2023 Sep 19 CC PACKETAGENDA EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL REGULAR MEETING TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 2023 4:00 PM CLOSED SESSION 6:00 PM OPEN SESSION CITY COUNCIL CHAMBER 350 MAIN STREET, EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 Drew Boyles, Mayor Chris Pimentel, Mayor Pro Tern Carol Pirsztuk, Council Member Lance Giroux, Council Member Ryan W. Baldino, Council Member Tracy Weaver, City Clerk Matthew Robinson, City Treasurer Executive Team Darrell George, City Manager Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager Jaime Bermudez, Police Chief Michael Allen, Community Development Dir. Jose Calderon, IT Director Aly Mancini, Recreation, Parks & Library Dir. Mark Hensley, City Attorney David Cain, Interim CFO Robert Espinosa, Interim Fire Chief Rebecca Redyk, HR Director Elias Sassoon, Public Works Dir. MISSION STATEMENT: "Provide a great place to live, work, and visit." VISION STATEMENT: "Be a global innovation leader where big ideas take off while maintaining our unique small-town character." 1 Page 1 of 263 The City Council, with certain statutory exceptions, can only act upon properly posted and listed agenda items. Any writings or documents given to a majority of City Council regarding any matter on this agenda that the City received after issuing the agenda packet are available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office during normal business hours. Such documents may also be posted on the City's website at www.elsegundo.org and additional copies will be available at the City Council meeting. Unless otherwise noted in the agenda, the public can only comment on City -related business that is within the jurisdiction of the City Council and/or items listed on the agenda during the Public Communications portions of the Meeting. Additionally, members of the public can comment on any Public Hearing item on the agenda during the Public Hearing portion of such item. The time limit for comments is five (5) minutes per person. Those wishing to address the City Council are requested to complete and submit to the City Clerk a "Speaker Card" located at the Council Chamber entrance. You are not required to provide personal information in order to speak, except to the extent necessary for the City Clerk to call upon you, properly record your name in meeting minutes and to provide contact information for later staff follow-up, if appropriate. When a Council Member duly requires AB 2449 teleconferencing to attend the City Council meeting the public will also be able to access the meeting and provide public comment via Zoom. To access Zoom from a PC, Mac, iPad, iPhone, or Android device, use URL https://zoom.us/m/ 81951332052 and enter PIN: 903629 or visit www.zoom.us on device of choice, click on "Join a Meeting" and enter meeting ID: 81951332052 and PIN: 903629. If joining by phone, dial 1-669-900-9128 and enter meeting ID and PIN. To reiterate, attending a City Council meeting by Zoom will only be used when AB 2449 is used. NOTE: Your phone number is captured by the Zoom software and is subject to the Public Records Act, dial *67 BEFORE dialing in to remain anonymous. Members of the public will be placed in a "listen only" mode and your video feed will not be shared with City Council or members of the public. REASONABLE ACCOMMODATIONS: In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Government Code Section 54953(g), the City Council has adopted a reasonable accommodation policy to swiftly resolve accommodation requests. The policy can also be found on the City's website at https.11www.elsegundo.or_q/govemmentldepartments/city-clerk. Please contact the City Clerk's Office at (310) 524-2308 to make an accommodation request or to obtain a copy of the policy. 2 Page 2 of 263 4:00 PM CLOSED SESSION — CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (RELATED TO CITY BUSINESS ONLY — 5-MINUTE LIMIT PER PERSON, 30-MINUTE LIMIT TOTAL) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow City Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. City Council and/or City Manager will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. SPECIAL ORDERS OF BUSINESS RECESS INTO CLOSED SESSION: City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et seq.) for purposes of conferring with City's Real Property Negotiator; and/or conferring with City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation; and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel); and/or conferring with City's Labor Negotiators. CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — EXISTING LITIGATION (GOV'T CODE §54956.9(D)(1): -6- MATTER(S) City of El Segundo v. Wiseburn Unified School District, Los Angeles Superior Court Case No. 23TRCV01031. 2. Retired Police Officer Rex Flower Workers Compensation Claim (WCAB) No.:ADJ7459554). 3. Retired Police Officer Kenneth McShane Workers Compensation Claim (WCAB) No. :ADJ11083019). 4. Retired Police Officer Darrell Lewis Workers Compensation Claim (WCAB) No.:ADJ9634084). 5. Retired Fire Fighter Scott Marinez Workers Compensation Claim (WCAB) No.:ADJ2810794). 6. Former Fire Captain Mark Harrison v. City of El Segundo (Workers' Compensation Claim) CONFERENCE WITH LEGAL COUNSEL — ANTICIPATED LITIGATION INITIATION OF LITIGATION PURSUANT to (Government Code §54956.9(d)(4)): - 1 - matter(s). 3 Page 3 of 263 CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (GOV'T CODE §54957.6): -1- MATTER(S) 1. Employee Organizations: Fire Fighter Association (FFA). Representative: City Manager, Darrell George, Human Resources Director, Rebecca Redyk, Laura Droltz Kalty, and Alex Volberding 6:00 PM — CONVENE OPEN SESSION — CALL TO ORDER / ROLL CALL INVOCATION — Father Alexei Smith, St. Andrew Russian Greek Catholic Church PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Pirsztuk SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS 2. El Segundo Little League World Series Champions PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (RELATED TO CITY BUSINESS ONLY — 5 MINUTE LIMIT PER PERSON, 30 MINUTE LIMIT TOTAL) Individuals who have received value of $50 or more to communicate to the City Council on behalf of another, and employees speaking on behalf of their employer, must so identify themselves prior to addressing the City Council. Failure to do so shall be a misdemeanor and punishable by a fine of $250. While all comments are welcome, the Brown Act does not allow Council to take action on any item not on the agenda. The Council will respond to comments after Public Communications is closed. CITY MANAGER FOLLOW-UP COMMENTS — (Related to Public Communications) • Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant Update A. PROCEDURAL MOTIONS Read All Ordinances and Resolutions on the Agenda by Title Only Recommendation - Approval B. CONSENT 3. City Council Meeting Minutes Recommendation - 1. Approve Regular City Council meeting minutes of September 5, 2023. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 0 Page 4 of 263 4. Second Reading of the Ordinance Authorizing a Contract Amendment between the City and CalPERS to Implement Additional Government Code § 20516 Employee Cost Sharing for "Classic" Local Miscellaneous Members of the Police Support Services Employees' Association Recommendation - Conduct the second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 1651 Authorizing an Amendment to the Contract between the City Council of the City of El Segundo and the Board of Administration of California Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) regarding cost sharing by "Classic" local miscellaneous members of the Police Support Services Employees' Association (PSSEA). 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other actions related to this item. 5. Plan Adoption for Phase 1 of City Hall HVAC Improvements Recommendation - 1. Adopt a resolution to approve plans and specifications for Pase 1 of City Hall HVAC Improvements Project No. PW 23-03. 2. Authorize staff to advertise the project for bids. 3. Alternately, discuss and take other action related to this item. 6. George Brett Field Restroom Improvements Project Construction Award Recommendation - Authorize the City Manager to execute a standard Public Works Contract with GEM Construction, Inc. in the amount of $183,000 for the construction of the George Brett Field Restroom Improvements Project, Project No. PW 23-10, and authorize an additional $40,000 for construction related contingencies. 2. Alternately, discuss and take other action related to this item. 7. Professional Service Agreements with True North Compliance Services and Willdan Engineering for Building Plan Check Review and Inspection Services Recommendation - Authorize the City Manager to execute Professional Service Agreements for three-year terms, with optional annual extensions, with True North Compliance Services and Willdan Engineering for the Building Plan Check Review and Inspection Services, not to exceed 70% of the total plan review fee collected by the City from the applicants, or actual time of inspections and its hourly rate for inspection. 5 Page 5 of 263 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 8. Appropriation of $281,923 to the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Adopted Budget for HDL Sales Tax Audit Finds Recommendation - 1. Approve an additional appropriation to the FY 2023-24 adopted budget, in the amount of $281,923, from unassigned fund balance of the General Fund related to back quarter sales tax audit fees. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 9. Agreement for Upgrade of Current Fleet Management Software Recommendation - 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Faster Asset Solutions and waive bidding requirements pursuant to El Segundo Municipal Code § 1-7-9(A) for an initial cost of $87,793 and an annual maintenance cost of $12,150. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. C. PUBLIC HEARINGS D. STAFF PRESENTATIONS 10. Resolution Modifying the Basic Salary Range for the Chief of Police and the Monthly Stipend for the City Clerk Classifications Recommendation - 1. Adopt a Resolution modifying the basic monthly salary range for the Chief of Police and the City Clerk classifications. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 11. FY2023-25 Communications Plan for the Citv of El Seaundo Recommendation - 1. Approve the FY2023-25 Communications Plan for the City of El Segundo. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 0 Page 6 of 263 12. Phase One Recreation Park Renovation Project Recommendation - 1. Review, provide comments, and approve proposed prioritization of the conceptual plans for Phase One Recreation Park Improvements. 2. Direct staff to return to Council with an amended agreement with LPA, Inc. to proceed with phase two of the design, which includes the preparation of detailed design and construction documents. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 13. Consideration of Converting an Existing Two-way Stop to a Four-way Stop at the Intersection of Main Street and Oak Avenue Recommendation - Consider and accept staff's recommendation to keep the current two-way stop and not to install a four-way stop at the intersection of Main Street and Oak Avenue. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 14. Amendment to the Joint Use Agreements With the Ell Segundo Unified School District Recommendation - 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the Joint Use Agreement (JUA) for Public Recreation Facilities Between the City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Unified School District (Attachment 1). 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the Joint Use Agreement for Media Studio and Equipment with El Segundo Unified School District (Attachment 2). 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. 15. Presentation and Study Session on the Downtown Specific Plan Update Recommendation - 1. Receive and file a Downtown Specific Plan Update presentation. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. E. COMMITTEES, COMMISSIONS AND BOARDS PRESENTATIONS F. REPORTS - CITY CLERK 7 Page 7 of 263 G. REPORTS - CITY TREASURER H. REPORTS - COUNCIL MEMBERS COUNCIL MEMBER BALDINO COUNCIL MEMBER GIROUX COUNCIL MEMBER PIRSZTUK MAYOR BOYLES I. REPORTS - CITY ATTORNEY J. REPORTS/FOLLOW-UP - CITY MANAGER CLOSED SESSION The City Council may move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown Act (Government Code Section §54960, et seq.) for the purposes of conferring with the City's Real Property Negotiator; and/or conferring with the City Attorney on potential and/or existing litigation, and/or discussing matters covered under Government Code Section §54957 (Personnel); and/or conferring with the City's Labor Negotiators. REPORT OF ACTION TAKEN IN CLOSED SESSION (if required) MEMORIALS ADJOURNMENT POSTED: DATE: September 14, 2023 TIME: 6:00 PM BY: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk Page 8 of 263 MEETING MINUTES OF THE EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 5, 2023 CLOSED SESSION — Mayor Boyles called the meeting to order at 5:15 PM due to lack of quorum at 4:00 PM 001111111110N_1II Mayor Boyles - Present Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel - Present Council Member Pirsztuk - Present Council Member Giroux - Present Council Member Baldino - Present PUBLIC COMMUNICATION — (Related to City Business Only — 5-minute limit per person, 30-minute limit total) None SPECIAL ORDER OF BUSINESS: Mayor Boyles announced that Council would be meeting in closed session pursuant to the items listed on the agenda. CONFERENCE WITH CITY'S LABOR NEGOTIATOR (Government Code §54957.6): - 2- MATTER(S) 1. Employee Organizations: Police Management Association (PMA) and Fire Fighter Association (FFA). Representative: City Manager, Darrell George, Human Resources Director, Rebecca Redyk, Laura Droltz Kalty, and Alex Volberding. Adjourned at 5:50 PM OPEN SESSION — Mayor Boyles called to order at 6:01 PM ROLL CALL Mayor Boyles - Present Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel - Present Council Member Pirsztuk - Present Council Member Giroux - Present Council Member Baldino - Present INVOCATION — Rabbi Dovid Lisbon, The Jewish Community Center PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE — Council Member Baldino SPECIAL PRESENTATIONS: EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 5, 2023 PAGE 1 Page 9 of 263 1. Commendation read by Council Member Pirsztuk and presented to the Young Entrepreneurs of El Segundo. 2. Commendation read by Mayor Boyles and presented to the El Segundo High School Boys Volleyball Team. PUBLIC COMMUNICATIONS — (Related to City Business Only — 5-minute limit per person, 30-minute limit total) None CITY MANAGER FOLLOW-UP COMMENTS: Darrell George, City Manager gave an update on the Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant and Chief Bermudez gave an update on how "No Bail" has affected the City and policing. A. Read all Ordinances and Resolutions on the Agenda by Title Only. MOTION by Council Member Giroux, SECONDED by Council Member Pirsztuk to read all ordinances and resolutions on the agenda by title only. MOTION PASSED BY A UNANIMOUS VOTE. 5/0 B. CONSENT: 3. Approve Regular City Council meeting Minutes of August 15, 2023 (Fiscal Impact: None) 4. Approve warrants demand register for July 10 through July 16, 2023 numbers 2A: warrant numbers 3046505 through 3046568. Ratify Payroll and employee benefit Checks; Checks released early due to contracts or agreement; Emergency disbursements and/or adjustments; and, Wire transfers. (Fiscal Impact: $4,449,540.51 ($997,011.36 in check warrants and $3,452,529.15 in wire warrants)) 5. Approve continuing appropriations from FY 2022-23 to FY 2023-24, thereby amending the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Adopted Budget in the Funds and by the amounts contained in Attachment A. (See agenda packet for attachment A) (Fiscal Impact: Carryover of $13,819,763.14 from FY 2022-2023 to FY 2023- 2024) 6. Conduct a second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 1650 amending El Segundo Municipal Code Chapter 1-6 to expand the list of positions exempt from the Civil Service System. (Fiscal Impact: None) 7. PULLED BY MAYOR PRO TEM PIMENTEL EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 5, 2023 PAGE 2 Page 10 of 263 MOTION by Council Member Giroux, SECONDED by Council Member Baldino, approving Consent items 3, 4, 5, and 6. MOTION PASSED BY A UNANIMOUS VOTE. 5/0 PULLED ITEMS: 7. Purchase of Three Replacement Police Vehicles (Fiscal Impact: $162,497.90) Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel questioned the need to sell the out of service police cars due to the potential of hiring more police officers. Police Chief Bermudez said the cars in question were K-9 vehicles and wouldn't be of use to everyday policing. MOTION by Mayor Pro Tem, SECOND by Council Member Pirsztuk authorizing the waiving of the formal bidding requirements pursuant to El Segundo Municipal Code § 1- 7-9(A) to replace two police K9 patrol vehicles originally due for replacement in September 2020 and a Sergeant's patrol vehicle due for replacement in September 2024 for $162,497.90, with an additional $24,374.69 as a contingency fund for potential unforeseen supply chain issues, authorize Public Works to auction three police vehicles following their replacement, and authorize the City Manager to execute any necessary agreements or associated documents necessary to complete the purchase of three police vehicles and auction of the vehicles to be replaced. MOTION PASSED BY A UNANIMOUS VOTE. 5/0 PUBLIC HEARING: None STAFF PRESENTAIONS: 8. S&P Global Ratings Increase of El Segundo's Long -Term Credit Rating to "AAA" from "AA+" (Fiscal Impact: This rating upgrade demonstrates that investors will recognize that El Segundo continues to move in a positive direction and that the City's financial future is bright. This positive rating allows the City to obtain even lower financing rates if it were to choose to issue bonds in the future, although there is not a plan for the General Fund to issue any bonds. El Segundo is one of 51 cities in California with a "AAA" rating) David Cain, Interim Chief Financial Officer, reported on the item. Council Discussion Council consensus to receive and file the report. 9. Resolution to Waive Fees Associated with the World Series Championship Parade and Team Recognition Ceremony for the El Segundo Little League (Fiscal Impact: Not to exceed $200,000) EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 5, 2023 PAGE 3 Page 11 of 263 Aly Mancini, Recreation, Parks, and Library Director, reported on the item. Council discussion Little League Board requested, and Council advised for safety reasons that there should be a car for each player on the day of the parade and that the El Segundo High School Band and Cheerleaders could participate during the Ceremony portion of the celebration. Police Chief Bermudez stated that he will have adequate police available the day of the parade for crowd control. MOTION by Mayor Boyles, SECONDED by Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel approving the World Series Championship Parade and Team Recognition Ceremony for the El Segundo Little League at a cost not to exceed $200,000. MOTION PASSED BY A UNANIMOUS VOTE. 5/0 E. COMMITTEES, COMISSIONS AND BOARDS PRESENTATIONS: None F. REPORTS — CITY CLERK — No report G. REPORTS — CITY TREASURER — 10. Investment Portfolio Report for June 2023 (Fiscal Impact: None) Matthew Robinson, City Treasurer gave a presentation. Council consensus to receive and file the presentation. H. REPORTS — COUNCIL MEMBERS Council Member Baldino — Thanked the directors of the ArtWalk for a fantastic event and thanked Aly Mancini and her department for putting together the Little League World Series watch parties. Council Member Giroux — No report Council Member Pirsztuk — Attended the Recreation and Parks Subcommittee meeting, attended the Finance Committee meeting and congratulated the Library on its 75t" Birthday celebration that she attended. Mayor Pro Tern Pimentel — Will attend the Regional Homelessness Task Force meeting tomorrow, will attend both the Sanitation and Transportation Committee meetings in the upcoming weeks, the Local Travel Network will launch soon, and Inglewood should receive word on their "People Mover" project. Mayor Boyles — Will attend the RHNA (Regional Housing Needs Allocation) reform meeting on Thursday, attended a meeting in the Silicon Valley, Menlo Park, pitching El Segundo to approximately 50 Venture Capitalist, will attend the EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 5, 2023 PAGE 4 Page 12 of 263 Contract Cities meeting this weekend and commented on his experience attending the Little League World Series in Williamsport. REPORTS — CITY ATTORNEY — No report J. REPORTS/FOLLOW-UP — CITY MANAGER — No report MEMORIAL — None Adjourned at 7.25 PM Tracy Weaver, City Clerk EL SEGUNDO CITY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES SEPTEMBER 5, 2023 PAGE 5 Page 13 of 263 City Council Agenda Statement F I, F �' t I) �� Meeting Date: September 19, 2023 Agenda Heading: Consent Item Number: B.4 TITLE: Second Reading of the Ordinance Authorizing a Contract Amendment between the City and CaIPERS to Implement Additional Government Code § 20516 Employee Cost Sharing for "Classic" Local Miscellaneous Members of the Police Support Services Employees' Association RECOMMENDATION: 1. Conduct the second reading and adopt Ordinance No. 1651 Authorizing an Amendment to the Contract between the City Council of the City of El Segundo and the Board of Administration of California Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) regarding cost sharing by "Classic" local miscellaneous members of the Police Support Services Employees' Association (PSSEA). 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other actions related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: The retirement contract amendment will have an estimated $3,698 annual savings to the City as the employees will be picking up a portion of the "employer share" of their retirement cost. BACKGROUND: On August 15, 2023, the City Council approved a Resolution of Intention and introduced the first reading of an Ordinance authorizing a CaIPERS contract amendment to provide an additional one percent (1 %) cost sharing for Classic local miscellaneous PSSEA members. A second reading and adoption of the Ordinance are required to amend the contract between the City of El Segundo and the Board of Administration of CaIPERS for this provision. DISCUSSION: Page 14 of 263 Second Reading of Ordinance for Cost Sharing September 19, 2023 Page 2 of 3 The adopted and approved PSSEA MOU for the term October 1, 2018 through September 29, 2022 provided that local miscellaneous employees defined as "Classic" members would increase CalPERS retirement payments by an additional one percent (1 %) for a total employee contribution of eight percent (8%) of compensation. During the labor negotiations for a successor MOU, it was discovered that this provision was not implemented and the contract with CalPERS had not been amended. On May 16, 2023, City Council approved a Side Letter with PSSEA to begin the additional cost sharing and the CalPERS contract amendment process. The cost sharing is currently in place by direct payroll deduction from employees to the City. On August 15, 2023, the City Council approved a Resolution of Intention to amend the CalPERS contract. This Resolution was then submitted to CalPERS for review and approval. Following the submission of the Resolution, a secret ballot election of impacted members was conducted and certified by the City Clerk's Office. On September 11, 2023, the City provided the election results to CalPERS in which four PSSEA members were eligible to vote. Two votes were received approving said participation and zero votes were received disapproving said participation. The Ordinance is being presented for the second reading and adoption by the City Council at the September 19, 2023, meeting to allow for the mandatory twenty -day window between Resolution approval and Ordinance adoption under Government Code § 20471. Upon adoption of the final Ordinance, staff will submit the executed documents to CalPERS. The contract amendment will become effective on October 21, 2023, which is the first day of the new payroll period following the October 19, 2023 effective date of the Ordinance. Once CalPERS approves the contract amendment, the City will convert the one percent (1 %) employer contribution to an employee contribution so that PSSEA members receive credit. INIVA&II:7_A1Xr][02:jW_1ZKKOIiyil9A/_10IN:$ Goal 3: Promote a Quality Workforce Through Teamwork and Organizational Efficiencies Objective: El Segundo is an employer of choice and consistently hires for the future, with a workforce that is inspired, world -class, engaged and innovative. PREPARED BY: Rebecca Redyk, Human Resources Director REVIEWED BY: Rebecca Redyk, Human Resources Director Page 15 of 263 Second Reading of Ordinance for Cost Sharing September 19, 2023 Page 3 of 3 APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Ordinance Authorizing Amendment to CaIPERS Contract 2. Exhibit to Ordinance for Amendment to CaIPERS Contract PSSEA Page 16 of 263 ORDINANCE NO. 1651 AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AUTHORIZING AN AMENDMENT TO THE CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION OF THE CALIFORNIA PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM. The City Council of the City of El Segundo does ordain as follows: SECTION 1: That an amendment to the contract between the City Council of the City of El Segundo and the Board of Administration, California Public Employees' Retirement System is hereby authorized, a copy of said amendment being attached hereto, marked Exhibit, and by such reference made a part hereof as though herein set out in full. SECTION 2: The Mayor of the El Segundo City Council is hereby authorized, empowered, and directed to execute said amendment for and on behalf of said Agency. SECTION 3: This Ordinance shall take effect 30 days after the date of its adoption, and prior to the expiration of 15 days from the passage thereof shall be published at least once in the El Segundo Herald, a newspaper of general circulation, published and circulated in the City of El Segundo and thenceforth and thereafter the same shall be in full force and effect. Adopted and approved this 19t" day of September, 2023. Drew Boyles, Mayor Exhibit A: Amendment to Contract Page 17 of 263 ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Ordinance No. 1649 was duly introduced by said City Council at a regular meeting held on the 15t" day of August, 2023 and was duly passed, and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the 19t" day of September, 2023, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES- NOES - ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney Page 18 of 263 lok,, CAPERS EXHIBIT California Public Employees' Retirement System 44100.1 'jjql� 6XV, 1 1111, - ' Between the Board of Administration California Public Employees' Retirement System and the City Council City of El Segundo The Board of Administration, California Public Employees' Retirement System, hereinafter referred to as Board, and the governing body of the above public agency, hereinafter referred to as Public Agency, having entered into a contract effective October 1, 1943, and witnessed August 25, 1943, and as amended effective November 1, 1947, August 1, 1949, July 1, 1950, November 1, 1955, September 1, 1958, March 9, 1959, November 7, 1964, October 19, 1968, December 11, 1971, July 20, 1974, July 19, 1975, January 3, 1976, July 16, 1977, June 3, 1978, February 6, 1982, April 3, 1982, January 1, 1992, June 27, 1992, May 15, 1993, January 8, 1994, January 19, 1996, April 4, 1997, October 13, 1997, October 7, 2000, December 18, 2000, May 19, 2001, July 2, 2004, April 12, 2008, May 9, 2009, October 3, 2009, October 23, 2010, October 6, 2012, December 30, 2012, December 13, 2014, January 9, 2016, June 8, 2019, October 24, 2020, and June 17, 2023, which provides for participation of Public Agency in said System, Board and Public Agency hereby agree as follows: A. Paragraphs 1 through 18 are hereby stricken from said contract as executed effective June 17, 2023, and hereby replaced by the following paragraphs numbered 1 through 18 inclusive: Page 19 of 263 1. All words and terms used herein which are defined in the Public Employees' Retirement Law shall have the meaning as defined therein unless otherwise specifically provided. "Normal retirement age" shall mean age 55 for classic local miscellaneous members entering membership in the miscellaneous classification on or prior to December 30, 2012, age 60 for classic local miscellaneous members entering membership for the first time in the miscellaneous classification after December 30, 2012, age 62 for new local miscellaneous members, age 50 for classic local police members entering membership in the police classification on or prior to October 6, 2012, age 55 for classic local fire members and for those classic local police members entering membership for the first time in the police classification after October 6, 2012, and age 57 for new local safety members. 2. Public Agency shall participate in the Public Employees' Retirement System from and after October 1, 1943, making its employees as hereinafter provided, members of said System subject to all provisions of the Public Employees' Retirement Law except such as apply only on election of a contracting agency and are not provided for herein and to all amendments to said Law hereafter enacted except those, which by express provisions thereof, apply only on the election of a contracting agency. 3. Public Agency agrees to indemnify, defend and hold harmless the California Public Employees' Retirement System (CaIPERS) and its trustees, agents and employees, the CaIPERS Board of Administration, and the California Public Employees' Retirement Fund from any claims, demands, actions, losses, liabilities, damages, judgments, expenses and costs, including but not limited to interest, penalties and attorney fees that may arise as a result of any of the following: (a) Public Agency's election to provide retirement benefits, provisions or formulas under this Contract that are different than the retirement benefits, provisions or formulas provided under the Public Agency's prior non-CaIPERS retirement program. (b) Any dispute, disagreement, claim, or proceeding (including without limitation arbitration, administrative hearing, or litigation) between Public Agency and its employees (or their representatives) which relates to Public Agency's election to amend this Contract to provide retirement benefits, provisions or formulas that are different than such employees' existing retirement benefits, provisions or formulas. (c) Public Agency's agreement with a third party other than CaIPERS to provide retirement benefits, provisions, or formulas that are different than the retirement benefits, provisions or formulas provided under this Contract and provided for under the California Public Employees' Retirement Law. Page 20 of 263 4. Employees of Public Agency in the following classes shall become members of said Retirement System except such in each such class as are excluded by law or this agreement: a. Local Fire Fighters (herein referred to as local safety members); b. Local Police Officers (herein referred to as local safety members); C. Employees other than local safety members (herein referred to as local miscellaneous members). 5. In addition to the classes of employees excluded from membership by said Retirement Law, the following classes of employees shall not become members of said Retirement System: NO ADDITIONAL EXCLUSIONS 6. Prior to January 1, 1975, those members who were hired by Public Agency on a temporary and/or seasonal basis not to exceed 6 months were excluded from PERS membership by contract. Government Code Section 20336 superseded this contract provision by providing that any such temporary and/or seasonal employees are excluded from PERS membership subsequent to January 1, 1975. Legislation repealed and replaced said Section with Government Code Section 20305 effective July 1, 1994. 7. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited prior and current service as a classic local miscellaneous member entering membership in the miscellaneous classification on or prior to December 30, 2012, shall be determined in accordance with Section 21354 of said Retirement Law subject to the reduction provided therein for service on and after July 1, 1956, the effective date of Social Security coverage, for members whose service has been included in Federal Social Security (2% at age 55 Full and Modified). 8. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited current service as a classic local miscellaneous member entering membership for the first time in the miscellaneous classification after December 30, 2012, shall be determined in accordance with Section 21353 of said Retirement Law subject to the reduction provided therein for Federal Social Security (2% at age 60 Modified). 9. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited prior and current service as a new local miscellaneous member shall be determined in accordance with Section 7522.20 of said Retirement Law (2% at age 62 Supplemental to Federal Social Security). Page 21 of 263 10. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited prior and current service as a classic local fire member shall be determined in accordance with Section 21363.1 of said Retirement Law (3% at age 55 Full). 11. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited prior and current service as a classic local police member entering membership in the police classification on or prior to October 6, 2012, shall be determined in accordance with Section 21362.2 of said Retirement Law (3% at age 50 Full). 12. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited current service as a classic local police member entering membership for the first time in the police classification after October 6, 2012, shall be determined in accordance with Section 21363.1 of said Retirement Law (3% at age 55 Full). 13. The percentage of final compensation to be provided for each year of credited prior and current service as a new local safety member shall be determined in accordance with Section 7522.25(d) of said Retirement Law (2.7% at age 57 Full). 14. Public Agency elected and elects to be subject to the following optional provisions: a. Sections 21624 and 21626 (Post -Retirement Survivor Allowance) for local safety members only. b. Section 21571 (Basic Level of 1959 Survivor Benefits) for local miscellaneous members only. C. Section 21222.1 (One -Time 5% Increase - 1970). Legislation repealed said Section effective January 1, 1980. d. Section 21222.2 (One -Time 5% Increase - 1971). Legislation repealed said Section effective January 1, 1980. e. Section 21024 (Military Service Credit as Public Service). f. Section 20042 (One -Year Final Compensation) for classic members only. g. Section 21574 (Fourth Level of 1959 Survivor Benefits) for local safety amembers only. Page 22 of 263 h. Section 21548 (Pre -Retirement Option 2W Death Benefit). Section 20903 (Two Years Additional Service Credit). Section 20516 (Employees Sharing Cost of Additional Benefits): Section 21363.1 (3% @ 55 Full and Modified formula) for classic local fire members from and after October 6, 2012, and until December 13, 2014. The employee cost sharing contributions are 3%. The maximum employee cost sharing contribution is the normal cost plus the increase in the accrued liability due to the benefit improvement amortized over 20 years. In no event shall the employee cost sharing contribution attributable to the unfunded liability remain in effect beyond May 19, 2021. Thereafter, in any given contribution year, the maximum employee cost sharing contribution cannot exceed 2.591 % of payroll. k. Section 20475 (Different Level of Benefits): Section 21363.1 (3% @ 55 Full formula) is applicable to classic local police members entering membership for the first time with this agency in the police classification after October 6, 2012. Section 21353 (2% @ 60 Modified formula) is applicable to classic local miscellaneous members entering membership for the first time with this agency in the miscellaneous classification after December 30, 2012. Section 20516 (Employees Sharing Additional Cost): From and after December 13, 2014, and until January 9, 2016, 3% for classic local fire members in the Supervisory and Professional Employees Association, and the Unrepresented Fire Management group. From and after June 8, 2019, 3% for classic local police members in the El Segundo Police Officers' Association. From and after June 8, 2019, 3% for classic local fire members in the El Segundo Firefighters' Association. From and after October 24, 2020, 1 % for classic local miscellaneous members in the Unrepresented Management -Confidential group. Page 23 of 263 From and after October 24, 2020, 3% for classic local safety members in the Unrepresented Management -Confidential group. From and after June 17, 2023, 1 % for classic local miscellaneous members in the El Segundo Supervisory and Professional Employees Association. From and after the effective date of this amendment to contract, 1 % for classic local miscellaneous members in the El Segundo Police Support Services Employees Association. The portion of the employer's contribution that the member agrees to contribute from his or her compensation, over and above the member's normal contribution ("Cost Sharing Percentage"), shall not exceed the Employer Normal Cost Rate, as that rate is defined in the Cal PERS Actuarial Valuation for the relevant fiscal year. If the Cost Sharing Percentage will exceed the relevant Employer Normal Cost Rate, the Cost Sharing Percentage shall automatically be reduced to an amount equal to, and not to exceed, the Employer Normal Cost Rate for the relevant fiscal year. 15. Public Agency shall contribute to said Retirement System the contributions determined by actuarial valuations of prior and future service liability with respect to local miscellaneous members and local safety members of said Retirement System. 16. Public Agency shall also contribute to said Retirement System as follows: a. A reasonable amount, as fixed by the Board, payable in one installment within 60 days of date of contract to cover the costs of administering said System as it affects the employees of Public Agency, not including the costs of special valuations or of the periodic investigation and valuations required by law. b. A reasonable amount, as fixed by the Board, payable in one installment as the occasions arise, to cover the costs of special valuations on account of employees of Public Agency, and costs of the periodic investigation and valuations required by law. 17. Contributions required of Public Agency and its employees shall be subject to adjustment by Board on account of amendments to the Public Employees' Retirement Law, and on account of the experience under the Retirement System as determined by the periodic investigation and valuation required by said Retirement Law. Page 24 of 263 18. Contributions required of Public Agency and its employees shall be paid by Public Agency to the Retirement System within fifteen days after the end of the period to which said contributions refer or as may be prescribed by Board regulation. If more or less than the correct amount of contributions is paid for any period, proper adjustment shall be made in connection with subsequent remittances. Adjustments on account of errors in contributions required of any employee may be made by direct payments between the employee and the Board. B. This amendment shall be effective on the day of BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION CITY COUNCIIL PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM CITY OF EL SEGUNDO :1 M. MELODY BENAVIDES, CHIEF PRESIDING OFFICER PENSION CONTRACTS AND PREFUNDING PROGRAMS DIVISION PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' RETIREMENT SYSTEM Witness Date Attest: Clerk AMENDMENT CaIPERS ID #2657082556 PERS-CON-702A Page 25 of 263 City Council Agenda Statement F I, F, G t 1\ I) O Meeting Date: September 19, 2023 Agenda Heading: Consent Item Number: B.5 TITLE: Plan Adoption for Phase 1 of City Hall HVAC Improvements RECOMMENDATION: 1. Adopt a resolution to approve plans and specifications for Pase 1 of City Hall HVAC Improvements Project No. PW 23-03. 2. Authorize staff to advertise the project for bids. 3. Alternately, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: Included in the adopted FY 2023-24 Budget. Amount Budgeted: $750,000 Additional Appropriation: None Account Number(s): 301-400-8201-8400 (Citywide HVAC) BACKGROUND: The El Segundo City Hall building was built in 1955, and was renovated in 1977 to include the adjacent police station. Heating and cooling for the building is mainly provided by two large capacity air handling units which are equipped with heating and cooling elements. These air handling units are located on top of the roof. Per the 2019 Facility Conditions Assessment Report prepared by EMG, the City Hall's HVAC system was rated "Fair" and is recommended to receive the needed upgrades and/or replacements to avoid system failures. The City Hall HVAC Improvement Project is split into the two following phrases: Phase 1- This phase consists of the replacement of the handling units located in the north of the building, and Page 26 of 263 Engineering Design Drawings for Phase 1 of City Hall HVAC Improvements Project PW 23-03 September 19, 2023 Page 2 of 3 Phase 2- This phase consists of the replacement of the handling unit located on the east side of the building. Phase 1 of the improvements, with the estimated cost of $600,000, is recommended to be done at this time. Phase 2 improvements to the project, with a cost estimate of $500,000, are scheduled to be made in 2027. DISCUSSION: The City hired J.C. Chang and Associates, Inc., to prepare the Engineering Plans and Specifications for the project, and these documents were reviewed and approved by staff. In addition, this project has been identified and approved as part of this year's Capital Improvement Program. With Council's authorization, the anticipated schedule for Phase 1 City Hall HVAC Improvements is as follows: -September 2023: Advertising and Bid Process -November 2023: Contract Award -March 2024: Begin Construction -April 2024: Project Completion CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 4: Develop and Maintain Quality Infrastructure and Technology Objective 4A: El Segundo's physical infrastructure supports an inviting and safe community. PREPARED BY: Arianne Bola, Sr. Engineer Associate REVIEWED BY: Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Vicinity Map 2. Location Map 3. Resolution Page 27 of 263 ELSEGUVUO PW 23-03 Phase 1 City Hall HVAC Improvements Project Vicinity Map W 104th St World WO W SCLJntPtttdlttrUt.—...OPl-----••—• Century f-f•hnPIN ................... I' ...----•--. r�f-+fury..—..t j I •I E Maple Ave I El SW ndc _ N y A Hgh $th­ l N ' I E y E Mar iposaAve � Z !—..1 C, > I 2 li( r*Qtion V N 0 �e, N N Z `---, N ` El Stl+guntio E Grand Ave ' z Los Angs6. ;W Grand Ave Ate Fora I v E Franklin Ave Y < li-i .Lrs a a CL ­0 ......... E El Segundo Qlvd----+ p4mythwn SPACa art! 1 S, Airborne SilsMms j t M Lakes •�. 1 I � � 'R o � I ti .�,.•. ! .bat El O � 0 �••i 6"undo d5s�1 N 43c � ►1S�s�'� r7 N I ..—..—..—..—..—..— .............. —.. ----..—..—..—......j 6,018.7 0 3,009.33 6,018.7 Feet DISCLAIMER: The information shown on this map was compiled from different GIS sources. The land base and facility information on this map is for display purposes only and should not be relied upon without independent verification as to its accuracy. The City of El Segundo will not be held responsible for any claims, losses or damages resulting WGS_1984_Web—Mercator _Auxiliary_Sphere from the use of this map. ELSEGUNDO PW 23-03: Phase 1 City Hall HVAC Improvements Project Location Map 11 -:di Hall Police Station Fire Station 1 Public Parkiril 19'd Grand Ave W Grand Ave (11.1 E Holly Ave F'ubhc F'irl.irnl 22.5 —_'- aA Goa rd S r13C F 376.2 0 188.08 376.2 Feet DISCLAIMER. The information shown on this map was compiled from different GIS sources. The land base and facility information on this map is for display purposes only and should not be relied upon without independent verification as to its accuracy. The City of El Segundo will not be held responsible for any claims, losses or damages resulting WGS_1984_Web—Mercator _Auxiliary_Sphere from the use of this map. Page 30 of 263 RESOLUTION NO. _ A RESOLUTION APPROVING THE PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR PHASE 1 CITY HALL HVAC IMPROVEMENTS, PROJECT NO. PW 23- 03, PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE § 830.6 AND ESTABLISHING A PROJECT PAYMENT ACCOUNT. The City Council of the City of El Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council finds and declares as follows: A. The City Engineer prepared plans and specifications for PW 23-03, Phase 1 City Hall HVAC Improvement ("Project") to replace existing and install new rooftop HVAC units. These plans and specifications are complete. Services related to the Project may begin; B. The City Council wishes to obtain the immunities set forth in Government Code § 830.6 with regard to the plans and construction of the Project. SECTION 2: Design Immunity, Authorization. A. The design and plans for the Project are determined to be consistent with the City's standards and are approved. B. The design approval set forth in this Resolution occurred before actual work on the Project construction commenced. C. The approval granted by this Resolution conforms with the City's General Plan. D. The City Engineer, or designee, is authorized to act on the City's behalf in approving any alterations or modifications of the design and plans approved by this Resolution. E. The approval and authorization granted by this Resolution is intended to avail the City of the immunities set forth in Government Code § 830.6. SECTION 3: Project Payment Account. For purposes of the Contract Documents administering the Project, the City Council directs the City Manager, or designee, to establish a fund containing sufficient monies from the current fiscal year budget to pay for the Project ("Project Payment Account"). The Project Payment Account is the sole source of funds available for the Contract Sum, as defined in the Contract Document administering the Project. SECTION 4: The City Clerk is directed to certify the adoption of this Resolution. SECTION 5: This Resolution will become effective immediately upon adoption. Page 1 of 2 Page 31 of 263 PASSED AND ADOPTED this day of , 2023. ATTEST: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: for Mark D. Hensley City Attorney Drew Boyles, Mayor Page 2 of 2 Page 32 of 263 City Council Agenda Statement F I, F, G t I) O Meeting Date: September 19, 2023 Agenda Heading: Consent Item Number: B.6 TITLE: George Brett Field Restroom Improvements Project Construction Award RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to execute a standard Public Works Contract with GEM Construction, Inc. in the amount of $183,000 for the construction of the George Brett Field Restroom Improvements Project, Project No. PW 23-10, and authorize an additional $40,000 for construction related contingencies. 2. Alternately, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: Included in the Adopted FY 2023-24 Budget. Amount Budgeted: $223,000 Additional Appropriation: None Account Number(s): 301-400-8202-8216 (Brett Field Restrooms) BACKGROUND: The George Brett Field Restrooms and Snack Bar are aging facilities and are in need of improvement. The restrooms will be converted to single -occupancy gender -neutral restrooms, and the snack bar will be renovated to have an improved ADA-compatible transaction window. Once completed, this facility will be in full compliance with The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and the California Building Code. On June 20, 2023, the City Council adopted the plans and specifications for this project and authorized staff to advertise this project for construction. Page 33 of 263 George Brett Field Restroom Improvements Project Construction Award September 19, 2023 Page 2 of 2 DISCUSSION: City staff advertised the project, and the City Clerk received and opened the following five bids on August 22, 2023: 1. GEM Construction, Inc. (Long Beach, CA) $183,000 2. Corral Construction & Development, Inc. (Commerce, CA) $189,930 3. Oppenheimer National (San Juan Capistrano, CA) $246,394 4. MLC Constructors, Inc. (Corona, CA) $356,268 5. Xpress Bldg Solutions, Inc. (Glendale, CA) $390,000 The lowest responsive bidder is GEM Construction. City staff checked references and the contractor's license status and were satisfied with the results. Further, GEM Construction has successfully completed similar projects for other public agencies recently. Consequently, staff recommends that City Council approve the recommended actions. With City Council's authorization, construction is anticipated to commence in November 2023 and be substantially completed in January 2024. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 4: Develop and Maintain Quality Infrastructure and Technology Objective 4A: El Segundo's physical infrastructure supports an inviting and safe community. PREPARED BY: James Rice, Associate Engineer REVIEWED BY: Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager /_1af-ITIJ:I411&illaaQAIlIL Lem 11610111Lyi14Z1161 a 1. Vicinity Map 2. Location Map Page 34 of 263 Vicinity Map - PW 23-10 George Brett Field Restroom Improvements Project m WImperiaIAve 0 g•—■—■—■—■—■—■—■—■MEaw■pe■iwl■F#wy—■7Q- 'W Acacia Ave E Acacia Ave ■ Century Fwy v> E Walnut Ave • N T! 1 v N N E Sycamore Ave 1 3 ■ u > o in E Maple Ave 1 Q 1 _ • � C ■ S s ) z =1 1 . in Z o • ■ 7 W Mariposa Ave E Mariposa Ave a)C tN � S d > ■■� E Pine Ave K N ■ N .t 1 Q N 'N • El Segundo ■ 1 ■—■ N @ lD N ■— i 124th St 1 E Grand Ave @ E Grand Ave • ,,arid Ave m Y Ln G � ILn Nd L■—• 1 t ■ rt ■ — ■ — ■ — E El Segundo Blvd E El Segundo Blvt — ■ — ■ J ♦ The Lakes Golf N 1 • Course 0 ■ ♦ � 1 ♦ E 1N � 1 N. a . ` I • W 138th St ♦ •A Plaza El Segundo ! !000 ; 139th St ♦ 1 ♦ m • 1 Q El PAW 36th PI 35th PI 2/23/2023 1:27, 046 0 0.17 0.35 0.7 mi 0.3 0.6 1.2 km City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, California State Parks, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, Page 35 of 263 Location Map - PW 23-10 George Brett Field Restroom Improvements Project ❑❑ = ❑� a El ❑ ❑ ❑C❑❑ ❑ in E::] Q�ED E Holly Ave 6/9/2023 Picnic F--� g and Table I P, BBQ � Area Tot Area Fire Circle Guaymas Way George Brett Field Stevenson Field Q � 0000 C • rt Sn ck Bar Lawn Bow,7] RolleRink ckey Comm. Garden R uetball. Softball Field Volley Ball Park ❑ iorse Shoes Maintenance S n c ,, Te n C ntteerrj Public Parking S ate Park u E Grand Ave E=:�:] d ❑ o 0 11 Q N1M EJaodan E Pine Ave ❑� d E--1 o ❑❑Cn Q El E Holly Ave ICJ ❑❑ ❑ CD ❑❑ 0❑ o o E--1 LJ ❑❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ E:3 ❑ ❑ ❑ �f❑ ❑❑ == ❑ ❑ ❑ Co ur t ❑❑j ���� h cl ov h's Wi fl� L) Wi ne es ❑ ❑0�� E Grand Ave St AnTfTony tholic Chur h 1:3,381 0.02 0.04 0.09 m i 0.04 0.07 0.15 km Esri Community Maps Contributors, City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, California State Parks, © OpenStreetMap, Microsoft, Esri, HERE, Page 36 of 263 City Council Agenda Statement F I, F �' t I) �� Meeting Date: September 19, 2023 Agenda Heading: Consent Item Number: B.7 TITLE: Professional Service Agreements with True North Compliance Services and Willdan Engineering for Building Plan Check Review and Inspection Services RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to execute Professional Service Agreements for three-year terms, with optional annual extensions, with True North Compliance Services and Willdan Engineering for the Building Plan Check Review and Inspection Services, not to exceed 70% of the total plan review fee collected by the City from the applicants, or actual time of inspections and its hourly rate for inspection. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: All fees related to this item are paid from fees collected by the City for either plan check or inspection services and do not impact the General Fund. The consultant fee is 70% of the fee collected by the City, the remaining 30% of the fee will be used to cover the administrative and overhead costs of the City. Each agreement will have a fiscal year not -to -exceed compensation cap of $75,000. BACKGROUND: Current on -call plan check and inspection service contracts are provided by three separate consulting firms, with agreements dating back to 2006, and annually renewed. Costs for services are billed at an hourly rate, with rate increases built in each year. After conducting an audit of the Community Development Department's plan checking and inspection services, staff found that most plan checks and inspections can be completed in-house. Outsourcing services resulted in incurred costs for services greater than the fee collected by the City. Since 2021, approximately 98% of plan checks have been completed in-house, and no inspection services have been utilized. Page 37 of 263 Building Plan Check Review and Inspection Services September 19, 2023 Page 2 of 4 In order to achieve a better cost for service, the Community Development Department issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 23-01 on March 6, 2023 for Building Plan Check and Inspection Services. The RFP specified a desired percentage based fee, ensuring service costs would not exceed the fee collected. Services requested include: Building Plan Check Service: Perform architectural, structural, plumbing, mechanical and electrical plan check review for buildings and structures for compliance with applicable Federal and State laws, building and safety codes, City ordinances, and acceptable engineering practices. Type of proposed plan check work may include new construction (residential, commercial, or industrial), remodeling, additions, green building, accessibility, Low Impact Development (LID). Building Inspection Services: Provide an on -call International Code Council (ICC)-certified Building Inspector who is fully trained/ certified/qualified for all construction regulated by all applicable Federal, State, and City building and safety codes/ordinances requirements consistent with California Building Code Chapter 1, Division II, Section 110. Proposals must dictate the terms and limitations to this as -needed service, including any limitation to providing Saturday or after -hour inspection services. DISCUSSION: In response to RFP No. 23-01, the City received 17 proposals. Each proposal was evaluated based on the following criteria: • Responsiveness and completeness of the RFP (10%) • Consultant team qualifications and overall experience (30%) • Issues and challenges (20%) • Understanding and approach (20%) • Cost of providing plan check and/or inspection services (10%) • Reference checks (10%) An evaluation panel of three staff was assembled, and they were instructed to conduct their evaluation of the submitted RFPs independently of each other. The panel included the Building Official, Building Plan Check staff, and Senior Building Inspector from the Building and Safety Division of the Community Development Department. Based on the Page 38 of 263 Building Plan Check Review and Inspection Services September 19, 2023 Page 3 of 4 City's criteria and award procedures set forth in the RFP, the evaluation panel recommended that the agreement be awarded to True North Compliance Services, and Willdan Engineering, who both rated above 85%, and demonstrated they are the most qualified consultants for both Building Plan Check and Building Inspection Services. Although it's anticipated that in-house staff will continue to process all plan checks and inspections, on -call services are useful in order to maintain an acceptable level of service, turn around times, and responsiveness to inquiries, should there be an influx of workload for intermittent periods. Staff recommends engaging with at least two firms to allow for flexibility depending on an increase of demand and availability of staff from each firm. The following table provides the scoring for all firms: Consultant Name % Score 1 TRB + Associates 77% 2 JAS Pacific 82% 3 CSG 83 % 4 Jlee Engineering 78% 5 VCA Code 65% 6 Bureau Veritas 70% 7 RKA Consulting Group 65% 8 Transtech Engineers, Inc 61% 9 UES 30% 10 HRGReen 66% 11 iw InterWest 75% 12 True North 86% 13 Wildan 88% 14 SFA 70% 15 4LEAF, Inc 64% 16 Shums Coda Associates 66% 17 SP USA Environmental 29% Per the agreement (provided in the attached RFP) and proposals received by True North and Willdan, the City collects the plan check fee at the intake from the applicant and consultant(s) will charge 70% of the City's total plan review fee for its plan review services, which include the initial review and all subsequent rechecks. For plans expedited per the applicant's request, the City will collect an additional 50% of the plan check fee and consultant(s) will charge 70% of the total plan check fee collected by the City from the applicant. Consultant(s) will charge the City for Building Inspection Page 39 of 263 Building Plan Check Review and Inspection Services September 19, 2023 Page 4 of 4 Services based on actual time and its hourly rate for inspection. The permit fees collected by the City from the applicant will pay for the provided Building Inspection Services. True North will not be allowed to perform work in excess of the described services in the agreement without prior written approval of the City. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Communication Objective 1A: El Segundo provides unparalleled service to all customers. Objective 1 B: El Segundo's engagement with the community ensures excellence. Goal 5: Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability Objective 513: El Segundo approaches its work in a financially strategic and responsible way. PREPARED BY: Siavosh Poursabahian, Building Safety Manager REVIEWED BY: Michael Allen, AICP, Development Services Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. RFP 23-01 Building Plan Check and Inspection 2. True North Compliance Services Proposal City of El Segundo 3. Willdan Engineering Proposal to City of El Segundo Page 40 of 263 REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS RFP No. 23-01 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Building Plan Check and/or Inspection Services Date of Issuance: March 6, 2023 Dear Sir/Madam, The City of El Segundo invites qualified firms to submit a sealed proposal to provide Building Plan Check and/or Inspection Services for the El Segundo. Five (5) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy of the sealed proposal must be received by the City Clerk by: 2:00 P.M. PST, May 11, 2023 City of El Segundo City Clerk's Office 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Late proposals will not be accepted. Interested parties may obtain a copy of this RFP by accessing the City of El Segundo website: https://www.elsegundo.org/government/departments/city-clerk/bid-rfp Any and all updates, addenda, questions and answers and changes to this RFP will be distributed through the Bid/RFP webpage. The City will not be held responsible or liable if interested bidders or proposals miss any information relevant to this RFP. THE CITY OF EL SEG UNDO ENCOURAGES THE PARTICIPATION OF MINORITY- AND WOMEN -OWNED BUSINESSES Page 41 of 263 Table of Contents SECTION1. GENERAL.............................................................................................................................3 SECTION2. SUMMARY..........................................................................................................................3 SECTION 3. BACKGROUND....................................................................................................................4 SECTION 4. SCOPE OF WORK AND FEES................................................................................................ 5 SECTION 5. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS....................................................................................... 8 SECTION 6. SUBMITTAL RECEIPT PROCESS............................................................................................9 SECTION7. RESOURCES....................................................................................................................... 10 SECTION 8. GENERAL PROPOSAL INFORMATION................................................................................ 10 SECTION 9. SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST..................................................................................................... 12 SECTION 10. EVALUATION SCALE FOR RFP....................................................................................................13 SECTION 11. RFP SCHEDULE....................................................................................................................... 14 ATTACHMENT............................................................................................................................................. 14 2 Page 42 of 263 SECTION 1. GENERAL: The City of El Segundo ("City') is requesting proposals from qualified consulting professionals or firms ("Consultant") related to building and safety services. The City is requesting proposals that provide the following: 1) building permit plan check services; 2) building permit inspection services; or 3) both building permit plan check and building permit inspection services. Agreements with selected Consultant(s) will be for three-year term. A list of the scope of services is provided herein. Consultants responding to this proposal must indicate the skills, ability, and/or services which distinguish the consulting professionals or firms from other consulting professionals or firms to make the proposal the best choice for the city. SECTION 2. SUMMARY This Request for Proposals (RFP) solicits proposals from qualified consultants, firms, and/or a team comprised of different companies for building plan check and safety services as described herein, including building permit plan check review services and, as -needed, on -call support for building permit inspections. Proposals may submit bids that include 1) building permit plan check services; 2) building permit inspections; or 3) both building permit plan check and building permit inspection services. These building and safety services should be construed as mutually exclusive services. The City retains the right to accept or reject any and all of the proposals; or any item or part thereof at its discretion; make an award for a portion of the scope of work/services; or award contracts to one or more proposers for any portion of the described services. Questions regarding this RFP must to be submitted to Siavosh Poursabahian, Building Official, by email to spoursabahian@elsegundo.org no later than 4:00 p.m. on April 6, 2023. Answer to all questions will be published and distributed through the City website by 5:00 p.m. on April 20, 2023. To respond to this RFP, an interested party must submit five (5) hard copies and one (1) electronic copy to the City Clerk's office by the due date and time specified on the cover of the solicitation, 2:00 pm PST on Thursday, May 11, 2023. Proposals must be submitted plainly identifying the RFP and consultant's name and address. Proposals must address all information requested in this RFP. A proposal may add information not requested in this RFP, but the information should be in addition to, not instead of, the requested information and format. Proposals must be received (i.e., uploaded) by 2:00 pm PST on Thursday, May 11, 2023, in order to be considered timely for the purpose of selecting a consultant to provide the requested services. The City may, based on the proposals presented in the response to this RFP, select the Consultant best able to provide Building Services for the City with an anticipated commencement date of June of 2023. The successful Consultant will be asked to sign a Professional Services Agreement with the City prior to being given notice to proceed. A sample Professional Services Agreement is attached as part of the RFP documents. Proposers must evaluate this Agreement and agree with the terms and conditions contained therein unless written objections are included with their proposal. The form of this agreement 3 Page 43 of 263 will not be subject to negotiations; therefore, if you are not able to sign this agreement do not submit a Statement of Qualifications. SECTION 3. BACKGROUND: In 2022, the Building and Safety Division issued total 1991 permits and 2080 permits in 2021. Traditionally, updated editions of model codes are published every three years through the International Code Council's code development process. Code development is consensus process where the construction industry, material manufactures, and code officials modify and ratify the model codes at the national level. In turn, these model codes are amended and adopted by the California Building Standards Commission as Title 24 of the California Code of Regulations, and subsequently adopted and amended as needed by local agencies throughout the State. The city adopted the most recent 2022 California Building Codes with some local amendments. The adopted codes and amendments can be viewed here: https://codelibrary.amlegal.com/codes/eIsegundoca/latest/elsegundo ca/0-0-0-25460 The next edition of the model codes as amended by the State of California are due for adoption. The city will be processing a proposed ordinance for adoption in 2025, so that buildings whose permit applications are applied for on or after January 1, 2026, must comply with the 2025 California Building Codes. The ordinance will likely re -adopt the city's existing administrative, technical, and interpretive provisions to facilitate the application of the State codes at the local level. It will also contain local amendments to some of the State and model codes to reflect Climate Action Plan policy implementation; address local geologic, climatic, and topographic conditions; and streamlining administrative provisions allowing more responsive services to the public. The City has historically contracted with an outside firm to perform building plan check review and/or Inspection services. The Building and Safety Division has two full-time building permit technicians, two full- time building permit plan checkers, three building inspectors, and a Building Official. The city currently utilizes email system to accept permit applications and plans, but it is in process of implementing OpenGov system portal by which applicants can submit permit application and plans online, and Bluebeam to conduct virtual plan check. The OpenGov system will be utilized for project tracking and document storage, including building permit in- take and processing and building inspection workflow tasks. The web portal will allow for more self-service options, document exchange, and more services that will come online over time. The Consultant will need to be able to accommodate electronic plan check review (i.e., have an electronic file sharing platform that is compatible with these new City technologies). M Page 44 of 263 SECTION 4. SCOPE OF WORK AND FEES: The following Scope of Work represents the services and responsibilities the successful proposer will be expected to provide and perform. Additional services or tasks which, in your opinion, should be included must be clearly identified. Conversely, requested services or tasks which, in your opinion, should not be included, or are specifically excluded from the proposal, must also be clearly identified. The City is committed to selecting an excellent team that will produce a high -quality work product and deliver a high level of customer service. Should the use of sub -consultants be proposed by the proposing firm, they must be clearly identified and included as part of the proposal in response to this RFP. Consultant may submit bids that include: 1) building permit plan check services, 2) building permit inspection services, or 3) both building permit plan check and inspection services. These building and safety services will be construed as mutually exclusive services. The City retains the right to accept or reject any and all proposals, or any item or part thereof at its discretion, make an award for a portion of the scope of work/services, or award contracts to one or more proposers. 1) BUILDING PERMIT PLAN CHECK SERVICES a) Perform architectural, structural, plumbing, mechanical and electrical plan check review for buildings and structures for compliance with applicable Federal and State laws, building and safety codes, City ordinances, and acceptable engineering practices. Type of proposed plan check work may include new construction (residential, commercial, or industrial), remodel, additions, green building, Accessibility, Low Impact Development (LID), etc. 1) Perform traditional initial building plan check (first review) of submitted plans to determine compliance with City adopted 2022, as amended by the city, California Building Code, California Plumbing Code, California Mechanical Code, California Electrical Code, California Energy Code, California Green Building Code, California Residential Code, California Historical Code and California Existing Building Code. 2) Provide the applicant and the city with a written list of items needed for clarification or correction in order to achieve compliance with building requirements. 3) Perform all necessary liaison services with the Building Official, or designee, either by mail, e-mail, telephone, or virtual capacity, or in the Consultant's main office to ensure compliance with local policy interpretations. 4) Perform building permit plan check services of plan revisions that have been previously submitted and/or have been previously approved for permit issuance. 6) Perform accessibility surveys upon request and demonstrate that designated staff providing this service are CASp certified. 7) Provide a Structural Inventory for the project such as Use, Occupancy Type, Construction Type, Number of Stories, total floor area for each occupancy type, Fire Sprinkler requirements, etc. b) Confirm building use, occupancy, and type of construction, and review construction of buildings and structures to determine satisfaction of safety requirements. 5 Page 45 of 263 c) Perform plan review of both regular and accelerated plan reviews within 10 working days from the date the city submits the plans to consultant for plan review for both initial plan reviews and subsequent plan review cycles. d) The city will utilize OpenGov tracking system. The Consultant will be provided appropriate licensing for OpenGov, when implemented, and be expected to enter and monitor plan - checking information into the portal. 2) BUILDING PERMIT INSPECTION SERVICES a) Provide an on -call ICC-certified Building Inspector who is fully trained/ certified/qualified for all construction regulated by all applicable Federal, State and City building and safety codes/ordinances requirements consistent with California Building Code Chapter 1, Division II, sections 110. Proposals must dictate the terms and limitations to this as -needed service, including any limitation to providing Saturday or after -hour inspection services. b) Ability to serve as a resource and provide information on City regulations to property owners, residents, businesses, the general public and other City departments. c) Inspect buildings and structures, for which building permits have been issued, for compliance with the approved plans and applicable codes and ordinances. d) Inspect for compliance with applicable conditions of approval set forth by the City's Community Development Department, Planning Commission, and/or City Council, and communicate with City staff as appropriate. The building permit applicant must print all project conditions on approved building plan sets so that they are readily available during inspection services. e) Coordinate with various City and County agencies and departments, and other governmental agencies providing services, and/or having jurisdiction over any aspect of a development project in order to obtain compliance with the above building and safety codes and regulations. f) During inspections, issue work correction notices. In the event an inspection finds violations in code requirements and/or permit conditions of approval, the Consultant will immediately document accordingly in City's permitting tracking system. g) The City will utilize OpenGov tracking system. The Consultant will be provided appropriate licensing for OpenGov and be expected to enter and monitor daily inspection information into the portal. m Page 46 of 263 3) FEES The City's fees for Building Services are based on the City's Master Fee Schedule (link provided below). The schedule was last amended in 2022 and remains in effect until new fees are adopted by the City Council. a) Building permit plan check services. The City will estimate permit and plan check fees at intake and collect preliminary payment from the applicant. Consultants fee structure for traditional building permit plan check services must be based as a percent of the amount paid to the Building and Safety Division for the plans submitted as regular plans. The Consultant may provide an optional add -on service for additional plan review cycles. It is anticipated that Consultant will invoice the City monthly pursuant to the agreed upon, percentage -based rate in the Agreement. Proposals must provide a percentage of the amount paid to the City for the plans submitted as regular plans no less than 25 percent. b) Building permit inspection services. The City's permit fee includes a basis for recovering the building permit inspections services. The Consultant fee structure for traditional building permit inspection services must be based on specified time and material basis. The Consultant may provide an optional add on services for specialty inspections and Saturday or after -hour inspection services. It is anticipated that Consultant will invoice the City monthly on a time and material basis for on -call inspections. City staff will also continue to facilitate the collection of fees from other departments and/or agencies that are due (as applicable) and payable prior to or concurrent with the issuance of a building permit. https://www.elsegundo.org/home/showpublisheddocument/5425/637895813277970000 Please note that the Consultant will not be allowed to perform work in excess of the described services in the Consulting Agreement without the prior, written approval of the City. Before any Extra Work is initiated, the Consultant must identify the kind and estimated quantities of the Extra Work to be done. Approval of additional funding may also be required. Any increase in compensation or contract amendment must be authorized and funded in advance. No compensation for Extra Work or any other change in the contract will be allowed unless the Extra Work or change has been authorized in writing by the City, and the compensation or method of determining such compensation is stated in such written authority. All requests for Extra Work must be in a written Change Order submitted to the City prior to the commencement of such work. The foregoing terms should be included (i.e., abridged) in the Consultant's response to the RFP. Omission does not immediately result in disqualification, but will be contractually exercised one way or other, unless alternative compliance is proposed that is mutually agreed to by both parties prior to contract execution and notice to proceed. 7 Page 47 of 263 SECTION 5. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS: The proposal must include the following items in the order listed: 1) Firm Experience— Provide a summary of projects or contracts that are similar in scope to the types of projects and services noted herein. The summary should include a brief description of past projects, the name of your project manager and staff that worked on the project, and the name and current phone number of the client's project manager. 2) Project Team — Provide the names and qualifications of the key individuals that will be responsible for the coordination and production of these services, their respective roles and the organizational structure of the team. Technical support staff should be included if they will perform a significant role in the preparation of the work products. The office of record for each team member must be listed as well as the primary office location where the work is to be performed. 3) Project Approach — Provide a summary of the Consultant's proposed approach to typical projects including a description of quality assurance and schedule control measures to be utilized. It is quite likely that during the course of the contract, the Consultant will have multiple plan checks of significant size active at the same time. Describe how you will manage the efficient completion of concurrent tasks/projects and provide references relative to your past success in this regard. 4) Conflict of Interest — No person performing services for the City, in connection with the establishment of any agreements or any projects resulting from this solicitation, may have a financial or other personal interest other than employment or retention by the City in any contract or subcontract in connection with this solicitation or any resulting project. No officer or employee of such person retained by the City may have any financial or other personal interest in the resulting project, unless such interest is openly disclosed upon the public records of the City and such officer, employee, or person has not participated in the acquisition of such property for or on behalf of the City. 5) Prohibited Contracts — The City will not contract with and will reject any Statement of Qualifications submitted by the persons or entities specified below, unless the City Council finds that Special Circumstances exist which justify the approval of such a contract. • Persons employed by the City, or of public agencies for which the City Council are the governing body. • Profit -making firms or businesses in which employees described in this solicitation serve as officers, principals, partners, or major shareholders. • Persons who, within the immediately preceding 12 months, came within the provisions of this solicitation and who (1) were employed in positions of substantial responsibility in the area of service to be performed by the contract, or (2) participation any way in developing the contract or its service specifications; and • Profit -making firms or businesses in which the former employees described in this solicitation serve as officers, principals, partners, or major shareholders. a Page 48 of 263 The submitter certifies that the consultant firm has complied with the above provisions, and that any ensuing contract will be valid. SECTION 6. SUBMITTAL RECEIPT PROCESS The successful consultant will be selected by the City Council acting within its sole discretion. The City Council is under no obligation to contract with any consultant. To be considered, proposers must submit: One (1) electronic copy of their proposal, in a PDF file, to allcityclerks@elsegundo.org. The subject title needs to read "RFP#23-01 Building Plan Check and/or Inspection Services". The person submitting the RFP must include in their email, person's full name, title, company name and phone number. Once the City Clerk's office receives the electronic copy of the RFP, staff will reply to the email acknowledging receipt of the electronic RFP. If you do not receive confirmation, it is the proposer's responsibility to contact the City Clerk's office to make sure that the electronic copy of the RFP has been received. AND • Five (5) hard copies in a sealed envelope with the name and address of the company submitting the proposal and it should be clearly marked with the words "Request for Proposal (RFP#23-01)" and the title "RFP#23-01 Building Plan Check and/or Inspection Services". NO LATER THAN: 2:OOP.M. PST on May 11, 2023 to City of El Segundo City Clerk's Office 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245-3813 PROPOSALS MUST BE SUBMITTED BY DUE DATE AND TIME. Once the deadline is reached, no further submissions are accepted. Once the Due Date and Time has passed, City staff will then begin reviewing the submissions for responsiveness, compliance, and other issues. PROPOSALS MAY BE WITHDRAWN by the submitter before, but not after, the time set as Due Date and Time. Important Note: It is the Consultant's sole responsibility to ensure their proposals are received on time by the City. The City of El Segundo is not responsible for proposals that do not arrive by the Due Date and Time. 0 Page 49 of 263 ELECTRONIC SUBMISSIONS CARRY FULL FORCE AND EFFECT: The Consultant, by submitting their electronic proposals, agrees to and certifies under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California, that the certification, forms and affidavits submitted as part of this qualification are true and correct. PROPOSALS ARE PUBLIC RECORDS: Upon receipt by the City, proposals and qualifications will become public records subject to public disclosure. It is the responsibility of the submitter to clearly identify any confidential, proprietary, trade secret or otherwise legally privileged information contained within the qualification's general references to sections ofthe California Public Records Act (CPRA) will not suffice. If the Consultant does not provide applicable case law that clearly establishes that the requested information is exempt from the disclosure requirements of the CPRA, the City will release information when required in accordance with the CPRA, pursuant to any other applicable law, or by order of any court or government agency, and the submitter agrees to hold the City harmless for any such release of this information. By submitting a proposal, Consultant agrees to reimburse the City for, and to indemnify, defend, and hold harmless the City, its officers, employees, and agents, from and against any and all claims, damages, losses, liabilities, suits, judgments, fines, penalties, costs, and expenses, including without limitation, attorneys' fees, expenses, and court costs of any nature whatsoever, arising from or relating to the City's non- disclosure of any such designated portions of a proposal. SECTION 7. RESOURCES City of El Segundo Website: https://www.elsegundo.org/ El Segundo Strategic Plan: https://www.elsegundo.org/home/showdocument?id=4345&utm medium=email&utm source=govdelivery Master Fee Schedule: https://www.elsegundo.org/home/showpublisheddocument/5425/637895813277970000 SECTION 8. GENERAL PROPOSAL INFORMATION 1) All proposals must be made in accordance with the conditions of this RFP. Failure to address any of the requirements may be grounds for rejection of this proposal. (Please refer to Section 9 of this RFP for submittal requirements.) All information should be complete, specific, and as concise as possible. Respondents are liable for all errors or omissions contained in their submittals. Proposals should include any additional information that the respondent deems pertinent to the understanding and evaluation of the bid. 10 Page 50 of 263 2) The City may modify the RFP or issue supplementary information or guidelines during the proposal preparation period prior to the due date. 3) Proposals will constitute firm offers valid for 90 days from the due date. Proposals may not be modified after the due date. All proposals should be signed by an authorized representative of the bidder. Once submitted, proposals may be withdrawn, modified, and resubmitted up until the due date. Any correction or re -submission of proposals will not extend the submittal due date. 4) The City's expectation of any consultant the City contracts with is that the consultant's values align with the City's values of highly ethical conduct, fiscal responsibility, respect for the City and others, and excellent customer service delivery. 5) The cost for developing the proposal is the responsibility of the Consultant and will not be chargeable to the City. 6) Proposals and Statements of Qualifications will be reviewed and ranked by a selection committee composed of City of El Segundo staff members. Ranking will be based on factors listed above, as well as additional relevant information, clarity, and neatness. The Proposal is to be no longer than 25 pages in length. 7) After discussion and ranking by the selection committee, one or more Consultants may be selected to negotiate an agreement. If necessary, and at the sole discretion of the City, the top firms may be invited to an interview prior to final selection. If the City selects this approach, reasonably sufficient time will be given to the Consultant to prepare for the interview. However, the interviews will be for the purpose of clarifying the proposals. Submittal of new proposal material at an interview will not be permitted. Interviews may involve a presentation and/or a question -and -answer session. 8) A copy of the City's professional services agreement is attached for your review. The form of this agreement will not be subject to negotiations; therefore, if you are not able to sign this agreement do not submit a Statement of Qualifications. 9) This RFP does not commit the City to award, nor does it commit the City to pay any cost incurred in the preparation of the submittal, or in making necessary studies or designs for the preparation thereof, nor procure or contract for services or supplies. The City reserves the right to negotiate all terms and conditions of any agreements entered into. The City also reserves the right to not enter into any agreement, cancel or amend the process at any time. The City reserves the right to accept or reject any or all submittals, or any part of a submittal received as a result of this request, to waive minor irregularities, defects or technicalities in a submittal, to request clarifications or additional information from respondents, to award multiple contracts, or to solicit new submittals for the same scope of work or a modified scope of work, to negotiate individually with one or more consultants, and to select one or more consultants if determined to be in the best interest of the City. 11 Page 51 of 263 10) Neither your organization, nor any of your representatives may have any claims whatsoever against the City, or any of its respective officials, agents, or employees arising out of or relating to this RFP or these RFP procedures, except as set forth in the terms of a definitive agreement between the City and your organization. SECTION 9. SUBMITTAL CHECKLIST Firms must submit required materials no later than 2:00 PM on May11, 2023, to City Clerk's Office. Submittals received after the specified time will not be considered. Submitted proposals must follow the format outlined below and include all requested information. Failure to submit proposals in the required format can result in the proposal being eliminated from evaluation and consideration. 1) Cover Letter— Must include the name, address, and telephone number of the company, and must be signed by the person(s) authorized to represent the Consultant. 2) Consultant Contact Information — Provide the following information about the firm and provide a summary of the Consultant's Statement of Qualifications (provided in Section 5). 3) Summary — State overall approach to the Scope of Work (provided in Section 4) and explain the following: A) Building permit plan check services. The Consultant's technical capabilities for any relevant prerequisite service including but not limited to: a) Permit software data entry; b) Permit application reviews; c) Architectural review; d) Structural review; e) Mechanical review; f) Plumbing review; g) Electrical review; h) Disabled access review; i) Soils and grading; 1) Green building review: etc. List company and individual team members experience in providing similar services, including qualifications, state registrations and/or ICC or other certifications related to the type of plan check work proposed to be provided by that individual. A table similar to the following must be submitted: Name Qualifications Type of Review to be Performed (Name of person) (Professional registrations (Building structural, or certifications) building life safety, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, green buildings, Accessibility, LID, etc.) Proposal must also include information on the maximum proposed turnaround time for each possible type of job assigned, including but not limited to the following: a) Reviewing and approving plans and permit application for minor alterations or additions; b) Reviewing and approving plans and permit application for Solar or ESS systems; c) Reviewing and approving plans and permit application for single -tenant dwellings d) Reviewing and approving plans and permit application for multi -tenant dwellings; e) Reviewing and approving plans and 12 Page 52 of 263 permit application for commercial Tenant Improvement; f) Reviewing and approving plans and permit application for Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU); g) Reviewing and approving plans and permit application for new commercial/industrial buildings; h) Reviewing and approving plans and permit application for new Mixed -Use Projects. B) Building permit inspection services. List company and individual team members experience in providing similar services, including qualifications, state registrations and/or ICC or other certifications related to the type of plan check work proposed to be provided by that individual. A table similar to the following must be submitted: Name Qualifications Type of Inspection to be Performed (Name of person) (Professional registrations (Building structural, or certifications) building life safety, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, green buildings, Accessibility, Title 25, etc. Proposal must also include information on the amount of time it would take to bring on a person for inspection services for the type of job assigned. 4) Cost of Services —Provide a summary of the Consultant's fee rate(s). SECTION 10. EVALUATION SCALE FOR RFP All RFP's will be evaluated based on the following criteria: • Responsiveness and completeness of the RFP (10%). • Consultant team qualifications and overall experience (30%). • Issues and challenges (20%). • Understanding and approach (20%). • Cost of providing plan check and/or Inspection services (10%) • Reference checks (10%). 13 Page 53 of 263 SECTION 11. RFP SCHEDULE Firms must submit required materials no later than 2:00 PM on May 11, 2023, to the City Clerk's Office. Submittals received after the specified time will not be considered. The City reserves the right to make changes to the below schedule but plans to adhere to the implementation of this proposal process as follows: March 6, 2023 Request for Proposals Release Date April 6, 2023, by 5 p.m. PST Deadline to Submit Questions April 20, 2023, by 5 p.m. PST Answer to Questions May 11, 2023, by 2 p.m. PST Proposal Due Date May 25, 2023 City Review of proposals* une 8, 2023 Interview firms, if necessary* une 2023 City Council approval of Agreement* * Tentative schedule ATTACH M FNTS Attachment "A": Sample Agreement 14 Page 54 of 263 ATTACHMENT "A" PROFESSIONAL SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND This AGREEMENT is entered into this day of , 20_, by and between the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation and general law city ("CITY") and _[name] , a [type of organization] ("CONSULTANT"). 1. CONSIDERATION. A. As partial consideration, CONSULTANT agrees to perform the work listed in the SCOPE OF SERVICES, below; B. As additional consideration, CONSULTANT and CITY agree to abide by the terms and conditions contained in this Agreement; C. As additional consideration, CITY agrees to pay CONSULTANT a sum not to exceed dollars ($ ) for CONSULTANT's services. CITY may modify this amount as set forth below. Unless otherwise specified by written amendment to this Agreement, CITY will pay this sum as specified in the attached Exhibit 'A" which is incorporated by reference. 2. SCOPE OF SERVICES. A. CONSULTANT will perform services listed in the attached Exhibit "B," which is incorporated by reference. B. CONSULTANT will, in a professional manner, furnish all of the labor, technical, administrative, professional and other personnel, all supplies and materials, equipment, printing, vehicles, transportation, office space and facilities, and all tests, testing and analyses, calculation, and all other means whatsoever, except as herein otherwise expressly specified to be furnished by CITY, necessary or proper to perform and complete the work and provide the professional services required of CONSULTANT by this Agreement. 3. PERFORMANCE STANDARDS. While performing this Agreement, CONSULTANT will use the appropriate generally accepted professional standards of practice existing at the time of performance utilized by persons engaged in providing similar services. CITY will continuously monitor CONSULTANT's services. CITY will notify CONSULTANT of any deficiencies and CONSULTANT will 15 Page 55 of 263 have fifteen (15) days after such notification to cure any shortcomings to CITY's satisfaction. Costs associated with curing the deficiencies will be borne by CONSULTANT. 4. PAYMENTS. For CITY to pay CONSULTANT as specified by this Agreement, CONSULTANT must submit a detailed invoice to CITY which lists the hours worked and hourly rates for each personnel category and reimbursable costs (all as set forth in Exhibit "A") the tasks performed, the percentage of the task completed during the billing period, the cumulative percentage completed for each task, the total cost of that work during the preceding billing month and a cumulative cash flow curve showing projected and actual expenditures versus time to date. 5. NON -APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS. Payments due and payable to CONSULTANT for current services are within the current budget and within an available, unexhausted and unencumbered appropriation of the CITY. In the event the CITY has not appropriated sufficient funds for payment of CONSULTANT services beyond the current fiscal year, this Agreement will cover only those costs incurred up to the conclusion of the current fiscal year. 6. ADDITIONAL WORK. A. CITY's city manager ("Manager") may determine, at the Manager's sole discretion, that CONSULTANT must perform additional work ("Additional Work") to complete the Scope of Work. If Additional Work is needed, the Manager will give written authorization to CONSULTANT to perform such Additional Work. B. If CONSULTANT believes Additional Work is needed to complete the Scope of Work, CONSULTANT will provide the Manager with written notification that contains a specific description of the proposed Additional Work, reasons for such Additional Work, and a detailed proposal regarding cost. C. Payments over $ for Additional Work must be approved by CITY's city council. All Additional Work will be subject to all other terms and provisions of this Agreement. 7. FAMILIARITY WITH WORK. A. By executing this Agreement, CONSULTANT agrees that it has: Carefully investigated and considered the scope of services to be performed; Carefully considered how the services should be performed; and iii. Understands the facilities, difficulties, and restrictions attending performance of the services under this Agreement. B. If services involve work upon any site, CONSULTANT agrees that CONSULTANT has or will investigate the site and is or will be fully acquainted with the conditions there existing, before commencing the services 16 Page 56 of 263 hereunder. Should CONSULTANT discover any latent or unknown conditions that may materially affect the performance of the services, CONSULTANT will immediately inform CITY of such fact and will not proceed except at CONSULTANT's own risk until written instructions are received from CITY. 8. TERM. The term of this Agreement will be from , to . Unless otherwise determined by written amendment between the parties, this Agreement will terminate in the following instances: A. Completion of the work specified in Exhibit "A"; B. Termination as stated in Section 16. 9. TIME FOR PERFORMANCE. A. CONSULTANT will not perform any work under this Agreement until: CONSULTANT furnishes proof of insurance as required under Section 23 of this Agreement; and ii. CITY gives CONSULTANT a written notice to proceed. B. Should CONSULTANT begin work on any phase in advance of receiving written authorization to proceed, any such professional services are at CONSULTANT's own risk. 10. TIME EXTENSIONS. Should CONSULTANT be delayed by causes beyond CONSULTANT's control, CITY may grant a time extension for the completion of the contracted services. If delay occurs, CONSULTANT must notify the Manager within forty-eight hours (48 hours), in writing, of the cause and the extent of the delay and how such delay interferes with the Agreement's schedule. The Manager will extend the completion time, when appropriate, for the completion of the contracted services. 11. CONSISTENCY. In interpreting this Agreement and resolving any ambiguities, the main body of this Agreement takes precedence over the attached Exhibits; this Agreement supersedes any conflicting provisions. Any inconsistency between the Exhibits will be resolved in the order in which the Exhibits appear below: A. Exhibit A: ; and B. Exhibit B: [LIST AND DESCRIBE EXHIBITS, AS APPLICABLE] 12. CHANGES. CITY may order changes in the services within the general scope of this Agreement, consisting of additions, deletions, or other revisions, and the contract sum and the contract time will be adjusted accordingly. All such changes must be authorized in writing, executed by CONSULTANT and CITY. The cost or credit to CITY resulting from changes in the services will be determined in accordance with written agreement between the parties. 17 Page 57 of 263 13. TAXPAYER IDENTIFICATION NUMBER. CONSULTANT will provide CITY with a Taxpayer Identification Number. 14. PERMITS AND LICENSES. CONSULTANT, at its sole expense, will obtain and maintain during the term of this Agreement, all necessary permits, licenses, and certificates that may be required in connection with the performance of services under this Agreement. 15. WAIVER. CITY's review or acceptance of, or payment for, work product prepared by CONSULTANT under this Agreement will not be construed to operate as a waiver of any rights CITY may have under this Agreement or of any cause of action arising from CONSULTANT's performance. A waiver by CITY of any breach of any term, covenant, or condition contained in this Agreement will not be deemed to be a waiver of any subsequent breach of the same or any other term, covenant, or condition contained in this Agreement, whether of the same or different character. 16. TERMINATION. A. Except as otherwise provided, CITY may terminate this Agreement at any time with or without cause. B. CONSULTANT may terminate this Agreement at any time with CITY's mutual consent. Notice will be in writing at least thirty (30) days before the effective termination date. C. Upon receiving a termination notice, CONSULTANT will immediately cease performance under this Agreement unless otherwise provided in the termination notice. Except as otherwise provided in the termination notice, any additional work performed by CONSULTANT after receiving a termination notice will be performed at CONSULTANT" own cost; CITY will not be obligated to compensate CONSULTANT for such work. D. Should termination occur, all finished or unfinished documents, data, studies, surveys, drawings, maps, reports and other materials prepared by CONSULTANT will, at CITY's option, become CITY's property, and CONSULTANT will receive just and equitable compensation for any work satisfactorily completed up to the effective date of notice of termination, not to exceed the total costs under Section 1(C). E. Should the Agreement be terminated pursuant to this Section, CITY may procure on its own terms services similar to those terminated. F. By executing this document, CONSULTANT waives any and all claims for damages that might otherwise arise from CITY's termination under this Section. 18 Page 58 of 263 17. OWNERSHIP OF DOCUMENTS. All documents, data, studies, drawings, maps, models, photographs and reports prepared by CONSULTANT under this Agreement are CITY's property. CONSULTANT may retain copies of said documents and materials as desired, but will deliver all original materials to CITY upon CITY's written notice. CITY agrees that use of CONSULTANT's completed work product, for purposes other than identified in this Agreement, or use of incomplete work product, is at CITY's own risk. 18. PUBLICATION OF DOCUMENTS. Except as necessary for performance of service under this Agreement, no copies, sketches, or graphs of materials, including graphic art work, prepared pursuant to this Agreement, will be released by CONSULTANT to any other person or public CITY without CITY's prior written approval. All press releases, including graphic display information to be published in newspapers or magazines, will be approved and distributed solely by CITY, unless otherwise provided by written agreement between the parties. 19. INDEMNIFICATION. A. CONSULTANT agrees to the following: Indemnification for Professional Services. CONSULTANT will save harmless and indemnify and at CITY's request reimburse defense costs for CITY and all its officers, volunteers, employees and representatives from and against any and all suits, actions, or claims, of any character whatever, brought for, or on account of, any injuries or damages sustained by any person or property resulting or arising from any negligent or wrongful act, error or omission by CONSULTANT or any of CONSULTANT's officers, agents, employees, or representatives, in the performance of this Agreement. ii. Indemnification for other Damages. CONSULTANT indemnifies and holds CITY harmless from and against any claim, action, damages, costs (including, without limitation, attorney's fees), injuries, or liability, arising out of this Agreement, or its performance. Should CITY be named in any suit, or should any claim be brought against it by suit or otherwise, whether the same be groundless or not, arising out of this Agreement, or its performance, CONSULTANT will defend CITY (at CITY's request and with counsel satisfactory to CITY) and will indemnify CITY for any judgment rendered against it or any sums paid out in settlement or otherwise. B. For purposes of this section "CITY" includes CITY's officers, officials, employees, agents, representatives, and certified volunteers. C. It is expressly understood and agreed that the foregoing provisions will survive termination of this Agreement. D. The requirements as to the types and limits of insurance coverage to be maintained by CONSULTANT as required by Section 23, and any approval of said insurance by CITY, are not intended to and will not in any manner limit or qualify the liabilities and obligations otherwise assumed by CONSULTANT 19 Page 59 of 263 pursuant to this Agreement, including, without limitation, to the provisions concerning indemnification. 20. ASSIGNABILITY. This Agreement is for CONSULTANT's professional services. CONSULTANT's attempts to assign the benefits or burdens of this Agreement without CITY's written approval are prohibited and will be null and void. 21. INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR. CITY and CONSULTANT agree that CONSULTANT will act as an independent contractor and will have control of all work and the manner in which is it performed. CONSULTANT will be free to contract for similar service to be performed for other employers while under contract with CITY. CONSULTANT is not an agent or employee of CITY and is not entitled to participate in any pension plan, insurance, bonus or similar benefits CITY provides for its employees. Any provision in this Agreement that may appear to give CITY the right to direct CONSULTANT as to the details of doing the work or to exercise a measure of control over the work means that CONSULTANT will follow the direction of the CITY as to end results of the work only. 22. AUDIT OF RECORDS. CONSULTANT will maintain full and accurate records with respect to all services and matters covered under this Agreement. CITY will have free access at all reasonable times to such records, and the right to examine and audit the same and to make transcript therefrom, and to inspect all program data, documents, proceedings and activities. CONSULTANT will retain such financial and program service records for at least three (3) years after termination or final payment under this Agreement. 23. INSURANCE. A. Before commencing performance under this Agreement, and at all other times this Agreement is effective, CONSULTANT will procure and maintain the following types of insurance with coverage limits complying, at a minimum, with the limits set forth below: Type of Insurance Limits Commercial general liability: $1,000,000 Professional Liability $1,000,000 Business automobile liability $1,000,000 Workers compensation Statutory requirement B. Commercial general liability insurance will meet or exceed the requirements of ISO-CGL Form No. CG 00 01 11 85 or 88. The amount of insurance set forth above will be a combined single limit per occurrence for bodily injury, personal injury, and property damage for the policy coverage. Liability policies will be endorsed to name CITY, its officials, and employees as "additional insureds" under said insurance coverage and to state that such insurance will be deemed "primary" such that any other insurance that may be carried by CITY will be excess thereto. Such endorsement must be 20 Page 60 of 263 reflected on ISO Form No. CG 20 10 11 85 or 88, or equivalent. Such insurance will be on an "occurrence," not a "claims made," basis and will not be cancelable or subject to reduction except upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to CITY. C. Professional liability coverage will be on an "occurrence basis" if such coverage is available, or on a "claims made" basis if not available. When coverage is provided on a "claims made basis," CONSULTANT will continue to renew the insurance for a period of three (3) years after this Agreement expires or is terminated. Such insurance will have the same coverage and limits as the policy that was in effect during the term of this Agreement, and will cover CONSULTANT for all claims made by CITY arising out of any errors or omissions of CONSULTANT, or its officers, employees or agents during the time this Agreement was in effect. D. Automobile coverage will be written on ISO Business Auto Coverage Form CA 00 01 06 92, including symbol 1 (Any Auto). E. CONSULTANT will furnish to CITY duly authenticated Certificates of Insurance evidencing maintenance of the insurance required under this Agreement and such other evidence of insurance or copies of policies as may be reasonably required by CITY from time to time. Insurance must be placed with insurers with a current A.M. Best Company Rating equivalent to at least a Rating of "A:VII." F. Should CONSULTANT, for any reason, fail to obtain and maintain the insurance required by this Agreement, CITY may obtain such coverage at CONSULTANT's expense and deduct the cost of such insurance from payments due to CONSULTANT under this Agreement or terminate pursuant to Section 16. 24. USE OF SUBCONTRACTORS. CONSULTANT must obtain CITY's prior written approval to use any consultants while performing any portion of this Agreement. Such approval must approve of the proposed consultant and the terms of compensation. 25. INCIDENTAL TASKS. CONSULTANT will meet with CITY monthly to provide the status on the project, which will include a schedule update and a short narrative description of progress during the past month for each major task, a description of the work remaining and a description of the work to be done before the next schedule update. 26. NOTICES. All communications to either party by the other party will be deemed made when received by such party at its respective name and address as follows: 21 Page 61 of 263 If to CONSULTANT: If to CITY: Attention: City of El Segundo El Segundo, CA Attention: Any such written communications by mail will be conclusively deemed to have been received by the addressee upon deposit thereof in the United States Mail, postage prepaid and properly addressed as noted above. In all other instances, notices will be deemed given at the time of actual delivery. Changes may be made in the names or addresses of persons to whom notices are to be given by giving notice in the manner prescribed in this paragraph. 27. CONFLICT OF INTEREST. CONSULTANT will comply with all conflict of interest laws and regulations including, without limitation, CITY's conflict of interest regulations. 28. SOLICITATION. CONSULTANT maintains and warrants that it has not employed nor retained any company or person, other than CONSULTANT's bona fide employee, to solicit or secure this Agreement. Further, CONSULTANT warrants that it has not paid nor has it agreed to pay any company or person, other than CONSULTANT's bona fide employee, any fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift or other consideration contingent upon or resulting from the award or making of this Agreement. Should CONSULTANT breach or violate this warranty, CITY may rescind this Agreement without liability. 29. THIRD PARTY BENEFICIARIES. This Agreement and every provision herein is generally for the exclusive benefit of CONSULTANT and CITY and not for the benefit of any other party. There will be no incidental or other beneficiaries of any of CONSULTANT's or CITY's obligations under this Agreement. 30. INTERPRETATION. This Agreement was drafted in, and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California, and exclusive venue for any action involving this agreement will be in Los Angeles County. 31. COMPLIANCE WITH LAW. CONSULTANT agrees to comply with all federal, state, and local laws applicable to this Agreement. 32. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This Agreement, and its Attachments, sets forth the entire understanding of the parties. There are no other understandings, terms or other agreements expressed or implied, oral or written. There are (_) Attachments to this Agreement. This Agreement will bind and inure to the benefit of the parties to this Agreement and any subsequent successors and assigns. 33. RULES OF CONSTRUCTION. Each Party had the opportunity to independently review this Agreement with legal counsel. Accordingly, this Agreement will be construed simply, as a whole, and in accordance with its fair meaning; it will not be interpreted strictly for or against either Party. 34. SEVERABILITY. If any portion of this Agreement is declared by a court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid or unenforceable, then such portion will be deemed modified to the extent necessary in the opinion of the court to render such portion enforceable and, as so modified, such portion and the balance of this Agreement will continue in full force and effect. 22 Page 62 of 263 35. AUTHORITY/MODIFICATION. The Parties represent and warrant that all necessary action has been taken by the Parties to authorize the undersigned to execute this Agreement and to engage in the actions described herein. This Agreement may be modified by written amendment. CITY's executive manager, or designee, may execute any such amendment on behalf of CITY. 36. ACCEPTANCE OF FACSIMILE SIGNATURES. The Parties agree that this Agreement, agreements ancillary to this Agreement, and related documents to be entered into in connection with this Agreement will be considered signed when the signature of a party is delivered by facsimile transmission. Such facsimile signature will be treated in all respects as having the same effect as an original signature. 37. CAPTIONS. The captions of the paragraphs of this Agreement are for convenience of reference only and will not affect the interpretation of this Agreement. 38. TIME IS OF ESSENCE. Time is of the essence for each and every provision of this Agreement. 39. FORCE MAJEURE. Should performance of this Agreement be prevented due to fire, flood, explosion, acts of terrorism, war, embargo, government action, civil or military authority, the natural elements, or other similar causes beyond the Parties' reasonable control, then the Agreement will immediately terminate without obligation of either party to the other. 40. STATEMENT OF EXPERIENCE. By executing this Agreement, CONSULTANT represents that it has demonstrated trustworthiness and possesses the quality, fitness and capacity to perform the Agreement in a manner satisfactory to CITY. CONSULTANT represents that its financial resources, surety and insurance experience, service experience, completion ability, personnel, current workload, experience in dealing with private consultants, and experience in dealing with public agencies all suggest that CONSULTANT is capable of performing the proposed contract and has a demonstrated capacity to deal fairly and effectively with and to satisfy a public CITY. [Signatures on next page] 23 Page 63 of 263 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this contract the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO [CONSULTANT NAME] Darrell George, City Manager ATTEST: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: MARK D. HENSLEY, City Attorney 0 Title: Taxpayer ID No. Joaquin Vazquez, Assistant City Attorney 24 Page 64 of 263 11 ■7. ■1 F; OP RP RP iip; i lei I IIH i u■1r ■ ■■ sionnll 1 � w ulu oil a- !1■llm■W■I■I WWI le` - - ■' 1 �111� IIi1E IM ''71■ 1 1111■ I!III �!