2023-09-19 CC Agenda - Public Communications - Misc. - AYSO Scheduling2021-09-19 CC AG�[::XI)A
Harada, Patricia
Subject: FW: AYSO Scheduling
From: Mancini, Aly <amancini@else guncloor >
Sent: Friday, September 8, 2023 9:13 AM
To: 'Patrick Stanford' <els,eg,undoayso,92arc@gmall.com>
Cc: Brendan Gormley <eIsegundorc.bg@grnaiI.corn>; *ALL CITY COUNCIL <alicouncil@else gundo >;
brnotta@else Rundocgb,g[g; jeanettegant @yahoo.com; istoinack@_else gundoccb.org; diubs@else gundoccb.o.
kwatson@else gundoccb.or ; George, Darrell <dgeorge@else gundo.or >; Hester, Arecia <ahester@else gqndo.o >
Subject: RE: AYSO Scheduling
Good Morning Mr. Stanford,
I am very pleased to hear this.
We look forward to continued support of AYSO.
Please feel free to reach out if I can be of assistance.
From: Patrick Stanford <elsegundoav o92arc mail -corn>
Sent: Friday, September 8, 2023 9:08 AM
To: Mancini, Aly <arnancini@eIsgggLdo.org>
Cc: Brendan Gormley <eIsegundorc.bg@gmai1-corn>; *ALL CITY COUNCIL <allcouncil@el;segundo.or >;
brnotta@e1segqqdoccb.ors; ieanette ant@yahoo.corn istolnack@else gundoccb.or ; dlubs@elsegundoccb.org
kwatson@elsegundoccb.org; George, Darrell <dgeorge@eIsegundo .or >; Hester, Arecia <ahester@else ggndo.or >
Subject: Re: AYSO Scheduling
Hi Aly,
Thank you for your help.
I got a great response from Rachel Cummings yesterday. She and your staff cleared the schedule to the practice and
games times we had previously been told. We greatly appreciate the rapid response.
Rachel also seems to have a good plan to improve scheduling in the future. I have offered to meet with her to help
define what AYSO and the other leagues need from the scheduling system.
I trust and hope that we now have all the issues resolved for this season,
Pat Stanford
Asst. Regional Commissioner
AYSO Region 92
(310) 994-8970 cell
else uloi,doa so92 rc@,gmaill.com
On Sep 6, 2023, at 7:23 PM, Mancini, Aly <amancini else undo.or > wrote:
Good evening,
Thank you for your email. I am disappointed that you have had difficulties with your scheduling and
would like to talk further. Is there a good number to reach you?
I would like to get some resolution for you as soon as possible.
Aly Mancini
Get Outlook for iOS
From: Patrick Stanford <else undoa so92arc mail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 3:55:55 PM
To: Mancini, Aly <amancini else >undo.or >
Cc: Brendan Gormley < Ise undorc.b maiLcom>; *ALL CITY COUNCIL <allcouncil else undo,or >;
bmotta else undoccb.or <bmotta_@elsegundoccb.org>; Jeanette ant ahoo.com
<l,eanette ant 2yahoo,com>; istolnack@elsegundocc.b.org <lstolnack else undoccb.or >;
d ubs else undoccb.or <dlubs else undoccb.or >; kwatson@elseundoccb.org
<kwatsonelsegundoccb.org>; George, Darrell <d eor e else undo,or >
Subject: AYSO Scheduling
Hi Aly,
AYSO Region 92 needs your help please.
We are the largest youth sports program in town with over 900 players in our fall program, another 350
in our spring program, and around 200 adult volunteers. AYSO is a proud member of the Youth Sports
Council and pride ourselves on designing our program to ensure that we meet the membership
requirements, especially the 75% ES resident clause (currently we are over 80% for our Fall season).
We have historically had scheduling problems. In past years we have been told that we had certain
times reserved and then had those times changed or access removed with no notice. As both the
practice and games scheduler this has a huge impact on me personally, but also on the entire program
with many teams having to changes practice schedules.
We have had repeated promises from staff that these were all accidents and they would not happed
again if we would cooperate.
Unfortunately, we are starting out badly again this year, with club soccer teams bumping AYSO from
Campus last night (Tuesday Sept. 5, 2023) after we were told that we had field space at Campus Monday
to Friday essentially all evening.
We have also had our weekday access to Campus cut by almost 25% this year. In previous years we had
both East and West from 413M to 8:30 or 9PM. This year we were told that we could only have Campus
East from 5:30 to 8:0013M, a decrease off 50% of the time we had last year. This lack of space greatly
impacts the quality of the program we can offer the children of El Segundo.
As part of the Youth Sports Council, we are supposed to be in Group 3 of the 2022 Athletic Field/Facility
Use and Allocation Policy, falling only behind Group 1, City sponsored events, and Group 2, ESUSD
programs. Based on what we are seeing being applied to AYSO, it does not appear that Policy is being
implemented and applied the way it was discussed at the October 24, 2022 Special Joint Meeting
between the Youth Sports Council and the Recreation and Parks Committee.
AYSO is not getting the responses from Staff that we need. We are requesting your help to ensure that
staff understands and is fully aware that there is a problem and that AYSO needs and is eligible to all the
time we have requested under the fields allocation policy.
Our Fall season run until the end of February when you include the end of season tournament. We
would like to make sure the schedule is finalized until then so we don't have more unfortunate instances
like last night.
Aly, when you came to El Segundo, I had great hope for the future and a reduction in scheduling
problems. Today I am still hopeful that with your leadership and attention we can work together to
make El Segundo and AYSO Region 92 an even better place for our children.
Thank you for your consideration..
Pat Stanford
AYSO Region 92
Asst. Regional Commissioner
Practice Scheduler/Game Scheduler
AYSO Region 92
(310) 994-8970 cell
else undoa so92arc mail.cpm
Harada, Patricia
Subject: FW: AYSO Scheduling
Attachments: Practice Schedule Rev 1 09-03-23.pdf
From: Patrick Stanford <else undoa so92arc mail.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2023 7:59 AM
To: Mancini, Aly <emanc'ini el eg1!pdo.or >
Cc: Brendan Gormley <else und'orc.b mail.com>; *ALL CITY COUNCIL <allcouncil else undo.or >;
bmotta else undoccb.or "e nette ant hoo.c m; jstolnackC else undocc .or ; dlubs else undoccb.or ;
kwatsori else ,undoccb.org; George, Darrell <d eor e else undo.or >; Hester, Arecia <ahester else undo.or >
Subject: Re: AYSO Scheduling
Pl:°:SIEND: 0th AYSO Practice Schedule Attached.
