ORDINANCE 1652ORDINANCE NO. 1652 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN TO UPDATE PERMITTED USES, DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS, DESIGN GUIDELINES, THE COMMUNITY BENEFIT PLAN PROCESS, AND CLARIFY VARIOUS PROVISIONS. (Environmental Assessment No. EA-1330 and Specific Plan Amendment No. SPA 22-01). The City Council of the city of El Segundo does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds and declares as follows: A. On September 16, 2022, the City initiated an application for Environmental Assessment No. EA 1330 and Specific Plan Amendment No. SPA 22-01 to amend the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan updating permitted uses, development standards, design guidelines, the community benefit plan process, clarifying various provisions, and amending the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Community Benefits Plan Policy; B. On January 12, 2023, the Planning Commission held a study session to receive public testimony and provide direction to staff on the scope of the specific plan amendment; C. The City reviewed the project's environmental impacts under the California Environmental Quality Act (Public Resources Code §§ 21000, et seq., "CEQA") and the regulations promulgated thereunder (14 Cal. Code of Regulations §§15000, et seq., the "CEQA Guidelines"); D. On September 14, 2023, the Planning Commission held a public hearing to receive public testimony and other evidence regarding the Ordinance and adopted Resolution No. 2940 recommending that the City Council introduce and adopt the Ordinance. E. On October 17, 2023, the City Council held a duly noticed public hearing and considered the information provided by City staff and public testimony regarding the Ordinance; and F. This Ordinance and its findings are made based upon the entire administrative record including, without limitation, testimony and evidence presented to the City Council at its October 17, 2023 hearing and the staff report submitted by the Community Development Department. SECTION 2: Factual Findings and Conclusions. The City Council finds that introducing and adopting the Ordinance will amend the City's Smoky Hollow Specific Plan to establish the following: ORDINANCE NO. 1652 PAGE 1 of 7 A. Add GymslFitness Studios up to 2,500 square feet to the permitted uses and Gyms/Fitness Studios larger than 2,500 square feet to the uses subject to a conditional use permit; B. Add tutoring uses to the permitted uses; C. Eliminate the conditional use permit requirement for restaurant uses; D. Exempt outdoor dining areas up to 200 square feet from the Specific Plan require parking; E. Establish a density for caretaker units at the ratio of one caretaker unit per building and establish limitations on their use; F. Require nonconforming properties to meet the current parking requirement of 2.5 spaces per 1,000 square feet if all or a portion of a building is modified such that the use is changed; G. Amend Specific Plan Section 3.2.1 (El ,Segundo Boulevard) to use pilot projects, solicit community input, and prioritize pedestrian and cyclist mobility when completing ;any future improvements along El Segundo Boulevard; H. Increase the number of architectural design standards from 2 to eleven and reduce the number of design guidelines from 32 to 28; and Amend the community benefit plan findings of approval to: a. Require projects to meet at least 15 of the 28 private realm design guidelines; b. Require community benefits to implement "public realm improvements identifiedin the Specific Plan or private realm improvements that directly benefit the public. SECTION 3: Specific Plan Amendment ,Findings. As required under Government Code § 55854 and ESIUIC § '1 -27-3 and based on the findings set Barth in Section 2, the City Council finds as follows: A. That the amendment is consistent with the General Plan. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan serves as the General Plan document for the Smoky Hollow area. Therefore„ if the proposed specific playa amendment is consistent with the Specific Plan's vision, goal and objectives, it is also consistent with the General Plan, The specific plan amendment is consistent with and implements the primary Smoky Hollow Specific Plan goal to facilitate the transformation of the Smoky Follow district from an aging industrial area to a vigorous incubator district and ORDINANCE NO. 1652 PAGE 2of7 major economic force in the City. Specifically, the amendments permit more uses and remove barriers for uses, such as gyms, fitness studios, tutoring, and restaurants that complement the creative office and tech character of the district,. In addition, the amendments create new architectural design standards and require discretionary projects to comply with the Specific Plan's design guidelines. Thus, the amendments are consistent with the Specific Plan vision, because they will improve the design of future development projects, help preserve Smoky Hollow's mid-century industrial feet, and provide an attractive and distinctive image for Smoky Hollow. Finally, the amendments are consistent with the Specific Plan objective of making public infrastructure improvements, because they will require future developments to either construct or fund public parking, landscaping, sidewalks, and other streetscape projects in the public right-of-way. B. The amendment is necessary to serve the public health, safety, and general welfare. The specific plan amendments will help achieve the primary Smoky Hollow Specific Plan goal of transforming Smoky Hollow from an aging industrial area to a vigorous incubator district and major economic force in the City. The amendments allow new uses and reduce barriers to uses that are complementary to the creative office incubator character of the district. They also improve the architectural design of development projects and increase investment in public infrastructure. Thus,, the amendments will help transform Smoky Hollow into an economic force, which is consistent with and necessary to serve the public health, safety, and general welfare. In addition, there is no evidence indicating that any of the proposed amendments will have a detrimental impact on public health, safety, and general welfare. SECTION 4: Environmental Assessment. The City Council finds and determines as follows: ORDINANCE NO. 1662 PAGE 3 of 7 ............. acre planning area. The SWP included development of 901,172 square feet of office uses on a 5.35-acre site over existing one-story office buildings; a 766 square foot pavilion building and cafe; and a 5,00O square foot public park. The SWP allowed for 60-foot-tall buildings through an approved Tier 11 Community Benefits Plan. B, As detailed in Section 2, the proposed Ordinance amending the SHSP includes minor text edits for consistency, additional gloor clarity, new and modified use regulations, and, the elevation of certain design guidelines to design standards. C, To evaluate the potential environmental impacts of the Ordinance and the need for additional environmental review, the City conducted an initial study. Biased on the findings of the initial study, an addendum was prepared. The initial studyladdendurn, dated July 27202�3, is incorporated herein as though fully set forth. D. Based on the findings and information yielded by the initial study, the City Council finds as follows: There are no substantial changes proposed for the project that will require preparation of a subsequent or supplemental EIR due to the involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified effects. Zee a 2. No substantial changes have occurred with respect to the circumstances under which the project is undertaken that would require preparation of a subsequent or supplemental EIR due to the ORDINANCE NO. 1652 PAGE 4 of 7 involvement of new significant environmental effects or a substantial increase in the severity of previously identified significant effects. There are no substantial changes with regard to the facts, data, and mitigation measures included in the PEIR. The proposed Ordinance will not result in a Specific Plan that is substantially different from the plan evaluated in the PEIR, and the environmental circumstances applicable to the Specific flan area have not changed. 3. There is no new information of substantial importance, which was not known and could not have been known with the exercise of reasonable diligence at the time the previous PER was certified as complete, that shows any of the following, (i) The project will have one or more significant effects not discussed in the previous PEIR; (ii) Significant effects previously examined will be substantially more severe than shown in the previous PEIR; (iii) Mitigation measures or alternatives previously found not to be feasible would in fact be feasible and would substantially reduce one or more significant effects of the project, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative; or (iv) Mitigation measures or alternatives which are considerably different from those analyzed in the previous PER would substantially reduce one or more significant effects on the environment, but the project proponents decline to adopt the mitigation measure or alternative, E. No subsequent environmental review is required pursuant to Section 1515 of the CEQA Guidelines. Therefore„ the Ordinance, and the amendments to the SHSP contemplated therein, are within the scope of the project covered by the SHSPU PEIR. and, pursuant to Section 15153(c)() of the CEQA Guidelines, no further environmental review is required. SECTION 5: Action. The City Council hereby approves and adopts the updated Smoky Hollow Specific Plan as set forth in attached Exhibit "A," which is incorporated into this Ordinance by reference. SECTION 5W Electronic Signatures. This Ordinance may be executed with electronic signatures in accordance with Government Cade § 16.5. Such electronic signatures will be treated in all respects as having the same effect as an original signature. Construction. This Ordinance must be broadly construed to achieve the purposes stated in this Ordinance, It is the City Council's intent that the provisions of this Ordinance be interpreted or ped b the City d others facilitates the purposes set forth in this Ordinance, ORDINANCE NO. 1652 PAGE 5of7 SECTION 8: Severability. If any part of this Ordinance or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION 9: Recordation. The City Clerk, or designee, is directed to certify the passage and adoption of this Ordinance; cause it to be entered into the City of El Segundo's book of original ordinances; make a note of the passage and adoption in the records of this meeting; and, within 15 days after the passage and adoption of this Ordinance, cause it to be published or posted in accordance with California law. SECTION 10: Effective Date. This Ordinance will become effective 30 days following its passage and adoption. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 7t" day of November, 2023. ATTEST:: Tracy r, Y We City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Oonsley, City Attorney Chris Pimentel, Mayor Pro Tem ORDINANCE NO. 1652 PAGE 6 of 7 CERTIFICATION STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Ordinance No. 1652 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 17th day of October 2023, and was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor Pro Tem, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 7th day of November, 2023, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel, Council Member Pirsztuk, and Council Member Giroux NOES: None ABSENT: Mayor Boyles ABSTAIN: Council Member Baldino WITNESS MY HAND THE OFFICIAL SEAL OF SAID CITY this/p—h day of November, 2023. �T cy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California ORDINANCE NO. 1652 PAGE 7of7 EXHIBIT "A" SPECIFIC PLAN \ ADOPTED OCTOBER 2018 AMENDED MARCH 2O22 AMENDED NOVEMBER 2023 MIG, Inc. John Kaliski Architects KOA Strategic Economics City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ C ACKNOWLEDGMENTS City Council Stall Drew Boyles Greg Carpenter Mayor City Manager Carol Pirsztuk Sam Lee Mayor Pro Tem Planning and Building Safety Director Don Braun Gregg McClain Council Member Planning Manager Scot Nicol Paul Samaras Council Member Principal Planner Tina Gall Chris Pimentel Contract Planner Council Member Ken Berkman Planning Commission Public Works Director Ryan Baldino Lifan Xu Chairman City Engineer Brenda Newman Vice Chair Consultant Team MIG, Inc. Jay Hoeschler Commissioner John Kaliski Architects Michelle Keldorf KCA Commissioner Strategic Economics Carol Wingate Commissioner d i SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN i City of El Segundo CONTENTS 1.1 Objectives .............................................. 5 1.2 Setting ....................................................7 1.3 Plan Context ..........................................11 1.4 Vision .....................................................13 1.5 Guiding Principles ................................14 1.6 Transformative Projects ............ 17 1.7 The Future of Smoky Hollow ............... 17 02 1 E RE11141111 1111 S 1'R,1!11, tlIII E13111111111 1 !�!' 2.1 Private Realm Strategies .......................27 2.2 Land Use Regulations .... ................ 29 2.3 Development Standards-- .............. 37 2.4 Private Realm Design Objectives ......... 45 2.5 Urban Design Standards and Guidelines -, ... --- ..... ... - .....................46 03 IWIB(i f�, C R 11�11 A 11 11"Iff, S T' 14, A I" E G I 11�1�11"1.S 3.1 Public Realm Strategies — .. .... 63 3.2 Mobility and Streetscape Improvements........... 63 3.3 Parking Management Strategies .......... 84 3.4 Pedestrian and Open Space Enhancements....................................... 87 3.5 District Identity .....................................91 3.6 Infrastructure Improvements ................91 04 S1311I FLAN IIISS + ADM] 114 ISTIIII 4.1 Interpretations .............. ............ .... — .... 101 4.2 Severability ............................................ loi 4.3 Environmental Review ..........................101 4.4 Nonconformities ....................................101 4.5 Project Review and Approval Process , ....... --- .............. - ........ ...... 104 4.6 Appeals... .......... - .......... _ ...... 104 4.7 Specific Plan Modifications and Amendments..........................................104 05 �MIPLETVCI�:111,8 (f'A"T'11 0 �,14 5.1 Implementation Strategies ...................109 5.2 Implementation Action Plan .................109 5.3 Funding Strategy ..................................119 APPENDIX A., GILOSSARY '130 City of El Segundo 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ I Introduction + Vision �,.... C N] ..;.. V I `y 10 ICJ The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan provide a framework and long-term strategy to guide public and private investment in th Smoky Hollow area. 1.1 OBJECTIVES Development activity in Smoky Hollow will be stimulated and influenced by a range of tools, including: ► Development standards, design guidelines, and other regulatory tools and metrics ► Public infrastructure improvements ► A comprehensive and strategic set of policy, physical, and programmatic implementation actions The Specific Plan emphasizes flexibility and creativity to enable new businesses to thrive and supports the long-term health and expansion of the many existing businesses that contribute to El Segundo's success, i he Specific Plan builds on the eclectic nature of Smoky Hollow, sets policy to create a dynamic public realm, and grounds the regulatory framework in economic reality City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 5 Figure 1-1: Planning Area Map Fen Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Boundary "" n 255 510 1A20 6 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN t City of El Segundo `PEA" 1.2.1 Planning Area Located in the central portion of the City of El Segundo, the Smoky I lollow Specific Plan area extends east to west and is bounded by Indiana Street and Sepulveda Boulevard to the east, downtown El Segundo to the west, the Chevron oil refinery (and EI Segundo Boulevard) to the south, and residential neighborhoods to the north. Regional access to Smoky Hollow is provided by Interstate 105 (Glenn Anderson Freeway) Interstate 405 (San Diego Freeway), and California State Route 1 (Sepulveda Boulevard, also known as the Pacific Coast Highway), EI Segundo Boulevard and Franklin Avenue run east/west the length of the Specific Plan area (see Figure 1-1: Planning Area Map) The Specific Plan area covers 0,18 square miles (120 acres), or just over three percent of the City's total area of 5 5 square miles (see Figure 1-2: Regional Location Map). With a mix of lot sizes on small streets, the land use pattern and character of the Smoky Hollow area were largely shaped by the original industrial uses that developed during the mid-201" century to serve the airport, aerospace/defense, and nearby refinery industries. Introduction + Vision The east side of Smoky Hollow is characterized by larger block patterns and parcels and medium -scale buildings originally intended for manufacturing, with a typical building footprint of over 10,000 square feet, In comparison, the street grid on the west side has smaller blocks and smaller -scale buildings, with a typical footprint of just over 3,000 square feet To the east, Sepulveda Boulevard separates Smoky Hollow from large corporate campuses and multi -story buildings. To the west. Main Street provides downtown amenities within walking distance to the west half of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area. Smoky Hollow rapidly developed into an industrial district after World War II due to the influence of local aerospace companies such as Northrop Grumman (with a presence in El Segundo dating to 1932) and general demand for manufacturing, distribution, and industrial service uses. The district was largely built out by the early 1960s. By the late 2011 century, the district suffered the loss of large-scale manufacturing uses, as the regional aerospace industry contracted in response to post -Cold War defense cuts. City efEl Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 7 Figure 1-2: Regional Location Map HillSmoky Hollow Specific Plan Boundary City of El Segundo City Limits 8 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN ( City of El Segundo m 1a,f 0 1%00 2,400 000 While the shrinking demand for manufacturing companies created a glut of industrial space, Smoky Hollow retained a sizable base of manufacturing companies. However, by 2000, limited demand for industrial space and the aging building stock resulted in a gradual decline of physical conditions in the district. The accompanying decline in property values and rents sparked a renaissance driven by demand for creative office and flexible/research and development (flex/R&D) space. Today, Smoky Hollow is a transitional, predominately light industrial district located Introduction + Vision between a residential neighborhood to the north and a heavy industrial site —the Chevron Oil Refinery —to the south. Reflecting the transition of Smoky Hollow's traditional industrial lands, the area is characterized by a pattern of traditional industrial buildings, typically built over 50 years ago, and some newer structures. The mix of old and new is enticing to prospective businesses and visitors to the district. Incubator, creative, and knowledge -based businesses are attracted to these types of building forms and the funky, eclectic nature of Smoky Hallow. City of El Segundo % SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN 1 9 Local History and Plan Context g I sm"wDL"Y CrL WEST SLEEPY HDLLOW 10 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECI=IC PLAN / City ofElSegundo 1.3 PLAN CONTEXT In response to shrinking manufacturing demand, declining investment, and parking issues, the City adopted the first Smoky Hollow Specific Plan in 1986. The intent of the 1986 plan was to 1) preserve existing uses that conform to the plan, 2) provide opportunities for both small business and medium-sized manufacturing uses, 3) provide a transition from the high - density uses on the east side of Sepulveda Boulevard to the lower -density commercial and residential uses to the west, and 4) resolve issues related to parking, circulation, and development standards The 1986 plan did not anticipate the tremendous growth in emerging creative, technology, and new media companies in the greater Los Angeles area. Faced with space, regulatory, and time constraints, many developers opted to modernize existing buildings rather than wait for new, ground -up development. This resulted in the preservation of many original brick industrial buildings juxtaposed against more modern, sleeker, and newer developments. Smoky Hollow's transition and interesting character appeals to today's creative class of Introduction + Vision companies. With demand for creative office space expected to continue to rise, an updated land use framework is needed to sustain Smoky Hollow's transformation into a regional hub for creative businesses and new types of manufacturing. This updated Smoky Hollow Specific Plan sets a regulatory and planning framework that focuses development efforts on revitalizing buildings for incubator industrial and office space. This Specific Plan reflects the goals and objectives of various stakeholders, including businesses and property owners, real estate and development professionals, the Planning Commission, and City Council. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan includes development regulations, design guidelines, and funding strategies to realize the new vision. The plan deliberately builds upon the traditional uses and structures within the district and introduces the opportunity for intensification and revitalization. The ultimate goal is to facilitate the transformation of the Smoky Hollow district from an aging industrial area to a vigorous incubator district and major economic force in the City. City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 11 In the State of California, a specific plan is one of the many tools for implementing the goals and policies of a general plan. Specific plans implement a city or county's general plan through the development of policies, programs, and regulations for a localized area and in greater detail. Specific plans are put in place to regulate distinct character areas that cannot be regulated through general ordinance or city-wide zoning. A specific plan establishes a link between implementing policies of the General Plan and the individual development proposals in a defined area within the city. The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan has a direct relationship to the City of El Segundo General Plan and provides site -specific, detailed descriptions of regulations, standards, and guidelines for implementing General Plan goals and policies. To achieve this, the Specific Plan must demonstrate that it is consistent with the General Plan, which was last comprehensively updated in 1992. (The Circulation Element was updated in 2004 and the Housing Element in 2014). The General Plan provides a citywide approach to planning for future development. It includes the seven required General Plan elements: Land Use, Circulation, Housing, Open Space (combined with Recreation), Conservation, Noise, and Public Safety, along with an Air Quality Element and Hazardous Materials and Waste Management Element. The General Plan identifies goals, objectives, and policies related to each of the chapters. The land use and development approach for the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area is compatible with the goals, policies, and general pattern of land uses contained in the General Plan. The authority for preparation and adoption of specific plans is set forth in the California Government Code, Sections 65450 through 65457. Introduction + Vision The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan sets forth a forward -thinking, practical vision for the future of this eclectic, creative area. The vision and guiding principles are built upon extensive community engagement, including workshops and stakeholder interviews, City policy, and technical analysis of established conditions. In turn, every goal, strategy, and action included in this plan must both relate to and implement this shared vision. City ofEl Segundo 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN 1 13 1.5 GUIDING PRINCIPLES I he Vision Framework includes eight guiding principles: 14 / SMOKY -IOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN i City of El Segundo Introduction + Vision City of Et Segundo A SMOKY HOLLOW SPFCIFIC PLAN 1 15 Smoky Hollow with the Chevron refinery in the background 16 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City ofE[Segundo 1.6 TRAINSFORMATIVE PROJECTS Transformative projects are intended to embody the creative ideas and further support the Specific: Plan's vision for Smoky Hollow. These projects catalyze future change while addressing some of the key issues and opportunities in Smoky Hollow. Undertake a comprehensive approach to parking and mobility. fhe Specific Plan identifies short- and long-term actions, including using existing rights -of -way to increase the parking supply In the longer term, the potential formation of a parking district and transportation demand management practices will be critical. Establish Franklin Avenue as the functional, aesthetic, and social backbone of the plan area. Implement projects that create a shared social space among drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians, and make the street welcoming and appealing with a focus on landscaping, signs, and street furniture. Facilitate development of creative office and flexible/research and development space and intensification of these desirable uses on appropriate sites, Demand is growing for these uses in the area as the regional economy shifts toward increasing shares Introduction + Vision of professional services firms and creative businesses, which often prefer unique spaces and vibrant, eclectic locations such as Smoky Hollow and El Segundo. Leverage the many positive attributes of the area such as the artistic industrial vibe and the relaxed beach community feel The vision for Smoky Hollow will be communicated most effectively by drawing people to the district by providing interesting destinations. Take the next steps to bring state-of-the-art telecommunications infrastructure to Smoky Hollow, Providing adequate infrastructure supports the flow and processing of information and maintains the desirability of the area to creative and technology -based businesses 1.7 THE FUTURE OF SMOKY HOLLOW The following visualizations illustrate the vision through photo -realistic renderings of key areas in the Specific Plan area. Each visualization shows the baseline 2017 conditions and potential improvements articulated in the Specific Plan. These renderings are illustrative and are intended to be conceptual and not prescriptive. City of Et Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 17 El Segundo Boulevard (2017) 18 t S� 10 <Y 1 0 1 ') S ,=C F C I>i_aN / City of E( Segundo El Segundo Boulevard (Potential) �r�i;erl��r;o?; � Ilion City of E/Segundo � SvI HOI Yvv S -I c 1 C -I.<lv"i V 13 Franklin Avenue (2017) 20 t sNio Ci I.OVV SH _-t C t,AN i City of El Segundo Franklin Avenue (Potential) Introduction + Vision City of El Segundo A SMOKY HO ,_DVI SP=CIFIC PLAN 1 21 Typical North/South Street (2017) 22 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECI-I-C PLAN i City ofE(Segundo Typical North/South Street (Potential) )nsroduction + Vision CityO Ei,S(IgUndO 1 SMOKY HCI _OW SPHCIrIC ill \ 23 02 PRIVATE REALM STRATEGIE`::z 2.1 PRIVATE REALM STRATEGIES The regulatory and design framework established here will guide and focus the transition of Smoky Hollow to a creative, innovative, and dynamic environment. The private realm includes all privately owned property in Smoky Hollow, which accounts for 78 percent of the total land within the Specific Plan area (approximately 94 acres). The chapter begins with the land use regulations and development standards that guide Private Realm Strategies 44 development. The chapter concludes with design guidelines, Where a provision in this chapter does not address a specific condition or situation that arises, the provisions set forth in the El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC) shall apply. In the event of a conflict between these provisions and the provisions of the ESMC, the provisions set forth in the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan shall govern. City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 27 Figure 2-1: Zoning Districts s S A M NMI AVE 0 MOLLY AVE Na¢Y Ave W PT I%�✓r'Yl ����f� �fL j11� y(// akNp CHEVRON REFINERY Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Boundary Speclflc Plan Zoning Districts Parks and Open Space Smoky Hollow West rvry Smoky Hollow Subarea 7 Smoky Hollow East Public Facility Parking 28 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City ofEI Segundo o na wo 100 0 These land use objectives are broad policy statements intended to guide land use decision - making: ► Encourage commercial and industrial development that promotes new and established businesses and sustains economic growth while also preserving Smoky Hollow's postwar industrial character, history, authenticity, and fine- grained architectural scale. Encourage the integration of everyday uses that serve the Smoky Hollow district without unduly competing with the retail activity of Main Street and surrounding districts. ► Limit non -supportive land uses that dilute the area's reputation as a creative and cutting -edge business community. 2.2.2 Zoning Districts To identify specific areas for certain allowed uses and development standards, the Specific Plan establishes four zoning districts (see Figure 2-1: Zoning Districts). Private Realm Strategies ► The purpose of the Smoky Hollow West (SH-W) zoning district is to encourage a range of small business and incubator industrial uses, including light industrial activities and research, creative office, and technology uses. ► The Smoky Hollow East (SH-E) zoning district provides a transitional land use area between higher -intensity office uses east of Pacific Coast Highway and the smaller, single -parcel industrial and creative businesses of the western portion of the Smoky Hollow area. The SH-E zoning district accommodates development of incubator industrial, research, and technology uses; medium-sized light industrial and manufacturing; and creative office activities. Smoky Hollow Subarea 1 identifies parcels within the SH-E zoning district where higher intensity uses are encouraged s The Public Facilities (PF) zoning district designates property for public uses necessary to support community needs, such as libraries, fire stations, schools, and utilities. The Parking (P) zoning district identifies land that is currently used or expected to be used as a parking facility either as surface lots or parking structures City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 29 West Zone: Example Imagery 30 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PI AN / City ofE(Segundo East Zone: Example Imagery Private Realm Strategies 44 City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 31 Parking Zone: Example Imagery 32 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN l City of Et Segundo Allowed land uses within each zoning district are listed in Table 2-1. Certain uses may be subject to special conditions regarding the location, operation, design, or special permitting requirements. Following an application submittal the Planning and Building Safety Director (Director) or his or her designee shall make a determination as to whether the proposed use is permitted, conditionally permitted, prohibited, or allowed as a temporary or accessory use to a permitted use. Any use not specifically listed in Table 2 1 shall be interpreted as not allowed in Smoky Hollow. ► A Permitted Use (P) is allowed without discretionary approval and subject to all applicable provisions of this Specific Plan. An Administrative Use Permit (AUP) requires discretionary approval authorized by the Director and subject to the requirements outlined in ESMC Chapter 15-22 . ► A Conditionally Permitted Use (CUP) requires discretionary approval in the form of a Conditional Use Permit authorized by the Planning Commission and subject to the requirements outlined in ESMC Chapter 15-23, ► An Accessory Use (A) refers to a use that is incidental and subordinate to a primary use of the land or building and located on the same lot with the primary use or building ► Uses specifically not allowed in a zoning district are indicated by (—), It is not possible to anticipate every land use that might be proposed and suitable in the future. Primary uses not listed in Table 2-1, unless determined by the Director or designee to be substantially similar to a listed use, are not permitted. In making a determination of similarity, the Director or designee shall follow the provisions of ESMC Section 1S-22-2 (Administrative Determinations for Uses Not Listed). Prohibited uses are listed in Section 2,2.4 below. All existing nonconforming uses that are listed as prohibited in this Section shall be subject to the procedures outlined in Section 4.4 (Nonconform ities). Detailed definitions for uses are listed in Appendix A: Glossary. Private Realm Strategies 194 The following uses are prohibited, as defined in Appendix A (Glossary): ► Financial Institutions ► Dwelling: Single, Two, and Multiple Family ► Live/Work ► Service Stations ► General Personal/Mini Storage ► Freight Forwarding ► Medical/Dental Office/Clinic ► Data Centers ► Retail (unless accessory to an allowed use) ► Vehicle Sales and Services All existing nonconforming uses listed as prohibited in this Section shall be subject to the procedures outlined in Section 4.4 (Nonconformities), City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 33 Table 2-1: Allowed Land Uses Brewery and Alcohol Production Industrial, Heavy Industrial, Light Outdoor Storage Personal Storage. Collection Research and Development Warehousing General Offices p p ..... CUP CUP --- p p .... A A A AUP AUP .-- P I P .... I p i:' P -- I Subject to applicable State ABC regulations. Shall be screened from view from public right-of-way and all screening shall be architecturally integrated with the building design See ESMC Section 15-2-8 Alcohol Sales —Off -Site and On -Site AUP AUP I Includes instructional tasting that is accessory to off -site with Food Service 1 sales. Business and Consumer Support Services P P - ',, A Note(s): ' In the P zone, a parking structure may Include ground floor uses (as an accessory use) that activate the street frontage. 34 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City a El Segundo Commercial Kitchen Gym/Fitness Studio (Small)2 Gym/Fitness Studio (Large)' Restaurant Restaurant, Outdoor Dining Retail P P P P CUP CUP P P P P A A A Private Realm Strategies 44 A A A i A Parking for outdoor dining areas is required only for the portion that exceeds 200 square feet.. Includes the incidental direct sale to consumers of only those A goods produced on -site of another permitted or conditionally permitted use. '... Note(s): In the P zone, a parking structure may include ground floor uses (as an accessory use) that activate the street frontage, z Gym/Fitness Studio (Small) is defined as less than or equal to 2,500 so ft gross area. s Gym/Fitness Studio (Large) is defined as greater than 2,500 so ft gross area, City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 35 Parking Facility Public Facilities Public or Quasi -public Open Space Public Utilities Assembly Halls Caretaker Unit AUP AUP AUP P fa I:a In f � CUP CUP l Only one caretaker unit shall be permitted per building Such unit shall be limited in size to 500 square feet. The unit shall be used only for habitation by a caretaker and shall not be A A rented or otherwise let for a period of fewer than 30 days A caretaker unit shall not be considered a live/work unit as defined in ESMC Section 15-1-6 (Definitions) and shall not be 'i used a such. Note(s), ' In the P zone, a parking structure may include ground floor uses (as an accessory use) that activate the street frontage. 36 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN 1 City of El Segundo Private Realm ,Strategies 44 2.3 DEVELOPMENT ► Provide development standards that STANDARDS emphasize flexibility, creativity, and innovation to attract desired uses. New structures and alterations to existing structures shall be designed, constructed, and established in compliance with the requirements of this chapter. This chapter outlines development standards for Smoky Hollow -East (including Smoky Hollow Subarea 1), Smoky Hollow -West, and the Parking zoning districts. Development standards for the Public Facilities (PF) zoning district shall comply with Chapter 15.10 (Public Facilities Zone) of the El Segundo Municipal Code (ESMC). ► Create standards and guidelines that differentiate between the smaller scale block -and -lot patterns of the western portion of the district and the larger scale block -and -lot patterns of the eastern portion to conserve opportunities for a variety of business types and maintain the sense of district authenticity ► Address parking needs while limiting the proliferation of surface lots, Maintain parking regulations that allow for better site design and maximum site utility. The following objectives are broad policy statements intended to guide development and ° Identify standards and guidelines for on -site open space and encourage the retention design decision making. and development of off -site open spaces. 01 Encourage reuse and preservation of existing buildings that contribute positively to the area's visual and functional character. Enhance investment potential through higher -intensity development while respecting the area's physical form and eclectic, creative character. City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 37 2®3,2Development Tiers and Community Benefits The base development standards listed in Table 2-2 represent the minimum project requirements. New development that proposes to exceed the base standard for height, density, or any other development standard beyond the minor deviation threshold allowed by Section 4.5.1 Administrative Adjustment shall in return provide community benefits that enhance Smoky Hollow's character and experience. However, under no condition shall building height exceed 50 feet. Proposals to exceed standards shall submit a Community Benefits Plan and be considered through the appropriate review process described in Section 4,5.2: Community Benefits Plan for Tier I and Tier II level projects. 