� 1C - ' 1■ 11! 1 I l l is '-■-�� 1111■ IlIII ��� 71 ■■ 111 1 m ill i 'll\ =t ll^ ■r ■ 1l1 1 ,... ■11 11 IN- MAL _. r� TNCServices.com 3939AtlmticAve, #224 Long Beach CA 90807 Table of Contents I- COVER LETTER.....................................................................................................3 II- FIRM EXPERIENCE.............................................................................................................5 III- PROJECT TEAM...............................................................................................................19 IV- PROJECT APPROACH....................................................................................................26 V- CONFLICT OF INTEREST/ ETHICAL STANDARDS.....................................................36 VI- COST OF SERVICES.......................................................................................................37 VII- REFERENCES...............................................................................................................39 VIII- ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...........................................................................................41 APPENDIX- RESUMES..........................................................................................................42 2 Page 66 of 263 Section I- Cover Letter May 4, 2023 Siavosh Poursabahian, Chief Building Official City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Dear Mr. Poursabahian, True North Compliance Services Inc. is pleased to present our Proposal for Building Permit Plan Check and Building Permit Inspection Service. Our philosophy and guiding principles are centered around the commitment to providing public agencies with the highest quality of professional consulting services in a timely and cost-effective manner. We take pride in our ability to provide exemplary services and deep technical expertise to our clients. Isam Hasenin is President and CEO of True North and the main contact for the firm. He is authorized to represent, sign and bind True North Compliance Services, Inc. in a contractual agreement with the City of El Segundo. His email address is IsamkTNCServices.com., phone number 858-260-0495. The founder and president of True North Compliance Services, Inc., Isam Hasenin, has developed an impeccable reputation, over his 30-year career, as a forward -thinking customer services -centric public agency administrator, licensed Civil Engineer and technical manager providing high quality responsive service to public agencies and their citizens. Our team of over 50 highly qualified, licensed/certified plan review engineers, plans examiners, inspectors and permit technicians with many years of experience are ready to serve the needs of the City of El Segundo including 8 SE's, 15 PE's in Civil, Mechanical, Electrical and Fire Protection disciplines in addition to experienced and certified plans examiners, inspectors and permit technicians. We understand the City's needs for Building and Safety services to augment its staff due to the high level of permit activities and the need to provide high quality, responsive and timely service. Our depth and breadth of resources will allow us to meet the demands and requests of the City in a timely and effective manner. We are able to quickly respond to requests to review building plans and perform inspection services on an as -needed basis. We can respond to fluctuations in workload, as well as requests for expedited project reviews. Our project manager will keep an open line of communications with Building & Safety managers and respond to requests within 24 hours of requests. Our commitment to the City of El Segundo is to provide the highest quality Building and Safety services to you and your clients. More specifically, we commit to the following: Unparalleled Building & Safety expertise of team members, and highest quality of plan review and inspection services. Page 67 of 263 2. Our Director of Operations will serve as the single point of contact for all communication with the City. 3. We will provide the necessary plan review staffing levels to meet the volume of work and level of permit activities. 4. Open line of communications with City staff and managers and permit applicants. 5. Implementation of a rigorous quality assurance program for all services we provide to the City. 6. Availability to work directly with developers to provide high quality responsive plan review services and holding meetings at our Long Beach office. 7. Create a balance of consistency, conformance, and efficiency in all plan reviews. 8. Daily pick up of plans at City offices (for paper plans). 9. Professionally prepared comment lists with clear reference to applicable code sections. 10. Commitment to reviewing plans within the agreed upon turn -around times. 11. Ability to provide expedited plan review services upon request. 12. Ability to provide plan review staff to work at the City of El Segundo Permit Center. 13. Availability to meet virtually and in -person with applicants for pre -submittal meetings to provide high level code review and discussion to ensure a smooth and timely plan review process. 14. Ability to provide technical support to the Building Official and staff such as training, code adoption, developing technical policies, procedures and review/recommendations for Alternate Materials and Methods Requests (AMMR). 15. Our President, Isam Hasenin will set up regular meetings with the Building Official to discuss process, procedures, technical issues and receive feedback on performance of True North staff. 16. Providing services exclusively to municipal clients, thus avoiding any real or perceived conflict of interest. I am confident True North Compliance Services, Inc. will meet and exceed the City's expectations and provide unparalleled high -quality and timely services to the City. We look forward to working with you and your team and building a long and successful relationship with the City of El Segundo. Sincerely, Isam Hasenin, MSCE, P.E., CBO, President 0 Page 68 of 263 Section II- Firm Experience We are excited to present our qualifications to the City of El Segundo and look forward to building a long-term successful relationship with the City and providing the highest level of professional consulting services to the City of El Segundo. True North Compliance Services, Inc. was founded and incorporated in California in 2020 as an extension of Hasenin Consulting Engineers founded in 1998. True North Compliance is a full - service comprehensive provider of Building, Fire, Planning and Engineering Services including plan review, building inspection, permit technician, building department administration, code enforcement, planning and fire services and other related services. Our Federal Employer ID number is 84-4583205. Our proposal is valid for 90 days. We will serve the city of El Segundo from our long beach office, which is less than 30 minutes away from city hall. True North Compliance Services' philosophy, guiding principles and commitment to the City of El Segundo are centered on creating a long-term successful partnership with the City and provide the highest quality of service that is timely and responsive to client needs. Our motto is personal attentive service and excellence in the delivery of municipal services. We take the time to listen to our client's needs and challenges and then come up with creative cost-effective solutions. We keep an open and on -going line of communications with City staff and managers as well as the public and clients. We fully understand and appreciate the fact that time is money for construction projects and every day of delay means added costs of construction and potential loss of tax revenues for the City. We will partner with the Building Official and his staff to achieve creative solutions to challenging development/construction problems that are safe yet reasonable and practical. Isam's experience as an active participant in the code development & administration process both on the state and national levels, serving on many technical committees and boards and serving as the Vice Chair of the California Building Standards Commission for 8 years gives him a unique perspective and intimate knowledge of the intent behind any Code provision, thus allowing him to come up with alternative solutions and methods of compliance for unique complex code compliance challenges that don't fit squarely in the prescriptive provisions of the Code. We pride ourselves on the fact that we can create win -win solutions for code compliance challenges and streamlining of the review and inspection process to expedite the occupancy of facilities. We offer the full range of Building & Safety services ranging from plan review to inspection and permit technician services and other related services. We have the depth and breadth of resources to perform any and all of the following services: a. Building Plan Review Services: True North Compliance will provide plan review in compliance with the City of El Segundo Municipal Code, all applicable federal and state laws Page 69 of 263 and regulations and the City's Building Safety Division plan review standards and policies. Our plan review covers the following: i. California Building Code ii. California Residential Code iii. Structural Engineering Plan Review will be performed by licensed or graduate Civil or Structural Engineers iv. Title 24 Energy v. California Mechanical Code vi. California Plumbing Code vii. California Electrical Code viii. Disabled Access- CASp plan review and/or site surveys, inspections and reports. ix. Green Building and Energy Conservation x. OSHPD-3 reviews and certification xi. California Fire Code xii. California Title 25 xiii. Preliminary review of discretionary applications (Conditional -Use Permits and conditions of Approval) for significant code compliance issues that may impact the overall design and planning approval of the project. xiv. Review of Floodplain provisions where required. xv. Review of soils conditions and other geotechnical hazards such as fault zones, liquefactions, etc. xvi. Civil Engineering (grading, drainage, National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES), MWELO, and Low Impact Development (Hydromodification); Sustainable Use Standard Mitigation Program (SUSMP), permit requirements related to the Management Stormwater System (MS4 permit). xvii. Review/recommendations for Alternate Materials and Methods Requests (AMMR). xviii. Code adoption, Local Amendments and Ordinances. b. Inspection Services: True North Compliance has the capabilities to provide inspection and reinspection for compliance with all applicable codes, standards and regulations including: California Building Code; California Residential Code; California Plumbing Code; California Mechanical Code; California Electrical Code; California Fire Code; California Energy Code; California Green Building Standards Code; California Disabled Access Regulations; California Title 25, Mobile Home Parks, as locally adopted and amended. Our inspection staff is certified by the International Code Council or other appropriate entities in accordance with AB717 and possess many years of building code inspection experience with a municipality or a private municipal consultant. Our inspectors have extensive construction and trade experience in addition to their Code knowledge, allowing for a practical approach to applying Code provisions during the inspection process. c. Building Official Services: When requested, True North Compliance will provide a qualified certified and experienced Building Official. The individual will report to the Community Development Director and provide supervision and direction to the Building & Safety Division staff, code administration and interpretations, develop policies and ordinances, interface with I Page 70 of 263 customers, City staff and elected officials, and perform related administrative functions as assigned. d. Counter & Administrative Services: True North Compliance has the capabilities to provide counter and administrative services as needed by the City. Our staff will provide technical support and application of City policies, methods and practices to support professional engineering, plan review, planning, and building and safety staff. Our Counter Technician has knowledge of construction terms and operations, development and building codes required to process plans and permits along with government functions and processes. Review permit application for completeness, perform fee calculations, route plans, verify approvals and conditions and issue permits. Use the City's permitting system to file permit applications, calculate fees, research zoning and planning requirements, enter approvals and route plans to appropriate divisions and departments. Maintain communications with applicants, interested parties, property owners, homeowner associations, various governmental agencies, and other City departments. Respond to inquiries about projects from residents and applicants. e. Code Enforcement Services: True North Compliance has the capabilities to provide Code Enforcement and Housing services and assist the City of El Segundo in the enforcement of applicable Zoning codes, Building codes, Housing codes, public nuisance codes and State health & safety codes. Our Code Enforcement Officers have extensive experience and capabilities in the following areas: Code enforcement program review and analysis; Code enforcement inspections; Preparing administrative remedies including administrative citations; Conducting administrative hearings; Preparing program documentation and staff reports as well as committee or Council presentations; Testifying on behalf of clients in criminal court; License and permit application review and processing; Coordination of activities with multiple departments including Building, Planning, Community Development, Police and City Attorney; Providing information on municipal regulations to property owners, residents, businesses, the general public, as well as to other departments and divisions. f. Fire Plan Review & Inspection Services: True North Compliance has the capabilities to provide plan review and/or inspection for the State regulated occupancies such as private schools and clinics (OSHPD 3), to determine compliance with City and State codes and regulations including but not limited to locally adopted fire related ordinances and amendments; California Fire Code; California Building Code; California Residential Code; California Title 19, California Wild Land Urban Interface regulations, review for fire apparatus access, water supply requirements, fire flow requirements, etc. Typically, fire review will include review of building plans for code compliance, as well as review of fire plans (fire sprinkler systems, fire alarm systems, NFPA standards, etc.) g. City Engineering Services: True North Compliance has the capabilities to provide plan review and inspection of Civil/public improvements projects from one small lot to large subdivisions. Our experts bring an extensive history of review of a broad range of projects in all engineering/civil disciplines such as review of grading, subdivision and topographic maps; examining existing and proposed contour lines, spot elevations, pad and finish floor elevations; review of hydrology reports and maps; review of low impact development measures to comply 7 Page 71 of 263 with the requirements of NPDES; review of erosion and sediment control plans for proposed BMPs. Our licensed land surveyors have extensive experience in reviewing tentative and final maps, lot line mergers, lot line adjustments, certificate of compliance, dedications, vacations, and easements. Our map reviewers have the expertise to review applications, maps, legal descriptions, deeds, and related documents as well as provide redline documents and corrections. We can also write conditions of approval to be imposed on tentative maps. h. Planning Services: True North Compliance has the capabilities to provide Planning, Zoning and Environmental services. Our staff serve as an extension of City staff and function as the project manager on assigned planning projects while protecting the interests of the City and its residents throughout the life of each assigned development project. This could include managing projects from the planning entitlement phase through construction; Perform technical review and evaluation of a wide variety of land development, subdivision, building permit and use permit applications; Process development applications in accordance with local policies and ordinances, make recommendations, and enforce mitigation monitoring and compliance with City ordinances; Prepare written project analyses and reports including identifying appropriate land use policy, design, fiscal issues and environmental requirements; Conduct site inspections to determine if projects are in compliance with laws, regulations, conditions of approval, ordinances, and make recommendations regarding changes; Prepare and update various planning documents such as the City's General Plan, Specific Plans, ordinances, resolutions, codes, and related planning studies and reports; Provide technical advice and make clear, well organized presentations. i. Special Projects- Our management team and staff can participate in a variety of special projects, as needed. These projects may include, but not limited to, analysis of processes and procedures; Business process re -engineering, fee studies; Review and recommendations of permitting software; Preparation of engineered plan details; Conducting training on a variety of code -related topics; Interim or permanent Building Official duties; Preparation of documents/handouts; Public presentation to community groups, City Committees or Council. Recent Project History Our team members have performed reviews and/or inspections of thousands of projects over their long careers including hundreds of projects of variety of sizes and occupancies during their tenure with True North Compliance Services. True North has been a trusted partner for many of our clients to review the most complex high profile or sensitive projects including highly complex custom homes in Malibu and Dana Point to a large, enclosed IC -Hockey Arena for Riverside County, multiple 5 or 6 story over concrete podiums mixed -use buildings in Pasadena, La Habra, Dana Point and Redwood City. In addition, we just started the preliminary review of a large $2-Billion complex of life sciences buildings in Burlingame which will include multiple high-rise buildings, many hazardous occupancy labs and other uses. We also reviewed multiple hotels, educational buildings for universities and OSHPD-3 clinics. Below is a listing of some of our clients and highlights of a few recent projects. We can provide many more if requested by the City. 8 Page 72 of 263 1. Coachella Valley Sports Arena - Riverside County, CA: The arena serves as a multi -use facility for sporting events, concerts, and various exhibition -type events. The arena consists of two assembly seating areas, a primary seating bowl and practice ice arena. True North Compliance Services provided the Building, MEP, and Fire Protection plan review for the arena. Occupancy: A-4, A-3, A-2, B, M and S-2 Type of Construction: I-B Fully Sprinklered Floor Area: 560,000 square feet Number of Stories: 4 Valuation: $250 Million 2. BO Town- San Jose: This project consists of a 30-story mixed -use building with office, retail, conference facilities, restaurants and parking. True North Compliance Services provided the Building, MEP, and Fire Protection plan review for project. Occupancy: R-2, B, M, A-2, S-2 Type of Construction: I -A Floor Area: 900,000 square feet Number of Stories: 30 stories Valuation: $250M N Page 73 of 263 3. The Wave Hotel- Dana Point: This project consists of 3 stories below grade, 3 stories above grade high end hotel with conference facilities, restaurants and retail. True North Compliance Services provided the Building, MEP, and Fire Protection plan review for project. Occupancy: R-1, A-2, A-3, M, B Type of Construction: I -A, V-A Floor Area: 114,872 square feet Number of Stories: 3 stories below grade, 3 stories above grade Valuation: $25M 10 Page 74 of 263 4. Top Golf- Burlingame: This project consists of a new three-story golf entertainment venue with restaurants, meeting spaces and associated improvements. Occupancy: A-2, A-3, M and B Type of Construction: II-B Fully Sprinklered Floor Area: 70,663 square feet Number of Stories: 3 Valuation: $25.5 Million 11 Page 75 of 263 5. 1200-1340 Bayshore Highway — Burlingame: This project consists of the redevelopment of a 12-acre site with three, 11-story office/life science buildings totaling 1.46 million square feet. The project includes two, 10-story parking structures each with two levels of below grade parking. True North Compliance Services provided the preliminary code review, and will be providing the Building, MEP, Fire, grading and MWELO plan review for this project. Occupancy: B, A-3, L, S-1 and S-2 Type of Construction: I -A Fully Sprinklered Floor Area: 1.5 million square feet Number of Stories: 2-11 stories Valuation: Over $2 billion. 6. Green Mills Place — Pasadena: This project consists of a new 4-story mixed use building and renovation of an existing historic building on the same site in Old Town Pasadena. True North Compliance Services provided the Building, MEP, Fire, grading and MWELO plan review for this project. Occupancy: R-2, A-3, M and S-2 Type of Construction: III -A Fully Sprinklered Floor Area: 26,607 square feet 12 Page 76 of 263 Number of Stories: 4 Valuation: $17 Million e . `Z 7. Best Western Plus Hotel- Adelanto: True North Compliance Services provided the Building and MEP plan review for the new 4-story hotel and associated site development. The hotel consisted of 54,000 square feet, 90 guest rooms, meeting rooms, a gymnasium, swimming pool, bar and restaurant. Occupancy: R-1, A-2, A-3 and B Type of Co: III-B Valuation: $5.6M 13 Page 77 of 263 8. Impossible Foods — Redwood City, CA: This project consists of a 4-story tenant improvement for the Impossible Foods Research Facility. Scope of work included demo of existing walls, ceiling and MEP systems, creating new rooms, relocating of walls, ceilings, Electrical lighting and data systems, new AC/heating units, mechanical equipment, flooring, new bathrooms, etc. True North Compliance Services provided Building and MEP plan review for the project. Occupancy: A-3, B and S-1 Type of Construction: II -A Fully Sprinklered Floor Area: 150,622 square feet Number of Stories: 4 Valuation: $12 Million 9. Divine Arts of Yoga Center — La Habra, CA: This project consists of a new religious institution and yoga center. The building contains classrooms, assembly halls, a dining hall and onsite living accommodation. True North Compliance Services provided the Building and MEP plan review for this project. Occupancy: A-3, A-2 and R-3 Type of Construction: V-A Fully Sprinklered Floor Area: 18,000 square feet Number of Stories: 1 Valuation: $3,250,000 14 Page 78 of 263 10. Wilson Avenue Warehouse Project — Perris, CA: This project consists of a new concrete tilt -up warehouse building. True North Compliance Services provided the Building and MEP plan review for this project. Occupancy: S-1, F-1 and B Type of Construction: III-B Fully Sprinklered Floor Area: 153,735 square feet Number of Stories: 1 Valuation: $4,509,212. 11. 1021 Anacapa Drive — University California, Santa Barbara: This project consisted of three-story tenant improvement in an existing office/training building. Scope of work included demo of existing walls, ceiling and MEP systems, creating new rooms, relocating of walls, ceilings, Electrical lighting and data systems, new AC/heating units, mechanical equipment, flooring, new bathrooms, etc. True North Compliance Services provided Building and MEP plan review for the project. Occupancy: A-3, B and S-2 Type of Construction: V-A Fully Sprinklered Floor Area: 13,158 square feet Number of Stories: 3 Valuation: $1.2 Million 15 Page 79 of 263 12. 13 Strand Beach, Dana Point: True North Compliance Services provided the Building plan review for the new custom home located at "The Strand" in Dana Point. The dwelling consisted of 6,015 square feet of living space above grade, a 2,455 square foot basement below grade basement and a 2,246 square foot subterranean garage that is accessed through a car lift. Valuation: 2.5 million 13. Alteryx- 500 Arguello Street, Redwood City. This project consisted of tenant improvements to an existing R& D facility. Scope of work included demo of existing walls, ceiling and MEP systems, relocating of walls, ceilings, Electrical lighting and data systems, new AC/heating units, mechanical equipment, flooring, new bathrooms, etc. True North Compliance Services provided Building and MEP plan review for the project. Occupancy: A-3, B and S-2 Type of Construction: III -A Fully Sprinklered Floor Area: 18,443 square feet Number of Stories: 5 Valuation: $1.2 Million 16 Page 80 of 263 14. 14 6th Street, Huntington Beach: True North Compliance Services provided the Building plan review for the new custom home in Huntington Beach. The dwelling consisted of 3-stories, a total of 3,100 square feet and an attached ADU. Valuation: 1.1 million 11 10 14 13 1 9 1 . Id1�iiiiinmmmnmm�unnnnnnuuu... 1111­11171�11111�1 nminlglnl�lnl A llmlllnllll�I�h�.. 1111111411101 110n�1�1n�11` ■ IWE MWMIM ` I 15. 1819 Aston Ave, Carlsbad, Ca- University California, Santa Barbara project: This project consisted of tenant improvement in an existing one-story building., The tenant space is used for mitigation monitoring purposes for ocean studies. Scope of work included demo of existing walls, ceiling and MEP systems, creating new rooms, relocating of walls, ceilings, Electrical lighting, new AC/heating units, mechanical equipment, flooring, new bathrooms, etc. True North Compliance Services provided Building and MEP plan review for the project. Occupancy: B, S-1, F-1 Type of Construction: V-A Fully Sprinklered Floor Area: 5,731 square feet Number of Stories: 1 Valuation: $150,000 17 Page 81 of 263 16. Moss Adams Pasadena TI, 225 South Lake Ave, # 900, Pasadena. This project consisted of large tenant improvements to an existing office space in a high-rise building. Scope of work included demo of existing walls, ceiling and MEP systems, relocating of walls, ceilings, Electrical lighting and data systems, new AC/heating units, mechanical equipment, flooring, new bathrooms, etc. True North Compliance Services provided Building and MEP plan review for the project. Occupancy: B Type of Construction: I -A Fully Sprinklered Floor Area: 12,000 square feet Number of Stories:16 Valuation: $620,000 17. Broad Center for Biological Sciences/David Van Valen Laboratory Renovation, 360 Wilson Ave, Building # 96, Pasadena. This project consisted of a renovation to an existing biological sciences laboratory in an existing R&D building. Scope of work included demo of existing walls, ceiling and MEP systems, relocating of walls, ceilings, Electrical lighting and data systems, new AC/heating units, mechanical equipment, flooring, new bathrooms, etc. True North Compliance Services provided Building and MEP plan review for the project. Occupancy: B offices and research laboratories Type of Construction: II-B Fully Sprinklered Floor Area: 1,263 square feet Number of Stories: 3 + Basement Valuation: $145,000 18. California Institute of Technology- Professor Hsieh Laboratory Renovation, 1200 E. California Blvd, Building # 47, Pasadena. This project consisted of a renovation to an existing science laboratory in an existing R&D and classroom building. Scope of work included demo of existing walls, and MEP systems, relocating of walls, new AC/heating units, mechanical equipment, lab equipment, hazardous materials quantities determination, chemicals, fire alarms renovation, new bathrooms, etc. True North Compliance Services provided Building and MEP plan review for the project. Occupancy: B, A-3, I-3, S Type of Construction: I -A Fully Sprinklered Floor Area: 2,600 square feet Number of Stories: 6 Valuation: $195,000 18 Page 82 of 263 Section III -Project Team Our team is comprised of over 50 highly qualified and experienced Plan Check Engineers, Plans Examiners, Building Inspectors and Permit Technicians able to handle reviews, inspections and permit processing for all aspects of the Building Services. Our team members have many years of experience working for public agencies in California. Our staff is licensed and/or certified in all disciplines including Licensed Structural Engineers, Licensed Civil, MEP Engineers, ICC Certified Building Plan Reviewers, Licensed Fire Protection Engineers, Certified HazMat Specialists, ICC Certified Plans Examiners, ICC Certified Fire Plan Reviewers, ICC Certified Building Officials and ICC Certified Permit Technicians. Our team is capable of reviewing and inspecting the entire spectrum of projects submitted to the City from single-family homes to highly complex high-rise hotels and large office buildings, mixed -use projects, R&D lab facilities, biotech buildings, data centers, distribution centers, large scale solar farms, complex tenant improvements and public buildings. Below is a table of key staff who will be assigned to work on City of El Segundo projects. Resumes are in the Appendix. Principal/Project Leader For this contract, Isam Hasenin, P.E., C.B.O., will serve as Principal/Team Lead and will serve as the main point of contact of True North Compliance Services, Inc. staff and the City of El Segundo. Isam will ensure that services are delivered in accordance with the Scope of Services established by the City and the Consultant Services Agreement. Isam will maintain an open line of communications with City of El Segundo Building Official and other managers as well as project applicants and design teams. He will provide oversight and management of all True North's staff assigned to City projects. Isam will be available for meetings at the City office. He will be available to discuss complex code compliance/interpretation questions or process/procedural issues with the Building Official and design team members as the needs arise. He will provide technical or administrative training and participate in any special assignments or meetings at City managers direction. Isam has 30 years of experience in code enforcement and building department administration and technical review and inspections. Mr. Hasenin has the perfect mix of public sector experience and private sector experience managing both small and large operations. He has deep understanding and appreciation for the challenges and demands of local municipalities in meeting the needs and expectations of their citizens and applicants for building permits. 19 Page 83 of 263 Project Manager/Director of Operations Amar Hasenin, Director of Operations for True North will serve as the day-to-day operational and technical manager for the City of El Segundo projects. He will assign and monitor the workload of staff, quality of reviews and timeliness of the review process. He will be available to discuss code compliance/interpretation questions or process/procedural issues with the Building Official and his staff as the needs arise. He will provide technical and administrative training and participate in any special assignments or meetings at City managers direction. Amar has over 10 years of experience as a design engineer, plan check engineer, and regional manager in Southern California. He has served as a Regional Manager for a third -party building department services provider prior to joining True North. He is a highly competent plan review engineer and technical expert in the application of the California Codes and a certified Plans Examiner and Inspector by ICC. Amar is an effective manager of building operations and managing the needs of our public agency partners and delivering high quality, responsive and timely service. His phone number 858-254-4158. Lead Building Plan Check Engineer Soon Cho, PE, CASp will serve as the Lead Building Plan Review Engineer for the City of Rialto. He is an experienced, licensed Civil Engineer. Soon has over 20 years of experience as a plan check engineer for multiple jurisdictions where he reviewed the entire range of projects from residential remodels to complex new homes, tenant improvements and new commercial, office and multi -family projects. Soon is a multi -discipline reviewer and can review building, MEP and grading disciplines. He provides high quality reviews and excellent customer service and always ready to offer solutions and ideas on how to comply with code provisions. Lead Structural Plan Check Engineer Alex Wu, SE, PhD, will serve as the Lead Structural Plan Check Engineer. He is an experienced, licensed structural engineer. He is currently the Senior Structural Plan Review Engineer for True North Compliance. Alex has a PhD degree in structural engineering and many years of experience designing and reviewing the entire range of buildings and unique structures such as high rise, mixed -use, concrete parking structures, complex public buildings, heavy industrial, refineries, nuclear power plants, etc. He will work closely with City staff to ensure high quality and timely reviews and answer questions and handle complex issues. 20 Page 84 of 263 Building permit plan check services Name Qualifications Type of Review.- Performed Isam Hasenin, PE, CBO, 30+ years' experience CA Licensed Professional Engineer Building structural, Building Life Safety, MSCE President &Building Certified: Building Official, Building Accessibility, Green Official Plans Examiner Buildings 10+ years' experience Building structural, Amar Hasenin Certified: Commercial Building Plans Building Life Safety, Project Manager/ Examiner, Commercial Building Accessibility, Green Director of Operations Inspector, Commercial Plumbing Plans Buildings Examiner, Commercial Plumbing Inspector, Accessibility Plans Examiner, Accessibility Inspector Soon Cho, PE, CASp 20+ years' experience Building structural, Lead Building Plan Review CA Licensed Professional Engineer Building Life Safety, Engineer Certified Accessibility Specialist; Accessibility, CASp, Certified Plans Examiner Green Buildings Alex Wu, SE, PE 20+ years' experience Building structural Lead Structural Review CA Licensed Structural Engineer, Engr. Certified Building Plans Examiner Allen Lang, SE, PE 20+ years' experience Building structural, Structural Review Engr. CA Licensed Professional & Building Life Safety, Structural Engineer Accessibility, Green Buildings Daniel Lee, SE, PE 20+ years' experience Building structural Structural Review Engr. CA Licensed Professional & Structural Engineer Gary Ho, SE, PE 25+ years' experience Building structural, Structural Review Engr. CA Licensed Professional & Building Life Safety, Structural Engineer Accessibility, Green Buildings Edward Alexanian, SE, PE 30+ years' experience Building structural Structural Review Engr. CA Licensed Professional & Structural Engineer Henry Hadidi, SE, PE 30+ years' experience Building structural Lead Structural Review CA Licensed Professional & structural Engr. Engineer Certified Building Plans Examiner 21 Page 85 of 263 Robert Chun, PE 30 years' experience Building structural, Building Plan Review Engr. CA Licensed Professional Engineer Building Life Safety, Accessibility, Green Buildings Bachar Koujah, PE, CASp 25+ years' experience Building structural, Building Plan Review Engr. CA Licensed Professional Engineer, Building Life Safety, ICC Certified Plans Examiner Accessibility, CASp, Green Buildings Scot Weise, PE 15+ years' experience Building structural Building Plan Review Engr. CA Licensed Professional Engineer, ICC Certified Plans Examiner Mohammed Elassad, PE 20+ years' experience Building structural, Building Plan Review Engr. CA Licensed Professional Engineer, Building Life Safety, ICC Certified Plans Examiner Accessibility, Green Buildings Raymond Messih, PE 15+ years' experience Building structural, CA Licensed Professional Engineer Building Life Safety, Building Plan Review ICC Certified Plans Examiner Accessibility, Green Engr. Buildings Kylie Gonsalves, PE 10+ years' experience Building structural, CA Licensed Professional Engineer Building Life Safety, Building Plan Review ICC Certified Plans Examiner Accessibility, Green Engr. Buildings Alaa Atassi 5+ years' experience Building structural, ICC Certified Plans Examiner Building Life Safety, Building Plan Review Accessibility, Green Engr. Buildings Areli Sanchez 5+ years' experience Building structural, ICC Certified Plans Examiner Building Life Safety, Building Plan Review Accessibility, Green Engr. Buildings Bryan Montes 5+ years' experience Building structural, ICC Certified Plans Examiner Building Life Safety, Building Plan Review Accessibility, Green Engr. Buildings Richard Moreno 10+ years' experience Building structural Senior Plans Examiner ICC Certified Plans Examiner Tim Shell, PE 30 years' experience Civil, Grading, LID Civil Plan Review Engr. CA Licensed Professional Engineer Jed Rizk, PE 30 years' experience Civil, Grading, LID Civil Plan Review Engr. CA Licensed Professional Engineer Jamal Naji, PE 25 years' experience Civil, Grading, LID Civil Plan Review Engr. CA Licensed Professional Engineer 22 Page 86 of 263 Ahmad Erikat, EIT 15 years' experience Civil, Grading, LID Civil Plan Review En r. EIT Certificate Henry Pio, PE 20+ years' experience Mechanical, CA Licensed Professional Engineer Electrical, and MEP Plan Review Certified: Mechanical, Electrical, Plumbing Engineer Plumbing Plans Examiner Ali Soheili, PE 20+ years' experience Mechanical and MP Plan Review CA Licensed Professional Engineer; Plumbing Engineer ICC Certified Plans Examiner Hassan Itani, PE 20+ years' experience Mechanical and MP Plan Review CA Licensed Professional Engineer; Plumbing Engineer ICC Certified Plans Examiner Amir Amiri, PE 20+ years' experience Electrical Electrical Plan Review CA Licensed Professional Engineer; Engineer ICC Certified Plans Examiner Jerome Schreiber, PE 20+ years' experience Electrical Electrical Plan Review CA Licensed Professional Engineer; Engineer ICC Certified Plans Examiner Kevin Ybarra 20+ years' experience Electrical Electrical Plan Reviewer ICC Certified Plans Examiner Dan Larsen, CASp 20+ years' experience Accessibility, CASp CASp Plan Certified Accessibility Specialist Reviewer/insp. Doug Evans, FPE 20+ years' experience Fire Protection Fire Protection Engineer CA Licensed Fire Protection Engineer Engineering Scot Deal, FPE 20+ years experience Fire Protection Fire Protection Engineer CA Licensed Fire Protection Engineer Engineering Gabriel Reza 15+ years' experience Fire Plans Examiner Fire Plan Review and Former Fire Fire Plan Review Marshal; Fire Inspector II, Building Inspector, Building Plans Examiner Sergio Perrier 25+ years' experience Fire Plans Examiner Fire Plan Review Fire Plan Review Ron Carter 25+ years' experience Fire Plans Examiner Fire Plan Review Fire Plan Review Bob Scott 25+ years' experience Fire Plans Examiner Fire Plan Review and Former Fire Fire Plan Review Marshal; Fire Inspector II, Building Inspector, Building Plans Examiner Alexandra Perkins 5+ years experience Document Control/ Lead Permit Technician Permit processing 23 Page 87 of 263 Derrick Thompson 2+ years experience Document Control/ Permit Technician ICC Certified Permit Technician Permit processing Julie Hartman 3+ years experience Document Control/ Permit Technician Permit processing Gianni Haley 2+ years experience Document Control/ Permit Technician Permit processing Jesica Miner 3+ years experience Document Control/ Permit Technician Permit processing Paul Choi 1 + years experience Document Control/ Permit Technician Permit processing Cynthia Villalta 1 + years experience Document Control/ Permit Technician Permit processing Building Permit Inspection Services Name Qualifications Type. Inspection ..- Performed George Lockfort 30+ years' experience Combination Manager, Inspection Over 15 ICC Certifications Services Combination Inspector Tom Graham 25+ years' experience Combination Combination Inspector ICC Certified Building Inspector, ICC Certified Residential Inspector Charles Valaer 20+ years' experience Combination Senior Combination ICC Certified: Building Inspector, Inspector Combination Inspector Robert Barton 30+ years' experience Combination Senior Combination ICC Certified: Building Inspector, Inspector Combination Inspector Randy Kilburn 30+ years' experience Combination Senior Combination ICC Certified: Building Inspector, Inspector Combination Inspector Marco Stutts 5+ years' experience Combination Combination Inspector 24 Page 88 of 263 Organization Chart Our staff is licensed and/or certified in all disciplines including Licensed Structural Engineers, Licensed Civil, MEP Engineer, Licensed Fire Protection Engineers, ICC Certified Plans Examiners, ICC Certified Inspectors, ICC Certified Permit Technicians, and more. Building Plan Review Soon Cho, PE. CASp Robert Chun, PE Scot Weise. PE Kylie Gonsalves, PE Bachar Koujah. PE, CASp Raymond Messih, PE Mohammad Elassad, PE Alaa Atassi Richard Moreno Areli Sanchez Bryan Montes Ryan DeCastro Amer Atassi Tim Shell, PE Ahmad Erikat, EIT Jed Rizk. PE MEP Plan Review Henry Pio, PE Ali Soheili, PE Amir Amin, PE Steve Suhendra, PE Hassan Itani, PE Jerome Schreiber, PE Kevin Ybarra City of Ell Segundo Isam Hasenin, PE, CBO President & Principal Alexandra Perkins Amar Hasenin Document Control Director of Operations & Manager Project Manager Structural Engineers Alex Wu, SE, PhD. Gary Ho, SE Daniel Lee, SE Edward Alexanians, SE Aaron Beebe, SE Henry Hadidi, SE Hamid Irannejad, SE Allen Lang, SE Mohammad Hariri, SE Inspection/Code Enforcement George Lockfort Inspections Supervisor William Barannon Tom Graham Robert Burton Marco Stutts Charles Valaer Randy Kilburn Romany Youssef Esquiel Mota Permit Technicians Alexandra Perkins Fire Protection/Fire, Life -Safety Dana Duong Paul Choi Roy Kim Derrick Thompson Jesica Miner Gianni Haley Cassandra Cruz Cierra Smith Cynthia Villalta Julie Hartman Doug Evans, FPE Scot Deal, FPE Eric Schmidt, PE Gabriel Reza Bob Scott Girard Page Ron Carter Bill Cochran Sergio Perrier 25 Page 89 of 263 Section IV- Project Approach Our established internal procedures and policies will ensure that we provide the City of El Segundo the highest quality, accurate, timely, and responsive service. Our goal is to provide consistent and uniform service, eliminate errors and confusion and ensure compliance with the City's standards, policies, interpretations, and procedures. To that end, we have the following established procedures for each of the services we offer: Plan Review Procedures The following approach and procedures will apply to Plan Review Services. It may be adjusted to better accommodate the specific needs of the City of El Segundo: 1. All document/plan reviews shall be based on the City of El Segundo Municipal Code, applicable federal and state laws and regulations, Title 24 California Code of Regulations, and the City's Building & Safety Division plan review standards and policies. Plan review shall cover structural, fire and life safety, architectural, accessibility, OSHPD-3, energy conservation, green building, grading, plumbing, mechanical and electrical installations in residential, commercial, and industrial projects for new, existing and historical buildings, structures and facilities. 2. We will pick-up plans at the City of El Segundo Permit Center within 24 hours of notification or upload immediately into our cloud -based database for electronic submittals. 3. Review all plan check applications for accuracy and make all necessary revisions to such items as description, square footage, type of construction, number of stories, sprinklers, occupancy and uses. 4. Format plan review comment lists to compliment the style and requirements of the City of El Segundo. 5. Prepare a standard template specific to the City of El Segundo to identify specific requirements and items of interest and focus to the City Building & Safety Division. 6. Our plan review philosophy is to perform a thorough review during the first submittal of plans in order to avoid new comments on any subsequent submittals. 7. Open lines of communication with the Building Official and other City managers and staff to ensure accuracy in enforcing City policies, procedures and regulations. 8. Conduct plan reviews within the agreed upon turn -around times established by the City of El Segundo. 9. Our team is available to review projects on an expedited basis within the designated turn- around times. 10. Review deferred submittals and revisions within assigned due dates. 26 Page 90 of 263 11. Email plan check comments to designated Building staff and provide pertinent building/project data and information required on permit application. Building/project data such as description of work, type of construction, uses, occupancy classification, floor area, number of stories, etc. will be provided on the transmittal letter. 12. Supply hard copy or electronic plan review comment, approval letters, and project invoices as required by the City of El Segundo. 13. When final review is approved, we will deliver two final sets of approved plans with approval stamps and signatures to the City within 24 (twenty-four) hours of final review and approval. 14. Be available, during regular business hours, to discuss and clarify plan check issues with applicants, designers, owners and consultants. Resolution of code issues may be performed by telephone, or meetings, prior to resubmitting corrected plans and documents. 15. Any plan check issues not resolved between the reviewer and the architect/engineer of record after the second review cycle will be quickly elevated to our QC Manager who will in turn discuss with the Building Official and come up with resolution to the outstanding issues. 16. Communicate and/or meet with the applicant, architect, engineer, other City departments or agencies, as necessary to assist with plan review responses. 17. Participate in pre -submittal meetings during preliminary design or working drawing stages to provide high level code review and discussion to ensure a smooth and timely plan review process. 18. Our President, Isam Hasenin will be available to provide technical support and advice to the Building Official, and city staff and managers related to code application and review of Requests for Alternate materials and Methods, administrative aspects of the department, permit fee analysis, preparing local amendments and ordinances and similar services. 19. We will utilize the City's Permit Tracking System to enter and monitor plan -checking information into the portal. 20. We have a fully automated web -based project tracking system to enter and track all projects assigned by the City. City staff and managers can access the system anytime to check the backlog, status and due dates of any project. They can also review copies of comment lists prepared by our staff. If the City agrees, we can provide access to applicants so they can check status of their projects online without having to call the City or come to the Building & Safety counter. Here is a screen shot of the plan log screen: 27 Page 91 of 263 Electronic Plan Review True North Compliance Services is able to receive, process, plan review, markup and approval stamp plans electronically and return the electronic plans back to the City. In fact, over 75% of our reviews currently are performed electronically using the Bluebeam platform. More specifically: 1. We will adhere to the City's Electronic Plan Review guidelines and policies. 2. We will be able to utilize and use the city's proposed OpenGov portal for intake and processing of electronic plans. 3. We are able to receive and route submittal documents utilizing cloud storage (Box, SharePoint, Drop Box, etc.) links or any other preferred method of the City. 4. Our staff will use Blue Beam to perform the review or other City -required platform. 5. We will provide redline mark ups on the plans with Blue Beam. Then transferring a marked -up image of the plans onto the plan review comments. This process will simplify the comments for the applicant resulting in less plan review iterations. 6. When the plan check and recheck processes are complete and the plans and corresponding documentation are deemed in full code compliance, we will sign and stamp the electronic plan set and corresponding documents. 7. Our entire team is equipped with latest technology (highspeed computers, multiple large monitors, latest version of Blue Beam, access to cloud storage, etc.) to easily perform plan reviews electronically. Plan Check Turn -Around Times We commit to meeting the City's turn -around times on all projects reviewed by our team. Our web -based project tracking system allows both our reviewers and permit W. Page 92 of 263 technicians to stay on top of project due dates. Expedited plan reviews will be completed in half the time frames listed below. Below are our standard review times. PLAN CHECK TYPE IST RF- L=W Joiw (Working d, (Working days) Minor alterations or additions 5 5 Solar or ESS systems 2 Single -tenant dwellings 10 5 Multi -tenant dwellings 15 5 Commercial Tenant Improvement 5 5 Accessory Dwelling Units (ADU) 5 5 New commercial/industrial buildings 15 10 New Mixed -Use Projects 15 10 "Express Rechecks By Appointment" We are pleased and excited to offer the City of El Segundo our new and innovative solution to expedite and streamline the recheck process. The program, "Express Recheck By Appointment" is a revolutionary approach to expedite the recheck process, minimize the number of review cycles, reduce frustrations and miscommunications between applicants and plan checkers and reduce the workload of City staff in intaking, routing and tracking of the many cycles of plan check and rechecks on submitted projects. The program will be offered at no additional cost to the applicant or City. The service applies to the vast majority of projects reviewed by our staff. Once the applicant is ready for the recheck, he/she will contact True North Office to schedule the "Express Recheck By Appointment". The appointment will be scheduled within 48 hours of the request. Our plan reviewer will perform the recheck over video-conferencing meeting and sign 29 Page 93 of 263 off items completed. We can also perform the rechecks at our Long Beach office less than 30 minutes away from City Hall. Building Inspection Services True North Compliance Services, Inc. is pleased to offer excellent on -call Building Inspection Services to the City of El Segundo. Our inspectors have extensive construction and trade experience in addition to their Code knowledge, allowing for a practical approach to applying Code provisions during the inspection process. Similar to our Plan Review process, our inspectors employ the following procedures to maximize project success. These procedures may be adjusted to better accommodate your jurisdiction. 1. Become familiar with the inspection style and requirements of the City of El Segundo. 2. Provide inspection services and assure that construction complies with plans and is in compliances with the most recently adopted codes, policies, and procedures. 3. Perform inspections on construction projects to verify compliance with City of El Segundo Municipal Code and State codes and regulations: California Building Code, Residential Code, Plumbing Code, Mechanical Code, Electrical Code, Fire Code, Energy Code, Green Building Standards Code, Disabled Access Regulations, and Title 25; Mobile Home Parks regulations; State Water Resource Control Board regulations related to storm water pollution prevention; Sound Transmission Control regulations; and, locally adopted building ordinances and amendments thereof. 4. Inspect for compliance with applicable conditions of approval set forth by the City's Community Development Department, Planning Commission, and/or City Council. 5. Inspectors will possess and maintain necessary certifications required to perform inspections. 6. Be equipped with all necessary tools needed to perform inspections, including a complete set of current code books. 7. Assist in the coordination of job site conferences with technical consultants, engineers, architects, representatives of the owner, equipment manufacturers, and subcontractors to review project requirements, and clarify or resolving any questions or problems prior to commencing work. 8. Prepare inspection notices of noncompliance on incorrect construction methods or material found during inspection; confer with contractor or representative regarding construction methods and procedures as they relate to compliance with plans and specifications. 9. Maintain a record of non -complying items and follow up to achieve resolution of such items. Record all significant construction -related activities and events such as work completed to provide a chronological and factual history of inspection on assigned construction projects. 10. Engage with Building & Safety Division staff to understand the City's permitting process, forms, policies, and clients. 30 Page 94 of 263 11. Adapt to the City's needs to allow for easy integration into the day-to-day inspection operations. 12. Communicate daily with the City's Principal Building Inspector for assignments and to identify potential issues. 13. Coordinate with various City and County agencies and departments and other governmental agencies providing services, and/or having jurisdiction over any aspect of a development project. 14. Maintain contact while in the field to answer questions, reschedule inspections, and support City staff. 15. Serve as a resource and provide information on City regulations to property owners, residents, businesses, the general public and other City departments. 16. Build a rapport with frequent contractors and teams on continuing projects. 17. Update the City's permit tracking software as necessary, including transferring all applicable field notes. 18. Perform and/or attend on -site and in -office preconstruction meetings as required. 19. Communicate and/or meet with applicants, contractors, engineers, architects, etc., as necessary to assist with corrections and general project questions. Permit Processing Services True North Compliance Services, Inc. believes that the permit technician position is one of the toughest positions in the Building & Safety Division. Being at the counter all day long handling customer contacts, questions and issues is challenging, especially as we experience the high volume of work and high customer traffic at the public counter. That's why we believe it takes a certain type of personality to be successful at the position. It's someone who is pleasant, calm, and patient, with excellent interpersonal skills and ability to use automation systems. We are pleased to offer staff who meet these criteria and qualifications. More specifically, the permit technician will: 1. Enter permit data into the automated database. 2. Research, compile and prepare various limited reports and presentation graphics. 3. Assist the general public at the front counter or by phone regarding building, planning and engineering permit requirements, plan check fees, plan check filing procedures and processing, and permit status. 4. Research information for public. 5. Accept permit applications and collect permit fees. 31 Page 95 of 263 6. Review and evaluate plans for completeness and for conformance with ordinances and department standards, policies and guidelines. 7. Review plans for conditions of prior approval. 8. Route plans to other city departments for review. 9. Approve minor permits. 10. Research and respond to public inquiries. 11. Build and maintain positive working relationships with co-workers, City employees, and the public, using principles of good customer service. 12. Perform related duties as assigned. 13. Utilize City electronic and paper files to research previous and/or related permits. 14. Review permit application for completeness, perform fee calculations, route plans, verify approvals and conditions and issue permits. 15. Provide excellent service to all customers from a homeowner to large developers and designers. 