2023-08-15 CC Agenda - Public Communications - Land Acknowledgement202.,E 03 15 C(' (1:..:..:]"AID fN..DIE::III....IK"A :A : II II II..1u 114.r "'If"I II 1....a 111I::: All^CIN WWII....IE: IC: G[::::]'MIE:::IN"F Harada, Patricia Subject: FW: Tongva landacknowledgment removal From: missy dorame-galdamez <nteaIda mez @ m sl com> Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 12:26 PM To: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIAL.' else undo.or Subject: Fwd: Tongva landacknowledgment removal ---------- Forwarded message --------- From: missy dorame-galdamez <m aldamez8 mail.com> Date: Tue, Jul 25, 2023 at 3:07 PM Subject: Fwd: Tongva landacknowledgment removal To: <amancini else undo.or > ------- Forwarded message -------- From: missy dorame-galdamez <m aldamez8 rnail.com> Date: Tue, Jul 25, 2023, 10:33 AM Subject: Tongva land acknowledgment removal To: <bthornton else undo.com> My name is Michelle Dorame Galdamez,l am Tongva. YES WE ARE STILL HERE! lam writing this letter for my ancestors, myself, my children ,my grandchildren, and the generations to come. City Of EL Segundo I am scorned by your act of genocidal tactic thoughts of removal of the Tongva Acknowledgment. Again this is a old genocidal tactic used over and over, used to annihilate my tongva ancestors and my Tongva people. We are the original inhabitannts of Yaanga AKA Los Angeles our homelands. Today I honor and respect my tongva Ancestors,reletives and my community by writing this letter. I ask you to please stop this act of Genocide today! Thank you Michelle D Galdamez Harada, Patricia Subject: FW: Land Acknowledgement From: naomi knox <cnkx123 gma0-c0rY1> Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 12:37 PM To: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIAL,S else undo.or > Subject: Land Acknowledgement Hello I am a member of the Juaneno band of mission indians. I am concerned to hear that you are not wanting the El Segundo Arts and Culture Committee to keep the land acknowledgment text on their agenda. It in no way hurts to publish or voice a land acknowledgement of an ancestral homeland. The Tongva are the original stewards of the land and continue to remain in their homelands as well as attending El Segundo. Acknowledging such history is way to honor the original people's of the territory and should be acknowledged. Thank you, Naomi Knox Harada, Patricia Subject: FW: The land acknowledgment From: Evelyn Thomas <eu silonthoma ,2grn il.com> Sent: Monday, August 14, 2023 12:07 PM To: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIALS else undo.or-> Subject: The land acknowledgment Dear El Segundo City Council, I am a Native American Citizen of the Chickasaw Nation. I live in the Los Angeles area. I am so concerned to hear that you are not wanting the El Segundo Arts and Culture Committee to keep the land acknowledgment text on their agenda. It in no way hurts to publish or voice a land acknowledgement of an ancestral homeland of any First American peoples anywhere in America. It's only stating a fact that El Segundo was indeed the ancestral homelands of the local tribes. It is a fact too that the land was not ceded to California or the US. Both of these statements are just facts of the matter. There is no possibility that the government is going to reduce the land size of El Segundo by giving any land back. That would require recognition by Congress, and an act of Congress to do so. Stating true statements about First Americans in your city council agenda can not cause any harm to the City of El Segundo. Having said that, not acknowledging the existence of the tribes that are local that the State of California does recognize, such as the Tongva, who are local to El Segundo and the whole Los Angeles area, is just another attempt at erasure. Erasure is a familiar tactic to most First Americans. El Segundo city council can do their part in being good neighbors by acknowledging that it is too part of the ancestral homelands of the Tongva people. The Tongva have been excellent neighbors by welcoming all the immigrants here. Thank you for reading, Evelyn Thomas Harada, Patricia Subject: FW: Lack Acknowledgement From: Christine Garnier <christine,r. arnier maii.com> Date: August 14, 2023 at 2:38:52 PM PDT To: ALL ELECTED OFFICIALS <ALLELECTEDOFFICIAL,S else undo.or > Subject: Lack Acknowledgement Dear Elected Officials, I write in support of the land acknowledgment to remain on the Arts and Culture Committee agendas, and would be in favor of seeing it expanded to all public city meetings. It is well past time to acknowledge the history of colonialism on this land that supports us! Christine Garnier