Stiftater Insurance Group
PO BOX 45126,
JACKSONVILLE FL 32232-51 126
Named Insured and Mailing Address Policy Number BP30101 1173
GALINA MEDVEDEVA Agency — and Siervice Contact
Policy Period 05/01/2023 to 05/01/2024 12: Oil AM Standard Time at die Prem i ses location
In renirn for timely payment and subject to all policy terms and conditions, we agree with you to provide insurance as
stated in this policy, declarations, and every applicable form and endorsement. Alsw
- Amount of insurance lirnits shown are not stackable across locations or buildings,
With respect to Bus,niess LiabiI4 and Medical Expenses -each claim paid reduces the amount of insurance
provided during the applicable annual period; and,
Ificoverage limits or deductibles are indicated "included" refer to policy provisions for coverage,
conditions, and amount of insurance: details,
Annual Prainiurn $ 41.05
Terrorism Certified Acts $ 3.80
Policy Fee W New Business $ 510. 010,
Total Annual Premium & Charges $ 466.85i
SIB DS 01 11 17
SECTION I - PROPERTY: Coverages, Forms, Limits, & Deductibles Applicable Eor Specified Premises
Premises/L,ccat ion 1, Ruilding 1 3, EL SEGUNDO, CA 90'245
Square Feet:6,476 Building Limit Annual Increase. 4,0%
Use: Wellness Coaching
Business Personal Property (EPP)
Business income
Accounts Receivable
Arson Reward
Debris Removal
Extra Expense
Fire Department Service Charge
Fire Extinguisher System Recharge
Fix, Jewelry or Patterns Theft or Damage
Lock Replacement
Pollutant Clean-up and Removal
Valuable Papers and Records
$15' , 0001
12 Months
72 Hours
12 Month s
$2!, 500
$101, 010101
$10, 000
SECTION I - PROPERTY: Coverages, ForMS, Limits & Deductibles Applicable Per Policy
Form Number
Computer Operations interruption
BP O'O 03 07 13
72 Hours
Electronic Data Damage
BP 00 03 07 13
Fbrgery or Alterations
BP 00 03 07 13
Identity Recovery Coverage
SB 04 51 12 17
SECTION IT - LIABILITY AND MEDICAL ZXPENSRS: Coverages, Forms a Limits Applicable Per. Policy
Expense -
$10,000 Any One Person
& Advertising
Per. Occurrence
Prods -Completed Ops
Damage to Premises
Rented to You
A DS 01 1 17
SB DS 01 H 17 5
SECTION IV - ADDITIONAL FORMS, Applicable to All Premises and Craver ."ages
Form Number
Calculation of Premium
Exclusion Punitive Damages,
Exclusion of Loss Due to By--P,roduct5 of Production or Processing
Cap on Losses, From Certified Acts of 'Terrorism
Disclosue Pursuant to Terrorism Risk Insiirance Act
Californ.ia Diclosure Notice
Exclusion - Fungi or Bacteria i(Liability)
Blanket Additional :Insured & Subrogation Waiver
California Changes
Privacy Policy
California, Race, National Origin & Gender Form
California Fraud Statement
Exclusion Access or Disclosure of Canfidential or Personal
Information and Data -Related Liability
Employment -Related Practices Exclusion
Exclusion of Certified Acts of Terror - NUClear, Biological,
Chemical, or Radiological
Equipment Breakdown Schedule
Equipment Breakdown Protection Coverage
Sigined: . ... . ...
SB DS 01 11 17 7
For your protection, California law, requireis thie foHowing to apipear on this formo Any person who knowinj
presents faise or fraudWent infoirmiationi, to obtain or arnend Insurance coverage or to make a claim for
payment of a loss Is guilty of a crime and may be subject to, fines and confinement in state prison.
IL N 018, 01122insurance Services Office,, Inc., 2021 Page 1 of 1
P0 BOX 45126
STILLWATER 855-712-4114,
Named Insured and Mailing Address Policy Number BP3001 173
GALINA MEDVEDEVA Agency and Service Contact
El. SEGUNDO CA 9�0245-3753
Policy Period 05�101 /2023 to O5/01/2024 12:01 AM S,tandard Time at, the Premises location
Equipment Breakdown is suect IoLimitv q ,flnsuranceshown below, Thew coverages qpply to all locations covered on
,the policy, unless other wise specxfleuil
Equipment Breakdown Limit
$ 15,000
Data Restoration
$, 15,00�O
Expediting Expenses
$ 1 '(.)()o
Hazardous Substances
$ 15,000
Off Premises Equipment Brcakdown
$ 10,000
$ 15,000
Combined, All Coverages
411 IT'S 07 12 17 Page 1 of 1
11��liiiijj 111111111111111 �111111 111111111111111111 �11111111 rj1111112r, It 1 l�!! i I i
The —following is, added to Paragraph C. Who Is An Insured:!
Any person or organization In a written agreement with you requiring Indemnification an additional insured
on your policy with regard to their respective business interest, However, coverage applies, only to liability due
to "bodily iinjuryproperty darnage", or "personal and advertising injury" caused, in whole! or part, by your
acts or those performing operations on your behalf, or In: connection, with your franchise, equipment, or part of
premises used by you and listed in your declarations, o�r, if a vendor,, likewise when liability arises from "your
product"' as distributed or sold in the vendor's regular course of biusiniess. Coverage does not apply to liability
resulting from the additional Insured's sole negligence, And there is no coverage for structural alterations, new
construction, and demolition! steps performed by or on behalf of additional insureds,
lnsurance coverage afforded, limits, and the most we will pay on behalf of additional Insureds
1. Only up to the extent permitted by taw;
2. Not broader than your agreement with the additional Insured; and,
3. Available under applicable flimits of insurance shown in declaration% or whichever is less,
However, Insurance afforded to vendors does, not apply tok
1. Any express warranty unauthorized by you;
2. Any product physical or chemical change made irtentiodor;
3. Demonstration, Installation, service or repair, except on vendor's premises for your product's
4. Package or label changes,, use as a container, a part, or ingredient of another thing by the vendor, or,
5. Those who supply products, ingredients, or part of containers,, in or affecting your products,,
----------- -------
7 T'hei following is added to ParagrapOther Insurance and, supersedes any provision to the contrary:
Primary And Noncontributory Insurance (Blanket Insurance Siulbrogalion Waiver)
This, insurance is primary to, and wili not seek contribution from, other insurance available to an additional
Insured provided',
1. The adonal Insured is a named insured under such other insurance,, and,
2, You have a wiritten, agreement slating your insurance would be primary and would not seek
contribution from, other insurance available to the additional Insured,
lindudes copyihghted matedal of Insurance Services use, $nc, with As permsslion
Various provisions in this policy restrict coverag
Read the entire policy careful'ly to determine righ
duties and what Is and is not covered,
Throughout this, Coverage Form, the words "you" a
"your"' refer to the Named Insured shown in t
Declarations. The words "we", "us" and "our" refer
the company providing this insurance.
In Section 11 - Liability, the word! 'Insured" means a
person or organization qualifying as such uni
Paragraph C. Who Is An Insured,
Other word's and phrases that appear in quotatj
marks, have special Meaning. Refer to Paragraph
Property Definitions in, Section I - Property a
Paragraph F. Liability And Medical Expens
Definitions In Sectlon 11 - Liability.
A. Coverage
We will play for direct physical loss of or damage
Covered Property at the: premises described in 11
eclarations caused by or o resulting frm,, a
Covered Cause of Loss, I
11. Covered Property
Covered Property includes Buildings
described under Paragraph a. below, Biusine
Personall Property as described und-
Paragraph bi. beilow, or both, depending
whether a Limit Of Insurance I's shown in t
Declarations for that type of prope
Regardless of whether coverage is shown
the Declarations for Buildings, Bu:slne
Personal Property, or both, there Is
coverage for property described und
Paragraph 2. Property Not Covered.
a. Buildings, meaning the buildings a
structures at the premises described in ft
Declarations, incluid:ing-
(1) Completed additions,
(2) Fixtures, Including outdoor fixtures;
(3) Permanently installed-,
(5) Personal property owned by you that is
used to maintain or service, the biulidings
or structures or the premiises, inclucling:
(a) Fire extinguishing equipment;
(b) Outdoor fumitur%
(c), Floor coverings; and
(d) Appliances used for refrigerating,
ventilating, cooking, dishwashing or
(6), If not covered by other insurance:
(a) Additions under construction,
alterations and repairs, to the
buildings or structures;
Wl Materials, equipment, supplies and
temporary structures, on: or within
11001 feet of the described premises,
usled for making additions,
alterations or repairs to the, buildings
or structures.
Business Personal Property located in or on
the buildings or structures at the described
premises or in the open (or in a vehicle)
within 100 feet of the buildings or structures
or within 100 feet of the premises cleschbed
in the Declarations, whichever distance is
greater, Including:
(1) Property you owin that is used in your
(2) Property of others that is in yoiur care,
custody or control, eixcept as otherwise
provided in Loss, Payment Property Loss
Condition Paragraph, E.5.d.(3)(b);
(31) Tenant'8i irnprovementsi and
betterments. Improvements and
betterments are fixtures, alteral
installations or additions,
(a): Made a part of the building or
structure you occupy but do not own
(a) Machinery, and (b) You acquired or made at your
(b) Equipment; expense but cannot legally remove;
()"your personal property in apartments, (4) Leased personal property which you
rooms or col areas furnished by have a contractual responsibility to,
you as landlord; insure, unless otherwise provided for
under Paragraph 11.b.(2); and
8P 00 03 0713 @insurance Services Office, Inc., 2012 Page 1 of 53
(�5) Exterior building glass, if you are a
tenant and no Limit Of Insurance is
shown in the Declarations for building
property, The glass must be owned by
you or in your care, custody or cont�rol.
