q1"the recipient are not permitted to be the AO of the recipient. 3. Other Eligibility Criteria a. National Incident ManagetnentSYstent (NIMS) Implementation Prior to allocation of any Weral preparedness awards, recipients must ensure and maintain adoption and implementation of NIMS,The list of objectives used for progress and FY 2021 HSGP NOFO Backto (.he ['o.p. .- . . . .................... . . .... . ....... . .. ... ...... Agreement No. 6545 EXHOTF 15 manaizers/nims/iml2�;, Please see the tP"rearedness Grants Manual for rnoire information on, NHAS. b. Ensergencji Managenrent Assistance Conipact(FMA C) Membership In suppoil of the National Preparedness Goal (the Goal), SFISP recipients must belong to. be in, or act as an ternporary rnernber of EMAC, except ffir American Samoa and the Commonwealth of the Noilhern Mariana Islands, which are not required to belong to EMAC at this time. All assets supported in 1)arl or entirely with IFY 2021 HSGP funding rnusa be readily deployable and NIMS-typed when possible to SUpport emergency or disaster operations per existing EMAC agreements. In addition, funding may be used fOr the sustain[Tient ofcore capabilities that, while they may not be physically deployable, support national reslponse capabilities, such as Geographic/Geospatial Information Syslerns (GIS), interoperable communications sys&erns, capabilities as defined under the Mitigation Mission Area of the GoaL and Fusion centers. c. Law Eqlbrcemenf Terrorism Prevention Activities (LETPA) Per section 2006 offlIe Hopneland&curify Act oJ'2002, as amended (6 US oC. § 60,7), 131-IS/FEMA is required to einsure that at least 25 percent of grant funding appropriated for grants awarded under, HS01's authorizing statute are used for L.,EFF"As. DHS/FEMA rneets this requirement, in part, by requiring all recipients allocate at least 25 percent ofthe corribined 1-ISGI? Funds allocated under SHSP and UASI towards LETI"As, as defined in 6 U,S.Co § 607. The I-ETTA allocation can be frorn SHSP, UASI, or both.'rhe 25 �,')ercent LETTA allocation may be met by funding projects in any combination of the five National Priority Areas identified above and any other investments,,T'he 25 percent LETPA allocation requirement is irs addition to the 80 percent pass thrOUgh requirctnent to local units of government and tribes, referenced below. `The National Prevention Framework describes those activities that should be executed upon the discovery ofintelligence or infiormation regarding an irriminent threat to the hoineland, to thwart an initial or fiollow on terrorist attack and provides guidance to ensure the Nation is prepared to identify, prevent, avoid, or stop a threatened or actual act of terrorisin. Activities outlined in the National Prevention Framework are cligibie for ruse as I-ETPA-focused funds. Also, where capabilities are shared with the protection mission area, the National Protection Framework activities are also eligil!)le. All other terrorism prevention activities proposed for funding under I-ETFIA must be approved by the FEMA Administrator. 4® Cost Share or, Match There is no cost share, or inalch requirement for the FY 2021 t-IS(T. D. A. p..!icafion and Submission Information I ... ....... . . . ...................................................... . . ... . . . ............. . ............. . ............... . ................. . .............................................................. . 1. Key Dates and Ill'imes a. Application &arf Date: 02/25/2021 ]IFY 2021 HSGP NOFO Back tote To2 b. Application Sgibmission Deatifine: Agreement No. 6545 EXl OW"T f!! 16 05 � 14 /2) 021 at 05 PM ET All apphcations avivist be received by the established deadline. The Non Disasicr (ND) Grants ystein has as date stamp that indicates when ail application is submitted. Applicants will receive an electronic message confirrning receipt ofth6r submission. For additional infiormalion on how an applicant will bc notified of'application receipt, see tl'ie subsection titled "'Fifflely Receipt Requirements and r,roof'orrimeiy St,ibinission­ in Section D ofthis NOFO. FEMA will not review applications that are received after the deadline or consider these late aplpfications foi-' funding,, FEMA may., however, extend the application deadfinc on request for any applicant who can demonstrate that good cause exists tojLMStify eXteTI(firIg the deadline. Good cause for an extension may include technical problems outside of the applicant's control that prevent submission of the application by the deadline, other exigent or efflergency circurnstances, or statutory requit ernents (br f"EMA to W[ake an award. Applicants experiencing technical problenis outside of their coinfirol uma,mraast notifIFEMA as soon as possible and before the application deadfine. Failure to finiely nolify FEMA of the issue that prevented flie timely filing of the application may preclude consideration of time award, "'T'imely notification" of'FEMA means: prior to the application deadline and within 48 hours after the applicant t)ecame aware of the issue. A list of 17EMA contacts can be f6und ki Secflon G of this NOFO, "DIIS Awarding Agency C'ontact Inflort-nation." For additional assistance using the ND ("Irants System, please contact the ND Grants Service Desk at (800) 865-4076 or N . The NE) Grants Set -vice Desk is available Monday through Friday, 9:00 AM - 600 PM Eastern Time (ET) For prograrnmatic or grants managernent questions, please contact YOLAr'Prograin Analyst or Grants Specialist. If applicants do not know who to contact or ifthere are programmatic questions or concerns, lflease contact the Centralized Scheduling and Information )esk (CSID) by 1.)hone at (800) 368-6498 or by e-mail at Monday through Friday, 9 AM . 5 PM ET. c. Anficipated Fundling Selection Date: No later than 0,7/1612021 d. Ajuicipaint ed'AwardDame: No later than 09/30,/2021 e. Other KejY 1)afeg: Event Sujgj,!),ested Deadline fbir 0 -------------------------------------------- - ------- a, ------------------- p:tt It Number Four weeks before actual submission dea(fline - -- --------- .... . . . ... .......... . . . . ................ . . . ................................. .............. . . . .............................................................................................. . ...................... Obtaining a valid Ilsllq Four weeks before actual submission deadline ... ........... --------------------- Creating an account with logirr.gov & our weeks befibre actUal subfnrssion deadline --------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------- ------- ­­­ --- -------- Registedng ki SAM or �Jpdating SAM 1"ouar wweeks before aamtuaI s t jb missi o r i deadline reisirafion R�j,,, is --------------------------- _.ierrin,,,�..._JnG n s. "ov �'our weeks before actual subnflssion deadfine . . . .............. "."I .11.11. � . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . .. IFY 2021 JISGIP NOFO Back to the Tog Agreement No. 6545 Ek ORIT F' 17 2. Agreeing to, 'Ternis and Conditions of the Award By subrnitfinj.p an application. applicants agree to comply with the requirements of this NOFO and the terars and conditions ofthe award, should they receive an award, 3. Addiress to Request Application Package See the Preparedness Grants Manual for requesting and SUbmitting an application, InitiM applications are processed through the Grants.gov porial. IF'inal applications are completed and submitted through FEMA*s ND Grant!; System, Application Forms and instr=doins are available at Grants.gov,. "I"o access this ri'laterials, go to hW://www. 'ALOV. Flard copies of the NOFO can be downloaded at Grants.gov or obtained via email from the Awarding )ffice points ol"contact listed in Section G of this NOFO, "131-iS Awarding Agency Contact Information" or by'"FTY (800) 462-7585o 4. Steps Required to 0,15tain a Unique Entity Identifier, Ill legisteir in the System for Award Management (SAM), and Submit an AIppfication Applying for an award under this program is a multi -step process and requires time to complete, Applicants are encouraged to register early as the registration process can take four weeks or more to C0111plete.'r I'herefore, registration should be done in sufficient flMe to enSUre it does not impact your ability to meet, required submission deadlines. Please review tilie talAe above for estimated deadlines to complete each of the~ steps listed. Failure ofan applicant to comply with any of the reqUired steps before the deadline for subffdtting an application may disqualify that application frorn funding. To apply for an award under this program, all applicants must: a. Apply for, update, or verify their Data Universal Numbering System (DUNS) number ftorn Dun & Bradstreet and Employer Identification 1'4urnber (1::.`1IN) frog the Internal Revenue Service; b. In the appHcafion. provide as valid DLJNS number, which is currently the utuque entity identifier; c. Have in account with IggLin.gov; degister for, update, or verify their SAil account and ensure the accOUT11, is active t.)efore submitting Ihe application; e. Create a Grants.gov account; f. Add a l!)roffle to, as Grants.gov account, & Establish, an AO R in Grants.gov; In. Register in ND Grants L Submit an initial application in Grants.gov; FY 20216 11SGP NO FO Back 121he To2 Agreement No. 6545 18 j. Submit the ranal application in ND Grants, including electronically signing applicable forms; and kConfinue to maintain an active SAM registration wth cuirrent infonnation at all fitnes during which it has an active fiLderal award or an application or plan Under consideration by a federal awarding agency. As part of this. applicants inust also provide infiorniatioll on an applicant's immediate and highest -level owner and subsidiaries, as well as oil all predecessors flhat have 1:=n awarded federal contracts or fcderal financial assistance within the last three years, if applicak,)1e. Specific instructions on 1-iiow to apply fbr, updaic, or verify a DUNS number or SAM registiradon or establish an At: R are included below in the steps for aplAying through C;rants.gov. Applicants are advised that FEMA may not make a federap award until the applicant has C0111plied with all applicable DUNS and SAM requirements.Therefore, an applicanCs SAM registration must be active not only at the time of'application, but also during the appkation review period and when FEMA is ready to make a federal award, Further, as noted above, an applicant's or recipient's SAM registration must rernain active for the di,,iration of an active federal award. Ifan applicant's SAM irCIgistration is expired at the firne of application, expires duting application review, or expires any offier firrie before award, FEMA may deter -nine that the applicant is not qualified to receive a Weral award and use that deterininadon as a basis for inaking a Federal award to another applicant Per 2 CYR § 25.11 0(c)(2)(H), if an applicant is experiencing exigent. circumstances that prevents it frorn receiving a DUNS nurnber and cornpleting SAM registration prior to receiving a federal award, the applicant must notify FEMA as soon as possible by contacting 1&5�j e e s. v and providing the details ofthe circUM'Stances that pr,event completion of these requirernents. If FTMA deterafine„s that there are exigent circumstances and FEMA has decided to make an award, the applicant will be required to obtain a D( JNS number and complete SAM registration within 30 days of the fderal award datc. S. Electronic Delivery DHS is participating in the Grants.gov initiative to provide the grant COMRILsnity Wth a single site to find and apply fbr grant funding opportunifies. DHS encourages or requires applicants to submit their applications online through Cirarlts.gov.. depending on the fundhig OPPOTILinhN . For this ffinding opportunity, FEMA requires applicants to submit in applications through Gjirants.gov and a final application through ND Grants. 6. How to Register to Apply through Grants.gov For infi-wrnation on how to register to apply throu$.:,,h Grants.gov, please see time Prermirednes L3 LaRjLM_WR&I . 7., lHow to Sulbinflit an Initial Application to 11FEMA via Grallts.gov Standard Form 424 (SF-424) is tine inifial application For this NOFO. FV 2021 1JSCP NOF'O Back tote ToR Agreement No. 6545 M (3rants.gov applicants can apply orihne k.iising a %Aorkspac.e. A \%orkspa,ce is a shared. oinfine, environnient %%here members of a, grant teani rnay sirrwltancokWy acccss and edit dHTreiill wcb fornis " ithin an apphcafion. For, each Notice of Fun(fing Oppommily. YOU UM create individual instances of a %%orkspace. Applicants are encouraged 10 SUbMit their initial ar.)plicafions in (]rants.gov at least seven days before the application deadline. In Grants.gov, applicants need to SUbmit the following; fix-111s: * SF424., Appheation for T`ederal Assistance * Clprants.gov Lobbying Fortn. Certification Regarding Lobbying For further inforniafion on how to submit an initial applicatiori via Grants.gov, please see the Preoaredness Grants Manual. 8. Submitting the Final Application in ND ("'Y'rants After submitting the initial applicatic)n in C irants.gov, eligible applicants will be notified by 1"'EMA and asked to proceed with submitting their coffWplLte application package in ND Grants, Applicants can register early with ND Grants and are encouraged to begin their ND Grants registration at the tinic ofthis announcement or, at the latest, seven days before the application deadline, Early registration will allow applicants to have adequate tinne to start and complete their applications, Applicants needing assistance registering for the, NE) Grants system should contact UdVopts�fiqqp,_4hs yy or (800) 8(4076(2 55-, For step-by-step directions on using the ND .& Grants sysient and other guides, please see hap&tl wAm#,&qy*ApjAj&u _idaq_cg:Wjsjn_oj, disasggp:Mp,jis t. In ND Grants. applicants will be P1'OJT1ptCd to submit the standard application information and any program -specific information required as described in Section D. 10 ofthis NOFO, "Content and Form of Application Submission!'. "T'he Standard Forms (SF) are auto generated in ND Graints, but applicants may access these forms in avancc through the Forms tat.) tinder the ffAZ ily 9 1 1 e I forms before gip,,,,. Applicants sl ou d review these applying to ensure they have all the infionnation required. For additional application submission reqi,flrements, inclUding prograrn-specific reqUirements, please refr to the subsection titled "Content and Form of'Application SubrniSSiOrl" Linder Section D of this NOM 9. 11"fimely Receipt Re(pifirentents and Proof'of Timely Subvinission As application SUbinission is a two-step process, the applicant with the AO R rope who submitted the application in Granls.gov will receive Lin acknowledf.2,1CITNTIt of receipt and as tracking IlUmber (GRANTXXXXXXXX), froni Grants.gov with the successful transinission of its initial application. Tids notificatimn does not serve as pjproof of firriely submission, as the application is nmot. complete until it is submittedi in ND Grants. Applicants can also view the ND Grants Agency'Fracking Number t')y accessing the Details tab in the submitted workspace section in Grants.gov, under the Agency Tracking NUrnber colunin, Should the AgencyTracking Number not appear, the application has not yet migrated From Grants.gov FY 2021 HSGP NOFO Back t2jhe Top Agreement No. 6545 p,,,tli„r r,,, 20 into time: ND Grants System. Please alloA 24hours for �ouur ND Grants application tracking number to migrate. All applications must be received in ND G irants by 5 PM El on the ap I.Aication deadline. Proof offirn ly submission is autornatp ally recorded by ND Grants. An electronic at ,,"alme starrnpm is generated within the systemnm When time application is successfully received by N Grants. Additionally, time applicant(s) listed as contacts on time application will receive a s steam -generated emmmad to confirm receipt. 10. Content and Form of Application Submission av Slandard equ fir° d u l/cafio a Fornis and Infornration mw G RAN, s.G Slip-424, Application for Federal Assistance, initial application suubirnitted through Grantsopov G rants. o p..,obbying Form, Ceirfification Regarding Lobbying, submitted tlmm-ough G.irants. ov it. ND Gm RANTS S -4 ',4A, Budget pnf"ormmmatpon (Non -Constrmuetiorn), submitted via time forms generated by ND Grants For corstruction under an award, smubinit S "-424C, Budget Informmmation (Construction), submitted via time f"orims generated by ND Grants, in addition to or instead of SF-424A, SF-424p. , Standard Assurances (Non -Construction), submitted d via the fbrr ens generated by D Grants For construction under an award, submil S -424D, Standard Assurances (Construction), submitted via the forms generated by ND Grants, in addition t.o of, instead of"St°-424i: * S-I.spll.A.,, Disclosure of 1,obbying Activities, ities, submitted via the forms generated by N Grants tundfirect Cost Agreement or Proposal, submitted as an attachment in Nib Grants if"the budget includes indirect costs and time applicant is required to have an indirect cost rate agreement or proposal. if th applicant does not have or is not rcquuirod to have an indirect cost rate agreement or, proposal, please see Section D.1 of"tfmis NOFO, "Funding Restrictions and Allowable Costs,- for f~aurtlmer information regarding„ aHo ability of indirect costs and whether alternatives to an indirect cost rate agreement or proposal might be available, or contact the irrelevant p`i: MA staff identifsed in Section Gi of°this iG FO, w& XIS Awarding Agency Contact Information" for further instructions. Generally, applicants have to su brnit either time non construction fbrmrns (i.e., SF-424A and SF-424B) or construction forms (i.e., SF-42 C and SF-4241)):, rrmeaning that applicants that only have construction work and do not have any non -construction work need only submit the construction fiorms (i.e., SF-424G and SF-424 ) and not time non -construction forms (i.e., SF-424A and SF-424B)�, and vice versa. However, applicants who have "o"Ih" construuctiorn tp; , non-constructioncork under this p'mro ramrm need to uub m�nit both time constructionm and cocoon - construction forms. Agreement No. 6545 EXHiBlT F: 21 b. Prograns-,Vpecijic Required Forms and Infi)rniation 1. IJ DEVELOPMENT. SHSP AND LIASI As part of the F`Y 20:21 HSGF1 application process for SIHSP and LJAS1 funds. applicants must develop fionnal Us that address the proposed investments. Failure to fulfill of all of the terins contained in this section will be considered t)y 131-IS/FEMA in its evaluation of the effiectiveness of the Us submitted to meet the minimurn percent spend requirement for each National Priority Area, F"ailure, to sufficiently align projects to the National Priority Areas and rneet the rnininiurn per -cent spend requirement will result in funds being placed on hold until those issues are addressed. FY 2021 SHSP and UASI applications must include one (1) H and at Ileast one (1) respective project for each of (lie five National Priority Areas (Cybersecurity, Soft Targets/Crowded Places, Intelligence and Information Sharing, Countering Domestic Violent Extremism, and Ernergirig Threats) identified in this NOFO. Each of these five Us must also meet or exceed the minimuni percent spend requirernent based on the applicant's S1­1SP and UASI allocation stated in this N01"O. I'he SAA rnust submit one IJ per National Priority Area; all projects associated with a Natimi'sall Priority Area must be submitted in the sagne IJ and account for the relevant ininimum spend requirement as a percentage of the SHS11 or UASJ allocation. SAAs may submit comp icte pro�ect level information at the firne of application but are not required to do so at the time of application. However, any SHSP or UASI application that does not include an U for each National Priority Area that meets the uninimuni spend requirement will have that funding placed on hold (up to the National Priority Area, or tip to 30 percent of the total awaird) until those Us and project -level details that sufficiently address the National Priority Areas are received and approved by DIIS/FEMA. Each H must dentonstrafe how proposed investments: Support terroriSin preparedness, Support closing capability gaps or sustaining capabilities identified in the community's THURA/SPR process; and Support the overcoming of existing logistical, techno logic a l, legal, policy, and other inipedirrients to collaborating, networking, sharing information, cooperating, and fostering a culture of national preparedness with federal, state, tribal, and local governments, as well as other regional, and nonprofit partners in of brts to prevent, prepare for, protect against,, and respond to acts of terii-orisin, to meet its target capabilities, SUPPOrt the natioriM security mission of'DI-IS and other federal agencies, and to otherwise reduce (lie overall risk to the high -risk urban area, the state, or ihe Nation. Each H MUSt CIAPI(Jhl how the proposed irWeStrnents will support the applicant's efforts to-, * Prevent a threatened or ain actual act ofterronsm; * Prepare for all hazards and threats, while explaining the nexus to terronsin preparedness; * Protect citizens, residents, visitors, and assets againsa the greatest threats and hazards, relating to acts of terrorism; and/or FY 2021 14SGP NOFO Back to the. T.