16. Have excellent interpersonal skills, calm demeanor, patient and be a good listener Quality Control Program True North Compliance's core values in delivering municipal services are: Ethics, Transparency, Collaboration, Empathy, Customer -Centric service, Communications, and Fiscal Prudence. High quality service, professionalism and excellence in the delivery of municipal services are at the core of what True North Compliance stands for. We share the City's commitment to delivering responsive and timely service without compromising the quality of the service. To that end, we developed and implemented a rigorous internal quality control and assurance program for all of our services. Here are the major components of our quality control program: Plan Review and Counter Services Our established internal intake, plan review, quality control and customer contact procedures ensure that submittals are properly coordinated, tracked and managed. Our plan tracking procedures are designed to track each submittal throughout the review process and maintain accurate and comprehensive records for each submittal. To accomplish this goal, we follow this procedure: 1. We monitor our staff s performance and interaction with customers at the counter by having customer surveys available for the applicants to complete. We will also randomly call applicants who received our service to check on their satisfaction with the services received from our staff. We will monitor phone calls and produce period reports of 32 Page 96 of 263 customer satisfaction. We will train and provide feedback to our staff related to their customer service skills. 2. Once we receive a project for review from the City, our document control staff screens and logs the project into our internal project tracking system with all appropriate information such as description, scope, review disciplines, Building Department staff, design team contact person and due dates. 3. Our QC Manager will perform an initial cursory review of the project to determine if there are any major code compliance issues that may require immediate discussion with the Building & Safety Division staff and/or design team, then depending on the complexity of the project, assigns to appropriate True North plan review engineers/plans examiners. 4. Plans are assigned to engineers or plans examiners for each of the required disciplines with notes from the QC manager 5. Once the plan review is complete, True North QC Manager will perform quality control of the project by reviewing the project and comments prepared by the assigned plan review engineer/plans examiner. 6. Following the QC phase, final comments will be generated and sent to the Building & Safety Division staff and designated design team member. Inspection services Similar to our plan check quality control program, we have a rigorous internal quality control and assurance program for our inspection services. Main elements of our program include: 1. Rigorous hiring program to ensure that we only hire highly competent professional and friendly inspectors who believe in True North's core values and guiding principles. 2. Thorough on -boarding and training program for our team. 3. On -going technical training on latest codes, interpretations, technology and construction methods and techniques. 4. Regular staff meetings to communicate policies, procedures and provide directions. 5. Regular feedback loop on staff performance. 6. Announced and un-announced audits of inspectors by our Chief of Inspections. 7. Regular feedback meetings with City's Building Official and staff to obtain feedback and input on our staff s performance. 8. Periodic calls to contractors to seek feedback on performance of our inspection staff. 9. Regular meetings with our inspectors to evaluate performance, offer critique and corrective actions if necessary. 33 Page 97 of 263 Communications Approach & Customer Service Commitment Our singular focus on our motto "personal attentive service and excellence in the delivery of our services" allowed us to become the go -to provider for most of our clients. The common denominator for our success serving our clients is the absolute focus on delivering high quality, responsive and timely services. We will partner with city staff, applicants and designer to come up with practical common-sense solutions to difficult code compliance challenges. Our team is available to handle questions and issues raised by City staff and/or the applicants throughout the day. Our managers are available around the clock to handle whatever needs our clients might have. We keep an open line of communications with staff and applicants to streamline and expedite the review and approval of projects being reviewed. Our customer service commitment includes the following elements: 1. Application of the code in a reasonable practical yet safe manner, and understanding and applying the spirit and intent of the code whenever needed. 2. Our plan review philosophy is to perform a thorough and accurate plan review during the first submittal in order to avoid new comments and delays during subsequent review cycles and frustrating the applicants and designers. 3. Open lines of communication with the Building Official and other city managers and staff to ensure efficient and high level of customer service. 4. When an applicant disputes plan check comments, our plan check staff is trained and instructed to quickly elevate the issues to our QC manager to work toward quick and effective resolution of the issues. 5. Implementation of our "Express Recheck By Appointment" system to enhance customer service and expedite approval of projects. 6. Office hours: our staff is available Monday through Friday from 8:00 am- 5:00 pm to respond to phone calls and email inquiries. 7. We respond to phone calls and emails the same day received. 8. Our plan check staff is available, during regular business hours, to discuss and clarify plan check issues with applicants, designers, owners and consultants. Resolution of code issues may be performed by telephone, or meetings, prior to resubmitting corrected plans and documents. 34 Page 98 of 263 Transition and Implementation Plan Our managers and staff are highly experienced in transitioning services from other consultants. We have successfully and effectively transitioned services from other consultants for our current clients such as City of the Del Mar, Carlsbad, Dana Point, Malibu, Redwood City, San Bruno and others. We are prepared to immediately engage with the City of El Segundo's Building Official and other City staff to initiate the transition process. Elements of our implementation plan would include the following steps: 1. Our President and Director of Operations will hold an initial implementation meeting in person or via videoconference with the Chief Building Official and his staff as soon as the contract is signed to gain an insight on current key issues, challenges and needs of the Building & Safety Division. 2. Tour the City's Building Services operation and meet and greet with manager/staff of City departments that are involved in the development review and permitting process. 3. Meet with Planning Division managers to review current applications for discretionary review to gain insight of upcoming construction projects and key project conditions. 4. We would collect all policies and procedures of the Building & Safety Division's plan review and inspection process. 5. We would provide internal training to our staff on City of El Segundo process, technical policies and other applicable local ordinances and regulations. 6. We would establish internal policy manual for City of El Segundo plan review and inspection process to ensure our staff follows established procedures and local ordinances and regulations. 7. Set up the process and procedures for plan pick-up, delivery and return of plans. 8. Train our staff on the City's permitting software system. 9. We would develop standardized plan review checklists specific for the City of El Segundo. 10. Our President, Isam Hasenin will set up regular meetings with the Chief Building Official and other City managers to discuss process, procedures, technical issues and receive feedback on the performance of True North staff. 35 Page 99 of 263 Section V- Conflict of Interest/ Ethical Standards We attest that none of True North Compliance Services' managers or staff have any real or perceived conflict of interest with the City of El Segundo related to this RFP. We avoid any real or perception of conflict of interest and hold ourselves to the highest ethical standards in the delivery of our services. To that end, we have the following policies and procedures in place: ✓ We only work for public agencies in the assessment and verification services. We do not perform any design services to private or public agencies. ✓ We do not work for any private developers, designers or engineers. ✓ Our staff is not permitted to perform any design or consulting work on their own in any client cities. ✓ Our staff and managers are required to disclose any personal financial interest in any city client. ✓ Our staff is not permitted to be involved in any way in project reviews, inspections or approval of their personal projects, or their family members or friends. ✓ Or staff and managers are not permitted to accept gifts of any monetary value from clients or project applicants and contractors. ✓ Or staff and managers are not permitted to develop personal relationships or friendships with project applicants or builders of projects they are working on. A primary reason for early success and rapid growth is our strong ethics and professional standards. Our Philosophy & Guiding Principles are: To provide highest quality, timely, cost- effective service and build strong successful long-term partnerships with municipal clients. Our core values in delivering building services are: Ethics, Transparency, Collaboration, Communications, Excellent Customer Service, Empathy, Fiscal Prudence. We apply our philosophy & Guiding Principles along with our core values to everything we do in the day-to-day operations and in the delivery of all of our services. To that end, we will: ✓ Partner and collaborate with City's Building Official, Fire Marshal and their staff to deliver a streamlined and expeditious process for plan reviews. ✓ We deliver on every promise we make to our clients. ✓ Deliver timely, high -quality service. ✓ Thorough and complete plan review with clear concise comments during the first review to minimize delays and frustrations. ✓ Reasonable, practical yet safe approach to code compliance. ✓ Availability of our staff and managers to City staff and applicants. ✓ Free early global code review during discretionary process. ✓ Our motto is personal attentive service and excellence in the delivery of municipal services. 36 Page 100 of 263 Section VI - Cost of Services True North Compliance Services is pleased to propose the following competitive fees for the services listed. Additional services not listed below may be negotiated. Our pricing reflects our commitment to delivering the highest quality, responsive, and timely service to the City of El Segundo. These include: ❑ Reduced plan review turnaround times. ❑ Ability to expedite plan review at the request of the City Building Official. ❑ Implementation of established electronic plan review processes. ❑ Highly qualified staff compensated commensurate with their duties and responsibilities. True North proposes to charge 70% of the City's total Plan Review Fee for our plan review services. Our fee includes initial review and all subsequent rechecks. Our fee includes shipping and delivery of plans to/from City Hall. Expedited Plan Check services will be charged at 150% of the proposed fees. Revisions/Deferred Submittals/RFIs will be billed using the hourly rate table below. Additional Services: The following hourly rate table applies to on -site staffing services and/or additional services included in our Scope of Services that may be required by the City of El Segundo. Our hourly rates are all-inclusive and include salaries, overhead, benefits, PTO, etc. Hourly Rates for Additional Services Position Hourly Rate Interim Certified Building Official $155.00 Plan Review Engineer $125.00 Senior Plan Review Engineer $140.00 Structural Engineer I $145.00 Structural Engineer II $160.00 Certified Engineering Geologist/Geotechnical Engineer $155.00 Licensed Fire Protection Engineer $145.00 Certified Plans Examiner I $105.00 37 Page 101 of 263 Certified Plans Examiner II $120.00 Building/Housing Inspector I $95.00 Building/Housing Inspector II $105.00 Senior Building/Housing Inspector $120.00 Code Enforcement Officer $100.00 CASp Plan Reviewer/Inspector $135.00 Fire Plan Reviewer/Inspector I $120.00 Fire Plan Reviewer/Inspector II $135.00 Grading/Public Improvements Plan Review Engineer 1 $140.00 Grading/Public Improvements Plan Review Engineer II $155.00 Planner $145.00 Senior Planner $160.00 Permit Technician I $75.00 Permit Technician II $85.00 Administrative Assistant $65.00 - On -Site services (plan review, permit technician, inspections) will be provided in eight (8) hour segments. Overtime for on -site staffing will be charged at 140% of the rates above. Mileage for tasks related to requested scope such as inspections or site visits will be charged at the current IRS mileage rate measured from City Hall. Inspections outside of the City's business hours will be charged at 140% of rates above with a 3-hour minimum. - Incidental expenses will be charged at cost. 38 Page 102 of 263 Section VII- References While our firm is relatively young, we are pleased to share with you that we already signed contracts with over 30 California municipalities. This is a testament to the impeccable reputation of our president and team members and ability to deliver the level and quality of service expected by our public agency partners. Here is a sampling of our clients and scope of services provided. Client Dates Services Provided City of Malibu 2021- Yolanda Bundy, PE, Chief Building Official Current Plan review & Inspection services 23825 Stuart Ranch Rd, Malibu, CA 90265 (310) 804-6648, ybundy@malibucity.org City of Huntington Beach Jasmine Daley, Chief Building Official 2021- Plan review &Inspection services 2000 Main St, Huntington Beach, CA 92648 Current (714) 375-5147, Jasmine.daley@surfcity-hb.org City of Pasadena 2020- Ron Takiguchi, Chief Building Official, 175 Garfield Ave, Pasadena, CA 91101 Current Plan review & Inspection services (626) 744-7063, rtakiguchi@cityofpasadena.net City of La Habra 2020- Rodney Sipma, Building Official 110 E La Current Plan review & Inspection services Habra Blvd, La Habra, CA90631 (562) 383-4119, rsipma@lahabraca.gov City of Dana Point Joe Romero, Building Official 2021- Plan review & Inspection services 33282 Golden Lantern, Dana Point, CA 92629 Current (949) 248-3545, jromero@danapoint.org City of South Gate William Campana, Building Official 2022- Plan review & Inspection services 8650 California Ave, South Gate, CA 90280 Current (323) 563-9515, wcampana@sogate.org 39 Page 103 of 263 County of Riverside 2020- Issam Shahrouri, Building Official 4080 Lemon St, Riverside, CA 92501 Current Plan review &Inspection services (951) 955-1833, sshahrouri@rivco.org County of Los Angeles Fouad Barakat, Principal Engineer 2020- 4801 E 3rd St, Los Angeles, CA 90022 Current Plan review services 626-674-9021, fbarakat@dpw.lacounty.gov City of Redwood City Christina McTaggart, Building Official Plan review &Inspection services 1017 Middlefield Rd, Redwood City, CA 94063 Current (650) 780-7228, cmctaggart@redwoodcity.org City of San Bruno Darcy Axiaq, Building Official 2021- Plan review & Inspection services 567 El Camino Real, San Bruno, CA 94066 Current (650) 616-7020, daxiaq@sanbruno.ca.gov City of Tracy Christopher Morgan, Building Official 2020- Plan review &Inspection services 333 Civic Center Plaza, Tracy, CA 95376 (209) Current 831-6415, Christopher.Morgan@CityofTracy.org City of Burlingame Rick Caro, Building Official Plan review &Inspection services 501 Primrose Rd, Burlingame, CA 94010 urre Current (650) 558-7260, rcaro@burlingame.org City of Milpitas Bill Tott, Building Official 2022- Plan review &Inspection services 455 E. Calavaras Blvd., Milpitas, CA 95035 Current (408) 586-3263, btott@ci.milpitas.ca.gov City of Carlsbad Jason Pasiut, Chief Building Official 2022- Plan Review, Inspection and Permit 1635 Faraday Ave, Carlsbad, CA 92008 Current processing services (442) 339-2788, jason.pasiut@carlsbadca.gov City of Del Mar Karen Brindley, Director of Planning Dept. 2020- Building Official, Plan Review, 1050 Camino Del Mar, Del Mar, CA 92014 Current Inspection and Permit processing (858) 442-2512, kbrindley@delmar.ca.us services .N Page 104 of 263 Section VIII- Acknowledgements True North Compliance Services, Inc proposes no exceptions or deviations from the City's requirements and accepts the City of El Segundo Standard Professional Services Agreement without exceptions. True North Compliance Services, Inc. certifies that it is able to provide the insurance coverage required by the City of El Segundo. 41 Page 105 of 263 ■ M■ �■■ 1 �r1P- �!■1■1 ow"- iris I7 M1■1 Ind'■ �� � �r -'�11■ 1 IIIC —� - ,,In - 71■ 1 1110 1110 010 != ■C - ' 1■ 111 1 Ilion.-QNNN ■. i �■ 111 1 111■ 010 !r 71 s■ 111 1 111P s:: W ■1 ■ 111 1 1110 ■1 =: "III "IBM M■ ■o ■ ill 1 loom mill 11 r- :,, :: -. �III�Ir11■� mill I*om milli Isam Hasenin, PE, CBO President, CBO Education: M. S. Degree - Civil Engineering License and Certificates: Licensed Civil Engineer, CBO, Plans Examiner Select Work Experience: True North Compliance Services, Inc.- President Isam serves as Principal/Team Leader and main point contact for True North Compliance. He ensures that services are delivered in accordance with the Scope of Services established with the client; he recruits and hires staff; he provides oversight and management of all True North's staff; he manages the firm's rigorous quality control program; he provides technical and administrative training to staff and clients; assist clients in code adoption, development of policies and procedures and provide recommendations for alternative solutions and methods of compliance for unique complex code compliance challenges that don't fit squarely in the prescriptive provisions of the Code. Bureau Veritas- Chief Operating Officer Managed the code compliance division with hundreds of local building department clients throughout the U.S. Division; provided local jurisdictions and agencies with a comprehensive range of municipal services and building department operations including plan review, inspection and permit processing services and fire and health review services. Clients include over 200 cities and public agencies throughout the country. City and County of San Francisco- Director, Chief Building Official Managed the Department of Building Inspection with a staff of over 400 and an operating budget exceeding $50 million. Responsible for the plan review and inspection process and code enforcement program for the city. As the Chief Building Official, led the adoption and local amendment process of the City's construction codes in compliance with state law, set technical policies and procedures for the application and enforcement of the City's codes, authored code interpretations and reviewed and acted upon numerous submitted requests for modifications or approvals of alternate materials and methods to prescriptive code requirements. Amar Hasenin Director of Operations Education: B.S. Degree- Civil Engineering License and Certificates: Certified Plans Examiner, Building Inspector, Commercial Plumbing, Commercial Plumbing, Accessibility Plans Examiner and Inspector Select Work Experience: True North Compliance Services, Inc.- Director of Operations, Senior Plan Review Engineer Amar serves as the day-to-day operational and technical manager for True North. He ensures that services are delivered in accordance with contracts and meeting clients' needs and expectations; He recruits and hires staff, he provides oversight and management of all True North's staff; He will assign and monitor the workload of staff, quality of reviews and timeliness of the review process; He manages the firm's rigorous quality control program; He provides technical and administrative training to staff and clients; He assists clients in code adoption, development of policies and procedures and provides recommendations for alternative solutions and methods of compliance for unique complex code compliance challenges. Amar is also a senior -level Plan Reviewer who performs reviews on the entire range of constructions projects, especially complex buildings such as large mixed -use projects, R&D facilities, hazardous materials, labs, educational uses and large assembly occupancies. West Coast Code Consultants- Regional Manager Amar served as the Southern California Regional Manager for the firm providing building department services to multiple public agencies throughout the region. He also served as a supervising Plan Reviewer for the Peninsula office of the firm. He served as in-house plan reviewer in multiple jurisdictions throughout the state including Redwood City and Dana Point. Amar was also the key plan reviewer of complex and challenging construction projects. Page 107 of 263 Alex Wu, SE Senior Structural Engineer Education: PhD. Degree - Structural Engineering License and Certificates: Licensed Structural Engineer, CBO, Select Work Experience: True North Compliance Services, Inc.- Senior Structural Plan Review Engineer Alex provides structural plan review for the full range of construction projects including single family/duplex residential construction, multifamily residential construction, commercial construction, and non -building structures. Review and evaluate structural construction documents submitted for permit approval from various municipalities utilizing applicable codes and standards. KPFF, Inc.- Senior Project Engineer Provided structural analysis and design for a variety of buildings and structures. Examples of projects designed or peer - reviewed include: design and construction administration of hospital equipment seismic/gravity design and construction for Kaiser Hospital; Design of a new 200-foot long pedestrian bridge based on Caltrans specification for California State University, San Marcos; Peer review of the design of several new multi -story (Up to 13 stories above and 3 levels below grade) RC shear wall buildings with underground garages for University of California San Diego, North Torrey Pines Living & Learning Neighborhood; Peer review of renovation/addition design of multi -story RC shear wall buildings for University of California San Diego and many others. Gary Ho Senior Structural Engineer Education: M.S. Degree- Structural Engineering License and Certificates: Licensed Structural Engineer, Certified Plans Examiner and Building Inspector Select Work Experience: True North Compliance Services, Inc.- Senior Structural Plan Review Engineer Gary provides structural plan review for the full range of construction projects including single family/duplex residential construction, multifamily residential construction, commercial construction, and non -building structures. Review and evaluate structural construction documents submitted for permit approval from various municipalities utilizing applicable codes and standards. City and County of San Francisco- Senior Structural Plan Review Engineer Plan review buildings for all types of construction and occupancy classifications; projects include alternation, addition and retrofitting of existing buildings, and new constructions ranging from single story to multi -stories tall buildings. Served as the lead peer review program manager for the Department of Building Inspection. Handled highly complex structural systems and very tall high-rise buildings. AGS- Senior Structural Design Engineer Prepared structural calculations, specifications, and plans for new and retrofitting of commercial and residential buildings. Reviewed plans for structural compliance. Prepared proposals and presentations of projects to clients. Supervised staff engineers and designers in preparing calculations, specification, and plans for projects. Provided coordination of projects between clients, architects, engineers, and contractors. Provided construction support and field inspection. Page 108 of 263 Soon Cho, PE, CASp Senior Plan Review Engineer Education: M.S. Degree - Structural Engineering License and Certificates: Licensed Professional Engineer, CASp, Certified Plans Examiner and Building Inspector Select Work Experience: True North Compliance Services, Inc.- Senior Plan Review Engineer Soon provides structural and non-structural plan review for the full range of construction projects including single family/duplex residential construction, multifamily residential construction, commercial construction, and non -building structures. He performs plan review of electrical, mechanical and plumbing projects for conformance with the Mechanical Code, Plumbing Code and National Electrical Code and local ordinances and regulations; provide interpretations of building codes, State laws and local ordinances to city staff and the public; he performs CASp plan reviews and inspections and prepare CASp reports as needed. City of Newport Beach- Senior Plan Review Engineer Plan check architectural & structural plans for large, medium, & small sized residential & commercial projects. Enforce all applicable building codes including fire, life safety, and accessibility requirements. Coordinate a smooth process between clients and the City to ensure great customer service in meeting code requirements per the Building Code. Advised and interpreted codes to homeowners, business owners, laymen, contractors, architects, and the public; and coordinated inspection activities and the construction progress with other City departments and outside agencies as needed. Mentored and supervised colleagues to improve their skills and education by providing technical knowledge. Robert Chun, PE Senior Plan Review Engineer Education: M.S. Degree- Civil Engineering License and Certificates: Licensed Professional Engineer Select Work Experience: True North Compliance Services, Inc.- Senior Plan Review Engineer Robert provides structural plan review for the full range of construction projects including single family/duplex residential construction, multifamily residential construction, commercial construction, and non -building structures. Review and evaluate structural construction documents submitted for permit approval from various municipalities utilizing applicable codes and standards. City and County of San Francisco- Senior Plan Review Engineer Plan review of full range of buildings and structures from single family to complex mixed -use, Tis, R&D and commercial buildings Advised and interpreted codes to homeowners, business owners, laymen, contractors, architects, and the public; and coordinated inspection activities and the construction progress with other City departments and outside agencies as needed. Managed the City's Soft Story Program. Page 109 of 263 Bachar Kouj ah, PE, CASp Senior Plan Review Engineer Education: M.S. Degree - Structural Engineering License and Certificates: Licensed Professional Engineer, CASp, Certified Plans Examiner and Building Inspector Select Work Experience: True North Compliance Services, Inc.- Senior Plan Review Engineer Bachar provides structural and non-structural plan review for the full range of construction projects including single family/duplex residential construction, multifamily residential construction, commercial construction, and non -building structures. He performs plan review of electrical, mechanical and plumbing projects for conformance with the Mechanical Code, Plumbing Code and National Electrical Code and local ordinances and regulations; provide interpretations of building codes, State laws and local ordinances to city staff and the public; he performs CASp plan reviews and inspections and prepare CASp reports as needed. City of Irvine- Senior Plan Review Engineer Plan review of architectural & structural plans for large, medium, & small sized residential & commercial projects. Enforce all applicable building codes including fire, life safety, and accessibility requirements. Coordinate a smooth process between clients and the City to ensure great customer service in meeting code requirements per the Building Code. Advised and interpreted codes to homeowners, business owners, laymen, contractors, architects, and the public; and coordinated inspection activities and the construction progress with other City departments and outside agencies as needed. Mentored and supervise colleagues to improve their skills and education by providing technical knowledge. Areli Sanchez Plan Review Engineer Education: B.S. Degree- Civil Engineering License and Certificates: Certified Plans Examiner Select Work Experience: True North Compliance Services, Inc.- Plan Review Engineer Areli provides structural and non-structural plan review for the full range of construction projects including single family/duplex residential construction, multifamily residential construction, commercial construction, and non -building structures. She performs plan review of electrical, mechanical and plumbing projects for conformance with the Mechanical Code, Plumbing Code and National Electrical Code and local ordinances and regulations; provide interpretations of building codes, State laws and local ordinances to city staff and the public. West Coast Code Consultants- Engineering Plans Examiner Areli performed comprehensive and complete reviews of residential projects, including for Building & Life Safety, M/E/P, Ca1GREEN, and Energy Conservation Requirements; Review calculations, specifications, and technical reports to determine compliance with the applicable building codes and standards for different jurisdictions; Conduct structural plan reviews for residential and commercial projects including single family dwellings, tract homes, high -pile storage racks, temporary stages, etc. Page 110 of 263 Kylie Gonsalves, PE Senior Plan Review Engineer Education: B..S. Degree — Civil Engineering License and Certificates: Licensed Professional Engineer Select Work Experience: True North Compliance Services, Inc.- Plan Review Engineer Kylie provides structural and non-structural plan review for the full range of construction projects including single family/duplex residential construction, multifamily residential construction, commercial construction, and non -building structures. She performs plan review of electrical, mechanical and plumbing projects for conformance with the Mechanical Code, Plumbing Code and National Electrical Code and local ordinances and regulations; provide interpretations of building codes, State laws and local ordinances to city staff and the public. CSG- Plan Review Engineer Reviewed Architectural, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing drawings for code compliance and structural integrity on behalf of various jurisdictions/agencies; Review calculations, specifications, and technical reports to determine compliance with the applicable building codes and standards for different jurisdictions provided in-house and over-the-counter review services for the Cities of Redlands and Huntington Beach. Bryan Montes, EIT Plan Review Engineer Education: B.S. Degree- Civil Engineering License and Certificates: Certified Plans Examiner Select Work Experience: True North Compliance Services, Inc.- Plan Review Engineer Areli provides structural and non-structural plan review for the full range of construction projects including single family/duplex residential construction, multifamily residential construction, commercial construction, and non -building structures. She performs plan review of electrical, mechanical and plumbing projects for conformance with the Mechanical Code, Plumbing Code and National Electrical Code and local ordinances and regulations; provide interpretations of building codes, State laws and local ordinances to city staff and the public. Interwest Consulting Group- Engineering Plans Examiner Performed comprehensive and complete reviews of residential projects, including for Building & Life Safety, M/E/P, Ca1GREEN, and Energy Conservation Requirements; Review calculations, specifications, and technical reports to determine compliance with the applicable building codes and standards for different jurisdictions; Conduct structural plan reviews for residential and commercial projects including single family dwellings, tract homes, high -pile storage racks, temporary stages, etc.; Serve the City of El Monte as its only in-house plan check engineer performing the aforementioned duties as well as answering and assisting any inquiries from the public over-the-counter. Page 111 of 263 Scot Weisse, PE Senior Plan Review Engineer Education: B.S. Degree - Structural Engineering License and Certificates: Licensed Professional Engineer, Certified Plans Examiner Select Work Experience: True North Compliance Services, Inc.- Senior Plan Review Engineer Scot provides structural and non-structural plan review for the full range of construction projects including single family/duplex residential construction, multifamily residential construction, commercial construction, and non -building structures. He performs plan review of electrical, mechanical and plumbing projects for conformance with the Mechanical Code, Plumbing Code and National Electrical Code and local ordinances and regulations; provide interpretations of building codes, State laws and local ordinances to city staff and the public; he performs CASp plan reviews and inspections and prepare CASp reports as needed. City of Ventura- Supervising Plan Check Engineer Scot managed the plan check and permit counter operations for the city; Plan checked architectural & structural plans for large, medium, & small sized residential & commercial projects; Enforce all applicable building codes including fire, life safety, and accessibility requirements; Coordinate a smooth process between clients and the City to ensure great customer service in meeting code requirements per the Building Code; Advised and interpreted codes to homeowners, business owners, laymen, contractors, architects, and the public and coordinated inspection activities and the construction progress with other City departments and outside agencies as needed; Mentored and supervise colleagues to improve their skills and education by providing technical knowledge; Served as acting building official in the absence of the building official Alaa Atassi Plan Review Engineer Education: M.S. Degree- Civil Engineering License and Certificates: Certified Plans Examiner and inspector Select Work Experience: True North Compliance Services, Inc.- Plan Review Engineer Alaa provides structural and non-structural plan review for the full range of construction projects including single family/duplex residential construction, multifamily residential construction, commercial construction, and non -building structures. He performs plan review of electrical, mechanical and plumbing projects for conformance with the Mechanical Code, Plumbing Code and National Electrical Code and local ordinances and regulations; provide interpretations of building codes, State laws and local ordinances to city staff and the public. West Coast Code Consultants- Engineering Plans Examiner Alaa Performed plan review of architectural & structural plans for large, medium, & small sized residential & commercial projects; Enforced all applicable building codes including fire, life safety, and accessibility requirements; Assisted contractors, architects, engineers and others in the solution of complex structural, mechanical, electrical and related problems with interpretation of the building codes and ordinances; Maintained cooperation with other departments concerned with building and related code compliance; Performed structural inspections in the field as required. Page 112 of 263 Tracy Elliot Senior Planner Education: B.A. Urban Studies and Planning- UC San Diego Select Work Experience: True North Compliance Services, Inc.- Senior Planner managing projects from the planning entitlement phase through construction; Perform technical review and evaluation of a wide variety of land development, subdivision, building permit and use permit applications; Process development applications in accordance with local policies and ordinances, make recommendations, and enforce mitigation monitoring and compliance with City ordinances; Prepare written project analyses and reports including identifying appropriate land use policy, design, fiscal issues and environmental requirements; Conduct site inspections to determine if projects are in compliance with laws, regulations, conditions of approval, ordinances, and make recommendations regarding changes; Prepare and update various planning documents such as the City's General Plan, Specific Plans, ordinances, resolutions, codes, and related planning studies and reports; Provide technical advice and make clear, well organized presentations. Planning Manager- City of Del Mar Managed and directed planning activities and operations of the division including Special policy projects; Community (General) Plan and Zoning Code amendments; Housing Element Updates and Implementation Plan actions, Ordinance development; Specific Plan preparation; Local Coastal Program Planning; or other duties as assigned. Senior Planner and Hearing Officer- City of San Diego Development Services Department As City's Hearing Officer for publicly noticed hearings, addressed testimonies, provided decisions on discretionary projects (public and private development), made findings, and certified environmental documents. Directed and managed a team of eight planners and planning intern charged with the review and processing of discretionary permits and associated building permits for public and private projects including Rezoning and General Plan Amendments, Planned Development Permits, Site Development Permits, Coastal Development Permit, Conditional Use Permits, Variances, tentative and final maps, and street vacations and easements. Edith Gutierrez Senior Planner Education: B.A. Psychology- UC San Diego Select Work Experience: True North Compliance Services, Inc.- Senior Planner Assist public agency clients with planning and zoning duties ranging from review of land development projects for compliance with state and local planning/zoning regulations to preparation of reports and technical documents, reports and administrative procedures. Process development applications in accordance with local policies and ordinances, make recommendations, and enforce mitigation monitoring and compliance with City ordinances; Prepare written project analyses and reports including identifying appropriate land use policy, design, fiscal issues and environmental requirements Development Project Manager III- City of San Diego Development Services Department Lead and supervised team managing all cannabis discretionary projects; served as single point of contact, liaison, and program expert on cannabis projects, municipal code and state regulations; monitored and ensures that the Land Development Code is in compliance with all local, state, and federal cannabis regulations; prepared and delivered oral and written presentations to City of San Diego staff, stakeholders, community groups, and decision -makers in public hearings including the Hearing Officer, Planning Commission, Land Use and Housing Committee, City Council, and the California Coastal Commission; Assist the Planning Department with cannabis code updates to the San Diego Municipal Code; managed, created, and updated cannabis submittal requirements and information bulletins; trained staff. Page 113 of 263 Douglas Evans, FPE Fire Protection Engineer Background Education Technical expert on all fire protection aspects for the mega -resorts on the Las Vegas Strip. He has been responsible for malls, atria, theaters, arenas, and mega -resorts, as well B.S. Degree — Civil as numerous high-rise residential and office towers. He was also responsible for Engineering developing fire protection -related policy statements and guidelines for internal and CSULA external use. His experience includes suppression and detection/alarm systems, fire - resistive construction, exiting, elevators, secondary power supplies, fire testing, fire Licenses and Certifications modeling, hazardous materials and the codes/standards requirements that apply to the • Licensed Fire Protection specific fire protection aspects. Mr. Evans has published several articles in trade journals Engineer -CA, NV and has given a number of professionally related presentations. • Member, ICC Fire Code Interpretation Committee Select Work Experience • Fellow of Society of Fire True North Compliance Services, Inc. I Fire -Life Safety Plan Review Lead — 3 years Protection Engineers Performs complex fire safety plan review services for a variety of occupancies, including but (SFPE) not limited to high rise buildings, malls, atria, theaters, arenas, and mega -resort. Reviews • Member of NFPA complex fire modeling and alternates/equivalences (performance -based designs) to Technical Committee on prescriptive code requirements, smoke management systems, plastics/ foam plastics as Smoke Management building materials, interior finishes, unique interior features, combustible exterior facades, grease duct enclosures and product listings/applications for use on and within structures. Clark County I Senior Fire Protection Engineer Performed complex plan review and conducted field construction inspections for new and existing buildings, including but not limited to grading plans, fire lane and fire apparatus access roads, fire alarm and detection systems, fire sprinkler and standpipe systems and general fire safety. Oversee special construction projects and represent the Fire and building department to ensure timely completion of plan review and project completion. Fire Protection Engineer I Design Engineer Education M.S. Degree — Fire Protection Engineering Worcester Polytechnic Institute B.S. Degree - Chemical Engineering Oregon State University Licenses and Certifications • Licensed Fire Protection Engineer- CA, TX • Chartered Engineer in European Schengen • Contributor to International Building Code Council Interpretations Committee • Bilingual (English and Spanish) Scot Deal, FPE Fire Protection Engineer Background Technical expert on all fire protection aspects for complex project. His experience includes suppression and detection/alarm systems, fire -resistive construction, exiting, elevators, secondary power supplies, fire testing, fire modeling, hazardous materials and the codes/standards requirements that apply to the specific fire protection aspects. Some of his areas of specialization include: alternates/equivalences (performance -based designs) to prescriptive code requirements, smoke management systems, plastics/ foam plastics as building materials, interior finishes, unique interior features, combustible exterior facades, grease duct enclosures and product listings/applications for use on and within structures. Select Work Experience True North Compliance Services, Inc. I Senior Fire Protection Engineer- 3 years Performs complex fire safety plan review services for a variety of occupancies, including but not limited to high rise buildings, malls, atria, theaters, arenas and mega -resort. Reviews complex fire modeling and alternates/equivalences (performance -based designs) to prescriptive code requirements, smoke management systems, plastics/ foam plastics as building materials, interior finishes, unique interior features, combustible exterior facades, grease duct enclosures and product listings/applications for use on and within structures. $24 Billion Metro Project I Riyadh Metro Project, Saudi Arabi Suggest FEED strategies, templates for Alternative Methods approach, Risk evaluation of combustible materials, Hazard likelihoods and local tolerance level, Identify deviations from Employer's Requirements and prescriptive codes, Value engineering. Page 114 of 263 Gabriel Reza Fire, Life- Safety Plan Reviewer Education: B.S. Degree — Urban Planning License and Certificates: Certified Fire Inspector, Emergency Response, Fire Safety Officer Select Work Experience: True North Compliance Services, Inc.- Fire, Life -Safety Plan Reviewer Performs complex fire safety plan review services for a variety of occupancies, including but not limited to public college campuses, mid and high rise buildings, storage buildings, hazardous and high pile storage, multi -family residential use and solar/PV in both new and existing buildings. Reviews blueprints for construction projects, including but not limited to grading plans, fire apparatus access roads, fire alarm and detection systems, fire sprinkler and standpipe systems, and general fire safety. Conducts inspection and testing of fire detection systems including fire sprinklers, fire alarm, standpipe, and wet chemical systems. City of Glendale- Fire Science Degree, Senior Fire Safety Specialist Conduct advanced and complex project and blueprint plan review for new construction projects, tenant improvements, fire apparatus access, hazardous material storage and fire detection and fire protection systems; Interpret, apply, and enforce all applicable codes and standards including: Title's 8, 19/24, CA. Fire, Building and Mechanical Codes, CA. Health and Safety Code and NFPA codes; Sampled and tested hazardous and industrial waste; Performed new construction inspections abiding by standardized methods; Conducted fire prevention training activities for fire department operations; Prepared and maintained precise reports following record -keeping procedures. Sergio Perreira Fire, Life- Safety Plan Reviewer Education: Fire Prevention Officer • License and Certificates: Automatic Fire Alarm -Association Fire Alarm Testing & Inspection, California State Fire Academy Hydraulics for Fire Sprinklers, National Fire Academy -Management of Fire Prevention Programs, National Fire Academy -Evaluating Performance Based Designs, National Fire Sprinkler -Association Sprinkler Design Residential to High - Rise Select Work Experience: True North Compliance Services, Inc.- Fire, Life -Safety Plan Reviewer Performs complex fire safety plan review services for a variety of occupancies, including but not limited to public college campuses, mid and high rise buildings, storage buildings, hazardous and high pile storage, multi -family residential use and solar/PV in both new and existing buildings. Reviews blueprints for construction projects, including but not limited to grading plans, fire apparatus access roads, fire alarm and detection systems, fire sprinkler and standpipe systems, and general fire safety. Conducts inspection and testing of fire detection systems including fire sprinklers, fire alarm, standpipe, and wet chemical systems. City and County of San Diego- Supervisor of Plan Review & Inspection for Fire Prevention Office Supervise and train inspectors in plan check of building plans and fire protections system, including fire alarm systems, smoke control, fire pumps, sprinklers, kitchen suppression system, spray paint booths, clean agent systems, fixed and semi -fixed suppression systems for tank farms, standpipe systems including high-rise standpipes. Responsible for supervising inspection teams and approving occupancy of all high-rise construction in previous 15 years and other major projects including the San Diego Convention Center expansion, Petco Park, San Diego County Jail, and airport expansion. Provided solutions for complex problems such as: City Administration Building, Sun Road high-rise, Petco Park, Grant Hyatt, and Hilton explosion. Page 115 of 263 Timothy M. Shell, PE Senior Civil Engineer Education: B.S. Degree - Civil Engineering License and Certificates: Licensed Civil Engineer Select Work Experience: True North Compliance Services, Inc.- Senior Civil Engineer Review engineering cost estimates; storm water projects; Compliance with Current NPDES Permits; Water Quality Management Plans; transportation projects, grading plans and other assignments as necessary. Tim prepares, implements, and manages capital improvement plans and prepares plans, specifications and cost estimates for variety of municipal projects. He also serves as project manager or construction manager for municipal projects. City of Vista- Principal Engineer Manages consultant and construction contracts for the city's Capital Improvement Program, serving the Streets Section of the Public Works Department, the Parks and Recreation Department, and the Sanitation and Stormwater Sections of the Public Works Department. Prepares plans, specifications, and estimates for variety of municipal public works projects, for transportation, drainage, parks, and facilities. San Diego County Water Authority- Senior Civil Engineer Managed consultant and construction contracts for large waterworks facilities providing wholesale water supplies to member agencies in San Diego County. Provided studies, reports, and designs for System Operation upgrades and modifications. Jamal Naj i, PE Senior Civil Engineer Education: B.S. Degree- Civil Engineering License and Certificates: Licensed Civil Engineer Select Work Experience: True North Compliance Services, Inc. Civil Engineer Jamal leads major reviews for the team; he provides quality control and technical support to our team; he performs complex plan review of improvement plans, documents, and technical studies including: Rough and Precise Grading Plans; Wet Utility Plans (e.g. Sewer, Water, Recycled Water, Storm Drain); Street Improvement Plans; Hydrology Studies and Hydraulic Calculations; Water Quality Management Plans (WQMPs); Water Quality reports; Erosion Control Plans and Engineering Cost Estimates; Reviews studies and inspects wastewater facilities, sewer lines, flood control channels and building projects and performs feasibility studies for wastewater treatment plants and pump stations. City of Chula Vista — Department of Public Works Associate Civil Engineer Wastewater Management Project Manager for capital improvement projects that included pipe rehabilitation projects using micro -tunneling, pipe bursting, pipe lining and slip -lining technologies; Managed and coordinated Industrial Waste Program with the City of San Diego Wastewater Pretreatment Program; Prepared Requests for Proposal and executed contracts for designing Salt Creek Sewer Trunk project (over $20 million project); coordinated and managed sewer capacity agreements between the City of Chula Vista and the County of San Diego. Land Development Reviewed subdivision, grading and street improvement plans in accordance with the State of California Subdivision Map Act, and the City of Chula Vista and County of San Diego ordinances and policies; Performed field review and prepared conditions for Tentative Parcel Map Resolution; Established an inspection program on borrow pit operations in the County of San Diego. Page 116 of 263 Hassan Itani, PE M/P Plan Review Engineer Background Hassan is a highly qualified plan review engineer and design engineer with over 8 years of Education experience in the review and design of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), B.S. Degree — Mechanical plumbing systems for compliance with local and state codes and energy standards. He has Engineering knowledge and experience in large scale alternative energy generation plants. Hassan has a California State Polytechnic strong background in project management and evaluation of existing HVAC/MEP systems. University, Pomona Select Work Experience Licenses and Certifications True North Compliance Services, Inc. I Mechanical/Plumbing Plan Review Engr. — I year Provide plan review and field investigations for compliances with mechanical and plumbing • Licensed Engineer, codes and standards and review of energy compliance documents (Title 24) for wide range Mechanical of construction projects ranging from residential additions to new high-rise buildings, hotels, malls, large public facilities, hazardous occupancies, R&D, and Biotech Facilities. • ICC -Certified City of Los Angeles I Mechanical Engineering Associate II Mechanical Plans Review of plumbing, mechanical, heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC), as well Examiner as electrical building plans of commercial, multi -family and industrial for compliances with mechanical, plumbing, and electrical codes, and standards. Review of energy compliance documents. Provide information on codes and regulations to engineers, architects, and contractors. Resolve issues between the field inspectors and contractors. Perform calculations for ventilation, mechanical equipment, piping, wiring, and load verifications. Boeing I Fleet System Engineer Applied Medical I Mechanical Engineering Intern Education B.S. Degree — Mechanical Engineering San Diego State University Licenses and Certifications • Licensed Engineer, Mechanical • ICC -Certified Mechanical Inspector M Ali Soheili, PE M/P Plan Review Engineer Background Ali is a hi hl ualified lan review en ineer and desi n en ineer with over 25 ears of elYq p g g g Y experience in the review and design of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC), plumbing systems for compliance with local and state codes and energy standards. He has knowledge and experience in large scale alternative energy generation plants. Ali has a strong background in project management and evaluation of existing HVAC/MEP systems. He is a registered professional mechanical engineer and was a member of ASHRAE and American Association of Plumbing Engineers (ASPE). Select Work Experience True North Compliance Services, Inc. I Mechanical/Plumbing Plan Review Engr. — 2 yrs Provide plan review and field investigations for compliances with mechanical and plumbing codes and standards and review of energy compliance documents (Title 24) for ' wide range of construction projects. City of Portland I Mechanical Plan Review Engineer Review of plumbing, mechanical, heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning, as well as electrical building plans of commercial, multi -family and industrial for compliances with mechanical, plumbing, and electrical codes, and standards. City of San Diego I Associate Plan Review Engineer As a mechanical plan review, job duties included review of mechanical and plumbing plan for multifamily buildings, hotels, and all type of commercial buildings. In addition, assist city inspector with technical questions and day to day field issues for HVAC and plumbing. City of San Diego I Mechanical Consulting Engineer Page 117 of 263 Page 118 of 263 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO CALIFORNIA Proposal Building Plan Check and/or Inspection Services RFP No. 23-01 May 11, 2023 W AqO/WILLDAN May 11, 2023 City of El Segundo City Clerk's Office 350 Main Street EI Segundo, CA 90245 Subject: Building Plan Check and/or Inspection Services RFP No. 23-01 Willdan Engineering is pleased to present this proposal to the City of El Segundo to provide building plan check and/or inspection services to the City. Willdan has been a consistent industry leader for more than 59 years providing all aspects of municipal and infrastructure engineering, including building and safety, public works, public financing, planning, and construction management services. While our exceptional services are presented in this response, listed below are reasons why Willdan is uniquely qualified to provide these services to the City of El Segundo. Demonstrated Competence — Willdan Engineering presently provides building and safety services to a vast number of jurisdictions throughout California. In this capacity, we provide a full range of services including Building Official services, building and safety plan review, permit issuance, inspection, and code enforcement. Willdan provides similar services to local jurisdictions including County of Los Angeles, City of Hermosa Beach, City of Rolling Hills Estates, City of Glendora, City of Cudahy, City of La Puente, and other municipalities. We are familiar with the area and the expectation for quality customer service to the community and residents. ■ Proximity to City Hall — Willdan's team will be managed and coordinated through our local Industry office, approximately 30 miles from the City's office — making Willdan conveniently located and responsive to the City's requests. ■ Electronic Plan Review — Willdan Engineering offers electronic plan review which reduces foot traffic at City Hall and significantly expedites review as well as reduces shipping and printing costs for the applicant while promoting a paperless environment at no additional cost to the City or permit applicants. ■ CASp Certified Inspectors and Plans Examiners — Willdan Engineering can provide CASp certified specialists to the City, as required by Senate Bill No. 1608, specifically CHAPTER 549. ■ Quick Turnaround Times. Willdan has a reputation of providing quality and accurate plan review in a timely manner. We understand that time is of critical importance to the City and to the development community. We are dedicated to meeting normal and "expedited" turnaround deadlines. ■ Customer Service — Our approach to user-friendly customer