3 U.
ve iicles subject to motor vehi,c�e
b. "Money" or "securities" except as provided
in the:
(1�) Money And Securities Optional
Coverage; or
(2), Employee Dishonesty Optional
c. Contraband, or property in the course of
illegal transportation or trade;
d., Land (including land on which the property
is lo:cated)i, water, growing crops or lawns
(other than lawns which are part of a
vegetated roof):
e. Outdoor fences, radio or television
antennas (including satellite dishes) and
their lead-in wiring, masts or towers, signs
(other than signs attached to buildings),
trees, shrubs or plants (other than trees,
shrubs or plants which are part of 2
vegetated roofl, all except as providled in
(1) Outdoor Property Coverage Extenslon;�
(2) Outdoor Silgns Optional Coverage;
f. Watercraft (including motors, equipment
and accessories) while afloat;
g. Accounts, billis, food stamps, other
evidences of debt, accounts receivable or
"valuable papers and records"; except as
otherwise provided in this policy;
h. "Computeqs)* which are permanently
installed or designed to be permanently
installed In any aircraft, watercraft,
motortruck or other vehlcle subject to motor
vehicle reglistration. This paragraph does
not apply to "computer(s)" while held as
I. "Electronic data'", except as provided under
Additional Coverages - Electronic Data,
This Paragraph, I. does not apply to your
"'stock" of prepackaged sioftwere or to
"electronic: data" which is integrated in and
operates or controls the building's elevator,
lighting, heatingi, ve!ntil�ationi, air conditioning
or security system; or
Animals,, unless owned by others an
boarded by you, or if owned by you, only as
"stockwhile inside of buildings.
X rim; T
or limilted under Section I - Property.
,e. We will not pay for loss of or damage to:
(1) Steam boilers,, steam pipes, steam
engines or steam turbines caused by or
resulting from any condition or event
de such equipimenit, But we will pay
for loss of or damage to such equipment
caused by or resulting from an explosion
of gases or fuel within the furnace of any
fired vessel or within the flues or
passages through which the gases of
combustion pass,
(2) Hot water boilers or other water heating
equipby or resulting from
any condition or event inside such
boilers or equipment, other than an
(3) Property that is missing, where the only
evidnce of the loss or damage is a
shortage disciosed on taking inventory,
or other instances whieirel there is no
physical evidence to show what
happened to the property. This limitation
does not apply to the Optional Coverage
for Money and Securities.
(4) Property that has been transferred to a
person or to, a place outside the
described premises on the basis of
unauthorized instructions,
(5) The interior of any building or structure,
or to personal property in the building or
structure,, caused by or resulting from
irain, snowsleet, ice, sand or dust,
whether driven by wind or not, unless:
(a) The building or structure! first
sustains damage by a Covered
Cause of Loss to its roof or walls,
through which the rain, snow, steet,
ice, sand or dust enters-, or
Tage 2 o011 13 17 13
Mi The loss or damage is caused by or
results from thawing of snow, sleet
or �ce on the building or struicture,
part of a vegetated roof, caused! by or
resulting from,
(a) Dampness or dryness of atmosphere
or of soil supporting the vegetation;
(b) Changes in or extremes of
(c) Disease;
(d) Frost or haii.6 or
(e) Raiin, snow, ice or sleet,
b. We will not pay for loss of or damage to the
following types of property unless caused
by the "spieed causes of loss" or building
glass, breakage:
(1) AnImals, and then only if they are killed
or their destruction Is made necessary,
(2) Fragile articles such as glassware,
statuary, miairble, chinaware and
porcelain, If broken. This restriction does
not apply to:
(a) Glass that is, part of the exterior or
interior of a building or structure,,
(b) Containers of property held for sale,,
(c) photographic or scientific instrument
c. For loss or, damage by thieft, the following
types of property are covered only up to the
limits shown (unless a higher Limit Of
Insurance is shown in the Declaraticns):
(1) $2,500 for furs, fur garments and
garments trimmed with fur.
(2) $2,500 for jewelry, watches, watch
movementsjewels, pearls, precious
and semiprecious storbullion, gold,
siilver, platinum and other precious
alloys, or metals, This limit does not
apply to Jewelry and watches worth
$ 1: 00 or less per Item.
(3) 00 for patterns, dies, molds and
Adiditional Coverages
a. Debtlin-TeTroval —
(1) Subject to Paragraphs(4),
we will pay your expense to remove
debris of Covered Property and other
debris that 'Is on the described premises,,
when such debris is caused by or
results from a Covered Cause of Loss
that occurs during the policy period, The
expenses will be paid only if they are
reported to us in writing within 180 days
of the date of direct physical loss or
(2) Debris Removal does not apply to costs
(a) Remove debris of property of yours
that i's not insured under thi's policy,
or property in your possession that is
not Covered PropertNr
(b) Remove debris of property owned by
or ]eased to the landlord of the
building where your desc:ri bed
premises, are located, unless you
have, a conitractulal responsibility to
insure such prop" and it is insured
under this policy;
(c) Remove any property that is
Property Not Covered, including
property addressed under the
Outdoor Property C!overaige
(d) Remove property of others of a ty,
that would not, be Covered Prope
under this policy,-
(e) Remove deposits of mud or eari
from, the grounds of the describ
(f) Extract "pollutants" from land
water; or
i(g) Remove, restore or replace pollut
land or water.
(3) Subject to the exceptions in Paragra
following provisions apply-,
(a) The most that we will pay" for t
total of dlirect physical loss
damage piluis debris remov
expense is the Limit of InZlran
applicable to the Covered P,rope
that has siustained loss or damage.
BP 010 03 07 13 0 Insurance Services Office, Inic., 2012 Page 3 of 5;3
(b) Subject to Paragraph (3a)l above,
the amount we will pay for debris
removal expense is limited to 25%i of
the sum of the deductible plus the
amount that we pay for direct
physical loss or damage to the
Covered Property that has, sustained
loss or daimage. However, it no
Covered Property has sustalned
direct physical loss or damage, the
moist we will pay for removal of
debris of other property (if such
removal covered under this
Additional Coveralge) is $5i,000 at
each location,
for debris removal expense, for each
local in any one occurrence of
physical loss or damage to Covered
Property, If one or both of the following
circuimstances apply:
(a) The total of the actual debris relmoval
expense plus the amount we pay for
direct physical loss or damage
exceeds the Umit of Insurance on
the Covered Property that has
sustained loss or damage.
(b) The actual debris removal expense
exceeds 25% of the sum, of! the
deductible plus the amount that we
pay for direct physical loss or
da,malge to the Covered Property that
has sustained loss or damage,
(5) Examples
Example 1
Limit of Insurance
Amount of Deductible
Amount of Loss
Amount of Loss Payable
- $5010)
Deb6s Removal Expense
Debris Removal Expense
($10i,0100 Is 201% of $50,000),
Example 2
Limit of Insurance $ 90,000
Amount of Deductible $ 500
Amount of Loss $ 801,000
Amount of Loss Payable $ 791,500
($801000 - $500)
Debris Removal Expense $ 40,0100
Debris Removal Expense
Basic Amount $ 10,500
Additional Amount $ 25,000
The basic amount playable for debris
removal expense uinider the terms of
Paragraph (3) is calculated as follows:
$80,000 9,50O + $500)
$20,000, capped at $110,500, The cap
applies because the sum of the loss
payable for debris removal expense
($10,500) caininiot exceed the Limit of
Insurance ($90,000).
The addifional amount payable for
debris removal expense Is provided in
Thus, the total payable for debris
removal expense in this example is
$35500; $4,500 of the debris removal
expense is not covered.
Page 4 o112 BP 100 W 17 13
If it is necessary to move Covered Property
from the described premises to preserve it
from loss or damage by a Covered Cause
of Loss,, we will pay for any direct, physical
loss of or damage to that property:
(11) While it is being moved or while
temporanilly stored at another location;
(2) Only if the loss or damage occurs within
3O days, after the property Is, first moved,
c. Fire Department Service Charge
When the fire department is called to save
or protect Covered Property from a
Covered Cause of Loss, we will pay up to
$2,50;0 for service at each premises
described In, the Declarations, unless a
different limit is shown in the Declarations,
Such limit Is the most we will pay
regardless of the numiber of responding fire
departments or fire units, aind regardless of
the number or type of services performed,
This Additional Coverage applies to your
liability for fire department service, chairges:
(1) Assuimed'iby contract or agreement prior
to loss; or
(2) Required by local ordinance.
d. Collapse
The coverage provided! under this
Additional Coverage — Collapse applies
only to an abrupt collapse as described and
limited in Paragraphs d.(11) through
(1) For the purpose of this Additional
Coverage — Collapse, abrupt collapse
means an abrupt falling down or caving
in of a building or any part of a building
with the result that the building or part of
the building cannot be occupied for its
intended purpose,
(2) We will pay for direct physical loss or
damage to Covered Property, caused by
albrupt collapse of a buildIng or any part
of a building that is Insured under this
policy or that contains Covered' Property
insured under this policy, if such
collapse i's caused by one or more of the
(a) Building decay that Is hidden from
view, untess the presence of such
decay is known to an insured prior to
(bi) Insect or vermin damage that is
hidden from view, unless the
presence of such damage is known
to an Insured pdoir to col�lapse,-
(c) Use of defectilve material or methods
in construction , remodeling or
renovation if the abrupt collapse
occurs dudng the course of the
construction, remodeling or
A Use of defective material or methods
in construction, remodefing or
renovation if the abrupt collapse
occurs after the construction,
remodeling or renovation
complete, but only If the collapse Is
caused in part by:
(1) A cause of loss listed in
Paragraph (2)(a) or (2)(b);
(111) One or more of the "specified
causes of loss"';
Breakage of building glass;
Ov), Weight of people or personal
property; or
(v) Weight of rain that collects on a
(3) ThIs Additional Coverage — Collapse
does not appty to:
(a) A building or any part of a building
that is in danger of falling down or
(b) A part of a building that is standing,
even if it has separated from another
pairt of the building, or
(c) A building that is standing or any part
of a building that Is standing, even if
it shows evidence of cracking,
bulging, sagging, bendingi, leaning,
settling, shrinkage or expansion,
(4) With respect to the following property.,
(a) Awnings;
(bi) Gutters and downspouts;
(c) Yard fixtures,*
(�d) Outd�oog pools;
(e) Piers, whairves and clocks;
(11) Beach or diving platforms or
i(gi) Retaining wall&, and
(hi) Walks, roadways and opaved
BP 010 03 07 13 @,Insurance Services Office, Inic,, 2012 Page 5i of 53
I IN 4 imp raw QM1 1w i N
pay Me GIU51 Eo repaor or r
parts of fire extinguishing equipment if the
(1) Results In discharge of any substance
from an, autorratic fire pIrotection
system', or
Page 6 of 53 @ Insurance Services Office, linc,, 21012 SP 00 13 07 13
BAP 00 03 017 13 0 Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2012 Page 7 of 53
(a) To avoid or minimize the suspensi
of business and to confin
(i) At the described premises; or
(H) At replacement premises or
temporary locations, includi
relocation expenses, and costs
equip and operate
replacement or tempora
(b) To minimize the suspension
business if you cannot contiin
I. operations".
(I)i Repair or replace any property', or
(il) Research, replace or restore the
lost information, on damaged
"valuable papers and records",
to the extent it reduces the amouril
of loss that otherwise would have
been payable under this Additional
Coverage or Additional Coverage f.
