2023-09-05 CC Agenda - Public Communications - Misc. - Volunteer Services20C-0,9-0:5 CC a GlBND I= �UI:::$N....IIC COI I'7LYMCKI1... ON - WSC, - ICCN....LYN_i.lE:::::lE:: R &E:::IC' VIC,H Harada, Patricia Subject: FW: Mariposa & Standard - Volunteer Services of Daniel Slack Jr. From: Daniel Slack <slackm@sbclobal.net> Date: September 4, 2023 at 7:46:29 PM PDT To: Melissa Moore <mmoore esusd.net> Cc: Steven Gebhart<seebhart esusd.nt>, Tracey M il ler-Za rneke <tiller-areke esusd.net>, rnbeach l esusd.net fglynn@esusd.net,dwheatoneesusd.net mwagner@esusd net, Tracy Adams <tadams esusd.net>, "Boyles,Drew (Mayor)" <dbo les else undo.or >, ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS else undo.or >, "George, Darrell" <dg oree is ndo.ore> Subject: Re: Mariposa & Standard - Volunteer Services of Daniel Slack Jr. Correction in BOLD Italics On Monday, September 4, 2023 at 07:43:20 PM PDT, Daniel Slack <slackrn sbc 1obal. net> wrote: Good Monday Evening Dr. Moore, I will touch on one item only in this email: I never told Steven Gebhart that I intended to to sue the district and have him fired. I think you should consult with Mr. Gebhart again on exactly what I said and you are absolutely misinformed with the characterization of what I said personally to Mr. Gebhart as he approached me. Again, on Labor Day, you have either misconstrued the truth or what was conveyed to you was completely inaccurate. If Mr. Gebhart reported I said this to him, I am informing you that is not the truth. I do not have to bend or mince my words. I can take full accountability of what I said and will admit to it 100%. I will say at closing, I thought we all were working together to benefit student safety, a collective partnership. The City has the ability to waive certain items, such as the fees incurred for a parade to celebrate the El Segundo Little League, to hear from concerns about the crossing section (which I believe there is a City/School Subcommittee meeting being held this Wednesday at City Hall at 5:00 pm) and when El Segundo Unified School District has the Skechers Fundraiser each year and "volunteer" crossing/traffic guards are asked to participate and volunteer all day, I am sure there is a special waiver by the City of El Segundo. What makes my volunteering any different, except it is every morning? Why after 2 years am I being asked to cease something in which I was never asked to do? We have a crossing area for about 20 minutes of each day where we have students skateboarding, riding bikes, student drivers and parents attempting to get in the horseshoe and staff into the parking lot in a safe and controlled manner and I am receiving stronghold measures from the ESUSD which has nothing to do with the City of El Segundo. I am all for partnership with resolution and to the City of El Segundo I have a valid driver's license, I am not a felon, I am not a sexual predator, I just had my physical and eye examinations. I can take any fitness test and traffic/crossing guard written and fitness test issued by the El Segundo Police Department to provide to the City of El Segundo to waive any fees and liability for this intersection. Concern and Resolution. Mr. Gebhart, can you please let Dr. Moore know exactly what I said to you, verbatim please and I shall confirm. Daniel Slack Jr. On Monday, September 4, 2023 at 05:58:54 PM PDT, Melissa Moore <mmoore esusd.net> wrote: Dear Mr. Slack, On August 17, 2023, you were provided both verbal and written notice by the District to discontinue your activities as a "volunteer" crossing guard. I have offered to meet with you three times to specifically discuss this matter. On September 1, you were observed at the Mariposa and Standard intersection serving as a "volunteer" crossing guard. At that time, Principal Gebhart approached you and you stated that you were intending to sue the District and have him (Principal Gebhart) fired. ESUSD Board Policy 1315 indicates, "The El Segundo Unified School District is committed to treating parents and other members of the public with respect and expects the same in return." Your remarks made toward Principal Gebhart were in violation of said policy. Perhaps you are not aware that your "volunteer" crossing guard service is in violation of the law, more specifically, the City of El Segundo Municipal Code 8-2-2, regulating the direction of traffic by unauthorized persons, which will elevate your activities to a matter for the El Segundo Police Department to address moving forward. In a continued attempt to operate in a spirit of partnership, the September 1st, intervention of Mr. Tomas Romo and Mr. Steve Gebhart were of a courtesy nature and intended to avoid any further escalation, yet were met with a lack of cooperation, respect and civility by you toward ESUSD personnel. As such, the El Segundo High School administration has contacted El Segundo Police School Resource Officer to intervene on this matter in the future. I have attached Board Policy 1315 and El Segundo Municipal Code 8-2-2. 