2.3.3 Development Standards Applicable to All Zoning Districts Projects within the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan shall also comply with the standards in the following sections of ESMC: ► 15-2-3 Exceptions to Building Heights ► 15-2-4 Height restrictions for walls and fences ► 15-2-8 Screening ► 15-2-10 Temporary Buildings ► Chapter 18: Signs 38 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN 1 City of El Segundo Private Realm Strategies 14 Table 2-2: Building Intensity and Height Standards by Zoning District 60 ft 50 ft (ceed maximum building height by S ft Note(s): sf = square feet: ft = feet FAR shall be calculated using gross floor area of structures, as defined in Appendix A, FAR in the P zone is applicable only to non -parking facility uses s See 4.5,2: Community Benefits Plan.. ° See Figure 2-1: Zoning Districts for Subarea delineation City ofEiSegundo 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN 1 39 Table 2-3: General Development Standards by Zoning District Comply with corner, driveway, and alley visibility requirements in ESMC Sections 15-2-6 (Corner Clearance) and 15-2-11 (Driveway Visibility) Note(s): sf = square feet; ft = feet 40 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN 1 City of El Segundo Private Realm Strategies Table 2-4: Open Space Standards by Zoning District Note(s): sf = square feet; ft = feet Required open space may be provided on building rooftops; however, at least 50% of required open space shall have direct access from the existing ground elevation. City of Et Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN 1 41 Figure 2-2: Surface Parking Lot Landscaping: Illustrative Landscaping at Surface Parking that Meets Standard Tree, typical Parking space, typical 42 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City of El Segundo Table 2-5: Access, Loading, and Refuse Collection Standards by Zoning District 1, Vehicular Access a Lots adjoining an alley are prohibited from providing curb cuts along street frontages. b For lots not adjoining an alley, a maximum of 1 curb cut is allowed for each 150 ft of lot frontage along a public street. c New curb cuts along Franklin Avenue are prohibited d Curb cuts shall not be more than 25 ft in width except where required by the City to be larger for safety purposes. Private Realm Strategies a. New curb cuts along Franklin Avenue are prohibited. b. Curb cuts shall not be more than 25 ft In width except where required by the City to be larger for safety purposes. a. Not required if gross building area < 50.000 sf. '.... Not required. '.. b. Required if gross building area > 50.000 sf and/or required for the '... '... following uses when the use exceeds 2,500 sf in size: restaurant or other '... 2. Loading '... food sales and service, '.. c. On -site loading areas shall be at least 18 ft long and 10 ft wide For lots adjoining an alley, loading areas shall adjoin or have access from the alley. Loading spaces may encroach into any required alley setback. a. Refuse collection service shall be contracted with an approved local service provider. Refuse collection areas 3 Refuse Collection I shall be screened per ESMC Section 15-2-5 D. b. On lots adjoining an alley, refuse collection storage areas shall be oriented to and accessed from the alley. Note(s): sf = square feet; ft = feet City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN N 43 12 Table 2-6: Parking Standards by Zoning District Consistent with Section 5106 4 of the 2016 California Green Building Standards Code: New projects anticipated to generate visitor traffic shall provide one 2-bike capacity rack For 5% of new visitor motorized vehicle parking spaces being added, with a minimum of one 2-bike capacity rack. Additions or alterations that add 9 or fewer visitor vehicle parking spaces are excluded New buildings with 10 or more tenant -occupants or additions or alterations that add 10 or more tenant vehicle parking spaces shall provide secure bicycle parking for S% of the tenant vehicle parking spaces being added, with a minimum of one secure bicycle parking space Acceptable parking facilities shall be convenient from the street and shall meet one of the following: Note(s). sf = square feet; ft = feet Parking requirements in the Parking Zoning District apply only to non -parking uses. a Bicycle parking standards shall apply to new construction, additions, and alterations, but shall not apply to change of use. 44 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN 1 City of El Segundo 2.4 PRIVATE REALM DESIOV- Smoky Hollow represents a unique World War II -era industrial district Once home to traditional manufacturing, machining, and aerospace industries, the Smoky Hollow district —with its one- and two-story brick, metal, and stucco exteriors, curved ceilings, high roof lines and light -filled interiors — is attractive to new media, technology, incubator, and creative business endeavors The repurposing of existing space will inform future development in a manner that retains the district's authenticity and character Smoky Hollow consists of two sub -districts; Smoky Hollow East, which includes Smoky Hollow Subarea 1, and Smoky Hollow West, Smoky Hollow East includes larger, free- standing buildings on spacious parcels. This configuration allows campus -style, business park settings that integrate landscape and communal outdoor space into site design. Conversely, smaller closely packed structures and lot configurations line the streets of Smoky Hollow West. Tighter blocks create a more intricate, urban, and sidewalk -oriented work district, The Specific Plan's objective is to preserve the district's unique characteristics while allowing the emergence of design innovation and creative use of space, To preserve these characteristics, this Specific Plan includes mandated design standards to ensure use of high quality, durable materials and finishes and well-defined relationship between the buildings and the streets, coupled with design guidelines Intended to provide fiexibility for nuanced design treatment. The overarching design goal for the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan is to provided development framework that maintains the district's unique setting and character while promoting adaptive design features that integrate well -designed architecture; enhanced, viable public space; and accessible pedestrian and transit linkage=_. Private Realm Strategies These design objectives are broad policy statements intended to guide development throughout Smoky Hollow, ► Preserve Smoky Hollow's existing character through the use of compatible architectural features, materials, and details ► Insist upon streetscape and landscape amenities that allow for small-scale, informal gathering, both within sites and along public rights -of -way, especially sidewalks, street corners, and along Franklin, ► Develop more accessible and street -side public open space Buildings fronting public sidewalks, and specifically buildings fronting Franklin Avenue, shall provide sidewalk -oriented entries and small-scale gathering opportunities. ► Project designs, orientation, and spaces should anticipate and facilitate emerging sidewalk and pedestrian activity, reuse of alleys, and access to all transit modes. ► Encourage active and passive design strategies that conserve natural resources City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 45 ANI jaw 1,1 DIFFERENCE ERE BE ��� EMI J DII ° V L01PI EN I ST",INIDNI'!2011116 AND UII'i11w1„''SI iilll' GI III IIII.'.."° III'i"' Illi.. I NIII'i''!!! S?, Standards Development standards are measurable criteria for building elements such as setbacks, building heights, open space requirements, and floor area ratio (FAR). Standards are prescriptive and quantitative and are applied consistently to all properties in each zoning district. Development standards are mandatory, and projects may only be approved if the proposed improvements are consistent with the development standards, unless otherwise allowed by a Variance or Administrative Adjustment. Guidelines Design guidelines are discretionary and qualitative. They are intended to serve as criteria for reviewing projects during the Private Realm Strategies application and approval process. Design guidelines address elements that cannot easily be measured or quantified, but are important aspects of the design and quality of a building or development. The design guidelines contain recommendations on design aspects that are more open to interpretation, such as texture, materials, style, and overall design character. In certain circumstances, design guidelines are mandatory —these are indicated with clear terminology such as "shall" and "must". When used in conjunction, the development standards and design guidelines will shape future development to achieve the community's vision of Smoky Hollow as an iconic and innovative employment zone. City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 47 Table 2-7: Design Standards 1. Pedestrian Entry Orientation and Treatment 2. Ground Floor Ceiling Height 1. Universal Accessibility 2. Surfacing Materials for Pedestrian Routes 1. Transparency a Buildings adjacent to a street shall provide a minimum of one primary entry oriented to the sidewalk or publicly accessible pedestrian path b Secondary entries, where provided, shall he clearly identified and provided with an unobstructed path of travel from a sidewalk or parking lot c Where pedestrian access to an alley is provided, such access shall include safety lighting. Doors shall open inward from the alley. The minimum interior floor -to -ceiling height of the ground floor shall be 12 feet a Where necessary to accommodate ADA-accessible sidewalks, streetscapes, and amenities in constrained rights - of -way, an easement shall be provided on private property between the sidewalk and building edge. The easement may be used for pedestrian circulation or to accommodate street trees, furniture, and utilities b Ease of access shall be provided along and across sites through leveling outdoor and indoor height differences, providing accessible ramps and handrails, removing obstacles along interior pedestrian paths, and minimizing curb cuts In parking lots, pedestrian circulation routes shall be clearly distinguished through the use of paving materials, colors, and textures that contrast with the driveways and drive aisles. For new buildings or additions of 1,000 square feet or more of gross floor area fronting Franklin Avenue, a minimum 15% facade transparency shall be provided at the ground level or first 12 feet of height above grade, whichever is less, through the utilization of windows, entries, or similar openings (see Figure 2-3: Building Transparency, Franklin Avenue Frontages). 48 t SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN 1 City of El Segundo Note(s), sf = square feet; ft = feet Private Realm Strategies .44 ,wong any street, no wau snau exceno more man zu reet wnnout inauaing aoors, winaows, non-commercial murals, or landscaping that cover at least 20 percent of the facade The purpose is to avoid blank walls.. City ofEl Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 49 Figure 2-3: Building Transparency, Franklin Avenue Frontages 0 Ground level or first 12 feet of height above grade 0, Area of facade Area of transparent opening 15% facade transparency sum total = 15% A 50 t SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City of El Segundo Figure 2-4: Design for Adaptive Reuse Private Realm Strategies 44 City of El Segundo A SMOKY HOLLOW SPFCIFIC PLAN \ 51 Figure 2-5: Design for Infill Buildings 11 ulid on the Indus tri I al Ch.r.cter 52 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN J City Of El Segundo Figure 2-6: Design for Building Additions Private Realm Strategies 144 City ojEtSegundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 53 Figure 2-7: Design for Campus Projects 54 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN I City of El Segundo Figure 2-8: Design for Street and Sidewalk Frontages Private Realm Strategies 44 City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 55 Figure 2-9: Design for Street Corners 56 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PI AN 1 City of El Segundo SMOKY HOLLOW DESIGN GUIDELINES: PRIVATE REALM Not all of the design guidelines will be applicable to each project, but each project team should be able to explain how the guidelines shaped their project design and work with City staff to incorporate as many of the ideas as possible. Enhance Building Character Build on the quality industrial character of architecture currently in Smoky Hollow t Convey a sense of old and new through conservation of existing materials and details and selection of new building components that complement existing conditions without mimicking an older architectural character. Private Realm Strategies 194) Build upon existing context through use of similar forms, heights, proportions, building materials, and details observed in the surrounds. Conserve and retain the character - defining features of an existing building; minimize the removal of older components, materials, and details. Repair such features rather than replace them, to the maximum extent feasible. Incorporate small, medium, and large scales through design of differentiated massing and a variety of components, proportions, and details Emphasize design at the pedestrian level through expressed forms, shapes, masses, materials, and details at first - floor frontages City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 57 is y Enhance entry expression through use of color, forms, materials, details, orientation to sidewalks, landscaping, and place -making to create a sense of arrival. h Encourage the use of roll -up doors and sliding walls at street frontages to add visual interest at the pedestrian level and enhance indoor -outdoor interactions. Orient secondary entries to alleys to create a sense of arrival and increase pedestrian presence in alleys. GO Incorporate different materials, colors, and textures at a building's exterior to create visual interest, avoid monotonous or repetitive building frontages. Facilitate Gathering Form an active street wall through design of building frontages with material and detail interest at or near sidewalks and use of sidewalk - oriented entries. Encourage outdoor food -related retail through allocation of dedicated spaces for food trucks, ice cream cars, food carts, farmers' market, and tailgating events. Develop outdoor gathering spaces at entries, along sidewalks, at patios, and on rooftops to invite activity. Provide alley -facing gathering spaces through setbacks and modulations at rear property lines that invite safe use and activity. 5 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN 1 City of El Segundo Provide street corner plazas through setbacks from street corners or through conversion of front yard surface parking. g Use enduring, quality paving materials or street painting to realize visual interest and differentiate the defined pedestrian zone from traffic lanes. Provide street furniture of enduring quality and aesthetic value; examples include benches, information posts, trash cans, etc Incorporate pedestrian -scaled lighting to enhance safety, accentuate design elements, encourage evening use of outdoor gathering spaces. Provide WI-Fi hotspots to attract pedestrians and encourage gathering at specified locations. Incorporate Landscape and Environmental Design Design layered and lush landscaping through selection of plant materials that display a variety of shapes, textures, and colors. M19 Use fences and walls as an extension of the architecture and character of the building, 'Q Utilize natural light through use of large window expanses, clearstones, skylights, etc. to enhance working spaces and reduce lighting energy consumption. Utilize planters and pots to provide greenery along sidewalks where street trees are not permitted. rki Improve surface parking areas through the use of tree canopies, landscape planters, and design of walls and fences that create visual interest, and reduce the heat island effect. Encourage Connectivity Install bike facilities above the minimum City building code requirements - such as bike racks, bike storage, bike sharing stations, dedicated shower rooms, and lockers - to encourage biking. Design for Signage, Way -Finding, and Public Art i Design signs as an integral component of the architectural program. Consider channel letter signs, projecting signs, and flag signs. Avoid box signs with plastic covers. Private Realm Strategies Incorporate way -finding through integral design of identity and directional signage and on -site lighting to guide and enhance circulations. Incorporate public art, including murals, street paintings, outdoor installation art, and light -based art installations. City of El Segundo 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN 1 59 Im Public Realm Strategies r,( r Ft' l,. J aC L., A L M tl '].] VI F (" publiclyThe Smoky Hollow public realm includes publicly owned rights -of -way (streets, pathways, and alleys) and accessible open spaces. 