2023-11-07 CC Agenda - Public Communication - Misc. - El Segundo High School2023-11-07 CC AGENDA PUBLIC COMMUNICATION - MISC. - EL SEGUNDO HIGH SCHOOL Fw: El Segundo High School Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) <tweaver@elsegundo.org> Wed 11/1/2023 12:58 PM To:Harada, Patricia <pharada@elsegundo.org> Council received email below. From: Daniel Slack <slackm@sbcglobal.net> Sent: Tuesday, October 31, 2023 1:36 PM To: Steven Gebhart <sgebhart@esusd.net> Cc: James Venezia <james.venezia@topgolf.com>; Boyles,Drew (Mayor) <dboyles@elsegundo.org>; Charley Finney <bigfindaddy@gmail.com>; Chris Pimentel <pimentelca@hotmail.com>; Christa Caban <christa.caban@gmail.com>; Cindy Shadel <cindy@cindyshadel.com>; David March <dmarch @esusd.net>; Diane Harris<theatreeducationarts@gmail.com>; Edward Chang <edward.chang@topgolf.com>; Forrest Davis <forrest176davis@gmail.com>; Genifer Gray <genifer.gray@topgolf.com>; Goran Dasilva <goran.dasilva@gmail.com>; James Vye<jvye@toyotasportsperformancecenter.com>; Josh Alpert <josh@joshgolf.com>; Julia Straszewski <jtraszewski@esusd.net>; KVS <kevefx@gmail.com>; Karen McAndrews <kkmcandrews@yahoo.com>; Kevin Johnson <kevin.johnson2@ferguson.com>; Kristen Patterson <krisbake321@hotmail.com>; Leslie Walden <lawalden@aol.com>; Marisa Janicek <mjanicek@esusd.net>; Melissa Moore <mmoore@esusd.net>; Patricia Guzman <pguzman@esusd.net>; Raj Patel <rajinsf@yahoo.com>; Robert Sowder <robninsyry4@gmail.com>; Ruchi G <senorita3232@yahoo.com>; Baldino, Ryan <rbaldino@elsegundo.org>; Shayna Finney <shaynafinney@gmail.com>; Steve Shevlin <sshevlin@esusd.net>; Tauli Anderson <tauli.anderson@gmail.com>; Tracey Miller-Zarneke <tmiller-zarneke@esusd.net>; Corkins, Aaron (Lieutenant) <acorkins@elsegundo.org>; ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS<ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org>; basecat8@yahoo.com <basecat8@yahoo.com>; ckessler@scga.org <ckessler@scga.org>; dwheaton@esusd.net <dwheaton@esusd.net>; fglynn@esusd.net <fglynn@esusd.net>; hollysmithkobzina@sbcglobal.net <hollysmithkobzina@sbcglobal.net>; mariejbeach@yahoo.com <mariejbeach @yahoo.com>; mbeachly@esusd.net <mbeachly@esusd.net>; mom.ortiz.16@gmail.com <mom.ordz.16@gmail.com>; ngatch@pgahq.com <ngatch@pgahq.com>; staceelong@aol.com <staceelong@aol.com>; volunteeringfun@gmail.com <volunteeringfun@gmail.com>; LAUREN RYKER <rykerlauren93@gmail.com>; Cora Lee <corahlee@gmail.com>; apt. mgmt.bridge@gmaiLcom <apt.mgmt.bridge@gmail.com>; Jessica Davis <jdavis@esusd.net> Subject: El Segundo High School Good Aftemoon Mr. Gebhart, I have a question in light of a few concerns shared at the last Coffee with the Principal, recent communication from the Board of Education and the issues with the Girls Golf Team practicing at The Lakes @ El Segundo/Top Golf: 1.) Does El Segundo High School have an SSC or a Parent Advisory Board? I have not seen anything in the Gazette about it but maybe because neither exists? Sincerely and Happy Halloween, Daniel Slack Jr.