(..).2 . .... . ......................................... ........ ... .... .. ...... Agreement No. 6545 M Respond quickly to save lives, [,,)rolect prol-)erty and the environment, and rneet basic hurnan needs in the aftermath of an act of terrorisin or, other catastrophic incidents. If not included in tire apphcation, SHS13 and UASI re6pients 171USt SUbmit complete project - level information for cacti SHSP and UASI H as part ofthe Biannual Strategy Implementation Repoil (BSIR) due by January 30. 2021 This inCkides Us for the five National Priority Areas. DHS/FEMA will evaluate the effcfiveness of thc projects submitted in support ofthe National Priority Areas, either at the time ol'application or, as part ofthe Decernbcr 2021 BSIR, DHSTEMA will not reduce FY 2021 HSGP awards based on the effectiveness review but will work with recil,)ients to ensure compliance with the National 11"Hority Area requirements based on the reSUILS Ofthe effectivemess revicw. Recipients and SUbrecipients will not be permitted to expend funding urider the National Priority Areas until the eff'ectiveness of the proposed projects has been reviewed and conflirined by FEMA. [L MEIVELOPMENTOF INVES11"MENTS AND PROJECTS: S1--1SF' a Applicants MUS1 propose at least five and may include up to ten investments. * Within each investment, applicants must propose at least one project to describe the activities they pWi to implement with SHSP funds,, There is no fimit to tire number of' pare, gccts that may be submitted, * Required National Priority Area Us must includc the narne ofthe priority in time: investment name for easy identification. * Of the proposed SHSFI-funded investments, orie single project, within the required Intelligence and Information Sharing National Priority Area U, must be in support ofa designated fusion center. Recipients unust coordinate with the flusion center when developing as fiusion center pra.�ject prior to SUbmission. See additional infbrimation on how to develop the fusion center projects below and in the PreDaredness Grants Manual. a All emergency coniMUnications investments must describe how such activities ahgn with rweeds identified in their Statewide Communication Inleroperability Plan (SCIP'). Rec,ipienls must coordinate with their Statewide Interoperability C'oordinalor (Stall') and/or Statewide Interol'Trability Governing Body (SK313) when developing an emergency communications investment, prior to submission to ensure the project SUPPOTIS the statewide strategy to irnprove emergency corri rri u n ical ions and is compatible and interoperable with surrOUnding systcms. The investment narne rm,isl include the words "ernergency conimunicafions" to easily identify any emergency communications investrnents. a All requested funding must be associated with specific projects, tFor each project, several pieces ofirdbrination must be provided to subi-nit the project for consideration in the aj:q,)Hcaflon, includingn C) Prq, ecl narne; c� Pro " ject description; r, �) Subrccipient narne, if applicable; o Recipient type (e.g,, state or local); Project location (zip code of the primary location ofthe project); 0 Primary core capability the project supports; FV 2021 IISGP OF Back jg_Lhe Tog Agreement No. 6545 EM-181-r F 23 Whether the, project acfivI6es are sharcabIle and dcployable, and Which National Priority Area (if any) the r.)FOJeCt SUPPOrtS. Projects should describe how the pr-oposed investrnent supports closing capability p,,aps or sustain'ing capabilities identified in the'T'l HRAISPR process. FEMA encourages states to use any DFIS provided assessmenus such as those per brined by DHS's Protective Security Advisors and Cybersecurity Advisors, when developing their Us. im, NATIONAL PRIORrry AREA III NV ESI'M11 ENTS: S11SP States are encouraged to review the Targeted Violence when deveioping investments. Cybe*recur ity LJ (7.5 per eent) At least one investment mUst be in suppon of the state*s cybersecairity effi-)rts, 1-he investment must ineet or exceed the FY 2021 national priority percentage for cybet-SeCffity and will also be subject to DI-IS/FEMA's evaluation (-.),f thc 0'rectiveness of the proposed investments, Cybersecurity invcstrnents must support time security and functioning of crifical infrastructure and core capabilities as they relate to preventing, preparing fear, protecting against, or responding to acts oflerrorisin. Recipients and subrecipients of FY 2021 HSGP grant awards will be required io complete tile 2021 Nationwiec i epic _ (NCSR), enabling agencies to I)enchinark and ineasure progrc,ss ofirriproving their cybersecurity posture. 'The Chief Inforrnation Officer (CIO), Chief Information Security Officer (C M(".)) or equivalent fior each recipient should compicle the CSR. If t1wre is no CIO or CISO, the rnost senior cyber-security professional should complete (he assessnient. "Flie NCSR is availalfle at no cost to the user and takes approximately 2-3 hours to complete. 'T'he 2021 NCSR is estimated to be open frorn October Decernber2021. I'lie IqCSR is an anflUal requireirrient for recipients and subrecipients of'HIS(311' funds. Additionally, IFEMA recognizes that sore SUbawards will not be iSSUed rintil after the NCSF'� has closed. In such cases, such subrecipients will be reqUired to cc-n-liplete the first avaHable NCSR offercd after the SUbaward has been issued by the pass -through entity. AlthOLIgh riot required by S1,37's that did not receive I ISGP'funds, all SUFF agencies with preparedness responsibilities are highly encouraged to participate and complete the NCSR to evaluate their cyberse,,curity posture. For detailed inforry-iation and background on the NC&R, please seeffi_4n. Soft Targets/Crowded Places M (5 peircent) Soft targets and crowded places are increasingly appealing to terrorists and other extremist actors becaUse oft[ieir relative accessibility and the large nurnber of potential targets. "This challenge is complicated by the prevalent Use of shniple tactics and less sophisticated attacks, SegrnentS of 0JJT9 society are inherently open to the general public, and by nature of their purpose do riot incorporate strict security measures. Given flic increased ernphasis by terrorists and other extrernist actors to le vcrage less sophisticated i-nethods to inflict harm in public areas, it is vital that the public and private sectors FY 2021 HSGY P NOFO Back tot Tnn Agreement No. 6545 EM flMT F 24 collaborate to enhance security of kwations such as transportation centers. parks. restaurants, shopping centers, special event verrues,, and sirnHar fiacilifics. Given the increased risk to soft targets and crowded places. at least one investment ITRISI be in support of the state's eff'orts to protect soft targets/crowded places. Additionally, the proposed investment must rneet or excecd the FN 2021 national priority percentagc for soft target s/c rowded places and will also be subject 1(.-) DHSIFEMA's evaluation of the eff Oveness ofthe proposed investrnents,, Additional resources and information regarding securing soft targets and crowded places are available thr(mgh the HA&M,. States are encouraged to engaged DFIS' Protective Security Advisors' security assessrnents of soft targets to tulsurc that recoinmendalions from those assessments are taken into consideration when allocating grant funding. Information avid Intelligence Sharing and Cooperation IJ (5 percent) Effigy cfive horn0and secrarity operations rely on access to, analysis of, and tile timely sharing of ol.,)en source, unclassified, and classified inforrnation, suspicious activity reports, lips/leads, and actionable intelligence on indicators arid behaviors to accurately identify, assess, and rnifij..,ale as wide array of threats against, the United States, including terrorism, threats to life, I airgcted violence, and other threats within the DHIS rnission space. Accordingly, DFIS works diligently to enhance intelligence collection. integration. analysis, and inforrnaflon sharing capabilities to ensure parIners, stakeholders, and senior leaders receive actionable intelligence and information necessary to inform their decisions and operations. A critical and statutorily charged mission of DFIS is to deliver, intelligence and information to Weral, state, local, and tribal governments and private sector patiners. Cooperation and inforrnation sharing arnong state, rederal, and lcxal paii,ners across all arenas of the horneland security enterprise, including counterteirrorism including both international and domestic teirrorisat, cybersecurity, border security, transnational organized crime, immigratiors enforcement, economic security, and other areas is critical to horneland security operations and Itie prevention of, preparation Im, protection against, and responding to acts of terrorism, and other threats to life, and criminal acts of targeted violence. Given the irriportance of information sharing and collaboration to effective horneland seCffity solutions, at least one iinvestment must be in supj,,.,)orI of the slate's of brls to enhance information sharing and cooperation with DHS and other ficderal agencies. As noted above, ffiis requireinent inust include at least one dedicated fusion center prqV.,.,cI. Additional instructions ors development ofthe fusion center project can be found below, Applicants rriust jLlStifpet-suasively how they will contribUle to the infbirmation sharing and collaboration purposes of the investrnent and a culture of"nalional prepareAriess. Additionally, the proposed investment MUSt meet or exceed the FY 20�21 nafionM priority percciritage for- information sharing and cooperation with DFIS and will also be subjcct to DHS/FEMA's evaWaliori of thc effectiveness of the proposed investments. Additional resources and inl'brTriation regarding collaboration and inffirmation sharing, are available through the Department's Q,fig A(j jXqppg FY 2021 DPI G1111" NOIFO Back t2lhe Tog Agreement No. 6545 EM-flai r F 25 Dornestic Violent Extrernisirn 1113 (7.5 percent) As stated in the October 2020 DI IS[ lorneland Threat Assessirient. dornestic violent extremists, including ideologically motivated lone offienders and sawall groups, present the most persistent and lethal terrorist threat to the Horneland. These violent extremists capitalize on social and political tensions. which have resulted in an elevated threat envirorwinent. They utilize sociM niedia platforms and odher techm,flogies to spread viole"m extrernist ideologies that encourage violence and influence action wilhin, the 1-hiked StatesT'he COVID- 19 pandern ic has Further created an environment that may lead to accelerated mobilization to targeled violence and/or radicalization to dornestic terrorism, inchiding driving lawful protests to incite violence, intimidate targets, and prorriote their violent extremist ideologies. Given the rise of domestic violent extrernism in recent years, at least one investmCnI mUS1 be in support of the siate*s efforts to cornbat the rise, influence, and spread of donaestic violent extremism. Additionally, the proposed investment must rneet or exceed the FY 2021 natiorial priority percentage for domestic violent extremisin and will also be sub,ject to Dl-1S/F`EMA's evaluation of the effectiveness ofthe proposed investments. Please note that there currently is not as "Domestic Violent Extrernisin" lnvcsonentType option in the (3rant Rep:)orting "I'col (CiRT). Instead applicants should select the, "Standard" Investment Type and clearly name the U as "Doinestic Violent Extremism Priority Area"' to ensure it is appii--opriately accounted for during FEMA's administrative and e5ectiveness reviews. Emerging Threats U (5 percent) The spi-cad of rapidly evolving and it technologyµ equipment, techniques, and knowledge presents new and emerging dangers for horneland security in the years ahead. Terrorists, criminal actors, and for-eign adversaries continue to ufflize, opert source and other technologies to spread raisin fionnation and sow discord in the (Jrthed States. These actors also remain intent ors acquiring WMI . ) capabilities, and rogue nafions and non -state actor's are aggressively working to develop, acquire, and modernize WMDs that they could use against the I lomeland. Meanwhile, biological and chernical rnalerials and technologies with dual use capabilities are snore accessible throughout the global Market, Due to the l-.)rofiferation of such infortnation and technologies, rogue nations and non - state actors have morc opporturfities to dcvOop, acqu,ire, and USe WIVIII)s than ever before. SimHarly, the prohf.rafion of UASs, arfificial intelligence, and biotechnology kicrease opportunities ofthreat aclor's to acquire and use, these capabilities against the United States and its interests, Given the increased risk offl,-iese einerging threats, at least one investment must be in support of the state s efforts to address emcrging threats, Additionally, the proposed investment must meet or exceed the FY 20,21 national priority percentage flor, emerging threats and will also be subject to DHS/FEMA*s evaluation ofthe effectiveness of the proposeA investments. Additional resources and information regarding cmerging threats are available through the Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office and the Cvbersecuritv and Infrastructure SecurjbLASency. FY 21121 11SGP NOFO Back t Agreement No. 6545 EXHINT F 26 iv. DEVIEI.,01[1�%IEN'I'OF'INVI-"S'I'Mt',NTSANIra PROJIrt.,c,rs:l.,pASI * Applicants nitist propose ai least five and may include tip to ten inveswiletits. * Within each investment, us -ban areas must propose at least one proJect to describe the activities they are planning to implcment with L'ASp flunds. There is no fimit to The n1uniber of proJects that may be stsbinitted. * Required National Priority Area US [IIUSt inClUde the narne of the priiority in time investrnent naine for easy idenfification. * Ofthe proposed proJects, urban areas are required to propose one sirlgle� project, as part of the required intelligence and infonnation sharing IJ, i[I SUPPOft of a designated fusion center within the urban area, if applicable. Recipients must coordinate with the Fusion center, when dcveloping as fusion center projiect prior to submission, See additional information on how to develop fusion center inve,stmcnts Mow and in the Preparedness Grants Manual. * All eMergency commUnications investnients must describe how such activities align with the needs identified in their SCIP. Recipients must coorclinate with their SWIC and/c)r Sit; B when developing art emergency communications investrnent prior to Submission to enSUre time project supports the statewide strategy to improve emergency comm un icat ions and is cornpatible and interoperable with surrounding systems. The investment narne MUSt include the words "ernergency cornni urd cations" to easily identify any etnergency communications investments. All requested Funding must be associated with specific projccts. For each project, several pieces of information must be provided to submit the project for consideration in the application, including: o Project narne; o Project description o Subrecipient r1arne, ifapplicable; Recipient type (e.g., state or local); Project location (zip code of the primary location ofthe pr(�ject); Primary core calm ability the project supports; Whether the project activities are,, shareabic and deployable; and Which National Priority Area (if any) the proJCCt SUpportS. Projects should descritx how the proposed invesurnent SLAPPOTIS closing capability gaps or sustaining capabilities identified in the Tl IIRA/SPR process. FEMA encoutrages states to use any DFiS provided assessments, such as those Ix.rforTned by MIS's Prolective Security Advisors and Cybersecurity Advisors, when developing their Us. V. PRIORITY INVESTMENTS: IJASI ..... . . . ... . .... . ........... . ............. . .......... ­ .. . ......................................... F I igh-i-isk urban areas are encouraged to review the Strategic Framework for Countt&ns Terr,Q, ' ..,a_QLTAmv.1d_ Moo, when developing investments. Cybersecurity IJ (7.5 pervent) At least one investment niust be in sLq,,)porI ofthe urban area's cybersecurity effcms. The investment must meet or exceed the FY 2021 national priority p.ercentage for cyl,.)erseWrity and wiill also be subject to DFIS/FEMA's evaluation of the effiectiveness of the proposed investments. Cybersecurity invesirnents must supl.x)rt the security and FV 2021 HSGII? NOFO Back t2jhe To2 Agreement No. 6545 EME.Iff F: 27' fluncfioning of critical infraStIrUCtUre arid core capabilities as they relate to preventing. preparing for, protecting against, or, respondirij.., to acts ofterrorisin. Recipients and subrecpicnls of'FY 2021 HSGP awards will be rcqLflrcd to cornplete the 2021 Nationwide Cvbersecurity Review, enabling agencies to benchmark and incasurc progress of inqnroving th6r cyberseCUHty POStUre. The C10, CISO or eqUivalena for eacti recipient should complete the CSR. Ifthere is no C'10 or CISO, the niost senior cybersecurily I,.)rofessional should coinplete the assessm(.,.nt. 