PROOF OF INSURANCE (2024 - 2024) CLOSED- - - - - ---------- ------ OATV T141WODWYY� CERTIFICATE OiF LIABILITY INSURANCE 0111 21 11`2� PIRODUCm Kaorcher losui an Alara Group Agancy, 11555 Hill mood, Driv* Suite 140 Las Vanes. NV B9134 INSURED I m�l ai�l r Nl dcl oNRollill I dodSo Ir au, divi'lon Vik�v A 1112�00�, -- ....... . ....... ---- .............. . .... . THIS PS TO CERTNFY THAT THE POL lCiTES OF INWRANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE SEEN ISSUHE- ED TO TINSUNVFOR RED AFD A,50VF THE KAJCY PERADD INDICATED. NOTWI71 fSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT. TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRAC T OR, OrlIER DWUMEN T W71,1 PIESPLCTTO WHICH THIS CERTINCATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, 'THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY 7HE POL ii DESCRIBED HERIEW * WOJECT TO ALL THE'TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POUCIES OMRS SHOWN i HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAW CLAJMS TYPE OF I SURR -WiEf"" WDE—VEW'" IMM POLICY IWOMSER pufe-f "F I , Umm JJB., — ArYp - . ............... immmir-y-yj ------- A X CONIVIEfti OENtRAL LABi fl IPK-N,rCNJ533 M F2N12; W 1201,11 LAcHCX::CURRI&?&-k CI AAAS 4AADE, OcCalip R-6 51 x mEmis 5 " � f A 00 0,( A) WGREGAI 9 UIAXY APPIL�r,3 PER,' POLKN wc ............. .. .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ....... . . ....... AUTOMMUE LL"KJTY czmaINIED SMU LIAM My AUTO 900MILYMNiURY OWNED Mg IRTIO AUON TOG LY AUTHS -Vopw- - ONLY .......... 1 . ... ................................................................ . LWAri UAB OrCUR EACH ML.141RHENCE I4...... ........ Excfss UAN CLAM&MADE A Q, WORXERS COMPENSWrION AND EMPLOY"S'LlASKM Y d N ANY Iry Er CA F, A J� 11111 rXCLUDED? T - .1 — ------ . ......... J................ ---------- I it r N Pwn t P111411111 C$r OPCRATI)OW bek� Pmg.ks't L wa A ImJuvWd III DESCRI)MON OF OPERAMONS I LOCATONG I VEHICLES PACORV sol, AdAgonaiN Ronmirks Wh4dulli my bo sUrbiod It mom opace Lo r"li Rx Naw,.apoyllja9h', 3o[(j (fi)IJ Iuli gw, wilillo, I III,, 01'Cr&c 0111i vwllh xxcp,4jlyc, bodgrvarld Ovclk �ojfil,�d try filo vow R)RF5 . . . . ....... . . . . ............... . ..... . . .......... . ............................. . . . . ............................. . . . ............... SHOULD AW Of THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLCIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXENZATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN I, o"IG K,1,0 I C.,\ tOO8 15 ACCORDANCE "TH THE POLICY PROVISIONS, ACOW 25 Q2016)03) 0 198 8-2015 AC01i CO"'ORATION. AJ I rights raise rved. The ACORO, namie andl logo airs registered marks of ACORD RUOWAAAR�I' I affirm undler penalty of: Iperju.ury sunder the liaws of Calffbrnla one of the following declarations-, (_ I have, and wrill maintain a certdicate of consent of self-insuire for workers' corripensation, issued by the Drector of Industrial If ellafions as proOded for by Labor Code § 3700 for the performance of tfie work, set forth the agreement with the City of EI Segundo. lm� (_) I have end will rnainta4i workers' compensation Iinsurance as required by Labor Code § 3700 for, the peft-rinance of the work for wNch the agreernent with the City of B Segundo is executed My workers' compensation, rnsurance carrier and pohcy number are. Carrier Policy NU tuber Expiration Date Name of Agient Phone # cortify that, in the performance of the work set forth in the agreernew with the City of El Segundo, I wilf not ,employ any, person in any manne,r so as to become subject to the woilkers' compensation laws of Califorrfla, and agiiree that, of 1 should bocome subject to the workeiis' cornpensabon provisions of Labor Code § 3700 II must trans or �the a�greerneintwifi �automs�ticafly b�ecorrne �voidl immediately comply mth 9/2012�023 Signature of, pplicant Date . ..... Phint Name Andrew , Hanlen..... Agreement for, Dated D uraince Approval ns Reviewed by