Hi Aly,
My cell phone is (310) 994-8970.
I have a call from 10:30-11:30 on Thursday. Other than that I should be available pretty much all day both Thursday and
According to the information I received, we were supposed to have West until 8:30 and East until 813M. When I drove
past at 8:15 there was an adult league game running on West. I could not tell what was happening on East.
Somehow we need to get the scheduling cleaned up.
I have attached the latest revisions of our practice schedule so you can see just how packed we are even with the time
we thought we had. I still have not assigned out 21 U10 teams there second practice slots, so imagine that schedule
packing in another 21 teams.
Thanks for your help.
Pat Stanford
Asst. Regional Commissioner
AYSO Region 92
(310) 994-8970 cell
else Pundoayso92,arc ftrnail.com.
On Sep 6, 2023, at 7:23 PM, Mancini, Aly <amancim else undo.or > wrote:
Good evening,
Thank you for your email. I am disappointed that you have had difficulties with your scheduling and
would like to talk further. Is there a good number to reach you?
I would like to get some resolution for you as soon as possible.
Aly Mancini
Get Outlook for iOS
From: Patrick Stanford <else undoa so92arc mail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 3:55:55 PM
To: Mancini, Aly <amancinu@elsegundo.org>
Cc: Brendan Gormley <ellse undorc.b maiLcom>; *ALL CITY COUNCIL <allcouncil else undo.or >;
bmotta else undoccb.o�r <bmotta else undoccb.or >; "eanette ant ahoo.com
<"'eanette ant ahoo.com>; "stoinack else und'occb.or <'stolnack else undoccb.or_>;
dlubs@ e u�ndoccb.org <dlubs else undoccb.or >; kwatson@elsegundoccb.org
<kwatson@else undoccb.org>; George, Darrell <diteor e Selsegundo.or >
Subject: AYSO Scheduling
Hi Aly,
AYSO Region 92 needs your help please.
We are the largest youth sports program in town with over 900 players in our fall program, another 350
in our spring program, and around 200 adult volunteers. AYSO is a proud member of the Youth Sports
Council and pride ourselves on designing our program to ensure that we meet the membership
requirements, especially the 75% ES resident clause (currently we are over 80% for our Fall season).
We have historically had scheduling problems. In past years we have been told that we had certain
times reserved and then had those times changed or access removed with no notice. As both the
practice and games scheduler this has a huge impact on me personally, but also on the entire program
with many teams having to changes practice schedules.
We have had repeated promises from staff that these were all accidents and they would not happed
again if we would cooperate.
Unfortunately, we are starting out badly again this year, with club soccer teams bumping AYSO from
Campus last night (Tuesday Sept. 5, 2023) after we were told that we had field space at Campus Monday
to Friday essentially all evening.
We have also had our weekday access to Campus cut by almost 25% this year. In previous years we had
both East and West from 4PM to 8:30 or 913M. This year we were told that we could only have Campus
East from 5:30 to 8:OOPM, a decrease off 50% of the time we had last year. This lack of space greatly
impacts the quality of the program we can offer the children of El Segundo.
As part of the Youth Sports Council, we are supposed to be in Group 3 of the 2022 Athletic Field/Facility
Use and Allocation Policy, falling only behind Group 1, City sponsored events, and Group 2, ESUSD
programs. Based on what we are seeing being applied to AYSO, it does not appear that Policy is being
implemented and applied the way it was discussed at the October 24, 2022 Special Joint Meeting
between the Youth Sports Council and the Recreation and Parks Committee.
AYSO is not getting the responses from Staff that we need. We are requesting your help to ensure that
staff understands and is fully aware that there is a problem and that AYSO needs and is eligible to all the
time we have requested under the fields allocation policy.
Our Fall season run until the end of February when you include the end of season tournament. We
would like to make sure the schedule is finalized until then so we don't have more unfortunate instances
like last night.
Aly, when you came to El Segundo, I had great hope for the future and a reduction in scheduling
problems. Today I am still hopeful that with your leadership and attention we can work together to
make El Segundo and AYSO Region 92 an even better place for our children.
Thank you for your consideration..
Pat Stanford
AYSO Region 92
Asst. Regional Commissioner
Practice Scheduler/Game Scheduler
AYSO Region 92
(310) 994-8970 cell
elfin o o92arc maH.com
AYSO Region 92 Fall 2023 Practice Schedule
Rev 1, September 3, 2023
Field ITime I Monday Tuesday lWednesday IThursday Friday
Richmond 4:OOPM-5:OOPM G8-04-Green G7-01-Heck G8-03-Topar
G7-06-McCullough B t
Richmond 5:OOPM-6:OOPM 8-01-Cook
8-09-Billups ps
Richmond 6:OOPM-7:OOPM
G 7-05-5 how kati a n
Richmond 17:00PM-8:OOPM
Brett �4:OOPM-S:OOPM 66-05-Jauregui
G8-02-Davit la
B 7-04-Farrel I
B8-06-B row ni ng
B 7-08-Ki el m a n
B 6-07-ldz i kows ki
B 6-04-Va nek
B 7-06-Tom as ul o
G 7-07-5 a m uel
G 7-04-Bauer
138-04-G onz a I es
G 6-04-Solom os
G 12-04-Cook
B 12-02-Nicol
B 14-R 92-04- Keith
Campus West
B 10-01-Krum bach
Campus West
Campus West
B 10-02-Morra
Campus West
Campus East 4:OOPM-5:OOPM
Campus East 15:30PM-6:45PM
Campus East 6:45PM-8:OOPM G14-R92-02-Childs
G 14-R 92-OS-G orm I
G 12-01-Kidambi
B 12-03-Acosta
B 19-01-Toledo
B 14-R92-02-Gomez
Harada, Patricia
Subject: FW: AYSO Scheduling
From: Patrick Stanford <else undoa so92arc mail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 9:04 PM
To: Mancini, Aly <arnancini else undo.or->
Cc: Brendan Gormley <else undorc,b mail,com>; *ALL CITY COUNCIL <allcouncil@elseundo.org>;
bmotta else undoccb.or , leanettegant2yahoo.com; istolnac�segundoccb.org; dlubs else undoccb.or ;
kwatson else undoccb.or , George, Darrell <d eor e else undo.or >; Hester, Arecia <ahester else undo.or >
Subject: Re: AYSO Scheduling
Hi Aly,
My cell phone is (310) 994-8970.
I have a call from 10:30-11:30 on Thursday. Other than that I should be available pretty much all day both Thursday and
According to the information I received, we were supposed to have West until 8:30 and East until 813M. When I drove
past at 8:15 there was an adult league game running on West. I could not tell what was happening on East.