service specifically results in reduced number of plan review rechecks and has allowed us to meet the required plan check turnaround time standards of the City. 562.908.6200 1 800.499.4484 1 fax: 562.695.2120 1 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405, Industry, California 91746-3443 1 www.willdan.com Page 120 of 263 May 11, 2023 Page 2 Mr. Patrick Johnson, PE, CBO, Director of Building and Safety, is authorized to contractually bind Willdan and will serve as Principal -In -Charge. Mr. Pete Goodrich will serve as Project Manager will oversee all day-to-day services provided to the City and can be reached as shown below: Mr. Patrick Johnson, PE, CBO Mr. Pete Goodrich, CBO Director of Building and Safety Senior Project Manager Willdan Engineering Willdan Engineering 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405 13191 Crossroads Parkway North, Suite 405 Industry, CA 91746 Industry, CA 91746 (909) 915-4361 (909) 262-8612 pjohnson@willdan.com pgoodrich@willdan.com As demonstrated in our proposal, our team possesses the skill and experience required to address the City's needs. This proposal shall remain valid for ninety (90) days from the due date. We look forward to providing services to the City of El Segundo and its community. Respectfully submitted, WILLDAN ENGINEERING Patrick Johnson, PE, CBO Director of Building and Safety 910005/W W.00.20/P23-082_24212 4NVCOMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 121 of 263 FirmExperience.......................................................................................................................................1 ProjectTeam............................................................................................................................................7 ProjectApproach...................................................................................................................................13 ProhibitedContracts..............................................................................................................................19 Costof Services...........................................................................................................................20 Appendix Resumes COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 122 of 263 Willdan has been providing Building and Safety services to municipalities, universities, tribal entities and other jurisdictions for more than 45 years. Our plan review staff is comprised of registered engineers, certified architects and ICC certified plans examiners. They maintain current certifications and attend classes on a regular basis to keep up with industry standards and code changes. SUMMARY OF RELEVANT CLIENTS The table below provides a list of our key personnel and relevant on -call experience that make Willdan exceptionally qualified to provide similar services to the City of Hermosa Beach. Contact: Angela Crespi, 310-318-0201 Contract Value: Key Team Members: Start & End Dates: $175,000 Pete Goodrich 2022 to Present Work Description: On -Call Building & Safety Staff Augmentation Contact: Evan Zeisel 714-744-7201 Contract Value: Key Team Members: Start & End Dates: $190,000 Pete Goodrich 2021 to Present Work Description: On -Call Building Plan Check and Building Inspections Contact: James Caro, 909-395-2172 Contract Value: Key Team Members: Start & End Dates: $350,000 Patrick Johnson, Pete Goodrich 2021 to Present Work Description: On -Call Building Plan Check, Building Inspections, and Permit Technicians Contact: David Collett, 626-852-4800 Contract Value: Key Team Members: Start & End Dates: $50,000 Patrick Johnson, Pete Goodrich 2022 to Present Work Description: On -Call Building Plan Check, Building Inspections, and Permit Technicians 40/COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page /1 Page 123 of 263 CURRENT CONTRACTS The following is a list of our current Building and Safety Services contracts for California municipalities and jurisdictions similar to the services requested. CLIENT CONTACT INFORMATION DATES OF SERVICES City Clerk City of Avenal, CA 2015 — Present 559.386.5782 Chief Building Official City of Bakersfield, CA 2012 — Present 661.326.3720 Community Development Director City of Banning, CA 2019 — Present 951.922.3131 Community Development Director City of Beaumont, CA 2011— Present 951.572.3212 City of Big Bear Lake, CA City Manager 2011— Present 909.866.5832 Development Services Director City of Coachella, CA 2017 — Present 760.398.3102 Building Official City of Coalinga, CA 2007 — Present 559.935.1533 City Building Official City of Colton, CA 2003 — Present 909.370.5079 City of Colusa, CA City Manager 2013 — Present 458-5890 City Manager City of Cudahy, CA 2012 — Present 323.773.5143 Building Official City of Glendora, CA 2022 - Present 626.852.4800 Deputy City Manager City of Hermosa Beach, CA 2022 — Present 310.318.0201 Community Development Director City of Desert Hot Springs, CA 2019 — Present 760.329.6411 Building Official City of Dinuba, CA 2017 — Present 559.591.5924 Building Official City of Eastvale, CA 2022 - Present 951.703.4458 Facilities Department CSU Monterey Bay 2011— Present 831.582.3000 Facilities Department CSU San Jose 2013 — Present 408.924.5980 Facilities Department CSU Sonoma 2010 — Present 707.664.2947 Facilities Department CSU Sacramento 2011— Present 916.278.6296 Facilities Department CSU Fresno 2008 — Present 209.278.2457 Chief Building Official City of Fontana, CA 2013 — Present 909.350.7640 Building Official City of Glendora, CA 2022 - Present 626.852.4800 CSU Los Angeles Project Manager 2021— Present 323.481.1645 COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. Page 12 TRUSTED. Page 124 of 263 CLIENT CONTACT INFORMATION DATES OF SERVICES Community Development Director City of Goleta, CA 2011— Present 805.961.7552 Community Development Director City of Grand Terrace, CA 2013 — Present 909.825.3825 Building Department County of Glenn, CA 2010 — Present 530.934.6546 Chief Building Official City of Highland, CA 1994 — Present 909.864.6861 Chief Building Official City of Indian Wells, CA 2015 — Present 760.776.0230 Assistant Planner City of Kerman, CA 2018 — Present 559.846.9386 Dev Program Analyst City of Laguna Woods, CA 2018 — Present 949.639.0561 Chief Building Official City of Long Beach, CA 2014 — Present 562.570.6555 Community Development Director City of Loma Linda, CA 2013 — Present 909.799.2800 Community Development Director City of La Puente, CA 2010 — Present 626.855.1500 Chief Planner County of Lassen, CA 2012 — Present 530.251.8269 City Services Director City of Lindsay, CA 2006 — Present 559.562.7102 Chief Building Official City of Moreno Valley, CA 2013 — Present 951.413.3000 March Joint Power Authority, Planning Director 2013 —Present Riverside, CA 951.656.7000 Morongo Band of Mission Construction Director 2012 —Present Indians 951.849.4697 Sr. Plans Examiner City of Murrieta, CA 2019 — Present 951.461.6054 Chief Building Official City of Norco, CA 2013 — Present 951.735.3900 Chief Building Official City of Ontario, CA 2021— Present 909.395.2172 Building Official City of Orange, CA 2020 — Present 714.744.7201 Land Development County of Orange, CA 2013 — Present 714.667.8800 City of Orange Cove, CA Interim City Manager 2017 — Present 559.626.4488 Chief Building Official City of Palm Desert, CA 2009 — Present 760.346.0611 Community Development Director City of Parlier, CA 2017 — Present 559.696.3545 Public Works Department County of Los Angeles, CA 2020 — Present 626.458.5100 Community Development County of Placer, CA 2012 — Present 530.745.3000 40/COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. Page 13 TRUSTED. Page 125 of 263 CLIENT CONTACT INFORMATION DATES OF SERVICES Dir of Building & Safety City of Rancho Cucamonga, CA 2022 — Present 909.774.4217 Chief Building Official City of Redlands, CA 2012 — Present 909.798.7536 Dir. Development Services City of Ridgecrest, CA 2017 — Present 760.499.5072 Dir. of Building & Safety County of Riverside, CA 2013 — Present 951.955.1000 City of Rolling Hills, CA City Manager 2012 — Present 310.377.1521 Dir of Planning City of Rolling Hills Estates, CA 1989 — Present 310.377.1577 Community Development City of San Bernardino, CA 1986 — Present 909.384.5057 Community Development Director County of San Bernardino, CA 2013 — Present 909.387.4700 Chief Building Official City of San Luis Obispo, CA 2013 — Present 805.781.7100 Community Development Director City of Sierra Madre, CA 1992 — Present 626.355.4239 Chad Delgado Soboba Tribe 2017 — Present 951.665.1000 Building Department City of Solvang, CA 2020 — Present 805.688.5575 City of Tustin, CA Asst Dir Comm. Dev. 2017 — Present 714.573.3106 City of Waterford, CA City Manager 2019 — Present 209.874.2328 x103 Chief Building Official UC Riverside 2018 — Present 951.827.1382 COMPANY OVERVIEW Willdan, founded in 1964, is a leading nationwide provider of professional consulting and technical services. The primary markets Willdan serves are: electric energy consulting; infrastructure planning and engineering; and economic and financial consulting. The company serves these three complementary markets through its divisions — engineering services (Willdan Engineering), energy efficiency services (Willdan Energy Solutions), and public finance services (Willdan Financial Services. Willdan has a reputation for delivering high -quality projects on time and within budget. Rooted in 0© $429Million ­u NASDAQ: WLDN Willdan s corporate culture is Its focus on quality customer service. The company has more than 1,500 employees, including licensed engineers, program and construction managers, financial analysts, planners, and other skilled professionals. Willdan benefits from well - established relationships with local and state government agencies, investor -owned and municipal utilities, and private sector commercial and industrial firms throughout the United States. Today, Willdan's employees operate out of multiple offices located throughout the United States. We have supported implementation of community visions through engineering, construction management, NVCOMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 14 Page 126 of 263 inspection, planning, building safety, and staff augmentation services. Willdan has completed various types of projects for over 90 percent of the cities and counties in California. Willdan Engineering (Willdan), a California Corporation founded in 1964, is part of Willdan Group, Inc. (WGI), a NASDAQ publicly traded Delaware Corporation and nationwide firm serving numerous public agencies and private sector clients. Founded in 1964 and headquartered at 2401 E Katella Avenue, Anaheim, California, 92806, Willdan was originally established as a civil engineering firm specializing in providing solutions for our public agency clients. Since that time, we have evolved into a professional consulting firm offering a broad array of services that allows us to provide a comprehensive and integrated approach to our clients' planning, engineering, financial, economic, public facility, public safety, and energy sustainability solutions. Throughout our 59-year history, Willdan has sustained a consistent healthy financial performance. Willdan has the financial strength and wherewithal to complete all projects we undertake. This is due, in part, to a respected reputation in the municipal engineering industry for providing timely, cost effective, innovative engineering solutions that exceed our client's expectations and for providing exceptional customer service to our many clients. The firm has the resources and appropriate staffing to perform and complete all contractual project obligations. Willdan possesses expertise in most facets of the public sector marketplace. The varied experience and background of our staff experience is an added value of our services. No other firm matches Willdan's combined breadth of directly relevant technical and operational expertise and depth of experience. Willdan's corporate -wide capabilities include a full range of civil and structural engineering, land planning, financial and economic consulting, geology and geotechnical engineering, environmental health and safety, and energy efficiency solutions consulting services. Willdan offers the full scope of services detailed in the City's RFP. With over 200 licensed professionals and technical staff, Willdan brings the depth of resources, staff, and experience to provide building plan checking and/or inspection services for virtually any project for the City. FINANCIAL STABILITY Throughout our 59 years in business, Willdan has maintained a strong balance sheet with the financial and staffing resources to perform and complete all contractual obligations. We have continued to grow to better serve our clients by offering an expanding range of municipal services. Financial information, including information on revenue, earnings, and cash flow, are issued quarterly, and can be found at www.willdan.com. The following claims do not affect Willdan's ability to provide the proposed services. 0 Redding Roseville Elk Grove San Francisco \ Fresno Los Angeles Ventur Industry % San Bernardino Anaheim Temecula teB /GorPoro Carlsbad GeotechnicoQ San Diego NA/COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page /5 Page 127 of 263 ORGANIZATION CHART President / CEO Director of Building Director of Director of Construction Director of Design Director of Business and Safety City Engineering Management Engineering Director of Planning Development Deputy Di rector eput Deputy Director Deputy Director Dy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director Deputy Director COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 16 Page 128 of 263 Mr. Patrick Johnson is Director of Willdan's Building and Safety Division. As the Principal -in -Charge, Mr. Johnson is responsible for overseeing all Community :a Development services company wide as well as providing structural and non- structural plan review. He has attended code and seismic application seminars and has received his Master of Engineering degree, specializing in structures, from California State Polytechnic University. Mr. Johnson has served as a forensic engineer responsible for justifying probable causes of structural damage caused by expansive soils. He has also provided Building Official Services to the City of Loma Linda, City of Highland, City of Banning, City of Big Bear Lake, City of Rancho Mirage, and March JPA. Mr. Pete Goodrich, CBO, is our proposed Project Manager for Building and Safety Services. He has 36 years of experience in Building and Code Enforcement. Mr. ^ e Goodrich is a Certified Plans Examiner, Certified Accessibility Specialist, Certified Building Inspector, Certified Combination Inspector, and Certified Residential Combination Inspector. He is highly qualified to manage Building Division activities, Field Inspection and Code Enforcement, and Plan Check and counter operations, as well as manage projects. Mr. Goodrich has provided outstanding Building and Safety Services for the cities of Orange, Chino, La Puente, Laguna Nigel, Laguna Woods, Needles, Rolling Hills, San Bernardino, Tustin, and the University of Irvine. We recognize that the City's departmental workload fluctuates. Willdan hires professionals in three categories — full-time, modified full-time, and part-time. Part-time staff may work up to 40 hours per week. All services will be provided from our local City of Industry office, with additional resources employed company -wide as necessary. No subcontractors will be employed for these services to the City. Individual resumes are located in the Appendix herein. STAFF Name/Title Registrations/Certifications Patrick Johnson, PE, • Civil Engineer, California No. CE#67960 CBO • Civil Engineer, Arizona No. 50435 Director/Project • Civil Engineer, Colorado No. 43704 Manager • ICC Plans Examiner • ICC Building Inspector Office of Record: San • ICC Building Official Bernardino Pete Goodrich, CBO . ICC Certified Bldg. Official Sr. Project Manager, . ICC Certified Residential Bldg. Inspector Building Services . ICC Certified Combination Bldg. Insp. • ICC Certified Plans Examiner Office of Record: .ICC Certified Building Official Industry . SCACEO, Basic Certification • SCACEO, Intermediate Certification • SCACEO, Advanced Certification • SCACEO, Supervisor Certification • P.C. 832 Certification Service Provided Director of Building & Safety Project Management Project Manager: Certified Building Official, Certified Plans Examiner, Certified Accessibility Specialist, Certified Building Inspector, Certified Combination Inspector, and Certified Residential Combination Inspector. N&/COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 17 Page 129 of 263 STAFF Name/Title Registrations/Certifications Service Provided Juliet DeMoss, PE • Masters in Structural Engineering University Building Plan Review: Structural design Plan Check Engineer of Southern California and analysis, commercial, accessibility, • Bachelor's in Civil Engineering, University of and residential plan checking, structural Office of Record: Washington calculation review, exceptional Anaheim . ICC Building Official customer service, and building and • ICC Certified Plans Examiner municipal code enforcement. Ted Beckwith, PE, SE • Registered Structural and Civil Engineer Building Plan Review: Plan Check Engineer • ICC Certified Building Official Structural, architectural, plumbing, • ICBO and ICC Certified Plans Examiner mechanical, electrical, energy, Office of Record: San accessibility, green building, fire life - Bernardino safety. Stefan Choise, PE . BS, Architectural Engineering, California Building Plan Review: Structural design Plan Check Engineer Polytechnic State University, San Luis obispo, and analysis, commercial, accessibility, CA and residential plan checking, structural Office of Record: •Registrations/ Certifications calculation review, exceptional p Anaheim • Professional Engineer, California #82816 customer service, and building and • ICC Certified Plans Examiner municipal code enforcement. • ICC Certified Fire Sprinkler Plan Examiner Rouhi EI-Rabaa, PE, California Professional Engineer, CE#92565 Building Plan Review: CASp ICC Plans Examiner Structural, architectural, plumbing, Plan Check Manager • CASp Certified mechanical, electrical, energy, accessibility, green building, fire life - Office of Record: safety. Industry Daren Raskin, PE, CBO California Professional Engineer, CE#57577 Building Plan Review: Structural, Plan Check Engineer ICC Plans Examiner architectural, plumbing, mechanical, • ICC Building Official electrical, energy, green building, Office of Record: Home accessibility, residential, and Office - TX commercial. Aaron Cowen, PE California Professional Engineer, CE#58878 Building plan review: Structural design Plan Check Engineer . ICC Plans Examiner and analysis, commercial, accessibility, and residential plan checking, structural Office of Record: calculation review, exceptional Anaheim customer service, and building and municipal code enforcement. Arne Lovnaseth, CASp • California Licensed Architect Building Plan Review: Plan Check Architect • CASp Certified Architectural, plumbing, mechanical, • ICC Plans Examiner electrical, energy, accessibility, green Office of Record: San building, fire life -safety. Bernardino Dominick Taliulu, EIT • ICC Plans Examiner Building Plan Review: Plans Examiner • EIT Certification Architectural, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, energy, accessibility, green Office of Record: San building, fire life -safety. Bernardino Ryan Miller, EIT • EIT Certification Building Plan Review: Plans Examiner Architectural, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, energy, accessibility, green building, fire life -safety. COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. Page / 8 TRUSTED. Page 130 of 263 STAFF i Name/Title Registrations/Certifications Service Provided Office of Record: San Bernardino Ehab Barakat • ICC Plans Examiner Plans Examiner • ICC Building Inspector Office of Record: San Bernardino Daniel Crawford, CASp, CBO Plans Examiner Office of Record: San Bernardino Corrie D. Kates, CBO Building Official Office of Record: San Bernardino Steven D. Raney, CASp, CBO Building Official Office of Record: San Bernardino • College of the Desert, Palm Desert, CA, AA, Construction Management, AA, Business Supervision & Management • Certified Access Specialist CASp-#276 • ICC Plans Examiner • ICC Commercial Building Inspector • ICC Residential Building Inspector • ICC Residential Electrical Inspector • California General Building Contractor • PC832 Level III Certification • Master of Public Administration and Real Estate Finance, University of Southern California • BS, Public Administration and Urban and Regional Planning & Architecture, University of Southern California • ICC Building Official • BS, Management, Northern Arizona University • BS, Building Code/Public Administration, Central Michigan University • Certified Access Specialist (CASp), #519 • Certified Building Official • Combination Building Inspector • Building Plans Examiner • Building Code Specialist • Commercial/Residential Electrical Inspector • Commercial/Residential/Plumbing Inspector • Commercial/Residential/Mechanical Inspector • California Combination Inspector • Structural Masonry Special Inspector • Accessibility Inspector/Plan Reviewer • Disaster Response Inspector/Work —CA Governor's OES (SAP) • FEMA ICS 100/700 • PC 832 • 2018 RT-130 (CALFire) Building Plan Review: Architectural, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, energy, accessibility, green building, fire life -safety. Building Plan Review: Architectural, plumbing, mechanical, electrical, energy, accessibility, green building, fire life -safety. Building Official: Responsible for managing the building and safety department. In charge of building administration, processing of complex Building Code issues and dispute resolution. Building Official: Responsible for managing the building and safety department. In charge of building administration, processing of complex Building Code issues and dispute resolution. COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. ,*"TRUSTED. Page 19 Page 131 of 263 STAFF Name/Title Registrations/Certifications Service Provided John Hartley, CBO • Certified Building Official, ICC - #530130 Building Inspector: Residential, Senior Building • Certified Plans Examiner, ICC #530130 commercial, and industrial plan review, Inspector • Certified Building Inspector, ICC #530130 inspections, and building code • Certified Code Enforcement Officer, requirements Office of Record: California Association of Code Enforcement Industry (CACEO) • Post -Disaster Safety Officer Jordan Wiley • AA, Business Administration, Saddleback Building Inspector: Building inspection, Building Inspector College code enforcement • Certificate of Construction Principles, Office of Record: Anaheim, CA Anaheim • ICC -Commercial Building Inspector • ICC -Residential Building Inspector • ICC -Building Inspector • ICC -Certified Building Official • ICC -Fire Plans Examiner • ICC -Commercial Plumbing Inspector • ICC -Commercial Mechanical Inspector • ICC -Accessibility Inspector/Plans Examiner • ICC -Building Plans Examiner • ICC -Building Code Specialist • ICC -Permit Technician • ICC -Permit Specialist • ICC -Certified Fire Marshal • ICC -Fire Inspector I • ICC -Fire Inspector II • ICC -Fire Code Specialist • ICC -Plumbing Plans Examiner • ICC -Mechanical Plans Examiner Anthony G. Weimholt, • AA, Cerritos Community College, Cerritos, Building Inspector: Building inspection, CBO, CASp California code enforcement Building Inspector • CABO, ICC, Certified Building Official No. 2203 Office of Record: • ICC Certified Plans Examiner No. 0831215-60 Industry • ICC, Certified Building Inspector No. 0831215-10 • ICC, Certified Mechanical Inspector No. 0831215-40 • ICC, Certified Plumbing Inspector No. 0831215-34 • DSA, Certified Access Specialist No. 134 • Affiliations • International Code Conference (ICC) • California Building Officials (CALBO) • International Association of Electrical Inspectors (IAEI) • National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) • International Associating of Plumbing & Mechanical Officials (IAPMO) 40/COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page /10 Page 132 of 263 STAFF Name/Title Registrations/Certifications Service Provided • Norwalk Coordinating Council • ICC LA Basin Chapter • ICC Orange Empire Chapter Ramon Beltran, Jr. • Construction Technology, Coastline Building Inspector: Complex Senior Building Community College, Garden Grove, CA inspections for mix -use occupancies, Inspector • Inspection Technology, Fullerton College, high-rise tenant improvements, multi - Fullerton, CA family and parking structures Office of Record: • Building Technology, Los Angeles Trade Anaheim Technical College, Los Angeles, CA • ICC Certified Building Inspector, UBC Legacy, #1105071-10 • ICC Certified Permit Technician, #1105071- 14 • State of California, State Assessment Disaster Program, #61488 Raul Diaz, CBI • Los Angeles Trade Technical College - Building Inspector: Combination Senior Building Certificate, Electrical building inspection of residential and Inspector • Avis Contractor School - Certificate, commercial buildings including complex Plumbing and Electrical Training occupancies and mixed use projects Office of Record: • Avis Contractor School — Certificate, Building Industry Inspector Training • ICC Certified - License #5218730 • California Commercial Building Inspector • Commercial Electrical Inspector • California Commercial Plumbing Inspector • Plumbing Inspector • Plumbing Inspector UPC • CALGreen Inspector • CALGreen Plans Examiner • California Residential Building Inspector • California Residential Plumbing Inspector • Cal EMA/OES Safety Assessment #62047 Alan Cook, CBO • ICC Certified Building Official Building Inspector: Residential, Building Official • ICC Residential Building Inspector commercial, and industrial plan review, • ICC Commercial Building Inspector inspections, and building code Office of Record: requirements. Industry COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. "'TRUSTED. Page /11 Page 133 of 263 ORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURE OF THE TEAM Principal -in Charge Patrick Johnson, PE, CBO Project Manager Pete Goodrich, CBO Building Permit PI n Check Services Juliet DeMoss, PE Ted Beckwith, PE, SE Stefan Choise, PE Rouhi EI-Rabaa, PE, CASp Daren Raskin, PE, CBO Aaron Cowen, PE Arne Lovenaseth, CASp Dominick Taliulu, EIT Ryan Miller, EIT Ehab Barakat Daniel Crawford, CASp, CBO Steven D. Raney, CASp, CBO Building Permit Inspection Services Corrie Kates, CBO Steven D. Raney, CASp, CBO John Hartley, CBO Jordan Wiley Anthony Weimholt, CBO, CASp Ramon Beltran, Jr. Daniel Crawford, CASp, CBO Raul Diaz, CBI Alan Cook, CBO COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. P 0 ( 112 Page 134 of 263 BUILDING AND SAFETY SERVICES Willdan's experience and strength in building and safety encompasses the complete range of technical disciplines, including permit issuance, building inspection, grading inspection, accessibility inspection, CASp services, OSHPD III plan check and inspection, flood zone experience, building plan review, fire -life safety, building official services, code enforcement, and emergency safety assessment expertise. The inspection and plan review staff maintain current certifications and attend training on a regular basis, to stay current with industry technologies and standards. Specific certifications and education are delineated in staff resumes herein. When it comes to serving the residents of the City of El Segundo community, Willdan sees our role as that of facilitator and guide, Building and Safety Services ■ Building & Safety Inspection • Grading and Right -of -Way Inspection • Plan Check ■ Permit Technician ■ Construction Management • Code Enforcement • Building Official ■ Disaster Recovery Services ■ Development Permitting Process helping the City's customers in getting through the review, permitting, and inspection process, rather than leaving the applicant in a bind in obtaining or signing off permits, while ensuring development complies with building codes and City standards. We understand that the process of complying with the various codes, standards, regulations and laws can be a formidable and daunting undertaking —for even the most seasoned design or construction professional. Furthermore, an understanding of the complexity associated with processing private development applications and the sometimes -competing interests is essential to exceptional customer service. Competing interests include, but are not limited to, creating a sense of place, achieving economic development objectives, ease of maintenance, and assuring the City will be as satisfied with the infrastructure on day one as 20 years from "day one." Common sense decision making and technical analysis in interpreting the intent of regulatory guidelines are significant strengths Willdan staff brings to the City. Our proven approach is based on years of experience and incorporates features enhancing the efficiency and quality of the following services: Building Official Services Building Plan Review Services NA/COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 113 Page 135 of 263 PROJECT OVERVIEW/DETAILED WORK PLAN It is our understanding that the City of El Segundo is seeking additional support to assist with building permit plan review services and as needed, building permit inspections. Our local full -service office is located approximately 30 miles from City Hall. Plan review staff will be available to meet with customers either at City Hall or at the Willdan office. Staff will also be available by phone and email to discuss specific plan review comments with City staff and applicants as necessary. WORK PLAN All building plans will be examined for compliance with the current adopted version of the California Building Code, California Residential Code, Green Building Standards Code, California Mechanical Code, California Plumbing Code, California Electrical Code, California Fire Code, California Historical Code, California Existing Building Code and the Accessibility, Noise and Energy Conservation requirements as mandated by State Title 24, and all additional applicable City Ordinances. Plan review for Disabled Access Compliance will include a review of precise grading plans. All plan check will include compliance with code requirements as well as an overview of the application package for other applicable requirements such as approvals from other local agencies and districts and coordination with other City departments. All plan review will comply with the City's directives, codes and policies. Plan check will include a review of any or all of the following design elements as determined by the City: ■ Architectural 0 Electrical ■ Fire/Life-safety 0 Energy Conservation Regulations (Title 24) ■ Plumbing 0 Disabled Access Regulations (CBC) ■ Mechanical ■ Green Building Standards ■ Structural 0 CASp Willdan will provide two complete plan check letters which outline the documents reviewed, instructions to the applicant regarding the processing of documents, and a listing of plan check comments. The plan check comments will refer to appropriate sheets, details or calculation pages and the code section of concern. Comments shall specify the apparent code violation. Willdan will supply the City with plan bags and shipping labels as well as Willdan's Fed Ex and GLS account numbers. ELECTRONIC PLAN REVIEW Willdan has long had the ability to provide plan review services electronically, at no additional cost to the City or applicants. The many advantages of our "tree -saving' electronic plan review process includes the elimination of the need for additional computer software or hardware —only an Internet connection is necessary. Electronic plan review services are provided at the request of the applicant or the agency we serve. Submittals are accepted in PDF format and reviewed in Bluebeam. 7 �-*81 _ 18 YEARS "4m for 18 years! 40/COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 114 Page 136 of 263 Willdan will review plans and has the ability to transmit the redlined plans back to the applicant or designer via the website, along with the plan review comment sheet. This service allows for on-line collaboration between the City, designer and plans examiner to facilitate a complete understanding of plan review comments and can reduce shipping, printing and timelines for plan review processing for the applicant. Our EPR portal also serves as an accurate log of all plans coming in and going out. City staff will have full access to the site and will have the ability to check status, review redlines, comments, etc. ELECTRONIC PLAN REVIEW PROCESS Plans are submitted to the City for review and permit issuance. I]f_V1:AATJIATIT ell:II Bill 4 Residential Plan Review 8 —10 working days 5 working days Commercial Plan Review 10 working days 5 working days �1a Solar Plans 2 — 3 working days 1— 2 working days Expedited plan review will be provided at the City's request and on a project basis. Plan review status can be accessed 24 hours a day by going to our website, Willdan.com, (http://wiIIdan.com/new/clientLinks.aspx#pIanreview) and entering either the plan check/permit number, or the project site address. This service is provided for applicants, designers, engineers, and City staff. COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page /15 Page 137 of 263 BUILDING INSPECTION Our inspectors are ICC certified and fully experienced to perform residential, commercial and industrial inspections for compliance to the approved plans and related documents. The inspections will be performed in accordance with the City's adopted version of the California Building Code, California Residential Code, Green Building Standards Code, California Mechanical Code, California Plumbing Code, California Electrical Code, and the State and Federal regulations for Accessibility, Noise and Energy Conservation, California Fire Code and provisions of Title 19 and NFPA. Inspection staff will be available to meet with City staff, builders, developers, and citizens to provide assistance and resolve any inspection issues that may arise. Inspectors shall attend and participate in required meetings with other City inspection and plan review staff, property owners, contractors and/or design professionals. Inspectors will review the permit package to verify that the on -site condition is consistent with the appropriate records for square footage, setbacks, heights, and other requirements that may be applicable. Inspectors will comply with the City's procedures for reporting inspection results, use City inspection correction forms, make appropriate entries onto the permit documents, and follow City procedures prior to finalizing a building permit. Willdan will verify that all inspection records, including daily records of what was inspected which will be recorded on the job card, and permit copy entered into the City's Building and Safety computer system. We will employ such techniques as necessary to minimize delays to builders and provide helpful advice and counsel to builders, owners, engineers, and architects as to enhance the orderly flow of the construction process yet maintaining an effective level of enforcement. Inspectors shall ensure that any construction changes are documented and approved by appropriate City staff. Our inspection staff are supplied with cell phones and laptops and/or iPads for email communication and document creation and record keeping. Inspections will be provided the next working day following a request made by 4:00pm the previous day. CASP SERVICES Willdan can provide CASp certified inspectors to the City as required by California Civil Code, Division 1, Part 2.52, Section 55.53(d)1&2 which reads as follows: (d) (1) Commencing July 1, 2010, a local agency shall employ or retain at least one building inspector who is a certified access specialist. The certified access specialist shall provide consultation to the local agency, permit applicants, and members of the public on compliance with state construction -related accessibility standards with respect to inspections of a place of public accommodation that relate to permitting, plan checks, or new construction, including, but not limited to, inspections relating to tenant improvements that may impact access. If a local agency employs or retains two or more certified access specialists to comply with this subdivision, at least one-half of the certified access specialists shall be building inspectors who are certified access specialists. (2) Commencing January 1, 2014, a local agency shall employ or retain a sufficient number of building inspectors who are certified access specialists to conduct permitting and plan check services to review for compliance with state construction -related accessibility standards by a place of public accommodation with respect to new construction, including, but not limited to, projects relating to tenant improvements that may impact access. If a local agency employs or COMPREHENSIVE. TRUSTED. Page 116 Page 138 of 263 retains two or more certified access specialists to comply with this subdivision, at least one-half of the certified access specialists shall be building inspectors who are certified access specialists. Our CASp certified inspectors will provide building and site evaluations for ADA and State Disabled Access requirements; provide evaluations and reporting for Applicable Construction Related Accessibility Standards; provide CASp Disability Access Certificates; provide expert witness and legal services support; and provide other services as required by the City. Our CASp certified inspector, will be available within 24 hours of notification or sooner. QUALITY CONTROL Willdan's electronic plan review portal also serves as a tracking system for all plan review, whether electronic or via hard copy. All plans are logged into the system, assigned to a plans examiner and given a due date. At the log in phase, the Willdan turnaround time, as per the contract, is noted and becomes a control point for the plan. The control point is established for any recheck turnaround times as well. Turnaround times are monitored on a daily basis. Plan check office supervisors periodically review plan check corrections for accuracy and thoroughness. Our plan review staff strives to minimize the number of reviews by meeting with City staff, applicants, developers, etc., to resolve code issues in an effort to move the project along. Reviews past a third check are evaluated by the supervisor as a control point. REFERENCES CLIENT CONTACT DATES SERVICE PROVIDED City of Cudahy Alfonso Noyola 2012 — Present • Building Official 5220 Santa Ana St. City Manager Building Plan Check Cudahy, CA 90201 323.773.5143 anoyola@cityofcudahyca.gov County of Los Angeles Miguel Garibay, PE 2020 — Present • Building Plan Check PO Box 7508 Associate Civil Engineer • Inspection Alhambra, CA 91802 626.458.5100 MiGaribay@dpw.lacounty.gov City of La Puente John DiMario 2010 — Present Building Plan Check 15900 E. Main St. Director of Development Services Building Official La Puente, CA 91744 626.855.1500 Inspection jdimario@lapuente.org Permit Technician • Code Enforcement City of Rolling Hills Greg Grammar 1997 — Present • Building Plan Check Estates City Manager • Inspection 4045 Palos Verdes Dr. 310.377.1577 Permit Technician North gregg@ci.rolling-hills-estates.ca.us Rolling Hills Estates, CA 90274 COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. "'TRUSTED. Page 117 Page 139 of 263 CLIENT CONTACT DATES SERVICE PROVIDED City of Loma Linda T. Jarb Thaipejr 1980 — Present • Building Plan Check 25541 Barton Road City Manager ■ Building Official Loma Linda, CA 92354 909.799.2810 ■ Inspection JThaipejr@lomalinda-ca.gov ■ CASp Permit Technician • Stormwater • Grading Plan Review City of Banning Adam Rush 2019 - Present • Building Plan Check 99 E. Ramsey St. Community Development Director • Building Official Banning, CA 92220 760.219.2791 ■ Inspection arush@banningca.gov ■ CASp ■ Permit Technician ■ Stormwater • Grading Plan Review NA/COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 118 Page 140 of 263 Willdan has reviewed the City's provisions as described in the RFP under "Prohibited Contracts" and certify that any ensuing contract will be valid. To the best of our knowledge, Willdan does not have any financial, business, or other relationship with the City that may have an impact upon the outcome of this contract. To the best of our knowledge, Willdan is not currently contracting with any clients who may have a financial interest in the outcome of the contract. If either of these situations change and Willdan becomes aware of any conflict as defined above, we will immediately notify City staff. NVCOMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 119 Page 141 of 263 Willdan will provide plan review services for a percent of the plan check fee collected by the City. Percent of fee plan review will be charged through three reviews. Subsequent reviews will be charged based on our hourly rate schedule. Expedited plan review will be billed at 1.35x of our rate. Overtime inspections will be charged a 1.5 factor, and mileage for inspections will be billed at the current IRS Standard Mileage Rate. Valuation up to $999,999 70% of fees collected Valuation of $1,000,000 - $4,999,999 65% of fees collected Valuation of $5,000,000 - $9,999,999 60% of fees collected Valuation of greater than $10,000,000 55% of fees collected *Structural Only Plan Review = 50% of the Willdan fee *Architectural/MEP Only Plan Review = 45% of the Willdan fee Plan Check Engineer/Architect $135/hour ICC Certified Plans Examiner $125/hour Senior Building Inspector $105/hour Building Inspection $ 95/hour CASp Plan Review/Inspection $125/hour Permit Technician $ 75/hour Senior Permit Technician $ 85/hour Rates will not increase through June 30, 2024. If the Agreement is extended beyond June 30, 2024, Willdan may reserve the right to increase rates once per year to the value between the 12-month % change of the Consumer Price Index for Los Angeles County area and five percent. 401COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 120 Page 142 of 263 Ir Willdan has reviewed the City's Agreement for Professional Services and accepts the terms of the agreement. COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. )6(TRUSTED. Pog, 121 Page 143 of 263 Resumes NA/COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 144 of 263 Patrick Johnson, PE, CBO Director of Building and Safety Profile Summary Education: University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA Bachelor and Science, Structural Engineering California State Polytechnic University -Pomona Master of Engineering Registration: California Professional Engineer, CE#67960 Arizona Professional Engineer, CE#50435 Colorado Professional Engineer, CE#43704 Nevada Professional Engineer, CE#20699 ICC Building Official ICC Plans Examiner ICC Building Inspector rience: 22 Years Mr. Patrick Johnson has 22 years of construction and engineering experience and is a registered engineer specializing in lightweight commercial, industrial, and residential structures. He has plan checked several tilt -up warehouse buildings up to 2.3 million square feet and numerous structures consisting of braced and moment frames for lateral resistance, prestressed concrete structures, and multi -story buildings up to six stories in height. As Director of Willdan's Building and Safety Division, Mr. Johnson is responsible for overseeing all Building and Safety services company -wide as well as providing structural plan review. He has attended code enforcement and seismic application seminars and has received his Master of Engineering degree, specializing in structures, from California State Polytechnic University. Patrick has served as acting building official for the cities of Big Bear Lake, Loma Linda, and Rancho Mirage. He has served as a forensic engineer responsible for justifying probable causes of structural damage caused by expansive soils. As a project manager for Willdan's On -call Building Official and Building and Safety Services contracts, Mr. Johnson works with City managers to plan, organize, direct, and administer the activities of their Building and Safety Departments, including building inspections; inspection of construction; and general rehabilitation or repair of commercial, residential, and industrial properties. He has overseen reviews of building plans, calculations, and specifications for proposed structures; administered building and safety code enforcement; and reviewed construction plans to ensure they meet building codes and zoning regulations. Mr. Johnson also oversees inspectors monitoring construction sites to determine whether structures and systems have been installed to meet all construction codes and ordinances for public safety. Relevant Project Experience Building Official Services, Cities of Banning, Big Bear Lake, Highland, Loma Linda, March JPA, and Rancho Mirage, CA. Building Official. Responsible for working directly with the City Manager to plan, organize, direct, and administer the activities and operation of the Building and Safety Department, including building inspections, inspection of construction, and the general rehabilitation or repair of commercial, residential and industrial properties. Oversee the review of building plans, calculations and specifications for proposed structures. As the administrator of Building and Safety, approve all construction plans to ensure they meet building codes and regulations. Inspect and monitor construction sites to determine if structures and systems are installed to meet all construction codes and ordinances for public safety. Supervise, train, and evaluate and; monitor and coordinate work. Oversee staff engaged in the preparation and maintenance of records of plans, inspection processes, letters and reports prepared or used in connection with building inspections; respond to questions from property and building owners; and interpret codes. 40/COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 145 of 263 Pete C. Goodrich, CBO Principal Project Manager Profile Summary Registration: ICC Building Official Experience: 37 Years Mr. Pete Goodrich is a Willdan Engineering Certified Building Official with 37 years of experience in Building and Code Enforcement. He maintains a high degree of professionalism, confidentiality, and determination to complete tasks in a timely manner, as well as strong problem resolution capabilities. In addition to being a Certified Building Official, he is a Certified Plans Examiner, Certified Accessibility Specialist, Certified Building Inspector, Certified Combination Inspector, and Certified Residential Combination Inspector. He is highly qualified to manage Building Division activities, Field Inspection and Code Enforcement, and Plan Check and counter operations, as well as manage projects. Relevant Project Experience Chief Building Official, City of Orange, California. Served on the Senior Management team and supervised the activities of the Building Division, including Permits, Plan Review, and Code Enforcement. Duties involved developing and implementing Codes and Policy; managing employees, contractors, and subcontractors; producing Council Reports; developing Budgets; and serving the Community. Adjunct Professor, Irvine Valley College, Irvine, California. Developed part of the Code Enforcement curriculum for the college. Served as teacher and mentor to students taking from beginning to advanced Code Enforcement courses. Supervising Police Facilities Coordinator, City of Chino, California. Served on the Project Management team concerned with the design and construction of the new Police Headquarters. Duties also involved managing the Police facilities and the fleet of cars and equipment, as well as developing and implementing associated policies and procedures and managing related employees, contractors, and subcontractors. Supervising Plans Examiner, City of Chino, California. Supervised Plan Check and counter operations, including managing staff and contract staff and developing related projections and budgets. Implemented and managed the electronic permitting system and developed and implemented a digitized archived plans and files system. Performed Plan Review on various plan submittals. Prepared staff and City Council reports. Code Enforcement Supervisor, City of Chino, California. Supervised Code Enforcement Division, including managing counter and field staff. Developed and implemented the Administrative Citation Program and prepared court reports and filings for prosecution. Interacted with City Council and the City Attorney related to sensitive enforcement cases and resolved numerous dangerous building cases. Building Inspector, City of Chino, California. Performed Combination Inspection service for all aspects of construction within the community. Provided assistance to Housing Division by inspections and developing the Scope of Work for housing projects. Provided contract management for housing projects. NVCOMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 146 of 263 Juliet DeMoss, PE Plan Check Engineer Profile Summary Education: Masters in Structural Engineering, University of Southern California Bachelor's in Civil Engineering, University of Washington Registration: ICC Building Official ICC Certified Plans Examiner Experience: 43 Years Ms. Juliet DeMoss, a registered Civil Engineer in California, is a Plan Check Engineer for the Building and Safety Division. Juliet has more than 43 years of experience in the engineering field including design, drafting and plan check experience. Relevant Project Experience Building & Safety Services, City of Hermosa Beach, California. Building Official — Willdan, Mr. Kates serves as the Interim Building Official for the City. He is responsible for managing the building and safety department for the City. Numerous Jurisdictions. Structural Plan Check Engineer. Project Manager for the Structural Plan Check Department, consulting for building departments in numerous jurisdictions. Palos Verdes Engineering, Corp. Structural Design Engineer. Design of residential homes and commercial tenant improvements after the Northridge Earthquake. Douglas Aircraft Company. Structural Analyst. Design of the Stretch DC-10 wing -fuselage, C-17 wing, Fatigue & Fractures and wrote technical reports. The Boeing Company. Structural Analyst. Design of the 737-300 wing and Gulf Stream III wing. Also spent a year as a computer programmer. NA/COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 147 of 263 Ted Beckwith, PE, SE Plan Check Engineer Profile Summary Education: BS, Civil and Structural Engineering, California State University, Fullerton, CA Certificate in Construction Technology, Riverside Community College, Riverside, CA Registration: Registered Structural and Civil Engineer ICC Certified Building Official ICBO and ICC Certified Plans Examiner Experience: 37 Years Mr. Ted Beckwith is a Willdan Engineering senior plans examiner with 37 years of experience. Mr. Beckwith is experienced in reviewing complex plans for the construction of K-12 public schools and community colleges and performing counter review of minor projects. Relevant Project Experience California Division of the State Architect, Riverside, CA. Senior Structural Engineer (Lead). Managed the daily operations of the Riverside Satellite office associated with the San Diego Regional Office. Review complex plans for the construction of K-12 public schools and community colleges. Perform counter review of minor projects. Review of changes to approved plans in the form of addenda, revisions and change orders. Review of deferred submittal documents including, but not limited to fire sprinklers and curtain wall glazing. Assist the design professionals in providing designs that are not only code compliant but economical. Work with architects, engineers, and school districts to obtain compliance with the California. Building Code especially during design development to achieve better buildings. Willdan, San Bernardino, CA. Supervising Plan Check Engineer. Managed the staff of plan check engineers and developed staff and training programs. Worked in a fast paced environment on plan review of many complex projects. Resolved issues with permit applicants on code interpretation and application to their project with forward thinking. Trained junior level staff in application of the adopted codes in review of plans. Protectively worked with architects, engineers, contractors and owners to obtain compliance with the adopted codes of the state and more than 20 Building Departments. Prepared technical reports for the consideration of the local building official on matters of interpretation and administrative modifications of the building codes. Proficient in Fire Life Safety, Disabled Access, Structural, Energy Compliance, Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical review as well as Building Department Administration. Scott Fazekas & Associates, Irvine, CA. Supervising Plan Check Engineer. Managed the staff of plan check engineers. Worked in a fast paced environment on plan review of many complex projects. Prepared technical reports for the consideration of the local building official on matters of interpretation and administrative modifications of the building codes to effectively apply the code. Resolve issues with permit applicants on code interpretation and application to their project. Protectively worked with architects, engineers, contractors and owners to obtain compliance with the adopted codes of the state and more than 20 Building Departments. Proficient in Fire Life Safety, Disabled Access, Structural, Energy Compliance, Electrical, Plumbing and Mechanical review as well as Building Department Administration. 40/COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 148 of 263 Stefan Chiose, PE Plan Check Engineer Profile Summary Education: B.S., Architectural Engineering, California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, CA Registration: Professional Engineer, California #82816 ICC Certified Plans Examiner ICC Certified Fire Sprinkler Plan Examiner Experience: 12 Years —1.5 years w/Willdan Mr. Stefan Chiose has 12 years' experience in project management and engineering, with A&E firms and local government. He is experienced in performing technical analyses of plans, specifications, and reports; and reviewing documents for completeness, accuracy, and conformance to applicable codes, ordinances, and national standards Relevant Project Experience City of Newport Beach, Newport Beach, California. Plan Check Engineer. Reviewed construction drawings plans, commercial and residential architectural and structural plans, and disabled accessibility plans for compliance with the California Standard Building Codes. Prepared correction letters to document deviations in submittals and provided applicants with recommendations to meet minimum code requirements. Mr. Chiose also responded to questions from architects, engineers, and owners regarding codes and other issues with projects, both over the phone and at the public counter. KNA Consulting Engineers, Inc., Irvine, California. Project Engineering. Was responsible for engineering and construction administration. Worked to plan projects, establish project criteria, coordinate project reviews, and ensure the proper implementation of project elements. Cooperated and communicated with project managers and other project participants and collaborated with senior engineers to create more efficient project methods and to maintain the project's profitability. Reviewed the engineering tasks and initiated the necessary corrective actions. Grimm & Chen Structural Engineering Inc., Irvine, California. Project Engineer. Was responsible for structural engineering accurately calculating the required stress load of infrastructure to ensure that they were safe and stable for daily use. Was also responsible for project coordination — tracking performance and analyzing the completion of key goals. Wrote proposals from design development through RFIs. Prepared proposal documentation, cost estimates, and pricing recommendations to management Lovelace Engineering, La Jolla, California. Structural Engineer Intern. Supported design leads for seismic analysis and structural calculations. Conducted basic structural analysis and design of projects of all material types (steel, concrete, masonry, and wood. Assisted in the review of plans and specifications. 