PROOF OF INSURANCE (2024)CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE (MMiDF1'YYYV) 11/412024' THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A WAiTER -- OF INFORMAN TIOONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. --TM—F(5-R—TANT-. If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. if SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder In lieu of such endorsement(s), 'ZONTA CT PR a 0 u C E R NAME: MA VVichita Tearri 1MA, !nc. - Sailt Lake City I PH I or I iE 316 le7-9221 136 E South Temple, Siuite 2300 Saft -c- City UI 84111 halt Lak, . IINSUREHIiSl 6%PFqnrYWG COVERAIA: NA iC 9 ... . . . .. . ............. !NS YREV k INSURER 8 Great North Lai h'i Lira i'GOTTIpany 20303 Live'Oew Fpchnologies. hnc o4siLiar,eic: Fedem� lnonc Corip�ceiy 2028 1 PO Box 971*205 Orern U 11- 84097 INSURER 0 INSURER E THIS IS TO CERI"IFN'THAT POLICff.S 0' INSURANCE USTED SELOW HAVE BEEN iSSiJFD TO rHE INSi.hi::(ED NANAIED ABOVE 'R'bRTHF. F101JCY PERIOD WIDCAN D NOTWIrl-IGIANDING. ANY R'EQLAREMEITI, TERM OR C,0NDINON (')` ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCU4VkENTW11H RE�,,rE(-',T 10'JVlAkIl 7HiS C I RIIFICAVE MAY BE tS','JFD 0Fi MAY PERrAIN, 11HE VqSURANCE AFFORDED BY rHE DESCROED HEREIN 1.3 SlJBJEGFT(-) ALIL THE EXCl. ITONS BEEN FEDUCED GY PAM CtAlh/l& AUDL $UBM POLICY EFF POLICY EXP 3,611 TYPE OF INSURANCE Pro fr V KH I PAU T or A.—�t%'VVYNn LINTS I T- COMMERCIAL GE41ERAL UABUTY 'A.AlRk" NIADF, rS P01 CY ii�_'7 mc H ALITOM066LEUABUTY y Y 73637940 X ANY AU rO Ly%'LNF-0 1nCHEWJILED .1 FOS C',14LY AU FO$ X li(�W (NIVNEP� �U r QS ON L V X DrmPauaLLA UAS X EXCESS UAB ',Erl X RETEN'r NM WOR KERS C."OMIPENSA7 r0fr 71839537 AND UAPi-0YERS'LiABiLrIY y N JNA b ph"alcal I.Mqtaq'. 73 G3 7 94 0 l2110023 Q/Q,2024 EACH DAKA I A 1. 1 . F r()'A FiIrEb 00M (MM PAP'.) Exp 14""vn"r [1, "'wo I ojm C+NURAV N',GHi.(,;A[,- 000 000 121112023 121112 2 24 w"x$,V,VA,k LOM BODUN iNJURY :11er peisno� S 90.yV:-V NKIUP'pw ,.W(L,'q Oleo w-'rfo'q� I "0'? 1 iYI/2024 AGGMQAiL S 10, 00(" "NY) '2/ t f2023 2/U2024 1211p2G23 12M/2024 X "T"4171117- E L AGGIDENI- 'I LIDO 000 i:�1:1,�l-i�,11f,Il!�j�",I::F-� S1 30G GiM P01, CY F.)ESCrllPnONCFOPEP�ATIONS,*LGCATI('.MS!VF.HVC�..ES (ACORD 101, AdditianM Remarks Schodule, rinay beattached f(i more urine "a required) Certificate Holder and all othief parties rea ' iiii ed by the contract -are 'Included as Additional Insured 'Including Ongoing arid Completed Operations on the General I.Jabiliby Policy, if eequred by -written contract or agreemeril, subject to the pokcy te"ns aridoorditions. C,erbi`iicate Holder and all other partiesrequired byte contract pare included Insured on the Automobile Liability arid Umbrella Liability Policies, if required by wru.7en coniract Or agreerrientsubject to the lodicy terris and cor4bons. This insuraoLp is Pririaiv & 11on Contributary on Vne General Liability and Automobile Liability Policies, if required by w0nen contract or agreemt�nt subjecLto th13 policy w'nis and condit)on5. A'0�aiver of Subrogation is provided in favor of the Certificate Holder and all other parties required by the contract on, the General iJabilitv, ALItOrnobilee Liability, Urnbrella Liability and Workers Corripensabon Policies, if required by writTen contract of agreement. subJPct to the policy terms and canditions. Umbrella Liability policy is in excess or the General Liability, Aritornobile Liability and Eniployers I iabilitv Policies, subject to the policy tern'ts and Conditions CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED M El Segundo PD ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. 348 Main St D Segundo CA 90245 AUTH'OfflZED REPRESENTArrVE USA O 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD 30-13: 2 ' of 19 COMMERCIAL GENERAL LI.ABII, '1' ' +;NH.A` C;EMFN'I' ENI)ORSE Mk?N Named insumd Ll!l1 v`1F W TECH d0 ,0G1F, t, IN(" i' u ti Pbmrr%er Frii:.1n w ( V iY2rduv tt of . �r Rurn.<e:rriu�a.P D020757 ` & i -01 2102 3 io 17 -Cr l -"20?4 _0 0_ Nalm •ot,cu nplm+ t..'1fl BB NATIONAL 1N,` URANCE CONIPAT'd7' THIS ENDORSEMENT ENT CHANGES THE POLICY. PLEASE RE AD IT CAREFULLY. This endorsement modifies insurance provided under the following COMMEACIAf GENERAL LIABILITY COVERAGE FORM lfany other ondrarscritent attached to i.his poky ar.rn€nds any provision. also amended by this a;nia. ncerrrcnl. cttdcwts nP nl, them, that other endorsement: controls with. re.s'pect 1-o such provision, and the 4.I angers made by this ecaft.auc;earicat e ndorsernerif ,with rewped, do non. cippb y r .......... .._ _ ..__r Intended In`ur y _ Exce tirfn Form' mmmm _. —. _..... Ww—.. Fx aected!_ — ....... rolsert� I)sEntae C adesed_ll estsonalc Use Force B. Non -Owned Watercraft tinder 55 Feet —...d.—._ I<xceptSon Non -Owned Aircraft...— �_..__ , mm o The Insur�.d ._. I) �antal;e To I'rope�"ty - ['x€e�t�on lFor Iar�es��snent_ ._Dined r �entcd f . _.m _�..._�,.,..—....�.�.�_ .�..,..... _ E. Electronic Bata — Exception For Physical Ii!h ry_To Ia ble Pro erty _ F._... I3an�h��'a lente�i &'retnt5es E'a>xsed Iia Hostile Fire e _ i'ollutaoat... .. ..... _. .._. - �.,�.._. Hostile —. ..� ——..._.._.., ....— .o al I �abdiiv Exceptaan For Insured Contracts G. Personal And Advertisan lnlwury C overa c e C oaatra.tie i ,. _ .... m._ m_..a, ..._ _._. - � P ,._...---...—. lt�ort �;x�senses ,....�.. I. Medical x snits or era e -_ 1pr�.e ears ha � I Sn Bementney PUtvayaents Increased l,imets d, Who Is An Insured — Subsidiaries Or Newly Acquired Or Formed Organizations _ Including New And Existing :subsidiaries Parta _ _. ed Liability Companies Subsidiaries, ,_. _ _ „aers iias, .loint Ventures, Li it.. _......_....._... _ M .. _.......... ......... K. Who Is An Insured %ar€�sla�ees lnc{uding Incidental Healthcare Professional Services m._. .. ....._ I_ Additional Insureds C.o trolli Interest Lessors Of {eased ! ualrrnent °Managers Or Lessors €3f Premises, ortg �tsst ne.. Or Receiver Otbcr Pcrsoaas L�rC�r�_ .�--------a$naLatipn� Plkr, _.. ._ _, w_ _ _..�. � �..� ._ .... .. ......._.,, .. ...W...., scant To A Contract Or Agreement mmm Trade Show Event Lessor Vendors M. __._... l:.x rsc Limit�Sl 1ptld'k„____..___ m_._._ _ ..�.�... _.. — __. Qf Occurrence N._IenoavledciN�rtice . _ _ . .... _ i'ra ary And Ion► Co tri utory P. Unintentional actr Failure To Disclose hazards r ._.. a oad.._ .�,. .w.....__�.,_..._.�_�...