'The IqCSR is available at no cost to the user and takes approximately 2- 3 hours to coryiplete.1-he 2021 NCSR is eStin`wated to be open from October Decernber 202 1. The NCSR is an annual reqUirement for recipients and sui)recipients ofFISCiP funds. Addition0y, FEMA recognizes that some subawards will riot be issued uinfil after the 1,4C'SR has closed. In SUCII cases, SUCh subrecipients will be required to conipMc the first available NCSR offered after the, subaward has been issued piny the pass through entity. Although not required by SUT-1 s that did not receive FISGP ffinds, all StATagencies w4h preparedness responsibilities are highly encouraged to participate and complete the N(."SR to evaluate their cybersecurity poslurc. For detailed information arid background on the 114CSR, Please see 113 439,, Soft TargetsK.'rowded Places LJ (5 peireent) Soft targets and crowded places are increasingly appealing to terrorisis and other extremist actors becausc., of their relative accessibility and the large number of potential targets. This challenge is complicated by the l,.)revalent use of'simple tactics and less sop hisficated attacks. Segments of our society are inherently open to the gcncral public, and by nature of their, purpose do not incoi porate strict security measures. Given the increased emphasis by terrorists and other extremist actors to lcverage less sor.4iisficated inethods to inflict harm in public areas, it is vital that the public aind private sectors collaboratc to enlmnce security of kxations such as transportation centers. parks, restaurants, shopping centers, special event venues, and sirnilar facilities. Given the iricreased risk to soft targets and crowded places, at least one investment 111USt t�)c in suppoirt of ttie urban area*s eff6ls to protect soft targets/crowded [,:4aces, Additionally, the proposed investment MUSI meet or excecd the FFY 2021 national priority perc,entage fbr soil targets/crowded places and will also be subject to DIMETMA's cvaluation ofthe effectiveness ofthe prop oscxl investments, Additional resources and infbrrnafion regarding SeCUrillig soft targets and crowded places are available through the Information and Intelligence Sharing and COOPeration U (5 percelat) Effiective horneland security operations rely on access to, analysis of, and firnely sharing of'open source, unclassified, and classified information, suspicious activity reports, tips/leads, and actionable intelligence on indicators and behaviors to accurately identify, assess. and mifigate a wide array of threats against The United States, including terrorism, threats to life, targeted violence, and other threats within tire DHS mission space. Accordingly, DI IS works diligently to enhance intelligence collection, integration, arialysis, and inforynation sharing cal,,mbilifies to ensure partners, stakeholders, and senior FY 20211 IISGP NOF01 Back to the Top Agreement No. 6545 EM-101" F� 28 leader's receive actionable intelfigcrice and illf0l'Mation necessary to inforril their decisions and operations. A critical arid statutordy charged mission of'DIIS is to deliver intelligence and information to federal, state. local, and tribal goverrullents and private sector partners. Cooperation and information sharing among state. federal, and local partners across all areas of the horneland security enterprise. including counterteff'or-i sill. including both international and domestic terrorism, cybersecurity, transnational organized crime, econornic security, border security, immigration enforcement. and other areas is critical to homeland security operations and the prevention oC preparation for, protection against, and responding to acts ofterrorisrn. and other threats to lifb and criminal acts of targeted vioknce, Given the importance of information sharinmg and collaboration to effective horneland security solutions, at least one investment must be in support ofthe urban area's cffolls to enhance information sharing and cooperation with DI IS and othcr federal agencies. As noted above, this re uirenient rnusi include at least one dedicated flusion center project. Additional instructions on development ofthe fusion center project can be found below,, Al,,)pkants mustjustify p,,)ersuasively how they will contribute to the information sharing and collaboration purposes of ahe investment and a culture ofnational preparedness. AddifionaHy, the proposed investment must meet or exceed flee FY 2021 naflonal priority percentage for infiortnation sharing and cooperation with DFIS and will also be subject to 131-ISTEMA's evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed investments. Additional resources and infom'iafion regarding collaboration and infibrination sharing, are available through the Depariment"s Office of Intelligence and Analysis. Domestic Violent Extremism IJ (7.5 percent) As stated in the Octobeir 2020 DFIS Homeland Threat AssessiTlent, dornestic violent extren'Osts, including ideologically motivated lone offenders and small groups, present [lie ITIOSt persistent and lethal terrorist threat to the Hc)melarid. These violent extremists capitalize on social and poRtical tensions, which have resulted in an elevated threat environment. They utifize social media platforms and other- technologies to spread violent extrernist ideologies that encourage violence and influence action withirl time United States. The COVID- 19 pandemic has further created an environment that may lead to accelerated mobilization to targeted violence and/or radicalization to dorriestic terrorism, including driving lawful protests to incile violence, intimidate targets, and prornote their violet -it extremist ideologies. Given the rise of domestic violen,t extremism in recent years., at least one investment must be in support ofthe urban area's Obt-ts to combat the Ilse, inflUence, and spread of dorriestic violent extrerniSM. Additionally. the proposed invcstment must meet or exceed the FY 2021 national priority percentage for domestic violent extreunism arid wWl also to subject to DHS/FEMA's evaluation of the effectiveness ofthe proposed investments. Please note that there currently is not a "'[Domestic, Violent Extremism" Investment Type option in the CIRT. Instead applicants should select the "Standard" Investment'Type and clearly name the IJ as "Domestic Violent Extremism Priority Area"" to ensure it is appropriately accounted for during FEMA*s administrative and effectiveness reviews. FY 2021 HSGP NOFO Back to the T L29 Agreement No. 6545 EXI flBIT' F!r' 29 Enrierging "Thireats 1.111 (5 percent) 'n-e spread of rapidly evolving and innovative technology, equipment. tech n iq ties, and knowledge presents new and ernerginj,; dangers for homeland security in the years ahcad. Terrorists, criminal actors, and foreign and continue 10 Utilize open source and other technopogies to spread rnisfiflbrination and sow discord in the L.Mited States. These actors also rernain intent on acqUiring WMD capabilities, and rogue nations and non -state actors are aggressively working to develop, acquire, and Ynodernize WMDs that they could use against the I forneland, Meanwhile, biological and chemical materials and te-ch no logics with dUal use capabilities are more accessible throughout the gI�obal market, Due to the proliferation of sucl-i infi-n-mation and technologies, rogue nations and non - state actors have more opportunifies to develop. acquire, and uise WMDs than ever before. Similarly, the proliferation ofiJASs, artificial intehigence, and biou.,chnology increase o1pportunifies of threat actors to acquire and use these capabilities against Clyne L)nited States and its interests. Cirven the increased risk of these emerging threats, at least one investment must be in support of the urban area's effbrts to address ernerging threats. Additionally, the proposed investment Must meet or exceed the FY 2021 national priority perceniage for emerging threats and will also be subJect to DHIS/FENA's evaluation of the effiectiveness of 1he proposed investments. Additional resources and inforination regarding emerging threats are available through the Countering We apgns of Mass Destruction Office and the vi. DEVELAWMEN'Toff" IFUSION CENTER 1'ROJECTS: S11SP AND UASI Happlicalale, each apl.flicant rnUst identify as fusion center project (fiat w0l: * Indicate aligntTient to as designated Fusion, Center; * Provide both as briefnalTative description and funding iternization fior the proposed [°rrqjcct activities that directly support the desip ,nated fusion center; and P * T'he descriptive narrative and the financial itemization should align improvernent or sustainment requests with flusion center activities as they relate to the Fusion Center Perforrnance Measures found in the ! pal.. �ftss G.rants Manual. �Yample FAwsion Center Funding, fte"fizanti on A saniple project description and funding iternization are below. For Che itemized pro ' lects, clearly identify the anticilpated fusion center perforrnance improvernent or sustainment as as result of the proposed furiding. The X F-usion enhancement pr(iject willfiind: * Sal al,ies, benefils, and trainingfir Xnurnber d.#Tusion Center iniellig, ence onalySts e Travel costs associaled wiihfiusion cemer onaljw training * This project will directly sustain the (,,'enter's current capahilifies andperlbrmance and directly ahl'�?,,ns with pe�fornwnce measures 202LXXX a Ole anticipate seeing an improvement in the qualit.), and quatif ity of analyfic, produclic)n andresponses to requesisfor h?formation as as diret:1 result al the finding of this project Back �q.LhqJ9p FV 2021 HSGP N()FO Agreement No. 6545 M The funding itemizatioin for a fusion center PIX)JeCt ShOUld include the annount and percent of" each rclevant solution area. As an examl,-.0e� .................................... ....................................................................................... ............................................................................. ..... .... ..... . .... .S'olution Area andAonaunt ;)TP-r(70'S-e"4'T ............. ...— . . ..................................................................................................... — Ilercedit qf 11'rqj,;o.Yed Fun ....................... ............ ..................................................................................... ......................... .... . .... . ...................................... I Fundiiii . .............................................................................................................. ...:, 2 ....................................................... mingl� T ....... . . ................................ . S10,000 ....... . . .. ................................... ................................... . .. . . ..... .................... .... 2% ... . . . ..... . . . ................................................... ............................................................. . ...... organk�71"O`n S 2 0 0 0 0-0", 4-8 % ............................ I .......................................................................................................................................................... Equil-nnent.- 1117T:;;�;'17 . ........... I ............................................................................................ . ..... .......................................................... . . ...... . ..... S200,000 . .... . .. ......... — . . .. . ..................... ................... . ............................................................................................................................................................................ -.18% ..................................................... ................ - lng�� ............ ............... . . ........................................................................................................................................................... S10,000 . ... . . . . ..... . ...... . . . . ... . ... . ........... . .............................................................................. . ........................................ Ex er,tses' so 0% ... .................................................................................................... TotaT .......................... ........................... ........... ........... ........................... ............................................................................................................................................................................... S420,000 .... ........ . ........................................................................... ........................... .......................... 100% ..... . .............. . .. ................................................. VIL COMPLJI�'.TING US IN TIHE G'RMN'r R.EPORTINGTO01., (GR'T)- S11SP AND UASI In the Related Documents section of the Grants.gov posting, applicants can find the D terrIplate and instructions for collecting the required inforrnation for inveStMents and prqjects. Additionally, applicants should u(ifize the Project Worksheel located in Grants.gov posting to assernble the information required for each project, which will facifilate the rnput ofthat infortnation into the GRT. Appftants must ensure the appropriate National Priority Area "Investment Type- (Overview 77b Investment 1qffirmation Section) is selected for the corresponding National Priority Area (Cybersecurity, Soft TargetsX.,rowded Places, Information and Intelligence Sharing and Cooperation, and ErnergingThreals). Important note: there caurrently is not a " Dora estic Violent Extremism" Investment `Fype option. Applicants should instead select the "Standard" Investment Type and clearly namie the U as "111 ciimcstic Vicideral Extremism Priority Area" to ensure it is appropriately accounted for during FEMA's administrative and effectiveness reviews. All non National Priority Area Us should have the "Standard" Investment'] ype option sciected. mitt. DEVELOPMENT OF(I ONCEPT OF OPERATIONS FOR 0111"S("J'Y As pasi of the FY 20,21 OPSG application process, each eligible local unit of governrinent at the c(::)unty or- ILderally recognized tribal government level must develop as strategic plan called a Concept of Operations (CONOP)/Application, which is a formal proposal of action to address a specific situation and fonns the basis for Operations Orders, in coordination with state and fe�deral law enforcement agencies, to include, bL$t not limited to C1311,A)S13P. CON01's that are developed at the COUnty level should be inclusive of city, county, tribal, and other local law enforcement agencies that are eligible to participate in OPSG operational activities, and the CONOP/A pp I i cation should describe participating agencies in the F"Ixecutive, Surnnnary� C01140FI/Application details should includIc the narnes of the agencies, points of , contact, and individual flunding requests, All C019OPs/A ppl icat ions inust be developed in collaboration with the local USBP sector office, the SAA, and the local unit of j..:Yove.1rnment, Requests for funding in CON(3111sAppficafioins must be basedli on risks and the operational enforcement Support requiremcnts of its corre'sponding LJSBP Sector, as well as the national priorities identified below. ( �Sp�: P Sector offices will forward the CONO to USBP 1-4eadquarters for FY 2021 HSGP NOS" O Back u) the..Tgj� ........................................... I .......... . .. — Agreement No. 6545 EXHO"r F 31 vetfing and coordination. Applicants "ill forward corresponding OPSG Applications to the SAA for submission to FEMA. USBP I leadquarters will reconcile 0 submitted CONOF's with the OPSG Applications. FEMA will revuew and evaluate all CO and OPSG Applications and funding wiH be allocated based on the review and selection criteria identified in this N01"O. OPSG Applicants will be required to clearly articulate avid identify how the CONOPs will address the naflonal priorities identified below. Information and Intelligence Sharing and Cooperation Effective border security operations rely on access to, analysis of, and the timely sharing of open source, unclassified, and classified information, suspicious activity reports, lips/leads, and actionable intelligence on indicators and behaviors to accurately iderifify, assess, and rnifigate a wide array of thireals against (lie United States, inclUding terrorism, threats to life, targeted violence, and other threats within the [A N in ission space. Accordlngly, [A -IS works diligently to enhance intelligence collection, 4itegration, analysis, and information sharing capabilities to ensure partners, stakeholders, and senior leaders receive actionable intelligence and information necessary to infomi their decisions and operations, One critical. statutorily required MiSSiOrl OHM IS is to deliver intelligence and information to federal, state, local, and tribal govcninients and private sector partners, Cooperation and infbrniation sharing aniong state, federal, and local partners across all areas of the homeland security enterprise, inclUding both international and domestic terrorisrn, cybersecurity. transnational organized crime, economic security, Disorder security, irruinigration enforcement, and other areas is critical to horneland security operations and the prevention of, preparation for, protection again,st, and responding to acts of terrorism, and other threats to Hc and criminal acts of targeted violence. Given the importance of infortriation shating and collaboratiotl to effective horneland security s6Mioins, the CON OP must support the recipient's efforts to enhance infbi-mation sharing and cooperation with MIS and other federal agencies. Applicants must,jusfify persuasively how they will contribute to the inforination sharing and collaboration purposes of the OPSG program and as culture of national preparedness. Additional resources and information regarding collaboration and information sharing are available through the Department's Office of Intelligence and Analysis. Emerging'11reats '['lie spread of rapidly evolving and innovative technology, equiptnent, techniques, and knowledge presents new arid cinerging dangers for horneland security in the year's ahead. 'Ferrorists, criminal actors, and foreign adversaries continue to utilize open source and offier technologies to spread misinfortination and sow discord in the United States. These actors also ren-tain intent on rernain intent one acquii1ng WMD capabilities, and rogue nations and non. -slate actors are aggressively working to develop, acquire, and modernize WMDs that they could Use against the Homeland, Meanwhile, biological and chemical materials and technologies with dual use capabilities are more accessible throughout tile global snarket. Due to the proliferation of such information and technologies, MgUe nations and non -state actors have more oppoTlunifies to develop, acquire, and use WMD: s FY 2021 11SGP NOFO to .he Agreement No. 6545 EMisi::-irr F:!' 32 than ever before. Similarly. the prcflifierafion of'UASs. artificial imelfigence, and biotechnology incrcase opportunitics ofthreal actor's to acquire and use these calmbilifies against the L)nited States and its interests. Given the increased risk of these emerging threats, the CONOP, rnust be in support of the recipient's efforts to address emerging threals. Additional resources and information regarding einerging threats are ava[Hable through the Countering .P Weaoons of Mass Destruction Office anid the Cvlaersecurity.,,and Infrast cture Security Agengy. IX. DETAILED Budget Appficants must provide budget summary worksheets for all flunds requested at (lie firne of application. The budget summary worksheets must be complete, reasonable, and cost- effective in relation to flic proposed pirojcct and should provide the basis oftornputation of' all project -related costs (including management and administrative costs), and any appropriate narrative, FEMA must be able to thoroughly evaluate the projects being submitted based on the information provided. FIEMA rnust be able to determine how much funding is being passed through to subrecipicnts for each sub progranri (L)ASI, SUISP, OPSG). Consequently, applicants must provide an appropriate level of detail within the budget SLIMmary worksheets to clarify what will be purchased and spent. Sample budget summary worksheets are available on the grants.gov posting fbr the 1,-iSGP in the Related Do. cumenis tab and may be used as a guide to assist applicants in the preparation of budgets and budget narratives. 11. Other Subimission Requirements Einergency Communications Investments If an entity uscs HS(31? funding to support emergency cornmun ical ions investMents, the applicant inust describe in the investment how proposed COMMunications investments align to needs identified in their SCIP, Effective project aliglITTlent will require advance coordination with the SWIC and consultation with governing bodies such as the S1GB or Statewide Interoperabili(y Executive Cominittee (SIE( I ), as they serve as the primary steering group for the statewide interoperability strategy. Additionally, recipients should consult subject inatier experts serving on governance bodies, such as broadband experts, chief information officers. representatives from utilities, or legal and financial ex pe r1s. when developing proposals. 