3.1 PUBLIC REALM STRATEGIES The quality and character of a district's public realm is an integral component of an environment in which people want to live and work. This chapter identifies the transformative strategies applicable to the public realm that will further the vision of a creative and prosperous Smoky Hollow business district.. The public realm improvement strategies establish street standards and guidelines to ensure long-term provision of sidewalks, landscape amenities, and active transportation infrastructure that encourages walking and biking, that maximizes curb -side parking resources throughout Smoky Hollow. Addressing the lack of adequate sidewalks and basic streetscape facilities is a key Specific Plan objective. Figure 3-1: Mobility and Streetscape Improvements outlines planned roadway improvements. This mobility plan represents a schematic roadway strategy Improvements will City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 63 Figure 3-1: Mobility and Streetseape Improvements Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Boundary Mobility/Street Improvements 0 250 sao 1.000r e e e e e New roadwav treatment to iml rove 6CyCle and pedestrian environments eoemroe Bike/Pedestrian Friendly Street (Living Street Concept) ua ,M as maw Bike Friendly Street (Sharrow) ---+°°°"' Potential One -Way Street and Additional Parking %f Crosswalk lmpmvements 64 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City of El Segundo Zebra Crosswalk require additional analysis based on existing conditions prior to implementation, 3,2,1 El Segundo Boulevard El Segundo Boulevard is classified as a "minor arterial," running east/west along the south edge of the Specific Plan area, bordering the Chevron Oil Refinery El Segundo Boulevard links the Smoky Hollow area to downtown El Segundo to the west and the office parks east of Pacific Coast Highway, and beyond to the Metro C Line El Segundo stations and 1-405 freeway. Transformative strategies for El Segundo Boulevard aim to improve mobility for pedestrians and cyclists and potentially address parking shortages in the district Understanding that change is incremental, the Specific Plan identifies easy-to-implernent improvements for the near term as well as Public Realm Strategies longer -term solutions In the short term, the City will undertake pilot projects to explore a preferred configuration. This may include providing parallel parking, installing a protected bike lane, widening sidewalks, or some combination of these improvements, The changes in the short and long terms will not require any street widening and will maintain four travel lanes. The final configuration will be based on feedback from residents and business owners, together with a scheme that works with other citywide mobility objectives. In addition, high -visibility crosswalks will be added along El Segundo Boulevard, marked with traditional continental stripes (sometimes referred to as zebra striping). Contrasting and high -visibility crosswalks indicate pedestrian pathways and have been shown to improve safety behavior of motorists, Complete Streets provide options for modes of travel, City of Et Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 65 Complete Streets provide options for modes of travel 66 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN 1 City of El Segundo The term "o,I l P ETE S r j UE"TS"` describes a comprehensive approach to the practice of mobility planning. Complete streets principles recognize that transportation corridors have multiple users with different abilities and mode preferences (driving, biking, walking, and taking transit). Adjacent land uses influence the functionality and character of the street environment. A well -integrated street system considers the complementary relationship between land use, local and regional travel needs, and the greater community context. Complete streets can accommodate expected traffic demand while also providing additional facilities to support travel by other modes and contributing to creation of vibrant public spaces by incorporating distinctive plaeemaking and programming elements. Public Realm Strategies The principles of complete streets are an integral part of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan and work with land use policies that encourage economic development. The following recommendations, categorized by key street section, provide for a transportation network that successfully integrates bicyclists, walkers, and transit users with people in cars, while creating a unique backdrop for businesses to flourish in Smoky Hollow_ City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 67 d Figure 3-2: Possible Configuration for El Segundo Boulevard . ......................... ........ ... Note(s): Ultimate configuration will be based on results of various pilot programs 68 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City ofElSegundo Tree Planter: Parallel Parking Space In the longer term, El Segundo Boulevard is envisioned to be reconfigured to remove the four -foot landscape strip on the south side of the roadway; the sidewalk on the north side would be widened to eight feet A wider sidewalk will improve sidewalk vitality by facilitating a more enjoyable environment for pedestrians through wider walking spaces, an increased buffer between traffic and pedestrians, and improved options for landscaping and amenities, This long- term reconfiguration will also provide new opportunities to build curb extensions, where Public Realm Strategies the sidewalk and curb are extended into the parking lane, Curb extensions serve to calm traffic by visually and physically narrowing the roadway Curb extensions also provide placemaking opportunities by creating more space for landscaping, benches, and even outdoor dining, providing a place to experience and build the Smoky Hollow identity Tree planters can also be installed among parallel parking spaces to provide additional shade and placemaking opportunities. Other traffic calming measures will also be considered City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 69 Figure 3-3: Regional Transit and Bicycle Routes Um OHIO Smoky Hallow Specific Plan Boundary ®' Metro C Line Station . ^^^^ LADOT Commuter Express 109 '� n 5ryp 1,000 200 ----- Metro C Line Light Rail City ofEl Segundo Lunch Shuttle • Metro 232 °W^°^^^^^^^^^^^.-Beach Bike Path Beach Cities 109 70 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City of El Segundo Bicycle -Friendly Street 3.2.2 Grand Avenue Grand Avenue is classified as a "minor arterial", running parallel to El Segundo Boulevard and forming the northern boundary of a portion of the Specific Plan area. Grand Avenue is configured with two 12-foot travel lanes and two 12-foot combination travel/parking lanes, where parking is allowed during off-peak hours. Through the Specific Plan, Grand Avenue is envisioned to facilitate a more cyclist -friendly environment Creating enhanced bike access on Grand Avenue will facilitate connections between Smoky Hollow and the El Segundo Public Realm Strategies i and Mariposa Metro C Line Stations located approximately 0,5 and 1.2 miles, respectively, east of the Specific Plan's eastern boundary. Bike facilities along Grand Avenue will also facilitate access to the 22-mile Marvin Braude Bike Trail, also known as The Strand, located at the western terminus of Grand Avenue, one mile west of the Specific Plan's western boundary See Figure 3-3: Regional Transit and Bicycle Routes. Transformation strategies include a roadway reconfigurat'on to modify lane widths on Grand Avenue to provide additional space for bicycles to share the road and narrowing internal travel City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN 1 71 Figure 3-4: Grand Avenue - Proposed Improvements ONE WAY STREET ONE WAY STREET r—d Ave -- - EmU�g G—dA—..-Proposed 72 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN I City ofEl Segundo Sharrow lanes to encourage drivers to remain within the speed limit. There is a strong correlation between lane width and speed (narrower lanes encourage lower vehicle speeds), although it varies based on factors such as time of day, amount of traffic, and even the character of adjacent land uses. Interior lane widths on Grand Avenue should not exceed 11 feet to avoid unintended speeding. As the interior lane widths are narrowed, the peak travel/ off-peak parking lane width is increased to a 13-foot shared lane, allowing additional space for bicycles in that lane. See Figure 3-4: Grand Avenue - Proposed Improvements,. Public Realm Strategies j The shared lanes will have identifying markings called "sharrows" to Indicate a shared lane environment for bicycles and automobiles. Among other benefits, sharrows reinforce the legitimacy of bicycle traffic on the street and recommend proper bicyclist positioning to avoid open doors of parked cars. City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN 1 73 Figure 3-5: Franklin Avenue Near Term - Proposed Improvements r-kh" A t". - r.-A. n-- - -- -1 74 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN I City ofEl Segundo Artistic Crosswalks .3.2.3 Franklin Avenue Franklin Avenue, a two-lane street parallel to Grand Avenue and EI Segundo Boulevard, functions as the district's spine. Franklin Avenue runs the length of the plan area and provides easy access to the north/south streets and alleyways. For approximately half of the district (between Center and Illinois Streets), Franklin Avenue is a SO -foot right-of-way, configured with two travel lanes and two parking lanes, Between Main Street and Center Street, Franklin Avenue is a 40-foot right-of-way, with two travel lanes and one parking lane While the ultimate right-of-way for Franklin Avenue is planned at SO feet the City does not intend to require dedications to widen the pavement width. The additional dedicated space will be used for other transformative strategies, The transformative strategy for Franklin Avenue encourages land uses, activities, and pedestrian -oriented design standards that facilitate a shared sense of space. In the near term, this can be accomplished affordably by restriping the existing roadway and painting creative crosswalks and paintings within the roadway. In addition, parklets on Franklin Avenue will Public Realm Strategies "ad/ allow for outdoor conference rooms and casual meeting places Parklets are described in more detail in Section 3.4 (Pedestrian and Open Space Enhancements). Creative crosswalks incorporate art within standard crosswalk markings. Special crosswalk improvements can showcase local history and character, serve as an identifying feature of the district, and further the Specific Plan's aim to support a vibrant pedestrian environment. Additional street paintings, such as painted intersection emblems, also enhance the district's public realm, See Figure 3-5: Franklin Avenue Near Term - Proposed Improvements City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 75 Figure 3-6: Franklin Avenue Long Term/incremental - Proposed Improvements - WoonerflLiving Street SETBACK(10'-0") AS STRIPING a " w 76 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN I City of El Segundo Woonerf/Living Street In the long term, Franklin Avenue is envisioned as a creative space that merges the boundary between sidewalk and street to provide a common public space shared by pedestrians, cyclists and low -speed vehicles. Such streets, called "woonerfs" (pronounced /vcoonerf/), or living streets, are pedestrian -oriented travel ways. The long-term concept for Franklin Avenue includes two multi -modal lanes shared by automobiles and cyclists, parking lanes that integrate stormwater planters and street trees, and two six-foot curbless sidewalks. Transforming Franklin Avenue into a pedestrian and bike -friendly woonerf will facilitate connections between Smoky Hollow and Main Street to the west and destinations east of Sepulveda Boulevard. In addition, Franklin Avenue will provide an enjoyable pathway toward the El Segundo and Mariposa Metro C Line Stations located less than one mile east of the Specific Plan's eastern boundary and to the Marvin Braude Bike Trail located one mile west. A reconfigured Franklin Avenue will be designed to allow drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians to share the same space, making the street welcoming and appealing. Once reconfigured, Franklin Avenue will function as a social space and will not be limited to just vehicular mobility. Franklin Avenue enhancements will include the addition of tree planters among the parking Public Realm Strategies rows, enhanced street paving, and improved crosswalks and pedestrian lighting. The woonerf concept is a long-term goal that will likely be achieved through incremental changes, such as the gradual replacement of key parking spaces with trees or other sidewalk amenities such as street furniture or bicycle racks. Enhanced paving and full build out of the woonerf concept may occur on a block -by -block basis; the priority location for the woonerf is the western edge of Franklin Avenue, near Main Street (see Figure 3-6: Franklin Avenue Long Term/Incremental - Proposed Improvements - Woonerf/Living Street). City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 77 Tree Planters Thirteen side streets run perpendicular to the three east/west streets in the Specific Plan area. The majority of businesses have their primary entrances on one of these north/south streets. Most of the north/south streets are 50-foot rights -of -way, developed with one travel lane and one parking lane in each direction and five-foot sidewalks on both sides of the street, Three streets (Standard Street, Eucalyptus Drive, and Center Street) have 60-foot rights - of -way thus the sidewalks on these streets are primarily 10 feet wide The key transformative strategy for north/south streets in Smoky Nollow is a reconfiguration of the majority of these streets to one-way direction to increase the supply of on -street parking Figure 3-1: Mobility and Streetscape Improvements shows a conceptual map of one-way north/ south streets in Smoky Hollow. This orientation is optimized based on the potential to increase on -street parking spaces due to street and driveway configurations, As designed, no more than two streets in a row would be oriented in the same direction. Streets will be reconfigured into a 20-foot wide lane in a one-way direction Figure 3-7: North/South Streets - Proposed Improvements shows a detailed view of the proposed improvements intersecting Franklin Avenue. By the end of 2023, Nevada Street, Oregon Street, and California Street will be reconfigured to one-way direction with angled parking, This reconfiguration will include 78 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City ofE]Segundo striping and signage and result in 19 additional parking spaces, Additional landscaping and curb extensions will likely be added as long- term streetscape improvements. Street reconfiguration of additional north/south streets in Smoky Hollow will require supplementary analysis based on existing conditions and pilot project outcomes to best optimize on -street parking spaces. In addition to the expected increase of an estimated 8S parking spaces, designating one-way streets is expected to efficiently move north -south automobile traffic and limit curbside activity conflicts such as service vehicle loading and unloading, which can be less disruptive on a one-way street given proposed lane widths, However, loading is encouraged to occur in alleys wherever feasible, Figure 3-7: North/South Streets - Proposed Improvements AVENUE .. ...... .. . . . . . . . .............................. Public Realm Strategies City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 79 Towards the west of the Smoky Hollow district, narrow alleys running north/south provide access to rear -of -lot parking and servicing of businesses. Alleys were historically designed into cities for trash access, deliveries, electrical, plumbing and mechanical services, emergency vehicles, and parking. As a secondary circulation pattern, many pedestrians, cyclists, and even autos use alleys for shortcuts or back access. Alleys not only provide important space for services but also an opportunity to recapture underutilized public space for outdoor activity. Additional temporary uses 8 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN 1 City of El Segundo for alleys such as event space, retail, cafes or art venues can enhance the public/pedestrian environments in Smoky Hollow. While most alleys in Smoky Hollow will continue to serve a primary function of access to properties for parking, trash, and loading as needed, flexibility in development standards facilitates the use of loadings spaces located off of alleys for alternative temporary uses such as picnic areas, removable landscape amenities, public recreation, or art. See Figure 3-8: Alleys - Proposed Improvements. Figure 3-8: Alleys - Proposed Improvements 3� Existing Alley 0 LU Public Realm Strategies 11ellm", N, I 3� 3� Proposed Alley Ci d ct� t; w City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN 1 81 Bicycle Facilities/Racks 82 I SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN t City of E( Segundo r Smoky Hollow is an ideal location to provide enhanced opportunities for bicycling. Bike facilities will be expanded along roadways G 0 As part of pilot program investigations for improving pedestrian and bicycle mobility along El Segundo Boulevard, the City will identify whether to install a protected, striped, or signed bike lane See the discussion in Section 3.2.1 El Segundo Boulevard. Along Grand Avenue, as outlined in Section 3.2.2 (Grand Avenue) above, the street reconfiguration will create two 13-foot shared lanes for cyclists and automobiles during peak travel times. In off-peak travel times, automobile parking will be permitted in this lane, which will be wide enough to accommodate both parked cars and bicyclists Bicycle facilities on Grand Avenue will be marked with additional signage and sharrows ► Re -imagined Franklin Avenue (Section 3.2,3 above) will be designed as a pedestrian and bicycle -friendly street that allows drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians to share the same space, making the street much more welcoming and appealing. Once reconfigured, 1 rankllr Avenue will function as a social space and will facilitate all modes of travel within the enhanced streetscape. ► The plannea reconfiguration of north/south roadways provides new opportunities for bicycle parking within street areas at the end of rows, striped for no vehicle parking. Creative bike racks that function not only as attractive and functional street furniture but also as public art will enhance streetscapes, encourage the use of bicycles in Smoky Hollow, and contribute to the area's eclectic character. 1FAMMWIM The Specific Plan area is served by the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro), City of El Segundo, City of Redondo Beach, and Los Angeles Department of Transportation (LADOT) for bus transit, Public transportation in Smoky Hollow area consists of fixed route bus service and dial -a - ride service, most of which is located at the plan area's periphery along Grand Avenue to the north, Main Street to the west, and Pacific Coast Highway to the east. The City of El Segundo provides lunchtime shuttle services between corporate offices east of Sepulveda Boulevard and the downtown Main Street area, just west Public Realm Strategies of the Specific Plan area. The Metro C Line, a 20-mile light rail line running between the cities of Redondo Beach and Norwalk, has two nearby stops: the El Segundo and the Mariposa Metro C Line Stations located approximately 0 5 and 1,2 miles, respectively, east of the Specific Plan. See Figure 3-3: Regional Transit and Bicycle Routes, The area will also be served by the Metro Crenshaw/LAX Line when it is completed in 2024, The Aviation/LAX rail station for the C and Crenshaw/LAX lines is located just over two miles from the Plan area at Aviation Boulevard just south of-105. Improved transit options and clear connections to transit services, stops, and stations result in reduced traffic and parking demand. In Smoky Hollow, safe, attractive, walkable environments for workers and visitors encourage pedestrians and the use of bicycles. In addition, the City's lunchtime shuttle presents an opportunity to enhance connections between business districts and transit stations, A key implementation strategy will be to explore appropriation of the lunch shuttle during peak travel times to provide connections to Smoky Ifollow from the Nash Metro C Line Station. City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 83 ✓0�0 3.3 PARKING MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES Limited and inefficient parking has historically been identified as one of the district's biggest liabilities. The original Smoky Hollow Specific Plan attempted to balance the need for more effective parking with the desire by area business owners to maintain tighter parking regulations that allowed for better site design and maximum site utility. While demand for business space in Smoky Hollow has increased significantly since adoption of the original Specific Plan, the area has not been able to absorb the increased parking demand This is largely due to two factors, First, in Smoky Hollow the existing on -street parking is free, with no time limits As a result, this common good has been occupied as an extension of private properties for parking vehicles that are being serviced by local automobile repair businesses and overnight large vehicles such as RVs. Second, new businesses in Smoky Hollow that have been replacing industrial operations are more employee -intensive and thus have somewhat different parking and infrastructure demands. At the same time, many property owners have cited the high cost associated with providing more on -site parking —together with physical site limitations —as reasons to defer expansions, renovations, rehabilitation, and changes of use. In addition, standard strategies to address parking needs are slated for a significant shift as autonomous vehicles, ride -share, and transit decrease demand for parking. ON -SITE PARKING DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS Recognizing these constraints and long-term trends, the Specific Plan establishes parking regulations that are tied to building area, not use, to allow for flexibility and change over time (see Section 2.3:1.H: Private Parking Standards). The City has also completed analysis towards a parking in -lieu fee for Smoky Hollow, which provides flexibility for developers and funding to increase parking in the district. In addition, strategies to address existing parking deficiencies are discussed below,. OPTIMIZE CURBSIDE PARKING In the short term, existing rights -of -way may be restriped to significantly increase: parking supply, resulting in an estimated increase of 185 parking spaces (see also Section 3.2.1: El Segundo Boulevard and Section 3.2 4: North/ South Streets). Pilot programs will determine whether such improvements will be permanent, 84 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN ! City of El Segundo ► Implementing one-way traffic patterns on north/south streets, coupled with 60-degree angled parking configurations on one side of the street, is estimated to add 8S additional parking spaces. ► Restriping El Segundo Boulevard to provide on -street parking along the north curb of the roadway between Standard Street on the west and Kansas Street on the east would add an estimated 101 parking spaces, Reconfiguration was not considered for areas outside of the specified extents to limit intersection capacity impacts at intersections to the west (Main Street) and east (Pacific Coast Highway). OVERNIGHT CURBSIDE PARKING Overnight parking in Smoky Hollow will be prohibited between 2:00 and 6:00 A.M. Curbside parking for recreational and oversized vehicles (including trailers) will be limited per the El Segundo Municipal Code (Title 8, Article G). 