�.._._....._M. � ......m. �v C`onr •__ _ � `giver a f Subro�Ataor.� re �_...g _ ... �. R. In Near S �%'nvera...a,¢rrtaar��-Li_ited Worly>ideT. m._........� —... _ ._...._.__._....__._._,.,. _..._._.�..� Insured Contract Amended — Railroad Limitations € �.av�ec��.W�W_.....�,,,—.,,,,,.._...,,,,,, A. Expected Or Intended Injury— Excepts _ .For Props a ,. _ lr p Exception For Property arrange ('ase�l y Reasonable t lie fat° Farce Exclusion a. under IParagraph 2. Exclusions of Section I — Coverage A — Bodily Injury And Property Damage Liability is deleted and replaced by the fcallt;wing— CH CG 04 0001 0320 Includes copvrighted raatcrial of insuran e.. ,Services Cllficc;, with its permission.. pa.gc 1 of 3073: 3 of 19 a, Expected Or Intended lnjury "Bodily in., 3 !rfy dlanaage�l expected or interldedfiraiii tho standpoint of tho insured, even if thol,ictual jurly or pror L Z�, _b.Cj(j'jY I 'Llry­ -ty -" is of difftereat degree or type than ritended oi- expectod, "Hir's oxclusion l . E ij or "propei da.maoc I i 3 dos not apply to lbodfl,y injury" (if, `proporiy darnage" resulfing from the: use ol, reascmable force Co prot,�ct Persons cn. property, B. Non -Owned Watercraft Under i5 Feet Par- agraph of Exclusion g. under Paragraph 2, Exclusions Of Section I - Coverage A - Bodily Injury And Propertly Damage Liability is deleted arid replaced by the tbllowllig. " l`i'iis eaXclusron does Tiot apply to: (2) A watcrcraffl you do nol own Nial is: ga) Less, than 55 t'eef long, and (b) Not beiII2 Uscd to cart-v persons or property for as change; C. Non -Owned Aircraft Exception [xclusiun g. under Paragraph 2. Exclusions (,)�-Seefion I - Coverage A - Bodily Injury And Property Damage Ualulitv is anacnded lo include the following exception: I This tfxclusjon does nol. at.),ply to: (6) Ali ai.rcraflf you do inot own providcd: (a) The Piloll in command holds a currertly effective certificlue, issued by the duty constituted authority of -the United States ,.)f Arlietica oi-C'."anada, desigriating that riers(M as, s cornincrcial or airline tiansport pilot: (b) H iy ren_kud with a trained, paid crow: and (c) It dogs not trauspot, pursvris or curgo lot a chargc, 1). Damage To Property - Exception For Equipment Loaned Or Rented To The Insured [xclusion j. under Paragraph 2. Fxeiusions opt` Section I - Coverage A -- Bodily Injury And Property Darnage Liability is arnendcd to include the F61[owing excep'6011: Paragraphs (3) and (4) of this cxcunion. do not apply to "property damage" to equipment reniud or loaned to the 2nsured, provided such ql.opfl!Cnt is not being ri.sed In perform any operations at a construction Job sitc E. Electronic Data - Exception For Physical Injury ToTaniffible Property Exclusion p, under Paregraph 2. Exclusions, ofSection I - Coverage A - Bodily Injury And Property Damage Liability is deleted and replaced by the !'Mcm ing- p. Electronic Einta Demages arising oLA or' the Ions of, kISS Of Use of, darwail-1,e lo, corruption of, Inability to access., orinabitity to z3-linipprikic electrortic data. Ilov,rever, this r,xcluiron do)�-s imt appty teo: (1) "Bodily injury"; or (2) Physical rr7jury to tawylible property, As used in this exclusion, electronic data means information, facts or prograins stored as ar on, created or used on, or transt-nitted to or r-rom computer sof1warc, inchiding systerns and applicafions soilwarc, hard or floppy disks, CD-ROMs, tapcS.. drives, cells, data processing dcviecs or any other media which are wscd with cluctronic,ally controlled cqUipnient. F. Pollution - Exception For Damage To Rented PremNes Caused By Hostile Fire Exclr16c,)n f. iander Paragraph 1 Exclusions of Section I - Coverage A -- Bodily Injui- y And Properq Damage I ziability is amendcd to irickide the fiaMwing excepticm� C13 CG 04 0001 0320 Includes copyrighted material o Nnsu ra lice ServiccS Of Ice. With its permission, Ila­c 2 (&9 1 3Cj73: 4 ' of 19 This exclusion does, not apply to "propcoy daniage" u.-) pretnises while rented to you or ternpoiarily occupied by you with the perrrussio;l of the owner and caused bY a "hostile explosion, smoke or loiikal-e fi-om kre proieo6ori G. Personal And Advertising InJury CoT,,erage — Contractual Liability Exception For Insured Contracts, Exclusion eundcr Panugraph 2. Exclusions of Section, I -- Uoverage B — Personni And Adyertising Injury Lijbiliti, is dtdeied and replaced by (!to (bllowinl-. ContractuO Liability "Personal and udvcrtising injury" 11or 1.vhich ilic nisured has assurned liability in a contract or agivernent. Ihis exclusion does no[ apply to liabl"it-y flor damages: (1) That the insured would havc, in thc, abscricc. of the contract Ur agreenwilt; or (2) Assurned itit a written contraGt or agreeinent that is an "insured contract" provided the -pe-rsonal and adveytising injury" is caused by an offonsc finit coninnuod after the execution of the contract or avrClcn-i;,nL i I - H. MedicA Expenses Coverage --Three Vears To Repuqrt Expenses, Subparagraph La.(b) Under Section I — Coverage C — Medical PaYnaents is deleted and replaced by the foflowtng� (b) The expenses tffe Incurcod and rtporled it) us within three years oftho date of the accident, and I 1. SuplAemenifary Payments — Increased Limits Paragraph 1, under Section I - SgajipleiineiritanPayments --Coverages A And R is deleted and, n.,placcd by the rol lowing, Z� L Wo %&.illi pay.'with respect to any claini wo. investigate', or settle, or -any "suit" against an, insutect we defciid, a. All expenses we MCM- b, The cost o, (1) Bad bonds; or (2) Bonds required to: (9.) Appeal Judgineras; or (b) Release artachments, but orAv I -or bond arnounts. withii., the available lintit We do not have to furrush these bonds. c. All reasonable cxpenses iticurred by the nisured It Our request to assist us to t1he investigation or det�ense or the claim m ""suit", including actualoss d,fearrungs tip to 51,000 a day bc-causo oftHvic ofif froin work, d. All court costs to agalus-, ,,he Insured in the "suir, e. Prejudgrnent interest awarded again'st the insured on, that part of thejudgrrient we pay Hwe make an offer 1c) pay the applicable 11inil of'insuraneu, we will not pay any prejudgclinew interest based on that period of time after the offer. L All interest an the I`UH amount of any judginerit that accrues after entry ofthe judgment and, betIMC, WC fla'VC paid, offered to payor depositcd in c-ourt the part of the Judali-nent that is within the applicable firnit of insurance. ,L Who Is An Insured -- Subsidiaries Or Newly Acquired Or Formed Organizations — fpciuding New And Existing Subsidiaries, Partners hips, Joint Ventures, Limited Liability Companies Paragraph 2. under Section 11— Who Is An lns4wed is dclMcd and replaced by the followincy: z� 2, if thee.