2024-02-06 CC Agenda PacketAGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 6, 2024 4:00 PM CLOSED SESSION 6:00 PM OPEN SESSION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER 350 MAIN STREET, EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 Drew Boyles, Mayor Chris Pimentel, Mayor Pro Tern Carol Pirsztuk, Council Member Lance Giroux, Council Member Ryan W. Baldino, Council Member Tracy Weaver, City Clerk Matthew Robinson, City Treasurer Executive Team Darrell George, City Manager Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager Jaime Bermudez, Police Chief Michael Allen, Community Development Dir. Jose Calderon, IT Director Aly Mancini, Recreation, Parks & Library Dir. Mark Hensley, City Attorney Paul Chung, Chief Financial Officer George Avery, Fire Chief Rebecca Redyk, HR Director Elias Sassoon, Public Works Dir. MISSION STATEMENT: "Provide a great place to live, work, and visit." VISION STATEMENT: "Be a global innovation leader where big ideas take off while maintaining our unique small-town character." 1 Page 1 of 218 The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only act upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Any writings or documents given to a majority of City Council regarding any matter on this agenda that the City received after issuing the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office during normal business hours. Such documents may also be posted on the City's website at www.elsegundo.org and additional copies will be available at the City Council meeting. Unless otherwise noted in the agenda, the public can only comment on City -related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the agenda during the Public Communications portions of the Meeting. Additionally, members of the public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person. Those wishing to address the City Council are requested to complete and submit to the City Clerk a "Speaker Card" located at the Council Chamber entrance. You are not required to provide personal information in order to speak, except to the extent necessary for the City Clerk to call upon you, properly record your name in meeting minutes and to provide contact information for later staff follow-up, if appropriate. When a Council Member duly requires AB 2449 teleconferencing to attend the City Council meeting the public will also be able to access the meeting and provide public comment via Zoom. To access Zoom from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, or Android device, use URL https://zoom.us/m/ 81951332052 and enter PIN: 903629 or visit www.zoom.us on device of choice, click on "Join a Meeting" and enter meeting ID: 81951332052 and PIN: 903629. If joining by phone, dial 1-669-900-9128 and enter meeting ID and PIN. To reiterate, attending a City Council meeting by Zoom will only be used when AB 2449 is used. NOTE: Your phone number is captured by the Zoom software and is subject to the Public Records Act, dial *67 BEFORE dialing in to remain anonymous. Members of the public will be placed in a "listen only" mode and your video feed will not be shared with City Council or members of the public. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Government Code Section 54953(g), the City Council has adopted a reasonable accommodation policy to swiftly resolve accommodation requests. The policy can also be found on the City's website at https.11www.elsegundo.or_q/govemmentldepartments/city-clerk. Please contact the City Clerk's Office at (310) 524-2308 to make an accommodation request or to obtain a copy of the policy. 2 Page 2 of 218 4:00 PM CLOSED SESSION — CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (RELATED TO CITY BUSINESS ONLY — 5-MINUTE LIMIT PER PERSON, 30-MINUTE LIMIT TOTAL) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow City Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. City Council and/or City Manager will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS RECESS INTO CLOSED SESSION: City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et seq.) for purposes of conferring with City's Real Property Negotiator; and/or conferring with City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation; and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel); and/or conferring with City's Labor Negotiators. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION (GOV'T CODE §54956.9(D)(1): -1- MATTER(S) John Doe v. City of El Segundo, Boy Scouts of America, et al., Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. LASC 22STCV40875 PUBLIC EMPLOYMENT (GOV'T CODE § 54957) -1- MATTER(S) 1. City Manager Performance Review 6:00 PM — CONVENE OPEN SESSION — CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL INVOCATION — Pastor Jared McKenna, The Bridge Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Baldino SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 1. Black History Month PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (RELATED TO CITY BUSINESS ONLY — 5 MINUTE LIMIT PER PERSON, 30 MINUTE LIMIT TOTAL) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. 3 Page 3 of 218 CITY MANAGER FOLLOW-UP COMMENTS — (Related to Public Communications) A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Read All Ordinances and Resolutions on the Agenda by Title Only Recommendation - Approval B. CONSENT 2. City Council Meetina Minutes Recommendation - 1. Approve regular City Council meeting minutes of January 16, 2024. 2. Alternatively, take other action related to this item. 3. Warrant Demand Register for December 18, 2023 through January 22, 2024 Recommendation - 1. Ratify payroll and employee benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and/or adjustments; and, wire transfers. 2. Approve Warrant Demand Register numbers 1213, 1313, 14A and 1413: warrant numbers 3048744 through 3049122, and 9003062 through 9003083. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 4. Second Reading of an Ordinance Amending El Segundo Municipal Code Chapter 1-6 (Personnel Merit System) to Revise Title of the Recreation Superintendent to Recreation Manager Under the List of Positions Exempt from the Civil Service System Recommendation - 1. Waive the second reading and approve the proposed Ordinance amending El Segundo Municipal Code Chapter 1-6 to revise the list of positions exempt from the Civil Service System. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 0 Page 4 of 218 5. El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board 2024 Operating Budget for Park Vista Senior Housing Facility Recommendation - Approve the El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board 2024 Operating Budget for the Park Vista senior housing facility located at 615 East Holly Avenue. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 6. Resolution Updating the City's Conflict of Interest Code Recommendation - 1. Adopt a resolution updating the City's 2024 Conflict of Interest Code. 2. Alternatively, take other action related to this item. 7. Notice of Completion for the Smoky Hollow Parking Pilot Project Recommendation - 1. Accept the Smoky Hollow Parking Pilot Project No. PW 23-05 by DASH Construction Company, Inc. as complete. 2. Authorize and direct the City Clerk to file the attached Notice of Completion with the County Recorder's Office. 3. Alternately, discuss and take other action related to this item. 8. Resolution Approving Final Vesting Tract Map No. 82806 (EA-1248) for a Multi -Lot Subdivision at 475-629 North Pacific Coast Hiahwav Recommendation - Adopt resolution approving Final Vesting Tract Map No. 82806 and authorize City staff to execute and record the Map. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 9. Resolution Approving a Lease Schedule and Master Tax -Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement for a Combination Jet/Vacuum Truck for the Citv's Wastewater Division Recommendation - 1. Adopt resolution approving a Lease Schedule and Master Tax -Exempted Lease/Purchase Agreement for a combination of Jet//Vacuum Truck for the City's Wastewater Division, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same. 5 Page 5 of 218 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 10. Resolution to Establish the El Segundo Disaster Service Worker Volunteer Program Recommendation - Adopt resolution to establish the El Segundo Disaster Service Worker Volunteer Program. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. C. PUBLIC HEARINGS 11. Resolution Temporarily Designating Preferential Parking Zone 3 as a One - Year Pilot Program in an Area Bound by Washington Street, Mariposa Avenue, Indiana Street and Holly Avenue Recommendation - Adopt a resolution designating Preferential Parking Zone 3 as a one year (from May 1, 2024, through April 30, 2025) pilot program project along the west curb line of Indiana Street (between Mariposa Avenue and Holly Avenue), along east curb line of Illinois Street (between Mariposa Avenue and Holly Avenue), along north and south curb lines of Pine Avenue (between Illinois Street and Indiana Street), along north curb line of Holly Avenue (between Illinois Street and Indiana Street), along south curb line of Mariposa Avenue (between Indiana Street and Illinois Street) and along west and east curb lines of Washington Street (between Pine Avenue and Holly Avenue). 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. D. STAFF PRESENTATIONS 12. Update on the Recreation and Park Facilities Joint Use Agreement with El Segundo Unified School District Recommendation - 1. Receive and file update. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 13. Establish a Special Projects Administrator Classification (Part -Time) and Accompanying Basic Hourly Salary Range Recommendation - 1. Approve establishment of the Special Projects Administrator (Part -Time). 0 Page 6 of 218 2. Adopt a resolution establishing the basic hourly salary range for the Special Projects Administrator (Part -Time). 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 14. Establish an Ad Hoc City Council Subcommittee to Discuss Renewal of the Tax Resolution Aareement No. 4417 with Chevron U.S.A. Inc. Recommendation - 1. Approve the establishment of an ad hoc City Council subcommittee to discuss renewal of the tax agreement with Chevron. 2. Appoint two City Councilmembers to serve on the ad hoc subcommittee. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 15. Waiver of Special Event Permit Fees (75%) for Juneteenth Festival Organized by Local Non -Profit Organization, Black in Mayberry Recommendation - 1. Approve a 75% waiver of special event permit fees for a Juneteenth Festival. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. E. COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS PRESENTATIONS F. REPORTS - CITY CLERK G. REPORTS - CITY TREASURER H. REPORTS - COUNCIL MEMBERS COUNCIL MEMBER BALDINO COUNCIL MEMBER GIROUX COUNCIL MEMBER PIRSZTUK MAYOR PRO TEM PIMENTEL MAYOR BOYLES I. REPORTS - CITY ATTORNEY J. REPORTS/FOLLOW-UP - CITY MANAGER 7 Page 7 of 218 CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et seq.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator, and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation; and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel); and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators. REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) MEMORIALS ADJOURNMENT POSTED: DATE: February 1, 2024 TIME: 4:00 PM BY: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk Page 8 of 218 tortamatt"On Citp of (fY *eguubo, CICaftforuio WHEREAS, Black History Month affords special opportunity to become more knowledgeable about black heritage, and to honor the many black leaders who have contributed to the progress of our nation; and WHEREAS, Dr. Woodson initiated Black History Week, February 12, 1926; and for many years, the second week of February, chosen so as to coincide with the birthdays of Frederick Douglas and Abraham Lincoln, was celebrated by African Americans in the United States; and WHEREAS, in 1976, as part of the nation's bicentennial, Black History Week was expanded and became established as Black History Month, and is now celebrated all over North America; and WHEREAS, such knowledge can strengthen the insight of all our citizens regarding the issues of human rights, the great strides that have been made in the crusade to eliminate the barriers of equality of minority groups, and the continuing struggle against racial discrimination and unconscious bias. NOW, THEREFORE, the Mayor and Members of the City Council of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby proclaim the month of February 2024 "BLACK HISTORY MONTH" and urge all citizens to join together in making this period of rededication to the principles of justice and equality for all people. Drew Boyles Chris Pimentel Mayor Carol Pirsztuk Mayor Pro Tern Councilmember Lance Giroux Councilmember Ryan Baldino Councilmember Page 9 of 218 MEETING MINUTES OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, JANUARY 16, 2024 CLOSED SESSION — Due to lack of quorum at 4:00 PM, Mayor Boyles called the meeting to order at 4.30 PM. ROLL CALL Mayor Boyles Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel Council Member Pirsztuk Council Member Giroux Council Member Baldino - Present - Present - Present - Present at 4:34 PM - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5-minute limit per person, 30-minute limit total) SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS: Mayor Boyles announced that Council would be meeting in closed session pursuant to the items listed on the agenda. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL —ANTICIPATED LITIGATION Threats to Significant exposure/- to litigation pursuant to (Government Code §54956.9(d)(2) or (d)(3)): -3- matter(s). 1. Government Tort Claim by Keith Puckett Adjourned at 5:50 PM OPEN SESSION — Mayor Boyles called to order at 6:00 PM ROLL CALL Mayor Boyles - Present Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel - Present Council Member Pirsztuk - Present Council Member Giroux - Present Council Member Baldino - Present INVOCATION — Father Alexei Smith, St. Andrew Russian Greek Catholic Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Giroux SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 16, 2024 PAGE 1 Page 10 of 218 1. City Manager, Darrell George introduced the new Fire Chief, George Avery and new Chief Financial Officer, Paul Chung. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5-minute limit per person, 30-minute limit total) Cheryl Smith, resident, commented on item #D17, parking survey update. CITY MANAGER FOLLOW-UP COMMENTS: A. Read all Ordinances and Resolutions on the Agenda by Title Only. MOTION by Council Member Giroux, Council Member Baldino to read all ordinances and resolutions on the agenda by title only. MOTION PASSED BY A UNANIMOUS VOTE. 5/0 B. CONSENT: 2. Approve Regular City Council meeting minutes of December 19, 2023. (Fiscal Impact: None) 3. Approve warrants demand register for November 27, 2023, through December 17, 2023, numbers 11A, 11 B and 12A: warrant numbers 3048451 through 3048743, and 9003040 through 9003061. Ratify Payroll and employee benefit Checks; Checks released early due to contracts or agreement; Emergency disbursements and/or adjustments; and, Wire transfers. (Fiscal Impact: $6,881,450.30 ($2,362,351.54 in check warrants and $4,519,098.76 in wire warrants)) 4. Second reading and adoption of Ordinance No. 1655 authorizing Amendment No. 537NN to the contract between the City Council of the City of El Segundo and the Board of Administration of California Public Employees' Retirement System ("CalPERS") regarding cost sharing by "classic" local miscellaneous members of the City Employees' Association ("CEA"). (Fiscal Impact: Estimated $14,477 annual savings to the city as the employees will be picking up a portion of the "employer share" of their retirement cost) 5. Adopt Resolution No. 5455 appointing Chief Financial Officer Paul Chung as the City's primary representative to the Independent Cities Risk Management Authority ("ICRMA") governing board ("ICRMA Board") and maintaining Council Member Carol Pirsztuk and Human Resources Director Rebecca Redyk as alternate representatives. (Fiscal Impact: None) EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 16, 2024 PAGE 2 Page 11 of 218 6. Approve request to waive City Municipal Code section 10-1-4(C) to allow alcohol at Library Park for the El Segundo Kiwanis Club Chili Cookoff event on Sunday, April 14, 2024. (Fiscal Impact: None) 7. Approve the Amendment No. 3028C to the existing contract for the AT&T Cell Tower at 400 Lomita Street (Water Plant). (Fiscal Impact: Total revenue of $36,000 per year, with 3% annual increases (increase of approximately $3,600.00 per year)) 8. Authorize the City Manager to execute a second contract Amendment No. 5841 B with DownStream Services Inc. for an additional amount of $159,463 for on -call pump station repair services. (Fiscal Impact: $160,000 included in the FY 2023-24 budget) 9. Adopt Resolution No. 5456 approving engineering plans and construction specifications for the Library Wall Repairs and Waterproofing to avail the city of immunities pursuant to Government Code § 830.6 and authorize staff to advertise the project for construction. Project No. PW 23-14 (Fiscal Impact: $125,000 included in the FY 2023-24 budget) 10. Authorize the City Manager to execute Standard Works Construction Contract No. 6844 with Tomovich & Associates for $1,539,350 for the award of the Wastewater Infrastructure Improvements Project, authorize an additional $153,935 as contingency funds for potential unforeseen conditions, authorize the City Manager to execute Standard Professional Services Agreement No. 6845 with Anser Advisory in the amount of $79,290 for construction inspection and testing services, authorize an additional $8,000 for construction -related contingencies and appropriate $600,000 from Sewer Enterprise Fund to account #502-400-8204-8647. Project No. PW 23-08 (Fiscal Impact: $1,190,000 was budgeted in FY 2023-24 based on the estimated cost during the budget processing in April 2023. At this time, additional appropriation is needed from the Sewer Enterprise Fund) 11. Adopt Resolution No. 5457 approving engineering plans and construction specifications for the Center Street Storm Drain Improvements Project and authorize advertising for construction. Project No. PW 24-04 (Fiscal Impact: $200,000 included in the 2023-24 budget) 12. Authorize the City Manager to execute Professional Services Agreement No. 6846 with MNS Engineers Inc. in the amount of $88,145 for Nash Street Extension construction inspection services and authorize an additional $10,000 contingency. (Fiscal Impact: $98,145, included in the 2023-24 budget) 13. PULLED BY MAYOR PRO TEM PIMENTEL EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 16, 2024 PAGE 3 Page 12 of 218 MOTION by Council Member Giroux, SECONDED by Council Member Baldino, approving Consent items 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, and 14. MOTION PASSED BY A UNANIMOUS VOTE. 5/0 PULLED ITEMS: 13. Resolution Adopting the Engineering Plans and Construction Specifications for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Library Park Pathway Improvements Project, Project No. PW 23-07 (Fiscal Impact: $344,000, included in the FY 2023-24 budget) Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel pulled the item for clarification. Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director answered the questions. Council discussion MOTION by Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel, SECONDED by City Council Member Baldino adopting Resolution No. 5458, approving Engineering Plans and Construction Specifications for the Community Development Block Grant ("CDBG") for the Library Park Pathway Improvements Project and authorize advertising for construction. MOTION PASSED BY A UNANIMOUS VOTE. 5/0 C. PUBLIC HEARING: None D. STAFF PRESENTATIONS: 14. First Reading of an Ordinance Amending El Segundo Municipal Code Chapter 1-6 (Personnel Merit System) to Revise the Title of Recreation Superintendent to Recreation Manager Under the List of Positions Exempt from the Civil Service System, Updated Classification Specifications and Examination Plans for Building Safety Manager and Recreation Manager, and Resolution to Establish the Basic Salary Range for the Recreation Manager (Fiscal Impact: None) Rebecca Redyk, Human Resources Director reported on the item. Council discussion Joaquin Vazquez, Assistant City Attorney read by title only; EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 16, 2024 PAGE 4 Page 13 of 218 ORDINANCE NO. 1656 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 1-6 (PERSONNEL MERIT SYSTEM) TO REVISE THE TITLE OF THE RECREATION SUPERINTENDENT TO RECREATION MANAGER UNDER THE LIST OF POSITIONS EXEMPT FROM THE CIVIL SERVICE SYSTEM. Council Member Pirsztuk introduced the Ordinance. Second reading and possible adoption is scheduled for the February 6, 2024 regular City Council meeting. MOTION by Council Member Baldino, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel adopting the updated classification specifications and examination plans for the newly vacated Building Safety Manager and Recreation Manager positions included in ESMC Chapter 1-6 list of positions exempt from the Civil Service System. MOTION PASSED BY A UNANIMOUS VOTE. 5/0 Council discussion Joaquin Vazquez, Assistant City Attorney read by title only; RESOLUTION NO. 5459 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING BASIC MONTHLY SALARY RANGE FOR FULL TIME JOB CLASSIFICATION MOTION by Council Member Baldino, SECONDED by Council Member Giroux adopting Resolution No. 5459. MOTION PASSED BY A UNANIMOUS VOTE. 5/0 15. Approve the Purchase or Authorize a "Lease to Own" Agreement for a Combination Jet/Vacuum Truck for the City's Wastewater Division (Fiscal Impact: see staff report for full fiscal impact discussion) Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director reported on the item. Council discussion MOTION by Mayor Boyles, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel waiving the bidding procedures pursuant to El Segundo Municipal Code § 1-7-9(A) and authorize the City Manager to execute a "Lease to Own" agreement for a combination jet/vacuum sewer truck for a 5-year lease, and authorize an additional $50,000 as contingency funds for potential unforeseen changes in price with Trans Lease, Inc. MOTION PASSED BY A VOTE. 3/2 YES — Boyles, Pimentel, Pirsztuk NO - Giroux Baldino EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 16, 2024 PAGE 5 Page 14 of 218 16. Annual Comprehensive Financial Report for Fiscal Year Ending June 30, 2023 (Fiscal Impact: None) Paul Chung, Chief Financial Officer introduced the item. Tiffany Fung, Consultant with Clifton LawsonAllen LLP (CLA) gave a presentation. Council discussion Council consensus to receive and file the presentation. 17. Residential On -Street Parking Survey Results and Recommendations (Fiscal Impact: None) Michael Allen, Community Development Director gave a presentation. Council discussion Council consensus to receive and file the presentation. Few Council requests following the presentation; • Parking enforcement needs to be consistent. • Research striping that could possibly provide for more efficient parking. • Report back to Council in a few months a solution for code enforcement and how it relates to parking. E. COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS: None F. REPORTS — CITY CLERK — Mentioned the ballot box will open on February 1st Vote by Mail ballots will be sent out the week of February 4t" and the Public Library will be a 5-day Vote Center beginning March 2, 2024. G. REPORTS — CITY TREASURER — Not present H. REPORTS — COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Baldino — Invited the community to attend the Hyperion Citizen's Forum on Thursday in person meeting at the Public Library from 6:00 — 7:00 PM. Council Member Giroux — No Report Council Member Pirsztuk — Recognized the Recreation and Parks Department, Chris Sherril for beginning the dinner many years ago and the El Segundo Rotary Club on a successful Senior's Christmas Eve dinner at Joslyn Center. Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel — Will attend the Sanitation Committee meeting tomorrow, Wednesday, January 17, 2024, will attend the Sanitation Personnel EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 16, 2024 PAGE 6 Page 15 of 218 Committee will meet next week to begin collective bargaining, Transportation at the COG level was dark this month, attended the COG legislative briefing, will attend the County Homelessness and Aging in Place meeting, mentioned there will be a South Bay forum for the District Attorney's Office and the City will be involved in a venture capitalist defense based "hack-athon" over President's weekend. Mayor Boyles — Congratulated the City of Inglewood on the approval of the Inglewood transit corridor, attended the Regional meeting for SCAG and attended the L A City Selection meeting. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY — No Report J. REPORTS/FOLLOW-UP —CITY MANAGER — Followed -up on the invite from Council Member Baldino for the Citizen's Forum, mentioned the Hyperion prefers those who want to attend to RSVP to the event. Information on how to RSVP can be found on the city's website and mentioned the AQMD Hearing Board will be held on January 24, 2024, for more information, please visit the city's website. MEMORIAL — None Adjourned at 7:12 PM Tracy Weaver, City Clerk EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES JANUARY 16, 2024 PAGE 7 Page 16 of 218 City Council Agenda Statement F I, F �' t' 1\ 1) 0Meeting Date: February 6, 2024 Agenda Heading: Consent Item Number: B.3 TITLE: Warrant Demand Register for December 18, 2023 through January 22, 2024 RECOMMENDATION: Ratify payroll and employee benefit checks; checks released early due to contracts or agreements; emergency disbursements and/or adjustments; and, wire transfers. 2. Approve Warrant Demand Register numbers 12B, 13B, 14A and 1413: warrant numbers 3048744 through 3049122, and 9003062 through 9003083. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: The warrants presented were drawn in payment of demands included within the FY 2023-2024 Adopted Budget. The total of $8,985,018.30 ($2,638,100.30 in check warrants and $6,346,918.00 in wire warrants) are for demands drawn on the FY 2023- 2024 Budget. :1_T61201:tell] Z 113 California Government Code Section 37208 provides General Law cities flexibility in how budgeted warrants, demands, and payroll are audited and ratified by their legislative body. Pursuant to Section 37208 of the California Government Code, warrants drawn in payments of demands are certified by the City's Chief Financial Officer and City Manager as conforming to the authorized expenditures set forth in the City Council adopted budget need not be audited by the City Council prior to payment, but may be presented to the City Council at the first meeting after delivery. In government finance, a warrant is a written order to pay that instructs a federal, state, county, or city government treasurer to pay the warrant holder on demand or after a specific date. Such warrants look like checks and clear through the banking system like Page 17 of 218 Warrant Demand Register February 6, 2024 Page 2 of 2 checks. Warrants are issued for payroll to individual employees, accounts payable to vendors, to local governments, and to companies or individual taxpayers receiving a refund. DISCUSSION: The attached Warrants Listing delineates the warrants that have been paid for the period identified above. The Chief Financial Officer certifies that the listed warrants were drawn in payment of demands conforming to the adopted budget and that these demands are being presented to the City Council at its first meeting after the delivery of the warrants. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 5: Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability Objective 5B: El Segundo approaches its work in a financially strategic and responsible way. PREPARED BY: Liz Lydic, Management Analyst REVIEWED BY: Wei Cao, CPA, CPFO, Finance Manager APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Register 12b - summary 2. Register 13b - summary 3. Register 14a - summary 4. Register 14b - summary Page 18 of 218 3048746 - 3048886 9003062 - 9003065 001 GENERAL FUND 716,585.90 003 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -OTHER - 104 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND - 106 STATE GAS TAX FUND 10,320.63 109 ASSOCIATED RECREATION ACTIVITIES FUND - 109 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 22,034.46 110 MEASURER" 825.00 ill COMM-DEVEL. BLOCK GRANT - 112 PROP "A" TRANSPORTATION 17,160.00 114 PROP "C" TRANSPORTATION 75,903.00 115 AIR QUALITY INVESTMENT PROGRAM - 116 HOME SOUND INSTALLATION FUND - 117 HYPERION MITIGATION FUND 63.98 118 TDA ARTICLE 3 - SB 821 BIKEWAY FUND - 119 MTA GRANT - 121 FEMA - 120 C.O.P.S. FUND 14,986.40 122 LA.W.A FUND - 123 PSAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY 6,057.92 124 FEDERAL GRANTS - 125 STATE GRAM - 126 A/P CUPA PROGRAM OVERSIGHT SURCHARGE 14.81 127 MEAUREW" 4,902.50 128 SB-1 - 129 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAM - 130 AFFORDABLE HOUSING - 131 COUNTY STORM WATER PROGRAM 8,689.00 132 MEASURE "B" - 301 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTFUND 88,810.35 302 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND - 405 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE - 501 WATER UTILITY FUND 4,860.33 502 WASTEWATER FUND 8,614-19 503 GOLF COURSEFUND - 504 SENIOR HOUSING CITY ATTORNEY - 505 SOLID WASTE FUND - 6ul EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT - 602 LIABILITY INSURANCE 2,705.05 603 WORKERS COMP. RESERVE4NSURANCE 110.05 701 RETIRED EMP. INSURANCE - 702 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -DEVELOPER FEES 10,783.26 7D4 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND - OTHER 3,382.68 708 OUTSIDE SERVICES TRUST TOTAL WARRANTS 996,810.31 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Information on actual experldhures is available in the Chief Financial Officer's office in the City of El Segundo. I certify as to the accuracy of the Demands and the availability of fund for payment thereof For Approval: Regular checks held for City council authorization to release. CODES R = Computer generated checks for all non-emergency/urgency payments for materials, supplies and services in support of City Operations For Ra68cation: A = Payroll and Employee Benefit checks B - F = Computer generated Early Release disbursements and/or adjustments approved by the City Manager. Such as: payments for utility services, petty cash and employee travel expense reimbursements, various refunds, contract employee services consistent with current contractual agreements, instances where prompt payment discounts can be obtained or late payment penalties can he avoided or when a situation arises that the City Manager approves. H = Handwritten Early Release disbursements and/or adjustments approved by the City Manager. INTERIM CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER CITY MANAGER DATE: DATE: CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY FUND DATE OF APPROVAL: AS OF 112124 NOTES: Replacement checks 3048744 and 3048745 REGISTER Al2b Page 19 of 218 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BYDEPARTMENT ASDF1/2/24 REG|STER#12b DEPT# NAME TOTAL GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1101 City Council 1.846.98 1201 City Treasurer 1.805.18 1300 City Clerk 1.O21 17 2101 City Manager 27.963.50 2102 Communications 6.840.19 2103 BSegundo Media 2201 City Attorney 2401 Economic Development 10.913J1 2402 Planning 395.53 2405 Human and Health Services 4.893.00 3500 Administrative Services 18.783.36 2601 Government Buildings 30.00125 2800 Nnndepartmenta| 41.828.83 6100 Library 5,198.70 152,192.41 PUBLIC SAFETY 3100 Police 9,169.84 3200 Fie 16,840.09 2403 Building Safety 2404 P|ng/BkjgSftyAdministration 43117 26,449.10 PUBLIC WORKS 4101 Engineering 222.84946 4200 Streets 34.82657 4300 Wastewater 2.980.00 4601 Equipment Maintenance 615.82 4801 Administration 281.05 261,352.90 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 5100.6200 Recreation &Parks 208.624.08 5400 Centennial 208,624.08 EXPENDITURES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT 88.810.35 ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 259.381.47 TOTAL WARRANTS 99881031 Page 20 of 218 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 12/18/23 THROUGH 12/24/23 Date Payee Description 12/22/2023 IRS 327,213.15 Federal 941 Deposit 12/22/2023 Employment Development 4,149.06 State SDI payment 12/22/2023 Employment Development 68,026.25 State PIT Withholding 12/22/2023 Mission Square 72,802.81 457 payment Vantagepoint 12/22/2023 Mission Square 1,080.00 401(a) payment Vantagepoint 12/22/2023 Mission Square 2,483.10 401(a) payment Vantagepoint 12/22/2023 Mission Square 100.00 IRA payment Vantagepoint 12/22/2023 ExpertPay 2,365.29 EFT Child support payment 12/11/23-12/17/23 Workers Comp Activity 66,007.64 SCRMA checks issued/(voided) 12/11/23-12/17/23 Liability Trust - Claims - Claim checks issued/(voided) 12/11/23-12/17/23 Retiree Health Insurance - Health Reimbursment checks issued 544,227.30 DATE OF RATIFICATION: 01/03/24 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by: Treasury &Customer Services Manager Date Inter Chief Financial Officer Date /—/0 �2 y City Manager Date Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo. 544, 227.30 PACity Treasurer\Wire Transfers\Wire Transfers 07-01-23 to 6-30-24 1/3/2024 1/1 Page 21 of 218 3048888 - 3048968 9003066 - 9003071 001 GENERAL FUND 233,452.09 D03 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -OTHER 5,610.D0 104 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND - 106 STATE GAS TAX FUND 3,305.25 108 ASSOCIATED RECREATION ACTIVITIES FUND - 109 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 31,735.66 110 MEASURE"R" - ill COMM. DEVEL. BLOCK GRANT - 112 PROP"A"TRANSPORTATION - 114 PROP "C" TRANSPORTATION - 115 AIR QUALITY INVESTMENT PROGRAM - 116 HOME SOUND INSTALLATION FUND - 117 HYPERION MITIGATION FUND - 11B TDA ARTICLE 3- SB B2I BIKEWAY FUND - 119 MTA GRANT - 121 FEMA 120 C.O.P.S. FUND - 122 L.AW.A- FUND - 123 PSAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY 19.36 124 FEDERAL GRANTS - 125 STATE GRANT - 126 A/P CUPA PROGRAM OVERSIGHT SURCHARGE 38.01 127 MEAURE"M" - 128 SB-1 129 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAM - 130 AFFORDABLE HOUSING - 131 COUNTY STORM WATER PROGRAM 3,500.00 132 MEASURE"B" - 301 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND - 302 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND - 405 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE - Sol WATER UTILITY FUND 20,648.51 502 WASTEWATER FUND 17,708.70 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - 504 SENIOR HOUSING CITY ATTORNEY - 505 SOLID WASTE FUND - 601 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT 140,236.00 602 LIABILITY INSURANCE - 603 WORKERS COMP. RESERVEANSURANCE - 701 RETIRED EMP. INSURANCE - 702 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -DEVELOPER FEES 144.62 704 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND - OTHER 1,031.37 70B OUTSIDE SERVICES TRUST TOTAL WARRANTS 457,429.67 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Information on actual expenditures is available in the Chief Financial Officer's office in the City of EI Segundo. I certify as to the accuracy of the Demands and the availability of fund for payment thereo For Approval: Regular checks held for City council authorization to release. CODES R = Computer generated checks for all non-emergency/urgency payments for materials, supplies and services in support of City Operations For Ratification: A = Payroll and Employee Benefit checks CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY FUND DATE OF APPROVAL: AS OF 1116124 NOTES: Replacement check 3048887/No warrant register 13a B - F = Computer generated Early Release disbursements and/or adjustments approved by the City Manager. Such as: payments for utility services, petty cash and employee travel expense reimbursements, various refunds, contract employee services consistent with current contractual agreements, instances where prompt payment discounts can be obtained or late payment penalties can be avoided or when a situation arises that the City Manager approves. H = Handwritten Early Release disbursements and/or adjustments approved by the City Manager. INTERIM CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER CITY MANAGER DATE:— DATE: l I C1hq -i REGISTER R13b Page 22 of 218 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY DEPARTMENT AS OF 1/16/24 REGISTER #13b DEPT# NAME TOTAL GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1101 City Council 41.08 1201 City Treasurer 1300 City Clerk 1,926.18 2101 City Manager 223.94 2102 Communications 136.35 2103 El Segundo Media 1,565.50 2201 City Attorney 22,405.75 2401 Economic Development 2,591.06 2402 Planning 2405 Human and Health Services 2500 Administrative Services 77,963.45 2601 Government Buildings 21,625.16 2900 Nondepartmental 6100 Library 6,171.73 134,650.20 PUBLIC SAFETY 3100 Police 27,068.54 3200 Fire 9,979.56 2403 Building Safety 2404 Ping/Bldg Sfty Administration 112.66 37,160.76 PUBLIC WORKS 4101 Engineering 25,018.50 4200 Streets 5,743.83 4300 Wastewater 852.57 4601 Equipment Maintenance 10,197.61 4801 Administration 41, 812.51 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 5100,5200 Recreation & Parks 4,626.65 5400 Centennial 4,626.65 EXPENDITURES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS TOTAL WARRANTS 239,179.55 457,429.67 Page 23 of 218 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 12/25/23 THROUGH 12/31/23 Date Payee Description 12/26/2023 US Bank 1,505,651.44 Pension Obligation Bond Interest Payment 12/28/2023 Cal Pers 62,413.17 EFT Retirement Safety Police Classic - 1 st Tier 28 12/28/2023 Cal Pers 55,026.06 EFT Retirement Misc - PEPRA New 26013 12/28/2023 Cal Pers 54,926.83 EFT Retirement Safety Fire- Classic 30168 12/28/2023 Cal Pers 32,873.02 EFT Retirement Safety-Police-PEPRA New 25021 12/28/2023 Cal Pers 35,062.92 EFT Retirement Misc - Classic 27 12/28/2023 Cal Pers 17,279.67 EFT Retirement Safety-Fire-PEPRA New 25020 12/28/2023 Cal Pers 14,028.63 EFT Retirement Sfty Police Classic-2nd Tier 30169 12/18/23-12/24/23 Workers Comp Activity 66,994.06 SCRMA checks issued/(voided) 12/18/23-12/24/23 Liability Trust - Claims 1,530.00 Claim checks issued/(voided) 12/18/23-12/24/23 Retiree Health Insurance - Health Reimbursment checks issued 1,845,785.80 DATE OF RATIFICATION: 01/03/24 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by: Treasury & Custom r Services Manager Date o In Chief Financial Officer Date /^f0_Z� City i6nager Date Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo. 1,845,785.80 P:\City Treasurer\Wire Transfers\Wire Transfers 07-01-23 to 6-30-24 1/3/2024 1/1 Page 24 of 218 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 01/01/24 THROUGH 01/07/24 Date Payee 1/2/2024 Unum 132.10 1/5/2024 Mission Square 95,347.06 1/5/2024 Mission Square 1,080.00 1/5/2024 Mission Square 2,613.30 1/5/2024 Mission Square 100.00 1/5/2024 ExpertPay 2,365.29 1/5/2024 Pitney Bowes 1,000.00 12/25/23-12/31/23 Workers Comp Activity 23,918.71 12/25/23-12/31/23 Liability Trust - Claims 26,266.78 12/25/23-12/31/23 Retiree Health Insurance 12,177.33 165,000.57 DATE OF RATIFICATION: 01/08/24 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by: Treasury & Customer Services Manager Date Interim Chief Financial Officer Date City Manager Date Descriation Long Term Care Premium - January 2024 457 payment Vantagepoint 401(a) payment Vantagepoint 401(a) payment Vantagepoint IRA payment Vantagepoint EFT Child support payment Postage for Library SCRMA checks issued/(voided) Claim checks issued/(voided) Health Reimbursment checks issued Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo. 165,000.57 PACity Treasurer\Wire Transfers\Wire Transfers 07-01-23 to 6-30-24 1/8/2024 1/1 Page 25 of 218 3048969 - 3049067 9003072 - 9003081 001 GENERAL FUND 294,856.03 003 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND - OTHER - 104 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND - 106 STATE GAS TAX FUND 12,165.40 108 ASSOCIATED RECREATION ACTIVITIES FUND - 109 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 10,928.36 110 MEASURER" - 111 COMM. DEVEL. BLOCK GRANT - 112 PROP"N'TRANSPORTATION - 114 PROP"C'TRANSPORTATION - 115 AIR QUALITY INVESTMENT PROGRAM - 116 HOME SOUND INSTALLATION FUND - 117 HYPERION MITIGATION FUND - 118 TDA ARTICLE 3-SB 821 BIKEWAY FUND - 119 MTA GRANT - 121 FEMA 12D C.O.P.S. FUND - 122 L.A.W.A. FUND - 123 PSAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY 1,715.71 124 FEDERAL GRANTS - 125 STATE GRANT 2,450.00 126 A/P CUPA PROGRAM OVERSIGHT SURCHARGE 1,369.87 127 MEAURE W" 559,937.16 128 SB-1 - 129 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAM - 130 AFFORDABLE HOUSING - 131 COUNTY STORM WATER PROGRAM 3,262.50 132 MEASURE "B" - 301 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND - 302 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND - 405 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE - 501 WATER UTILITY FUND 20,075.32 502 WASTEWATER FUND 10,291.91 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - 504 SENIOR HOUSING CITY ATTORNEY - 505 SOLID WASTE FUND - 601 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT - 602 LIABILITY INSURANCE 9.26 603 WORKERS COMP. RESERVE/INSURANCE 134.38 701 RETIRED EMP. INSURANCE - 702 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -DEVELOPER FEES 20,892.81 704 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND - OTHER 1.734,18 7D8 OUTSIDE SERVICES TRUST TOTAL WARRANTS 939,822.89 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Information on actual expenditures is available in the Chief Financial Officer's office in the City of El Segundo. I certify as to the accuracy of the Demands and the availability of fund for payment thereof For Approval: Regular checks held for City council authorization to release. CODES R = Computer generated checks for all non-emergency/urgency payments for materials, supplies and services in support of City Operations For Ratification: A = Payroll and Employee Benefit checks B - F = Computer generated Early Release disbursements and/or adjustments approved by the City Manager. Such as: payments for utility services, petty cash and employee travel expense reimbursements, various refunds, contract employee services consistent with current contractual agreements, instances where prompt payment discounts can be obtained or late payment penalties can be avoided or when a situation arises that the City Manager approves. H = Handwritten Early Release disbursements and/or adjustments approved by the City Manager. CHIEF FINANCIAL //OFFICER CITY MANAGER DATE: (/ 16 / 7- Y / DATE: NOTES: CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY FUND DATE OF APPROVAL: AS OF 2/6/24 REGISTER #14a Page 26 of 218 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY DEPARTMENT AS OF 2/6/24 REGISTER #14a DEPT# NAME TOTAL GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1101 City Council 1,079.68 1201 City Treasurer 947.91 1300 City Clerk 1,040.20 2101 City Manager 4,149.37 2102 Communications 126.02 2103 El Segundo Media 594.93 2201 City Attorney 2401 Economic Development 30,049.57 2402 Planning 2405 Human and Health Services 1,657.50 2500 Administrative Services 109,361.24 2601 Government Buildings 15,441.96 2900 Nondepartmental 9,029.02 6100 Library 6,020.14 179,497.54 PUBLIC SAFETY 3100 Police 19,869.67 3200 Fire 4,612.48 2403 Building Safety 6,364.00 2404 Ping/Bldg Sfty Administration 343.22 31,189.37 PUBLIC WORKS 4101 Engineering 10,311.88 4200 Streets 34,942.17 4300 Wastewater 341.77 4601 Equipment Maintenance 5,026.31 4801 Administration 50,622.13 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 5100,5200 Recreation & Parks 21,183.42 5400 Centennial 352.83 21, 536.25 EXPENDITURES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 656,977.60 0.00 TOTAL WARRANTS 939,822.89 Page 27 of 218 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 01/08/24 THROUGH 01/14/24 Date Payee Description 1/8/2024 IRS 294,469.38 Federal941 Deposit 1/8/2024 Employment Development 5,156.32 State SDI payment 1/8/2024 Employment Development 69,907.94 State PIT Withholding 1/9/2024 Cal Pers 59,264.20 EFT Retirement Safety Police Classic - 1 st Tier 28 1/9/2024 Cal Pers 54,617.44 EFT Retirement Misc - PEPRA New 26013 1/9/2024 Cal Pers 52,583.31 EFT Retirement Safety Fire- Classic 30168 1/9/2024 Cal Pers 35,101.53 EFT Retirement Safety-Police-PEPRA New 25021 1/9/2024 Cal Pers 35,678.90 EFT Retirement Misc - Classic 27 1/9/2024 Cal Pers 16,574.81 EFT Retirement Safety-Fire-PEPRA New 25020 1/9/2024 Cal Pers 15,000.92 EFT Retirement Sfty Police Classic-2nd Tier 30169 1/9/2024 Cal Pers 958.20 Replacement Benefit Contributions 1/10/2024 Cal Pers 11,994.24 Replacement Benefit Contributions 1/10/2024 Cal Pers 671,393.95 EFT Health Insurance Payment 1/10/2024 West Basin 2,307,993.24 H2O payment 01/01/24-01/07/24 Workers Comp Activity 15,050.14 SCRMA checks issued/(voided) 01/01/24-01/07/24 Liability Trust - Claims - Claim checks issued/(voided) 01/01/24-01/07/24 Retiree Health Insurance - Health Reimbursment checks issued 3,645,744.52 DATE OF RATIFICATION: 01/22/24 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: 3,645,744.52 Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by Treasury & Cu,; tices Manager Chief Financial Officer City Manager Date //z3/a '{ Date /-Z) -2y Date Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo. PACity Treasurer\Wire Transfers\Wire Transfers 07-01-23 to 6-30-24 1 /22/2024 1 /1 Page 28 of 218 3049077 - 3049122 9003082 - 9G03083 001 GENERAL FUND 236,91123 003 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND - OTHER - 104 TRAFFIC SAFETY FUND - 106 STATE GAS TAX FUND 5.77 108 ASSOCIATED RECREATION ACTIVITIES FUND - 109 ASSET FORFEITURE FUND 1,983.79 110 MEASURE"R" - ill COMM. REVEL. BLOCK GRANT - 112 PROP"N'TRANSPORTATION - 114 PROP 'C" TRANSPORTATION - 115 AIR QUALITY INVESTMENT PROGRAM - 116 HOME SOUND INSTALLATION FUND - 117 HYPERION MITIGATION FUND - 118 TDA ARTICLE 3- SB 821 BIKEWAY FUND - 119 MTA GRANT - 121 FEMA 120 C.O.P.S. FUND - 122 L.A.W.A. FUND - 123 PSAF PROPERTY TAX PUBLIC SAFETY - 124 FEDERAL GRANTS - 125 STATE GRANT - 126 AIP CUPA PROGRAM OVERSIGHT SURCHARGE 91.64 127 MEAUREW" - 128 SB-1 129 CERTIFIED ACCESS SPECIALIST PROGRAM - 130 AFFORDABLE HOUSING - 131 COUNTY STORM WATER PROGRAM - 132 MEASURE"B" - 301 CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT FUND - 302 INFRASTRUCTURE REPLACEMENT FUND - 405 FACILITIES MAINTENANCE - 501 WATER UTILITY FUND 533.16 502 WASTEWATER FUND 3,045.51 503 GOLF COURSE FUND - 504 SENIOR HOUSING CITY ATTORNEY 201.60 505 SOLID WASTE FUND - 601 EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT - 602 LIABILITY INSURANCE 31.75 603 WORKERS COMP. RESERVEANSURANCE 1,128.95 701 RETIRED EMP. INSURANCE - 702 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND -DEVELOPER FEES - 704 EXPENDABLE TRUST FUND - OTHER 104.03 708 OUTSIDE SERVICES TRUST - TOTAL WARRANTS 244,037.43 STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES Information on actual expenditures is available in the Chief Financial Officer's office in the City of El Segundo. I certify as to the accuracy of the Demands and the availabifity of fund for payment thereof For Approval: Regular checks held for City council authorization to release. CODES CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BY FUND DATE OF APPROVAL: AS OF 2/6/24 REGISTER k14b NOTES: Replacement Checks: 3049068 - 3049076 R = Computer generated checks for all non-emergency/urgency payments for materials, supplies and services in support of City Operations For Ratification' A = Payroll and Employee Benefit checks B - F = Computer generated Early Release disbursements and/or adjustments approved by the City Manager. Such as: payments for utility services, petty cash and employee travel expense reimbursements, various refunds, contract employee services consistent oth current contractual agreements, instances where prompt payment discounts can be obtained or late payment penalties can be avoided or when a situation arises that the City Manager approves. t H = Handwritten Early Release disbursements and/or adjustments approved by the City Manager. O CHIEF FINANCIAL OFFICER CITY MANAGER �q DATE: / C''//'n� DATE: I/z3/y� y Page 29 of 218 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO WARRANTS TOTALS BYDEPARTMENT ASOF2/6/2 REGISTER #14b DEPT# NAME TOTAL GENERAL FUND DEPARTMENTAL EXPENDITURES GENERAL GOVERNMENT 1101 City Council 12.14 1201 City Treasurer 0.25 1300 City Clerk 4.900.45 2101 City Manager (8.28) 2102 Communications 0.30 2103 BSegundo Media 2201 City Attorney 43.639.85 3401 Economic Development 0.20 2402 Planning 0.50 2405 Human and Health Services 2.372.50 2500 Administrative Services 1.335.90 2601 Government Buildings 30.280.28 2900 Nondoportmentol 1.051.65 6100 Library 3,860.20 87.445.89 PUBLIC SAFETY 3100 Police 9,50938 3200 Fire 16,690.87 2403 Building Safety 1.884�83 2404 Plng/BldgSftyAdministration 457.84 28,542.92 PUBLIC WORKS 4101 Engineering 3,93420 4200 Streets 7.40662 4300 Wastewater 4601 Equipment Maintenance 218.63 4801 Administration 0,10 11.55955 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT 5100.5200 Recreation &Parks 86.483.33 5400 Centennial 1,225.00 87.714.33 EXPENDITURES CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT ALL OTHER ACCOUNTS 28.774.04 TOTAL WARRANTS 24403743 Page 30 of 218 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PAYMENTS BY WIRE TRANSFER 01/15/24 THROUGH 01/22/24 Date Payee 1/16/2024 Chase Bank 1/19/2024 Mission Square 1/19/2024 Mission Square 1/19/2024 1/19/2024 1/19/2024 01 /08/24-01 /14/24 01 /08/24-01 /14/24 01 /08/24-01 /14/24 Mission Square Mission Square ExpertPay Workers Comp Activity Liability Trust - Claims Retiree Health Insurance DATE OF RATIFICATION: 01/22/24 TOTAL PAYMENTS BY WIRE: Description 19,747.10 Chase Bank 2023 bank fees 95,058.38 457 payment Vantagepoint 1,080.00 401(a) payment Vantagepoint 2,613.30 401(a) payment Vantagepoint 100.00 IRA payment Vantagepoint 2,365.29 EFT Child support payment 25,120.74 SCRMA checks issued/(voided) 75.00 Claim checks issued/(voided) - Health Reimbursment checks issued 146,159.81 Certified as to the accuracy of the wire transfers by: Treasu & Customer ervices Manager Date - �J_� L=D /-Zy,zr Chief Financial Officer Date City Manager Date Information on actual expenditures is available in the City Treasurer's Office of the City of El Segundo. 