CONTRACT 1656 OtherBetween Sepulveda Boulevard and the El Seouido City Lir4t t Aviation Boulevard In the City of El Segundo THIS AGRFrwPur,, made and entered into on this S rd day of between19JL—P by and acting by and througb the Department of Transportati-on (herein referred to as "STATE") I I referred to as "C ") ,p .., E : WHEREW,j the highway described above has been declared to be NOVember 17, 19651 and WfIEREASp STATE and CITY have entered into a Freeway Agreement portiondated August 2240 1970,o relating to that preparedW, S.2 a revised plan mapi for such freeway has been the s $ and 1,TIUMMAS., it is the mutual desire of the parties hereto to enter into a now FreewayAgreement, in accordanee with the revised plan of said freewAyj 1. This Agreement supersedes in its entirety 4aid Freeway Agreeimnt d,a,ted August, 24, 1970. 3. SUTE shallj in construction of the freawAy and at STATE'S expense, make such abanges affectinSICITY streets in accordame with the plan �mapi attached tmrieto mariked Exhibit, A# and detailed construction plans aWoved by the CITY prior to advertislM. 5- it to understood. between the parties that the right of way may be ac-quired In sections or units,, and that both an to the m Ili Va.-IsREOP, the parties hereto have caused this Agreement to be Meated by their respective duly authorized officers, M STATE OF CALIFORNIA Department of Transportation ADRIANA GXANMCO, Direet-or of Trans BY Deputy Director APPROVED: �ry 715:FsMi ���rTo Paoilities Design APPROVED AS TO FORM: brrie Y �ff-a, THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AFMOVED, AS TO FORM: BETWEEN •rEPUL!/EDA �O!/LEU.4.P0 AND THE EL J'EGUNDO C/TY t/"W' AT A!//AT/ON /OULE!/A.PD S'CAL E : / G'Oo I Q li�dcofes fieewoy �o�es o�d.Pa�n�s fi�dc-ofes Loco/.d'".r.,,����e�fs 6Si .!'f4>e WJFYW w Indicofes R000' C/oseli-e ono' 7e,-/r711qe1r Ccnsf�acfion os Necesrc��y, o 0 o Indiccafes T��ns/fwoy. Sl E —Y