- is noother rnsurrincea-rallable.. each of the following is.also aNanwd lnsuwed: a. A subqidiat-y or-aidzafion of the f-irst Named Insured shown in the DecWatlofis of which, at the bef.-inning of the policy period -and at tile tirtie of loss, the first Nained Insured controls, eaher directly or indirec-ity, rnore than 50 percert, ofthe interesta critifled to vote generally in the election of the governirio body ol'such CB CG 04 0001 0320 Includes cop,Y righwd mat,,,fial of Insurance Scrvices Office, with it--, perniissiono Page 3 a 3073: 5 ' of 19 organizkiti(..)na or Ia. A subsidicuy organim"a of we Ent 31�".'ulwdr hl.suxed shov-vn. ua the DMarations duat tfi,u first Nurned, Muted arquAs or Imm dwNg be pohey period, if at: the dinc afhss the Rmt Nanwd Qued amUM, eidD,,,r cfir(;�t.Ay or indirectly nwn3 Twi 50 pwrmd of be imemms eMiNd to wmqe generaHy in The ch.,.-,ction of the goveimgng body or,�,,FanizDfion,. K. WIlo Is An InswK -- Employm Including Widutul lleaKheare Safenional Serwhes PaMgMph Ia. moor Sechan 11 -- Who Is An Insured is debted mid rcoaced by the Woming 3. P,'aauh ofthe is Oso art insurc& a. Your "Crrqllq:aYees" bw arly Rw aa, "'6thin f.he sccq.oe of fhe.'r enrpk)ywent by you or wfifle perform4ig Wes rdand to the conduct afyour bmAnx Howma. no "empWyee!" is an bsumd kw: A you to any oFymwdhvdom-, awmgaw nwmWm, --tl exacurive n.ot an "ernployeel") (.,)r to any co-"empk)yee," vdiik,, su(.A,, ir�jured penwn is Ether �in the --ourse of h,,is ow, her employrnent car while perforrni.iag duties related to the conduct of your buhies s, (b) A the Mother; chdd, panau, Am or spouse A."such iqjuked person as n conisequ,en.,,ze (A any injluy described in Par-agraph (1)(a) aboveu or For whkh thme i,.; any obtigation to Awe d=mps wAh or repay simmeone We A) must pay dantages because of any iqj w7y deschbed in Pamgmph glen) or (b) above C13 C'G 0A 00t) 1 0320 Includes copyric,,Vat ed matcrull f..)f k1surarlicu seas Officc- with its V: ennission, !:la 4 a f, 9 3W& 6 , 0"9 With respect to Sodify injury" (..Wy, the hrnitado„ describred in Pampaph 3m") abaw do ml VQ to: You or to your directmN mawgern monbars, Nxecutive Warspartners or supendsom as Sure& (H) `(our -ernployce!"-s" as in.,surods, with respect to such dat-nagc.,; caus(A by caidiopuk-nonary le.'suscitation. orfirst aid services adiniiiistered by surh an "ernployee"; or (Hi) Your "ell Ip I oyees" VAU am nums. urnergency nwdical tednilm or riararnedics, as insureds, with iespcct to snch ckirnagos dint aro caumd by pruvi&W or failing to providt prof.'e'."Sionai but ordy Rjou wr no cragrged in the bushew or mmmaimn d4wvang rnedicah parameW, sw0caL %M4 x4ay or nurshig services. (2) "Properry damagu" it) any property OWTiUd, OCCUpied or uscd by you at by any of ynr chmdwx managers, ruernbers, -executive officerl'al-Partners (whether cw not an Nrnphyee-) or by any ofyour "canployees", Tkiis kandalln dws no apoy hYjwpwy darrvage" to mins We rawd to ymi or tempmaNy occupkd by you wkh Q pennission of he owntor, L. Additional Insureds Pura gmph I arlder Section I I Who 1% An Insured is. an-,,Lmdcd by inc k0ing the faHoWn, UnhaMrig InUrmt Any person or crganizabon that has financial control of you or owns, maintains or, controls preinisess whiley.e.ri leasc or occupy such prel-nises, but only vvilh. rQsp,,.,.,ct ro Lhcir fiabduyarrsing om oE (1) Their fiinamcial� cono-4A of y0a., or (2) Pronles they own, mahain or coun-ol vvhde you lease or mcupy Awe pwrnisos. t lowcvcr, no, smch person or wgundation A an knured wTh rvspect to strUCturai a[tcratiolls, rivw Constyuctiuri of derrviAit,ion operations perfonned by or fbi- that por'son or c.)r1ganization. Lusurs Of Leased EquQment Any person ororgunization from whore you Dcasc oquipirriem, bLd. only with respect to the inairuci-lance or usby you of ,such equipi-nent, and any I you my obligmed pursuant to a contact or agreernmt to pmviJe them wWi such insurance as is ;-ifforded by lis Cbmnqe Par, However, no smh puson. or orgmizaGn A an irrsumd With 1-t-'sprcl to an%ccunvnc' that takos pKe, or an offense thilt is corru-nifted, after dw equip.m.c-nt enr,.Js: Nianagers Or U%sors Of Preoi&-, Any person or oymAmIn Awn vvihom you ieasc prtlnnises., bolt oEdy with respect to dw owrwi-ship. maintenarlec. or uw of 10 pmicular part. of such prernises leased 'w you and only` I you are obhgalc-,d PUISUanl to a, contract or agreem, am-e as, is afforded by his Coverage Part. flowever., 110 s'l.11.11 Per'soil Or crrt to pravi6� thent wiih such instun organization isarl iRSUPred wfth respect ro-, (1) An "accurrence' that wkcs place., or an o0brise that is committel after you ccase to be a twitard I swh (2) �N-.nyskructiaral afteration, new construction or dernofition pt rfurined by or an behakaf bein M.oirtgagee, Assiqgynee Or Receiver A mortgagix, assignee or receiver of prcinises, but only with respect lo such mongagew assignee or ruccivar's fiabifity for"bodfly #uvy� -praperly damage" or 'Vemonal and admi-fising injury" arising out c.)f yolv wwnership, nuanorwartm or me of a pimmis" by you4 Howevur, no such person or cargarrintion is an hNumd mdk rcopect U) shuctural akrwtions, new-construc6on ol- &mdhbn oyradons performed bv, cm khOf OR or It swb adlHmial hwurc& Other Persons Or Organizations PiarsuantTo A Contract Or greed nent Amy permit or oTrinkakin OwL you am obligated purmurtra to a contrai.A. Or agreerrient to provide wid-1 sitich insuranceaq is affordrtd by this: polky are irimmeds. CB CG 04 0001 0320 lucludcs copyrighted niate2ial ofinsuzance Se-rvices DMen kWth A ynnission. Paw 5 or,,, 3NI Z of 19 %wever4 Me person or arganhakn is an Isured only: (1) To tjiv Stic-11 contract or agrumnent rquAys tho person or orga&za Am ro be a&mkd on, as an &wred: (2) Bractivirics that did not occuq in whole or in pay, hebn: thu uxecudon DF& conUset or agrecimed; and (3) With rcspcxE ko damages, iuxis, cost or expensc for injury or darnage to whwh I& isaarim apphs. No person or organizahr.ni i_e; ari iirs_ured� (1) 11at is inore speciSaHy KoW wWw aMy oku pmviskn wSadon 11 Who Is an Insured (rr�ga.rdless ot" any finlitatic'm applicpblthereu_)). (2) With resre%;f to any ussunWSn of lhbiky (or anwhtx pawn or organization) by thorn in a con(ract or. agmemers This BOOK does not apply to Me fiability f6r darnages, loss, Cost or expense for irkjuiy or daimage, to which this innuance applies, that rlic person or organizatiori would have in ibe, absence of.'such amhact or agmerrieryt. rrade Show Evey.ft J,essor With rcspec( 10 y,,.kur pzulicipwio.tn iu,. u traok,shoo.