2023-10-17 CC Agenda Packet - PRESENTATION - ITEM C10 - Smoky Hollow Specific Plan UpdateCITY OF ELSEGUNDO Smoky Hollow Specific Plan Update City Council Public Hearing October 17, 2023 Tonight's Hearing • Background • Identify key changes made • Discuss revised approach to Community Benefits Plan 10/17/2023 City of El Segundo 1 350 Main St. El Segundo, CA 90245 W I I I GI V I)0 Background • Specific Plan Goals: • Creative office, R&D, and tech business incubator • Pedestrian environment • Make public improvements 10/17/2023 City of El Segundo 1 350 Main St. El Segundo, CA 90245 0 100001I. 3 vi-'O (;I NIm Proposed Changes • Permitted uses • Options for El Segundo Boulevard • Misc. Provisions (i.e. caretaker units, "changes of occupancy," etc.) • Community Benefits Plan process E SEGUYDO 10/17/2023 City of El Segundo 1 350 Main St. El Segundo, CA 90245 4 Update Permitted Uses • Small fitness centers (<2,500 sf) by right; • Large fitness centers with CUP • Tutoring uses • Eliminate CUP requirement for restaurants 10/17/2023 City of El Segundo 1 350 Main St. El Segundo, CA 90245 61 ESEGUNDO Clarifications • Change outdoor dining parking exemption to match Downtown language • Clarify only one caretaker unit allowed per building • Change in "use", not "occupancy", will trigger compliance with parking standards ELSEGUNDO 10/17/2023 City of El Segundo 1 350 Main St. El Segundo, CA 90245 6 DDflons for EI Segundo Bc Figure 3-2: Possible Configuration for El Segundo Boulevard EIs.pnd. ft k—d-Pmp—d-N—T Note(s): Ultimate configuration will be based on results of various pilot programs B s.ymd. Bmft—d- Pp—d- L" T �z Zebra Crosswalk require additional analysis based on existing conditions prior to implementation. 3.2.1 EI Segundo 13ouleomd EI Segundo Boulevard is classified as a "minor arterial." running easVwest along the south edge of the Specific Plan area, bordering the Chevron Oil Pehnery.E1 Segundo Boulevard links the Smoky Hollow area to downtown El Segundo to the west and the office parks east of Pacific Coast Highway. and beyond to the Metro C Line El Segundo stations and 1-405 freeway. Transformative strategies for El Segundo Boulevard aim to improve mobility for pedestrians and cyclists and potentially address parking shortages in the district. Understanding that change is incremental. the Specific Plan identifies easy -to -implement improvements for the near term as well as 7:ii longer -ter m solutions. In the short term. the City will undertake pilot projects to explore a preferred configuration. This may include providing parallel parking, installing a protected bike lane, widening sidewalks. or some combination of these improvements. The changes in the short and Iona terms will not require any street widening and will maintain four travel lanes. The final configuration will be based on feedback from residents and business owners. together with a scheme that works with other citywide mobility objectives. In adchhon, high -visibility crosswalks will be added along EI Segundo Boulevard. marked with Liaddional continental stripes (sometimes referred to as zebra striping). Contrasting and high -visibility crosswalks indicate pedestrian pathways and have been shown to improve safety behavior of motorists. Complete Streets provide options for modes of travel. Design Standards and Community Benefits • Current Community Benefits Plan policy awards points for quality architecture • Community benefits plans generally focus on amenities that enhance the public realm for all users: • Improved pedestrian and bicycle mobility • Street furniture • Landscaping • Open spaces and parklets • Public art 10/17/2023 City of El Segundo 1 350 Main St. El Segundo, CA 90245 9 ELSEGVNUO 10/17/2023 Changing Design Guidelines to Design Standards City of El Segundo 1 350 Main St. El Segundo, CA 90245 10 ELSEGUNDO Table 2-7: Design Standards 1 Pedestrian Entry Orientation and Treatment 2 Ground Floor Ceiling Height 1 Universal Accessibility 2 Surfacing Materials for Pedestrian Routes a Buildings adjacent to a street shall provide a minimum of one primary entry oriented to the sidewalk or publicly accessible pedestrian path b Secondary entries. where provided. shall be clearly identified and provided with an unobstructed path of travel from a sidewalk or parking lot c. Where pedestrian access to an alley is provided, such access shall include safety lighting. Doors shall open inward from the alley The minimum