2023-11-07 CC Agenda - Public Communication - MIsc. - South Coast AQMD2023...11 07 CC AOIE:II" [)A
Re: Public Comment for the Upcoming Meeting of the El Segundo City Council
Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) <tweaver@elsegundo.org>
Sun 11/5/2023 9:31 AM
To:Brandee Keith <bkeith@aqmd.gov>
Cc:ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS<ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS@elsegundo.org>;Harada, Patricia <pharada@elsegundo.org>
This will be posted to the website under the November 7th agenda for the public to view"
Tracy Weaver
City Clerk
Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 3, 2023, at 5:31 PM, Brandee Keith <bkeith@aqmd.gov> wrote:
Good afternoon,
My name is Brandee Keith, with the South Coast AQMD Geographic Outreach Team. I wish to submit
the following written updates for the public comment period of the El Segundo City Council Meeting
on November 7.
Check BefgCgYo.Wrn SCason is n rw y
Check Before You Burn season is here again. Each year from November through the end of
February, residents of the South Coast Air Basin are asked to check before burning wood in
their fireplaces to limit emissions of fine particulate matter (PM2.5). Smoke from residential
fireplaces is a significant source of PM2.5 during the winter months.
Residents can do their part to improve air quality by choosing not to burn wood when No -
Burn Days are announced. A No -Burn Day is a 24-hour ban on wood -burning in residential
fireplaces, stoves, or outdoor fire pits in the South Coast Air Basin. South Coast AQMD
forecasters call for residential No -Burn Days when PM2.5 is expected to reach elevated
levels due to air emissions and stagnant weather conditions. High PM2.5 episodes are most
common on calm and cool winter days, especially during holiday periods. Additional
pollution from wood burning can turn air quality conditions on No -Burn days to "unhealthy"..
For more information, please visit our Check Before You Burn page at
hfts:jjtinyurU.carrar'cb,yb2D2B, You can also sign up for alerts at www.airal rt .rang or
download our mobile app for notifications.
Com hance Assist n e T'rainin,g, L r i
Complianc assistance traini, g is provided by South Coast AQMD to enhance
understanding of applicable air quality regulations, introduce new control
technologies, and assist industry with achieving and maintaining compliance with
federal, state and local clean air requirements.
Classroom Instruction
South Coast AQMD offers a variety of courses that provide participants with the
opportunity to interact with South Coast AQMD compliance staff, learn more about
existing and upcoming air quality regulations applicable to their industry and
resources to assist industry in achieving their clean air goals. Each course is taught
by experienced inspectors or other specialists with extensive knowledge of the
equipment, processes and regulatory requirements associated with each topic. For
more information, please visit our website under Compliance Training, or see our
Calendar for upcoming courses.
Courses currently being offered by South Coast AQMD include:
. Asbestos Demolition & Renovation (Rule 1403)
C r "ed_P r qn (Rules 463 &1178)
Certified Inspector --Sump and "pia tewater Separators (Rule 1176)
Controlling Fugitive Dust (Rule 403 & 403.1)
• GasoOine Traj3sfer & Dispensing (Rule 461)
Hexavalent. Chromium (Rule 1469)
• Combustion Gas Portable Analyzer Training & Certification (Rules 1146,
1146.1 & 1110.2)
Employee Transporta 'on Coordinator (ETC) Training (Rule 2202)
Due to the popularity of this training, all classes require pre -registration; no
walk-in registration is available.
Chip and Grind Operators, Green "waste Food Waste Comp.2sters, and Co-
Composters (Rules 1133, 1133.1, 1133.2, 1133.3)
South Coast AQMD Ad "sor Newsletter
The latest issue of the South Coast A MD Advis er, is out now. Our Oct/Nov/Dec 2023
edition features news and updates from our agency, upcoming deadlines and classes, program info
(including our winter Check Before You Burn season), and more.
The Advisor can be accessed via our website, under Resources. It's available as a Digital Flipbook and
as a PDF file (attached). Please also visit our Advisor Archive Page to view past digital issues.
ViaZ. �a l
Sr. Public Affairs Specialist,
Geographic Outreach Team, South Bay Cities
South Coast AQMD
Office: 909.396.3952
To report an air quality issue, please call 1-800-CUT SMOG.
For asbestos- related inauiries, olease call our asbestos hotline at 909-396-2336.
<South Coast AQMD Advisor - Oct -Nov -Dec 2023.pdf>
Oct/Nov/Dec 2023 • Volume 30 • Issue 5
hiir Vanessa ssa M-1gado h oz been reappointed to
1he South Coast AQMD Governing Board a- the
California Sena€c Rule Commiicc repre,cutative
through January 15, 2028. In addition, Governor Gavin
Newsom re -appointed environmental and real estate lawyer
and moderator Gideon Kracov to the board for a term that
expires January 15, 2027.