` ia,vcyil, as an cxhibitor, presen,(n. or displayer, any person or orgmdmn ulmn jou are mqWred to include as an additional Wnwed, but cmjy wRh aspect to smh perscori or organhakril HAiiny fror "-bodily injury-, "proprty darnage" or "pt-rsorial ;:rrrol advertising, injury" caused by: (1) youracts or ooaissionsof (2) Ile mts or wninions of those ading on yow EMT, in the puRHmmwo uf ymu onVAT opewdons W thu V&c Low mTm promis, dwhg be trKe dmw munt. 11owava no swh person or otgwizaikn is all Immd with rnpml to "bodily i-Fliary" or "prop.-ity darnage" rncludcd wWiin !he "prod ucls-completed operations hazard". Vendms Any persmi or organization who is vendor of "your p-oducts", but only with rtNpecll to hability for "bodily ir1.ruy" eing nu nouwor dihdiibi)vlryp&r V the regular course of Wr bushwss. Flo"vever, no such person or organizatiora is an ins,,tred %,,,ith respect to any: (1) Assumption ofliabifity (olanothtr person or organizaton) by ton I if. emn-act or agrc-enyenl. This lit.v.-itation. does not. apply to the UAdy for dartmges for "bodily iq51jry" or "property dainage" that such persc'n on, orgmizatbri would have in the absence of'strch conlrad. or agi-c-urnerit; (2) Representation warranty unauflhori.zed by your (3) Phybeal or chernical change in "your prodmi" inadt intendonaBy by the vendor;, (4) [Upackaging_ excupt whet-, unpacked solely for the purpus,,, of inspecfion, denion.strat.ion, i.cstiogortfic substituticni v..Pfparis under Emn we and. then repaGkaged in theorirginal conminey, (5) FailurQ to rnake such irsp(.'Cfions, a"4j.1"istnicrim Wsts or suvicingus the vendor hat; a. rocd to make or nonnatly undertakes to make in the usual counse of bmhw,,;in conmdion With the dKIABon or ;Me of "your produeQ (6) De-rryonstration. QW16m, scn,icirig or repair operations, excepi- such opumatim,6 perfonnedt at ffie ",enWs wrnises. in conneSon w pit Me sale of -your produer; or (I Of 'Yom paducts" which, aRa Istribudon or saic by bavc, beo.m [abelod or relabel,:d or used as it cotvaincr,, ing!%Aicia on pan of my olur ling or substance by m Q dw v=dw, firber, no pemon or orb anizaticrty is an, insured From whoin you have acquired "your prodLTi"� or any ingredient, pan or cwtAna cnLering L-Pitf.i., accotinpanying w containing "Yoln- product", Urriftations !�pjfllicable]'o Additional laisure6 With respect any pernmi or organdown t1ml Vallics as an addi%wl hiswed mdu pwagraph 1. a&vq be Ulowing 104ations apply to such inawe& (2B CG 04 0001 0320 inckidn c"ydowd maw&J 9 Wwrartm SwAces 0Xv wUh S pennishn, Page 6 oF9 3073: 8 a19 (1) The Insurance afforded to such adcbtional insured only ap plies. to, the extent per-mit-ted by ikrwand (2) If covcrage provided to the additionai ltl;UrQG IS r,"quired ir,"Y a Contract W, agrcomunt, rlic insuranci- afforded le, i broader than that wh ch you are mquirud by the contract ,UCh additional 'nsured wiH no? bL Or RffrcellneM r.movide tijr site).-, additioned it red Limits Of Insurance Applicable tip Additional I asureds With respect any person or organi.zatic..)­, lhat qualities irs an adcfitionainsured Under paragnaph, L, above, tl-e fiellomnlrr is added to Section 1.11 -- Limits Of Insurance; lfcoventige Provided to the additional inSUP-Nd is rcqUiTCd FV ft COMINPAL Or altyreement, ihc� inos( mewill pay on, behalf' of the adr,11tional insured is the an-murtt o F insuraricC: (1) Required by the contract or agrccnientor (2) Available under the aPplicable llirliis ot'; nsu ra nee: whichever is, less.. Howeve,r, thi. above paragnaph shall not increase the upplicabbo fiinits oi L� %4. Niedical Expense Limit $15,001) Parat v I graph 7. under Section III — Limits Of insurance is arnerided b the fbllowing� The Medical Expense Limit is the greaser of: a. $ 1 5,000� of b. The amount shown in lhe Decfaratrons the Medical Ex ense Lit i P Int, N. Knowledge/Notice Of Occurrence Paragraph 2. modcr Sectkpn IV — Conamercial General Liability Conditions is arnended to includo !be 1oilowing, f. Knowledge of an "occumence" or 4:,,fF,_nso by an agent or "employee" of the instirod will not know ledge by the m. gnsui-ed, unless "exceinive oicc ffr" (whe ther or not an Of Mly 4Y1SUrUd Or cltl : exec Utiv dosigrtev knOWS abOU1 SUCh '_OCQU1TCnCC" or g. Failure Of an agent or "eniployee" of die insured, other than an "executive officer" (,whether or not an mpfoyec") oll'any' insured or art ­execulivc- officer's" dosiDnee, to notify us, of an "occuricricc" oroff',--lisc, dial such P -it will not affoct. the insuraricc affbirdt-d to ymi, erson knows abw h. ll'a claim. Or loss does not reasonably appoir to involvu this insurance. but it later dcvelops into a chairn or to which this insurance appiies, the faflure to report it to 'Lis will not vicilate, this condition, provided th- insurod glvcs us irinnediate notice as soon as Lho nisun.-d is awaru thai this insurance may apply to such loss or clain-s. O� Primary And Non-C'ontribuitory Sul)paragrapli 4,a. under Section IV -- Commercial General Liability Conditions is amended to, include th-t� f0flowing: JIOWeVer, if YOU are obligated to as written contract or agreement to provide a person or organization that is included in Section 11 -- Who Is an Insured with primary insurance SUCK rS is afforded by "his policy., lien this, insurance is prhmmy and we will not wok contribution From insurance. avutilaWc to such person or organizatior- P. Unintentional PHilure I,0 Disclose Hazards Paragraph 6. under Section IV - Commercial General Liability Conditions is amended to include the following: Unintentional fim'!urc of an "wriploYce" of the insured to disclose a hazard or Other maternul inl[brintition will not violate this condition. unless an "exccutive officer"' (whether or not an "employee") of any insured kriow.s about ,stick hazard Or Otl]Ci' Material inforination. Q. Waiver Of Subrogation Required By Contract Piragraph 8. un&r Section IV . (..,'ornanercial General Liability Conditions is deleted:acid!replaced by the C13 CG 04 000l 0320 includ,-s coryrighted mw%.