146,159.81 PACity Treasurer\Wire Transfers\Wire Transfers 07-01-23 to 6-30-24 1/22/2024 1/1 Page 31 of 218 City Council Agenda Statement F 1 F �' t 1) �� Meeting Date: February 6, 2024 Agenda Heading: Consent Item Number: 13.4 TITLE: Second Reading of an Ordinance Amending El Segundo Municipal Code Chapter 1-6 (Personnel Merit System) to Revise Title of the Recreation Superintendent to Recreation Manager Under the List of Positions Exempt from the Civil Service System RECOMMENDATION: 1. Waive the second reading and approve the proposed Ordinance amending El Segundo Municipal Code Chapter 1-6 to revise the list of positions exempt from the Civil Service System. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: There are no direct costs associated with the proposed personnel actions. Any discretionary costs that might be associated with an incumbent's change in Civil Service status would be absorbed by the department's existing budget authority and would not require appropriation of new funds. BACKGROUND: On January 16, 2024, the Human Resources Director presented an Ordinance to revise the title of the Recreation Superintendent to Recreation Manager under the list of positions exempt from the Civil Service System. An updated classification specification, exam plan, and resolution establishing the basic monthly salary range was approved by the City Council at this meeting with the revised job title. Exempt positions from the civil service system do not have the same rights as classified positions. Civil service provides a range of job protections for City employees, including merit -based hiring and promotions, opportunity for employees to correct performance issues, and "for cause" termination. In contrast, employees exempt from civil service may be appointed without a competitive hiring process and are subject to "at -will" employment (i.e., employment that may be terminated at any time for any reason not Page 32 of 218 Use of temporary staffing service employees is limited to working less than 1,000 hours in a fiscal year and they cannot be CalPERS members. February 6, 2024 Page 2 of 3 prohibited by law). El Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC") §§ 1-6-1 and 1-6-1 require Civil Service membership for all City employees except those specifically exempted. ESMC § 1-6-4 exempts department heads, elective officers, and certain specified positions listed therein. The "at -will" classifications in the "Management and Confidential" unrepresented group are based upon positions requiring a particularly high degree of professional responsiveness, individual accountability, broad management responsibilities, and independent discretion required to perform assigned responsibilities. 11 &*6111*1 IC 0 F The proposed Ordinance would revise the Municipal Code Chapter 1-6 and confirm the title change of the Recreation Superintendent to Recreation Manager. All other listed positions excluded from the Civil Service System would remain the same as approved in Ordinance 1650 effective September 5, 2023. Implementation Actions To implement the above actions, modification to ESMC Chapter 1-6 is needed to comply with City's personnel policies and practices and state law. The proposed Ordinance would exclude the positions listed above from the merit system. Two readings of the Ordinance are required for approval. Staff recommends a second reading of the proposed Ordinance at the regular February 6, 2024 City Council meeting. If approved, the Ordinance would take effect 30 days from adoption. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 3: Promote a Quality Workforce Through Teamwork and Organizational Efficiencies Objective 3A: El Segundo is an employer of choice and consistently hires for the future, with a workforce that is inspired, world -class, engaged and innovative. laN4UTIN41] YF Rebecca Redyk, Human Resources Director REVIEWED BY: Rebecca Redyk, Human Resources Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Page 33 of 218 Use of temporary staffing service employees is limited to working less than 1,000 hours in a fiscal year and they cannot be CalPERS members. February 6, 2024 Page 3 of 3 Ordinance Amendment ESMC Chapter 1-6 Civil Service Page 34 of 218 ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING EL SEGUNDO MUNICIPAL CODE CHAPTER 1-6 (PERSONNEL MERIT SYSTEM) TO EXPAND THE LIST OF POSITIONS EXEMPT FROM THE CIVIL SERVICE SYSTEM. The City Council of the City of El Segundo does ordain as follows: SECTION 1. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. State law allows cities to adopt civil service programs that are adaptable to their respective sizes and types via ordinance (Gov. Code, § 45000 et seq.) B. The City has adopted a civil service system which is set forth in El Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC") Chapter 1-6 (Personnel Merit System). C. The City Council desires to adopt this Ordinance to memorialize updates to the positions excluded from the City's civil service system. SECTION 2. El Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC") § 1-6-4 is amended in its entirety to read as follows: "1-6-4: EXCLUSIONS: Effective , 2023, those officers and members of departments, in addition to department heads and elected officers who are expressly excluded from the merit system, are: Assistant City Clerk (At -Will) Assistant City Manager (At -Will) Building Safety Manager* City Attorney City Engineer (At -Will) City Manager Communications Manager (At -Will) Deputy City Manager Finance Manager (At -Will) General Services Superintendent (At -Will) Page 35 of 218 City of El Segundo Ordinance No. Page 2 of 4 Human Resources Manager (At -Will) Information Systems Manager (At -Will) Library Services Manager* Park Maintenance Superintendent* Planning Manager (At -Will) Principal Civil Engineer* Recreation Superintendent* Risk Manager (At -Will) Senior Civil Engineer (At -Will) Senior Executive Assistant (At -Will) Treasury and Customer Service Manager (At -Will) Utilities Superintendent (At -Will). *NOTE: Any position designated above with an asterisk will only be excluded from the personnel merit system under this section upon both the vacancy of such position after the date first set forth in this section and City Council approval of a revised classification specification for the position." SECTION 3. Validity of Previous Code Sections. If this entire Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, any repeal of the ESMC or other regulation by this Ordinance will be rendered void and cause such ESMC provision or other regulation to remain in full force and effect for all purposes. SECTION 4. Enforceability. Repeal or amendment of any previous Code Sections does not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before this Ordinance's effective date. Any such repealed part will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurring before the effective date of this Ordinance. SECTION 5. Severability. If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provision or application and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. Page 36 of 218 City of El Segundo Ordinance No. Page 3 of 4 SECTION 6. The City Clerk, or her duly appointed deputy, is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and, within fifteen (15) days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law. SECTION 7. Construction. This Ordinance must be broadly construed to achieve the purposes stated in this Ordinance. It is the City Council's intent that the provisions of this Ordinance be interpreted or implemented by the City and others in a manner that facilitates the purposes set forth in this Ordinance. SECTION 8. Environmental Review. This Ordinance was reviewed pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA") and the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of Regulations §§15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines"). Based upon that review, this Ordinance is exempt from further review pursuant to CEQA Guidelines §15061(b)(3) because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the Ordinance may have a significant effect on the environment. SECTION 9. Recording. The City Clerk is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City's book of original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and, within 15 days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law. SECTION 10. Execution. The Mayor, or presiding officer, is hereby authorized to affix his signature to this Ordinance signifying its adoption by the City Council of the City of El Segundo, and the City Clerk, or duly appointed deputy, is directed to attest thereto. SECTION 11. Effective Date. This Ordinance will take effect on the 30th day following its final passage and adoption. ORDINANCE NO. HAD ITS FIRST READING ON , ITS SECOND READING ON , AND WAS DULY PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AT ITS REGULAR MEETING OF Drew Boyles, Mayor Page 37 of 218 City of El Segundo Ordinance No. Page 4 of 4 ATTEST: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney Page 38 of 218 City Council Agenda Statement F I, F G t I) O Meeting Date: February 6, 2024 Agenda Heading: Consent Item Number: B.5 TITLE: El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board 2024 Operating Budget for Park Vista Senior Housing Facility RECOMMENDATION: Approve the El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board 2024 Operating Budget for the Park Vista senior housing facility located at 615 East Holly Avenue. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: Park Vista senior living facility is owned by the City and managed under contract by the Cadman Group. Provided in the summary breakdown below, the facility generated a positive net operating revenue of $228,596.69 in 2023, and is projected to generate positive net operating revenue of $123,144.97 in 2024. The net operating income in 2023 was significantly higher than budgeted due to a one-time incentive payment provided by Spectrum for signing a bulk rate contract in 2023. Operation of the facility does not currently impact the City's General Fund in Fiscal Year 2023-2024. BACKGROUND: The El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board consists of five members. The Board meets monthly, providing oversight of the City's Park Vista senior housing facility. The Board's oversight includes monitoring expenses and revenues throughout the year and culminates in an annual operating budget prepared by the Cadman Group, the facility's management company. On October 25, 2023, the Board considered an annual rental market rate survey to determine whether to increase the rental rate for new incoming tenants in 2024. The Board decided not to increase the rental rate for new incoming tenants. Subsequently, at a special meeting on December 6, 2023, the El Segundo Senior Citizen Housing Corporation Board approved the 2023 Annual Operating Budget for the Park Vista senior housing apartments. On January 25, 2024, Page 39 of 218 2024 Park Vista Operating Budget February 6, 2024 Page 2 of 3 the Board approved rental rate increases for existing tenants by the Council -approved 2%, which is included in the 2024 Operating Budget. After approval of the budget, it is the Board's practice to forward the operating budget to City Council for approval. DISCUSSION: The attached operating budget reflects increases in operating expenses for earthquake insurance, elevator service, gardening service, and management fees. Operating income increases resulted from an influx of new tenants subject to the new higher rental rates. Other operating income increases are from parking rate increases and from laundry, a result of a new contract with a new laundry provider. The increases result in a positive forecast of $123,144.97 in net operating income for 2024. The following table is a summary of income and expenses for 2023, and the amounts budgeted for 2024. 2023 (Budgeted) 2023 (Actual) 2024 (Budgeted) Operating Income $839,600 $936,433.91 $939,619.97 Operating Expenses $795,725 $707,837.22 $816,475 Net Operating Income $43,875 $228,596.69 $123,144.97 CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 5: Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability Objective 513: El Segundo approaches its work in a financially strategic and responsible way. PREPARED BY: Eduardo Schonborn, AICP, Planning Manager REVIEWED BY: Michael Allen, AICP, Development Services Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager /_1i/_T63:I411K11aaQ A IILI"1Z9Zd11Lyi14z116" a 2024 Operating Budget Page 40 of 218 2024 Park Vista Operating Budget February 6, 2024 Page 3 of 3 Page 41 of 218 Budget Detail Cadman Group Properties: Park Vista - 615 E. Holly Avenue El Segundo, CA 90245 Period Range: Jan 2024 to Dec 2024 Consolidate: No Include Zero Balance GL Accounts: No Account Name Jan 2024 Feb 2024 Mar 2024 Apr 2024 May 2024 Jun 2024 Jul 2024 Aug 2024 Sep 2024 Oct 2024 Nov 2024 Dec 2024 Park Vista - 615 E. Holly Avenue El Segundo, CA 90245 - Fiscal 2024 Opearting Budget Income RENT Total Percent Rent Income 78,690.00 78,690.00 78,690.00 78,690.00 78,690.00 78,690.00 78,690.00 78,690.00 78,690.00 78,690.00 78,690.00 78,690.00 944,280,00 Parking 1,622.00 1,622.00 1,622.00 1,622.00 1,622.00 1,622.00 1,622.00 1,622.00 1,622.00 1,622.00 1,622.00 1,622,00 19,464.00 Income Total RENT 80,312.00 80,312.00 80,312.00 80,312.00 80,312.00 80,312.00 80,312.00 80,312.00 80,312.00 80,312.00 80,312.00 80,312.00 963,744.00 Vacancy -2,360.70 -2,916.67 -2,916,67 -2,916.67 -2,916.67 -2,916.67 -2,916.67 -2,916.67 -2,916.66 -2,916.66 -2,916.66 -2,916.66 -34,444.03 Laundry 860,00 860.00 860.00 860.00 860.00 860.00 860.00 860.00 860.00 860.00 860.00 860.00 10,320.00 Income Total Budgeted 78,811.30 78,255.33 78,255.33 78,255.33 78,255.33 78,255.33 78,255.33 78,255.33 78,255.34 78,255.34 78,255.34 78,255.34 939,619.97 Income Expense Fire Service Maintenance Elevator service Gardening Management Fees Pest Control Insurance - Property Earthquake Insurance Licenses and Permits Electricity Gas Water Telephone/ Internet 100.50 2.07 102.57 -3.67 1.10 100.00 833.34 833.34 833.34 833.34 833.33 833.33 833.33 833.33 833.33 833.33 833.33 833.33 10,000.00 1.22 17,500.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 17,500.00 210,000.00 25.72 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 1,250.00 15,000.00 1.84 1,750.00 1,750.00 1,750,00 1,750,00 1,750.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 1,750.00 21:000.00 2.57 16,500,00 16,500.00 16,500.00 16,500.00 16,500.00 16,500.00 16,500,00 16,500.00 16,500,00 16,500.00 16,500.00 16,500.00 198,000.00 24.25 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 500.00 6,000.00 0.73 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 0.00 0.00 25,000.00 3.06 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 85,000.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 85,000.00 10.41 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 50.00 600.00 0.07 2,350.00 2,350.00 2,350.00 2,350.00 2,350.00 2,350.00 2,350.00 2,350.00 2,350.00 2,350.00 2,350.00 2,350.00 28,200.00 3.45 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000.00 2,000,00 2,000.00 2,000.00 24,000.00 2.94 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 41500.00 4,500.00 4,500.00 54,000.00 6.61 2,750.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 2,750.00 2,750,00 2,750.00 33,000.00 4.04 Created on 11/29/2023 P e Page 4TU 218 Budget Detail Account Name Jan 2024 Feb 2024 Mar 2024 Apr 2024 May 2024 Jun 2024 Jul 2024 Aug 2024 Sep 2024 Oct 2024 Nov 2024 Dec 2024 Total Percent Cable/ 6,250.00 6,250.00 6,250.00 6,250.00 6,250.00 6,250.00 6,250.00 6,250.00 6,250,00 6,250.00 6,250.00 6,250.00 75,000.00 9.19 Television Office Supplies 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 400.00 4,800.00 0.59 Advertising & 450.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 7,000.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 11,950.00 1.46 Promotion Entertainment 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 3,500.00 0.43 Legal 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 300.00 3,600.00 0.44 Expenses (Expense account) Bank Service 6,25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 6.25 75.00 0.01 Fees Postage 20.84 20.84 20.84 20.84 20.83 20.83 20.83 20.83 20.83 20.83 20.83 20.83 250.00 0.03 Professional 625.00 625.00 625.00 625.00 625.00 625.00 625.00 625.00 625.00 625.00 625.00 625.00 7,500.00 0.92 Fees Total Budgeted 58,035.43 58,035.43 58,035.43 58,035.43 58,035.41 58,035.41 58,035.41 153,085.41 58,035.41 83,035.41 58,035.41 58,035.41 816,475.00 100.00 Expense Total Budgeted Income Total Budgeted Expense Net Operating Income Other Income Interest on Bank Accounts Total Budgeted Other Income 78,811.30 78,255.33 78,255.33 78,255.33 78,255.33 78,255.33 78,255.33 78,255.33 78,255.34 78,255.34 78.255.34 78,255.34 939,619.97 100.00 58,035.43 58,035.43 58,035.43 58,035.43 58,035.41 58,035.41 58,035.41 153,085.41 58,035.41 83,035.41 58,035,41 58,035,41 816,475.00 100.00 20,775.87 20,219.90 20,219.90 20,219.90 20,219.92 20,219.92 20,219.92 -74,830.08 20,219.93 -4,780.07 20,219.93 20,219.93 123,144.97 100.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500,00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 2,500.00 30,000.00 100,00 2,500.00 2,500.00 30,000.00 100.00 Created on 11/29/2023 Page 43W218 City Council Agenda Statement F I, F �' t 1) �� Meeting Date: February 6, 2024 Agenda Heading: Consent Item Number: B.6 TITLE: Resolution Updating the City's Conflict of Interest Code RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt a resolution updating the City's 2024 Conflict of Interest Code. 2. Alternatively, take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: None. 1_T61201:16111011:3 The Political Reform Act (Gov't. Code §§ 81000, et seq.; the "PRA") and regulations adopted pursuant to the PRA (2 Cal. Code of Regs. §§ 18700, et seq.; "FPPC Regs.") require local government agencies to adopt a conflict of interest code, review it every even -numbered year, and update it accordingly if the review indicates required modifications. The code is to list those city officials -- employees, elected and appointed board members and consultants -- whose position may present potential conflicts of interest and requires them to file an annual Statement of Economic Interest (FPPC Form 700) with the City Clerk's Office. The City of El Segundo last updated its Conflict of Interest Code in February 2022, via Resolution 5309 and must update the code to remain compliant with FPPC regulations. DISCUSSION: On or about January 17, 2024, the City Clerk's Office conducted a review of the City's conflict of interest code in accordance with Government Code § 87306.5 and determined that changes to the code were needed at that time. To fulfill its obligations under the PRA and FPPC Regs., the City Council needs to repeal Resolution No. 5309, adopted February 1, 2022, and adopt a revised conflict of interest code. Page 44 of 218 Conflict of Interest Code February 6, 2024 Page 2 of 2 The positions listed in the attached resolution are designated positions. Officers and employees holding those positions are designated employees and are deemed to make or participate in making decisions which may foreseeably have a material effect on a financial interest. Disclosure includes specific types of investments, business positions, interests in real property, and sources of income which may foreseeably be materially affected by any decision made or participated in by the designated employee. Consistent with prior practice, the proposed resolution provides that designated employees must disclose all interests as required by the PRA and regulations promulgated thereto. When a new position classification is created by the Human Resources Department for City Council approval, the Human Resources Department will recommend that the City Council decide whether the new position will be required to file a Statement of Economic Interest and be included as a designated position in the Conflict of Interest Code. Also consistent with prior practice, the resolution would still provide that, when the City Council establishes a Commission, Committee, or Board, the City Council will decide whether the members of the Commission, Committee or Boards be included as a designated position in the Conflict of Interest Code and the members of the Commission, Committee or Board so designated by the City Council, will be required to file a Statement of Economic Interest. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Communication Objective 1A: El Segundo provides unparalleled service to all customers. Objective 1 B: El Segundo's engagement with the community ensures excellence. PREPARED BY: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk REVIEWED BY: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 2024 Resolution - Conflict of Interest Code jv clean Page 45 of 218 A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE 2024 CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE FOR THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLITICAL REFORM ACT. The City Council of the City of El Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds and declares as follows: A. The Political Reform Act (Gov't. Code §§ 81000, et seq.; the "PRA") and regulations adopted pursuant to the PRA (2 Cal. Code of Regs. §§ 18700, et seq.; "FPPC Regs.") require local governments adopt conflict of interest codes. B. Section 18730 of the FPPC Regs. sets forth a standard conflict of interest code that may be adopted by local agencies. C. On or about January 17, 2024, the City Clerk's Office conducted a review of the City's conflict of interest code in accordance with Government Code § 87306.5 and determined that changes to the code were needed at that time. D. To fulfill its obligations under the PRA and FPPC Regs., the City Council will repeal Resolution No. 5309, adopted February 1, 2022 and adopt a new conflict of interest code as set forth below. SECTION 2: 2024 Conflict of Interest Code; Generally. FPPC Regs. § 18730 is adopted by reference as the City of El Segundo's 2024 Conflict of Interest Code. Except as modified in this Resolution, all requirements of FPPC Regs. § 18730 apply as if fully set forth in this Resolution. SECTION 3: 2024 Conflict of Interest Code, Changes. The 2024 Conflict of Interest Code includes the following changes: A. The term "Appendix," as used in FPPC Regs. § 18730 refers to Section 4 of this Resolution. SECTION 4: Designated Officials, Employees and Consultants. For purposes of FPPC Regs. § 18730, designated employees and consultants are set forth below: A. Designated Officials and Employees: The positions listed below are designated positions. Officers and employees holding those positions are designated employees and are deemed to make or participate in making decisions which may foreseeably have a material effect on a financial interest. Disclosure includes specific types of investments, business positions, interests in real property, awarding of contracts, procuring goods or services and sources of income which RESOLUTION XXX PAGE 1 of 7 Page 46 of 218 may foreseeably be materially affected by any decision made or participated in by the designated employee. Such disclosures must be made at the times and circumstances described by the City's Conflict of Interest Code. Designated employees must disclose all interests as required by the PRA and regulations promulgated thereto. When a new position classification is created by the Human Resources Department for City Council approval, the Human Resources Department will recommend that the City Council decide whether the new position will be required to file a Statement of Economic Interest and be included as a designated position in the Conflict of Interest Code. When the City Council establishes a Commission, Committee, or Board, the City Council will decide whether the members of the Commission, Committee or Boards be included as a designated position in the Conflict of Interest Code and the members of the Commission, Committee or Board so designated by the City Council, will be required to file a Statement of Economic Interest. COUNCIL, COMMISSIONS, COMMITTEES, &BOARDS * Members of the City Council * Members of the Planning Commission Members of the Arts and Culture Advisory Committee Members of the Capital Improvement Program Advisory Committee Members of the Diversity, Inclusion, and Equity Committee Members of the Environmental Committee Members of the Investment Advisory Committee Members of the Library Board of Trustees Members of the Recreation & Parks Commission Members of the Senior Citizen Housing Board OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER: * City Manager Special Projects Administrator Assistant City Manager Deputy City Manager Communications Manager Senior Management Analyst Economic Development Analyst/Coordinator OFFICE OF THE CITY ATTORNEY: * City Attorney Assistant City Attorney RESOLUTION XXX PAGE 2 of 7 Page 47 of 218 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK: City Clerk Assistant City Clerk Deputy City Clerk COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT: Director of Community Development Administrative Analyst Senior Administrative Specialist Neighborhood Preservation (formerly Code Compliance Inspector) Building Safety Manager Senior Building Inspector Building Inspector I Senior Plan Check Engineer Plan Check Engineer License Permit Specialist I & II Planning Division Manager Principal Planner Senior Planner Assistant Planner Planner Technician FINANCE DEPARTMENT: * City Treasurer Treasury and Business Services Manager Deputy City Treasurer I & II License Permit Specialist II Chief Financial Officer Management Analyst Purchasing Agent Finance Manager Business Services Manager Fiscal Services Manager FIRE DEPARTMENT: Fire Chief Senior Management Analyst Battalion Chief Fire Marshal Emergency Management Coordinator RESOLUTION XXX PAGE 3 of 7 Page 48 of 218 Environmental Safety Manager Fire Prevention Specialist I & II Principal Environmental Specialist Deputy Fire Chief HUMAN RESOURCES DEPARTMENT: Director of Human Resources Human Resources Manager Risk Manager INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SERVICES DEPARTMENT: Director of Information Technology Services Administrative Specialist Information Technology Services Manager Information Systems Manager POLICE DEPARTMENT: Chief of Police Police Captain PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: Director of Public Works Senior Management Analyst City Engineer Principal Civil Engineer Senior Civil Engineer Assistant City Engineer Public Works Inspector Utilities Superintendent Water Supervisor Wastewater Supervisor Administrative Specialist Facilities Maintenance Supervisor Street Maintenance Supervisor General Services Superintendent Environmental Programs Manager Equipment Maintenance Supervisor RECREATION, PARKS AND LIBRARY: Director of Recreation, Parks and Library RESOLUTION XXX PAGE 4 of 7 Page 49 of 218 • RECREATION & PARKS DIVISION: Senior Administrative Analyst Senior Administrative Specialist Recreation Superintendent Aquatics Manager Park Maintenance Superintendent • LIBRARY DIVISION Library Services Manager Senior Librarian — Education and Outreach Senior Librarian — Cultural Development and Communications Cultural Arts Coordinator * Listed in the code for information purposes only. Persons in these positions are mandatory filers under Government Code § 87200. B. Consultants: The City Manager may determine in writing that a particular consultant, although a "designated position," is hired to perform a range of duties that requires the consultant to fully comply with the disclosure requirements described in this section. Such written determination must include a description of the consultant's duties and based upon that description, a statement of the extent of disclosure requirements. The City Manager determination is a public record and must be retained for public inspection in the same manner and location as this conflict of interest code. SECTION 5: Statement of Economic Interests: Place of Filing. Designated employees must file Statements of Economic Interests with the City of El Segundo, on forms created by the Fair Political Practices Commission, in conformance with the individual disclosure categories and state guidelines, when requested by the City Clerk. The City Clerk will retain custody of the Statements and make them available for public inspection and reproduction. Designated employees listed in the Code with an asterisk (*) must either file their Statements directly with the Fair Political Practices Commission in conformance with state guidelines, or file an electronic copy of their Statement of Economic Interest with the City Clerk, using the City's e-filing system, Netfile, which automatically files the document with the California Fair Political Practices Commission. All other designated employees must use the city's e-filing program, Netfile, to file their Statement of Economic Interest with the City Clerk. SECTION 6: Disclosure and Disqualification — Interest and Positions in Non -Profit Organizations. Whenever a disclosure category requires disclosure of specific financial interests or positions in business entitles, disclosure of equivalent financial interests or positions in non-profit organizations is required. Disqualification must be required as to a disclosed interest or position in a non-profit organization whenever disqualification would RESOLUTION XXX PAGE 5 of 7 Page 50 of 218 have been required as a result of an equivalent financial interest or position in a business entity. SECTION 7: Travel Payments, Advances and Reimbursements. If a payment, including an advance or reimbursement, for travel is required to be reported pursuant to Government Code § 87207, it may be reported on a separate travel reimbursement schedule which must be included in the filer's statement of economic interests. A filer who chooses not to use the travel schedule must disclose payments for travel as a gift, unless it is clear from all surrounding circumstances that the services provided were equal to or greater in value than the payments for the travel, in which case the travel may be reported as income. SECTION 8: Resolution No. 5309, (adopted February 1, 2022) and any other resolution or policy purporting to establish a conflict of interest code, are superseded by this Resolution and thus repealed in their entirety. SECTION 9: Repeal of any provision of any resolution or policy herein will not affect any penalty, forfeiture, or liability incurred before, or preclude prosecution and imposition of penalties for any violation occurring before, this Resolution's effective date. Any such repealed part will remain in full force and effect for sustaining action or prosecuting violations occurring before the effective date of this Resolution. SECTION 10: The City Clerk will certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution and enter it into the book of original resolutions. SECTION 11: This Resolution will become effective immediately upon adoption. RESOLUTION XXX PAGE 6 of 7 Page 51 of 218 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of February 2024. Drew Boyles, Mayor ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution No. XXX was duly passed, approved, and adopted by said City Council, at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 6th day of February 2024, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Boyles, Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel, Council Member Pirsztuk, Council Member Giroux, and Council Member Baldino NOES: None ABSENT: None ABSTAIN: None Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney RESOLUTION XXX PAGE 7 of 7 Page 52 of 218 City Council Agenda Statement F I, F, G t I) O Meeting Date: February 6, 2024 Agenda Heading: Consent Item Number: B.7 TITLE: Notice of Completion for the Smoky Hollow Parking Pilot Project RECOMMENDATION: 1. Accept the Smoky Hollow Parking Pilot Project No. PW 23-05 by DASH Construction Company, Inc. as complete. 2. Authorize and direct the City Clerk to file the attached Notice of Completion with the County Recorder's Office. 3. Alternately, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: Included in the Adopted FY 2022-23 Budget and carried forward to FY 2023-24. Amount Budgeted: $241,915 Additional Appropriation: No Account Numbers: $241,915 from 001-400-4101-6304 (PW Engineering - Smoky Hollow Parking In -Lieu) BACKGROUND: On October 2, 2018, City Council adopted the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. A pilot parking project was authorized under this plan to add a parallel parking lane for on - street parking along the north side of El Segundo Boulevard from the alley east of Main Street to the alley east of Sheldon Street. This pilot project was completed on January 21, 2020 in accordance to the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan, and was subsequently removed after a 16-month evaluation period at the direction of the City Council on May 18, 2021. Staff was directed to initiate a second pilot project to add parking to the Smoky Hollow area. This alternative was to alter few of the north/south streets that intersect El Page 53 of 218 Notice of Completion for the Smoky Hollow Parking Pilot Project February 6, 2024 Page 2 of 3 Segundo Blvd. from a two-way operation to one-way streets, which would allow angled parking along those streets as contemplated in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. On March 7, 2023, the City Council adopted the engineering plans and construction specifications for this alternative and authorized staff to advertise this project for construction. DISCUSSION: The Smoky Hollow Parking Pilot Project No. PW 23-05 was completed in December 2023 and was subsequently inspected by City staff on December 8, 2023. The project was completed in accordance with the plans and specifications to the full satisfaction of city staff. Now that the construction is completed, the success of this pilot project can be evaluated based on the following: • Survey businesses and adjacent property owners gather feedback. • Keep logs of feedback/complaints from residents, and adjacent property owners. • Review citations issued by the Police Department. • Monitor the use of newly installed parking stalls. in the Smoky Hollow area to business owners, truck drivers The staff intends to complete this evaluation and report back to the City Council by fall of this year. Staff recommends that the City Council approve the recommended actions for project PW 23-05 as noted. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 4: Develop and Maintain Quality Infrastructure and Technology Objective 4A: El Segundo's physical infrastructure supports an inviting and safe community. Goal 5: Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability Objective 5A: El Segundo promotes economic growth and vitality for businesses and the community. Page 54 of 218 Notice of Completion for the Smoky Hollow Parking Pilot Project February 6, 2024 Page 3 of 3 PREPARED BY: James Rice, Associate Engineer REVIEWED BY: Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Location Map 3. Before and After Pictures 4. Notice of Completion Page 55 of 218 Vicinity Map - PW 23-05 Smoky Hollow Parking Pilot Project f*_•�■m"W 17per�aI Tve■ � ■ ■ ■ ■ q%t"A 0■�■�Mon ■_■.■�. �. �. �. �.�■�■�� L� ell■11�� ■�Q w■p y 'W Acacia Ave E Acacia Ave ■ Century Fwy v> E Walnut Ave ■ N T! 1 a N E Sycamore Ave 1 3 • ■ u N > L E Maple Ave 0 o 1 Q _ 1 C • S ° • J 1 s ) V) =1 z 7 ■ {/) Z Ov ■ ■ 7 W Mariposa Ave E Mariposa Ave a)C N t � • S d > E Pine Ave K N ■ N Q 'N • El Segundo ■ 1 ■ ■ T @ N ■�W 124th St 1 E Grand Ave @ E Grand Ave ■ ,,arid Ave m Y Ln G � ILn N� L■_■ 1 t ■ rt ■ ■ ■ E El Segundo Blvd E El Segundo Blvf . ■ . ■ J ♦ The Lakes Golf rn 1 • Course 0 ■ ♦ � 1 ♦ v 1N ♦ N. a ` 1 ■ W 138th St ♦ •A Plaza El Segundo ! !000 ; 139th St ♦ 1 ♦ m • 1 Q El Po♦to 36th PI 35th PI 2/23/2023 1:27, 046 0 0.17 0.35 0.7 mi 0.3 0.6 1.2 km City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, California State Parks, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, Page 56 of 218 Location Map - PW 23-05 Smoky Hollow Parking Pilot Project uI [ U �✓ �.J PQ Q F E Grand Ave EDLn�uLJ Q C T N = 000 2/23/2023 n rD 3 h rD Q Q N E Fr a C anklin Ave Ot18,o e of —L� Agn :3 1 E El Segundo Blvd r E Franklin Ave 1:3,852 0 0.03 0.05 0.1 mi 0 0.04 0.09 0.17 km Esri Community Maps Contributors, City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, California State Parks, © OpenStreetMap, Microsoft, Esri, HERE, Page 57 of 218 PW 23-05 Smoky Hollow Parking Pilot Project Before and After Pictures Before: Nevada Street from E. Grand Avenue to E. El Segundo Boulevard, looking north from E. Franklin Avenue After: Page 58 of 218 lk;m- a, L Before: California Street from E. Grand Avenue to E. Franklin Avenue, looking north from E. Franklin Avenue After: Page 60 of 218 Recording Requested by and When Recorded Mail To: City Clerk, City Hall 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 NOTICE OF COMPLETION OF CONSTRUCTION PROJECT Project Name: Smoky Hollow Parking Pilot Project Project No.: PW 23-05 Contract No. 6663 Notice is hereby given pursuant to State of California Civil Code Section 3093 et seq that: 1. The undersigned is an officer of the owner of the interest stated below in the property hereinafter described. 2. The full name of the owner is: City of El Segundo 3. The full address of the owner is: City Hall, 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA, 90245 4. The nature of the interest of the owner is: Public Facilities 5. A work of improvement on the property hereinafter described was field reviewed by the City Engineer on December 8, 2023. The work done was: re -striping and signage to alter some of the north/south streets that intersect El Segundo Boulevard from two-way operation to one- way operation to accommodate for angled street parking. 6. On February 6, 2024, City Council of the City of El Segundo accepted the work of this contract as being complete and directed the recording of this Notice of Completion in the Office of the County Recorder. 7. The name of the Contractor for such work of improvement was: DASH Construction Company, Inc. 8. The property on which said work of improvement was completed is in the City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, State of California, and is described as follows: • Nevada Street from E. Grand Avenue to E. El Segundo Boulevard • Oregon Street from E. Grand Avenue to E. El Segundo Boulevard • California Street from E. Grand Avenue to E. Franklin Avenue 9. The street address of said property is: None Dated: City of El Segundo Elias Sassoon Public Works Director VERIFICATION I, the undersigned, say: I am the Director of Public Works/City Engineer of the City El Segundo, the declarant of the foregoing Notice of Completion; I have read said Notice of Completion and know the contents thereof; the same is true of my own knowledge. I declare under penalty of perjury the foregoing is true and correct. Executed on , 2024 at El Segundo, California, 90245 City of El Segundo Elias Sassoon Public Works Director Page 61 of 218 City Council Agenda Statement F 1 F �' t 1) �� Meeting Date: February 6, 2024 Agenda Heading: Consent Item Number: B.8 TITLE: Resolution Approving Final Vesting Tract Map No. 82806 (EA-1248) for a Multi -Lot Subdivision at 475-629 North Pacific Coast Highway RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt resolution approving Final Vesting Tract Map No. 82806 and authorize City staff to execute and record the Map. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: None BACKGROUND: On March 15, 2022, City Council adopted Resolution No. 5319, approving Environmental Assessment No. EA-1259 and Subdivision No. SUB 19-03 for Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 82806, which constitutes a multi -lot subdivision of six new lots on property located at 475-629 North Pacific Coast Highway for the Pacific Coast Commons development. The application was processed by the Community Development Department and is currently in the permitting phase. At this time, the applicant is seeking the approval of the Final Vesting Tract Map. DISCUSSION: Government Code § 66458 states that a "Final Map" must be reviewed and approved by a jurisdiction's legislative body, which is the City Council. The requested Final Vesting Tract Map conforms with the Vesting Tentative Tract Map approved by City Council, and meets the conditions of approval associated with the project. The Map has been reviewed and approved by the Los Angeles County Department of Public Works, and the City Engineer has reviewed and approved the Map for technical accuracy. The staff has determined that Final Tract Map No. 82806 is in substantial conformance with Page 62 of 218 Resolution Approving Final Vesting Tract Map No. 82806 (EA-1248) for a Multi -Lot Subdivision at 475-629 North Pacific Coast Highway February 6, 2024 Page 2 of 2 the General Plan and applicable zoning and building ordinances. The staff prepared the attached proposed resolution approving the Final Vesting Tract Map, and would like to recommend the City Council to adopt the resolution. After the City Council approving the Map, all necessary signatures will be obtained and the Map will be recorded in the County Recorder's Office. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Communication Objective 1A: El Segundo provides unparalleled service to all customers. Goal 5: Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability Objective 5A: El Segundo promotes economic growth and vitality for businesses and the community. PREPARED BY: James Rice, Associate Engineer REVIEWED BY: Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Location Map 3. Resolution for Final Vesting Tract Map No. 82806 4. Final Vesting Tract Map No. 82806 Page 63 of 218 Vicinity Map - PW 23-05 Smoky Hollow Parking Pilot Project f*_•�■m"W 17per�aI Tve■ � ■ ■ ■ ■ q%t"A 0■�■�Mon ■_■.■�. �. �. �. �.�■�■�� L� ell■11�� ■�Q w■p y 'W Acacia Ave E Acacia Ave ■ Century Fwy v> E Walnut Ave ■ N T! 1 a N E Sycamore Ave 1 3 • ■ u N > L E Maple Ave 0 o 1 Q _ 1 C • S ° • J 1 s ) V) =1 z 7 ■ {/) Z Ov ■ ■ 7 W Mariposa Ave E Mariposa Ave a)C N t � • S d > E Pine Ave K N ■ N Q 'N • El Segundo ■ 1 ■ ■ T @ N ■�W 124th St 1 E Grand Ave @ E Grand Ave ■ ,,arid Ave m Y Ln G � ILn N� L■_■ 1 t ■ rt ■ ■ ■ E El Segundo Blvd E El Segundo Blvf . ■ . ■ J ♦ The Lakes Golf rn 1 • Course 0 ■ ♦ � 1 ♦ v 1N ♦ N. a ` 1 ■ W 138th St ♦ •A Plaza El Segundo ! !000 ; 139th St ♦ 1 ♦ m • 1 Q El Po♦to 36th PI 35th PI 2/23/2023 1:27, 046 0 0.17 0.35 0.7 mi 0.3 0.6 1.2 km City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, California State Parks, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, Page 64 of 218 Location Map 1 '0 0 JKDbc]�IVO� Ila I L qn Cl 4 r-O � pEt:�:Z] 98 E ak AveWashington � Q � Park CO o �������� L Center Street alm Ave -E-P Im Av Elementary3 El IIIII II III IJ Qo ,� Nan I�I°n.dnr�p4n❑r� �nDQ �d gy�[3pn][D�tiQ �-�n R22 l_3 E Elm Ave r6 oL I CHR ienda Hotel Home_ Studio 0 r Hot Freedom Park goI� 13 00 E r1ry-lir MEPS \K �n-=FF Courtyard by Marriott 9fluLJI LJLJUL I �I I Doubletree ��_ Hotel fll Uln F)1 1:7,704 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 mi 0 0.07 0.15 0.3 km Esri Community Maps Contributors, City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, California State Parks, © OpenStreetMap, Microsoft, Esri, TomTom, Page 65 of 218 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION APPROVING FINAL VESTING TRACT MAP NO. 82806 FOR ENVIRONMENTAL ASSESSMENT NO. EA-1248 AND SUBDIVISION NO. 19-03 FOR A MULTI -LOT SUBDIVISION LOCATED AT 475-629 NORTH PACIFIC COAST HIGHWAY. The City Council of the City of El Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds and declares that: A. On May 31, 2019, BRE El Segundo Property Owner A LLC, BRE El Segundo Property Owner B LLC, and BRE El Segundo Parking LLC, submitted applications for Environmental Assessment No. EA-1248, General Plan Amendment and General Plan Map Amendment No. GPA 19-01, Specific Plan No. SP 19-01, Zone Change and Zoning Map Amendment No. ZC 19-01, Zone Text Amendment No. ZTA 19-08, Development Agreement No. 19-02, Subdivision No. SUB 19-03, Site Plan Review No. SPR 19-01, Parking Demand Study and Shared Parking Use Analysis, and waiver of public right-of-way dedications for the Pacific Coast Commons Specific Plan and Pacific Coast Commons mixed -use project (the "Project") at 475-629 North Pacific Coast Highway; B. On March 15, 2022, the City Council adopted Resolution No. 5319 approving Environmental Assessment No. EA-1259 and Subdivision No. SUB 19-03 for Vesting Tentative Tract Map No. 82806; and C. The Final Vesting Tract Map now requires approval by the City Council. SECTION 2: Final Vesting Tract Map Findings. Based upon the entirety of the record including, without limitation, the staff report, the City Council approves the Final Vesting Tract Map for the following reasons: A. The Final Vesting Tract Map substantially conforms to Vesting Tentative Tract Map. No. 82806 approved by City Council Resolution No. 5319; and B. The Final Vesting Tract Map conforms to all applicable provisions of the El Segundo Municipal Code and Subdivision Map Act (Government Code §§ 66410, et seq.). SECTION 3: Authorization. The City Engineer, Director of Planning and Building Safety and the City Clerk are hereby authorized to sign and record said Final Vesting Tract Map and take any further actions needed to effectuate this Resolution. SECTION 4: This Resolution will become effective immediately upon adoption and remain effective unless superseded by a subsequent resolution. -1- Page 66 of 218 SECTION 5: The City Clerk is directed to mail a copy of this Resolution to any person requesting a copy. SECTION 6: This Resolution is the City Council's final decision and will become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this 6th day of February, 2024. Drew Boyles, Mayor ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution No. was duly passed, approved and adopted by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 6th day of February, 2024, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT- ABSTAIN - Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney -2- Page 67 of 218 6 LOTS VESTING 390,727 SQ. FT. GROSS TRACT NO. 82806 281,175 SQ. FT. NET IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES STATE OF CALIFORNIA BEING A SUBDIVISION OF PORTIONS OF LOTS 382, 383, 384, 385, 386, 387, 428, 429, 430, 431, 432 AND 433 IN BLOCK 123 OF EL SEGUNDO, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 22 PAGES 106 AND 107 OF MAPS, TOGETHER WITH PORTIONS OF LOTS 1, 2, 9 AND 10 IN BLOCK 113 OF EL SEGUNDO, AS PER MAP RECORDED IN BOOK 20 PAGES 114 AND 115 OF MAPS, ALL IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, IN THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY RECORDER OF SAID COUNTY. FOR SUBDIVISION AND CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES OWNER'S STATEMENT BASIS OF BEARINGS WE HEREBY STATE THAT WE ARE THE OWNERS OF OR ARE INTERESTED IN THE LAND INCLUDED WITHIN THE SUBDIVISION SHOWN ON THIS MAP WITHIN THE DISTINCTIVE BORDER LINES, AND WE CONSENT TO THE PREPARATION AND FILING OF SAID MAP AND SUBDIVISION. THE REAL PROPERTY DESCRIBED BELOW IS DEDICATED TO THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO IN FEE FOR PUBLIC PURPOSES: PARCEL "A" AS SHOWN HEREON. BRE EL SEGUNDO PROPERTY OWNER A LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (OWNER) BY: PRINT: TITLE: BRE EL SEGUNDO PROPERTY OWNER B LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (OWNER) BY: PRINT: TITLE: BRE EL SEGUNDO PARKING LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY (OWNER) BY: PRINT: TITLE: BENEFICIARY WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, BENEFICIARY UNDER DEEDS OF TRUST RECORDED NOVEMBER 3, 2016 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 20161369241 AND OCTOBER 5, 2018 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 20181017591, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. BY: PRINT: TITLE: CONDOMINIUM NOTE THIS SUBDIVISION IS APPROVED AS A CONDOMINIUM PROJECT FOR 46 UNITS, WHEREBY THE OWNERS OF THE UNITS OF AIR SPACE WILL HOLD AN UNDIVIDED INTEREST IN THE COMMON AREAS THAT WILL, IN TURN, PROVIDE THE NECESSARY ACCESS AND UTILITY EASEMENTS FOR THE UNITS. I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT ALL CERTIFICATES HAVE BEEN FILED AND DEPOSITS HAVE BEEN MADE THAT ARE REQUIRED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTIONS 66492 AND 66493 OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT. EXECUTIVE OFFICER, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA BY DATE DEPUTY I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT SECURITY IN THE AMOUNT OF s HAS BEEN FILED WITH THE EXECUTIVE OFFICER, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES AS SECURITY FOR THE PAYMENT OF TAXES AND SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS COLLECTED AS TAXES ON THE LAND SHOWN ON MAP OF TRACT NO. 82806 AS REQUIRED BY LAW. EXECUTIVE OFFICER, BOARD OF SUPERVISORS OF THE COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES, STATE OF CALIFORNIA BY DATE DEPUTY CERTIFICATE OF DEDICATION THE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED REAL PROPERTY IS DEDICATED BY: BRE EL SEGUNDO PROPERTY OWNER A LLC, DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY BRE EL SEGUNDO PROPERTY OWNER B LLC, DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY BRE EL SEGUNDO PARKING LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AS OWNER AND SUBDIVIDER OF THE PROPERTY WITHIN THE DISTINCTIVE BORDER SHOWN HEREON. LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF THE DEDICATION:PARCEL "A" SHOWN HEREON. THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO SHALL RE -CONVEY THE PROPERTY TO THE SUBDIVIDER, OR THEIR SUCCESSOR IN INTEREST, IF THE CITY MAKES A DETERMINATION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 66477.5 THAT THE SAME PUBLIC PURPOSE FOR WHICH THE PROPERTY WAS DEDICATED DOES NOT EXIST, OR THE PROPERTY OR ANY PORTION THEREOF IS NOT NEEDED FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES. SHEET 1 OF 6 SHEETS THE BEARING OF N00°00'10"W ALONG THE CENTERLINE OF SEPULVEDA BOULEVARD AS SHOWN ON MAP OF PARCEL MAP NO. 24495 AS RECORDED IN BOOK 276 PAGES 7 AND 8 OF MAPS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, WAS TAKEN AS THE BASIS OF BEARINGS SHOWN ON THIS MAP. SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT THIS MAP WAS PREPARED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION AND IS BASED UPON A TRUE AND COMPLETE FIELD SURVEY PERFORMED BY ME OR UNDER MY DIRECTION IN AUGUST 2019, IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT AND LOCAL ORDINANCE AT THE REQUEST OF BRE EL SEGUNDO PROPERTY OWNER A LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY, BRE EL SEGUNDO PROPERTY OWNER B LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY AND BRE EL SEGUNDO PARKING LLC, A DELAWARE LIMITED LIABILITY COMPANY ON AUGUST 12, 2019. 1 HEREBY STATE THAT THIS FINAL MAP SUBSTANTIALLY CONFORMS TO THE CONDITIONALLY APPROVED TENTATIVE MAP, THAT ALL THE MONUMENTS ARE OF THE CHARACTER AND OCCUPY THE POSITIONS INDICATED; AND THAT SAID MONUMENTS ARE SUFFICIENT TO ENABLE THE SURVEY TO BE RETRACED; AND THAT TIE NOTES FOR ALL CENTERLINE MONUMENTS NOTED AS "SET" ARE ON FILE IN THE OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER. v �s5:,*? My 11 /20/2023 CHRISTOPHER JONES, P.L.S. N0. 8193 DATE ke_:_0z__F ��cms� P CITY ENGINEER'S STATEMENT I HEREBY STATE THAT I HAVE EXAMINED THIS MAP, THAT IT CONFORMS SUBSTANTIALLY TO THE TENTATIVE MAP AND ALL APPROVED ALTERATIONS THEREOF; THAT ALL PROVISIONS OF THE SUBDIVISION ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO APPLICABLE AT THE TIME OF APPROVAL OF THE TENTATIVE MAP HAVE BEEN COMPILED WITH; THAT ALL PROVISIONS OF SUBDIVISION MAP ACT SECTION 66442 (a)(1), (2) AND (3), HAVE BEEN COMPLIED WITH AND THAT I AM SATISFIED THAT THIS MAP IS TECHNICALLY CORRECT WITH RESPECT TO CITY RECORDS. CITY ENGINEER, CITY OF EL SEGUNDO R.C.E. N0. EXPIRES DATE CITY SURVEYOR'S STATEMENT I HEREBY STATE THAT I HAVE EXAMINED THIS MAP; THAT IT COMPLIES WITH ALL PROVISIONS OF STATE LAW APPLICABLE AT THE TIME OF APPROVAL OF THE TENTATIVE MAP; AND THAT I AM SATISFIED THAT THIS MAP IS TECHNICALLY CORRECT IN ALL RESPECTS NOT CERTIFIED BY THE CITY ENGINEER. LAND o, m. CHRISTOPHER G VANDREY, PLS 8783 DATE ACTING CITY SURVEYOR CITY TREASURER'S STATEMENT J �\ CHRISTOPHER G VANDREY No. 8783 �9 I HEREBY STATE THAT ALL SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LEVIED UNDER THE JURISDICTION OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, TO WHICH THE LAND INCLUDED WITHIN THIS SUBDIVISION OR ANY PART THEREOF IS SUBJECT, AND WHICH MAY BE PAID IN FULL, HAVE BEEN PAID IN FULL. CITY TREASURER OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DATE CITY PLANNING COMMISSION'S STATEMENT I HEREBY STATE THAT THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO BY RESOLUTION NO. ADOPTED AT ITS SESSION HELD ON THE DAY OF , 202 APPROVED THE ANNEXED MAP AND SUBDIVISION. SECRETARY OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PLANNING COMMISSION CITY CLERK'S CERTIFICATE DATE I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO BY MOTION ADOPTED AT ITS SESSION HELD ON THE DAY OF , 202 , APPROVED THE ANNEXED MAP, AND SAID COUNCIL DID ACCEPT THE FEE SIMPLE DEDICATION OF PARCEL "A" SHOWN ON SAID MAP. CITY CLERK OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO DATE NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS AND SIGNATURE OMISSION NOTES ARE ON SHEET 2. Page 68 of 218 VESTING SHEET 2 OF 6 SHEETS TRACT NO. 82806 IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR SUBDIVISION AND CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES SIGNATURE OMISSIONS NOTARY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT THE SIGNATURES) OF LOS ANGELES TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR POLES, PIPES, CONDUITS, ROADWAYS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED ON OCTOBER 31, 1912 IN BOOK 22 PAGES 106 AND 107 OF MAPS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, AS SHOWN HEREON, HAS BEEN OMITTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (a)(3A)(i-viii) OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY, AS SHOWN HEREON. THE SIGNATURES) OF EL SEGUNDO LAND & IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR PIPES AND CONDUITS PURPOSES, RECORDED ON MAY 26, 1916 IN BOOK 6294 PAGE 50, OF DEEDS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, AS SHOWN HEREON, HAS BEEN OMITTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (a)(3A)(i-viii) OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY, AS SHOWN HEREON. THE SIGNATURES) OF PACIFIC -SOUTHWEST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK, FORMERLY LOS ANGELES TRUST & SAVINGS BANK, A CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR STREET PURPOSES RECORDED JANUARY 28, 1926 IN BOOK 4571 PAGE 207 AND AUGUST 7, 1926 IN BOOK 4897 PAGE 294, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, AS SHOWN HEREON, HAS BEEN OMITTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (a)(3A)(i-viii) OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY, AS SHOWN HEREON. THE SIGNATURES) OF SECURITY -FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOS ANGELES, A NATIONAL BANKING ASSOCIATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES PURPOSES RECORDED ON FEBRUARY 5, 1934 IN BOOK 12516 PAGE 382, OFFICIAL RECORDS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, AS SHOWN HEREON, HAS BEEN OMITTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (a)(3A)(i-viii) OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY, AS SHOWN HEREON. THE SIGNATURES) OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC STREET AND HIGHWAY RECORDED DECEMBER 8, 1934 IN BOOK 13174 PAGE 92, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, AS SHOWN HEREON, HAS BEEN OMITTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (a)(3A)(i-viii) OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY, AS SHOWN HEREON. THE SIGNATURES) OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR SANITARY SEWER PURPOSES RECORDED ON DECEMBER 5, 1939 IN BOOK 17075 PAGE 253, OFFICIAL RECORDS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, AS SHOWN HEREON, HAS BEEN OMITTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (a)(3A)(i-viii) OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY, AS SHOWN HEREON. THE SIGNATURES) OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR SANITARY SEWER PURPOSES RECORDED ON DECEMBER 5, 1939 IN BOOK 17140 PAGE 25, OFFICIAL RECORDS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, AS SHOWN HEREON, HAS BEEN OMITTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (a)(3A)(i-viii) OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY, AS SHOWN HEREON. THE SIGNATURES) OF THE PACIFIC TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH COMPANY, A CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR AERIAL AND UNDERGROUND TELEPHONE, TELEGRAPH AND COMMUNICATION STRUCTURES PURPOSES RECORDED ON NOVEMBER 14, 1949 IN BOOK 31464 PAGE 123, OFFICIAL RECORDS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, HAS BEEN OMITTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (a)(3A)(i-viii) OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE LOS ANGELES CITY COUNCIL, AS SHOWN HEREON. THE SIGNATURES) OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC STREET RECORDED JUNE 30, 1952 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2469 IN BOOK 39276 PAGE 20 AND MARCH 9, 1953 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 1936 IN BOOK 41156 PAGE 356, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, AS SHOWN HEREON, HAS BEEN OMITTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (a)(3A)(i-viii) OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY, AS SHOWN HEREON. THE SIGNATURES) OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC STREET RECORDED JANUARY 16, 1957 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2787 AND SEPTEMBER 16, 1957 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 3151, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS, AS SHOWN HERON, HAS BEEN OMITTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (a)(3A)(i-viii) OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY, AS SHOWN HEREON. THE SIGNATURES) OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, A CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR CONDUITS, WIRES AND OTHER FIXTURES PURPOSES, AS SHOWN HEREON, RECORDED ON JULY 1, 1958 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 3792 IN BOOK D143 PAGE 326, OFFICIAL RECORDS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, AS SHOWN HEREON, HAS BEEN OMITTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (a)(3A)(i-viii) OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY, AS SHOWN HEREON. THE SIGNATURES) OF SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, A CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL SUPPLY SYSTEMS AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS PURPOSES, AS SHOWN HEREON, RECORDED ON AUGUST 24, 1979 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 79-947919, OFFICIAL RECORDS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, HAS BEEN OMITTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (0)(3A)(i-viii) OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY, AS SHOWN HEREON. THE SIGNATURES) OF T-MOBILE WEST CORPORATION, A DELAWARE CORPORATION, HOLDER OF A LESSEE'S INTEREST AS DISCLOSED BY MEMORANDUM OF LEASE RECORDED ON DECEMBER 21, 2010 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 20101889489, OFFICIAL RECORDS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, THE PRECISE LOCATION OF WHICH CANNOT BE DETERMINED, HAS BEEN OMITTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (a)(3A)(i-viii) OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY, THE PRECISE LOCATION OF WHICH CANNOT BE DETERMINED. THE SIGNATURES) OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES RECORDED ON AUGUST 27, 1987 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 87-1377588, OFFICIAL RECORDS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, AS SHOWN HEREON, HAS BEEN OMITTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (a)(3A)(i-viii) OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY, AS SHOWN HEREON. THE SIGNATURES) OF STANDARD OIL COMPANY OF CALIFORNIA, HOLDER OF RIGHTS TO ALL PETROLEUM, GAS, ASPHALTUM, HYDROCARBONS AND OTHER MINERALS, THE PRECISE LOCATION OF WHICH CANNOT BE DETERMINED, RECORDED ON APRIL 28, 1947 IN BOOK 24472 PAGE 357, OFFICIAL RECORDS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, HAS BEEN OMITTED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF SECTION 66436, SUBSECTION (a)(3C) OF THE SUBDIVISION MAP ACT, THEIR INTEREST IS SUCH THAT IT CANNOT RIPEN INTO A FEE TITLE AND SAID SIGNATURE IS NOT REQUIRED BY THE LOCAL AGENCY, THE PRECISE LOCATION OF WHICH CANNOT BE DETERMINED. A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICER COMPLETING THIS CERTIFICATE VERIFIES ONLY THE IDENTITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL WHO SIGNED THE DOCUMENT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE IS ATTACHED, AND NOT THE TRUTHFULNESS, ACCURACY, OR VALIDITY OF THAT DOCUMENT. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ON BEFORE ME, NOTARY PUBLIC, PERSONALLY APPEARED WHO PROVED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME(S) IS/ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE/SHE/THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN HIS/HER/THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACITY(IES), AND THAT BY HIS/HER/THEIR SIGNATURES) ON THE INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON(S) OR THE ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(S) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THAT THE FOREGOING PARAGRAPH IS TRUE AND CORRECT. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. SIGNATURE NAME OF NOTARY COUNTY IN WHICH COMMISSIONED DATE COMMISSION EXPIRES COMMISSION NUMBER A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICER COMPLETING THIS CERTIFICATE VERIFIES ONLY THE IDENTITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL WHO SIGNED THE DOCUMENT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE IS ATTACHED, AND NOT THE TRUTHFULNESS, ACCURACY, OR VALIDITY OF THAT DOCUMENT. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ON BEFORE ME, NOTARY PUBLIC, PERSONALLY APPEARED WHO PROVED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME(S) IS/ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE/SHE/THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN HIS/HER/THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACITY(IES), AND THAT BY HIS/HER/THEIR SIGNATURES) ON THE INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON(S) OR THE ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(S) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THAT THE FOREGOING PARAGRAPH IS TRUE AND CORRECT. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. SIGNATURE NAME OF NOTARY COUNTY IN WHICH COMMISSIONED DATE COMMISSION EXPIRES COMMISSION NUMBER A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICER COMPLETING THIS CERTIFICATE VERIFIES ONLY THE IDENTITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL WHO SIGNED THE DOCUMENT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE IS ATTACHED, AND NOT THE TRUTHFULNESS, ACCURACY, OR VALIDITY OF THAT DOCUMENT. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ON BEFORE ME, NOTARY PUBLIC, PERSONALLY APPEARED WHO PROVED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME(S) IS/ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE/SHE/THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN HIS/HER/THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACITY(IES), AND THAT BY HIS/HER/THEIR SIGNATURES) ON THE INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON(S) OR THE ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(S) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THAT THE FOREGOING PARAGRAPH IS TRUE AND CORRECT. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. SIGNATURE NAME OF NOTARY COUNTY IN WHICH COMMISSIONED DATE COMMISSION EXPIRES COMMISSION NUMBER A NOTARY PUBLIC OR OTHER OFFICER COMPLETING THIS CERTIFICATE VERIFIES ONLY THE IDENTITY OF THE INDIVIDUAL WHO SIGNED THE DOCUMENT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE IS ATTACHED, AND NOT THE TRUTHFULNESS, ACCURACY, OR VALIDITY OF THAT DOCUMENT. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ON BEFORE ME, NOTARY PUBLIC, PERSONALLY APPEARED WHO PROVED TO ME ON THE BASIS OF SATISFACTORY EVIDENCE TO BE THE PERSON(S) WHOSE NAME(S) IS/ARE SUBSCRIBED TO THE WITHIN INSTRUMENT AND ACKNOWLEDGED TO ME THAT HE/SHE/THEY EXECUTED THE SAME IN HIS/HER/THEIR AUTHORIZED CAPACITY(IES), AND THAT BY HIS/HER/THEIR SIGNATURES) ON THE INSTRUMENT, THE PERSON(S) OR THE ENTITY UPON BEHALF OF WHICH THE PERSON(S) ACTED, EXECUTED THE INSTRUMENT. I CERTIFY UNDER PENALTY OF PERJURY UNDER THE LAWS OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA THAT THE FOREGOING PARAGRAPH IS TRUE AND CORRECT. WITNESS MY HAND AND OFFICIAL SEAL. SIGNATURE NAME OF NOTARY COUNTY IN WHICH COMMISSIONED DATE COMMISSION EXPIRES COMMISSION NUMBER Page 69 of 218 SCALE: 1 " = 60' I cn z z ELM � AVENUEio re NJ cn MARIPOSA N O — Cn LINE TABLE LINE NO. BEARING DISTANCE L1 N89°58'47"E 73.19' L2 N89°58'47"E 73.11' L3 N89°59'00"E 163.11' L4 N89°59'00"E 50.00' L5 N00°01'00"W 23.41' L6 N00°02'02"W 7.50' L7 N89°57'58"E 30.00' L8 S00°03'06"E 23.24' L9 N89°59'00"E 303.70' VESTING TRACT NO. 82806 N THE CITY OF EL SEGU N DO COUNTY OF LOS AN GELES STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR SUBDIVISION AND CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES �_N89°58'47"E 0 N89°59'00"E o FAIN TlI1►[1]0 MONUMENT LEGEND O SET L&T STAMPED "PLS 8193" N00°01'26"W 20.00' N'LY LINE OF BLOCK 123 PER EL SEGUNDO M.B. 22/106-107 0 -I N re D cr ::i I I Cr�Cnln AVENUE TO SHEET 4 SHEET 3 OF 6 SHEETS INDICATES THE BOUNDARY OF THE LAND BEING SUBDIVIDED BY THIS MAP. N _ 806.04' o_ 243.54' Iv 0 VARIES z 0 0 0 0 I ESTABLISHMENT AND MONUMENT NOTES ❑1 FOUND DPW SPK STRADS, FIT TIES PER PWFB 816 PAGE 246, ACCEPTED AS CL INT. ❑2 FOUND SPK, FIT TIES PER PWFB 816 PAGE 245, ACCEPTED AS CL INT. ❑3 FOUND SPK, FIT TIES PER PWFB 816 PAGE 241, ACCEPTED AS CL INT. ❑4 FOUND PK NAIL (NO REF), FIT TIES PER PWFB 816 PAGE 258, ACCEPTED AS CL INT. ❑5 FOUND PM'S ON SSMH, EST'D CL INT BY FD TIES PER PWFB 816 PAGE 243. STATE OF CA. DIV. OF HWY'S BR CAP MON NOT FOUND PER PWFB 816 PAGE 257, CURVE TABLE ❑6 FOUND 1 TIE PER SAID PWFB, EST'D CL INT BY PROD CL FROM MARIPOSA AVE & CURVE NO. DELTA RADIUS ARC DISTANCE INDIANA ST INT. C1 03°36'02" 3050.00' 191.66' ❑7 FOUND SSMH RIM, EST'D CL INT BY FOUND TIES PER PWFB 816 PAGE 239. C2 06*51'06" 3000.00' 358.75' FOUND PM'S ON SSMH RIM (NO REF), EST'D CL INT BY FOUND TIES PER PWFB 816 PAGE 235. SPK & WASHER "LS 2304" NOT FOUND, EST'D POINT ON CL BY FOUND TIES PER PWFB 816 PAGE 54. TYPE "B" ST. MON. NOT FOUND PER CAL. ST. HWYS. FB A-98.001-27, FOUND S&W 1 "LS 889" (NO REF), ACCEPTED AS CL BC. 11 FOUND PK NAIL, FIT TIES PER PWFB 816 PAGE 236, ACCEPTED AS CL PI. 12 NOTHING FOUND PER PWFB 816 PAGE 236. EST'D POINT TANGENT TO CL CURVE, EQUIDISTANT TO POINT 11 FROM POINT 10. 13 SET SPIKE & WASHER "LS 8193". 14 SET LEAD & TACK "LS 8193". SEE SHEETS 5 AND 6 FOR EASEMENT INFORMATION Page 70 of 218 SCALE: 1 " = 60' VESTING SHEET 4 OF 6 SHEETS TRACT NO. 82806 N THE CITY OF EL SEGU N DO COUNTY OF LOS AN GELES STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR SUBDIVISION AND CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES LEGEND INDICATES THE BOUNDARY OF THE LAND BEING SUBDIVIDED BY THIS MAP. TO SHEET 3 N MARIPOSA _ _ o AVENUE 489.32' _ 1 32.84' _ 130.27 V'- o_ 153.43' NN N89°59'00"E — — 805.86' S CDo — NO L9 6 �89*59'00"E 208.70' WILY LINE OF BLOCK MONUMENT LEGEND 123 PER EL SEGUNDO 1 M.B. 22/ 106-107 cn 50.0 ' 20.0 O SET L&T STAMPED "PLS 8193" 0 00 ` 4 0 z o O 0 Op 0 _ 34,854 SQ. FT. N o re 00 ESTABLISHMENT AND MONUMENT NOTES 1 1 cr N 1❑ FOUND DPW SPK STRADS, FIT TIES PER PWFB 816 PAGE 246, ACCEPTED AS CL INT. L �2 FOUND SPK, FIT TIES PER PWFB 816 PAGE 245, ACCEPTED AS CL INT. 50' ❑3 FOUND SPK, FIT TIES PER PWFB 816 PAGE 241, ACCEPTED AS CL INT. 25' r25' L4 � ❑4 FOUND PK NAIL (NO REF), FIT TIES PER PWFB 816 PAGE 258, ACCEPTED AS CL INT. N89°59'00"E 158.69' 50' VARIES ❑5 FOUND PM'S ON SSMH, EST'D CL INT BY FD TIES PER PWFB 816 PAGE 243. I D STATE OF CA. DIV. OF HWY'S BR CAP MON NOT FOUND PER PWFB 816 PAGE 257, r— Cn n 6❑ FOUND 1 TIE PER SAID PWFB, EST'D CL INT BY PROD CL FROM MARIPOSA AVE & z 0 - INDIANA ST INT. �0 1— I> zn 7❑ FOUND SSMH RIM, EST'D CL INT BY FOUND TIES PER PWFB 816 PAGE 239. r z O ❑FOUND PM'S ON SSMH RIM (NO REF), EST'D CL INT BY FOUND TIES PER PWFB 816 8 �. PAGE 235. z w ❑9 SPK & WASHER "LS 2304" NOT FOUND, EST'D POINT ON CL BY FOUND TIES PER I 000 3 (n PWFB 816 PAGE 54. r 0 CA ` 68,683 SQ. FT. cn ❑� 10 TYPE "B" ST. MON. NOT FOUND PER CAL. ST. HWYS. FB A-98.001-27, FOUND S&W �" 0 m LS 889 (NO REF), ACCEPTED AS CL BC. cy)04 r 1-11 FOUND PK NAIL, FIT TIES PER PWFB 816 PAGE 236, ACCEPTED AS CL PI. < � �, r'! h� � W w � 12 NOTHING FOUND PER PWFB 816 PAGE 236. ESTm 'D POINT TANGENT TO CL CURVE, m N M -< EQUIDISTANT TO POINT 11 FROM POINT 10. I Dao z 13 SET SPIKE & WASHER "LS 8193". I 0 0 r 0 01 m 14 SET LEAD & TACK "LS 8193". F r z F- PINE AVENUE m o ID r � r 7 N89°57'58"E 178.68' L7 p1= re � � I LINE TABLE LINE NO. BEARING DISTANCE L1 N89°58'47"E 73.19' L2 N89°58'47"E 73.11' L3 N89°59'00"E 163.11' L4 N89°59'00"E 50.00' L5 N00°01'00"W 23.41' L6 N00°02'02"W 7.50' L7 N89°57'58"E 30.00' L8 S00°03'06"E 23.24' L9 N89°59'00"E 303.70' CURVE TABLE CURVE NO. DELTA RADIUS ARC DISTANCE C1 03°36'02" 3050.00' 191.66' C2 06°51'06" 3000.00' 358.75' SEE SHEETS 5 AND 6 FOR EASEMENT INFORMATION r L 2 N J 39,425 SQ. FT. 0 r 50. 0' N89°57'58"E r 58.85' v F- rn 00 w 50' N89°57'58"E 149.80' 25' j. N O C�O O 0 00 001 O 00r0 F N 00 1 56,692 SQ. FT. Fn I I PARCEL "A" EASTERLY LIMIT f NJN89 56 52 E 214.67 iv cr PARCEL "A" 288.09' iL"a— `q—A — a ---A —�Ln � 8 o N89°56'52"E 303.65' Wo HOLLY AVENUE - m R o N �20. 0 0 / 10 50' VARIES CD J J co co w co co 50.0' 11 C) 15.56' ml Page 71 of 218 SCALE: 1 " = 60' VESTING SHEET 5 OF 6 SHEETS 50' 25' 25' re cn z ELF � AVENUEIz 50' 25' 1 25' N cn N O C37 TRACT NO. 82806 IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR SUBDIVISION AND CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES EASEMENTS AND DEDICATIONS INFORMATION N oPALM � N p—— O MARIPOSA EXISTING EASEMENT NOTES NOT A PART OF THIS SUBDIVISION AVENUE LOS ANGELES TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR POLES, PIPES, O CONDUITS, ROADWAYS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED ON OCTOBER 31, 1912 IN BOOK 22 PAGES 106 AND 107 OF MAPS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. EL SEGUNDO LAND & IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR PIPES O AND CONDUITS PURPOSES, RECORDED ON MAY 26, 1916 IN BOOK 6294 PAGE 50, OF DEEDS. PACIFIC -SOUTHWEST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK, FORMERLY LOS ANGELES TRUST & OSAVINGS BANK, A CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR STREET PURPOSES RECORDED JANUARY 28, 1926 IN BOOK 4571 PAGE 207 AND AUGUST 7, 1926 IN BOOK 4897 PAGE 294, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. SECURITY -FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOS ANGELES, A NATIONAL BANKING ASSOCIATION, OD HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES PURPOSES RECORDED ON FEBRUARY 5, 1934 IN BOOK 12516 PAGE 382, OFFICIAL RECORDS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR O PUBLIC STREET AND HIGHWAY RECORDED DECEMBER 8, 1934 IN BOOK 13174 PAGE 92, OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR O SANITARY SEWER PURPOSES RECORDED ON DECEMBER 5, 1939 IN BOOK 17075 PAGE 253, OFFICIAL RECORDS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR O SANITARY SEWER PURPOSES RECORDED ON DECEMBER 5, 1939 IN BOOK 17140 PAGE 25, OFFICIAL RECORDS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR OPUBLIC STREET RECORDED JUNE 30, 1952 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2469 IN BOOK 39276 PAGE 20 AND MARCH 9, 1953 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 1936 IN BOOK 41156 PAGE 356, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR Di PUBLIC STREET RECORDED JANUARY 16, 1957 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2787 AND SEPTEMBER 16, 1957 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 3151, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, A CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT OFOR CONDUITS, WIRES AND OTHER FIXTURES PURPOSES, AS SHOWN HEREON, RECORDED ON JULY 1, 1958 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 3792 IN BOOK D143 PAGE 326, OFFICIAL RECORDS. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, A CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT OFOR UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL SUPPLY SYSTEMS AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS PURPOSES, AS SHOWN HEREON, RECORDED ON AUGUST 24, 1979 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 79-947919, OFFICIAL RECORDS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR O PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES RECORDED ON AUGUST 27, 1987 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 87-1377588, OFFICIAL RECORDS. I FrFNn INDICATES THE BOUNDARY OF THE LAND BEING SUBDIVIDED BY THIS MAP. NJ PQ o AVENUE o o N O — �— N CD o CD CD IF fn 50' 1 VARIES 6 NOT A PART OF � � THIS SUBDIVISION (!1 In O - ,,, T Z n O z� re g >I c/)i U 5 =m — c C) r O m �c/) o� D NOT A PART OF THIS SUBDIVISION � mil _ DD o N `" N_T_ o O H I � D r" m 4 ` D r� INDIANA STREET 50' TO SHEET 6 STREET DEDICATIONS PARCEL "A" 29,887 SQ. FT. MONUMENT LEGEND O SET L&T STAMPED "PLS 8193" Page 72 of 218 SCALE: 1 = so' VESTING TRACT NO. 82806 N THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES STATE OF CALIFORNIA FOR SUBDIVISION AND CONDOMINIUM PURPOSES i Pr,pnin EASEMENTS AND DEDICATIONS INFORMATION SHEET 6 OF 6 SHEETS INDICATES THE BOUNDARY OF THE LAND BEING SUBDIVIDED BY THIS MAP. TO SHEET 5 Nj c, MARIPOSA AVENUEcn _ o �_ _ _7 IV c.n O CD __T LINE TABLE LINE NO. BEARING DISTANCE L10 S16°41'47"W 9.55' L11 S11°18'46"E 14.71' CURVE TABLE CURVE NO. DELTA RADIUS ARC DISTANCE C3 16°41'57" 77.50' 22.59' C4 11°18'36" 161.00' 31.78' STREET DEDICATIONS PARCEL "A" 29,887 SQ. FT. MONUMENT LEGEND O SET L&T STAMPED "PLS 8193" PINE AVENUE EXISTING EASEMENT NOTES LOS ANGELES TRUST AND SAVINGS BANK, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR POLES, PIPES, OA CONDUITS, ROADWAYS AND INCIDENTAL PURPOSES, RECORDED ON OCTOBER 31, 1912 IN BOOK 22 PAGES 106 AND 107 OF MAPS, RECORDS OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY. EL SEGUNDO LAND & IMPROVEMENT COMPANY, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR PIPES O AND CONDUITS PURPOSES, RECORDED ON MAY 26, 1916 IN BOOK 6294 PAGE 50, OF DEEDS. PACIFIC -SOUTHWEST TRUST & SAVINGS BANK, FORMERLY LOS ANGELES TRUST & OSAVINGS BANK, A CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR STREET PURPOSES RECORDED JANUARY 28, 1926 IN BOOK 4571 PAGE 207 AND AUGUST 7, 1926 IN BOOK 4897 PAGE 294, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. SECURITY -FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LOS ANGELES, A NATIONAL BANKING ASSOCIATION, O HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR PUBLIC UTILITIES PURPOSES RECORDED ON FEBRUARY 5, 1934 IN BOOK 12516 PAGE 382, OFFICIAL RECORDS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR OE PUBLIC STREET AND HIGHWAY RECORDED DECEMBER 8, 1934 IN BOOK 13174 PAGE 921 OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR O SANITARY SEWER PURPOSES RECORDED ON DECEMBER 5, 1939 IN BOOK 17075 PAGE 253, OFFICIAL RECORDS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR O SANITARY SEWER PURPOSES RECORDED ON DECEMBER 5, 1939 IN BOOK 17140 PAGE 25, OFFICIAL RECORDS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR OPUBLIC STREET RECORDED JUNE 30, 1952 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2469 IN BOOK 39276 PAGE 20 AND MARCH 9, 1953 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 1936 IN BOOK 41156 PAGE 356, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR Oi PUBLIC STREET RECORDED JANUARY 16, 1957 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 2787 AND SEPTEMBER 16, 1957 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 3151, BOTH OF OFFICIAL RECORDS. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, A CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT OD FOR CONDUITS, WIRES AND OTHER FIXTURES PURPOSES, AS SHOWN HEREON, RECORDED ON JULY 1, 1958 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 3792 IN BOOK D143 PAGE 326, OFFICIAL RECORDS. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA EDISON COMPANY, A CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT OFOR UNDERGROUND ELECTRICAL SUPPLY SYSTEMS AND COMMUNICATIONS SYSTEMS PURPOSES, AS SHOWN HEREON, RECORDED ON AUGUST 24, 1979 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 79-947919, OFFICIAL RECORDS. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, A MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, HOLDER OF AN EASEMENT FOR O PUBLIC STREET PURPOSES RECORDED ON AUGUST 27, 1987 AS INSTRUMENT NO. 87-1377588, OFFICIAL RECORDS. I re r ` 4 r Cn r� INDIANA 0D r STREET ;;� 0 50' z — 25' b 25' � 111 C7 I z r z 50 VARIES —o `4 o r_ ccN 41 O 0 �z o E 0 I > N60 ° c�� > ti��9 ° r0,9, 7o�_�� 3 01 r of zo N89°58'19E ool (n F O 8.03' m n O �I M CIO m (0I < N 0I L� - V 0 (D o �� � D � r � I L r q c c D � o _ N89°57'58"E 208.68' z N o N O 0 0 o O 0 z60 O I O O O �O r o N89°59'50"E 10.00' o re - re 2 1 10.0, K rn w z N O O O O C — I O o r r O = o m� A < ZE c )CO 00 N N O O O E 0 50' 25' P 25' I INDIANA STREET N89°59'50"E 10.00' r N00°00'10"W 8.34' 50' VARIES I E PARCEL "A" F EASTERLY LIMIT II T ng LC� PARCEL "A" A qA — cn CD HOLLY AVENUEcD I I 12 Page 73 of 218 FI, FGUNI)0 TITLE: City Council Agenda Statement Meeting Date: February 6, 2024 Agenda Heading: Consent Item Number: B.9 Resolution Approving a Lease Schedule and Master Tax -Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement for a Combination Jet/Vacuum Truck for the City's Wastewater Division RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt resolution approving a Lease Schedule and Master Tax -Exempted Lease/Purchase Agreement for a combination of Jet//Vacuum Truck for the City's Wastewater Division, and authorizing the City Manager to execute the same. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: Amount Budgeted in Equipment Replacement Fund 601 for FY 23-24: $291,700 Additional Appropriation in FY 23-24: None Future Appropriations from Wastewater Fund 502 through FY 29-30: $444,220 (Total yearly payments of $147,184 for 5 years - $291,700) BACKGROUND: This item was on the City Council agenda for January 16th, 2024, and staff presented three options regarding this truck, which costs approximately $667,878: • Option 1: Outright purchase of the truck. • Option 2: Execute a "Lease to Own" agreement for 10 years, with yearly payments of $83,600 at 5.38% interest rate, with finance cost of approximately $117,000, and • Option 3: Execute a "Lease to Own" agreement for 5 years, with yearly payments of $147,928 at 5.38% interest rate, with finance cost of approximately $61,000. Page 74 of 218 Agreement Regarding the Jet/Vacuum Track February 6, 2024 Page 2 of 3 The City Council, after discussion and taking votes, directed staff to pursue the third option and negotiate for a better interest rate. DISCUSSION: The staff followed the City Council's direction and was able to reduce the interest rate from 5.38% to 5.1 %, which reduced the yearly payments from $147,928 to $147,184. Furthermore, the City has received the documents which need to be executed for this transaction. At this time, staff respectfully recommends that the City Council waive bidding procedures pursuant to ESMC, Section 1-7-9(A), find that the City's interests are served by a direct award of a contract, approve, adopt and authorize the Adoption of a Resolution authorizing the "Lease to Own" Agreement for a Combination Jet/Vacuum Truck for the City's Wastewater Division, and authorize the City Manager to execute a "Lease to Own" agreement approved in form by the City Attorney with Trans Lease, Inc., which is the financial institution for the Plumbers Depot for a period of 5 years at a 5.1% interest rate, with 5 yearly payments of $147,184. The lease schedule and agreement for this proposed procurement are attached to this report. If approved, the schedule and agreement's dates will be updated to reflect the Council's February 6, 2024 action. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Communication Objective 1A: El Segundo provides unparalleled service to all customers. Objective 1 B: El Segundo's engagement with the community ensures excellence. Goal 2: Support Community Safety and Preparedness Objective 2A: El Segundo is a safe and prepared community. Goal 4: Develop and Maintain Quality Infrastructure and Technology Objective 4A: El Segundo's physical infrastructure supports an inviting and safe community. PREPARED BY: Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director REVIEWED BY: Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager Page 75 of 218 Agreement Regarding the Jet/Vacuum Track February 6, 2024 Page 3 of 3 ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Resolution 2. Loan Documents - Vacuum Truck Page 76 of 218 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO (1) APPROVING A LEASE SCHEDULE AND MASTER TAX-EXEMPT LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL ASSOCIATION FOR THE LEASE/PURCHASE OF A COMBINATION JET/VACUUM TURCK FOR THE CITY'S WASTEWATER DIVISION, (2) AUTHORIZING THE CITY MANAGER TO EXECUTE THE SAME, AND (3) DETERMINING THIS RESOLUTION IS EXEMPT FROM REVIEW UNDER THE CALIFORNIA ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY ACT The Council of the City of El Segundo resolves as follows: SECTION 1. The City Council finds as follows: A. The City's Wastewater Division is in need of a new combination jet/vacuum truck ("Vacuum Truck"). B. Staff has researched the various options available to the City for acquiring a new Vacuum Truck and presented those options to the Council. At its regular meeting on January 16, 2024, the Council authorized staff to pursue a lease -purchase agreement with Bank of America that would allow the City to finance the purchase of the new Vacuum Truck over a five-year period. C. The City Council has reviewed and considered the proposed Lease Schedule and Master Tax -Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement and wishes to authorize the City Manager to execute and deliver the same. SECTION 2. Action. The City Council hereby approves the Lease Schedule and Master Tax -Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement between the City of El Segundo and Bank of America National Association in the form presented at the Council's regular meeting of February 6, 2024, and authorizes the City Manager to execute and deliver the same on behalf of the City. SECTION 3. Effective Date: This resolution shall go into effect immediately upon adoption. SECTION 4. The City Manager is hereby authorized to take any actions that are necessary and appropriate to carry out the purpose and intent of this Resolution. 