CONTRACT 2433A Memorandum of Understanding24 ® MEMORANDUM OF UNDERSTANDING FOR EXCHANGE OF EMERGENCY SERVICES BETWEEN THE CONSOLIDATED FIRE PROTECTION OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY AND THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO FIRE DEPARTMENT This Memorandum of Understanding is authorized by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles and the City Council of the City of El Segundo in the Agreement for the Exchange of Fire Protection and Rescue Services Automatic Aid/Initial Action dated October 29, 1996. It is also authorized by elements of the County of Los Angeles Uniform Mutual Assistance Agreement, Fire Protection and Rescue Services, executed on April 6, 1965, by the Board of Supervisors of the County of Los Angeles and the City Council of the City of El Segundo. The provisions of this Memorandum of Understanding shall become effective and operational on April 15 , 2006. The purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding is to outline the procedures for carrying out an automatic aid/initial action response and pre -arranged local mutual aid by the Consolidated Fire Protection District of Los Angeles County, hereinafter referred to as "LAC", and the City of El Segundo Fire Department, hereinafter referred to as "ELS". This Memorandum of Understanding is a guide for day-to-day operations and is not intended to replace or adjust the California Master Mutual Aid Agreement or program. AMOUNT AND TYPE OF ASSISTANCE The exchange of fire protection and emergency medical services (EMS) described below is intended to provide for the dispatch of the nearest or most appropriate respective ELS or LAC resource(s) to assist regular jurisdictional units with fire, EMS and other emergencies occurring in the areas described below and depicted on the attached maps. The response is for ALL types of incidents and includes initial and greater alarms. However, ELS responses to incidents in LAC's area of responsibility on the 405 Freeway are not covered by this Automatic Aid Agreement. Such responses may be made under mutual aid. A. RESPONSE BY ELS TO LAC 1. Excluding 405 Freeway responses, ELS Engine 32 as fourth due engine to a portion of LAC Station 160 and 161's jurisdictions as detailed on: Exhibit 1 2. Excluding 405 Freeway responses, ELS Truck 32 as third due truck into portions of LAC Station 160 and 161's jurisdictions as detailed on: Exhibit 2 3. ELS Engine 33 as 16t" due engine to all of LAC Station 2, 56, and 106's jurisdictions as detailed on: Exhibit 3 B. RESPONSE BY LAC TO ELS 1. LAC Engine 160 as fourth due engine into all areas of ELS as detailed on: Exhibit 4 2. LAC will respond up to a total of three (3) engines, one (1) truck, and one (1) Battalion Chief into all areas of ELS for greater alarm incidents. LAC units may be assigned either directly to the incident or to station(s) for all incident coverage. This includes any other Area "G" City stations as long as a MOU between that City and LAC is in effect. Specifics are in the Area G Automatic/Mutual Aid Manual dated February 15, 2005. The pre -designated Fire Station Order List for both of the ELS Dispatch Zones is 160, 161, 162, 21, 159, and 170. However, actual units responded and/or moved up are determined by LAC Command and Control at the time of dispatch. METHODS OF DISPATCH Upon receipt of an alarm in any automatic aid/initial action area, the dispatch center receiving the alarm shall dispatch the proper assignment and immediately notify the other jurisdiction by telephone line and request the agreed -upon assistance from their respective department. All requests for aid shall be via the jurisdictional dispatch center. Persons assigned as dispatch personnel from both departments are authorized to send and receive such requests. To request aid, ELS shall call LAC Fire Command and Control, "LA" at (310) 675-0303, primary, or (310) 677-1181, secondary. LAC shall call ELS Public Safety Emergency Communications Center, "El Segundo," at (310) 524-2763. LIMITATIONS If the agreed -upon automatic aid/initial action response from either department is not available or either agency's resources are temporarily depleted, the assisting agency need not respond. Both departments will cooperate at the time of dispatch to utilize the most appropriate alternative. Normally, LAC will respond the nearest company(s) for response to the incident. For station move up coverage, either the nearest engine(s) or the nearest "priority" move up engines will be utilized at the discretion of LAC. PARAMEDIC RESPONSE AND AMBULANCE TRANSPORTATION Upon request for an ELS engine to respond into LAC area for an EMS incident, LAC will simultaneously request a private ambulance and respond an LAC paramedic unit. Upon request for an LAC engine into ELS for an EMS incident, ELS will provide ambulance and a paramedic unit. COMMUNICATIONS When ELS units respond into LAC jurisdiction, the units shall normally contact "LA" on Blue 1 (470.5625 MHz) for status keeping, size up reports and INITIAL assignments. In Battalion 18 areas (Hawthorne, Lawndale, etc.), VHF Tac 23 (154.4150) shall be used for fire ground