�rial ofinsur-ance SeLvices Office, with its pcnnission. pzwc 7 0[9 RAQW1g: & 'WaNer Of Subrogadon Requim! By Can Woe t W�-� Will V)',jjVC fl)4�: [jLZ4JtS C4"rccov-,,.ny we, u1mmle We hd uplo amWwr pmort a organization, 01, hxss to %vNch this applics, provide4.1 the Nsumd has waked I�.hcir rights c-& n.,,covery ai..r,,.unsi a;kjch pen"'on or owpanization in a cmHmckx agmumera that isoxectited bcforcsich �oss�, To the catm bap. the Nn.sured's rights tc) rcuover aH or f.m.vi of array paymou made under thk Covemp F%ri havc� not been Wyed, thosc, rights, arr, transferred to Thf,., insured mkvr�, do nothing after Pass to impair them, t'v our request, the Lrtsut-d NAM brmg "W or samid thme dghL, ]to aml heip Sus eftron."c fl.-Ilern, 11,1113 p.m,-agr1,,jr.1h PJocsnot apply to Ccwc-ragc Th' Hlovvivlg, is add.w d k; Sudan IV — Commerciat (kneral I.Jabifiry C,'onditions� Any "s-ad." brought a,,,,� an action hi Rem, agaimt any WWOMOR awmd or operarfied by �kxr the insused S1,1-u-Al in aN mspm be Unawd K Me mmc mmma as Kcph mcPSN" wrm bmu& apla dc hm"d. CF, CG (" 00r;.) 10320 helm!" c"rimm mmaw of scrviccs ()fficr, vvLdi its perinnisso'la. Ragcz 8 rX9 3UM: 10 :KM t S. Coverage'Tmilory - Limited WorOdwide Paragnuph, 4. undl�r Seefion V - Definition's i"'; deleted alid replaccd b.y the 4. "Cwenrage tonitury" meami all parts of work.l. cl Howevcv,"4-,,ovorage, lefraot-y" does not inch,ude any: a. "Bocifly ilijuvy" (Jr tak. -praperiy damage" that. es ppace or any cj!ffense con4nitted cait.side ofthe U`n4e'ld Stailes Oat' I Arrx.,,i1ca (inchiding its possessions and tVfTiiofios), CHnada dnd Puerto Rico., uiidess the insuredrt,�,ponsabl'Ny to Pay dasn"..iges, is deterinined by it -m.lit" on the nierits, diat is broulght in the Llfnited States of Anwrica (inch.lding 4s pow-,,essimis (cn-ftoHc,,0, Canada or Puerto Rico- Ov 11), Injury or diarruage 11) connedlclgl )Wdl aply 'Sui[" brough-i maside the United States of kmerica (Ine'61.1chng sts pro,ssessions and towriltorics)- Canada and Puri Rico T. Insured Contract Amended - 11alfrowl Limitations Removed Paragraph 9,. under Seefloia V Definifilons is de%eted and replaced by the f6flowing: 9. "ItmxW c.-onir.act" meam: a.. A orprevni.,,e:,,,.,. b' A sidetrack agrmmevtt; c. An easement or Hcense agreenmr.i6,-,- d., An obligabon, as reqziired by ordinance, to indernnihy a rriunicipafity, except in connecfim wal, work for a municip"flitv; c An elevator i.naij-zic-naace agreernor2u, or f. Any other contract or agremient pertaining to yckur business (including an indernninication. of a Inu.nicipably ill Connection with.. work. perfbirr.ried tor such imunicipahty) in which you assuixic t1w too. kabflit�/ of anoffiier person or organization. to pay daniacw(s. to which Oiiis irsurance app[ie, sustained by as Crdid per -son or organ.lization, "Insured contract" does nof. inelwie fl,iat ypar�. of any ocmtracL or agreernent thar indenan-1-fies at). architect, talgincer cjr Stu VCV(.).' For &i.m.ages ar Psing MO of-. (1) Nel.mring, apjiYov1fl[,g,, Or faifing to prepare or approve, rnaps, dmwing.s, u.,)Pinions, vqx.nts, surve-vS, fick.1 0 mders, chiance ordeni, designs or spec1fications-1 or (2) Giving directions or instn1c6oias, or fiading to give Okem. All oaer'rernas And Conditluns Remain L'Inchariead. Authorized P,&imc�serltafivo CIt CG 04 0001 ()320 hicItudes cupyrightrA material of Insuyancu Scrvices Oflice, with nts pctvnission➢ Page 9 of 9 3071 1-1 - of V kDDITU)NAL INSURED - SCHEDULED PERSON OR ORGANIZATION N=Q Jaw,u0 1 X)2075751 , 72 Q. 11023 v 12010024 124110023 o[ m"�:Kw� HJINLt4A, 110i�,!/V_ NS'jJR..ANTCf,, TIRS ENIMIRSENHUNT (lLkNGESenv P(HACY. PLEASE READ IT CAREFULL) - This endorsonnent nwWHes kiiswamv pvQWd un&r Me hillwlugt C1*4UFRCJAk (WIVERM, 0AHM.FFYCUVHRA(Ai JURNI, FIAPIA)VA FIORNI S(MEDULF instmance as & ruquired v comphic abotiv, �.w shown in dw Docialalkins . .......... am Sdmhk butoniyif5ou arcrequi-red bya arcli inmuminceas isaftirdall bN Wis Covooge tort Flywvmr, be pumm o"iTmUmOn down in Me Schulde is an addilival Wswed wdy: L IN& arm, (mh to Me the persorr or is doscribed in the Schaduk L Vo the cxtent wich smoad or agrecinns ivWums le pumm or`niganization k) he allordal Maws as ail avidivolial inmiver.k I Ar UAKus tat did nct occur. in At& or in [mrL I. Me ext"Im of Me contivel cw agreemuS and .4� ',Xith ic,spcc; lo darnages, kss,�_ Gust. or' expeiise for air, u, or dwnye w UK lk Commy ]wn VNics 1"lc, persHloi C4 Ml ImSLTI'ed uildel'thiS prOVISkin: L TWI 0 mom and anv other 1_nnivisln 48mhun 11 1,; An 111sured (rca'ardless or airy hnidatroa appykczlble thorev)), 2, With ieSICCf i(I alW TISM"CIP60D Of h9dy of amAwr pawn or ugmuzatimi by dwrip in a cwmavl of agrownwril: This lKiKinn Imp ma arTly to Me IiAility bw dampes. Kv, ema w cxpense hm ilm, or danwir, efo Y-vhioh this Cover ape Pas aQes, At the Person ol- orgollization wofflfl litive'. or the 1hsef6ce o"suell CM11=1 M apeenuarm, K Wit respeo any pei,m or organdation At qialihes as an adAtimm! mured in 'his ekadorseillenf. ille f6flowing linut"itionsapply to'';uCh inmired: 1. The mairarme olfc)rded to such additional Isured onk appAs to the extent permitted by in, [read 2. If r cSLuxagc piovided to thi; addloriml hiarud is required b; a ckmiarcl- or ngymmmL am immummm aMa&d k-) such adlivional inssomd vWl no! be broulet Mari tht iA&h I ou am sqdred Q the contact cw grannent tar "06de am %wh viddi6owl irsured C.. With r­e:.,,P,_,,.;4 to dte insurance nfl-oided to there adWitimud thotoilovahg is idled to SmHun Hl— LWdts 01, In-'silrance: H�.'col cra,ee proidol to be addil,ioml Quind is ruigthrod by a cemiract ru agrevrnwL be moq no wiH pq om h&Mf of the additional unmcd is In amowd Absurame: 2. AvllaNe under the aprKable, hinds of inswance- C 0 C G 1"U12 0120 ln&dn ampogUed inwrial slAm"rrm Sw has ClEco w4h is jai mi"Win Pyw 1 W 2 3071 12 ' of Q m1whmer 0 fms TMs Mmmmma Amil not Wimme We uppikable 1knas or insumnee. 