2024-02-06 CC Agenda - Public Communication related to Item B8 - 475-629 North Pacific Coast Hwy2024-02-06 CC AGENDA PACKET
Fwd: CaIHDF's public comment on agenda item 8 for the February 6th, 2024 City
Council meeting
Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) <tweaver@elsegundo.org>
Tue 2/6/2024 10:02 AM
To:Harada, Patricia<pharada@elsegundo.org>;Sandoval, Lili <Isandoval@elsegundo.org>
1 1 attachments (191 KB)
El Segundo CC - 475-629 North Pacific Coast Highway - HAA Letter.pdf;
Council received email below.
Sent from my iPhone
Begin forwarded message:
From: James Lloyd <james@calhdf.org>
Date: February 5, 2024 at 4:15:51 PM PST
(Mayor)" <dboyles@elsegundo.org>, "Pimentel, Chris (Mayor Pro Tem)"
<cpimentel@elsegundo.org>, "Pirsztuk, Carol (Council Member)"
<cpirsztuk@elsegundo.org>, "Giroux, Lance (Council Member)"
<Igiroux@elsegundo.org>, "Baldino, Ryan" <rbaldino@elsegundo.org>
Cc: "Jennings, Mishia" <MJennings@elsegundo.org>, "Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk)"
<tweaver@elsegundo.org>, "Hensley, Mark" <mhensley@hensleylawgroup.com>, *ALL
Subject: CalHDF's public comment on agenda item 8 for the February 6th, 2024 City
Council meeting
Dear El Segundo City Council,
Please see attached CaIHDF's public comment on agenda item 8 for the February 6th, 2024 City
Council meeting, a resolution approving the Final Vesting Tract Map for Pacific Coast Commons at 475-
629 North Pacific Coast Highway, a 263-unit project including 32 affordable units.
James M. Lloyd
Director of Planning and Investigations
California Housing Defense Fund
Feb 5, 2024
City of El Segundo
350 Main St.
El Segundo, CA 90245
By Email: allelectedofficials@elsegundo.org, dboyles@elsegundo.org,
cpimentel@elsegundo.org, cpirsztuk@elsegundo.org, lgiroux@elsegundo.org,
CC: mjennings@elsegundo.org, tweaver@elsegundo.org, mhensley@hensleylawgroup.com,
Re: Final Tract Map at 475-629 North Pacific Coast Highway
Dear El Segundo City Council,
The California Housing Defense Fund ("Ca1HDF") submits this letter as a public comment on
agenda item 8 for the February 6th, 2024 City Council meeting, a resolution approving the
Final Vesting Tract Map for Pacific Coast Commons at 475-629 North Pacific Coast Highway,
a 263-unit project including 32 affordable units.
The Housing Accountability Act (the "HAA) (Gov. Code, § 65589.5) requires approval of
zoning and general plan compliant housing development projects unless findings can be
made regarding specific, objective, written health and safety hazards. These findings must
be "supported by a preponderance of the evidence on the record" (Id. at subd. (j)(1).) As staff
notes, the project complies with local zoning code and the City's general plan and thus the
project falls within the HAA s ambit. Therefore, the Council must approve the project unless
it makes written health and safety findings, as described above - which it cannot do, since
the preponderance of the evidence in the record does not support such a finding.
As you are well aware, California remains in the throes of a statewide crisis -level housing
shortage. New housing such as this is a public benefit; it will bring increased tax revenue,
new customers to local businesses, decarbonization in the face of climate crisis - and most
importantly, it will both reduce displacement of existing residents into homelessness or
carbon -heavy car commutes and also provide affordable housing for local residents. While
no single housing development can solve all these problems, the project here is a step in the
360 Grand Ave #323, Oakland 94610
right direction. Ca1HDF urges the Council to approve of the project, consistent with both its
legal obligations and the City's economic and environmental interests.
Ca1HDF is a 501(c)3 non-profit corporation whose mission includes advocating for increased
access to housing for Californians at all income levels, including low-income households.
You may learn more about Ca1HDF at www.calhdf.or2.
Dylan Casey
Ca1HDF Executive Director
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James M. Lloyd
Ca1HDF Director of Planning and Investigations