Business income.
,13) With respect to the coverage providedII in
this Additional �Coverage, suspension
(a) The partial slowdown or cDmpileti!-
cessation of your business activities,'
(b) That a part or all of the described
premises is rendered untenantable, if
coverage for Business Income
(4) We will only pay for Extra Expense that
occur-, within 12 consecutive months
,after the date of direct physical loss or
damage. This Additional Coverage is
not subject to the Limits of Insurance of
Section I — Property'.
We will pay your expense to, extract
R pollutants" from land or water at the
described premises, if the discharge,
dispersal, seepage, migration, release or
escape! of the "pollutants" is caused by or
results from a Covered Cause o'At
occurs during the policy period, The
expenses, will be paid only if they are
reported to us In writing within 180 days of
the date on which the Covered Cause of
Loss, occurs.
costs, to test for, monitor or assess the
existence, concentration or effects of
"pollutants". But we will pay for testing
which is performed in the course •of
extracting the "pollutants"' from the land or
The most we will pay for each location
w , W *
of Covered Causes of Loss occurring
during each separate 12-month period of
this *olicy.
Pagee 8 of 53 C Insurance Services Office, Inc;., 20,12 BP 00 03 0713
Civil Authority
When a
Covered Cause of Loss
damage to property other than property
the described promises,, we will pay for
actionand necessary E�xtra: Expense caused
of civil authorityprohibits
to the: described premises, provided th.
both of . Nw r . w- !,
(1) Access to the area immediat
surrounding damaged property
prohibited Ny civil' authority as a resultM.
the damage, and the describ
premises are within that area but are no
more thiain one r Ak. w,.»r..
property; anu,
actionof civil authority is taken
response r dangerous physic
conditions 1 from,a! "" M
continuation r Covered r r
Loss thiat caused the damage, .N
actionM enable a civil authorill
to uni
mpeded accE
damaged property,
rll N,
r w • r
access to described M M
apply r period r : N 'M rr
weeks r - date on which su
coverage '':r;ry
Civil Authority Coverage for necessa
Extra Expense witl begin immediately
L. ' 1F r of civil r.
that pro
N N r. ... r r�.
premises r wilil end:
'11) �Four consecutive weeks after the da
of that acboior
your r Coverage 1'
IncomeBusiness M
whichever is later.
MoneyOrders w "Counterfeit Money"'
We will pay ....; loss resulting directly from
. havingi accepted in good
exchange for merchandise,N
Moneyorders issued by any post
express# w. or bank that are not
paidupon r. ► ;.
"Counterfeit money"acquired
during the regular courseof
The most we vitlili pay forunder
Additional Coverage is $1,0100.
k. r,a,. Or Alteration
(1i) We will pay Nr loss resulting directly
from forgery or alteration of any check,
draft, promissory note, bill of exchange
or promise of payment
I'mrw ou or your agent
:w or w by s e.
.' impersonatesyouor Magent,
draft,(2) If you are suied for refusing to pay the
r bill of
r, . on basis
has been forged or altered, and you
our . to defend
againstpay for
reasonable legial expenses that you
incur in t4at die!fe7s&.-
For :. pIuirpose of
thiis coverage,
includes,• :! in
the Check Clearing #
Act and will be sametreatedthe
original it r
most A
including legal expenses, under this
Additional 1N r o:N + M 0 0
hiIgiher Limit Of linsuirance is shown in
the Declarations.
Increased Cost OfConstruction,
(1) Thiis Additional Coverage applies only to
builidingis insured on a replacementcos)
(2) In the event of damage by o^" Ni.
Cause of Loss r buildingi„
Covered N► we will r.
Increasedy the
costs,incurred'to comply
the minimum standardsL.. an ordinance
or r of repair,
statedor replacement of damaged parts, of that
property, subject to the limitations
in Paragraphsthroughof
Additional Coverage.
010 03 07 13 V Insurance Services Office, line., 201i2
Page 9 of
(3) The ordinance or law referred to in
Paragraph (2) of this Addlitionall
C�overaigle is an ordinance or law that
regulates the construction or repair of
buildings or estabilshes zoning or land
use requirements, at the described
premises and is in force at the time of
(4) Under this Additional Coverage, we will
not pay any costs due to an ordinance
or law that.4
(a) You were required to comply with
before the loss,, even when the
building was undamaged; and
(b) You failed to complly with.
(5) Under this Additional Coverage, we will
not pay for:
(a) The enforcement of or, compliance
with any ordinance or law which
requires demolition, repair,
replacement, reconstruction,
remodeling or remediation of
property due to contamination by
OpoIlutants" or due to the presence,
growth,, proliferation, spread or any
activity of "funigi", wet rot or dry rot;
(b) Any costs associated with the
enforcement of or compliance with
an ordinance or law which requires
any insured or others to test for,
monitor, clean up, remove, contain,
treat,, detoxify or neutralize, or in any
way respond to, or assess the
effects of "'pollutants", "fungi", wet rot
or dry rot.
(6) The most we will pay under this
Additional Coverage, for each described
building insured under Section I —
Prop", is $10,0001. If a damaged
buildirl is covered under a blanket
LiMt of Insurance which applies to more
than one building or item of property,
then the most we will pay under this
Additional Coverage, for each damaged
building, is $l10,000.
The amount payable under this
Additional Coverage is additional
(7) With respect to this Additional
(a) We will not play for the Increased
Cost of Construction:
(I) Ull the property is actually
repaired or replaced, at the same
or another premises', and
(Ili) Ull the repair or replacement
is made as soon as, reasonably
possible after the loss, or
damage, not to exceled two
years. We may extend this period
in writing during the two years.
(bbuilding is repaired or replaced
at the same premises, or if youl: elect
to rebuild at another premises,, the
most we will pay for the Increased
Cost of Construction is the increased
cost of construction at the same
(�c) If the ordinance or law requires
relocatlion to another premises, the
most we will pay for the Increased
Cost of Construction is the Increased
cost of construction at the new
(8) This Additional Coverage is not subject
to the terms of the Ordinance Or Law
Exclusion, to the extent that such,
exclusion would conflict with the
promsions of thisAdditionali Coverage.
(9) The costs addressed in the Loss
payment Property Loss Condition in
Section I — Property do not include the
increased cost attributable to
enforcement of or compliance with an
ordlinance or law. The amount payable
under this Additional Coverage, as
stated in Paragraph (6) of this Additional
Coverage, is not subject to such
il Business Incoirne From Dependent
(1) We will pay for the actual loss of
Business Income you slustain due to
physical, loss or damage at the promises
of a dependent property or secondary
dependent property caused by or
resulting from any Covered Cause of
Page 10 of 53 0 Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2012, SP 00 03 07 13
However, this Additional Coverage does
not apply when the only loss at the
premises of a dependent property or
secondary dependent property is loss or
damage to "electronic data", Including
destruction or corruption of "electronic
diata"If the dependent property or
secondary dependent property sustains
loss or damage to "electronlc data" and
other property, coverage under this
Adaltional Coverage will not continue
once the other property is repaired,
rebuilt or replaced
The most we will pay under this
Additional Coverage is $51,000 unless a
higher Limit 0 Insurance is indicated in
the Declarations,
(2) We will' reduce the amount of your
Business income loss, other than Extra
Expense, to the extent you can resume
"operations", in whole or in part, by
using any other available:
(a) Source of materials-, or
(b) Outlet for your products.
(3) If you do not resume, "operations", or do
not resume "operations" as quickly as
possible, we will pay based on the
length of time It would have taken to
resume "' operations" as quickly as
'4) Dependent property means property
owned by others whom you depend on
Mi Defiver materials or services to you,
or to others for your account. But
services does not mean water supply
services, wastewater removal
services, communication supply
services or power supply services;
(b) Accept your products or services;
(c) Manufacture your products for
delivery to your customers under
contract for sale; or
(d) Attract customers to your business,
The dependent property must be located
�n the coverage territory of this policy.
(5) Secondary dependent property means
an entity which is, not owned or operated
by a dependent property and whichi;
(a) Delivers materials, or services, to a
dependent property, which in turn
are used by the dependent property
providing materials or services to
y=, or
M Accepts materials or services from,
dependent property, whlch in tu
accepts your materials or services,
A road, bridg
e:, tunnel, waterwa
r structure is not a seconda
dependent p�roperty.
Any property which delivers any o
onclaf t
following services, is not a secii
0 e r
2 d
ff t
t u
nd 'a
(i) Water supply services;
(Ill) Wastewater removal services,
Communicafion supply service
The secondary dependent property mu
be located in the coverage territory
this policy.
(6) The coverage period for Busine
Income under this Additional Coverage
(a) Begins 72 hours after the time
direct physical loss or ,,w.
caused' by or resulting from a;,
Covered Cause of Loss at t
premises of the dependent prople
or secondary dependent pirope
(bi) Ends on the date when the prope
at the premises of the depende
property or secondary depiende
property should be repaired, rebu
or replaced with reasonable spe
and similar quality.
(7) The Business Income coverage perigut
as stated in Paragraph (6), does n
include any increased period reqOr•
due to the enforcement of or complian
with any ordinance or law that,
(a) Regulates the construction, use
repair, or requires the teariing do
of any property; or
(b) Requires any insured or others
test for, monitor, clean up, remov
contain, treat, detoxify or neutraliz
or in any way respond to, or asse,
the effects, of "pollutants".
The expirabon date of this, policy will nwl
reduce the Business Income coverag
BP 00 13 07 13 0 Insurance Services, Office, Inc,, 20112 Page 11 of 63
(8) The definition of Business Income
contained in the Business Income
Additional Coverage also applies to this
Business Income From Dapendent
Proserfies, Additional Coverage.
n. Glass Expenses
i We will pay for expenses Incurred to put
up temporary plates or board up,
openings if repair or replacement of
damaged glass is delayed.
