PROOF OF INSURANCE (2023 - 2024) CLOSEDGet your digital proof of insurance &, membership card on t'hle AAA App *Downloald thei appi. Click AAA.com/ii Ni'O'N'Amc pirroA (A lmlelr xwtl fiRly f1A bC: vd Rd o'� jr,"O in 0IR AiRYN's ke'diRp ycxo Nod cr)ry "*." Ru I cr Nruf Ou", I bo a "I, ind numed 0i%xqfs AAA to we ha kaffl'o, Rvolk"PA� Sho/mr,40 oi)d arupj I Phomw I k'y WNPIA" Ihm,,sopia 4 kffirR and rmmv)(""Of'r mav ""�ppkj f W66;i OF INSURANCE VEHICLIES ON POLICY 4'00 Interinsurance deafdangle of the A00MIDbile Ctub YEAR MAKE NAIC #,, 15159,8 20,18 NF1 05010T Narned Msured Pdiicy Nuirrsberr CAA13091166,94 _SIEGE T LU DRIVERS ON! POUCY Effective Date: 018105/2023 Expirattori Date-, 08105024 SIFIi SHIHO Thk pohicy provides at least the rninerruirn ammods of flabifity iftau mrncc� required by the CA VEH GODE sEx.'rION 160,56 for the spW.'Ified vehides, and named Insurads. Coverage sotqect 10 Plobicy tar"Is and Ifirrifts, W )(1R,JU FIA".1E AN CMAL 4DUV2, 24,7 AX41, CLAf'r,"4's, 4ioy , t"I(Iii VEH ID, 0 After an accident, exchange infoi With the other party ard Ullow these 5 easy steps;; Stop I; Put I vehjicle over to a wife pi1ace, Got the names, widresses, Stop 4, Take phi of the vehicies nnvclved, dama, gies arA arul phory numbers of alt tti trivalved in the accdiii e,g,, ua surri area of the accidierq, 9 it ins safe No dio so, pedestrians, witresses, other passengers, etc, Step 5Ged our, AAA 04ims Hoffine at 800-672-5,246 to repot the J'i Stop Z Take phi ' (m w Re down the other [pxrsion's drivW's ross. If (wicessary, we, WIN wrainge to has yourvehIcte tcywvxJ, Ouir 0 I I hcense Hormation andl other vehicle's kcmse p1late number, na., provider's tow trucks at'ys misplay the AAA eftlem, includilngi state, of, registration, Do nol t,'Adirnit m4ponsibift fan or discuss the circumi ofthe ac0dent Step I Take photos of or wrihi id�'r the cither person" s kisurance with aii athor thari Me porico or anaiNwfiied Aii4o i r.Wins Card informaAksr, repirevoirtafive, Do not dirs,0080 yoor pWlcy Units to anyone For q1rxr, 5,6D-5 r.w chigews In yi;nor IrOcy, calk t-877 422-2100, Manday through r,lmy tor7 n s-m, W 9 p ran, iRdur Sdafro y m 8 a, M'1, ti) 5 P,11n L-------------------- -------------------------- ---------------- --------- ------------ Race a proof of tinsurance card in each vehicte insured under, yo�ur pi In adidifi,on, we suggest that each Hsted driver carry a card, Under Caflifornia law, drivers and owners of a motor vehicle must be aibte to shoiw proof of tmaficial responsibility at ail tirnes. These cards become Invalid and should be destroyed on the expiration or termination date of the policy. r----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- PROOF OF INSURANCE VEHICLES ON POUCY Intiatinsurance Ex&&Ve c4the Autormoi Chub YEAR VAIKE NAIC #: 155981 2018 INPI 050 3.OT Namied Insured Ploficy Numbec CAA.1 30916694 X DRIVERS ON POUCY 0 Effecfive MAw 0=512,023 Expirabor, Date- g fg 5/2,02 GSIEGERT, SIF HO Thai puflicyproAdes at least the ndRnimum arnouirds of liablRyini required by the CA VEN CODE SECTiION UM56 for the ape6fied vehides and nomW insureds. Coverage Wbitcl to potilcyterms and hrrifts, FREMEN VIE H 1,0 9 ------------- ........ — ---------------------- ------------------ -------- ---------- iF YOU IHAVE AN ACODEN'r CALL OUR 2417 AAA C.LAIMS HOTUNIE 1-800-672-5246 AftUm, wa acicident, 44owrnaficm w4h ttxb cAher pairty and Virwi thii 5 azzy weps� Step I � Pult vehicle ovw- to a safe peace, Get the narnes, addresses, 11) invoNed the acciden t, nt, e,g,, and phmw nurn i of alt perms pedestrians, Wtni other passengers, etc. Step 2: Take photos, of or writte down the other person's didwr's I license information and other w9hildes ficense plate niumbiii 10L incividing state (i roii, Step 3; T'aike photos of at wile djoi the other persan'5 wrvsuirance 'i Card 1111wiTwoon, Step 4, Take photos of the vehklea inwilved, daunt ayes and SUIFOUndhig arm of the acciident, J it use safe to do so, Stop 5: Celt our AAA Claims Hot One at 800-672-5246 to repo the loss, if necessary, we Wit arrant to have your vehitcle towed, Our pruAders trw trucks always display the, AAA erriAem , Do not a0ml ;eVonsibddy kff or discass the circumstarrcoi of thiei accidenit w&w anyone Wwe than Me podice or an aWhohired Ai Club claims mprommitafive oar not discifase yorAr policy Yrnils to anyraie, i For quesdorms or ctiangei to Vitu pohRRri caH r-877-422.2 IDO, MoryJay thiii Fr dimay Orum'Rl a.m To 9 p rn. ar. Saturday frarn 8 a rim. W 5, p,rn. i A 1AP, C701 R W is A 1IM 9 lie 9 ........ ....... ..... WIROAR III•'s aur L _) I I have and will maintain a certificate of consent of self insure for worker's'cornpensation, issued by the Director tf lnt4strial Ralatisnis as rseVkaii ftW-y L--,Vv&r-,-4e J11i Nr tXe ,* w*rk set NAX t*e qgree-Moht with the City of �El'Segiundo. liam'fir L_) it have and will maintain workers' compensation insurance as required by Labor Code § 370O for the performance of the, work for which the agreement with the City of El Segundo is executed. My workers' compensation Inis,uraince carrier and policy number are: Carrier Policy Id umib,er Expiration Date ZEM- N #ent Phone # �) i certify t�hat, in the performance of the work set forth in the agreement with the City of El Segundo, I will not employ any persoin in any manner so as to, become subject to the workers' compensation laws of California, and agireei that, if I should be�come subject to the workers' compensation provisions of Labor Code § 3700, 1 must immediately comply wilth those Provisions or the agreement will automatically become void. Signature of Applicant Date 11: /26/2�023 Print Name - Shiho, Slegert Agireeimentfor- DOVV - - - - - - - - - - -