Former state Senator Delgado was first appointed to South
Coast AQMD's Governing Board in 2019 as the Senate Rules
Committee's representative. In 2021, she was elected Vice
Chair of the Governing Board. In January of this year, she
became the first Latina Chair of the Governing Board. She is
also the founder and President of Azure Development, a real
estate development firm.
Gideon Kracov joined the Governing Board in 2020 when
he was appointed by Governor Newsom. He serves on
the agency's Administrative, Finance, Marine Port, and
Mobile Source committees and is South Coast AQMD's
representative to the California Air Resources Board. He is
the former chair of the State Bar of California Environmental
Law Section Executive Committee and teaches land use haw
at Loyola Law School. The state senate voted unanimously to
confirm his rc-appointment.
South Coast AQMD's Governing Bourd has 13 members. Ten
are elected officials. Of those, four are county supervisors
representing Los Angeles. Orange, Riverside and San
Bernardino counties, elected to South Coast AQMD's Board
by their Boards of Supervisors. The remaining three board
members are appointed by state elected officials: one by
the Governor of California, one by the Speaker of the State
Assembly and one by the State Senate Rules Committee.
For more information on each member, please visit our
Governing Board members webpage at: ktt, _ _ , i
€ i a it - . art c 3_i. l` _ 2 , =r.tJ ._.
oath Coast AQMD has been
awarded roughly $76 million
by the California State
Transportation Agency (CaISTA) for
zero -emission projects that will help
transform the goods movement sector in
the San Pedro Bay Port corridor.
More than 80% of air pollution in
Southern California is associated with
mobile sources including trucks, trains,
planes. and ocean-going vessels,As
such, transitioning to zero emission
technologies is essential to reducing
air pollution. The projects developed
by this funding will create 7.600 jobs
and reduce 1.7 tons of fine particulate
matter (PM2.5) and 632 tons of
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx)—a precursor to
California. The project will also install
376 Direct Current Fast Chargers and
19 hydrogen refueling dispensers- across
seven locations for trucks used for
goods movement.
This project will increase throughput
to California ports by demonstrating
a locomotive that can haul 50 percent
more freight per locomotive and deploy
additional raster charging options for
more than 2.100 zero -emission trucks,
allowing more time to be spent on
moving freight instead of recharging.
South Coast AQMD is working with
Wabtec Corporation and Prologis
Mobility to deliver the Fuel cell train
and supporting infrastructure by 2027
and then demonstrate it for 12 months.
focused an the statewide goal of 100%
zero -emissions in the transportation
sector in part by facilitating and
managing public and private
The Port and Freight Infrastructure
(PFI) Program seeks to improve
the capacity, safety, efficiency, and
resiliency of goods movement to, from
and through California's maritime ports.
PFI aims to reduce greenhouse gas
emissions, air pollution, and negative
economic impacts and improve public
health for the many environmental
justice communities adjacent to the
corridors and facilities used for goods
movement, while promoting high -road
port, freight, and construction sector
The 2022 Air Quality Management
South Coast AQMD will use the more
Plan (AQMP) shows that to achieve For more information on the Port and
than $76 million in CaISTA's Port
federal air quality standards, we need Freight Infrastructure Program, visit
and Freight Infrastructure Program
to transition rapidly to zcro-emission ,_1 a
to demonstrate one first -of -its -kind
technologies in the goods movement _
hydrogen fuel cell locomotive that
sector to reduce PM2.5 and NOx
will operate in and around Southern emissions. South Coast AQMD is
T- x h€ pring.the Mribil Source Air Pollution Reduction
Review Commiucc iMSRCt awarded more tltan $1.9
a_aliaon for za une.v:ruv.c PrrrJ'ecvs that will deliver
zero -emission on demand, nexible services to communities
within the South Coast region. These projects will bring
technology -enabled, shared mobility strategies to fill the gap
between traditional "fixed -route" transit and "ride huiling
technology" to increase transportation options for residents.
The zero -omission vehicles will accommodate at least
four passengers per vehicle (in addition to the driver).
The vehicles must also comply with applicable Americans
with Disabilities Act, Department of Transportation, and
Department of Motor Vehicles requirements.
The six funded projects include:
OmniRide Bloomington Microtransit Service Expansion
(Omnitrans) — Omnitrans will purchase two zero -emission
vans to increase the service hours and offer service on
Circuit Transit Shared Mobility (City of Seal Beach) —
The City will partner with Circuit Transit to deploy three
Waev GEM e6 vehicles to transport residents and tourists to
many of the City's most visited areas including the pier, the
beach, City Hall, and Main Street.