1 hope this information will be helpful to you. Take care and be well - Melissa Moore, Ed.D. Superintendent Transforming Education for a Changing World 641 Sheldon Street E1 Segundo, CA 90245/ (310) 615-2650 ext. 1404 / e-mail: nirnoore0esusti.not. www,else wondotisd.net This communication (and any associated attachments) is intended to be communicated to the addressee only. If you are not the addressee or if you have doubts whether you are the addressee, you may not disseminate, send, retransmit, distribute, print, publish or otherwise republish this communication (and any associated attachments) -- all such acts are strictly prohibited. The sender of this communication (and any associated attachments) reserves all privileges, copyrights, trade secrets and all other intellectual property right, title and interest in an to the contents of this communication (and any associated attachments). If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately and then delete this communication from your computer. The sender further reserves the right to monitor its communications. On Fri, Sep 1, 2023 at 1:18 PM Daniel Slack <slackmi sb global.net> wrote: Good Afternoon, I was informed verbally this morning school administration was issued a directive to call the police and have me arrested for volunteering on Mariposa an Standard Street. I am not sure why I was not informed of this in writing and have no idea what I could possibly be arrested on what grounds but if El Segundo Unified School District wishes to have a parent arrested at morning drop off in front of students, parents and community members that is such poor judgment and what a horrible way to shine a light on the City of El Segundo with the Little League winning the World Championship. I believe the El Segundo Unified School District Board needs in investigate how such a directive can be initiated and if leadership at the highest level is acting inappropriate and putting school administration at the High School level in an employment compromise with out proper jurisdiction and purview that is completely out of their scope. If this unlawful intimidation and harassment continues, I will be forced to file a UCP Complaint. Daniel Slack Jr. On Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 12:30:45 PM PDT, Daniel Slack <s9ackm sbc lobal,net> wrote: Good Afternoon Dr. Moore, I will not be meeting with El Segundo Unified School District to discuss the Crosswalk at Mariposa and Standard. It is not appropriate nor within your purview as I stated below. If you and Mr. Gebhart wish to meet about all things education, I will be able to schedule that meeting with Miss Adams. You offered to schedule a meeting but I kindly replied I needed to get more information from the City of El Segundo and my schedule was impacted last week as it is this week. The communication I received from the district was 90% about the cross walk and on a side, "permission" and "discontinue" are heavy handed words for a District who has been unsupportive in the horseshoe and "L" crosswalk at Standard and Mariposa in the mornings. I will let ESUSD control ESUSD Staff and Administration, but I do not fall within that category. And just as a side, I would be very careful in advising someone what they have permission to do and to discontinue something. A person may interpret that a few different ways. The communication was rather slippery. I will continue to do what I need to support my child's school, but the communication absolutely rubbed me the wrong way. Perhaps we all need this Labor Day holiday to reflect and take a few steps back. ESUSD needs to maintain the stance they have and let us parents do what we do best - Be the advocate of our students and student body and be willing to participate where there exists a need and fulfil that need. Everyone Have A Safe and Enjoyable Holiday, Daniel Slack Jr. On Thursday, August 31, 2023 at 09:55:53 AM PDT, Melissa Moore <mmoore esu d.net> wrote: Good morning Mr. Slack, Since your correspondence has my email address in the "To," and not as a "Copy," I feel an obligation to respond once again. Thank you for sharing your perspectives on this matter. In my email to you dated August 17, 2023 and again August 21, 2023, my invitation to meet with you and Principal Gebhart still stands. My Executive Assistant Tracy Adams will wait to hear from you should you wish to meet regarding this matter in the future. Take care and be well, Melissa Moore, Ed.D. Superintendent 641 Sheldon Street El Segundo, CA 90245/ (310) 615-2650 ext. 1404 / e-mail: mmoore esusd.net, wti+w'w -91 uc.-t. This communication (and any associated attachments) is intended to be communicated to the addressee only. If you are not the addressee or if you have doubts whether you are the addressee, you may not disseminate, send, retransmit, distribute, print, publish or otherwise republish this communication (and any associated attachments) -- all such acts are strictly prohibited. The sender of this communication (and any associated attachments) reserves all privileges, copyrights, trade secrets and all other intellectual property right, title and interest in an to the contents of this communication (and any associated attachments). If you have received this communication in error, please notify the sender immediately and then delete this communication from your computer. The sender further reserves the right to monitor its communications. On Wed, Aug 30, 2023 at 1:40 PM Daniel Slack <slackm s c lobaN nefi> wrote: Good Afternoon All Parties: I am in receipt of a communication from El Segundo Unified School District which appears to be on behalf of the City of El Segundo as well. I have concerns with the communication for a few reasons which will be outline below: 1.) The City of El Segundo and the El Segundo Unified School District are two distinct entities, so how can one entity speak for another on any matter. 2.) ESUSD has stated they have a no hands approach on the crossing guards and does not employ nor contract with a third party provider. 3.) The City of El Segundo is the entity that budgets for the crossing guard services. 