CONTRACT 6635A Amendment CLOSEDAgreement No. 6635A
l"19IS FIRST AMENDMENT ("Amendment") is made and entered into this day of
023, by and between CITY OF EL SE GUNDO, a general law city and municipal
corporation existing under the laws of California ("City"), and MADDAUS WATER
MANAGEMENT, INC., a California S-Corporation ("Consultant").
WHEREAS, City and Consultant entered into Professional Services Agreement No. 6635
on April 14, 2023 (the "Agreement");
WHEREAS, Sections 11 and 34 of the Agreement authorize changes to be made in
writing signed by the parties; and
WHEREAS, the parties desire to amend the Agreement as provided herein.
NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the foregoing and for valuable consideration,
the receipt of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties agree as follows:
Pursuant to Sections 11 and 34 of the Agreement, Section 1 (C) is amended to
increase the total amount of monetary consideration by Eleven -Thousand, Six
Hundred and Thirty -Five Dollars ($11,635), for a total "not to exceed" sum of Forty -
Nine Thousand, Nine Hundred and Fifty -Five Dollars ($49,955).
2. Pursuant to Sections 11 and 34 of the Agreement, Section 2 (Scope of Services) is
amended to include "Phases 5-8," updating a Water Supply Assessment for the
Downtown Specific Plan Update project as set forth in Attachment 1 to this
This Amendment may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which will
be an original, but all of which together constitutes one instrument executed on the
same date. In accordance with Government Code § 16.5, the parties agree that this
Amendment will be considered signed when the signature of a party is delivered by
electronic transmission. Such electronic signature will be treated in all respects as
having the same effect as an original signature.
4. Except as modified by this Amendment, all other terms and conditions of Agreement
No. 6635 will remain the same.
[Signatures on next page]
Agreement No. 6635A
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Amendment the day and
year first bereinabove written.
— Q-j
Darxell George, ....�.. _.
City Manager
Tracy eaverm
City Clerk
Joaq in Vazquez,
Ass stam City Attorney
Mira le Maddaus
Agreement No. 6635A
November 2, 2023
Paul Samaras, Principal Planner
City Hall, Community Development
350 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
105 Zephyr Place, Danville, CA 94526 (925) 831-0194
Ti. IIIjectm Illrh see 1lruro osall for IIII': s l� :rlllrurs�m urm°t. of a I° e1segi Wateir Supply . ssessirriuent for the El
Seguiindo I':)(�)r iius°�Itown Specific Plain
Dear Mr. Samara,
Maddaus Water Management Inc. (MWM) is pleased to present this outline of a phased proposal to provide
technical services for the City of El Segundo (City) to develop a revised Water Supply Assessment (WSA).
Considering MWM's previous experience with West Basin Water District's water data and demand forecasts,
along with our extensive experience developing WSAs, Urban Water Management Plans, and Water Supply
Master Plans, we are confident we can provide cost-efficient and high -quality support forthe development of
the City's WSA. This letterproposal presents MWM's understandingof the City's needs alongwith an outline of
anticipated tasks in each phase, schedule and estimated fees.
IINT1° OD1,IC-1 10 T
The City is in the process of developinga Downtown Specific Plan (DSP). The current DSP was adopted in 2000
with a 10-yearvision. 20 years have passed, and theCity is lookingto confirm and enhance the vision. The project
would revise the existing DSP planning districts, amend General Plan and zoning designations on eight parcels,
and include mobility enhancements. The project would also include public improvements and streetscape
guidelines, private urban form criteria, permitted land uses, development standards, mobility and infrastructure
improvements, an implementation plan, and administration processes. MWM understands that per Water Code
Section 10910 the City must prepare a Water Supply Assessment (WSA)forthe DSP. MWM proposes to support
the City with the development of a WSA using a phased approach presented in the outline below. It is MWM's
preference to prepare a Scope of Work prior to the initiation of each phase to ensure that MWM and the City
have confirmed all expected deliverables, are aware of which tasks will be the most resource intensive, and that
any requests or changes resulting from the prior phase is incorporated moving forward. The first 4 Phases were
completed before the commencement of this WSA revision project.