3.3.2 LONG-TERM PARKING STRATEGIES Long-term parking strategies seek to increase the supply of parking with a fiscally sustainable approach that may include a parking district and development of parking structures as private ventures or public/private partnerships Parking Structure ► The City will support development of shared/public parking structures for use by workers and visitors in the district While two potential locations have been identified, centrally located at the northeast and northwest corners of the Maryland Street/ Franklin Avenue intersection (see Figure 2-1: Zoning Districts), the provision of parking structures would also be considered in other parts of the Specific Plan area. The provision of structures that can be shared (i,e„ parking for commuters during the day, and visitors/ patrons in the evening and weekends) can maximize the use of the parking structure, reduces the amount of parking to be built, Public Realm Strategies and financially supports the facilities' capital and operating expenses. In the long term, the City will also explore establishment of a business parking permit district or parking management program to ensure fairness and continuity of access for the managed curbside parking. The business parking permit district may distribute parking passes to local businesses and reserve certain on street spaces for visitors only. The business parking district will manage on -street parking in the district, with associated fees, rights, and penalties. CityofElSegundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 85 Figure 3-9: TreelStormwater Planter Design and Plant Palette STORMWATER PLANTER PLANT PALETTE APPROVSTORMW TER <K�.?IU m STREET TREE IL r GUTTER GRATE � III STORMWATER mvnr p.:a 4ruF»•W1YrtaNM OY'rVN u'zC;.w.', we . m PLANTINGS 'rR'r i"fl'—%Tf ;.�.�;!. La9a ixI c rf f f f � ry srz Chi, hr. Tr aimnermAw ri,n. �RramFarme t9.�x 86 l SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN I City of El Segundo The Smoky Hollow Specific Plan identifies strategies to expand existing found spaces for outdoor engagement, conversations, and vitality. Several open space strategies have been identified for Smoky Hollow. ► Preserve existing open space: The City will work with private property owners to Preserve Smoky Hollow's existing open space resources and identify ways to incorporate open space and greenspace into streetscapes and as part of new private development. The northeast corner lot at Franklin Avenue and Maryland Street is the only open space in Smoky Hollow and is regularly used for picnicking and active recreation However, this lot is privately owned and may be developed in the future. Maintaining and expanding open space resources in Smoky Hollow is a priority. ► Create new open space: For larger, campus -like developments, Specific Plan development standards require adequate provision of on -site open space (see Section 2.3.1.F: Open Space and Landscaping Standards). Public Realm Strategies ► Create a "Living Street": Along Franklin Avenue, the creation of a woonerf, or living street concept, will include multi -modal lanes and parking lanes that integrate tree planters, parklets, and curbless sidewalks (see Section 3 2.3: Franklin Avenue). ► Plant Street Trees: On key streets in Smoky Hollow, new tree planters will provide shade and visual enhancement to the area's environment. Planters are identified for the north side of El Segundo Boulevard, key locations on Franklin Avenue, and north/ south streets between parking spaces. Planters can be strategically located among striped parking spaces or at the end of a parking row in areas generally striped as no parking". Curb extensions can also accommodate tree planters, A key design consideration for tree planters in Smoky Hollow is to offset the planter from the sidewalk to avoid impacting the storm drainage system. The tree planters will also provide opportunities for additional stormwater filtration. Appropriate tree species selection and location and design of the planting site ensure the healthy growth and longevity of trees, and will enhance the Smoky Hollow streetscape character. See Figure 3-9: Tree/stormwater Planter Design and Plant Palette. City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN t 87 Figure 3-10: Design for Public Rights -of -Way 88 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPFCIFIC PLAN / City of El Segundo Design for public rights -of --way, pedestrian amenities, and parklets should consider and utilize the following design concepts. These improvements could be funded by developers through the community benefits program (see Section 4.52 - Community Benefits) and/or other sources described in Chapter 5 - Implementation and Financing. Provide street furniture of enduring quality and aesthetic value, examples include benches, information posts, trash cans, etc Provide artistic crosswalks at key intersections by using paint or paving material such as permeable interlocking concrete pavers to differentiate the defined pedestrian zone from traffic lanes. (av, Design layered and lush landscaping through selection of plant materials displaying a variety of shapes, textures, and colors, U Utilize planters and pots to provide greenery, especially those that are lightweight, modular, movable, and easy to assemble and disassemble in anticipation of temporal events or for emergency use. Create landscape buffers separating the pedestrian zone from traffic lanes through use of permanent planters that could also be used as seating and/or to maximize permeable surface cover as stormwater drainage. l Select drought -tolerant and native plants to reduce irrigation and conserve water. Develop location -specific phone applications that inform about public amenities, assist in wayfinding, and encourage pedestrian interactions with destinations in and around Smoky Hollow. Encourage public art including murals, street paintings, outdoor installation art, and light -based art installations to create visual interest Public Realm Strategies IT pyq�d install bike facilities such as bike racks, bike storage, and bike sharing stations. Utilize curb extensions (bulb -outs) to l� r reduce pedestrian crossing distance and mitigate vehicular traffic and speed. t R' Provide mid -block crossings to shorten walking distances, increase the safety of crossings, and enhance interactions between both sides of streets. Use exterior lighting to enhance the safety of public rights -of -way. Provide WiFi hotspots to attract pedestrian flows and encourage gathering at specified locations. Introduce outdoor food -related retail through allocation of dedicated spaces for food trucks, ice cream cars, Food carts, farmer's market, and tailgating events. City ofEl Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 89 ► Provide Parklets: These small parks, generally located in on -street parking lanes, provide amenities like seating, planting, bicycle parking, and art. Parklets encourage social activity by creating community spaces where people can move out of pedestrian traffic, sit down and have a conversation, or simply people watch on a break from the workday, creating a more exciting pedestrian realm. The design of any individual parklet may vary according to the wishes of the primary partner or applicant. Designs may include seating, greenery, bicycle racks, or other features, but should always strive to become a focal point for the community and a welcoming public gathering place, helping to form a series of small intimate outdoor spaces in Smoky Hollow The spaces nearest new street trees and left over from parking reconfigurations present an exciting opportunity to create an extension of indoor spaces outside, perhaps even small outdoor conference rooms for local businesses or simply places to enjoy lunch and a nice day. 90 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City ofEl Segundo See Figure 3-10: Design for Public Rights - of -Way image and comprehensive list of design guidelines for streetscapes and parklets in Smoky Hollow, ► Enhanced Pedestrian Lighting: Pedestrian - scaled street lighting enhances safety, encourages evening use of outdoor spaces, and contributes to aesthetics. Where feasible, pedestrian -level lights should be introduced, especially near parklets. � - r The importance of a unique identity for Smoky Hollow is multi -faceted, but primarily relates to bolstering economic advantage for local businesses. By building a reputation for the area based on the Specific Plan's vision, Smoky Hollow will become more recognized. People will want to connect their business endeavors and relationships with the area. A successful place -based identity, or brand, is memorable if it reflects a reputation, a sense of place, and qualities distinctive to a particular area, This kind of identity must be built and maintained through City policies and actions, collaborations with the business community, marketing and promotions, and physical improvements. Throughout this Specific Plan, Smoky Hollow's identity is expressed in text, graphics, and photo examples. This includes both specific: physical improvements to the district's streetscapes to facilitate placemaking, as well as design guidelines that provide a framework for selecting design textures and placement offeatures, Public Realm Strategies IMPROVEMENTS A cost-efficient and reliable infrastructure network is essential to serve any business community. Most of the existing infrastructure within Smoky Hollow —with the key exception of high -capacity and rapid speed telecommunications —is adequate to serve existing and future businesses, although it is aging and will require periodic upgrade and expansion The City will focus its efforts on providing an adequate level of service to accommodate existing uses and projected growth. One key focus will be to identify solutions to create more sustainable infrastructure that relies on fewer natural resources ," a 1TA The City of El Segundo manages and operates the domestic water system that serves the Smoky Hollow district. The City provides both potable and recycled water. The City obtains its potable water from a single source, purchased through the West Basin Municipal Water District (WBMWD), which in turn receives the water through the Metropolitan Water District of Southern California. Water lines exist within every street within the Specific Plan area, and City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 91 92 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN 1 City of El Segundo most water lines are six- and eight -inch lines, Larger water lines (ranging from 10 to 20 inches) run east -west along El Segundo Boulevard and north -south along Standard Street, Lomita Avenue, Illinois Street, and Sepulveda Boulevard, The City does not have any planned projects that will diversify or expand the available water supply. The City has determined that pumping groundwater is not a viable option for diversifying its water supply. Instead, the City anticipates that all potable water will be provided through WBMWD, which provides water of high quality from reliable sources. Due to the slow rising population and demand reduction requirements required by State law, projected water supply needs are expected to decrease from 2015 to 2035, In addition to distributing potable water, El Segundo is part of WBMWD's recycled water system Recycled water is used for industrial applications (primarily the Chevron Refinery) and Irrigation. New industrial customers are encouraged to connect to recycled water, thereby relieving any large demand on the City's potable water supply. The City does not have any plans to expand its recycled water system, but WBMWD's Capital Implementation Master Plan for Recycled Water Systems identifies expansions to its systems that will help increase Public Realm Strategies reliability of both recycled and potable water service in El Segundo. Overall, the City's water system is well positioned to serve existing and future businesses within Smoky Hollow. To maintain adequate water supplies, new and expanded development will be encouraged to maximize efficient use of water resources through conservation, demand reduction, and water recycling. Projects will also be expected to incorporate water conservation best management practices. PUPFIRM The City's Public Works Department, Wastewater Division operates and maintains the local wastewater system El Segundo's sewer lines, which are typically eight inches in diameter, are located throughout the Specific Plan area in public street rights -of -way, Force mains, which move wastewater under pressure by using pumps or compressors located in lift stations, are located on Center Street (north of Franklin Avenue), California Street (north of Holly Avenue), Kansas Street (between Grand Avenue and El Segundo Boulevard), and Franklin Avenue (between California and Kansas Streets). A future system capacity analysis conducted in 2014 found that the local system's City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 93 j% Low -Impact Development pump stations have ample capacity to handle the estimated existing and future peak wet weather flows. Additional storage capacity and emergency generators were recommended for all pump stations within Smoky Hollow. The City will support ongoing monitoring and maintenance of local sewer lines. Tracking planned infrastructure improvements and, as feasible, coordinating these with roadway improvements associated with implementation of this Specific Plan will also help minimize costs, street closures, and disturbances associated with construction. 3.6.3 Stor water Drainage Stormwater refers to precipitation and irrigation runoff that collects on streets and in gutters, along with any other particles and substances that the runoff carries along with it. Considerable stormwater volumes can be generated during a significant rain storm, potentially resulting in the runoff overwhelming the local collection and conveyance infrastructure The City of El Segundo and the Los Angeles County Flood Control District provide the majority of drainage infrastructure within the City. The storm drain system is critical, 94 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City of El Segundo as the Smoky Hollow area is highly developed and largely impervious. The continuous maintenance and improvement of stormwater quality are imperative for the protection of public health, wildlife, and watersheds Through management and appropriately designed development, water pollution can be dramatically reduced Typically, storm drains are located along roadways and within large developments. Stormwater quality is a significant concern in Southern California, as stormwater runoff is a significant contributor to local and regional pollution and the largest source of unregulated pollution to the waterway and coastal areas of the United States, Federal, State, and regional regulations require the control of pollutants discharged to the storm drain system on construction sites and areas of new development or significant redevelopment. Low -Impact Development (LID) principles can be applied to manage, reduce, and re -use stormwater runoff. These LID elements provide water quality treatment and delay stormwater runoff while enhancing the urban landscape. The City will work with developers and property owners in Smoky Hollow to promote, approve, and implement designs that include the integration of LID strategies, including site designs that maximize permeable surface cover and infiltration potential. Smoky Hollow benefits from an extensive utility network for power, gas, and telecommunications services. The area has not suffered from unusual service interruptions, and systems continue to provide energy and information to businesses and residents. Electrical power is provided by Southern Calitornia Edison (SCE), SCE serves over 14 Public Realm Strategies million people and covers an area of approximately 50,000 square miles across 180 cities. Natural gas is provided by the Gas Company (SoCal Gas), which serves 214 million customers in more than 500 cities, The area is currently fully served with electricity and natural gas Periodic upgrades are funded by the service provider. Stakeholders within the Smoky Hollow district have expressed concern that the area has limited access to high-speed internet services. Media, software, engineering, aerospace, and many emerging business sectors rely heavily on access to the internet. Fiber optic systems in particular have played a crucial role in enabling broadband and Wi-Fi internet access by making transmission of information much more cost effective than copper wire technology. The current fiber optic network system primarily runs along El Segundo and Sepulveda Boulevards, with very limited access points within the Specific Plan area El Segundo approved funding for two projects to expand the City -owned fiber optic network and to link all City buildings with Its fiber optic network. The City has initiated work to install fiber optic cable crossing Sepulveda Boulevard (I-NetFiber Optic), City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 95 Specific