2023-11-07 CC Agenda - Public Communication - Misc. - El Segundo High School #22023-11-07 CC AGENDA
Fw: El Segundo High School
Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) <tweaver@elsegundo.org>
Mon 11/6/2023 9:49 AM
To:Harada, Patricia <pharada@elsegundo.org>
Council received email below.
From: Daniel Slack <slackm@sbcglobal.net>
Sent: Friday, November 3, 2023 2:11 PM
To: Steven Gebhart <sgebhart@esusd.net>
Cc: James Venezia <james.venezia@topgolf.com>; Boyles,Drew (Mayor) <dboyles@elsegundo.org>; Charley
Finney <bigfindaddy@gmail.com>; Chris Pimentel <pimentelca@hotmail.com>; Christa Caban
<christa.caban@gmail.com>; Cindy Shadel <cindy@cindyshadel.com>; David March <dmarch@esusd.net>; Diane
Harris <theatreeducationarts@gmaii.com>; Edward Chang <edward.chang@topgolf.com>; Forrest Davis
<forrest176davis@gmail.com>; Genifer Gray <genifer.gray@topgolf.com>; Goran Dasilva
<goran.dasiIva @gmail.com>; James Vye<jvye@toyotasportsperformancecenter.com>; Josh Alpert
<josh@joshgolf.com>; Julia Straszewski <jstraszewski @esusd. net>; KVS <kevefx@gmail.com>; Karen McAndrews
<kkmcandrews@yahoo.com>; Kevin Johnson <kevin.johnson2@fergu5on.com>; Kristen Patterson
<krisbake321@hotmail.com>; Leslie Walden <lawalden@aol.com>; Marisa Janicek <mjanicek@esusd.net>;
Melissa Moore <mmoore@esusd.net>; Patricia Guzman <pguzman@esusd.net>; Raj Patel <rajinsf@yahoo.com>;
Robert Sowder <robninsyry4@gmail.com>; Ruchi G <senorita3232@yahoo.com>; Baldino, Ryan
<rbaldino@elsegundo.org>; Shayna Finney <shaynafinney@gmail.com>; Steve Shevlin <sshevlin@esusd.net>;
Tauli Anderson <tauli.anderson@gmail.com>; Tracey Miller-Zarneke <tmiIler-zarneke@esusd.net>; Corkins, Aaron
(Lieutenant) <acorkins@elsegundo.org>; ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS<ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org>;
basecat8@yahoo.com <basecat8@yahoo.com>; ckessler@scga.org <ckessler@scga.org>; dwheaton@esusd.net
<dwheaton@esusd.net>; fglynn@esusd.net <fglynn@esusd.net>; hollysmithkobzina@sbcglobal.net
<hollysmithkobzina@sbcglobal.net>; mariejbeach@yahoo.com <mariejbeach@yahoo.com>;
mbeachly@esusd.net <mbeach ly@esusd.net>; mom.ortiz.16@gmail.com <mom.ort1z.16@gmail.com>;
ngatch@pgahq.com <ngatch@pgahq.com>; staceelong@aol.com <staceelong@aol.com>;
volunteeringfun@gmail.com <volunteeringfun@gmail.com>; LAUREN RYKER <rykerlauren93@gmail.com>; Cora
Lee <corahlee@gmail.com>; apt.mgmt.bridge@gmail.com <apt.mgmt.bridge@gmail.com>; Jessica Davis
<jdavis@esusd.net>; soroya.waite@gmail.com <soroya.waite@gmail.com>; fcwalker@att.net
<fcwalker@att.net>; jerryfdillon@yahoo.com <jerryfdillon@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: El Segundo High School
Thank you Mr. Gebhart and look forward to the information in the next Gazette. Hopefully some parents
on this email will nominate themselves for the SSC.
Taking into fact the scheduling of PSAT at ESHS on homecoming weekend, change in school schedule at
last minute, ESHS Golf Teams (boys and girls) access to Lakes @ El Segundo,
these City/School Committee meetings being held with notification only at the City and then the
completing of the CSF applications for the first time for my
daughter, I have remarks and concerns that I will put at the next Coffee with the Principal.
But my next question is for the Superintendent, Board of Education and Ed! Foundation:
How is it the Ed Foundation collects a fee for Summer School that is taught
by educators employed by El Segundo Unified School District, held at El Segundo High School and the
grades are on the Report Cards of the El Segundo High School
students? I am trying to reconcile how this is possible as the Ed! Foundation is not a public school entity
and the enrollment for Summer School was not by way of a
donation but an actual cost to public school students to obtain a spot?
Looking forward to an answer as maybe I just am missing the dots and I am not as informed as others on
such matters.
Daniel Slack Jr.
On Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at 01:54:13 PM PDT, Steven Gebhart <sgebhart@esusd.net>
Hello Mr. Slack,
Thank you for your message and outreach.
El Segundo High School does have a School Site Council (SSC), on which sits three parent
representatives, and the opportunity for parent self -nominations will be communicated in the
next issue of the Gundo Gazette.
Happy Halloween,
Steve Gebhart
El Segundo High School
640 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245
Phone: (310) 615-2662
Fax: (310) 640-8079
On Tuesday, October 31, 2023 at 01:36:33 PM PDT, Daniel Slack <slackm@sbcglobal.net> wrote:
Good Afternoon Mr. Gebhart,
I have a question in light of a few concerns shared at the last Coffee with the Principal, recent
communication from the Board of Education
and the issues with the Girls Golf Team practicing at The Lakes @ El Segundo/Top Golf:
1.) Does El Segundo High School have an SSC or a Parent Advisory Board? I have not seen anything in
the Gazette about it but
maybe because neither exists?
Sincerely and Happy Halloween,
Daniel Slack Jr.