(2) We will pay for expenses !incurred to
remove or replace obstructions when
repairing or replacing glass that is part
of a building, This does not include
removing or replacing window displays.
o. Fire Extinguisher Systems Recharge
(1) We Willi pay:
ll The cost of recharging or replacing,,
whi�chever is less, your fire
extinguishers and fire extinguishing
Systems (Including hydrostatic
testing if needled) if they are
discharged on or within 100 feet of
the described premises; and
(b) For loss or damage to Covered
Property if such loss or damage is
the result of an accidental discharge
of chemicals from a fire ext!inguisher
or a fire extinguishing system.
(2), No coverage will apply if the fire
extinguishing system is discharged
during installation or testing.
13) The most we will pay uinder this
Additional Coveraigie is $,5,0�00 in any
one occurrence.
(1) Subject to the provisions of this
Addill Coverage, we will pay for the
cost to replace or restore "electronlic
data" which has been destroyed or
corrupted by a Covered Cause of Loss.
To the extent that "electronic data" is not
replaced or restored, the loss will be
valued at the cost of replacement of the
media on, which the "electronic data*
was stored, with blank media of
substantially identical type.
(2) The Covered Causes of Loss applicable
to Business Personal property include a
computer virus, harmful code or similar
Instruction introduced into or enacted on
a computer system, (including "electronic
d�ata") or a network to which it is
connected, designed to damage or
destroy any part of the system or disnipit
its, normal operation. But there is no
coverage for loss or damage caused by
or resulting frorn manipulation of a
computer system (!including 'Vilectronic
data") by any employee, indlu Ing a
temporary or leased employee, or by an
entity retained by you, or for you, to
inspectdesignInstall, modify, maintain,,
repair or replace that system,
(31) The most we will pay under this
Additional Coverage — Electronic Data
for all loss or damage sustained in any
one policy year, regardless of the
number of occurrences of loss or
damage or the number of premises,
locations or computer systems involved,
$10,000, unless a higher Limit Of
Insurance is, shown in the Declarations,
If Ioss payment on the first occurrence
does not exhaust this amount, then the
balance is available for subsequent loss
or damage sustained in, but not after,
that policy year. With respect to an
occurrence which begins in one policy
year, and continues or results in
addlitional lioss or damage In a
subsequent policy yeal all loss or
damage is deemed to be sustained in
the policy year in which the occurrence
(4) This Additional Coverage does not apply
to your "stock" of prepackaged software,
or to "electronic data" which is
integrated in and operates or controls a
building's elevator, lighting, heating,
ventilation , air conditioning or security
(1) Subject to all provisions of this,
Additionall Coverage, you may extend
the insurance that applies to Business
Income and Extra, Expense to apply to ai
suspension of "operations" caused by
an interruipti:on in computer operations
due to destruction or corruption of
"eliectronic data" due to a Covered
Cause of Loss.
Page 12 of 63 0 Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2012 BIP IDO 03 07 13
(2) With respect to the coverage prmAded
under this Additional Coverage, the
Covered Causes of Loss are subject to
the fbilowing:
(a), Coverage under this Additional
Coverage - Interruption Of
Computer Operations is limited to
the "specified causes of lossol and
(b), If the Businessowners Coverage
Form is endorsed to add a Covered
Cause of Loss, the additional
Covered Cause of Loss does, not
apply to the coverage provided
under this Additional Coverage.
(c) The Covered' Causes of Loss Include
a computer virus, harmful code or
similar instruction introduced into or
enacted on a computer system
�incluidlngi "electronic data") or a
network to which it is connected,
designed to damage or destroy any
part of the system, or disrupt its
normal operation, But there! is irto
coverage for an interruption reIated
to, manipulation of a computer
system (Including "electronic data")
by any employee, including a
temporary or leased employee, or by
an entity retained by you, or for you,
to, inspect, desgn, instali, modify,
maintain, repair or repil�ace that
SP 010, 03 07'13 0 Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2012 Page 13 of 53
(6) Coverage for Extra Expense does not
apply when action is taken to avoid or
mini�mize a suspension, of "operations"
caused by destruction or corruption of
"electronic data,"or any loss or damage
to "electronic data", except as provided
under Paragraphs (1) through (4) of this
Additional Coverage,
(7) This Additional Coverage does not apply
when loss, or demaige to, "clectronic
data" involves only "electronic d�ata"'
which, is integrated in and operates or
controls a building's elevator, Highting,
heating, ventilation, air conditioning or
security system.
Limited Coverage For "Fungi", Wet Rot
Or Dry Rot
(1) The coverage described in Paragraphs
and r'(6) only applies when the
"fungl", wet rot or dry rot Is the result of
a "specified cause of loss"' other than
fire or lightning that occurs during the
policy period and only if all reasonable
means were used! to save and preserve,
the property from further damaige, at the
time of and after that occurrence.
This Additional Coverage does not apply
to lawns, trees, shrubs or plants which
are part of a vegetated roof.
(2) We will pay for loss or damage by
"funig!", wet rot or dry rot, As used in this
Limited Coverage, the term loss, or
damage means:
(a) Direct physical loss or damiage to
Covered Property caused by"fungii",
wet rot or dry rot, including thie cost
of removal of the "fungi", wet rot or
dry rot;
(b) The cost to tear out and replace any
part of the! building or other property
as, needed to gain access to the
"'fungi", wet rot or dry rot; and
(c) The cost of testing performed after
removal, repair, replacement or
restoration of the damaged property
Is completed, provided there is a
reason to believe that "fungiwet rot
or dry rot is present,
(3) The coverage described under this
Limited Coverage is limited to $15iiiO00-
Regardless of the number of claims, this,
limit is: the most we wfll pay for the total
of all loss or damage arising out of all!
occurrences of "specified causes of
loss" (otheir than fire or lightning) which,
take place in a 12-month period (starting,
with the beginning of the present annual
pollicy pi With respect toi a
particular occurrence of loss which
results in "fungi", wet rot or dry rot,, we
will not piay more than the total of
$15,000i even if' the 1ungiwet rot or
dry rot continues, to be present or active,
air recurs, in a later policy period.
(4) The coverage provided under this
Limited Coverage does not increase the
applicable Limit of Insurance on any
Covered Property, If a particular
occurrence results, in loss or damage by
"fungii", wet rot or dry rot, and other loss
or damage, we will not pay imore, for the
total of all loss or damage, than the
applicable Limit of Insurance on the
affected Covered Property.
If there is covered loss or d'aimage to
Covered Property,, not caused by
"ifungii", wet rot or dry rot, loss payment
will not be limited by the terms of this
Limited Coverage, except to the extent
that "fungi", wet rot or dry rot causes an
increase in the loss. Any such increase
in the loss will be subject toi the termsi of
this Limited Coverage.
,5,) The terms of this, Limited Coverage do
not increase or reduce the coverage
Provided under the Water Damage,
Other Liquids, Powder Or Moliten
Material Damage or Collapse Additional
77,age 14 of 53 0 Insurance Services Office, Inc,, 2012' BP 00 03 07 13
(a) If the loss which resulted in "funigil"',
wet rot or dry rot does not in itself
necessitate a suspension of
"operations", but such suspension is
necessary due to loss or damage to
property caused by Nfunigi", wet rot or
dry rot, then our payment under the
Business Income and/or Extra
Expense Additional Coverages i I s
limited to the amount of loss anid/or
expense sustained in a period of not
more than 3iO days. The days need
not be coins",ut�ive!,
(b) If a covered suspension of
operationswas, caused by loss or
damage other than "fung!wet rot or
dry rot, but remed�iatioln of "fungi",
wet rot or dry rot prolongs thi "period
of restoration", we will pay for loss
and/or expense sustained duidng the
delay (regardless of when such a
delay occurs, during the "period of
restoration"), but such coverage is
limited to 30i days. The days need
not be consecutive,
6l. Coverage Extensions
21. N�ewl'yAi)qiulredi0irCons,tructe�-
(1) Buildings
If this, policy covers Buildings, you rn,
extend that insurance to apply to�
(a) Your new buildings, while being bu
on the described premises; and
(bi) Buildings yolu acquire at premis
other than the one descri be
intended for:
(i) Similar use as the buildir
described in the Declarations; 0
(111) Use as a warehouse.
under this Extension is $250,0001 at
each building.
If this policy covers Business Perso
Property:, you may extend that inisluran T
to apply to:
(a) Business Personal Prope
including such property that
newly acquire, at any location y
acquire; or
(b) Business Personal Pirope
including such property t�hiat y
newly acquire, located at your ne
constructed air acquired buildings
the! location described in t
This Extension does not apply lip
personal property that you ternplorar
acquire in the course adf installing
performing work on such property
your whiollesalei activities,
!Vith respect to insurance provideT
under this Coverage Extension for
Newly Av-quired Or Constructed
Property, coverage will end when any of
the following first occurs"
(a) This policy expires;
(b) 30 days expire after you acquire the
property or begin construction of that
part of the! building that would qualify
as Covered Property; or
(c) You report values to us.
We will charge you additionall premium
for values reported from the date you
acquire the property or begin
construction of that part of the: building
that would quafify as Covered Property.
You may extend; the Insurance provided by
this policy to apply tol yolur Covered
Property, other than "money" and
secunties", "valuabile papers, and records'*
*r accounts receivable, while it is in the
course of transit or at a premises yoIIIu do,
not ol lease or operate, The most we will
may for loss or damage under thiis
Extension is $1�0,0100.
t-','P 00 03 07 13 C Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2012 Page 15 of 53
c. Outdoor Property
You may extend the insurance provided by
this policy to apply to your outdoor fences,
radio and television antennas (including
satellite dishes), signs (other than signs
attached to buildings), trees,, shrubs and
plants (other than trees, shrubs or plants
which are part of a vegetated roof),
including debris, removal expense. Loss or
demagie must be caused by or resiult from
any of the following causes of loss:
(1) Fire;
(2�) Lightninq,
(31) Explosion;
(4) Riot or Civil Commotion, or
(51) Aircralt.
