2024-02-20 CC Agenda - Public Communication - Misc. - Flawed Parking SurveyFrom: Patric
2024-02-20 CC AGENDA
k C <natcurrvelectricPRrnail.com>
Sent: Monday, February 19, 2024 9:39 AM
To: Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) <tweaver@elsegundo.org>
Subject: Re: 400 block of Washington St Parking survey was flawed.
Thanks Tracy,
Long time no talk. Hope all is well.
Pat Curry
On Mon, Feb 19, 2024 at 8:43 AM Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) <tweaver@elsegundo.or�> wrote:
You may speak at the Council meeting, however, Council can't comment or speak to the subject, since the
item isn't on the agenda.
Tracy Weaver
City Clerk
On Feb 19, 2024, at 7:37AM, Patrick C <patcurryelectricPgmail.com> wrote:
Hello to all distinguished Council members, Mayor and employees of El Segundo,
My name is Patrick Curry and I live at 412 Washington St.
I am a 54 year resort of El Segundo and 25 year resident at this address
As you know we have a problem with parking on our street.
We have submitted a petition for permit parking three times in the last six years.
We have neighboring businesses using our street as a parking lot for their employees.
Jim and Jacks, Biz House, Stept studios and even the corporate towers on Sepulveda.
I have followed them many times before -Do they not have to provide parking for their employees as part
of their conditional use permits? If so they do not follow it.
They fill up Washington St from Holly to Mariposa by nine AM .
Our guests, gardners and service companies, Can never find a place to park close by.
We are so fed up with the problem that we always try to park on the street if there is a spot open -This
leaves our driveways open for our visitors..
So when your survey was done many of us were parked on the street. I can guarantee you if we had not
been parked on the street the spots would have been occupied by employees of these companies. The
survey was flawed in this sense..We also have airport parkers we witness getting into Ubers. It's cheaper to
pay street sweeping violations than airport parking. Also car rentals companies like Turo use the street for
their benefit..l personally have had vehicles towed for over 72 hours using up valuable police resources.
Your recent decision to provide permit parking for residents on Indiana st and Illinois St is
understandable and needed. I have been working with Tamiko Bugden since she started her campaign for
her neighbors. I thought this would be a no brainer for us since we have submitted petitions so many
times. Our problem has always been worse than California street and we patiently waited for the one year
test program in that permit area..Also please note that a huge concern of ours has always been the
amount of transient workers walking down our streets every day.. I have had two vehicles on our street
broken into and have caught many people checking our doors on cars to see if they are locked.. I have this
on CCTV. I am worried that one day One of us will have to confront someone.and it won't end well. Many
crimes go unreported because people feel that it will do no good.
If we had known of the agenda two weeks ago at the council meeting most of 6s here would have shown
up. It is so important but we were unaware.of the agenda. I have since told my neighbors and obviously
they are upset. Can we speak at tomorrow night's meeting during public comment time.? I am asking all
to show up.and give a 1 min testimonial.Please let me know as I do not want to waste their time if we can
not speak. Is there a pre -signature for public comment time?
Everyone including yourselves know that when parking permits are issued on Indiana and Illinois our
problem will become not only a daytime problem but a 24 hour problem.. It's brutally obvious. I feel like
we have been forsaken. I get it ! Everyone would want preferential parking if given the chance but this is a
real problem for us. The trash, Urine bottles, condoms and people living in their vehicles will surely move
onto our street. Our quality of life is being destroyed.
We have neighbors with small children and young adults. Ive seen them park on Holly and warn them of
the dangers.lts not safe at night over there. It was not like this when I first moved here.on this street. Its
I hope you will reconsider and at a minimum give us a chance to prove our point by having another survey
done and let us know what week it would happen so we can stay off the streets during that period.
I would appreciate a response that I can forward to our neighbors regarding this letter.
Respectfully submitted,
Patrick Curry
Cell # 30-933-2194
Patrick Curry Electric, Inc.
License #904636
Patrick Curry Electric, Inc.
License #904636