Somehow we need to get the scheduling cleaned up.
I have attached the latest revisions of our practice schedule so you can see just how packed we are even with the time
we thought we had. I still have not assigned out 21 U10 teams there second practice slots, so imagine that schedule
packing in another 21 teams.
Thanks for your help.
Pat Stanford
Asst. Regional Commissioner
AYSO Region 92
(310) 994-8970 cell
else undo so92arc mail,com
On Sep 6, 2023, at 7:23 PM, Mancini, Aly <amancin else undo.or8> wrote:
Good evening,
Thank you for your email. I am disappointed that you have had difficulties with your scheduling and
would like to talk further. Is there a good number to reach you?
I would like to get some resolution for you as soon as possible.
Aly Mancini
Get Outlook for iOS
From: Patrick Stanford <else undoa so92arc mail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 3:55:55 PM
To: Mancini, Aly ca�nancinielseundo.org>
Cc: Brendan Gormley <else undorc.b mail.com>; *ALL CITY COUNCIL <allcouncil else undo.or >;
bmotta else - undoccb.or <bmotta else undocb.or >; Lea nette ant ahoo.com
<"eanette ant ahoo.corn>; `stolnack else undoccb.or <'stolnack else undoccb.or >;
dlubs else undoccb.or <dlubs else undoccb,or >; kwatson.@elsegundoccb.org
<kwatson Q elsegundoccb.or >; George, Darrell <dgeor e elsegundo.o, rg>
Subject: AYSO Scheduling
Hi Aly,
AYSO Region 92 needs your help please.
We are the largest youth sports program in town with over 900 players in our fall program, another 350
in our spring program, and around 200 adult volunteers. AYSO is a proud member of the Youth Sports
Council and pride ourselves on designing our program to ensure that we meet the membership
requirements, especially the 75% ES resident clause (currently we are over 80% for our Fall season).
We have historically had scheduling problems. In past years we have been told that we had certain
times reserved and then had those times changed or access removed with no notice. As both the
practice and games scheduler this has a huge impact on me personally, but also on the entire program
with many teams having to changes practice schedules.
We have had repeated promises from staff that these were all accidents and they would not happed
again if we would cooperate.
Unfortunately, we are starting out badly again this year, with club soccer teams bumping AYSO from
Campus last night (Tuesday Sept. 5, 2023) after we were told that we had field space at Campus Monday
to Friday essentially all evening.
We have also had our weekday access to Campus cut by almost 25% this year. In previous years we had
both East and West from 4PM to 8:30 or 9PM. This year we were told that we could only have Campus
East from 5:30 to 8:OOPM, a decrease off 50% of the time we had last year. This lack of space greatly
impacts the quality of the program we can offer the children of El Segundo.
As part of the Youth Sports Council, we are supposed to be in Group 3 of the 2022 Athletic Field/Facility
Use and Allocation Policy, falling only behind Group 1, City sponsored events, and Group 2, ESUSD
programs. Based on what we are seeing being applied to AYSO, it does not appear that Policy is being
implemented and applied the way it was discussed at the October 24, 2022 Special Joint Meeting
between the Youth Sports Council and the Recreation and Parks Committee.
AYSO is not getting the responses from Staff that we need. We are requesting your help to ensure that
staff understands and is fully aware that there is a problem and that AYSO needs and is eligible to all the
time we have requested under the fields allocation policy.
Our Fall season run until the end of February when you include the end of season tournament. We
would like to make sure the schedule is finalized until then so we don't have more unfortunate instances
like last night.
Aly, when you came to El Segundo, I had great hope for the future and a reduction in scheduling
problems. Today I am still hopeful that with your leadership and attention we can work together to
make El Segundo and AYSO Region 92 an even better place for our children.
Thank you for your consideration.
Pat Stanford
AYSO Region 92
Asst. Regional Commissioner
Practice Scheduler/Game Scheduler
AYSO Region 92
(310) 994-8970 cell
Harada, Patricia
Subject: FW: AYSO Scheduling
From: Patrick Stanford <else uridoa so92arc mail.com>
Sent: Friday, September 8, 2023 9:08 AM
To: Mancini, Aly <amancini else undo.or >
Cc: Brendan Gormley <else undorc.b mail.com>; *ALL CITY COUNCIL <allcouncil else undo.org>;
bmotta else undoccb.or • "eanette ant ahoo.com; lstolnac @else LAndoccb.or ; dlubs@elsegundoccb.or ;
kwatson@elsegundoccb.org; George, Darrell <dgeor e@else undo.or >; Hester, Arecia <a,hester else undo.or >
Subject: Re: AYSO Scheduling
Hi Aly,
Thank you for your help.
I got a great response from Rachel Cummings yesterday. She and your staff cleared the schedule to the practice and
games times we had previously been told. We greatly appreciate the rapid response.
Rachel also seems to have a good plan to improve scheduling in the future. I have offered to meet with her to help
define what AYSO and the other leagues need from the scheduling system.
I trust and hope that we now have all the issues resolved for this season.
Pat Stanford
Asst. Regional Commissioner
AYSO Region 92
(310) 994-8970 cell
On Sep 6, 2023, at 7:23 PM, Mancini, Aly <amancini else undo.or > wrote:
Good evening,
Thank you for your email. I am disappointed that you have had difficulties with your scheduling and
would like to talk further. Is there a good number to reach you?
I would like to get some resolution for you as soon as possible.
Aly Mancini
Get Outlook for iOS
From: Patrick Stanford <else undoa so92arc mail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 3:55:55 PM
To: Mancini, Aly <amancini else undo.or >
Cc: Brendan Gormley «Ise undorc.b m il.com>; *ALL CITY COUNCIL <alllcouncil else undo„or >;
bmotta else undoccb.o�r <bmotta else undoccb.or >; jeanettegant@yalioo.com
<.eanette ant ahoo.com>; "stolnack else undoccb.or <jstolnack else undoccb.or >;
dlubs else undoccb.org <dlubs else undoccb.or >; kwatsmPelsegundoccb.org
<kwatson else undoccb.or,g>; George, Darrell <d eor e else undo.or >
Subject: AYSO Scheduling
Hi Aly,
AYSO Region 92 needs your help please.
We are the largest youth sports program in town with over 900 players in our fall program, another 350
in our spring program, and around 200 adult volunteers. AYSO is a proud member of the Youth Sports
Council and pride ourselves on designing our program to ensure that we meet the membership
requirements, especially the 75% ES resident clause (currently we are over 80% for our Fall season).