40/COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 149 of 263 Rouhi EI-Rabaa, PE, CASp Plan Check Engineer Profile Summary Education: Bachelor's in Civil Engineering California State University, Los Angeles Registration: California Professional Engineer, CE#92565 ICC Plans Examiner Certificate #8868081 Experience: 8 Years Mr. Rouhi El-Rabaa is a Willdan Engineering Building Plan Check Engineer with 8 years of experience. Mr. El-Rabaa is a skilled professional accustomed to playing a vital role in civil engineering cycles. Highly trained in responding to the public, contractors, and design professionals. Experience includes; structural design and analysis, commercial, accessibility, and residential plan checking, structural calculation review, exceptional customer service, and building and municipal code enforcement. Relevant Project Experience Plan Check Engineer, Willdan Engineering, San Bernardino, CA. Rouhi is responsible for the following tasks: Conduct full scope plan reviews for various disciplines, including; architectural, structural, fire - resistive, accessibility, energy, MEP, and green. He is highly experienced reviewing the following types of buildings; single-family and multi -family residential, tract homes, hotels, OSHPD 3, industrial, commercial, assembly, factory -built, mixed -use, and miscellaneous. Rouhi is also responsible for technical structural calculation review for regular and irregular multistory buildings, podium structures, irregular diaphragms, offset shearwalls, tilt -up construction, and freestanding structures. He trains staff to recognize proper non-structural and structural design methodologies in plan checks; prepares correction notices to applicants as hardcopy or electronic correspondence; does design coordination meetings with design professionals and permit applicants; and researches and looks to implement latest developments in industry standards. Plans Examiner, City of Redlands, Redlands, CA. Plan checked and reviewed structural design of residential and commercial projects. Ensured that minimum code was established in the plan review stage. Resolved difficult problems with permit applicants and other members of the public regarding building code requirements and City regulations. Coordinated Division processes. Undertook or recommended changes to the processes in order to facilitate Division operations. Supervised, trained, and evaluated permit issuance staff. Prepared and issued comment letters to building permit applicants. Advised of resubmittal guidelines which would lead to approval. Prepared and categorized files, reports, and methods to record Division activities and procedures. Graduate Structural Design Engineer, Arcadis Design & Consultancy, Doha, Qatar. Oversight of a large portion of five underground railway stations. Ensured alongside the project manager that all design and shop drawings were reviewed and issued to meet client standards and deadlines. Scheduled and monitored the progress of a large team of CAD technicians. Provided dependable engineering and project resourcing resolution in a fast -paced design -build atmosphere. Executed in-house plan checking and design checking. Established design conformance in line with all issued design development and shop drawings. Responded to contractor IRKS. Attended construction meetings and negotiated feasibility of key delivery dates with the client. Collaborated with contractors, architects, MEP and site engineers to achieve a common directive. Performed detailed review of reinforced concrete structural calculations and advised alternative approaches. Sketched complex concrete steel reinforcement details to be used as expeditious blueprints for urgent site remediation. 40/COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 150 of 263 Daren Raskin, PE, CBO Plan Check Engineer Profile Summary Education: California State Polytechnic University -Pomona BS Engineering Registration: California Professional Engineer, CE#57577 ICC Plans Examiner ICC Building Official Experience: 24 Years Mr. Daren Raskin serves as Supervising Plan Check Engineer for Willdan. Daren possesses experience with design of various multi -story structures, shopping centers, commercial buildings, parking structures, and residential units. He has organized, scheduled, and supervised staff of engineers, draftsmen, and technicians. Mr. Raskin's expertise encompasses knowledge of all major building materials, including cold -formed steel, structural steel, concrete, and masonry as well as design of specialized systems of corrugated cold -formed shear walls, concrete shear walls, masonry shear walls, structural steel moment frames, braced frames and rigid diaphragm analysis. Mr. Raskin's previous engineering experience structural design, analysis, and calculations for repair of fire damaged residential and commercial buildings, room additions, and custom homes and ensuring structural drawings met design and code requirements. Relevant Project Experience On -Call Plan Review and Inspection Services, City of San Bernardino, California. Plans Examiner responsible for plan reviews of multi -story office buildings, commercial buildings, retail outlets, single-family residences, medical facilities, educational facilities and multi -family residential developments. On -Call Plan Review and Inspection Services, City of Rialto, California. Plans Examiner responsible for plan reviews of residential, commercial, and industrial developments. On -Call Plan Review and Inspection Services, City of Loma Linda, California. Plans Examiner responsible for plan reviews of residential, commercial, and industrial developments. On -Call Plan Review and Inspection Services, City of Moreno Valley, California. Plans Examiner responsible for plan reviews of residential, commercial, and industrial developments. On -Call Plan Review and Inspection Services, County of San Bernardino, California. Plans Examiner responsible for plan reviews of residential, commercial, and industrial developments. On -Call Plan Review and Inspection Services, March Joint Powers Authority, California. Plans Examiner responsible for plan reviews of residential, commercial, and industrial developments in connection with development of former March Air Force properties. On -Call Plan Review and Inspection Services, County of Riverside, California. Plans Examiner responsible for plan reviews of residential, commercial, and industrial developments. On -Call Plan Review and Inspection Services, City of Beaumont, California. Plans Examiner responsible for plan reviews of residential, commercial, and industrial developments. Dundee Residence Hall and Glasgow Dining Hall, University of California, Riverside, California. Plans Examiner responsible for plans reviews in connection with improvements designed for the two halls. On -Call Plan Review and Inspection Services, City of Norco, California. Plans Examiner responsible for plan reviews of residential, commercial, and industrial developments. On -Call Plan Review and Inspection Services, City of Highland, California. Plans Examiner responsible for plan reviews of residential, commercial, and industrial developments. COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. ,*"TRUSTED. Page 151 of 263 Aaron Cowen, PE Plan Check Engineer Profile Summary Education: California State University -Long Beach BS Civil Engineering Irvine Institute of Technology Masters Science Structural Engineering Registration: California Professional Engineer, CE#58878 ICC Plan Examiner Experience: 28 Years — 7 years w/Willdan Mr. Aaron Cowen, a registered Civil Engineer in California, is a Plan Check Engineer for the Building and Safety Division. Aaron has more than 28 years of experience in the engineering field including design, drafting and plan check experience. Mr. Cowen's experience includes the design of wood structures, cantilevered concrete decks, thin -wall concrete shells, retaining walls, foundation systems, and design calculations. Prior to joining Willdan, Mr. Cowen's previous engineering experience includes the position of Senior Engineer with a Southern California engineering firm. In this capacity, he was design lead on numerous projects; provided on -site field inspections; and was responsible for the management and administration of all engineering data and information. Relevant Project Experience PLAN CHECK Plan check projects include university buildings, single and multi -family homes, industrial buildings, commercial warehouses, restaurants, motels, solar plans and numerous tenant improvements. Sample Jurisdictions: City of Tustin City of Loma Linda County of Riverside City of Moreno Valley Orange County County of Los Angeles City of Highland City of Irvine East Campus Housing Structure project including over 600,000 SF of student housing units. He performed the complete structural plan check on this project which included a five -story wood framed housing structure and reinforced concrete and light gauge steel framed community center. Plans included 140 sheets of structural plans and details and over 2500 sheets of calculations. He numerically and conceptually spot checked all structural aspects of project including gravity, lateral, connections, superstructure, raised reinforced concrete slab, reinforced concrete columns, post - tension slab foundations, wood shear walls, retaining walls, trusses, steel stairs, parking structure, multi -level hold-downs. Over 100 issues were discovered and corrected including numerical, conceptual, and coordination errors between calculations and plans. NA/COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 152 of 263 Arne Lovnaseth, CASp, Architect Plan Check Architect Profile Summary Education: Cal Poly Pomona, Bachelor of Science, Bachelor of Architecture Registration: California Licensed Architect, #C18833 ICC Plans Examiner #0877794-B3 Experience: 26 Years Mr. Arne Lovnaseth, a registered Architect in California, is a Plan Check Architect for Willdan's Building and Safety Division. He has 26 years' experience in the construction field specializing in design work and plans examining. As a 1983 and 2001 graduate of Cal Poly Pomona his primary focus has been on architectural design of lightweight commercial and residential structures. He has attended a number of code enforcement seminars and currently is compiling a NCARB record for certification nationwide. He has extensive experience in ADA compliance. During his tenure with Willdan, Mr. Lovnaseth has provided Counter Plan Review services to the City of Redlands, City of South El Monte, and the March Joint Powers Authority, a redevelopment agency located at March Air Force Base. Relevant Project Experience Projects include university buildings, single and multi -family homes, industrial buildings, commercial warehouses, restaurants, fitness centers, motels, medical facilities and numerous tenant improvements. Mr. Lovnaseth's previous architectural and plan checking experience includes the position of Senior Plans Examiner for a large Inland Empire City for more than five years. In this capacity, he specialized in the plan checking of lightweight commercial, multi and single-family housing. He supervised a staff of 5 plans examiners and permit technicians, issuing over 3,000 building permits a year. Prior experience includes project manager at John McInnes Architect in Laguna Beach for five years and job captain at Sumich Design in San Juan Capistrano for eight years. 40/COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 153 of 263 Dominick Taliulu, EIT Plans Examiner I Profile Summary Education: South Dakota School of Mines & Technology BS in Civil Engineering Registration: EIT ICC Building Plans Examiner Experience: 2 Year Mr. Dominick Taliulu is a Willdan Engineering plans examiner with 2 years of experience. Mr. Taliulu's experience includes plan review of numerous projects in compliance with the California Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, Energy, Green Building and Electrical Codes. Dominick reviews solar plans submitted to our electronic plan review portal and is able to complete the reviews within one — two days from date of submission. Relevant Project Experience PLAN CHECK Dominick Taliulu's experience includes plan review of numerous projects in compliance with the California Building, Plumbing, Mechanical, and Electrical, Green Building, and Energy Codes. Plan check projects include single and multi -family homes, medical clinics, industrial buildings, commercial warehouses, commercial buildings, restaurants, motels, solar plans and various tenant improvements. COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 154 of 263 Ryan Miller, EIT Plans Examiner Profile Summary Education: High Tech Institute Associates of Science, CAD/Drafting Technology California State Polytechnic University Bachelor of Science, Civil Engineering Registration: EIT (Engineer in Training) Experience: 15 Years — 2 years w/Willdan Mr. Miller is an Engineer in Training (EIT) and graduate of an ABET accredited civil engineering program. He has more than 15 years of experience in drafting/reading plans, and more than 5 years of engineering experience. He is a highly meticulous and resourceful civil engineer with an exceptionally strong engineer knowledge base. Relevant Project Experience Willdan Plans Examiner/Checker — Performs technical review of construction documents for completeness, accuracy, and conformance to applicable building codes, ordinances, zoning regulations, and national standards. Condon -Johnson & Associates, Inc. Project/Field Engineer — Managed field activities and implemented engineering designs for deep foundations, shoring, micropiles, tiebacks, ground anchors, and soil nails. Conducted inspections to ensure that the projects are proceeding on schedule and within budget. Maintained inventory of equipment, supplies, and material needed to perform projects. Created plans and submittals in accordance with the applicable building codes including Caltrans Standard Specifications and Plans. Mission Steel Structural Steel Detailer/Drafter & Checker — Prepared and checked plans for the fabrication and placement of structural steel members (columns, beams, guardrails, stairs, moment frames, etc) for commercial and residential projects in accordance with the applicable building codes. Law Steel Structural Steel Detailer/Drafter & Checker — Prepared and checked plans for the fabrication and placement of structural steel members (columns, beams, guardrails, stairs, moment frames, etc) for commercial and residential projects in accordance with the applicable building codes. Quincy Joist Company Structural Steel Detailer/Drafter & Checker — Prepared and checked plans for the manufacture and erection of steel joists and joists girders for commercial and residential projects in accordance with the applicable building codes. COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 155 of 263 Ehab Barakat Plans Examiner Profile Summary Education: Wayne State University, Detroit, Michigan Bachelor of Science in Civil and Environmental Engineering Registration: ICC Building Plans Examiner ICC Building Inspector Experience: 3 Years Mr. Ehab Barakat is a Willdan Engineering plans examiner with 3 years of experience. Relevant Project Experience Mr. Barakat's experience includes: • Examining plans, structural calculations, geotechnical reports, and specifications for compliance with the California Standard Building Codes. • Preparing correction letters to document deviations in submittals and provide applicants with recommendations to meet minimum code requirements. • Advise applicants of any available alternative measures to meet minimum code requirements. • Respond to questions from architects, engineers, and owners regarding codes and other issues with projects. COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 156 of 263 Daniel Crawford, CASp, CBO Plans Examiner/Building Inspector/CASp Specialist Profile Summary Education: College of the Desert, Palm Desert, CA AA, Construction Management AA, Business Supervision & Management Registration: Certified Access Specialist CASp-#276 ICC Plans Examiner ICC Commercial Building Inspector ICC Residential Building Inspector ICC Residential Electrical Inspector California General Building Contractor PC832 Level III Certification Experience: 33 Years Mr. Daniel P. Crawford Jr., is a Willdan Engineering CBO, CASp, plans examiner and building inspector with more than 33 years of experience including 25 years in Building and Safety. Mr. Crawford's experience includes plan review of numerous projects in compliance with the California Building, Residential, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical, Energy, and Green Codes as well as providing inspections for residential, commercial, and industrial buildings. Mr. Crawford also has extensive experience in CASp related services including plan review and inspections for accessibility compliance. Relevant CBO Experience Mr. Crawford is a Certified Building Official completing his examinations in July 2020. With 25 years of Municipal Building Department service and 8 years private residential project management and construction, Mr. Crawford has established a well-rounded understanding and daily application of Building Department Administration. Work experiences in both private industry and municipal cities has contributed to his appreciation in both receiving and providing excellent customer services. Mr. Crawford is a valued team member that has the versatility to perform all Building Department Services assigned. Relevant Project Experience Daniel provides CASp plan review and inspection services to a number of our municipal clients. Projects include: • Residential Multi -family • Commercial ■ City Parks ■ Precise Grading Plan Review Relevant Plan Review Project Experience Mr. Crawford's experience includes plan review of numerous projects in compliance with the California Building, Residential, Plumbing, Mechanical, Electrical, Energy, Green and State Codes, that include: • Residential • Commercial Relevant Inspector Project Experience Mr. Crawford has 25 years' experience performing Municipal combination lead building inspector assignments to include but not limited to all phases of residential, commercial, and industrial development to include: • Hotels • Multi -Family • Commercial • Residential COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 157 of 263 Corrie Kates, CBO Building Official Profile Summary Education: Master of Public Administration and Real Estate Finance, University of Southern California BS, Public Administration and Urban and Regional Planning & Architecture, University of Southern California Registration: ICC Building Official Experience: 34 Years Mr. Corrie Kates is available to provide Building Official services including division or department wide management services to our clients on a full-time, part-time, and/or on -call basis. Relevant Project Experience Building & Safety Services, City of Hermosa Beach, California. Building Official — Willdan, Mr. Kates serves as the Interim Building Official for the City. He is responsible for managing the building and safety department for the City. Building & Safety Services, City of Redlands, California. Building Official — Willdan, Mr. Kates served as the Interim Building Official on two different vacancies for the City. He was responsible for managing the building and safety department for the City. Building & Safety Services, City of Orange, California. Building Official — Willdan Mr. Kates served as the Interim Building Official. He was responsible for managing the building and safety department for the City. Building Official, City of Laguna Woods, California — Willdan, Mr. Kates served as Interim Building Official and manages Building and Safety and code enforcements services for the City. Building & Safety Services, City of Carmel -by -the -Sea, Monterey - Willdan, California. Building Official. Mr. Kates served as the Interim Building Official. He was responsible for managing the building and safety department for the City. Mr. Kates was in charge of building administration, processing of complex Building Code issues and dispute resolution. Deputy City Manager/Community Development Director & Building Official City of Scotts Valley, California. ■ Manage City Council projects and daily administrative duties related to managing a City. Which include a full service Police Department with 27 sworn officers and administrative support, City Hall which houses Planning, Building, Code Enforcement, Finance and Administration with 17 full time employees, full service Waste Water Treatment Plant and water recycling program with approximately 25 employees, a full service Public Works Department consisting of approximately 15 full-time and part-time employees and a full service Parks and Recreation Department that manages approximately six (6) City Parks, Senior Center, Community Center and Day Care services with approximately 20 full time and part-time employees. ■ Negotiate Development Agreements, Memorandums of Understanding with local developers and joint participation agreements with the Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) for a 125 room Hotel and related amenities, 160,000 square foot Town Center Development and 300-unit housing project. IO/COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 158 of 263 Steven D. Raney, CASp, CBO Building Official Profile Summary Education: BS, Management, Northern Arizona University BS, Building Code/Public Administration, Central Michigan University Registration: Certified Access Specialist (CASp), #519 Certified Building Official Combination Building Inspector Building Plans Examiner Building Code Specialist Commercial/Residential Electrical Inspector Commercial/Residential/ Plumbing Inspector Commercial/Residential Mechanical Inspector California Combination Inspector Structural Masonry Special Inspector Accessibility Inspector/Plan Reviewer Disaster Response Inspector/Worker- CA Governor's OES (SAP) FEMA ICS 100/700 P.C. 832 2018 RT-130 (CALFire) Experience: 15 Years Mr. Steven Raney is a Willdan Engineering building official with 15 years of experience. Mr. Raney is experienced in disabled access standards, building inspection, and plan review. Relevant Project Experience CA Housing & Community Dev. (HCD). Codes & Standards Administrator I. Responsible for directing, organizing, training, scheduling and monitoring activities and inspections of assigned District Representative and staff relating to the enforcement of the California Health and Safety Codes and title 24 codes, as they may pertain to the manufacture, use and alteration of all manufactured housing, mobilehomes, and commercial modular. Monitored construction and maintenance of mobilehome parks. Duties were similar to a Building Official in a City or County. City of Palmdale, CA. Supervising Building Inspector. Planned, supervised, coordinated, and assigned the activities and operations of building inspection within the Building and Safety Division of the Development Services department. Performed the most sensitive and difficult inspections. Projects included multi -family, commercial, single family, and city capital improvement projects. County of San Bernardino, CA. Regional Building Inspector Supervisor. Supervision of 3 County Satellite offices including Inspection, Plan Check, Counter Duty, and Permit Technicians. Grant Permit extensions, issued permits, handled complaints, and promoted excellent customer service. Conducted CASp inspections throughout county inspection of County capital improvement projects. Plan checked single-family projects. City of Pasadena, CA. Senior Combination Building Inspector/ Interim Inspection Supervisor. Building inspections for mechanical, electrical, plumbing, framing, concrete and all other trades in new and rehab projects. Inspections mostly in multi -family residential, commercial and City capital improvement projects. Lead worker with technical supervision over 4 additional inspectors. City of Victorville, CA. Building Inspector. Inspection of residential, commercial, and industrial projects throughout city. Conducted residential plan reviews and issue permits. Answered questions for customers and gave building code advice. COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 159 of 263 John Hartley Senior Building Inspector Profile Summary Registration: Certified Building Official, ICC - #530130 Certified Plans Examiner, ICC #530130 Certified Building Inspector, ICC #530130 Certified Code Enforcement Officer, California Association of Code Enforcement (CACEO) Post -Disaster Safety Officer Experience: 17 Years Mr. John Hartley is a Willdan Engineering senior building inspector with 17 years of experience. Mr. Hartley's has experience in residential, commercial, and industrial plan review, inspections, and building code requirements. He has served as liaison between assigned Committees, Commissions, and Cities and is effective in making and sustaining real working relationships with contractors, engineers, and City staff. Relevant Project Experience City of Signal Hill, CA. Building Inspector. Mr. Hartley ran the day-to-day operations of the Building Division (assigned, directed, and reviewed work, provided training, conducted performance evaluations and disciplinary reviews) while performing highly technical and professional assistance in building matters and provided bi- monthly reports to City Council. He created and monitored the Division's budget with effective controls to avert overages and lessen burn rate. And participated in a fee study and wrote a fee resolution that he presented to the City Council. He conferred with legal, police, fire and other necessary authorities regarding code interpretations and applications, which included performing inspections of substandard buildings, gaining right - of -entry into unsafe, dangerous, or hazardous structures for the purpose of inspection, enforcement, and obtaining inspection warrants if right -of -entry is refused. Mr. Hartley served as the Oil Field Coordinator for the City and rewrote the oil code ordinance as it pertained to development and according to State Laws and presented finding to City Council. In addition, Mr. Hartley was the point of contact any time of day or night to determine safety of structures following emergency and natural disasters. JAS Pacific, Los Angeles, CA. Nuisance Abatement Team (NAT) Coordinator. Responsibilities included being the team leader of a five -person team, which included two police officers, one Health Department Representative, the County District Attorney, and one building inspector. Other duties included initiating reports and liens on substandard properties, Inspecting structures for zoning and building code violations, Issuing corrections, and followed through to obtain compliance, and Directing a team of Code Enforcement personnel for the Building Department Regional Consulting Firm, CA. Assistant Building Official. Managed operations of the building department and established policies and procedures while managing four inspectors and three permit technicians at the City of Pomona. As Assistant Building Official, Mr. Hartley reviewed plans and provided customer support explaining code for code compliance to customers at the public counter; performed grading and construction inspections and completed plan reviews for residential, commercial, and industrial projects; inspected residential structures for building code compliance and resolution of code violations; and supervised building inspectors and resolved field issues to satisfaction of all parties. COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 160 of 263 Jordan Wiley Building Inspector Profile Summary Education: AA, Business Administration, Saddleback College Certificate of Construction Principles, Anaheim, CA Registration: ICC-Commercial Building Inspector ICC -Residential Building Inspector ICC-Building Inspector ICC -Certified Building Official ICC -Fire Plans Examiner ICC-Commercial Plumbing Inspector ICC-Commercial Mechanical Inspector ICC-Accessibility Inspector/Plans Examiner ICC-Building Plans Examiner ICC -Building Code Specialist ICC -Permit Technician ICC -Permit Specialist ICC-Certified Fire Marshal ICC -Fire Inspector I ICC -Fire Inspector II ICC -Fire Code Specialist ICC-Plumbing Plans Examiner ICC-Mechanical Plans Examiner Experience: 13 Years Mr. Wiley is a Willdan Engineering building inspector with over 13 years of experience in the construction industry and code enforcement. He is an excellent communicator with both internal staff and the general public. Mr. Wiley's strength is establishing rapport with superiors, and co-workers. He is organized, self -motivated, enthusiastic and always willing to learn. Jordan demonstrates professionalism and a strong personal image at all times. Mr. Wiley is available to provide building inspection/code enforcement services to our Southern California clients. Relevant Project Experience City of Laguna Woods. Building Inspector. As a building inspector, Mr. Wiley was responsible for conducting building inspection services for both commercial and residential properties throughout the City. He was also responsible for managing a case load of residential properties who had performed construction without permits for the City's Neighborhood Preservation Program. This included the reviewing, processing, and closing of code enforcement cases related to land use, zoning, building, and grading In Laguna Woods. He was responsible for the review of case files, inspection of properties, filing notices and stop work orders, recording complaints against violators, documenting, and preparing violation cases for the City Attorney's office, and testifying in court as needed. Jordan conducted in-depth permit research to assist with the processing of land use, zoning, and building violations. He worked with the general public on a daily basis providing them with general land use, zoning, building and grading requirements as it relates to the entitlement process. Mr. Wiley assisted property owners, and/or their designated agents (i.e. architects, engineers, contractors, real estate agents, and family members) through the entitlement process. Turelk General Contractors, Long Beach,CA. Assistant Project Manager. Mr. Wiley conducted field investigations and site surveillance of construction sites for residential, commercial and industrial projects. He was responsible for managing the day to day operations of the sites including the financial aspects of each project. Jordan used his building knowledge to verify each project met building standards and practices. COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 161 of 263 Hollister Construction, Anaheim, CA. Project Manager/Superintendent. Mr. Wiley conducted field investigations and site surveillance of construction sites for residential, commercial and industrial projects. He was responsible for managing the day to day operations of the sites including the financial aspects of each project. Jordan used his building knowledge to verify each project met building standards and practices. NVCOMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 162 of 263 Anthony G. Weimholt Building Inspector Profile Summary Education: AA, Cerritos Community College, Cerritos, California Registration: CABO, ICC, Certified Building Official No. 2203 ICC Certified Plans Examiner No. 0831215-60 ICC, Certified Building Inspector No. 0831215-10 ICC, Certified Mechanical Inspector No. 0831215-40 ICC, Certified Plumbing Inspector No. 0831215-34 DSA, Certified Access Specialist No. 134 Experience: 34 Years Mr. Anthony Weimholt is a Willdan Engineering building official with 34 years of experience in building inspection and code enforcement inspection services. He has over 24 years' experience as a Building Official. Mr. Weimholt currently holds certification as Building Official from the International Code Council (ICC) and Council of American Building Officials. Additionally, he holds certifications from ICC for Building Plans Examiner, Building Inspector, Plumbing Inspector, and Mechanical Inspector. Mr. Weimholt is currently certified as a California Certified Access Specialist from DSA. Mr. Weimholt is available for building official and building department administration services throughout Southern California. Relevant Project Experience City of Norwalk, CA. Building & Safety Manager and designated City Building Official. Responsibilities included overall operations of the Building & Safety Division and the Property Maintenance (Code Enforcement) Division of the Community Development Department. Willdan Engineering. Building Inspector. Building Official. ■ City of Rosemead, CA. Building Official ■ Deputy Building Official Los Angeles Regional Area East ■ City of Rosemead, CA. Deputy Building Official ■ Supervising Building Inspector ■ La Habra Heights, CA. Senior Building Inspector ■ Hawaiian Gardens, CA. Building Inspector ■ Rosemead, CA. Building Rehabilitation Inspector 40/COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 163 of 263 Ramon Beltran, Jr. Senior Building Inspector Profile Summary Education: Construction Technology, Coastline Community College, Garden Grove, CA Inspection Technology, Fullerton College, Fullerton, CA Building Technology, Los Angeles Trade Technical College, Los Angeles, CA Registration: ICC Certified Building Inspector, UBC Legacy, #1105071-10 ICC Certified Permit Technician, #1105071-14 State of California, State Assessment Disaster Program, #61488 Experience: 30 Years Mr. Ramon Beltran, Jr. is a Willdan Engineering senior building inspector with 30 years of government experience in dealing with the public. Twenty-four of those years focused on Community Development. His experience includes inspecting renovation projects on residential, commercial, and industrial sites and possess knowledge of methods, techniques, materials, and equipment employed in the building construction trades. Mr. Beltran forms and maintains effective working relationships with developers, contractors, and City staff. Relevant Project Experience City of Orange, Orange, CA. Building Inspector Supervisor. Mr. Beltran supervised the city staff combination building inspectors and contract building inspectors. He managed inspection scheduling and building reports for residential, commercial, and industrial building inspections. Mr. Beltran handled payroll and training for city staff and accounts for funding contract staff. He assisted the Chief Building Official on special projects and assisted the Senior Plan Check Engineer on plumbing and mechanical plan checks. Mr. Beltran coordinated meetings with developers and owners for new development projects, problem -solved field inspection issues, and coordinated new developments with the permit technicians. He was available at the Counter for handling public questions and permit plan check issues, helped Planning Department in zoning developments with compliance to the California Building Codes, including the projects in the historical district or protected historical buildings. Mr. Beltran assisted with the code enforcement department for occupancies of unsafe and hazardous buildings and coordinated with the Fire Marshal and fire inspection team for construction compliance. Mr. Beltran collaborated with public works and community services departments for capital improvement projects. He assisted fire, police, and public works emergency dispatch for all emergency calls, which included observation and damage assessment reports, and documented and provided quarterly reports to public works for best management practice compliance for the county. Mr. Beltran provided safety inspections for community special events. City of Orange, Orange, CA. Combination Building Inspector. Mr. Beltran oversaw residential, commercial, and industrial building inspections, which included complex inspections for mix -use occupancies, high-rise tenant improvements, multi -family and parking structures, and new auditorium and science building for Chapman University. He also conducted inspections for St. Joseph's and CHOC medical facilities, two malls, and Outlets of Orange expansion and improvements for Village of Orange. Mr. Beltran was also responsible for conducting inspections for all city parks, community buildings, city hall, and police and fire department facilities. He assisted in plumbing and mechanical plan checks for complex projects. He conducted building inspections to preserve and protect buildings structures in Old Town Orange, and he conducted PowerPoint presentations for training and code updates for building staff and training seminars for the public. Mr. Beltran trained city and contract building inspectors. COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 164 of 263 Raul Diaz, CBI Senior Building Inspector Profile Summary Education: Los Angeles Trade Technical College - Certificate, Electrical, 2006 Avis Contractor School - Certificate, Plumbing and Electrical Training, 2004 Avis Contractor School — Certificate, Building Inspector Training, 2003 Registration: ICC Certified - License #5218730 California Commercial Building Inspector Commercial Electrical Inspector California Commercial Plumbing Inspector Plumbing Inspector Plumbing Inspector UPC CALGreen Inspector CALGreen Plans Examiner California Residential Building Inspector California Residential Plumbing Inspector Cal EMA/OES Safety Assessment #62047 Experience: 14 Years Mr. Raul Diaz is a Willdan Engineering senior building inspector with 14 years of construction inspection experience. Mr. Diaz is experienced in handling complex code issues. Mr. Diaz is available to provide combination building inspection of residential and commercial buildings including complex occupancies and mixed use projects. Mr. Diaz is also available to manage the day to day operations of a city building department. Relevant Project Experience Los Angeles County Department of Public Works. Building Inspector. Contract Inspector serving dual role for the County as Inspector for the Southwest District Office, as well as serving as the sole Inspector and Manager for the City of Lawndale, a County contract city. Projects include: ■ Magnolia Walk, Willowbrook, CA. $21 million new housing development consisting of 94 detached townhomes on a 9.5-acre parcel in Willowbrook. Townhomes range between 1,400 to 2,000 sq. ft. ■ Storm -Fujimoto Industrial Center, Gardena, CA. New $5 million distribution facility spanning entire city block. 114,061 sq. ft. concrete tilt -up office building and warehouse with mezzanine. ■ Corporate Office Building, First Figueroa, LP, Los Angeles, CA. New corporate office building consisting of 43,485 sq. ft. warehouse building, with 1,904 sq. ft. ground office area and 1,904 sq. ft. mezzanine office area. ■ Gardena DMV Commercial Test Drive Center, Gardena, CA. New 1-story, 6,664 sq. ft. wood -framed office building on six -acre site, with parking to accommodate trucks and busses. Facility is one of only four specialized commercial driver test centers in California. ■ Green Dot Public School, Los Angeles, CA. Tenant improvement of office building for new middle school, and new shade canopy for lunch shelter area. Cities of Downey, Lynwood and South Gate. Building Inspector. Contract Inspector assigned to Downey, Lynwood and South Gate over a two-year period. Investigated complaints of non -permitted and unapproved structures, breach in the integrity of foundations, structural framing, electrical, plumbing and mechanical systems. Prepared and filed paperwork pertaining to code violations. Issued and processed building permits. Reviewed and computed energy, electrical, plumbing calculations. COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 165 of 263 Alan Cook Senior Building Inspector/Building Official Profile Summary Registration: ICC Certified Building Official ICC Residential Building Inspector ICC Commercial Building Inspector Experience: 18 Years Mr. Alan Cook became a California Contractor and engaged in commercial maintenance, tenant improvements, seismic retrofit, structural steel and tilt -up connection repairs, corrosion protection and eradication, waterproofing (above and below ground), epoxy injection, eco blasting, intumescent fireproof coatings, and specialty floor and wall coatings for industrial manufacturing facilities and parking garages. Consulted, recommended, and inspected for financial intuitional real state holding companies and their joint ventures with developers to acquire, maintain, update and lease multiple Retail, Commercial R&D and Industrial Parks up to and over a million square feet of total rentable spaces. Mr. Cook provides field combination inspections of industrial, commercial and residential buildings during various stages of construction and remodeling to ensure conformance with building codes and State and City ordinances. Relevant Project Experience Willdan — City of Norco. Building Official. Provide Building Official services to the City two to three days per week. City of Santa Paula, California. Building Official. Provides Supervision of the Building Division operations including administration and supervision of daily operations. City of West Covina, California. Building Inspector. Provides field combination inspections of industrial, commercial and residential buildings during various stages of construction and remodeling to ensure conformance with building codes and State and City ordinances. City of Rolling Hills Estates, California. Building Inspector. Provided combination building inspection services. Responsible for performing complex and routine commercial, industrial and residential inspections. Ensures construction and installations conform to code requirements and zoning ordinances; mentors and trains building inspectors to develop their knowledge and skills. City of Manhattan Beach, California. Building Inspector. Provided combination building inspection services. Responsible for performing complex and routine commercial, industrial and residential inspections. Ensures construction and installations conform to code requirements and zoning ordinances; mentors and trains building inspectors to develop their knowledge and skills. COMPREHENSIVE. INNOVATIVE. TRUSTED. Page 166 of 263 City Council Agenda Statement F I, F, G t I) O Meeting Date: September 19, 2023 Agenda Heading: Consent Item Number: B.8 TITLE: Appropriation of $281,923 to the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Adopted Budget for HDL Sales Tax Audit Finds RECOMMENDATION: Approve an additional appropriation to the FY 2023-24 adopted budget, in the amount of $281,923, from unassigned fund balance of the General Fund related to backquarter sales tax audit fees. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: Amount Budgeted: $100,000.00 Additional Appropriation Request: $281,923.00 Account Number: 001-400-2504-6214 BACKGROUND: Independent Revenue Support Services: The City of El Segundo (City) uses several firms to provide detailed analysis of its revenue sources using data collected from the state and local business related to sales, transient occupancy (TOT), and property taxes. These firms include Hinderliter, DeLlams and Associates (HDL) for Sales and Use Tax and Property Tax, CoStart Group, Inc. for Transient Occupancy Tax, and Avenu Insights and Analytics for Utility Users Tax. This staff report focuses on the services provided by HDL related to sales tax audit findings. HDL is a long-standing consultant performing Sales Tax and Economic Analysis services and audits of revenue data. On behalf of the City, HDL works with the data and reports received directly from the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA), which collects and then allocates all state sales tax revenues monthly to cities and counties. HDL provides regular reports and projections related to Page 168 of 263 Appropriation of $281,923 to the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Adopted Budget for HDL Sales Tax Audit Finds September 19, 2023 Page 2 of 3 sales and property taxes for the City. In addition, they also look for and identify sales tax allocations which have been misallocated to another agency. In many cases, these audit finds will result in either one-time or ongoing sales tax revenues to the City of El Segundo. It is a state requirement that specific sales tax data is confidential. HDL Payments and Audit Findings: Fees paid to HDL include a standard fee of $1,500 per quarter, which covers the normal monthly data analysis, monthly/quarterly reports, 5-year budget revenue projections, and regular meetings with city staff. In addition to the above quarterly fee, a 15% audit fee is collected for all misallocated tax revenue received by the city because of any audit and recovery work performed by HDL related to sales taxes. The City pays this audit fee of 15% of the sales tax misallocation finds, over a period of eight quarters. When sales tax money is recovered for "backquarter" misallocations, the tax revenues are received in a lump sum payment and the 15% fee is a lump sum payment. The backquarter misallocations are often linked to much larger one-time sales tax transactions. The City is in a unique situation related to several businesses in El Segundo which recently had significant back quarter misallocations which should have been received by the City. The state has made the required corrections and the city has received those sales tax allocations and is now subject to the HDL audit fee charges. DISCUSSION: Quarterly fees and recovery/audit payment amounts are budgeted by Finance staff based on historical annual findings. Historically the annual fees have not exceeded the budgeted amount for normal audit finds. For Fiscal Year 2023-2024, $100,000.00 is budgeted to cover the cost of four quarters of audit service payments to HDL for the fiscal year based on normal historical audit findings. It is anticipated that this amount will be used during the fiscal year for the normal HDL fees and audit finds. It is very difficult to predict any "backquarter" audit finds which are normally related to businesses which may have unique one-time large sales tax transactions. Because of recent audit findings related to backquarter sales taxes reported within Q4/22 and Q1/23, the city received more than $1.8M in one-time Sales and Use Tax revenues. For this revenue recovery, there is a corresponding one-time HDL 15% audit fee payment of $256,923 due. In addition to the one-time revenue, the city will continue to receive ongoing sales tax revenue of approximately $700,000 for the next four quarters, which is subject to a 15% fee paid over eight quarters. The staff is requesting $25,000 to cover these fees. The amount due to HDL for two invoices covering Q4/22 & Q1/2023, exceeds the budgeted amount for the fiscal year, as well as the purchasing limits for the Department Page 169 of 263 Appropriation of $281,923 to the Fiscal Year 2023-24 Adopted Budget for HDL Sales Tax Audit Finds September 19, 2023 Page 3 of 3 Head and City Manager. City policy requires the City Council's approval for additional appropriations which are necessary for the payment to HDL for their recovery of additional Sales Tax revenue. The staff is requesting the City Council approve an appropriation to the FY 2023-2024 adopted budget in the amount of $281,923, from the unassigned General Fund, fund balance to cover the payment of these fees. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 5: Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability Objective 513: El Segundo approaches its work in a financially strategic and responsible way. PREPARED BY: Liz Lydic, Management Analyst REVIEWED BY: David Cain, Interim Chief Financial Officer APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Hdl Invoice Number SIN027850 2. Hdl Invoice Number SIN031151 Page 170 of 263 HdP Companies 120 S State College Blvd, Suite 200 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 879-5000 hdlcompanies.com CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ATTN:FINANCE DEPARTMENT 350 MAIN ST EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 US Purchase Order # 25-00473 Invoice Period Q4/2022 Tax Area Code 19013 Invoice Number SIN027850 Invoice Date 5/9/2023 Due Date 6/9/2023 Service Charges Contract Services - Sales Tax (April -June 2023) Audit Services - Sales Tax $1, 500.00 $139,097.67 Invoice Total: $140,597.67 Please Make Check Payable to: Hinderliter de Llamas & Associates Should you have any questions or inquiries, please contact the Accounting Department via email: accounting@hdlcompanies.com. 1/1 Page 171 of 263 HdL°Companies 120 S State College Blvd, Suite 200 Brea, CA 92821 (714) 879-5000 hdlcompanies.com CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ATTN:FINANCE DEPARTMENT 350 MAIN ST EL SEGUNDO, CA 90245 US Invoice Number SIN031151 Invoice Date 9/12/2023 Due Date 10/12/2023 Purchase Order # 25-00473 Invoice Period Q1/2023 Tax Area Code 19013 Service Charges Contract Services - Sales Tax (July -September 2023) Audit Services - Sales Tax Overpayment from Q4 2022 $1,500.00 $137,296.52 -$20,971.94 Invoice Total: $117,824.58 Please Make Check Payable to: Hinderliter de Llamas & Associates Should you have any questions or inquiries, please contact the Accounting Department via email: accounting@hdlcompanies.com. 1/1 Page 172 of 263 City Council Agenda Statement F I, F, G t I) O Meeting Date: September 19, 2023 Agenda Heading: Consent Item Number: 13.9 TITLE: Agreement for Upgrade of Current Fleet Management Software RECOMMENDATION: Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Faster Asset Solutions and waive bidding requirements pursuant to El Segundo Municipal Code § 1-7- 9(A) for an initial cost of $87,793 and an annual maintenance cost of $12,150. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: Amount Budgeted: $92,449 Additional Appropriation: No Account Number: 001-400-4601-6206 (Contractual Services) BACKGROUND: Automated Fleet Management Software is a technology -based tool which improves fuel usage tracking and preventative maintenance scheduling and allows a variety of reporting features. The City's existing Fleet Management Software is outdated and needs to be updated. Installing the upgraded software would reduce data input errors and capture information electronically for improved analytics. Further, this upgraded software would allow direct communication with the new Fuel Management System, which will result in better operational performance, accountability, and fuel control. DISCUSSION: The City's Fleet Management System is outdated and needs to be upgraded to leverage the benefits of newer technologies and automation. The current system does not provide accurate data on a consistent basis and has limited controls. Currently, data entry for vehicle odometer readings is difficult and the software which downloads the data is outdated. This mileage data is important for scheduling preventative Page 173 of 263 Fleet Management Software September 19, 2023 Page 2 of 2 maintenance, determining warranty coverage, planning for anticipated replacement, and preventing mileage overages. The resulting lack of reliable data erodes the effectiveness of the City's preventative maintenance programs, which rely on the number of miles or hours of use. Over time, this will adversely impact the efficiency and longevity of the City's fleet. To initiate the upgrade of the current software, staff contacted Faster Asset Solutions. The Faster Asset Solutions software automates the user and vehicle authentication process and odometer readings and ensures the accuracy of the captured data. It also sends alerts on a wide variety of vehicle codes to ensure proactive and timely maintenance of the City's fleet. Additionally, it has built-in controls to prevent unauthorized use and will also provide a uniform fueling system for the City's fueling site. Staff finds that the City's best interests will be served by a direct award of this contract to Faster Asset Solutions and recommends that the City Council waive the bidding requirements pursuant to El Segundo Municipal Code § 1-7-9(A) and authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Faster Asset Solutions for the purchase of a new Fleet Management System and ongoing support of the software with an initial cost of $87,793 and an annual maintenance cost of $12,150. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 2: Support Community Safety and Preparedness Objective: El Segundo is a safe and prepared city. Goal 4: Develop Quality Infrastructure and Technology Objective 4A: El Segundo's physical infrastructure supports an appealing, safe, and effective City. PREPARED BY: Erica Miramontes, Senior Management Analyst REVIEWED BY: Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Quote Page 174 of 263 Wr t pr SVLV i IVIV PROPOSAL FLEET MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE Ron Griffin City of El Segundo Quote #: 1559 v3 Quote Date: Aug 10, 2023 Quote Expires: Nov 1, 2023 Page 175 of 263 FASTER0 FASTER Asset Solutions Quote and Proposal FASTER Ron Griffin City of El Segundo FASTER Asset Solutions is pleased to submit our proposal, City of El Segundo, CA, Migration Budgetary Quote Only. FASTER has been in business since 1982 and provides FMIS systems to cities, counties, states, universities, airports, transit, public utilities, and private companies. FASTER is the largest provider of fleet management information systems (FMIS) to municipal governments in North America. We also believe FASTER is a superior choice because of the following key strategic differences in our company. The Most Experienced Staff in the Industry: Seventy percent of FASTER's technical staff have been with us for more than 10 years. Reference checks will also reveal that no other vendor offers the level of professional technical support staff and responsiveness as FASTER. This results in a better implementation experience along with superior ongoing support, which ultimately results in better system utilization and ROI. FASTER Invests in the Long -Term: No other systems provider offers better systems longevity or a more advanced and stable system. For nearly 40 years now we have continuously improved our system through three generations of technology. FASTER Web is our latest release and includes the ability to deploy as a cloud -based or on -premises system and integrate easily with other software through API technology. We are Product and Service Focused: Likely the most important distinction of our company is that FASTER is product and service focused. Our strategy to continually reinvest in our products, solutions, and staff, allows us to build a reputation with our customers and partners to have industry leading software and the most responsive and knowledgeable support team in the asset management space. Thank you for the opportunity to earn your business. If there is any additional information we can provide, or questions we can answer, please don't hesitate to let us know. Sincerely, FASTER Asset Solutions FASTERasset com L1nkedIn Facebook Sales@fasterasset.com 757.623.1700 Adam Tolbert adam.t@fasterasset.com Page 176 of 263 1p Quote FASTER Asset Solutions 760 Lynnhaven Pkwy, Suite 203 Quote # 1559 v3 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 Date Aug 10, 2023 United States Expires Nov 1, 2023 T: 4023055850 Contact Adam Tolbert Prepared for City of El Segundo Ron Griffin 150 Illinois St. El Segundo, CA 90245-4352 United States E: rgriffin@elsegundo.org City of El Segundo, CA, Migration Budgetary Quote Only FASTER Web Core One -Time Fees Category Item Qty LICENSE FASTER WEB CORE LICENSE FEE 150 FASTER WEB Core license fee per standard asset. Standard assets are those originally valued at $5,000 or greater and active). • This includes one instance of the FASTER Web Application with one database. • Unlimited user access (named accounts) included. 