Plans serves as an implementation tool for the General Plan and establish the zoning regulations for a unique area. This Specific Plan has been prepared pursuant to Section 65450 et seq. of the California Government Code and addresses general provisions, permitted uses, development and design standards, design guidelines, mobility improvements, and infrastructure. All development proposals within the Specific Plan area are subject to the procedures established herein. Specific Plan Process + Administration Proposed development plans, tentative tract or parcel maps, and any other development approval must be consistent with the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan. Projects consistent with this Specific Plan will be automatically deemed consistent with the General Plan. City ofE/Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 99 12 100 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECFIC PLAN 1 City of El Segundo • Any ambiguity concerning the content or application of the Specific Plan, such as the determination of similar uses, shall be resolved by the Community Development Director or designee in a manner consistent with the goals, policies, purposes, and intent established in this Specific Plan. 4.2 SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, sentence, clause, phase, or portion of this Specific Plan, or any future amendments or additions, is for any reason held to be invalid or unconstitutional by the decision of any court or competent jurisdiction, such decision shall not affect the validity of the remaining portions of this Specific Plan or any future amendments or additions that can be implemented without the invalid provision, and, to this end, the provisions of this Specific Plan are declared to be severable. A program -level Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared for the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan, A Program EIR may reduce the need for project -specific environmental review in areas that have been analyzed Specific Plan Process + Administration by the EIR, subject to findings that there are no significant changes in conditions and that the project is in compliance with the Specific Plan requirements. Certain projects may require additional specific environmental review as necessary, if they do not conform to the Specific Plan. This could include targeted studies on one or more identified environmental concerns. The City will make these determinations, and environmental review may be incorporated in the development approval process C ![ 2 2 Eel : [0107 I3•77 7Ti iT Within the zoning districts established by this Specific Plan or amendments that may later be adopted, there exists or will exist lots, structures, and uses of land which were lawful before the adoption or amendment of this Specific Plan, but which no longer comply. The intent of this Section (Nonconformities) is to permit those nonconformities to continue until they are removed, but not to encourage their continuance. Such uses and structures shall not be enlarged upon, expanded, or extended, nor be used as grounds for adding other structures or uses prohibited elsewhere in the same zoning district, except as may be expressly permitted in this Section. City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 101 11 Uses of land that were lawful before the effective date of adoption or amendment of this Specific Plan, but which no longer comply, may be continued so long as such use remains otherwise lawful, provided A. No such nonconforming use may be enlarged or increased, nor extended to occupy a greater area of land than was occupied at the effective date of adoption or amendment of the Specific Plan. B. If any such nonconforming use is discontinued for any reason for a period of more than 12 consecutive months, any subsequent use must conform to the regulations specified by the Specific Plan for the zoning district in which such land is located Buildings that are actively available for lease and occupancy or are being remodeled pursuant to a permit or subject to ESMC Section 15-21-3 are not considered vacant for the purposes of this section. C. Unless otherwise prohibited by law, and notwithstanding anything contrary set forth in El Segundo Municipal Code Chapter 15-21 or subsections A and B above, any legally established use made legal nonconforming with the adoption of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan in 2018, shall be, permitted to relocate and continue the nonconforming use, by right, subject to the following provisions i, The legal nonconforming use may relocate only to an existing structure within the Smoky Hollow East (SH-E) and Smoky Hollow West (SH-W) districts, if The legal nonconforming use may relocate no more than one time. m The relocated legal nonconforming use's floor area may not exceed the floor area of the prior legal nonconforming use. iv, The legal nonconforming use shall be allowed one change of ownership. v. By December 7, 2024, the business must both file a written request with the Community Development Department, which evidences property owner consent for relocation, and apply for a business license from the Finance Department, vi. Any discretionary entitlement conditions associated with the previous legal nonconforming use shall apply to the new business location vii This Subsection "C" will sunset on December 7, 2025 and will thereafter have no further legal force or effect. Only those 102 ! SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN I City ofE(Segundo legal nonconforming uses relocated, permitted, including but not limited to, any building permits, or other Community Development Department written approval, and established pursuant to this section on or before such sunset date may maintain such legal nonconforming status hereunder. viii. Legal nonconforming use must abide by local, state, and federal laws and regulations Where a lawful structure ex',sts at the effective date of adoption or amendment of this Specific Plan that could not be built under the terms of these regulations by reason of restrictions on area, height, setbacks, its location on the lot, or other requirements concerning the structure, such structure may be continued so long as it remains continuously occupied and is otherwise lawful, subject to the following provisions: A. Nonconforming structures may expand up to the allowable floor area ratio (FAR) permitted by this Specific Plan, The expansion itself must meet all the requirements of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan, but is not required to compensate for any defic'ency or nonconformity in the original structure B. Should a nonconforming structure be involuntarily destroyed to any extent, including total destruction, it may be rebuilt to the identical use and original floor area. C. Should a nonconforming structure be moved for any reason for any distance whatsoever, it must then conform to the regulations for the zoning district in which it is located after it is moved. 4.4,.E Nonconforming Lots Nonconforming lots shall comply with ESMC Section 15-21-4 (Nonconforming Lots). A legally established use of a lot that does not meet the requirements for on -site vehicular parking (either through provision of required on -site parking, off -site parking, or payment of in -lieu fees) established by this Specific Plan is nonconforming with respect to parking and shall be governed by the following regulations: A. Continuation. Uses that have nonconforming parking or loading may be continued indefinitely except as indicated below. El Segundo Art Walk B. Repair and Remodel of Buildings. Repairs, rehabilitations, and remodeling that do not enlarge or extend the structure, nor change the use, as established by this Specific Plan, are permitted without change to the parking provided. C. Additions to Buildings. Additions to structures with nonconforming parking are permitted, provided the existing use of the property is conforming and that parking, as required by this Specific Plan, shall be provided for the new addition above whatever parking existed for the original structure. D. Change of Use. When the use of all or a portion of a building is modified, parking, Specific Plan Process + Administration 44 as required by this Specific Plan, shall be provided for the entire building and all other buildings on the same lot. 4.4.5 Nonconforming Curb Cuts Existing nonconforming curb cuts along street frontages shall be removed subject to the following provisions: A. New Buildings. When new buildings are constructed on a lot, any nonconforming curb cuts on the property shall be removed. B. Additions to Buildings. When additions to structures add SO percent or more of the gross floor area of existing structures on a lot, all nonconforming curb cuts shall be removed. City of Et Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 103 All projects proposed within the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan area shall substantially conform with the prcvlsions of this Specific Plan. The Administrative Adjustment review process allows limited exceptions to certain development standards,. In addition to the instances allowed by ESMC Section 15- 24-1 (Adjustments), a property owner or authorizedagent of the property owner may file an Administrative Adjustrnent application whenever any one of the following deviations from the provisions of this Specific Plan is proposed: A. Condition of Approval. If an Administrative Adjustment process is not already included in an approved conditional use permit or administrative use permit, a minor deviation from a condition of approval, B. Development Standards. A deviation in any numeric development standard, excluding the number of required parking spaces, density, height, or floor area ratio, not exceeding 10 percent. C. Curb Cuts for Additions, A deviation from the standard required by Section 4,45.B (Additions to Buildings). Findings and required notice for Administrative Adjustments shall comply with ESMC Chapter 15-24 (Adjustments). Community benefits are based on the principle that in exchange for allowing incremental increases in development intensity, the community should, in return, receive certain benefits, including beneficial design features such as publicly accessible open space and other develcpmen: requirements that serve the community's core needs Any project in Smoky Hollow proposing a deviation from development standards beyond the minor deviations allowed by Section 4.5.1 Administrative Adjustment shall submit a Community Benefits Plan for review and approval by the Director. The Community Benef is Plan shall outline the request for flexibility from strict interpretation of the development standards and regulations of this Specific Plan, as well as t'ne proposed public amenities, features, and improvements prioritized in this Specific Plan that would be provided. Examples of potential community benefits include, bit are not limited to, publicly 104 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City of Et Segundo accessible open space, publicly accessible parking, and implementation and/or funding of streetscape improvements identified in this Specific Plan. See Table 4-1 for a description of the process and requirements for Community Benefits Tiers I and II. 4.6 APPEALS All appeals pertaining to the Smoky Hollow Specific plan s'nall be conducted In accordance with the provisions of ESMC Chapter 15-2S. • • �W M R Modifications to the text or exhil of this Specific Plan may be warrantec in the future to accommodate unforeseen conditions or events, The City will process revisions pursuant to California Government Code Section 65450, et seq. All Specific Plan amendments shall be found consistent with the El Segundo General Plan in compliance with Government Code Section 65454. The Specific Plan may be amended as often as deemed necessary by the City Council in compliance with Government Code Section 65453, Specific Plan Process + Administration 44 Table 4-1: Community Benefits Plan Community Planning Commission Projects that include any of the following '..... A Community Benefits Plan for Tier I may approved if the Renefits Tier components shall be considered under the Tier I '.. following findings are made review process: A. The proposed additional building height, intensity, or A. FAR deviation up to 1,5 deviation from development standards would not be S. Deviations to standards (neither of which detrimental to the public health, safety or welfare, or is height or FAR) that exceed the minor materially injurious to properties or improvements in the deviation threshold (10%) allowed by vicinity; Section 4S 1 Administrative Adjustments B. The proposed project meets at least 15 of the private design guidelines; and C. The proposed community benefit implements public realm '.. '.... improvements identified in the Specific Plan or private realm improvements that directly benefit the public. Community City Council Projects that include any of the following A Community Benefits Plan for Tier II may be approved if the Benefits Tier II components shall be considered under the Tier II following findings are made review process, '.. A. Findings A through C for Tier I; and '... A. Building height deviation up to 50 feet (or B. The value of the community benefits bears a relationship '.. '... 60 feet in Subarea 1 as delineated in Figure ', '.... '... ' to the value generated by the project, to be established by '.... ',.. ', 2-1: Zoning Districts) ',.. '.. separate policy. B. FAR > 1.5 C. Three or more deviations to standards (one '... of which is height or FAR) that exceed the - minor deviation threshold (10%) allowed by '.. Section 4.5.1 Administrative Adjustment City of El Segundo 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 105 Implementing this Specific Plan will require a collaborative effort between the public and private sectors to collectively achieve the vision. Private sector developers, entrepreneurs, investors, and property owners will drive new investment and construction in Smoky Hollow The City's responsibility is to offer mechanisms that facilitate private investment, and to coordinate, encourage, and deliver parallel and complementary investment in the public realm. Changes in economic conditions and trends over time may require the City to periodically Implementation + Financing revisit and reprioritize the implementation steps for achieving the vision for Smoky Hollow. Therefore, this chapter describes a variety of potential funding mechanisms in order to accommodate dynamic local interest/ capacity and market conditions in Section 5 3 (Funding Strategy), • Td fully implement the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan, a series of specific policy and regulatory actions are required Implementation will require City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 109 r collaboration with local businesses, partner agencies, and the City, The Implementation Action Plan (see Table 5-1) lists specific actions and provides a priority timeframe, primary responsibilities and partners, approximate costs, and potential funding sources It should be noted that generalized phasing and cost estimates are based on baseline (2017) costs, funding sources, and logistics, Actual timing, costs and implementation will be dependent on development activity, funding and staff resources Funding sources are further described In Section 5.3. 5.2. i Strategic Approach to Delivering Major Infrastructure Projects Many of the short-term and ongoing programs in the Implementation Action Plan are relatively inexpensive to deliver and will lay the groundwork for future change; examples of these programs include publicizing opportunities under the new Specific Plan and ensuring that Smoky Hollow is well -integrated with City economic development and marketing efforts, In contrast, delivering major infrastructure projects will require a multi -step, longer -term strategic approach. The first actions to be. implemented should focus on additional studies to better understand costs and potential revenues to pay for projects A detailed engineering study should examine the costs of delivering proposed individual major infrastructure projects, including options and costs for phasing the improvements over time, A separate study should analyze projected revenues that could be generated by different funding sources, including the amount of debt that would be incurred and which stakeholders would be responsible for paying for improvements under each funding option. Taken together, these studies can then inform a more detailed discussion with property owners and the El Segundo City Council as to which funding tools are best suited to deliver different improvements and projects to prioritize, then decisions can be made about how to move forward The Implementation Action Plan (see Table S-1) identifies major physical improvements by short-, medium-, long-term, and on -going actions. However, this approach may need to be reconsidered based on the results of the engineering and funding studies, which may find that it is significantly more cost-effective to prioritize certain infrastructure projects over others, or to construct a major infrastructure project all at once instead of through a multi -step process. For example, it maybe 110 1 SMOKY i._OW SPECIFIC PLAN / City of El Segundo more cost—effective yet still expedient — to construct the El Segundo Boulevard reconfiguration and improverents all at once, rather than completing an interim streetscape improvement, The cost savings must be weighed against the extra time It would take to plan and construct the major improvement project, and the accompanying lost opportunity to incentivize additional investment in the immediate future by completing an interim improvement. 