interior floor -to -ceiling height of the ground floor shall be i2 feet a. Where necessary to accommodate ADA-accessible sidewalks, streetscapes, and amenities in constrained rights - of -way. an easement shall be provided on private property between the sidewalk and building edge The easement may be used for pedestrian circulation or to accommodate street trees, furniture, and utilities b Ease of access shall be provided along and across sites through leveling outdoor and indoor height differences, providing accessible ramps and handrails. removing obstacles along inter or pedestr an paths, and minimizing curb cuts In parking lots. pedestrian circulation routes shall be clearly distinguished through the use o paving materials. colors, and textures that contrast with the driveways and drive aisles For new buildings or additions of 1,000 square feet or more of gross floor area fronting Franklin Avenue. a minimum 15% facade transparency shall be provided at the ground level or first 12 feet of height above grade, whichever is 1 Transparency less. through the utilization of windows, entries, or similar openings (see Figure 2-3: Building Transparency, Franklin Avenue Frontages) Slide 11 LSO Use this slide and the next to highlight the new provisions, esp. for C. Bldg Design. Laura Stetson, 2023-09-11 T20:14:39 396 Along any street, no wall shall extend more than 20 feet without including doors, windows, non-commercial murals, 2. No Blank Walls or landscaping that cover at least 20 percent of the facade. The purpose is to avoid blank walls. 3.360° Architecture I All building facades shall include detailing consistent with the overall building design. 4. Materials and Colors I A combination of at least three different materials and/or colors shall be used on all facades facing the right-of-way. Any building that is located at the intersection of two streets shall have a distinctive corner treatment that includes, for example: a. Windows that meet at the corner S. Corner Buildings b. A building edge cut back from the comer at a 45-degree angle c. A distinctive non-commercial mural d. A change in building material e- A small plaza 1. Plant Palette Drought -tolerant and native plants and trees shall be used and selected from the plant palette established in this ISpecific Plan (see Figure 3-9: Tree/Stormwater Planter Design and Plant Palette). 2. Stormwater Facilities Note(s): sf = square feet: ft = feet To the maximum extent practical, stormwater facilities shall be incorporated into landscaped areas. Where such incorporation is not practical, such facilities shall be integrated into site and building design, including through the use of rain barrels. Revised Community Benefits Plan Process ELSEOU\DO 10/17/2023 City of El Segundo 1 350 Main St. El Segundo, CA 90245 13 SMOKY HOLLOW COMMUNITY BENEFITS FINDINGS WORKSHEET EXHIHIT "A" A.test Name: SMOKY HOLLOW COMMUNITY BENEFITS TABULATION WORKSHEET Project Name GrqupA f Vf g,.,'S,n C'Y.c1e'[minimumanequtetll ap .Ja maeru h.H anlM godly Fmrstral fhardcler -- Cosway . sense of old end row e and retain the charecter-de sling features de.dditm thatcomplementmistirmcharaR -de!inint Wlures rain vii me0 .e and l.rg—les :1e dnel• al the pedeslflan level 360• architecture Me she use of mlWp doors and Ifidwe-11, at street frontages and.ry rules 1..140 r..0krrl Males'a't, [on2n. arldkAuraa Gmupg L—W (YlrieneJ (minlmum 2 reputed)) no M ndra • form.'act— sI—wA hm 4,treet caner pill ..aa CeK'goouldoP e.merrt3panl t no✓ adeyfanry VtMnn[ spar malnNls street fumdure r.in I.Ils if for an as .....I" and design WSFI holspotS GroupC M:vaci Landscape bw Environmental Design [minimum 3 required) w+ ro N� t•aro t Lln-c,"Ice " lnh laMflupft x«t dmughtaderam and native plants btl,r• pWlrs and Pots to Pmmde gfetnery «PrM lonsOtcepN In Perrone areas ie( Ole fences and w ils as an ealembn of the architecture IN It 10.1A the Gri e•epur Cennrwwa yet ro Na vt«u Elan NQe fKllnles II•yes,- Mal alai Referee spaces paovded gequWd:� GroupE Dr. gsnS r WWFinding, and Pubic An Inns Nt <n<«u OMrgn sells as an ir"t'.l componem a•:o•x•a;e ear Imyry Wrap rttel•N design f Kls'a VPublk an Step L 6rdint Ih•P f{wa••batl ahteht ImYI drs 1 1 MdMbp•nM' tsb«ds wd Ot ee Pelt v++rla l p' Y ' 4 Ilfindoghmet,proceedro Step2 if hrdmg cannel be met, slop. the protect does nor Qualify Stage 2 name I I he P ooci cclnundy ban of.. on —ft cnal,.Wry Project Indl., islinvil,c P d.i g Number of vner I. l