CONTRACT 6673 Grant AgreementAgreement No. 6673
Grantee Name ("Grantee'):
Telephone No.
Grantee's Project Contact:
Organization Status (Check One):
'(If a nonprofit, attach proof of
nonprofit status)
310 SH W4 Email: su art ll i be r,
Denise Harris _ Title: Secretary of the Board
Nonprofit [X r For Profit[ ]
Description of Organization: 501(c)3 nonprofit with the mission to combat racism through the arts
Description of Program/Project: Juneteenth Festival with live music, performances, arts and crafts
Public art purpose satisfied by ProgramlProject Performing and visual arts and culture
Contract Start Date: 6.19.2023 Contract End Date: 9-2023
Total Grant Amount: LU7J.
Grantee represents and warrants that
• The undersigned has the authority) to execute this Agreement and to bind Grantee.
• The undersigned has read the attached Temps and Conditions and agrees thereto.
• Financial and program records will be maintained for a minimum of three yeam
• The grant funds will be used for the programfpurpDse specified above and will only be spent within the Contract Period.
• Ali unused funds +u 9 be returned to the City at the end of the Contract Period.
Rl,y Ma ncin' oft, Parke
Library Director
Tr6cy Weaver
City Clerk
Joaquin Vazquez for
MA 0......_
City Attorney
(Printed Name/Tide)
Agreement No. 6673
The full amount of the grant from CITY is payable to GRANTEE upon
ex oAlon of the Agreement.
GRANTEE shall perform at services Inducted in this Agreement In an
independent capacity and neither GRANTEE nor GRANTEE^s
employees shall be considered as lO the CITY. This
Agreement by and n the G CITY and is not
intended, and shall not be construed, to create the relationship of agent.
servant, employee,. partnership, Joint venture, or assoclatlon. between
the CITY and the GRANTEE.
This document constitutes the entlre Agreement between the CITY and
the GRANTEE with respect to the grant
GRANTEE agoas to Indemnify, defend and hold ha the CITY, Its
agents. officers, officials, and employeesfrom and against any and afl
iiabi�„ �rnse, �IcNfI dense and legal �, +a fray
damages of try natdrre tr�salsosver, lndiuding, but not lamiledl to bodily
injury. death, peraorsal b ury or property damage adsing from or
Conn with GRAf+ITEEs operatuxnr, , or aeons hereunder,
including any ra" compensation suns, Federal Fair Labor
taandfards Act violatlons, Idabfil r, drr el psrise. a icing from or connected
with services performed or actions taken by or on behalf of GRANI�
person Agreement This
obligationset forth in
tt sectionIuany bsrmin this Agroameen
but Nrr drag G s �mnAcaticm of CITY, the GCE
shaft and rrhsa taitn, at owvrsexpense, Insurance coverage
satisfying the rdsqurrements In thisAgreemert. Such Insurance
sisaVl be provadfed by Insure s) sett rfactory to the CfTY"s City Manager
or designee and evkferddxe of sdretb programs Satisfactory to the CITY
shaft be delivered to ore f Iector on od before the effective date of this
Agreement The Risk frdarhager Manager, or City Manager's
designee have the asdhorfly to rrnodify or wallo these Insurance
raquiroments. TThese minimurn Insurance coverage terns, types and
limits also are in addition to and separate from any other any other
dxontradtua' olriigation upon the G pursuant to this
Agreernenl Alt such lnsuran0, except for IrWdarlders" 'Compensation.
steep be primary to and not corned outing width any other Insurer" or sett»
Insuranoe coverage meintalbed tslTY and shall Hama the CITY as an
add'ltionaI insured. Neither the C s failure to obtain, nor the crlys
redoelpt of, or fallure trx *act
t to a noin» complying Insurance certificate
or end* or airy Oar insuronrro docurne ahon or Information
p, by the G E, ifs Inaurance broker(s) andfor Insurer(s),.
shatl be construed as a waiver of any of the Insurance coverage
requirements,, GRANTEE shall insuae the following insurance coverage
as 0 applies to this Agreement:
A. Commercial GNWSI:
Prrovid ng scope of coverage equivaknnt to ISO policy fors CG 00 01,
with limits of not less than $1 mlNion per occurrence.
M Workers' Con"rpe .
Insurance in an amount and form toMetail applicable nequirernants of
the Labor Code of the State of Calftmia, and which spedficaity covers
all persons provid i services by or on behalf of GRANTEE and all risks
to such persons a er this Agreement and Including Ernpkryers' Liability
coverage with a $1 mfiilon per fidr n.
w4tnln ten days of CIM written request~ GRANTEE shall allow CITY
access to financial and program records during regular business
hours at any place GCE keeps those records.
GRANTEE covenants that neither the GRANTEE nor any of it agents,
officers, ifs employees, or subaontrartors who presently exercise any
fun on of responaWdy In connection with the program has personal
Interest, diredol or indirect, W the Agreement, except to the extent he
may receive compensation for his or her performance pursuant to this
GRANTEE, its agoras, officers, employees. and subcontractors shall
comply with all applicable Federal, State and City laws and regulations
governing conflict of interest.
GRANTEE certifies as follows:
A. Civil Rights:
GRANTEE shot abide by the provisions of the Title VI and Vill of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964, as amended, 42 U.S.C. Sections 2000e (17), (P L.
88-353), and applicable Federal and State laws, rules and regulations
pr hibW discrimidstiaon under any program activity or employment for
which G E received funding under this Agreement. Any
subcontracts awarded by GRANTEE that will be funded in whole or in
part with the grant funds must contain this provision.
8.. Prohibited Actions:
GRANTEE agrees not to engage In or permit any religious p�roaetytixinag
or political propagandizing to connection with the parformanc o of finis
Agreement. GRANTEE agrasa to with the prowislorb of
Fdsderal Hatch Act (5 U�& Sectlrn 1501 et seq.), as amended, and
wrlthn n 675 e) of Su 8 of Title Vf of Pub, L. 9745, which limits
political aditI , certain State and local employees„ and with 31 U.S.C.
Ssrtlorh 1352, and witln Section 319 (a)(1) of Trltdr III of Pub. L 101-121
(wrhkh prohibits use of Pectoral funds to Influence the award of Federal
contracts or grants).
� "irF�r��� W�lf+�hl^#�lr�r�fd as r_terr.r
, XX
w a.
Eftr party may torrninats this agreement or any part hereof by givin.
five days" written nolidxe to the *liar, The Director, or, designee may
terminate ibis Agreement immediately by written notice to 0ue
E uponliAfVTEEs facture tdr doorrdtaiy wdlh the pdoviskxns of
this Agreednrsnt IfisAgreemerst is termirrstdrd, GTTANTEE shatll within
two bdrslaess days drf receipt of notaoe of titsrrnkratlon lrrxrn CITY, rtiotify
ap other Paeies who are sutaconlractaas of the GftAdl+iTEl of surtn
to iratiorr. 1n the event of termination, GRANTEE shalt, witltiin live
business days, return all unexpended grant funds to CITY.
Agreement No. 6673
M N 9M f
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Mw T. 1
Na oes shall be given rat this Alp on t by personal service
on the party to ben car by written notice, or upon such
party deposited in the cusWy of OwUnitedarawaH. Postal Service
add' as f6flows:.
Att: Denise Hams
755 Sheldon Street, El Segundo,
CA, 90245
City of Et Segundo
Attn:Aty Mancini„
350 Main Street
El Segundo, CA 90245