4.) Daniel Slack Jr. never communicated or otherwise sought supervision as a crossing guard from ESUSD and thus for ESUSD to inform me my services are discontinued and are no longer permissible is outside of their purview and jurisdiction. 5.) The City of El Segundo nor the El Segundo Unified School District has no protocol or implementation process for volunteer crossing guards and in the letter I received by El Segundo Unified School District, it made all assumptions about my "lack of training, background clearance, and appropriate supervision" and if they researched further a crossing guard in California unless stipulated by a municipality plan, only requires a Valid CA driver's license, over 18 years of age and pass a physical. A lack of a plan does not restrict a volunteer and on a side note, no pedestrian or auto incidents has been on the intersection for the last 2 years. 6.) If there is an incident that needs to be discussed regarding El Segundo Unified School District, that was a severe concern it should be brought up in a timely manner and not just a week prior to school starting, after summer has concluded. If the City of El Segundo has an issue with me volunteering in the mornings only on Mariposa and Standard, The City of El Segundo can reach out to me. One entity should not be writing any correspondence on behalf of another - this causes legal issues with exactly who is in charge. I have no issues meeting with any parent of a student at El Segundo for any reason. Mr. Gebhart is fully aware of my ability to meet with parents. I am fair and just of matters when it comes to our emerging adults. I have copied the ESHS PTA as I have had many emails regarding this cross walk and I do not want any parent or student to think I just disappeared. I also do not want any parent or student to think I just crumble at a request that really never was endorsed nor had anything to do with the District allowing me as a parent volunteering and ensuring our students are safe in the mornings. Last but not least, this is why parents do not get involved. Education has really hindered the parent -student dynamic. The assumption is a child has to hide who they are at home due to "Fear" and education endorses that scenario instead of actually trying to find a way to get parents involved in understanding, compassion, discussion and sharing what is going on with their student. I actually cannot believe what an issue this has been to come to this communication when the District should be more concerned about the security, qualified educators, truancy of students, fighting on campus, substitute teachers for our students when an emergency happens and our students have to be in the library in lieu of a assistant principal, for example, taking over the class and insubordination at the administration level. I am not easily broken and for the future, if The City of El Segundo has a concern with me within their purview, contact me. If El Segundo Unified School District has a concern within their purview, contact me but let's not play this game of enforcement for something that was never supervised or at your discretion. If I am not at the Mariposa and Standard crosswalk it is because I have other engagements that require my attention, but not because I do not have "permission" and/or I am "discontinued". Disappointed but not Doleful, maybe Blacklisted (pardon the pun) Daniel Slack Jr. (818) 324-3434 slay kni ,psbc Flobal.net PO BOX 8228 Van Nuys, CA 91409 Harada, Patricia Subject: FW: Volunteer Crossing Guard From: Daniel Slack <slackm sbc lobal.net> Date: September 5, 2023 at 11:37:57 AM PDT To: "Bermudez, Jaime (Chief of Police)" <Jl errrudez else undo.or >, "Corkins, Aaron (Lieutenant)" <acorkuns else undo.or >, "Boyles,Drew (Mayor)" < bo les eJsegundo.or >, ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS else Lj�2do. >, "Baldino, Ryan" <rbaldino else undo.or > Subject: Volunteer Crossing Guard Good Morning Chief Bermudez and Mayor of City of El Segundo Drew Boyles, I am inquiring with the City and the Police Department if you offer a volunteer program in which I may be able to provide volunteer services at the Mariposa and Standard Street L crosswalk in the mornings. I have volunteered in the last 2 years (once with an ESUSD employee and the last year by myself). This year, it appears the ESUSD has instructed me not to volunteer and they stated as I was performing a service that was in violation of El Segundo Municipal Code 8-2-2. If anyone has seen this section in the mornings it is pretty crazy and it only lasts for about 20 minutes. As I do not work for El Segundo Unified, I continued to volunteer last year. The ironic thing about this whole situation is there is an annual event, THE RUN FOR EDUCATION, which fundraises for all the El Segundo Schools and volunteers are requested as corner monitors (minimum requirement was be if 18 years of age) which in essence ensures the runners, pedestrians, automobiles move with the flow of traffic safely. Is there any reason why my volunteer services cannot be just as that, a corner monitor in the mornings? I simply do not understand the double standard and to just bypass the district in their effort to call the school resource police on me and have me removed, ticketed with a violation, or worse arrested, I wanted to know if I can serve as a volunteer in the mornings for this intersection. I know there is a City/School Affairs Subcommittee at 5:00 on September 6, 2023 and there is a discussion of Crossing Guard Issues. I look forward to hearing from you both on the matter. Very Best, Daniel Slack Jr.