The most we will pay for loss or damage
under this. Extension is $2,5100, unless a
higher Limit Of Insurance for Outdoor
Property is shown in the Declarations, but
,not more than $1,00:0 for any one tree,
shrub or Plant
Subject to all aforementioned terms and
limitations of coverage, this Coverage:
Extension includes the expense of
removing from the described premises the
the property of others, except in the
property is owned by the landlord of the
described prer6ises.
personal effects owned by yoiu, your
officers, your partiners or "miembeirs", your
41managers"' or your empilloyees, including
temporary or leased employees. This
extension does not apply to:
(1) Tools or equi'ipment: used in your
business; or
(2) Loss or damage by theft. (a) Paragraph B.1.c., Governmental
The most we will pay for loss or damage Action;
under this Extension is $2,500 at each (b) Paragraph B.l.d,.,, �Nuclear Hiazard;
described piremiises. (c) Paragraph B.11, War And Military
ii;age 16 of 53 0 Insurance Services Office, Inc., 20,12 BP 100 13 07 1-S
will not piay •' loss or dama�gie calused
directly or Indirectly by any of the following,
Such loss or damage is excluded regardless of
any other caiiluse or event that contributes
concurrently or in any sequence to the loss.
These exclusions apipily whether or not the loss
event results in widespread daimage or affects
a substantial area.
a. Ordinance Or Law
(1) The enforcement of or compliance with
any ordinance or law:
(a) Regulatingi the construction, use or
repair of any piroperty; air
1"JP 010 03 17 13 @Insurance Services Office, Inc., 20121 Page 17 of 53
(b) Requiring the tearing down of any
property, including the cost of
removing its, debris.
(2) This exclusion, Ordinance Or Law,
applies whether the loss resu Its from:
(a) An ordinance or law that is enforced
even if the property has not been
damaged', or
(bi) The increased costs incurred to
comply with an ordinance or law in
the course of constructioni, repair,
renovation, remodeling or demolition
of property or removali of its debiris,
following a physical loss to that
V. Earth Movement
(1), Earthquake, Including tremors a
aftershocks and any earth, sinking, di
or shifting related to such event',
(2) Landslide, including aniy earth slinkiin
rising or shifti,ngi related to such event
(3) Milne subsidence, meaning subsid
f a man-mado e mine, whether r
mining activity has ceasel I
(4) Earth silinking (other than sinkho
ccillapse),, rising or shifting Including s
conditions which cause settlini
cracking or other disarrangement N.
foundations or other parts of realty, S
conditions include cIt
expansion, freezing, thawl erosio
improperly compacted soili and t
action of water under the g,roiu
fire or explosion, we will play for the loss
damage caused by thiat fire or explosion.
(5) Volcanic eruption, explosion or effuslo
Bluit it volcanic crulption, explosion
effusion resuilts in fire, building gla
breakage or volcanic acUon, we will p
for the loss or damage caused by t1l
filre, buRdingi glass breakage or volca
Volcanic action means direct loss
damage resulting from the eruption of
volcano when the loss or darnage
caused by,
(a) Airborne volcanic blast or alirborr -
shock waves;
(b) Ash, dust or particulate matter', or
ii Lava flow.
With respect to coverage for volcanic
action as set forth tin 5(a)i, (5)(b) and
5(c), ali voicanic eruptions that occur
within any 16.-hour period will constitute
a single occurrence.
Volicanic action does not include the
cost to remove ash, dust or particulate
matter that does not cause direct
physical loss of or damage to Covered
This exclusion applies regardless of
whether any of the above, in Paragraphs
(1) through (�5)1, is caused by an act of
nature or is otherwise caused.
c. Governmental A
Seizure or destruction of property by order
of governmental authority.
But we will pay for loss or damage caused
by or resulting from acts of destruction
ordered by governmental authority and
taken at the time of a, fire to prevent its
spread, if the fire would be covered under
this policy.
d. Nuclear Hazard
R91!197101111377; 111 nommn-
contamination, however caused.
But if nuclear reaction or radiation, or
will pay for the los,s or damaigie caused by
that fire,
e. Utility Services
0 1 . I -
(1) Originates away from thie described
premises; or
(2) Originates at the described premises,
but only if such failure involves
equipment used to suipply the utility
service to the desicribed premises from
a source away from the described
sufficient capacity and reduction in supply.
Loss or d�a,imaigie caused by a surge of
not have occurred but for an event causing
a failure of power.
Page 18 of 53 C Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2012 BP 00 03 07 13
Loss, we will pay for the loss or damage
caused by that Covered Cause of Loss,
or access to, any electronic, cellular or
satellite network,
This exclusion does not apply to loss or
damage! to "computer(s)" and "'electronic
11. War And Military Action
including undeclared or civil war-,
(2) Warlike action by a military force,,
including action in hinderiing or
defending against an actual or expected
affack, by any government, sogn or
other authority using military personnel
or other age!nts� or
(3) Insurrectionrebellion, revolution,,
usurpedpower ' or action taken by
goverrimental authority in hindering or
defending against any of these.
g. Water
(1), Flood, surface water, waves (includir
tidal wave and tsunami), tides, fid
wateiir, overflolw of any body ,of water, (
spray from any of these, all whether i
not driven by wind (inicludinig ston
(2) Mudslide or mudflow;
(3) Water that backs up or overflows, or
otherwise dischairgied from a sewe
drain, sump, sump pump or relate
(4) Water under the ground' surfac
pressing onor flowing or seepin
(a) Foundations, walls,, floorms or pave
(bi) Basements,, whether paved or not-, C
(c) Doors, windows or other opening!
(5) Waterbome material' carried c
otherwise moved by any of the wat(
referred to in Paragraph (1)(3) or (4
or material carried or otherwi i se move
by mudslide or miudow,
This excl�usi:on appllies, regardless of
whether any of the above, in Paragraphs
Mi through (5),, is caused by an act of
nature or is otherwise caused, An example
of a situation to which this exclusion applies
is the situatioin where a dam, levee, seawall
or other boundary or containment system
fails in wh6le or in part, for any reason, to
conitain the water,
But if any of the above�, in Paragraphs (1),
through (5), results in fire, explosion or
sprinkler leakagewe will pay for the loss or
damage caused by that fire, explosion or
sp6nkler leakage,
h. Certain Corniputer-related Losses
(1) The failure, malfunction or inadequacy
of -
(a) Any of the following, whether
belonging to any insured or to
(1) "Computer" hardwarejnclud�ng
microprocessors or other
electronic data processing
equipment as may be described
elsewhere in this policy:
(H)i "Computer" application, software
or other "electronic datai" as may
be described elsewhere in this
"Compuiter operating systems
and related software;
(iv) "Computer" networks;
(v) Microprocessors ("coimiputer"
chipisi) not part of any "Computer"
system,, or
(vi) Any other computerized or
electronic equipment or
components: or
(b) Any other products, and any
services, data or functions that
NIirecfly or indireeby use or rely upon,
in any manner, any of the �tems
111sted in Paragraph (a) above;
due to the inability to correctly
recognize, distinguish, interpret or
accept one or more dates or times. An
example is the Inabillity of computer
software to recognize the year 20100.
'-? 00 Ni3 07 13 00 Insurance Services Office,2012 Page 19 of 53
i. Virus Or Bacteria
(1), Any virus, bactedurn or other
microorganism that induces or is
capable of inducing physical distress,,
illness or disease.
(2) However, the exclusion in Paragraph (1)
does not apply to toss or diamage
caused by or resulting from, "fungi", wet
rot or dry rot. Such loss or damage is
addressed lin Excliuslon i.
(3) With respect to ainiy loss or daimage!
subject to the exclusion iin Paragraph
(1), such exclusion supersedes any
exclusion, relating to "pollutants",
Delay, loss of use or loss, of market.
c. Smoke, Vapoir, Gas
Smoke, vapor or glas from agricultural
smuidging or industrial operattons,
Page 2,0 of 53 0 Insurance Services Office, Inc,, 2000 03 117 13
d. Stearn Apparatus
391E# #�
(except fire protective systems) caused by
or resulting froq, unlless,
(1) You do your best to maintain heat in the
building or structure; or
(2) You drain the equiipment and shut off
the supply if the heat is not maintained,
Dishonest or chminal acts (including theft)
biy you, anyone else, with an Interest in the
'r property, or any of your or thie!ir partners,
lomembers", officers, i managers",
employees (including temporary or leased
employees), directors, trustees or
authorized representatives, whether acting
alone or in collusion with each other or with
any other party; or theft by any person to,
whom you entrust the property for any
purpose, whether acting alone or in
collusion with any other party,
This exclusioij-,
(1) Appli�esi whether or not an act occurs
during your normal hours of operation,
(2) Does not apply to acts, of destruction by
your employees (including temporairy or
leased employees) or authorized
representatives; but theft by your
employees (including temporary or
leased employeeis) or authorized
representatives is not covered.
With respect to accounts receivable and
"Valuable papers and records"', this
This exclusion does not apply to coverage
that is provided under the Employee
Dishonesty Optional Coverage,
SP 010 03 07 113 01 Insurance ServIces Office, Inc., 2012 Page 21 of 53
4 oil
OF 41 4 9 z
19 1 NI w
9 w
Page 22 of 53 0 Insurance Services Office, IInc., 2012 P, 00 03 07 131
(1) The partial slowdown or corriplete a. In accoird�aince with Paragraph C * 4
cessation of your buslness activities; Limit of Insurance for Bullln
and automatically increase by 8'% ' u
different percentage, of annual inc
shown in the Decilaratioxis,
�:P 010 03 17 13: 0 Insurance Services, Office, Inc., 2012 Page 2i3 of 53
Ill The amount of increase is calculated ais
(1) �Miuiltiply the Building limilt that applied on
the most recent of the policy inceptlion
W. the policy anniversary date or any
other policy change amending the
Building limiit by:
�percentagie of annual Increase
shown in the Declarations,
expressed as a decimal (example:
07); or
(b) 08, if no percentage of annual
Increase is shown in the
Declarations*, and
(2) Multiply the number calcuilated in
accordance with b.(1) by the number of
days since the beginning of the current
pWI licy year, or the effective diate of the
most recent policy change amending the
Building ll divided by 365
The appfficabille Building limit Is $100,000.
The annual percentage increase is 8%. The
number of days since the beginning of the
poficy year (or last policy change) is 146.
The amount of increase is
$1001,000 x .08 x ll 46 $00.
9. Business 'Personal Property Limit —
Seasonal Increase
a. Subject to Paragraph 5.b., the Limit of
Insurance: for Business Personal Property Is
automatically Mcreased by:
(1) The Business Personal Property —
Seasonal Increase percentage: shown in
the Declarations, or
no Business Personal Property —
Seasonal Increase percentage is shown
in, the Declarations;
to Provide for seasonal variances.
b. The increase desicribedl in, Paragraph 5.a..
will apply only if! the Limit Of Insurance
shown for Business Personal Property In
the Declarations is at least 1010% of your
everage monthly values, during the lesser
(1) The 12i months Immed'Otely preceding
the date the loss or damage occursi; or
(2) The period of time you have been
business as of the date the loss or
darnage occurs.