We have historically had scheduling problems. In past years we have been told that we had certain
times reserved and then had those times changed or access removed with no notice. As both the
practice and games scheduler this has a huge impact on me personally, but also on the entire program
with many teams having to changes practice schedules.
We have had repeated promises from staff that these were all accidents and they would not happed
again if we would cooperate.
Unfortunately, we are starting out badly again this year, with club soccer teams bumping AYSO from
Campus last night (Tuesday Sept. 5, 2023) after we were told that we had field space at Campus Monday
to Friday essentially all evening.
We have also had our weekday access to Campus cut by almost 25% this year. In previous years we had
both East and West from 4PM to 8:30 or 9PM. This year we were told that we could only have Campus
East from 5:30 to 8:OO13M, a decrease off 50% of the time we had last year. This lack of space greatly
impacts the quality of the program we can offer the children of El Segundo.
As part of the Youth Sports Council, we are supposed to be in Group 3 of the 2022 Athletic Field/Facility
Use and Allocation Policy, falling only behind Group 1, City sponsored events, and Group 2, ESUSD
programs. Based on what we are seeing being applied to AYSO, it does not appear that Policy is being
implemented and applied the way it was discussed at the October 24, 2022 Special Joint Meeting
between the Youth Sports Council and the Recreation and Parks Committee.
AYSO is not getting the responses from Staff that we need. We are requesting your help to ensure that
staff understands and is fully aware that there is a problem and that AYSO needs and is eligible to all the
time we have requested under the fields allocation policy.
Our Fall season run until the end of February when you include the end of season tournament. We
would like to make sure the schedule is finalized until then so we don't have more unfortunate instances
like last night.
Aly, when you came to El Segundo, I had great hope for the future and a reduction in scheduling
problems. Today I am still hopeful that with your leadership and attention we can work together to
make El Segundo and AYSO Region 92 an even better place for our children.
Thank you for your consideration.
Pat Stanford
AYSO Region 92
Asst. Regional Commissioner
Practice Scheduler/Game Scheduler
AYSO Region 92
(310) 994-8970 cell
else undoa so92arc mail.corn
Harada, Patricia
Subject: FW: AYSO Scheduling
From: Mancini, Aly <amancini else undo,or >
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 7:23 PM
To: Patrick Stanford <else undoa so92arc mall.com>
Cc: Brendan Gormley <else undorc.b mail.com>; *ALL CITY COUNCIL <allcouncil else undo,or >;
bmotta@else undoccb,org; "eanette ant a,hoo,com; "stolnack else rndoccb.or ° drubs else undoccb,or
kwatson@elsegundoccb.or ; George, Darrell <d eor eC elsegundo org>; Hester, Arecia <ahester elsegundowor >
Subject: Re: AYSO Scheduling
Good evening,
Thank you for your email. I am disappointed that you have had difficulties with your scheduling and would like to talk
further. Is there a good number to reach you?
I would like to get some resolution for you as soon as possible.
Aly Mancini
Get Outlook for iOS
From: Patrick Stanford <else undoa so92arc mail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 3:55:55 PM
To: Mancini, Aly <amancini else undo,or >
Cc: Brendan Gormley <elseundorc bCrmail comp>; *ALL CITY COUNCIL <allcouncil else undo.or >;
bmotta else und,occb.or <bmottaelse,undoccb.org>; °eanette ant ahoo,corn <leanettegant@yahoo corn>;
"stolnack else undoccb,or <iistoinack@else_umidpccb.or >; dl�lsunddccb.or <dlubselsgundoccb,org>;
kwatson else uncloccb.or <kwatson else undoccb.or >; George, Darrell <d eor e2else undo.or >
Subject: AYSO Scheduling
Hi Aly,
AYSO Region 92 needs your help please.
We are the largest youth sports program in town with over 900 players in our fall program, another 350 in our spring
program, and around 200 adult volunteers. AYSO is a proud member of the Youth Sports Council and pride ourselves on
designing our program to ensure that we meet the membership requirements, especially the 75% ES resident clause
(currently we are over 80% for our Fall season).
We have historically had scheduling problems. In past years we have been told that we had certain times reserved and
then had those times changed or access removed with no notice. As both the practice and games scheduler this has a
huge impact on me personally, but also on the entire program with many teams having to changes practice schedules.
We have had repeated promises from staff that these were all accidents and they would not happed again if we would
Unfortunately, we are starting out badly again this year, with club soccer teams bumping AYSO from Campus last night
(Tuesday Sept. 5, 2023) after we were told that we had field space at Campus Monday to Friday essentially all evening.
We have also had our weekday access to Campus cut by almost 25% this year. In previous years we had both East and
West from 4PM to 8:30 or 9PM. This year we were told that we could only have Campus East from 5:30 to 8:OOPM, a
decrease off 50% of the time we had last year. This lack of space greatly impacts the quality of the program we can offer
the children of El Segundo.
As part of the Youth Sports Council, we are supposed to be in Group 3 of the 2022 Athletic Field/Facility Use
and Allocation Policy, falling only behind Group 1, City sponsored events, and Group 2, ESUSD programs. Based on what
we are seeing being applied to AYSO, it does not appear that Policy is being implemented and applied the way it was
discussed at the October 24, 2022 Special Joint Meeting between the Youth Sports Council and the Recreation and Parks
AYSO is not getting the responses from Staff that we need. We are requesting your help to ensure that staff understands
and is fully aware that there is a problem and that AYSO needs and is eligible to all the time we have requested under
the fields allocation policy.
Our Fall season run until the end of February when you include the end of season tournament. We would like to make
sure the schedule is finalized until then so we don't have more unfortunate instances like last night.
Aly, when you came to El Segundo, I had great hope for the future and a reduction in scheduling problems. Today I am
still hopeful that with your leadership and attention we can work together to make El Segundo and AYSO Region 92 an
even better place for our children.
Thank you for your consideration.
Pat Stanford
AYSO Region 92
Asst. Regional Commissioner
Practice Scheduler/Game Scheduler
AYSO Region 92
(310) 994-8970 cell
Harada, Patricia
Subject: FW: AYSO Scheduling
From: Patrick Stanford <else undoa so92arc rnail.com>
Sent: Wednesday, September 6, 2023 3:56 PM
To: Mancini, Aly <amancini@ejse undo.org>
Cc: Brendan Gormley <else undorc.b maiLcorn>; *ALL CITY COUNCIL <alicouncil else undo,or >;
bmotta else undoccb.or ; "ieanette ant ahoo.com, Istolnack(&else Lindocci or ; dlubs else undoccb.or
kwatson else urndoccb.or George, Darrell <d e rge elsegundo.or >
Subject: AYSO Scheduling
Hi Aly,
AYSO Region 92 needs your help please.