P I°°°III . T t:O SCOPE! Ilf ° I IllK, Tit f1'TI..1I N IIIE
PIIItase....5:Ilftetsu... atheri
7ase t ......... , Data Gathering
In this phase the City will provide MWM with information for the Smoky Hollow development, water use data,
housing projections, assumptions used in the 2020 Urban Water Management Plan demands and other data
inputs via meetings, email, and OneDrive.
MWM will provide the City with a table with requested information for Smoky Hollow. The City will fill in the
table as thoroughly as possible and submit it to MWM for review.
Task 1 Deliverables
0 Calls to discuss any questions on Smoky Hollow development.
Agreement No. 6635A
7' ��s-. Wetings
The City and MWM will meet virtually for one hour up to two (2) times to discuss the data provided by the City,
answer questions and confirm the data inputs. Additional consultants involvement in these meetings will be
subject to City input.
Task 2 Deliverables
w Meeting preparation, facilitation, and attendance at up to two (2), 1-hour virtual meetings.
1:11°m se 6- Dern rid IIG°orec:ast IIRevisiorm
7trsk 1 ...... t°trrm and Forecast Revision
To calculate the demand estimates for the Smoky Hollow development, MWM will determine the net increase
in demand compared to the demand associated with existing developmentthat was already included in the EIR.
MWM will utilize the unit water use for the projected building uses using City data supplied in Phase 1, as well
as referencing our more than 20 years of experience conducting audits of commercial buildings throughoutthe
United States.
Task 1 Deliverables
Revised Demand forecast for the DSP and existing and proposed development uses provided in Excel
Td sk 2 ...... Sijr)ply vim Demand Comparison Revision
MWM will compare the revised demand projections from Task 1 to the supply and demand information
presented in the City's 2020 UWMP. MWM will incorporate an estimated real loss percentage based on the
City's recentAmerican Water Works Association Water Loss Audits and will evaluate demand reduction due to
passive and active conservation.
Task 2 Deliverables
• Revised comparison of supply vs demand provided in Excel format.
• Up to one (1) 1-hour virtual meetings to review analysis results from the demand forecast and supply
vs demand comparison.
1)Ills se . a Diraft aiiir d I:� Iinual XAISA Revision
Task I .......Draft and f nal W.SA Revision
This phase will involve the revision of the draft WSA, and final WSA. MWM will provide one electronicdraft of
the WSA report to City staff for review. After review, the City will return one set of consolidated comments to
MWM with track changes. MWM will revise the WSA one time, based on the comments received from the City,
and provide the Citywith a Final report. If the proposed development project parameters change (i.e., the square
footage orthe specified use of buildingspace changes) in a mannerthat requires revision tothe WSA, additional
scope and budget would be needed for MWM to revise the WSA. The WSA that needs revision is 27 pages in
length and will only be updated in the text and tables that are changed due to the Smoky Hollow project update.
Task 1 Deliverables
a WSA outline in Word format.
• Revised Draft WSA in Word format, approximately 27 pages long.
• Final WSA in Word and PDF format, approximately 27 pages long.
Agreement No. 6635A
Phase 8. As Needed S pp
Task 1 As Needed Support
The City may require additional support unknown to MWM at the time this Scope of Work outline was prepared.
Additional support may include preparing public meeting presentation materials, preparing technical memos,
developing and reviewing EIR content related to water utilities, or coordination with additional stakeholders. A
scope, budget, and schedule will be prepared for and approved by the City if additional support is requested.
Task 1 Deliverables
0 To be determined.
p l'w'.Il" L) L
The four phased Scope of Work outlined above has an anticipated completion date of November 30, 2023.
COS..f f':.l..l ..p""Il m
The cost estimate forthis phased Scope of Work is $11,635, as shown in Table 1. The project is to be completed
on a time and materials basis. MWM will not exceed the phased project budget without prior written
authorization from the City.
Table 2. Cost Proposal for El Segundo Downtown Specific Plan WSA Development
We look forward to this opportunity to work with City staff and the El Segundo community. If you have any
questions or would like additional information, please contact Michelle Maddaus at (925) 831-0194 or
Michelle Maddaus, P.E.
President, Maddaus Water Management