2023-11-07 CC Agenda - Public Communication - Misc. - AYSOFw: AYSO U19B Voii
2023-11-07 CC AGENDA
Ana Field Space CONCERNS
Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) <tweaver@elsegundo.org>
Mon 11/6/2023 9:32 AM
To:Harada, Patricia <pharada@elsegundo.org>
Council received email below.
Tra cy
From: Luis Toledo <luis.toledomba@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, November 2, 2023 4:44 PM
To: *ALL CITY COUNCIL <allcouncil@elsegundo.org>; Mancini, Aly <amancini@elsegundo.org>;
bmotta@elsegundoccb.org <bmotta@elsegundoccb.org>; jeanettegant@yahoo.com <jeanettegant@yahoo.com>;
jstolnack@elsegundoccb.org <jstolnack@elsegundoccb.org>; dlubs@elsegundoccb.org
<dlubs@elsegundoccb.org>; kwatson@elsegundoccb.org <kwatson@elsegundoccb.org>; George, Darrell
<dgeorge@elsegundo.org>; Hester, Arecia <ahester@elsegundo.org>
Cc: Shad McFadden <coachshad9@gmail.com>; MILTON REYES <ma.reyes@sbcglobal.net>; ROC -Jean -Paul Issock
<jean-paul@rocsocal.com>; Patrick Stanford <elsegundoayso92arc@gmail.com>; Jordan Stewart
<jordstewart87@gmail.com>; Daniel Thiel <thiel2@mac.com>; Brendan Gormley <elsegundorc.bg@gmail.com>;
Kevin.Johnson2@Ferguson.com <kevin.johnson2@ferguson.com>
Subject: Re: AYSO U19B Voicing Field Space CONCERNS
Dear Council Members,
As a follow up on my initial email at the start of the season, I would like to Thank You for your help and support for
making it possible for us at AYSO to have a fair time for practices.
With the season now ending, I can tell you the change made a difference in our team, and I am sure it was the same
for the rest of the team.
I sincerely hope the effort continues in the future to keep providing enough space and time to the young citizens of El
Segundo who enjoy soccer.
Also, thank you to the AYSO organization who I know worked with all of you to get this issue resolved!
Luis Toledo
On Thu, Sep 7, 2023 at 8:40AM Luis Toledo <luis.toledombangmail.com> wrote:
Dear Council Members,
My name is Luis Toledo and I am an AYSO coach for the U19B division. I am reaching out to you to voice my
concern and frustration with the field availability I am experiencing so far in 2 practices this Fall season
(Tuesday 6:45 pm to 8:00 pm and Wednesday 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm) at Campus El Segundo.
On Tuesday we were kicked off the field because a Club team had "paid" for the space, and AYSO was forced to
make it work and practice with multiple teams in only % field.
On Wednesday, we were kicked out of the field because games for the adult league were starting at 8:00 pm,
and wanted us to change fields in the middle of the practice, (we managed with the other teams and resolved
the issue without incident, however everyone was extremely frustrated).
This may sound new to you, however, for us at AYSO it is NOT. It happens every season, especially in the Fall
season when we are supposed to have more preference over other field renters.
From my view, I can only see a very dysfunctional process between the City and AYSO. AYSO publishes the
calendar of the practices to all coaches, only for us as coaches and players to find out they are not completely
true. Nobody seems to have the right answer and it seems to me we are the ones fixing a City problem and the
city does not care (We only interact with the field caretaker who only follows orders).
Or maybe the City only cares about the money they get from adult leagues who may pay a higher fee than
AYSO (I do not know that for a fact, but it certainly feels that way!).
Thank you for your time and consideration and hope you improve your internal processes and communication
to AYSO to avoid these issues in the future. I know the AYSO management team is working hard to resolve
these issues with you, but so far these are the results we see as coaches working with the kids.
The only ones who benefit or not are the young people of El Segundo who want to practice a sport, and we
cannot even provide that?...
I believe we can and must do better for our kids!
Luis Toledo