11 Ile 515wNg is—w1dc(.1 to ihe O'ther Insurance CondhOn and supumedes any Fitrivismi wi die wmbwq� Biri.micary And Non emirrilmtory kwmamce 116's iast.monce as Immmy to and W owt seA coWOni6im fi,om any othev unsuamce ai-mHabhq to the addsD:oo;nj� Ow ptovkled thw ym, Imm agmaj in as emwml ur apmemew dmil ads hwumme "M hc p6unny and imuld ud seck odm: AHOTu1V=sAid CAmYQ6unsRmnaW Andiurized Representoaim e CB CG 20 0002 0320 Lncladci <x4:y�dgMcd nmiouaB of hi'mr1acc Sco"weg CVLCM Nib in Pei wSwUU,----Nge 2 of 2. ,,W73: 13 , Ofl� DESKONATED LOCAMON OR DESIGNATED PROJECTLIMUTWITH COMBINED r0TA1, AGGREGATE 11fl.,401,001ES. D0207579 1154TE3 121PAQ4 12T4 ' 123 C 111 !13B NATIONAL INS tJrR,....4,N (1,:C(NMPA-N'Y THIS EAUX)RNEMENT CHANCES THE POWN. FWASE READ ur CAREFULLY Ills endurscpment modifies insurance provided under the following. COMMERCIAL LIAB�UTY COVERA(-iE FORM ffiffffifflum Designated Location Designated Projecl: Combined FoNlAggregate Limit: $210VOOO he a Infor.-nation rccvured athis make c W ifn I dmwn w0l be shown in the Dcclmmons', A,. Siuf�jcct to the, Conibined Total Aggrcgale Und Mwwn 1 Ow SAQW ahwq hp[" Usuin of atf daniagcs that the irtsun-d beconnes legally oWigated to pay Rw all KAY homy" mid jroperty datnage" caned by "umusonces" under Scc-tion I - Chwzoge A and in all mx&:al exponsos caused by a0d= under Secdon I - Covcmgc C, whkh can he amibuld ant to a single desi&qi ated "location" ,.)-,A,--rted by or rented to you or opexalions at as singru d,esignated "proji�,,,cC'shuvvn in- drie Schedule abov,-: L A separate Genet -al Aggrcgatc Limit will. appy to cash ""location" or cacl-i "pro�jec'," shown in th�,- Schedt-de ahovc� arid that hmil i:s equal to the Gerwrai in the Dec, lal at r(.)ns. 2. SuNect U) the Fadi Lkeurrowe LhQ and aU oler qQmbk INK Me sepume Gwwm! Aampte WR is dw nwA we will py Rx le smi or W1 doinages G "bodily hQuyP or "property da[T1k1gC" und.,,,r Coverage ek, except in cannehon with "bo&lf Quy" or "property daknag' iwvftided in the "producks.-coinploh operations hazard" zmd for inedical exponses un&,r (..overage C regardIess of the r.turriber of,. no hourods; k ClItims made: or "suits" brought; cm- c. Pmsmw or otVanizations making claitris or bringing "suits" 3. Any paynnents rnade un&r Covemge A or under Ccwerage C shaH mduce the sepamte Gencral Aggrcgate imit Rw duit !mW&W or "pro��ect". Such paynwnts shnH not mduce to Gerrei-al Aggragde U51 show in he Declarafions nor shall they reduce the separvie Chneral Aggregate Lintit fibrany other "location" or 'projec" shown hi the SdwdWe ahove. 4The liniks shiswn. in the Declaradons Rm Each Oemnvne, EMmne To Pwrrdses Ren1d To Yhu and NbAcal Expense continue to apply. However, instoad of bring sulymi to, the GcncraG Aggregate Lunit sjown it] be F)cc!,aiaiion& such lilt W be subject to the jppiicabk separate (jeneral Aggregate Limit. BSubject to, the.',. Conibined Towl AgWoegate Link BUM 01 dW SCIIC(Alk: abovo, ffir the surn of all damages t:hat the insurcd becom.es legally abigated to pay for 0 "bodily injury" (,.ir �'property dainagc" camed by uccurmwts under C13 C(I 25 000:3 0320 Includes copyrightcd 11.111crial sf b15unince C.)f5,x,),vnh its perinisSinn. Page j 9F2 3W& 14 Section I Covt,i-age A and fix- all nied&W eUmses cmwd by w6dmts unde` COVffalge (�% WhiCll CUMVI. b,2 affributed only to operahons aL a An& Wcmion" or a �,ingh, "pr-ojoct" shown iy� the Scheduic above; I,. Any pRyincrits inafic unda Coverage A, C(:q- duma..Yc,; orundef ('70verage C fom(AicaJ expenses sliaH reducc, the amount avalbble under qtlae C;cnersl Aggrogute I imit� and 2. SaC.ji 1,,.tYMCM[S WH nut mducc To smame Gomm! Aggrogaic Lhuh apphcabk M a ingle %Won" or a SO& "Rmyet". C sucCf to the sepanate Cknem! Aggmyc Link and aH other aWhmbk Whs, the Cambbed Wal Aggrugme Limit shosm in the Schodsk abovu is We mog we wdl pay Rx Te combhed stun of afnouraf�, df..,,qc61..wd abov, regardlcss ofth,c_"' nrinibcr of-locai.rons" (.)r-pf,-tjccls-. 1). Any p..aymen.U.i w,.,, make Aw '%odily hjwy" or 'Yropedy damage" in.cludQd in the pu°oducs.sa,crtaupkl fcd c,,pera6omi hazud W nAmm be ProduchlImpleted Operaiions, Aggrugpite Limit regardless of the number vil ur projects", and not reduce be (knenal Aggmgdc Lhht wr Me sMwate C;enerai Aggregat�� Liinit apphcable to I singe 10cafion." cw a Single "Projer, E. If the aNikabic, "ppqjec[." has been abandonel deiayc& or abandoneri and then ,c-starwdl, ov if the au.thorezi--d cor,Mactikag, p4rtius dwviwc Emn maw. bluepiinK designs. Spyinctifions or linictablc�s. the "pr��jmw t" ilt be deemed to be the sarne "prc�jec-,V', TrojekC' shafl be deomed to include, coHecfiveiy, all "Ioc�ations` and sites (..�n which you am pebxrning operations lot are caHed Or in, die applrcabk- CD11tracts oragrcernelms �xrtaining 'n such WKW F., Fof the ym.v.pose.,.-i of Oijs endorsenient, Bhe Deraidtions Section is aniencled by ffi,e additimi of` the dehb%m ".1-0cation" meei is prernise-,, kwWkg to same or connectii--2, k3ts,; or pre.,uirse whose connection is inanapted unly by a streer, roadway, t,vatervvay (),r rig1h.t-(,,,f-xay c)fa raihroad 'Trc>jecl" rowans a project (sting pWcc away froln prennisv.,;'s 0'dvned by or renred lo yon) on wl' h you are l-,wforrning operations. G., Th.e piovishm of ImAn H1 - LOAN Of Isumnce W o6erwbe Knodified by tio, ena oisernent. s-hall lo ajppy.,..fs stipulated, AH Obw Tems And Cun4P16ons Rej.nain Unct-wnged- Authorized Represenbafivc CB C'C.Y'2S 000.3 0320 lnvJudc.s copy -righted niatcriEa ofinsuranec Suviccs DIM, Wth A pennAsOn. Page 2 on -1 -013: 15 III I I I! I 10 !1 1 1111 11! 1 1 11 1! 1! 11 1 11 1 BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM This endorsement rnodifies the Business Auto Coverage Form. 1. EXTENDED CANCELLATION CONDITION Paragraph A.2,b. — CANCELLATION - of the COMMON POLICY CONDITIONS form IL 00 17 is deleted and replaced with the following: 60 days before the effective date of cancellation III we cancel for any other reason. Z BROAD FORM INSURED A. Subsidiaries and fie Acquired or Formed Organizations As Insureds The Farmed Insured shown In the Declarations is amended to include: 1. Any legally incorporated subsidiary in which You own more than 50% of the voting stock an the effective date of the Coverage Form. However, the Named Insured does not include any subsidiary that is an "insured" under any other automobile policy or would be an "insured" under such a policy but for its termination or the exhaustion of its Limit of Insurance. 