12. Intergovernmental Review An intergovernmental review May be required, Applicants rnust contact their state's Single Point of Contact (SPOC) to comply with the states process under Executive Order 12372 (See 11mLL Ililp.,,5://www.wliiteh u e. 12-g.p -4 13-20,.pdf). . ... ... ll.p.loads/2020"/�"0"""`4,`/""SPOC ........................................... . .. ....... ................ . ........... ........... ...... .................... - .. . .......................... ................................... . . . ..... . ..... . .......................... . . . .................. . ...................... 13. Funding Restrictions and Allowable Costs All costs charged to awards covered by this NOFO must comply with (lie Uniform Administrative Requirenwnts, Cost Principles, and Audit ReqUirements at 2 C.F,R,. Part 200, uirless otherwise indicated in the NOFO, the terms and conditions of 0-we award, or time Preparedness Grants ManuaL This includes, among other requirements, that costs must be FY 2021 HSGP NOFO RadlUbcdo Agreement No. 6545 EXHUMT F 33 incurred, and products and services niust The delivered, within the period of'pe-g-foirmance of the award. See 2 CFA. § 200,403(h) (rcferring to budget periods, %%hich ft)r FIE,11MA and Linder this program is the SaIne as the period of'perfon-nance). I`e,deral funds inade available througli this award may be used for (lie purpose set fonh in this NOFO, the Preparedness Grants Manual and thc tcrips and coinditions of the award arid must be consimeart w4h the. statutory authority for the award, Award funds may not be uised for nnatching funds fc)r any other Weral awar-ds, lobbylng, or intervention in federal regulatory or adjudicatory proceedings. In aMfiowi, fderal funds may not lie Used to some, the Federal Government or any other government enfily. See the Preparedncss Grants Manual for more hiforination on fiUnding restrictions and allowaWc costs. a. Probibitions on Expending! H,!"'MA A i4wrd FWnds.for Covered Teleconontunications 11E'quipment or.Servh,.,i�f Recipients and subrecipients of FEIMA federal financial assistancc are subject to the prohibitions described in section 889 offlic John S. McCain National Defense Authorization Ap;_krfiscal Year,201 IJMQ , ), Pub. L- No. 115-232 (2018) and 2 CYR §§ mm AA 200,216, 200326, 200,471, and Aprx:ndix 11 to 2 C.F.R. Part 200.13eginning August 13, 2020, the statute,.... as it applies to FEIAA recipients, subrecipients, and their contractors and subcontractors prrohibits obligating or cxpcnding federal award funds on certain telecommunications and video SM-Veillance products and contracting with certain entities for national security reasoins. Effective August 13, 2020, FEMA recipients and subrecipients rnay KIM USe any F1 "MA fUlICIS Linder open or new awards to- (1) PIOCUM or obtain any equipment, syslern, or service that uses covered le1ccommuinications cqLdprnent or services as a substantial or essential component of any system, or as critical technology of any system, (2) Enter into, extend, or renew a contract to procure or oblairi, any equipment, systern, or service that uses covered telecommUllications eqmprrient or scrvices as a substanfial or essential componcrit of any systeni, or as crifical technopogy ofany systein; or (3) Enter into, extend, or renew contracts with endfies that use covered telecommunications equipment or scrvices as an substantial or essential componera of any systern, or as orifical technology as parl ofany system, i. RF'PI,ACOEMF.,N'T'pEQ,,tjtii',m]EN'111"ATI)Sll;'.IRVII�(.'ES FEMA grant funding inay be permilled to prOCUre replacement equipment and services impacted by this prohibition, provided the costs are otherwise consislent with the requirements of (lie NOFO and the e!W%oppss,Qrants'-MMMiki. FY 2021 HSGP NOFO, Back 101he lop Agreement No. 6545 E"XI i 1111 "T F 34 Per section 889(f)(2)-(3) of the FY 2019 NDAA and 2 C.R11, § 200.216, covered teICCOMMUnic,ations equipment or scrvices jincans: L 'I'elecoiTii,iiii,ruiicati(,)tis equipment produced by Huawei Technologies Company or ZTE Corporation, (or any subsidiary or affihate of such entitie); iia For thc,purpose of'pubfic safety, security of'Government facilities, physical security surveiHance of'crifical infi-astrUcture, and other, nafional security pUrposes. v i dco surve i I lance and telecorn mu ri capons equ ipment produced by Hytera Communications Corporation, Hangzhou Ilikvision Digi(M '"I I ecluriology Coiq,pany, or DahuaTechnology Company (or any subsidiary or affiliate of'such entities); hi. Telecommunications or vWeO SUrveillance services provWed by such crififies or using such cquipnient: or iv. Telecommunications or video surveillance eqUipfflent or services produccd or provided by an crifity that the Secretary of'Defense, in coil su hation with the Director ot`Natiirwnau Intelfigence or the Director of the Federal Bureau of Investigation, reasonably believes to be an entity owned or controlled by, or offierwise connected to, the Peorple's Rqmbfic of China. Examples of the types of products covered by this prohibition include phories, internet, video surveillance, and cloud servers when produced, provided, Of- Used by the entities Ilisted in the definition of" cover�ed teleconirn un ical ions eqUipMent or services. -See 2 CER. § 200A71 b. 1,1re-AwaM Co,,Mv Pre -award costs are aflowable only with the prior written approval of'1131-ISTEMA and as included in the award agreement. To rcqucst prcward costs, a written request rriust be included with the application, signed by the AOR. ofthe enfily. The petler MUS1, outfine what the purr; -award costs are fior, including a detailed budgct brcak� out of'pre award costs from the post award costs, and a justification fbrapprovaL c. Manageovent and'Administi-afion (WA) Costs Management and administration (M&A) activities are: thosc directly relating to the Management and administration of HSGP funds, such as financial managernent and monitoring. A maxiinum of ul,) to five l,-)ercent of'HSGP funds awai ded may be retained by the state, and any funds retained are to be used solely for M&A pturposes associated with the HS(313award. Subrecipients may also retain a maxitnurn Of LIP 10 five jxrcent of the ftinding passed through by the state solely f6r M&A purposes associated with the 14SG11 award, Recipients or subrecipients may apply or credit M&A, fundinf..,, toward the recipient's requirernew to allocate funding toward the five National Priority Areas. For example, ifa recipient s1wnds $5,000 to manage or administer its fiunding dcdicatcd toward its enhancing cybersecurity investment, the recipient may credit that funding toward its requirement to allocate at least 7.5 percent of its award to the enhancing cybersecurity National Priority Area. FT 2021 HSGP NOTO Back to the'1,02 ..... . . . . . ..................................................................... Agreement No. 6545 M A stale's I-ISCil" funds for M&A calcuiation purposes iTIClUdes the total of its SI-ISP. LJASI, and 013SG awards. While the SAA may retarn up to rive percent of thls total flor M&A. the state inust still ensure that all subrecipient award arnounts rneet flIC Mandatory rnitlillIUM pass-,thl'-OLI gill requireimemts that are applicable to each I JSGP prograin, T'o fneet this requirement, the percentage of'SI-ISP and UASI funds passed through to local or tribal jurisdictions Must be based on flic state's total HSGIII award prior to withholding any M&A fri retaining these funds, states may retain as maxii,nuni of 2.5 percent of the OPSG allocation, which tnust be withheld fi-orn the p,,.diss-ifirough to each subrecipieta county or tribe in an equal percentage, The SAA rnay also retain additional funding from its SHSP award to nianage and administer the OPSG award,, burnt that additional amount is also capped at art anioum equal to 2.5 percent ere the OP SG award, ExaMpleS applying this principle: SAA 1: SHSP: $1,00,000 OPS(3: $2,500,000 IJASI: $2,500,0,00 MA Maxinium: $300,000 (5 l-xi-vent of $6,0001,00) Maximum M&A for SFISP --- $50,000, Maximum M&A for OP,SG $125,000. Ofthat artiount, $62,500 (2.5 percent) may be retained from the OPSG allocation, and the other $62,500 would come frorn the SHSP allocation, Any arn(Aint Used to inanap .,e and administer OPSG that is charged to SUISP may be above and beyond the $50,000 avaihibic to manage the Sl--iSP allocation. Maximurn M&A for UASI = $125,000, glum SIISP- $3,500,,0,00 OPSG: $1,000,000 M&A Maximurn, $225,000 (5 percent of $4,500,000) Maximum M&A for SFISP $175,000 Maximum M&A For OPSG $50,000. Ofthat amount, $25,0100 (2.5 percent) inlay be retained from the 013SG aHocation, and the other $25,000 would corrie froin the SI-ISP allocation. Any amount used to manage and administer OPSG that is c[mrged to SHSP may be above and beyond the $175,000 available to manage the SFISPallocation. HSGP rec,,ipienls are also reminded that any M&A charged to a recipient's or subrecipienCs UASI ffinding mutst I)e directly allocable to administration of the UASI grant progirarn and cannot be used to cover II .A costs that are directly allocable to SFISP or OPSG funding. Similarly, any M&A charged to as recipient's or subrecipient's SIA or 01ISG Funding cannot be used to, cover M&A costs directly allocal,,!)Ie to LJASI funding. Additionally, if a stale/territory receives Nonprofit Security Grant Program (NSGP) funding, it may Use SFISP M&A Funding to cover M&A costs related to the managerrient of'IqSGP- Stale awards, and UASI M&A funding to cover M&A costs related to the inanagement of NS(]P-(.,Jrban Area awards. FY 2021 IISGP NOFO Back jg_Lhe To2 Agreement No. 6545 M but to the extent that there is any conflict, between Cl 416 and this NOFO, the requirements of this NOFO will apply to FY 2021 awards made under this NOFO, d. Indirect Facilities & A dinin, islrulive (IF&A) Costs Indirect costs are allowablc under tl-fls program as described in 2 C.F.R. Part 2001. including 2 CYR § 200.414. AplAicants with a current negotiated indirect cost rate agreement that desire to charge indirect costs to an award must provide a copy offficir ncgolialed indirect cost rate agreement at the fime of application. Not all applicants are reqUired to have a current negotiated iridirect cost rate agreement. Applicants that are not required by 2 (_F.R, Part 200, to have a negotiated indirect cost rate agreement but are required by 2 C.F.R. Part 200 to develop an indirect cost rate 1°)roposal must provide a copy oftheir proposal at. the time ofapphcafion. Applicants who do riot have a current I)Cg()fiaIcd indirect, cost rate agreement (including a provisional rate), and wish to charge the de mar imis rate inust reach oul to the FEMA Grants Managernem Specialist for Furthcr instructions, Applicants who wish to use a cost allocation plan in lieu of an indirect cost rate must also reach out to the FEMA Grants Management Specialist fior further instructions. P,os(-award rcqucsts to charge indirect costs will be considcred on a case -by -case basis and based Upon thL submission ofan agreement or proposal as discussed above or based upon on tine de rninimis rate or cost allocation plan, as applicable. Funds 7'j-ejnVi?r Restrictilon The recipient is prohibited fir,own transferring funds between programs (includes SHSP, UASI, and 0I)SQ. Recipierits can submit an investment/project where funds corne frorn ITRAWPIC! funding SOUrces (e.g,,, SHS111 and UASI), however, recipients are not allowed to divert funding firom onc prograrn to another due to the risk -based furiding allocations, which were., inade at the discretion of" DFIS/FEMA. e. 011ter Dh,ect Cosls 1. PLANNING I'llant-whig costs are allowed under this prograrn. Please see Elie Preparedness is Manual fbr more infiormation, IL C111IRGANUKrION Organization (,-,osts are allow cd under this prograin. Please see the Preparedness Grants Manual for more information. iii. EQuIPME-Wr E"quipment costs are allowed under this prograrn. Please see the Pre® varedness Grants Manual for more information, General Purpose Equillpment FISGP allows expenditures on geneiral put -pose equipment ifit aligns to and supports one or more core capabilities identified in the Goal and has a me urea to terrorisiri preparedness. (3eneral purpose eqUiptnent, like all equipment funded Under (he HISGFI, must be sharable FY 2021 IISGP NOFO Back ig-Lhe Top Agreement No. 6545 EI 101 F 37 through 1he ENAC2 and aHowable under 6 1 I.S,C,, § 609., and any ofl,uer applicable provision ofthe HomelandSecurit ct o 2002. as amended. Examples of such general-purpose equiprnent rriay inckide� un Law enforcernent vchicles, c, Emergency medical services (EMS) equipyrient and vchicles, vce equipment and vehicles, to include hose, PLIM 1"Ire ser ip accessories, and foarn concentrate fbr spe,,ciahzed CBRNE response, Interoperability of data systems, such as computer aided dispatch (CAD), and record rnanag,cawnt systems (RMS); and cl, Office equiprinent for staIV engagcd in howneland security prograITI activity. Controlled Equipmerit For decades, ahe federal government has provided equipment to state, local, and tribal hww ent"orcernent agencies (I-EAs) through federal grants. Sorne Federal grant prograrris have assisted LEAs as they carry out their, critical rnissions to kcep the Arnerican peopl[e sat'r, The,, equipmenit acquired by LEAs through these pirogirams includes administrative cquipment, such as office furniture and computers. Some federal grant programs also may include inditary and rinilitary-styled equipmcm, firearnis, and tactical vehi&les provided by the lbderal government:, including prol,,wrty covered undcr 22 Parl 121 and 15 CRR. Part 774 (colicetively, "controfled equipment"), However, not ah equip mcnt (fiat is considered controUed equipment is aHowalfle under the f ISGP. As discussed further below, there are certain "prohibited equipment" fliat are not allowable under I ISGP. And for die procurement of certain controlled equiprntmt that is allowable under the 1--iSGP, there are additional submission requirements and reviews that must be enact before DHS/FEMA will perntil Funding to be used fbir this purpose. DFIS/FEMA will continue to collaborate with Weral agency partners to ensure that there is as consistent and reasoriable approach to the restrictions placed on controlled equipment expenditures wiffle continuing to support thesc invesinicnts whcn there is ajusfifiable need. Further, DHS/FF,MA will conthILte tea ma4uairi an awareness of the evolving policy developinents related to controlled equipment expenditures and keep grant re6pients Lip to date on fluture developments. Grant funds under this progrmn may not be used for the purchase ofeq ui pri lent 1101 approved by IDHS/FEMA,The purchase of weapons and weapons accessories, hicIuding anisnunition, is not all(. -)wed with I iSGP fiunds,, Grant funds under this prograrn must also compy with La 426 and may not be used for them purchase of the foil owhig equiprnenl; 1) firearms; 2) UNcept for American Samoa and the Comimonweahli of flte, Nortlwrun Mariana lsknds,whiOi are not required au Z betoEng to 'MAC at this fime ''I'llis apphes to Mi homelmdl sectuity personnel and ors not fimilexi to IA&A staff', and costs armor ro be capuired omMde the cap mane M&A costs IFY 2021 IJSCrP NOFO Back to the T'on Agreement No. 6545 M arnnvjnifion.- 3) grenade launchers-, 4) bayonetsa U 5) WCaP0Tfl7Cd aircral'ta vessels, or vehMes of any kind with weapons installed. 1%. TRAINING Training costs are allowed under this program. 1-Tease see the Preparedness Grants Manual for more information, v. ExiMCISFS lixercise costs are allowed under this prograrn. Mease see the Pre2are dness Grants Manual for rnore inl'orrnation. V1. PERSONNEL Personnel hiring, overtirne, and backfill expenses are pernikted under this grant to perflorrn allowable 11-ISGill planrdrn g, organization, training, c.xer6se, and equipment activities. Under OPSG, overfline costs are allowable only in so far as they rneet the intent of the 1prograrn. All recipients and subrecipients of HSGP funds, includinf.gw ST ISP, CASI, and 0PSG allocations, Mcly 110t use more than 50 percent of their awards to pay for personnel activities unless a waiver is approved by MENA. For, more inflorniation on the 50 percent ix-rsonnel cap, please see FEE A 1B 421b, Clarification on the Personnel Reinibursentenifior Inteffigepice (,'oorxralion cind Enhancement k?fpjonreland Securil),Aa ()J'200(9 (Public Law 110-4 12) the PRICE.. Act. Please see the Preparedness Grants Manual for inore information, VIT. OPERATIONAL OVERTM Operational overtime costs arc allowed U11der this prograrn, Mor to use offlunds for operational oveilirrie, recipients Must receive approval from DI-IIS/FEMA. Operational overfirne costs are also subject to tine 50 perecm personnel cap. Please see the PreRared ness QMji _,qual fior more infbrrnation. Domestic travel costs are allowed Linder this program, as provided ibr in this N(.')FO and in the _,reMLedQ0jj;gn ,tLM qual. Internationalw travel is not an allowable cost under this @L _ pirograM Unless approved in advance by Dl ISIFEMA . Ix. ("ONSTRIA .. HON AND RE,NOVAIFION Construction and renovation costs to achieve capabifily targets related to, preventing, preparing For, protwing against, or resposidirig to acts ofterrorism are allowed wander this prograirn. For construction and renovation costs to be ahowed, they must be specificaply approved by DC HS/FEMA in writing prior to the use of any program funds, Applicants must use tune Environmcntal Manning and Historical Preservation (EI-411) approval process. Limits on the total arnount of'grant flunding that may be used for construction or renovation may appy. Additionally, recipients are required to submit SIF-424C and SF-424D. Please see the Phmdno.s. Quat *—MAng.R .. lfbrmorcinforination. X, MAINTENANCLANDSUSTAINMENT Maimcnance- and sustainryient-related costs, such as maintenance contracis, warrantles, repair or replacement costs, upgrades, and uscr fees, are allowable. Please see the FY 2021 1-11ISGP NOFO Agreement No. 6545 XL L ]IRMURGEMY SUPPLIFS (".rific,al enaergeRwy supplies are aflowed under this prograrn. Please see the Preparedness -ination, gtj dear i n o re i n F6 t XIL SFCURE I DIENT11 FICA, TION Secure Identification costs are allowed Under this prc)grarn. Please see the Pre are tress Grants Manual for more information. Allowable Cost Matrix following maoix provides aBowable cost acOvities that fall tinder each of the cost categories noted above, Re6pienls and subrccipients must 1"0. How all appHcable requirements in 2 C,'J7.11, Part 200 Unffop-m A (Iminivralive Requh-eme)"Its, Cost Princilries, and A u(M Re. quiremem's.fol- Fedeml Awar(& I ISGP Funds may be used to cover the costs for eVakll3fiflf.." the inlpaCt OfthCSC grants on Ore state or urbain area's core capabiUfies and capability gaps. '11'hus list is not exhaustive, ther0bre, if there are any questions regarding allowable costs, per ase contact the appropiriatr HQ FUMA Preparedness Officer. For additional information on allowable costs, see the tea re GCLnj&MARW. FY 2021 HSG 11 NOFO Back t2Lhe iot a Agreement No. 6545 IEXIAll I'l. F 40 lrn lernentiva urncadels, arua Ms, arnd e!carkfmce enhancement initiatives N Tools, iresoanrces„ and acaivities that facilltazte shared situational awareness between dw as�l"u,..�euu.iit,��..................................................................... ............"......,......mm..................._..,....... ....__...N. Operational stnppaart N I.'tollnzation of standardia. d resource rra��taa��ora�rnt�crrr�r�pts _..___. ......... N. Responding to an increase in the threat level sander the National ` errorisnn Advisory ....... . _ �..nal Sp �ciall �aeu;u h �G,yent .sfe...........c'r needs ntt resniti flcant a �Iatica.�.. eimbursement 6Zr select operaticnnal expenses associated with mcweased security F s nr s,,.at,,.crmica,l,,,.a,nfrastructua.°;e',.sites icrred nA ..?.p.5.0...ESrc5 rt.,Rf..t.9nS ....mm............... Overtime for unfrnrtnativan„ investigative" and inteffi eance sharinn activities (unp tru 0 PEc.rafl..afm the alltacatian.°n_....._.__._._.. _... _.._...._._ww................__.....Wwvw._.."..vwwWw_.._..........._...,_,..,.._....,....w._........ Firing cif new staff positions/c ntractors/consultants for participallon in inibrmation/intelligenc:e analysis and sharinggrouaps or fusion center activities (up to Sib percentcif,the a.....tiotn...,,..................................................... ................................ .......................................... ......................................................................................... ............................... Cost uaf rnit"ratine online services to the ",Pcnv" domain a able f."cnrt m urni "�atuons E aui rruerut Interca............rn._..W..w.........,.._..mr�.�................� Detection Decontaminaticrora ...._....�m.....aI coon ................eas_.......... ...._..,__aa.�..._._ ➢Medical ccnnnnternsoeasnres I'taaver e..„ „einerators, battSries® ...mW .,......c �r �e f°l3RNL reference Materials ......................................_ ci .. n Res cansc 1�ehtclt.s .m". .... i lil�eC Incident m ................. .... ........ rtarisrn Incident Prevention E;t uni urruent Tyr .__ Ph sisal Security Einhancenent r uaipmcnt Inspection and creenlnp# Systems Animal Care and Foreittn Animal [disease I z 9 CW., .., m........ .......wn and es unase „atercrafi"......... N BRNE° Preventnct",,.. ,. .mm ..... ...,.......n atnned Aircraft..........m..mm..........mm..........mm _....... �....... C" RK Prevention and res nse l.lnrnmm "mmmm T. i.�..— f`ErE Avnatnrnn Ew,atti rraent _ ' _.. __.._..; _ ._........_._..._._..ww..._.....__....._._vw.W..... T'[3rE t.ca rstical u rt F; uru rrnent _. _ . .... ............. .........per........ _._..................... .... Intervention E' tui rnernt (� p taetieal entry„ erirne scei m me �artacessuinl Critical errner �enc up ies N Vehicle ac uai%i!.ion„ lease, and rental C)ther �4usth�ra>�ed E uni rtnent vertnrne and aekfill for ener ee'y.pr"ep— are�dness" and response personnel attending uir'f�a DHS t,.. or .._ ..ran..,... .. ,_s �'Ra_s nsuared and a rcnved trainitn�sssw._..................w..........._......... _..............._ .............._.........._... Cyvertirme and backifll expenses for part-time and volunteer emergency response rsrnunnr l "nrtuca atirn m in E)Ei %& E A trainin r Train; andconfrences Activities to achieve training, inclusive of people with disabilities and Gathers with s and functional needs and limited E:rm lisle rrakacuenc ages:.............. .............. m ... .p.a. � � Full- car cart -time staff" or contractors/consultants Agreement No. 6545 l Instructor certificationlrewcertification �ii era Co jL anataann watln C`ntia�°ot�ncal in �anntlnnM traananp r°xercn,aµs Int�rrnperalnle canrnarrnannicatir�ns trsarnir"�. _ ........_...... ....... �...... q o .fir .__._ :.. .. aced Fin Ush proficient .,.. ...trvrties tc� achieve lanntn anclttsive cnf �r le with titan Irnnnieradon enforcement trainine _, 22duct, and Evaluate an Exercise Full-orsart-tirrae staff or contractors/consultants N _ vertimne and bac.hfill costs, incl ding expeansa:s fear part®time grad stir erraer� rrc. s ,,,,,nse a:,rsaanrt, � art,i b ttca ,uaF,IS)Z F�EI�It .. x mcaSe .... ................ ......... [rra lernerntatitan of Fff:;F:F' Activtties to achieve exerckes incIusivc of people with disabif°rties and others with access and franctionall needs N .,-.._.... _ .... .------ _.._. _ .. .. W_ _ _.W.,.. g°ravel �amraanllr � N Interts table tctrttrrturt'eatas�ns eercrsa s t@i Activities to achieve tannin incf eaa le with lmnted En lish ranCciene x, �mmmnn,n�n�nmmnn nnnnn,nn,m,,,mnnn�nnnn,n.nnnnnnnnnnn�nn�n� Poring of full- or pan -time staff or contractors consultants to assist with the management of the respective grant program, application requirements, and compliance with re ortin and data collection re ttirerraertts Develan anent of operating plans fox infer ation collection and ������rocessing necessary to p P processing ssa try res ........2trF d data calls Overime and a5kFillcests ......... __....... _.w ............ Recurring expenses such as those associated with cell phones and fees during the perio _,Lf erforrnance of the rant rrn .. jT teethe Leasing ortrenti of space for newly hiredpersonnelduring the period of'' performance Integration and interoperability of systems and data, such as CAD and RMS, to facilitate the collection fusion centers 6 �din ation between ftision centers and odier operational analytic, and investigative J Implementation, maintenance, and sustainment of the Nationwide Suspicions R��in& Initiative D Increase physical securfty, through law enforcement persorinel and other protective e measures at critical E. �iiationreview Informationm 1. Application Evaluation Criteria nW Prograninzatic 7rit ria FY 2021 HSGPNOFO Back !2_Lhe Tog Agreement No. 6545 EXHIBIT' F 42 i. Ric% METHODOLOGI Thc risk methodology determines the relative risk of terrorisin faced by a given area considering Irl'IC potential risk oftenrorism to people,, critical infirastructure, and economic security, 1"he analysts includes, taut is riot fin-6ted to, threats Froin vWent dotnesflc extreniists. inter -national terrorist groups. ard Wividuals lnsphred by lerr(:rHsts abroad. See the Preoar edness Grants Manual for addifional information on the risk, rnethodology, NOTT- The '"N 11 R.A/SPR l,.)rocess is separate from the risk, methodology -and its results do not affect grant aUlocations, The Risk Methodology is used to inform allocations under HSGP. For anore inFornialion on the SHSP, LJASL and QPSG allocation processes, please see Section B. I ofthis NOFO, "Available FlFundhig for the NOFO'- it. APPLICA,riON EVALUATION CRI]IFERIA FENA will evahmle the F'Y 2012 l HSGP applications flor comp leteness,, adh(.,rrence to prograniniatic guidelines, and anticipated effectiveness of the proposed investments. FEMA's review will inchider verification that each U and pro.ject: Align,,; with at least one core capabflity identified in tile (3oal; Demonstrates how invcstments support closing capability gaps or sustaining capabilities idcnflfied bon the T'[--IIRA/SPR processt and Supports a NIMS-typed resource and whether those assets are deployable/shareable to support eincirgency or disaster operations per existing EMAC agreernents,, In addition to (lie above, FEMA will evaluate whether proposed projects are. 1) both feasible and effectivc at redUC.firq.., , the risks fitr which the project was designe&, and 2) able to be fully con-ilpletedl wWiin the three-year period of'perfbi-mance. FEMA will use the infiormation provided in the application and after the submission ofthie first BSI R to determine the feasibility and effctiveness of "'a grant pro.ject.To that end, Us should include" An explanation of how the proposed project(s) will achieve obJectives as identified in (lie SPR, including expected long -ter -in impact where appllicable, and which core, capabilky gap(s) it helps to close and how; A surnmary ofthe status of plartr6ng and design efforts accornplished to date (e,g., included in a capital improvemeni plan); and A proJecl schedule with clear m0estorres. Recipients are, expected to confbrim, as applicable, wifli accepted engineering practices, eslabfished codes, standards, in(Aefing techniques, and best practices, and participate in the development of ease studies dernonsiraflng the eff�cfive use of grant funds, as requested,, FEMA will also review any submitted National Prioi!lty Area-ahgned Us and projects to ensure they meet the nflnlmuni spend requircment. F"urther lnforrnaflon on, how the National Pt1orhy Area IJS atl(f PrOjCCjrS Wfll be reviewed for effectiveness is includ: ed in the Review and Selection F"rocess, section b0omr. IFY 2021 11SGP NOFO Back t2jhe Tog Agreement No. 6545 EXHOrT F 43 b. Financial Integrill, Ofteries Prior to making as federal award, IFEMA is re(JUired by 31 (',&C3354, as amended by the Payment Integrity Information Act of'2019, PUb., L No116-117 (2020); 41 ITS.C, § 2313. and 2 C.FK § 200.206 to revpew infonnation available through ariy Offlce of Marlagement and Budget (UAB)Aesignated rep ositoHes ol'governmermAdde 6gibifity qualification or financial integrity inibrination. inckafing whether the appheani is suspended or debarred. FE"'JOA may also pose additional ciucsti(mis to the applicam to aid in conducting the pre -award risk review, "I"'herefore, application eVaklation, crkeiria may hiclude the Coflowing risk -based consideiradons of time applicant: i. Financial stability, ii. Qtruafity of JJJaJJrJagCJJruCJJJ systems said ability W IIICCI rnanagement standards, ifi, History of'perIbrmance in managing federal award,, iv. Reports and findings froini, audas,, v. Ability to eff'l cfiverly hinplernent statutory, regulatory, or, other requirements, e. SuplVensental Financial Integrity Criteria and Neview PHor to making a fe�deral award where the anticipated total fideral share will be greater than 1he sin-upfified acquisition threshold, currently $2501,000-. FEMA is required to review and consider any information about tile appficant, including information on Ihe applicant's iminiediate and highest4vel owner, subsidiaries, and predecessors, Wapplicable, that is in the designated fittegrity and perl'orrviance systern accessible through the System for Award Managernent (SAM), which is currently the Fed"4J_A gg and Integrity Information System (FAIIIIS). An apphcan(, at its, opflon, unay review information in FAMIS and conillnent on any information about itSelf flIaIr as federal awarding agency previokWy entered. ilia FEMA will consider any coinnients by the applicant, in addition to the otheir infonnation in FAPHS, 41 making a Judgment about the applikant's Integrity, business ethics, and record of'perfonnance under federal awards when mimplefing the review of risk posed by applicants as described in 2 Ct"K § 200.20& 2. Review and Selection Process a. 291-I.V111 and IJA,91 All proposed investments will undergo a feder-A review by DI-ISTEMA to verif�l compliance with all adrnfiflstrafive and eligibility criteria identified in the NOF'O.'rhe federal review will Ire conducted by FE-I' H0 11rcparedness Officcrs. F'Ill MA 110 Preparedness Officers vdH use a checkfist lo verify cornpliance with all administradve and eligibility cr4eria identified In the NOR). Recipients must be able to dernonstrate how investments support closing capabifily gaps or sustaining capabilities idenfifled in time, fl IIRA/SPR process, Us will be reviewed at both the investincm and project level. IF V 2021 IIISGIl' NOFO UP&LIP'th T.QV Agreement No. 6545 EXHIBrrF 44 Ernergency cornmunications invesunenis will beJointly reviewed by FENA and the DHS Office ofErnergency Comin tin ication s (OU"), to verify comph'ance with SAFECOM guidance. fTMA and OEC will coorclinate directly wifli the recipient on any conniphance, concerns and will provide technical assistanceas necessary to help ensure fuH coinphance. ATdd�i�tiownal eEffectiv_eness Evaluation Criteria riteria 1br the NationalPrioril reas T`'iLIaIe I IivY IiI vaI 2 1 1SGP Js and pro.ject.s subrnlned in supporl of"'the National Priority Areas fbr anticipated effectiveness,, FEMA's review wM in0udc verificatlon that each Ll or pro.ject ineets the NatioiW Priorlily Area recliulred spend percentages, Cyberse,cuHty invesf.snerits will be reviewed by DI-IS/1"EMA, ("ISA, and other DHS comp onents as appropriate, 1br cornpilanec with, purposes and requirements of the priority investment area. Proposed invesIrrients will be reviewed for effectliveness unsling dre criteria set flcm-th in this NOF'0. Soft Targets/Crowded [1aces investments wiH be reviewed by DHS/FEMA, CISA, and other, DIIS coilits as approprlate, for comp hance with purposes and requirernents of the priority investment area. Proposed investtncnts wiill be reviewed for effectiveness using the criteria set forth in this 11401-0. Inif6rmation Sharing and Cooperation Investments will be reviewed by D1 IS/HEMA, DFIS Office of Intefligence and Analysis, and other DI IS cornponcnts as appropiriate, for cornphance with purposes and requirernents of the priority itlVeltjillelat alrea, Proposed investments will be reviewed For effecfiversess using the, crits�ria set forlh in this NOF0. For, additional information on Fusion Cenicr rCq Lill reTTICTAS, pcasc see the Preparedness 'Cirg-ou.-MARIl Dornestic violent extremism iinvestmernts will be reviewed by DIHSIFEMA, D14S Office of Intelligence and Analysis, and other UHS components as appropriatc, fbr cornphawice with purposes and requirements ol'the prioirity investment area. Proposed investments will be, reviewed for effectiveness using the scoring criteria set fbrth in 11fls NOFG, Emerging threats investments Will be reviewed I.-)y DHS/FEMA, DHS Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office, and other DHS comporients as appropr1ate, for co rip with purposes and requirentents of the priority investment arca, Proposed invesarnents will be reviewcd for effectiveness usingy the criteria set, fbrih in this NOFO., FEMA will determine whether the p,.rroposed approach is clear, logical, and ilreasonable to address the priority areas of interest and contribute to a cultui,V ofnational prcparedness,This pati, considers fiaclors such as the ob ectives and strategies propo a osed tddrc p ess thriorily J area, how the objccfivcs and sualcgies overcome legal, political, or practical obstacles to reduce overall risk, the process and criteria to select additional relevant pro.jects, and the approach to mordlor awards to satisfy the funding percentage aHocations. IF Y 2021 HSGP D O" u ack to thq Top Agreement No. 6545 EM-10"'Y'A' 45 Foral,)pficanls that elect to sut)rni( Us and project-4evel details fbi, the INaationaal Priority Areas at tire thne of apphcation, 0%.',liveriess will be evaluated prior to award. Ifthe projects are tbund tO 110t SUMCiCllfly ahgn % ith the National Priority Area(s), applicants may have fi.inds placed on hold (up to 30, percent) WIfit the pro Jects are revsed to satisfactorily address the National Priority Areas. For applicants that elect to subrnft Us and prqject4evel detaHs fbr the National Priority Areas as part of the December 2021 BSIR, they will have funds placed on hold in the ainount of'30 percent (the surn of all Nationid lU3riority Area). The hoW wl11 be released only after their December 20,21 BSIR. submission has been reviewed. and projects r(,qatcd to tire National Priority Areas deemed in alignment by DHS`FEMA_ SAAs are still required to meet pass-tbrougli requireinments, even, if funds are on hold related to the Nationall 111"riority Areas. To that end, Us should includca * I -low the proposed inves(ment addresses the National Priority A. rea - * An explanation of how the proposed prqjects werescBoded and will achieve objectives and strategies to buHd or sustain the core capability gaps identified in the SPR, including cxpected lon& term impact where applicable,, * A, SUMmary oHaws, policics and practices that can be enhanced, efintinated, or ot1wrwise c.hainged in order to achieve the goals of thc project and fostcr a cWture of national preparedness; and * A summary of the collaboration efforts to preveni., prepare for, protect against, and req-)ond to acts of terroirism as wcH as anflCipated outcoines ofthe proJecc For. FY 2021 SVISP and UASI investments and pro ' jects reiated to dw National Priority Areas, effearveness wHI be evaluated based on the following five llactorsa dnvespnmrnt S a Py Proposals Avil,l beevaluated based oil tile quakly and extent to which applicants describe ari effective strategy tfimt dernanstrates that proposed proJects support the prograrn objective of preventing, preparing foir, protecflng against, and responding to acts oflerrorism, to meet its target capabilities, and othervOse reduce ibe overall risk to the higK risk urban area, the state, or the Natlon 1.3.go ex(flit to which applicants . .g.&j �10%,: Proposals will beevalUalled based Orl the describe a budget plan for each investment denionstratirig how the applicant will maxiinize cost effectivencss of'grant expenditin'es. Proposals will Ibe evaluated on, how this investment 11cips the Juri.,.Jefion close capabiRty gaps idertlified in its SPR and addresses dw relevant NationA Priority Area ouflined in fliis NON). [Further, proposals will be evaluated on their idenfificaliori and estimated improvement off core capabifily(ies), the associated slandar4fized target(s) that align widi, th6r proposed invesOnent, and the ways in which the apphearn, will measurnd"'Or evaluaie lniprovement, FY 2021 HSGP NO�FO Back lo..t I . ......................................... .... hg 2P., Agreement No. 6545 46 C'ollaborafipn 300,1�): Proj.')osals will be cvaluated based on the degree to which Ihe proposal adequately details how time recipient will use investments and other nicans to overcorne existing Ildaprfmstleaul. technological" legal. policy, and o1her irnpedirnerls Io collaboraiiing, networking. sharing hift.)nnaflon:, cooperafing, and fbstering a cuilture ofnafiot4l preparedness with fedleiral,, state, tribal. and locA governiments, as wch as otheir regional and nonpirofit paiincirs. ( "ollaboration should irnprove eflk.)rts to prevent, prepare for, protect against, and respond lo acts oflerrorism, to meet target capabilities, SU;)j)CWt the national sectunty mrsswn of DHIS and other firderal agencies, and to otherwise reducc the ovcrafl1 risk to the high -risk urban area, the state. or the Nation. In evaluating applicants under this factor FEMA wHI consider the infonnation provided by the appficant arid may also consider relevant hifon-nafion frorn other SoUrces. Past Pei, forman ce Ladd it Lona.L dergtiic� , Proposals will be cvaluatcd bascd on the qo,ii .—ft). applicants demonstrated capability to execute the ffoposed i nve still ents. In evaklairing applicants under this factor FEMA will consider the information provided by tile applicant and may also considcr relevant information firom other sources. moram Appi icafions wili be reviewed by the SAA and USBP Sector Headquarters for conlipleteness and and to programmatic guidelines and evaluated for anticipated feasibility, need, and impact of the Operations Orders. For more iriffinnation on Operations Orders and otil-wr requirements ol'OPSO, see the PreDaredness Grants Manual, DI ISIFE"MA will verify coniphancc with all administrative and efigibility criteria idenfified in the NOFO and required subinission oft paeraatio nes Orders and Iriventory of Operaitions Orders by the established due dates. DI-IS/FEMA and LJSBP wHI use the results of both the risk analysis and the fixieral review by DI ISIFEMA to make recommendations, flor funding IrO the Secretary of"Horn6and Sccufilya FY 2021 OPSG Funds will be allocated conipetifively based oin risk -based prioritization using the OPSG Risk Assessment described above. li funding allocations are delen-rdned by the Secretary of Homeland Security, who May consider information and input frog various law enforcement offices or subjca rnatIrer experts within the Departmena. Factors consHered include, but are riot firnited to threal, vulnerability, affles of the border, and other bordeir- specific lmv enforcement intelligence, as well as the feasibility of"I"Y 2021 Operations Order's to designated locafifies within border slates and territories. F. Federal Award Ad nairk ist oration Information 1. Notice of'Award BeCore accepting the award, the AOR and recipient should carcUtilly read the award package, The award package includes i nstruci io iris on administering the grant award and the termis and conditionsassociated with responsibilities under fderal awards. Recipients must accept all conditions in this NOFO and the Pre aredness Grants Manual as well as any specific ternis anti conditions in the Notice of Award to receive an award under this pirograrn. See the rqp P a gd,irog n sN nua.1 for in-na fontion on Notice of Award. ._ qr ,__5 FY 2021 HSCIII NOFO Back tea the To 2 Agreement No. 6545 M 2. Pass. -Through Requirements Awards made to the SAA. for HSGP carry additional pass -through reqUil"ements. Pass - through is (301ned as an obligation on the part ofthe SAA to rnake funds available to local units of goVeTTITW[It. combinaflons of local urths. tribal governinents, or other, spec.ific groups or organizations. Four requirements alust be inet to pass -through grant funds: * The SAA must make a firn) written commitment to passing through grant funds to subrecipients; * The SAA's comm4rrwnt must be unconditional (i.e., no contingencies ffir the availability of SAA funds); * There must be documentary evidence (i.e.,, award dOCUtTlent,, terins, and conditions) ofthe a;c°ammu trnervt.' anfJ * The award Terms rnust be communicated to the subrecipient. Wainp and Aniouint S AA F r i t s t p a s s t himugh at least 80 percent of the funds awarded under the SHSP and L)AS1 to local or tribal units of government within 45 calendar days of receipt of the fUnds. "Receipt ofthe Funds" occurs ciflier when thic SAA accepts the award or 15 calendar days after the SAA receives notice ofthe award, whichever is earfier. SAM are sent notification of'HSGP awards via the GPD"s ND Grants system, If an SAA accepts its award within 15 calendar days of'receiving notice ofthe award in theND Grants systerri, the 45-caieridar days pass-thrOUgh period will stain on ffle dale the SAA accepted the award, Should an SAA not accept the HSGP award within 15 calendar days ofreceiving no ice oftfite award in the ND Grants systeiin, the 45-calendar days pass -through period will begin IS calendar days after the award notification is sent to the SAA via tile 19D (.3rants systen,l° It is itnportant to note that the period of'perfort'nance start date does not directly affiect the start ofthe 45-calendar days pass -through peHod, For example, an SAA may receive notice of the I iSGP award cm September 20, 021, while, the period of performance dates fbir that award are October 1, 2021, 1hrough September 30, 2024° In this exan-iple, (lie 45--day pass - through period will begin, on the data the SAA accepts the HS(3& award or October 5, 2021 (15 calendar days after the SAA was notificd ofthe award), whichever date occtia-'s first,The perii(A of performance start date of'Oclober 1, 2021 wc)uld not affect the firning of'rneeting the 45-calendar day pass -through requirernent. 