Circuit Transit Rideshare Program (City of Huntington
Beach) —The City will expand its existing microtransit
service area to transport passengers who request a ride
through their app.
Old Towne Orange Microtransit Service (Anaheim
Transportation Network) — ATN, in partnership with the
City of Orange, will launch a new on -demand microtransit
service utilizing 10 Waev GEM e6 zero -emission vehicles
around a one -mile radius of the Old Towne Orange Plaza.
GTrans Microtransit Service (City of Gardena) —The
City will purchase two zero -emission vehicles to add to
its current fleet and deploy a new technology platform to
provide on -demand trips within defined service zones.
Circuit Transit Mobility Expansion Program (City of
Long Beach) — The City will add six new Waev GEM
e6 zero -emission vehicles to connect the Downtown and
Belmont Shore zones into one cohesive coverage area.
With these projects, the MSRC aims to target communities
that will most directly benefit from this type of mobility
opportunity. This includes areas where microtransit
can be directly integrated into other transit systems —
complementing tran
where deploying tru
fixed -route service c
not be ideal — as we
areas where traditioi
fixed -route transit
does not currently
meet the needs of
residents. Several
of these projects
will launch later
this year.
Under AB
2766, a $4 per
vehicle surcharge
is received on annul
registration fees, wh
is distributed to Sou
Coast AQMD for pr -
monitoring, enforcement, and technical
studies to help reduce air pollution. Thirty cents of every
dollar collected isplaced in a discretionary account to
implement or monitor programs to reduce motor vehicle
all pollution. To determine which projects are funded by
the Discretionary Fund, the MSRC was created to evaluate
programs and make final recommendations to the South
Coast AQMD Governing Board.
For more information on the MSRC visit
he South Cost AQMD lifts
announc-cd an enforcement
initiative to bring warehouses
into compliance with its Warehouse
Indirect Source Rule (Rule 2305).
About 55 i of warehouses that are
required to provide information reports
on the actions they took in the first
year have yet to do so. Overall, about
51 0 of warehouses r (9 0l es are currently out
of compliance. Violators of air quality
rules can face civil penalties of up to
$11,710 per day ofnoncompliance
based on a strict liability standard.
In May 2021, the agency's Governing
Board passed the Warehouse Indirect
Source Rule, which requires warehouses
greater than 100,000 square feet to
take actions to reduce nitrogen oxide
(NOx) and diesel particulate matter
(PM) emissions, or to otherwise limit
exposures to air pollution in nearby
Since 2021, South Coast AQMD has
been identifying and reaching out
to warehouses, providing them with
information. training. and assistance
to ensure compliance with the rule.
In September, the agency issued a
compliance advisor, to warehouse
owners and operators advising them of
rule requirements and deadlines. South
Coast AQMD's enforcement team is
preparing to issue notices of violation
that can result in daily penalties and
further legal action. The agency will
first focus on warehouses located in
Environmental Justice communities.
Warehouses arc a key destination for
heavy-duty trucks and have other
sources of emissions like cargo handling
equipment, all of which contribute to
local pollution. Emissions from sources
associated with warehouses account for
almost as much NOx emissions as all of
the refineries, power plants, and other
stationary sources in the South Coast Air
Basin combined. Those living within a
hall mile of warehouses are more likely
to include communities of color, have
higher rates of asthma and heart attacks,
and must endure a greater environmental
burden. The rule is expected to reduce
smog -forming emissions by 10-15
percent tYom warehouse -related sources.
The mile requires warehouse operators
to earn a specified number of points
annually by completing actions
including acquiring and using natural
gas near zero and/or zero -emission
on -road trucks, zero -emission cargo
handling equipment, solar panels, or
zero-cmission charging and fueling
infrastructure. Warehouse operators or
owners can alternatively prepare and
implement a custom plan specific to
their site or choose to pay a mitigation
fee. Mitigation fees will be used to
purchase cleaner trucks and charging/
fueling infrastructure in communities
near the warehouse that paid the fee.
:)n ' day, ""' 5. 2024, Soutlt Coo A0113 will
host the 34nh Annual Clean Air Aw trt .1 - annual
event honors those who have nuid art . landing
contributions to reduce air pollution and improve the health of
our communities and the economy. Nominations are opening
soon to the public, There is no cost to make a nomination.