2 Any organization that is acquired or formed by YOU and over which you maintain majority ownership However, the Named Insured does not include any newly formed or acquired organization: (a) That is an "insured" under any other autornobile policy; (b) That has exhausted its Lirnit of Insurance under any other policy, or (c) 180 days or more after its acquisition or formation by you, unless you have given us written notice of the acquisition or formation. Coverage does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" that results from an "accident" that occurred before YOU formed or acquired the organization, B. Employees as Insureds Paragraph A 1. —WHO IS AN INSURED — of SECTION 11 — LIABILITY COVERAGE is amended to add the following: d. Any "employee" Of yours while using a covered "aUtO' you don't own, hire or borrow in your business or your personal affairs C. Lessors as Insureds Paragraph A.1, — WHO IS AN INSURED — of SECTION 11 — LIABILITY Y"OVERAGE is amended to add the following: e. The lessor of a covered "auto" while the "auto" is leased to you under a written agreement it (1 /1 The agreement requires you to provide direct primary insurance for the lessor-, and (2) The "auto" is leased without a driver. Such leased "auto" will be considered a covered "auto" you own and not a covered "auto" you hire However, the lessor is an "insured" only for"bodily injury" iury" or "property damage" resulting frorn the acts or omissions by: 1. You.; 2. Any of your "employees" or agents: or 3 Any person, except the lessor or any "employee" or agent of the lessor, operating an 'auto" with the permission of any of 1 and/or 2 above. 11 Persons And Organizations As Insureds Under A Written Insured Contract Paragraph A. I —WHO IS AN 1 NSURED — of SECTION 11 — LIABILITY COVERAGE is arnencled to add the following: f Any person or organization with respect to the operation, maintenance or use of a covered "auto", provided that YOU and such person or organization have agreed under an express provision in a written "insured contract", written agreement or a written permit issued to you by a governmental or public authority to add such person or organiZation to this policy as an "insured" However, such person or organization. is an "insured" only: Form: 16-02-0292 (Rev. 11-16) Page I of 3 "Includes copyrighted material of insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission" (I ) with respect to the operation, maintenance or use of a covered ::auto": and (21) for "bodily njury" or "property damage" caused by an "accident" which takes place after: (a) You executed the "insured contract" or written agreement or (b) The permit has been issued to you 3, FELLOW EMPLOYEE COVERAGE EXCLUSION 5.5 - FELLOW EMPLOYEE - of SECTION 11 - LIABILITY COVERAGE does not apply. 4, PHYSICAL DAMAGE - ADDITIONAL TEMPORARY TRANSPORTATION EXPENSE COVERAGE Paragraph A,4.a. - TRANSPORTATION EXPENSES - of SECTION III - PHYSICAL. DAMAGE COVERAGE is amended to provide a limit of $50 per day for temporary transportation expense. subject to a maxii-nurn limit of $1,000. 5. AUTO LOANILEASE GAP COVERAGE Paragraph A. 4 - COVERAGE EXTENSIONS - of SECTION III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is amended to add the following: c, Unpaid Loan or Lease Amounts In the event of a total "loss" to a covered "auto", we will pay any unpaid amount due on the loan or lease for a covered "auto" rninLIS' 1, The amount paid under the Physical Damage Coverage Section of the policy,- and 2. Anv: a. Overdue loan/lease payments at the time of the "loss": lc. Financial , Penalties imposed under a lease for excessive use, abnormal wear and tear or high mileage-, c. Security deposits not returned by the lessor, d. Costs for extended warranties, Credit Life Insurance. Health, Accident or Disability Insurance purchased with the loan or lease-, and e. Carry-over balances from previous loans or leases. We will pay for any unpaid amount due on the loan or, lease if caused by: I , Other than Collision Coverage only if the Declarations Indicate that Comprehensive Coverage is provided for any covered "auto", Z Specified Causes of Loss Coverage only if the Declarations indicate that Specified Causes Of Loss Coverage is provided for any covered "auto"; or 3. Collision Coverage only if the Declarations indicate that Collision Coverage is provided for any covered "auto. 6. RENTAL AGENCY EXPENSE Paragraph A 4. - COVERAGE EXTENSIONS - of SECTION III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is amended to add the following: d. Rental Expense We will pay the following expenses that you, or any of your "employees" are legally obligated to pay because of a written contract ar agreement entered into for use of a rental vehicle in the conduct of your business: MAXIMUM VVE WILL [DAY FOR ANY ONE CONTRACT OR AGREEMENT: 1, $2,500 for loss of income incurred by the rental agency during the period of time that vehicle is out of use because of actual damage to, or. "loss" of, that vehicle, including income lost due to absence of that vehicle for use as a replacement; 2, $2,500 for decrease in trade-in value of the rental vehicle because of actual damage to that vehicle arising out or a covered "los-s"; and 3, $2,500 for administrative expenses incurred . by the rental agency, as stated in the contract or agreement. 4. $7,500 maximum total amount for paragraphs 1_ 2. and 3. combined 7. EXTRA EXPENSE - BROADENED COVERAGE Paragraph A.4. -® COVERAGE EXTENSIONS - of SECTION III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is amended to add the following: e. Recovery Expense We will pay for the expense of returning a stolen covered `@LIt0" to You. 8. AIRBAG COVERAGE Paragraph B,3,a. - EXCLUSIONS - of SECTION III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE does not apply to the accidental or unintended discharge of an airbag. Coverage is excess over any other collectible insurance or warranty specifically designed to provide this coverage 9. AUDIO, VISUAL AND DATA ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT - BROADENED COVERAGE Paragraph C.1 b. - LIMIT OF INSURANCE - of SECTION III - PHYSICAL DAMAGE is deleted and replaced with the following: b. S2.000 is the most we will pay for "loss" in any one "accident" to all electronic equipment that reproduces, receives or transmits audio, visual or data signals which, at the time of "loss", is: (1) Permanently installed in or upon the �; no covered "auto in a ,using, opening or other location that is not normally used by the "auto" manufacturer for the installation of such equipment', (2) Removable from a permanently installed housing unit as described in Paragraph 2-a- above or is an integral part of that equipment-, or (3) An integral part of such -equipment. 