1 Page 77 of 218 SECTION 5: CEQA. Pursuant to the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"), this Resolution is exempt from review pursuant to Section 15061(b)(3) of the CEQA Guidelines because it can be seen with certainty that there is no possibility that the activity in question may have a significant effect on the environment. SECTION 6: The City Clerk will certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution; will enter the same in the book of original Resolutions of said City; and will make a minute of the passage and adoption thereof in the record of proceedings of the City Council of said City, in the minutes of the meeting at which the same is passed and adopted. PASSED, APPROVED, AND ADOPTED this 6th day of February 2024. AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAI N: ATTEST: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney Drew Boyles, Mayor 2 Page 78 of 218 BANK OF AMERICA JANUARY 29, 2024 ANTHONY ESPARZA UTILITIES SUPERINTENDENT CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 350 MAIN ST EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, 90245 RE: LEASE SCHEDULE NO. 500-3231697-000 DATED JANUARY 29, 2024 TO MASTER EQUIPMENT LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT NO. 3231697 DATED JANUARY 29, 2024 BETWEEN BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION (LESSOR) AND CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA (LESSEE) Dear ANTHONY ESPARZA: Enclosed please find the following documents to be executed by the Lessee: Signer: We were informed that DARRELL GEORGE, CITY MANAGER will be executing the Lease Documents and LILI SANDOVAL, DEPUTY CITY CLERK, will be attesting the signature of the signer on the Lessee's Certificate, we have inserted the names accordingly. ❑ Master Equipment Lease/Purchase Agreement No. 3231697 — execute where indicated. ❑ Lease Schedule No. (Exhibit A) 500-3231697-000 — complete location, fiscal period, and execute. ❑ Payment Schedule - no signature required. ❑ Equipment Description — no signature required. ❑ Certificate of Acceptance (Exhibit A-1) — sign and date when equipment is accepted. ❑ Insurance Authorization - If the Lessee does not self -insure, have this form completed and execute where indicated; *Please note that we will need complete proof of insurance coverage prior to funding. ❑ Self -Insurance letter - If you are self -insured, have this letter retyped on your letterhead, completed and executed by the Lessee risk manager, if applicable. ❑ Bank Qualified Certificate — date and execute where indicated. ❑ Opinion of Lessee's Counsel (Exhibit C) — have your attorney print the letter on their letterhead and execute [For deals over $500k] ❑ Lessee's Certificate — insert the name of the authorized signer's and appointment of authorized Lessee Representatives and have the have the Lessee Certificate sign and attested. ❑ Attachment to UCC-1— UCC's will be filed with CALIFORNIA SOS — this document does not need to be executed. ❑ State Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certificate — provide your exemption certificate, if you are exempt from Sales and Use Tax. ❑ Invoice for Advanced Payment — check for advanced payment will be due at the time of the funding, if applicable. ❑ Invoices — WILL BE PROVIDED BY DEALER. ❑ MSO - MSO (front & back) and Application for Titles showing BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AND ITS ASSIGNS, P.O. BOX 1943, CHICAGO, IL 60690-1943, as I" Lien. - WILL BE PROVIDED BY DEALER; and ❑ Privacy Notices Please Note the following: • W-9 — complete and execute a current form. • IRS Form 8038-G or 8038-GC - Blank forms provided for your use under separate cover - consult with your Legal/Bond Counsel and/or Tax Accountant. • IRS form 8038-G: Please use the attached form and instructions on where and when to file the 8038-G, this information is based on the Lease's issue date. In order to complete the form you will need the following factual information: the date of issue (or issue date) is 2/2/2024, name of issue LEASE SCHEDULE NO. 500-3231697-000 dated JANUARY 29, 2024 TO MASTER Page 79 of 218 BANK OF AMERICA���� EQUIPMENT LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT NO.3231697 DATED JANUARY 29, 2024 the final maturity date is 2/2/2028, the issue price is $667,878.18, stated redemption price at maturity $667,878.18, the weighted average maturity is 5 years, and the yield (or tax-exempt rate) is 5.10%. PLEASE NOTE: original IRS form needs to be completed and filed according to the filing instructions. Once all documents are executed, please e-mail a PDF copy to e-mail; maria.a.herrera(&bofa.com and overnight the originals via UPS/Federal Express at the address below. Maria A. Herrera Vice President, Sr. Operations Manager, BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 540 W. Madison Street Mail Stop IL4-540-22-30 Chicago, IL 60661 (p) 312.828.3564, (f) 312.453-3208 Maria.a.herrera(&bofa.com Please note that your first payment is due on the day of funding. You can forward this check back to me along with the original executed document. In addition, please be aware that the rate expiration for this transaction is 2/16/2024. We would like to fund this transaction on 2/2/2024. Therefore, I will need to have all the executed documents back as soon as possible to prepare for funding. Please also be aware that funding of your transaction is subject to satisfactory completion of all federally mandated know -your -customer due diligence requirements. Please contact me at (312) 828-3564 with any questions or concerns you may have. Thank you for the opportunity to do business with you. Very truly yours, BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION Maria A. Herrera Vice President, Sr. Operations Manager Enclosures LEASE SCHEDULE NO. « SCHEDULE NUMBER» Page 80 of 218 BANK OFAMERICA���� Master Tax -Exempt Equipment Lease/Purchase Customer Contact Information Lessee Full Legal Name CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA reement Contact Person Contact Phone No. Contacts Fax No. Federal Tax ID # State of Organization ANTHONY ESPARZA 310-524-2746 NA 95-6000706 CALIFORNIA Address City County State Zip 350 MAIN ST EL SEGUNDO LOS ANGELES CALIFORNIA 90245 THIS MASTER TAX-EXEMPT EQUIPMENT LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT No. 3231697 (this "Agreement') Is made as of JANUARY 29, 2024, by and between BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as lessor ("Lessor"), and CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA as lessee ("Lessee"). In consideration of the mutual covenants, terms and conditions hereinafter contained, Lessee hereby agrees to acquire, purchase and lease all the equipment identified in each Lease Schedule ("Equipment") that may from time to time be executed by Lessor and Lessee pursuant hereto (each a "Schedule"), and Lessor hereby agrees to furnish the Equipment under each Schedule to Lessee, all on the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Each Schedule executed and delivered by Lessor and Lessee pursuant to this Agreement shall constitute a separate and independent Lease (described below). When used herein the term "Lease" means a Schedule and the terms of this Agreement which are incorporated by reference into such Schedule, together with the Exhibits attached to each such Schedule. This Agreement is not a commitment by Lessor to enter into any Lease not currently in effect, and nothing in this Agreement shall impose, or be construed to impose, any obligation upon Lessor to enter into any proposed Lease, it being understood that whether Lessor enters into any proposed Lease shall be a decision solely within Lessor's discretion. Terms/Conditions 1. TERM. (a) Commencement of Term. This Agreement shall be effective, and the parties' obligations hereunder shall arise, as of the date hereof. The term of this Agreement shall commence on the date set forth above and will continue so long as any amount remains unpaid under a Lease. The original term of each Lease begins as of the date identified in such Lease and shall terminate on the last business day of Lessee's then current fiscal year in which such Lease is executed and delivered (such period the "Original Term"). (b) Renewal of Term. Subject to the provisions of Section 10 hereof and subsection (e) of this Section, the Original Term of each Lease will be automatically and successively renewed at the end of the Original Term under the same terms and conditions for successive renewal periods (each a "Renewal Term"), with the last of such Renewal Terms to end on the last day of the Full Lease Term, as specified on each Schedule executed by Lessee (c) Termination of Term. The term of each Lease will terminate upon the earliest to occur of any of the following events: (1) the expiration of the Original Term or any Renewal Term under such Lease and the nonrenewal thereof in accordance with the terms and conditions of this Agreement; (2) the purchase of the Equipment subject to such Lease by Lessee under the provisions of Section 8(c) or 10 of this Agreement; (3) a default under such Lease by Lessee and Lessor's election to terminate Lessee's rights therein under Section 13 of this Agreement; or (4) the payment by Lessee of all rental payments to be paid by Lessee under such Lease with respect to the Equipment. (d) Continuation of Lease Term by Lessee. Lessee intends, subject to the provisions of subsection (e) of this Section, to continue the term of each Lease hereunder through the Original Term and all Renewal Terms for the respective Full Lease Term and to pay the rental payments thereunder. Lessee reasonably believes that legally available funds in an amount sufficient to make all rental payments under each Lease for the respective Full Lease Term of each Lease can be obtained and further intends to do all things lawfully within its power to obtain appropriated funds for the payment of all rental payments required to be paid under each Lease in each next succeeding Renewal Term and to maintain such funds from which the rental payments may be made. (e) Nonappropriation. In the event that sufficient funds are not appropriated for the payment of all rental payments required to be paid under each Lease in the next succeeding Renewal Term, then such Leases shall terminate at the end of the Original Term or the then current Renewal Term, as the case may be, and Lessee shall not be obligated to make payment of the rental payments provided for in the Leases beyond the then current term. Lessee agrees to give notice to Lessor of such termination at least 60 days prior to the end of the then current term or, if nonappropriation has not occurred by that date, promptly upon the occurrence of nonappropriation. If the Leases are terminated under this subsection, Lessee agrees, at Lessee's sole cost and expense, peaceably to deliver the Equipment under all Leases to Lessor at such location in the continental United States as is specified by Lessor, in the condition required by Section 5(b) hereof, on or before the effective date of termination. 2. RENTAL PAYMENTS. (a) Rental Payments to Constitute a Current Expense of Lessee. Lessor and Lessee understand and intend that the obligation of Lessee to pay rental payments under each Lease shall constitute a current expense of Lessee and shall not in any way be construed to be a debt of Lessee in contravention of any applicable constitutional or statutory limitations or requirements concerning the creation of indebtedness by Lessee, nor shall anything contained herein constitute a pledge of the general tax revenues, funds or monies of Lessee. (b) Payment of Rental Payments. Lessee shall pay rental payments for the Equipment identified in each Schedule exclusively from legally available funds, in lawful money of the United States of America, to Lessor in the amounts and on the rental payment due dates set forth in each Schedule without notice. In the event that any rental payment due under any Lease is not received by Lessor on or before the due date therefor, Lessee agrees to pay a late charge determined on the basis of accrued interest on the delinquent amount at the rate of 1% per month (or, if such rate is in excess of the maximum rate permitted by law, the maximum rate permitted by law) from the date of delinquency to the date that such rental payment is received by Lessor. (c) Interest and Principal Components. As set forth in each Schedule, a portion of each rental payment is paid as, and represents payment of, interest, and the balance of each rental payment is paid as, and represents payment of, principal. (d) Rental Payments to Be Unconditional. The obligation of Lessee to make rental payments under each Lease, and to perform and observe the covenants and agreements contained in this Agreement, shall be absolute and unconditional in all events, except as expressly provided in this Agreement including particularly Section 1(e) hereof. Lessee shall not assert any right of setoff, counterclaim or abatement against its obligations under any Lease, including (without limitation) by reason of Equipment failure, disputes with the vendor(s) or manufacturer(s) of the Equipment or Lessor, accident or any unforeseen circumstances. (a) Allocation of Rental Payments. Rental payments payable pursuant to each Lease shall be allocated to the Equipment subject to such Lease (in each case, pro rata based upon the respective capital cost of the items of such Equipment) as follows: (i) first, among the items of Equipment with the shortest estimated useful lives, and (ii) thereafter, among the items of Equipment with the relatively longer useful lives, in each case to reflect the respective fair rental value of each item of Equipment leased hereunder for its respective useful life. 3. REPRESENTATIONS AND COVENANTS OF LESSEE. Lessee represents, covenants and warrants to Lessor as follows: (a) Lessee is a state or political subdivision thereof within the meaning of Section 103(c) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1986, as amended (the "Code"), and will do or cause to be done all things necessary to preserve and keep in full force and effect its existence as such; (b) Lessee is authorized under the Constitution and laws of the State identified in each Schedule (the "State") to enter into this Agreement, each Lease and the transactions contemplated thereby and to perform all of its obligations under each Lease; (c) Lessee's name as indicated in the opening paragraph and on the signature page of this Agreement is its true, correct and complete legal name; (d) the execution and delivery of this Agreement and each Lease by or on behalf of Lessee has been duly authorized by all necessary action of the governing body of Lessee, and Lessee has obtained such other approvals and consents as are necessary to consummate this Agreement and each Lease; (e) all requirements have been met, and procedures have occurred, necessary to ensure the enforceability of this Agreement and each Lease against Lessee, and that Lessee has complied with such public bidding requirements as may be applicable to this Agreement and LEASE SCHEDULE NO. «SCHEDULE NUMBER» Page 81 of 218 BANK OFAMERICA���� each Lease and the acquisition of the Equipment by Lessee under each Lease; (f) Lessee shall cause to be executed an Incumbency Certificate and Authorization of Lessee in substantially the same form as Exhibit A attached hereto and an Opinion of Lessee's Counsel in substantially the same form as Exhibit B attached hereto. (g) Lessee's present intention is to make rental payments under each Lease for the Original Term and all Renewal Terms applicable thereto as long as it has legally available funds; (h) the use and operation of the Equipment under each Lease is essential to its proper, efficient and economic governmental operation and Lessee does not intend to sell or otherwise dispose of the Equipment under any Lease or any interest therein prior to the last rental payment (including all Renewal Terms) scheduled to be paid under such Lease; (1) within 150 days after the end of each fiscal year of Lessee during the term of each Lease, Lessee shall provide Lessor with a copy of its audited financial statements for such fiscal year, along with budgets, proof of appropriation for the ensuing fiscal year and such other financial information relating to the ability of Lessee to continue such Lease as may reasonably be requested by Lessor; 0) the Equipment under each Lease is, and shall remain during the term of such Lease, personal property and when subject to use by Lessee under such Lease will not be or become fixtures; (k) with respect to all items of Equipment which are motor vehicles, properly completed certificates of title or certificates of origin (and title applications therefor) for such vehicles, noting Lender's interest thereon, shall be provided to Lessor; (1) Lessee acknowledges that Lessor is acting only as a financing source with respect to the Equipment under each Lease, which has been selected by Lessee; (m) Lessee will promptly and duly execute and deliver to Lessor such further documents, instruments and assurances and take such further action as Lessor may from time to time reasonably request in order to carry out the intent and purpose of the Agreement and each Lease and to establish and protect the rights and remedies created or intended to be created in favor of Lessor hereunder and thereunder. 4. TITLE TO EQUIPMENT; SECURITY INTEREST. (a) Title to the Equipment. During the term of each Lease, title to the Equipment identified therein shall vest in Lessee, subject to the rights of Lessor under such Lease. For all motor vehicles, Lessee shall be listed on the certificate of title as owner with Lessor listed as first lienholder. Lessee is responsible for the correct titling of all motor vehicles and shall cause the original certificates of title for all motor vehicles subject hereto to be delivered to Lessor for safekeeping during the term of the respective Lease. In the event of a default as set forth in Section 13 hereof or nonappropriation as set forth in Section 1(e) hereof, title in and to the Equipment under all Leases shall immediately vest in Lessor. (b) Security Interest. To secure the prompt payment and performance as and when due of all of Lessee's obligations under each Lease, Lessee hereby grants to Lessor a first priority security interest in the Equipment delivered under each Lease, all replacements, substitutions, accessions and proceeds (cash and non -cash), including the proceeds of all insurance policies, thereof. Lessee agrees that with respect to the Equipment delivered under each Lease, Lessor shall have all of the rights and remedies of a secured party under the Uniform Commercial Code as in effect in the State ("UCC"). Lessee may not dispose of any item of the Equipment delivered under any Lease without the prior written consent of Lessor, notwithstanding the fact that proceeds constitute a part of such Equipment. 5. USE AND MAINTENANCE. (a) Use. Lessee shall use the Equipment under each Lease solely for the purpose of performing one or more governmental functions of Lessee and in a careful, proper and lawful manner consistent with the requirements of all applicable insurance policies relating to such Equipment. Lessee will not change the location (or with respect to over -the -road motor vehicles, the base garaged location) of any items of Equipment under any Lease from that specified in the respective Certificate of Acceptance provided with each Lease without the prior written consent of Lessor, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. Lessee shall not attach or incorporate the Equipment under any Lease to or in any other item of equipment in such a manner that such Equipment becomes or may be deemed to have become an accession to or a part of such other item of equipment. (b) Maintenance. Lessee, at its own expense, will keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, the Equipment under each Lease in as good an operating condition as when delivered to Lessee under such Lease, ordinary wear and tear resulting from proper use thereof alone excepted, and will provide all maintenance and service and make all repairs reasonably necessary for such purpose. All replacement parts and accessions shall be free and clear of all liens, encumbrances or rights of others and have a value and utility at least equal to the parts or accessions replaced. Lessee shall not make any material alterations to the Equipment under any Lease without the prior written consent of Lessor, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld. All additions to the Equipment under any Lease which are essential to its operation, or which cannot be detached without materially interfering with such operation or adversely affecting such Equipment's value and utility, shall immediately be deemed incorporated in such Equipment and subject to the terms of such Lease as if originally leased thereunder, and subject to the security interest of Lessor. Upon reasonable advance notice, Lessor shall have the right to inspect the Equipment under each Lease and all maintenance records with respect thereto, if any, at any reasonable time during normal business hours. 6. FEES; TAXES, OTHER GOVERNMENTAL AND UTILITY CHARGES; LIENS. (a) Fees. Lessee shall timely pay all titling, recordation, documentary stamp and other fees whatsoever, whether payable by Lessor or Lessee, arising at any time prior to or during the Full Lease Term of each Lease, or upon or relating to the Equipment under each Lease, the rental payments under each Lease or the use, registration, rental, shipment, transportation, delivery, ownership or operation of the Equipment under each Lease and on or relating to each Lease. (b) Taxes, Other Governmental Charges and Utility Charges. The parties contemplate that the Equipment under each Lease will be used for a governmental purpose of Lessee and that the Equipment under each Lease will be exempt from all taxes presently assessed and levied with respect to personal property. In the event that the use, possession or acquisition of the Equipment under any Lease is found to be subject to taxation in any form (except for net income taxes of Lessor), Lessee will pay, as the same come due, all taxes and governmental charges of any kind whatsoever that may at any time be lawfully assessed or levied during the Full Lease Term of such Lease against or with respect to the Equipment under such Lease, as well as all utility and other charges incurred in the operation and use of the Equipment under such Lease. (c) Liens. Lessee shall keep the Equipment under each Lease free and clear of all liens, levies and encumbrances, except those created under such Lease. 7. INSURANCE. (a) Casualty Insurance. At its own expense, Lessee shall throughout the term of each Lease keep the Equipment thereunder insured against loss or damage due to fire and the risks normally included in extended coverage, malicious mischief and vandalism, for not less than the Full Insurable Value of the Equipment. As used herein, "Full Insurable Value" means the full replacement value of the Equipment under a Lease or the Prepayment Amount applicable to the immediately preceding rental payment due date as designated on the respective Schedule, whichever is greater. All insurance for loss or damage shall provide that losses, if any, shall be payable to Lessor and Lessee, as their interests may appear, and Lessee shall utilize its best efforts to have all checks relating to any losses delivered promptly to Lessor. If Lessee insures similar properties against casualty loss by self-insurance, with Lessor's prior written consent, Lessee may satisfy its obligations with respect to casualty insurance under each Lease by means of a self-insurance fund reasonably acceptable to Lessor. The Net Proceeds of the insurance required hereby shall be applied as provided in Section 8 hereof. As used herein, "Net Proceeds" means the amount remaining from the gross proceeds of any insurance claim or condemnation award after deduction of all expenses (including attorneys' fees) incurred in the collection of such claim or award. (b) Liability Insurance. Lessee shall throughout the term of each Lease carry public liability insurance, and, with respect to Equipment that is over - the -road vehicles, automotive liability insurance, both personal injury and property damage, covering the Equipment under such Lease in an amount as Lessor may from time to time reasonably require on notice to Lessee. Lessor shall be named as an additional insured with respect to all such liability insurance. With Lessor's prior written consent, Lessee may satisfy its obligations with respect to liability insurance under each Lease by maintaining a funded self-insurance plan. (c) Worker's Compensation. Lessee shall throughout the term of each Lease carry worker's compensation insurance covering all employees working on, in, near or about the Equipment under such Lease, or demonstrate to the satisfaction of Lessor that adequate self-insurance is provided, and shall require any other person or entity working on, in, near or about the Equipment under each Lease to carry such coverage throughout the Full Lease Term of such Lease. (d) General Requirements. All insurance required under this Section 7 shall be in form and amount and with companies reasonably satisfactory to Lessor except as otherwise expressly provided in each Lease. Lessee shall pay the premiums therefor and deliver to Lessor the policies of insurance or duplicates thereof, or other evidence satisfactory to Lessor of such insurance coverage, annually throughout the Full Lease Term of each Lease. Each insurer shall agree, by endorsement upon the policy or policies issued by it or by independent instrument furnished to Lessor, that (i) it will give Lessor 30 days' prior written notice of the effective date of any material alteration or cancellation of such policy, and (ii) insurance as to the interest of any named additional insured or loss payee other than Lessee shall not be invalidated by any actions, inactions, breach of warranty or conditions or negligence of Lessee with respect to such policy or policies. 8. RISK OF LOSS; DAMAGE, DESTRUCTION AND CONDEMNATION; USE OF NET PROCEEDS. LEASE SCHEDULE NO. «SCHEDULE NUMBER» Page 82 of 218 BANK OF AMERICA�4 (a) Risk of Loss. Lessee assumes all risk of loss of or damage to the Equipment under each Lease from any cause whatsoever, except for loss or damage caused by gross negligence or intentional wrongful conduct of Lessor or its representatives, and no such loss of or damage to the Equipment under any Lease, defect therein or unfitness or obsolescence thereof, shall relieve Lessee of its obligation to make rental payments or perform any other obligations under such Lease (b) Damage, Destruction and Condemnation. If prior to the termination of the Full Lease Term of a Lease (i) the Equipment under such Lease or any portion thereof is destroyed (in whole or in part) or is damaged by fire or other casualty, or (ii) title to, or the temporary use of, the Equipment under such Lease or any part thereof or the estate of Lessee or Lessor in the Equipment under such Lease or any part thereof shall be taken under the exercise of the power of eminent domain by any governmental body or by any person, firm or corporation acting under governmental authority, Lessee and Lessor will cause the Net Proceeds of any insurance claim or condemnation award to be applied to Lessee's obligations pursuant to subsection (c) of this Section. (c) Use of Net Proceeds. With respect to each Lease, provided that the Equipment under a Lease is not deemed to be a total loss, Lessee shall, at its expense (subject to application of the Net Proceeds), cause the prompt repair, replacement or restoration of the affected Equipment under such Lease. In the event that the Equipment under such Lease is totally destroyed or damaged and Lessee is unable to make arrangements satisfactory to Lessor for the prompt replacement thereof, Lessee shall pay to Lessor, on the rental payment due date next succeeding the date of such loss, the Prepayment Amount applicable to such rental payment due date plus the rental payment due on such date and any other amounts then payable by Lessee under such Lease. Upon such payment, the term of the Lease and the security interest of Lessor in the Equipment under such Lease shall terminate, and Lessee will acquire full and unencumbered title to such Equipment as provided in Section 10 hereof. If Lessee is not then in default under such Lease, any portion of the Net Proceeds in excess of the amount required to pay in full Lessee's obligations as set forth in this subsection (c) shall be for the account of Lessee. Lessee agrees that if the Net Proceeds are insufficient to pay in full Lessee's obligations under such Lease as set forth in this subsection (c), Lessee shall make such payments to the extent of any deficiency, but only from funds legally available for such purpose. 9. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES. LESSOR, NOT BEING A SELLER (AS SUCH TERM IS DEFINED IN THE UCC) OF ANY EQUIPMENT UNDER ANY LEASE, NOR A SELLER'S AGENT, HEREBY EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMS AND MAKES TO LESSEE NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR ANY PARTICULAR PURPOSE OR OTHERWISE, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO: THE FITNESS FOR USE, DESIGN OR CONDITION OF THE EQUIPMENT; THE QUALITY OR CAPACITY OF THE EQUIPMENT; THE WORKMANSHIP IN THE EQUIPMENT; THAT THE EQUIPMENT WILL SATISFY THE REQUIREMENTS OF ANY LAW, RULE, SPECIFICATION OR CONTRACT PERTAINING THERETO; AND ANY GUARANTY OR WARRANTY AGAINST PATENT INFRINGEMENT OR LATENT DEFECTS, it being agreed that all such risks, as between Lessor and Lessee, are to be borne by Lessee. Lessor is not responsible or liable for any direct, indirect, incidental or consequential damage to or losses resulting from the installation, operation or use of the Equipment or any products manufactured thereby. All assignable warranties made by the vendor(s) or manufacturer(s) to Lessor are hereby assigned to Lessee for and during the Full Lease Term of each Lease and Lessee agrees to resolve all such claims directly with the vendor(s) or manufacturer(s). Provided that Lessee is not then in default under a Lease, Lessor shall cooperate fully with Lessee with respect to the resolution of such claims, in good faith and by appropriate proceedings at Lessee's expense. Any such claim shall not affect in any manner the unconditional obligation of Lessee to make rental payments under each Lease. 10. PURCHASE OF EQUIPMENT BY LESSEE; PREPAYMENT. Provided that Lessee is not then in default under any Lease, such Lease will terminate, the security interest of Lessor in the Equipment under such Lease will be terminated and Lessee will acquire title to the Equipment under such Lease free and clear of all liens and encumbrances created by, or arising through or under, Lessor: (a) at the end of the Full Lease Term of such Lease, upon payment in full of all rental payments and other amounts payable by Lessee under such Lease for the Full Lease Term of such Lease; or (b) on any rental payment due date, upon payment by Lessee of the then applicable Prepayment Amount under such Lease as set forth on the pertinent Schedule plus the rental payment due on such date and all other amounts then due by Lessee under such Lease, provided that Lessee shall have given Lessor not less than 30 days' prior written notice of its intent to make such payment. 11. QUIET POSSESSION. Lessor represents and covenants to Lessee that Lessor has full authority to enter into this Agreement and each Lease, and that, conditioned upon Lessee performing all of the covenants and conditions under a Lease, as to claims of Lessor or persons claiming under Lessor, Lessee shall peaceably and quietly hold, possess and use the Equipment under such Lease during the term of such Lease subject to the terms and provisions thereof. 12. ASSIGNMENT; SUBLEASING; INDEMNIFICATION. (a) Assignment by Lessor. Any Lease, and the rights of Lessor thereunder and in and to the Equipment under such Lease and the pertinent Schedule, may be assigned and reassigned in whole or in part to one or more assignees by Lessor or its assignees at any time without the necessity of obtaining the consent of Lessee. Lessee agrees to make all payments as designated in a notice of assignment, notwithstanding any claim, defense, setoff or counterclaim whatsoever (whether arising from a breach of such Lease or otherwise) that Lessee may from time to time have against Lessor or Lessor's assignees. Lessee hereby appoints Lessor and its assigns as its agents to maintain a record of all assignments of this Agreement in a form sufficient to comply with the registration requirements of Section 149(a) of the Code and the regulations prescribed thereunder from time to time, and Lessor agrees to cause such registration record to be maintained. Lessee agrees to execute all documents, including without limitation, a Notice and Acknowledgement of Sale of Rental Payments and Assignment of Lease, which may reasonably be requested by Lessor or its assignees to protect their interests in the Equipment under such Lease and in such Lease. (b) No Sale, Assignment or Subleasing by Lessee. This Agreement, any Lease or the interest of Lessee in the Equipment under any Lease may not be sold, assigned, sublet or encumbered by Lessee without the prior written consent of Lessor. (c) Release and Indemnification Covenants. To the extent permitted by the laws and Constitution of the State, Lessee hereby assumes and agrees to indemnify, protect, save and keep harmless Lessor, its agents and employees, from and against any and all losses, damages, injuries, claims, demands and expenses, including legal expenses, of whatsoever kind and nature, arising on account of (i) the ordering, acquisition, delivery, installation or rejection of the Equipment under any Lease; (ii) the possession, maintenance, use, condition (including, without limitation, latent and other defects whether or not discoverable by Lessor or Lessee, any claim in tort, including actions for strict liability, and any claim for patent, trademark or copyright infringement) or operation of any item of the Equipment under any Lease (by whomsoever used or operated); or (iii) the loss, damage, destruction, removal, return, surrender, sale or other disposition of the Equipment under any Lease, or any item thereof. Lessor shall give Lessee prompt notice of any claim or liability hereby indemnified against and Lessee shall be entitled to control the defense thereof, so long as Lessee is not in default under the pertinent Lease. 13. EVENTS OF DEFAULT AND REMEDIES. (a) Events of Default. The following shall be events of default with respect to a Lease and the terms "event of default" and "default" shall mean, whenever they are used in a Lease, any one or more of the following events: (1) failure by Lessee to pay any rental payment under such Lease or other payment required to be paid thereunder within 5 days of the due date therefor; or (2) failure by Lessee to observe and perform any other covenant, condition or agreement on its part to be observed or performed under such Lease and such failure shall continue unremedied for a period of 30 days after written notice specifying such failure and requesting that it be remedied, unless Lessor shall agree in writing to an extension of such time prior to its expiration; or (3) any certificate, statement, representation, warranty or audit contained in such Lease or theretofore or thereafter furnished with respect to such Lease by or on behalf of Lessee proving to have been false in any material respect at the time as of which the facts therein set forth were stated or certified, or having omitted any substantial contingent or unliquidated liability or claim against Lessee; or (4) commencement by Lessee of a case or proceeding under the federal bankruptcy laws or filing by Lessee of any petition or answer seeking relief under any existing or future bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar laws or an answer admitting or not contesting the material allegations of a petition filed against Lessee in any such proceeding; or (5) a petition against Lessee in a proceeding under any existing or future bankruptcy, insolvency or other similar laws shall be filed and not withdrawn or dismissed within 60 days thereafter; or (6) an actual or attempted sale, lease or encumbrance of any of the Equipment under such Lease or any item thereof or any attachment, levy or execution is levied upon or against any of the Equipment under such Lease or any item thereof; or (7) the occurrence of an event of default under any other Lease. (b) Remedies on Default. Whenever any event of default under a Lease shall have occurred and be continuing, Lessor shall have the right, at its sole option without any further demand or notice, to exercise any one or more of the following remedies: (1) with or without terminating such Lease, retake possession of the Equipment under such Lease or items thereof and sell, lease or sublease items of the Equipment under such Lease for the account of Lessee, with the net amount of all proceeds received by Lessor to be applied to Lessee's obligations under such Lease, including, but not limited to, all payments due and to become due during the Full Lease Term of such Lease, holding Lessee liable for the excess (if any) of: (i) the rental payments payable by Lessee under such Lease to the end of the Original Term or then current Renewal Term of such Lease (whichever is applicable) and any other amounts then payable by Lessee under such Lease (including but not limited to attorneys' fees, expenses and costs of repossession), over (ii) the net purchase price or rent and other amounts LEASE SCHEDULE NO. « SCHEDULE NUMBER» Page 83 of 218 BANK OFAMERICA���� paid by a purchaser, lessee or sublessee of the Equipment under such Lease pursuant to such sale, lease or sublease, provided that the excess (if any) of such amounts over the Prepayment Amount applicable to the last rental payment due date of the Original Term or Renewal Term of such Lease (whichever is applicable) and the amounts referred to in clause (i) shall be paid to Lessee; (2) require Lessee at Lessee's risk and expense promptly to return the Equipment under such Lease to Lessor in the manner and in the condition set forth in Section 5(b) hereof at such location in the continental United States as is specified by Lessor; (3) if Lessor is unable to repossess the Equipment under such Lease for any reason, the Equipment under such Lease shall be deemed a total loss and Lessee shall pay to Lessor the amount due pursuant to Section 8 hereof; and (4) exercise any other right, remedy or privilege which may be available to it under applicable laws of the State or any other applicable law or proceed by appropriate court action to enforce the terms of such Lease, to recover damages for the breach of such Lease or to rescind such Lease as to the Equipment. In addition, Lessee will remain liable for all legal fees and other costs and expenses, including court costs, reasonably incurred by Lessor with respect to the enforcement of any of the remedies listed above or any other remedy available to Lessor. (c) No Remedy Exclusive. No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Lessor is intended to be exclusive and every such remedy shall be cumulative and shall be in addition to every other remedy given under this Agreement and as provided in each Lease or now or hereafter existing at law or in equity. Lessor's remedies hereunder and as provided in each Lease may be exercised separately with respect to items of the Equipment under a Lease or in the aggregate with respect to the Equipment under all Leases. No delay or omission to exercise any right or power accruing upon any default shall impair any such right or power or shall be construed to be a waiver thereof, but any such right and power may be exercised from time to time and as often as may be deemed expedient. 14. TAX COVENANTS (a) Tax -Exempt Interest. The parties assume that Lessor can exclude the interest component of the rental payments under each Lease from federal gross income. Lessee covenants and agrees that it will (i) complete and timely file an IRS Form 8038-G (or, if the invoice price of the Equipment under a lease is less than $100,000, a Form 8038-GC) with the Internal Revenue Service ("IRS") in accordance with Section 149(e) of the Code; (ii) not permit the Equipment under any Lease to be directly or indirectly used for a private business use within the meaning of Section 141 of the Code including, without limitation, use by private persons or entities pursuant to contractual arrangements which do not satisfy the IRS' guidelines for permitted management contracts, as the same may be amended from time to time; and (iii) comply with all provisions and regulations applicable to excluding the interest component of the rental payments under each Lease from federal gross income pursuant to Section 103 of the Code. (b) Covenants. If Lessor either (i) receives notice, in any form, from the IRS; or (ii) reasonably determines, based on an opinion of independent tax counsel selected by Lessor and approved by Lessee, which approval Lessee shall not unreasonably withhold, that Lessor may not exclude the interest component of any rental payment under a Lease from federal gross income because Lessee breached a covenant contained in this Section 14 as provided in such Lease, then Lessee shall pay to Lessor, within 30 days after Lessor notifies Lessee of such determination, the amount which, with respect to rental payments previously paid under such Lease and taking into account all penalties, fines, interest and additions to tax (including all federal, state and local taxes imposed on the interest component of all rental payments due under such Lease through the date of such event) that are imposed on Lessor as a result of the loss of the exclusion, will restore to Lessor the same after-tax yield on the transaction evidenced by such Lease (assuming tax at the highest marginal corporate tax rate) that it would have realized had the exclusion not been lost. Additionally, Lessee agrees that upon the occurrence of such an event, it shall pay additional rent under such Lease to Lessor on each succeeding rental payment due date in such amount as will maintain such after-tax yield to Lessor. Notwithstanding anything in this subsection (b) or elsewhere in this Agreement to the contrary, any amount payable by Lessee pursuant to this subsection (b) as provided in a Lease shall be payable solely from funds legally available for such purpose and shall be subject to Section 1(e) hereof. (c) Certificate if Bank Qualified. If applicable, a certificate of an authorized official of Lessee designating a Lease as a "qualified tax-exempt obligation" within the meaning of Section 265(b)(3) of the Code will be provided to Lessor. (d) Certificate as to No Arbitrage. Unless a separate No Arbitrage Certificate is delivered to Lessor with respect to a Lease, by its execution and delivery of this Agreement, Lessee certifies and makes the following representations and covenants as of the Commencement Date of each Lease, as set forth in each Schedule: (i) the estimated total costs, including taxes, freight, installation and cost of issuance of the Equipment under the respective Lease will not be less than the total principal amount of the rental payments due for such Lease; (ii) the Equipment under the respective Lease has been ordered or is expected to be ordered within six (6) months and the Equipment is expected to be delivered and installed, and the vendor(s) and/or manufacturer(s) paid in full, within one (1) year from the Commencement Date of such Lease; (iii) Lessee will pursue the completion of the delivery and installation of the Equipment and the expenditure of the net proceeds of the respective Lease with due diligence; (iv) Lessee has not created or established, and does not expect to create or establish, any sinking fund or other similar fund that is reasonably expected to be used to pay the rental payments under the respective Lease or that may be used solely to prevent a default in the payment of the rental payments under the respective Lease; (v) the Equipment under the respective Lease has not been and is not expected to be sold or otherwise disposed of by the Lessee, either in whole or in major part, prior to the final rental payment due under such Lease; (vi) there are no other obligations of the Lessee which are being sold within 15 days of the Commencement Date of the respective Lease, nor which are being sold pursuant to the same plan of financing as such Lease, nor which are expected to be paid from substantially the same source of funds; and (vii) the officer or official who has executed the respective Schedule on Lessee's behalf is familiar with Lessee's expectations regarding the use and expenditure of the proceeds of such Lease, and, to the best of Lessee's knowledge, information and belief, the facts and estimates set forth herein are accurate and the expectations of Lessee set forth herein are reasonable. 15. LESSOR'S RIGHT TO PERFORM FOR LESSEE. If Lessee fails to perform or comply with any of its agreements contained in a Lease, Lessor shall have the right, but shall not be obligated, to effect such performance or compliance, and the amount of any out of pocket expenses and other reasonable expenses of Lessor incurred in connection with the performance of or compliance with such agreement, together with interest thereon at the rate of 12% per annum (or, if such rate is in excess of the maximum rate permitted by law, the maximum rate permitted by law), shall be payable by Lessee upon demand. With respect to each Lease, within 10 days of receipt, Lessee shall execute, endorse and deliver to Lessor any deed, conveyance, assignment or other instrument in writing as may be required to vest in Lessor any right, title or power which by the terms of such Lease are expressed to be conveyed or conferred upon Lessor, including, without limitation: (a) UCC financing statements (including continuation statements), real property waivers; (b) documents and checks or drafts relating to or received in payment for any loss or damage under the policies of insurance required by the provisions of Section 7 hereof to the extent that the same relate to the Equipment under such Lease; and (c) upon an event of default or nonappropriation under any or all Leases or times thereafter as Lessor in its sole and absolute discretion may determine, any bill of sale, document, instrument, invoice, freight bill, bill of lading or similar document relating to the Equipment under any or all Leases in order to vest title in Lessor and transfer possession to Lessor. Further, to the extent permitted by law, Lessee appoints Lessor as its attorney -in -fact for the limited purpose of, and with the full authority to, execute and file UCC financing statements (including continuation statements), which Lessor deems necessary or appropriate to establish and maintain its security interest in the Equipment under each Lease or for the confirmation or perfection of each Lease and Lessor's rights under each Lease, in the name and on behalf of Lessor, and agrees that photocopies of originally executed UCC financing statements (including continuation statements) may be filed in the appropriate recordation offices as originals. 