The Clean Air Awards feature six award categories including:
S. Roy Wilson Award for Leadership in Government -
This award recognizes exceptional leadership in government
in support or clean air through practical and innovative
Robert M. Zweig, M.D. Memorial Award - This award is
For more information visit: presented in recognition of a Medical or Doctor of Philosophy
who demonstrates a deep commitment to improving public
health in relation to air pollution,
South Coast AQMD remains in
extreme nonattainment for the
federal ozone standard and is
working to improve air quality through
the adoption of the 2022 Air Quality
Management Plan, which seeks to
require zero cmission technologies
wherever feasible. On August 4th. South
Coast AQMD adopted Rule 1 153,1,
which includes the first zero -emission
limits on certain commercial foot)
ovens. Current rulemaking is assessing
feasibility of zero -emission technology
Over 60 cities across California are
considering or have adopted ordinances
that support zero -emission appliances,
and the California Air Resources
Board has commenced rulemaking to
assess the feasibility ofzero-emission
4 appliances,
Currently, consumers can choose
healthier zero -emission appliances for
space and water healing, clothes drying,
and other applications that improve
indoor and ambient air quality. The
federal Inflation Reduction Act (IRA)
rebates anticipated to be administered
by California in 2024 will apply to
appliances such as heat pumps for space
and water heating and clothes drying.
with increased focus on low- and
moderate -income households.., Cl1
for heat pumps
are available state-wide, and wiht
alrtiianres. South Coast AQMD is
designing it new rebate program to
incentivize zero -emission space and
water heating in the region..
In addition to health. other benefits
of zero -emission appliances include
safety and convenience, For example,
induction cooktops which do not have
an open flame are easier to clean, are not
hot to the touch, and don't require large
hoods or funs. Zero -emission options
can also be affordable for consumers,
with __ -€:
Aci cnpa
anhted to include up
to $840 for the purchase of electric
stoves, cooktops, ranges, or ovens. The
availability of zero-cmission options
provides consumers opportunities to
choose hcallhicr appliances for their
homes, improving indoor air quality and
helping clean the air we breathe,
Dr. William A. Burke Award for Leadership in
Environmental Justice - This award recognizes an
individual or organization that demonstrates leadership and
fortitude to stand for diversity and inclusion, improving
air quality and the quality of life for environmental justice
John J. and Ben J. Benoit Award for Innovative
Clean Air Technology - This award recognizes outstanding
efforts of an individual, organization, or company whose
technological solutions have led to air quality improvements.
Leadership in Air Quality - This award is presented to
an individual or entity whose commitment to air quality
and suslainability, exceeds local, slate, and/or federal
Young Leadership in Air Quality - This award honors
outstanding efforts by an individual aged 25 or younger with
a passion and commitment to help improve air quality_
For more information on the awards and to submit a
nomination, visit - ��25 a Nom
_ _..
oath Coast AQMD hosted €hegth Annual
Environmental Justice Conference: Building a Clean Air
Future T co c t t the iv . i o _ ergd_ Convention Center on
Wednesday, September 13, with over 208 guests in attendance
and 443 virtual attendees.
The conference included a conversation with Chair
Delgado and Dr. Jalonne L. White -Newsome, Senior
Director for Environmental Justice at the White House
Council on Environmental Quality, and Assemblymember
Eduardo Garcia, 36th District, as the keynote speaker, The
conference included simultaneous breakout sessions entitled
"Empowering Overburdened Communities: Bridging
the Gap for Environmental Justice and Unlocking Green
Opportunities: Job Training and Education for Environmental
Policy," and plenary session "Building a Collaborative Path
to Environmental Justice: Community, Technology, and
Visit www.AQMD.gov/Complaints
DUsing the South Coast AQMD
Mobile App
J _ Date and time of the air quality
Type of air quality event (odors,
dust, asbestos, smoke, eta) 0
Odor description (gas, chemical, rotten
eggs or other familiar odor)
Address or location of suspected source
Download the
aapp here —►
On July 141h, South Coast AQMD, IQAir Foundation (IQAir),
and the Los Angeles County and Orange County chapters of
the American Red Cross (ARC) delivered 183 air purifiers to
ARC's warehouse in Bell, California. In the event of adverse air quality
from wildfires, these HealthPro Plus air purifiers will be deployed to
temporary clean air centers in the South Coast Air Basin, which will
also be equipped with cots. blankets. wildfire kits, and medical caches
for immediate healthcare needs for impacted residents. The air purifiers
are certified to filler 99.5%
of particle pollutants
(including bacteria and
viruses) down to 0.003
microns in diameter,
ensuring clean air in these
This project is part of the
California Air Resources
Board's AB 836 Wildfire
Smoke Clean Air Centers
for Vulnerable Populations Incentive Pilot Program, a statewide
program that creates a network of clean air centers (luring wildfire
events in vulnerable communities_ Air purifiers provide a comprehensive
approach to humanitarian aid and relief to residents during wildfire
The partnership between South Coast AQMD, IQAir and ARC shows
that effective disaster management requires an emphasis on comfort
and health, as well as safety measures. As wildfires continue to occur
with increased frequency, vulnerable populations will require continued
protection and care.
i .ego empmyers are suolec( to tcme LIVI anu
must implement an emission reduction program to
reduce emissions front employee commute trips.