10% Item Discount ($1,500.00) FASTER (Code: 001) LICENSE FASTER WEB Non Standard Assets License Fee 30 For non standard assets (initial purchase price <$5,000). Includes setup, license fee, lifetime software updates for customers, first year maintenance and support. Fuel Only assets are also considered non standard regardless of initial purchase price. FASTER (Code: 012a) SETUP / Database Management & Setup Migrating Customer 1 INTERFACE Establishment of one FASTER Web instance with a single Database. This setup includes the FASTER Web test environment that will be used during the entire implementation, all database configuration, testing, backup configuration, and validation. Includes 24x7x365 cloud database access. This same environment will be promoted to be the production environment at the time of Go -Live. • Backups: Hourly database backups will be conducted to ensure consistent and recoverable backups of the database to restore from in the event of an emergency. Database Backups will be limited to 14 days of recoverability. Backups will also be sent daily to a secure, offsite location Faster Asset (Code: 620) Page 177 of 263 Quote One -Time Subtotal $17,750.00 Discount ($1,500.00) Annual Fees Category Item Qty SUPPORT and FASTER WEB CORE ANNUAL SUPPORT & MAINTENANCE 150 MAINTENANCE FASTER WEB Core annual support and maintenance fee per standard asset. FASTER (Code: 001A) SUPPORT and FASTER WEB NON STANDARD ANNUAL SUPPORT & MAINTENANCE 30 MAINTENANCE FASTER WEB Non -Standard Assets annual support and maintenance fee per non-standard asset. FASTER (Code: FWNSALICANN) SUPPORT and Database Annual Support and Maintenance 1 MAINTENANCE Annual fee for support, maintenance, software upgrades, firmware/database management, data storage, and report management. • Backups: Hourly database backups will be conducted to ensure consistent and recoverable backups of the database to restore from in the event of an emergency. Database Backups will be limited to 14 days of recoverability. Backups will also be sent daily to a secure, offsite location • Includes 24x7x365 cloud database access. FASTER (Code: DBMSANN) *Annual Support and Maintenance Fees billing schedules are outlined in the terms and conditions. Annual Support And $12,150.00 Maintenance Subtotal FASTER Web Add -On Solutions One -Time Fees Category Item Qty SETUP / Fuel Import - Single Vendor (Existing Customer) - EJ Ward Fuel Island + EV Charging 2 INTERFACE Single Vendor Fuel Import This is a single vendor fuel import for an existing customer who has been live on a FASTER product for more than 6 months. The import includes 1 (one) of the following options: 1. Import a new fuel vendor fuel transaction file. 2. Import a new fuel file from your existing vendor. FASTER will conduct complete configuration and testing of the fuel file layout and export files (flat files) from the fuel system. Site & Dispenser optional add on is available, if required, to the single vendor fuel import FASTER (Code: 301) Page 178 of 263 [;-r'j �--1 I ; i Quote Category Item Qty SETUP / Single Vendor Site and Dispenser Add On - EJ Ward Fuel Island 1 INTERFACE This is an optional add -on to the Fuel Import (FI) to enable you to track the specific fuel site and/or fuel dispenser. This optional add on allows configuration to track Inventory Items so fuel imports deplete quantity from inventory. 100% Item Discount ($2,575.00) Faster Asset (Code: 303) SETUP/ Dashboard 1 INTERFACE The Faster Dashboard provides easy access to an at -a -glance overview of key performance indicators and data for your organization. The FASTER Dashboard is designed to give fleets a way to monitor performance, communicate, and make quick decisions about their operations. It comes with 20 Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) charts within the Dashboard Add -on, which includes the 8 module landing charts available within FASTER Web which can also be accessed via the Dashboard for one convenient high level overview. 100% Item Discount ($10,300.00) FASTER (Code: 207nc) SETUP / Barcoding Add -On Setup 1 INTERFACE The FASTER Barcoding Add -on provides the ability to scan and print labels on customer provided hardware. This module allows for ease of data entry as well as inventory control. • Beneficial add on for use with in-house numbering system. OEM labels may be used effectively as well. • Simplifies inventory and intake processes for inventory items and storerooms. • Quickly scan incoming inventory with 2D or Symbology - Code 128 barcodes. • Reduces data errors that occur with any manual data entry process. • Print barcode labels for items, including labels for a range of items simultaneously. FASTER (Code: 208) One -Time Subtotal $26,265.00 Discount ($12,875.00) Annual Fees Category Item Qty SUPPORT and Fuel Import Single Vendor Support and Maintenance Existing Customer EJ Ward Fuel Island + EV Charge 2 MAINTENANCE Annual support and maintenance for fuel import for existing customer FASTER (Code: 301 ann) SUPPORT and Single Vendor Site and Dispenser Support and Maintenance - EJ Ward Fuel Island 1 MAINTENANCE Annual support and maintenance for site and dispenser FASTER (Code: 303ann) SUPPORT and Dashboard Annual Support and Maintenance 1 MAINTENANCE FASTER (Code: 207ncann) FASTER Asset Solutions - Quote # 1559 v3 Page 179 of 263 FASTER. Category Item Qty SUPPORT and Barcoding Add -On Annual Support & Maintenance 1 MAINTENANCE Annual recurring support and maintenance for barcode module FASTER (Code: 208ANN) Addon Authentication Provider Integration w/AuthO for Enterprise Connections 1 Modules / WEB This AuthO integration add -on provides authentication options for FASTER Web including the ability to integrate with a third -party cloud directory provider such as Azure AD or Azure AD + SAML. This requires enterprise connections and will provide Single Sign On capabilities. Additionally, you can have the Authentication Provider to provide authentication for your users if you don't have a cloud directory provider or if you have users who are not part of your directory that need access to FASTER Web. FASTER (Code: AuthEnt) *Annual Support and Maintenance Fees billing schedules are outlined in the terms and conditions. Annual Support And $10,053.00 Maintenance Subtotal FASTER Web Implementation One -Time Fees Category Item Qty Service / Data Migration Data Conversion 1 The Migration Data Conversion Product is used for migrating data from FASTER Win to FASTER Web. • Data Migration for FASTER Win Add-Ons are quoted individually and require an individual requirements scope • Data Migration for FASTER Win Customizations are quoted individually and require an individual requirements scope Faster Asset (Code: 408) Base Price One -Time Subtotal FASTER Web Training One -Time Fees $20,000.00 Category Item Qty Page 180 of 263 [7j �--1 I ; :I Quote Category Item Qty Training Implementation Training 1 • Faster Web 101 Introduction • Training Planning Meeting • Pre -Go Live • Six sessions totaling 8 hours of remote, live, instructor -led training focusing on a functional understanding of FASTER Web features to help prepare you for Go Live • Go Live • Three days of onsite, live, instructor -led training • Covers functions necessary in day -day fleet work • 90 Days Post -Go Live • Deployment 30 min weekly Status Consult for 1 st 30 days • Health Check 2-hr call 60 and 90 days from Go Live. • Ongoing through 1 st Year • Access to FASTER Resource Central • Monthly public Q&A and Seminar on specific topics Code: 512-SGL One -Time Subtotal $15,950.00 Summary Please contact us if you have any questions. One -Time Subtotal $79,965.00 Discount ($14,375.00) Total One -Time $65,590.00 USD Total Annual Support And Maintenance $22,203.00 USD Page 181 of 263 FASTER. 0 Cost Breakdown Category One -Time Fees Annual Fees LICENSE $15,750.00 — SUPPORT and MAINTENANCE — $17,403.00 SETUP / INTERFACE $28,265.00 — Addon Modules / WEB — $4,800.00 Service / Data $20,000.00 — Training $15,950.00 — Discount ($14,375.00) — Total $65,590.00 USD $22,203.00 USD • Standard agreement for recurring pricing model is 60 months. • Cancellation of service prior to term expiration will result in an early termination fee equal to 85% of the recurring fees for the remaining term period. • PAYMENTTERMS: • One Time Fees: 30% at Purchase Confirmation/30% at Installation of Software/20% at System Overview/20% at Delivery of Converted Data, Go Live. • 100% of Annual Fees at Installation of FASTER Web. Any months remaining on FASTER Win support will be deducted from the first year's annual fee. Legacy Data Preparation and Cleanup FASTER Asset Solutions always recommends that customers confirm that all legacy system data is current, accurate, and in good order. Data maintained in good order from previous systems will not typically require any corrections and can be imported effectively and efficiently into the FASTER Web product without issue. In the event that there are legacy data issues that require correction by the customer, FASTER Web consultants will support those efforts for our customers by providing guidance and advice. Page 182 of 263 SOLUTION PROPOSAL FLEET MANAGEMENT A SOFTWARE Gilbert Rivera City of El Segundo Quote #: 1929 Quote Date: Aug 29, 2023 Quote Expires: Oct 28, 2023 e 71i�i><&�✓�S � S. s ,f+ y 0 Page 183 of FASTER Asset Solutions 760 Lynnhaven Pkwy, Suite 203 Quote # 1929 Virginia Beach, VA 23452 Date Aug 29, 2023 United States Expires Oct 28, 2023 T:4023055850 Contact Troy Haworth Prepared for City of El Segundo Gilbert Rivera 150 Illinois St. El Segundo, CA 90245-4352 United States ACCEPT , • TE T: (323) 217-3105 E: grivera@elsegundo.org City of El Segundo, CA - Add -On Win User License One -Time Fees Category Item Qty Price Total LICENSE WIN User License 1 $3,880.00 $3,880.00 FASTER (Code: ULWIN001) Total One -Time $3,880.00 USD Annual Fees Category Item Qty Price Total SUPPORT and WIN User License Support & Maintenance 1 $776.00 $776.00 MAINTENANCE FASTER (Code: ULWIN001ann) Please contact us if you have any questions. Total Annual Support And Maintenance $776.00 USD Cost Breakdown Category One -Time Fees Annual Fees LICENSE $3,880.00 — SUPPORT and MAINTENANCE — $776.00 Total $3,880.00 USD $776.00 USD "'TER As%e.t So tidon-s - Quote P 1929 , Page 184 of 263 not PAYMENT TERMS: 50% at Start of Project/50% at Delivery FASTER PksSet Sak;dons -Quote ,,t 1921- Page 185 of 263 City Council Agenda Statement F I, F, G t I) O Meeting Date: September 19, 2023 Agenda Heading: Staff Presentations Item Number: D.10 TITLE: Resolution Modifying the Basic Salary Range for the Chief of Police and the Monthly Stipend for the City Clerk Classifications RECOMMENDATION: Adopt a Resolution modifying the basic monthly salary range for the Chief of Police and the City Clerk classifications. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: The fiscal impact of the proposed salary range adjustment to the Chief of Police classification is approximately $26,593 for FY 2023-24. Additional Appropriation: Staff is requesting an additional appropriation in FY 2023-24 to implement the change to the monthly salary range. Account Number: 001-400-3101 (General Fund -Unassigned Fund Balance) The cost of the proposed monthly stipend adjustment to the Elected City Clerk is approximately $14,072 for FY 2023-24. This will be absorbed though salary savings from the vacant Assistant City Clerk position, resulting in no fiscal impact. BACKGROUND: Chief of Police The Chief of Police classification compensation, benefits and other terms and conditions of employment are provided under the City's Administrative Code Chapter 1A- Management and Confidential Series. The Management and Confidential Series is an unrepresented employee group that has not regularly received cost -of -living adjustments to salary as is customary with the Page 186 of 263 Resolution Modifying Salaries September 19, 2023 Page 2 of 4 represented employees in bargaining units. Instead, this group receives salary increases based on merit and performance from 1-5% annually, until the top of the established salary range for the position has been attained. Once at the top of the salary range, no additional salary can be provided, regardless of satisfactory job performance. When the salary ranges are adjusted, if an employee is due for their annual evaluation, they may be awarded a salary increase based on their performance and availability in the salary range. The last salary range adjustment for the Chief of Police was in June 2019. City Clerk The City Clerk is an elected position that receives a monthly stipend with medical benefit contributions tied to the Management and Confidential Executive group. On March 15, 2016, the City restructured the manner in which the contribution towards medical benefits were paid from $1,200 per month to the Public Employees Medical and Hospital Care Act ("PEMHCA") to the minimum contribution of $125. To mitigate the potentially negative impact to the elected officials' medical benefits, the City Clerk stipend was increased by $1,075. This increase of $1,075 plus $125 made the elected officials whole to their prior medical contribution of $1,200 per month. The total stipend of $2,375 per month was adopted by City Council with Resolution 4973 on March 15, 2016. This stipend remains at this current monthly amount. DISCUSSION: Chief of Police On August 15, 2023, adjustments were made to the salary ranges for the "miscellaneous" employees covered under the Administrative Code Chapter 1A Management and Confidential series with the adoption of Resolution 5432. The Chief of Police is a "safety" position and did not receive a salary range adjustment with the Administrative Code update. The current salary range is $17,620 to $21,737. Miscellaneous positions received a six percent (6%) salary adjustment and non -safety executive salary ranges were adjusted to a maximum of $18,750 per month. The City is currently in labor negotiations with the Police Manager's Association ("PMA") for a successor Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU"). This bargaining unit includes two Police Captains that directly report to the Chief of Police and four Police Lieutenants that report to the Captains. Changes to the compensation for these represented positions will very likely create a salary compaction issue with the compensation for the Chief of Police position in which the total compensation for the PMA positions will exceed that for the Chief of Police. Additionally, the Chief of Police has announced that he will be retiring at the end of this year. The City has engaged an executive recruiter to conduct a recruitment for a successor. For the reasons described above, it is recommended that the base salary range of the Chief of Police be adjusted to $23,259 per month, which represents a seven percent (7%) increase. This salary range adjustment will reduce potential salary Page 187 of 263 Resolution Modifying Salaries September 19, 2023 Page 3 of 4 compaction with PMA employees and also assist the City in attracting the best qualified candidates to apply for this important position. City Clerk In December 2021, the Deputy City Clerk retired after a long tenure. This provided the City with an opportunity to conduct a review of the structure of the City Clerk's office prior to opening a recruitment. In May 2022, it was recommended that the Deputy City Clerk position be reclassified to an Assistant City Clerk position which would be responsible for managing the day-to-day operations of the office in the absence of the elected City Clerk. A recruitment was launched in July 2022 for the newly created position. Three interview panels were conducted for candidates and conditional job offers were made to two candidates who declined the position. During the 2022 election season, the recruitment remained open, but we were not actively recruiting. As we were unable to successfully fill this position, the elected City Clerk and staff have determined that they are able to maintain services without the addition of the Assistant City Clerk. The elected City Clerk adjusts her weekly office hours as needed to compensate during busier times. It is recommended that the monthly stipend for the elected City Clerk be adjusted from $2,375 to $3,375 per month to accommodate the additional workload in the absence of the newly created Assistant City Clerk position. Additionally, it is recommended that the recruitment for this position be suspended for the duration of the 2023-24 fiscal year and reevaluated for the 2024-25 fiscal year. At this time, the City may decide to either continue the suspension of the budgeted position or re -review the staffing structure of the City Clerk's Office. The candidate pool may improve over this fiscal year and enable the City to fill the position with a qualified candidate. As mentioned previously, the stipend amount has remained the same since 2016. Increasing the stipend and suspending the filling of the Assistant City Clerk position will result in a salary savings. If these recommendations and resolution are approved and adopted, Human Resources will work with Finance to implement the monthly salary range adjustment for the Chief of Police and stipend for the City Clerk positions. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 3: Promote a Quality Workforce Through Teamwork and Organizational Efficiencies Objective: El Segundo is an employer of choice and consistently hires for the future, with a workforce that is inspired, world -class, engaged and innovative. PREPARED BY: Rebecca Redyk, Human Resources Director Page 188 of 263 Resolution Modifying Salaries September 19, 2023 Page 4 of 4 REVIEWED BY: Rebecca Redyk, Human Resources Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Resolution Modifying the Monthly Basic Salary Range for Various Classifications Page 189 of 263 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION MODIFYING THE BASIC MONTHLY SALARY RANGE FOR VARIOUS JOB CLASSIFICATIONS The City Council of the City of El Segundo does resolve as follows: SECTION 1: The City Council approves the following basic salary range: Classification Monthly Salary Range City Clerk (Elected) $3,375.00 Chief of Police $17,620.73 - $23,259.36 SECTION 2: Authority. The City Manager or his designee is authorized to take any steps necessary in order to effectuate this Resolution. SECTION 3: Construction. This Resolution must be broadly construed in order to achieve the purposes stated in this Resolution. It is the City Council's intent that the provisions of this Ordinance be interpreted or implemented by the City and others in a manner that facilitates the purposes set forth in this Resolution. SECTION 4: Severability. If any part of this Resolution or its application is deemed invalid by a court of competent jurisdiction, the City Council intends that such invalidity will not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions or applications and, to this end, the provisions of this Ordinance are severable. SECTION 5: The City Clerk is directed to certify the adoption of this Resolution; record this Resolution in the book of the City's original resolutions and make a minute of this adoption of the Resolution in the City Council's records and the minutes of this meeting. SECTION 6: This Resolution is effective September 19, 2023 and will remain effective unless repealed or superseded. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 19t" day of September, 2023 Drew Boyles, Mayor Page 190 of 263 ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution No. was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 2023, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney Page 191 of 263 ,,, M City Council Agenda Statement E L S E G U N D O Meeting Date: September 19, 2023 Agenda Heading: Staff Presentations Item Number: D.11 TITLE: FY2023-25 Communications Plan for the City of El Segundo RECOMMENDATION: 1. Approve the FY2023-25 Communications Plan for the City of El Segundo. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: None BACKGROUND: The City of El Segundo Communications Program is a critical component of strengthening the City's relationship with residents, businesses and the community as a whole. The program proactively informs stakeholders of what the City is doing to meet their needs and to improve and expand resident and business engagement through multiple communications channels. The City's first Communications Plan was created in May 2019 after the City and City Council identified a comprehensive program was needed to establish communications standards, meet news/media needs, implement branding, provide proactive content, utilize and manage social media and support other marketing -related needs. The plan was last updated in 2021. An effective communications program is fiscally responsible and a smart investment in the City's future. DISCUSSION: A strategic communications program strengthens the City's relationship with residents, businesses, and the community as a whole. The communications plan is a road map Page 192 of 263 2023-2025 Communications Plan September 19, 2023 Page 2 of 3 outlining where staff will focus on integrated communication efforts. The development and regular re-evaluation of the communications plan is a critical component of the communications program. From September 2022 through March 2023, City department directors and team members provided feedback and input about how the Communications Program supported department efforts and identified areas of opportunity. The feedback gathered was instrumental in shaping the goals and strategies for the 2023-2025 Communications Plan. The communication plan aligns and supports all five of the City's strategic goals, and includes the following ten initiatives: 1. Support City Council Priorities 2. Proactively Reach Out to the Community & Garner Customer Feedback 3. Improve Internal City Communications 4. Build Stakeholder Relationships 5. Maintain & Enhance a Consistent Brand Identity 6. Lead Emergency & Crisis Communications 7. Maximize the Impact of El Segundo Media 8. Increase Engagement on Social Media Platforms 9. Strengthen Media Relations 10. Maintain the City Websites The communications plan aims to be proactive in informing stakeholders of what the City is doing to meet their needs and to strengthen and expand resident and business engagement through multiple channels. Several tools and metrics will be implemented and reviewed to gauge the City's success related to the communications program. These include, but are not limited to: • Successful community understanding of high -priority initiatives leading to intended outcomes. • Metrics reports from GovDelivery, GovAccess and Hootsuite. • Increased website(s) engagement, including unique page views and reduced bounce rate. • Increase in Net Promoter survey participation. • Collaborate with other departments to garner citizen feedback via online surveys and point of service feedback. • Increase in social channel growth and engagement. • Positive media coverage supporting the City's messaging. • Increased subscribers, open rates and click-thru rates in GovDelivery. • Communications Program feedback from City staff. Page 193 of 263 2023-2025 Communications Plan September 19, 2023 Page 3 of 3 CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Communication Objective 1A: El Segundo provides unparalleled service to all customers. Objective 1 B: El Segundo's engagement with the community ensures excellence. PREPARED BY: Diane Chaaban, Communications Manager REVIEWED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. 2023-2025 City of El Segundo Communications Plan Page 194 of 263 CITY OF ELSEGUNDO The City of El Segundo July 1, 2023 - June 30, 2025 T 3 T4, q-'' . I ' ti p" L .. 1 i 1pr r` r z t 1 , R. -41 kp 1. r ' r " w ' _ .� • , tLa L. 16 "16 ■� r L . } Ir or r _ _ja_ • ' 1 1 r 1 _ in 1 . JrL Tr t • ■ 4 r r ■% , - . f '•' L 1 r Ll 0 . M CONTENTS SECTION 1: OVERVIEW • Background • Vision & Guiding Principles • City of El Segundo Strategic Goals • Audiences & Channels • Communication Tools • Input from City Departments SECTION 2: GOALS, STRATEGIES & INITIATIVES • Goals &Strategies • Initiatives SECTION 3: LOOKING AHEAD • Measures for Success • Next Steps o'd Page 196 of 263 03 ORIVA�iyfm The City of El Segundo Communications Program is a critical component of strengthening the City's relationship with residents, businesses and the community as a whole. The program proactively informs stakeholders of what the City is doing to meet their needs and to improve and expand resident and business engagement through multiple communications channels. The City's first Communications Plan was created in May 2019 after the City and City Council identified a comprehensive program was needed to establish communications standards, meet news/media needs, implement branding, provide proactive content, utilize and manage social media and support other marketing - related needs. The plan was updated in 2021. An effective communications program is fiscally responsible and a smart investment in the City's future. Page 198 of 263 VISION & PRINCIPLES Vision: To support the City through communications that foster effective, proactive and two- way engagement with all stakeholders; leading to improved trust, greater transparency and understanding with residents, employees and businesses; and be the number one source for information for all things City -related. Guiding Principles: The Communications Program is timely, proactive, transparent, effective, accurate and helpful. is oil 0 CITY OF ELSEGUNDO The Communications Plan aligns and supports the strategic goals outlined in the City of El Segundo's Strategic Plan: 1 �e; 3 E Enhance Customer Service, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Communication Support Community Safety & Preparedness Promote a Quality Workforce through Teamwork and Organizational Efficiencies Develop and Maintain Quality Infrastructure & Technology Champion Economic Development & Fiscal Sustainability CITY OF ELSEGUNDO City Council Committees, Commissions & Boards El Segundo Media (Spectrum Channel 3 & 22 AT&T U-verse Channel 99) Websites Emails/SMS Social Media Meetings City Signage Residents Businesses & Employees AUDIENCES & CHANNELS City Employees Employee Association Leadership Intranet Emails/SMS Events Potential New Businesses Prospective Residents Visitors 07 Journalists/Influencers EL SEGUNDO MEDIA El Segundo Media produces timely stories for digital and community cable platforms. Media content includes public service announcements (PSAs), community awareness issues, spotlights on local businesses and healthy living. Shows include El Segundo News, City Council Recap and various other segments. • EMAIL The City utilizes GovDelivery, an email delivery system that provides easy -to -use templates, supports images, PDFs, specific topics/email lists and easy -to -access analytics to measure interaction. The community can sign up for select topics or subscribe to all. •I• CITY WEBSITES City websites include City, Fire, Police, Recreation, Parks & Library, Hospitality/Tourism and Economic Development. The sites are user-friendly and feature easy -to -find, timely & accurate content. Key areas include: News, Events, Service Requests and department -specific information. SOCIAL MEDIA CHANNELS Social media channels are leveraged for integrated citywide communications. A dashboard streamlines logins and provides ease -of - use for content deployment, monitoring and scheduling. All social channels are featured on the City's websites and there is a dedicated social media page on elsegundo.org. W MEDIA RELATIONS Media relations support includes media alerts, media release writing, distribution & outreach, maintenance of media lists & relationships, media/event production and photography &video asset (b-roll) creation. DESIGN & I NTRAN ET EVENTS PHOTOGRAPHY The Intranet serves as the Both internal and external El Segundo Media offers primary tool to events are tools for specialized expertise and communicate with City information dissemination assistance with staff. It provides staff with and interaction. Staff photography and graphic timely and relevant events and external events design to departments and information and offers a such as community teams at City Hall. Support repository of important meetings, City Council includes flyers, logo employee policies and meetings, town halls, development, images for guidelines, that can be press conferences and use on social media and accessed anywhere, media events are websites. anytime. supported by the Communications Team. W Page 203 of 263 DEPARTMENT Key Findings: INPUT• Proactive communications planning is critical for key projects in all departments. City department directors and team • Adoption and use of Communications Request Form, members provided feedback and input Websites and GovDelivery channels across departments for about how the Communications Program supported department efforts both internal and external communications is important. and identified areas of opportunity. •Proactive feedback tools/surveys are instrumental to inform Input helped shape the goals and customer service/satisfaction goals. strategies for the 2023-2025 plan. •Fresh photography is helpful for departments for website pages, social channels and bulletins. • The Intranet has vastly improved internal communications. • The Communications Committee meets monthly and is an � effective forum for cross -departmental collaboration and integrated communications for the City. 10 Page 204 of 263 Section 2 nJ SON. ■Am r. it ,�■^lb �_ + 7-1 16 .ti I ■ 16 •7+'. & Initiatives CITY OF ELSEGUNDO INFORM 2023m2O25 Communication Goals 4 FOSTER LEAD Be the leading source of information and provide a solid understanding of the City's responsibilities, services, and programs. LIST IV Listen and increase two-way communication to garner feedback to take immediate action and set future customer service goals. PROMOTE Promote the City's services, programs and events to residents and visitors. Foster a culture of transparency, partnership, diversity and inclusion with the community through timely communications. INCREASE Increase awareness and understanding about why the City of El Segundo is a great place to live, work and visit. BUILD Build trust and responsiveness with the media. Lead communications between key stakeholders in the City, and ensure that communications are consistent, inclusive, proactive and collaborative. CREATr Create citywide brand guidelines and policy to support a unified brand identity. REACH Utilize effective communication channels to reach multiple audiences. 12 Support City Council Priorities CProactively Reach Out to the Community & Garner Customer Feedback OImprove Internal City Communications �4, Build Stakeholder Relationships �5) Maintain & Enhance a Consistent Brand Identity Lead Emergency & Crisis Communications Maximize the Impact of El Segundo Media ncrease Engagement on Social Media Platforms Strengthen Media Relations 10 Maintain the City Websites 13 Page 207 of 263 win Key Focus Areas: • Lead public information outreach efforts to support RIF G I IF i implementation of City Council directives. CIL PRIORITIES • Produce City Council Recap that summarizes decisions, recommendations and presentations made during City Council meetings. • Provide background and communication points for media interviews; statistics and information for presentations; updates on key projects and programs; crisis communications leadership and support. • Speeches, remarks and videos for official city - related activities. 14 Page 208 of 263 Key Focus Areas: • Utilize metrics and feedback to improve customer ,r�ROACTIVELY REACH services and processes. tIUT TO THE � MMUNITY AND • Conduct annual Net Promoter survey. "j""ARNER CUSTOMER • Further collaborate with City departments to create DBACK outreach campaigns including communications strategy, public relations and content creation. • Expand and increase engagement with established communications channels including: newsletters (digital and printed for older adults and available at City facilities open to the public), bulletins, City websites and social media. • Keep a pulse and invite feedback for additional --> channels of communications, as needed. 15 Page 209 of 263 Key Focus Areas: • Conduct quarterly in -person town hall meetings featuring the ,'DROVE INTERNAL City Manager to provide updates about upcoming projects MMUNICATIONS and foster dialogue with City staff members. • Continue the City Manager Update that includes a message from the City Manager, timely news from departments, new business updates, and City -related news and events. • Curate and expand staff Intranet featuring department - related news, City policies, leadership training opportunities, staff activities, employee appreciation events, and health and wellness information. • The Communications Team will continue to work with inter- departmental liaisons to align messaging priorities. � • GovDelivery and GovAccess training will continue for all departments to empower staff to expand communications with employees. 16 Page 210 of 263 0 .D STA NTION 0 Key Focus Areas: • Strengthen relationships with federal, state and local elected officials' communications teams. • Grow relationships with communications contacts at top employers within the business community. • Serve as City liaison with key community groups. • Identify speaking opportunities for City Councilmembers and key City staff with stakeholder groups. ,7 Page 211 of 263 Key Stakeholders Community/Residents: PTAs, Churches, Kiwanis Club, Rotary Club, Schools, Ed! Foundation Media: El Segundo Herald, Los Angeles Times, Daily Breeze, Easy Reader, Beach Reporter, Los Angeles Business Journal Emergency: Los Angeles Air Force Base (LAAFB), Los Angeles International Airport (LAWA), Chevron, Los Angeles Department of Water & Power (LADWP), Hyperion Water Reclamation Plant, Top 10 Employers, Hotels, Schools Regional Groups: South Bay Cities Council of Governments (SBCCOG), Los Angeles Economic Development Corporation (LAEDC), South Bay Association of Chambers of Commerce, Governor's Office of Business and Economic Development, LA County Communications Representatives Aerospace Sector: LAAFB, Aerospace Corporation, Starburst Accelerator, LA Air Force Base & Aerospace Employers, South Bay Aerospace Alliance, Aerospace & Defense Forum Education: Superintendents, Principals, PTAs, Ed! Foundation and Key Education Stakeholders State & Local Elected Officials: Governor Gavin Newsom, Offices of: Senator Dianne Feinstein, Senator Alex Padilla, Representative Ted Lieu, Senator Benjamin Allen, Assemblymember Al Marutsuchi, Second District Supervisor Holly J. Mitchell; City Councilmembers of the South Bay Cities Marketing Communications: LA Kings, Los Angeles Lakers, LA Chargers, LA Times, The Point, Plaza El Segundo, Topgolf, Downtown Businesses Committees, Commissions & Boards: Coordination of Annual Joint Meeting of CCB Representatives Los Angeles World Airports (LAWA) Relations: City Lobbyist, LAWA External Relations, LAWA Press Office, LAWA Community Relations Top 20 Employers: Aerospace Corp, AT&T, Big 5, The Boeing Company, Cetera Financial Group, Inc., Chevron Products Company, Infineon Technologies America Corporation, Internet Brands, Kinecta Federal Credit Union, Karl Storz Endoscopy America, Inc., Kite Pharma, Los Angeles Times, Mattel Inc., Northrop Grumman, Optum, Raytheon, Spectrum, Stamps.com, TechStyle, Teledyne Controls ff:] Page 212 of 263 It I It Key Focus Areas: • Develop a comprehensive branding style guide for ENHANCE D the City, including: :T BRAN IR 0 Logo usage and compliance guidelines o Colors, fonts o Adoption by City Council • Fresh and dynamic photography assets for use on websites, social media and other communications opportunities. • Explore development of a digital asset management system. 19 Page 213 of 263 LEAU & CR r!nm Key Focus Areas: The Communications Manager serves as the Public Information Officer (PIO). Alignment, collaboration and training with Alert SouthBay and Nixle for regional emergency alerts. • Active participation with key stakeholders to continue to prepare and train for emergency communications needs. • Participate in emergency response drills and lead the crisis communications component of City's Emergency Plan. • Support communications to encourage participation -> in CERT and other emergency preparedness activities. all Page 214 of 263 It Key Focus Areas: • Continue successful programming including El Segundo News, City Council Recap, What's Up El Segundo, � Business Matters and live broadcasts of City Council and select Committees, Commissions and Boards meetings. • Continue integrating with City Communications Committee team members to support and promote department initiatives. • Repurpose segments to be shared on social media channels. • Support press conferences and special events. • Leverage video expertise to drive social media channel r opportunities. --> • Create grassroots awareness campaign to boost viewership. 2, Page 215 of 263 Key Focus Areas: iANCE using Facebook, Instagram, Linkedln, Twitter 11A and YouTube as main channels for citywide '-R*AAGEMENT information sharing. • Support departments' social channels to further broaden reach, grow audiences and leverage content across the City's social channels. • Provide guidance to Communications Committee members to enhance their use of social media. • Build confidence in the social media communities to refer to City websites for accurate information. • Keep a pulse on new channels and platforms to reach audiences further. -> • Update social media policy for current best practices. 22 Page 216 of 263 Key Focus Areas: • Provide clear, consistent and timely messaging for 11 Wi external audiences. 11 • Regular check -ins with key reporters to share news and updates. • Maintain a comprehensive media contact list. • Provide media and photo opportunity alerts for newsworthy events to stay top -of -mind with the media. • Leverage media monitoring to stay up-to-date on local media topics and coverage. • Utilize a master calendar to proactively alert media of newsworthy projects and upcoming initiatives. 23 Page 217 of 263 Key Focus Areas: • Conduct a website audit to uncover areas for opportunity MEW hINTAIN CI I E to further support City and department communications. = 9R, I T F R Work with the Communications Committee to refresh images, content and page layouts, where needed. • Strategize with departments to promote and highlight content on their web pages. • Update the Website Content Style Guide and Website Governance Policy on an annual basis. • Encourage and work with department directors to hold City staff accountable for adhering to guidelines and policy. • Provide training for new Communications Committee members. -> • Employ best practices per the Website Content Style Guide. M Page 218 of 263 Section 3 —> 3- w F "Izrw I Mil 0 re I IS91h.-■1! '0l: • Successful community understanding of high -priority initiatives leading to intended outcomes. • Metrics reports from GovDelivery, GovAccess and Hootsuite. • Increased website(s) engagement including unique page views and reduced bounce rate. --> • Increase in Net Promoter survey participation. • Collaborate with other departments to garner citizen feedback via online surveys and point of service feedback. • Increase in social channel growth and engagement. • Positive media coverage supporting the City's messaging. • Increased subscribers, open rates and click-thru rates in GovDelivery. • Communications Program feedback from City staff. 26 Page 220 of 263 ADOPT Review plan with all departments and representatives. PLAN Ensure action plans are in place for each initiative/focus. EXECUTE Execute communications strategy and support. MEASURE W Measure for effectiveness and collect data to inform future strategy. 27 Page 221 of 263 a 49h OM I Dtfice. Cc pr lid L 40 Iwo r d j L4FA 16_w L dF ow� f 36 lob.- F-A I ll� f--1 0 City Council Agenda Statement F 1 F �' t 1) �� Meeting Date: September 19, 2023 Agenda Heading: Staff Presentations Item Number: D.12 TITLE: Phase One Recreation Park Renovation Project RECOMMENDATION: Review, provide comments, and approve proposed prioritization of the conceptual plans for Phase One Recreation Park Improvements. 2. Direct staff to return to Council with an amended agreement with LPA, Inc. to proceed with phase two of the design, which includes the preparation of detailed design and construction documents. 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: The total estimated cost to complete all four elements of the Phase One Recreation Park Renovation is anticipated to be $17.5 million. There is an additional $13.6 million in potential upgrades to the project, which could include synthetic turf, upgraded drainage systems, and LED lighting. There is currently $1.7 million in the Recreation Park Improvements Reserve Fund. In addition, the Council has directed $7 million be placed in reserves over the next three years, for a total of $8.7 million to be available by FY24-25. This leaves a gap of $9 million in funding if the Council were to elect to complete all four elements of the project. Staff are also reviewing potential grant opportunities to close the funding gap. Potential funding opportunities include Prop 68 funds and Land And Water Conservation grants. BACKGROUND: In 1954, the City of El Segundo constructed Recreation Park which included two baseball fields, a softball field, a two-story community clubhouse, tennis and basketball courts, concession stands, and picnic space. Over the years, the City has continued to improve and add to Recreation Park, constructing additional buildings, including the Page 223 of 263 Phase One Recreation Park Renovation September 19, 2023 Page 2 of 5 Checkout Building (1961), Joslyn Center (1966), Teen Center (1980), and volleyball courts, pickleball courts, a paddle tennis court, a roller hockey rink, a community garden, and more. In recent years, the Council has had several discussions about updating the park in order to continue serving the evolving needs of the residents of El Segundo. In general, this park has not had any major improvements in over 30 years. Due to age and deferred maintenance, significant investment is needed to upgrade or replace existing Recreation Park facilities. On February 18, 2020, City Council authorized staff to issue a Request for Proposals (RFP) to conduct a Recreation Park Needs Assessment, including public engagement, recreation and parks trend analysis, comprehensive review of City recreation programming, facility condition assessments, accessibility survey and American Disabilities Act requirements, master plan recommendations and cost estimates. The City Council directed staff and the consultant to complete the outreach and analysis faster than the nine months outlined in the original proposal if possible. In response to this request, the project schedule was revised to seven months. On October 20, 2021, RJM Design Group presented summary information about their analysis and professional recommendations to the Recreation and Parks Commission. On November 16, 2021, RJM Design Group presented the Recreation Park Needs Assessment to City Council. While the City received and filed the item, the Council was clear that they felt the document lacked the clarity needed to project a clear path forward. Council directed staff to conduct meetings with the City Manager and individual Councilmembers to further discuss the Needs Assessment and proposed recommendations. The Council also directed staff to set up a joint meeting of the City Council and the Recreation and Parks Commission so that further discussion could take place. In June and July of 2022, the newly hired Recreation, Parks and Library Director reviewed the Recreation Park Needs Assessment document, viewed the November 16, 2021 City Council meeting, consulted with the Interim Community Services Director, and engaged City staff in further discussion about the findings and recommendation of the Needs Assessment. It became apparent that there is some uncertainty in the findings of the Needs Assessment, particularly with regard to the notion of demolishing three current, specific use facilities to build one multi -use, multi -level Community Center. Staff who interact with the public users of the park regularly expressed concern to City staff that the survey sample may not have represented those who actually utilize the park. Collectively, Recreation and Parks staff felt strongly that the park users would like to see Recreation Park maintain its current layout with independent facilities that are geared toward serving specific age groups. On August 31, 2022, a joint meeting of the City Council and Recreation and Parks Page 224 of 263 Phase One Recreation Park Renovation September 19, 2023 Page 3 of 5 Commission was held at the Joslyn Center to consider options for moving ahead with park updates. At the meeting, the City Council and Recreation and Parks Commission directed staff to retain the current layout of Recreation Park while making needed upgrades to current spaces and facilities using a phased approach. This would involve making a series of renovations and updates to each facility or amenity over time as funding is available. The four elements identified in Phase One improvements include: 1. Renovations to the Teen Center and Teen Plaza, including the basketball court and skate park. 2. Renovations of the pickleball, tennis, volleyball and paddle tennis courts. 3. Renovations to Stevenson, George Brett and softball fields, including irrigation improvements. 4. Demolition and re -imagining of lawnbowling, horseshoes and bag toss areas. 176*0111::14IQ0F At the Council meeting of April 18, 2023, the Council voted to enter into a Professional Services Agreement with LPA, Inc. ("LPA") for an amount not to exceed $145,918 to provide conceptual site plans for Phase One of the Recreation Park Renovation Project along with a rough order of magnitude cost. A Recreation Park Renovation Subcommittee was formed to assist staff in developing the conceptual plan with the consultants. The Recreation Park Renovation Subcommittee met four times and included members Councilmember Pirsztuk, Councilmember Baldino, Recreation Commissioner Bob Motta, Recreation Commissioner Dave Lubs, Arts and Culture Advisory Committeemember loana Thurman and City staff. Additionally, LPA presented conceptual plans to the Recreation and Park Commission at a community meeting on August 16, 2023. Teen Center and Teen Plaza Improvements The teen center is an outdated building in disrepair that hasn't had any significant upgrades in many years. The structural integrity of the building is fine but the finishing, utilities and roofing systems are all in need of upgrades. Additionally, more opportunities for flexible spacing are desired, such as a roll -up door that would allow a natural connection between the indoor and outdoor space. Significant improvements are also needed to the skate park and the basketball courts. Upgrade and Repairs to Fields, Including Irrigation Brett Field and the softball field have drainage issues and infield surfacing issues that Page 225 of 263 Phase One Recreation Park Renovation September 19, 2023 Page 4 of 5 need to be addressed. There are options to utilize synthetic or natural turf on both fields and both fields need to be regraded. Lighting has been deemed to be sufficient, though LED lights could be added for environmental considerations. Stevenson Field Stevenson field has been designed as a water retention site. Because of this, any significant upgrades to the turf and infield will be subject to deterioration when the field floods during large storm events. The only way to address this issue is to consider increasing the capacity of the pump station adjacent to the field. As such, additional drywalls are proposed that could assist in water drainage but will not eradicate the issue. Lawnbowling and Horsehoe Area The lawnbowling and horseshoe areas are essentially defunct. There is extremely limited use of these areas for their intended purposes. Staff are proposing demolishing these areas and creating a great lawn that would connect the north and south lawns adjacent to the Checkout Building and sports courts. The great lawn would feature new turf, trees and walkways. At the southern end of the great lawn, a seating area is proposed that would include trees, plant materials and shaded tables and benches that could be utilized by Joslyn Center patrons and the general public. Sports Courts The surfacing and play areas of the courts were determined to be in good condition. The fencing and structural poles and walls are in need of repairs but the costs of those repairs may outweigh the benefits. It is proposed that these repairs be completed only as necessary for safety. Any additional upgrades to fencing and lighting are recommended at a later date as funding is identified. Priorities While meeting with the Recreation Park Renovation Subcommittee and the Recreation and Parks Commission, it became apparent that there is consensus that the top priority for the community is to complete the Teen Center and Teen Plaza upgrades. The second priority is the upgrades and repairs to the fields. Following those projects is the repurpose of the lawnbowling, horsehoes and bag toss areas. The lowest priority project was determined to be the repair of the poles and walls surrounding the pickleball and tennis courts. Page 226 of 263 Phase One Recreation Park Renovation September 19, 2023 Page 5 of 5 CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Communication Objective 1A: El Segundo provides unparalleled service to all customers. Objective 1 B: El Segundo's engagement with the community ensures excellence. Goal 4: Develop and Maintain Quality Infrastructure and Technology Objective 4A: El Segundo's physical infrastructure supports an inviting and safe community. PREPARED BY: Brandee Thornton, Sr. Admin Specialist REVIEWED BY: Aly Mancini, Recreation, Parks and Library Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: None Page 227 of 263 City Council Agenda Statement F I, F, G t I) O Meeting Date: September 19, 2023 Agenda Heading: Staff Presentations Item Number: D.13 TITLE: Consideration of Converting an Existing Two-way Stop to a Four-way Stop at the Intersection of Main Street and Oak Avenue RECOMMENDATION: Consider and accept staff's recommendation to keep the current two-way stop and not to install a four-way stop at the intersection of Main Street and Oak Avenue. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: Installation of a four-way stop at this intersection is estimated to cost $500. The cost can be absorbed via the City's adopted FY2023-2024 annual Budget. Amount Budgeted: 30,000. Additional Appropriation: None. Account Number(s): 001-400-4205-5204 (Traffic Safety Operating Supplies) :1_T61201:tell] z 113 Some residents have requested City Council consideration to convert the existing two- way stop to a four-way stop at the intersection of Main Street and Oak Avenue. Currently, the intersection is a two-way stop -controlled intersection, with stop signs at Oak Avenue. Please see Attachments 1,2, and 3 for vicinity, location, and aerial maps. The request for a four-way stop was referred to the Traffic Committee, which consists of Public Works and Police Department staff. The Traffic Committee recommended that a warrant analysis be conducted for this location in accordance with the California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (CAMUTCD). A warrant is a condition that an intersection must meet prior to the installation of a four-way stop. The warrant considerations for a four-way stop consist of: Page 228 of 263 Four-way stop at Main St. and Oak Ave. September 19, 2023 Page 2 of 3 1. Site accident history 2. Roadway user volume 3. Sight visibility 4. Types of streets Please see attachment 4 for more guidance on CAMUTCD Section 2B.07. In accordance with the CAMUTCD, a four-way stop cannot be installed as a traffic calming device to slow down traffic. Installation of stop signs does not guarantee reduced vehicle speeds or safer driving conditions. Improper or unwarranted installation of a four-way stop at any intersection may have an adverse impact on the traffic operation of that intersection and potentially present unsafe conditions, liability, and financial exposure for the City. DISCUSSION: A licensed Traffic Engineer conducted the warrant analysis for a four-way stop at the Main St. and Oak Ave. intersection in accordance to CA MUTCD. The warrant analysis indicates that: The accident story at the intersection does not meet the warrant for a four-way stop. The roadway user volume at Oak Ave. falls below the threshold and does not meet the warrant for a four-way stop. The sight distances along Main St. are sufficient and do not indicate that a four- way stop is needed. Please refer to attachment 5 for details of the warrant analysis. Based on the warrant study, staff recommends not installing a four-way stop sign at Main Street and Oak Avenue since the warrant is not met. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Communication Objective 1A: El Segundo provides unparalleled service to all customers. Goal 4: Develop and Maintain Quality Infrastructure and Technology Objective 4A: El Segundo's physical infrastructure supports an inviting and safe community. Page 229 of 263 Four-way stop at Main St. and Oak Ave. September 19, 2023 Page 3 of 3 PREPARED BY: Lifan Xu, City Engineer REVIEWED BY: Elias Sassoon, Public Works Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Main St. and Oak Ave. Vicinity Map 2. Main St. and Oak Ave. Location Map 3. Main St. and Oak Ave. Aerial Map 4. California MUTCD section # 2B .07 5. Four Way Stop Warrant Analysis for Main and Oak Intersection Page 230 of 263 9/6/2023 Main St. and Oak Ave. Stop Signs Vicinity Map r♦ lon ono 11"mperlaTAve MonMonMonmEmWrwawiml■I■IwT ■ 7 ■ E Acacia Ave • Century Fwy N T■ � y N — 2 • - 1 a N > N Q x E — o = =I s o. 1 o s m m Z 2 N N N Z v 1 c Z O ■ +� .E E Mariposa Ave nN to 1 a ■ s v `" ■ > Q ■� r E Pine Ave U) N I m ElSegundo N 1 1 N ■ N 124th St i ■ 0 NJ M m E Grand Ave c ��W 1 d Ave V Y ■ L ■ N 1 N� 1 ■_■I `■ �4.� ■ Mom �7 m� E El Segundo Blvd E El Segundo BI d— ■ ■ • o The Lakes Golf N • ♦ Course v 1 c ■ • � 1 • 1 D ♦ 1 ■ ♦ ` ! W 138th St ♦ •► Plaza El aza 100 ; Segundo 1 139th St 1 W 141 st St El Poo to 1 a y m M, ♦■ �♦ Ino ■ Mom ■ Mom ■ Mom ■ mom ■ Mom ■ mom ■ mom ■ mom ■ Mon ■ own ■ Mom ■ Mom ■ Mom ■ Mom ■ Mom ■ MRasawmo m Aww ■ mon7 W Rosecrans 36th PI a 35th St v p Manhattan � m a,s D B O� Beach Marriot U (a D J m Golf Course 1:30,816 0.2 0.4 0.8 mi 0.35 0.7 1.4 km City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, California State Parks, Esri, HERE, Garmin, SafeGraph, GeoTechnologies, Inc, METI/NASA, USGS, Page 231 of 263 Main St. and Oak Ave. Stop Signs Location Map � ■ � � Liyirl+' i MINIM Em �■ i ■■N1111��■�� ��M•� ri11■.L 0 i ww1�1�''w a■■�.■ ■1 � �I■�l1� rlull�!'1� 1■:: 9/6/2023 M Table 1:6,762 0 0.05 0.1 0.19 mi 0 0.07 0.15 0.3 km Esri Community Maps Contributors, City of El Segundo, County of Los Angeles, California State Parks, © OpenStreetMap, Microsoft, Esri, HERE, Page 232 of 263 ELSEGUNDO Main St. and Oak Ave. Stop Signs Aerial Map O❑ Page 233 of 263 California Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices FHWA's MUTCD 2009 Edition, including Revisions 1 & 2 as amended for use in California. a tom■ ■ 1� ■ e op: CALIFORNIA STATE TRANSPORTATION AGENCY California MUTCD 2014 Edition Page 129 (FHWA's MUTCD 2009 Edition, including Revisions 1 & 2, as amended for use in California) Support: 17 Caltrans will grant such permission only when an investigation indicates that the STOP (R1-1) sign will benefit traffic. Section 2B.06 STOP Sign Applications Guidance: of At intersections where a full stop is not necessary at all times, consideration should first be given to using less restrictive measures such as YIELD signs (see Sections 2B.08 and 2B.09). 02 The use of STOP signs on the minor -street approaches should be considered if engineering judgment indicates that a stop is always required because of one or more of the following conditions: A. The vehicular traffic volumes on the through street or highway exceed 6, 000 vehicles per day; B. A restricted view exists that requires road users to stop in order to adequately observe conflicting traffic on the through street or highway; and/or C. Crash records indicate that three or more crashes that are susceptible to correction by the installation of a STOP sign have been reported within a 12-month period, or that five or more such crashes have been reported within a 2 year period. Such crashes include right-angle collisions involving road users on the minor -street approach failing to yield the right-of-way to traffic on the through street or highway. Support: 03 The use of STOP signs at grade crossings is described in Sections 8B.04 and 8B.05. Section 2B.07 Multi -Way Stop Applications Support: of Multi -way stop control can be useful as a safety measure at intersections if certain traffic conditions exist. Safety concerns associated with multi -way stops include pedestrians, bicyclists, and all road users expecting other road users to stop. Multi -way stop control is used where the volume of traffic on the intersecting roads is approximately equal. 02 The restrictions on the use of STOP signs described in Section 2B.04 also apply to multi -way stop applications. Guidance: 03 The decision to install multi -way stop control should be based on an engineering study. 