16. MISCELLANEOUS. (a) Notices. All notices (excluding billings and communications in the ordinary course of business) under a Lease shall be in writing, and shall be sufficiently given and served upon the other party if delivered (i) personally, (ii) by United States registered or certified mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, (iii) by an overnight delivery by a service such as Federal Express or Express Mail from which written confirmation of overnight delivery is available; or (iv) by facsimile with a confirmation copy by regular United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed to the other party at its respective address stated below the signature of such party or at such other address as such party shall from time to time designate in writing to the other party, and shall be effective from the date of mailing. (b) Binding Effect. This Agreement and each Lease shall inure to the benefit of and shall be binding upon Lessor and Lessee and their respective successors and assigns. (c) Severability: Survival. Any provision of this Agreement or any Lease which is prohibited or unenforceable in any jurisdiction shall, as to such jurisdiction, be ineffective to the extent of such prohibition or unenforceability without invalidating the remaining provisions of this Agreement or any such Lease, and any such prohibition or unenforceability in any jurisdiction shall not invalidate or render unenforceable such provision in any other jurisdiction. To the extent permitted by applicable law, Lessee hereby waives any provision of law which renders any provision of this Agreement or any Lease prohibited or unenforceable in any respect. The representations, warranties and covenants of Lessee in this Agreement and in each Lease shall be deemed to be continuing and to survive the closing under this Agreement and each Lease. Each execution by Lessee of a Certificate of Acceptance in connection with a Lease shall be deemed a reaffirmation and warranty that there has been no material adverse change in the financial condition of Lessee from the date of execution of this Agreement or such Lease. The obligations of Lessee under Sections 1(a), 6, 12(c) and 14, which accrue during the term of this LEASE SCHEDULE NO. « SCHEDULE NUMBER» Page 84 of 218 BANK OFAMERICA���� Agreement and are incorporated into each Lease, shall survive the termination of this Agreement or any Lease. (d) Execution in Counterparts: Chattel Paper. This Agreement and each Lease may be executed in several counterparts, each of which shall be an original and all of which shall constitute but one and the same instrument; provided, however, that only the counterpart marked "Original' shall constitute chattel paper for purposes of the UCC. (a) Administrative. Lessee agrees that Lessor or its assignee may treat executed faxes or photocopies delivered to Lessor as original documents; however, Lessee agrees to deliver original signed documents as requested. Lessee agrees that Lessor may insert the appropriate administrative information to complete this Agreement. Lessor will provide a copy of the final Agreement upon request. (f) Applicable Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State. (g) Captions. The captions in this Agreement and each Lease are for convenience of reference only and shall not define or limit any of the terms or provisions of this Agreement or any Lease. (h) Entire Agreement. This Agreement and each Lease (including the Exhibits attached thereto), constitute the entire agreement between Lessor and Lessee. No waiver, consent, modification or change of terms of this Agreement or any Lease shall bind either party unless in writing signed by both parties, and then such waiver, consent, modification or change shall be effective only in the specific instance and for the specific purpose given except that Lessor may insert the serial number and additional description details in any Schedule of any item of Equipment after delivery thereof. There are no understandings, agreements, representations or warranties, express or implied, not specified herein regarding this Agreement, any Lease or the Equipment leased under any Lease. Any terms and conditions of any purchase order or other document (with the exception of supplements) submitted by Lessee in connection with this Agreement or any Lease which are in addition to or inconsistent with the terms and conditions of this Agreement or any such Lease will not be binding on Lessor and will not apply to this Agreement or any such Lease. Lessee by the signature below of its authorized representative acknowledges that it has read this Agreement and any Lease, understands it, and agrees to be bound by its terms and conditions. (i) Electronic Record. This Agreement, each Lease and any related document (each a 'Record") may, if agreed by Lessor, be in an electronic form and may be signed electronically (including, without limitation, facsimile and/or .pdf). Lessee agrees that any electronic signature associated with any Record shall be valid and binding on Lessee to the same extent as a manual signature, and that any Record entered into with an electronic signature, will constitute the legal, valid and binding obligation of Lessee. Lessee shall not challenge the validity or enforceability of any electronic Record solely due to its electronic form or Lessee's electronic signature. Any Record may be executed in multiple counterparts, including both paper and electronic, but all counterparts are one and the same Record. All electronic Records shall be considered an original for all purposes. Lessor is under no obligation to accept an electronic signature; however, if accepted, Lessor may rely on the electronic signature without further verification. For the purpose of establishing original chattel paper, the physical printed version of a Lease containing an electronic signature with the legend "Original' shall constitute the only original authoritative chattel paper. Lessor shall be the sole party permitted to add such legend. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be duly executed as of the day and year first above set forth. CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA as Lessee By: Name: DARRELL GEORGE Title: CITY MANAGER BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION as Lessor By: Name: Title: LEASE SCHEDULE NO. « SCHEDULE NUMBER» Page 85 of 218 !- BANK OFAMERICA'45� BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION LEASE SCHEDULE MASTER TAX-EXEMPT EQUIPMENT LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT AGREEMENT NO.: 3231697 DATE OF MASTER EQUIPMENT LEASE -PURCHASE AGREEMENT: JANUARY 29, 2024 LEASE SCHEDULE NO.: 500-3231697-000 DATE OF LEASE SCHEDULE: JANUARY 29, 2024 COMMENCEMENT DATE: Date of funding, as confirmed by notice from Lessor to Lessee. FULL LEASE TERM: 5 Years From the Date of Lease Schedule. Rental payments are payable ANNUAL in ADVANCE of the period to which they relate. Rental payment due dates will be based on the Commencement Date, and established in Lessor's notification to Lessee of the Commencement Date. LESSEE: CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 1. DESCRIPTION OF THE EQUIPMENT: VIN NUMBERS YEAR / MAKE MODEL PRICE (IF AVAILABLE) See Equipment Description attached hereto and made a part hereof together with all accessories, attachments, substitutions and accessions. 2. EQUIPMENT LOCATION: 150 ILLINOIS ST., EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 Lessee authorizes Lessor to insert serial numbers and additional description details of Equipment when determined by Lessor as provided in Section 16(g) of the Master Equipment Lease/Purchase Agreement. LEASE SCHEDULE NO. uSCHEDULE_NUMBER>> Page 86 of 218 BANK OFAMERICA���� 3. The Rental Payments shall be made for the Equipment as follows: PURCHASE OPTION DATE PAYMENT INTEREST PRINCIPAL PRICE* See Payment Schedule attached hereto and made a part hereof. 4. For purposes of this Lease, "State" means the State of CALIFORNIA. 5. Lessee's current Fiscal Period extends from to 6. The terms and provisions of the Master Tax -Exempt Equipment Lease/Purchase Agreement described above (other than to the extent that they relate solely to other Schedules or Equipment listed on other Schedules) are hereby incorporated into this Schedule by reference and made a part hereof. 7. Lessee hereby represents, warrants and covenants that its representations, warranties and covenants set forth in such Master Tax -Exempt Equipment Lease/Purchase Agreement (particularly Section 3 thereof) are true and correct as though made on the date of execution of this Lease Schedule. CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA as Lessee By: Name: DARRELL GEORGE Title: CITY MANAGER BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION as Lessor By: Name: Title: LEASE SCHEDULE NO. « SCHEDULE NUMBER» Page 87 of 218 BANK OFAMERICA���� CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA PAYMENT SCHEDULE PAYMENT PAYMENT DUE PAYMENT INTEREST PRINCIPAL PRINCIPAL PURCHASE NO. DATE BALANCE OPTION PRICE* Commencement Date: 02/02/2024 1 02/02/2024 2 02/02/2025 3 02/02/2026 4 02/02/2027 5 02/02/2028 Grand Totals 667,878.18 147,183.35 0.00 147,183.35 520,694.83 147,183.35 26,555.44 120,627.91 400,066.92 147,183.35 20,403.41 126,779.94 273,286.98 147,183.35 13,937.64 133,245.71 140,041.27 147,183.35 7,142.08 140,041.27 0.00 735,916.75 68,038.57 667,878.18 Assumes all Rental Payments and Additional Payments due on and prior to that date have been paid. NC 521,904.87 400,816.76 273,674.25 140,174.61 0.00 LEASE SCHEDULE NO. uSCHEDULE_NUMBER>> Page 88 of 218 BANK OF AMERICA DESCRIPTION OF EQUIPMENT to Lease Schedule No. 500-3231697-000 dated JANUARY 29, 2024 to Master Tax -Exempt Lease Purchase Agreement No. 3231697 Dated: JANUARY 29, 2024 by and between CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA and BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION EQUIPMENT LOCATION: 150 ILLINOIS ST., EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 COST QUANTITY DESCRIPTION/MODEL NO. VIN No. $667,878.18 ONE (1) 2022 WESTERN STAR 47SF (6 X 4) - 455 HP - 66,000 LB. GVWR— COMBINATION JETNAC SEWER CLEANING VACUM 5KKHAVFMINPNN2563 $667,878.18 LEASE SCHEDULE NO. « SCHEDULE NUMBER» Page 89 of 218 BANK OFAMERICA���� CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA DELIVERY AND ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE to Lease Schedule No. 500-3231697-000 dated JANUARY 29, 2024 to Master Tax -Exempt Lease Purchase Agreement No. 3231697 Dated: JANUARY 29, 2024 between CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA and BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION The undersigned hereby acknowledges and certifies that the units described below (the "Units") have been delivered by PLUMBERS DEPOT INC. to CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA and received by the undersigned, that all installation or other work necessary prior to the use thereof has been completed, that the Units have been examined and inspected by the undersigned and the Units are in good operating order and condition and are in all respects satisfactory to it and have been unconditionally and irrevocably accepted by the undersigned for all purposes. In accordance with the Master Tax -Exempt Lease Purchase Agreement referenced above, Lessor is authorized and directed to disburse to PLUMBERS DEPOT INC. the related funds representing the purchase price of the Units listed below. Year DESCRIPTION - Make AND Model Vin 2022 WESTERN STAR 47SF (6 X 4) - 455 HP - 66,000 LB. GVWR — COMBINATION JETNAC SEWER CLEANING VACUM 5KKHAVFMlNPNN2563 Date: Lessee: CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA Printed Name: DARRELL GEORGE Title: CITY MANAGER LEASE SCHEDULE NO. « SCHEDULE NUMBER» Page 90 of 218 BANK OF AMERICA���� (To Lease Schedule No. 500-3231697-000) JANUARY29, 2024 INSURANCE AGENT: Insurance Agency: ICRMA (INDEPENDENT CITIES RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Address: 18201 VON KARMAN AVE, SUITE 200 Telephone Number: (949) 349-9882 Facsimile Number: E-mail: ICRMA(o)RPAdmin.com RE: Insurance Requirements under the Master Tax -Exempt Equipment Lease/Purchase Agreement No. 3231697 dated as of JANUARY 29, 2024 and Lease Schedule No. 500-3231697- 000 dated as of JANUARY 29, 2024, each by and between BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Lessor, and CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, as Lessee In connection with the above -referenced Lease Schedule No. 500-3231697-000, CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, as lessee (the "Lessee"), is required to provide evidence of insurance for the coverages and endorsements set forth below, such evidence of insurance should reflect the interest of its assignee. A. Liability Insurance. Lessee is required to maintain public liability insurance, personal injury and property damage with policy limits of $1,000,000.00. The policy should be endorsed to name BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION and/or its Affiliates, Successors and/or it's Assigns ("BANX) as an additional insured. B. Casualty Insurance. Lessee is required to maintain all risk extended coverage, malicious mischief and vandalism insurance for the Equipment described in Lease Schedule No. 500- 3231697-000 attached hereto and in the amount not less than $667,878.18. Such insurance shall be endorsed to name BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION and/or its Affiliates, Successors and/or it's Assigns as a loss payee with respect to such Equipment. The required insurance should also be endorsed to give BANA and/or its Affiliates, Successors and/or it's Assigns 30 days prior written notice of the effective date of any material alteration or cancellation of coverage, and an endorsement confirming that the interest of BANA shall not be invalidated by any actions, inactions, breach of warranty or conditions or negligence of Lessee. Lessee appreciates your prompt attention to this matter. Very truly yours, CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA By: Name: DARRELL GEORGE Title: CITY MANAGER LEASE SCHEDULE NO. uSCHEDULE_NUMBER>> Page 91 of 218 BANK OF AMERICA���� [TO BE TYPED ON LESSEE'S LETTERHEAD] JANUARY 29, 2024 BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 540 W. Madison Street Mail Stop Mail Code: IL4-540-22-30 Chicago, Illinois 60661 RE: Master Tax -Exempt Equipment Lease/Purchase Agreement No. 3231697 dated as of JANUARY 29, 2024 and Lease Schedule No. 500-3231697-000 dated as of JANUARY 29, 2024, each by and between BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as lessor, and CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, as lessee - Self -Insurance Under the above -referenced Lease Schedule No.500-3231697-000, CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, as lessee ("Lessee"), is required to maintain certain insurance policies with respect to the Equipment subject thereto, provided that insurance policies are not required if Lessee has an adequate self-insurance program. This letter is for the purpose of describing Lessee's self-insurance program. [Describe self-insurance program for property damage - whether a self-insurance fund or contingency fund is maintained; and whether there is an excess policy in which case an insurance authorization letter must be attached.] [Describe self-insurance program for public liability risks - whether a self-insurance fund or contingency account is maintained; whether the Lessee's public liability exposure is capped pursuant to a Tort Claims Act; and whether the Lessee maintains an excess liability policy, in which case an insurance authorization letter must be attached.] Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions concerning this letter. Very truly yours, CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA B: Name: DARRELL GEORGE Title: CITY MANAGER LEASE SCHEDULE NO. uSCHEDULE_NUMBER>> Page 92 of 218 BANK OF AMERICA���� Bank Qualification Certificate BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION RE: Lease Schedule No. 500-3231697-000 dated as of JANUARY 29, 2024, to Master Tax - Exempt Equipment Lease/Purchase Agreement No. 3231697 dated as of JANUARY 29, 2024 by and between CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, as Lessee and BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as lessor Bank Qualified Tax -Exempt Obligation 0 (Check box for Bank Qualified designation) Lessee hereby designates this as defined in Section 265(b)(3)(B) o exempt obligations (excluding private including all tax-exempt obligations o- year in which the Commencement [ exceeding $10,000,000.00. Property Schedule as a "qualified tax-exempt obligation" the Code. Lessee reasonably anticipates issuing tax - activity bonds other than qualified 501(c)(3) bonds and subordinate entities of the Lessee) during the calendar ate of this Property Schedule falls, in an amount not Non -Bank Qualified Tax -Exempt Obligation ❑ (Check box for Non -Bank Qualified designation) Lessee reasonably anticipates issuing more than $10,000,000.00 in tax-exempt obligations in the calendar year of the Commencement Date as defined in the Lease. CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA as Lessee B: Name: DARRELL GEORGE Title: CITY MANAGER LEASE SCHEDULE NO. « SCHEDULE NUMBER» Page 93 of 218 BANK OFAMERICA���� Lessee's Certificate Re: Lease Schedule No. 500-3231697-000, dated JANUARY 29, 2024, to Master Tax -Exempt Equipment Lease/Purchase Agreement No. 3231697 dated JANUARY 29, 2024, between BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ("Lessor") and CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA ("Lessee"). The undersigned attestor, being the duly elected, qualified and acting DEPUTY CITY CLERK of the Lessee CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA ("Lessee") does hereby certify, as of , 2024, as follows: 1. Lessee did, at a meeting of the governing body of the Lessee held on 1/16/2024, by resolution or ordinance duly enacted, in accordance with all requirements of law, approve and authorize the execution and delivery of the above -referenced Lease Schedule (the "Lease Schedule") and the Master Tax -Exempt Lease/Purchase Agreement the "Master Agreement") by the followin named representative of Lessee, to wit: NAMEOF EXECUTING OFFICIAL TITLE OF EXECUTING OFFICIAL SIGNATURE OF EXECUTING OFFICIAL DARRELLGEORGE DARRELLGEORGE ANTHONY ESPARZA UTILITIES SUPERINTENDENT 2. The above -named representative of the Lessee held at the time of such authorization and holds at the present time the office set forth above. 3. The meeting(s) of the governing body of the Lessee at which the Master Agreement and the Lease Schedule Schedule were approved and authorized to be executed was duly called, regularly convened and attended throughout by the requisite quorum of the members thereof, and the enactment approving the Master Agreement and the Lease Schedule and authorizing the execution thereof has not been altered or rescinded. All meetings of the governing body of Lessee relating to the authorization and delivery of Master Agreement and the Lease Schedule have been: (a) held within the geographic boundaries of the Lessee; (b) open to the public, allowing all people to attend; (c) conducted in accordance with internal procedures of the governing body; and (d) conducted in accordance with the charter of the Lessee, if any, and the laws of the State. 4. No event or condition that constitutes, or with the giving of notice or the lapse of time or both would constitute, an Event of Default or an Event of Nona ppropriation (as such terms are defined in the Master Agreement) exists at the date hereof with respect to this Lease Schedule or any other Lease Schedules under the Master Agreement. 5. The acquisition of all of the Property under the Property Schedule has been duly authorized by the governing body of Lessee. 6. Lessee has, in accordance with the requirements of law, fully budgeted and appropriated sufficient funds for the current budget year to make the Rental Payments scheduled to come due during the current budget year under the Lease Schedule and to meet its other obligations for the current budget year and such funds have not been expended for other purposes. 7. As of the date hereof, no litigation is pending, (or, to my knowledge, threatened) against Lessee in any court (a) seeking to restrain or enjoin the delivery of the Master Agreement or the Lease Schedule or of other agreements similar to the Master Agreement; (b) questioning the authority of Lessee to execute the Master Agreement or the Lease Schedule, or the validity of the Master Agreement or the Lease Schedule, or the payment of principal of or interest on, the Lease Schedule; (c) questioning the constitutionality of any statute, or the validity of any proceedings, authorizing the execution of the Master Agreement and the Lease Schedule; or (d) affecting the provisions made for the payment of or security for the Master Agreement and the Lease Schedule. Lessee: CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA By: Printed Name: LILI SANDOVAL Title: DEPUTY CITY CLERK SIGNER MUST NOT BE THE SAME AS THE EXECUTING OFFICIALS SHOWN ABOVE. LEASE SCHEDULE NO. uSCHEDULE_NUMBER>> Page 94 of 218 BANK OF AMERICA���� Opinion of Lessee's Counsel (PLEASE FURNISH THIS TEXT ON ATTORNEY'S LETTERHEAD) [To be dated the Funding Date for the Lease Schedule described herein] BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 540 W. Madison Street Mail Stop Mail Code: IL4-540-22-30 Chicago, Illinois 60661 Re: Master Tax -Exempt Equipment Lease/Purchase Agreement No. 3231697 dated as of JANUARY 29, 2024 and Lease Schedules thereto Ladies and Gentlemen: As counsel for the CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA ("Lessee"), I have examined the Master Tax -Exempt Equipment Lease/Purchase Agreement No. 3231697 duly executed by Lessee and dated as of JANUARY 29, 2024 (the "Master Lease") which has been incorporated by reference into Lease Schedule No. 500-3231697-000 dated as of JANUARY 29, 2024 ("Lease Schedule No. 500-3231697-000"), each between Lessee and BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as lessor ("Lessor"), the form of the Certificate of Acceptance (the "Certificate of Acceptance") attached to Lease Schedule No. 500-3231697-000 and the proceedings taken by the governing body of Lessee to authorize on behalf of Lessee the execution and delivery of the Master Lease, Lease Schedule No. 500-3231697-000, the Certificate of Acceptance and all additional equipment schedules related payment schedules relating to the additional equipment schedule to be entered into pursuant to the Master Lease (each of which is herein referred to as an "Additional Lease Schedule") and to be executed and delivered in substantially the same manner and in substantially the same form as Lease Schedule No. 500-3231697-000. The Master Lease, Lease Schedule No. 500-3231697-000, and the related Certificate of Acceptance are herein collectively referred to as the "Lease." The Master Lease, any Additional Lease Schedule and the related Certificate of Acceptance are herein collectively referred to as an "Additional Lease." Based upon the foregoing examination and upon an examination of such other documents and matters of law as I have deemed necessary or appropriate, I am of the opinion that: 1. Lessee is a corporate and politic duly organized and legally existing as a political subdivision, municipal corporation or similar public entity under the Constitution and laws of the State of CALIFORNIA with full power and authority to enter into the Master Lease, Lease Schedule No. 500-3231697-000, the Certificate of Acceptance and each Additional Lease Schedule. 2. The Master Lease, Lease Schedule No. 500-3231697-000, the Escrow Agreement, and each Additional Lease Schedule have each been duly authorized and have been, or, with respect to each Additional Lease Schedule, will be, duly executed and delivered by Lessee. Assuming due authorization, execution and delivery thereof by Lessor, the Master Lease and Lease Schedule No.500-3231697-000, constitute and, each Additional Lease Schedule will constitute, the legal, valid and binding obligation of LEASE SCHEDULE NO. « SCHEDULE NUMBER» Page 95 of 218 BANK OFAMERICA���� Lessee, enforceable against Lessee in accordance with their respective terms, subject to any applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium or other laws or equitable principles affecting the enforcement of creditors' rights generally. 3. The Certificate of Acceptance has been duly authorized by Lessee and, when a Certificate of Acceptance is duly executed and delivered by Lessee in accordance with Lease Schedule No. 500-3231697-000 or any Additional Lease Schedule, the Lease and each Additional Lease to which a Certificate of Acceptance relates will constitute the legal, valid and binding obligation of Lessee, enforceable against Lessee in accordance with their respective terms, subject to any applicable bankruptcy, insolvency, moratorium or other laws or equitable principles affecting the enforcement of creditors' rights generally. 4. The Equipment to be leased pursuant to the Lease and each Additional Lease constitutes personal property and when subjected to use by Lessee will not be or become a fixture under applicable law. 5. Lessee has complied with any applicable public bidding requirements in connection with the Lease, each Additional Lease and the transactions contemplated thereby. 6. No litigation or proceeding is pending or, to the best of my knowledge, threatened to restrain or enjoin the execution, delivery or performance by Lessee of the Master Lease, Lease Schedule No. 500-3231697-000 or any Additional Lease Schedule or in any way to contest the validity of the Lease or any Additional Lease, to contest or question the creation or existence of Lessee or its governing body or the authority or ability of Lessee to execute or deliver the Lease or any Additional Lease or to comply with or perform its obligations thereunder. There is no litigation pending or, to the best of my knowledge, threatened seeking to restrain or enjoin Lessee from annually appropriating sufficient funds to pay the Rental Payments or other amounts contemplated by the Lease or any Additional Lease. 7. The resolution adopted by Lessee's governing body authorizing the execution and delivery of the Master Lease, Lease Schedule No. 500-3231697-000, the Certificate of Acceptance, the Additional Lease Schedules, each Certificate of Acceptance and certain other matters was adopted at a meeting that was held in compliance with all applicable laws relating to the holding of open and public meetings. 8. Lessee's name indicated above is its true, correct, and complete legal name. 9. The entering into and performance of the Master Lease, Lease Schedule No. 500- 3231697-000, and each Additional Lease Schedule do not, and the execution of a Certificate of Acceptance by Lessee pursuant to Lease Schedule No. 500-3231697-000 and each Additional Lease Schedule will not, violate any judgment, order, law or regulation applicable to Lessee or result in any breach of, or constitute a default under, or result in the creation of any lien, charge, security interest or other encumbrance upon any assets of Lessee or on the Equipment (as such term is defined in the Master Lease) pursuant to any indenture, mortgage, deed of trust, bank loan or credit agreement or other instrument to which Lessee is a party or by which it or its assets may be bound. LEASE SCHEDULE NO. uSCHEDULE_NUMBER>> Page 96 of 218 BANK OFAMERICA���� This opinion is for the sole benefit of, and may be relied upon by, you and any permitted assignee or subassignee of Lessor under the Agreement, provided that we understand and agree that this opinion may be relied upon by special tax counsel if one is retained to render an opinion as to the exemption from federal income taxation of the interest component of payments to be made by Lessee pursuant to the Agreement. Respectfully submitted, Attorney LEASE SCHEDULE NO. uSCHEDULE_NUMBER>> Page 97 of 218 BankofAmerica��I Merrill Lynch ATTACHMENT TO UCC-1 LESSEE/DEBTOR: CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA LESSOR/SECURED PARTY: BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION THE EQUIPMENT LEASED PURSUANT TO THAT CERTAIN LEASE SCHEDULE NO. 500-3231697-000 DATED JANUARY 29, 2024 TO MASTER TAX-EXEMPT EQUIPMENT LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT NO. 3231697 DATED JANUARY 29, 2024 BY AND BETWEEN LESSOR/SECURED PARTY, AS LESSOR, AND LESSEE/DEBTOR, AS LESSEE, AND ALL REPLACEMENTS, SUBSTITUTIONS AND ALTERNATIVES THEREFOR AND THEREOF AND ACCESSIONS THERETO AND ALL PROCEEDS (CASH AND NON -CASH), INCLUDING THE PROCEEDS OF ALL INSURANCE POLICIES OR CONDEMNATION AWARDS, THEREOF, WHICH EQUIPMENT IS MORE FULLY DESCRIBED BELOW: EQUIPMENT DESCRIPTION: 2022 WESTERN STAR 47SF (6 X 4) - 455 HP - 66,000 LB. GVWR — COMBINATION JETNAC SEWER CLEANING VACUM, VIN# 5KKHAVFMlNPNN2563 LEASE SCHEDULE NO. «SCHEDULE NUMBER» Page 98 of 218 BANK OF AMERICA BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 540 W. Madison Street Mail code: IL4-540-22-30 Chicago, IL 60661 Date: JANUARY 29, 2024 ANTHONY ESPARZA UTILITIES SUPERINTENDENT CIYT OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA 350 MAIN ST EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA, 90245 BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION ADVANCED PAYMENT DUE DATE: I $147,183.35 02/02/2024 LEASE SCHEDULE NO. 500-3231697-000 DATED 1/19/2024 TO MASTER TAX-EXEMPT EQUIPMENT LEASE/PURCHASE AGREEMENT NO. 3231697 DATED 1/19/2024 Amount Due: $147,183.35 1 Make check payable and overnight to: BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 540 W. Madison Street Mail code: IL4-540-22-30 Chicago, IL 60661 Attn: Maria A. Herrera All inquiries should be directed to your BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION representative LEASE SCHEDULE NO. « SCHEDULE NUMBER» Page 99 of 218 PRIVACY NOTICE Bank of America is committed to the protection of personal information we collect and process. We conduct regular assessment reviews and abide by rigorous privacy standards to protect personal information we collect, use and share. For more information about how we protect your privacy, including specific rights that may apply, please visit bankofamerica.com/privacynotice. Please ensure that you share this information with those in your organization whose information you are sharing with us such as your third -party representatives, employees, officers, directors, shareholders, and other related individuals. BANK OFAMERICA���� Page 100 of 218 Federally Required Affiliate Marketing Notice YOUR CHOICE TO LIMIT MARKETING • The Bank of America companies listed in this document are providing this notice. • Federal law gives you the right to limit some but not all marketing from all the Bank of America affiliated companies. Federal law also requires us to give you this notice to tell you about your choice to limit marketing from all the Bank of America affiliated companies. • You may limit all the Bank of America affiliated companies, such as the banking, loan, credit card, insurance and securities companies, from marketing their products or services to you based upon your personal information that they receive from other Bank of America companies. This information includes your income, your account history and your credit score. • Your choice to limit marketing offers from all the Bank of America affiliated companies will apply for at least 5 years from when you tell us your choice. Before your choice to limit marketing expires, you will receive a renewal notice that will allow you to continue to limit marketing offers from all the Bank of America affiliated companies for at least another 5 years. • You may tell us your choice to limit marketing offers, and you may tell us the choices for other customers who are joint account holders with you. • This limitation will not apply in certain circumstances, such as when you have an account or service relationship with the Bank of America company that is marketing to you. • For individuals with business purpose accounts, this limitation will only apply to marketing to individuals and not marketing to a business. To limit marketing offers, contact us at 888.341.5000. Bank of America Companies: This notice applies to all Bank of America U.S. legal entities that utilize the names Bank of America Banc of America U.S. Trust Merrill These entities include banks and trust companies; credit card companies; brokerage and investment companies; and insurance and securities companies. In addition, this notice applies to the following Bank of America U.S. companies: Managed Account Advisors LLC BAL Investment & Advisory, Inc. BANK OFAMERICA"�� O 2023 Bank of America Corporation I INS-07-23-0741.H 00-36-0456NSB (01 /2024) Page 101 of 218 U.S. Affiliate Information Sharing Notice For individuals opening business accounts Bank of America is made up of a number of financial services provider companies and non -financial companies, all working together to serve you. One of our most important goals is to make it easier for you to manage your money by offering you a wide selection of services. To further this goal, we may share information about your accounts with our affiliated companies to better meet your financial needs and manage our business and risks. The individual information we may share within Bank of America is categorized in the following ways: A. Personally identifiable information — Information that identifies you, such as name, address, email address, telephone number and Social Security number. B. Application information — Information you provide to us on applications and through other means that will help us determine if you are eligible for products you request. Examples include personal assets, income and debt. C. Transaction and experience information — Information about transactions and account activity, such as account balances, payment history and account usage, as well as information about our communications with you. Examples include your inquiries and our responses. D. Consumer report information — Information from a consumer report. Examples include your personal credit score and credit history. E. Information from outside sources — Information from outside sources regarding employment, credit and other relationships that will help us determine if you are eligible for products you request. Examples include employment history, loan balances, credit card balances, property insurance coverage and other verifications. F. Other general information — Data from public records that is not assembled or used for the purpose of determining eligibility for a product or service. As required by federal law, we also collect information and take actions necessary to verify your identification. If you do not want us to share your individual information (application information, consumer report information and information from outside sources) among our affiliated companies, let us know by using one of the following methods: 1. Visit us online at bankofamerica.com/privacy. 2. Call us toll -free at 888.341.5000. Please note that this request will apply to application information, consumer report information and information from outside sources only. Through the normal course of doing business, including servicing your accounts and better serving your financial needs, we will continue to share personally identifiable information, transaction and experience information, and other general information among our affiliated companies. You may have other privacy protections under state laws, such as those in Vermont and California. To the extent these state laws apply, we will comply with them in regard to our information practices. BANK OFAMER ICA���� © 2019 Bank of America Corporation I INS-07-19-0624.A 00-36-045ONSB (01/2020) Page 102 of 218 City Council Agenda Statement F I, F, G t I) O Meeting Date: February 6, 2024 Agenda Heading: Consent Item Number: B.10 TITLE: Resolution to Establish the El Segundo Disaster Service Worker Volunteer Program RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt resolution to establish the El Segundo Disaster Service Worker Volunteer Program. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: None. BACKGROUND: The Disaster Service Worker Volunteer Program (DSWVP) has a rich history dating back to the early 1940s when the War Powers Act of 1943 created the California War Council. The program has become a crucial component of disaster response, providing valuable services during emergencies. This staff report aims to provide an understanding of the DSWVP, its origins, and the current framework. During World War II, the War Powers Act of 1943 established the California War Council to address concerns about potential invasions along the Pacific border. This Council recognized the need for civilian volunteers to address mass attacks or natural disasters. However, before the War Powers Act, volunteers were not compensated for injuries sustained during their duties. The Act addressed this issue by allowing volunteers to benefit from the State Workers' Compensation funds if injured during their volunteer duty. Accredited Disaster Councils played a pivotal role in certifying volunteers and ensuring their eligibility for compensation. This marked the beginning of the DSWVP. DISCUSSION: Page 103 of 218 El Segundo Disaster Service Worker Volunteer Program February 6, 2024 Page 2 of 3 Pursuant to Government Code § 8610, the City Council created the El Segundo Disaster Council, and such creation is set forth in El Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC") § 2-2-4. ESMC § 2-2-4(D) (Powers and Duties) requires City Council adoption of such ordinances and resolutions and rules and regulations as are necessary to implement the plans and agreements within the Disaster Council's purview. The California Office of Emergency Services ("Cal OES") accredited the ES Disaster Council on June 16, 1949. In accordance with Government Code § 8610, ESMC § 2-2-6 (Emergency Organization; Composition) charges "all officers and employees of the city, together with those volunteer forces enrolled to aid them," among others with duties incident to the protection of life and property in the city during emergencies and constitute the City's "emergency organization." California law mandates Disaster Service Workers to register with an accredited Disaster Council, the Governor's Office of Emergency Services, or an authorized State agency. Accreditation involves providing a certified copy of an ordinance specifying the Disaster Council's existence, leadership, recognition of the emergency management organization, and compliance with the Emergency Services Act. Accreditation is crucial for Disaster Councils to register volunteers and administer the DSWVP. The process ensures that volunteers are protected by Workers' Compensation and limited immunity from liability. Registered DSW volunteers are officially registered with an accredited Disaster Council, providing services without pay. The program covers public employees performing disaster work outside their regular employment. Additionally, individuals impressed into service during emergencies receive the same benefits and protections as registered volunteers. Convergent volunteers are spontaneous volunteers who come forward during disasters. They augment existing organizations and can be registered as DSW volunteers for a single event, following proper registration, training, and supervision. The Disaster Service Worker Volunteer Program is rooted in historical necessity and has evolved to ensure volunteers' protection and effective utilization during emergencies. Accredited Disaster Councils play a vital role in fostering community resilience and response capabilities. Approving the El Segundo Disaster Service Worker Volunteer Program is a commitment to community safety, resilience, and proactive emergency response. It recognizes the program's historical significance, tracing it to World War II, and endorses its evolving framework. This program invests in preparedness by mobilizing registered and convergent volunteers during disasters. Mandated accreditation safeguards volunteers with Workers' Compensation and limited liability immunity. Embracing the DSWV Program aligns with our commitment to equity, community welfare, and effective emergency management, ensuring the protection and utilization of volunteers for the greater well-being of our community. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Page 104 of 218 El Segundo Disaster Service Worker Volunteer Program February 6, 2024 Page 3 of 3 Goal 2: Support Community Safety and Preparedness Objective 2A: El Segundo is a safe and prepared community. PREPARED BY: Todd DeVoe, Emergency Management Coordinator REVIEWED BY: George Avery, Fire Chief APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Resolution to Establish the El Segundo DSWVP Page 105 of 218 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION TO ESTABLISH THE EL SEGUNDO DISASTER SERVICE WORKER VOLUNTEER PROGRAM IN ACCORDANCE WITH CALIFORNIA OFFICE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES RULES AND REGULATIONS The City Council of the city of El Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1. Findings. The City Council finds and determines as follows: A. Pursuant to Government Code § 8610, the City Council created the El Segundo Disaster Council ("ES Disaster Council"), and such creation is set forth in El Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC") § 2-2-4. B. ESMC § 2-2-4(D) (Powers and Duties) requires City Council adoption of such ordinances and resolutions and rules and regulations as are necessary to implement the plans and agreements within the ES Disaster Council's purview. C. In accordance with Government Code § 8610, ESMC § 2-2-6 (Emergency Organization; Composition) charges "all officers and employees of the city, together with those volunteer forces enrolled to aid them," among others with duties incident to the protection of life and property in the city during emergencies and constitute the City's "emergency organization. D. The California Office of Emergency Services ("Cal OES") accredited the ES Disaster Council on June 16, 1949. E. Pursuant to its authority as an accredited disaster council, or ADC, the ES Disaster Council seeks to register individuals as volunteers as part of an El Segundo Disaster Service Worker Volunteer Program, and provide for such volunteers to benefit from the workers' compensation and insurance provisions of Labor Code § 4350 et seq. SECTION 2. Actions. A. The City Council establishes the El Segundo Disaster Service Worker Volunteer Program (the "Program") pursuant to Government Code § 8610 and title 19 of California Code of Regulations § 2570 et seq. B. The City Council directs the ES Disaster Council to cause Program volunteers to be duly registered and receive satisfactory training or instruction in accordance with title 19 of California Code of Regulations § 2573.1. C. The City Council authorizes and directs the ES Disaster Council to create and promulgate any rules and regulations necessary to effectuate the Program consistent with applicable laws and regulations, including, without limitation, Government Code § 8612. D. The City Council agrees that the City, including, without limitation, the ES Disaster Council, will follow the rules and regulations that Cal OES has established pursuant to Government Code § 8580. Page 106 of 218 SECTION 3. Severability. If any part of this Resolution or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Resolution are severable. SECTION 4. Signature Authority. The Mayor, or presiding officer, is hereby authorized to affix his signature to this Resolution signifying its adoption by the City Council of the City of El Segundo, and the City Clerk, or her duly appointed deputy, is directed to attest thereto. SECTION 5. Effective Date. This Resolution will take effect immediately upon adoption and will remain effective unless repealed or superseded. SECTION 6. City Clerk Direction. The City Clerk will certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution, enter it in the City's book of original Resolutions, and make a record of this action in the meeting's minutes. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of 2024. Drew Boyles, Mayor ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution No. was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested to by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of 2024, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Page 107 of 218 MARK D. HENSLEY, CITY ATTORNEY Joaquin Vazquez, Assistant City Attorney Page 108 of 218 City Council Agenda Statement F I, F �' t I) �� Meeting Date: February 6, 2024 Agenda Heading: Public Hearings Item Number: C.11 TITLE: Resolution Temporarily Designating Preferential Parking Zone 3 as a One -Year Pilot Program in an Area Bound by Washington Street, Mariposa Avenue, Indiana Street and Holly Avenue RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a resolution designating Preferential Parking Zone 3 as a one year (from May 1, 2024, through April 30, 2025) pilot program project along the west curb line of Indiana Street (between Mariposa Avenue and Holly Avenue), along east curb line of Illinois Street (between Mariposa Avenue and Holly Avenue), along north and south curb lines of Pine Avenue (between Illinois Street and Indiana Street), along north curb line of Holly Avenue (between Illinois Street and Indiana Street), along south curb line of Mariposa Avenue (between Indiana Streert and Illinois Street), and along west and east curb lines of Washington Street (between Pine Avenue and Holly Avenue). 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: The cost of establishing the new parking zone is estimated to be $4,000 and it can be absorbed with the current budget. Amount Budgeted: None. Additional Appropriation: None. Account Number(s): N/A BACKGROUND: On January 16, 2024, staff presented a citywide Residential On -Street Parking Survey results. The results indicated the majority of the residents are mostly satisfied with the current parking situation. However, there are a few pockets of potentially non - satisfactory areas near commercial districts. Residents from the southeast corner of the Page 109 of 218 Perferential Parking Zone 3 February 6, 2024 Page 2 of 5 residential neighborhood are most unsatisfied with parking in their area and chose the set petition process as a path to alleviate parking concerns and/or hardship under El Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC") Chapter 8-5A. There are two previously existing preferential parking zones in the city, as shown on the attached vicinity Map. In July 2023, residents submitted a valid petition signed by over 60% of the residents for establishment of a preferential parking zone for the area bound by Indiana Street (between Mariposa Avenue and Holly Avenue), Holly Avenue (between Indiana Street and Kansas Street), Kansas Street (between Holly Avenue and Mariposa Avenue), Pine Avenue (between Washington Street and California Street), California Street (between Pine Avenue and Mariposa Avenue), and Mariposa Avenue (between Illinois Street and Indiana Street). The attached "Preferential Parking Zone 3 Petition Area" shows these streets. The residents expressed the following main concerns through discussions with staff: Workers and customers from surrounding businesses park their vehicles along these streets for extended period of time. Airport passengers potentially park their vehicles in the area for days between flights. Personal car rental services park their vehicles in the area while waiting for the next assignment. The El Segundo Municipal Code section 8-5A-5 indicates the following: A. Petition Of Residents: Upon receipt and verification of a petition signed by residents living in fifty-five percent (55%) of the dwelling units of the area proposed for designation, or upon adoption of a motion by City Council, the Traffic Engineer shall undertake such surveys or studies as are deemed necessary to determine whether the area should be designated a preferential parking zone and shall report his findings to City Council. B. Notify Affected Residents. Where a preferential parking zone is requested by the resident petition process, the resident(s) requesting the designation shall notify all affected residents prior to the presentation of the petition. Staff will verify the submitted information and the notification (Ord. 1076, 11-5-1985). The petitioner has fulfilled these threshold requirements. Staff reviewed the petition and accompanying documentation and concluded that the petitioner had complied with ESMC Chapter 8-5A, and consequently proceeded with conducting the traffic survey and performing the parking study. DISCUSSION: There are specific designation criteria listed in the following ESMC Chapter 8-5A-4 Page 110 of 218 Perferential Parking Zone 3 February 6, 2024 Page 3 of 5 which allows for establishment of a preferential parking zone. 8-5A-4. DESIGNATION CRITERIA. - The criteria referred to in section 8-5A-3 of this article shall be based upon the following considerations established to the satisfaction of the Council. - A. Regular Interference: That "nonresident vehicles", defined as those vehicles owned and/or operated by persons who are not "residents" as defined in section 8-5A-2 of this article, do or may substantially and regularly interfere with the use of the majority of available public street or alley parking spaces in the proposed zone by adjacent residents; B. Regular Intervals. That the interference by the nonresident vehicles referred to in subsection A of this section occurs in the proposed zone at regular and significant daily or weekly intervals,- C. Noise: That the nonresident vehicles parked in the area of the proposed zone cause or are the source of unreasonable noise, traffic hazards, environmental pollution, or devaluation of real property in the area of the proposed zone; and D. Shortage Of Parking Spaces: That a shortage of reasonably available and convenient residential related parking spaces exists in the area of the proposed zone. (Ord. 1076, 11-5-1985) A traffic engineer conducted a parking survey and concluded that the entire petition area as a whole does not meet the minimum requirements for establishing a preferential parking zone. However, the set minimum requirements do meet for some portions of the petition area. To be more specific, the western portion of the petition area, which includes California Street (between Mariposa Avenue and Pine Avenue), Pine Avenue (between California Street and Washington Street), Kansas Street (between Mariposa Avenue and Holly Avenue), and Holly Avenue (between Kansas Street and Washington Street) do not meet the criteria in ESMC Chapter 8-5A-4 A, B, C and D, since sufficient parking spaces are currently available. However, the eastern portion of the petition area which includes Indiana Street (between Mariposa Avenue and Holly Avenue), Illinois Street (between Mariposa Avenue and Holly Ave), Pine Avenue (between Illinois Street and Indiana Street), Holly Avenue (between Illinois Street and Indiana Street), Mariposa Avenue (between Indiana Street and Illinois Street), and Washington Street (between Pine Avenue and Holly Avenue) do meet the minimum established criteria in ESMC Chapter 8-5A-4 A, B, C and D. It is to be noted that a copy of the Permit Parking Study is attached. To address the parking issues in the eastern part of the petition area, staff respectfully recommends that the new preferential parking zone 3 be implemented as a one-year pilot program project for the qualified eastern part of the petition area. Further, staff respectfully recommends monitoring parking capacity for the rest of the petition area in the next 12 months after the implementation of this pilot program project. The attached map shows the Preferential Parking Zone 3 and Monitoring Zone area. Staff will provide Page 111 of 218 Perferential Parking Zone 3 February 6, 2024 Page 4 of 5 a follow-up report to the City Council after one year and will provide information on the effectiveness and success of this proposed preferential parking zone 3, and will make recommendations for any potential adjustments. Pursuant to ESMC § 8-5A-9, the City Council has designated enforcement authority for preferential parking zones to the Chief of Police. If preferential parking zone 3 is to be implemented, staff recommends implementing no parking zones which would prohibit parking between 10 AM to 11 AM, and 3 PM to 4 PM, Monday through Friday, except by permit. It is to be noted that similar parking restrictions (no parking zones prohibits parking between 10 AM to 11 AM, and 2 PM to 3 PM, Monday through Friday) have worked well in reducing city parking complaints elsewhere in the city. However, data indicates that one of the more significant parking concerns for this area is lack of sufficient parking spaces during late afternoons. This concern is confirmed by discussions which were held with the residents in the area. However, the Police Department currently does not have dedicated resources to proactively and consistently monitor and enforce parking regulations, particularly during the evening hours. Enforcement would be primarily reactive, in response to service calls from residents. Consequently, staff respectfully recommend the afternoon enforcement hours to be 3 PM to 4 PM for this proposed zone 3. The late afternoon hours restriction should help mitigate the situation. Staff respectfully recommends the City Council to approve the actions as noted. With the City Council approval, the new preferential parking zone can be established starting May 1, 2024, with the following schedules: Feb. 6, 2024: Council Approval Feb./ March 2024: Notifications for residents April 2024: Set up parking signs and issue parking permits May 1, 2024: Establishment of the Preferential Parking Zone 3 May 2025: Follow-up report to Council I:NIAA&II01-A1*r][02:JW_1Z Kee] iyiIUA/_10I:N:$ Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Communication Objective 1A: El Segundo provides unparalleled service to all customers. Objective 1 B: El Segundo's engagement with the community ensures excellence. PREPARED BY: Lifan Xu, City Engineer REVIEWED BY: Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director APPROVED BY: Page 112 of 218 Perferential Parking Zone 3 February 6, 2024 Page 5 of 5 Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. ES - Resolution Preferential Parking Zone 3 2. Proposed Preferential Parking Zone 3 Vicinity Map 3. Proposed Preferential Parking Zone 3 Petition Area Map 4. Recommended Preferential Parking Zone 3 and Monitoring Zone Map 5. El Segundo Permit Parking Study Report, zone 3 Page 113 of 218 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, CALIFORNIA DESIGNATING PREFERENTIAL PARKING ZONE NO. 3. The City Council of the city of El Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1. Findings. The City Council finds: A. Preferential parking in "Zone No. 3," as defined below, is required to enhance or protect the quality of life in the area of the designated area and necessary to provide reasonably available and convenient parking for the benefit of adjacent residents. B. Based upon the recommendation of the Public Works Director, acting as the City Traffic Engineer, and the agenda report accompanying this Resolution, the following conditions set forth in El Segundo Municipal Code ("ESMC") § 8-5A-4 exist to substantiate the establishment of preferential parking in Zone No. 3: 1. Regular Interference: That "nonresident vehicles", defined as those vehicles owned and/or operated by persons who are not "residents," do or may substantially and regularly interfere with the use of the majority of available public street or alley parking spaces in the proposed zone by adjacent residents; 2. Regular Intervals: That the interference by the nonresident vehicles referred to in subsection A occurs in the proposed zone at regular and significant daily or weekly intervals; 3. Noise: That the nonresident vehicles parked in the area of the proposed zone cause or are the source of unreasonable noise, traffic hazards, environmental pollution, or devaluation of real property in the area of the proposed zone; and 4. Shortage of Parking Spaces: That a shortage of reasonably available and convenient residential related parking spaces exists in the area of the proposed zone. SECTION 2. Zone Establishment. Subject to the provisions of ESMC § 8-5A-5, preferential parking is established in the area comprising Zone No. 3 as follows: ZONE 3: No Parking between the hours of 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. and between 3:00 p.m. and 4.00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except by permit on the west curb line of Indiana St. between Mariposa Ave. and Holly Ave., east curb line of Illinois St. between Mariposa Ave. and Holly Ave., north and south curb line of Pine Ave. between Illinois St. and Indiana St., north curb line of Holly Ave. between Illinois St. and Indiana St., south curb line of Mariposa Ave. between Indiana St. and Illinois St., and west and east curb line of Washington St. between Pine Ave. and Holly Ave. Page 114 of 218 The establishment of preferential parking in Zone 3 in above paragraph will be temporarily effective from May 1, 2024 through April 30, 2025 as a pilot program, unless earlier terminated by the City Council. SECTION 3. Direction. A. The Public Works Director, or designee, is directed to do the following, pursuant to ESMC Chapter 8-5A: 1. Take necessary steps to notify the public of Zone No. 3's preferential parking restrictions, including, without limitation, the installation of appropriate signage, pursuant to ESMC § 8-5A-9(A); and 2. Issue permits for preferential parking to residents and visitors pursuant to the requirements and limitations of ESMC § 8-5A-7 and exemptions set forth in ESMC § 8-5A-8. B. The Chief of Police, or designee, is directed to enforce violations of ESMC chapter 8-5A pursuant to ESMC § 8-5A-9(C). SECTION 4. Severability. If any part of this Resolution or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Resolution are severable. SECTION 5. Signature Authority. The Mayor, or presiding officer, is hereby authorized to affix his signature to this Resolution signifying its adoption by the City Council of the City of El Segundo, and the City Clerk, or her duly appointed deputy, is directed to attest thereto. SECTION 6. Effective Date. This Resolution will take effect immediately upon adoption and will remain effective unless repealed or superseded. SECTION 7. City Clerk Direction. The City Clerk will certify to the passage and adoption of this Resolution, enter it in the City's book of original Resolutions, and make a record of this action in the meeting's minutes. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this day of , 2024. Drew Boyles, Mayor ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) Page 115 of 218 I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution No. was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor of said City, and attested to by the City Clerk of said City, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of 2024, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney Page 116 of 218 Vicinity Map - PW 23-05 Smoky Hollow Parking Pilot Project f,f-- 0 m"1%ImperiaIAve aaa 0 aaa g•.■.■MMM■MMM■mmm■mmm■mmm■mmm■MEaw■pe■iol■F#wymmm■7Q- 'W Acacia Ave E Acacia Ave ■ Century Fwy v> E Walnut Ave • N T! E Sycamore Ave 3 ■ u > o in E Maple Ave 1 � Q _ • -aC ■ S s ) Z =1 1 • ) Z o 1 c �■ 7 W Mariposa Ave m E Mariposa Avdm Z N t ■ C E Pine Ave o P S Ln w d N ■ 1 > Q • ElSegundo 1 rn 3 @ ■amm ; 124th St 1 E Grand Ave @ E Grand Ave • ,,arid Ave L Y Ln G � I N� L ■ Mama 1 t ■ rt ■ mmm ■ mmm ■ mmm I E El Segundo Blvd E El Segundo Blvf . ■ . ■ J ♦ The Lakes Golf rn 1 • Course 0 ■ ♦ � 1 N ♦ N. a ` 1 • W 138th St ♦ •A Plaza El Segundo ! !000 ; 139th St ♦ 1 ♦ m • 1 Q El PAW • ■ � ■ � ■ � ■ � ■ � ■ � ■ �Orows■ imem � ■ J — W 36th PI 35th PI 2/23/2023 1:27, 046 0 0.17 0.35 0.7 mi 0.3 0.6 1.2 km City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, California State Parks, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, Page 117 of 218 Exhibit Map E Elm Ave c of Jesus 0 of LDS — v; n E Mariposa Ave E Mariposa Ave 17 ���� ���� s Hacienda Hotel JAI � � �r, � t� •J� � �_ wa 1 1 0 o C7 v m O E Pine Ave � in °cn' Freedom Park , _ E Pine Ave K mn m w0 E WIN rRqrL MEN I I RIM L ME r MMEN C F' Kansas Park on 1 /24/2024 9111111111111 E Holly Ave E Holly Ave a v' 0 v 9 L m — cn 0 zr E- � 0 0 c sv o - Homestead Studio Suite Hotel 1:3,852 0 0.03 0.05 0.1 mi 0 0.04 0.09 0.17 km Esri Community Maps Contributors, City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, California State Parks, © OpenStreetMap, Microsoft, Esri, TomTom, Page 118 of 218 Exhibit Map E Elm Ave m� of Jesus of LDS E Mariposa Ave filuffiel its .M i ■ w =a % do o N O E Pine Ave o on IV i i §T� cu U) 1= CU Y I I IC Kansas Park c rn CU —_ 0 Cn n E Mariposa Ave �go"0 y Hacienda Hotel Freedom Park E Pine Ave v 0 go L ME air WE IPA I*j E Holly Ave E-golly Ave '— I N Now, v a o Z3 c !v o - Homestead Studio Suite: Hotel 1:3,852 0 0.03 0.05 0.1 mi 0 0.04 0.09 0.17 km Esri Community Maps Contributors, City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, California State Parks, © OpenStreetMap, Microsoft, Esri, TomTom, Page 119 of 218 PERMIT PARKING FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR THE AREA BOUNDED BY MARIPOSA AVENUE, INDIANA STREET, HOLLY AVENUE, & CALIFORNIA STREET IN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Prepared for CITY OF EL SEGUNDO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Prepared by GARLAND ASSOCIATES 16787 Beach Boulevard, Suite 234 Huntington Beach, CA 92647 714-330-8984 NOVEMBER 2023 Page 120 of 218 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. Introduction and Study Methodology II. Parking Surveys Parking Utilization Survey' License Plate Survey III. Summary of Findings and Recommendations 11 APPENDIX Parking Utilization Survey Data Sheets Weekday Saturday Sunday Police Department License Plates Survey Page 121 of 218 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 LIST OF TABLES Summary of Parking Utilization Survey Results - Weekday Summary of Parking Utilization Survey Results — Saturday Summary of Parking Utilization Survey Results — Sunday Summary of License Plate Survey — Monday 10/23/23 Summary of License Plate Survey — Wednesday 10/25/23 Summary of License Plate Survey — Friday 10/27/23 Parking Survey Findings and Recommendations 1. Location Map LIST OF FIGURES ii Page 3 5 6 8 9 10 11 Page 13 Page 122 of 218 I. INTRODUCTION AND STUDY METHODOLOGY This report summarizes the results of a parking study that was conducted for the City of El Segundo to evaluate the feasibility of establishing a preferential permit parking program on the streets in the neighborhood bounded by Mariposa Avenue on the north, Indiana Street on the east, Holly Avenue on the south, and California Street on the west. A map showing the location of the study area is provided on Figure 1. The streets that were addressed in the study are: • Indiana Street from Mariposa Avenue to Holly Avenue (2 blocks) • Illinois Street from Mariposa Avenue to Holly Avenue (2 blocks) • Mariposa Avenue from Illinois Street to Indiana Street (1 block, south side only) • Pine Avenue from California Street to Indiana Street (3 blocks) • Holly Avenue from Kansas Street to Indiana Street (3 blocks) • Washington Street from Mariposa Avenue to Holly Avenue (2 blocks) • California Street from Mariposa Avenue to Pine Avenue (1 block) • Kansas Street from Mariposa Avenue to Holly Avenue (2 blocks) Holly Avenue from California Street to Kansas Street and California Street from Pine Avenue to Holly Avenue are not included in the study because these blocks are already included in a preferential permit parking zone (Zone 2). The study area is occupied primarily by residential land uses with single-family residences and a park located west of Illinois Street and multi -family residences and several single-family residences located between Illinois Street and Indiana Street. The area between Indiana Street and Pacific Coast Highway is occupied by hotels, retail uses, and dining/drinking establishments while the area south of Holly Avenue has light industrial uses, auto repair facilities, and a brewery. The primary issue relative to parking in the residential areas, and the impetus for this parking analysis, is that employees and patrons of the nearby non-residential establishments are parking their vehicles along the residential streets, which reportedly creates parking problems for the residents. In addition, it has been reported that some people who are flying out of the Los Angeles International Airport (LAX) are parking their vehicles on the residential streets, which is legal for up to 72 hours (except for street sweeping restrictions). The methodology for the parking study, in general, was to: 1) Conduct a parking utilization survey on each of the streets in the study area, which is essentially counting the number of parked vehicles on each block, 2) Compare the number of parked vehicles to the parking capacity of each block, 3) Conduct a license plate survey to identify and quantify the number of vehicles that are owned by El Segundo residents vs. out -of -city residents on each street. This survey was conducted by the El Segundo Police Department. Page 123 of 218 4) Evaluate the parking utilization data, parking capacities, vehicle ownership statistics, and adjacent land uses to determine which blocks are over -parked and would be suitable for a preferential parking program. The criteria for determining if a block was over -parked is if 80 percent or more of the available parking spaces were occupied by parked vehicles. 2 Page 124 of 218 II. PARKING SURVEYS Two types of parking surveys were conducted for this preferential permit parking analysis: a parking utilization survey and a license plate survey. The findings of each of these surveys are presented below. Parking Utilization Survey A parking utilization survey was conducted on all of the streets in the study area. A parking utilization survey is a count of the number of vehicles that are parked on each side of the street on each block within the study area. The vehicle counts were taken every hour of the day from 7:00 a.m. until midnight on a weekday, a Saturday, and a Sunday. The vehicles thatwere observed were categorized by the license plates as either a California vehicle or an out-of-state vehicle. The hour -by -hour data sheets for the parking survey are provided in the Appendix. They are provided separately for the weekday, Saturday, and Sunday surveys. The weekday counts were taken on Wednesday and Thursday, August 16 and 17, 2023. The Saturday counts were taken on August 12 and August 19, 2023. The Sunday counts were taken on August 13 and September 10, 2023. The all -day counts were not conducted on a Monday, Tuesday, or Friday because there are street sweeping restrictions on several of the study area streets on those days of the week. Focused observations were made on the street sweeping days to monitor the shifts in parking patterns that occur on those days, but all -day counts were not taken because the data would be skewed on the affected streets. The data sheets in the Appendix show the number of vehicles that are parked on each side of the street on each block for each hour of the day and the numbers are shown in bold for the locations where the number of parked vehicles represents at least 80 percent of the parking capacity. The bold numbers represent the times of day when the street is over -parked. Table 1 lists each of the blocks in the study area and shows the parking capacity for each side of the street, the minimum and maximum number of vehicles that were parked on each block throughout the day, and the number of hours that the parking utilization exceeded 80 percent of the capacity (of the 17 hours that were surveyed each day). The numbers are bold if the 80 percent level was observed for more than half of the hours surveyed (9 or more of the 17 hours surveyed). Table I represents a typical weekday. Table 1 Summary of Parking Utilization Survey Results - Weekday Capacity # of Parked Vehicles # of Hours Street/Block (# of At 80% Cars) Minimum Maximum Capacity (of 17 hrs) 1 — Indiana Street — Mariposa to Pine West Side 11 9 10 17 East Side 14 1 11 18 14 2 — Indiana Street — Pine to Holly 17 15 17 17 West Side 17 14 17 17 3 Page 125 of 218 East Side 3 — Illinois Street — Mariposa to Pine West Side 19 13 17 10 East Side 14 11 13 10 4 — Illinois Street — Pine to Holly West Side 19 12 20 9 East Side 14 11 13 13 5 — Mariposa Avenue — Illinois to Indiana South Side Only 9 5 10 15 6 — Pine Avenue — Illinois to Indiana North Side 6 3 6 14 South Side 8 5 8 15 7 — Holly Avenue — Illinois to Indiana North Side 7 4 8 14 South Side 7 3 9 10 8 — Holly Avenue — Washington to Illinois North Side 9 2 8 3 South Side 9 1 6 0 9 — Holly Avenue — Kansas to Washington North Side 6 1 5 6 South Side 6 0 5 9 10 — Washington Street — Mariposa to Pine West Side 11 1 8 0 East Side 1 1 0 7 0 11 — Washington Street — Pine to Holly West Side 10 5 9 9 East Side 10 5 10 7 12 — Kansas Street Mariposa to Pine West Side 9 3 7 0 East Side 13 3 7 0 13 — Kansas Street — Pine to Holly West Side 1 1 1 7 0 East Side 10 1 6 0 14 — California Street — Mariposa to Pine West Side 13 6 9 0 East Side 13 6 11 2 15 — Pine Avenue — California to Kansas North Side 7 0 1 0 South Side 8 0 3 0 16 — Pine Avenue — Kansas to Washington North Side 8 3 4 0 South Side 7 2 6 2 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent ormoreformore than half of the hours surveyed (9 or more out of 17). Table I indicates that Indiana Street between Mariposa Street and Holly Avenue, Illinois Street between Mariposa Street and Holly Avenue, Mariposa Street between Illinois Street and Indiana n Page 126 of 218 Street (south side only), Pine Avenue between Illinois Street and Indiana Street, Holly Avenue between Illinois Street and Indiana Street, Holly Avenue between Kansas Street and Washington Street (south side only), and Washington Street between Pine Avenue and Holly Avenue (west side only) were observed to have 80 percent or more of the parking spaces occupied for at least half of the hours that were monitored on a weekday. Table 2 summarizes the results of the parking survey for a typical Saturday. Table 2 Summary of Parking Utilization Survey Results - Saturday Capacity # of Parked Vehicles # of Hours Street/Block (# of At 80% Cars) Minimum Maximum Capacity of 17 hrs 1 — Indiana Street — Mariposa to Pine West Side 11 7 10 8 East Side 14 8 13 9 2 — Indiana Street — Pine to Holly West Side 17 11 17 10 East Side 17 8 16 6 3 — Illinois Street — Mariposa to Pine West Side 19 14 19 14 East Side 14 11 13 14 4 — Illinois Street —Pine to Holly West Side 19 13 19 9 East Side 14 11 14 13 5 — Mariposa Avenue — Illinois to Indiana South Side Only 9 7 8 14 6 — Pine Avenue — Illinois to Indiana North Side 6 4 6 15 South Side 8 4 8 11 7 — Holly Avenue — Illinois to Indiana North Side 7 3 6 8 South Side 7 1 6 1 8 — Holly Avenue — Washington to Illinois North Side 9 2 6 0 South Side 9 1 4 0 9 — Holly Avenue — Kansas to Washington North Side 6 0 2 0 South Side 6 0 2 0 10 — Washington Street — Mariposa to Pine West Side 11 1 9 1 East Side 11 1 6 0 11 — Washington Street — Pine to Holly West Side 10 5 10 4 East Side 10 4 7 0 5 Page 127 of 218 12 — Kansas Street — Mariposa to Pine West Side 9 2 5 0 East Side 13 2 4 0 13 — Kansas Street — Pine to Holly West Side 11 2 7 0 East Side 10 0 2 0 14 — California Street — Mariposa to Pine West Side 13 3 7 0 East Side 13 3 11 2 15 — Pine Avenue — California to Kansas North Side 7 0 3 0 South Side 8 1 4 0 16 — Pine Avenue — Kansas to Washington North Side 8 4 6 0 South Side 7 0 4 0 Bold indicates autilizationof 80percentormore formore than half of the hours surveyed (9 or more out of 17). Table 2 indicates that Indiana Street between Mariposa Street and Pine Avenue (east side only), Indiana Street between Pine Avenue and Holly Avenue (west side only), Illinois Street between Mariposa Street and Holly Avenue, Mariposa Street between Illinois Street and Indiana Street (south side only), and Pine Avenue between Illinois Street and Indiana Street were observed to have 80 percent or more of the parking spaces occupied for at least half of the hours that were monitored on a Saturday. Table 3 summarizes the results of the parking survey for a typical Sunday. Table 3 Summary of Parking Utilization Survey Results - Sunday Capacity # of Parked Vehicles # of Hours Street/Block (# of At 80% Cars) Minimum Maximum Capacity (of 17 hrs) 1 — Indiana Street — Mariposa to Pine West Side 11 7 10 9 East Side 14 7 14 8 2 — Indiana Street — Pine to Holly West Side 17 12 18 16 East Side 17 12 17 12 3 — Illinois Street — Mariposa to Pine West Side 19 13 18 14 East Side 14 8 14 9 4 — Illinois Street —Pine to Holly West Side 19 13 18 11 East Side 14 11 14 15 5 — Mariposa Avenue — Illinois to Indiana South Side Only 9 5 1 9 10 Cel Page 128 of 218 6 — Pine Avenue — Illinois to Indiana North Side 6 4 6 16 South Side 8 4 8 9 7 — Holly Avenue — Illinois to Indiana North Side 7 5 7 15 South Side 7 0 6 3 8 — Holly Avenue — Washington to Illinois North Side 9 1 7 0 South Side 9 0 3 0 9 — Holly Avenue — Kansas to Washington North Side 6 1 2 0 South Side 6 0 0 0 10 — Washington Street — Mariposa to Pine West Side 11 3 5 0 East Side 1 1 1 3 0 11 — Washington Street — Pine to Holly West Side 10 4 9 6 East Side 10 6 8 3 12 — Kansas Street — Mariposa to Pine West Side 9 3 6 0 East Side 13 1 6 0 13 — Kansas Street — Pine to Holly West Side 11 2 3 0 East Side 10 1 3 0 14 — California Street — Mariposa to Pine West Side 13 4 7 0 East Side 13 5 10 0 15 — Pine Avenue — California to Kansas North Side 7 0 4 0 South Side 8 2 4 0 16 — Pine Avenue — Kansas to Washington North Side 8 0 6 0 South Side 1 7 0 1 1 1 0 Bold indicates autilizationof 80percentormore formore than half of the hours surveyed (9 or more out of 17). Table 3 indicates that Indiana Street between Mariposa Street and Pine Avenue (west side only), Indiana Street between Pine Avenue and Holly Avenue, Illinois Street between Mariposa Street and Holly Avenue, Mariposa Street between Illinois Street and Indiana Street (south side only), Pine Avenue between Illinois Street and Indiana Street, and Holly Avenue between Illinois Street and Indiana Street (north side only) were observed to have 80percent or more of the parking spaces occupied for at least half of the hours that were monitored on a Sunday. The overall findingof the parking utilization survey is that Indiana Street, Illinois Street, Mariposa Street between Illinois Street and Indiana Street, Pine Avenue between Illinois Street and Indiana Street, and Holly Avenue between Illinois Street and Indiana Street have severe parking issues because these streets are routinely over -parked on weekdays, Saturdays, and Sundays. In addition, 7 Page 129 of 218 Holly Avenue between Kansas Street and Washington Street and Washington Street between Pine Avenue and Holly Avenue are over -parked on one side of the street on weekdays. The other streets in the study area were not observed to have parking issues except on street sweeping days when motorists move their vehicles from the streets with street sweeping restrictions and park them on the nearby streets. License Plate Survey In addition to the parking utilization survey thatwas conducted, the El Segundo Police Department conducted a license plate survey of the vehicles parked on each street in the study area to identify where the parked vehicles were registered. The objective was to determine how many ofthe parked vehicles were registered on the street where they were parked, at other locations in El Segundo, or outside of El Segundo. The results of the license plate surveys are shown in Table 4 for Monday, October 23, 2023, Table 5 for Wednesday, October 25, 2023, and Table 6 for Friday, October 27, 2023. Table 4 Summary of License Plate Survey — Monday 10/23/23 # of Parked Vehicles — Re istration Location On the Street Other Streets Outside Street/Time of Day Surveyed in El Segundo El Se undo Indiana Street 5:00 AM 14 2 42 1:00 PM 4 0 40 6:00 PM 10 0 43 Illinois Street 5:00 AM 32 12 30 1:00 PM 18 7 25 6:00 PM 11 9 27 Mariposa Avenue 5:00 AM 8 5 5 1:00 PM 2 2 0 6:00 PM 1 3 2 Pine Avenue 5:00 AM 11 5 8 1:00 PM 4 3 9 6:00 PM 2 10 7 Holly Avenue 5:00 AM 7 3 9 1:00 PM 1 7 32 6:00 PM 0 8 15 Washington Street 5:00 AM 15 5 5 1:00 PM 12 3 20 6:00 PM 1 12 1 3 1 6 N. Page 130 of 218 Kansas Street 5:00 AM 8 4 4 1:00 PM 6 6 8 6:00 PM 7 3 3 California Street 5:00 AM 9 4 2 1:00 PM 6 4 5 6:00 PM 8 3 5 Table 5 Summary of License Plate Survey — Wednesday 10/25/23 # of Parked Vehicles — Registration Location Street/Time of Day On the Street Other Streets Outside Surveyed in El Segundo El Se undo Indiana Street 5:00 AM 13 2 36 1:00 PM 5 2 41 6:00 PM 6 0 39 Illinois Street 5:00 AM 24 4 25 1:00 PM 15 7 34 6:00 PM 15 6 30 Mariposa Avenue 5:00 AM 4 0 5 1:00 PM 1 1 6 6:00 PM 1 2 4 Pine Avenue 5:00 AM 11 4 11 1:00 PM 1 5 14 6:00 PM 2 4 11 Holly Avenue 5:00 AM 8 0 15 1:00 PM 1 3 32 6:00 PM 1 3 13 Washington Street 5:00 AM 14 2 6 1:00 PM 7 2 10 6:00 PM 12 3 4 Kansas Street 5:00 AM 8 0 4 1:00 PM 4 2 7 6:00 PM 5 1 9 California Street 5:00 AM 10 0 4 1:00 PM 8 3 5 6:00 PM 1 7 2 3 Page 131 of 218 Table 6 Summary of License Plate Survey — Friday 10/27/23 # of Parked Vehicles — Re istration Location Other Street/Time of Day On the Street Outside Surveyed Locations in El Segundo El Se undo Indiana Street 5:00 AM 12 0 29 1:00 PM 4 2 24 6:00 PM 2 0 55 Illinois Street 5:00 AM 21 7 29 1:00 PM 17 6 29 6:00 PM 15 2 36 Mariposa Avenue 5:00 AM 2 2 6 1:00 PM 2 1 4 6:00 PM 1 0 8 Pine Avenue 5:00 AM 2 11 17 1:00 PM 5 9 7 6:00 PM 2 12 6 Holly Avenue 5:00 AM 0 3 0 1:00 PM 1 4 40 6:00 PM 0 1 15 Washington Street 5:00 AM 10 2 5 1:00 PM 6 l 9 6:00 PM 5 l 6 Kansas Street 5:00 AM 4 1 3 1:00 PM 4 0 0 6:00 PM 4 0 3 California Street 5:00 AM 9 2 2 1:00 PM 3 0 1 6:00 PM 4 0 0 The overall finding of the license plate survey that is summarized on Tables 4, 5, and 6 is that numerous vehicles that are registered outside of El Segundo are parked on Indiana Street, Illinois Street, Mariposa Avenue, Pine Avenue (primarily between Illinois Street and Indiana Street), and Holly Avenue. And a substantial number of vehicles registered outside of El Segundo vehicles are being parked on Washington Street during the middle of the day. 10 Page 132 of 218 III. SUMMARY OF FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The key findings of the parking study and the street segments that are recommended for implementation of a preferential permit parking program are presented in Table 7. In general, a permit parking program is recommended: • If the street has a parking utilization of 80 percent or greater for at least half of the hours that were surveyed, • If the street has a substantial number of parked vehicles that are not registered in El Segundo, and • If the land use adjacent to the street is residential. It shouldbe noted thatthe recommendations are based on the conditions thatwere observed during the data collection program for this analysis. It is likely that the parking patterns will shift after a permit parking program is implemented and street segments that currently do not appear to have a parking problem will experience an increase in the number of parked vehicles that are not associated with the residences on that particular block. Forthis reason, the permitparking program, if implemented, should remain fluid so that it could readily be expanded to other streets in the neighborhood if the parking intrusion situation shifts to streets that are not currently impacted. Table 7 Parking Survey Findings and Recommendations Meets 80% Substantial Permit # of Non- Adjacent Parking Street/Block Utilization Criteria Local Land Use Recom- Vehicles mended 1 — Indiana Street — Mariposa to Pine West Side Wk, Su Yes Resid Yes East Side Wk, Sa Yes Hotel No 2 — Indiana Street — Pine to Holly West Side Wk, Sa, Su Yes Resid Yes East Side Wk, Su Yes Hotel No 3 — Illinois Street — Mariposa to Pine West Side Wk, Sa, Su Yes Park No East Side Wk, Sa, Su Yes Resid Yes 4 — Illinois Street —Pine to Holly West Side Wk, Sa, Su Yes Park No East Side Wk, Sa, Su Yes Resid Yes 5 — Mariposa Ave — Illinois to Indiana South Side Only Wk, Sa, Su Yes Resid Yes 6 — Pine Avenue — Illinois to Indiana North Side Wk, Sa, Su Yes Resid Yes South Side Wk, Sa, Su Yes Resid Yes 11 Page 133 of 218 7 — Holly Avenue — Illinois to Indiana North Side Wk, Su Yes Resid Yes South Side Wk Yes Indus No 8 — Holly Ave — Washington to Illinois North Side No Yes Park/Resid No South Side No Yes Indus No 9 — Holly Ave — Kansas to Washington North Side No Yes Resid No South Side Wk Yes Indus No 10 — Washington St— Mariposa to Pine West Side No No Resid No East Side No No Resid No 11— Washington Street— Pine to Holly West Side Wk Yes Resid Yes East Side No Yes Resid Yes 12 — Kansas Street — Mariposa to Pine West Side No No Resid No East Side No No Resid No 13 — Kansas Street — Pine to Holly West Side No No Park/Resid No East Side No No Resid No 14 — California St — Mariposa to Pine West Side No No Resid No East Side No No Resid No 15 — Pine Ave — California to Kansas North Side No No Resid No South Side No No Resid No 16 — Pine Ave — Kansas to Washington North Side No No Resid No South Side No No Resid No Note: Wk = Weekday, Sa = Saturday, Su = Sunday, Resid = Residential, Indus = Industrial Table 7 indicates that the implementation of a preferential permit parking program is recommended for the west side of Indiana Street between Mariposa Avenue and Holly Avenue, the east side of Illinois Street between Mariposa Avenue and Holly Avenue, the south side of Mariposa Avenue between Illinois Street and Indiana Street, both sides of Pine Avenue between Illinois Street and Indiana Street, the north side of Holly Avenue between Illinois Street and Indiana Street, and both sides of Washington Street between Pine Avenue and Holly Avenue. The blocks of Holly Avenue between Kansas Street and Illinois Street are not recommended for permit parking because these blocks are typically used for parking on street sweeping days when parking is restricted on the other streets. While there are residences on the north side of Holly Street on these blocks, it is the side frontage of the residences and parked vehicles at these locations should not be problematic. 12 Page 134 of 218 Go gle Maps _attQer... rn >sa Ave ne Ave 0 m 0 I vSkp8nge �In-N-Out Burger �. Hamburger • S c� E Mariposa Ave E Mariposa Ave E Mariposa Ave E M_a_ rlposa Ave :E Freedom Park 5 Extended Stay America (A� Q- Los Angeles - LAX... 1 1 1 36 * 2-star hotel G o N 3 • St s O n 1 Starbucksrbucks® 1 0 _ ` Holiday Beverages o � � m � m � a N ,yi N 7 y 6 E Pine Ave Aloft El Segundo - E Pine Ave 15 16 Los Angeles Airport a r * 3-star hotel ® Ralphs Fresh Fare : = Ralphs® Locator o rb W XYZ barQ AtbnQ N co N N G 7 13 1�1 4 3 d Guys Burgers, I Holly Kansas Park a More 9Concentra Urgent Care �9-� 9 g 7 E Holly Ave ® E Holly Ave Semel Vision Care o r—'. 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Page 138 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Indiana Street Segment: 2 —Pine Avenue to Holly Avenue Day of Week: Wednesday and Thursday Dates: August 16 and August 17, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 17 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 17 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 34 Cars 7:00-8:00 13 2 15 16 1 17 32 8:00-9:00 16 1 17 15 2 17 34 9:00-10:00 16 1 1 17 15 2 17 34 10:00-11:00 16 1 17 15 1 16 33 11:00-12:00 16 1 17 15 1 16 33 12:00-1:00 15 2 17 12 3 15 32 1:00-2:00 15 2 17 13 3 16 33 2:00-3:00 14 2 16 14 3 17 33 3:00-4:00 15 1 1 16 13 3 16 32 4:00-5:00 15 1 16 12 3 15 31 5:00-6:00 13 1 14 13 1 14 28 6:00-7:00 14 1 15 14 1 15 30 7:00-8:00 14 1 15 14 1 15 30 8:00-9:00 16 1 17 15 2 17 34 9:00-10:00 16 1 17 15 2 17 34 10:00-11:00 16 1 17 15 2 17 34 11:00-12:00 15 1 16 15 2 17 33 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 139 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Illinois Street Segment: 3 — Mariposa Avenue to Pine Avenue Day of Week: Wednesday and Thursday Dates: August 16 and August 17, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 19 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 14 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 33 Cars 7:00-8:00 16 0 16 12 0 12 28 8:00-9:00 16 1 17 12 1 13 30 9:00-10:00 16 1 1 17 12 1 13 30 10:00-11:00 16 0 16 11 1 12 28 11:00-12:00 17 0 17 11 1 12 29 12:00-1:00 17 0 17 11 0 11 28 1:00-2:00 17 0 17 11 0 11 28 2:00-3:00 16 0 16 12 0 12 28 3:00-4:00 16 1 0 16 11 0 11 27 4:00-5:00 16 0 16 12 0 12 28 5:00-6:00 15 0 15 11 0 11 26 6:00-7:00 13 1 14 12 0 12 26 7:00-8:00 12 1 13 10 0 10 23 8:00-9:00 14 0 14 11 0 11 25 9:00-10:00 15 0 15 11 0 11 26 10:00-11:00 15 0 15 12 0 12 27 11:00-12:00 13 0 13 12 0 12 25 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 140 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Illinois Street Segment: 4 — Pine Avenue to Holly Avenue Day of Week: Wednesday and Thursday Dates: August 16 and August 17, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 19 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 14 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 33 Cars 7:00-8:00 19 1 20 11 1 12 32 8:00-9:00 17 1 18 12 1 13 31 9:00-10:00 16 1 1 17 12 1 13 30 10:00-11:00 15 1 16 11 1 12 28 11:00-12:00 13 1 14 11 1 12 26 12:00-1:00 13 1 14 11 1 12 26 1:00-2:00 14 1 15 10 1 11 26 2:00-3:00 13 1 14 11 1 12 26 3:00-4:00 12 1 1 13 11 1 12 25 4:00-5:00 15 1 16 11 1 12 28 5:00-6:00 16 1 17 10 1 11 28 6:00-7:00 13 0 13 11 1 12 25 7:00-8:00 12 0 12 11 1 12 24 8:00-9:00 15 1 16 11 1 12 28 9:00-10:00 14 0 14 10 1 11 25 10:00-11:00 16 0 16 10 1 11 27 11:00-12:00 17 0 17 11 1 12 29 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 141 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Mariposa Avenue Segment: 5 — Illinois Street to Indiana Street (South Side Only) Day of Week: Wednesday and Thursday Dates: August 16 and August 17, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day South Side of Street Capacity: 9 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 9 Cars 7:00-8:00 4 1 5 5 8:00-9:00 6 2 8 8 9:00-10:00 7 2 9 9 10:00-11:00 8 1 9 9 11:00-12:00 8 1 9 9 12:00-1:00 7 1 8 8 1:00-2:00 7 0 7 7 2:00-3:00 9 0 9 9 3:00-4:00 8 0 8 8 4:00-5:00 8 0 8 8 5:00-6:00 5 3 8 8 6:00-7:00 5 3 8 8 7:00-8:00 8 2 10 10 8:00-9:00 7 2 9 9 9:00-10:00 8 2 10 10 10:00-11:00 8 2 10 10 11:00-12:00 8 2 10 10 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 142 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Pine Avenue Segment: 6 — Illinois Street to Indiana Street Day of Week: Wednesday and Thursday Dates: August 16 and August 17, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day North Side of Street Capacity: 6 South Side of Street Capacity: 8 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 14 Cars 7:00-8:00 5 0 5 8 0 8 13 8:00-9:00 6 0 6 8 0 8 14 9:00-10:00 6 0 6 8 0 8 14 10:00-11:00 6 0 6 8 0 8 14 11:00-12:00 5 0 5 8 0 8 13 12:00-1:00 3 0 3 7 0 7 10 1:00-2:00 3 0 3 5 0 5 8 2:00-3:00 5 0 5 8 0 8 13 3:00-4:00 5 0 5 7 0 7 12 4:00-5:00 5 0 5 6 1 7 12 5:00-6:00 4 0 4 7 1 8 12 6:00-7:00 5 0 5 7 0 7 12 7:00-8:00 6 0 6 7 0 7 13 8:00-9:00 6 0 6 8 0 8 14 9:00-10:00 6 0 6 8 0 8 14 10:00-11:00 6 0 6 8 0 8 14 11:00-12:00 6 0 6 7 0 7 13 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 143 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Holly Avenue Segment: 7 — Illinois Street to Indiana Street Day of Week: Wednesday and Thursday Dates: August 16 and August 17, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day North Side of Street Capacity: 7 South Side of Street Capacity: 7 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 14 Cars 7:00-8:00 4 1 5 4 0 4 9 8:00-9:00 6 1 7 7 1 8 15 9:00-10:00 7 1 8 8 1 9 17 10:00-11:00 6 1 7 7 1 8 15 11:00-12:00 6 1 7 7 1 8 15 12:00-1:00 6 1 7 7 1 8 15 1:00-2:00 6 1 7 7 1 8 15 2:00-3:00 5 2 7 6 1 7 14 3:00-4:00 5 1 6 6 1 7 13 4:00-5:00 6 1 7 6 2 8 14 5:00-6:00 6 0 6 6 1 7 13 6:00-7:00 4 0 4 3 0 3 7 7:00-8:00 4 1 5 3 1 4 9 8:00-9:00 4 2 6 3 1 4 10 9:00-10:00 5 2 7 3 1 4 11 10:00-11:00 4 2 6 3 1 4 10 11:00-12:00 4 2 6 3 1 4 10 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 144 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Holly Avenue Segment: 8 — Washington Street to Illinois Street Day of Week: Wednesday and Thursday Dates: August 16 and August 17, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day North Side of Street Capacity: 9 South Side of Street Capacity: 9 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 18 Cars 7:00-8:00 2 0 2 1 0 1 3 8:00-9:00 5 1 6 4 1 5 11 9:00-10:00 6 0 6 4 1 5 11 10:00-11:00 6 0 6 4 1 5 11 11:00-12:00 5 0 5 4 1 5 10 12:00-1:00 6 0 6 4 1 5 11 1:00-2:00 4 1 5 4 1 5 10 2:00-3:00 6 0 6 4 1 5 11 3:00-4:00 6 0 6 4 1 5 11 4:00-5:00 5 0 5 4 1 5 10 5:00-6:00 4 0 4 4 0 4 8 6:00-7:00 3 0 3 3 0 3 6 7:00-8:00 5 0 5 3 0 3 8 8:00-9:00 5 1 6 4 0 4 10 9:00-10:00 7 1 8 6 0 6 14 10:00-11:00 7 1 8 6 0 6 14 11:00-12:00 7 1 8 6 0 6 14 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 145 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Holly Avenue Segment: 9 — Kansas Street to Washington Street Day of Week: Wednesday and Thursday Dates: August 16 and August 17, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day North Side of Street Capacity: 6 South Side of Street Capacity: 6 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 12 Cars 7:00-8:00 1 1 2 0 0 0 2 8:00-9:00 3 2 5 5 0 5 10 9:00-10:00 3 2 5 5 0 5 10 10:00-11:00 3 2 5 5 0 5 10 11:00-12:00 3 2 5 5 0 5 10 12:00-1:00 3 1 4 4 1 5 9 1:00-2:00 3 1 4 5 0 5 9 2:00-3:00 4 1 5 5 0 5 10 3:00-4:00 4 1 5 5 0 5 10 4:00-5:00 4 0 4 5 0 5 9 5:00-6:00 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 6:00-7:00 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 7:00-8:00 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 8:00-9:00 1 0 1 2 0 2 3 9:00-10:00 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 10:00-11:00 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 11:00-12:00 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 146 