On -road motor vehicles, including cars, trucks,
and buses, represent one of the largest sources
of air pollution in the South Coast Air Basin.
Vehicle omissions from exhaust contribute to
unhealthful levels of ozone, particulate matter,
and toxic air contaminants. To protect public
health, Assembly Bill 2766, also known as the
Motor Vehicle Subvention Fund Program was
adopted in 1990. The goal of the bill was to
provide a revenue stream for programs to reduce
air pollution from motor vehicles and for related
planning, monitoring, enforcement, and technical
studies. About 162 cities/counties in the South
Coast AQMD are participating in the AB 2766
Subvention Program to reduce emissions from
motor vehicles.
AB 2766 revenue is distributed by the South
Coast AQMD on a quarterly basis to the
participating cities and counties in the South
Coast Air Basin based on a prorated share of
theit°population.TheTransportation Programs
Unit serves as a resource to cities and counties
by providing guidance in project identification,
development, quantification. and reporting.
For a list of transportation program resources,
-- L
Novcmbcr I st marks the start of the 12th Annual
Check Before You Burn season, South Coast
AQMD's fall and winter program to educate
residents about the hazards of wood smoke. The
program prohibits burning firewood in a fireplace,
stove, or outdoor pit on No -Burn Days, when
unhealthy air quality is forecast. From November
through the end of February, residents are asked
to check before burning wood in their fireplaces to
limit emissions of fine particle pollution (PM2.5).
In 2022, South Coast AQMD declared 10 No -Burn
days across the South Coast Air Basin, which was
it significant decrease front the 35 No -Burn days
in 2021. South Coast AQMD forecasters call for
residential No -Burn Days when PM2.5 is expected
to reach elevated levels due to air emissions and
stagnant weather conditions. High PM2,5 episodes
are most common on calm and cool winter days.
especially during holiday periods. Additional
pollution from wood burning is more likely to create
unhealthy air quality conditions on No -Burn Days -
Short -term exposure to PM2,5 can cause throat
and eye irritation, aggravate asthma, and trigger
other respiratory or cardiovascular health problems
Prolonged exposure to high levels of PM2.5 may
increase the risk of strokes, heart attacks, and
cancels. Young children, older adults, pregnant
people, and people with lung or heart diseases
are especially vulnerable to the health effects of
PM2.5. Burning wood contributes to poor indoor
air quality and poor air quality in the surrounding
For more information on the Check Before You
Burn Program, please visit
Residents can sign up for email or text notifications
of No -Burn Days at 3 ;. ,-A, u _
With Check Before You Burn season starting, South Coast AQMD
reminds residents to do their part in reducing particulate pollution
and smoke. Try one of these festive alternative ways to enjoy your
holiday hearth without burning wood this season:
Decorative wood logs — A stack of cleverly arranged
decorative wood logs to fill your fireplace gives any
room a rustic, welcoming feel, and they lend themselves
perfectly to the space.
Pillar candles — Candlcs are a lovely and very
` adaptable means to keep the flame in your hearth
without contributing to smoke and particulate pollution.
Rest your festive candles on pedestals of various heights
to bring visual charm and interest to the arrangement.
0yElectric candles —Growing in popularity for in -home
decorative use! Rest assured there are no emissions
with this flame -free alternative. The options to match
holiday d6cor are endless for styles, colors, and elegant
arrangements, including rustic lanterns.
Holiday blooms — Place festive arrangements of
your favorite holiday flowers such as lilies, orchids,
poinsettias. holly, and ivy to create a vibrant and
beautiful picture framed in your fireplace. Just
remember to choose pet -friendly flora if you have
animals or choose fabricated options to last all season.
Screens - Choose a festive or vintage fireplace screen,
either on its own or paired with one of these other
options, to bring a new touch of personality to your
fireplace for the holidays (and even throughout
the year!).
LED Lights— Fill your hearth with charming
strings of warm color LED lights for a bit of
magical charm and sparkle.
For more information on South CoastAQMD's
Check Before You Burn Program, visit
he AB 617 "ram continue., to work toward the
improvvnient oftiercloality and publie health in
ovicerbunIcned. environmental Justice. communities.
The community -based program brings together residents,
health and environmental organizations, government
agencies, and other stakeholders to form Community
Steering Committees (CSCs) to develop and implement
plans to help reduce air pollution.