01thcr SIRS11 and UASli Is 1'1 fle The signatory author�ly ofthe SAA inust cerfif°y in writing to DI ISTEMA that pass -through requirements have been metm A letter of Intent (or equivalent) lo distritnitc flunds is not considered sufficient.The pass-thirough requirernem does not apply to SI-1SP awards inade to the District of Columbia, Guarn, Arnerican Samoa, the US, Virgin Islands, or the COMMonwealth of"the Northern Mariana Islands.The Commonwealth of Puerto Rico is required to comply with the pass -through requirement, and its SAA must also obligate at least 80 percent of" the Funds to local U11hS of government with 4145 calendar days of'reccipt ofthe Funds, FY 2,021 HSGPNO170 B.21.cl,.S. t ol....! 1.2 e Agreement No. 6545 EM 40 r F 48 Under SHSV, the SAA inay retain rnore than 20 percent of funding for expenditures made by the state On bchaif of tile loca➢ urlit(s) of"government, This may occur only with the written consent of the pocal unit of government, specifing the aMount of Funds to be retained and the intended use of Funds, States shall review th6r written consent agreenicnts yearly and ensure that they are stfll valid. lf a written consent agreement is already in place from previous fiscM years, 131IS/1"EMA wifl continue to recognize it for IFY 2021, Un➢css the written consent review indicates the local government is no longer in agreerrient, If modi f ications to the cxisfing agrccrncrit are rwcessary, the SAA should contact their assigned FEMA HQ Prel)aredness Officer. Additional 01111SG Reauiremeints The recipient is prohibited From obfigating or expcilding Funds provided through this award unfil each unique and specific county4evel or equivalent Oplerational Ordcr/Fragnnentary Operations Ord(.,-,r budget has been reviewed and approved through an official electronic inail notice issued by DFISTEMA rernoving this special prograrnmatic condition. 3. Administrative aind National Policy Requireniiients In addftiori to flie requirements of in this sectioin and in this NOF0, FEMA inay place specific terrns and conditions on individual awards in accordance with 2 C,F.R. Part 200, In addition to the inflormalion regarding DFIS Standard Terms and Conditions and E111SUring the Prowfion of Civil Rights, see the Preparedness Grants Manual for additional infiormalion on admirtistrafive and national policy requirements, including the fifliowing: * EH P Corn pi iance * FirstNet NIMS h-riplementation SAFE'OM a. DIM Standard Terom and Condiflons All SUCCCSSfill applicants for DHS grartIr and cooperairve agrcements are required to comply with DHS Standard"I'erms and Conditions, which are available online, at DHS Standard itrms and onditioq& -C- TheapplicaWe DHS Slandard'Fernris and Conditions will be those in effect at the firne tile award was made,, What terms and conditions will apply for the award will be clearly stated in the an ar'd package at the firne of award. h. AEnsuoqng the Prolection rV'Civil RiAAVs As the Nation works towards actfleving the National Preparedness Goal, it is irnportant, to continue to protect the civil rights ofindMduaN. Recipients and subrecipients must carry Out their programs and activities, including those related to the buflding, SUslainsinent, and dchvcry (.Wcore calmbilifies, in an nnanner that respects and ensures the protection oftivH rights for protected populat ions. IFY 2021 I-ISGIP 140l114'0' Back t2jhg Toa Agreement No. 6545 Ii°ecleral civil rights statutes. such as Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Tide l of the Civil Rights Act o 964µ along with F-'EMA reguadons. prohibit discrimination on the hasis ofrace. con or, national origin, sex. religion, age, disability, inn4ecd EdInglish q„nrcndiciency, or ecoinonnic statues in connection with pnnrograurns and a6vities rcceiving federal financial assistance from FEMA. 'The D14S Standard Terms and Conditions include a fuller dust c:nf'tile civil rights provisions ¢hat apply to recipients. These: ternns and conditions can bc- found in the DHS Standard Te s and Conditions. Additional information on civill rdghts provisions is available at httt)s://www.fema.P-ov/about/offices/eaual-rights. Monitoring and oversight requirements in connection with recipient comp hance with federal civil rights laws airs also authorized pursuant to 44 t.. ,F, , Part fe cv EH111('70iirrrpliarrce s a federal agency, F p A is recpuuire d to consider tpne effects of its actions on the: environment and historic properties to ensure that all activitic s and programs funded by d° l MIA, incluucding grant -funded projects, compvre4h federal l:=wHP laws, Executive Orders, regulations, and po icieos, as applicable. Recipients and snubrecip Tents proposhig projects that have the, potential to impact the environment, including, but nrnvat limited to, the cc irnstruictirrn of comaiuraaann ication towers, rrmodificuatious or renovation of existingexisfing buildings, structures, and facilities, Or rrem construction including reprlaceuv lent of facilities, imust paurticiupnate Ire the FEMA Elie" nreviunw prrocess.1][11e p:aHP review process involves the submission ofa detailed project description along with any supporting tinng documentation requested by Ip`p°;MA in order to determine whether the proposed proroJect has the ppotentlal to irnpnact eunvironrnental resources or, historic properties. In some cases, p° IVIA is also required to c ornsnult with other regulatory agencies and the public in order to complete the review process, Federal law requires l:'nil III' review to be completed before federal funds aii•e released to carry out proposed pnrQjccts. FEMA may not be able to tarncd pnrojccts that are not incor np:rliance with applicable EHP laws, Execuutuve Orders, regulations, arid policies. DHS and FEMA EFIP policy is found in directives and instructions available can the ' + the d°EMA vwebsite page that includes documents rcpmgar ding p=.d.pp1 responsibilities nsibilities and program requirements., incluu& ng implementation of tine;: National Environmental Policy Act and other EIP regulations and Executive Orders, The fapID Ep...pP scree,nind form is locatend at k.4://�..�..........�• ,,ow1.g .►a- bra�p§EeV octs90195. A citionalpy, all recipients under this furdin npwnrturity�nare required tv ccxply With the NotQ�D EH? Policy Guidance, FTMA Policy dd108-0123- 1, available at u/ , ,. m; & UmOt 17 6,e prep HSG 11 lfduO 13acto thTo Agreement No. 6545 EXI flM"TF 50 NIMS Imildententation In expending funds Under this program. recipients that are state, local, tribal, or territorial gove rn rne tits inust ensure and maintain adoption and hnplementafion of NIMS. "fine state, local, tribal. or territorial government inust show adoption of'NIMS during any point of tine period of'perfoinnance. The fis( of'obJectives used for progress and achievernent reporting is at h(tps://www, fem a,gov/ein ergency-ni anagers/n i ms/i in plem ental ion ­trai n u ng � Emergency nianagement and incident response activities require careffifly inanaged resources (personnel, learns, facilities, equlpment, and/or supplies) to meet incident needs. L)sing standardized rc,source managernent concepts such as typiing, credentialing, and invenaorying, Promote a s1r(..)ng national rnutuM aid capability needed to support defivery of core capabilities. Additional information on resource rnanagement, NIMS resouirce typing definitions,job fitles, and position qUalifiCatiOrIS is oil FEMA's webrit e at https-//www.fema.p-ov/eme[g,egnngyt-:mMAannl&Ua/�i /cra _ n ts,. FEMA developed the National Incident Management Svs1ern Guideline fort National Quakift Iton. ' acm to describe national credentialing standards and to provide written guidance regarding the use ofthose standards, This guidefinc describes crcknflaling and typing processes and identifies tools whicli Federal Eliner-gency Response Officials and emergency managers at all levels of government may use both routinely and to flacilitate muftkiurisdictional coordinated responses, Although state, local, tribal, and private sector partners (including nongovernmental organizations) are not required to credenflal their personnel in accordance with these gifidelines, FEMIA strongly encourages them to do so to ley " erage the f�detral investment in the Federal Infort'nation Processing Standards 201 finfi-astructure and to facilitate interoperabMty for personnel deployed outside their horne jurisdiction. Additional information about NUMS in general is available at e. Fnaergency Comnsunkatimis Investineitts If an entity uses HSGP funding to supporl ernergency COMM till icat ions investments, the following requirenlents shall apply to all such grant -funded communications investments in SUPI)OW"I Of tile enter" corni-maidcations priorities arid recognized best practices: The signatory authority for the SAA must certify in writing to DHS/1FE.`.MA, their Cornplim-1ce With the SA),"'ECOAJ Guie.1ance, The certification letter should tx coordinated with the SWIC for each state and must be uj,,,.)loadcd to ND Grants at thc time of the first Prograrn Perfornialice Report (PPR) submission. All states and terdto6es must designate a full -tinge SWIC who has the aUthority and resourccs to actively improve 4llerojx-rability with einergency management and response agencies across all IeMs of" govern rywrit, to include establishing stateMde plans, policies, and procedUtVs, and coordinating decisions oil cornrn un icat ions investments funded through federal grants. Note that the designated full flrne SWIC nlay also be the state's or territory's cyLwrsecurhy point of contact. SWIC' status IFY 2021. HSCT NOFO Back to the Top Agreement No. 6545 EXI-18FT F 5l rinflonnalion will be mainWncd by CISA and wHI be Yerified HEMA GPD Through programmatic inonitoring activities. By the period of'performance end date, all states and territories must updale the SCII-1. with a fbcus on connmunicafions resihencefconfinuity. to include assessniem and rnifigation ofall potential risks identified in the SLIP: natural disasters. accidental darnage (hUlTlan fiadures), intentional dainage (sabotage, terrodsm). cybersecurity, e1c. Following the initial update, the SCIP'should be updated on an arinual basis, SCIIII status inforination MH be maintained by CISA and wW be verified t)y F-IMA (3PD through prograimmatic rnonitoring activifics. All states and territories must test ffieir ernergency coniMLIfflcations capabiiifies alrid procedures (as oudined in their operational conimunications plans) hi conjunction with regularly planned exercises (scparate,laddifion einergency corn in un i cations exercises are not required) an(.] inust submit an Aftx.,¢r Action Repon./hnprovenient Plan (AAWIP), to the Flon'reland SCCUlity II-xcivise and Evaluation Program's (I ]SEEIP) electironic, rnessage inbox at D bCCgAftMMW_ within 90 days of"exercise completion, Exercises shoWd 1.,)e used to boffi demonstrate and validate skills learned in training and to identify gaps in capabilities. Resilience and continuity of coinnunflcations should be tested during trainir% and exer6ses to ttw greatest extent possible, Furthcr, exercises should inclUde participants from muldple jurisdictions, disciplines, and levels of'government and includc emergency management, emer-gency fnedical services, law criforcement, interoperability coordinators, public health officials, hospital officials, officials frona colleges and IrIlliversuies, and other discip,A4ies and private sector, entities, as appropriate, Findings from exercises shoWd be used to update programs to address gaps in emergency corn m un icat ions as well as crnerging tech nologics, policies, and partners. IlteoWipnieints are erucourap .,Ld to increase awar6nes4.s aind availability of' emergcncy counmunications exercise opportunities across kfll levels of government. States, territories, and other efigiWe- grant recipients are advised that I iSGP Funding may be used to support communications planning (including the cost off 1flring a SWIC, pancipafion in governance bodies and T-e(Uirernenls delineated above), training, exercises, and equipment costs. Costs fior transitioning to the FirstNet network may also be efigH31c. More infionnation regarding FirstNet cart be found in the Prenaredness Grants Manual, 4. Reporting Recipients are required to subinit various fimancial and programmatic reporis as a condition of award acceptance, Future awards and Funds drawdown may be wiWield ifthese reports are delinquent, See the Prenare dness Grants Manual for inibrynation on repoiling requirements, as miell as the above section, "Ernergcncy CorninUtIiCafiOTIS Invcstments," specific reporfirij,; requirernents flor emergency coannunications investments. 5. Monitoring arld Oversigjlit Ilex, 2 CY.R- § 200.337, FIm MA. through its authorized reppresentatsves, has the right, at aH reasonable times, to make site visits or conduct desk reviews to review project accompfishrrients and managernent control systems to mview award progress and to provide- IFY 2021 IISGP'NOFO Back t2_Lhe To2 Agreement No. 6545 EXHU17 F 52 Bann y rcquh.ed technical assistance. 1)uring site visits or desk reviews, FEMA m Hl reviev� recipuents" files reiated to the award. As part of any monatoring and program evaluation aclivifies, recipients niust pennit FEW, upon reasonable noticc, to rcvcw grant -re records and to hiterview fl-we organizadon's staff and contractors regarding the prograrn. Rexip➢cnts must respond ➢n as firnely and accurate inanner to FEMA requests l'br htfortinatlon relating to the award, See the Preparedness Grants Manual fin infiorinaflon on tnon4oring and oversight, G. DHS Awairdin, . A&en�' 'onlact Information &_.. 11--l—I.—.1 .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . If. FonZact aind Resource Information a. Prograpps Of ./lee C"onfact FEMA has assigned slate-spe6fic Preparedness Officers fin- the HSGP. If you do not know your Preparcdness Offs ,e r, please contact CSI D by phonc at (80,0) 368-6498 or by email at a*jkp$i , L&LeLna dbsMy,, Monday through l-'riday, 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM E71' 1l). (,entral'ized.S(,,)ieeittlipyjxand Inf6rotation Desk (Ca /D) CSH) is as non-eniergem:y cornprefiensive management and infionnaflon resource developed by FEMA fbr grants stakeholders, CSID pi ovWes general information on all FEIAA grant programs and maintains as compivhiensive database containing key personnel contaci inibrmation at the federal, state, and pocal lcvc1s. When necessary, recipients will be directed to as fbderal point ofcontact who can answer specific prograrnmatic questions or conceirns. CSID can be reached by phone at (800) 368-6498 or by e .niail at bm"Al AM-Aklapy, Monday through Friday, 9 AM 5 PM c. GPAD A ward Adinieristradon Division (AID's Award Adminisiration 1.)6vision (AAD) provides support regarding Financial inatters and budgetary technical assistance, Additional guidance and inf6rrnafion can be obtained by contacl ing the AA 13's I lei 1p [)esk via e-mail at A ASK-Q Q ISMI&Lv jd& h_§_ _,. d. P'qual Rights 'I"he 1--PAA Office of Equal Rights (OER) ls responspble For compliance with and enforcement of" Weiral civH rights obligations in connecdon with prograrns and serry°es conducted by 11"EMA and recipients off` FEMA financial assistaince. All inquiries and corninunications abcwa fedcral civH rights compliance fbr FE"."MA grants under this NOFO should be sent to EE:M e. P,'Pivio-onmental Planning and Historic Preservation GIPD's 1.:IHP]'earn 1',novides guidance and information about the EHP review process to recipients and subrecip➢ents. All inquiries and convinunicalions about GP D proJects under this NOFC, or the [,.1411 rcvcw process, iriOuding the submittal of ETAP review niaterials, should be sent io FV 20,21 HSG P NOIZO Back t2jhe Tot Agreement No. 6545 EX14 I B FT F 53 2. Systems Inl6renotion Ell. Grants.gov For technical assistance with Grants.gov,, call the customer suppori hotknc 24 hours rwr day, 7 days per week (except federal holidays) at (800) 5 18- 4726 or email at WV2QAA1Mn1LV,Y- Non--Disasfey- (ND) Grants For technical assisunce with the ND Grantssystern., please contact the ND Grants I Wpdesk at or (800) 8654076. Monday Ili rough Friday, 9:00 A. M 6:00PMET, User resources are avadable at 0jzL-/LVMWJ' ZVISER V.PWA1191-AMM/192-Ai M-LCL Mull-AAMMU1,175YACM c. PtiPtitent and Rej)orting V)wejn (PA RS) ITMA uses ihePa jment and Regorfinj System LPARS) for financial reporfing, invoicing, and uacUig payments, ITMA. uses the Direct Deposit/Electrunic FundsTransf" r (INDIFT'll') nielhod ofpaymenl to recipients,'Fo einroH in the DD/EFT, recipients must complete as Standard Form I I 99A, Direct Deryjsit Ir orni. Ifyou have questions bout the online systeirn, please call the Customer Service Center at (866) 927-5646 or rnail a. k- d. �v stents In aMfion to ND Grants, the fbllovvling information systerns are used for the submission (.-)f required reports: GIRT: Inl"brination on the GRT can be flotind in the Prqvq mdnessQr;k"tsMAnYa-11. Unified ReportingTocap (1JR'F)- friforination on the UR.Tcan be found in the PreDaredness Grants Manual. H. Additional lisformatiomm 'F, F i.`5 h i ; . .. .. .. .. .. d e v—eloped the Preparedness Grants Manual to guiWe applicants arid recipients of grant funding on how to inanage flicir grants and other resources. Recipients seeking guidance on policies and procedures for managing preparedness grants shouid reference the Preparedness Grants Manual fbr flarther iwifbrmadon, Examples ofirifionnation contained in the inchj& * Actions to Address Noncompliance * Audits * Case Studies and t Jse of'Grant-FUnded Resourclles During Real -World Incident Opc:rafions * Cominunhy LiMines * (.onflicts of Interest in the Administration of Federal Awards and Subawards * DisabHily Integration * NafionM Incident Management System * Payment Information * Period of'Perfi)TITiance E-,xtenSiO11S * Procurement Integrity FY 2021 HSGP NUFO Back tg_Lhe To2 Agreement No. 6545 EM-UMT F 54 * Record Retent ion * Whole Community Preparedness * Other Post -Award Reqtfirerneras Ter-ininatioii,iii 111'rovisions FEMA may tenninaic as feder'M award 41 whole or in part For one of lie fbilowing reasons. FEMA and the recipient musl still corriply with closeout requirements at 2 CER. §§ 200.344-200,345 even ifan award is terTninated in whole or in part. 