D. Deductibles
11We will not pay for loss, oir damage in any o
occurrence until the aimoun!t of loss or dama
exceeds the Deductible show�wmn in t
Declarati, We willl thiien pay the amount
loss or darnage in excess of the Deductible
to the! applicable Limilt of insurance of Sectio
— Prrty.
2. Regard�ess of the amount of the Dedl -
the: most we will deduct from any loss
damage under all of the following Optio
Coagoccurrencees in any oine is, tt
Optional Coverage DeductiNe shown in t i
a,—Jiloney and Secuirifies;
b. Employee Dishol
c. Outdoor Sligns; and
d. ForgeryorAlteration.
But this Optional Coverage Deductible will n
Increase the Deductible shown in t
Declarations, This Deductible will be used
satisfy the requireme!nts of the Deductible
the Declarations.
3. No deductible applies to the followir
Additional Coverages:
a;. Fiire Department Service Charge;
I M IMM =Z i
c. Extra Exi
dit Civil Authion'ty'; and
e. Fire Extinguisher Systems Radharc,
E. Property Loss Conditions
1. Abandonimient
There can be no abandonment of any proper
to us
2. Appraisal
If we and you disegree an the amount of los
either may make written demiand
appralsal of the loss. In this event, each par
Will seilect a competent and impertiall appi
'The two appraisers will select an umpire.
they cannot agree, eilther may request th
selection be made by a judge of a court havir
jurisdiction. The appraisers will state separate
the amount of loss. If they fail to agree, th(
will submit their differences to the umpire.
decision agreed to by any two wilil be biinclln�*
Each party will:
a. Pay its chosen appraiser; and
ll Bear thie other expenses of the apprais
and umpire eqluiailly.
Page 24 of 53 0 Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2,012 BP 100 03 07 13
If there is an appraisal, we will still retain our
right to deny the claim,
C. Duties In The Event Of Loss Or Damage
a.i You must see that the followling are done in
the event of loss or damage to Covered
(1) Notify the police if a law may have been
(2), Give us prompt notice! of the loss or
damage. Include a description of 'the
property involved.
(3) As soon as possible, give us a
descripfion of how, when and where the
loss or damage occurred,
(4) Take all reasonable steps to protect the
Covered Property from further damage,
and keep a record of your expenses
necessary to protect the Covered
Property, for consideration in the
settlement of the claim. This will not
increase the Limits of insurance of
Secflon I — Property, However, we will!
not pay for any subsequent loss or
damage resulting from a cause of loss
that is not a Covered Cause of Loss.
Also, if feasible, set the damaged
property aside and in the best possible
order for examination.
(5) At our reiqu st, give us complete
inventories of the damaged and
undamaged property. include quanti�ties,
costs, values and amount of loss
(61) As often as may be reasonably required,
permit us to inspect the property proving
the loss, or damage and examine your
bow d records,
Also permit us to take samples of
damaged and undamaged property for
inspection,, testing and analysis,, and
permit us to make copies, from your
books and records.
(7) Send us a, signed, sworn proof of loss
containing the, information we request to
investigate the claim, You must do this
within 60 days after our reqluest�, We will
supply you with the necessary forms,
(6) Cooperate with us in the investigation or
settlement of the claim.
(9) Resume, all or part of your "operations"
as quickly as possible,
b. We may examine any insured under oath,
while not in the preseince of any other
insured' and at such times as may be
reasonably required, about any matter
relating to this insurance or the claim,
including an insiured's books and records. In
the event of an examination, an insured's
answers must be signed,
4. L,egia�l Action Against Us
No one may bring a legal action against us
undeirthiis insurance unless -
a. There has been full! compliance with all of
the terms of this insurance; and
b. The action is brought within two years after
the date on which, the direct physicall loss or
damage occurred,
In the event of loss or damage covered by this
a. At our option, we will eithero
(1) Pay the value of lost or damaged
(2) Pay the cost of irepaidng, or repla,c�ng the
lost or damaged property,
(3) Take all or any part of the property at an
agreed or appraised vallue; or
(4) Repair, rebuild or replace the property
with other property of Ilike kind and
quality, subject to Paragraph d.(1)(e)
b. We will give notice of our intentions within
30 days, after we! receive the swwo, pig, ow, of
c. We will not pay you more than your
financial interest in the CoveredProperty,
t., Except as, provided in Paragraphs (2)
through (7) belowwe will determine the
vailue of Covered Property as follows:
(1) At replacernent cost without deduction
for depreciatl ons u bJ act to the: fol lowi ng:
(a), If, at the time of loss, the Limit of
Insurance on, the lost or damaged
property is 80%, or more of the full
replacement cost of the property
Immediately before the loss, we will
pay the cost to repair or replace,
after application of the deductible
and without deduction for
depreciation, but not more than the
least of the following arnounts:
(I), The Limit of Insurance under
Section I — Property that applies,
to the lost or damaged property;
SP 00 03 17 113 C Insurance Services, office, Inc., 2,012 Pagie 25 of 53
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Page 6 of 53Insurance a +i'ce Office', Inc., 20,12 B,P 00 03 07 13
SP 00 013 07 13 0 Insurance Serv�ces Office, Inc,, 2012 Page 27 of 513
8. Vacancy
a. Description Of Terms
I z
7. Resumption Of OMI perations
We will reduce the amount of your"
i. Business Incooss, other than Extra
Expense, to: the extent you can resume
your 'operations"in whole or in part, by
using damaged or undamaged property
(including merchandise or stock) at the
described premises or elsewhere,
1,. Extra Expense loss to the extent you cw-i
return "operations" to normal and
discontinue such Extra Expense.
Page 26 of 53 V Insurance Services I Inc., 2012 B�P 00 107 131
(c), Building glass breakage,
(d) Water damage;
(a) Theft; or
(f) Attempted theft,
(2) With respect to Covered'! Causes of Loss
A ther than those listed in, Paragraphs
(1)(a) through (1)(f) above, we will
reduce the amount we would otherwise
�pay for the loss or damage by 115%
F. Property General Conditions
Control Of Property
Any act or neglect of any person other than
you beyond your direction or control will not
affect this Insurance.
The breach, of any condition of this Coverage
�Fo!rm, at any one or more locations, will! not
affect coverage at any location where,i at the
time of loss or damage, the breach of condition
does niot ex�ist.
2. �Mortgagieholders
The term "mortgageholder" includes
b. We will pay for covered loss of or damiagie
to buildings or structures to each
mortgageholder shown in the Declarations
in their order of precedence, as interests
may appear.
c. The mortgageholder has the right to receive
loss payment even if the mortgag:eholder
has started foreclosure or similar action on,
the! building or structure.
d. If we deny your claim because of your acts
or because you have failed' to comply with
the terms of this, piolicy, the mortgageholder
wiII still have, the night to receive loss
payment if the mortgageholder:
(1) Pays any premium due, under this policy
at our request if you have failed to, do
(2) Submits a signed, sworn proof of loss
*thin 601 days after receiving notice
from us, of your failure to do so, and
(3) Has notified us of any change in
ownership, occupancy or substantial
change in risk known to the
Ali of the terms of this policy wi�ll then apply
directly, to the mortgageholder.
ei. If we pay the miortgageholder for any loss
or damage and deny payment to you
because of your acts or because you have
failed to comply with the terms of this
(1) The morti ageholdees rights under the
mortgage will be transferred to us to the
extent of the amount we pay; and
(2) The mortgageholder's right to recover
the full amount of the mortgageholders,
claim will not be impaired.
At our option, we may pay to the
mortgagiehiolder the whole principal on the
mortgage plus, any accrued interest, In this
event,, your mortgage and note will be
transferred to us and you will pay your
reimiaining mortgage debt to us.
f. If we po cancell this licy, we: will give written
notice! to the moirtgageholder at least:
(1) 110 days before the effective date of
cancellation If we cancel for your
nonpayment of premium; or
(2) 30 days before the effective date of
cancellation If we cancel for any other
g. If we elect not to renew this, policy, we will
give written notice to the mortgageholder at
least 10i days before the expiration date of
this piolicy
I No Benefit To Saillee
�No person or organization, other than you,
having custody of Covered Property will benefit
from this insurance,
4. Policy Period, Coverage Terrilory
Under Section I — Property:
ai., We cover loss or damage commencing:
(1) During the policy period shown in the
Declarations; and
(2) Within the coverage territory or, with
respect to property in transit, while it is
between points in the coverage territory,
b. The coverage territory
(1) The United States of America �Includingl
its, territories and possessions),i
(2) Puerto Rico; and
(3) Canad�ai.
BP 00 03 0713 0 insurance Services Office, Inc,, 2012 Page 29 of 53
0 0 tz, 0
""age 30 of 53 0 Insurance Serviceis Office, Inc.:, 2012 BIR 11 13i 17 13
B P 001 03,017 13 0 Insurance Services, Office, Inic., 2012 Page 31 of 513
MIL: IM M A I mo III I I Lai I
lil� IM121v I I! 111 1111111111 111111111� 111111111111111111111111111111 111111111� 1111111111111111111
(2) Leakage at any valve, fitting,: shaft seal, gi. With respect to the coveraigle provided by
gland paickinigi, joint or connection, this Optional Coverage, Paragraph H.
(3) l amiage to any vacuum tube, gias tube, Property Definitions Is amended as,
or brush; or foHoi
(4) The functioning of any safety or 1. "'Computer" rneans:
protective device,. a. Programmable electronic equipment
that is used to store, retrieve and
process data; and
Page 32 of 63 C Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2012 BP 00 103 ITT"13
1�- I Ely M lllr- VA llllw�� Err M�'�� 111tV L
SP 001 03 107 113 0 Insurance, Services Office, Inic., 20112 Paige 33 of 53
(2) Ends on the earlier of.