Are Awairy, Equity, andInclusion with CommuniryAi ftrams team visitthe
Whningm¢ Carson, Nest long Beach CommunityinSeptember.
These plans are known as the Community Emission
Reduction Plans (CERPs) and Community Air Monitoring
Plans (CAMPS). The CERPs focus on community -
identified air quality priorities and the CAMPS provide
strategies for air quality monitoring that are unique to
that community. All six AB 617 communities within
the South Coast AQMD jurisdiction are currently in the
implementation phase of the CERP and CAMP plans.
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) team created
a new initiative called Critical Community Conversations
for Purposeful Outreach (C3PO). For the next six months,
on the fourth Wednesday of each month, the entire AB
617 team will visit each of the AB 617 communities to
network and engage with members of the CSCs within their
neighborhoods. Staff will participate in tours facilitated by
CSC members to observe the DE1 issues and concerns of
the community.
Upcoming meetings for each of the CSCs include:
• East Los Angeles, Boyle Heights, West Commerce
(ELABHWC) — October 5, 4-6 p.m.
• Eastern Coachella Valley (ECV) — October 19, 5-7 p.m.
• San Bernardino. Muscoy (SBM) — October 26, 6-8 p.m.
• Wilmington, Carson West Long Beach (WCWLB)—
November 2, 2-4 p,m.
• Southeast Los Angeles (SELA) — November 16, 4-6 p.m-
• South Los Angeles (SLA) — December 7, 4-6 p.m.
South Coast AQMD will continue to work with CSC
members and co -lead organizations throughout the
implementation process and will hold quarterly meetings
to update the community on the progress of the CERPs and
CAMPS. For more information on the AB 617 program or
meeting schedules, visit Laj i ,J,6 1 7.
oath Coast AQMD is
providing up to $1.1
million in incentive
funds to install and maintain
air filtration units al over 200
private K-12 schools and private
daycares, including preschools
within AB 617 Communities. AB
617 was signed into California
law in July 2017 and focuses on
addressing local air pollution
impacts in select environmental
justice communities. These
communities include Eastern
Coachella Valley; East Los
Angeles, Boyle Heights, West
Commerce; San Bernardino,
Muscoy; Southeast Los Angeles; South Los Angcles: and
Wilmington, Carson. West Long Beach. Installations are
expected to continue through Fall 2023.
Selected private schools and daycares will receive one or
more high -efficiency particulate air (HEPA) air filtration
units and five years of replacement filters. These air filtration
units reduce children's exposure to fine particulate matter
(PM) and toxic diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) air pollutants
while indoors,
The project is funded by a California Air Resources Board
(GARB) Supplemental Environmental Project (SEP). SEPs
are community -based projects funded by penalties resulting
from the settlement of enforcement actions. South Coast
AQMD accepted applications from private K-12 schools and
daycares in Summer 2022 for air filtration units and notified
selected schools in January 2023. Additional projects are
underway to provide air filtration within public schools in
many communities in the South Coast Basin. In addition,
South Coast AQMD staff is committed to working with
communities and CARB to identify future opportunities
for air filtration funding. For more information about
air filtration and other funding opportunities in AB 617
Communities, visit
The following is a reminder of upcoming South Coast AQMD compliance deadlines, New rules and regulations maybe adopted, and rurrent rules maybe amended or rescinde
throughout the year. Such decisions may impact your business.. For the most current rule information, visit South Coast AQMD's Rule Book at
:,,a s , i:- ni-wr,F. or call 1-800-CUT-SMOG. For more information, seethe South Coast AQMD rules at the links below.
Rule 11101: Emissions from Gaseous and Liquid
Fueled Engines
Rule 1110.2 reduces NOx. CO, and VO(s from engines. Any
engine installed on or after January 1, 2024 shall (amply
with tfre leoft ho Tabk JVttfthen .
Rule 1134: Emissions of Oxides of Nitrogen from
Stat onvir Gras tarp nes
On a A Aftu Jarassry 1, 2024, the owner or operator of a
stationary gas turbines rated at 0.3 megawatt or larger
shall not operate the unit in a manner that exceeds the
emissions limits listed in Table I of the rule. The NOx
emission limits in Table I shall not apply during tuning
periods or startup and shutdown periods
Rule 1135: Emissions of Oxides of Nitrogen from
Electricity Generating Facilities
The owner or operator of an electdcity generating facility
shall not operate a boiler or gas turbine in a manner
that exceeds the NOx emission limits listed in Table 1 of
Rate 1135 by January 1, 2024, Owners or operators of
electricity generating facilities located on Santa Catalina
Island with diesel internal combustion engines shall meet
a mass emisslon limit from all electric generating units of
50 tons of NOx annually by January 1, 2024.