We are the largest youth sports program in town with over 900 players in our fall program, another 350 in our spring
program, and around 200 adult volunteers. AYSO is a proud member of the Youth Sports Council and pride ourselves on
designing our program to ensure that we meet the membership requirements, especially the 75% ES resident clause
(currently we are over 80% for our Fall season).
We have historically had scheduling problems. In past years we have been told that we had certain times reserved and
then had those times changed or access removed with no notice. As both the practice and games scheduler this has a
huge impact on me personally, but also on the entire program with many teams having to changes practice schedules.
We have had repeated promises from staff that these were all accidents and they would not happed again if we would
Unfortunately, we are starting out badly again this year, with club soccer teams bumping AYSO from Campus last night
(Tuesday Sept. 5, 2023) after we were told that we had field space at Campus Monday to Friday essentially all evening.
We have also had our weekday access to Campus cut by almost 25%this year. In previous years we had both East and
West from 4PM to 8:30 or 9PM. This year we were told that we could only have Campus East from 5:30 to 8:OOPM, a
decrease off 50% of the time we had last year. This lack of space greatly impacts the quality of the program we can offer
the children of El Segundo.
As part of the Youth Sports Council, we are supposed to be in Group 3 of the 2022 Athletic Field/Facility Use
and Allocation Policy, falling only behind Group 1, City sponsored events, and Group 2, ESUSD programs. Based on what
we are seeing being applied to AYSO, it does not appear that Policy is being implemented and applied the way it was
discussed at the October 24, 2022 Special Joint Meeting between the Youth Sports Council and the Recreation and Parks
AYSO is not getting the responses from Staff that we need. We are requesting your help to ensure that staff understands
and is fully aware that there is a problem and that AYSO needs and is eligible to all the time we have requested under
the fields allocation policy.
Our Fall season run until the end of February when you include the end of season tournament. We would like to make
sure the schedule is finalized until then so we don't have more unfortunate instances like last night.
Aly, when you came to El Segundo, I had great hope for the future and a reduction in scheduling problems. Today I am
still hopeful that with your leadership and attention we can work together to make El Segundo and AYSO Region 92 an
even better place for our children.
Thank you for your consideration.
Pat Stanford
AYSO Region 92
Asst. Regional Commissioner
Practice Scheduler/Game Scheduler
AYSO Region 92
(310) 994-8970 cell
else unclog so92arc manl,corn,
Harada, Patricia
Subject: RW:AYSOField Allocation Concerns
From: Mancini, Aly
Sent: Thursday, September 7,2O239:57AK4
To: 'Jordan 5tevxart' >; *ALL CITY COUNCIL ;
George, Darrell Heste�Arecia� >
Cc: Brendan Gormn|ey<; Patrick Stanford >
Subject: RE: AYS(]Field Allocation Concerns
Good Morning Mr. Stewart,
|understand your concerns and appreciate the need for aswift and permanent resolution. Mvteam has
prioritized this and will be working with Mr. Stanford.
I look forward to supporting AYSO and the children of El Segundo.
AlyMancini | Recreation, Parks and Library Director
From: Jordan Stewart
Sent: Thursday, September 7,2O239:12AM
To: *ALL CITY COUNCIL Mancini, Aly <amancininwelsegundoor >;
George, Darrell Hester,
Cc: Brendan Gormley Patrick Stanford
Swkja«±:AYS[] Field Allocation Concerns
Towhom itmay concern,
|am hoping this email makes its way to someone who can help explain preassigned AYSO field space continues
to be given to non El Segundo schools and soccer clubs and/or why our organization's allotment continues to shrink year
I understand these fields to be managed by our Parks & Rec department with the mandate that community use is
prioritized over external or private use. As a coach of multiple AYSO teams who hosts practices at Campus year round, I
have not found this to be the case. Instead, this is what I have frequently experienced:
AYSO requests field space from Parks & Rec for the duration of a season which is confirmed via email but our reservation
block is never added to the calendar. As a result, frequently through the season the gates are locked. Young players pile
up on the sidewalk awaiting entry while volunteer coaches reach out to our AYSO leadership and city staff to gain entry.
A disgruntled member of Parks & Rec staff then rushes to the field to unlock the gate and informs us that AYSO was NOT
on the schedule.. they often share their own personal frustrations at the lack of organization and that they're left out to
dry when these mistakes happen. We also have many situations where, in the middle of our practice slot, a club soccer
team or adult league teams arrive at the field and claim priority. We are then either forced to move/leave (often
squeezing a significant amount of ES kids into an unreasonably small space) or we hold our ground and continue but
these groups just fire balls dangerously all over the place while our kids are still practicing.
If this were a one-time occurrence, I would mark it up to an innocent mistake. But AYSO has been dealing with this
nonsense for years and all we ever receive is a halfhearted apology from Parks & Rec and confirmation it has been fixed..
clearly the problem remains.
My request is for the Council to make an inquiry or audit, specifically as it relates to organizations such as AYSO, into the
Parks & Rec process for:
1. how requests are made,
2. how requests are confirmed,
3. how confirmed allocation is entered into the calendar
4. whether there is more than one calendar for field allocation,
5. how organizations such as AYSO can access the calendar for verification in order to anticipate and pre-empt possible
What does seem to be clear is the current process is broken and our local community children are harmed. For a city
that prides itself on the strength and positive impact of youth sports (as demonstrated during our kids epic ESLL run) I
believe we can do better.
We await your urgent assistance.
Jordan Stewart
Harada, Patricia
Subject: FW: AYSO Field Allocation Concerns
From: Jordan Stewart <ygrdstg >
Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2023 9:12 AM
To: *ALL CITY COUNCIL <allcouncil else undo.or >; Mancini, Aly <a�mancini, else undo.or >;
brrtotta else un,docb.om° ; Lenttgant@vhoo.com; isto1nackL9elseguindoccb.or ° dlubeNse undoccb.or;
kwatson else undoccb.or • George, Darrell <d eor e else undo.or >; Hester, Arecia <ah ster e1segundo.org>
Cc: Brendan Gormley < lse undorc,b mail,corn>; Patrick Stanford <elsegundoayso92arc gtna�il.cor >
Subject: AYSO Field Allocation Concerns
To whom it may concern,
I am hoping this email makes its way to someone who can help explain how/why preassigned AYSO field space continues
to be given to non El Segundo schools and soccer clubs and/or why our organization's allotment continues to shrink year
over year despite increased signups (900+ this Fall with a 80/0+ ratio of ES residents).