(a) The datei when the property at the
described premises should be
repaired, rebuilit or replaced with
reasonable speed and similar
q�uiaility; or
(b)i The date when business is resumed
at a new permanent llocaton.
bi.i Does not include any increased period
required due to: the enforcement of or
compliance with, any ordinance or law thati
(1) ReguWte:s the construction, use or
repair, or requires the tearing down of
any property; or
(2) Requires any insured or others to test
for, monitor, clean up, remove, contain,
treat,, dieto)(ify or neutrallize, or in any
way respond to, or assess the effects of
The expiration date of this policy will not cut
shiort the "Periodof restoration,"',
IN "Pollutaints" imeans, any solid, liquid, gaseous, or
thermall irritant or contaminant, indluding
smoke, vapor, soot, fumes,, acids, alkalis,
chemicals and waste. Waste includes materials
to be recycled, reconditioned or reclaimed,
11. "Securities" meainis niegiotiable and
nonnegotiable instrumients or contracts
representing either "money" or other property
and includes
a. Tokens, tick�ets, revenue and other stamps
(whether represented by actual stamps or
unused value in a meter) in current use,
b. Evidences of debt issued in connection with
credit or charge cards, which cards are; not
issued by you,"
Ippilipp;g !i
92IN Marifilre, I qIN UPI: - w w w�
Fire; lightning; explosiom windstorm or hall;
smioke; aircraft or vehicles: riot or civil
commotion; vandalism; leakage from fire
extinguishing equiprinent; sinkhole collapse;
volcanic: action; failing objects; weight of snow,
ice or sleet; water damage:.
a. Sinkhole collapse means the sudden
sinking or collapse of land into underground
empty spaces created by the! action of
water on limestone or dolomite. This cause
of loss doesi not include:
cost of filling sinkholes-1 or
(2), Sinking or collapse of land into man-
made underground cavitiles,.
b. Failing objects does not include loss of or
daimiaigle to:
(1) Personal property in the open, or
interior of a building or structure, or
property inside a building or structure,
unless the roof or an outside wall of the
building or structure is first damaged by
a, falling object.
30MM= =�
(1) Accidental discharge or leakage of
water or steam as the direct result of the
breaking apiart or cracking of any part of
a system or appliance (other than a
suirrip system including its related
equipment and parts), contaiining water
or steam; and
(2) Accidental discharge or leakage: of
water or waterblorne material as the
direct resulit of the breaking apart or
cracking of a water or sewer pipe that is
located off, the described premises and
part of a municipal potable water
supply system or municipall sanitary
s,eweir system,, if the breakage or
cracking is caused by wear and tear.
Page 34 of 53 0 Insurance Services Offi�ce, Inc., 2012 BP 00103,07 13
14. "Valuable papers and records" means
Inscribed, printed or wrltt'eni:
a. Documents;
b. Manuscripts; and
c. Records;
including abstracts, boobs, deeds, drawings,
films, snaps or mortgages.
But "vailuable papers and records"' does riot
mean ""money" or "securities'"'.
1. ustness llw,tialbtltt
a. T-e will w,. those sums that the insured obligated
damagesbecause of rwl
No property
damage" or "personal w
advertising injury" to which this insurance,
applies. We will have the right and duty to
defend the insured against
seeking those damages. w
have no, duty to defend . w against
seekingany "siuiV' damages for "'bodily
"property damage" or "personal d
advertising ar which this insurance
does not apply. We may, at our discretion,
investigate any ""occurrence"' or any offense
and settle any claim or"sult" that may,
(1) The amount we will pay for w .ww
limitedsi is,
described'Paragraph � D.
LiabilityAnd Medical Expenses
Of insurance in ww and
Our rightand duty to defend end when
we have used up the applIcabileof
Insurance in the payment of judgments
or settlements or medical expenses.
No, other obligationor r ',..,r pay sums
or r or r w
explicitlyunless provided wunder
Paragraph w rq Extension —
Supplementary Payments,
b. This Insurance applies:
To wrr and "property ww _w;.
only if:
winjury"w prqpeirty
damage"caused by an
rccurrence" that takes place
"'coverage s w
r w or "property
damage"" occurs during the policy
period; and
(c) Prior to _
policyperiod, no insured
listed under Paragraph CA. Who Is
An Iand no "employee"
authorized by you to give or receive
damage"notice of an "o1ccurrence" or claim,
knew that the "bodily Injury" -ur
had occurred,
whole or in part�. if such a listed
insured or authorized w w
priorz the pIolicyrw
, that
w rs►w or "property
change or w lr
of such rwA', or "property
damage" during or after the poficy
period will be deemed to have been
knownbefore the policy period.
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w. 000307Office,Page 35 A
Page 316 of 63 C Insurance Services Office, linc., 2012 SP 03 0713
(c) The injured person submits to
examination, at our expense, by
physicians of our choice as often as
we reasonably require,
b. We will make these payments regairdlesis of
fault, These payments will not exceied the
Limits of Insurance of Siectioin 11 — Uability
We will piay reasoniabpenses for:
(1) First aid admiNstered at the tilmie of an
dental services, including pirosthet
devices', and
(3) N�ecessary ambulanice,§ hospi 1 1;1
professional nursing and 11funer
TO - =
BP 00i 0131 07 13 Q Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2012 �Page 37 oil 53
b)i Such attorney fees aiind fitigati;
expenses are for defense of th
party against a civil oiir allemat!
dispute resoMicin proceeding
whichi damages to which th
iinsurance appliles are alleged, 11
c. Liquor Liability
Employees Liabillity
"Bodily injury" to:
(1) An "employee" of the insured arising out
of and in the course of:
(a) Employment by the insuredor
i b) Performing duties related to the
conduct of the insured's business; or
spoluse, child, parent, brother or
sister of that "employee" as a
consequence of Paragraph (1) above.
This exclusion applies whether the insured
may be liable as an employer air in any
other capacity and to any obligation to
who must pay claimages, because of the
This exclusion does not apply to liability
assumed by the insured under ain "insured
Page 38 oOffice, Inc., 211 13 07 13
This exclusion applies even if the clai
,g I ege negligence or other wrongdoin '
the supervision, hiring, employmen
training or monitoring of otheiirs by
insuired, if the "occurrence" which caus
the "bodilly injury" or "property damagi
involved the ownership, maintienaiince,ii uiii
or entrustment to others of aiiny aircra
Uauto": or watercraft that is owned
operated by or rented Or loaned to a
This exclusion does not apply to:
you own or rent;
(2) A watercraft you do not own that Is:
(a) Less than 51 feet forig; and
(b) �Not being used to carry persons
property for a charg
(3) Parking an "auto" on, or on the we
next to, premises you own or re
provided the "auto" is not owned by
rented or loaned to you or the insured;
(4) Liability assumed under any "insur
contract" for the ownershi
maintenance or use of aircraft
watercraft; or
(5) "Bodily injury" or "property clamaig
arising out oi
(a) The operation of machinery
equipment that is attached to, or pa
of, a land vehicle that would q�uiali
uinder thie definition of "mobli
equipment" if it Zire not subject to -
compulsory or financial responsibill li
law or other motor vehiicle insuran
or motor vehicle registration [a
where it is liceinsed or principal
garaged, or
(b) The operation of any of the followil
machinery or equipment-
(1) Cherry pickers, arid simil
devices mounited: on automobi
or truck chassis, and used to rai
or lower workers', and
(111) Air compp ressors, umps a
generators, iinicluldg sprayinif
welding, biuilding clean!
geophysical exploration, Iightii
and well servicing equipment
29i=• r-�
"Bodily injury" or "'property damage"arising
out of -
(1) The transportation of "motA,;
equipment' by an "auto" owned or
operated by or rented or loaned to any
insured; or
(2) The use of "mobile equipment" in, or
while in practice for, or while being
prepared for, any prearranged racing,
speed, demolition or stunting activity.
Bodily iri opiroperty damage" or
Upersonal anidi advertising ini however
caused, arising, directly or indirectly, out of:
!including undectared or civil war;
(2) Warillke action by a military force,
incluiding action, in hindering or
defending against an actual or expected
attack, by any governmient�, sovereign or
other authority using military personnel
or other agents; or
(3) insurrection, rebellion, revolution,
usurped power, or acUon taken by
govemment authority in hindering or
defending against any of these.
j. Professional Services
"Bodily injury", "property daimage" or
"personal and advertising injurycaused by
the rendering or failure to render any
professional service. This includes but is
not limited to:
(1) Legal, accounting or advertising
1(2) Prepari ing, approving, or failing to
prepare or approve maps, drawings,
opinions, reportssurveys, change
orders, desigins oir specifications;
(3) Supervisory, inspection or engineering
(4) Medical, surgical, dental, X-ray or
nursing services treatment, advice or
(5) Any health, or therapeutic service
treatment, advice or instruction;
(6) Any service, treatment, advice or
instructioni for the purpose of
appearance or skin enhancement, hair
removail or replacement or personal
Page 40 of 53 Q insurance Services Office, Inc., 2012 BP 00 03 0713
(7) Optometry or optical or heading aid
services includiling the prescribing,
preparation, fitting, demonstration or
distribution of ophthalmic lenses and
similar products or hearing aid devices;
(8) Body piercing services; and
(91) Services in the practice of pharmacy.
This exclusion applies even if the claims
allege negligence or other wrongdoing in
the supervision, hiring, employment,
training or monitoring of others by an
insured, if the "occurrence" which caused
the "bodily Injury" or "property damage", or
"Property damage" to:
(1) Property you own, rent or ocou
including any costs or expens
incurred by you, or any other perso
organization or entity, for repa
replacement, enhancement, restorati
or maintenance of such property for a
reason, Including prevention of injury
a person or damage, to anothe,
property; �1
(2) Premises you sell, give away or
abandon, if the "property damage"
arises out of any part of those premises,
(3) Property loaned to you:
(4) Personal property in the care, custody
or control of the insured',
(6) That particular part of real property on
which you oir any contractor or
subcontract or working directly or
indirectly on your behalf is performing
operations, if the "property damage"'
arises, out of those operationsor
'16) That particular part of any property that
must be restored, repaired or replaced
because "Your work"' was incorrectly
performed on It.
............... ............... .............. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..........
I w
a z I
Paragraph (2) of this exclusiion does ndi
apply if the premises are "your work" and
were never occupied, rented or hold for
rental by you.
Paragraphs (3), (4), (5) and (6) of this
exclusion do not apply to liability assumed
under a sidetrack agreement.
Paragraph (6) of this exclus,io,n does, not
apply to "property damage"" included in the
"products -completed operations hazaird".
"Property damage" to "your product"' arising,
out of it or any part of it
m. Damage To Your Work
"Property damage" to "your work" adsling
out of it or any part of it and included in the
"productsi-completed operations hiaiza!rdi".
