2023-05-16 CC Agenda - Additional Information related to Item D19 - POARESOLUTION NO.. A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A SIDE LETTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN MEMBERS OF THE EL SEGUNDO POLICE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION ("POA") AND THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO TO EXPAND THE ELIGIBILITY FOR THE LATERAL POLICE OFFICER RECRUITMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM The City Council of the City of El Segundo does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1: Recitals. The City of El Segundo Police Officers' Association ("POK) and the City of El Segundo, are currently parties to a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") with a term of April 1, 2023, through June 30, 2025. A. The current and operative Resolution No. 5095 adopted on June 25, 2018, provides that, a cash incentive to lateral police officers of $3,000 paid in two payments, $1,500 at the time of hire and $1,500 at successful completion of probation, while current ESPD officers who recruit a lateral entry police officer receive $1,500 in two equal payments. B. Article 26 of the current and operative MOU provides that, for the term of the MOU, the City will pay an Employee Referral Bonus, pursuant to the Lateral Police Officer Recruitment Incentive Program (the "Program") set forth in Resolution No. 5095. C. After the Parties ratified a successor MOU which was adopted at the May 2, 2023 City Council meeting, the Parties seek to modify the Program to: (1) increase lateral police officer incentives; and (2) expand the Employee Referral Bonus program eligibility to include applicable referrals from all employees with the anticipation of several retirements as well as continued competition in recruiting well -qualified candidates. D. Representatives from the City and POA met and conferred in good faith to reach a Side Letter Agreement to modify the Program, as described in Section 1(C), above. SECTION 2: Approval. The City Council approves the Side Letter Agreement (attached hereto and incorporated by reference), which will amend and retitle Article 26 Employee of the 2023-2025 MOU between the City and POA as follows: Article 26 — Lateral Incentive and Employee Referral Bonus Any Unit member who recruits a non -City employee to accept employment for the Department in a sworn position shall be provided a recruitment bonus of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000), one-half to be paid upon the employee's hire, one -quarter upon the employee's completion of their training program and the other one -quarter upon the employee's successful completion of probation. These payments are unconnected to performance and shall not be reflected on any City pay or salary schedule, shall not be the basis for any future negotiated salary increases, and shall not be reported as compensation earnable. Members of the City's recruitment team and any employee who works a recruitment event shall be eligible for this bonus, but only for an employee he or she recruits separate and apart from their duties as a member of the recruitment team or participation in the recruitment event. Final determinations for eligibility shall be made by the Police Chief. 2. Effective May 16, 2023, the provisions of Section (A)(1), above, are suspended and all City employees are eligible for an employee referral bonus of $10,000, for referring a lateral police officer. Upon hire of the referred lateral police officer, the City employee shall receive a payment of $5,000 following the first pay period worked. ii. Upon successful completion of the lateral officer's probation, the City employee shall receive a second payment of $5,000 in the pay period in which probation is completed. iii. Employees will be required to complete a written form providing the name of the referred lateral police officer in order to receive the employee referral bonus. iv. No more than one City employee per hired lateral police officer will be provided the employee referral bonus. v. A lateral police officer for purposes of this provision is a current peace officer with a California law enforcement agency who possesses a California POST Basic Certificate. vi. This provision will remain in effect until the City has expended a total of $500,000 in combined payments for the lateral incentive bonus payments and employee referral bonus, at which time the provisions of section (A)(1), above, shall again become operative. B. Lateral Incentive 1. A lateral police officer who accepts employment with the City on or after May 16, 2023, shall be paid a Lateral Incentive of forty thousand dollars ($40,000.00), paid in five increments as follows: i. Upon hire, the lateral officer shall receive a payment of $10,000 following the first full pay period worked. Upon successful completion of probation, the lateral officer shall receive another payment of $10,000 in the pay period in which probation is completed. iiu. Upon completion of 24 months employment with the City, the lateral officer shall receive a payment of $8,000. iv. Upon completion of 36 months employment with the City, the lateral officer shall receive a payment of $6,000. V. Upon completion of 48 months employment with the City, the lateral officer shall receive another payment of $6,000. vi. This provision will remain in effect until the City has expended a total of $500,000 in combined payments for the lateral incentive bonus payments and employee referral bonus, at which time the provisions of section (A)(1), above, shall again become operative. SECTION! 