I understand these fields to be managed by our Parks & Rec department with the mandate that community use is
prioritized over external or private use. As a coach of multiple AYSO teams who hosts practices at Campus year round, I
have not found this to be the case. Instead, this is what I have frequently experienced:
AYSO requests field space from Parks & Rec for the duration of a season which is confirmed via email but our reservation
block is never added to the calendar. As a result, frequently through the season the gates are locked. Young players pile
up on the sidewalk awaiting entry while volunteer coaches reach out to our AYSO leadership and city staff to gain entry.
A disgruntled member of Parks & Rec staff then rushes to the field to unlock the gate and informs us that AYSO was NOT
on the schedule.. they often share their own personal frustrations at the lack of organization and that they're left out to
dry when these mistakes happen. We also have many situations where, in the middle of our practice slot, a club soccer
team or adult league teams arrive at the field and claim priority. We are then either forced to move/leave (often
squeezing a significant amount of ES kids into an unreasonably small space) or we hold our ground and continue but
these groups just fire balls dangerously all over the place while our kids are still practicing.
If this were a one-time occurrence, I would mark it up to an innocent mistake. But AYSO has been dealing with this
nonsense for years and all we ever receive is a halfhearted apology from Parks & Rec and confirmation it has been fixed.,.
clearly the problem remains.
My request is for the Council to make an inquiry or audit, specifically as it relates to organizations such as AYSO, into the
Parks & Rec process for:
1. how requests are made,
2. how requests are confirmed,
3. how confirmed allocation is entered into the calendar
4. whether there is more than one calendar for field allocation,
5. how organizations such as AYSO can access the calendar for verification in order to anticipate and pre-empt possible
What does seem to be clear is the current process is broken and our local community children are harmed. For a city
that prides itself on the strength and positive impact of youth sports (as demonstrated during our kids epic ESLL run) I
believe we can do better.
We await your urgent assistance.
Jordan Stewart
Harada, Patricia
Subject: FW: AYSO U19B Voicing Field Space CONCERNS
From: Luis Toledo <luis.toledomba mail.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2023 8:41 AM
To: *ALL CITY COUNCIL <allcouncil c etse undo.or >; Mancini, Aly <ar ancini@else un o. rg>;
bmotta else undoccb.or Jeanette n t ahoo.com; jjjpinp.d else un docc! .or ; dlUbs@else undoccb,or
kwatson gise undoccb.or ; George, Darrell<d eor e else undo.or >; Hester, Arecia <ahester else undo.or >
Cc: Shad McFadden <coachshad9 mail.corn>; MILTON REYES <ma.reyes sbc lobal.rnet>; ROC -Jean -Paul Issock <'e1 a_n-
aul, rocsocal.com>; Patrick Stanford <elseundoayso92arc@ maD il�corr�>; Jordan Stewart
<iordstewart87 mail.com>; Daniel Thiel <thiel2@mac.com>; Brendan Gormley <else undorc.b mail.com>;
Subject: AYSO U19B Voicing Field Space CONCERNS
Dear Council Members,
My name is Luis Toledo and I am an AYSO coach for the U19B division. I am reaching out to you to voice my concern and
frustration with the field availability I am experiencing so far in 2 practices this Fall season (Tuesday 6:45 pm to 8:00 pm
and Wednesday 7:00 pm to 8:30 pm) at Campus El Segundo.
On Tuesday we were kicked off the field because a Club team had "paid" for the space, and AYSO was forced to make it
work and practice with multiple teams in only % field.
On Wednesday, we were kicked out of the field because games for the adult league were starting at 8:00 pm, and
wanted us to change fields in the middle of the practice, (we managed with the other teams and resolved the issue
without incident, however everyone was extremely frustrated).
This may sound new to you, however, for us at AYSO it is NOT. It happens every season, especially in the Fall season
when we are supposed to have more preference over other field renters.
From my view, I can only see a very dysfunctional process between the City and AYSO. AYSO publishes the calendar of
the practices to all coaches, only for us as coaches and players to find out they are not completely true. Nobody seems
to have the right answer and it seems to me we are the ones fixing a City problem and the city does not care (We only
interact with the field caretaker who only follows orders).
Or maybe the City only cares about the money they get from adult leagues who may pay a higher fee than AYSO (I do
not know that for a fact, but it certainly feels that way!).
Thank you for your time and consideration and hope you improve your internal processes and communication to AYSO
to avoid these issues in the future. I know the AYSO management team is working hard to resolve these issues with you,
but so far these are the results we see as coaches working with the kids.
The only ones who benefit or not are the young people of El Segundo who want to practice a sport, and we cannot
even provide that?...
I believe we can and must do better for our kids!
Luis Toledo
Harada, Patricia
Subject: FW: AYSO and Campus El Segundo
-----Original Message -----
From: Brendan Gormley <elsegundorc.bg@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2023 10:33 AM
To: Mancini, Aly <amancini@elsegundo.org>
Cc: Thornton, Brandee <bthornton@elsegundo.org>; Hester, Arecia <ahester@elsegundo.org>; George, Darrell
<dgeorge@elsegundo.org>; kwatson@elsegundoccb.org; dlubs@elsegundoccb.org; jstolnack@elsegundoccb.org;
jeanettegant@yahoo.com; bmotta@elsegundoccb.org; *ALL CITY COUNCIL <allcouncil@elsegundo.org>; Cummings,
Rachel <rcummings@elsegundo.org>
Subject: Re: AYSO and Campus El Segundo
Hi Aly,
Thank you for the response. Immediately after sending this email Rachel gave me a call to discuss. As I mentioned to
Rachel - thank you for making room for the space we were promised... it is much appreciated. I also mentioned we could
use additional field space as we are extremely squeezed as is. She said she would look into times that might be available
to extend our reservation times and I look forward to being able to add time for our El Segundo residents.
Thanks again for jumping on this.
> On Sep 7, 2023, at 10:28 AM, Mancini, Aly <amancini@elsegundo.org> wrote:
> Hi Brendan,
> Staff are working on this as we speak. I am moving them as quickly as possible.
> Please contact Recreation Supervisor, Rachel Cummings, at rcummings@elsegundo.org with any specific needs for this
> We will get this resolved.