his projeclln[orpolalet 13 i If 17 or more. Proceed to Step 3, oll"s¢ slop. the project done not Quality Step 3 rmd.ry 17he proposed tommunty benefit d'reclly mpik—ta oble teed of the sW,IK plan -) It now of the proposed ccmmunlly Weyds meet this ftlding, stop, Project does not qualify i it.Ileast one proposed commonly beiefic meeN this finding and Plolect dm not quality for Tier 2, Proceed to Planning Commissi -) If at least one Proposed mmmunny bi mars this finding and po^i qualilles for Tier 2, proceed to Step e Orley Tler 2 projects must meet MdkW a & 5 Slept laava InY mvn•ytfntlls PPCOIM do rot Yru Kano lrnen+t!vap'otgiwet[rpantad rnM paO.ttt.W1/at•nr .rig -) it lin6r,,h mer, proceed to Step S. If finding cannot be met. slop. the Project does rot qual!ly Step M5 InaIsla vaWe ofin fommun,tybenell s bear a rebton sh m to r he ,eWe generated by the project. 'N^npat dewbof'ccnts spa marl gO prapmeq lSvn'ralMYtrlM.ne by groups: Community value of prepped rr'eft. GnanPAAllkt.t— S --,bylNvmberofinelcrdenan Group A>6.933%I S j Gr-PI Open Space S ra"4r. WlNuInki of me l cored. in Group e> S' i"I'd S 1 t GrouDG LaMscaping 5 'ti 1rTMlNumeer pl-1 cmbil, In Group C>I I.V 0 F - Group D'Conn-,ity S —V by(NP bold eaes.•cec>2•5t,150) GrouPf S^e+IWr bf lNrrM•d r'et.me. n^4•ost A•U3Tr1 S ?^n•ae•w.yrss"l- ­S ••=sar 1p AppovcIpulnasluift Prah $2 MIYpn or mare wlue Mdad muel ronlrprleat YMl 1ft d uN agYE to 0•tk .nlrNFretvn Other proposed beneflls S e. *a.s•levenn e•r•r. awb•eela-as*"naiIi row Totelcpl lof communlly benelgs to developer O FstimaledaodM brojett.lue U CommunMvelue of proposed benefits O Community value share of added v.4e 4 If CV/AV d e31)A. -P.—M aomtlonal community benefits and fecetuute -) II CV/AV is>30%, go to Planning CommKsbn for recommendation to City Cound l Slide 14 LSO This can be used to discuss how complex the current CBP is. Show how some of the things have been moved to Design Stds - e.g., corner plazas, enhanced surfacing, 360-degree architecture. Laura Stetson, 2023-09-11T20:1521.704 Proposed Community Benefits Policy 1. Project architecture does not count as a community benefit, but project must comply with at least 50% of the guidelines. 2. Community benefits are precisely defined as the public realm improvements identified in Chapters 3 and 5. 3. Benefits will bear a relationship to "added project value." 4. Required benefit value is 20% of overall added project value. ELtiEGlJNDO 10/17/2023 City of El Segundo 1 350 Main St. El Segundo, CA 90245 15 Recommendations 1. Adopt resolution No. 2940 recommending City Council approve an amendment to the Smoky Hollow Specific Plan updating permitted uses, development standards and design guidelines, simplifying the community benefit plan process, and clarifying various specific plan provisions. 2. Adopt resolution No. 2942 recommending City Council approve an amendment to the Community Benefits Plan Policy. eCSecuN Do 10/17/2023 City of El Segundo 1 350 Main St. El Segundo, CA 90245 16 The End EL,SEGUNDO 10/17/2023 City of El Segundo 1 350 Main St. El Segundo, CA 90245 17 Parking In -lieu fee usage. • Revenue Collected: $338,352 • Designated for expenses: $317,866 (two pilot projects) • Funds available: $20,486 ($425421) ELSEGUVDO 10/17/2023 City of El Segundo 1 350 Main St. El Segundo, CA 90245 18 Location Map - PW 23-05 Smoky Hollow Parking Pilot Project -, L U _ u:i _ rand Ave n F ] v r; o u U c m Y LI Er. � Franklin Ave 01+r r _J _'JlI, ''IIIga of undo Blvd Vicinity Map - PW 23-05 Smoky Hollow Parking Pilot Project Iowa Owns ■wI=■rDT■a■■was s 1 ■■7■maHasa"""A )■a■r•0•a■■■aI•�■a1■ate■ate■a1■ate■a■1■a1■■■■■a>�al rail mpena Ave ■� ■fir a�■�O W Acacia Ave E Acacia Ave a Century Fwy w E Walnut Ave ■ a 0 N E Sycamore Ave to ■ m L• u > y E Maple Ave I < 1 _ 0 C ■ L ■ m 2 1 O a a z z v �•7 C W Mariposa Ave "m E Mariposa Ave m' C ■ U, • E Pine Ave » I N ElSegundo o N t lease v 3 • •_W 124th St ' w 'E Grand m E Grand Ave • ;d Ave ?� » Y ! L d a■sol�■Is E El ndo Blvd E El Segundo Blvfesa■sas■, d 1 The Lakes Golf L ■ Course a c ■ to_ e ■ 1 = • 1 D ID 1 • �•A Plaza El Segundo ! W 138th St ,♦ , ! 139th St • 1 • • • < El PO%tO 0 a•�■■a�■■�■a�■a��a�l■■.■■■a�■a�■a�■a�■a�■a�■a�■■�■a�ioaw■•rawa�A•1Ta�•ai — N 35th PI Discussion r 1. 7 s °v 3 rrt evt. •. Hatt, A�s : t.: * •+ ZA . a•� i ; ' :.. ip Ile A s aid � N -a p cg.o_►t_c --- - J We- Ir�� r �71�1►1$7G ► r ELsl:OU\DO 10/17/2023 City of El Segundo 1 350 Main St. El Segundo, CA 90245 21