5.2.2 Sustsaincalsility Smoky Hollow supports a sustainable future for local businesses and the environment, The Smoky Hollow area will evolve in a sustainable manner by decreasing reliance on automobiles, reducing the urban heat-island effect, and promoting sustainable sources of energy The City encourages the use of solar panels, cool roofs, and tree plantings for new and existing development. The City also encourages businesses to seek out delivery, transport, and fleet vehicles that use clean and alternative fuels, Smoky I follow is a hub for innovation - as technologies evolve, Smoky Hollow can lead the way in sustainability Implementation + Financing o jy Table 5-1: Implementation Action Plan Action 1. Amend the General Plan to be Consistent with the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Amend the General Plan to be consistent with the adopted Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Short City $ City land uses, density/intensity standards, and/or policy direction. Action 2. Publicize Specific Plan Changes Develop a handout describing the new Smoky Hollow Specific Plan guidelines, standards, and incentives, Publicize and distribute to area businesses, property Short City $ City owners, and real estate professionals as a resource to encourage reinvestment and development in the area. Action 3. Complete a Detailed Engineering Study to Determine Costs for High - Priority Major Infrastructure Projects Identify the high -priority major infrastructure projects, and complete cost estimates for Short City $$ City completing the projects, Include different options for phasing the improvements over time or excluding/including different components. Action 4. Complete a Revenue Projections Study Analyze projected revenues that could be generated by different funding sources for Short City $ City the major infrastructure projects Develop recommendations for sources to be used and how they should be applied to different improvements. City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ I I I Action S. Capital Improvement Plan Integration Identify applicable capital improvements from this Specific Plan in the Capital Short City $ City Improvement Plan (CIP), Update based on priorities outlined in this Implementation y Plan with each budget cycle. Federal Action 6. Acquire Grant Funding State Research and apply for Federal, State, and regional grant funding programs that offer Ongoing City $ SCAG funding For improvements in Smoky Hollow.. Metro Grants Action 7. Positive Business Climate Marketing Ensure that El Segundo's economic development activities aggressively market Smoky Hollow's strong competitive location and supportive regulatory climate for users in a Short City $$ City variety of industries, such as creative and multimedia industries. City Action 8. Crosswalk Enhancement Pilot Project Federal Work with property owners and businesses to identify crosswalk enhancement State locations along Franklin Avenue. Implement a pilot project to make visual Short City $ enhancements to crosswalks, which could include a community art competition to Grants design crosswalk art and other roadway intersection paintings Metro Private 112 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN t City ofE(Segundo Implementation +Financing ) a Action 9. Parklet Pilot Project Work with property owners and businesses to identify locations for temporary parklets. Action 10. El Segundo Boulevard Streetscape Improvement: Short Term Undertake pilot programs to test reconfigurations of EI Segundo Boulevard that can Short City $$ City accommodate bike lanes, wider sidewalks, and/or parking Action 11. El Segundo Boulevard Streetscape Improvement: Mid Term City Implement street tree plantings within the parking lane along El Segundo Boulevard as Medium City $$ Grants feasible, and incorporate drought -tolerant landscaping Private Action 12. El Segundo Boulevard Reconfiguration: Long Term Remove the four -foot landscape strip on the south side of El Segundo Boulevard to accommodate a wider sidewalk on the north side of the street. This adjustment will City double the sidewalk's width to eight feet Implement sidewalk improvements (e g, Long City $$$$ Grants street tree plantings in curb bulb -outs, street furniture, bicycle racks, and pedestrian Private scale lighting), improve drought -tolerant landscaping, and create pedestrian amenities where feasible. Action 13. Grand Avenue Streetscape Improvement Implement roadway restriping to accommodate two 11-foot lanes and two 13-foot City shared lanes for cyclists and automobile parking (sharrows) on Grand Avenue. Work City with Metro to develop wayfinding signage to improve access to the Mariposa and El Short Metro $$ Grants Segundo Metro C Line Station, Add wayfinding signage to Downtown and the Marvin Private Braude Bike Trail City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 113 Action 14. Franklin Avenue Streetscape Improvement (Phase 1) Implement sidewalk improvements (e.g , street tree plantings, parklets, street furniture, bicycle racks, and pedestrian scale lighting), and create pedestrian amenities where Short City $$ City feasible. Add creative crosswalks to complete Franklin Avenue vision for short-term improvements Action 15. Franklin Avenue Streetscape Improvement (Phase 2) Implement a "woonerf" or living street concept for Franklin Avenue to include two multi -modal lanes shared by automobiles and cyclists, parking lanes that integrate tree Medium City $$$$ City planters, and two six-foot cureless sidewalks. Integrate enhanced paving along Franklin Avenue, pedestrian lighting, and parklets Action 16. North/South Streets Reconfiguration Reconfigure (re -stripe) key north/south running streets to provide a 20-foot cne-way Short City $$ City travel lane and a 20-foot angled parking lane to increase on -street parking capacity. Action 17. North/South Streets Streetscape Improvement Implement streetscape improvements (a g., street tree plantings, parklets, street furniture, bicycle racks, and pedestrian scale li htin Short City $$ City y p lighting), and create pedestrian amenities where feasible Action IS: Establish New Funding Mechanisms Using the results of the previously completed engineering cost estimates and revenue City City projections, work with property owners, businesses, and developers to establish Property mutually agreed -upon funding mechanisms, such as a Property -Based Business Medium Property Owners $ Owners Improvement District (PBID) or Business -Based Business Improvement (BID), and other Business Owners Businesses district -based funding tools 114 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City of El Segundo Implementation + Financing jP Action 19: Transportation Management Association (TMA) City Establish a TMA to implement travel and parking demand reductions in Smoky Hollow, in conjunction with the related improvements described in the following actions The Short City $ Property TMA:s work would closely coordinate with the activities of the parking benefit district, if Owners the latter is created. Businesses Action 20: Establish Parking Benefit District The parking benefit district will create a mechanism to oversee and guide reinvestment City Permit, of parking permit revenue, fee revenue, and other sources in order to increase the City Fee, and Fine supply of parking in Smoky Hollow, reduce parking demand, and improve management Medium Property Owners Revenue $$ of existing spaces. The benefit district will establish a process for business permit Business Owners Property Owners parking, making parking spaces available via permit, on a first-come/first-serve basis, or arising from a change of land use, and/or building additions. Businesses Action 21: Establish Parking In -Lieu Fee Provide for the establishment of a parking in -lieu fee where new developments, changes in use, and additions to existing buildings in the district have the option of paying an in -lieu fee as a substitute for providing on -site parking. Revenue generated City Property Short by the in -lieu fee program can be used to fund the new parking facilities or to fund Property Owners $$ Owners improvements that reduce automobile parking demand, such as pedestrian, bicycle, Rnd vans,( improvements recommended in this Specific Plan, as well as maintenance and atpix lotions of parking facilities, City of El Segundo 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN 1 115 Action 22: Parking Monitoring Program Via the TMA and/or parking benefit district, establish a parking monitoring program TMA to track parking supply and demand in Smoky Hollow and assess performance of the Medium City $ area's parking standards. Establish timelness to re -assess Specific Plan implementation Gty and standards and make modifications as needed. Action 23. Key Intersections Crosswalk Improvements City Implement crosswalk improvements at key intersections in Smoky Hollow to increase Property pedestrian safety and branding These improvements should be prioritized based on Medium City $$ Owners the results of the engineering cost study and available funding Businesses Action 24. Transit Improvements City Coordinate with transit providers to provide additional or extended routes through City Metro Smoky Hollow. Ensure that bus stop layouts, street furniture, shelters, and signage Beach Cities are consistent with the artistic and creative nature of Smoky Hollow. These Medium Metro $$$ Transit improvements should be prioritized based on the results of the engineering cost study Beach Cities Transit Federal and available funding Funding 116 t SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City of E( Segundo Implementation + Financing ; City Action 25. Expand the El Segundo Lunchtime Shuttle Bus Metro Expand the existing El Segundo Lunchtime Shuttle to create a new shuttle route Beach Cities for peak hours between the Mariposa and/or El Segundo C Line Stations and Smoky Medium City $$ Transit Hollow Federal Funding TMA Action 26. Bicycle and Pedestrian Connectivity. Continue to develop and implement bicycle and pedestrian improvements in Smoky City Hollow, including bicycle parking along key north/south streets and bicycle signage and Ongoing City $$ Federal sharrows on bike -friendly streets These improvements should be prioritized based on Funding the results of the engineering cost study and available funding. Action 27. Multimodal Marketing. City TMA Via the TMA, promote multimodal transportation to create awareness and opportunity Short $ for commuters to take the train or bicycle to work. Metro City City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 117 Action 28. Shade Trees and Open Space Continue to prioritize the provision of open space and planting trees Emphasize planting of trees to shade sidewalks in order to mitigate the heat island effect and Ongoing City $$ City encourage pedestrian activity These improvements should be prioritized based on the results of the engineering cost study and available funding. City Action 29. Partnerships Property Owners Establish an environment of collaboration and partnership between the City, other Business Owners public agencies, key stakeholders, and community to help ensure the implementation Ongoing Metro of this Specific Plan SCAG Caltrans Action 30. Expand Marketing of Smoky Hollow through Event Programming Coordinate with City's existing programs and activities to highlight and include Smoky City Hollow, and work with Smoky Hollow businesses -or business representatives such as Ongoing Property Owners a future PBIDIBID-to expand and market events such as the El Segundo Art Walk, and Business Owners create new events that highlight the district 118 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City of Et Segundo City City Businesses S.3 FUNDING STRATEGY A range of funding sources and financing options are available for infrastructure development and ongoing operations and maintenance costs in California. While the ideal set of solutions and implementation and funding mechanisms to achieve the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan's goals will evolve over time, a consistent set of criteria for selecting these mechanisms are established as follows. Equitable distribution of costs and benefits: Smoky Hollow's existing parking, parks, and pedestrian deficiencies are shared among all property owners and businesses, and are not attributable only to future development projects. As a result, funding for resolving existing deficiencies should be shared among all property owners and/or businesses In the district. Allow for incremental solutions! While major, long-term infrastructure projects can occur in later phases of Smoky Hollow's build out, the implementation strategy prioritizes high -impact approaches to infrastructure improvements that can be introduced in the short term. Implementation + Financing Reduce dependency on future development: Implementation solutions will focus on resolving existing district - wide deficiencies regardless of future development activity. It is envisioned that many future improvements planned for the Smoky Hollow area will be achieved through development by the private sector, including meeting development standards, paying existing and possible future fees, and through other funding mechanisms that could apply to all future development. Guided by the development standards and guidelines Included in this Specific Plan, these development projects can each incrementally contribute to establishing a high -quality place whose value will be much greater than it would be without these coordinated efforts. It is also incumbent on the City to pursue an array of funding sources and financing mechanisms to implement some of the larger public improvements included In this Specific Plan. These mechanisms are complex and are tied to many factors outside the control of the City of EI Segundo, including market and economic cycles, State and Federal grant funding availability, State enabling legislation, etc. This precludes the ability to immediately City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 119 Smoky Hollow buildings portray a sense of history establish a detailed timeline for building every identified improvement, Therefore, this Implementation strategy focuses on identifying the range of potential mechanisms available for delivering the major improvements necessary to realize the core elements of the Specific Plan's vision, The strategy prioritizes an initial set of investments and programmatic activities that will set the stage for long-term implementation. This implementation strategy should be revisited on a regular basis to ensure that the Plan's desired outcomes are being achieved, 5.3.1 Categories of physical Improvements and Programs Requiring Funding mplementation of the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan requires completing a number of physical improvement projects and initiating several ongoing programs, Section 5.3 below describes the process and timing for implementing specific projects and programs, and describes the specific locations of improvements. For purposes of understanding how funding sources and tools align with these projects and programs, however, the projects and programs can be broken down into three major categories. 120 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN 1 City of El Segundo ► Interim Physical Improvements: Relatively low-cost physical improvements that can either precede or be completed in conjunction with a more significant physical improvement Potential projects include temporary parklets, street restriping (including minor lane reconfigurations and on -street parking changes), modest landscaping improvements, and minor bicycle and pedestrian improvements. ► Major Capital Improvement Projects! Capital improvement projects that require major reconfigurations of physical infrastructure when fully implemented, Examples of these projects in Smoky Hollow include major street reconfigurations (moving curbs, adding sidewalks, etc.), major streetscape improvements (trees, landscaping, pedestrian and bicyclist improvements), and new open spaces or parks. ► Ongoing Programs: Programs and activities that require continuous funding for implementation. Examples of such programs include publicizing development opportunities under the new Specific Plan, continuing study of capital improvement costs and financing, grant funding applications, creation of marketing programs, creation and maintenance of a permit parking district, expanded lunchtime shuttle bus, implementation of a transportation demand management program, and event programming. Implementation +Financing 5.3.2 Funding Sources and Application Table 5-2: Funding Source Examples to Smoky Hollow Improvements andPrograms This section provides a menu of potential funding sources for implementing capital improvements and programmatic activities to realize the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan vision. In many cases, multiple funding sources must be combined to pay for projects Therefore, each source's description includes considerations for deploying the source in the specific Smoky Hollow context. Although the terms "funding" and "financing" are often used interchangeably, there is an important distinction between the two terms. "Funding" typically refers to a revenue source such as a tax, fee, or grant that is used to pay for an improvement. Some funding sources, such as impact fees, are one-time payments, while others, such as assessments, are ongoing payments. "Financing' involves borrowing against future revenues by issuing bonds or other debt instruments that are paid back over time through taxes or fee payments, enabling agencies to pay for infrastructure before the revenue to cover the full cost of the infrastructure is available. City General Fund Resources Capital Improvement Program User Fees Outside Regional, State, and Grants Federal Grants Developer Development Contributions Standards CEQA Mitigations rnpact/In-Lieu Fees Negotiated Agreements District -Based Tools Assessment District Community Facilities District Enhanced Infrastructure Finance District City of Et Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 121 City Resources: 10, GeneirM Fun& General f::und reveriusis Include property tax, salos tax, transient occul:)an(,y k,,o, and of -her reocnues that are, pininari!y used to Lvay for ongoing municipal servicoe, and camel ahoris Fiotl 1 the General f=und and tho Caplial Irnrnovemoril, Prograrn are critical funding source, for th,,; Smoky Hoilow Sqmci'ic Plan',, "intcrim" p,riys[cal jr nproven-ents. I fie General Fund will also need to support nngoinq lhrograms that require City staa't time, such as t.tea developor toolfril: and granl Funding ap>,slic'afiuws m. Calpitall hTilproveirneint Prograrn (CIIP): lnfm,Imdwc projecis identilied in the Smoky 1 ollow Specific Plan including lho n alor capital [rnprovernmil 1 )rojecis—are candidat(,,-; for iriclusion in the (21ty's Capital Irriprovernen, Proyrdfn, which I,, updated annually and Irrclurlc n proje( tion of five years of future infrastrrjch,aro prole-cts. N. Useir I lt),,er toes aricl rates include the fees a,,Iharcpd for tho use of I i - t fr,as L r u ctu r S., or It rn,-ay he rx-o; s 1 E) I e to use cimo peril of user fee or ratu revenue toward financing the costs of new [nli,.isLr-s,,turin, but user 'cus are gono,ally unlikely to lt)c- d rYiaj(.)r source, of funding for implerrientation of the Smoky Follow Specific One uxcejt,tion to this, e that any polLential futuro parking molim or bus[nes uormit parking rcv(mue it tFiease programs are adopted could conlitribUte PciF LIHI fUi dfil`)yt f0l' t)drl<lrlg manageRls-N-It programs ss payl ,)f a p,vkiny herwfit. district Outside Grants: Various F:ederal "tatty, and regional grant programs disfrf,UtC., fundii r-) for :-)ublIc i,nprr'Vejrfl(.,,,nL,, Buc.ause grant pmgrams are typically cornpc,,ti Live, grant funds am an unprodictablp fundirig source, and I City of L.1 Segundo rnust mrnfln vigilant in applying for grants to implerrient the Si-nolky I ollow Specific Plam Smoky I lollovv pro)ectr, focus(,d Qf-j Lrensit irnr1,,rroVC..,.,rnenLs and pedosl aand b I ic.yck impirovernentss may he especially cornif-,etitive for grant firth g since these projects contribule lo -,rchIcs/ii ng the of iltril regional Sustainable (- I I ornrnijnities Strategy. For exarnplo, the Soul ln(-irn Califorinla Asiociahnn of Goverm-ner its (SCAG) providos competitive gu.)rrt funding urirler the Active `rar)s,,f,()rU.,Uo)n Progcarn for Infrastructure iinfproveini nIts such as bicycle lanc-5 and pcideAHdri improvoinents 122 / SMOKY I K-A.1 OW SPI C IF IC PLAN / CRy of El Segundo Develloper Contributions - Iv Development Standards� Leach new dovuluprTmW projcdr, will contribUle :0 the Smoky I ollow Specilic I 'Un's rnplemeril,il I meeting mquii,coierrt,., regulating each project's land uses, height, don,liiy, hulk, purking requirements, on - site circulation, orr site q,)eri Space, strq,,Sst tronlage improvements, aryJ other featurr-, New doveflopn im I proeck, (-vin also be requiied lo mirnburse the City for the cost of