> -----Original Message -----
> From: Brendan Gormley <elsegundorc.bg@gmail.com>
> Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2023 10:11 AM
> To: Mancini, Aly <amancini@elsegundo.org>
> Cc: Thornton, Brandee <bthornton@elsegundo.org>; Hester, Arecia <ahester@elsegundo.org>; Hester, Arecia
<ahester@elsegundo.org>; George, Darrell <dgeorge@elsegundo.org>; kwatson@elsegundoccb.org;
dlubs@elsegundoccb.org; jstolnack@elsegundoccb.org; jeanettegant@yahoo.com; bmotta@elsegundoccb.org; *ALL
CITY COUNCIL <allcouncil@elsegundo.org>
> Subject: Re: AYSO and Campus El Segundo
> Hi Ms. Mancini,
> I wanted to see if we could escalate this conversation. I was informed that coaches were kicked off Campus again last
night as well as coaches being moved off Brett Field for Softball. Can we come to some sort of resolution before I send
coaches out tonight only to be moved for another club reservation?
> As a member of the Youth Sports Council I thought we took priority over organizations that are either not on the
council and/or do not adhere to the 75% resident clause (as I mention below, we are will above that number.) This does
not seem to be the case, in addition to being kicked off the field when we have reservations, our overall field allotment
seems to be decreasing year over year.
> As a 100% volunteer organization we sometimes find it difficult to recruit and maintain volunteers - part of my job is to
make it easy for these volunteers to do their "job" and being kicked off the field to make room for club teams is
> Please let me know if we can start with having the field space we were promised and the possibility of accessing
additional field space in the near future.
> Thanks again for your time.
> Best,
> Brendan Gormley
> Region 92 Commissioner
> 310-467-5493
>> On Sep 6, 2023, at 7:08 AM, Mancini, Aly <amancini@elsegundo.org> wrote:
>> Good Morning Mr. Gormley,
>> Thank you for your email. I would be glad to set up a meeting to discuss these concerns. Unfortunately I am
extremely tied up until next week. I have copied my Admin Assistant here and she will coordinate a meeting time that
works. I will also include my Recreation Supervisor who will be handling field allocation and reservations (Rachel
Cummings) and Rachel's direct supervisor Recreation Superintendent Arecia Hester.
>> Thank you.
>> Aly Mancini I Recreation, Parks and Library Director CITY OF EL SEGUNDO
>> 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245
>> (310) 524-2730
>> -----Original Message -----
>> From: Brendan Gormley <elsegundorc.bg@gmail.com>
>> Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2023 11:12 PM
>> To: Mancini, Aly <amancini@elsegundo.org>
>> Subject: AYSO and Campus El Segundo
>> Hi Aly,
>> I hope this email finds you well and that we get the chance to meet in person some time soon. My name is Brendan
Gormley and I am the relatively new (3 or 4 months) commissioner of AYSO Region 92 here is El Segundo.
>> I am writing to you as a last resort, as I tried to go through the typical channels but keep running into field allocation
issues. This past evening, after being told we have Campus East up until 8:OOpm Mon -Fri a couple coaches were asked by
Rec and Park employees to vacate the East field at 7:OOpm because a club team had reserved the space. The employee
did show me that there was a reservation and I know it was not his fault but this seems to be a regular occurrence.
>> I know AYSO and El Segundo Recreation & Parks have a long standing relationship and it has been a great partnership
in enhancing the quality of life in El Segundo but this issue of scheduling has come up time and time again. It is
frustrating to have a program with 78% of our registrants (705 players) living in El Segundo being displaced for a team
that I am guessing is made up of players from all over the South Bay. I have mentioned this in the past but if it is a
matter of paying for the fields, Region 92 would be more than willing to kick in and help the city above and beyond our
fieldd usage fees. At this point we are spread very thin in terms of accommodating all of our players and teams and
being told we have a certain time and to find out it has been taken from us without warning does not seem fair.
>> Thank you in advance for your time and I do hope we can work together and figure out a way for Campus scheduling
to work for everyone.
>> I can always be reached on my cell if you would like to discuss.
>> Best,
>> Brendan Gormley
>> Region 92 Commissioner
>> 310-467-5493
Harada, Patricia
Subject: FW: AYSO and Campus El Segundo
-----Original Message -----
From: Mancini, Aly <amancini@elsegundo.org>
Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2023 10:28 AM
To:'Brendan Gormley' <elsegundorc.bg@gmail.com>
Cc: Thornton, Brandee <bthornton@elsegundo.org>; Hester, Arecia <ahester@elsegundo.org>; Hester, Arecia
<ahester@elsegundo.org>; George, Darrell <dgeorge@elsegundo.org>; kwatson@elsegundoccb.org;
dlubs@elsegundoccb.org; jstolnack@elsegundoccb.org; jeanettegant@yahoo.com; bmotta@elsegundoccb.org; *ALL
CITY COUNCIL <allcouncil@elsegundo.org>; Cummings, Rachel <rcummings@elsegundo.org>
Subject: RE: AYSO and Campus El Segundo
Hi Brendan,
Staff are working on this as we speak. I am moving them as quickly as possible.
Please contact Recreation Supervisor, Rachel Cummings, at rcummings@elsegundo.org with any specific needs for this
We will get this resolved.
-----Original Message -----
From: Brendan Gormley <elsegundorc.bg@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2023 10:11 AM
To: Mancini, Aly <amancini@elsegundo.org>
Cc: Thornton, Brandee <bthornton@elsegundo.org>; Hester, Arecia <ahester@elsegundo.org>; Hester, Arecia
<ahester@elsegundo.org>; George, Darrell <dgeorge@elsegundo.org>; kwatson@elsegundoccb.org;
dlubs@elsegundoccb.org; jstolnack@elsegundoccb.org; jeanettegant@yahoo.com; bmotta@elsegundoccb.org; *ALL
CITY COUNCIL <allcouncil@elsegundo.org>
Subject: Re: AYSO and Campus El Segundo
Hi Ms. Mancini,
I wanted to see if we could escalate this conversation. I was informed that coaches were kicked off Campus again last
night as well as coaches being moved off Brett Field for Softball. Can we come to some sort of resolution before I send
coaches out tonight only to be moved for another club reservation?
As a member of the Youth Sports Council I thought we took priority over organizations that are either not on the council
and/or do not adhere to the 75% resident clause (as I mention below, we are will above that number.) This does not
seem to be the case, in addition to being kicked off the field when we have reservations, our overall field allotment
seems to be decreasing year over year.
As a 100% volunteer organization we sometimes find it difficult to recruit and maintain volunteers - part of my job is to
make it easy for these volunteers to do their "job" and being kicked off the field to make room for club teams is
Please let me know if we can start with having the field space we were promised and the possibility of accessing
additional field space in the near future.
Thanks again for your time.