Rule 1147: NOx Reductions from Miscellaneous
An owner or operator of a Facility with five or more units
electing to comply with the multiple unit Implementation
schedule pursuant to Table 4, shall submit permit
applications by the permit application submittal deadllne
specified in Table 4 to comply with the applicable NOx and
CO emission limits in Table 2 or decommission the unit.
Table 4 has permit application submittal deadline of July
1 2024
\ RULE UPDATE""""' art oded ttdns and mw".trsa are tenlatr Jr uheduled fvr
heusngs at upcom rsq [ erring Board u1 11ngs in 2OZ3 To venty wfiether schedufrng
(hamsscurc€d ws t South Caa51 AQ4i sv to
g nk$i Js. n)_�.c €:eck thv f4ui? anel Cart Measure cocas. i ern on
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the most recent Governing Board meeting agenda, or call the Clerk of the Board's Office
d at (909) 396.2500. Copies of South Coast AQMD rules and regulations can be downloaded
PR = Proposed Rule PAR = Proposed Amended Rule/Regulation from the website at sv: �d me ulr c� olr� r e r s +qok or
obtained from the Public Information Center at (909) 396-2039.
Rule 1460: Control of Particulate Emissions from
Metal Recycling and Shredding operations
No later ihanJanuary 15, 2024, and no later than January
15 of my ye-ar untRafter,theowneroroperatorofa
Metal RecydIng Facility or Metal Shredding Facility shall
submit, the information required:
(A) Facility location address and mailing address
(B) Facility legal owner(s), telephone number, email
address, and mailing address
(C) Site manager, email address, and telephone number
(D) Facility Throughput range
(E) Installation of new or additional torch cutting
(Fl Whether a new or additional sensitive receptor is
located within 100 meters of facility boundary
(G) Whel her a sensitive receptor previously located within
100 meters of the facility boundary closes or relocates
beyond 100 meters of the faclllty boundary.
€r arils-?
(lasses are conducted online via Zoom. Preregistration Is required- (lass schedules are subject to change.
Rule 403 - Dust Control In the South Coast Air
Basin Training
• Every third Wednesday of the month, January through
November. There are no courses held in December.
This half -day course is presented via Zoom Meeting from
9 00 a.m. to 11 30 a.m- There is no fee
vsi 1 s t'gfir
Toreg' e-mad
Rule 403Ar403.1: Dust Control in the Coachella
• Every third Thursday of the month, January through
November,1:00 p.m. to 4:30 P.m There is no fee. There
are no courses held in December.
:c _c s_. To register, e-mail
or fax request to (909) 396-2608.
Rule 1: Gasoline TratssferaadDispensing
Daily Maintenance Inspection - Reglstrallon Fees:
March 1, 2024
June 7, 2024
Periodic Compliance Inspection - Registration Fees:
$216 25
October 13, 2023
March B, 2024
June 14, 2024
Vapor Recovery System Tester Orlentatlon-Registratlon
Fees: $205.59
October 20, 2023
March 15, 2024
June 21, 2024
The Zoom Claud Meetings app must be installed on
your device or Google Chrome must be used as the web
browser to connect and attend the class. (heck -In time Is
&00 am, t4 930 a m.
Visit n C 2s: s, -' (el
for class and registration information. Contact
Rule 461 Assistance at (909) 396-3546. or email
J _ _for add itionalinformation
Rik1403 AstsestasDemAtionand Renovation
Compliance Training
October 11, 2023
December 6, 2023
This half -day class, from 8:00 AM to 1:00 PM, will be
conducted via webinar (including standard phone access
for those without access to a computer or smart phone).
Registration is required. The fee is $107.53 per person,
except as noted.
t? L�on -'to register or
contact the Asbestos Hotline at (909) 396-2336 for
more Information.
Rule 1469: Nexavalent Chromium Training
2023 Dates TBD
This half -day course is presented via Zoom Webinar from
8:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Pre-reglstradon is required. The
class fee is $42.67 per person, due prior to the dale of the
class. The Zoom Cloud Meetings app must be installed on
your device orGoogle Chrome must he used as the web
browser to conned and attend the class.
To register and for fee information visit --r
3_, n,c £t,_r ,::3 S' rr r
t ,- 1 .. or call (909) 396-2338 for
more information.
Rule 2202: Employee Transportation Coordinator
(ETC) Training
October 17 and 19
November 7 and 9
November 14 and 16
December 5 and 7
Each class is two days in length (Tuesday and
Thursday). Classes are conducted online via Zoom from
9:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Registration fee is $222.98
per person. Enrollment is limited. Early registration is
For more information contact the ETC Coordinator at
(909) 396-2777, or visit _FIwA- ;
Vrm sL a iir r Z?- register, e-mail
K21q,, or call (909) 396-2777.