'ro aiie exterst diiat subawards are JXTITlitted under this NOFO, pass. -through entities should refer to 2 (",ER. § 200.340 for additional infbrrnadon on termination r-egarding subawards. a. Nijuicompliance If a recipient fails to comply vOth the tefins and conditions ol'a federal award. FEMA may tern-tinale the award in whole or in pail, If the noncornifflance cain be corrected, FEMA inay first aftnipt to cfircct the recipient to correct the noncompliance, This may take the Form ol'a Cornpliance Notification. If the noncompliaricc cannot ix corrected or the recipient is non- rcsponsive, FEMA Tnay procee-d with a Rernedy Notification, which could impose as rernedy fcir noncompliance per 2 C1.11, § 2001.339, including termination, Any action to tenninate based on rioncornpliance will fbilow the requirements of 2 CJ-. §§ 200341-200,342 as well as the requirement (.)f'2 C.F.R. § 200,340(c) to report in FAMIS ffic recipient's inalerial faili.lr'C' to comply wiffi [tic award lerms and conditions. See also the section on Actions to Address Noncompliance in this 190170 or in the Preparedness Grants Manual, 1). With Me Consent of the Recipient FEMA may also terminate an award in whole or in part with the consent ofthe recipient, irs which case the parties must af.: , ' ree upon the termination conditions, including the effective date. and in the case of partial (crmination, the pwion to be terminated. c. Nottrication by the Recipient T'he recipient rnay terminate the award, iin whole or in part, by sending written notification to FEMA setting forth the reasons for such tcnrinafion, the effective date, and in the case of partial tern'lination, the portion to be tenninated. In the case of partial terrnirmtion, FEMA may determine that a partlafly terminated award will not accornplish the purl:-)ose of1he federal award, so FEMA may ters-ninate the award in its enfirety, Ifthat occurs, FEMA will follow the requirements of 2 CY,K, §§ 200.341-2001.342 in dc6ding to ftslly terminate the award. 2. Period ofTerformance Extensions Extensions to the period ol"pertbrnimnce (POP) ibr this prograrn are allowed. EAtensions to the K)P identified in the award will ordy be considered through fors'nal, written requests to the recipient's FTMA Preparedness Officer and must contain specific and compelling justificalions as to why an cxtension is reqLdred. Recipients are advised to coordinate with the FlEMA Preparr.dness Officer as needed when preparing an extension request. Please see the ftPOr4VM5(QE9A[§.,MA9d fOr "'OrC,iT)ft-)f7nafiO11"- FY 2021 ]ltSGP NOFO B-n;KtQ-hh;,T-Qg Agreement No. 6545 I OS ANGEl ES COLM'FYIDEPAR"I MEI�NT ()FER WIARIIIIIIIID SERVICES [MVISIC''M GRANT PAYMENT REXILIEs IIr Rome %ubmOg (3'nvil PsyrrreM Request Fvm Momg m1h jaab�j supporbq documenIs to 1, Grant Nerne & Year fi[Lqts@a ditor.lacounty.gov Nn the evenl e orw is ncilavog all %e ym can vrm4 your Gwint payinent rupiest to (pCesse do Ywl fitx or sevird dupkates) Depaotment of AirqfitC�r CvitcollRev Shared Svvices Vvision I Atbii G�xql, Uniii 3470 Washike Wvd , Sufte 812 LOS MiMes CA 90010 IMMI 4, EPOI vequired? S. PUR(WME I 5, VENDOR'S NVOICE 6 Qfinchjdkig Tw 7,011 A:wwPM �eq 77 is g 011 22PW 4MaKpinum Of 5 hIVOIC01) AM()k)N F piwvtAn WWWAte 0" Yes Iff Coe IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllgoiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Coml wpv� per each �nql No h0cato OW 0 of ONA Wacb Iva 0 MW ........... ...... ...... ........................................................................................................ . ....................................................... . ... ... ........ . . . ........ . ......................................... — — .... .. . ....... ..... ......................... ... ... ... ................. ................... ........ . ................................... ............................................................................................ . . ............... . coldy t1hM (pWaSe ulm Ow OVANm) I � alin the IdAy RuallonnWafficaUr fk� the darnmvk �mrem ani ins cuin iis , rvoecA in* wid czvect Xf expwld4ures were enads qn WAveJainvIrMh apprKzWe Wres eiAes wiraSTAMP AM tt H RECEIVED DATE HERE ZMAMV05 2uums lof Mis ron" were Vt)1p4povod dmd ag tavp stippixM9 ckX�pimlman, %PqXr mvrHcbIW[S),s OW,AN mmAvdaA -Or 0* c9aen I . .. . ..... . ............ MP9"HOR11210 VGNAWRE MIG R Re ON k V 0 T 0 N AOA E Au mao w 2 1 on pi i E AU V 11 IORiZ ED com rAC V WFOR MA ir c", ON dMers at Inafn Seefic n BASSIGNEEP WOME No Pil ONE 0 E44AUILI I'l'l""II"II"II"II"II"II"II"�Im'l"II"II "I "1 11 1� "I I 1 11 .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . ... . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . "I s Mteriftg for hu,iternal 55ID rev Ww purrmse Re,Ased ow, Dpxenfllo , 2019 Page 1 of 14 Agreement No. 6545 EXI-181"T G C.OUNTY OF LOS ANGELES DEPARTMENIT OF AUMFOR-CONIROILLER / SHARED SERViCES D[l AW .............. Purpose of these instructiorm To asmst sub-mapierits win con-Ipiehng the Grant Payment Request We apprec ate your partmipatiort in this pvoqrarTw kir quesUons or suggestions please use our e-vmi bellow to contact us Please do not send the Instrucgovis to us, they are to be used for your, guldaince only. In nunweral I of Ms sechon phease winlar, the name awl year of the gilant program that you are submittilirg for payment. in addiflon p ease l us e)qw,(Me fire P(O(*Ss of your Homeland Security cims by * Canwinlefing the Grant payment request correctly and according to these instructions * Submitting your Grant l re quest usling our e-oriad --> Graiits(tpauditor.lau.ounty.94,mv (please do not fax documents) * Sending ym Gralnl payinent retiluest ofilly once (we dot's 110t M%fli"O Oriqinali dorannents arul dupficates wlfl slow dowrl our process) a, Usmnig 1he dhecritinxes to einsdire ail Hie vequilired suppodling docunlevas and fles mromicany your Gaunt l request Supportring docunwints are flaqqed for your convenience with as checkbox w0lin the coilreMmOng areas a Ensuring trial air documents attached to youi Grant payment rptatmsts awe * l5irmbinliting Grant paywTievil refJUOSt firnewy We do not quarantee the prooess of Giarn payment requests that ave subirriltried late or h)o cl, to Wre finall due date Rewrl expend4hires need to be charged vvdlhin the perfomance period of the giant and sublivililted to us as soon as 9my awe 1nC1UllvE-%J Ttm foillowing nuunerals provide the irmtructions to IN in the corresponffing numeralt in Vie form 1. Please emler the nairre of the agency requesting frx, payment 'The nairne of the agency shoiukl be typed accmrdmg to wis signed agireernerit and as you need of to appear in the payee line of the rpirnbutseffient check 2'r Pkmse enter Owa covinprele address (street ourrftr and rimne city, ziip code) and attention fire whelie you willi need to recerve the well rierneint check, Please note that this is l nermsary for L A County delirartnients, 3. Please enter Oil tax lD of the gavernrnenlW enfily requestrig payirnent Pl1weise weave Icmtaamnk for L A. County departments, 4. il enter the kifornation of the pewson ll can assist rai vvith detalt cialim quesfions, tam order to expedite your Grwif pal request, in this wea's 9fid, incllude a . ... ... .... . . ...... T tie invoices oi cheiges med to sh;�me 11he same soluliwan afea, pivoject The IoNowlng nurnerais provtde t1wre histructions to fifl pro the corresponding nurnerar in the forau C Enter the sowril area corres;mridirig to the ellsim. This, inforenation is found lit the West l of the grant, Examples Of SOL115on areas are equiputient, trairwing, ptanriing rx exeicise, 2. Enlem the project # coviresponding to the clatm, Tbis Wormation is found rrw the West budget of the grant- An exam& of Itern # iis 17 020 C Cirl an X taxlef ether yes of no accor4fing to the dairvi's Environmental & l-fislovlcA Pfem,vahon (EHP) requirements fforn ft Stale EHP approval wreeds to be oblaiirkrd frowin the Slate pELgr to the start of the pyirtect. or, certain equil Ream (set, AEL. descofptton) rcr tfawq ill rujuaxercilse projects, Please attaclI the fowkwong: a) State, EMP Approval: if requIred by the state foir your daim 113i.miled on VU20120 91,a Page' 2 of 14 Agreement No. 6545 EXHierr G . . ... . ....... . . . ................ . ... .. . ............. .................................... . ...... ....... .. S. if the experviOures that you are ciaiuning werry purchased Chigirr a verodar no, corilraclor, please enter the vwome 0 or; the gird area Phease, rrote O,ial you sire resporgreltige for forkwring ac(mlptabie purrhasing IlYueaisres arid (of dixroosenhiog your procurergaint pforeoss Afthoinallry pWase inckjole fine firflowing docurnentaflorr wfth your rlaigrrit: ,: ) [ "] c' g a opy of towe mvoicgn� reease ansch an uivowe thal prowles suffk,,kwrol infouration to bi: used as a cross refenrence w llr� hm Owns ftscOhed in your grant line i1rcoo aiirid AEL #. WIrren Uoe� grwogo- �irichides Regrogo UeR are inot being dainuxJ or that beflong to different clWats or gjr&lts please circOrr and designale ori the invoice the iterns that you are reque.stirig for regirsbuirsaineigol Eadh dmri cocied gnust have a Piroject #, a fijindiing vxNce, and a toltd, Purcrase ordi and proe quotes wtilg ri be auc cepled 0 the pgace of Die mvgxce b) El Copy of the purchose Order C) Pritnt out of the corresporrdhtgg AUL. N (Authorized Eliquiiiinnerst Ust number), I'lim AEq lmlirwj cairr t)e found at' hilps 11%now fr(b,us/fema_g(avns chin d) Urroof of payment of the inwokw 't he proch of payrw it for [..A Courity I)eicarhnenhr a Iltie groultrut ii e,,CAPS stigovang that the Omsk claiared the bass The proof of payrrmirtl for atheir tharg 1. A. County DrIgellre'rooril is the (*riresjxrirwJnT copy of the bank's cleared cirech, e) 0 Caicoilailions Irgir use tax PaW When use tax is paid, cgearry show fire calculations of the use tax n the nrvoir/a mciuded n your cistim 1) M Proof of Ippayrinemnt of the use tax: ReEme pirrvicin offic011 documents which authenficate the reirrigillan(or of the use tax to Pre state, Ilhe arriounland Ore reffirence to Pre invoilce being clakned, Federal Efebarrigrent I,AsVnqr FlWase provide a screen thdrol tnA of the queried F:Werrar RXIbarrineirl Ustong at (You Wilt need as usernarne and a password; if ymp don't poease create an account) 'Fw fistiing needs to bqo fitonted gdgl to the setectiorg of tire vendor if ym.ii are cliairring serviices, supphes, hi'ainirig r0aled costs, or ainy Wher lygyp of rRoirvib pug chaserri loginj a vendor oir contractor or governmient agency, irkpase suficatewith an X the method that you used to acquire Ure olerns ((kongtj Jeave blank or mark irrigate than one) PWase note that competiolive ted, rnrrru r.crgrmtrr.tottwe bid or scorer sour(;e are Ore ono y vafid du irchasging agethods, a) 0 Coffirpefitive Bid. far projects that received more titan oirie blid. Please indicate nurnter of bids rer*Wod (must be unare llhan ore) b) �j Non-CornpefifiveElks aleoch the appirawag frorn thelPate. 'rhe approvar needs to be requested frown the Stale 262! tO the stal of the prcjecl. C) E ........... I Sole Sgturce� for inon-bid reAtolmses of $250,000 or more eflemlive (June 21, 2018) to a shooe vendor or a songie project, ipkease aflach Ure approvar froror the Slale. The appfuivat needs to be requested from the State ItCjgL to the Mani of the project 7, lEnter Ow. arnount of yora cwgrn aMo you vents Wat your buidgel !is sufficii to cover yow mliggreA Whewn the aisouirit of the btglgel ms not sufficent p,iease get your Prttfliarro Coordinator know of the poss.RAe need for budget rnodificalious. 8. Enter the "Tolar Amount" by arOrgot thine sublotat chfirs oni !in each prod. 11M togloworog Trulnelals Provilde throe iristructions to fflt in the corresponding numesal No the lorrgo. I , P"Wase read and cheek Uw box provkJed if yrou are an authorized signor. I Pitntoe read and chreck the box proMed if you are an mAlroonzed sognor, 3. P'llogase wgn tire Grairil paygrgerit re(I"oul 4 you are an aulhorized slig nor of youragency, 4 & Wirmirg the aulhorroed person is the same gis the Contactnr po in Section 8 Von do nof rreed to eirglew Ow aulhonzed conlarn rinforni ff tirej�fjrt 6, wthorized persoin and Pre conlacl person in Section B are cifflerent, piiease enter Mi the fidds no tints area as requested, fki;Msed on 1142W2011 7 Page 3 of 14 Agreement No. 6545 EM Mff G fL)r Equl1rrvtnfuff�IL i�Mfi a) EiQuilivisvervit krventory L Ming (Print out & Excel F'fle), Please nchsde bolh #he printiout of Owe hsting and ihe coryesprindmq excer filit wiflir yourcharrn 1"he axr* he is tomd it) suiere your r1airn with the slate and vies Vxintout as backup docuirmeal Rx audits ifthere isnosalW# for tiorAT equipment please assgn a vNid H) tag, or wnte "Con%mvab e' Of it applies) or white NIA, pileaser do NOI leave the corresponding space bWnk e.....A.92....il!tl! 19! ft U!221EMg!krns fro EgWp, Luffealgly AdOlirrmAty gcoase entef ilim appireprvale CI RNE Mission (Ciremica�, 8r)kx4ica$,, RadlOogical, Nuciew', (or ExlptorJvio in the coluinn filled You need to inforni us of arly changes on the itervits above ', 'rhiisaippoiestoeaciiiplecoofiuqulpnierrtado!ledii,ttlielnvm,ntr!)IlY"Y Lisfirig, Indhodilng wheri the Reiri are disposed andifor no longer useful. We wffl update the irri h"wevirlory IHotiing (per,, grant recithrieriterit) according to the information you gWe us, Please make sure that you invichAde all the affrachurents that aorta noweessary to provide us with the requested inforinaflan. a) [D State Sole Smurce Approval- f you are craiiiiniht; trahirnig related costs thru a Non Competitive M our Sokt Sciuvoe tvaOrrig provider, regai(fless the purctimseid amoiri prey war allach Rive. Slate's allaxoval (effective I)e(*ff ibe6 03, 2018). The approvM needs to ble requested from Iii've Slate pyror to Vie Mart of the project, h) [ ...... .. . .... � 91tvate-S"ponsored Training Rermeting Form (with the tracking request 0), Reas(!r add Uhs forrn alloing With the rrahibig Request Forivir i'ranirngOfficer(R)C) whr,,iry yo u rornplinted at the wribsile, to Ore c atrn's backup docurnentation All the backup docurnerilafion suhinitled for the timiung ch'urn nPeds 10 agree whh Vie trakiiing rreriod and the rtelaEt descAption on the'Y'rarnring Rermurng Foirin and the the Rem of lheGrairt Tnomnig requesIVs nvust be obt6ned from the State ity'liu, to the rhad of the project, Recerpts and paid lrvvolceio please mdurte the complete copy of the ferreaft and paid irivorces with your tines m for Remized vxAs Such as avpWnie flickti reviler stays, vilStfuctaii's fees, vrwkshop coal, facri fees, consuDing serviices, etc. AdchboinaRy, you wM ineed In include Ow docurrients requested in 5 under 'Seelkin C, H you an,, including p4?mtwrvne1 cost YAth youi trainirng (Aarm, pteace add the following: rJ) El Personnel L ist (Privit ovirt 8, IlExcer Fire): Please incrude both the ltighlmri of the livi and the coviespondung exc(A Me with your c6ari The excel file ar used to subwriit yoto (Aaiiirii with trie stale and the pli as backup do currient for audits, e) Docurvivenu; that cortify connpWilkn of the trahrhng6 pkaase attach suppoirviii'vig documents that vi tir? (,,less nairrie, dales of t6virung, # of routs of line travrvivwcy cass, punted awrtavv and slginatrue of hidividuall lakft line dass and appravW slgfw1ure ftom supervisor of trainer (attach Vie information fair backfiflied positrairisalso), Exaiinpiles of docurnents thal Cerfity cairriple bon of trMning are: 0 Atterialance sheeiis (srcilned by eri arid rinstructor) 0 3lign in streets (swrviv� as li 9 S 1igned trakung wtificales, ft Summartir I kding of Charqes� FIlease use the Trairilng Summary Shoot forrin provnJed in thiis d1sifirr padiet that clearly ,hobs the breakdown of the haining charges 54,v e4rrployee and livat aratch the total clahned Trns forin includes the followirigefri&yee name, assignorent, job Me, dato, salary, hours claiirned, veguiar irate, overtfisie rale, evinployee berrefris rate, c1lairn arri ppr ernproyea, crear caiicuWfions rof arrouirit clailined pear varployee and lolal (equav to the arrvirunt chair ed) PWase ensuro that the'rrairring Summary Sheet is veflfiedlapproved by an authodzed Mgnatory, with printed name and tifle, and dii wackup fin, the Benefits Ratw! U you are adding beri to ymrr claim, please rnake sure that yoiu inchide Ore offli cWtaAafion for fine vale used, tn) J rimecards- WAtAde as printotid of the correspondring firneCaiyrft Maraiiaii tinecards need to indicate Ore # of i chaliged per day to the grant, sulreMsor's Mgrature, ernployee naare arxi sligriature, Automatic systanir geneialed fiTnecards need to im appivoyed aryJ InchAde the nairre of the empioyee avol hours charged per day to Itie, grant, EwcsheiA, payroll fegslev, etc.) includes binekeephq rode preai ptorkiea Pvvvvt�)UJWflnJnodew When the supporfing docurrientaticrin (firne II'xpelpngf' explanation of the usage as dellafleid as irossiUe Revisedon 1112MO17 F-lage 4 of 14 Agreement No. 6545 EXII ilM I C , ; D El Payroll regiister. rhe payroli reg�ster needs to deady wilip(M afxl explain thoamount clalmrsd per ernployee, It also nc:�eds qo onow tire sMary, hourly rate, employee bermfits and overfirne rate Ik) ['j Ultoeter of backliMed poskiosm When you are cki4rdng overfirne (Or a IpayrdkfOred 11mrNm, please allach Vie isackfillIed roster to your (hrurn 'I he roster rieeds QD kirdlude 11he n mne of the backtHlIng employpes, an short deac6plon of drAles, performed, the correstxxhimg employee w1hose d0ors were covered and the dates accordingly, t3lease vneke sure that Pre roster is sl9red and O"rat you Inchide documentation Col,responding to Me renpicryes covered by the backfiftig rarsliion, Deliverable (or finW prvduct); Mase Include w0h your clarmi tho final product of tho plialr6ing activily (ad efivor&e) that was iderifified m the grant award b) Signed Certificate of Coarplefiour Me crofificale of compleflon can be an eirusl coirifirming that Oie plannIng activity was completed r") Involcm U youir Ipllannning cahn Om;kxfes charges invoiced by vent�Wrs, please see reclumernetills and docurnents yrm need to antach to your clairn lonn un(fisr Sechon C (nurneW 5 and numerai 6) d) Surnporting Documentation for PersonrrO Coat� When your plannOg clairn tndir�des persorriver cost, please seed) to I) undeir Imrang (;Wrn (supporfing docurnenirs neOvd) and add to the documentation, a) Flrisol of State Approva0 of After Acflorr Repoit JAAR)� In order for yow MR to be, approved you have Ul subtrhit It to tllm ShAte uvire; the QDF� NON (see link belm), wilhin 90 days after carnpOeUon r,)f Hiie erreverse. You need to nofify the Stale when the AAR Is upinaded so they can Whoa sae with the approvM pawnsss. hitp� ';:/Arai� Ba:)p,dliii.()o,v/l)F,,IIS,,,-SSC)I b) Invoims: H yow exercise claim iricludits lnvotced by vendors pIearre sei) requvernents end dmiments you need Oa attach lo your (�IaOi form under Section C (nurneeM If arsi aura'nevM 6) c) su;lporllng Documentatlon for Peirsoinn,O Cr st� When yom exon.,Ise cham Includes personner cost, laease seed) IoQ under firoming Cralrn (supNxtIng doctnmnts needed) and add io the ftmrrentafion, f2l: 2ESEDITIMSM M 012MR 11) Ang 9) Otfti ay id ad' Page 5 of 14 F:Nvised on 1 V2012017 Agreement No. 6545 ORMOV WhM W8,JU 0111jr, KII: OAU CMPCM� X—lKwah AaPOIA, P61, GRANT MIMOCNINMTING ath. KID of 4: ­0 P"'Womw pl! 41, Kmkq ffinol, Paul:M* 941. (.fi • MwA0.ft,,, Wor0k,"I ffiam� Flag 6 of 14 Agreement No. 6545 Equipment Inventouy i istirkg Proxedures for C;omphIftion OBJECTIVE. 