developing and adrninistering three Smoky I-jsrIj,W Sr,)O(:[ro thvsc vtand ard,,, are adnI�)tcd In [he City's zoming ordinance, anti rmja,t he satin` ed in mier For a pnojcct to lsi--= graritcd ap�-.,roval. C.',IEQA Mitigaflons: I he ermronrncriGel review proc.oss mr-lp rros the analyser of a project's environrineriltal rnr..iactts and tics dennficatiuri of rneavurc,4, lic reduce or elarcwiate, these irnll A,; as mquirement of appova[, developers may be required to jirdertmkc a nurriky-ir of rnit ig, hor) 'neasurce, SUCh CIS Off sit(, mil-qation es delifmd by Une California I rrvironrr--enfol Quality Act (CI QA) limpact/lIn-11 leu Fees° rY)p,9(: t and in liou ft'(s,-, aro one-firne. fnc,; Imposed (..)n new Architectural examples of old and new buildings in Smoky Hollow developments to pay for improvements and facilities that either serve the new development or reduce the impacts of the project on the community. Fee revenues cannot be used to fund existing deficiencies in infrastructure. In -lieu fees are payments made instead of meeting an on -site development requirement (such as paying a fee in -lieu of providing on -site parking spaces), while impact fees are required unless the impact is addressed in some other way (if allowed). The cost and basis of impact fees and in -lieu fees must be directly related to the impacts being mitigated or requirement being met, respectively. ► El Segundo's existing impact fees are ► dedicated to specific traffic mitigation and public facilities. This fee would have to be amended to include projects in the Smoky Hollow area. A parking in -lieu fee option is promising for the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan district, since it would allow reinvestment to occur on smaller parcels that may be unable to accommodate required parking on -site. Fee revenue could be dedicated to street restriping to expand the supply of on -street parking, Implementation + Financing H% Negotiated Agreements: Negotiated community benefits are developer contributions that exceed the baseline features required through development standards, environmental mitigation measures, and impact fees These agreements are typically negotiated for large development projects, often either as a codified condition of approval for projects meeting certain conditions, or in exchange for variances from existing land use regulations. These could potentially be applicable to the larger property holdings in the eastern Smoky Hollow area. City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 123 Parking in Smoky Hollow is a Primary Concern 124 / SMOKY 10_Lr W SPECI-IC PLAN / City of El Segundo Reimbursement agreements are a form of agreement in which a developer provides infrastructure or facilities that serve the needs of the broader area, which are then dedicated or conveyed to the public. The developer's additional costs are then reimbursed by the City and/or future development projects that benefit from the infrastructure or facility. Such an approach is more typically used In greenfield locations in which a single developer is required to build major sewer/water and parks facilities with capacity to serve future growth at other adjacent properties While opportunities to use the reimbursement agreement tool are therefore limited in Smoky Hollow, a single large development project may have capacity to dedicate additional land for parks or parking under such an arrangement. District -Based Tools: Land -based financing tools are typically associated with new real estate development to generate benefit -based special assessment revenues or property tax revenues to finance improvements through bond repayment or paying for improvements over time, District - based tools provide a stable revenue stream while ensuring that properties benefiting from improvements also contribute to those public investments, Table 5-3 describes the three primary types of district -based funding and financing tools Note that assessment districts and community facilities districts primarily capture additional funding from private entities,. while the enhanced infrastructure financing district reinvests growth in public property tax revenues within the district that would otherwise accrue to the City. The property -based improvement district (PBID) and/or business improvement district (BID) are particularly promising for use in Smoky Hollow. With ongoing funding by property owners and/or business owners, a PBID or BID would provide an ongoing Implementation +Financing stream of revenue for promoting the district, contributing to lower -cost physical improvements, and managing any ongoing programs. This revenue source is generally insufficient to fund major capital improvements, but the limited assessment and the local control of revenues are likely to appeal to property owners and businesses within the district, A Mello -Roos community facilities district (CFD) would provide a flexible and substantial revenue source against which it is possible to issue bonds for major capital improvements, Revenues can also be used to fund ongoing operation and maintenance expenses. However, passage of a CFD in Smoky Hollow is likely to be challenging until property owners reach consensus around shared infrastructure needs and a willingness to contribute significant monetary resources toward resolving those needs City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN \ 125 Table 5-3: Summary of Major District -Based Value Capture Tools Special Assessment Additional assessment against a Most useful for funding ► R,.,,qcries mapiky vot(* of oaying stakeholders Districts range of participants, depending ongoing operations and ► lira mtases cosFt and c�,k Pier r„,lying stakeholders Stakeholders or the type of district and relative maintenance mwd tc, r,!*Q:FWi r trwer k*nr o it for themselves, benefit received. inpacits paying %ta4,,4,,,fv,*def s' overall ability to support other umos, tces, aino ccv ro u o y ii Lxamrhkes Land!�cafm,p ► i� i1v ri,,o, 1c, 0 ��ii C' iy or public agencies; could lead to indudo n I crvay'0 tax, rpv",,nue 1afr:02d on private reinvestment ,ind I t iwu ii Disiio, Commurtay ',,wvf tat,! ,iolr nwc �jdminisrer districts could offset l9"?nht falnfnciChi ',Iifey' some gains irnpiovernera P(oppo". R")'Ad l V im" ^ l iniprowynient Lr�Arwl Community Facilities Additional assessment on Infrastructure ► Req,,iii es opomvari J( ;V3 of prope, [Y ow"em (by Sarlo 'irrw) if District (Mello -Roos) property, levied and varied improvements illeie "Ine tcwor than 12 rccwEred vkAwi, mt,,duin in lhe tiMitt, � based on a selected pntimr ty development of public fiuundavlrz,' car indude narwonbquoo" parcels ch,yactenstic (excluding property facilities, ongoing Rifes uan bc, prorxtrtioi*)fiy sur,,omdi:,d and riai;sed cm to future, volue) operations and c�,)eq Vr1 t�rne owr fors maintenance ►crea�os cos� s v)d r i�k kni I& I'doome, 1, "�Ind t'Ay'noowr I ers 6f 1 eus ► i fpacts paying st overoll, abi N y 1: o stqcpt ir', or ne� Corr 0c "" ,pnd c„ au I ntrrr q tw"Or' i!, Enhanced Diverts a portion of future Infrastructure ► Formation does not require a io(nf vote, but ktord Soiancv Infrastructure General Fund property tax improvements, ar VCxe of 55 Percent of I,Cannow ai v,!,s riv wea ir 0,',i c, are Financing District revenues generated within the development of public fowo khan tY,egstored vcifers iiy5idw5' rr, the du: wu district to help fund infrastructure facilities, affordable 0 Doo5 nW cost r,,dividuzit prope, ty o"I'mcir, add,onnal ieus and projects housing development ��X �s , toes not div(,Yvowiinues from schoois ► R4(Jomns future Cierqnitl Fund revenues by restricting use of the 6o tct's fou(�3 pi op(,,u [y tax mvenue growth. Does not typically generate significant additional revenue above what the City already receives 125 1 SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN 1 City ofEl Segundo Table 5-4: Applicable Funding Sources for Improvements and Programs in Smoky Hollow Street restriping/minor reconfiguration Property frontage im provernents X Crosswalk improvements Temporary parklets Privately -owned open spaces X Street reconfiguration and redesgn Streetscape improvements Public parks and open spaces Public imorovement financing plan Promotional marketing of Smoky Hollow Property owner outreach Permit parking district Lunchtime shuttle bus expansion Transportation demand management programs Event programming Implementation +Financing X X X X X_. X X ..... X X X X X X X X .. X X X X X X X X X X: X X X X X X X X; X ;X X: X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X.. X X X X X City of E/Segundo % SMOKY HOLLOW SPFCI FIC PLAN t 127 Words or phrases not defined here shall be as defined in FSl Section 15-1-6 (Definitions). Accessory: A building, part of a building or structure, or use which is subordinate to, and the use of which is incidental to, that of the main building, structure or use on the same lot. Accessory Use: A use of a portion of land or building that is customarily and clearly incidental and subordinate to the principal use of the land or building, is located on the same lot as the principal use and is dependent upon the principal use for the majority of its utilization or activity. Accessory uses typically are very small in proportion to the principal use. Alcohol Sales, Off -Site: Any establishment in which alcoholic beverages are sold for consumption off the premises. Alcohol Sales, On -Site with Food Service: Any establishment in which alcoholic beverages are sold, served, or given away for consumption on site as part of a restaurant, deli, market or similar establishment where customers purchase food and beverages and consume the food and beverages on the premises. Assembly Halls: A building or portion of a building, used for large-scale indoor gatherings of people. For example, assembly halls include private educational facilities; religious institutions, clubs: lodges, theaters, and similar kinds of facilities whether available for public or private use. Brewery and Alcohol Production: An establishment that produces ales, beers, meads, hard ciders, wine, liquor and/or similar beverages on -site, Also includes 130 / SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFIC PLAN / City of El Segundo incidental sale of beverages for on -site and off -site consumption in keeping with the regulations of the Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC) and Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF). Building Site: A) The ground area of one lot; or B) The ground area of two (2) or more lots when used in combination for a building or group of buildings, together with all open spaces as required by this Specific Plan. Business: An establishment intended for the conduct, service, or administration by a commercial enterprise, or offices for the conduct of professional or activities service. Business and Consumer Support Services: Business and consumer support services include establishments primarily providing consumers and businesses with services, including maintenance, repair, testing, and rentals. Caretaker Unit: A dwelling unit used for a caretaker of the property on which it is located and no larger than five hundred (500) square feet in area. Commercial Kitchen: An establishment where food and beverages are prepared for off -site consumption. Typical use is a catering facility Data Centers: An industrial building containing Appendix: Glossary floor space that houses computer servers, and not provided with surrounding exterior walls informational technology equipment primarily shall be the usable area under the horizontal for the purpose of storing and distributing data, projection of the roof or floor above. Dwelling, Multiple -Family: A building or portion of a building containing three or more dwelling units designed or arranged for occupancy by three or more households living independently in which they may or may not share common entrances and/or other spaces. Dwelling, Single -Family: A building containing no more than one dwelling unit designed for occupancy by not more than one household. Dwelling, Two -Family: A building containing no more than two dwelling units designed or arranged for occupancy by two households living independently Financial Institutions: Banks, credit unions, investment companies, lending and thrift institutions, securities/commodity brokers, Fitness Studio: An establishment where exercises and related activities are performed for the purpose of physical fitness. Examples of uses include Pilates, personal training, dance, yoga and martial arts studios. Floor Area (Gross): The area included within the surrounding exterior walls of a building or portion thereof, exclusive of garages. The floor area of a building, or portion thereof, Freight Forwarding: A person or company that organizes shipments for individuals or corporations to move goods from the manufacturer or producer to a market, customer, or final point of distribution. Gym: See "Fitness Studio" Incidental: See "Accessory" Industrial, Heavy: The manufacturing, compounding, processing, assembling or testing of large heavy items or materials in bulk Industrial, Light: A use engaged in the manufacture, predominately from previously prepared materials, of finished products or parts. Live/Work: The partial use of a dwelling unit For commercial uses. Medical/Dental Office/Clinic: A building or group of buildings designed and or used by, physicians, chiropractors, dentists and others engaged professionally In such healing arts for humans. Outdoor Storage: The storage of various materials outside of a structure incidental to a principal use. Does not include the keeping City of El Segundo N SMOKY HOLt..OW SPECIFIC PLAN % 131 0 of building materials reasonably required for construction work on t I i(,-, xirsuant to a vand and crmenl Rullr:fing Port -nit, Offices, GeneraL OMCCS M,,-iiintained and used as a place r)f business coi iducted: by Ipersons whose business activity c,::onszts principally of sorvicxis,, as ditiwjuisA-icd from Lho handling of corn modi Lies. Open Space, Pulbk or QuaM puliAl Outdoor space that senots a lorswo, recrcational or aesthete function Exarriples include parks and aiNeiic fields. Also include,' privately owned publicly accc�ssilslcspaces in Lhe form of an carcade, plaza, slr-rillar plarxs. Lxcluds'rs comrcOrdcll recreation vvhcro fees are char.ged for ontrance or use Parking FacHity: A public or private space dcdir ated to accoryirnodal.ing vehicle parking stalls, backup area, driveways, arid --Asles, Also iridudo.s parking StrUCLUIOS, Personal/Milrili Storage, General: A far,'ifty havincJ cornpartmonts, morns, spaces, containe,rs or other tyl,,)e of units that are individually leased, rented, sold or otherwise oorfltracted for 1.1 ie storage of personal or bt-isiness goods or properly Also known as self' storage and rnini storage. [)oe.s rV- inch.€de Persortal Storage, Collection or VV�.-)re I Ouslng, Personal Storage, Collection: A facility having cornp,irti-nerils, rooms, sp,,,rc os, containers or other type of units that are incdivlcdually leased, rented, sold or offiermse contracted for the slLorage of specialized collections. I acilkics under LNs definition provide Sloecialized features cmd/or rnechaniSMS LO I Etcilil afre the storage of spedfic collection types, such as temperature or huindity controlInd units for the storage of wine, cigars, art, furs, or classic cars Does not: k-ir"IkAo General Personal/Mltil Storage, Public Faclllfties: A htAding or slLructurs! owned, open aged or occupied by a governmeriltal aqcim.N, Public faciliLic.s indude; MUI-Iid)cd, county, Aalte or federal governmental facilities. Public Utilitim FaciliLios, 0(,jUir..)rfuY)t, and associated features related to the mechanical funcitons of a building and ,(Nvices such as water, electri(,.:al, telecommunicatiori.s, and wasteIricludes faciluies for control and the generation of cicctrlci.y, Exckjdes wireless cor"notunic';-ations fc)ctlrties, lResearch and Demdopirneft: Establishments erigagOd ir) SlUdY, lrna,Iing, design, arialysis and experirnerAal development and Lesting of rm>okuct.s, proem es or sevicos Restaurant, IFast Food: A rests".irani customers purchase food and beverages and either consurne the for: art(, -.I tx-verclges on tho 132 / SMOKY HOH (,-)W SPI-:01 K: II(Al"I / City of.M. Segundo premises or take the food and beverages off the premises. Typical characteristics of a fast food restaurant includethe purchase of food and beverages at a walk-up window or counter. no table service; payment for food and beverages before consumption; and the packaging of food and beverages in disposable containers. Restaurant, Food To Go and Take-out: A restaurant or other such establishment designed as a take-out facility in which no food is consumed on the premises and no permanent provisions are made for that purpose, Provisions for deliveries, catering, drive -through or walk-up facilities are permitted, Restaurant, Full Service: A restaurant where customers purchase food and beverages and consume the food and beverages on the premises, Typical characteristics of a full service restaurant include' table service; payment after consumption; and serving food and beverages in non -disposable containers. A full service restaurant may include incidental or occasional takeout sales. Restaurant, Outdoor Dining: A dining area with seats and/or tables located outside the walls of the structure without a solid roof cover. Retail: Sales, of physical objects and/or prepackaged food items to the consumer Retail sales transactions typically require collection of sales and use tax, Service Stations: An area which provides for the sale of gasoline, other fuels, and lubricants for motor vehicles as the primary use, Snack Shop: An establishment that sells food or beverages for consumption on or off the premises in conjunction with retail sales of other good-q. Studio/Sound Stages and Support Facilities: Space in an outdoor or indoor area, building, part of a building, structure, or a defined area which is utilized primarily for the creation of film, television, music video, multimedia, or other related activities. Vehicle Sales and Services: The sales, rental, repair, alteration, restoration, towing, painting, or finishing of automobiles, trucks, recreational vehicles, boats, and other vehicles as a primary use, including the incidental wholesale and retail sale of vehicle parts as an accessory use. Veterinary Services: Establishments where household animals receive medical and surgical treatment and may be temporarily boarded in association with such medical or surgical treatment. Veterinary Services with Boarding and/or Day Care: Establishments where household animals receive medical and surgical treatment, and which offer boarding or animal day care services and facilities not associated with Appendix: Glossary 14 medical or surgical treatment. Warehousing: The use of a building or structure as storage space for goods, merchandise, or equipment and where the facility owner/ operator of the warehouse is the owner of the goods or is the entity that offers the goods for sale or resale. Wholesaling: The sale of commercial goods at or near production cost. The wholesaling use category Includes firms involved in the sale, of products primarily intended for industrial, institutional, or commercial businesses Businesses may or may not be open to the general public, but sales to the general public are limited. City of El Segundo \ SMOKY HOLLOW SPECIFic PLAN l 133