10. GLASS REPAIR -WAIVER OF DEDUCTIBLE Form 16-02-0292 (Rev, 11-16) Page 2 of 3 "includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc. with its permission" 3073: 17 ' ufV Under Paragraph D - DEDUCTIBLE — of SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE the following is added-, No deductible applies to glass damage if the glass is repaired rather than relolaced. 111, -DIVO OR MORE DEDUCTIBLES Paragraph D,- DEDUCTIBLE — of SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE is amended to add the following: if this Coverage Form and any other Coverage Form or policy issued to you by US that is not an automobile policy or Coverage Form applies to the same "accident", the following applies: I If the deductible under this Business Auto Coverage Forrin is the smaller (or smallest) deductible, it will be waived,- or 2, If the deductible under this Business Auto Coverage Forum is not the smaller (or sr-nallest) deductible, it will be reduced by the amount of the smaller (or smallest) deductible. 12. AMENDED DUTIES IN THE EVENT OF ACCIDENT, CLAIM, SUITOR LOSS Paragraph A.2.a. - DUTIES IN THE EVENT OF AN ACCIDENT, CLAIM, SUIT OR LOSS of SECTION IV - BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS is deleted and replaced with the following: a. In the event of "accident", claim, "suit" or "loss'% you must promptly notify us when the accident" is known toe (1) You or Your authorized representative, if you are an individual, (2) A partner, or any authorized representative, it You are a partnership; (3) A member. if you are a Iii-nited liability cornpany-. or (4) An executive officer, insurance manager, or authorized representative, if you are an organisation other than a partnership or limited liability company. Knowledge of an "accident", claim, -suit." or "loss" by other persons does not imply that the persons listed above have such knowledge. Notice to us should include: (1) How, when and where the "accident" or "loss" occurred: (2i The "inSL.ired's" name and address-, and (3) To the extent possible, the narries and addresses of any injured persons or witnesses. 13. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION Paragraph A-5. - TRANSFER OF RIGHTS OF RECOVERY AGAINST OTHERS TO US of SECTION IV — BUSINESS AU 1-0 CONDITIONS is deleted and replaced with the following: 5. We will waive the right of recovery we would otherwise have against another person or organization for "loss" to which this insurance applies, provided Me "insured" has waived their rights of recovery against such person or organization under a contract or agreement that is entered into before such "loss" To the extent that the 'inSUred's` rights to recover damages for all or part or any payment made under this insurance has not been waived, those. rights are transferred to us. That person or organization must do everything necessary to secure our rights and must do nothing after "accident" or "loss" to impair them. At our request, the insured will bring suit or transfer those rights to us and help us enforce them, 114. UNINTENTIONAL FAILURE TO DISCLOSE HAZARDS Paragraph 6.2. — CONCEALMENT, MISREPRESENTATION or FRAUD of SECTION IV — BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS -is deleted and replaced with the following: if YOU Unintentionally fail to disclose any h azards existing at the inception date of your policy, we will not void coverage under this Coverage Form because of such -failure. 15. AUTOS RENTED BY EMPLOYEES Paragraph 6,5, - OTHER INSURANCE of SECTION IV — BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS - is amended to add the following: e, Any "auto" hired or rented by your "employee" on your behalf and at your direction will be considered an "auto" you hire If an 1` employee's" personal insurance also applies Oplies on an excess basis to a covered "auto" hired or rented by your"ernployee' on t/our behalf and at your direction, this insurance will be primary to the "employee's" personal insurance, 16 HIRED AUTO— COVERAGE TERRITORY Paragraph B.7.b.(5), - POLICY PERIOD, COVERAGE TERRITORY of SECTION IV — BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS is deleted and replaced with the following: (5) A covered "auto" of the private passenger ty pe is leased, hired, rented or borrowed without a driver for a period of 45 days or less- and IT RESULTANT MENTAL ANGUISH COVERAGE Paragraph C. of - SECTION V — DEFINITIONS is deleted and replaced by the following: "Bodily injury" means bodily injury, sickness or disease sustained by any person, including mental anguish or death as a result of the "bodily in,Ury" sustained by that person. Form: 16-02-0292 (Rev. 11-16) Page 3 of 3 "Includes copyrighted material Of Insurance Services Office, Inc, with its permission" WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS LIABILITY INSURANCE POLICY WC 43 03 05 (['d. '7-00) This endorsement applies only to the insurance provided by the policy because Utah is shown in Item 3A. of the Information Page. 'he have the right to recover our payments from anyone liable for an injury covered by this policy. We will not enforce our right against the person or organization named in the Schedule. (This agreement applies only to the extent that you perform work under a written contract that requires you to obtain this agreement from us.) This agreement shall' not operate directly or indirectly to benefit anyone not named in the Schedule, Ourwarverof rights does not release your employees' rights against third parties and does not release our authority as trustee of claims against third parties Any person or organization for which the employer has agreed by written contract, executed prior to loss, may execute a waiver of subrogation This endorsement changes the policy to which il is attached and is efflective or, the date issued unless otherwise stated, ............ Y.%Uwl' �. �11114,9 Endorsement Effective 12-01-23 Policy No 71839537 Endorsement No, Insured LIVEVIEW TES HNOLOGIFS, INC. Premium $ Incl. WC 43 03 05 (Ed. 7-00) Q) 2000 National council on compensation insurance, Inc Countersigned By ln�swed: 1013: 19 ' of