2023-06-06 CC Agenda - Public Communication related to Item D13 - Aquatics Manager2023-06-06 CC AGIL:I]IJDA PACK[I RIII !!iILA FI!!!!D FO )l 3 , AQUATK,S II\AANAGll a , Harada, Patricia From:• Weaver, Tracy (City Clerk) Sent: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 12:07 PM To: Sandoval, Lili; Harada, Patricia Subject: FW: June 6, 2013 City Council Meeting Agenda item D1 3 Council received email below, please post. From: Jeanette Gant <kan ant@,Lahoocom> Itte X_ _ Sent: Tuesday, June 6, 2023 11:44 AM To: Mancini, Aly <amancini e se undo,or @ Subject: June 6, 2013 City Council Meeting Agenda item D13 Hello Aly, I am writing to express my support of agenda item 31 3 on the June 6, 2023 City Council agenda. As a park and recreation professional with a background in aquatic management, I can not express how important this higher -level position is to manage an extensive and comprehensive aquatic program successfully. As stated in your staff report, the, aquatics division is large and supports three facilities, all of which will have various and extensive operating hours which require constant supervision and support. This new position is needed to provide oversight of all aquatics operations including maintenance, staffing (includingthe recruiting, hiring, and ongoing training of those staff which is essential for life-saving personnel), overseeing the various joint use agreements and permits as well as the renovation and reopening of the Plunge. Many successful aquatic facilities operate under a similar model, including the City of Santa Monica, and have shown that this organizational structure is needed and will result in successful aquatic programming to the entire community. As an El Segundo Resident, member of the Aquatic Subcommittee, and Park & Recreation professional I fully support the creation of an Aquatic Manager position. Sincerely, Jeanette Gant