1110.3: Emissions from Linear
1110.2: Emissions from
Gaseous - and Liquid -Fueled
Proposed Rule 1110.3 will
establish emission standards
and requirements for the linear
generators. Rule 1110.2 will need
to be amended to remove existing
provisions for linear generators
Contact: Michael Morris at
rnrri€m,zagT.d ovor
(909) 396-3282
2011: Requirements for
Monitoring, Reporting, and
Recordkeeping for Oxides of
Sulfur (SOx) Emissions
2012: Requirements for
Monitoring, Reporting, and
Recordkeeping for Oxides of
Nitrogen (NOx) Emissions
Proposed Amended Rules 2011
and 2012 will allow the SOx and
NOx, respectively, Continuous
Emission Monitoring System
(CEMS) to shutdown when the
combustion source for which the
CEMS is monitoring is scheduled
to be shutdown for an extended
period of time.
Contact Michael Morris at
(909) 396-3282.
1405: Control of Ethylene
Oxide Emissions from
Sterilization and Related
Amendments needed to address
ethylene oxide emissions
from sterilization of medical
Contact: Kalam Cheung at
kO .rr �gQx or
(909) 396) 396-3281.
1118: Control of Emissions
from Refinery Flares
PAR 1118 will seek to incorporate
provisions to further reduce
flaring at refineries, for clean
service flares, and facility
thresholds. Other amendments
to improve clarity and to remove
obsolete provisions.
Contact: Heather Farr at
� . oy or
(909) 396 3672.
1135: Emissions of Oxides
of Nitrogen from Electricity
Generating Facilities
PAR 1135 will modify provisions
for electricity generating units at
Santa Catalina Island to reflect a
revised BARCT assessment.
Contact: Michael Morris at
mor �or
1146.2: Emissions of Oxides
of Nitrogen from Large Water
Heaters and Sma11 BoHers and
Process Heaters
PAR 1146.2 will update the NOx
emission limits to reflect BARCT.
Other provisions may be added to
facilitate the deployment of zero -
emission units regulated under
the proposed amended rule.
Contact: Heather Farr at
aqa d _� or
1148.1: Oil and Gas
Production Wells
Proposed Amendments to Rule
1148.1 may be needed to further
reduce emissions From operations,
implement early leak detection,
odor minimization plans, and
enhanced emissions and chemical
reporting from oil and drilling
Contact: Michael Morris at
rr'I'Irrt= ?crud t� or
1159.1: Control of NOx
Emissions from Nitric Acid
PR 1159.1 will establish
requirements to reduce NOx
emissions from nitric acid units
that will apply to RECLAIM, former
Contact: Kalam Cheung at
(909) 396-3281.
1180: Petroleum Refinery
and Related Operations
Fenceline and Community Air
Rule 1180 will be amended to
consider expanding the target
list of compounds to include
compounds identified in the
OEHHA's updated priority list
published in 2019.
Contact: Heather Farr at
_ = or
(909) 396-3672.
111103- OtherfeticeHne and
Community Monitoring
PR 1180.1 will establish fenceline
and community monitoring
requirements for non -petroleum
refineries and facilities that are
not currently included in Rule
1180 - Refinery Fenceline and
Community Air Monitoring.
Contact: Heather Farr at
nfa .`z [T� tit Or
(909) 396-3672.
Regulation XIII: New Source
PAR XIII will revise New,Source
Review provisions to address
facilities that are transitioning
from RECLAIM to a command -
and -control regulatory structure
and to address comments from
U.S. EPA. Additional rules under
Regulation XIII may be needed
to address offsets and other
provisions under Regulation XIII.
Contact: Michael Morris at
tomorr.M1 r=alrn(fgoxor
Regulation XH:RECLAIM
PAR XX will address the transition
of NOx RECLAIM facilities to a
command -and -control regulatory
Contact: Michael Morris at
s _uor
(909) 396-3282.
2306: New Intermodal
Railyard Indirect Source Rule
PR 2306 will establish
requirements for new intermodal
railyards to minimize emissions
from indirect sources associated
with new railyards.
Contact: Elaine Shen at
(909) 396-2715.
South Coast
Air Quality Management District
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This bimonthly news publication is
pproduced by South Coast Air Quality
Janagernent District's Legislat Vie,
Public Affairs and Media Office. South
CoastAQMD is the air pollution control
agency for Orange County and major
portions of Los Angeles, San gemardino
and Riverside counties. ;bulh Coast
AND does not endorse nor warrant
any products, services or companies
mentioned in this publication.
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