'ro Iprowde arm equipmevil inveirriory hsfing that t rwks 11he State FlorneW"id Se curdy Workbook, to the E,'(ItAprnent I edger and lo the Eq0prinent � Virg to siirinp� fy the tracidng and amountabi Ry and to efinitnate ckgAicafion and confusion Prom (1) Grant Narne SHF;5:::' or EIMPG (2) Sub-4lec,pient Narne of your agency (3) [)ate of Fleport EMU,, report cornpMed (1) (4) Grant Year Grant Year of fuwJs used to pumhase e(Impirnent (5) Ra ecl # Projecl NeMjb(.ff (from Ch ant Workbook Pro,ect Sheetsj (7) Aar L No Authorized Equp Ill rsfing No (fjr)rTr (aant Workbrx)k) (0) Descrilotron Desmptmn of the equpment (9) SerWl # or Other rD # SertM # oi the Oenbf calion # tned (10) salecor" cnnslu t M oul. ether by Yes, No or NIA (11) Source of Property Fuvr&g sourrk, r e SHSP, EMPG, etc (12) 1UMe m011deir Narne (rf agency ((RyMepairlrnaird) (13) Vemdor Nairne Narne of the vendor (14) Weitioe 14tinatreir hvv6ce nurrdx,ir (15) Acquilskion Efate I)ate equipirnent acqOred (16) ftpuiwlroru Clost Cost of the ndmduall equ4irnent devn (17) 'Yo of Fed Part Fed parbicipation n Che mst of equiprient (18) LoCaVour lxmboin of equtpment (19) Use & CondMon Use & condftion (2) (20) [Asposibon data Date of disposilmi (21) SMe P0,k) Shea pfta,, It appficaNe, or INIA for, nol appNKzble The EqOprineint Mvenl*ry Usfin( g rnggq be r,,x)rrrpleled M ils entOvely to vneel th(: objerarve of the forrn N ole, (1 ) 'rNs dMe shloukl be the dale ft physur;M rnventory of equprnent was to and the re suhs qeconrAed wfth the f:�qOprnent records (at Beast cincol every Wo yews) (2) llnftate: N = Newil [)qAoyed, 0 = Out of Servk*, L = Lost & S :� Stolen llgln�pNAionl Eopy fmntwned 4n sub reeftrwril Me Colpy forwarded to Shaied Servk*s Drvir"ain Page 7 of 14 Agreement No. 6545 sm"Maw TraWnq Surnmary sheet JwlsdicUon lgmw Tminhig ProAder OHS Approved Course Mc Non-5LCPCP course intle & 0HSTrackMg No. (imquues prp-appmvW thru OEM) Date of Come; Cliassi E-Aerdse Duirafionfflouw ------------ "',","'d (,qp"""' EMMMM Agreement No. 6545 EXIIIRR� G Aiwcpw,d by A a,Mndzi.d Sgsahoc 77� �U;� 3�; TT; ........... 51,1; F Mf vv , r 01), rx",M'i Page 9 of �4 Agreement No. 6545 EHIM OWT G Applowid tN Adhowell Siqvilum 777 i e94; D 01 i iAryt,5 O"v. (,X49 1:1age 10 of 14 Agreement No. 6545 E-I'IX110 I G 8. Notes on Personrtell Cost, Pry Lp2wra@co.sts associated wittu, Work perloirmed urn er- contract for as specific defiveirabie DOES tqar COUnt against the personnep cap, however, Work performed Under contract for an undefined period, such as for, personnei costs supporfing operc)flon,70 acUvRies, nnduding geirier, '.11 planning, trainiinq or exercise activifies 00 COUrIt against the IpersonnO cap" and Work perfonmed by ah non-ccnlracloir personnel, including for NH- or F.wrl-firne staff and operationai overthne DO courit against the, personinO cap. The Mlowfing, ex.. raw woulld not count towards..the,.ji rsoqnq,�,S Vendor instaHafion of a radio lower" Veindor training on new eqkApment purchased; ContraCIror hired to create ari Emergency Operations FIan" Contractor hired to provide defiveiNes of IICS 400; arid Contractor hired to assW with plannirig, trainfing, evakjafirq, and rqporling the effectiveness of a specffic exeircise, The f0ow'ao exarr count towards h .. .. .. .. .. .. t . .. .. .. .. . 2 RIM20RA Contrac,toir toed to be the State's VVMD trairfing instructor %With no specHic defiverables uradeir contract; Contractor hired to facilitate Unk.Jenfified number of exercises throughout the j.,wrformance period„ Coiritractor paired to be the part -brae auditor of I iorneland Sec urfty Grants throughout the year" and Contractor hired to be are prdeihgence analyst. Agreement No. 6545 EXHOT ("i CALIFORNIA GOVERNOR'S 01:11CIH OF EMERGENCY SERMES (CM OB) FMFWA 15a, ZMS Page 12 of 14 Agreement No. 6545 FMFW v I Isa - 2015 Pzqje 13 of 14 Agreement No. 6545 Exiiia'ir G I M )Y , L Via , 20 li!!:� Page 14 of 14 Agreement No. 6545 SAMPL111E,1 C0III DY Subrecipient Monitoring histrument PROJECUUT'LE Subrecipient Monitoring �nstrument Los Angeles County State Horneiand Security Progirarn Monitoring Reports A, FINANCIAL REPORTM REQUIREMEN'rs Q! 9 2 C. Liv 2 To determine that the Subrecipierst implemented corrective dion to address findings noted in fts Siin& Audit Chat is r0ated to the I iom0aind Security Grant. 1. Was a Si ng,,W Aud ft C�OZTWIDpet d for G ra rit Yea Y, 2014- 15 and 201.5-16? 2. [f yes, did the Subrecipient forward a cq,.)y to Owe HorneJand Security Grant Adiministrator (HSGA) by March 301" of the year foflowing the audit? 3, Did the Single Aurift(s) identify findings related to the HonWand Security Grant? ff yes,, pkase confinue, If no, pWse rnark N/A and continue to Sedrion B 4. Did the Subrecipient develop a corrective action plan that addresses the findiing(s)? S. Did the Su brecipient send a copy of a corrective arc Uoin p4n to the HSGA? 6. Did the Suibrecipient knpernent Che corrective action plan? Y.@-.s I.S.O. Cl.lo.,.,w.,.n.lilml.lel.,Tl.li.,.t Page 1 of 11 Agreement No. 6545 EX I MIT I I & TRAINING Qbig AM., To deterrnIne that the'Trarrdng expenditures were appropriatOy doc'uniented and that the actIAtres aligned wfth the prof ect's goals and objectives. If the TrainIng activities invoheed ernp4oyees, determlne If the Subrecipient aipprophately documented the TraWng expenditures using employee timecairds, sign-rin sheets, and certificates of traln4ig. if the Tralning activifies Mvo1ved using consuItants or contractors, determine if the Subrecipient Wowed the approprate piroculerneint procedures to k0e the consultants or contractors, Use Warkshelets 1 and 3 (See Attachrywent E Subredpent Monitoring Worksheets),, Verific�ation Yes NO Comments L Did the SubrecipiIent receive fumfing for Trainng expenditures? If yes, then confinue. If no, confinue to next sectkm, 2" Did the Subredpient receive priorapprovaI frorn the State elthes, via evr4I or otheir docrimentation and did It Inchide the traning course name and ntirnber'? 1 If the"Fr6ninp, expenditures relate to tire useof ernployees, did Oie Subredpient appropriately document uie"rraining expenditures using ernpIoyee finrecards, Mgn-in sheets and certificates of tvainrng? 4. ff'fraiOng exW*ndItures relate to the use of (*oinsjitaiits/coritracftoirs, dW thubrecipient Ulm proper procurement procedures to, Hre the consuttants or contraclors? 5ffid theSubrecipent accurately report theTyaoing expendittiFes ln their accou infing records? 6, For Proijects with overtirne expenchtures for TraIning: a, DdiltieSLubrecipievwtirriiiUiintairierv)ployeetiiinecards to appropriatOy document the overfirne expendItuire.,s? Ira, Did the Subrecipient accuratOy report the overtime expenditures in their accounting records? Page 2 of 11 Agreement No. 6545 [B., TRAINING (Continued) Vlerifi...callign 7. F�or,Pu-,cuijectswntpiba(:A(fpplexpenditur,esfor'p'rapFiing� a. Does the Subrecipkmt have documentation that the backf ill expenditures were approved by thee State? b, Did the Subrecipient apjjpropriale� y docurnerAthen backfil expenditures using ernpoyee thnecards and sign-hri sheets? c. Did the Subrecipient accurately report the expenditures in their accounting records? E-i. We,re empk)yee fimecards utifized in"rraWwig activities signed and dated by the empioyee and direct supervisor? 9. Were t lie Tra p ri6 ing experidKui res consistent wfth the State approved fgrant award and/or post award modific:aflon(s)? 10. Ensu re the Subrecp$Aent corrected areas of noncomp4ance that remain outstan&ig and were reported as finftgs fti prior Grant Year monitoring reports submitted by HSGk a� if the Project prior Grant Year monitori ng report fkwding was resolved, exp4ain resolution, and indicate such in the current report as resolved, �b. If the Project prior Grant Year report findinj,, is not resolved, indicate why it has not been res6lved and what the Subrecilpient is doing to resMve the prior year finding '.md inducate such 41 the current report. MOMMMM Xqs� No. C.gnyients Flap e 3 of 11 Agreement No. 6545 EX11401' 11 Bonn"Will QWRS'fkyt� To determine that the Planning experiditures were appropriately documented and that the activiifies afigned with the project's goals and objeciiives, If the, Planning, activiities involved employees, deterrnine if the Subrecipent appropriately docurnerited the Planning expenditures using errpoyee firinecards and sign -in sheets, ff the 11anning aicfiviilte, involved using roinsultants or contractors, deteraiiine if the Subrecipient folbwed the appropiriat-.� procul ire, 1-nent pokies. Use Worksheets 1. and 3 (See Attachment E Subrecipient Monrtoring Worksheets). Verification Yes No Corunents ....... 1. Did time Su breci pie"t receive f unding fo r P la inning expenditures? lfyes,confinue, lfno, continueto next section. 2. Did the Subrecipient appropiriatOy documerit the Plarining expendhMires piroviding copies of the support docurnentation that indicated the eff orts made to produce the final piroduct and a copy of the product produced'? 3 if Planning expenditures relate to the use of ernployees, did the Subrecipient use ernployee finiecards and sign. -In sheets? 4, If Manning expenditures relate to the use of consultants/contraclors, did the Subrecipient fohow proper procu rernent procedures to hire the consultants or contractors? 1-5, [Ad the Subirecpient accurately report the Plann4ig expenditures in their accounting records? 6. For Projects with overflime experKirtures for Planning: a, [Nd the Subrecll,.Aent maintain (-miployee firnecards to appropriiately docurnent the overt'Jime e: xpenditures? Page 4 of I I Agreement No. 6545 Ell* i01 I C. PLANNING (Confirmed) VeAfiscation yes No C Mmew --- ...................... - -- ............ . ........... 1 2 b, Did the Subrecipient accurately report the overtime expendftures ln Cheir accounfing records? 7. For Projects Mth backfill ex1,,-)en(fitures for NarWng� a, Does Che Subrecppient have docurrientation Chat the backflH expendltures were approved by the State? L Did the Su brecipient appropHately docurnent the backfiH expenditUres using eimployee Urnecards and sign -hi sheets? c. Did the Subrecipient accurately report the iskfilli expendItures uin thf,-uir accounfing records? 8. Weri-.a the employee timecards Ohzed In Mannft activities signed and dated by the ernployee and direct supemlsor? 9Were the Plarwining expenditu res conslstent with tune State approved grant award and/or post award modificafion(s)? 10, Ensure the Subrecipient correcled area of noncornpWance that rr,,rnain OUtstanding and were reported as findings M prior Grant Year monlaoring reports submRted to HSGA: a. If the project prior Grant Year mowiltoring report finding was resolved, expWn resolution, and indicate such pen the current report as resoWed. Ira If the projecl I,,)rior Grant Year rnonftring report findIng is not resMved, indicatewhy it has not been resolved and what ti-ne Subrecplerst is dolnp, to resolve the prior- year finding and °ndlcate such In the current report, Page 5 of 11 Agreement No. 6545 EXI flBIT H ON jec five To detemine that the project Equilxnerit expenditures are supported by invoices and that a fistring of the Equipment/property is maintained loy 1,11he Subreciplent, I o determine that the p,-)urizhases are afigned with the prolect's goals and objectives. Use Worksheets 2 and 3 (See Attachment E -- Subrecipient Monitoring Worksheets), Verification Yes No Cornments 1, IDid t lie Su breciplent recerve fundhiig for Eq uipment expenditures? Ifyes, contlinue. ifno, continueto next Section, 2Did trio Su breci pie nt maintain i n voces to s u pport the EqWprnent expenditures? I Did the Subrecipient foHow proper procurement procedures to purchase the Equlpinent and vvere the iterns listed in the federA "Authorized Equiprnerit List" and/or "Standardized Equipment List"? 4o Did the Subreciprent accurately report the Equipment expenditures in their, aCCOLM019 records? S. Did the Subreciplent maintain an Equipment irsveintory that listed the following'. a) Description of Equipimient, b) Serial number or other identification nurnber, c) AEL number, d) Fund/source/grant yc-.-uar, e) Title, haider, f) 100 percertt of feder'A participation. ff no, then lidentify percentage, g) AcqUlsifion date, h) Acquisition cost, i) Quantity, j) Equipment location, k) Use and condition of EqWpmerit, 1) Disposap data and sale price of the Equiprysent 6. Did the Subrecljolent conduct an inventory of Equipirnent j1purchased Yvith team/OES grant funds at least once every two years? Page 6 of 111 Agreement No. 6545 E!Xi HUI 1-1 D, EAUUMMENT (Continued) Verification Yes No Corvirneints ...................... . ........ I.'.'.,.. .... . .... ....... 7. Was the Equijament phys ica Ry inns pected to ensure a. "rhe Equipment existed arid agreed to 4wentory listing? 1:3. "T'he Equipiinent worked and adequatOy trained staff are avadabie to operate the EquilDrneril'? Did the Subrecipient rnaintain Eq0j.,)rnent in a secure 0Ocatiorr? 9. For property other than Equipment, i.e. supphes, did the Subirecipient have contrMs and accountabdity to safeauard and e!nsure that the items are used and s0e0y for authorized purposes? 1,0. For Equipment disposM, if any: a. Was the diqxmition consistent with federA regu0afions? �b. What is the status of the proceeds received from the disposaR 1.1 Did the Subrecu pieint have a poficy for damaged, destroyed, Oost or st.Men Equipment and udhrq but not fimited to informing the CM/OES, steps to repllace 11're Equipiment and an invesfigative process? 12, Were Otic Equilprnent expenditures consistent Wth State aplxoval grant award and/or post awaird modificaficin(s)? 13, Ensure the Subrecipient corrected areas of noncompliance that remain outstandir% and were reported as finftgs in prior Grarit Year moinitoring i eports maintained by HSGA: a. ff the project prior Grant Year monitoring report finding was resoNed, expWin resohition, and iAidicate such in the current report as resoved, b. If the project p6or Grant Year rrionitoring rej)ort finding is riot resOved, indicate why it has riot beµeTMn resuived and what the Subrecipient is doing to resove the prior year finding and indicate such in the Cujrrrent report, P"lge 7 of 11 Agreement No. 6545 EXi-flBrir lui T'o determine that the Exercise expenditures were appp roriatOy docurneinte-�d and the a0vifles, align with project's goais and objectives. IIf the Exercise activities invoived employees, deteirmint:M if the Subrecipient approp6at6y docurnented the i.:pxerdse expenditures using firm ecards and sign-n sheets. ff the Exercise a0vifles lnvoWd ushig consuitants or consuitarants, deteirmine if the Subrecipient foHowed the appropriate proc.urement procedure. (Ise Worksheets 1 and 3 (See Attachment E — Subreciplent Monitoring Worksheets). Verification Yes No Comments I ...................................... ..................................... 1, Did the Subrecipient receive fundkig for Exercise, experiditures? ff yes, confinueo if no, confinue to inext section, 2� Did the Subirecpient receive prior approval from the State either via eirnad or other documentation and M nt irmiude the Exercise course name and number? 3. If the Exercise expendfturo.^s reiate to the use of erywpoyees, did the SubireOpient appiropriateiy document the Exercise expendftures u0ig eirnpioyee Virnecairds, sign -in sheets, and certificates, for Exercise? 4. ff the Exercse expenditures reiate to the use of consukants/ contractors, did the Su brecipient follow proper procurement procedures to Mire the consuitants orcontractors? 5. Did the Subrecipient accuirateiy report the Exercise expenditures irw their accounting records? & For Projects with over-firrie expendAures for Exer6se: a. Did the Subredpient rinaintain ernphoyee flirnecards to appropriately docurnent the overtirne expenditures? bDid the Subreclpent ac�curateiy report the overtime expenditures in their acc,rounfing records? c. Did the Subrecipient accurateiy report the backfffl expendRures in their accounting records? T For Projects with backfifl expenditures for Exercise, - a,, Does the Subrecipient have documentatiorii that t lhe backf iH expend itu res were apgwoved by the State? L Did the Subrecipient appropriateiy docunwent the backfiR expenditures using ernployee tarn ecards and Mgn-in sheets? pagcll 8 of 11 Agreement No. 6545 EM MIT I I' E. IEXERCISE (Continued) .V.I.el.lrl.!."191.1c.l.a.l.t.1.1i.,.ol.,Ti� 8. Were t lhe ernp lloyee t irneca rds uti H zed in the Exercpse act Mfies signed and dated by the employee and direct supeivisor? 9. Were Ow ExerOse expen(fitures consistent wfth the State approved grant awwd and/or post award niodifications? 10. Ensure the Subrecipient corrected areas (if rwoncompHance that renialn outstanding and were reported as findings in prior Grant Year irnoinitoring reporW am if the Project prioir Grant Year monitoring reportfinding was resoWed, explain resoMion and indkate such in the current report as resoived. Y'le.s., 1.2.0 C.I.c.l.ml.,nllil-IsI.lel.l.n.,!.,s., b,, V the Project li riorGrant Year rnonitorhng report finding is not resolved, indicate vvhy R has not been resoWed and what the Subrecipnent is dohnp , U-) res6lve the prior year finding and indicate such in the current report, Agreement No. 6545 I". ORGAIWATION MR= Fo determine that the Organization expend4ures were appropriately docurrieinted and that the activities afign with the project's goak and objectives. IIff the OrgarmatJon activities invoWed employees, deteirmine if the SubrecipWrlt ap,aprophately documented the Organization expenditures using employee firnecards and sign -in sheets. ff the Organization activities involved ushig consultants or contractors, determine if the Subrecipieint followed the appropriate procurernent pohces, Use Worksheets 1 and 3 (See Attachment E -- Subrecipient Manitorhig Worksheets). Verification Yes No Cornments . . . .. .. .. . . 1, Did the SLjbrecipkimt receive funding for OrgarflzaLion expenditures? if so, continue. ff no, continue to next section. 2. V the Oirgariizatuon expenditures iteWe to the use of ernplloyees, ft the Subrecipient docurywent the expenditui es uskig employee Urnecards, Mgn-ln sheets, or with other suppart docufneintation that substantiated the expense? 3, ff the Orga niz at ion expend �itures re late to the use of consuitants or, contractors, did the Subirecipient follow proper procurement procedures to hire the consultants or contractors? 4� Did the Sui brecipierift accu raWy report the Or n czat ion expenditures in their accounUng records? 5. Foi,Pt,ojectswitiiover,thneexpet ,idituresf'orOrgariizatio�,i: a. Md the Subrecipient maintain enipoyee Urnecardsto appropriat6ly docurnent the overtime expenditures? bDid the Su brecipient a ccu rat0y report the overt irne expenditures in their accounting records.? Page 10 of I I Agreement No. 6545 F', ORGANIZATION (Continued) Verification -- ... . ...... . .......... 6. For Projects with backfifl expendftuies for Organization: b, oes the Subrecipient have documentation that the imckfifl expendftures were approved I')y the State? c. Did the Siut)ii,ecipiei°iitappt-opi�iatelydockjir'nentt:he backfilI expenditures using ernployee Urnecards airW other payroH documentation? 7, Were emplloyee firnecards utflized in Organlzation activities signed aind dated by, the eimlplcyee and &ecl supeiMsor? 8. Weir-ettieOrgaiiizatioinexpeiiditures consistent with the State approved grant award and/or post award rnodificafion(s)7 9, Ensure that We Suibrec�pient corrected areas of noncompliance that remain outstand4ig and were reported as findings in prior Grant Year rnonitoring reports rywaintained by i-ASGk a. If the Project prior Grant Year monitoring report finding was re-soived, explain res6lufiori arid Indicate such in the current report as resoWpd. K ff the Project prior Grant Year rnonitoring repoirt finding is riot resOved, indicate why it has not beein resolved and what the Subrecipient is doing to rescflve the prior year finding and indicate such in the current report, 1EAHOTH ,Y. e sl N o. C o.i.E!,] i.:.ne 12l.l Flage i I of 11