Brendan Gormley
Region 92 Commissioner
> On Sep 6, 2023, at 7:08 AM, Mancini, Aly <amancini@elsegundo.org> wrote:
> Good Morning Mr. Gormley,
> Thank you for your email. I would be glad to set up a meeting to discuss these concerns. Unfortunately I am extremely
tied up until next week. I have copied my Admin Assistant here and she will coordinate a meeting time that works. I will
also include my Recreation Supervisor who will be handling field allocation and reservations (Rachel Cummings) and
Rachel's direct supervisor Recreation Superintendent Arecia Hester.
> Thank you.
> Aly Mancini I Recreation, Parks and Library Director CITY OF EL SEGUNDO
> 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245
> (310) 524-2730
> -----Original Message-----
• From: Brendan Gormley <elsegundorc.bg@gmail.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2023 11:12 PM
> To: Mancini, Aly <amancini@elsegundo.org>
> Subject: AYSO and Campus El Segundo
> Hi Aly,
> I hope this email finds you well and that we get the chance to meet in person some time soon. My name is Brendan
Gormley and I am the relatively new (3 or 4 months) commissioner of AYSO Region 92 here is El Segundo.
> I am writing to you as a last resort, as I tried to go through the typical channels but keep running into field allocation
issues. This past evening, after being told we have Campus East up until 8:OOpm Mon -Fri a couple coaches were asked by
Rec and Park employees to vacate the East field at 7:OOpm because a club team had reserved the space. The employee
did show me that there was a reservation and I know it was not his fault but this seems to be a regular occurrence.
> I know AYSO and El Segundo Recreation & Parks have a long standing relationship and it has been a great partnership
in enhancing the quality of life in El Segundo but this issue of scheduling has come up time and time again. It is
frustrating to have a program with 78% of our registrants (705 players) living in El Segundo being displaced for a team
that I am guessing is made up of players from all over the South Bay. I have mentioned this in the past but if it is a
matter of paying for the fields, Region 92 would be more than willing to kick in and help the city above and beyond our
fieldd usage fees. At this point we are spread very thin in terms of accommodating all of our players and teams and
being told we have a certain time and to find out it has been taken from us without warning does not seem fair.
> Thank you in advance for your time and I do hope we can work together and figure out a way for Campus scheduling
to work for everyone.
> I can always be reached on my cell if you would like to discuss.
> Best,
> Brendan Gormley
> Region 92 Commissioner
> 310-467-5493
Harada, Patricia
Subject: FW: AYSO and Campus El Segundo
-----Original Message -----
From: Brendan Gormley <elsegundorc.bg@gmail.com>
Sent: Thursday, September 7, 2023 10:11 AM
To: Mancini, Aly <amancini@elsegundo.org>
Cc: Thornton, Brandee <bthornton@elsegundo.org>; Hester, Arecia <ahester@elsegundo.org>; Hester, Arecia
<ahester@elsegundo.org>; George, Darrell <dgeorge@elsegundo.org>; kwatson@elsegundoccb.org;
dlubs@elsegundoccb.org; jstolnack@elsegundoccb.org; jeanettegant@yahoo.com; bmotta@elsegundoccb.org; *ALL
CITY COUNCIL <allcouncil@elsegundo.org>
Subject: Re: AYSO and Campus El Segundo
Hi Ms. Mancini,
I wanted to see if we could escalate this conversation. I was informed that coaches were kicked off Campus again last
night as well as coaches being moved off Brett Field for Softball. Can we come to some sort of resolution before I send
coaches out tonight only to be moved for another club reservation?
As a member of the Youth Sports Council I thought we took priority over organizations that are either not on the council
and/or do not adhere to the 75% resident clause (as I mention below, we are will above that number.) This does not
seem to be the case, in addition to being kicked off the field when we have reservations, our overall field allotment
seems to be decreasing year over year.
As a 100% volunteer organization we sometimes find it difficult to recruit and maintain volunteers - part of my job is to
make it easy for these volunteers to do their "job" and being kicked off the field to make room for club teams is
Please let me know if we can start with having the field space we were promised and the possibility of accessing
additional field space in the near future.
Thanks again for your time,
Brendan Gormley
Region 92 Commissioner
> On Sep 6, 2023, at 7:08 AM, Mancini, Aly <amancini@elsegundo.org> wrote:
> Good Morning Mr. Gormley,
> Thank you for your email. I would be glad to set up a meeting to discuss these concerns. Unfortunately I am extremely
tied up until next week. I have copied my Admin Assistant here and she will coordinate a meeting time that works. I will
also include my Recreation Supervisor who will be handling field allocation and reservations (Rachel Cummings) and
Rachel's direct supervisor Recreation Superintendent Arecia Hester.
> Thank you.
> Aly Mancini I Recreation, Parks and Library Director CITY OF EL SEGUNDO
> 350 Main Street, El Segundo, CA 90245
> (310) 524-2730
> -----Original Message-----
• From: Brendan Gormley <elsegundorc.bg@gmail.com>
> Sent: Tuesday, September 5, 2023 11:12 PM
> To: Mancini, Aly <amancini@elsegundo.org>
> Subject: AYSO and Campus El Segundo
> Hi Aly,
> I hope this email finds you well and that we get the chance to meet in person some time soon. My name is Brendan
Gormley and I am the relatively new (3 or 4 months) commissioner of AYSO Region 92 here is El Segundo.
> I am writing to you as a last resort, as I tried to go through the typical channels but keep running into field allocation
issues. This past evening, after being told we have Campus East up until 8:OOpm Mon -Fri a couple coaches were asked by
Rec and Park employees to vacate the East field at 7:OOpm because a club team had reserved the space. The employee
did show me that there was a reservation and I know it was not his fault but this seems to be a regular occurrence.
> I know AYSO and El Segundo Recreation & Parks have a long standing relationship and it has been a great partnership
in enhancing the quality of life in El Segundo but this issue of scheduling has come up time and time again. It is
frustrating to have a program with 78% of our registrants (705 players) living in El Segundo being displaced for a team
that I am guessing is made up of players from all over the South Bay. I have mentioned this in the past but if it is a
matter of paying for the fields, Region 92 would be more than willing to kick in and help the city above and beyond our
fieldd usage fees. At this point we are spread very thin in terms of accommodating all of our players and teams and
being told we have a certain time and to find out it has been taken from us without warning does not seem fair.
> Thank you in advance for your time and I do hope we can work together and figure out a way for Campus scheduling
to work for everyone.
> I can always be reached on my cell if you would like to discuss.
> Best,
> Brendan Gormley
> Region 92 Commissioner
> 310-467-5493