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Washington Street Segment: 10 — Mariposa Avenue to Pine Avenue Day of Week: Wednesday and Thursday Dates: August 16 and August 17, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 11 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 11 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 22 Cars 7:00-8:00 5 0 5 3 1 4 9 8:00-9:00 8 0 8 4 1 5 13 9:00-10:00 5 1 0 5 6 1 7 12 10:00-11:00 4 0 4 6 1 7 11 11:00-12:00 5 0 5 5 1 6 11 12:00-1:00 4 0 4 5 1 6 10 1:00-2:00 4 0 4 5 1 6 10 2:00-3:00 3 0 3 5 1 6 9 3:00-4:00 6 1 0 6 5 1 6 12 4:00-5:00 4 0 4 4 1 5 9 5:00-6:00 3 1 4 5 0 5 9 6:00-7:00 2 1 3 5 0 5 8 7:00-8:00 1 0 1 5 0 5 6 8:00-9:00 2 1 3 4 0 4 7 9:00-10:00 4 1 5 4 0 4 9 10:00-11:00 4 1 5 4 0 4 9 11:00-12:00 4 1 5 4 0 4 9 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 147 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Washington Street Segment: 11 —Pine Avenue to Holly Avenue Day of Week: Wednesday and Thursday Dates: August 16 and August 17, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 10 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 10 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 20 Cars 7:00-8:00 9 0 9 9 0 9 18 8:00-9:00 4 1 5 8 0 8 13 9:00-10:00 7 1 0 7 8 0 8 15 10:00-11:00 7 0 7 10 0 10 17 11:00-12:00 8 0 8 7 0 7 15 12:00-1:00 7 0 7 8 0 8 15 1:00-2:00 7 0 7 8 0 8 15 2:00-3:00 8 0 8 7 0 7 15 3:00-4:00 9 1 0 9 9 0 9 18 4:00-5:00 8 0 8 7 0 7 15 5:00-6:00 7 1 8 6 0 6 14 6:00-7:00 7 0 7 7 0 7 14 7:00-8:00 6 0 6 7 0 7 13 8:00-9:00 7 0 7 5 0 5 12 9:00-10:00 8 0 8 6 0 6 14 10:00-11:00 8 0 8 8 0 8 16 11:00-12:00 8 0 8 8 0 8 16 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 148 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Kansas Street Segment: 12 — Mariposa Avenue to Pine Avenue Day of Week: Wednesday and Thursday Dates: August 16 and August 17, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 9 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 13 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 22 Cars 7:00-8:00 6 1 7 6 0 6 13 8:00-9:00 3 1 4 6 0 6 10 9:00-10:00 3 1 1 4 6 0 6 10 10:00-11:00 3 1 4 5 0 5 9 11:00-12:00 3 1 4 5 0 5 9 12:00-1:00 3 1 4 6 0 6 10 1:00-2:00 4 1 5 6 0 6 11 2:00-3:00 5 1 6 5 0 5 11 3:00-4:00 2 1 1 3 3 0 3 6 4:00-5:00 3 1 4 3 0 3 7 5:00-6:00 5 1 6 7 0 7 13 6:00-7:00 5 1 6 6 0 6 12 7:00-8:00 4 1 5 6 0 6 11 8:00-9:00 4 1 5 6 0 6 11 9:00-10:00 4 1 5 6 0 6 11 10:00-11:00 4 1 5 6 0 6 11 11:00-12:00 4 1 5 6 0 6 11 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 149 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Kansas Street Segment: 13 — Pine Avenue to Holly Day of Week: Wednesday and Thursday Dates: August 16 and August 17, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 11 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 10 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 21 Cars 7:00-8:00 4 0 4 2 0 2 6 8:00-9:00 4 0 4 4 0 4 8 9:00-10:00 5 1 0 5 6 0 6 11 10:00-11:00 7 0 7 6 0 6 13 11:00-12:00 7 0 7 6 0 6 13 12:00-1:00 5 0 5 5 0 5 10 1:00-2:00 5 0 5 5 0 5 10 2:00-3:00 5 0 5 4 0 4 9 3:00-4:00 5 1 0 5 3 0 3 8 4:00-5:00 5 0 5 3 0 3 8 5:00-6:00 3 0 3 3 0 3 6 6:00-7:00 2 0 2 2 0 2 4 7:00-8:00 1 0 1 3 0 3 4 8:00-9:00 1 0 1 2 0 2 3 9:00-10:00 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 10:00-11:00 2 0 2 1 0 1 3 11:00-12:00 2 0 2 1 0 1 3 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 150 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: California Street Segment: 14 — Mariposa Avenue to Pine Avenue Day of Week: Wednesday and Thursday Dates: August 16 and August 17, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 13 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 13 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 26 Cars 7:00-8:00 7 0 7 8 0 8 15 8:00-9:00 7 0 7 8 0 8 15 9:00-10:00 7 1 0 7 9 0 9 16 10:00-11:00 9 0 9 9 0 9 18 11:00-12:00 7 0 7 11 0 11 18 12:00-1:00 6 0 6 9 0 9 15 1:00-2:00 7 0 7 9 0 9 16 2:00-3:00 7 0 7 9 0 9 16 3:00-4:00 7 1 0 7 10 0 10 17 4:00-5:00 6 0 6 11 0 11 17 5:00-6:00 6 0 6 7 0 7 13 6:00-7:00 8 0 8 7 0 7 15 7:00-8:00 8 0 8 6 0 6 14 8:00-9:00 8 0 8 6 0 6 14 9:00-10:00 8 0 8 7 0 7 15 10:00-11:00 8 0 8 7 0 7 15 11:00-12:00 8 0 8 7 0 7 15 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 151 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Pine Avenue Segment: 15 — California Street to Kansas Street Day of Week: Wednesday and Thursday Dates: August 16 and August 17, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day North Side of Street Capacity: 7 Cars South Side of Street Capacity: 8 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 15 Cars 7:00-8:00 0 1 1 2 1 3 4 8:00-9:00 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 9:00-10:00 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 10:00-11:00 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 11:00-12:00 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 12:00-1:00 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 1:00-2:00 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 2:00-3:00 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 3:00-4:00 0 1 0 0 2 0 2 2 4:00-5:00 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 5:00-6:00 0 1 1 3 0 3 4 6:00-7:00 0 1 1 3 0 3 4 7:00-8:00 0 1 1 2 0 2 3 8:00-9:00 0 1 1 3 0 3 4 9:00-10:00 0 1 1 3 0 3 4 10:00-11:00 0 1 1 2 0 2 3 11:00-12:00 0 1 1 2 0 2 3 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 152 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Pine Avenue Segment: 16 — Kansas Street to Washington Street Day of Week: Wednesday and Thursday Dates: August 16 and August 17, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day North Side of Street Capacity: 8 Cars South Side of Street Capacity: 7 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 15 Cars 7:00-8:00 4 0 4 3 0 3 7 8:00-9:00 4 0 4 3 0 3 7 9:00-10:00 4 1 0 4 5 0 5 9 10:00-11:00 4 0 4 5 0 5 9 11:00-12:00 4 0 4 5 0 5 9 12:00-1:00 4 0 4 6 0 6 10 1:00-2:00 4 0 4 6 0 6 10 2:00-3:00 3 0 3 5 0 5 8 3:00-4:00 3 1 0 3 5 0 5 8 4:00-5:00 4 0 4 5 0 5 9 5:00-6:00 3 0 3 3 0 3 6 6:00-7:00 4 0 4 3 0 3 7 7:00-8:00 4 0 4 3 0 3 7 8:00-9:00 4 0 4 2 0 2 6 9:00-10:00 4 0 4 3 0 3 7 10:00-11:00 4 0 4 3 0 3 7 11:00-12:00 4 0 4 3 0 3 7 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 153 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY DATA SHEETS - SATURDAY Page 154 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Indiana Street Segment: 1 — Mariposa Avenue to Pine Avenue Day of Week: Saturday Dates: August 12 and August 19, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 11 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 14+4* Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 25 Cars 7:00-8:00 8 2 10 9 3 12 22 8:00-9:00 8 2 10 9 2 11 21 9:00-10:00 6 1 2 8 9 2 11 19 10:00-11:00 8 0 8 10 1 11 19 11:00-12:00 7 1 8 10 3 13 21 12:00-1:00 9 0 9 10 3 13 22 1:00-2:00 9 0 9 10 1 11 20 2:00-3:00 7 0 7 9 1 10 17 3:00-4:00 8 1 0 8 8 1 9 17 4:00-5:00 8 0 8 6 2 8 16 5:00-6:00 8 0 8 5 3 8 16 6:00-7:00 6 2 8 7 2 9 17 7:00-8:00 7 0 7 8 2 10 17 8:00-9:00 10 0 10 9 1 10 20 9:00-10:00 9 0 9 8 3 11 20 10:00-11:00 9 0 9 8 4 12 21 11:00-12:00 9 0 9 8 4 12 21 * 4 yellow loading zone spaces (not included in total capacity) Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 155 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Indiana Street Segment: 2 —Pine Avenue to Holly Avenue Day of Week: Saturday Dates: August 12 and August 19, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 17 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 17 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 34 Cars 7:00-8:00 15 2 17 15 1 16 33 8:00-9:00 15 2 17 15 1 16 33 9:00-10:00 13 1 2 15 14 1 15 30 10:00-11:00 13 2 15 14 0 14 29 11:00-12:00 13 2 15 15 1 16 31 12:00-1:00 9 2 11 13 1 14 25 1:00-2:00 12 1 13 12 1 13 26 2:00-3:00 12 2 14 10 1 11 25 3:00-4:00 12 1 2 14 10 0 10 24 4:00-5:00 12 2 14 12 0 12 26 5:00-6:00 13 1 14 12 0 12 26 6:00-7:00 10 1 11 8 0 8 19 7:00-8:00 12 1 13 9 0 9 22 8:00-9:00 12 1 13 10 0 10 23 9:00-10:00 12 1 13 11 0 11 23 10:00-11:00 12 1 13 10 0 10 23 11:00-12:00 14 1 15 11 0 11 26 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 156 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Illinois Street Segment: 3 — Mariposa Avenue to Pine Avenue Day of Week: Saturday Dates: August 12 and August 19, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 19 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 14 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 33 Cars 7:00-8:00 15 1 16 12 0 12 28 8:00-9:00 13 2 15 12 0 12 27 9:00-10:00 15 1 2 17 12 0 12 29 10:00-11:00 15 0 15 11 0 11 26 11:00-12:00 17 0 17 12 1 13 30 12:00-1:00 16 0 16 11 0 11 27 1:00-2:00 17 0 17 12 1 13 30 2:00-3:00 16 0 16 13 0 13 29 3:00-4:00 14 1 0 14 11 0 11 25 4:00-5:00 16 0 16 13 0 13 29 5:00-6:00 16 0 16 13 0 13 29 6:00-7:00 16 2 18 13 0 13 31 7:00-8:00 18 0 18 12 0 12 30 8:00-9:00 16 0 16 12 0 12 28 9:00-10:00 19 0 19 13 0 13 32 10:00-11:00 18 0 18 13 0 13 31 11:00-12:00 18 0 18 13 0 13 31 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 157 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Illinois Street Segment: 4 — Pine Avenue to Holly Avenue Day of Week: Saturday Dates: August 12 and August 19, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 19 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 14 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 33 Cars 7:00-8:00 17 1 18 11 0 11 29 8:00-9:00 16 1 17 12 0 12 29 9:00-10:00 17 1 1 18 12 0 12 30 10:00-11:00 14 1 15 12 1 13 28 11:00-12:00 13 2 15 10 1 11 26 12:00-1:00 13 2 15 11 1 12 27 1:00-2:00 11 2 13 11 2 13 26 2:00-3:00 12 2 14 10 2 12 26 3:00-4:00 12 1 2 14 10 1 11 25 4:00-5:00 13 2 15 12 2 14 29 5:00-6:00 13 2 15 10 2 12 27 6:00-7:00 15 2 17 13 0 13 30 7:00-8:00 17 2 19 13 0 13 32 8:00-9:00 16 2 18 13 0 13 31 9:00-10:00 16 2 18 12 0 12 30 10:00-11:00 17 2 19 11 1 12 31 11:00-12:00 17 2 19 12 0 12 31 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 158 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Mariposa Avenue Segment: 5 — Illinois Street to Indiana Street (South Side Only) Day of Week: Saturday Dates: August 12 and August 19, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day South Side of Street Capacity: 9 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 9 Cars 7:00-8:00 5 2 7 7 8:00-9:00 7 1 8 8 9:00-10:00 6 1 7 7 10:00-11:00 6 2 8 8 11:00-12:00 6 2 8 8 12:00-1:00 6 2 8 8 1:00-2:00 6 2 8 8 2:00-3:00 6 2 8 8 3:00-4:00 5 2 7 7 4:00-5:00 6 2 8 8 5:00-6:00 6 2 8 8 6:00-7:00 5 3 8 8 7:00-8:00 5 3 8 8 8:00-9:00 5 3 8 8 9:00-10:00 5 3 8 8 10:00-11:00 5 3 8 8 11:00-12:00 5 3 8 8 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 159 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Pine Avenue Segment: 6 — Illinois Street to Indiana Street Day of Week: Saturday Dates: August 12 and August 19, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day North Side of Street Capacity: 6 South Side of Street Capacity: 8 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 14 Cars 7:00-8:00 5 1 6 7 0 7 13 8:00-9:00 5 1 6 7 0 7 13 9:00-10:00 4 1 5 7 0 7 12 10:00-11:00 4 2 6 7 0 7 13 11:00-12:00 4 2 6 6 0 6 12 12:00-1:00 4 2 6 7 0 7 13 1:00-2:00 4 2 6 7 0 7 13 2:00-3:00 4 2 6 8 0 8 14 3:00-4:00 3 2 5 5 0 5 10 4:00-5:00 3 2 5 4 0 4 9 5:00-6:00 3 2 5 4 0 4 9 6:00-7:00 3 1 4 7 0 7 11 7:00-8:00 4 1 5 6 0 6 11 8:00-9:00 3 1 4 6 0 6 10 9:00-10:00 4 1 5 7 0 7 12 10:00-11:00 4 1 5 7 0 7 12 11:00-12:00 4 1 5 7 0 7 12 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 160 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Holly Avenue Segment: 7 — Illinois Street to Indiana Street Day of Week: Saturday Dates: August 12 and August 19, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day North Side of Street Capacity: 7 South Side of Street Capacity: 7 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 14 Cars 7:00-8:00 5 1 6 4 0 4 10 8:00-9:00 6 0 6 5 0 5 11 9:00-10:00 6 0 6 5 0 5 11 10:00-11:00 4 0 4 1 0 1 5 11:00-12:00 4 0 4 2 0 2 6 12:00-1:00 5 1 6 2 0 2 8 1:00-2:00 4 1 5 3 0 3 8 2:00-3:00 2 1 3 4 0 4 7 3:00-4:00 2 1 3 4 0 4 7 4:00-5:00 2 1 3 3 0 3 6 5:00-6:00 4 1 5 3 0 3 8 6:00-7:00 6 0 6 6 0 6 12 7:00-8:00 6 0 6 4 0 4 10 8:00-9:00 6 0 6 4 0 4 10 9:00-10:00 6 0 6 4 0 4 10 10:00-11:00 5 0 5 3 0 3 8 11:00-12:00 5 0 5 3 0 3 8 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 161 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Holly Avenue Segment: 8 — Washington Street to Illinois Street Day of Week: Saturday Dates: August 12 and August 19, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day North Side of Street Capacity: 9 South Side of Street Capacity: 9 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 18 Cars 7:00-8:00 4 0 4 2 1 3 7 8:00-9:00 4 0 4 3 1 4 8 9:00-10:00 5 0 5 2 0 2 7 10:00-11:00 3 0 3 1 0 1 4 11:00-12:00 3 1 4 1 0 1 5 12:00-1:00 3 1 4 1 0 1 5 1:00-2:00 3 1 4 2 0 2 6 2:00-3:00 3 1 4 1 0 1 5 3:00-4:00 2 0 2 1 0 1 3 4:00-5:00 2 0 2 1 0 1 3 5:00-6:00 2 1 3 1 0 1 4 6:00-7:00 4 0 4 3 0 3 7 7:00-8:00 5 0 5 3 0 3 8 8:00-9:00 6 0 6 2 0 2 8 9:00-10:00 6 0 6 2 0 2 8 10:00-11:00 4 0 4 3 0 3 7 11:00-12:00 3 0 3 2 0 2 5 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 162 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Holly Avenue Segment: 9 — Kansas Street to Washington Street Day of Week: Saturday Dates: August 12 and August 19, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day North Side of Street Capacity: 6 South Side of Street Capacity: 6 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 12 Cars 7:00-8:00 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 8:00-9:00 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 9:00-10:00 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 10:00-11:00 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 11:00-12:00 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 12:00-1:00 1 0 1 3 0 3 4 1:00-2:00 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 2:00-3:00 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 3:00-4:00 2 0 2 1 0 1 3 4:00-5:00 1 0 1 2 0 2 3 5:00-6:00 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6:00-7:00 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 7:00-8:00 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 8:00-9:00 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 9:00-10:00 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 10:00-11:00 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 11:00-12:00 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 163 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Washington Street Segment: 10 — Mariposa Avenue to Pine Avenue Day of Week: Saturday Dates: August 12 and August 19, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 11 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 11 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 22 Cars 7:00-8:00 5 1 6 2 0 2 8 8:00-9:00 5 1 6 2 0 2 8 9:00-10:00 4 1 1 5 2 0 2 7 10:00-11:00 2 1 3 2 0 2 5 11:00-12:00 4 0 4 4 0 4 8 12:00-1:00 3 0 3 4 0 4 7 1:00-2:00 3 0 3 4 0 4 7 2:00-3:00 3 0 3 3 0 3 6 3:00-4:00 1 1 0 1 2 0 2 3 4:00-5:00 2 0 2 1 0 1 3 5:00-6:00 3 0 3 1 0 1 4 6:00-7:00 4 1 5 3 0 3 8 7:00-8:00 4 1 5 3 0 3 8 8:00-9:00 4 1 5 3 0 3 8 9:00-10:00 4 1 5 3 0 3 8 10:00-11:00 7 2 9 3 0 3 15 11:00-12:00 7 1 8 6 0 6 14 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 164 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Washington Street Segment: 11 —Pine Avenue to Holly Avenue Day of Week: Saturday Dates: August 12 and August 19, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 10 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 10 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 20 Cars 7:00-8:00 9 0 9 6 0 6 15 8:00-9:00 10 0 10 5 0 5 15 9:00-10:00 8 1 0 8 4 0 4 12 10:00-11:00 7 0 7 5 0 5 12 11:00-12:00 7 0 7 5 0 5 12 12:00-1:00 7 0 7 6 0 6 13 1:00-2:00 7 0 7 7 0 7 14 2:00-3:00 7 0 7 5 0 5 12 3:00-4:00 7 1 0 7 5 0 5 12 4:00-5:00 5 0 5 6 0 6 11 5:00-6:00 5 0 5 6 0 6 11 6:00-7:00 8 0 8 6 0 6 14 7:00-8:00 7 0 7 7 0 7 14 8:00-9:00 7 0 7 5 0 5 12 9:00-10:00 7 0 7 6 0 6 13 10:00-11:00 7 0 7 6 0 6 13 11:00-12:00 7 0 7 6 0 6 13 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 165 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Kansas Street Segment: 12 — Mariposa Avenue to Pine Avenue Day of Week: Saturday Dates: August 12 and August 19, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 9 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 13 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 22 Cars 7:00-8:00 4 1 5 2 0 2 7 8:00-9:00 4 1 5 2 0 2 7 9:00-10:00 4 1 1 5 2 0 2 7 10:00-11:00 3 1 4 3 0 3 7 11:00-12:00 3 1 4 2 0 2 6 12:00-1:00 2 1 3 3 0 3 6 1:00-2:00 3 1 4 4 0 4 8 2:00-3:00 3 1 4 2 0 2 6 3:00-4:00 2 1 1 3 3 0 3 6 4:00-5:00 1 1 2 2 0 2 4 5:00-6:00 1 1 2 2 0 2 4 6:00-7:00 1 1 2 3 0 3 5 7:00-8:00 2 1 3 3 0 3 6 8:00-9:00 2 1 3 3 0 3 6 9:00-10:00 4 1 5 3 0 3 8 10:00-11:00 3 1 4 3 0 3 7 11:00-12:00 3 1 4 3 0 3 7 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 166 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Kansas Street Segment: 13 —Pine Avenue to Holly Avenue Day of Week: Saturday Dates: August 12 and August 19, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 11 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 10 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 21 Cars 7:00-8:00 4 0 4 1 0 1 5 8:00-9:00 4 0 4 2 0 2 6 9:00-10:00 3 1 0 3 1 0 1 4 10:00-11:00 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 11:00-12:00 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 12:00-1:00 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 1:00-2:00 3 0 3 0 0 0 3 2:00-3:00 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 3:00-4:00 2 1 0 2 0 0 0 2 4:00-5:00 3 0 3 1 0 1 4 5:00-6:00 3 0 3 1 1 2 5 6:00-7:00 6 1 7 1 1 2 9 7:00-8:00 5 1 6 1 1 2 8 8:00-9:00 5 1 6 1 1 2 8 9:00-10:00 4 1 5 1 1 2 7 10:00-11:00 4 1 5 1 1 2 7 11:00-12:00 4 1 5 1 1 2 7 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 167 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: California Street Segment: 14 — Mariposa Avenue to Pine Avenue Day of Week: Saturday Dates: August 12 and August 19, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 13 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 13 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 26 Cars 7:00-8:00 3 0 3 3 0 3 6 8:00-9:00 4 0 4 5 0 5 9 9:00-10:00 4 1 0 4 7 0 7 11 10:00-11:00 5 0 5 11 0 11 16 11:00-12:00 5 0 5 11 0 11 16 12:00-1:00 6 0 6 10 0 10 16 1:00-2:00 6 0 6 9 0 9 15 2:00-3:00 7 0 7 10 0 10 17 3:00-4:00 7 1 0 7 9 0 9 16 4:00-5:00 7 0 7 8 0 8 15 5:00-6:00 7 0 7 7 0 7 14 6:00-7:00 5 0 5 6 0 6 11 7:00-8:00 6 0 6 5 0 5 11 8:00-9:00 6 0 6 5 0 5 11 9:00-10:00 4 0 4 4 0 4 8 10:00-11:00 4 0 4 5 0 5 9 11:00-12:00 4 0 4 5 0 5 9 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 168 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Pine Avenue Segment: 15 — California Street to Kansas Street Day of Week: Saturday Dates: August 12 and August 19, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day North Side of Street Capacity: 7 Cars South Side of Street Capacity: 8 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 15 Cars 7:00-8:00 2 1 3 4 0 4 7 8:00-9:00 2 1 3 2 0 2 5 9:00-10:00 2 1 1 3 2 0 2 5 10:00-11:00 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 11:00-12:00 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 12:00-1:00 0 1 1 1 0 1 2 1:00-2:00 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 2:00-3:00 0 1 1 2 0 2 3 3:00-4:00 0 1 1 1 2 0 2 3 4:00-5:00 0 1 1 2 0 2 3 5:00-6:00 0 1 1 2 0 2 3 6:00-7:00 2 1 3 1 0 1 4 7:00-8:00 2 1 3 1 0 1 4 8:00-9:00 2 1 3 1 0 1 4 9:00-10:00 2 1 3 1 0 1 4 10:00-11:00 2 1 3 1 0 1 4 11:00-12:00 1 1 2 2 0 2 4 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 169 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Pine Avenue Segment: 16 — Kansas Street to Washington Street Day of Week: Saturday Dates: August 12 and August 19, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day North Side of Street Capacity: 8 Cars South Side of Street Capacity: 7 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 15 Cars 7:00-8:00 5 0 5 3 0 3 8 8:00-9:00 5 0 5 3 0 3 8 9:00-10:00 4 1 0 4 3 0 3 7 10:00-11:00 4 0 4 0 0 0 4 11:00-12:00 4 0 4 0 0 0 4 12:00-1:00 4 0 4 0 1 1 5 1:00-2:00 4 0 4 0 1 1 5 2:00-3:00 5 0 5 0 1 1 6 3:00-4:00 5 1 0 5 0 0 0 5 4:00-5:00 5 0 5 0 0 0 5 5:00-6:00 5 0 5 0 0 0 5 6:00-7:00 6 0 6 4 0 4 10 7:00-8:00 6 0 6 3 0 3 9 8:00-9:00 6 0 6 3 0 3 9 9:00-10:00 6 0 6 3 0 3 9 10:00-11:00 6 0 6 4 0 4 10 11:00-12:00 5 0 5 2 0 2 7 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 170 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY DATA SHEETS - SUNDAY Page 171 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Indiana Street Segment: 1 — Mariposa Avenue to Pine Avenue Day of Week: Sunday Dates: August 13 and September 10, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 11 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 14+4* Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 25 Cars 7:00-8:00 9 0 9 11 3 14 23 8:00-9:00 10 0 10 10 3 13 23 9:00-10:00 9 1 0 9 10 3 13 22 10:00-11:00 9 0 9 11 3 14 23 11:00-12:00 8 1 9 7 3 10 19 12:00-1:00 8 0 8 7 1 8 16 1:00-2:00 7 0 7 7 1 8 15 2:00-3:00 7 0 7 6 2 8 15 3:00-4:00 8 1 0 8 7 2 9 17 4:00-5:00 8 0 8 5 2 7 15 5:00-6:00 7 0 7 9 3 12 19 6:00-7:00 9 0 9 9 3 12 21 7:00-8:00 9 0 9 9 1 10 19 8:00-9:00 9 0 9 10 1 11 20 9:00-10:00 7 0 7 10 1 11 18 10:00-11:00 7 0 7 12 1 13 20 11:00-12:00 8 1 9 12 1 13 22 * 4 yellow loading zone spaces (not included in total capacity) Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 172 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Indiana Street Segment: 2 —Pine Avenue to Holly Avenue Day of Week: Sunday Dates: August 13 and September 10, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 17 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 17 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 34 Cars 7:00-8:00 14 4 18 15 1 16 34 8:00-9:00 12 3 15 15 1 16 31 9:00-10:00 14 1 3 17 13 1 14 31 10:00-11:00 9 3 12 13 1 14 26 11:00-12:00 11 3 14 14 1 15 29 12:00-1:00 11 3 14 12 1 13 27 1:00-2:00 12 4 16 11 1 12 28 2:00-3:00 12 4 16 11 1 12 28 3:00-4:00 11 1 4 15 13 1 14 29 4:00-5:00 10 4 14 14 1 15 29 5:00-6:00 14 1 15 11 2 13 28 6:00-7:00 14 2 16 14 2 16 32 7:00-8:00 15 2 17 11 2 13 30 8:00-9:00 15 2 17 13 2 15 32 9:00-10:00 15 2 17 13 4 17 34 10:00-11:00 15 2 17 13 4 17 34 11:00-12:00 15 1 16 13 4 17 33 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 173 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Illinois Street Segment: 3 — Mariposa Avenue to Pine Avenue Day of Week: Sunday Dates: August 13 and September 10, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 19 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 14 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 33 Cars 7:00-8:00 18 0 18 13 1 14 32 8:00-9:00 18 0 18 13 1 13 31 9:00-10:00 18 1 0 18 12 0 12 30 10:00-11:00 17 0 17 11 1 12 29 11:00-12:00 17 0 17 11 0 11 28 12:00-1:00 18 0 18 11 0 11 29 1:00-2:00 18 0 18 11 0 11 29 2:00-3:00 17 0 17 12 0 12 29 3:00-4:00 17 1 0 17 11 0 11 28 4:00-5:00 16 0 16 13 0 13 29 5:00-6:00 11 2 13 9 0 9 22 6:00-7:00 12 1 13 8 0 8 21 7:00-8:00 12 1 13 9 0 9 22 8:00-9:00 14 1 15 10 1 11 26 9:00-10:00 16 1 17 11 1 12 29 10:00-11:00 16 1 17 11 1 12 29 11:00-12:00 15 2 17 12 1 13 30 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 174 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Illinois Street Segment: 4 — Pine Avenue to Holly Avenue Day of Week: Sunday Dates: August 13 and September 10, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 19 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 14 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 33 Cars 7:00-8:00 16 1 17 12 1 13 30 8:00-9:00 16 1 17 12 1 13 30 9:00-10:00 16 1 1 17 12 1 13 30 10:00-11:00 15 0 15 12 1 13 28 11:00-12:00 14 0 14 11 1 12 26 12:00-1:00 13 0 13 11 1 12 25 1:00-2:00 15 1 16 12 1 13 29 2:00-3:00 13 1 14 12 2 14 28 3:00-4:00 17 1 1 18 13 1 14 32 4:00-5:00 16 1 17 12 1 13 30 5:00-6:00 12 1 13 10 1 11 24 6:00-7:00 11 2 13 11 0 11 24 7:00-8:00 15 2 17 12 0 12 29 8:00-9:00 16 2 18 12 0 12 30 9:00-10:00 15 2 17 12 0 12 29 10:00-11:00 16 2 18 12 0 12 30 11:00-12:00 16 2 18 12 0 12 30 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 175 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Mariposa Avenue Segment: 5 — Illinois Street to Indiana Street (South Side Only) Day of Week: Sunday Dates: August 13 and September 10, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day South Side of Street Capacity: 9 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 9 Cars 7:00-8:00 6 3 9 9 8:00-9:00 6 3 9 9 9:00-10:00 6 3 9 9 10:00-11:00 6 2 8 8 11:00-12:00 5 2 7 7 12:00-1:00 5 1 6 6 1:00-2:00 5 1 6 6 2:00-3:00 6 1 7 7 3:00-4:00 4 1 5 5 4:00-5:00 4 1 5 5 5:00-6:00 6 2 8 8 6:00-7:00 6 1 7 7 7:00-8:00 6 2 8 8 8:00-9:00 6 3 9 9 9:00-10:00 6 3 9 9 10:00-11:00 6 3 9 9 11:00-12:00 6 3 9 9 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 176 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Pine Avenue Segment: 6 — Illinois Street to Indiana Street Day of Week: Sunday Dates: August 13 and September 10, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day North Side of Street Capacity: 6 South Side of Street Capacity: 8 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 14 Cars 7:00-8:00 4 2 6 8 0 8 14 8:00-9:00 4 2 6 8 0 8 14 9:00-10:00 4 2 6 8 0 8 14 10:00-11:00 4 2 6 8 0 8 14 11:00-12:00 4 2 6 8 0 8 14 12:00-1:00 2 2 4 5 0 5 9 1:00-2:00 3 2 5 4 0 4 9 2:00-3:00 3 2 5 6 0 6 11 3:00-4:00 4 2 6 6 0 6 12 4:00-5:00 3 2 5 7 0 7 12 5:00-6:00 5 0 5 6 0 6 11 6:00-7:00 5 0 5 6 0 6 11 7:00-8:00 5 0 5 5 0 5 10 8:00-9:00 5 0 5 7 0 7 12 9:00-10:00 5 0 5 7 0 7 12 10:00-11:00 5 0 5 7 0 7 12 11:00-12:00 5 0 5 6 0 6 11 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 177 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Holly Avenue Segment: 7 — Illinois Street to Indiana Street Day of Week: Sunday Dates: August 13 and September 10, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day North Side of Street Capacity: 7 South Side of Street Capacity: 7 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 14 Cars 7:00-8:00 6 1 7 5 1 6 13 8:00-9:00 6 1 7 6 0 6 13 9:00-10:00 5 1 6 6 0 6 12 10:00-11:00 5 1 6 3 0 3 9 11:00-12:00 5 1 6 3 0 3 9 12:00-1:00 5 1 6 3 0 3 9 1:00-2:00 5 1 6 2 0 2 8 2:00-3:00 4 1 5 2 0 2 7 3:00-4:00 4 1 5 2 0 2 7 4:00-5:00 4 2 6 0 0 0 6 5:00-6:00 5 1 6 1 0 1 7 6:00-7:00 5 1 6 1 0 1 7 7:00-8:00 6 1 7 2 0 2 9 8:00-9:00 5 1 6 2 0 2 8 9:00-10:00 5 2 7 4 0 4 11 10:00-11:00 5 2 7 3 1 4 11 11:00-12:00 5 2 7 3 1 4 11 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 178 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Holly Avenue Segment: 8 — Washington Street to Illinois Street Day of Week: Sunday Dates: August 13 and September 10, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day North Side of Street Capacity: 9 South Side of Street Capacity: 9 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 18 Cars 7:00-8:00 5 2 7 3 0 3 10 8:00-9:00 5 2 7 3 0 3 10 9:00-10:00 4 2 6 3 0 3 9 10:00-11:00 4 1 5 2 0 2 7 11:00-12:00 3 0 3 2 0 2 5 12:00-1:00 2 0 2 2 0 2 4 1:00-2:00 1 0 1 2 0 2 3 2:00-3:00 1 0 1 2 0 2 3 3:00-4:00 1 0 1 3 0 3 4 4:00-5:00 1 0 1 2 0 2 3 5:00-6:00 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 6:00-7:00 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 7:00-8:00 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 8:00-9:00 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 9:00-10:00 3 0 3 0 0 0 3 10:00-11:00 3 0 3 0 0 0 3 11:00-12:00 3 0 3 0 0 0 3 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 179 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Holly Avenue Segment: 9 — Kansas Street to Washington Street Day of Week: Sunday Dates: August 13 and September 10, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day North Side of Street Capacity: 6 South Side of Street Capacity: 6 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 12 Cars 7:00-8:00 1 1 2 0 0 0 2 8:00-9:00 1 1 2 0 0 0 2 9:00-10:00 1 1 2 0 0 0 2 10:00-11:00 1 1 2 0 0 0 2 11:00-12:00 1 1 2 0 0 0 2 12:00-1:00 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 1:00-2:00 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 2:00-3:00 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 3:00-4:00 1 1 2 0 0 0 2 4:00-5:00 1 1 2 0 0 0 2 5:00-6:00 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 6:00-7:00 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 7:00-8:00 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 8:00-9:00 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 9:00-10:00 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 10:00-11:00 2 0 2 0 0 0 2 11:00-12:00 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 180 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Washington Street Segment: 10 — Mariposa Avenue to Pine Avenue Day of Week: Sunday Dates: August 13 and September 10, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 11 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 11 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 22 Cars 7:00-8:00 2 1 3 1 0 1 4 8:00-9:00 2 1 3 2 0 2 5 9:00-10:00 2 1 1 3 3 0 3 6 10:00-11:00 2 1 3 3 0 3 6 11:00-12:00 2 1 3 3 0 3 6 12:00-1:00 3 1 4 3 0 3 7 1:00-2:00 3 1 4 3 0 3 7 2:00-3:00 4 1 5 3 0 3 8 3:00-4:00 4 1 1 5 1 0 1 6 4:00-5:00 4 1 5 3 0 3 8 5:00-6:00 2 1 3 2 0 2 5 6:00-7:00 4 1 5 2 0 2 7 7:00-8:00 4 1 5 2 0 2 7 8:00-9:00 3 1 4 2 0 2 6 9:00-10:00 3 1 4 2 0 2 6 10:00-11:00 2 1 3 2 0 2 5 11:00-12:00 3 1 4 2 0 2 6 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 181 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Washington Street Segment: 11 —Pine Avenue to Holly Avenue Day of Week: Sunday Dates: August 13 and September 10, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 10 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 10 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 20 Cars 7:00-8:00 9 0 9 6 0 6 15 8:00-9:00 7 0 7 6 0 6 13 9:00-10:00 7 1 0 7 7 0 7 14 10:00-11:00 8 0 8 7 0 7 15 11:00-12:00 8 0 8 8 0 8 16 12:00-1:00 8 0 8 8 0 8 16 1:00-2:00 7 0 7 7 0 7 14 2:00-3:00 7 0 7 7 0 7 14 3:00-4:00 8 1 0 8 7 0 7 15 4:00-5:00 8 0 8 5 0 5 13 5:00-6:00 5 0 5 7 0 7 12 6:00-7:00 4 0 4 8 0 8 12 7:00-8:00 7 0 7 7 0 7 14 8:00-9:00 7 0 7 7 0 7 14 9:00-10:00 7 0 7 7 0 7 14 10:00-11:00 6 0 6 7 0 7 13 11:00-12:00 6 0 6 7 0 7 13 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 182 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Kansas Street Segment: 12 — Mariposa Avenue to Pine Avenue Day of Week: Sunday Dates: August 13 and September 10, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 9 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 13 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 22 Cars 7:00-8:00 3 1 4 4 0 4 8 8:00-9:00 4 0 4 4 0 4 8 9:00-10:00 4 1 0 4 4 0 4 8 10:00-11:00 3 0 3 4 0 4 7 11:00-12:00 4 1 5 4 0 4 9 12:00-1:00 4 1 5 3 0 3 8 1:00-2:00 4 1 5 3 0 3 8 2:00-3:00 4 1 5 3 0 3 8 3:00-4:00 4 1 1 5 3 0 3 8 4:00-5:00 5 1 6 1 0 1 7 5:00-6:00 4 1 5 4 0 4 9 6:00-7:00 5 1 6 4 0 4 10 7:00-8:00 4 1 5 3 0 3 8 8:00-9:00 3 1 4 4 0 4 8 9:00-10:00 2 1 3 4 0 4 7 10:00-11:00 2 1 3 6 0 6 9 11:00-12:00 2 1 3 6 0 6 9 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 183 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Kansas Street Segment: 13 — Pine Avenue to Holly Day of Week: Sunday Dates: August 13 and September 10, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 11 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 10 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 21 Cars 7:00-8:00 3 0 3 1 0 1 4 8:00-9:00 3 0 3 1 0 1 4 9:00-10:00 2 1 0 2 1 0 1 3 10:00-11:00 2 0 2 1 0 1 3 11:00-12:00 2 0 2 1 0 1 3 12:00-1:00 2 0 2 2 0 2 4 1:00-2:00 3 0 3 1 0 1 4 2:00-3:00 2 0 2 1 0 1 3 3:00-4:00 3 1 0 3 1 0 1 4 4:00-5:00 3 0 3 1 0 1 4 5:00-6:00 2 0 2 2 0 2 4 6:00-7:00 2 0 2 2 1 3 5 7:00-8:00 2 0 2 2 1 3 5 8:00-9:00 2 0 2 2 1 3 5 9:00-10:00 2 0 2 2 1 3 5 10:00-11:00 2 0 2 2 1 3 5 11:00-12:00 2 0 2 2 1 3 5 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 184 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: California Street Segment: 14 — Mariposa Avenue to Pine Avenue Day of Week: Sunday Dates: August 13 and September 10, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day West Side of Street Capacity: 13 Cars East Side of Street Capacity: 13 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 26 Cars 7:00-8:00 7 0 7 7 0 7 14 8:00-9:00 7 0 7 8 0 8 15 9:00-10:00 5 1 0 5 7 0 7 12 10:00-11:00 6 0 6 6 0 6 12 11:00-12:00 6 0 6 6 0 6 12 12:00-1:00 5 0 5 7 0 7 12 1:00-2:00 5 0 5 6 0 6 11 2:00-3:00 6 0 6 6 0 6 12 3:00-4:00 6 1 0 6 5 0 5 11 4:00-5:00 6 0 6 5 0 5 11 5:00-6:00 4 0 4 9 0 9 13 6:00-7:00 4 0 4 8 0 8 12 7:00-8:00 5 0 5 9 0 9 14 8:00-9:00 5 0 5 10 0 10 15 9:00-10:00 7 0 7 10 0 10 17 10:00-11:00 7 0 7 10 0 10 17 11:00-12:00 7 0 7 10 0 10 17 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 185 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Pine Avenue Segment: 15 — California Street to Kansas Street Day of Week: Sunday Dates: August 13 and September 10, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day North Side of Street Capacity: 7 Cars South Side of Street Capacity: 8 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 15 Cars 7:00-8:00 0 1 1 2 0 2 3 8:00-9:00 0 1 1 2 0 2 3 9:00-10:00 0 1 1 1 2 0 2 3 10:00-11:00 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 11:00-12:00 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 12:00-1:00 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 1:00-2:00 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 2:00-3:00 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 3:00-4:00 0 1 0 0 3 0 3 3 4:00-5:00 0 0 0 2 0 2 2 5:00-6:00 2 1 3 4 0 4 7 6:00-7:00 3 1 4 3 0 3 7 7:00-8:00 4 1 5 3 0 3 8 8:00-9:00 2 1 3 3 0 3 6 9:00-10:00 1 1 2 2 0 2 4 10:00-11:00 1 1 2 2 0 2 4 11:00-12:00 1 1 2 2 0 2 4 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 186 of 218 EL SEGUNDO PARKING SURVEY Street: Pine Avenue Segment: 16 — Kansas Street to Washington Street Day of Week: Sunday Dates: August 13 and September 10, 2023 Number of Parked Vehicles Time Of Day North Side of Street Capacity: 8 Cars South Side of Street Capacity: 7 Cars Total # of Vehicles CA License Out of State Total CA License Out of State Total Capacity: 15 Cars 7:00-8:00 5 0 5 0 0 0 5 8:00-9:00 6 0 6 0 0 0 6 9:00-10:00 6 1 0 6 0 0 0 6 10:00-11:00 3 0 3 0 0 0 3 11:00-12:00 3 0 3 0 0 0 3 12:00-1:00 3 0 3 0 0 0 3 1:00-2:00 3 0 3 0 0 0 3 2:00-3:00 4 0 4 1 0 1 5 3:00-4:00 4 1 0 4 1 0 1 5 4:00-5:00 4 0 4 1 0 1 5 5:00-6:00 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 6:00-7:00 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 7:00-8:00 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 8:00-9:00 1 0 1 1 0 1 2 9:00-10:00 2 0 2 1 0 1 3 10:00-11:00 2 0 2 1 0 1 3 11:00-12:00 2 0 2 1 0 1 3 Bold indicates a utilization of 80 percent or more of the parking capacity. Page 187 of 218 EL SEGUNDO POLICE DEPARTMENT LICENSE PLATE PARKING SURVEY Page 188 of 218 Parking Survey Monday 10/23 0500 Hours California St. 9 Registered on California St. 4 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 2 Registered outside the city Kansas St. 8 Registered on Kansas St. 4 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 4 Registered outside the city Washington St. 15 registered on Washington St. 5 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 5 Registered outside the city Illinois St. 32 Registered on Illinois St. 12 Registered on surrounding streets 30 Registered outside the city Indiana St. 14 Registered on Indiana St. 2 Registered on Pine Ave. 42 Registered outside the city Mariposa Ave. 8 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 2 Registered on Illinois Ct. 3 Registered on Indiana St. 5 Registered outside the city Pine Ave. 11 Registered on Pine Ave. 5 Registered on surrounding streets 8 Registered outside the city Holly Ave. 7 Registered on Holly Ave. 1 Registered on Grand Ave. 2 Registered Illinois St. 9 Registered outside the city Page 1 1 Page 189 of 218 1300 Hours California St. 6 Registered on California St. 1 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 1 Registered on Loma Vista St. 1 Registered on Concord St. 1 Registered on Pine Ave. 5 Registered outside the city Kansas St. 6 Registered on Kansas St. 3 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 1 Registered on Loma Vista St. 1 Registered on McCarthy Ct. 1 Registered on Grand Ave. 8 Registered outside the city Washington St. 12 Registered on Washington St. 1 Registered on Indiana St. 1 Registered on Palm Ave. 1 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 20 Registered outside the city Illinois St. 18 Registered on Illinois St. 3 Registered on Indiana St. 2 Registered on Pine St. 1 Registered on Mariposa St. 1 Registered on Hillcrest St. 25 Registered outside the city Indiana St. 4 Registered on Indiana St. 40 Registered outside the city Mariposa Ave. 2 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 1 Registered on Illinois St. 1 Registered on Holly Ave. Pine Ave. 4 Registered on Pine Ave. 1 Registered on Washington St. 1 Registered on Illinois St. 1 Registered on Indiana St. 9 Registered outside the city Page 12 Page 190 of 218 Holly Ave. 1 Registered on Holly Ave. 1 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 1 Registered on Acacia Ave. 1 Registered on Maple Ave. 1 Registered on Maple Ave. 1 Registered on Sycamore Ave. 2 Registered on Indiana St. 32 Registered outside the city 1800 Hours California St. 8 Registered on California St. 2 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 1 Registered on Pine Ave. 5 Registered outside the city Kansas St. 7 Registered on Kansas St. 1 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 1 Registered on Cypress St. 1 Registered on Penn St. 3 Registered outside the city Washington St. 12 Registered on Washington St. 1 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 1 Registered on Palm Ave. 1 Registered on Indiana St. 6 Registered outside the city Illinois St. 11 Registered on Illinois St. 3 Registered on Indiana St. 4 Registered on Pine Ave. 1 Registered on Illinois Ct. 1 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 27 Registered outside the city Indiana St. 10 Registered on Indiana St. 43 Registered outside the city Mariposa Ave. 1 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 3 Registered on Mariposa Ct. 2 Registered outside the city Page 13 Page 191 of 218 Pine Ave. 2 Registered on Pine Ave. 1 Registered on Indiana St. 1 Registered on Indiana Ct. 1 Registered on Pine Ave. 3 Registered on Kansas St. 3 Registered on California St. 1 Registered on Washington St. 7 Registered outside the city Holly Ave. 0 Registered on Holly Ave. 3 Registered on Illinois St. 5 Registered on Indiana St. 15 Registered outside the city Wednesday 10/25 0500 Hours California St. 10 Registered on California St. 1 Registered outside the city Kansas St. 8 Registered on Kansas St. 4 Registered outside the city Washington St. 14 Registered on Washington St. 2 Registered on surrounding streets 6 Registered outside the city Illinois St. 24 Registered on Illinois St. 4 Registered on surrounding streets 25 Registered outside the city Indiana St. 13 Registered on Indiana St. 2 Registered on surrounding streets 36 Registered outside the city Mariposa Ave. 4 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 5 Registered outside the city Pine Ave. 11 Registered on Pine Ave. 4 Registered on surrounding streets 11 Registered outside the city Holly Ave. 8 Registered on Holly Ave. 15 Registered outside the city Page 14 Page 192 of 218 1300 Hours California St. 8 Registered on California St. 3 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 5 Registered outside the city Kansas St. 4 Registered on Kansas St. 2 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 7 Registered outside the city Washington St. 7 Registered on Washington St. 2 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 10 Registered outside the city Illinois St. 15 Registered on Illinois St. 5 Registered on Pine Ave. 1 Registered on Maple Ave. 1 Registered on Washington St. 34 Registered outside the city Indiana St. 5 Registered on Indiana St. 1 Registered on Pine Ave. 1 Registered on Pacific Coast Highway 41 Registered outside the city Mariposa Ave. 1 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 1 Registered on Illinois St. 6 Registered outside the city Pine Ave. 1 Registered on Pine Ave. 2 Registered on Indiana St. 1 Registered on Washington St. 1 Registered on Kansas St. 1 Registered on California St. 14 Registered outside the city Holly Ave. 1 Registered on Holly Ave. 1 Registered on Palm Ave. 1 Registered on Indiana St. 1 Registered on McCarthy Ct. 32 Registered outside the city Page 15 Page 193 of 218 1800 Hours California St. 7 Registered on California St. 2 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 3 Registered outside the city Kansas St. 5 Registered on Kansas St. 1 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 9 Registered outside the city Washington St. 12 Registered on Washington St. 2 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 1 Registered on Sheldon St. 4 Registered outside the city Illinois St. 15 Registered on Illinois St. 5 Registered on Pine Ave. 1 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 30 Registered outside the city Indiana St. 6 Registered on Indiana St. 39 Registered outside the city Mariposa Ave. 1 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 2 Registered on Illinois Ct. 4 Registered outside the city Pine Ave. 2 Registered on Pine Ave. 2 Registered on Kansas St. 1 Registered on Indiana St. 1 Registered on Washington St. 11 Registered outside the city Holly Ave. 1 Registered on Holly Ave 3 Registered on Indiana St. 13 Registered outside the city Page 16 Page 194 of 218 Friday 10/27 0500 Hours California St. 9 Registered on California St. 1 Registered on Concord St. 1 Registered on Sycamore Ave. 2 Registered outside the city Kansas St. 4 Registered on Kansas St. 1 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 3 Registered outside the city Washington St. 10 Registered on Washington St. 2 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 5 Registered outside the city Illinois St. 21 Registered on Illinois St. 7 Registered on Pine Ave. 29 Registered outside the city Indiana St. 12 Registered on Indiana St. 29 Registered outside the city Mariposa Ave. 2 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 2 Registered on Illinois St. 6 Registered outside the city Pine Ave. 4 Registered on Kansas St. 5 Registered on Washington St. 1 Registered on Illinois St. 2 Registered on Pine Ave. 1 Registered on Indiana St. 17 Registered outside the city Holly Ave. 1 Registered on Grand Ave. 1 Registered on Washington St. 1 Registered on Indiana St. Page 17 Page 195 of 218 1300 Hours California St. 3 Registered on California St. 1 Registered outside the city Kansas St. 4 Registered on Kansas St. Washington St. 6 Registered on Washington St. 1 Registered on Bungalow Dr. 9 Registered outside the city Illinois St. 17 Registered on Illinois St. 4 Registered on Pine Ave. 1 Registered on Indiana St. 1 Registered on Maple Ave 29 Registered outside the city Indiana St. 4 Registered on Indiana St. 1 Registered on Concord St. 1 Registered on Hillcrest St. 24 Registered outside the city Mariposa Ave. 2 Registered on Illinois St. 1 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 4 Registered outside the city Pine Ave. 5 Registered on Pine Ave. 1 Registered on Indiana Ct. 2 Registered on Indiana St. 3 Registered on Washington St. 2 Registered on California St. 1 Registered on Oregon St. 7 Registered outside the city Holly Ave. 1 Registered on Holly Ave. 1 Registered on Sycamore Ave. 1 Registered on Indiana St. 1 Registered on Grand Ave. 1 Registered on Palm Ave. 40 Registered outside the city Page 18 Page 196 of 218 1800 Hours California St. 4 Registered on California St. Kansas St. 4 Registered on Kansas St. 3 Registered outside the city Washington St. 5 Registered on Washington St. 1 Registered on Mariposa Ave. 6 Registered outside the city Illinois St. 15 Registered on Illinois St. 2 Registered on Pine Ave 36 Registered outside the city Indiana St. 2 Registered on Indiana St. 55 Registered outside the city Mariposa Ave. 1 Registered on Illinois St. 8 Registered outside the city Pine Ave. 2 Registered on Pine Ave. 4 Registered on California St. 2 Registered on Kansas St. 5 Registered on Washington St. 1 Registered on Indiana St. 6 Registered outside the city Holly Ave. 1 Registered on Indiana St. 15 Registered outside the City Page 19 Page 197 of 218 . M M City Council Agenda Statement E L S E G U N D O Meeting Date: February 6, 2024 Agenda Heading: Staff Presentations Item Number: D.12 TITLE: Update on the Recreation and Park Facilities Joint Use Agreement with El Segundo Unified School District RECOMMENDATION: 1. Receive and file update. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: None. BACKGROUND: On October 30, 2023, the City Council voted to approve an amended Joint Use Agreement (JUA) with the El Segundo Unified School District. The City Council discussed field and facility scheduling at the same meeting and some Councilmembers indicated their desire to see ESUSD's field and facility allocation align with the City's. The Council also directed staff to produce a transparent field and facility use document that shows when fields and facilities are being utilized and by whom. Some Councilmembers also asked that the District produce a similar document to ensure allocation policies are being implemented. DISCUSSION: Since November 2023, staff and District personnel met several times to discuss the transition of the Richmond Street field maintenance from the City to the District, the scheduling of Center Street fields from the District to the City and other pertinent details of the amended agreement. The District notified City staff in November that the District was purchasing software to manage District field and facility scheduling. In January 2024, the District informed City staff that District staff had begun training on this software. Page 198 of 218 Joint Use Agreement Update (JUA) February 6, 2024 Page 2 of 2 Current field reservations have already been negotiated between school administrators and local user groups for Center Street fields through June 2024. As such, the District will turn over scheduling of Center Street at that time. All current user groups have been made aware of the changes to the JUA and how it will impact each of their organizations. Both the District and the City remain committed to ensuring the transition process is as smooth as possible for user groups and residents of El Segundo. In January 2024, the District indicated that District fields and facilities have not been scheduled past June 30, 2024, and that the District will continue to adhere to their allocation policies AR 1330: Use of School Facilities (Attachment A) and BP 1330: Use of School Facilities Policy (Attachment B). The City's Recreation, Parks and Library and the District's Chief Business Officer will meet prior to the summer scheduling of fields. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Communication Objective 1A: El Segundo provides unparalleled service to all customers. Objective 1 B: El Segundo's engagement with the community ensures excellence. PREPARED BY: Brandee Thornton, Sr. Admin Specialist REVIEWED BY: Aly Mancini, Recreation, Parks and Library Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. AR_1330_Use _of_School _Facilities 2. BP_1330_Use_of School_FaciIities_Policy Page 199 of 218 Book B. Administrative Regulations Section 1000 Community Relations Title Use of School Facilities Number AR 1330 Status Active Legal CSBA 02/2010 Adopted June 13, 2017 Last Revised June 13, 2017 Last Reviewed June 13, 2017 AR 1330 Use of School Facilities The Board authorizes the use of school facilities by district residents and community groups for purposes specified in accordance with Education Code 38133 et seq. (Civic Center Act), to the extent that such use does not interfere with school activities or other school -related uses. The District shall retain sole discretion to determine which of its facilities shall be made available for use. Pending no conflict with school activities, outdoor space will be available Monday through Friday from 3:00 until 9:00 p.m., Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and Sunday from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Application for Use of Facilities Any person applying for the use of any school facilities or grounds on behalf of any society, group, or organization shall present written authorization from the group or organization to make the application. Persons or organizations applying for the use of school facilities or grounds shall submit a facilities use statement indicating that they uphold the state and federal constitutions and do not intend to use school premises or facilities to commit unlawful acts. Process for Obtaining Facility Request Facilities requests can be obtained from the District's website online at http://www.elsegundousd.net/ under the Business Services tab. Facility use is decentralized and each school location requires an individual request be completed and submitted to the Administrative Designee. When an application is filed and approved, it is considered to be in effect for the period stated on the Use Agreement. No Use Agreement shall be for a period more than one six month period. Requests for Field Space Fields are allocated to groups in six month periods. April 15 through May 31 is the established submission window for Summer/Fall season consideration and September 15 through October 31st is the established submission window for Winter/Spring season consideration. Groups should submit facility request forms to the Administrative Designee at each school site on or before May 31 (for Summer/Fall season consideration) or October 31 (for Winter/Spring season consideration). Facilities requests must be made by signing and submitting an Athletic Field/Facility Request Form, Proof of Insurance, and any applicable fees. Electronic submission to the Administrative Designee at the school site is preferred. Insurance must be included with the facility request to be considered for field allocation. Completed applications submitted by the applicable deadline (May 31 or October 31) will be considered first. Any subsequent applications will be considered on a space available basis. Assignments of field space will take place within two weeks of the deadline and notification Page 1 of 6 Page 200 of 218 to all groups will be distributed. Every effort will be made to accommodate user group's use of fields. Primary season sport and priority status of the organization will be a consideration in allocation of field space, but not necessarily the sole reason for allocation of fields. Other Requests for Facility Use Other requests for use of other school facilities will be considered outside of the window and the Administrative Designee will make every effort to respond to a request for use of the facility within one week of the request being made. Facilities rental is subject to change at any time if school district, school or city event is scheduled. Priority Order: Where the District receives competing requests for the same school facilities or grounds, the Administrative Designee shall generally give priority based on the nature of the program/activity, residency status, and, for youth sports, the primary season, as stated below. Users consisting solely of a clearly identifiable local affiliate of a larger Non -Profit Organization will be considered for priority based on the status of the local affiliate. Definitions 1. The term "District Residents" refers to persons currently residing in the City of El Segundo or enrolled in any District school. The District shall exercise its best judgment in determining percentages of District Residents of each user, and reserves the right to require supporting documentation, e.g. utility bills, government issued photo I.D., school records, certified rosters (when applicable to user group), etc., in order to verify District Resident status. 2. The term "youth" is defined as persons 18 years of age or under. 3. The term "Non -Profit Organization" refers to entities registered as a not -for -profit corporation with the State of California. Non -Profit Organizations must submit the following documentation to allow verification of Non -Profit Organization status. a. State Incorporation registration as a not -for -profit organization. b. Roster of Officers c. Name (s) of person authorized to make facility requests on organization's behalf — must be El Segundo resident. 4. The term "certified roster" is defined as a roster from an outside organization that maintains records for all club teams. For example, Cal South would be the party in charge of all club soccer teams. A certified roster would come from the registrar or District Commissioner who certifies each player's name, age and address of residency. Nature of Program/Actiyity The Administrative Designee shall give priority in the following order: 1. El Segundo Unified School District educational programs or activities (Clubs, class events, athletic teams, etc.) 2. Pursuant to Joint Use Agreement, the City of El Segundo, Recreation and Parks Department programs or leagues 3. School and District support groups (PTA, PTO, Booster support groups) 4. Non -Profit Organizations whose primary purpose is to serve youth and whose enrollment consists of youth who are at least 50% District Residents, and where no fee is charged, e.g. Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts. 5. Non -Profit Organizations whose primary purpose is to serve youth and whose enrollment consists of youth who are at least 75% District Residents. Such organizations must be organized and operated by parent/adult volunteers, must utilize volunteer coaches, must have volunteer board members, and must follow an "open enrollment" and "everybody plays" philosophy, e.g. Pop Warner, AYSO, Little League, ASA, etc. In addition, when city field space is being used by such organizations and is found to be reserving a preponderance of fields and times within the city, they may be denied available space at the high school. 6. Non -Profit Organizations whose primary purpose is to serve youth and whose enrollment consists of youth who are at least 50% District Page 2 of 6 Page 201 of 218 Residents. Such organizations may include selective enrollment, membership fees, paid coaches, or paid board members, e.g. club sports, travel ball, soccer clubs, all-star clubs, etc. 7. Non -Profit Organizations whose primary purpose is to serve youth and whose enrollment consists of youth who are less than 50% District Residents. 8. Other organizations (including organizations primarily serving adults and for -profit organizations). A separate fee schedule applies to these entities. Where multiple users with the same priority seek limited space, the Administrative Designee may will first allocate space based on percentage of District Residents (e.g. allocating a greater percentage of space, or all space, to the user(s) with the greatest percentage of District Residents). Anneal Process Concerns regarding field allocation or facility use should be directed first to the Administrative Designee at the school facility responsible for filed allocation or approval of facility use requests. If the concern is unable to be resolved between site personnel and the user group, the user group may appeal to the school principal. The decision of the school principal will be final. Priority Based On Primary Season The Administrative Designee shall give priority to youth sports activities in their primary season, as follows: Fall Season: Football/ Soccer/Volleyball Winter Season: Basketball /Soccer Spring Season: Soccer/Lacrosse/Track/Volleyball/Baseball Custodial Services Unless waived by the Superintendent or designee or unless specifically noted elsewhere, there shall be a charge for custodial service in accordance with the Statement of Use Charges. The assigned custodian, at the discretion of the site administrator shall be responsible for verifying the organization's authorization to use facility or grounds, making the necessary arrangements to accommodate the meeting, cleaning and returning the facility to proper condition for school use, reporting any deviations or departures from established rules, regulations and policies, and performing all services necessary for the intended use. Cafeteria Services and Use of Kitchen Facilities A supplemental application for cafeteria services or kitchen use shall be submitted with the Use of Facilities Application. The Superintendent or designee shall make the final determination approving or denying the requested use. Kitchen use applications shall be available in both the Child Nutrition Office and online at the El Segundo Unified School District website. Kitchen facilities are available under limited circumstances by Organizations subject to the following conditions: 1. Applications shall be processed through the Assistant Superintendent -Chief Business Official not less than (3) weeks prior to the date of need. 2. The use shall cause no interference with the school child nutrition program. 3. All food and supplies shall be furnished by said Organization. No food or supplies shall be purchased from the cafeteria stock. Unless permission is granted by the Director of Child Nutrition or Designee, Organizations using kitchen facilities shall not use dishes, cooking and eating utensils, dish towels and cloths or other supplies owned by the District. 4. A cafeteria employee, assigned by the Superintendent or designee, shall be on duty at all times. The chargeable personnel costs associated with this personnel assignment shall be based on current daily/hourly rates, including fringe benefit costs and overtime rates shall apply. 5. The cafeteria employee assigned to the kitchen, shall be responsible for advising the Organization of the proper use of the cafeteria equipment, and shall see that District property is protected and that District supplies are not used. Page 3 of 6 Page 202 of 218 6. Cafeteria personnel shall not assume responsibility for the preparation or serving of food or any of the cleaning duties. 7. Regulations set by the Los Angeles County Health Department and the California Health and Safety Code and the Restaurant Act of California shall govern food handlers when using school facilities. 8. Use of kitchen facilities shall be confined to adults. 9. Kitchen facilities shall be left in a clean and orderly condition. Failure to do so is sufficient cause for denying future use to that Organization and the Organization shall be charged for the labor involved in returning the kitchen to District standards. Special Equipment Use Special equipment used by the District shall be used by Organizations on the following conditions: 1. Permission is secured from the person who has jurisdiction over the equipment. 2. The Organization assumes the responsibility for such equipment supplied and agrees to repair or replace any equipment which might be damaged, lost or stolen while under its jurisdiction. 3. The Organization requesting the use of the equipment certifies that a qualified person shall operate it. Operation of projectors must be by a qualified person, subject to approval of the site administrator. 4. Computer laboratories shall not be available for use under the Civic Center Act. Furniture and Equipment No electrical, mechanical, or other equipment shall be brought on to a school site without the prior approval of the administration. In the event equipment is allowed to be brought onto District facilities, the District shall not be liable for any damage to the equipment or to the facilities by use of such equipment. District owned equipment and furniture shall be used by Organizations on the following conditions: 1. Requests for use of furniture and equipment shall be included on the Application and Agreement for Use of School Facilities. 2. The person who has jurisdiction over the equipment shall review all applications requesting use and shall recommend approval or denial of the requested use. 3. Use of equipment and furniture constitutes a direct cost to the District. Organization shall pay for personnel needed to set up furniture and equipment. 4. The Organization assumes the responsibility for such equipment supplied and agrees to repair or replace any equipment which might be damaged, lost or stolen while under the control of the Organization. 5. The Organization requesting the use of equipment certifies that a qualified person shall operate it. Operation of projectors must be by a qualified person, subject to approval of the site administrator. The District shall require the Organization to pay for personnel needed to operate certain specialized equipment. 6. Organizations using facilities which include a stage shall not remove or displace any furniture, pianos, or other stage equipment or make changes in curtains, lights, ceiling pieces, backdrops or other props without prior approval, and then, only under the direct supervision of the school employee in charge. 7. Furniture and equipment available for use shall be only that which is already available at the site requested. School furniture and/or equipment is not available for use off District sites. Civic Center Use Subject to district policies and regulations, school facilities and grounds shall be available to citizens and community groups as a civic center for the following purposes: (Education Code 32282, 38131) 1. Public, literary, scientific, recreational, educational, or public agency meetings Page 4 of 6 Page 203 of 218 2. The discussion of matters of general or public interest 3. The conduct of religious services for temporary periods, on a one-time or renewable basis, by any church or religious organization 4. Child care programs to provide supervision and activities for children of preschool and elementary school age (cf. 5148 - Child Care and Development) (cf. 5148.2 - Before/After School Programs) (cf. 5148.3 - Preschool/Early Childhood Education) 5. The administration of examinations for the selection of personnel or the instruction of precinct board members by public agencies 6. Supervised recreational activities, including, but not limited to, sports league activities that are arranged for and supervised by entities, including religious organizations or churches, and in which youth may participate regardless of religious belief or denomination A community youth center (cf. 1020 - Youth Services) 8. Mass care and welfare shelters during disasters or other emergencies affecting the public health and welfare (cf. 0450 - Comprehensive Safety Plan) (cf. 3516 - Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness Plan) 9. A ceremony, patriotic celebration, or related educational assembly conducted by a veterans' organization A veterans' organization means the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars, Disabled American Veterans, United Spanish War Veterans, Grand Army of the Republic, or other duly recognized organization of honorably discharged soldiers, sailors, or marines of the United States, or any of their territories. (Military and Veterans Code 1800) 10. Other purposes deemed appropriate by the Governing Board Restrictions School facilities or grounds shall not be used for any of the following activities: 1. Any use by an individual or group for the commission of any crime or any act prohibited by law 2. Any use which is inconsistent with the use of the school facilities for school purposes or which interferes with the regular conduct of school or school work 3. Any use which involves the possession, consumption, or sale of alcoholic beverages or any restricted substances, including tobacco, including e-cigarettes (cf. 3513.3 - Tobacco -Free Schools) However, the Superintendent or designee may approve the use of district facilities for special events that may involve the acquisition, possession, use, or consumption of alcoholic beverages when the event is covered by a special events permit pursuant to Division 9 of the Business and Professions Code and will occur at a time when students are generally not on the school grounds. (Business and Professions Code 25608) Any such use of school facilities shall be subject to any limitations that may be necessary to reduce risks to the district and ensure the safety of participants, as determined by the Superintendent or designee. Applicable limitations shall be clearly stated in the facility use agreement to be signed by the user's representative. The district may exclude certain school facilities from non -school use for safety or security reasons. While the District encourages widespread use of all District facilities by the community, the District desires to limit usage during those periods when the facilities are not used for school purposes in order to realize energy cost savings and facilitate facility cleaning and maintenance. School facility use shall be limited during summer, spring, vacation periods, and maintenance periods to ensure proper care and restoration of the campus occurs. Damage and Liability Groups, organizations, or persons using school facilities or grounds shall be liable for any property damage caused by the activity. The Page 5 of 6 Page 204 of 218 district may charge the amount necessary to repair the damages and may deny the group further use of school facilities or grounds. (Education Code 38134) Any group or organization using school facilities or grounds shall be liable for any injuries resulting from its negligence during the use of district facilities or grounds. The group shall bear the cost of insuring against this risk and defending itself against claims arising from this risk. (Education Code 38134) Groups or organizations shall provide the district with evidence of insurance against claims arising out of the group's own negligence when using school facilities. (Education Code 38134) User group shall secure and maintain throughout the period of facility use agreement, general liability insurance with policy limits on not less than $1,000,000 per occurrence. The El Segundo Unified School District, and school site location, shall be named as additional insured. As permitted, the Superintendent or Administrative Designee may require a hold harmless agreement and indemnification when warranted by the type of activity or the specific facilities being used. Adequate Supervision of Youth Organizations Youth organizations must have adequate adult sponsorship and supervision. Adequate supervision shall be not less than one adult per 20 children during the facility use period. Care of Field and Facility: Each school location has the right to impose site specific rules and regulations in order to ensure care of the field and facility. These rules will be provided to the user group in writing prior to use. Please leave school immediately after games and practices safely and quietly, especially after late games. For the benefit of our community, please practice being good neighbors in residential neighborhoods. Be respectful and park your vehicle in designated areas only. No vehicles are allowed on District fields or property without written permission noted on the permit issued by the Administrative Designee. El Segundo Unified School District asks all user groups to institute a field clean up policy that will be enforced for both games and practices. It is each user group's responsibility that the following is met: ❑ Following a game or practice, teams are responsible for picking up all trash and debris at or around the field or practice site. This applies whether the trash was there before the game or practice commenced. In such cases please document with pictures and letter to facility manager. ❑ Each Coach/manager is responsible for making sure this policy is strictly enforced and adhered to by coaching staff and players. District or site personnel will monitor games /practice and facilities to ensure policy is being followed. Violations will be documented and sent to facility manager. Failure to Care for Field or Facility: Failure for user groups to take proper care of field or facility will result in a violation of the user agreement. Violations will be applied when rules and regulations of this policy are violated by User Groups. The school district reserves the right to cancel or suspend facility permits for all uses (games/practice) based on violations of the allocation policy. Field or facility use permit forfeiture shall be enforced up to a six month period. 1 st Violation: Verbal warning to organization in violation of user group allocation. 2nd Violation: Written warning via letter/email of violation of user group allocation. 3rd Violation: Second written letter /email of violation of user group allocation and possible suspension of permit. 4th Violation: Suspension of permit allocation, meeting with school designee to discuss violation of user group allocation 5th Violation: Forfeiture of permit allocation Use of Facilities Fee Schedule.pdf (67 KB) Page 6 of 6 Page 205 of 218 Book A. Board Policies Section 1000 Community Relations Title Use of School Facilities Number BP 1330 Status Active Legal EDUCATION CODE 10900-10914.5 Community recreation programs 32282 School safety plan 37220 School holidays 38130-38138 Civic Center Act, use of school property for public purposes BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE 25608 Alcoholic beverages on school premises GOVERNMENT CODE 54950-54963 the Ralph M. Brown Act MILITARY AND VETERANS CODE 1800 Definitions CODE OF REGULATIONS, TITLE 5 14037-14042 Proportionate direct costs for use of school facilities and grounds UNITED STATES CODE, TITLE 20 7905 Equal access to public school facilities COURT DECISIONS Good News Club v. Milford Central School, (2001) 533 U.S. 98 Lamb's Chapel v. Center Moriches Union Free School District, (1993) 508 U.S. 384 Cole v. Richardson, (1972) 405 U.S. 676 Connell v. Higginbotham, (1971) 403 U.S. 207 ACLU v. Board of Education of Los Angeles, (1961) 55 Cal .2d 167 Ellis v. Board of Education, (1945) 27 Cal.2d 322 ATTORNEY GENERAL OPINIONS 82 Ops.Cal.Atty.Gen. 90 (1999) 79 Ops.Cal.Atty.Gen. 248 (1996) Cross References CSBA PUBLICATIONS Maximizing Opportunities for Physical Activity Through Joint Use of Facilities, Policy Brief, February 2010 Building Healthy Communities: A School Leader's Guide to Collaboration and Community Engagement, 2009 WEB SITES CSBA: http://www.csba.org California Department of Education: http://www.cde.ca.gov Adopted Last Revised Last Reviewed June 13, 2017 June 13, 2017 June 13, 2017 The Governing Board recognizes that school facilities and grounds are a vital community resource which should be used to foster community involvement and development. Therefore, the Board authorizes the use of school facilities by district residents and community groups for purposes specified in accordance with Education Code 38133 et seq. (Civic Center Act), to the extent that such use does not interfere with school activities or other school -related uses. The District shall allow the use of its facilities in accordance with other provisions of the law as well. The District shall retain sole discretion to determine which of its facilities shall be made available for use. (cf. 6145.5 - Student Organizations and Equal Access) The purpose of this policy is to provide a framework that the site administrator/designee at all district facilities will follow in order to ensure consistent application of the policy and regulation. For the effective management and control of school facilities and grounds, the Superintendent or designee shall maintain procedures and regulations that: (Education Code 38133) 1. Aid, encourage, and assist groups desiring to use school facilities for approved activities 2. Preserve order in school facilities and on school grounds and protect school facilities, designating a person to supervise this task, if necessary (cf. 0450 - Comprehensive School Safety Plan) (cf. 3516 - Emergencies and Disaster Preparedness Plan) Pagel of 3 Page 206 of 218 3. Ensure that the use of school facilities or grounds is not inconsistent with their use for school purposes and does not interfere with the regular conduct of school work Subject to prior approval by the Board, the Superintendent or designee may grant the use of school facilities or grounds on those days on which district schools are closed. (Education Code 37220) (cf. 6115 - Ceremonies and Observances) As necessary to ensure efficient use of school facilities, the Superintendent or designee may, with the Board's approval, enter into an agreement for the joint use of any school facilities or grounds. The Board shall approve any such agreement only if it determines that it is in the best interest of the district and the community. Such joint agreements have been reached between the City of El Segundo and the school district. (cf. 1330.1 - Joint Use Agreements) The Superintendent shall adopt an administrative regulation specifying priority order where competing requests are received for the same school facilities or grounds. Site facility requests are decentralized and field allocation or facility use requests are processed and assigned by the Administrative Designee at each school site location. FEES: The Board believes that the use of school facilities or grounds should not result in costs to the district. The Superintendent or designee shall charge all groups granted the use of school facilities or grounds under the Civic Center Act an amount not exceeding direct costs determined in accordance with 5 CCR 14037-14041. (Education Code 38134) The Board shall adopt a comprehensive schedule of fees to be charged for community use of school facilities and grounds, including, but not limited to, the multipurpose room(s), playing or athletic field(s), track and field venue(s), tennis court(s), and outdoor basketball court(s). The schedule of fees shall be prepared in accordance with 5 CCR 14037-14041. (5 CCR 14041) Fee schedule may vary based upon site specific features which contribute to additional direct costs. All costs associated with the use of the facility will be embedded into a single hourly rate of usage. (cf. 9320 - Meetings and Notices) CATEGORY 1: Free Use Groups When an alternative location is not available, the Board authorizes the use of school facilities or grounds without charge by nonprofit organizations, clubs, or associations organized to promote youth and school activities. As specified in Education Code 38134(a), these groups include, but are not limited to, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, El Segundo Education Foundation, American Youth Soccer, parent -teacher associations, and school -community advisory councils. However, free use groups will be charged for direct costs for salaries of employees for any request that requires services beyond the normal duties of the employees or the standard hours of operation for the site. The District retains the right to designate or specify free use groups in its sole discretion, consistent with the Civic Center Act and any other applicable law. ($10.00 per participant and direct charges for each six month field allocation period) CATEGORY 2: Direct Cost Groups The Board authorizes the use of school facilities or grounds at a cost not to exceed direct costs by other groups, including nonprofit groups not organized to promote youth and school activities or for -profit groups that request the use of the school facilities under the Civic Center Act. Additionally, when any use of school facilities or grounds is for religious services, the district shall charge an amount at least equal to the district's direct costs. (Education Code 38134) (See Fee Schedule) CATEGORY 3: Fair Rental Value Groups The Board shall grant the use of school facilities or grounds at fair rental value by groups using school facilities or grounds for entertainment or meetings where admission is charged or contributions solicited and net receipts are not to be Page 2 of 3 Page 207 of 218 expended for charitable purposes or for the welfare of the district's students. (Education Code 38134) (See Fee Schedule) CATEGORY 4: Internal School -Related Organizations The Board shall grant the use of school facilities or grounds without charge to school -related organizations whose activities are directly related to or for the benefit of district schools. Direct Costs In determining direct costs to be charged for community use of each, or each type of, school facility or grounds, the Superintendent or designee shall calculate, in accordance with 5 CCR 14038, the community's proportionate share of the following costs: (Education Code 38134; 5 CCR 14038-14041) 1. Capital direct costs calculated in accordance with 5 CCR 14039, including the estimated costs of maintenance, repair, restoration, and refurbishment of non -classroom space school facilities or grounds However, capital direct costs shall not be charged to organizations retained by the district or school to provide instruction or instructional activities to students during school hours or for classroom -based programs that operate after school hours, including, but not limited to, after -school, tutoring, and child care programs. (5 CCR 14037) (cf. 5148 - Child Care and Development) (cf. 5148.2 - Before/After School Programs) 2. Operational direct costs calculated in accordance with 5 CCR 14040, including estimated costs of supplies, utilities, janitorial services, other services of district employees and/or contracted workers, and salaries and benefits paid to district employees directly associated with the administration of the Civic Center Act to operate and maintain school facilities and grounds Direct cost fees shall not be discounted to any group or organization except when the discount is specifically authorized in the adopted fee schedule. (5 CCR 14041) Expending Funds Collected as Capital Direct Costs Any funds collected as capital direct costs shall be deposited into a special fund to be used only for capital maintenance, repair, restoration, and refurbishment of school facilities and grounds. (5 CCR 14042) Page 3 of 3 Page 208 of 218 M M City Council Agenda Statement E L S E G U N D O Meeting Date: February 6, 2024 Agenda Heading: Staff Presentations Item Number: D.13 TITLE: Establish a Special Projects Administrator Classification (Part -Time) and Accompanying Basic Hourly Salary Range RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve establishment of the Special Projects Administrator (Part -Time). 2. Adopt a resolution establishing the basic hourly salary range for the Special Projects Administrator (Part -Time). 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: Establishing the Special Projects Administrator (Part -Time) classification does not result in an additional fiscal impact. Salary savings from vacant positions will be used to offset the cost of temporarily hiring candidates into this position. BACKGROUND: The Human Resources Department is committed to improving and enhancing recruitment and selection initiatives using industry best practices. Since the COVID-19 pandemic, the labor market has become increasingly more competitive to attract and hire high caliber candidates. As such, we have adjusted our recruitment strategies to provide more flexibility by conducting searches on a continuous basis and holding multiple panel interviews of candidates from the recruitment pool to ensure the best match for the position. When it is anticipated that there will be a longer time to fill a position, Human Resources utilizes temporary stop -gap measures to provide uninterrupted service to our residents and business community until the vacancy can be filled on a permanent basis. These measures include engaging the services of a consultant/contractor or a temporary staffing service to perform the work needed. While these measures mitigate most Page 209 of 218 Special Projects Administrator (Part -Time) February 6, 2024 Page 2 of 3 temporary staffing needs, there are instances when the position requires specific public sector experience which is typically possessed by a candidate with prior service in the CalPERS retirement system. Candidates with a traditional consultant/contractor or temporary staffing service relationship with the City still have limitations in regard to the performance of work if they are a CalPERS member. Staff is recommending the creation of a part-time Special Projects Administrator classification to provide additional flexibility to directly hire candidates on a temporary basis while complying with CalPERS regulations. DISCUSSION: Various City departments require additional staffing at a higher level to assist with special projects, provide extra help during peak times, or to fill a recruitment while maintaining continuity of work. The City typically engages the services of a consultant/contractor or a temporary staffing agency when this occurs. It is easier to fulfill needs to perform work at the entry-level or when no experience working in a public sector agency is required. When the work requires experience in local government, it is more likely that qualified candidates will be members of the CalPERS retirement system. Consultant/contractors must meet certain requirements under the law and CalPERS so that they are not considered "common law employees." Factors in making this determination include the manner and control of the work performed along with the equipment used. Use of temporary staffing service employees is limited to working less than 1,000 hours in a fiscal year and they cannot be CalPERS members. For either type of employee above, the City would be required to re -enroll them into CalPERS membership. Since they are not City employees, but employees of the consultant/contractor or temporary staffing service who are not agencies contracting with CalPERS, there is no mechanism to comply with this regulation. The remaining option to obtain the services of this type of employee is to directly hire them as a part- time temporary City employee and enroll them into CalPERS. In the last two months, the City has experienced retirements and resignations that will require recruitment to fill the vacancies. Additionally, the Information Technology Services Department is planning to launch implementation of a replacement Enterprise Resources Planning (ERP) system later this year. Both items would benefit from the ability to hire part-time Special Projects Administrators. The salary range for the equivalent part-time Special Projects Administrator would be the same as the full-time position but represented as an hourly rate. Both the full-time and part-time position would utilize the classification specification previously approved by City Council on March 21, 2023. The establishment of the part-time Special Projects Administrator will provide the City with more flexibility in filling staffing gaps and assisting with special projects in support of Strategic Plan Goal 3 to, "Promote a Quality Workforce Through Teamwork and Page 210 of 218 Special Projects Administrator (Part -Time) February 6, 2024 Page 3 of 3 Organizational Efficiencies." CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 3: Promote a Quality Workforce Through Teamwork and Organizational Efficiencies Objective 3A: El Segundo is an employer of choice and consistently hires for the future, with a workforce that is inspired, world -class, engaged and innovative. PREPARED BY: Rebecca Redyk, Human Resources Director REVIEWED BY: Rebecca Redyk, Human Resources Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Resolution Establishing Basic Salary Ranges for Part Time Special Projects Coordinator Page 211 of 218 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING BASIC SALARY RANGES FOR A PART TIME JOB CLASSIFICATION The City Council of the City of El Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council approves the following basic salary ranges: Classification Salary Range Special Projects Administrator (Part -Time) $41.40 - $52.66 Hourly SECTION 2: Authority. The City Manager or his designee is authorized to take any steps necessary in order to effectuate this Resolution. SECTION 3: Construction. This Resolution must be broadly construed in order to achieve the purposes stated in this Resolution. It is the City Council's intent that the provisions of this Ordinance be interpreted or implemented by the City and others in a manner that facilitates the purposes set forth in this Resolution. SECTION 4: Severability. If any part of this Resolution or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION 5: The City Clerk is directed to certify the adoption of this Resolution; record this Resolution in the book of the City's original resolutions and make a minute of this adoption of the Resolution in the City Council's records and the minutes of this meeting. SECTION 6: This Resolution is effective February 6, 2024 and will remain effective unless repealed or superseded. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 6t" day of February, 2024 Drew Boyles, Mayor Page 212 of 218 ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution No. was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 2024, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES- NOES - ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney Page 213 of 218 City Council Agenda Statement F I, F, G t I) O Meeting Date: February 6, 2024 Agenda Heading: Staff Presentations Item Number: D.14 TITLE: Establish an Ad Hoc City Council Subcommittee to Discuss Renewal of the Tax Resolution Agreement No. 4417 with Chevron U.S.A. Inc. RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve the establishment of an ad hoc City Council subcommittee to discuss renewal of the tax agreement with Chevron. 2. Appoint two City Councilmembers to serve on the ad hoc subcommittee. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: None. BACKGROUND: On October 1, 2012, the City of El Segundo entered into a 15-year Tax Resolution Agreement with Chevron U.S.A., Inc. The term of this agreement will end on September 30, 2027. DISCUSSION: City Council requested the establishment of an ad hoc City Council subcommittee to discuss the renewal of the tax resolution agreement with Chevron U.S.A. The subcommittee will work with the City Manager's Office over the next year to review the current agreement, discuss any modifications to be considered and reach out to Chevron management to begin discussions. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 5: Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability Page 214 of 218 Ad Hoc City Council Subcommittee - Chevron February 6, 2024 Page 2 of 2 Objective 5B: El Segundo approaches its work in a financially strategic and responsible way. PREPARED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager REVIEWED BY: Darrell George, City Manager APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None Page 215 of 218 City Council Agenda Statement F 1 F �' t 1) �� Meeting Date: February 6, 2024 Agenda Heading: Staff Presentations Item Number: D.15 TITLE: Waiver of Special Event Permit Fees (75%) for Juneteenth Festival Organized by Local Non -Profit Organization, Black in Mayberry RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve a 75% waiver of special event permit fees for a Juneteenth Festival. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: The waived fees for this event would total approximately $3,000. BACKGROUND: Black in Mayberry, a local non-profit organization, has requested a fee waiver for special event permit fees associated with the Juneteenth Festival, which is scheduled to take place on June 15, 2024, at Recreation Park. Black in Mayberry has hosted several Juneteenth events throughout the South Bay and is planning to host their second Juneteenth Festival in El Segundo. Last year's event received a 75% fee waiver based on the completion of the Fee Waiver Request Form and the Fee Waiver Scorecard. In addition, in 2023, the event organizers received a $5,675 grant from the City's Arts and Culture Committee. DISCUSSION: At its December 19, 2023 meeting, City Council approved the process for non-profit organizations based in El Segundo to request fee waivers for special events. Based on the attached Fee Waiver Scorecard (Attachment 1), a waiver of 75% of fees is recommended for this event. Black in Mayberry also received funding in the amount of $6,000 from the Arts and Culture Committee to support the event. Additionally, the applicant is eligible for a partial fee reduction of park rental fees (50%) by the Director of Recreation, Parks and Library in accordance with the Municipal Code. Page 216 of 218 Juneteenth Festival February 6, 2024 Page 2 of 2 CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Communication Objective 1A: El Segundo provides unparalleled service to all customers. Objective 1 B: El Segundo's engagement with the community ensures excellence. PREPARED BY: Brandee Thornton, Sr. Admin Specialist REVIEWED BY: Aly Mancini, Recreation, Parks and Library Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager /_1i/_TS:I411K11aaQ AI1LI Lem 1Z4Zd11Lyi14z116" a 1. Fee Waiver Scorecard Juneteenth 2024 Page 217 of 218 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FEE WAIVER SCORECARD EVENT NAME & DATE: Juneteenth, June 15, 2024 Category Comments Score ORGANIZATION INFORMATION This section considers the organization's financial status and the percentage of the organization 's funds that are used directly for social programs. Type of Organization Resident / El Segundo Non -Profit (10) El Segundo School Org. (8) Non -Resident Non -Profit (6) 10 Resident Commercial (4) Non -Resident Commercial (2) Other (0) EVENT/PROGRAM INFORMATION This section considers whether or not the event is a fundraiser. It also considers who the event or program is designed for. Fundraising Status Non -fundraising (4) 3 Fundraising for ES Org (3) Fundraising for other (1) Target Audience (Defined as the population that the event or program is intended to serve.) El Segundo Residents (4) 3 General Public (3) Exclusive Use (0) Cost to Participate Free to attend (2) Fee charged (0) 2 CONSIDERATIONS This section considers the perceived benefits and the impacts of the event or pLegram to the residents of the City El Segundo. Perceived Community Benefit Mostly Community (5) Considerable Community (4) 4 Balanced (3) Considerably Individual (2) Mostly Individual (0) Impact Street Closure (4) Property Wear & Tear (4) -2 Sound Impact 0) Other Considerations & Recommendations TOTAL SCORE (out of 25) 20 Total Amount Requested to be Waived 75% Total Amount Waived Level 1 - 25-20 Consider waiving most fees (75%) Level 3 - Consider waiving minimal fees 14-10 (25%) Level 2 - 19-15 Consider waiving partial fees (50%) Level 4 - <9 Do not consider waiving fees (0%) Page 218 of 218