3: The City Clerk is directed to certify the adoption of this Resolution; record this Resolution in the book of the City's original resolutions and make a minute of this adoption of the Resolution in the City Council's records and the minutes of this meeting. SECTION 4: This Resolution will become effective immediately and will remain effective unless repealed or superseded. PASSED AND ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO. this 16th day of May, 2023. Drew Boyles, Mayor Exhibit A: POA Side Letter ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES ) SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO ) I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution No. was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the day of , 2023, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM; Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney lxly RESOLUTION NO. - A RESOLUTION ADOPTING A SIDE LETTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN MEMBERS OF THE EL SEGUNDO POLICE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION ("POA") AND THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO TO EXPAND THE ELIGIBILITY FOR THE LATERAL POLICE OFFICER RECRUITMENT INCENTIVE PROGRAM The City Council of the City of El Segundo does hereby resolve as follows: SECTION 1: Recitals. The City of El Segundo Police Officers' Association ("POA") and the City of El Segundo, are currently parties to a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") with a term of April 1, 2023, through June 30, 2025. A, The current and operative Resolution No. 5095 adopted on June 25, 2018, provides that, a cash incentive to lateral police officers of $3„000 paid in two payments, $1,500 at the time of hire and $1„500 at successful completion of probation, while current ESPD officers who recruit a lateral entry police officer receive $1,500 in two equal payments. B. Article 26 of the current and operative MOU provides that, for the term of the MOU, the City will pay an Employee Referral Bonus, pursuant to the Lateral Police Officer Recruitment Incentive Program (the "Program") set forth in Resolution No. 5095. C. After the Parties ratified a successor MOU which was adopted at the May 2, 2023 City Council meeting, the Parties seek to modify the Program to: (1) increase lateral police officer incentives; and (2) expand the Employee Referral Bonus program eligibility to include applicable referrals from all employees with the anticipation of several retirements as well as continued competition in recruiting well -qualified candidates. D. Representatives from the City and POA met and conferred in good faith to reach a Side Letter Agreement to modify the Program, as described in Section 1(C), above. SECTION 2: Approval. The City Council approves the Side Letter Agreement (attached hereto and incorporated by reference), which will amend and retitle Article 26 Employee of the 2023-2025 MOU between the City and POA as follows: Formatted. 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"f�hipwvis�en-wittsen es�o9ut�en �-t-ray-oL�est noe•�uear�� . rn.baswex�pe d- �otifm6;�-�2tN incentive-benus-payments--lf-the prov4si n-i"w4setted, sol , o, 6g 6-wW-be-re44stat w Empioyees-44-be repulr�l t p9ete awritten e kna wi�g�erwwent orr prewotdg_tlwo�'ferrew�t�ateraf pol�ee"efoe� ar�l�rde� to�reoeive�tbe-9atere9 tnt;enttve-benuaysto-mdrott�aa�•once-�ty.empgoyoewper-t�ir a1 policeeffrcer-wilt be provudecHbe-rneentive�payriient(s);.. SECTION 3: The City Clerk is directed to certify the adoption of this Resolution; record this Resolution in the book of the City's original resolutions and make a minute of this adoption of the Resolution in the City Council's records and the minutes of this meeting. SECTION 4: This Resolution will become effective immediately and will remain effective unless repealed or superseded. PASSED AND ADOPTED RESOLUTION NO Drew Boyles, Mayor Exhibit A: POA Side Letter this 16"' day of May, 2023. Formatted: Indent: Left 0" between Asian text and tin an .,..ex, 9 ----- Formatted: p _ e Line spacing: sin le, uV Adjust space between Latin and Asian text Adjust space numbers ATTEST: STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES } SS CITY OF EL SEGUNDO I, Tracy Weaver, City Clerk of the City of El Segundo, California, do hereby certify that the whole number of members of the City Council of said City is five; that the foregoing Resolution No. was duly passed and adopted by said City Council, approved and signed by the Mayor, and attested to by the City Clerk, all at a regular meeting of said Council held on the _ day of , 2023, and the same was so passed and adopted by the following vote: AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABSTAIN: Tracy Weaver, City Clerk APPROVED AS TO FORM: Mark D. Hensley, City Attorney POA Side Letter Lateral Incentive Bonus May 16, 2023 SIDE LETTER AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO AND THE EL SEGUNDO POLICE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION This Side Letter of Agreement ("Agreement") between the City of El Segundo ("City") and the El Segundo Police Officers' Association ("PDX) (hereinafter referred to as the "Parties") is entered into with respect to the following: WHEREAS the Parties are currently parties to a Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU") with a term of April 1, 2023, through June 30, 2025; WHEREAS the current and operative Resolution No. 5095 adopted on June 25, 2018, provides that, a cash incentive to lateral police officers of $3,000 paid in two payments, $1,500 at the time of hire and $1,500 at successful completion of probation, while current ESPD officers who recruit a lateral entry police officer receive $1,500 in two equal payments; WHEREAS the current and operative MOU provides that, for the term of the MOU, the City will pay an Employee Referral Bonus as outlined in Resolution 5095 above (2023- 2025 POA MOU, Art. 26.); and WHEREAS, after the Parties ratified a successor MOU which was adopted at the May 2, 2023 City Council meeting, the Parties are interested in expanding the Employee Referral Bonus program eligibility to attract lateral police officers with the anticipation of several retirements as well as continued competition in recruiting well -qualified candidates. In consideration of the recitals above and the Parties' obligations set forth in the MOU, the Parties agree as follows: Article 26 of the 2023-2025 MOU between the City and POA is hereby retitled and amended to read, as follows: Article 26 — Lateral Incentive and Employee Referral Bonus w9me""_ 'ma il Any Unit member who recruits a non -City employee to accept employment for the Department in a sworn position shall be provided a recruitment bonus of Five Thousand Dollars ($5,000), one-half to be paid upon the employee's hire, one -quarter upon the employee's completion of their training program and the other one -quarter upon the employee's successful completion of probation. These payments are unconnected to performance and shall not be reflected on any City pay or salary schedule, shall not be the basis for any future negotiated salary increases, and shall not be reported as compensation earnable. Members of the City's recruitment team and any employee who works a POA Side Letter Lateral Incentive Bonus May 16, 2023 recruitment event shall be eligible for this bonus, but only for an employee he or she recruits separate and apart from their duties as a member of the recruitment team or participation in the recruitment event. Final determinations for eligibility shall be made by the Police Chief. 2. Effective May 16, 2023, the provisions of Section (A)(1), above, are suspended and all City employees are eligible for an employee referral bonus of $10,000, for referring a lateral police officer. Upon hire of the referred lateral police officer, the City employee shall receive a payment of $5,000 following the first pay period worked. ii. Upon successful completion of the lateral officer's probation, the City employee shall receive a second payment of $5,000 in the pay period in which probation is completed. iii. Employees will be required to complete a written form providing the name of the referred lateral police officer in order to receive the employee referral bonus. iv. No more than one City employee per hired lateral police officer will be provided the employee referral bonus. v. A lateral police officer for purposes of this provision is a current peace officer with a California law enforcement agency who possesses a California POST Basic Certificate. vi. This provision will remain in effect until the City has expended a total of $500,000 in combined payments for the lateral incentive bonus payments and employee referral bonus, at which time the provisions of section (A)(1), above, shall again become operative. B. Lateral Incentive 1. A lateral police officer who accepts employment with the City on or after May 16, 2023, shall be paid a Lateral Incentive of forty thousand dollars ($40,000.00), paid in five increments as follows: Upon hire, the lateral officer shall receive a payment of $10,000 following the first full pay period worked. Upon successful completion of probation, the lateral officer shall receive another payment of $10,000 in the pay period in which probation is completed. ili. Upon completion of 24 months employment with the City, the lateral officer shall receive a payment of $8,000. iv. Upon completion of 36 months employment with the City, the lateral officer shall receive a payment of $6,000. V. Upon completion of 48 months employment with the City, the lateral POA Side Letter Lateral Incentive Bonus May 16, 2023 officer shall receive another payment of $6,000. vi, This provision will remain in effect until the City has expended a total of $500,000 in combined payments for the lateral incentive bonus payments and employee referral bonus, at which time the provisions of section (A)(1), above, shall again become operative. FOR THE CITY OF EL SEGUNDO Darrell George, City Manager Rebecca Redyk, Director of Human Resources Date Date POA Side Letter Lateral Incentive Bonus May 16, 2023 FOR THE EL SEGUNDO POLICE OFFICERS' ASSOCIATION Jeff Humphrey, President Paul Saldana, Vice President Oscar Haro, Treasurer Ryan Smith, Secretary Brandon Browning, Board Member Josh Gilberts, Board Member Steve Trujillo, Board Member Date