2024-03-05 CC Agenda - Public Communication - Misc. - Plunge Renovation Concerns............. . ........�w
202 03-0,5 CC AGENDA
From: "Quezambra, Kirsten" <kquezambra@cwpla.com>
Date: February 28, 2024 at 4:57:59 PM PST
Subject: Plunge Renovation concerns
Dear Council Members,
I am a current ES resident and am raisingtwo boys within the community; both current ESUSD students
and South Bay United water polo players. I've been made aware that council has the responsibilityto vote
on approvingthe currently proposed renovation of the Uhro Saari Swim Stadium. I would implore council
to pause and thoughtfully consider what the community needs and urge you to work on developing a more
appropriate renovation/rebuild. We need to be asking what is the highest and best use of this facility or
whether modified outdoor facility with expanded program capabilities is feasible, rather than limit the
consideration on how to make the facility usable for the programming its historically provided. That
historical programming offers some of the community swim lessons or recreational activity, but the
renovations as drafted, limit the facility from being used for large competitive groups, school use, or as a
water polo venue. Is there another option that could be reviewed that preserves some of its historical
significance while also expanding its capabilities?
We can all agree that renovations and significant capital investments need to occur at this location, but
with the contemplated investment, we should be insuring that all future community members, groups, and
the needs of the school district are met. Could the school district contribute to the efforts where future
Eagles would be able to say they have a home pool, similar to our neighboring districts? If a significant
amount of expense has to be incurred, why not make sure the modifications allow for a future revenue
stream when possible? If the facility could host competitions (swim meets, water polo tournaments alike)
it could generate income, but the suitability of these events and the ability for this facility to host such
events needs to be considered in the plans before renovations/rebuild are approved and finalized.
Thank you so much for your consideration and your efforts to make the El Segundo community an
exceptional place to live and raise a family.
With much gratitude,
Kirsten ez r