04 The following criteria should be considered in the engineering study for a multi -way STOP sign installation: A. Where traffic control signals are justified, the multi -way stop is an interim measure that can be installed quickly to control traffic while arrangements are being made for the installation of the traffic control signal. B. Five or more reported crashes in a 12-month period that are susceptible to correction by a multi -way stop installation. Such crashes include right -turn and left -turn collisions as well as right-angle collisions. C. Minimum volumes: 1. The vehicular volume entering the intersection from the major street approaches (total of both approaches) averages at least 300 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day; and 2. The combined vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle volume entering the intersection from the minor street approaches (total of both approaches) averages at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours, with an average delay to minor -street vehicular traffic of at least 30 seconds per vehicle during the highest hour; but 3. If the 85th percentile approach speed of the major -street traffic exceeds 40 mph, the minimum vehicular volume warrants are 70 percent of the values provided in Items 1 and 2. D. Where no single criterion is satisfied, but where Criteria B, C.1, and C.2 are all satisfied to 80 percent of the minimum values. Criterion C.3 is excluded from this condition. Option: 05 Other criteria that may be considered in an engineering study include: A. The need to control left -turn conflicts; B. The need to control vehicle/pedestrian conflicts near locations that generate high pedestrian volumes; C. Locations where a road user, after stopping, cannot see conflicting traffic and is not able to negotiate the intersection unless conflicting cross traffic is also required to stop; and Chapter 2B — Regulatory Signs, Barricades, and Gates Part 2 — Signs November 7, 2014 Page 235 of 263 California MUTCD 2014 Edition Page 130 (FHWA's MUTCD 2009 Edition, including Revisions 1 & 2, as amended for use in California) D. An intersection of two residential neighborhood collector (through) streets of similar design and operating characteristics where multi -way stop control would improve traffic operational characteristics of the intersection. Section 2B.08 YIELD Sign M1-2) Standard: of The YIELD (111-2) sign (see Figure 2B-1) shall be a downward -pointing equilateral triangle with a wide red border and the legend YIELD in red on a white background. Support: 02 The YIELD sign assigns right-of-way to traffic on certain approaches to an intersection. Vehicles controlled by a YIELD sign need to slow down to a speed that is reasonable for the existing conditions or stop when necessary to avoid interfering with conflicting traffic. Section 2B.09 YIELD Sign Applications Option: of YIELD signs may be installed: A. On the approaches to a through street or highway where conditions are such that a full stop is not always required. B. At the second crossroad of a divided highway, where the median width at the intersection is 30 feet or greater. In this case, a STOP or YIELD sign may be installed at the entrance to the first roadway of a divided highway, and a YIELD sign may be installed at the entrance to the second roadway. C. For a channelized turn lane that is separated from the adjacent travel lanes by an island, even if the adjacent lanes at the intersection are controlled by a highway traffic control signal or by a STOP sign. D. At an intersection where a special problem exists and where engineering judgment indicates the problem to be susceptible to correction by the use of the YIELD sign. E. Facing the entering roadway for a merge -type movement if engineering judgment indicates that control is needed because acceleration geometry and/or sight distance is not adequate for merging traffic operation. Standard: 02 A YIELD (111-2) sign shall be used to assign right-of-way at the entrance to a roundabout. YIELD signs at roundabouts shall be used to control the approach roadways and shall not be used to control the circulatory roadway. 03 Other than for all of the approaches to a roundabout, YIELD signs shall not be placed on all of the approaches to an intersection. Section 2B.10 STOP Sign or YIELD Sign Placement Standard: of The STOP or YIELD sign shall be installed on the near side of the intersection on the right-hand side of the approach to which it applies. When the STOP or YIELD sign is installed at this required location and the sign visibility is restricted, a Stop Ahead sign (see Section 2C.36) shall be installed in advance of the STOP sign or a Yield Ahead sign (see Section 2C.36) shall be installed in advance of the YIELD sign. 02 The STOP or YIELD sign shall be located as close as practical to the intersection it regulates, while optimizing its visibility to the road user it is intended to regulate. 02a YIELD signs shall not be erected upon the approaches to more than one of the intersecting streets. Refer to CVC 21356. 03 STOP signs and YIELD signs shall not be mounted on the same post. 04 No items other than inventory stickers, sign installation dates, and bar codes shall be affixed to the fronts of STOP or YIELD signs, and the placement of these items shall be in the border of the sign. os No items other than official traffic control signs, inventory stickers, sign installation dates, anti - vandalism stickers, and bar codes shall be mounted on the backs of STOP or YIELD signs. 06 No items other than retroreflective strips (see Section 2A.21) or official traffic control signs shall be mounted on the fronts or backs of STOP or YIELD signs supports. Chapter 2B — Regulatory Signs, Barricades, and Gates Part 2 — Signs November 7, 2014 Page 236 of 263 CITY OF EL SEGUNDO INTEROFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: LIFAN XU, CITY ENGINEER FROM: RICHARD GARLAND, CONTRACT TRAFFIC ENGINEER SUBJECT: WARRANT ANALYSIS FOR 4-WAY STOP SIGNS MAIN STREET/OAK AVENUE INTERSECTION DATE: AUGUST 7, 2023 I have evaluated the intersection of Main Street and Oak Avenue for the feasibility of installing stop signs on Main Street to create a 4-way stop. Stop signs are currently in place on the Oak Avenue approaches to this intersection. The analysis is based on the guidelines cited in the California "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" (MUTCD). The manual states that a multi -way stop may be warranted if one or both of the following criteria are satisfied. 1. Five or more reported crashes in a 12-month period that are susceptible to correction by a multi -way stop installation. 2. The vehicular volume entering the intersection from the major street approaches (total of both approaches) averages at least 300 vehicles per hour for any 8 hours of an average day; AND The combined vehicular, pedestrian, and bicycle volume entering the intersection from the minor street (total of both approaches) averages at least 200 units per hour for the same 8 hours, with an average delay to minor street vehicular traffic of at least 30 seconds per vehicle during the highest hour. For purposes of this analysis, the major street is Main Street and the minor street is Oak Avenue. With regard to Guideline No. 1, reported crashes, data obtained from the City of El Segundo Police Department for the time period extending from January 2019 to June 2023 indicated that there was one reported collision at this intersection in 2019 and one reported collision in 2013. Two reported collisions over a 41/2-year period do not satisfy the guideline of five or more crashes in a 12-month period. A 4-way stop is not warranted at this intersection based on collision data. With regard to Guideline No. 2, traffic volumes, it was observed that there were 961 vehicles on Main Street and 112 vehicles, 28 pedestrians, and 2 bicycles for a total of 142 units entering the intersection from Oak Avenue during the morning peak hour. During the afternoon peak hour, there were 1,200 vehicles on Main Street and 101 vehicles, 18 pedestrians, and 3 bicycles for a total of 122 units entering the intersection from Oak Avenue. While the peak hour volumes on Page 237 of 263 Main Street are well above the threshold of 300 vehicles per hour for a major street, the volumes on Oak Avenue are below the threshold of 200 vehicles, pedestrians, and bicycles per hour for a minor street. As the Guideline No. 2 thresholds should be met for 8 hours of the day, and as they are not met for the peak hours, a 4-way stop is not warranted at this intersection based on volumes. A measurement of the sight distance along Main Street for motorists stopped on Oak Avenue indicates that the visibility to the north is about 550 feet while the visibility to the south is about 750 feet. These sight distances are sufficient and do not indicate that a 4-way stop is needed because the acceptable stopping sight distance for a street with a 25 mph speed limit is 155 feet (Source: "A Policy on Geometric Design of Highways and Streets, AASHTO"). A summary of the thresholds cited in the guidelines for a 4-way stop analysis and the actual conditions at the intersection of Main Street and Oak Avenue is provided in the table below. SUMMARY OF 4-WAY STOP WARRANT THRESHOLDS Category Threshold Observed 4-Way Stop Value Value Warranted. Collisions 5 or more per year 1 per year No Major Street Volumes 300 veh/hour 961 — AM Peak Hour (vehicles) for 8 hours 1,200 — PM Peak Hour No AND Minor Street Volumes 200 per hour 142 — AM Peak Hour vehicles, peds, & bikes For 8 hours 122 — PM Peak Hour Sight Distance 155 feet 550 feet to the north No 750 feet to the south As the warrant thresholds for collisions and traffic volumes are not exceeded and as the sight distances are acceptable along Main Street, stop signs on Main Street to create a 4-way stop at its intersection with Oak Avenue are not warranted. 2 Page 238 of 263 „, M City Council Agenda Statement E L S E G U N D O Meeting Date: September 19, 2023 Agenda Heading: Staff Presentations Item Number: D.14 TITLE: Amendment to the Joint Use Agreements With the El Segundo Unified School District RECOMMENDATION: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the Joint Use Agreement (JUA) for Public Recreation Facilities Between the City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Unified School District (Attachment 1). 2. Authorize the City Manager to execute an amendment to the Joint Use Agreement for Media Studio and Equipment with El Segundo Unified School District (Attachment 2). 3. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: It is estimated that the City of El Segundo's in -kind contribution to the El Segundo Unified School District to support the services and use of City Facilities within the agreements will be $897,401 (Attachment 3). BACKGROUND: The City and the El Segundo Unified School District (the "District”) previously entered into an agreement on September 12, 1990, governing the joint use of public recreation facilities, which was subsequently amended on August 21, 1991, and amended and restated again on December 8, 1992. In September 1999, the City and District entered into a separate "Funding Agreement," in which the City agreed to pay the District $250,000 annually to provide student services and maintain its facilities. This obligation was terminated years ago. Additionally, in 2009, the City agreed to fund crossing guard services. Since then, the City has contributed $1,338,000 for Crossing Guards. Page 239 of 263 Joint Use Agreements with the El Segundo Unified School District September 19, 2023 Page 2 of 5 In September 2012, the City also took the following actions: 1. Approved an amended Joint Use Agreement for Public Recreation Facilities between the City and the District for a term of 10 years. 2. Approved an Agreement between the City and the District for Joint Use of Media Studio and Equipment for a term of 10 years. 3. Approved the First Amendment to an MOU between the City and the District for Library Services for a term of 10 years. Subsequent to this date, there have been three additional amendments to the Library MOU. Beginning in Spring 2022, City staff began a series of discussions with the Superintendent of the El Segundo District, Dr. Melissa Moore, and staff, regarding updating and renewal of the Joint Use Agreements due to the pending expiration of the agreements. At the City Council meeting of August 16, 2022, staff proposed an amendment to the Joint Use Agreements for a term of ten years. The City Council discussed the agreements and expressed a desire to have a shorter term for the agreements based on the changing needs of the City and the District. A shorter agreement term would allow City staff and District staff to amend the agreements more regularly to ensure the agreements are still meeting the needs of both parties. Council also directed staff to return with more details about the financial support that has been provided to the school district for the past 15 years, and to include a list of in -kind financial contributions from the District to the City. City Council then discussed extending the agreement for a term of one year to give staff time to prepare a more detailed analysis of the joint use. At the City Council meeting on September 20, 2022, staff proposed a one-year extension of the Joint Use Agreement for Public Recreation Facilities, and a one-year extension of the Joint Use Agreement for the Media Studio and Equipment. The City included a detailed list of in -kind services being provided to the District by the City. The District did not provide a similar list of in -kind services for Council review. City staff began discussions with District staff in January 2023. During these discussions, staff gathered data from the District on their needs for the use of City facilities as well as data from City staff about the City's needs for use of the District's facilities. The parties also discussed potential options for closing the gap between the City's in -kind services to the District and the District's in -kind services to the City. After many months of data collection, discussions, and negotiations, staff drafted the proposed redline agreement to be considered by the City Council for a term of seven years beginning on September 21, 2023, with an option to re -open the agreement after four years (which can be exercised by either party). The proposed agreement includes lists of in -kind services being offered to each party from the other. Page 240 of 263 Joint Use Agreements with the El Segundo Unified School District September 19, 2023 Page 3 of 5 DISCUSSION: In -Kind Services The City and the District have each drafted proposed in -kind service contribution lists for the amended Joint Use Agreement (Attachments 3 and 4). It is difficult to pinpoint the exact value of the in -kind services due to numerous assumptions required to estimate the value. The City's in -kind list is separated into two categories of direct and indirect costs. Direct costs are financial obligations being realized by the City to support District services. An example of a direct cost is the payment of the contract for Crossing Guard services. Indirect costs refer to potential lost revenue opportunities based on District's use of a City amenity. For example, if the high school tennis program uses a number of City courts for team practices and matches, it prohibits the City from expanding a revenue -generating program such as pickleball. The total direct costs are $691,868. The total indirect costs are $205,533. The total value is $897,401. The total costs provided in the District's in -kind services list is $888,262 (Attachment 4). The District's list is not divided into direct and indirect costs. Field and Facility Use District Use of City Facilities Both parties understand that the District's sports programs are reliant on City fields and courts to operate their programs. The high school's tennis, aquatics, baseball, softball and lacrosse teams utilize City fields and facilities for practices and games. City Use of District Facilities The City utilizes District facilities minimally for City -operated programs. The only City use of District facilities is for Youth and Adult Basketball, which generates roughly $23,236 annually.The majority of the City's use of District facilities is utilized to support local community groups, including El Segundo Girls Softball, El Segundo Little League, and AYSO. It is not known how many hours these community groups are using District fields and facilities for programming. The City utilizes a 980 square foot classroom at the high school for a media studio per the Joint Use Agreement for the Media Studio and Equipment (Attachment 2). The District estimates the in -kind value of the studio space to be $410,076 per year. In exchange, the City provides media production services covering District events throughout the year. Private Rentals and Profit Generation The City rents its fields minimally to private, for -profit organizations due to the use of the fields and amenities by non-profit community groups. It is not known how many hours the District is renting field space to private, for -profit groups. Page 241 of 263 Joint Use Agreements with the El Segundo Unified School District September 19, 2023 Page 4 of 5 Agreed Upon Changes to JUA Terms of Contract The City Council proposed a five-year agreement beginning September 2023 and ending September 2028. The District counter -offered a seven-year term with a four-year re -opener beginning September 2023 and ending September 2030, with a re -opener in September 2027. Bi-Annual Meetings To ensure continued communication, the City and the District management personnel will meet twice annually to discuss field and facility allocation. Pro-Rata Cost Share The District agrees to consider potential pro-rata share of improvements to City fields that benefit ESUSD students based on the amount of time that ESUSD students will benefit from the improvements. Discussion regarding potential projects of shared interest will be between District and City management personnel. Items for Discussion Richmond Street Field The City currently maintains and schedules Richmond Street field, which is owned by the District. The majority of this use is for non-profit community groups, including AYSO and El Segundo Girls Softball. The field generates minimal revenue for the City via per - player fees, but incurs approximately $45,000 in maintenance costs. In addition, the field scheduling requires City staffing oversight. The District has offered to have Richmond Street field maintained by the District's contractor, Bright View, which would result in roughly $20,000 in cost savings to the City. The District has not agreed to take on scheduling, or payment for lights. Additionally, any field upgrades needed by the user groups (chalking, brick dust, grading), will be passed on to the user groups. Currently, the City pays for those items at an annual cost of approximately $28,000. Center Street Fields The City does not currently schedule or have access to Center Street fields. The fields are currently maintained and scheduled by the District. The District has offered to allow the City to utilize Center Street fields for non-profit use. City staff would schedule the field and retain any revenues generated and the District would continue to maintain the field. As with Richmond School, any improvements needed by user groups would be paid for by the user groups directly to the District. This is the current practice for this site. The challenge of using Center Street fields is that there is no lighting which prohibits use in the winter. Page 242 of 263 Joint Use Agreements with the El Segundo Unified School District September 19, 2023 Page 5 of 5 Middle School Fields and Facilities The District has offered to allow the City to use the Middle School fields during weekends in the upcoming Fall season, which could be used for AYSO games. Additional use beyond the Fall season would need to be negotiated. The District has not offered use of the new middle school gym, but is open to negotiating future use. Other District Facilities for City Use The District has offered for the City to utilize other District facilities to host future programming, including the High School performing Arts Center, Bulldog Hall at El Segundo Middle School and classrooms at each school site. However, the District does not prefer that the City host an afterschool program that might compete with the District's TLC program. A City -sponsored afterschool program could generate up to $100,000 in revenue. Historically, the City offered a middle school program but attendance was low and the program was discontinued. CITY STRATEGIC PLAN COMPLIANCE: Goal 1: Enhance Customer Service, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Communication Objective 1A: El Segundo provides unparalleled service to all customers. Objective 1 B: El Segundo's engagement with the community ensures excellence. Goal 5: Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability Objective 513: El Segundo approaches its work in a financially strategic and responsible way. PREPARED BY: Brandee Thornton, Sr. Admin Specialist REVIEWED BY: Aly Mancini, Recreation, Parks and Library Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: 1. Redline City and ESUSD Joint Use Agreement 2. City and ESUSD Joint Use Agreement - Media Studio and Equipment 3. City In -Kind Services 4. El Segundo Unified School District In -Kind Services Page 243 of 263 SECOND AMENDED AND RESTATED JOINT USE AGREEMENT FOR PUBLIC RECREATION FACILITIES BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY Commented [GK11: The 2022 extension expires on September 1, This AGREEMENT is made and executed this Ost day of September 202321 between the i" 2023. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a municipal corporation ("City"), and the EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY, a California public school district ('District"), each, individually, a "party" and, collectively, the "Parties." RECITALS This Agreement is made with reference to the following facts and objectives: A. Chapter 10, Part 7 of Division I (Section 10900, et seq) of the Education Code of the State of California authorizes and empowers school districts and cities to organize, promote and conduct programs of community recreation to establish systems of playgrounds and recreation, and acquire, improve, maintain, and operate centers within or without the territorial limits of the city. B. On September 19, 2012, the City and the District entered into that certain Amended and Restated Joint Use Agreement which established the Parties' respective rights and agreement to jointly use specific properties owned by each party (the "Original Agreement"). The Original Agreement was for a term of ten years terminating on September 20, 2022. The Original Agreement was extended by the Parties on September 21, 2022 and is scheduled to terminate on September 1, 2023, C. The Original Agreement : sehe-.l„lo.l to temn:,,.,re o September 20 2022 Tand the Parties wish to continue the Joint Use agreement pursuant to the terms set forth herein. D. City owns, operates and maintains certain public recreation facilities known as El Segundo Recreation Park (401 Sheldon Street); El Segundo Library Park (600 Block Main Street); El Segundo Hilltop Park (Maryland Street and Grand Avenue); Urho Saari Swim Stadium (219 West Mariposa); Acacia Park (623-25 West Acacia Avenue); Washington Park (Washington Street at Palm Avenue); Constitution Park (Washington Street between Palm and Maple Avenue); Sycamore Park (Sycamore Avenue and California Street); Kansas Park (Holly Avenue and Kansas Street); Candy Cane Parkette (100 Block Whiting Street); Campus El Segundo Athletic Fields (2201 East Mariposa Avenue); Freedom Park (Illinois Street between Mariposa Avenue and Holly Avenue); Independence Park (Washington Street between Walnut Avenue and Sycamore Avenue); Camp Eucalyptus (641 California Street); El Segundo Teen Center and Skatepark (405 East Grand Avenue); The hakes 4 El Segtmde golf Goufse (400 South Sepulveda and certain improvements, including landscaping, lighting, utilities and other fixtures on the property adjacent to the Richmond Street School (collectively, the "City Owned Facilities"). The City also operates and maintains certain improvements, including a ball field, turf areas, landscaping, lighting, utilities and other fixtures on the 005032.00021 37728229.1 Page 244 of 263 property adjacent to the Richmond Street School located at 615 Richmond Street (the "615 Richmond Street Improvements"). The City also owns the Lakes at El Segundo Golf Course (the "Golf Course"). The Golf Course is managed by a third party pursuant to a Management Agreement with the City and consistent with that certain Lease Agreement regarding adjacent City -owned property and on which the "Tongolf" entertainment venue has been constructed and is operating. The Golf Course, 615 Richmond Street Improvements, and City Owned Facilities shall be collectively defined as the "City Facilities." E. District owns, operates and maintains certain school facilities known as El Segundo High School (640 Main Street); Center Street School (700 Center Street) El Segundo Middle School (332 Center Street); School District Offices (641 Sheldon Street); Richmond Street School (615 Richmond Street); and Eagles' Nest Preschool (641 Sheldon Street). The foregoing properties shall be defined as the "District Facilities." District also operates and maintains certain improvements, including a ball field, turf areas, landscaping, lighting, utilities and other fixtures known as the Center Street School, located at 700 Center Street, El Segundo, which will be added to the District Facilities subject to City use pursuant to this Agreement. The City's Recreation and Parks staff will be in charge of scheduling and revenue responsibilities for the fields adjacent to the Center Street School. F. The aforementioned facilities are available for such uses as described in Recital A, when such use will not interfere with the owning parry's use of the facilities. G. City and District have found that it will be in the public interest, economically and practically, to cooperate with each other in regard to the recreational use of the aforementioned facilities and, therefore, desire to enter into an agreement pursuant to the provisions of said Chapter 10 of the Education Code. _ .. AAA ■ ... _ ■ . �, .. ..IN _ •� MZT ... •. LH. City is concerned with the continued quality of education, recreation and extracurricular activities that its residents, particularly its minor residents, receive 005032.00021 37728229.1 Commented [GK2]: This history isn't necessary and the "Prior Aereements" are not referenced anywhere else. Page 245 of 263 and desires to provide support and collaboration to District for purposes of maintaining and enhancing the availability of these services. XI. Such services benefit the youth of El Segundo by providing such youth with vital services that will lessen the need for City services such as police and park and recreation services and will result in better educated and healthier youth in the City. K­J. City believes that District's educational services play a critical role in providing the City with future citizens that will dedicate their time and knowledge to the community and thereby increase the quality of life in the City of El Segundo. K. The benefits provided to the District herein shall be in addition to in -kind and other contributions provided to the District by the City, which are anticipated to total approximately $880,482 for fiscal year 2023-24. These in -kind services include, but are not limited to. the services annroximately described on Exhibit A.bene€its L. The benefits provided to the City herein shall be in addition to in -kind and other contributions provided to the City by the District, which are anticipated to total approximately $794,391 for fiscal year 2023-24. These in -kind services include, but are not limited to, the services approximately described on Exhibit B.Pistfieher-ein shall be in additioa to in kind and other- eantr4butions provided to the Pist by the City, whieh a ntieip ,tea to total approximately $944 inn f fise l year -90-22-23. Thesein 1xind—serviems inslude,but —are not limited to, the s€rvis€s M. City and District hereby seek to amend and restate the September 19, 201224 Amended and Restated Agreement and to add additional properties and in -kind services subject to the terms provided herein. NOW, THEREFORE for and in consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions contained herein, the Parties agree as follows: 1. Term. This Agreement is for the term of ten-(144)seven years, commencing on Sept. -21, 2023-2, and terminating August 31 8, 2030-2, with the opportunity for either party to re -open the Agreement in 2027. This Agreement may be renewed or extended upon mutual written agreement of the Parties. In the event either Party has any concerns or desires to amend the Agreement, including, but not limited to, adding or changing the respective responsibilities of the Parties, the Parties agree to meet in good faith to consider amending this Agreement as necessary to address the stated concern(s). Nothing herein shall be construed as requiring or obligating the Parties to accept any amendment. Instead, the Parties hereby agree to meet and discuss any potential amendments in good faith to determine if any such amendment is necessary and in the best interest of both Parties. 2. District's Use of City Facilities. City agrees to allow District to utilize the City Facilities for educational programs, events or uses, under the direction and supervision of District in accordance with a schedule acceptable to City and District, provided, 005032.00021 37728229.1 Page 246 of 263 however, that such scheduled use cannot at any time interfere with the use of the City Facilities or equipment for the regular conduct of City -authorized recreation programs, events or uses. District will have priority over non -City authorized recreation programs, events or uses in the scheduling of City Facilities. District's use of the Golf Course is subiect to the terms of the Management Agreement and the Lease Agreement. 3. City Use of District Facilities. District agrees to allow City to utilize the District Facilities for programs, events or uses, under the direction and supervision of City in accordance with a schedule acceptable to City and District; provided, however, that such scheduled use cannot at any time interfere with the use of the District Facilities or equipment for the regular conduct of school programs, events or uses. City will have priority over non -school programs, events or uses in the scheduling of District Facilities during periods when they are not used for school purposes. 4. Equipment and Personnel. Each party hereto agrees to conduct and supervise their respective programs, events and uses on the other party's facilities in conformance with their respective policies and budget limitations. It is agreed further in this regard, that the Parties must provide all expendable supplies and materials and must furnish and compensate all personnel necessary to conduct their respective programs and activities, except as may be mutually agreed upon by City and District from time to time during the terms of this Agreement and as provided by law. In the event any of the Facilities subject to this Agreement include equipment upgrades (such as scoreboards or lighting) that involve usage costs (such as electricity), the Parties may negotiate a pro-rata payment plan to address both Parties' respective use of such equipment through separate agreements between the District Contact and the City Contact, as established in Section 19 below. 5. Rules and Regulations. During the conduct of such programs and activities, each party may formulate and enforce such rules and regulations as are acceptable to the other party and necessary to maintain proper standards of conduct and safety on said facilities for all age groups. 6. Duty to Repair. Each party agrees to comply with all existing rules regulating their respective properties including, without limitation, cleanup after using the property. Each party must repair, cause to be repaired, or reimburse the other for the cost of repairing damage to said facilities occurring during the period of use by that party, except where such damage may be attributed to ordinary or reasonable use of such facility. Except as otherwise provided for in this Agreement, each party will be responsible for normal operation, maintenance and repair of its own buildings and facilities. It is understood that both Parties have the right in their respective sole and absolute discretion to make one or more of their facilities unavailable for use by the other party for purposes of repairing or making alterations to the facilities or because the facility is unfit for public use. In the event either party has concerns or requests regarding the repair or maintenance of any facilities subject to this Agreement, all such concerns or requests shall be addressed to, and resolved through, the District Contact and the City Contact as set forth in Section 19 below. 005032.00021 37728229.1 Page 247 of 263 7. Alterations. Neither party may make, or cause to be made, any alterations to the other's property, or any part thereof, without the other's prior written consent. This section shall not apply to the 615 Richmond Street Improvements. 8. Indemnification. A. District's Indemnification. District must defend and hold City, its city council, officials, officers, agents and employees, free and harmless from any liability for loss, damage, injury or death to persons, or damage to or loss of property, including City property, arising out of District's use of the City Facilities or any building, facility or equipment located thereon, B. City's Indemnification. City must defend and hold District, its Board of Education, officials, officers, agents and employees free and harmless from any liability for loss, damage, injury or death to persons, or damage to or loss of property, including District property, arising out of City's use of the District Facilities or any building, facility or equipment located thereon. 9. Hazardous/Toxic Waste. Neither party has nor, to their knowledge, has any third party used, generated, stored or disposed of or permitted the use, generation, storage or disposal of, any Hazardous Material (as defined below) on, under, about or within the District Facilities or City Facilities in violation of any law or regulation. The Parties agree that they will not use, generate, store or dispose of any Hazardous Material (as defined below) on, under, about or within their properties in violation of any law or regulation. As used in this section, "Hazardous Material" means any substance, chemical or waste that is identified as hazardous, toxic or dangerous in any applicable federal, state or local law or regulation (including petroleum and asbestos). 10. Signs. Neither party may place any sign upon the other's property without the owner's prior written consent. The requesting party must pay for all costs of any approved signage and comply with all applicable sign codes and ordinances. 11. Insurance. A. District's Duty to Insure. District must keep in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement public liability insurance, insuring and protecting City and District from and against any and all liability of City for damages arising out of or connected with use by District, its agents, employees, permittees, and students of the City Facilities or any building, facility or equipment located thereon. All public liability insurance required hereunder must be in the minimum amount of Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) and a certificate of such insurance showing City as additional insured must be provided to City. Said certificate must provide that City will receive thirty (30) days' notice of cancellation of said policy. B. City's Duty to Insure. City must keep in full force and effect during the term of this Agreement public liability insurance insuring and protecting City and District from and against any and all liability of District for damages arising out of or connected with use by City, its agents, employees, and permittees of the District Facilities 005032.00021 37728229.1 Page 248 of 263 or any building, facility or equipment located thereon. All public liability insurance required hereunder must be in the minimum amount of Ten Million Dollars ($10,000,000) and a certificate of such insurance showing District as additional insured must be provided to District. Said certificate must provide that District will receive thirty (30) days' notice of cancellation of said policy. 12. Limitations on Use. Neither party may permit any person or organization to use any of the facilities, buildings or accessories thereto where such use is inconsistent with the provisions of federal, state or local laws, including without limitation, Section 10900 through 10916 of the Education Code of the State of California, the El Segundo Municipal Code, or adopted City or District policies. 13. Use Schedules. The Superintendent of the School District and the City Manager of the City, or their designees, are hereby authorized and directed by their respective parties to develop necessary schedules and/or details in connection with the operation of the facilities pursuant to this Agreement which are consistent with the above - stated purposes. The parties agree to meet twice a year to schedule fields and facilities for the Fall and Sprint to accommodate school and city programming. 14. Termination. Either party may terminate this Agreement at any time with or without cause upon written notification. By executing this Agreement, the Parties waive any and all claims for damages that may otherwise arise from early termination under this section. 15. Successors and Assigns. This Agreement is binding on the assigns, transferees and successors in interest of City and District whether said successor in interest is a unified school district or other political entity. 16. Employees. For purposes of this Agreement, all persons employed in the performance of services and functions for the City shall be deemed City employees and no City employee shall be considered as an employee of the District under the jurisdiction of the District, nor shall such City employees have any District pension, civil service, or other status while an employee of the City. For purposes of this Agreement, all persons employed in the performance of services and functions for the District shall be deemed District employees and no District employee hall be considered as an employee of the City under jurisdiction of the City, nor shall such District employees have any City pension, civil service, or other status while an employee of the District. 17. Entire Agreement. This Agreement represents the entire understanding of the Parties with respect to the subject matter herein and all prior written and oral agreements regarding the subject matter herein are superseded by this Agreement. 18. Assignment. Neither party may assign this Agreement or its interest herein. Any such attempted assignment will be void. 19. Notices. Except as otherwise expressly provided by law, all notices or other communications required or permitted by this Agreement or by law to be served on or given to either party by the other party will be in writing and will be deemed served when 005032.00021 37728229.1 Page 249 of 263 personally delivered to the party to whom they are directed, or in lieu of the personal service, upon deposit in the United States Mail, certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed to: District Contact El Segundo Unified School District 641 Sheldon Avenue EI Segundo, CA 90245 Attn: Melissa Moore, Ed.D. Superintendent City Contact City of El Segundo 350 Main Street El Segundo, CA 90245 Attn: Darrell George, City Manager Either party may change its address for the purpose of this section by giving written notice of the change to the other party. 20. Acceptance of Facsimile Si ng atures. The Parties agree that agreements ancillary to this Agreement and related documents to be entered into in connection with this Agreement will be considered signed when the signature of a party is delivered by facsimile transmission. Such facsimile signature will be treated in all respects as having the same effect as an original signature. 21. Governing Law. This Agreement has been made in and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California and exclusive venue for any action involving this Agreement will be in Los Angeles County. 22. Partial Invalidity. Should any provision of this Agreement be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be either invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in effect, unimpaired by the holding. 23. Construction. No provision of this Agreement shall be construed by any court or other judicial authority against either party hereto by reason of such party's being deemed to have drafted or structured such provision. 24. Authority/Modification. The Parties represent and warrant that all necessary action has been taken by the Parties to authorize the undersigned to execute this Agreement and to engage in the actions described herein. This Agreement may be modified by written agreement. City's City Manager, or designee, may execute such amendment on behalf of City. 005032.00021 37728229.1 Page 250 of 263 25. Counterparts. This Agreement may be executed in any number of counterparts, each of which will be an original, but all of which taken together will constitute one instrument executed on the same date. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereunto have executed this Agreement by their officers duly authorized. EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT [Date] CITY OF EL SEGUNDO [Date] 005032.00021 37728229.1 [Signature] [Name] [Signature] [Name] Page 251 of 263 MEDIA STUDIO AND EQUIPMENT JOINT USE, REIMBURSEMENT, AND LICENSE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND THE EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT THIS JOINT USE, REIMBURSEMENT, AND LICENSE AGREEMENT AMENDMENT ("Amendment") is made and entered into this day of 2023 ("Effective Date"), by and between the CITY OF EL SEGUNDO, a general law city and municipal corporation existing under the laws of California ("CITY"), and the EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT, a public school district organized pursuant to the California Education Code ("DISTRICT"). The term "Party" will refer to either CITY or DISTRICT, and the term "Parties" will refer to both CITY and DISTRICT. 1. RECITALS. This Agreement Is made with reference to the following facts and objectives: A. DISTRICT owns the property located at 640 Main Street, El Segundo where El Segundo High School is located (the "Property"). B. A media studio ("Media Studio") is located on the Property in El Segundo High School Building K, as depicted in the attached Exhibit "A," which is incorporated by reference C. CITY and DISTRICT have previously entered into agreements providing for their joint use of the Media Studio, and both seek to continue such use and refine the terms thereof through this Agreement for their mutual benefit. D. DISTRICT seeks to grant CITY a license to enter the Property and access and use the Media Studio pursuant to the terms of this Agreement. E. The Parties find that it is in the public interest to enter into this Agreement for joint use of the Media Studio at no cost. 2. LICENSE. Pursuant to the terms of this Agreement, the DISTRICT licenses CITY to use the Media Studio. The Parties' actions are not, and should not be construed to be, a conveyance of a property interest or a lease; they are for licenses to use property only. 3. TERM. Except as otherwise provided, the term of this Agreement will be for seven years with an option to reopen this Agreement four years from the Effective Date. Upon the Parties' mutual written agreement, the License may be renewed for additional time. 1 Page 252 of 263 4. MEDIA STUDIO USE; CITY SERVICES TO DISTRICT. A. CITY may use the Media Studio, at no cost to the CITY, in accordance with a mutually agreeable Media Studio use schedule ("Use Schedule") that the Parties will develop and set forth in writing. The Parties respectively authorize the City Manager and Superintendent, or their designees, to establish and subsequently amend, as needed, the Use Schedule in order to effectuate this Agreement's purposes. B. As consideration for use of the Media Studio, CITY will provide production, editing, and graphic design services ("Media Services") for the DISTRICT for the events identified in Exhibit "B," which is attached and incorporated by reference. C. Notwithstanding Section 4.13, above, CITY may, at its discretion, provide additional Media Services requested by DISTRICT so long as DISTRICT reimburses CITY costs. DISTRICT agrees to reimburse such actual CITY costs for its provision of Media Services within 15 days of receipt of an invoice from the CITY that must detail reasonable costs incurred. DISTRICT'S failure to timely reimburse CITY for its Media Services will constitute a material breach of this Agreement. D. The Parties agree not to delay, interfere, or otherwise obstruct the other Party's scheduled use under the Use Schedule. E. CITY use of the Media Studio may be for public, educational, recreation, or other general municipal use. F. CITY may store its equipment needed to utilize the Media Studio during the term of this Agreement. G. DISTRICT will cause the Media Room to be regularly cleaned to ensure its clean and orderly condition. The Media Room must be cleaned at least three (3) times per week. 5. EQUIPMENT USE. The Parties must only utilize equipment that it owns during any permitted use scheduled under the Use Schedule. A Party may only use the other Party's equipment upon the written consent of the Party that owns such equipment. Notwithstanding any provision in this Agreement to the contrary, a Party will be liable for repair or replacement costs for equipment belonging to the other Party that it damages or destroys, whether such use was authorized or unauthorized. 2 Page 253 of 263 6. TERMINATION. Either Party may terminate this Agreement at any time, with or without cause, upon written notification. Termination will be effective 180 days after the terminating Party's transmittal of its termination notification. 7. INDEMNIFICATION. A. Each Party holds the other harmless and free from any and all liability arising out of this Agreement, or its performance. Each Party is responsible for its own legal defense and costs arising from its own negligent or willful actions. B. The Parties agree that this release, waiver, and indemnity agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as permitted by the law of the State of California, and that if any portion is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance will, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect. C. It is expressly understood and agreed that the foregoing provisions will survive the termination of this Agreement. 8. INSURANCE. Each Party will maintain its own insurance and insurance against its own acts or omissions. 9. NOTICES. Except as otherwise expressly provided by law, all notices or other communications or permitted by this Agreement or by law to be served on or given to either Pary to this Agreement by the other Party will be in writing and will be deemed served when personally delivered to the other Party to whom they are directed, or in lieu of personal service, upon deposit in the United States Mail, certified or registered mail, return receipt requested, postage prepaid, addressed to: DISTRICT at: El Segundo Unified School District 641 Sheldon Street El Segundo, California 90245 or to CITY at: City of El Segundo 640 Main Street El Segundo, California 90245 3 Page 254 of 263 10.ACCEPTANCE OF ELECTRONIC SIGNATURES. This Agreement may be executed by the Parties on any number of separate counterparts, and all such counterparts so executed constitute one Agreement binding on all the Parties notwithstanding that all the Parties are not signatories to the same counterpart. In accordance with Government Code §16.5, the Parties agree that this Agreement, Agreements ancillary to this Agreement, and related documents to be entered into in connection with this Agreement will be considered signed when the signature of a party is delivered by electronic transmission. Such electronic signature will be treated in all respects as having the same effect as an original signature. 11. GOVERNING LAW. This Agreement has been made in and will be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of California and exclusive venue for any action involving this Agreement will be in Los Angeles County. 12. PARTIAL INVALIDITY. Should any provision of this Agreement be held by a court of competent jurisdiction to be either invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions will remain in effect, unimpaired by the holding. 13. ENTIRE AGREEMENT. This instrument and its Attachments constitute the sole agreement between CITY and DISTRICT respecting the Property, the use of the Property by DISTRICT, and the specified term, and correctly sets forth the obligations of CITY and DISTRICT. Any agreement or representations respecting the Property or its licensing by CITY to DISTRICT not expressly set forth in this instrument are void. 14. CONSTRUCTION. The language of each part of this Agreement will be construed simply and according to its fair meaning, and this Agreement will never be construed either for or against either party. 15.AUTHORITY/MODIFICATION. The Parties represent and warrant that all necessary action has been taken by the Parties to authorize the undersigned to execute this Agreement and to engage in the actions described herein. This Agreement may be modified by written agreement. CITY's city manager, or designee, may execute any such amendment on behalf of CITY. 16.COUNTERPARTS. This Agreement may be executed in any number or counterparts, each of which will be an original, but all of which together will constitute one instrument executed on the same date. [SIGNATURES ON FOLLOWING PAGE] Il Page 255 of 263 IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties hereto have executed this Amendment the day and year first hereinabove written. CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Darrell George, City Manager ATTEST: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: MARK D. HENSLEY, CITY ATTORNEY Joaquin Vazquez, Deputy City Attorney 61 EL SEGUNDO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Melissa Moore, Superintendent Page 256 of 263 28' EXHIBIT "A" MEDIA ROOM 35' D I OIST 12' Page 257 of 263 EXHIBIT "B" DISTRICT EVENTS FOR CITY MEDIA SERVICES 1. El Segundo High School Homecoming Football Game 2. El Segundo High School Homecoming Parade 3. "Quick Hits" Program Highlighting Home Football Games 4. El Segundo High School/El Segundo Middle School Combined Winter Concert 5. El Segundo High School Graduation 6. El Segundo Middle School Graduation 7. El Segundo High School Sports Playoff Games (As Needed — Home Games Only) 8. Good news reports from ESUSD Superintendent to incorporate into City News (ribbon cuttings, special events, etc.) 9. ESUSD collaborative safety messages with City representative, when needed 10. ESUSD has the option to select a total of two (2) from the following list: a. El Segundo High School Orchestra Winter Concert b. El Segundo Middle School Orchestra Winter Concert c. El Segundo High School Choir Winter Concert d. El Segundo Middle School Choir Winter Concert e. El Segundo High School Spring Sing f. El Segundo High School Orchestra Spring Concert g. El Segundo Middle School Spring Choir Concert 7 Page 258 of 263 EXHIBIT A DRAFT City of El Segundo In -Kind & Other contributions to School District "Projected" Fiscal Year 2023-2024 POLICE DEPARTMENT SRO $ 153,000 100 hours of overtime donated for football, prom, etc. 35,000 POLICE DEPARTMENT TOTAL 188,000 FIRE DEPARTMENT 45 hours of straight time donated for football games 4,005 50 hours of straight time donated from Fire Prevention for inspections 2,185 (includes Annual inspections, sprinklers, etc.) 56 hours of Fire Department emergency responses 8,308 0 hours of time donated for Workability Program- Student Worker - FIRE DEPARTMENT TOTAL 14,498 RECREATION, PARKS & LIBRARY Library Division School Library Staff Salaries and Benefits 127,600 School Library Books and Materials 5,000 Shared Online Catalog Updates and Maintenance 5,500 Library Division Total 138,100 Recreation Division Staff for school events at Teen Center - Staff (Lifeguards) for school events at Urho Saari Swim Stadium* Staff (Lifeguards) for school events the El Segundo Wiseburn Aquatics Center 41,946 Rental value for Recreation Park Stevenson Field 4,026 Rental value for Recreation Park Softball Field 2,470 Rental value for Rec Park Basketball - Rental value for Campus El Segundo 3,360 Rental value for Recreation Park Basketball and Tennis Courts 3,000 Rental value for Richmond St. School Field 2,165 Rental value for El Segundo Wiseburn Aquatics Center 109,569 Rental value for Teen Center - Recreation Division Total 166,536 Parks Division Maintenance, preparation, and utilities for Richmond St. School Field less rental revenue 40,800 Maintenance, preparation, and utilities for Recreation Park Stevenson Field 38,200 Maintenance, preparation, and utilities for Recreation Park Softball Field 37,900 Parks Division Total 116,900 RECREATION, PARKS & LIBRARY TOTAL 421,536 PUBLIC WORKS Facility maintenance for Urho Saari Swim Stadium* Chemical and suplies for Urho Saari Swim Stadium* Utilities- gas, water, and electricity for Urho Saari Swim Stadium* Facility maintenance for El Segundo Wiseburn Aquatics Center 16,900 Chemical and suplies for El Segundo Wiseburn Aquatics Center 12,800 Utilities- gas, water, and electricity for El Segundo Wiseburn Aquatics Center 37,900 PUBLIC WORKS TOTAL 67,600 CITY MEDIA SERVICES Graduations (ESHS, ESMS and Arena) 9,284 ESHS Sports Coverage** 10,737 Concerts, plays, and misc. events (ESHS, ESMS, Richmond St, and Center St) 21,587 CITY MEDIA SERVICES TOTAL 41,608 FINANCE DEPARTMENT Crossing Guards at Richmond Street, Center Street, and El Segundo Middle School 164,159 FINANCE DEPARTMENT TOTAL 164,159 Direct costs 691,868 Indirect Costs 205,533 GRAND TOTAL CONTRIBUTIONS $ 897,401 *Urho Saari Swim Stadium is under design and pending construction. Urho Saari Swim Stadium values have been removed at this time. Values will be discussed upon reopening. ** Does not include potential playoff home football games estimated at $3,826 for 76 hours. Page 259 of 263 I1]:7_121 Exhibit B El Segundo Unified School District In -Kind and Other Contributions To the City of El Segundo Projected for Fiscal Year 2023-24 Rental Value for El Segundo High School Gym $82,050 Rental Value for classrooms for city programs $1,700 Rental Value for Performing Arts Center at El Segundo High School $30,800 Rental Value for Bulldog Hall at El Segundo Middle School $12,750 Ranger hours for public access on weekends and holidays $63,360 Custodial support for city use $30,901 High School track public access $16,500 Value of LCFF funding for City Media Center $410,076 Maintenance, preparation, and utilities for City Media Center $23,617 Rental value for Center Street School Field $80,971 Maintenance of Center Street Fields $7,956 Rental Value of Middle School Fields $25,000 Maintenance of Richmond Street Fields $13,200 Rental Value of Richmond Street Fields $80,971 Maintenance of Middle School Fields $5,072 Use of CSS black top for E-bike training $800 Ranger hours for TLC Restroom Access at Richmond Field $2,539 8/25/2023 Page 260 of 263 City Council Agenda Statement F 1 F �' t 1) �� Meeting Date: September 19, 2023 Agenda Heading: Staff Presentations Item Number: D.15 TITLE: Presentation and Study Session on the Downtown Specific Plan Update RECOMMENDATION: 1. Receive and file a Downtown Specific Plan Update presentation. 2. Alternatively, discuss and take other action related to this item. FISCAL IMPACT: The Downtown Specific Plan Update is funded by the General Plan Maintenance Fund (not the General Fund). This fund receives revenue from a dedicated permit fee that is collected from land development projects to be used for updates to the City's General Plan, including its Specific Plans. No additional appropriation is requested. BACKGROUND: The Downtown Specific Plan (DSP) Update was initiated in late 2021. In May 2023, a draft DSP was released for public comment and the Planning Commission held a study session to review and provide feedback on the draft DSP (Attachment No. 1). 11 &*401*4IQ 0 F Staff will provide a presentation including the current status, a summary of the draft Downtown Specific Plan Update, and the next steps in the process through project completion. Goal 5: Champion Economic Development and Fiscal Sustainability Objective 5A: El Segundo promotes economic growth and vitality for business and the community. Page 261 of 263 Downtown Specific Plan Update September 19, 2023 Page 2 of 2 PREPARED BY: Paul Samaras, AICP, Principal Planner REVIEWED BY: Michael Allen, AICP, Development Services Director APPROVED BY: Barbara Voss, Deputy City Manager ATTACHED SUPPORTING DOCUMENTS: Draft Downtown Specific Plan (May 2023) Page 262 of 263 ATTACHMENT NO. 1 DRAFT DOWNTOWN SPECIFIC PLAN (MAY 2023) The May 2023 public review draft of the Downtown Specific Plan can be found at the following web link: https://www.elsegundo.org/home/showpubl isheddocument/7039/638200972608070000 Page 263 of 263