operations. In Battalion 14 (Palos Verdes area), VHF Tac 17 (154.4300) shall be used for fire ground operations. For major incidents, LAC may establish formal Communications Plans which may utilize different white and/or blue channels. ELS should be alert to such changes and use the alternate channels if assigned. "LA" normally monitors State White 1 as a common agency frequency. When a LAC unit responds into ELS jurisdiction, that unit shall contact ELS Communications on State White 1 (154.280) for status keeping purposes. Upon arrival on scene, the LAC unit shall immediately check in with the Incident Commander and obtain an ELS portable tactical radio. It shall be returned upon release from the incident. Both agencies reserve the flexibility to change any and all radio frequencies assigned to a particular incident due to multiple incident activity. Both agencies will give careful consideration to the radio capability of ALL resources assigned to their incident before making those frequency changes. Frequencies available for use may be periodically changed by either or both Departments through an addendum to this MOU. The addendum would be approved and signed by the Fire Chief of ELS and the Fire Chief of LAC. Copies would be distributed to ALL appropriate parties. INCIDENT COMMAND The senior officer of the first arriving unit will take necessary action dictated by the situation. Overall command of the incident will be assumed by the jurisdictional department upon its arrival at the scene. The aiding department will remain in command of their personnel. The senior officer of the assisting department will contact the Incident Commander for resource coordination and assignments. The resources of the aiding department will be released from the incident by the jurisdictional department as soon as practical. 3 INCIDENT REPORTING Each department shall be responsible for obtaining needed information to complete their reports for incidents within their respective jurisdictions. Assisting units shall cooperate with the jurisdictional units to provide appropriate information for the completion of all incident reports. TRAINING Joint training will be carried out periodically for the purpose of maintaining efficient interdepartmental coordination and operational efficiency. MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS PARTICULAR TO SOUTH BAY CITIES This Memorandum of Understanding is specific for the South Bay, area "G" Cities. It is not a uniform Los Angeles County Fire Department Memorandum of Understanding. LAC will use General Provisions of the Area "G" Automatic/Mutual Aid Manual revised February 15, 2005 as general operating guides when applicable and appropriate. Paragraphs 6 and 7 do not apply. ELS and LAC will jointly provide a quality orientation program to their operational staff including exchange of maps and district information, command system procedures and expectations, communication equipment and procedures, apparatus and equipment familiarity, etc. Good working relationships between field personnel shall be developed and maintained. LAC units assigned to station coverage will respond Code R (Code 3) if requested by ELS. LAC and El Segundo response under this MOU is limited to the specific type and amount of units listed. This use of an alternate LAC engine, truck and Battalion Chief on a Fourth alarm in addition to beyond the designated total of three engines, one truck and one Battalion Chief becomes a "Mutual Assistance" request subject to the approval of the LAC Duty Chief. Requests for special equipment and special operations crews are processed separately from this MOU and come under the Mutual Assistance Agreement. Requests for mutual aid from Region I come under California Master Mutual Aid procedures. Per existing LAC policy, a LAC Battalion Chief is responded on all greater alarm automatic/mutual aid incidents as an Agency Representative. At the Incident Commander and Battalion Chief's discretion, that Battalion Chief may also be assigned to an operational or command staff position. 2 REVISIONS This agreement shall remain operative and effective until participation is terminated by either party. It is further agreed that either party may terminate the agreement at any time by giving written notice to the other party at least thirty days prior to the date of termination. It is agreed that substantial reductions of fire protection services by either agency shall be cause for reconsideration of this Agreement. �I DATE P. EL FREEMAN, FIRE CHIEF COLIDATED FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT OF LOS ANGELES COUNTY NORM ANGELO, FIRE IEF CITY OF EL SEGUNDO fIRE DEPARTMENT F:EI SegundoIEL SEGUNDOMOU Exhibit - 1 City to District 4 � -�" .. w wnx � �..;. � � w 's ,wa � � -.� w � e1;$c 3•c: i i �. w n i s` � � - i w I'mSr i i t i 1 w sr „srw a y •v g . w 1WrN K w '' w iwrx K a w ' 11IIr1 w p� S ` £ i w „v7x sr w nmr er w AM Mwa wf G i a 4 wr a W MOD PL a 1/� L 3 s • rrwiv Y tAO.A11MY I SIN .im s w � " ( ram g _.. �y 9 EL ': , s BLVD I ---W— w nm Si Worr1 sr Y w Wilt � m 1]lIM W1wr II e Z y - W 13. 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