This exclusion does not apply if the
damaged! work or the work out of which the
damage arises was performed on your
behalf by a subcontractor.
n. Damage To Impaired Property Or
Property Not Physically Injured
"Property damage" to "Impaired property" or
property that has not been physically
injured, arising out of,
(1) A defect, deficiency, inadequacy oir
dangerous condiition in "your product" or
.'your work�; or
(2) A delay or failure by you or anyone
acting on your behalf to perform a
contract or agreement in accordance
with its tenns.
This, lexclusiion does not appilly to the loss of
use of other property arising den
and accidental physical injury to "your
product" or "your work"' after it has been put
to its intended use.
i. Recall Of' Products, Work Or Impaired
Damages claiimed for any losscost or
expense incurred by you or others for the
loss of use, withdrawal, recall, inspection,,
repair, replaceimient, adjustment, removal or
disposal! of.,
(1) our produicit";
(2) "Youir work", or
(3) "ilimpailiredi property";
SP 010 03 17 13 0 Insurance Services Office, line., 2'012 Pago 41 of 53
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Page 42 of 53 0 insurance Services Office, Inc., 20,12 BP W 03 07 13
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BiP 00 013 07 13 Q Insurance Services Office, linc., 2,012 Page 43 of 53
0 0) 'Waste"' means any waste material
(a) Contat'niing "by-product material"
other than, the taiiings or wastes
produced by the extraction or
concentration of uranium or thodurn
from any ore processed primarily for
its, "source material" content; and
(bi) Resulting from the operation by any
person or organization of any
"'nuclear facility" included under
Paragraphs (a) and (b) of the
definition of "nuclear facility".
C'. Who Is An, Insured
1. if you are designated in the Declarations as:
a. An individual, you and yoluir spouse a
Insureds, but only with respect to
coindbusiness of which you are
sole owner.
�b. A partnership or joint ventureyou are
insured. Your members,, your partners
their spouses are also insureds, but
with respect to the conduct of
business. I
C. A limited liability company, you are
insured. Your members are also insured
but only with respect to the coniductt of yo
business. Your managers are insureds, bi
only with respect to their duties as yo
d. An organization other than a partnershl
Join( venture or limited liability comipan
you are an Insured, Your "'executi
officers" and directors are insureds, but onil
with resplect to their duties as your officei
or directors. Your stockholders are al
Insureds,, but only with respect to th
liability as stockholders,
e!. A t�ruist, you are an insured. Your truste
are also insureds, but only with respect
their duties as trustees,
2. Each of the following is also an insured.
a. Your volunteer workers" only while
performing duties related to the conduct of
your business, or your "employees% other
than either your "executive officers" (if you
are an organizafion other than a
partnership, joint venture or limited liability
company) or your managers (if you are a
limited liability company), but only for acts
within the scope of their employment by you
or while performing duties related to the
conduct of your business. Howeveirnone of
these "employees" or "volunteer workers"
are insureds for:
11) "Bodily Injury" or "personal and
advertising injury"k.
(a) To yoiu, to your partners, or members
(if you are a partnership or joint
venture), to your members (if you are
a limited liability companyj, or to a
co,-"empoyeo" while in the course of
his or her employment or performing
duties related to the conduct of your
blusine:ss, or to your other "Volunteer
workers" while performing d�utles
related to the conduct of your
(b) To the spouse, child, parent, brother
or sister of that co-"emptoyee" as a
consequence. of Paragraph (a)
(c:) For which there is any obligation to
share damages with or repay
someone else who must pay
damages because of the i�njury
described in Paragraph (a) or (b); or
(d) Arising out of his or her providing or
failing to provide professloniat health
care services.
,(2) "Property damage" to property:
(a) Owned, occupied or used by,,
BP 00 013 07 13 0 Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2012 Page, 45 of 53
a. Insureds;
by. Claims made or 'i brought; air
c. Persons or organizations making claims or
bringing "suits".
The! most we will pay for the sum of all
damages because of all,
a. Bodily injury", "property damage" and
medical expenses arising out of any one
"occurrence",* and
b. "Personali and advertising injury' sustained
by any one person or orgaoin;
s, the Liability and Medical Expenses limit
shown in the Declarations. But thie most we WWI
pay for all med�cal expenses, because of
"bodity injury" sustained by any one plerson is
the! M�edical Expenses limit shown in the
3i. The most we will pay under Business Liabit
Coverage for damages because of "prople
damage" to a premises while rented to you
in the case of fire while rented to you
ternpoiradly o=pied by you with permission
t'he owner is the applicable Damage
Premises, Rented To You limit shown for th
r r - i,
premises in thie Declarations. For a preirnis,
teimpioirarily occupied by you, the applicab,
limit will be the highest Damage To Premis,
Rented To, You ilmilt shown in the Declaration
4. Aggregate Limits �1
The mlost we will pay for,
1. Bankruptcy
Bankruptcy air insolvency of the insured or
the iinsured's estate will not rellevve us of all
obiligations under this piolicy.
Page 4,6 of 63 0 Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2012 BiP 00 03 07 13
no person or organization h is a right under
this policy:
a., To join us as a party or otherwise bring us
into a "suit" asking for dl�amages from an
4. Separation Of Insureds
Except with respect to of Insuran
of Section 11 — Liabifity, and any dghts or duti
specificaHy assigned in this policy to the fi
Named Insured, this insurance applies:
a. As if each Named Insured weiire the o
Named Insured; and
b. Separately to eaichi insured against who
claim is, made or "l is brought.
F. Liability And Medical Expenses Definitions
1. 'Advertisement" means a notice that
broadcast or published to the general public
specific market segments about your good
products or seMces for the purpose
attracting customers, or supplorters, For t
purposes of this definition:
a. Notices that are published include materi
placed on the Internet or on simil
electronic means of communicatjon;� and!
b. Regarding webi s,ites, only that part of a w
site that is about your goods, products
services for the purposes of aftiracti
customers or supporters is considered
2. "Auto" imeans:
a. A land motor vehicle, trailer or semitrailer
designed for travel loin public roads,
including any attached machinery or
equipment, or
b. Any other land vehicle thait is subject to a
compulsory or financial responsibility law or
other motor vehicle insuraini;ce or motor
vehicle registration law where it is licensed
or principally garaged.
However, "'auto" does not incluide "mobile
3. "Bodilly injury" mieanis bodily �njury
i , sickness or
disease sustained by a person, including death
resulting from any of these at any time.
1 117111 � w��
b. To sue us on this policy unless sell of its a., The United States of America (lncluiding its
terms have been fully complied wfth, territories and possessions), Puerto Rico
and Canada;
Bpi' 00 03 07 13 Cl Insurance Services Office, Inc., 2012 Page 47 of 513
1b. International waters or airspace, but only if
the injury or damage occurs in the! course of
travel or transportation between any places,
included in Paragraph a. ablovei,� or
c. All other parts of the world if the injury or
damage arises out of:
(1) Goods or products made or soby you
in the territory described in Paragraph a.,
c. Any eiasemient or license agreemient�,
except in connection with construction or
demolition operations on or within SO feet of
a raikoad;
V. An obligation, as required by ordinance, to
dlemnify a municipality, except in
connection with work for a municipatity;
9. An etevator maintenance agreement;
z,- N
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
a. A contract for a lease of premises. 110. "Leased worker"means a person, leased to you
However, that portion of the contract for a, by a labor leasing firm under an agreement
lease of premises that indemnifies any between you and the labor leasing firm, to
person or organization for darnage by fire to perform duties related to the conduct of your
piremisies while rented to you or temporarily business. "'Leased worker"' doles not include a
occupied by you with permission of the "temporary worker'.
owner is not an "Insured contract";
Page 48 of 53 C Insurance Services Office, Inc., 20112 BIR 00 07
C. The wrongfU eviction from, wrongful entry
into, or invas,ion of the right of private
occupancy of a room, dwelling or piremises
that a person oiccupies, committed by or on
behalf of its, owrer, l�andloird or lessor;
d. OrW or written publication, in any manner,
of material: that slanders or libels, a person
or organization or disparages a person's or
orgainization"s goods, products or services;
e. Oral or wriften publication, in any mainner,
of material that vioperson's right of
SIP 00 03 0713 0 insurance Services, Office, Inc., 20,12 Page 49 of: 53
t. The use of anothers, advertising idea in
your "adverUsement"; or
g�. Infringing upoin another's copyright, trade
dress or slogan in your "advertisement",
15. "Poillutaints" means any solid, liquid, gaseous or
thermal irritant or contaminant, including;
smoke, vaporsoot, fumes, acids, alkafis,
chemicals and waste. Mn
includes materials
to be recycled, reconditioned or reclaimed,
16. "Products -completed operations, hazard":
a. Includes all "'bodily injury"' and "property
damage" occurring away from premises you,
own or rent and arising out of "'your producC
Me r "Your work" except:
(1) Products that are still in your physical
possession; or
(2) Work that has not yet! been completed'
or abandoned. �Howeve!r, "your work" will
be deerned completed at the earliest of
the following times:
(a) When all of the work called for
your contract has been completed.
(bWhen alll of the work to be done at
the job site has been, comiplleted if
your contract calis for work at more
than one job site.
(c:) When that part of line work done at
the job site has been, put to its
intended use by, any other person or
organization other than another
contractor or subcontractor working
on the same project.
Work that may need service,
maintenance, cor-recfion, repair or
replacementbut which is otherwise
complete,, wi�l�l be treated as completed.
17. "Property damage" means:
The "bodilly injury" or "property damage" 2,0.
miust occur away from premises you own or
rent, unless your business inicludes the
selling, handling or distribution of "yaur
proiduct' for consumption on premises you
owi or re -it.
b. Does not include 'bodily injury" or "property
damage" arising out ofi
a. Physical injury to tangiibie proiperty,
incluidg all resulting loss of use of that
property, X11 such loss of use shall be
deemed to occur at the time of the physical
injury that caused t; or
lb. Loss of use of tangible property that is not
physically injured. Ali such loss of use shall,
be deemed to! occur at the time! of the
"occurrence"" that caused it.
.................. ..........
(1) The transportation of property, unless, a. Means:
the injury or damage arises out of a (11) Any goods, or products, other than real
condition in or on a vehicle not owned or
operated by you, and that condition was property, mainufactured, soled, handled,
created by the "lloading or unloading„" oaf distributed or disposed of by:
that vehicle by any insured; or (a) You;
(2) The existence of tools, uninstalledi (bi) Others trading under your name; or
equipment or abandoned or unused
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